Sorry to post all these links. I know the desperation that people are feeling regarding these forced jabs. I'm just trying to help.


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Sorry to say this but I can see a ton of work coming for you in the very near future in the form of class actions (by the trillions) because of the malignant and malicious side effects of these injections in human population.

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Let's all pray for the Governor's family. Thank you to Jeff for more great progress & updates. Wrote nice & firm email to Sarasota Student Chief of Police yesterday. Hoping for favor at tonight's school board meeting and that his force doesn't overstep the law like it did recently. Good to have God on our side & people like Jeff. Keep sharing this site!

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Prayers for the FL Governor and his family during these difficult times. He has been a warrior for the people and outpouring of cosmic love will help with their healing and good vibes.

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Woman dies of degenerative brain disorder after COVID jab, sparking fears of long-term side effects

This is a known consequence of these Poison Death Shots. It was predicted a few months ago.


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Dr Sam Bailey discussion on the benefits of NAC, N-aceteyl-cysteine.


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Regarding the petition for writ of mandamus being rare, its not rare for us pro se litigants in constitutional issues because bureauRATS , including judges and DAs, look at non attorneys like lower level scum.

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Hey Jeff, if it is discovered that Pfizer/Moderna/Astrazeneca or any of the big pharma companies lied to the American public regarding the vaccine efficacy or myocarditis risks, etc. Will the EUA still protect them from legal exposure and class action?

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Excellent question. I do not think the liability protection will shield them from intentional wrongdoing. But they will hide behind that protection anyway, to be sure.

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This is amazing as usual. NIH lapdog Collins makes the hair stand up on my arms and always has. Something not right there... Thanks, Jeff!

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