Amen to this Jeff!

"Try to remember: not everyone sees the world the same way you do. Agree to disagree about the things that don’t affect our literal survival as a nation. If it’s important to you, try gentle persuasion instead of rage quitting. Let’s not repeat the mistakes conservatives seem to always make. It’s important this time. And keep smiling."

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AMEN for sure! We must stay together and fight the BIG BATTLES!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Seen too much "rage quitting" lately. Good grief! Grow up, we need to choose our battles wisely!

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TBF, I get feeling a lot more generally ragey…hot weather, inflation and shortages have this affect, plus the looming threat that the expert class will lock us up again or try more mandates as those all have not been explicitly forbidden in YUGE letters.

Until those responsible are brought to justice and lockdowns and mandates are unequivocally BANNED, I know I am not going to count anything as won 🤷🏻

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We are at war! And your worried about being nice! These demonic forces are putting school crt curriculum in teaching grade schoolers kindergartners they can change their sex and about anal sex and oral sex!!!!! Biden threatened any school that does not comply to have money taken. Teaching our little ones white is evil and black oppressed. Mothers and fathers are in desperate struggles for formulas and now tampons are nov probably cause that maniac old fart in our white house is ordering schools to put them in boys room. Energy? We were independent under Trump then comes that man in our white house who thinks we are all stupid and blames Putin. He closed down our pipe line day one in White House 11000 jobs instantly lost. Smile?!!!! There are stupid people who believe Biden but thankfully some are getting their heads out of the sand. This was all planned. Keep smiling? Seriously? Maybe when it hits you harder you won’t be so arrogant to say smile. Tell that to the thousands upon thousands of people , nurses who saw the truth, military, fire fighters, elms workers, out of work because they would not take the experimental clot shot that does not work but kill T cell function and causes strokes, heart disease the list is long. Tell the millions who can’t work now cause of the clot shot that creep in our White House mandated them to get. Tell the loved ones who lost loved ones cause that creep mandated they get jabbed or go broke! What about all the dead military jabbed the msm covers up. You need to get your sand filled head out if the sand box! Wake up!!!!!

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I'm all for dismantling the entire global, public health establishment. Let's find the way!

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The World Harm Org has much to answer for...and from what I've read, the atrocities are mounting, even as we read this blog.

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Save some for the BMGF war criminals. We're going to need a LOT of lampposts.

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America’s Frontline Drs are trying to do just that. They are starting with GoldCare. Opening up 2 locations in Florida, Orlando and Naples. I am sure more will follow!!!

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Hope they bbring one to Ohio, please

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thanks for letting us know! move all to Florida if need be

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Best way is lawsuits. They're coming soon following the internal Pfizer revelation that Pfizer straight-up lied to our goobermint about their safe and effective vaccines. I'd look for organized professionals who can demonstrate harm from the vaxxes to file the first ones: Airline pilots, unionized pro athletes for starters.

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State AGs COULD take down the Big pHarma vax makers by following the Big Tobacco suit template. State monies are going to mend the vax-injured, after paying for vax enforcement and unemployment, and destroying our labor forces. Sadly, they just don't seem ready to drop the "safe and effective" narrative. No, not even DeSantis.

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Yes. Why is that ??!

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At this point we need an amendment protecting bodily autonomy explicitly and absolutely and banning lockdowns

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I saw something about the military going after them too. Seems they think the v@cc!nes negatively impacted our military preparedness! Especially pilots!

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Amen to that!

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And charge them with crimes against humanity too. They need to be punished.

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Please, Lord, worldwide tribunal! Nuremberg Trials 2

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Yes! I take it that you're familiar with the work of Reiner Fuellmich and the grand jury testimonials?

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Sure, and I'm grateful, be his is a very long game, most lawyers and politicians are still on the vax reservation.

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Count me in! Throwing sand in the machinery at every opportunity.

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Yes! I am all for Rage quitting the entire public health establishment and their cronies!

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Sounds like #1 on the mandatory To-Do list !!

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It amazes me that with all going on in our country and the world right now, some people's line in the sand is drawn at the belief in aliens from outer space, but not aliens from outside our borders. How about we leave the infighting to the other side?

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Well said!

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I hope Biden's camel breaks down in the middle of the desert or gets a flat hump.

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And he rolls off and…

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....falls in the sand?

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Right into a big smelly pile of camel dung💩💩💩

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Make sure he trips head first into it

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Ah 😉 Oh, I thought that was"topless." Eeeww.

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... busts his rump.

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Prefer splits it

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I hope the offspring of a thousand sand fleas infest his nether regions.....

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Now you are sounding like cat turd

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Or just a bit of spit would be nice.

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That just gave me an image. A sniff and a wet lick and a gob of drool on top of his head. You know, so he knows exactly how grossed out all the little girls are.

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Joe Camel indeed

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LOL, Eric! Only you’d come up with such a good laugh!!

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I hope his camel is actually an alien spy.

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If it is, it's probably banging Eric Swalwell.

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I would be for the camel giving Mr. