== Vaccines and SIDS ==

The health authorities are also totally sure that vaccines do not cause SIDS, which is a fancy name for "we don't know why babies are dying after their shots." The full term is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, btw.

With the drop in vaccines, we should also see a drop in SIDS cases. And we are seeing that, actually.

Is there a mechanism for vaccine-induced SIDS? There are multiple proposed mechanisms for how vaccines kill babies and I've listed some below in no particular order. They range from microbiome disruption to an autoimmune reaction in the brain disrupting orexin production to thiamine deficiency, all in conjunction with vaccination. There is a dose-response curve: the more doses of vaccine, the more we see SIDS. Even worse, parents are being blamed for "shaken-baby syndrome" when it's actually the vaccines in most cases.

Thiamin deficiency + vaccination:

SIDS and Vaccination


Gut Microbiota and Immunity: Possible Role in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome


Vaccines cause apnea, as this settlement by the US Court of Claims demonstrates:

"Dr. Miller stated that vaccinations can be an extrinsic risk factor in SIDS, as they prompt the upregulation of cytokines that, among other things, produce fever. Tr. 62-63. He testified that, based on the literature, there is a scientifically-plausible mechanism for vaccinations acting as the extrinsic risk factor in SIDS in much the same way as a mild infection. He explained that when you get a vaccination or a whole group of them at once, as J.B. did, it evokes a response which includes the production of cytokines, and that among those cytokines are IL-6, TNF-alpha, and IL-1ß. The physiological studies have shown that these can raise body temperature by producing fever, which is a risk factor, and they can inhibit the activity of 5-HT neurons in the medulla causing prolonged apneas and interference with autoresuscitation. Tr. 54, 62-63. When the vaccines are administered in the presence of the defects of the medulla, during the critical development period, they are likely to have a similar effect as mild infection that may cause a failure of the medullary response system and ultimately a death. Tr. 54."


The apnea may come from disruption of orexin/hypocretin production:

Sudden infant death syndrome research breakthrough suggests biological factor

Lower levels of protein-like orexin in the brain found in babies who died from Sids is the first potential biological breakthrough for cot death


The title is wrong, however; it's not "the first biological breakthrough for cot death" as there are other potential mechanisms that have been looked at for over 100 years. In any case, continuing with Orexin:

Promotion of the Unfolding Protein Response in Orexin/Dynorphin Neurons in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): Elevated pPERK and ATF4 Expression.


Adverse Effects of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines: A Report of the Committee to Review the Adverse Consequences of Pertussis and Rubella Vaccines.


Do we see a signal in VAERS? Yes, we do:

Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity?


This is not specifically related to SIDS but it does show that the more vaccines we give the higher the risk of adverse events (which includes death, if memory serves):

Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.


The orexin mechanism also likely played a role in the narcolepsy associated with the 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine:

CD4+ T Cell Autoimmunity to Hypocretin/Orexin and Cross-Reactivity to a 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Epitope in Narcolepsy


Vaccine-induced encephalitis to blame for "shaken baby syndrome" diagnosis at least some of the time. Tragically, parents are being accused of murder and sent to jail simply because they got their children vaccinated:

"In addition to this, retinal hemorrhages have been attributed to a vast array of causes, including MMR and DTP vaccines.(21)...It is noteworthy that vaccines such as pertussis are used to induce allergic encephalomyelitis in laboratory animals.

This is characterized by brain swelling and hemorrhaging similar to that caused by mechanical injuries.

Web Archive will not bring this up directly for some reason:

Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis?


So I've copied the text to a google doc:


Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis can also lead to autism (but I'll stick with SIDS for this comment after this reference):

"Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. Patients who suffer encephalitis can be left with physical disabilities, mental deterioration and persistent cognitive dysfunction – which matches the definition of autism...Vaccines can cause encephalitis and encephalitis can cause autism."


Hillary Butler has done excellent work. From a thread she wrote:

Goldwater actually first discussed this [microbiome disruption leading to vaccine-induced death in babies] in 1989 with Bettelheim this paper:

Toxigenic Escherichia coli associated with sudden infant death syndrome


.... when he discussed his own research, which was triggered by a doctor I was friends with, and worked with and knew until his death, Dr Robert Reisinger. Goldwater misreferenced his work actually, but hey.

