I am so grateful that my true citizenship is in heaven:

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. —Philippians 3:20

My spirit feels out of place and restless here because “here” is temporary:

For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come. —Hebrews 13:14

And thanks to my Savior, my proof of citizenship in that enduring city–my record of new birth–is held securely and eternally:

[F]or I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day. —2 Timothy 1:12b

Let us be able to proclaim:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing. —2 Timothy 4:7-8


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Amen! How easily we are distracted by the cares and concerns; the threats and the challenges, of this world, and act as if God isn’t Sovereign over all.

We trust Him with our salvation; to fulfill all His promises for eternity, but we are so quickly moved by the darkness and growing evil of the day, taking our eyes off the Lord and focusing on the things that are actually under His feet.

I join with you in praying that we might all be strengthened in the Lord, and that we might always remember the guidance we’ve been given in regard to living in the midst of this growing evil and darkness:

Ephesians 6:10-18

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints…

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Amen. The dichotomy of living in this world but not being of it, or consumed by the worries and woes…

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We wrestle not against flesh and blood....

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Janice, the scripture states that during end times men will do what they believe is right in their own minds, as opposed to obeying the Lord’s words. Isn’t it fantastic we can read the scriptures and are able to read the times!! Look up as our time draws near, Amen!!

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Amen. If men would only see that the same God who foretold the future with blinding accuracy will also judge as He has warned, and repent…

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I am studying The Book of Revelation right now and we are absolutely standing at the precipice of the end times!! People really need to wake up and see that the Lord our God is running the show and you either accept Him and His Son or be left behind. I pray that my family know Him before its too late!

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Amen! Prophecy prepares us for what we see unfolding before our eyes daily. Sad fact is that many churches don't teach any prophecy or even about sin or hell any more. So many people sitting in churches every Sunday are still in the dark if they don't know the Bible! The enemy infiltrated the church long ago and has been very successful.

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Cynthia, I see the CDC is preparing for more pandemics which is also predicted in the Bible. Plagues famines droughts and weather phenomenons all addressed in the scriptures!!

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Kat, I am amazed daily as we see prophecies unfolding before our eyes. It's exciting to be part of this generation as we await His return. I am stunned that anyone thinks we're going to get back to "normal life." Normal isn't coming back; Jesus is! Sadly, many in the Church are blind to what is happening.

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Thank you for this reminder … beautiful!

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If god created viruses , why didnt he warn us about them and warn us about how to protect ourselves. Why arent viruses mentioned in the bible?

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Probably because there is no such thing as a virus. I read a virus is the shedding of our cells dying. Makes a hell of a lot more sense than Fauci scientism and the Big Bang theory 🤪😂

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There is more evidence that viruses are real than there is that god is real. I

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Well, don’t know what you think created everything we see, hear, touch and all that still Is invisible …but I call it God.

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Just wondering, who is CJ Hopkins?

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God created progressives, too, and gave us no warning. Remember, friends: Satan is one of God's creations.

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Why aren’t microscopes and telescopes and cars and space shuttles and cell phones mentioned in the Bible?

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Why should they be? Why aren't they mentioned in ANY ancient documents? Are space shuttles contemplated by Buddah? Did Socrates describe cars?

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you are missing the point entirely. Viruses and bacteria are living things supposedly also created by god. Space shuttles and cars are human made objects.

If god made viruses and made deadly ones , the least god could have done is warned us about them

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I really didn't want to jump into this debate and so this will be my first and only post on this topic here, but I couldn't find anyone else mention this and it was bugging me so I'll just point out that like half of the old testament is God giving laws about cleanliness and personal hygiene, so there's that. And now I'm done. Good day to all. :)

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I’m going to assume that your question is sincere. For any of this to make sense, you need to open your mind to the fact that God exists.

God created people with free will. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+2%3A16-17&version=NIV

People disobeyed God’s warning. God has given plenty of warnings about plagues and pestilence. I got 109 hits when I searched the word “plague” in the NIV Bible. https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=plague&version=NIV&resultspp=250. “Pestilence” returned 5 hits. https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?qs_version=NIV&quicksearch=pestilence&begin=49&end=49&resultspp=250 Why would God visit plagues upon people who wreck the world He made? Proverbs 18:10: A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool. The people who actively and persistently seek understanding will find it. Not all at once. Not all knowledge. But the knowledge that one needs at the moment to guide the next moments. Read The Book. www.biblegateway.com. Find a church based on scripture and not CNN.

