Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Governor DeSantis signed the “No Patients Left Alone Act,” which increases patient protections, makes hospital visitation by relatives a fundamental right, forbids limiting physical contact with patients, and bans hospitals from requiring visitors to prove covid vaccination status.

DeSantis is a pleasant contrast to Boris Johnson’s imploding administration.


Floridians are blessed to have a leader that looks out for their interests.

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I have a colleague here in Washington, active young guy, had a terrible accident that broke his pelvis and both legs. He's been in the hospital recovering for nearly a month. They allowed only two visitors per day, but they just reduced it to one per day, because Covid. So, one of his parents can see him each day, and nobody else can visit him. Can you imagine the mental toll on an athletic and outgoing young guy basically immobilized and alone day after day? Inslee has this state permanently locked into Covid fear. But hey, he has assured us Washington taxpayers will now pay for out of state women to come here for abortions, so there's that!

Governor Inslee is the embodiment of a anti-life politician.

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So could we get his email or twitter account or FB and multiply him with love? Send him healing messages and prayers and give him something to look forward to each day? Is that possible for this young man?

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The isolation of patients is part of the government approved treatment protocol for Covid patients. Depression accelerates the illness just as conversely positive thinking, love and laughter heals a patient quicker.

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He and Kate Brown are cut from the same flaming cloth.

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Great job, DeSantis!!

Sure beats the continuation of this:

Hospital protocol kills


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So sad. It happened in hospitals all across the country.

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Thank you so much for this link, Alice. This is a new site for me. Stunning how long that list is. And heartbreaking.

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Agreed, Florida folks are indeed VERY fortunate.... and some of them even KNOW it.

Many, sadly, see him as a fool. They are incorrect as he//.

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Proverbs 14:15 “Fools believe every word they hear, but wise people think carefully about everything.”

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DeSantis is profiled in the June 27th issue of The New Yorker magazine - long 13 page write up about his life, personal and political.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I spent the holiday weekend on a lake in AL with 2 younger cousins from FL and their families. One of them had chastised my continual anti-lockdown FB posts 2 years ago. They were moderate Dems woken up during the past 2 years. Both cousins never got vaccinated and they know people who died/injured from vaccine. They didn't mention knowing anyone dying from covid. One of the husbands, a fire-fighter, was the only one of us to get the vaccine, and he regrets it. All of them former moderate Dems are just disgusted at what the left is trying to do to our country. They didn't see it, but on twitter Monday morning on the 4th, the left was non-stop bashing America saying we shouldn't be celebrating. It's getting harder and harder not to get black-pilled, but visiting with my younger cousins and their adorable children gave me a little hope.

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I saw a map a few days ago, where America is divided in the red and the blue states. I wonder if it might be a solution. But I think a lot of former blue (like me) have now seen what a pitiful bunch blue is. I don't say the reps are saints either, hardly any of them reacted to the abominal things done to us, but at least some are decent people. If I vote now, it will be rep.

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The states aren't supposed to be dictated to from DC. That needs to change. The FL version of freedom is vastly different than the NY version of freedom, and it has been this way since the founding of the colonies. Yes, the GOP are definitely not saints, but people who claim to be for 'limited government' are at least somewhat skeptical, and were more likely to call out the BS policies. The bigger problem is the massive cultural shift toward 'safety at all costs' which has affected both parties. I think the growing mistrust in our institutions is a good thing.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

It might be a way to get rid of the 3 letter institutions that instead of protecting the people and or the law, abuse and misuse them. And eat up money buy the millions

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Good point. I just think it might be more likely to have them torn down by one good president. I don't know about other red states, but I know my legislature and Gov would never voluntarily do something as radical as secession or national divorce. We would have to be kicked out by Dems (which is fine by me).

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do you think the president could do that? From the time I have been here, I have wondered how much power the president really has, or rather, does NOT have.

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In a word: No

Even Lincoln didn't actually have the constitutional authority to prevent the Southern states from seceding. Regardless of motives, what he did was technically illegal.