And Goldwater has published many papers with other authors, since, repeating that, and expanding on it.

Dr Reisinger explained exactly how vaccination could increase the risk of SIDS even in the absence of a prone position.

Also, all of Dr. Archie Kalokerinos's work was along the same lines.

The first papers which discussed SIDS and the microbiome was Tissier in around 1904, but all those papers are in French.

Then was Jesse Gerstley in Am J dis child 1932 which looked at the profound difference in microflora between breastfed and formula fed babies, Clifford Grulee in JAMA in 1934, Eric Olsen's "Studies on the Intestinal Flora of infants in 1949 Bendig and Haenel 1969.

Olsen had particular problems in his monograph, primarily that there were too few breastfed babies for his to study because compared to artificially fed babies, the breastfed refused to die.

This work is all key, because the fact is that ground zero matters, and the microbiome of a formula fed baby is radically different to that of a breastfed baby which keys into how and why vaccines have an effect. And we now know that caesarians, abs and other drugs also have an influence as well. So to understand the bigger picture β€” there are over 100 years of preparatory and diverse work, all of which adds pieces to the jigsaw.

In 2000, I presented a paper at the international SIDS conference, on the topic which went up like a lead balloon β€” not surprisingly. It is attached Called SIDS 2000, and it was more of a global splat then a focussed discussion solely on microbiome, though that is included in it. My paper will give you far more references than I've stated here.


Case report of twins dying at the same time, suspected to be iatrogenic:

"Two days prior to the incident, the twins had received the second dose of oral polio, DPT and the first dose of hepatitis B vaccines and they had fever on the first day of the vaccination and been given teaspoonful of acetaminophen."

Simultaneous sudden infant death syndrome.


AndrΓ© Angelantoni

Project Lead, The Vaccine Course

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I remember hearing on NPR early in the lock down phase that while deaths in the elderly had risen, deaths among children were down 500%, resulting in a net gain of person-years in the population overall. Of course NPR didn't say it was because doctor's offices were closed and so kids weren't getting their shots, but some groups (maybe it was Children's Health Defense?) made the connection.

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NPR? Really?

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Yes, NPR reported the reduction in child deaths. They did not make the correlation with Dr. offices being closed. They thought maybe because the moms and older siblings were home, which I'm sure helped as well.

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Thank you so much for putting this together. We are no longer vaccinating our children. It is instinctual for us (and others) but having the scientific arguments is helpful. Now off to convince the Catholic Church in Florida to accept religious exemptions in their schools...

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To my knowledge, even religious schools must follow federal law. Therefore, even a religious entity does not "accept" religious exemptions; they π™–π™˜π™˜π™€π™’π™’π™€π™™π™–π™©π™š them -- unless they can prove undue hardship. Pretty hard to do. I'd double-check to see if this is the case -- that even religious entities must accommodate. (The irony of a "Catholic" school refusing to accommodate a religious exemption truly boggles the mind.)

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Catholic church sided with the Nazis and now sides with the vaccinators. Get out of there asap

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I hear you. However, our local catholic school is by far the best educational option in our neighborhood when trying to avoid woke indoctrination. It’s a sweet place with happy kids and the teachers seem to have self selected out of the woke public school system and the super expensive private schools.

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The Catholic Church did not side with the Nazis, that is a falsehood. They refused to side with Stalin or Hitler. Hitter’s first concentration camp was for priests. Hitler hated the church

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I have been told by our deacon (St. Augustine) that the Catholic Church litigated the issue in Florida and won. The key argument apparently being that the Catholic Church β€˜has nothing against’ vaccinations so its members cannot claim exemption. I haven’t read the decision but found this to be very weak and am still convinced that our constitutional rights are infringed upon. His last sentence was β€˜we’ll you have school choice’.

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Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I think I found the case: https://www.courthousenews.com/church-school-can-reject-non-vaccinated-students/ The court's ruling does seem to make sense despite my earlier statement to the contrary. The only option, it seems, would be to withdraw your child/children from a school that espouses communism (the "common good") such as this one.

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Ah yes. The deacon quoted another Hispanic sounding name, so there might be more than one court order. Interestingly, this all came to pass fairly recently. Vax lobby pushing hard. I’m still calling infringement of our religious freedom as parents, but I do see the β€˜choice of religions’ argument. I’m sure a good attorney could pull this apart though.

