Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m thanking you in advance for suffering through the SOTU for us! Now I don’t have to watch it with a bucket by my feet 🤢. Looking forward to your snarky commentary tomorrow with my ☕️ and a cleanup rag for the laughter.

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I second this! Thank you Jeff! You are saving us all from a night of vomit! 😉

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Oh man, I can’t believe I cheered Pelosi dropping the mask mandate. I forgot I’d have to stare at her face in the background the entire time…

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Thank you greatly sir…your suffering the SOTU did me a great service. I’m reading this on the 2nd after today’s post-SOTU summary.

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You said it right when you stated the best way to end the pandemic was to halt mass testing. In most places, there was never even a pulse of increased admissions for acute respiratory illnesses, not in U.K. for example.

In fact, respiratory illness 911 (999) calls and hospital admissions cratered just as we were told “the second wave id here!”.

The only evidence of something very bad happening in U.K. was the March 2020 pulse of deaths, and we have an explanation for that. Deliberately death-hastening medical procedures. Sedated with midazolam at iv doses that would knock down a horse, with a little morphine iv as well. The record shows an entire prior year of regular midazolam orders into the NHS pharmacies but a huge fall in prescriptions dispensed. Then stocks started falling off a cliff as “covid” hit, and in April 2020, the NHS ordered two more years supply in one go, cleaning out the French generics supplier.

That’s planned execution en masse. The parsimonious explanation for the deaths is this. Admissions in aged patients (my age & up) were rewarded with DNR / DNAR labels, and many of those never made it out, regardless of what they were admitted for. And insiders told us they were not only tested on admission, but repeatedly, even if they had no symptoms consistent with covid19. Rotten testing with unknown false positive rate soon enough did its job & many got labelled “covid case”. All they needed was to ensure death within 28 days for it to be another “covid19 death”.

Subtract this gobbet of murder & there’s arguably nothing to see.

Who will ever trust a doctor? I was struggling even before then. A few years earlier, I repeatedly encountered medical staff uninterested in their patients including me. Medical mismanagement cost me my good health. I wasn’t long mad at any particular doctor. Pointless. But thereafter resolved to minimise contact. Now with two years of bovine stupidity & sheer cowardice added to the report card & in some cases, manslaughter/ medical negligence/ murder, and we’ve severed any remaining thread of trust.

If you don’t have symptoms, you represent no respiratory health threat to anyone. Mass testing in such a context was always inappropriate, even if the tests could reliably identify clinical infections as contrasted with irrelevant fragments of nucleic acid sequences. Which they never could.

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I find it fascinating that the US has such high Covid mortality statistics "in spite of" our extensive hospital system.

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Remdesevir: The gift from Fauci that just keeps on giving.

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100% remdeathevir and the vent

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That fauci still only pushes this... just horrible. Criminal.

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Yet, despite the high mortality rate in one of the most medically advanced countries in the entire world, nothing is said. This fact has escaped all the journalists in our country, all our elected officials (well, most of them anyway), and certainly the brainwashed among us CAN'T notice because they're too busy cowering in fear all the time. I pray hard that there will be some accountability down the road for those in authority making the decisions that have killed millions. Sickens me to my core.

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CDC data implies death rates are higher where healthcare services are more available - ie: USA. Add to that Fauci's campaign of deliberate malpractice. - https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/accidental-injury.htm

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I’ve always said that if my cat had been in charge we’d have been better off.

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All hail the almighty dollar-driven protocols!

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Blessing out of this covid madness is the people's growing distrust of doctors and pharmaceuticals. Maybe humans can now start living healthier and less fearful lives.

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Visit the world of homeopathy! Allopathic medicine destroyed the credibility of homeopathy when they realized that homeopathy saved more people during the 1918 Flu Epidemic. History shows that homeopathy is a better choice for survival. The article below gives you an overview of the historical success of homeopathy.


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Yes - homeopathy!

Anyone unfamiliar with the Flexner report in 1910 should look into it, a real eye-opener. Search Flexner/Rockefeller/AMA for articles detailing how Rockefeller used this “report” and the AMA to abolish homeopathy and other well established (natural-leaning) medical teachings and practices, paving the way for him to dominate western medicine with his new (highly profitable) pharmaceutical model. It was the beginning of the end :(((

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Take care. Appreciate your insights here. I didn't realize the scale of murderous regimens until I read accounts from family members. The neglect, bullying, condescension right up to administration of narcotics at doses that suppressed respiration.

