Jul 20, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff I just want to say I’ve become addicted to C&C. I was part of a group of fired employees who refused to get the gene therapy and someone in the group said you were putting out great content related to covid. You certainly do and so much more. Thanks for making your readers so well informed!

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Addicted here too! A must read first thing in the morning! Thanks Jeff! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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worth to keep the internet for

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

If I had five rubles for everytime I have clicked on "refresh" waiting for the daily post I'd be richer. The very best analysis anywhere.

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😂😂”rubles” > dollars

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Safer, more stable. I much rather save in rubles than USD if that choice were available. But the problem in the 'West' is that anything worth anything is apt to be confiscated ... in an 'emergency' of course.

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I wasn’t 😂 because I thought rubles weren’t > dollars; we’re living in crazy times when OBiden and their leftists have been able to take us down to this point in such a short time! If you don’t 😂, you will 😩!

But God…..

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Greater than dollars ... maybe not the right metric. What makes the ruble strong is confidence. And confidence is based on what? Large and growing Federation of Russia gold reserve, at least 3,000 or thereabouts tons (possible more), and a strong commodity production in general. A well managed economy and stable national integrity based upon the ability of Russia to defend its borders. Extremely low sovereign debt of 20% or less of GDP (used to develop an internal bond market so as to remove capital dependency upon Western banking sources. Also, a people with a national identity based in a traditional Christian morality. These are some of the things with create confidence and credibility. The USD by contrast is an imaginary house of cards, badly mismanaged.

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Actually right I’d be better off in Russia learning to communicate than staying here and watching the American people let our country be brought to ruins

I’m a heritage American who once loved this country and its institutions but I can’t love this decadent depraved place.

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Thanks for standing on your convictions. I hope you have since found employment and it’s an improvement from where you were.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Nothing better than C&C with your morning Cup of Java!!!

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I beg to differ!! I read it before I get up. Being lazy beats coffee any day because coffee is gross. 😅But I suppose “Green Tea with Peppermint and a Lot of Honey and Covid” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

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Opinions vary……. ☕️

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My coffee-hating ways might start a fight. 😬

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"Might"? 😉 ☕☕☕☕☕ It's 𝒂𝒍𝒍 about the coffee, Janice.

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Now I’m scared. 🤪

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Lol. Nah…. Be proud & Stick with your Peppermint and lots of honey….it suits you 😂😉😎🇺🇸

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Haha. Where I am from, it's barbeque joint wars. People argue over the best restaurant, sauce, and cooking method. Hey, 'cue and covid has a nice ring to it!

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KC? 😁

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Ah! A new one! C & T! A Coffee and Tea fight!

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Hi! Used to hate coffee also till I got the Rona in late 2019. Changed my taste and now coffee is amazing!! Topping it off with a daily dose of C&C every day makes me super charged to proceed thru the day😉

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Ok. We can't be friends now. Lol. Coffee is life!!

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Is it coffee or tea that causes blood clots, sads etc? Lol 😅 Enjoy your morning beverages 😄

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022

Same here. We will sit with our coffee in the morning and watch the emails and then, voila! Jeff is here! Best part of our day 😊

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The best part of waking up is C&C in our cup. 🎼

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And just like that, I know how old you are and you know how old I am because I know the song too. 😄

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What Dana said - THANK YOU for standing firm. If more principled ppl will do the same, we can beat these tyrants.

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Another C&C addict here!! And very very thankful to Jeff for gleaning reality and positivity from all the “news” out there😊

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Yes….he has amazing content and I’m always better informed after reading it.

Share with everyone you know! Pass it on, cause it’s good stuff!! And we need “ good stuff”.

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I’ve become a full fledged recruiter.

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Same here!! Look forward to it every day!

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Well said, Sweettea!!

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Me too. I look forward to reading the truth.

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Just like “if you have breathing problems, you don’t have to wear a mask” and “two weeks to stop the spread” went the way of logic and common sense (as in, vanished), so did that pesky natural immunity—that is, until it reared its stubborn little head and started showing up in legitimate studies reflecting actual science. The truth has a way of coming out on top, even on a planet teeming with liars.

Thank God for words like these, a life raft in a roiling sea of dishonesty:

Whom have I in heaven but You?

And besides You, I desire nothing on earth.

My flesh and my heart may fail,

But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

For, behold, those who are far from You will perish;

You have destroyed all those who are unfaithful to You.

But as for me, the nearness of God is my good;

I have made the Lord God my refuge,

That I may tell of all Your works.

— Psalm 73:25-28

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It may take hard times to see clearly that there is only one place of reliance.

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I know I tend to pray more and read the Bible more when I am personally going through difficult seasons as opposed to just sailing along when things are easier.

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During the pandemic I felt like the extreme left made up about half of our population. Now I am realizing the extreme left is about 10 % and they are just very vocal. They won’t win. Period.

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They absolutely can if they are allowed to. Don't let this line of thinking lower your guard. It's good to realize they're in a much smaller minority than they make out, but 3% of a society left unchecked will overturn it.

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They’re small but super vocal and organized!

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The radical left also has the leftist media on their side 100%. That is a real multiplier. Plus the other democrats are mind numbed robots. All that brings the number up to something near 50%. This is what we have to face in this idealogical conflict.

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Does anyone know if Jeff has ever commented on this lawsuit? I would love to hear his thoughts. It seems to me the only way out of this nightmare.

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Thanks. David Martin is a hero!

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Don’t bet on it. Around the start of the Revolution only about 3% of the population were in favor of independence

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Really?!! That’s a surprise!!

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Hubs works out of Seattle. It used to be the most beautiful city. He said the majority of people there are..well...just the opposite of us. He said travel to any large metropolis and you will see that SO many people have bought this narrative. We tend to seek out our own. I have heard from friends in Sacramento that it is beyond redemption. Like Seattle. I used to take a drive over to pick Hub up after working shipyard or coming into port. We would spend time in Seattle, spoil ourselves, antique, eat great food and enjoy the city. Never again. Those days are gone. The cities have been taken over by zombies. Florida is NOT like everywhere else. Anyone else noticing this?

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As someone who was born and raised in CA I can attest to what you are saying and how bad things are now. Ca use to be a wonderful, friendly and beautiful state to live in. The bay area was mainly agriculture and farmland. We use to visit Sunnyvale (Silicon Valley) to buy cherries and plums. San Jose was just a tiny town and the crime was almost non-existent and you felt safe. This was in the 50's. We left 4 yrs ago after what felt like a bad dream hangover. I do not recognize anything there any longer that once was. Along with their never-ending covid obsession I think a brain eating amoeba has invaded as well. Geographically beautiful but mentally deranged. Change is inevitable but it is nice to reminisce about the good ole days.

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Makes me sad to see so much of “Americana” fading away.

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Yes. We live in Arizona but California, Illinois, New York and Florida are our family-visit travel circle. Florida is more like Arizona, but New York City, San Diego and Chicago are like being in another universe. And the commercials for jabs, wow! It's non-stop pushing that crap.

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I spent time with my mom in Redding CA in May. I do not watch TV. If I want to watch something, it is Amazon with no commercials. But, we watched Hellfighters when I was there. Out of 10 commercials during a break, at least 7 were for some type of drug, supplement or other health item. No wonder people are scared! Turn that crap off!

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Not a MSN TV watcher either… was shocked by the number of ads for meds for HIV and shingles . Have I missed something? Are these now a regular occurrence among cable watchers? Or subliminal programming

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What’s more

bothersome than the scare factor is that the networks won’t dare report anything negative abt covid or the jabs, ever. They won’t bite the hand that feeds them — especially if it feeds them millions and millions.

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Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.Wikipedia

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Yes. In May I flew from Oklahoma to Portland OR...ugly, woke-infested, graffiti-ed, tent city...but I ended up in a small town where family lives and even drove to the coast and the atmosphere was completely different. Here at home, city folk are buying up the houses...

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Does anyone know how Reno is? I can’t move that far out of Calif. right now but that’s the nearest non-Cal city.

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Last visit there i saw lits of homeless and vacant businesses. It was not pretty.

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In the past, I think all the residents of smaller towns and rural areas would dress up and visit any [FILL IN THE BLANK] city like Seattle that might be an hour or two away to shop at fancy department stores for items they could not buy locally, eat out at a nice restaurant, go to a "show" or concert or big league game etc etc... Not so much anymore as these cities are uninhabitable and downright dangerous or just too expensive - not to mention all the zombies... And besides, most products and services are now widely available... Can stay in the comfort of your home to watch a game or fix yourself a nice meal...

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Our nearest bigger city was Peoria Illinois. As a preteen it was awesome. Dad would give us a dollar to spend and I got to go shop on my own. Then mom and my sister and I would have turkey dinner at Woolworths diner area. Yeah. I’m old. The downtown was hollowed out in the 80’s and recessions plus manufacturing sent to china. Like most middle size midwestern cities.

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A couple of weeks ago we went to dinner in WSea ( hadn’t been out in that part of the region in quite some time due to the mandates) was floored to see what once was a beautiful waterfront view completely overrun by all of the “campers”. One had even been lit on fire and the burned out shell was just left where it burned. Needless to say I didn’t feel safe in the area and won’t be back.

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We use to love Pikes. Is that being overrun by rats also?

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You would never know there is anything wrong if you try to look up Seattle on the internet. At least SF can admit they need to attend SCA (Shitty Cities Anonymous) with the online poop map.

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I lived in Seattle in 1970 and my daughter was born there. It was a lovely place back then. I'll NEVER go there again, however, now it's a pathologically sick place. Now I live in the Sierras about an hour and a half from Sacramento, and I'll never go there again either. It was ok long ago in the past, but now it's pretty bad and I'd agree about it being beyond redemption. Luckily, where I live people have mostly ignored the craziness (a few exceptions) and lived fairly normally for the last 2+ years.

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We spent most Summers and Winters in the Sonora area of the Sierras. I hope that beautiful area stays normal. We are even noticing the change here in N. Ga with rudeness and inconsiderate people. Just a few years ago no honking and now an everyday occurance for petty things. Must be the folks who honked at Bidens pathetic rallys.

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The right also needs to watch their side and make sure "rhinoitis" does not start to spread.

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They all need to be purged- ALL RINOS. The first step is to publish the Epstein list

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I've begun to feel that the RINOS far outnumber the good ones. As for the Epstein list, a lot of big names in both parties (and otherwise) are invested in making sure that list doesn't get out. I'm actually quite shocked that Ghislaine Maxwell hasn't been "offed" by now by some sort of convenient "suicide" or some such.

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I suspect she’s more connected than her boss was or she would’ve been by now. That or their planning it to look like a prison murder

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totally agree.

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I agree. Neither tribe is trustworthy. I will bide my time on making any decisions. I’m adrift at the moment.

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Agree, w you, Guttermouth. Those who are just left of center can be swayed to stick with dems going into midterms if the misleading information and outright lies are not debunked. In addition, I would appreciate if the conservative supporters would stop calling out a Nov red wave as an absolute outcome. Nothing like calling out the opposition and undecided to decide they must do whatever possible to prove you wrong.

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It's funny, I intuitively agree with you, but I wonder if it's really TRUE- that this kind of talk leads to voters not showing up that would have otherwise?

We say this kind of thing all the time- as do the pundits in the news- but is it possible to actually prove that messaging that "X is a foregone conclusion" actually changes voters' intended behavior? Or is it just proving a negative, like "it would have been worse without the vaccine"?

I wonder how much of this is a true phenomenon, and how much is a Just So story that sounds reasonable to us.

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I thought that there was a bandwagon effect in politics, that a lot of people just want to be on the winning side. Which should mean that they do not want to be on a losing side.

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Martin’s video, embedded in the article should be watched by everyone.

He has also filed litigation against the perpetrators.

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Depends where you live....... And the type of work you do...... And if you are on social media......

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Yes, there are demonstrations breaking out around the world. Everywhere but here. You have to be a lefty blm or antifa to have immunity to riot, loot, burn down buildings and kill people. Leftists are harassing SC justices. In their homes in direct violation of Fed law. The laws are enforced totally selectively based on your political values.

The government has successfully eliminated conservative protests by instilling fear of the J6 “insurrection” show trials and made for TV hearings. Many have been rotting in solitary confinement without trial. Who wants to risk that?

Where is there a meaningful conservative protest in the US? There is none other than some Moms going to school board meetings. Until that changes, we are lost

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I couldn’t agree more. The government has demonstrated repeatedly that anyone who dares to go against them will be harassed, punished and made an example of. Although the J6 protestors have endured horrendous treatment with no due process it also happened to President Trump from the moment he announced his candidacy and still continues, its happened to many of Trump’s appointees and close advisers, it’s happening to ordinary citizens who wear a Make America Great Again shirt or cap!! They are bullies and their tactics have worked but there are a lot more of us than them and I just don’t understand why more people, particular men, arent standing up and fighting against this!