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My daughter’s Catholic school hasn’t asked for any information regarding the Covid jabs

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I’m not talking about covid but all vaccinations.

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There is no question that vaccines cause SIDS. This is not to say that there are no Other causes also. But if you look at the unvaccinated population of babies in the US you will see virtually Zero SIDS.

And the extreme drop is SIDS during the Covid Lockdowns, when mothers did not take baby in for the toxic jabs should convince anyone that it is directly related.

We are a highly conditioned and superstitious species. Tell us a million times something is "safe and effective," and even when we watch our loved ones drop dead, or have appalling illnesses afterwards, we often believe the messaging instead of the evidence.

Read the ingredient list in vaccines, take the amount of the toxins and divide into baby's blood volume. The result is Known Extremely Excessive Levels of these poisons and in our most vulnerable, brand new infants.

The 72 vaccines in the childhood schedule has destroyed the health of more than 50% of the American public in the past 40 years. Advocates have been trying to tell everyone this since Autism rates were 1 in 350!

No one listened.

Now those rates are 1 in 35. It's the vaccines, people! Also asthma, autoimmunity, allergies and a host of other plagues.

Glyphosate is carcinogenic. Add all the toxins we are currently exposed to and you get the catastrophe that is currently under way. Add in Gain of Function lab created viruses, and you begin to wonder if our mad scientists have a hatred of life itself.

Perhaps we just need to abolish for profit only corporations, and any government agency with a budget larger than the average American's annual income.

Sounds extreme, yes, but we have gone down a very dark path. I'm open to suggestions. Anyone??

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IMO, one has to be completely f****d in the head to give babies "vaccines". Completely, utterly, totally f****d in the head. (Apologies for the profanity.)

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The argument the establishment uses is that babies need the most protection, which isn't totally wrong, but it means we give vaccines to humans at their most vulnerable stage.

This damages their immune and neurological systems (i.e. the brain) for life.

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May 3, 2022
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Thanks. :)

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"dose-response curve: more doses of vaccine, the more we see SIDS"

It's even more broad than that; not just SIDS, but an increase in overall infant mortality:

Overdosed: How many vaccines is too many?


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Yes, we are clearly giving too many vaccines.

But when one goes down this path one eventually gets to this point:

Since there are so many mechanisms of injury and we have no way of knowing which mechanism will injure which child, how does one select *any* vaccine? Isn't is safer to have no vaccines?

And, depending on the part of the world one lives in, I believe that this is the rational choice.

But everyone has to be careful. Dr. Stabell-Benn's group and other groups have found that the world's most-used vaccine kills more children than it saves in some high disease pressure areas:

"With the best of intentions, the use of DTP vaccine may kill more children than it saves. I know these results are extremely uncomfortable and most people, including myself, just wish they weren't trueβ€”but it's what the data tells us."

β€” Dr. Stabell-Benn, Bandim Health Project, Guinnea-Bissau, Jan 8, 2019

How vaccines train the immune system in ways no one expected | Christine Stabell Benn | TEDxAarhus


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πŸ‘ and thanks for the video link...

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I would be interested in analyzing the morbidity and mortality rate of each individual disease that a vac is designed for, investigating treatment interventions available if the child gets the disease, and evaluating whether "I" as a parent had the fortitude to see the child thru the disease.

For instance, chicken pox. Highly contagious and inconvenient but rarely lethal in children.

Polio, contagious under certain circumstances, no known treatment, a very high chance of morbidity if not mortality.

It's all a trade off.

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Physicians for Informed Consent is doing that. It's a laborious process.

Look for their Disease Information Sheets.


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Any amount of breastfeeding has been shown to decrease SIDS risk by over 50%, so it is babies fed exclusively formula who are are highest risk of SIDS. You also can't discuss SIDS without discussing bedsharing safety. SIDS is multifactorial. https://www.attachmentparenting.org/infant-sleep-safety

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Yes, there are several factors that may contribute. Is the child's sleeping position PLUS a damaging vaccine worse? Probably.

Also note that studies that looks at child sleep position do not split out vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Would the numbers be even lower in the unvaccinated children for both sleeps styles?

Regardless, I'm convinced that a vaccine alone will cause death in many instances no matter how the child sleeps.

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This Covid chaos has hopefully awoken many of us up about the dark side of pharmaceutical companies & our government β€œoversight”

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And so much more! The layers of the onion keep peeling off!

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I am curious, now that the CDC has regrouped SIDS under the umbrella term "Sudden Unexpected Infant Death" (SUID), and claims to be investigating every single death, exactly what has been found. Seems most remain unsolved. Since newborns are routinely injected with Hepatitis B at birth (unless parents expressly refuse), and one or two more within the first year, it would be interesting to find out how often liver disease is present in these unfortunate babes. Now they are finding breastfed babies of fully mRNA injected mothers are being diagnosed with a new variety of hepatitis. Tried doing a search for such a study, but it's not readily available. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10775473/Tennessee-Minnesota-report-four-hepatitis-cases-one-liver-transplant-baby.html

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This is horrifying! Thank you for sharing all of this. New parents need to be informed!!

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Please share far and wide.

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Thank-you for your post! (And your research.) Many people need to wake up to these numerous reasons why their child might or did, die of SIDS.

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Injected versus un-injected health outcomes in children:


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Yep, I validated the math on that paper.

The Vaccine Army managed to get it retracted (that's their go-to strategy now); Jack and Paul will make another effort to get the data re-published.

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Further proof that the Medical Industrial Complex is thriving. What was the reason given to justify retraction?

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In our opinion, it was an invalid reason. Essentially, we used a novel method to account for tracking billing codes and they didn't like it. This was *after* extraordinarily rigorous peer-review.

It was a hit job to get the most valuable data set that shows vaccine injury out of the published literature. That's what they do, now, for all vaccines (including and especially the mRNA vaccines).

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I'm sure it was just an excuse. When you look at the deceptive, "fit the narrative", "peer-reviewed" studies on masking, COVID therapeutics, or the "vaccines", the hypocrisy is stunning.

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Excellent work by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler! Here's his Popular Rationalism Substack:


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Thanks for that! I’ve been trying to find the link for that paper. It used to be on Dr Paul’s website but no longer

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Wow! Fantastic research, Andre’!! Keep getting this info out there and keep probing!!

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Thanks. Yep, we'll launch The Vaccine Course this year. I'll announce it in various places when we do. People just have no idea how much injury these biologics (another name for a drug, in this case) cause.

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Get ready for another round of "Let's burn everything to the ground in peaceful protest."

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Burn it or steal it

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And then complain about the lack of shopping options. Nut jobs.

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Or complain about everything bad in your life is because I am a racist!

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I don't like idiots. Does that make me racist?🀣🀣🀣

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When the word β€œracist” is hurled at anyone, it is deflection! Are all idiots white? I don’t think so. The whites have done more to help, but Lyndon B. set the stage for the current expectations in the black communities. What a horrible trap he laid for them!

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Politically speaking, it's "Let's burn that SH!T to the ground" - because, we must of course observe at all times, the proper political decorum that peaceful protests demand. Or, is it Because science. Or something.

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Fixed it: "Get ready for a planned round of..."

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It's all contrived. ANTIFA and BLM are comprised of criminals let out of prison or brought into the country illegally and even our own homegrown college school activists. At least we have a better handle on who they are and who is funding them. I've heard and hope it is correct that those controllers have run out of funds so maybe we won't see the same mayhem as in past years. The Blue states will scheme to ramp up the rage machine but only so they can collect $$$ when it's all said and done. Let's envision that we are wiser and on to them so we don't have a repeat of the past.

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BLM tried having an outraged rally in our small hick town about two weeks ago. They were outnumbered and shut down by cowboys and Proud Boys. So shut down that even though it happened two blocks from my house I didn't know about it.

Libs are starting to get OWNED. the nation is starting to get red pilled.

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Let’s hope, but the neighborhoods burn down their own!

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I learned that what we witnessed with the looting and burning was not the locals but was imported. They move these people around and set them loose on whatever target they desire.

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Yes, but I believe some of the locals get caught up in it too! I remember when Antifa was bussed into Portland and the mayor let them get off the bus!

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Yup. I heard about this months ago. It had to be summer so the burning would once again be like one giant bonfire.

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As things heat up Antifa is getting bolder all around the world. Aliens or underground people...hateful!