If you sincerely are seeking answers, you will find truth. If you are simply shaking your fist and grinding your teeth at what you do not understand and at what other people know to be true, you will be incapable of finding answers.

PS: If God tapped you on the shoulder and spoke into your ear to warn you about viruses and bacteria, what would you have done with that?

I'm gonna mute this thread now. Good seeking!

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When god sent the angel of death down to egypt to kill the first born, there were thousands of innocent eygptian children that knew nothing of pharoah or the israelites plight. There were thousands of poor egyptian serf mothers who toiled everyday just to provide for their families. These women didnt care about pharoah . But god SLAUGHTERED their first born kids anyway. God is a mass genocidal murderer of the innocent.

God should called to account for his malicious wanton slaughter of innocent egyptian children

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He did warn us. He said, “From every tree of the garden you can eat. But not from the tree in the middle of the garden. The day you eat that fruit you will die!”

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those are human made things. If god exists he gave us the ability to think for ourselves and have freewill. bacteria and viruses are created by god . If god created usin his image and created viruses dangerous enough to kill us, the very least god could have done if he actually cared about us was to let us know viruses and bacteria existed and give us some basic steps to protect ourselves. For hundreds of thousands of years babies died in agony from infections of their ears that could have been cured with a simple antibiotic. ANd god watched from up there and did NOTHING! a sick sadistic evil creature that created beings and then watches them suffer

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"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18

"But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised." 1 Corinthians 2:14

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How do you know God did nothing? Where are those babies now & how are they now? God told us, but you choose not to believe

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The Bible calls them plagues and there are many references. There are also many verses on how to live a healthy life. “There will be terrible earthquakes, famines, and plagues everywhere; there will be strange and terrifying things coming from the sky.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭21:11‬ ‭GNT‬‬

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It’s a compilation of books regarding faith. You’re missing the point if you’re looking for information on viruses

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How am i supposed to have faith if for thousands of years god neglected to let us know that these little tiny things that we cant see that he created can kill us and all we had to do was wash our hands and a few other simple things. How am I supposed to trust this god if he left out a simple key piece of info that could have sAved millions of his own children from disease suffering and death? Did he want these people to suffer from say smallpox or polio. Was the suffering the point? Is god sadistic ? Did he just forget to tell us about pox viruses? Im baffled!

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Sickness and death are a result of the fall of man into sin.

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Amen Janice!

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Nope. Sickness and death happen because humans are evolved biological machines that break down as they age and are preyed upon by other living things.

To assume that all humans are inherently flawed fallen and sinful is a dark twisted anti human perspective.

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Funny that basically from the crawling stage of a child, we have to start training not to hit, not to bite, right? And it only morphs from there. If you don’t think humans are sinful from birth you’re delusional.

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I don’t think God has time for Fauci scientism … There is evidently a bigger plan … much bigger than our human brain can figure out. Geez… I can hardly wrap myself around what insanity we are experiencing today. Lol. The way I look at it, is GOD is the creator … created a beautiful masterpiece. Created us to live within it and experience it… the good, the bad and the ugly… and hopefully find the REAL truth which is what Jesus taught. The Truth that sets us free. I think that “ truth” lives within us. Keep searching for God. That Truth will find you if you truly search for it. You don’t need the church to find it either. I personally think you find “ religion” there, but not the TRUTH, the LIGHT, or the WAY. There is a Holy Spirit that lurks about… even the Natives knew it. Jesus spoke of it by saying : I am the truth, the way and the Light. Study his life… and you will find what he meant by that. May the Holy Spirit guide your way. 😉

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Life 𝑖𝑠 suffering, MiFly. It is a spiritual experience that being in physical form enables us to have that includes suffering on many levels. It also includes joy.

The conditions 𝒘𝒆 create of our own free will or the ones imposed on us by others contribute to/cause a great deal of our physical suffering. According to the Bible's "official story", once man decided he knew better than God or could disobey God without repercussion -- that was the end of Eden for man and the beginning of his suffering.

It has been known for more than 100 years that hygiene plays the biggest role in both preventing and eradicating disease -- diseases such as polio or small pox. Another question is why did God create creatures large and small that can kill humans? Why are there insects whose bites, for example, can paralyze or blind us?

As for "viruses" being the 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 of illness vs. the effect of the body's defenses against illness? That "official story" is slowing unwinding, as well. That notion itself has caused suffering. If one "catches" a "virus", one might die...

Life is suffering, MiFly. It is also a 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦.

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I wouldn’t have faith in that god either.

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Janice - Words Beyond Me, I like your post, but think it should also highlight that God expects each of us to be well informed about what is going on in our world and act accordingly (Luke 12:54-56), and the same is expected from church leaders (Matthew 16:1-3).

Clearly, most church people/leaders have NOT followed these words of Jesus since they are unaware of the “fact” that covid shots contain a “bioweapon” -- the S1 spike protein -- first developed by Pfizer in 1990, made infectious to humans by Fauci/Baric (UNC) in 1999, patented in 2002, and then deployed against humanity to cause the first outbreak of SARS in 2002-2003. (see Link-#1 below)

Note also that blood clots, from micro-clots to very large clots, are caused by the S1 spike protein “bioweapon” developed by USG.

Even without guidance from the Bible, common sense says people must be aware of what is going on in our world and act accordingly, in order to have best chance of fixing the issues found -- running blind is a serious liability. Most non-believers are also unaware of this “fact” and are thus falling into the same trap.

Relevant Links (#1 is essential info, rest add related detail)

#1 = (01:48-02:50 murder of 5-year-olds, 6:46-19:25 some key overviews) https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-david-martin-no-more-mister-nice-guy-red-pill-expo_Uz8Jf4f2R83mDGk.html (50:15)

#2 = (01:22-05:23 excess deaths, 18:02-20:45 financial collapse) https://rumble.com/v17mn9u-edward-dowd-economic-fallout-of-covid-vax-fraud.html (24:14)

#3 = (37:33-42:45 crime overview) https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/eulogy-for-a-selfless-truth-warrior (1:01:03)

#4 = (dr.z slides) https://timetofreeamerica.com/wp-content/uploads/Zelenko-Control.pdf

#5 = (1:05:55-1:18:59 crime overview) https://odysee.com/EP8-Radical:93141ffa7a818f56b65173802a614f39bf7b6f9c?src=embed (1:37:22)

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Yes all is true as highlighted by the scripture “Even the elect will be deceived.” I never took the jab, never attended a church that preached for people to accept the jab. Of all the COVID parts why did Pharma use the Spike protein? The most deadly part now replicates into billions of the spikes. It’s almost like they planned to exterminate us?!? God will take what they planned for evil to and use it for good and to glorify his Name, Christ Jesus.

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Agree, and believe depopulation was the intent of both SARS-1 in 2002 (externally delivered) and SARS-2 in 2020 (internally delivered by covid shots). And likely MERS (externally delivered) too in 2012. As you say, God will use this evil for good eventually, and we all must help by always using "bioweapon" when referring to covid-shot related matters.

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Amen sister!

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I hope the EU collapses. The people turn on those elitist pricks and make them stand trial - Nuremberg style. Then we need to do the same here. Make sure justice is served.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Suggestion: Hold those trials in Davos, just for ironic shyts and giggles.

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@Annie, YES!

I hope EVERY institution COLLAPSES. Has been my siren song for two years. The systems that built this dystopia cannot and will not end it.

The "BIGS": -gov, -ed, -pharma, -med, -tech, -media, -food, -ag, -justice...did I miss any? EVERYTHING got slowly taken over. And UN/WHO need to be nuked totally and forever.

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you left off big finance and fed, which is at the heart of all this and the absolute worst of them all

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Big Finance and American Federal Reserve (I'm not in USA)? Yes, good point. Except was 'finance' EVER 'small'? If we take the long view, this has been building for a thousand years, and started with Big Religion (aww, then Big Art gets dragged in, haha).

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Thousands of banks disappeared after the Fed was introduced and the Great Depression. Finance and banking was much smaller prior to Fed. You can also see that finance’s share of the economy has grown dramatically since the 1970s.

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USAID and NGOs - They are used for ideological colonization, experimentation and depopulation

This is what countries such as in Africa and South America countries face:

They’re trying to feed their people who are on the verge of starvation, or in civil war, and have chronic food insecurity.

To be “allowed” aid there are strings attached, and it’s difficult to push against those.

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The thought of all those countries being led by leaders that are NOT elected is very wrong. The power they have over all of Europe is a death knell for the Europe that came together after WW2. Each independent country has been absorbed into one giant mass with no individual sovereignty. The beast is in Belgium.

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Yeah…. Look how well elections have served us.

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Yep...not what our founding father's had in mind. Bleck.

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Dr David Martin says Nuremberg is a small part of what is happening. It is really a pharma / gov Mafia which needs to be taken down. Nuremberg is the clinical trials part.

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Please tell us what the link is about, so we know something before we decide to click on it.

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Sid Roth and Kevin Zadai

That the US attorney general will serve EVERY Indictment and justice will prevail. For the Attorney General's protection. For the believers to stand up and pray and vote through elections!!

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Not the current AG. He and his department are frauds. Only interested in prosecuting parents who speak up for their children at schools.

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Sid Roth and Kevin Zadai

That the US attorney general will serve EVERY Indictment and justice will prevail. For the Attorney General's protection. For the believers to stand up and pray and vote through elections!!

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NYC Turn Your TV's Off and Your Brains On. How Hard is it? It's not going away because you won't let it go away. Don't you have enough problems to focus on in that hell hole you call a city? Your Mayor has all the effervescent charm of plantar wart. See to it.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

A lot of NYC residents are sheeple. When they were locked down in their apartments, a young woke person was happily telling me how they went out on their balconies and sang or banged pans. I said how defiant. Lol. She knew I meant it as a put down. I said I drove, went shopping, ate out for dinner etc. Me, a 60 year old and her in her 20s. What's wrong with that picture?

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I have been astonished at the compliance of the 20-somethings throughout the “scamdemic.” When asking my 25 year-old son (who never bought in to the lie) why they are the first generation to not rebel against the previous one, his response: “We’ve never had to fight for anything & we’re addicted to convenience.”

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Re "we've never had to fight for anything," I'm afraid their turn is coming, in spades.

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They are indoctrinated, we as parents were too distracted to recognize it was going on beneath our noses. Communism is a poisonous snake slithering unforeseen.

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I wonder if the internet and social media are also to blame for this indoctrination. I grew up without those things, and learned critical thinking skills, and my parents talked to me and instilled their values in me. It's so easy to get corrupted these days with the influence of social media/internet.

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https://youtu.be/Yg0qlnh5I38 Jordan Peterson. About 13 minutes long. Well worth it.

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Yep. And mine went to a Christian University. 🤯

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My 24 year old is double vaxxed and boosted, after me begging her NOT to get it. She also told me that America is systemically racists. Folks… they have snatched up our kids right before our eyes! Time to get involved in our schools!

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I have friends with children like this who have rejected their parents' values and have bought into all the propaganda without analyzing it. I also have friends' whose children have maintained the family values and think carefully about current events and analyze what they hear.

My children are adults and have been conservative since they were fairly young. They analyze well, especially my son. I think of myself as a fairly competent thinker but my son is always 2 steps ahead of me.

I don't know why some children can come through the public education system and still be able to think and others can't. I don't know why some children reject their family philosophy and others don't. I am grateful my children are functioning adults who are fairly solidly grounded and think for themselves.

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I told my adult children if they think everything I taught them and believe in is full of crap then don't let the door hit your butt. I won't be leaving them anything as I planned to spend it all. Plus I wouldn't want them to be hypocrites and take dirty money. I found out real fast they agreed with me. Stopped that right in its tracks. We don't agree on everything but the real true values, the important stuff = 100% agreement.

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My grandmother always stated, "Would you eat a chocolate covered turd if all your friends were eating a chocolate covered turd?" ;)

I pass this insightful advice to my children.

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Omg! I just read that comment of yours and I am cracking up. So freakin true!

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Yup. Somehow that is no longer being conveyed to our children, especially teenage girls. They are spooling up a mass hysteria over body image, gender and sexual identity so that there is now an epidemic of young teenagers wanting to change their sex. Sexual dysphoria has become a mental disorder on the grand scale. It's contagious.

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Love this!

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My 24 year old is doubled jabbed and boosted too due to her last year of her Masters degree. I warned her not to take them and asked she have a good conversation with me first because there is a lot I was finding out and she was just trusting. She went ahead and got them anyways, said she is an adult and can make her own decision. Really followed the lead of the university, her boyfriend and his family.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Very often the pressure is too great and if she is nearing completion of her Masters degree she may give that extra weight.

I'm not sure what I would do in those circumstances.

I am reading Mattias Desmet's book, "The Psychology of Totalitarianism." He covers this in Chapter 6.

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I need to get his book. I’ve heard him talk a few times.

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I'm in a children's book group of pretty much all women, and quite a few do the state-your-pronouns thing. The major publishers are on board with books about nonbinary babies, trans and cross-dressing Kindergarteners, and dancing drag queens.

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@FormerlyKnownSomeone, Was putrid and demoralizing, watching that happen from the inside over the past 5-10 years in ALL the arts, fine arts, and crafts.

And all in the name of virtue-signalling. Because if any of them stopped and actually considered the implications – or, rather, if they had someone slowly explain in one-syllable words they were capable of comprehending – of all this monstrous ideology, they might stop stating pronouns and cheering drag-queen tweens.

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So well said.

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But we don't have to purchase them, or read them to our kids and grands. We can also attend school board meetings and voice our opinions about grooming.

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I wonder if they can manage the hard times. They don't have the stoicism necessary because their entire life has been cushy.

My parents went through the Great Depression and it left a lasting scar on them. They got through it because times had been hard all their lives. The Depression was just an order of magnitude worse.

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It doesn't take 100%, though. It's said that only 3% of the population were active supporters in the American Revolution. In my rural area, I think many, possibly most, would rise to the occasion. Many grew up in 'hard times,' because there are a lot of relatively poor people here who don't even take government assistance.

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About 30% supported the American Revolution but a tiny, tiny number fought in it.

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I was also raised by parents who went through the Depression- it's something you never forget. I was raised to be conservative and frugal. I remember my dad telling me "if you can't afford to pay cash for it, you can't afford it" Of course there were exceptions like a home purchase, maybe a car, but I got the gist of it. These days young people go through Starbucks drive through to get their overpriced coffee drinks that they put on a credit card.

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Better yet, time to change how we fund education - devote the per-student dollars allocated to school *systems* to the *students* instead. Let the money follow the student to any valid educational alternative, whether through tax credits or some other means. Arizona has recently passed the most comprehensive such law in the country. Students should not be condemned to attend a government school because it's the only 'free' alternative. It's not free; it's very expensive, and many students' lives are stolen from them by trapping them there.

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I learned to be frugal the hard way. In my 20's I was seriously broke. I lived on prayer for 6 weeks. My first husband taught me to be allergic to debt. It took me years to pay off the charges he ran up as I closed accounts. Never again.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

My brother and I are boomers but he tells people he was raised during the depression because our folks had that outlook and only relaxed a little when they had a nest egg going into retirement

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I'm a Boomer too and although I appreciated the hardships my parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts went through, it's not the same as going through it myself.

I have always had enough food to eat, and a roof over my head and clothes to wear. I have never experienced the kind of want they did.

I have had worries when there wasn't quite enough money to pay the bills, etc. Unlike them I was able to find more work, do part-time jobs to make ends meet. They didn't have that option during the Depression. They were lucky if enough of the family was employed to keep a roof over their heads and buy enough cabbage and potatoes to feed the family.

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Waste not, want not. We used to have a tidy nest egg. Guess we should have been buying a bigger mattress.

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I was a late Boomer child of early Depression-era parents, and I feel the same. For example, my father was never comfortable talking on the phone 'long distance,' and so those conversations were always extremely short, even though by then we were what would be considered upper middle class.

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We didn't have a phone when I was growing up. We used a cousin's phone for emergencies only.

We walked everywhere. We always packed our lunches. Eating out was a rare treat, maybe twice a year.

But, these are hardly personal hardships although they may have felt that way at the time in comparison to some of my classmates.

Find some recent articles on how the average Venezuelan manages to find food and eat. Quite sobering.

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My sons and a couple of their friends are closing in on 40 rapidly and made similar observations at Independence Day get together; talked about those younger than them don't question, don't strive, etc.

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Dana, so true. We are one generation away from socialism/communism. 😩

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I believe that I will see it in my lifetime because no one, even our Republican party, is doing anything about it.

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It's not possible to outsource or contract out the responsibilities of citizenship in a constitutional republic. Doing so anyway is why we're where we are. "Our Republican Party" is only "ours" when we show up to the county-level meetings and serve as Precinct Committeemen/women, at a minimum. You may be surprised to find out that there *are* Republicans "doing something" but that you just didn't know it. I guarantee, though, they could use your help. You may also find out that your county Party is in the hands of UniParty Swamp RINOs and, if that's the case, then the local Patriots in your area *really* need your help, to take over that county Party. The fight is a multi-front one, and it won't be easy, but please help.

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Wow! Best explanation I heard yet.

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And that is the fault of the parents. The responsibility to raise your children is on you. Not the government or the schools. Way too many parents abdicated their responsibility and only realized it later.

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Very true. And the government & schools have been all too eager to parent for us. They knew what they were doing-creating government dependents.

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Wow! That's the best explanation of why this generation of young people are so weak minded.

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I think living in NYC breeds a low level fear and fear distorts logic, rationality and clear thinking. A person remains in the "fight or flight" emotional state.

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I'd say it comes down to the difference in leadership then (Guliani) and now (the woke mob in control). NYC is back to what it was in the 70's. A place to avoid.

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The contrast between David Dinkins and Rudy Giuliani.

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Without social media bots creating a hive mind, this couldn't happen. The leftism of NY before was traditional liberals who questioned authority.

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So many Americans are sheep. I was chatting with some guy , conservative Christian, on a dating app and he was saying he retired early from teaching because he was expected to continue to coach during covid ( 2 years now folks) and he was more interested in keeping the kids safe. I mean… geez. What the hell is wrong with Americans! Better put most of us in a glass bubble to protect us from life! 😵‍💫😵‍💫

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I'm not sure when this started. Maybe it began with lawsuits over risks that any reasonable person would assume and not hold against the company such as trimming a tree with a push lawnmower. (A true lawsuit brought against Sears and won). We laugh about the many silly, obvious disclaimers not attached to any product we buy but they are there because there were lawsuits or similar cases that were won against the company.

We seem to believe we can protect ourselves from all unpleasantness and all danger. It is an ironic fact that the places in the country where more people believe this, and have elected representatives with this mindset, all have the highest crime and violence and the most unlivable cities.

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Yes. I am sick of people telling me to “stay safe”. From what?? I have been walking the planet for 73 years. Isn’t it just assumed that I won’t harm myself?

Be careful. Objects in mirror are. Closer than they appear. :)

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We have many stock answers for politeness. How many times have you been asked how you are and you say, "Fine." Even when you are not.

Got to find a civil way to reply to "Stay safe."

One thing we are in short supply of now is civility. We need civility because it helps to de-escalate situations. Without civility there aren't enough laws and police officers to maintain the peace.

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You can thank public schools for a lot of this easy compliance.

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Agree with everything you just said. We were in DC when the omicron wave hit in January and I was stunned by how overnight everyone turned into a robot, immediately clapped the masks back on, started shouting at small children caught with the mask off...and we would see lines around the block of them standing waiting in parks to be tested in those covid tents. I thought "well, if you didn't have covid before you got in that 300 person line, you do now!" It was shocking...absolutely shocking to see grown adults behaving like this. They really scare me...I couldn't wait to get on that plane and come back down south to the land of normal people.

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See this is why I have no desire to travel outside of my home state of Florida!

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Here's a thought on Hunter B. Hunter was abused by his dad, hence he's handle name "Pedo-Pete"

Maybe, Hunter is getting back at his dad. just sayin.

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That's exactly what I think, too. He obviously wants to get caught. No one is that stupid. It's actually really sad, this cry for help.

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I don't see it as a "cry for help" so much as thumbing his nose at law and order. He's gotten away with everything this long and he obviously doesn't fear any consequences for his actions.

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You are correct. He has no fear of reprisal.

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Cry for help? Good grief he’s a grown man!

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Who was most likely a severely sexually abused child! God only knows what took place in that family. You don't think that breaks a person for a lifetime?

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The daughter's diary accuses Joe of being "sexually inappropriate." Something similar must have happened with Hunter because so much of his attention and videos focus on sex.

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No question he’s a broken man but I don’t see him looking for help. That’s my point.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Don't get me wrong-- I don't think he's doing it consciously. I'm also not making excuses for him. Just think the whole thing is sad and sick.

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Agree that it is sad, and there but for the grace of God go I.

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He is definitely prone to self destructive behaviors.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Similar thought that his behaviors are retaliatory, to jb and his deceased bro -- a little bit of the ' dad always liked you best' theme.

His photos and videos have the vibe of gangsta' wannabe; and sorry, but he comes across as male skank. Eewwww.

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And when you read his sister Ashley's diary and all the sexual depravity in that family (showering with her dad, etc.), it's no wonder Hunter is such a mess.

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In regard to his iCloud photos and why he put them "in the cloud" -- most iDevices nowday will automatically upload your photos to the cloud for "backup" (in case you lose/smash your phone), unless you find the right place in settings and turn it off. So it's not clear that he INTENTIONALLY put them up in the cloud - but it's still the same question of why he was taking them in the first place.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The depravity and evil in our nation and across the globe is shocking to me but shouldn’t be. God’s Word is full of examples of man’s sinful and rebellious nature. From the beginning man has shaken their fists at God and His laws. We are seeing that daily. I’m focused on Jesus’ coming soon to remove the remnants of the church. But I still look forward every day to C&C! Thank you Jeff; I look forward to your daily post!