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Where have all the good men gone?? ♫♪♫♪

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I think part of it is because white males have become the most persecuted and discriminated against group in the US and many have just opted to put their head down and stay under the radar. I’m just speculating.

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That's true but not the whole story. There are a host of factors. Bottom line, American males have been feminized. I think this began in the 70's. They have been feminized culturally, institutionally and biologically (diet). Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson, among others, talk about this. Testosterone levels are literally dropping as well as fertility. And now thanks to the jab, testosterone levels are cratering and fertility is headed toward zero. That is no joke. Oh...and IQ levels are literally free-falling. I'm 71 years young so you know when I was born. When you look at the average American male under 40 today, what do you see? I see a disgustingly soft, plump person with a weak jaw who wilts at the first sign of confrontation. What do you see when you look at children under the age of 20? Male and female (trigger warning), they are nearly all fat. It is SO SAD! Even the little children. It's truly heart breaking. This was NOT the norm when I was growing up. And now, smart people are beginning to talk about the fact that the REAL crisis facing the world in the not too distant future is the current alarming decline in the birth rate and the resulting cratering in world population. When you add in the drop in fertility due to the jab, the future begins to look very grim for society. No one really knows yet, but my impression is that the jab will practically sterilize the jabbed population. The writing is on the wall. Pure bloods are going to be in big demand in the future. The one bright spot may be Africa and some other third world countries that have not complied. Your average African male is virile, fit and unjabbed. I don't think they will ever comply.

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My 36 year old very masculine son recently told me a girl had told him he wasn't "feminine" enough!! He's tall, slim and works out so he has good muscles and he's in great shape. Many women are apparently happy with girlie men these days. As for the weight thing, I'm 73 and I don't remember overweight kids when I was in school. Not one. Yesterday, I saw a 6 year old that was....can I say it....fat, and her mother's shopping cart was full of processed junk food. I can just imagine what this child will be at 25. America's young may go the way of many Japanese (in Japan), who appear to be less interested in sex these days, hence, lower birth rate etc.

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LOL I almost spit my coffee. Isn't it amazing how brainwashed ppl can get just through cultural osmosis. When hard times hit, and it's coming, those women are going to be looking for hard men. It won't be about control anymore, it'll be about safety. I have two sons, 34 and 41. The oldest is a computer programmer, is as lean as a teenager and accomplished in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (and just recently married). The youngest is a PhD in pharmacology, tall, lean, mentally aggressive and an avid diver (already has 3 babies). Sadly they didn't get it from me - LOL. But I did raise them on a natural diet as much as possible with lots of bison meat I buy from a rancher in Wyoming (we live in FL) - and NO shots. And I home schooled them through high school. Side note - when my youngest son was told by his personnel dept that he and his team had to get vaccinated, he told them to pack sand and that as a PhD he studied all the data and that the jab was bullshit. A few days later they all got termination letters from personnel. When the CEO in Chicago found out, she blew a gasket dropping the F bomb all over the executive floor. The head of personnel had not even vetted the action through the CEO OR legal! The next day my son gets a call from his VP boss who tells him just to destroy the termination letters and don't worry about it. Under the new FL law DeSantis had recently signed, the company would have been subject to some pretty heavy fines if they had been fired. Furthermore, my son's operation was the company's biggest profit center in the nation. I bet the CEO almost had a heart attack. It just goes to show, you have to grow a pair and stand your ground.

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There’s hope for your son. My cousin and I were just talking about the lack of masculine men and how unattractive that is to us. We’re in his age range and we’re not the only women who feel this way.

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Much of this is due to

the overwhelming number of childhood vaccines, 85+% of which have both male

and female dna because they were grown on the “backs of” aborted male and female babies. It’s true. Find Ashley Everly on fb and look at all the vaccine inserts. She pints out all the

code names for aborted babies. What grows faster than a baby? How else

can they quickly grow the proteins for vax? Find the story of the woman who helped everyone with cancer. They used her dna (kidney cells?) to grow some form

of medication that went into millions.

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You are right on. I was in Berlin in 2010 and saw nothing but skinny jeaned men in loafers. Not hot. I asked where all the guys in work boots were. Now that I think back, it is way better than what America is dealing with today. They at least looked like they had some kind of job. No fat soft girly men. It is a downright freak show out there now. The piercings, the blue, green and pink hair, nose rings, giant weirdly shaped bodies and they are pushing baby strollers around. Moving to Africa!

