I know I should not feel this way, but this narrative change really just pisses me off. We've been saying this for 2 years. Now the Gov gets to change course mid stream, and just get away with it. They deserve a lot worse.

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Be patient.

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I just want to thank you for what you do. I did not find you and your newsletter until some time in 2021. It made me realize immediately that I was not losing my mind. I am a pulmonary/critical care physician in Starkville, MS. I have been raked over the coals for 2 years saying things that the CDC is now acknowledging. Thank you Mr. Childers for what you do - you have given us hope.

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Thank you Dr Huxford, for efforts to point out inconsistencies in the narrative.

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I appreciate your honesty. Please exclude yourself from my earlier comment. There are well-intended and honest MDs out there but outnumbered by the lame & doomed ones.

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I always draw the line at early treatment. Refer to them as "Doctors who won't do early treatment". Those who don't should go back to med school and pay attention this time. Maybe get a refresher course in natural immunity while they're there.

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Thank you for speaking up! The world needs more doctors like you.

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Thank you Dr. Huxford for being a brave soul!! Keep it up. We need more of you.

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When I hear that from people I always think of that old poster from the 1970's with 2 buzzards on it. One says "Patience my ass. I wanna kill something". LOL

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When will the “Nazi” hunting begin? I want to help bring these murdering thugs to justice.

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We have head “be patient” do many times, towards so many things, from Killery being held to account, to Fauci, it’s hard to believe being patient is it. Aid just something of substance ever really occurred, it would be nice.

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Yes, you should feel this way. To feel any other way would not be human.

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The takeaway for me is the quick reversal of narrative is a signal that things are not going well for the perps.

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I just have to keep reminding myself that God is still in full control and I pray every day that he exposes these criminals for what they are. Thank you Jeff Childers for all you do!!

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Why am I, with victory in sight, the angriest I've been in 2 years?

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Ditto. I want justice for these monsters.

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They will literally hand each other awards and take victory laps.

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Just like with congressional hearings, the masses will consider the chastising to be their punishment, and move in to the next government imposed disaster. Run for office, locally, if you can! If we can get ahold of each state, we can at least oppose these monsters on a state level.

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couldn't agree with you more!

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I live in Canada and I will be happy if the changing narrative means that Quebec won't start fining the unvaxxed.

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Great news, when can we start hanging them?

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Because we’ve been the boxing bag for 2 years & you’re normal & it’s gotten to you! Hang in there!

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Rumble in the jungle and we are Ali coming off the ropes in the 8th ...

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Victory in sight? Really? Can I borrow your rose colored binoculars?

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Maybe she meant "victory in my sights"...because that's kinda my thought...

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LOL. I like the way you think.

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Because, perhaps, when 'the narrative' changes like this, so fast, so completely 180 degrees, that it confirms that 'they' were lying all along, and knew it, and therefore, is clear that it was well beyond simple incompetence ... that is now so clear that it was all willful, on purpose, premeditated ... in other words, something beyond, it seems, than just Involuntary Manslaughter. Victory -- the narrative is changing, fast, in the right direction. Anger -- the criminals responsible are not yet in prison for life, and not yet headed in that direction.

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I'm with you on the anger!

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Maybe because victory isn’t really in sight.

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Compared to before? Indeed things are looking up!

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Perhaps you are symptomatically emerging from the "Mass Formation Psychosis"

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Oh, please explain EXACTLY what you mean by your implication that I have been suffering from mass formation psychosis.

PLEASE. In small words so I can understand exactly when that described me.

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Sorry.. MFP is the theme of the week...just a bit of sarcasm. Looks like I forgot the happy face (;-)

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None necessary, I'm just not familiar enough with your tone. You got me. 😊

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Dr. Robert Malone made MFP a household phrase -- https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/mass-formation-psychosis

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He's brilliant for so many reasons. 80/20 rule incarnate.

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Best , most funny C&C today.