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First I read my Bible and then I read Jeff.

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I’m sure Jeff would say that is the proper order!

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🙏 ☕️

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Thx, Julie Ann.

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I have heard there is a bumper sticker:

"Somewhere there's a 2 year old whose mom is a hooker, dad is a crack addict, and grandfather is the President of the United States."

It is absolutely true, and it ought to have led to clogged streets in DC until that President was removed by his own party. But instead we go to work, watch TV, and continue to pay our taxes.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I remember reading about Telford some years ago. The story was squashed because it was Muslim gangs forcing children into prostitution.

Excellent newsletter.

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TACOsteria: Best Jill Biden Thinks Latinos are Breakfast Taco People Memes

- WTF is a breakfast taco? You taco to me? Let’s taco bout double standards and more Jill Biden (aka "entitled c*nt" according to Hunter Biden) thinks Latinos are breakfast taco people memes!


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God forbid if Jill next goes to Chinatown to talk about the egg roll people or to Harlem to talk about the fried chicken people....... ;)

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Good one.

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If its on the teleprompter, you know she or the sniffer will say it...

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It's hysterical 🤣 a new look for taco Tuesday.

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Funniest thing I've read!!! These are hysterical! Thanks for sharing, Citizen Satirist! Made my day!

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Can't do the lime green, sorry Citizen.

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Yep! just got finished reading Jills OP-ED. I'm sorry Dr. Jill.

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That was hilarious. The apple doesn't fall far. 🍎

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Thanks as ever, Jeff. Not a lot of cheery news, but I have learned once I finish this, to pray and allow my Lord and Savior to calm my heart.

I have always said, Brandon was the perfect candidate, everyone knows he’s fragile, with every sign of dementia and yet he’s solid gold for the Left and Elitists running the show into the ground. The Right msm complains about him non stop, bringing out stuff now that many of us knew two years ago. Many of us knew about Hunter’s laptop in the fall of 2020. Many saw all the pictures before it was suddenly pulled down. Why would he save stuff to his iCloud? Nothing is leaked. It is all intentional. It is a game the Great Deceiver is playing with newer toys but the same evil that has always been. Brandon is a distraction for the 2022 elections. But God is up to something and I’m going to stick with him.

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Seems like the democrats are getting fed up with him and bringing out the ace up their sleeves. I agree, they have known this all along but waited until exposing it would be effective for their side.

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From today’s post “ There was a singular moment in time, right as everyone recognized how the radical left had termited throughout the national school system, occupying school boards and colonizing superintendent positions.”

Just curious, has anyone read Pete Hegseth’s new book “The Battle for the American Mind”.

Does anyone else here agree that the public schools and teachers unions in their current form are the most dangerous institutions in the US and need to be dis-mantled and /or seriously reformed?

And just curious, maybe I have missed it, but has C&C given any attention to the Convention of States movement to try to make some structural changes to the constitution like term limits?

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Yes, schools need to be shut down. I am constantly disappointed at the number of people on the right who continue to send their kids to those indoctrination centers with usually extremely feeble excuses.

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Re 'the battle for the American mind,' it's a warning that has been given for decades, in fact.

"The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students, by Allan Bloom, is a non-fiction book published in 1987. The work is a critique of American culture and higher education and was considered a landmark in the culture wars of the 1980s. It was a surprise bestseller and a New York Times Book Review Notable Book of the Year. ...

"Bloom’s main thesis is that American culture has embraced moral relativism without understanding its disquieting origins in German philosophy or its potentially dangerous consequences for democratic society. This situation constitutes a social and educational crisis of the highest order, undermining the country’s sense of national unity and encouraging racial divisiveness, narcissism, and social isolation. Moreover, the university system has failed in its mission to provide the type of education and humane cultivation that can counter the social decline and anti-intellectualism prevalent in America today. The country’s creed of tolerance and openness is really a closedmindedness.