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Your comment “ Who will ever trust a doctor? I was struggling even before then. ” can you expand? Do you feel as an MD that people are not trusting your advise or expertise. My parents who are in the late 70s trust their doctor and Fauci - haha . Me being in the Medical field never trusted my doctor since I could do the research they never had time or Interest to do. If medical professionals made it about Care and not put $$ 💰in front then the trust would come back. I feel we need to get back to in person visits and personalization of appointments.

I now have an ND (Naturalpathic Doctor) who has helped me cure many ailments by changing my diet and adding certain minerals/vitamins along with stress reduction exercises. She spends over 1 1/2 hours with me each visit for less than an MD.

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Rhonda, your comment is very like what I was going to say. The are some good alternative medicine doctors out there. The one I go to is actually a DO, a very sharp young man who is extremely knowledgeable in natural healing methods, supplements, etc. I learned many years ago that traditional doctors were pretty much useless. Although some are good…I had two knee replacements in 2020 and I’m thankful for them. I had tried everything else!

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Hospital protocol kills


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That is so sickening.

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Deni Rancourt presents a strong case for "no pandemic" in Canada and USA - Corbett Report interview - https://www.corbettreport.com/mortality/

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“…death within 28 days for it to be another ‘covid19 death’” sounds like a plan to me. What on earth has possessed these people?! Demonic. Friend who reviews medical records says she has not seen midazolam in protocols here, but I recall that it was routine from one of your videos way back. They truly cannot be trusted. Ever.

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You’re gonna all think I’m crazy, but….

None of us actually knows what’s going on over there in Ukraine, because the footage they are spewing keeps proving over and over they are false representations. Pictures being recycled from other wars, spliced footage, footage with lies about what is actually happening and I could go on and on.

So I’m gonna tell you what an actual Ukrainian woman said back in January on a trip we happened to be on together.

-The media is lying to you. The interpretations of what you hear are lies because you don’t speak the language. They are lying to you about what the signs of the protesters actually say. The Ukrainian govt is so corrupt that the people want someone to come in and help them fight against them. They want Putin there.

I’ve seen footage of the Russian military with tanks, in a town of locals dancing together in celebration they are there. 🤔 Definitely not the narrative we hear over here. Is that footage fake? Is that footage from right now during this thing? I don’t know. We cannot trust any of what we are seeing right now.

I’ve seen info about US funded bio labs in Ukrainian that Putin has destroyed, that the US govt and media are trying to say are funded by Ukraine and not them (it wasn’t me 😂) and say is fake news and conspiracy theories. 😂 really?! Wow.

So beware what you believe right now from the media. Be cautious.

The regime has many reasons to fear the people finding out the truth. And the regime needs this, you know what, tonight to try and salvage any scrap semblance of being human they can get try to manipulate us into believing. 😉

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This is why I only read substacks such as this: an American in Ukraine to determine what is happening, because the media does so much manipulation if not outright lying.


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I thought this was interesting:

What Russia wants from its invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vdiEABLFoo

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Did you know that both Donald Trump and Ukraine's President Zelensky were famous media personalities just prior to their election as President?


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I did not know this .. was this part of the plan to drain the swamp in both countries ??

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Very true. I am having a hard time anyone is all of a sudden believing the NEWS. Any NEWS. I know the covid thing is being down played but it'll be back.

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That’s what baffles me too.

“Media is lying, they’re fake news, can’t believe anything they say”….. next day….

“oh what’s happening in Ukraine is just awful and Putin is evil, the people are being killed in the streets, a Russian tank ran over a car on purpose, we need to stand up for Ukraine, Putin is gonna start WWIII” 🙄 really? 🤦🏼‍♀️

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And nothing about the thousands of people that have been killed by Ukraine forces in the DPR or LPR since 2015. Disclaimer. I'm no fan of Putin.

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The saying we learned when Bill Clinton was in office, still applies to all media and politicians…If their mouths are moving, you know they’re lying.

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hahahaha, that’s perfect and nobody would know better than Bill!

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If it’s a really big story, it’s just to distract you from something else. How easily they controlled and manipulated people with Covid, it was a 24/7 terror campaign.

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If Zelensky would not join NATO, there wouldn't be a war. He has blood on his hands and should not be praised.

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Oh I’m not anywhere close to praising him. He’s a corrupt evil man. Their whole govt is. Just. Like. Ours.

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he makes billions of the gas passing thru his country.............he is trying to start world war 3 and get everyone involved based on lies Putin will use the nukes

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Also, I don’t know this Ukrainian woman. I’m not vouching for her authenticity. I’m just repeating what she said.

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Always knew the Ukraine was coming. After all the CoVid lies by our own government, it was pretty easy to get everyone on social media “praying” for the Ukraine. Sunflowers popping up all over. Remember “pray for France”, a few years back? Remember “pray for Italy”. Same old, same old.

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Yup. I do a lot of eye rolling 🙄 these days

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yes! The people that fell for Covid seem to fail for Ukraine media lies.

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Cancel this, pukes! 1 minute and 42 seconds of Joe Rogan unloading on Bill Gates:


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That was too funny and TRUE!!!!

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thanks Jeff, for keeping your eye on the news and on the trends. I really admire the way you stay so focused and don't get confused by the headlines. I'm mostly annoyed by this "war" because they never finished with Covid (still all the mandates!) and they never finished with the Canadian Truckers (are they still in jail? Are they going to get their money ever? Will the BS mandates ever end there?) It's like they changed channels in the middle of the season. Which is exactly what they did.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes. Exactly what they did. They didn’t like how things are going so they changed channels. We, however, cannot let them forget.

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I've read that truckers have still lost their licences and have had their vehicles seized. Trudeau acted illegally and got away with it. Withdrawing the never-approved emergency invocation is a smokescreen for his lawlessness and too many have been fooled by it.

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That's a real shame. I know there's an American convoy, but honestly I don't think they should risk any kind of real protest anymore. I don't think we live in a country where people can legitimately protest the govt anymore.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

...which is all the more reason to protest the government, regardless of risk. America's Founding Fathers and those who joined them risked everything to protest their tyrannical government. If we are not willing to take the same risks, we are not worthy of the liberties they won for us.

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I haven’t seen a givesendgo for the American truckers

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Scroll down and you will see a "donate now" button

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If no one is willing to take the risks anymore it will only get worse. History has shown us that.

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People other than antifa/blm. Their peaceful arson & destruction are always welcome.

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They had to pivot. Classic misdirection...look over THERE!!!

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

What will it take to stop the fallacies and discrimination based on covid flu shots? The blurb states that White House lifts mask requirements FOR 'vaccinated'. Others must have a negative test. WHY? Why should a sniffling vaxxed covidiot be granted entry w/o restriction when the nitwit is as likely as the next person to pass along germs of any kind.

The jbiden team continues in promoting the discrimination, scape goating and a near outright persecution of those not jabbed. This batsh!t is not nearly over.

If jabbed and non-jabbed can harbor the agent and variants of pandemic, then you either TEST everyone or you DON'T. Jabbed/vaxxed people under an illusion that their sniffles could not possibly be covid and then express disappointment and near embarrassment if they test positive for covid.

And as Jeff wrote above, message, 'why take the test just because of a few sniffles? What would you do differently?' In January, I finally went to urgent care in hopes of antibiotics after 4 weeks of lingering upper respiratory and sinus symptoms. My vital signs were fine and O2 saturation over 95%. They brought in test kit and I asked if my treatment would be any different if test positive. Doc said Nope, no difference. So I passed on the test. I would prefer to test for antibodies at some point and not have the test result in that big ol' database in the cloud.

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You know the answer, digital passports. It was the end game from the start.

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It's the objective, and can we stop this?!

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Yes !! We ALL must stop this !

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I don’t think so. Only God can stop this.

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These vaccines need to be pulled from the market and lawsuits commenced. Until then nothing will be normal for the unshotted.

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Have you watched DopeSick on Hulu. It’s all about the corruption and evil plan of the Sakler family lying about OxyContin and how it is Non addictive.. it led to over 800k deaths but taking this one family down took over 20+ years!!!! And believe it or not they are NOT IN JAIL!!!

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Fauci et al have been trying to score with a modified-coronavirus-that-feeds-a vaccine for more than a decade. We all need to pray to God that they don't take what they learned from the last couple of years and turn up the heat (boiling the frog comes to mind here) with something more deadly.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I can't watch SOTU. I Hate Throwing up, but I will read your fabulous review tomorrow.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

My kids (11,13) and I will be watching. I told them I'd give them $10 to start, but every time he says something incoherent they owe me $0.50. They agreed thinking they will walk away with some money. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the one walking away with money.

Probably not the best parenting (teaching my kids to gamble) but it keeps them interested enough that they pay attention to what's being said.

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You need to let us know tomorrow how you all made out! 😉

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

They're already rethinking their position. 😆 They've renegotiated that if they go negative they will be in charge of walking the dog/picking up poo for a week instead. Crazy that even a kid realizes that there is a good possibility of 20+ mumbles, gaffes, etc...

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You know, some would consider it child abuse to make your kids watch that 😉

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well he is a miracle worker, all those votes and he never left his basement

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He’s going to be on a lot of drugs, and a carefully scripted speech. He gets in a cocky “c’m’on man” groove sometimes pulling from his past “glory days” (in his mind) which is so painful to watch bc you know he’s lying when he does that.

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I would be curious to know what’s in those cocktails

And then there are Those weird looking contacts….

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

>> I have repeatedly NOT suggested that this Ukraine business is a Wag the Dog farce

No problem. I'll suggest it for you. It's a Wag The Dog farce to distract people from Democrats' lame new "we won!" COVID narrative and to prop up Uncle Joe as a wartime president.

>> Then he’ll probably hiss something in a creepy whisper like “we have to support our families!”

Nah, in my experience, he only whispers in his speeches when he's threatening me, my family, and my friends, not when he's pretending to be our buddy.

Maybe he'll randomly shout at us. Or call someone a son of a bitch.

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Or, what was it, a dog-faced pony soldier?

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He creepily whispers into the mic when he wants children.

“It’s all about the children,” only he wants them and we want to protect them. Pelosi and Harris say the same thing. Elected Dems use it as a play on words - opposite goals, using the same words.

Soooo creepy.

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If DeSantis wants to really punish Putin send him to Fried's house for a night of hard core bonging and cow tipping.

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I’m not sure what it is she thinks a state governor is supposed to do. Foreign policy is not their job.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Virus bad vaccine good

Putin bad Ukraine good

Do. Not. Ask. Questions.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

So, Old George says we need to support Ukraine:


And then a member of their Parliament tells us why:


(Time mark 1:54--"We fight for this new world order...")

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes. The 'stand with ukraine' narrative comes from Soros and the other commies. Why our side is so easily duped to joining them is depressing.

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In the interest of protecting screens from spewed hot beverages everywhere, may I suggest Covid Sans Coffee for tomorrow?

ps thank you for taking 1 for the team tonight!

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Ukraine will help erase the stench of Biden's first year. But wait for the drama the Deep State has in store for when the Supreme Court overturns Roe this summer! Sure, there probably won't be the same mayhem as with the Floyd riots, but I expect massive turnout to protest for the right to extinguish life in the womb.

And voila! Dems retain the house and senate, SC gets packed, etc...

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I had not thought of this scenario, but it would not surprise me. We must be kept in a state of distraction. And while CoVid will likely slip quietly away, it will return. Biden kept the state of emergency and here in Michigan, the Governor’s CoVid website has astonishing decreasing case numbers, but her use of methodology in determining deaths is double what our deaths were last year when this practice was put into place. Some of the last school districts in Michigan are dropping mask mandates in their schools, magically, after schools were supposed to be prohibited from mandating masks per a Legislative codicil put into last August’s education funding. The law of ESSR money was never mentioned. The school’s that did the most mandating, got the most money. Now, it’s a miracle, the masks can all come off along with the school bus masks. See how that works. Nothing is over!

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

Exactly. They are not giving up. Still promising unicorns and rainbows for jabbed covidiots if they will blame the nonvaxxed for all of the problems.

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Covidiots. Love it.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

hmmm...I wonder what card Biden is gonna play against Putin? What sort of "sanction" appears strong enough that we would believe that it would make Putin back off? "Oh no! Don't throw me in the briar patch!" I'm genuinely curious.

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He might just print off some $ and bring Putin some bags of it. The democrat way

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That would be funny if he just admitted it -- "today, I'm authorizing a ransom payment of...100 Trillion dollars!"

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100 Trillion.....as soon as we print it up.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

A few of the hospitals I work at have stopped testing people on admission unless they have symptoms. So that is going to really help drop the hospitalization data quickly. Considering most of what I have personally seen has been asymptomatic there for something else. Or recently infected and still testing positive.

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Mar 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The fact that the media is suggesting he "reinvent" his presidency after one year is tragically hilarious. How can he reinvent anything when he isn't capable of doing the job in the first place?



*To change (something) so much that it appears to be entirely new.

*To take up a very different job or way of life.


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