Anyone with half a brain already knew this; however, here’s an idea FIRE Puppy killer Fauci now and jail him and Biden for murder! They need to stop this madness of mandates. I think all Americans should file a class action suit against this administration for stress! Talk about mental health! Geez!

Love it today, Jeff. Love the snarkiness.

Let’s pray now the dumb Justices who made an ass out of themselves do the right thing and say “adios” good riddens to the mandates.

Free the ppl!

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He does have a beautiful gift of snark, doesn’t he...

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He is the best! A must-needed “therapy” for me to make it through the day.

Instead of buying stuff I don't need but like, I’m now $$$ supporting writers and professional news agencies like The High Wire. I feel like I’m doing something about it instead of complaining into thin air.

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I think you have Biden All wrong. He’s here to unify the country, haven’t you heard him say that? Right before he belittles and divides people further

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Just because the government and media monsters are admitting a few truths that those of us reality-based folks have been pointing out since the beginning of this scamdemic doesn't mean we have broken down all the walls of falsehood that they have erected and truth will prevail going forward. We have to relentlessly keep pushing the truth so that the lies that are being demolished don't get re-instituted. Those monsters will continuing to lie as long as it suits them and we have to be ever-vigilant to not let them get away with their garbage in the future. The government and media institutions have become so thoroughly corrupted that they won't be worthy of trust for many years to come.

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The lies unfortunately were just re-instituted today in New Jersey, by their tyrant governor, #SanctuaryPhil Murphy. Indeed that kommie state one year ago this month for EXACTLY this reason. Tyrants just don’t hand over power so easily.


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True but just keep "chipping away" at the stone.


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Thank you Jeff. I so needed your humor and optimism today. Yesterday GE communicated the whiplash announcement that although the requirements for federal contractors mandate are still paused, we now have to comply with the OSHA mandate. I’m so tired of tyranny being on again, off again. I just want to know what war I’m fighting or persecution I’m fleeing. But there are so many signs the narrative HAS failed and this will end. Just everyone hasn’t gotten the memo yet. Keep fighting and keep laughing. We will persevere.

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Seems like Tapper and Stelter should be kicked off Twitter and Facebook for spreading misinformation about the COVID Crisis

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I'd hate to poach Florida's gov for prez, but with this new narrative, Trump doesn't have a shot. He'd have to admit that he didn't know the facts about deaths, and stop taking credit for the jab that is more deadly to some than Covid. I don't think his ego could allow for either of those revelations.

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You can’t have him. We need him here in Florida.

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Now, now, God made DeSantis for EVERYONE to enjoy.

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Ha! I tell my husband he’s my boyfriend! I LOVE him. He’s the only government leader I trust.

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So far....

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Me too!😉

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😂 nice!

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Ha! Touché, Guttermouth. You always win the mot juste prize.

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I know. We still want him though. He'd be an awesome president!

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I agree, and I’m a Hoosier.

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Another Florida girl here- we're keeping him!

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I think that’s up to him!😉

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I really think Trump lost significant support because of his ego and pushing the injections and patting himself on the back. I personally know lots of people who fully supported him and now would never vote for him again.

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Like me - former “crawl-thru-broken-glass-Trumper.”

He’s an idiot or a con man. Either way he’s pushing the his vax.

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The vax is his elephant in the room

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I wish he would talk about the elephant in the room. As Jeff pointed out…even corrupt main stream media are now pointing out the truth we’ve known all along. Trump sticking to the narrative and not acknowledging anything going on with the jabs, the forced injecting mandates and the loss of peoples livelihoods really is not a good look. The people who stood by him for five years now….many of them feel like now he doesn’t have their backs by his silence on the issues. I understand this is war. But do we sacrifice innocent people who didn’t understand he was talking in “code”? If that’s what’s happening.

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But at least he won’t “mandate it” and let people choose like everything else.

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That's what Deep State wants you to think about Trump. When he was talking about the shot or "vaccine " , he was talking about monoclonal antibodies. They are the closest thing to a vax we have. He has taken Regeneron. You've Never seen a pic of him taking shot/"vax".

He's playing the game just right.... for all of us.

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In so many videos I've watched, Trump is clearly talking about the mRNA vaccines under WARP SPEED.... Where does he make it clear that he's actually talking about monoclonal antibodies?

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Lots of people saying he is talking in code. Unfortunately if that’s true, too many people are taking him at his exact words. I don’t think he can use “code” and expect not to be held accountable for what he actually said.

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Trump's been seen in videos not only pushing the Warp Speed clot shots but also the killer drug REMDESIVIR, pushed by Fauci. re we to accept recommending death shots as a 4-D chess move?

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Nope! I’m right there with you. That’s why I mentioned him being accountable for what he’s pushing. He is accountable. I like Trump and supported him. I never supported the shots or him pushing them. Especially once it was known they are killing and disabling people, as well as his supporters loosing everything to say NO to getting them. Something is t right here though. To me, he currently isn’t the same person who fought for this country for four years and left everything on the field. He did battle for us. He was persecuted for us. He stood up for us. Since leaving office I’ve seen him say things that just don’t add up anymore. The death shots being primary. Something isn’t right. But we’re in a war so ???? None of us actually knows what’s going on. We can only judge what we see and know. I guess.

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Take apart what he Actually said , rather than what is reported he said. Sometimes that can be enlightening.

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I have watched him say these things. I saw his reaction at his rally when he got boo’d and he threw his hands out and made eye rolls at them. Like dismissing the boo’s. I watched him with Oreilly. I watched and listened to him in interviews saying he thinks everyone should get them. I’ve also heard him say early on it should be choice but haven’t heard him say that lately (but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t reaffirmed it. Idk?) So my judgements are of witnessing (on tv 🙄)him saying things. He seems to sweep aside people trying to tell him the shots are killing people. He comes across like we are stupid (imo) when people have shouted out to him as he’s bragging what a great thing he did and how has saved millions of lives by getting the jabs out.

So I understand what you are saying. Absolutely. I just don’t watch the news or listen to their propaganda. So my opinion comes from seeing what he is actually saying.

But again. I don’t know any more than anyone else what he’s up to. I could believe he’s playing “the game”. But, that game is costing a lot of lives and that’s a lot of collateral damage. How much is acceptable? I just think innocent people who don’t know better take him at his words. For four years he said what he meant. He didn’t mince words. Said stuff even if people didn’t like it. Why should we think he suddenly stopped doing that? Millions are taking him at his words based on what he did since coming down the escalator. It’s why we loved him. Idk. Fog of war I guess.

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I didn't say he was talking about them now. He talked about Regeneron when it was given to him in 2020 and I dont think there are any pics of him taking the Injection. Or actually him demanding that we take the Injection. I heard him say it should be our choice.

I don't think he is pushing shots, just talking about them. We have No Idea what he is up against, but my support of him hasn't wavered.

He's not doing an ego thing. He playing the game that was thrust on all of us. He has my support because he earned it. Dont let DS propaganda make you doubt Trump .

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Maybe but it doesn’t sound like monoclonals are great either… his medical knowledge is not his strong suit… nor does he have much intuition for surrounding himself with quality people…I think he is too easily influenced by his ego being fed. And I like him and his policies, but he’s not GOD.

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Unless there is no one better... ;) Who will they push???

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To all of you jumping off the Trump train, have you ever been to one of his rallies? He gave hope to people. I was at two in Communist Michigan in the fall of 2020. He knew how important this state was to the election and he knew how unwelcome he was by the Democrat machine in place. His rallies were packed. He gave uplifting and hopeful messages and the crowds loved him, at a time when Michigan was still locked down. Trump was huge in the Midwest, the flyover states. There are still Trump flags all over around here. The only times he didn’t get standing ovations was when he mentioned Warp Speed. People knew then they didn’t want the jab, but they gave him Grace that if it did become available he would never mandate it. I don’t know why he still advocates for it, but I suspect it has something to do with the Long Arm of Big Pharma. It is the same reason, DeSantis won’t come out against the jab, and won’t come out for therapeutic solutions to this that work and would have saved lives if doctors had been allowed to get them. Monoclonal antibodies may work but are still controlled by Pharma and can be doled out as they see fit, and up here you can’t get them unless you are vaxxed.

