"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it." - Mark Twain

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Being run by a handful of psychopaths…..

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Both- Smart idiots!

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Imbeciles would be a compliment. This is an evil like we have never seen.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

This blog keeps me sane in the sense that I've not gone crazy. I can't get a job as a traveler here in FL because I refuse the clot-shot so I spend my days in a state of disbelief... this daily dose of reality assures me I'm not alone. Thank u Mr Childers.

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It's really funny how even Florida still allowed businesses to mandate the clot shots.

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I'm active duty and can tell you, many of us are in disbelief regularly. I have submitted a religious accommodation 3 months ago and am still awaiting an answer. 18 years of service and they may still put me out.

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Jan 4, 2022Β·edited Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Testing at this point should only be used to confirm a diagnosis of symptomatic Covid so that early treatment options can be provided to patients." These words are golden!

And should have been the standard for awhile now. My husband was working in the Clinic yesterday and said there was at least a hundred cars in line outside for drive-by testing! Don't people realize these tests are not "free"? Our tax dollars pay for them and I don't want to pay for a test for someone to go on a cruise or travel to Europe. I hope employers who require them also pay for them.

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The testing obsession is ridiculous -- and what a moneymaker! So glad to see Florida call this out.

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Finally!! #StopTheInsanity these tests are insanity. I tell everyone I know quit testing!! Unless you’re really sick!

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The PCR test should be fully banned by now

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I work for a large health system and educational institution. I tried to schedule my test and went thru symptom tracker. I said no symptoms no exposure no positive test and the application basically said β€œ thank you for playing there are no appointments available to you at this time”. Thank you lord Jesus! Does this mean they ran out of tests? Does this mean since DeSantis no more stupid testing I am free?

The app went on to say employees contact HR with any questions. I have no questions so I did a snapshot of result and went for a jog during lunch to celebrate.

Praise the lord and thank god for small favors.

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The Home Depot backed away from what had been OSHA mandated vax for all employees. Employee have options to upload documents to show 'fully vaxed' or, be tested every 7 days. This is apparently a built-in accommodation. (?? 🀑). Back to the logical question of "Why?", When both jabbed and unjabbed can spread virus/toxin/etc, then WHAT Difference does it make? Again, why not go back to 2020, have people do a health check for symptoms, and symptomatic people - stay home.

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Yes! And where are folks going to get tested every week? (Who has tests available?) If PCR is required, what does the employee do for the 3-5 days while awaiting results? Go to work?

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Jan 4, 2022Β·edited Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

In the last 3 days, 5 dear friends all vaxed (1 boosted) have come down with stay-in-bed covid. I know half a dozen others positive at work/relatives and the high school in town had 95 cases over break, that doesn’t include the 7-14 cases a day prior to break, or the middle and elementary schools cases. (We had a nasty case too, unvaxxed.) The failure of the vaccine program can not be hidden.

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Sadly, I have a cold. I know it's a cold because I've had them before. And I know it's not Covid because I've had THAT too. I'm really annoyed. I take Vit C, D, and Zinc 2x a day in the appropriate dose - and I STILL got a cold. :-(

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I hear ya, Susan. Hubby and I also did everything right and still caught plain old colds. Daughter and her entire family do too. We remind each other that this is a good thing - our immune systems are getting their annual boost nature's way. ;-) Hope you feel better soon.

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Susan, hope your cold is a distant memory very soon!

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β€œthe failure of the vaccine program can not be hidden” this is an amazing summary! I wrote this down and plan on using it. Thanks for sharing

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The Covid vaccines are introducing a form of "Auto-immune deficiency" or A.I.D.S.

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Yes and clots.

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I’ve heard this too. What articles or info have you read?

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The vaccine is the virus. How else will our government hand over our country to China?

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Two comments: first, early treatment has never included vitamins, minerals and healthy meals to boost immune systems in our bodies! THAT is where early treatment really starts!

Second: those going in for "testing" aren't necessarily the crazy ones--many city, state, and federal positions are requiring testing for the "unvaxxed"...though I just heard from my brother-in-law, who works for a federal prison, that now all employees need to be tested weekly! Crazy indeed.

