
I don’t get how allowing for weekly testing is a good thing. I don’t understand why people are forced to take a test to prove they are healthy and not part of the great “unclean”. As always, thanks for the summary and insights but I’m still saddened and disappointed by the proposals.

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It should be "test if you have symptoms". Even the Abbott rapid tests say (on the box, in the instructions) that the tests are only useful with symptoms.

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It should be "test EVERYONE or NO ONE, symptoms or not". Why should "the unvaccinated" be discriminated against and singled out when, for example,

"In Ghent, Belgium, the majority of patients at University Hospital are now injected breakthrough cases. And, ALL of the ICU patients are fully injected."

Let's see how the vaccinated like testing every week too!

It's ridiculous hysteria anyway. DeSantis needs to stop pandering to it in any way. Florida covid positivity & death rates are asymptotically approaching zero, so why keep pretending any of this is necessary?

Jeff is a bit too euphoric about The Genius Plan. The special session may be a 1-shot opportunity to ban all forms of discrimination against Objectors. Once the biggest problems are addressed, there will be less pressure to ban discriminatory testing.

And I didn't see anything about forbidding any requirement to wear special badges, patches or armbands like the Nazis did to the Jews. That needs to be banned.

P.S. 56 to 39 is a nearly 30% drop, not 70%.

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it seems discriminatory to test only unvaccinated when the vaccinated can still get the disease....the logic??? I feel like if they want to treat people as babies to pull out the thermometers again and test all. Invasive tests when well should be banned. If you’re sick stay home. Twighlight Zone situation we’re in. Thank you so much for all you do!!!!!

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I sent this to the Governor and the Health Department yesterday:

I'm excited that things are moving forward with the Legislative Session. I wonder if you all might address a couple of other areas of concern. Most notably:

1) If an individual refuses to take the shot that the employer cannot make an example of that person. In other words, no double-masking, face shields etc....as well as no special bands or markings of any kind that would identify that person as "unprotected" or "unvaxxed." This would also include forcing a person to use outdoor restroom facilities or to be segregated from a cafeteria or any other place where people gather. I know for a fact that these retaliatory and discriminatory measures are either being considered or are already in full force in some areas.

2) Forced weekly testing (or more) is also something that is intrusive and demonstrably unnecessary. Why would you test someone who isn't displaying any symptoms? That's outrageous. Even Lord Fauci says it's not necessary. (I'm sure he wishes he could retract that statement.) Non-invasive testing using temperature checks is more than adequate to get you in the building. That's how it worked for 18 months!

3) There are most definitely emails, ZOOM calls, and other forms of communications circulating throughout certain hospitals (Mayo, for one) that clearly single out those folks who have decided to not take the shot. These are designed to coerce, threaten, intimidate and humiliate these individuals. This is nothing short of workplace harassment and bullying and it needs to stop!

I sincerely hope that you bring this information to the table. I talk to many people about these very issues.

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Hell no to temperature checks also. I have fought that successfully based on HIPAA violation and violation of the 4th Amendment. The widespread acceptance of creeping fascism has landed us here at this crossroads. Civil disobedience and / or litigation against all invasive health demands is our only route out that I can see. And getting fraud out of our elections.

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I totally agree with you. It's all garbage.

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Testing is invasive and demonstrably unnecessary. If a person doesn't have any symptoms it makes absolutely no sense. Hey, that's straight from the Asses (Fauci's) crooked little mouth. First off, if you're going to work sporting a 100 degree - or more - temperature, well..... that's on you. Non-invasive testing via temperature checks and a few inane questions ("Did your dog sneeze on you yesterday?" "Do you like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain?") should suffice.

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Bill Gates and George Soros bought a testing company, not a thermometer company.

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I'm well aware of all of that, but we have to stay within certain parameters at this point and time.

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So, what I’m understanding is that if an employee refuses to be injected, is granted their religious exemption, they still have to be tested against their will every single week. But that’s good news because they won’t have to pay for the test now. Sorry, not excited about that at all. I am excited about everything else they are doing. But, forced testing is still crossing the line. That is not worthy of celebration. It is not ok to force someone to stick a swab up to their brain every single week against their will. A friend of ours who is 42 year old special needs adult had a “test” done. They stuck that thing so far up her nose (to test for something that you can supposedly spread through one single droplet out of your mouth by the way) and now TWO WEEKS later she is still suffering pain up her nose from it. Thankfully her compliant parents finally said no more taking these tests!

Nope. No thanks. Governor DeSantis dropped the testing ball into the manure pile and we will not pick it up.