Understand, the GOP doesn’t want Trump to run again either. Washington DC is a steaming bathhouse of corruption. Trump came in and won, (and he wasn’t supposed to), and saying his ego is what led to his downfall is not knowing what parts of the country saw. He flew into a little airport in mid Michigan in the fall of 2020. I will never forget the thrill of watching Airforce I coming in for a landing. Trump connected with the blue collar people. He loves this country. You all assume he lost the election because of his ego and the pandemic. He didn’t lose. It’s as simple as that. In Michigan we watched in real time, voting halted at midnight, windows covered and poll watchers excluded from watching the tabulations. A small northern county, heavily red, had 6000 votes flipped to Biden and if not for a clerk it would have been shut down with no one knowing. Our SOS refused to take it up. There is too much to go into but this was a Coup. Knowing that, what is really going on is much greater than just Trump’s ego.

While it would be nice to think the narrative is changing because the Left senses people’s attitudes changing, I’m not seeing it here. Masks are more evident than ever, even though they are not mandated. While our Governor remains quiet, she is up for re election, vaccine passports are springing up at many places, especially on college campuses. Michigan Board of Education, (who the Left owns), is meeting to look into making the vaccine mandatory to attend school. If that happens then once again the drug companies can never be sued for liability.

I did not get excited when a judge ruled the FDA has to rescind it’s 75 year rule and supply data within the next few months. The 75 year rule was ludicrous to begin with and the FDA knew it. Just as Sotomayar’s comments were ludicrous. If the FDA had gone with 10 years, there would not have been the distraction of people yelling, and in 10 years it would have been reasonable to assume that people would forget. The FDA isn’t going to produce anything that will be construed as criminal. Stalling will go forth just as the SC is doing what I feared, stalling….

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I totally understand what you are saying about Trump! I know what he did for America and her people. There is no denial of that. And I am very aware he did not lose the election. I have followed all the evidence and watched that night in horror of what they were doing. I know without a doubt they stole it right out from under our noses and that they plan to continue doing it in the mid terms.

I find it sad that so many people have already forgotten and moved on while there are people still trying to right the wrong.

I have no idea why Trump pushes the injection and boosters so much. It’s quite disappointing. I just don’t know how it turns out for him in the future. None of us knows what the consequence of it might be, if any.

I agree about DeSantis not pushing therapeutics like he should be. However, I believe he is helping put in place that doctors can prescribe off label medicine without fear of losing their licenses. I thought I read that somewhere. He may be silent on the name of those medicines, but we know what he’s talking about.

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IMO, there's 2 reasons he's pushing the jab. 1) Sadly, his ego. Brandon has been taking credit for the vaxxes since he was installed and Trump can't stand that. Look at it this way, it's like a co-worker stealing your ideas and getting a raise for it. 2) Then, if he wants to get elected he has to pander to the vaxx Nazis and the others who got the vaxx and maybe still believe it's a good idea. Either way it's a way to CYA to get votes.

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Trump is afflicted with egomania...that was clear at the start.

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What political person or president isn’t afflicted with that. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Trump just wore his out front.

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🙌 Yep. I'd rather know up front what I'm dealing with.

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Most of us have not forgotten but these jabs are deadly and he can’t let go of them. DeSantis would be my 1st pick

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I wish Trump would admit he was used. I think he could perhaps use that admission to tap into the anger we all feel at what has been done to our children and their future.

