☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Tuesday, June 14, 2022 ☙ PARDON ME 🦠
Health Sec. Becerra gets covid twice in one month; Trudeau gets covid for the second time; Canadians can flee the country now; bad news for Becky and Michael; NASA studies UFOs; and more...
Good morning and Happy Flag Day, C&C! Today’s great big roundup includes: Health Sec. Xavier Becerra gets covid twice in a month; Canada’s PM Trudeau gets covid for the second time; Canadians get some good news — they can flee the country now; more bad news for Becky; more bad news for Michael; docs sue the FDA over its anti-ivermectin misinformation; DC raises its own flag; breakthrough cases catch up in Arkansas; the J6 committee torpedoes Sean Hannity; NASA launches loopy landmark UFO study, for some reason; and your J6 Show report.
🪖 My Facebook appeal worked! I’m fresh out of jail, and I’m back, baby.
💉 Completely-jabbed and boosted U.S. Health Secretary Xavier Becerra is not setting a good example. The Hill ran a story yesterday headlined, “Health Secretary Becerra Tests Positive For Covid-19 Twice In Less Than A Month.” He must have done something wrong, slipped up somewhere; let his mask drop below his nose when he wasn’t sitting down, forgot to wash his hands, maybe shaved a couple inches off the social distance, SOMETHING.
On his first go-round with the virus, Becerra tested positive back on May 18th en route to Berlin for some swanky but critically important political conference. Yesterday, in Sacramento, after meeting with Joe Biden over the previous two days in L.A., Becerra tested positive AGAIN. The second time within 30 days. Maybe it was a new strain or something.
But Mr. Becerra is SO grateful to have had his shots and boosters!
Meanwhile, double-masked, triple-jabbed, goofy Canadian proto-dictator and WEF stooge Justin Trudeau ALSO tested positive for covid yesterday, which — just like Becerra — was his second time around with the virus this year. Justin also met with Joe Biden in the previous several days at the same event in L.A. with Becerra. So, how about the former vice-president?
Following the news, Trudeau tweeted “I feel okay, but that’s because I got my shots.”

Hahaha! Of COURSE you’d say that, after forcing all your hapless Canadians to get jabbed. But Justin, I feel okay too, and I didn’t get ANY shots. In fact, I’ve never had ANY covid symptoms and I’ve NEVER tested positive, and I didn’t get any of the shots. So.
🔥 The Canadian Hill Times reported that now, BOTH liberal and conservative majorities in its parliament want Trudeau to end the remaining federal vaccine mandates as soon as possible. Some twitter commenters speculated that Trudeau faked his covid case, like during the trucker protests, to avoid dealing with unhappy MPs on his return.
Possibly. Either way, it’s a problem for Trudeau — Canada forbids people with covid from entering the country, and enforces the rule with a $1M fine and up to 6 months in jail. What’s a blackface-loving prime minister supposed to do now?
✈️ Oh. Late yesterday afternoon, Bloomberg ran a breaking story headlined, “Canada to End Vaccine Mandate for Domestic Air, Rail Travel: CBC.” A formal announcement is expected today, Tuesday. What a happy coincidence!
The article about the ending mandates also casually mentioned that Trudeau just returned from Los Angeles — with covid. Good thing somebody in government leaked the story that the rules were now suspended. All of a sudden.
Sources suggest that the rules governing international and domestic air and rail travel plus border restrictions will be “suspended” — but not “ended.” So you know what that means. The anonymous government source admitted Trudeau will keep the rules on the books, in case a new scarient pops up or something.
Canadians! Get packing! It’s about to be your chance to move to Florida. There’s a gigantic Canadian ex-pat community here already. Planes, trains, or automobiles.
🔥 More bad news for Becky. Forbes ran a story last week headlined, “The Curious Case Of Rebekah Jones’ Suspension From Twitter.” Rebekah Jones has been suspended from Twitter, maybe permanently. Apparently, and I know you won’t believe this, she bought most of her followers. So that giant twitter following she had? Fake.
Forbes’ reporter toyed briefly and hopefully with the notion that someone else might have bought Jones’ followers for her in a false flag operation, but that tiny candle of hope quickly flickered out — he seemed to realize it was preposterous nonsense — and he moved on. According to Forbes’ security researcher, it looks like Jones paid a sneaky malware service that surreptitiously forces other user accounts to follow someone — without the account owners’ knowledge.