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You mention "safety at all costs". I think that is the global power structure's new narrative. Before it was "freedom" and "democracy building". It has shifted to "safety".


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Oh how I despise the phrase "Stay Safe". I've totally changed how I speak now. For instance, instead of saying drive safely, I say have an easy smooth drive.

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I feel the same!! Stay safe and all of the safety related phrases parroted for Covid (especially Mask Up 🤮😡🤬) make my skin crawl!!

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The "Civil War", that illegal and immoral invasion of the South was a great step toward bending the will and freedom of the free nations of the republic toward the all-powerful organized crime syndicate in the swamp. Another nail in the coffin of true republicanism was the 17th Amendment. Also, Katherine Watt has done stunning, eye-opening work on how Congress and whoever the POS in the White House have passed legislation that slowly, but deliberately, over time eroded Constitutional protections.

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They always call Oregon a true blue state but that is not the truth and I wonder how many other so called blue states are like this. 40% of Oregon voters are in the Non-Affiliated and Minor party categories. Corrupt mail in balloting is a huge problem and low voter turnout. https://www.wweek.com/news/state/2022/03/31/non-affiliated-oregon-voters-now-outnumber-democrats-and-republicans-for-first-time/

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True. Here is a map of the red and blue US and indeed, Oregon is half and half. So are most other states. Very little states are just one or other


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Knew there was a reason I prefer Florida's gulf coast

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Unfortunately the cities tend to be blue in every state

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PA is RED!!!

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If you cut off all the blue states, the US looks like a bulldozer. 🤣

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it soon will be. Did you see the massive protests in Europe? Started in the Netherlands with farmers, now joined by fisherman, and dock workers. That means stores are empty. A reporter said to one of the policemen, you are on the wrong side. Go to the government. No farmers no food. Italy, Germany and Poland getting on board. Yay yay. I sat here crying for happiness and relief. The world wakes up. Boris is gone. Now the US has to follow suit ! Bulldozer come on!

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Glad to hear you're noticing some turn around. I had to look up "black-pilled". Thank you for adding that one to my vocabulary! It must have never registered with my brain before.

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People are thinking, using their common sense!

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COVID giveth, and COVID taketh away ;-) C&C readers are the beneficiaries in this case.

Jeff, I should probably let you know I recommended you as a candidate for the Corona Investigative Committee. I don’t know if anything will come of it but thought I should give you a heads-up.

If you haven’t already seen it, you may enjoy the essay I wrote in preparation for my interview with them. People seem to especially appreciate the Retrospective in Whys covering the last two+ years and are adding it to their red-pilling toolkit:

• "A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

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What an awesome title, I love it

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Margaret Anna Alice: Keep on investiating and writing!!

The pen is mightier than the sword.

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Nice “seeing” you on the Corona Investigative Committee podcast. Great hat! Are you familiar with #CashFriday? It is an effort to encourage everyone to use cash as much as possible to thwart Santa Klaus’ bid for the NWO. I believe this was suggested by Catherine Austin Fitts.

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Thanks, Carole, and yes, I have seen CAF talking about that! I think she (or someone else) described it as throwing sand in the machine.

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“Why did the mandates continue when we learned the jab did not stop the spread”

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CLIMATE CHANGEsteria: Bill Gates Wants to Shut Down Dutch Farmers!

- Bill Gates' is invested in the online supermarket chain apparently owned by the brother-in-law of the Dutch [NITROGEN] Minister trying to shut down Dutch farmers plus some memes from the Dutch farmers protest!


I can’t confirm if the family (father) of Henk Staghouwer (Dutch Agriculture minister) owns the largest artificial vegan meat company in the Netherlands as someone claimed on Twitter. Maybe you can ask your readers in a future post if any are Dutch speakers-readers in the Netherlands who could confirm this????

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Wow, that seems self-serving . . . Distain and sarcasm purposefully implied

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It also sounds like the Nitrogen Minister is also an heiress in a family business worth hundreds of millions, and her family or husband's family or the brother-in-law owns another supermarket chain plus a baby formula factory BUT none of this is so clear... Wealthy Dutch people tend to keep a very low profile and don't flash their wealth... And as with Mitch-Hunter-Nancy-Dianne Feinstein etc, trying to figure out the wealth of close relatives of Dutch politicians is probably hard to do...

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Thanks for the info, Citizen Satirist! I haven’t had a chance to investigate this but hope to cover it at some point, time permitting.

He’s Swedish so not necessarily fluent in Dutch, but Peter Sweden has been covering this, so perhaps he can help with confirmation:


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The wealthy global business-political elite are not just connected by attending Davos-WEF stuff or going to the same universities BUT increasingly by family-marriage-blood ties - like European royalty-nobility before the Great War... BUT trying to unravel these types of connections, especially outside the US, is difficult e.g. Gavin Newsom is from an old CA political family and is somehow a nephew of Nancy Pelosi who comes from a Baltimore political family (her father and brother I think were mayors) and she married into west coast $ while Hillary Clinton's "businessman" brother is married to the daughter of former CA Senator Barbara Boxer...

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Great info in article. Terrific questions that demand answers! Thx, Margaret!!

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During your interview with Reiner, I loved how they chuckled at "a mostly peaceful depopulation". Really enjoyed that interview--you did very well!

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Yes--Jeff, perhaps you might also lead the effort to begin the Citizens Grand Jury for 'CV crimes against humanity!' You have my vote!

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Events are moving fast. A sense of urgency from tptb who want the new liberal rules based order. I think they're getting desperate. Best everyone can do now is have a good food supply on hand, a means to safeguard it and your family. Don't think the police or government is going to save or help you. Most likely they are your enemy. And find like minded people who you can rely on and band together. Times like this requires faith, conviction and resourcefulness. 💪🙂

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Not just food, Annie. Have drinking water available too.

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Agreed. We have portable filters and bigger filters to put on the tap.

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I’m searching for a hand pump to install on my well. :)

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If your well is deeper than 25' look at Simple Pump. There was a 4 month wait due to supply chain issues when we ordered late last year. It allows us (both 60+) to pump water up from a 260' well.

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Especially if you love on the west coast. Have you heard about lake mead?

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Also, if you have a well consider putting a hand pump on it. No power=no water otherwise. One of these and extra parts is great to have too.


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Yes! Well hand pumps.


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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Re: bio labs

So it sounds like, correct me if I’m wrong, that the US may just be the bad guys all this time?

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This time???

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ALL this time

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I remember David Icke talking about the massive pedophile rings slithering through every imaginable government entity and the entertainment industry eons ago. Everyone had a good laugh at his expense. "How you like me now?"

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God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for less sinful activity than what is taking place in the world today. I bet he regrets saying he would not take such drastic actions again.

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God destroyed the earth with a flood in the days of Noah because man was so wicked. He only saved Noah and his family. After the flood God sent the sign of a rainbow to promise to never destroy the entire earth in that way again. When Lot and his family moved into Sodom and Gomorrah to live among the people who were consumed with sexual sin and perverse sexual acts God told Lot to take his family out of S&G and to never look back as He destroyed that city. Lots wife looked back and instantly died. God did not promise to take drastic action again, only that He would not destroy the world with a flood again. In fact, God’s judgement has and continues to occur on a daily basis. But His full wrath will be unleashed during the Great Tribulation which is coming.

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There are worst things than fire and brimstone. How about Lot having to live amongst these Sodomites and pedophiles every day. And we also getting just a good dose of the torment and devastation that comes when a nation becomes obsessed with sexual perversions.

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Lot was definitely influenced by them. He offered his daughters, in lieu of the angels!! :(

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I have heard it persuasively argued that this was said in an effort to shame the townsfolk. ie, "You want to sleep with these men? Why don't you deflower my daughters instead, if you are that kind of people?" This sort of honor/shame thing was apparently common in those cultures.