They knew he would leap at the chance for a red tape out of the way mega project so he could show what America can do when it sets it sights on something. I believe that the vax was a set up the whole time and he fell for it. I don’t blame him for that. But Desantis has much the same problem as Trump and that is idiotic, even treacherous advisors. Desantis closed the beaches, parks and the camp grounds. You can’t get more social distance than camping.

A chief executive can’t know all the answers, they rely on good advice / information. Neither of those men got good advice or information.

How do we fix that??

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I don’t know how to fix it but I agree that saying “I made a mistake” goes a long way to re-establishing trust and transparency.

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Trump taking "credit" and promoting the vaccines at this point is like bragging about being the captain of the Titanic AFTER the iceberg.

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I'll pass, DeSatanis still says to get the shot and a while ago he passed anti protest laws. He's another authoritarian but probably more with the war side of controlling people

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Actually he did not pass anti protest laws. What he did was implement anti-riot, anti-vandalism, and anti-law breaking policies.

What he did was make it so that if you are a protester you still had to obey the law. So if you are protesting you cannot go out into the middle of a hwy or intersection and block traffic to “protest”. He did that because of what was happening in 2020 in all the cities. I’m from Oregon and it was disgraceful that real working people with important jobs (everyone with a job has an important job) could not get to work because the police did nothing to stop these thugs from “protesting” in the middle of the roads and highways. DeSantis said no. You cannot come to Florida and do that. We will prosecute you for that. We will also prosecute you for any destruction you cause.

Sorry, but that’s not anti protest laws. That’s common sense keeping the peace and enforcing the laws while letting people protest as allowed by the constitution.

I would encourage you to research what he put in place. Moving to Florida after seeing that in Oregon, it was a refreshing approach to protecting innocent people trying to work and run businesses.

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A legal question: Biden's deadline for his OSHA mandate went into effect yesterday, yet SCOTUS has not handed down their decision. So does the lack of their decision default to Biden's OSHA mandate having some kind of teeth? I mean, lower courts have pointed out that it is unconstitutional and lacks statutory basis as well. So what does the default status of it come down to in the absence of a SCOTUS ruling?

Asking for 100,000,000 friends, allies and fellow citizens, who need to know how hard to fight their employers today.

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They extended the enforcement deadline because those who want to use tests instead of jab can't find tests. The Biden admin really shot themselves in the foot with this one.

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iirc they extended it. I could be wrong, so many moving parts.

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I am wondering the same.

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Idaho grocery stores started enforcing yesterday- per OSHA rule. It has started

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In light of our poor friend Dan Pisano’s current predicament, this quote from The Worlds #1 Condiment Clinic CEO, Kent Thielen appears to stand in complete opposition to the current reality.

Of course, maybe he’s changed his tune since October.

"As an organization, we have tried to be a voice for accurate scientific information," Thielen said. "We’re not focused on politics at all." - Mayo Clinic Jacksonville CEO Kent Thielen

Jacksonville Business Journal, Oct 21, 2021

A “voice for accurate scientific information?” This from an organization that can’t understand the basic principles of letting their employees breathe oxygen, and that regularly discriminates against the workers who haven’t gotten jabbed. “We’re not focused on politics at all???????” Oh my.

Large hospitals have become Apex predators

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It would feel really good for millions of people to be able to shout “we told you so…for two years!” Unfortunately, I think the corrupt media/government will ignore our message/response and gloss right over it and will act like this is all brand new breaking news information. It’s what they do. They pretend we don’t exist. They’ve cancelled us. They ignore us and belittle us. We can do a victory lap once this gets put to bed (if it does) but we will be treated as insignificant anyway. They will pump their chests and celebrate their newfound glory because they have solved the problem. They will be the victors in announcing all the covid lies and celebrating how smart they are. They will never allow us to put them in their place.

Unless we see fraud fauci and every person who peddled and forced his lies upon us, unless we see those who committed crimes against humanity in handcuffs and prosecuted and thrown in prison (or better yet given the death penalty) we won’t get to enjoy being right all along.