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Besides the mass brainwashing here, it’s harder for small farmers to gather in the US, the distances are daunting, and Big Ag rules the majority of farming. And Bill Gates, of course.

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Excellent post. Thank you for no-nonsense.

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This is a non sterilising, out of date, lipid nanoparticle synthetic Wuhan spike protein gene therapy experimental mRNA “vaccine”. It causes vaccine induced vaccine resistance then viral immune escape variants resulting in higher contagion, disease enhancement and the inevitability of anti body dependant enhancement, ADE. This is the worst outcome for any vaccine experiment. Is this “vaccine” gain of function on the already gain of function virus? After all, we all know the “vaccine” doesn’t and work is being repeated regardlessly with no intension to stop. Many believe there is now a pandemic of antibody dependent enhancement, ADE.

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Wow! This should win the Best Coherently Concise Award! So well said.

I still have many, many questions. Like, how many of the jabs were filled with graphene or some other substance electro-conductive? And this by design some kind of electromagnetic pulse kill switch? Off or on whenever the Demonic Great Lords decide? [Something caused paper clips (metal) to stick to a large number inoculated people's arms. I saw this with my own eyes while working a health freedom table at one event in my home area. And hey! It's one thing to see something like this in videos ... and another in real time!]

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The adverse reactions in the different batch numbers vary considerably. Michael Yeadon talked about this because this info came from the Pfizer papers which proved to him that Pfizer knew all along what they have been doing and are continuing to do. This evidence demands a verdict.

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Yes, I too am aware of this. And it appears that the variances in batches may be a strong indication of bad intent. From what I have gathered, there is more than enough evidence to indicate genocide ... and/or at the very least, criminal negligence.

I still cannot figure out how 'they' plan to get away with this, what with having corpses pile up all over the place. Then again, the people at the very top may well figure that they are so well insulated that they can get away with ANYTHING. In this, they well may be right. Furthermore, the means of delivery are various (mosquitoes, aerosol, food and water tainting, ticks and fleas, and God knows what else).

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Yes, of course they know what they are doing. What we view as adverse side effects is precisely their goal...that and stealing all our wealth.

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Here is a good early numbers analysis of the lot numbers in VAERS. It was evident from the start.


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Birx & Co need to be held accountable ….. but they won’t be held “accountable. There-in-LIES the crux of the problem in our country. None of these Crooks are damaged -

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LOVE that he has 10 really great substack recommendations at the end of his latest article.

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Thanks for that Veronica. I overlooked your previous posting of this link, but I am glad i went down this rabbit hole. The information is there and succinct if one wants a condensed version of what we know is the truth. And there are clickable links and further information for those who want to delve.

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Thank you Sadie-Jay, fir the additional info. I get reluctant to click items that are posted several times.

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yes, me too. But agree - stuff we already knew, but great that its in a shorter form for sharing with the newly awake, or those on the verge of waking up. As for the lawsuit, I despair of justice being done, but I do try to warn others who seem receptive. Given up on the hypnotized though.

Was in my local grocery store yesterday and every 5 min or so they played an ad by pfizer - 'Just like you need to re-apply sunscreen, you need a booster' Normally the speaker announces a 'deal of the day' or some other savings promotion. I had a survey invitation at the bottom of my receipt. Told them I did NOT want propaganda with my groceries!

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Yes with those ads and the announcements about “keeping you safe” it is unbelievably annoying to shop in some stores 😡

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yes those I can tune out. But really pissed me off they were running pfizer ads for some reason. In part as I liked this store in that I have never seen any woke bs from them and never got yelled at for not complying with the mask mandate.

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I did big shopping at Wal Mart when my daughter was coming to stay last June. Gay Pride Month. The propaganda spouting between songs was just too much. There was a young boy on there saying thank you to everyone on his journey to find out his true self. Yay Pride Month. It was nauseating. Complained to management about how it offended me and have never been back.

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Wow! Well I bailed out on Wal Mart a long time ago. Screwed over many small business suppliers, paying them late, changing specs constantly, squeezing their margins and then ultimately ditched them for Chinese companies. Some went out of business because of it. Getting harder and harder to find places to shop these days. I know, small biz, but there are some things it's hard to find. And some of them are woke too.

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The cdc & nih are experiencing staff shortages because the scientists are too embarrassed to be seen there and are doing a collective runner. Fauchi has indicated that it is leaving when Biden goes. That could be tomorrow. There are secret Pfizer documents being sprayed around. See recent Jessica Rose (Substack). Please pass the popcorn.