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Still disappointed that Pelosi didn't wear yellow pants. But what I want to comment about is one of my favorite personal ontological shocks. I had my first child during a really inconvenient post graduate time in my life. An advisor told me his wife had several abortions and it didn't bother her at all. Okaaay. When my daughter was born the first thing that came into my head besides the fact that she was so beautiful, was "Hey, wait a minute, that's not MY body!" Abortion was never an option for me personally, but for some reason others around me thought it was more practical choice. I got the same advice when I had my second child in my 40's. Meanwhile any woman who has given birth has to KNOW that "my body, my choice," while a real catchy phrase, is a lie.

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"Still disappointed that Pelosi didn't wear yellow pants." πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


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Took me awhile but I just got it. I need more coffee β˜•οΈ πŸ₯Έ

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That’d be soooo funny!!

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We are also told lies at the other end of life unfortunately. i had an ontological shock as well when I was caring for my father in hospice (for 2 years) people (even in the church) kept saying let him go, he’s lived his life, go live yours.

I said caring for another human is living life.

He may not be able to do everything everyone else can, but he knows he’s loved and cared for.

The value of human life is the same at all stages.

What’s the difference between a helpless baby vs my helpless father?

(For the defense of life in the womb using a secular argument check out anything by

Scott Klusendorf.

Here’s a brief synopsis:

https://youtu.be/h-iJQ92BwTU )

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You are so right! Respect for life at all stages--from womb to tomb! Thank you for the link--awesome argument!

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Aw you were so blessed to be able to care for your dad at the end.

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Yes, it truly was a blessing. Hardest thing I’ve ever done, but biggest blessing!

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Awesome video and secular argument! Plus an easy to remember acronym: SLED.

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God bless you! And your children are incredible blessings, aren't they? 😊

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Blessings I never expected. Not sure why your comment is so touching. TY

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Perhaps because you know a kindred spirit as I recognize those blessings from my own children. Our oldest died at the age of eight from leukemia. We had five children at the time. As difficult as that loss was, I was so very grateful for my other children, reminding me that life does indeed go on and is worthwhile. We had three more children after my daughter's death, because we knew she would have wanted it (among other reasons πŸ˜‰)--she loved every baby and gave that gift to our older four kids. It was a beautiful thing to see her legacy in each child. πŸ˜‡

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I’m so sorry for your loss, but thankful for the beautiful testimony of your daughter’s gift of love for her siblings.

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Thank you. It's been 21 years since my daughter's death. My children have brought such joy (and frustration at times!) and LIFE to me. Never a regret in having them all!

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From one mom of many to another, I understand. I had 2 in my 20s, 3 in my 30s, and 2 in my 40s. Would do it all againβ€”except for the various dumb parenting mistakes… 😜Thankful that God’s grace covers it all…

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So trying to intimidate the judges while trying to tear down the courts. Just like Antifa and BLM (bricks hiding around corners during riots) So how did they get those signs printed up so fast and coordinate this protest. Can you smell the Soros money again.

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Great Job as always! The timing of the Supreme Court leak with the premier of the 2000 mules documentary is something that is even more suspicious with what is actually trying to be covered up. This is a major distraction for everyone now and what are we no longer paying attention too? Possible proof of election fraud?

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Yes! I just read a few sources that made the connection! It does make sense as this was supposed to happen in early summer.

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I think about commenting everyday. Today I am doing it.

I need to say THANK YOU, JEFF CHILDERS. Coffee and Covid has helped me come to terms with so much madness in the world around us. I felt a huge loss in the recent passing of Rush Limbaugh. You, sir, are helping to fill that void.

Also, the information that your commenters are sharing is often incredibly important.

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Me too. Still feel some lingering sadness when reading his name.

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I miss him too, but I am glad he has not been around to take on the injection issue. I wonder if he wasn't pushed to the front for the mRNA shot which only served to advance his cancer in warp-speed time.

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Could it be that dems/progressives have orchestrated the abortion issue in a last ditch effort to stave off a disastrous outcome in the midterms? Could it be that this is how depraved they are? This is the issue to energize their base?

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That’s exactly what this is… strategy.

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My thoughts exactly. Plus the always-useful divide-and-conquer strategy for the elite.

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So all the Court can agree on lately is that citizens don't have control over their own bodies and it's a free-for-all for lawmakers to mandate or forbid medical procedures as they see fit. Great precedent, glad we got that cleared up.