But we’ll know in our hearts and we can still smile about it 😉

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And they will still demand we follow their insane edicts. We will still be ostracized, because we didn't comply. We will still lose jobs and our Social Security benefits. We may still be rounded up and sent off to camps, because we will be a reminder that they were wrong. Fascists are never wrong, they just follow orders.

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Yep, before the midterm elections, Biden will take credit for Ending The Pandemic

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...with more deaths on his watch, and WITH the vaxxes, than deaths on Trump's watch WITHOUT the vaxxes.

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Biggest hoax ever played on the American people.

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You win humorist of the day! "often terrified CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, blinking like a surprised owl on methamphetamines". I needed that belly laugh! Thanks Jeff!

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The fact…..we don’t know if people are even dying with or have COVID. For two years nearly everyone has been using PCR tests which the CDC approve and now has stated do not work, falsely test positive 89% of the time, and RECOMMEND they stop being used on 12/31/2021, in a formal notification to hospitals. They have known this for months, if not the beginning, but wanted to give hospitals the time to use up test kit inventory. I love “they RECOMMEND”. Which means they have no idea who has COVID or died of it since the beginning. You can multiply, divide, sq root, or multiple by 3.14159 all you want but it still crap from the Center for Delusion and Confusion. We have no idea of how many are infected or died from COVID it is all propaganda.

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Funny, right. I'm going in for hernia surgery on Friday. I am being forced into getting a test, regardless if I'm showing any symptoms or not. Not just any test, but specifically a PCR! Now, knowing all that I know I have to play nice and stupid through this entire nasal invasion. Just another example that even Florida is still operating on full moron.

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Agreed! I have normal medical

Screenings I need to do but even in Florida they are requiring a “test” so I refuse. I’m now more than a year behind on normal medical preventative care. They are all to blame why people who are trying to take care of their health are deferring routine procedures. It’s a travesty.

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In late April of 2020, I became increasingly frustrated with the same issues you describe here Jeff. I was also frustrated with Trump's bumbling. Let's not forget that it was him who gave Fauci a platform and once he did, there was no taking it away. There was never an economist in those briefings, it was all about flattening the curve, etc. So I wrote a piece called WWRD: What would Reagan do? I don't like to pat myself on the back but what I wrote back then still holds up.


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You speak of Trump’s bumbling. You are looking at it from a lens of your narrow view. In Michigan, our governor put CoVid positive patients into nursing homes for weeks. She claimed there was no room at the hospitals, and yet she received money to build a huge care facility called the TCF which could hold 1200 patients and had at most 12 during the worst of it. Even though it was never really used we still pay exorbitant rent to keep it up.

Trump wanted to reopen the country by Easter in 2020. That was April 13. The bullies that were state governors, even the Red ones screamed it was too dangerous. You see, all that CoVid Care money they were waiting on hadn’t gone out yet, and they all knew more would be forthcoming.

How many bureaucratic agencies did Trump have go against in four years? Too many, but our eyes are now open to what DC and many state governments are…..cesspools.

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true. In my opinion Trump made two monumental errors.... One hiring Fauci and the second promising Federal money to hospitals for Covid cases.

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TCF = New homeless shelter?! ;) Maybe that's what the dictator states should use their newly-built internment camps for... (Yes, is is happening)

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Excellent, you nailed it completely. I could actually hear Reagan's voice as i read your words. exactly what Reagan would do. Not convinced he would have even gone along with flatten the curve for 15 days to begin with. Miss Reagan....or as the great, late Rush Limbaugh would say, Ronaldus Magnus :-)

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Ronald Reagan agreed to criminal alien amnesty.

He was not new to politics, he was not naive to how things worked. He gave them amnesty and then feigned shock that the congress did not follow through with their end of the deal.

He also selected GH Bush as VP.

As good as he was, he was not the president we wish to think he was.

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