"The book consists of three main parts reflecting the fundamental subjects of Bloom’s critique. Part 1, “Students,” addresses the plight of contemporary students and society; Part 2, “Nihilism, American Style,” traces the historical development of the philosophy of value relativism and its popularization in America; and Part 3, “The University,” addresses the historical role of the thinker in society and the structural and pedagogical problems facing the liberal arts university today. Stylistically, the book incorporates reminiscence, historical narrative and analysis, philosophical meditation, polemic, and exhortation." (quoted from SuperSummary dot com)

Here's a 1/2 hour interview of Allan Bloom himself on his then-new book. (He was smoking a cigarette on camera, I see from the rising smoke in his opening shot, telling you how amazingly things have changed in all sorts of ways; that is now a 'sin,' whereas 'shouting your abortion' isn't, nor is undermining one's own civilizational foundation.)


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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Like there is a remote chance in hell Biden will be physically or cognitively able to run in 2024 - not a chance!

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Joe wasn't physically or cognitively able to run in 2020...but he still somehow "won."

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I agree and believe they will still cheat but it will be more difficult for them to do so.

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I’m not sure it will be more difficult to cheat; some states have enacted laws to safeguard election integrity but these corrupt liars and cheaters will figure out new ways to rig the system. Their minds believe the end goal (power) justifies the means.

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Remember, this Democrat party would run a cadaver and vote for and believe it had a chance of winning. I guess they did just that in 2020.

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Sad but true!

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True, but I didn’t think he’d last six months in office, proved me wrong and here we are 10 years later…seems like anyway. 🥺

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It won't matter, it will just rub it in our faces that they are in control.

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What part of Global Energy Is Bad can’t we understand. The USA was energy independent and players like Russia and Saudi couldn’t hold their fuel threats and bloated pricing over us. Biden made us vulnerable and dependent on these despotic psycho leaders!! Geez I miss Trump.

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Tommy Robinson is the hero for speaking out about Muslim grooming gangs in England. Without his bull-dog approach, there is no doubt the BBC would have remained silent. Tommy has exposed the racket in Telford and has been vilified by the media. He has been banned from every platform, but is on Telegram. So far he has done 3 documentaries on Telford, interviewing several brave young women to expose the horror. It’s all over England, but he highlighted Telford.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I still can’t thank you enough for filing the writ of mandamus! Here in Duval we have 2 school board seats on the ballot August 23rd. In district 2, we need to replace the current member that defied Desantis, and was the cause for filing the writ. Instead, We need April Carney for district 2! https://video.foxnews.com/v/6309281669112?fbclid=IwAR1r3SQkkon8GQTMk9qbD1i4bU3oHIU1wFGy9jal3UCzasKC81LOh9F9wK0#sp=show-clips

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This sentiment is what tipped me over to being a $500 subscriber - how much each free Florida citizen (and beyond just Florida) has gained from Jeff's legal work (as well as his public lectures and his Substack). When he said one time something along the lines of, "if you could just pay for one hour of legal work," that convinced me to be one of the crowd crowd-funding his work, to the benefit of all. "Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." A bit of fortune now, to try to avoid having to pledge the other two.

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On the subject of masking and those who plan to wear masks in public for the rest of their lives (ever-maskers), the Masks4All Subreddit is CRAZY! https://libertyjournal.substack.com/p/masks4all-subreddit

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Mike - “crazy” doesn’t quite describe it. 😩. God help these people.

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Wow. Just....Wow.

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Wow! That provides some serious insight into why these very scared people are still wearing masks and isolating themselves. Thank you for sharing this. I have a family member who takes Covid "policies" seriously. We have not yet discussed in detail so this helps me to understand where she may be coming from so I can be prepared for the discussion when it happens.

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Hi Susan,

"It" has been discussed to death, literally, within my extended family, since March 2020.

Can't do it anymore. Walk away from their TV sets blaring "Covid news updates" at 38 decibels, for 14 hours per day. In 2 languages.

I do what needs to be done, and go about the business of living (trying...), since I have done from the beginning of this "crisis".

Must leave them to their neurotic psychosis. There's no getting through their fear of imminent death.

Am trying to escape Canada before Lord Goodhair cranks up the fear mongering and locks the exits again in the fall.

Best of luck to you, when having that policy discussion.

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The other side is so harsh. It doesn't matter to them how many studies and reports back up what we have been finding. I hope you get out of Canada soon!

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Until they find a descaler for their eyes it will be their normal attire.

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Agree. You can't reason with the unreasonable. Leave them be. They're happy. They rule society now.

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In my small clinic yesterday, did 12 covid tests, 6 negative and 6 positive, of the positive only 2 had symptoms. Nothing major. BA.2 or other variants are nothing but typical "colds" IMHO. Sad there is so much "fear".

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