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100%. I listened to the Bret Weinstein's recent interview with two vitamin D experts. Absolutely fascinating. Would love to see Florida lead the way. Even though they are the sunshine state, Vitamin D deficiency is still a concern.

Here's the link to the interview. Really important eye-opening information. https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/bret-weinstein-darkhorse-podcast-49987/vitamin-d-for-covid-whats-the-catch-darkhorse-podcast-gruff-davies-and-linda-benskin-1083999314

And here is their call to publish health officials: VitaminDforAll.org

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After Jeff here at Coffee and COVID, Darkhorse podcast is my second favorite source of info. I am so thankful for smart people.

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Sunscreen is a major contributor to Vitamin D deficiency. Getting a little unfiltered sun is actually good for us (15-20 minutes a day is sufficient)

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I was thinking the same thing -- for example, my husband has to be tested weekly for his job. Usually they send the test kit to him fedex and he tests and mails it back in but sometimes it doesn't come on time and he has to go get a test kit himself.

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My niece in Canada (U.S.C.P - Union of Soviet Canadian Provinces) had to test EVERY SINGLE DAY prior to starting her job. I don't know if that has changed since Jan. 1, though. Absolute madness.....

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Some friends in Canada (Alberta) told me the government provided their citizens little 5-pack rapid tests so they can monitor themselves.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I thought it interesting what Scott Davidson (the insurance CEO) didn't say. He mentioned that these numbers were for working age people but remember that his company is paid for by businesses who insure their employees, working age employees. So we don't really know what is happening with the older population. There are no insurance companies that have to be honest about those deaths. I've heard some rumors from a mortuary in England but not much otherwise.

Also, wait till you see the lawsuits that start coming from companies that mandated their employees get vaccinated into those actuarial numbers. Business's insurance costs are going to skyrocket. Yes, insurance companies pay those claims but then they get that money back, if they're still in business, by charging higher premiums. Businesses will be saddled with higher premiums and lawsuits that should be staggering - given the stupidity.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m glad DeSantis is speaking about early treatments but why hasn’t he mentioned ivermectin and HCQ by name? Most doctors are purposely ignorant about their benefits and won’t even consider prescribing them to their patients.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I think it's too much of a political hot potato, very unfortunately. However I'm still very happy to see him talking about things that didn't get politicized like fluvoxamine.

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Agree. Fluvoxamine is newer & hasn’t been politicized YET, so he’s only going to mention that one, but his surgeon general has already been working to allow off label prescriptions of all early treatments

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I agree as well but I’m frustrated to see the limits of his courage! My entire extended family has covid now - vaxxed and unvaxxed - and only a few of us have good doctors who will treat it properly. Now I’m having to act as dr with my stash of meds!

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They are very lucky to have you.

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Thank you for your kind words! I give thanks to God that I was able to stock up for this very reason.

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Very generous of you!

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Thank you for your encouragement! I’m thankful to God that I’m able to help even in this small way!

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

DeSantis seems smart enough to never say anything that can be "sound-bited' into something crazy.

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You’re right, that’s probably his strategy and maybe it will work out to the the right one but for now it’s keeping people from good treatment options.

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The Ivermectin black market is active. If DeSantis where to promote it and HCQ, corrupt Big Pharma would likely be incentivized to nuke all access to these drugs.

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Unfortunately that’s probably true. Most libs I know aren’t paying attention to these meds now but if the β€˜evil’ DeSantis mentioned them, they would likely go on the warpath.

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If you can even get a prescription, you still have to find a pharmacy that has either. That might have something to do with Desantis not mentioning them.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œ Anecdotally, I’ve been told by a nurse who said she worked at a hospital’s drive-through testing location that there were 200-300 people that they would see over and over, every single week, the β€œfrequent flyers” who obsessively test and re-test, even though they have no symptoms (and are probably injected and boosted)”.

… these are likely people who don’t want to get the jab to keep their jobs and were given the option of jabs or weekly testing. I’d choose the testing, too.

Or people who go out every weekend to nightclubs that require jab or test.

I lost my job over the jab and as I’m seeking a new place of employment that doesn’t discriminate, I will probably have to test weekly. At least we will know I don’t have it. That’s more than we are able to say for all those who got the poke and don’t have to test.

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Hope you find a new job soon...

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Very true -- lots of people have to test for "surveillance" purposes and they certainly aren't going to pay out of pocket....

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Nope. We ALL pay for it.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The USPHS and the Surgeon General are America’s protectors in contagious disease and public health. Flu, vaccines, std’s TB and Typhoid control and managing epidemics are USPHS responsibilities.

Yet we only hear from the CDC and FDA bureaucrats who test products. They are not educated in public health. Testing products has little to do with epidemiology.

Why is the agency with the expertise in public health sidelined in favor of two lesser qualified but politically captured agencies?

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This is a purely rhetorical question, right? ;)

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Testing and tracing of the asymtomatic should have stopped before it started way back in the summer of 2020.

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Thanks Jeff. We had bad news for unvaxxed at our company yesterday and I thank God for you thousand times as when you share truth it’s always good news. Because it’s true. I’d rather have thorns from a friend than roses from an enemy. Thank you and God bless you!

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you so much Counselor! Great post this morning. I am feeling energized and ready for 2022! Let's end this insanity! Oh and also - contact tracing for a respiratory virus was always completely insane. I was saying that from the beginning. It's impossible. An ill person walks thru the mall, virons hang in the air, many thousands are exposed. How do you contact trace THAT?!?! You can maybe possibly trace STDs but even that doesn't seem to work well in practice (as House used to say ... people lie). Contact tracing for an URI - wow. One of the many insane mitigation "strategies" we've been tied to. We need to get UNtied, soonest!

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I thought that was going to be the beginning of a joke: "An ill person walks into a mall . . . " Maybe someone knows the rest of the story?

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Thanks for the House quote. I loved that show!

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I read the entire order written by the Judge in the Navy SEAL case. In it, I learned that one of the SEAL plaintiffs was ordered not to attend his treatments for traumatic brain injury received in combat. Why? Punishment for having the balls to file for a religious exemption to the mandate. As a former Naval officer and Naval Academy graduate, I believe what was done to this SEAL was a criminal failure of leadership. The Judge’s order also revealed that there are 35 steps in the Navy’s process of evaluating a religious exemption request. From Step 1,

The process assumes the request will be denied. It is not until after an Admiral has signed the denied request (around Step 30) is the actual request even read. I am completely disgusted at what has become to our nation’s military.

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That's just sad. All of it, just sad. SMH.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I saw that insurance article. Alarming!

Also, β€œComparing households infected with the Omicron to Delta VOC, we found an 1.17 times higher SAR [secondary attack rate] for un-vaccinated, 2.61 times higher for fully-vaccinated and 3.66 times higher for booster-vaccinated individuals, demonstrating strong evidence of immune evasiveness of the Omicron VOC.” Who woulda thunk it?! πŸ€”πŸ™„πŸ˜’πŸ˜

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Going back to yesterday’s mention of why the CDC cut the quarantine timeline from 10 days to 5 days and differing scenarios for why this was done. These people are not imbeciles and they do not bow down to public backlash, they just change the β€œlook” of what they are doing to move forward the endgame. The Governor of Michigan and her MDHHS who she supposedly handed over all her emergency powers when hers were stripped by the courts and the people, has announced that Michigan will NOT be following the new quarantine guidelines for the foreseeable future. They feel they need to further review the results of this new policy. See how that works? Fauci and crew please some groups but allow others to do exactly as they please. Blanket policies across the Nation suddenly become blue state governors purview. The plan here and we have seen it coming since November is to shut down the schools to virtual again. Michigan State University just announced virtual for at least three weeks. This 3 days after they announced a vax card or same day negative test will be required to attend any on campus events, barely 3 weeks after requiring all returning students to be boostered before they return to campus. The plan is methodical and driven by a media that pushes nothing but fear. Notice there never is any good news?

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There's not a doubt in my mind that the excess death story will be attributed to Long Covid. It will create a new round of hysteria, and media will eat it up. Vaccination will be a rite of God

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This could be studied if anyone was sincerely curious. Indiana DOH should study it....but I doubt they would even consider vax status as a variable.

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Why would Indiana want to be the leader in ANYTHING?! Bunch of spineless wusses! At least tha AG added the state to a lawsuit against the mandates! He must want to be the next Governor. πŸ™„πŸ˜

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