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“Bernstein responded arguing that — and I am not making this up — the economy is actually booming.” BOOMING. “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

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Maybe he meant 'Ka-booming'. Simple mistake. 🤪

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022


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My thoughts exactly

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He probably didn’t mean “Ka-booming” because he’s a lying liar who wouldn’t speak the truth ever.

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Good one!

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I can't wait to see your thoughts on Birx finally confessing to all we knew 2 years ago. Hopefully on tomorrow's C&C ?

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Great article on Brownstone.org about it.

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Thank you!

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Drinking a couple of pints of beer would not only keep me hydrated, but would also make me forget that a heatwave exists at all! Stay thirsty, my fellow (C&C) friends!

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I saw an old friend at the store yesterday. I asked how she was and she broke down in tears. She said her husband had lost 22 lbs in 2 months and they don't know why. She is blaming Covid. She said she thinks it is the after effects of the actual infection. I asked if they "had been vaccinated". She said yes, they were both vaccinated AND boosted after being ill and recovering on their own. She said her husband now suffers from this inexplicable weight loss and they say his pancreas, kidney, gall bladder and liver are involved. But, she still blames the actual infection. The fact that it could be the jab juice never enters peoples minds. Natural immunity+vaccines+boosters=????

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Same as in my area. #ABV all the way! We have clients getting their monkeypox vaxx now. I felt like saying Why? Unless you're hanging out with the Village People doing unsafe practices you don't need to worry. These vaxxers love their covid theater.

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Hi, I wrote about my sister a couple weeks ago. She lives in Illinois and is still testing positive for Covid. She texted me a little while ago to say she was in the ER. Said they did an EKG so her heart must be ok! She has felt like crap for a month now. I told her I was worried about her and she responded by saying not to worry...she was in the right place.

I got into a texting "argument" with her the other night. She knows how I feel about her attitude towards the unjabbed but I told her she needs to be taking Vit C, D and zinc AND get some Ivermectin. She said she can't take zinc, apparently it interferes with another med she's on. Did say she was taking C (500mg) & D 4000IU daily. I told her it's not enough and she abruptly broke off the conversation saying her dinner was ready. She just can't fathom that her doctors could be wrong.

Again, worried! She would never entertain the idea that the jab was a bad decision.

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This must be so frustrating for you.

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It’s pitiful to see people like this

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3 words....Pfizer distribution study

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Ironic how all the evidence is at the publics’ fingertips, yet they continue on as Mass Compliance Zombies 🧟‍♂️

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I like what DeSantis is doing. We all need a refresher course on our responsibilities as citizens. But our kids need it the most. We also need ideas to stand for the truth and for justice. There are not enough people yet going after the bad actors in government.

Have you heard Biden is considering issuing a state of climate and health emergency? He would be able to exercise secret Presidential Emergency Directives that essentially suspend basic rights. For example, it allows him to arrest people and suspend Habeas Corpus. That's just for starters. Please look into this. The White House spokesperson said it "would not be today" hinting that it's coming sooner than later. Thanks. Keep up the great work. My husband is now also a fan of yours. Before he was just annoyed that I spent time reading your column.

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Now if only that 7x more likely to get seriously sick story would get picked up by our mainstream news instead of just some pesky scientific journal. If they were still peddling this as "Trump's vax" they'd be all over this. :/

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I have not been govern shopping lately Jeff, but it seems like we should all govern shop immediately

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The cure for Democracy is to get rid of it! Gasp! And restore the American Republics based on the limited powers organic constitutions. The Empire, of course, would have to go. And the states would have to be restored to a full states' rights sovereignty. And maybe, we'd have to have real hold in your hands money. (Say! And come to think of it! Maybe there's a reason why the Cretins in Charge are always touting 'democracy'? Hint: Ukraine 2014 ... and all those 'color' revolutions.)

By the way, the Russians don't need to attack or internally subvert the US, Canada, the UK, the EU. I mean ... why get in the way of anybody already doing such a great job of destroying themselves?

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Yes, and the only way we’re ever gonna return back to very founding principles of which you speak.

We will have to man up go to Washington DC and run them off and just take it back.

It’s gonna take at least a million to do the job but if we rise up it can be done. Just like they in Sri Lanka last week.

I’m ready to go I just need a million more to meet at the capital, how many of you will go????

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Ah, shucks! I was about to call my travel agents about a trip to our newest landmark!!

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