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A remaining major problem: Giving an "option" of periodic testing in lieu of vaccine is an intolerable violation of the 4th Amendment and HIPAA. I will never subject my employees to either the job or invasion of their medical privacy, and will steadfastly fight against any government overreach on this. Also, I have not allowed anyone to forcibly obstruct their breathing: Another position that I am very confident in defending. All incursions into liberty, all Constitutional violations, under pretext of virus-induced emergency or other pretext, will be vigorously opposed.

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I look forward to the seeing the Covid Plandemic crash and burn when enough people discover the purported SARS-Cov-2 virus never existed in the first place.

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THANK YOU, LORD for letting DeSantis beat Gillum for Florida governor! Ron also just announced his bid for re-election in 2022! 🤙👍💪👏👏👏👏😀🇺🇲🐸🍿😝🙏🙏🙏🙏☝

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Thanks Jeff -- I wish I lived in Florida! Yesterday I submitted my RA request to a Federal Employer(DHS.) -- you're site was a big help in getting it prepared. I have no idea if they'll accept it or not. They are involved in the Liberty Counsel lawsuit which I am hoping will, at least, slooooowwww things down long enough for the inevitable implosion of this madness. The looming booster mandates will be the last straw I hope. Many millions of people are not going to get the boosters. ("Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!")

In Vermont where I live, so far only about 100,000 people have gotten a booster, but there are over 121,000 people over 65. So not even all the elderly got their boosters. The other 500,000 people don't seem so interested. And the state pushed the J&J shot very heavily. (Gotta catch and jab those farmers quick!) (Hmmmm--- are the growing cases in Vermont actually caused by the booster shots? We know there is a two week window after injection when case rise do to weakened immunity...hmmm.)

My agency head is saying that "it's not too late to go get the J&J shot!" But what is the point of that shot if I it "wears out" in 60 days? Most of my co-workers were vaccinated over 6 months ago. If we were in the NBA, we'd all be considered unvaxxed. But I get fired and they don't? Madness. It's all madness.


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Between Aug. 25 and Nov. 3, deaths among the fully vaccinated population accounted for more than 60 percent of the state’s total COVID-19 deaths. In all, 62 of the 103 people who died during that 10-week period were fully vaccinated, according to Vermont’s vaccine breakthrough data. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-state-with-highest-vaccination-rate-reports-record-527-covid-19-cases_4090480.html

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I wonder how old were the vaccinated who died?

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I suppose you could dig into the link above to see if it leads you to the data sources. I don't imagine, however, that pro mandate entities who encourage people to get vaxxed despite negative outcomes are going to be very forthcoming about details.

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Whoa...Our side in NEWSWEEK! https://www.newsweek.com/how-fauci-fooled-america-opinion-1643839

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Who ever thought they would see the likes of this article in a lefty rag? Progress!

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There are a couple of problems with the "tests". I put them in quotes because according to the inventor of RT-PCR, it isn't a diagnostic test and doesn't diagnose anything. The same goes for the spit test, it doesn't have a negative Control. RT-PCR is illegal in Portugal.

The other thing is that "testing" someone who isn't ill is senseless because they can't give you a Disease they don't have. This Myth of "Asymptomatic Transmission" was the basis for the Lockdowns and masking. It is a Myth that must be destroyed. China did a study on 10,000,000 Asymptomatic Subjects with a "Positive test" and none of them became ill.

The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis, Sept 6, 2021, Professor Michel Chossudovsky


Kary Mullis -- The Full Interview by Gary Null, Dag Gano youtube channel


Study Of Ten Million Finds No Evidence of Asymptomatic COVID Spread.


Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China, Nature, Nov 20, 2020


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And, I find it moronic that they are using the PCR test until Dec 31, 2021 when the CDC already acknowledged months ago it does not differentiate between covid and the flu. Laughable. But hey, let’s keep using it anyway. What a scam.

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Huzzah!! This is one of your best reports EVER! The good guys are WINNING. Evil always overplays its hand, and it's a beautiful thing to watch. Thanks Jeff! Ham sandwiches for everyone!!

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Spike Proteins are the new "WHEATIES"... Breakfast of CHUMPians

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Yes, it's the cackling 🤣

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Really cool that all pregnant women are automatically exempt. That gets a kernel of truth out there to the masses about unknown safety profiles in the clinical trials.

If it weren't for DeSantis ..... that man is a warrior.

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I donated 12 dollars to DeSantis yesterday … just because 😍 I love ❤️ him.

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Will this apply to all companies operating in Florida? In other words, not to mention corporate names, a certain NY HQ'd corporation, whose initials are Jetblue Airways.

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Belly laugh

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