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God just said he would never flood the world with water again. He WILL destroy with fire. Also, God NEVER regrets, not the way humans do. He knows what's coming. He plans for it. He, too, has read through to end of the Book ;)

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Don't get me going.🤣

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And yet--after the Ghislaine Maxwell trial ends--zero arrests of any child rapists! No big wigs named. [crickets]

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What's up with that, right? All these probably mostly men should have to answer for their misdeeds also.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Wonderful surprise to read C&C this morning, but I have to say I heaved a bit at the extra layer to the slime cake. The Biden Crime Family(TM) appears to be masterful "Bakers" of their own delicious, self-feeding cake. Good lord! No wonder I'm having nightmares, of late! Thank you Jeff, for giving it to us STRAIGHT, even when we don't want it. Blessings.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, Have you been reading the latest reports on Food processing plants shutting or burning down? Gateway Pundit has the list. Also updates on what the farmers are saying, Ice Age Farmer gives updates. Read an article on what is happening in TN regarding farmers and that vile human named Gates is buying more land. Net it out: Farmers can't afford to feed live stock, pay for diesel, machine parts, fertilizer. They are going out of business which means we will eventually starve and/or the power elites will control our food intake hence control us. What "We the People" need to be doing is send mass money to these farmers to sustain them, buy the land Gates is trying to get his hands on, and of course regulate where our money is allocated. This , in my opinion is an emergency if it is not too late already., Some one big has to get the attention of the people and get this "Farm Aid" rolling for the sake of our very lives. Thoughts? below is the Gateway article but since that article more has happened: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/updated-list-us-based-food-manufacturing-plants-destroyed-biden-administration/

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Gates as well as China! China recently bought another huge parcel of farmland. They also own Smithfield Farms, the largest Pork distributors.

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About what I figured. Beef & pork constantly on sale here in Maine. I figured farmers couldn't afford to feed their stock, so slaughtering early.

I gave my hay supplier a heads up about possible diesel fuel rationing this summer. He's definitely feeling it.

My hay is up $2/bale now over "stored hay." Getting what I can straight from the field, asap.

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This is a worldwide issue and we need to address it ASAP here in the USA. We are a continent that has all the resources needed including and not limited to fuel- natural gas and oil, fertile lands, everything to prosper our people. Tired of being sold out by our leaders who have no love for us, no love for our lands, no love for the Constitution, no love for the law, no love of morality and righteousness, no love for our children, no love of God and no love for America.

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Dutch farmers got together and bought a tank. This is more evidence that the world is not going along with the WEF/UN agenda.

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The media is calling the tank part fake news. Hmmm...

Can't have people thinking that pushback has a chance of success

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Right. I saw the posted video of Dutch farmers with tank on Twitter. Meanwhile, doctors like Malone are suing Twitter. Hmmm

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Wait... hold on a minute. Not a "weapon" because it is used for defensive purposes?

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

They're making a case for gun ownership!

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And don't even realize it!

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Indeed. "gain-of-function research on deadly pathogens is not a “weapon” because it was for purely defensive purposes"...

My AR-15 is not an "assault weapon" because I keep it for purely defensive purposes.

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I hate that term (“assault weapon”).

Fun fact for those who don’t know; AR-15 stands for Armalite Rifle Co. design 15, nor is it a military rifle. M16= military AR-15= civilian

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

If the biolab narrative follows the pattern which has by now become familiar, we're soon going to move from "the government is absolutely not doing it" to "even if the government is doing it, it's necessary for your safety and security." And then later on it'll morph to "if you don't support the government doing it, you're just a bigot who hates justice and America and puppies."

The narrative may be subject to sudden interruption if the November red wave hits before it's run its course.

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All that pivoting makes me dizzy!