Why corporate media still wants to protect the thoroughly-discredited fake whistleblower is something I will never understand. I understand the goal of trying to hurt DeSantis, but Jones isn’t hurting DeSantis anymore, if she ever did. And if anything, Jones is now helping DeSantis.
But an even better question is: why is Twitter cracking down on people who use fake followers now, all of a sudden? I’m guessing it has something to do with Elon Musk and his investigation into the quality of Twitter’s user base. It looks like they’re anticipating some bad press when Musk announces the conclusions. “But look, we already started cleaning it up!”
🔥 Another former corporate media darling and potential democrat presidential candidate, Michael Avenatti, intends to plead guilty to stealing millions from his clients. According to NBC, the former lawyer is already serving time for defrauding his anti-Trump porn star client Stormy Daniels and woke shoe company Nike.
Avenatti’s representing himself in his criminal case. So you know what he has for a client. According to papers he just filed, the light-fingered attorney has apparently agreed to plead guilty to charges that from 2015 to 2019, Avenatti stole nearly $10 million in settlement funds from at least five of his clients — Geoffrey Johnson, Alexis Gardner, Gregory Barela, Michelle Phan and Long Tran.
The lawyer’s now facing a stiff sentence. He’s joining other disgraced lockdown liberals like Becky Jones and the Cuomo brothers. How many more will fall?
🇺🇸 Kooky Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser intends to celebrate flag day today by flying her own flag, one with 51 stars on the blue field, according to her tweet yesterday. It’s a weird-looking flag.

It’s an insurrection! Quick, start a new commission!
💉 According to Fox 16 KLRT in Arkansas, half of the state’s active covid cases are now breaking through in the fully-vaccinated. The reporter interviewed a very sweet but positively puzzled little old lady who just tested positive — after getting five safe and effective shots. FIVE SHOTS.
But, she’s grateful, etc etc.
💊 Yesterday, doctors Paul Marik, Richard Apter, and Mary Bowden filed a lawsuit against the FDA for unlawfully interfering with the doctor / patient relationship in covid treatment decisions. The suit alleges the FDA violated well-established federal laws that allow doctors to prescribe any FDA-approved drug for off-label treatment.
Ivermectin was approved by the FDA in 1966. The doctors filed their lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Texas, a great choice, if it sticks. Let’s all pray jurisdiction remains there, and the case isn’t beamed to DC, where it would be immediately dissolved by the fake fifty-first star in a totally sus malfunctioning transporter accident.
🔥 What’s going on with Sean Hannity? He’s been a little wobbly for a while, and it looks like his liberal enemies are now trying to put him away for good while he’s weak.
The January 6th Committee leaked some private text messages yesterday clearly intended to end Hannity’s career as a conservative voice. On January 7th, 2021, Hannity was tweeting with Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, about his meeting with the President. One of Hannity’s tweets said: “He was intrigued by the pardon idea!! (Hunter).”
Uh oh.
The Daily Beast reported that Hannity proposed that Trump issue a last-minute pardon for meth-addled hooker fan and Ukrainian board member Hunter Biden to help smooth over the fallout from the democrats’ reactions to the mostly-peaceful January 6th Capitol protests. A source told The Daily Beast that the pardon idea wasn’t originally Hannity’s, but he brought it to Trump because he “genuinely wanted some healing.”
Hannity’s suggestion apparently got no traction at all. The source explained, “It died on the vine. It was never seriously considered.” Well, OBVIOUSLY.
My take is this wasn’t the best idea Hannity ever had, to put it mildly. But on January 7th, everyone was freaking out. So I’m willing to give him a little grace. Temporary insanity.
🛸 The Daily Beast also quietly reported yesterday that NASA announced last week that it’s beginning a 9-month scientific study into “unidentified aerial phenomena.”
In other words, UFO’s. Little green men. Greys. Cow abductions. Men in black. And so forth.
Here’s NASA’s press release about the new UFO study.
NASA says it will make its final report public and will hold public hearings about the research. This represents a complete and inexplicable about-face for the agency, which the Beast admits “has had a long history of being intensely skittish when it comes to extraterrestrial matters.”