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And it's OK to destroy people's careers and livelihoods for apparently NO legitimate reason.

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I'd like to start with some clowns in black robes.

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Nothing is β€œleaked” in DC. All by design and purposeful. I am much more concerned that this was leaked. Just another distraction.

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It may end up being a lot more than "another distraction"...

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It already is. It's been two years this month since the "Saint" Floyd riots. They're gearing up for another riot season to converge with the midterms. They're all so transparent, it's not funny.

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But the media is their ace in the hole. Look how easy it was to make everyone hate Putin and love the Ukraine. The media is state run propaganda.

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Let’s call it as most of us see it.

Brandon (errrr Biden) is a blithering idiot. He’s a communist! Ukrain needs help but so do WE. Money going every where but here. But wait. Let’s raise taxes and whatever else he can do to us! That will do it. Let’s bring more illegals in with diseases, drugs, rapists and take our jobs. Let’s monitor everything our ppl do and say because you know we are terrorists.

This president needs to go immediately!!!

There is enough evidence against him and his family. Enough evidence the jabs are poison! Little by little the truth had gotten out now let’s get blithering Joe out along with the whole damn administration.

I am woman, here me roar!!

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Roaring with you, Deby!

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Forced vaccines, infringements on speech, POTUS ignoring court rulings, SCOTUS leaks, spying on citizens, ministry of truth, corruption in public health, marriage of Democrats and media, ripping kids from parents - literally and figuratively, traitorous RINOs, deep state machinations, education in a state of gluttonous sloth, merchants of death running foreign policy, a brain dead POTUS being run by non-elected WEF acolytes, ...

I'm reaching near certainty on the conclusion that the only way out of this mess is a civil war. If we're gonna throw down, we're gonna throw down...And we know the left will not fight fair, so be prepared.

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Any hope of a peaceful and legal way "out" is awfully slim. Whether we end up fighting or not, we need to get ready for some very bad times.

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I've seen how that civil war plan works...not a good choice. Gandhi style peaceful resistance is a much better plan. Stop cooperating...grow food, take an extended vacation from the system...if you can, stop shopping and paying taxes.

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That's all well and good if the left would leave you alone to accomplish this. We all know they won't. They have a perverse need to control everyone. They will never let you in peace. The only way out of Marxism is to fight your way out.

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Sure would be nice. But the US left is far, far different from the Brits in India.

Civil war is not a good choice, that is for certain. Sometimes it is the only way out.

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For those deep staters who are surveilling this site - I am totally opposed to a civil war, and would never condone it or participate in it as I'm too old. I'm just observing what is happening and applying lessons from history to our current state.

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This mess only gets messier!

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To add even more brightness to your day (over and above what Jeff has already added);

Some excerpts from comedian John Crist

Covid jokes in Portland, OR -- ragging on their over-the-top government restrictions:


Mary and Joseph in 2020

"We have to travel for a census . . . "

"But I thought Fauci banned travel . . . "

hilarious and respectful


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The Dems are doing everything anyone can think of to save what Ukraine is all about! So far at least 40 b to Ukraine? Where is the outrage here? Our country is broke, people are fed up and yet, the beat goes on! I feel like God is testing us big time!

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So, the "second in line" to the presidency goes to an active "war zone"? I'm calling BS.

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And in a "bright-blue pantsuit", no less. Hopefully, her protective gear and COVID mask matched.

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Absolute BS!

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Pelosi is third behind Kamala.

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Second. Kamala is first behind Brandon.

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JC- you are a gift. πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

If desantis runs for president

You should run for Governor of Florida

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Can you imagine his snarkiness in government?! Awesome! πŸ˜‚

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β€œThe geriatric 82-year-old Speaker courageously ran the gauntlet of trigger-happy Russian fighter jets and battle-hardened Russian tanks, and braved the war-torn skies and bombed-out streets of Ukraine to make an urgent mission to Kyiv to … pledge support to president Zelensky and take advantage of a bunch of photo ops.”

No doubt Pelosi, like the brave Killary Clingon before her, dodged sniper fire (how does one actually dodge sniper fire?) as she sprinted across the tarmac…

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All a set-up!

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It’s so fake.

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Killary Clingon! So funny!

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If you’re running/funding the show, I guess you can turn the fireworks on or off…

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