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Pretty much the case: Governments worldwide were co-opted and no longer serve the people. They only serve corporate interests.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Hello Jeff and C&C community - so great to have y'all back. We will be in Florida from July 8th-July 14. We left Canada on June 24 and "escaped" across the border into Washington State and have been travelling across the U.S. We are currently in Tennessee for two more days (spent July 4th day in Nashville and retreated back to Franklin for the evening festivities). We will by in Florida on the 8th. Thanks for keeping us up to date with what is going on in Commie-Can... although the news is not so good. We stand with you in this "plandemic" mess and keep hoping there is a way out. Thanks for all you do to keep us informed, sane and entertained. Cheers!

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Welcome, friends!❤️

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Thank you so much! We will spend our first night in Panama City as we will be travelling from Franklin, Tennessee. It will be a quick stop then onto to St. Pete's for a few nights, then to Miami for the Dave Rubin Show at the Miami Improv, then up to St. Augustine for two nights then up the coast and back to Ontario, Comcan :( . If anyone from the C&C community has any advice on fun things to do in any of those places - please feel free to let us know. Love this community. Cheers.

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While you’re in St Pete go to Pass-a-Grille beach and maybe to the Hurricane for a grouper sandwich and lobster by bisque. You can day-trip to Sarasota to St. Armand’s to shop/eat and to Lido Beach nearby. Then think about making it permanent! 😎 🏝

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Thanks so much for all the suggestions, much appreciated.

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We were just at Pass-a-Grille on Sunday! 😎

If you like art, the Dali museum in downtown St Pete is fantastic. We really like Cassis bakery and tried Paciugo gelato for the first time the other day and it was amazing! Mazzaro’s has fantastic sandwiches.

Loved the burgers at Boulevard Burgers in St Pete Beach.

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Ooh Mazzaro’s!! Good!

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Thanks for the suggestions and I do love Dali - been to the museum before. Cheers!

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Hope you have a wonderful time!

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If you like smoked fish, check out Ted Peters - an iconic stop for fish smoked onsite, delicious potato salad, and classic fish spread. We must eat there every time we visit.

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How did you escape? If you are unvaccinated, did they let you through anyway?

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They didn't ask.

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Thanks!! Worth a shot.

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“He’d tested positive for covid on Saturday morning.”

And my dog ate my homework.

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Let me guess.... he's only been covid jabbed 3 times; was supposed to get that 4th shot on Monday.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Keep this in mind: We have never successfully vaccinated any mammal against a Corona virus. Ever. And it’s still true. Not changing anytime soon. 🛑 Never forget what they did.

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Re the video of Victoria Nuland, is 'rapid pen twirling' a 'tell' for anything? Anxiety? Obfuscation? Anyone know? She certainly was choosing her words carefully.

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Maybe we should mail her a fidget spinner.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

....like using manure spreaders to deliver pungent products to the front steps of government buildings. BAHAHAHA! I almost spit out my coffee! Hilarious!

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I loved that too! It made me LOL. I'd love to see that happen in D.C. or better yet, Rehoboth, DE.

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For real? Love a video of that!

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LOTS of freedom protests breaking out all over the world. Twitter has been unable to suppress them all. How about Italy? #freedomwins

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Wow!! Would love to see FOX show this!! Thx!!

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Maybe Tucker will. He’s the only one on Fox who tries to get some truth out there! Did you see this interview last week with the President of Brazil?


The best part was seeing the wicked grin on Tucker’s face as the President said all of the things about vaccines and covid treatment that Tucker has been prohibited from saying himself.

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Love and appreciate Tucker!!

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Ha, that is awesome!! 😁

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I live in a suburb of B'ham, AL. We are hosting the World Games for the next 2 weeks. There was never any mention of the "F**k 12" or other anti-cop graffiti ALL over the city during the summer of 2020, but here is a story about Patriot Front graffiti on a bridge in B'ham from this morning. https://www.al.com/news/birmingham/2022/07/white-supremacist-group-patriot-front-graffiti-surfaces-in-birmingham.html I have no doubt this Patriot Front group is full of federal agents.

On another note, this appears to be the exact same bridge where I saw a massive banner that said "Vaccine makers have no liability" in the spring of 2021 - the banner was being held by people on the top of the bridge, meaning they were from that community, a largely black community.

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