I have to admit, all this official interest in UFO’s all of a sudden, as World War III is heating up, strikes me as very weird. I don’t know what it’s all about, but there are some wild theories out there. I know some conspiracy-minded evangelical Christians who’ve ominously predicted for decades that the UFO project is really a false-flag operation to either normalize end-times fallen angels as “aliens,” or to explain away the sudden disappearance of millions of raptured Christians as a mass-abduction event or something.
Who knows.
The truth is given what we’ve learned about how truly rare are the on- and off-planet conditions necessary for intelligent life, it is extremely unlikely there is another life-sustaining planet anywhere in the Universe. Conditions for higher forms of life are so unlikely that scientists developed their whole “multiverse theory” specifically to address the problem of how even one life-sustaining planet like Earth could possibly exist.
In other words, a Universe with just one single life-sustaining planet in it has already won the galactic lottery. So, with great respect to some folks’ favorite conspiracy theories, real UFO aliens are — shall we say — extremely unlikely. But we’re about to spend a lot of tax dollars chasing the zooming aerial rascals. We’re the coyote and the UFOs are the road runner.
And you know what always happens to the coyote. Maybe NASA should be spelled “ACME.”
Sometimes I look at Joe Biden, then I look at his officials like Muriel Bowser and whoever’s running NASA, and I wonder: Is dementia communicable? Can it spread? And, could a simple cloth mask have prevented this?
So I promised a report on Episode Two of the J6 Committee’s Show about the mostly-peaceful protests at the Capitol. It’s boring even thinking about writing about it, so I’ll be brief. The gist yesterday was Trump allegedly knew that he’d really lost but raised money from supporters anyway, so he’s a giant con-man or something. They say he raised $250 million on the “stolen election” premise.
But what I was thinking was that, even if it’s true, $250M is a drop in the bucket compared to the $40 BILLION that was just supposedly raised and sent to Ukraine on the “stop Putin” premise. Headlines yesterday reported that Ukrainians are complaining they are already running out of ammo. I know ammo is expensive, but it seems like $40B should have bought them a lot.
So, between Trump and the current government, I just don’t know. One of them is the bigger fraudster. You tell me which one you think it is.
Have a terrific Tuesday! I’ll see you all back here tomorrow for more.
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Twitter reminds me of a kid with a nasty room who desperately starts stuffing trash and dirty clothes in the closet and under the bed when he hears Mom coming down the hall.
On another note, it’s Flag Day… I used to feel (maybe naively) a warm, national pride when I would see our flag. Then it morphed into sadness, righteous anger, and disgust.
I wrote the following poem in 2014. In light of all the horrible events in the years since, it takes on an even sadder, more desperate tone than it did eight years ago. God help us.
Look Upon the Flag
When I look upon the flag
I think of liberty
Of lives lain down in sacrifice
To make a nation free.
Then I look upon the flag
And think how can it be
That I could be so blessed
That someone died for me.
Again I look upon the flag
And tears come to my eyes
As I think of all the freedoms lost
And hear our soldiers’ cries.
For what, they ask, do we risk it all
So a nation can trample our blood?
No! We serve, we die, to stem the tide
Of oppression roaring as a flood.
Look upon the flag, my people,
And see the freedom there
Remember what our nation was
And fall to your knees in prayer.
May God Most High restore this land
And bring us back to Him
And may our flag humbly wave
As a banner of freedom again.
—Janice Powell ©️2014
“I feel okay, but that’s because I got my shots.”
Trudeau tests positive for COVID-19 a second time (the possibility of his first being a scaredy-cat maneuver notwithstanding), he feels “okay” (note the deviation from the standard script, suggesting his symptoms are worse than mild: “Thankfully, I am only experiencing mild symptoms and am grateful for the protection that comes from being vaccinated and boosted.”), and he thinks that makes for a compelling sales pitch for the “safe and effective” injection.
This is a prime example of the repetition and ridicule fallacy described by Neil Morton in “Psychological Warfare & Deception”:
“If you hear something enough times, you will believe it. No matter how ridiculous, if you are presented with ‘facts’ in a certain way, you are hardwired to believe them. This is known as the appeal to ridicule fallacy. Mocking an idea makes it less relevant. If you associate an idea, a person, or behavior with ridicule and shame, you will dismiss it. Alternatively, if a ridiculous idea is given gravitas and treated with reverence, it will seem more viable. Repetition is a powerful tool, and when teamed with a shaming technique, it can be effective.”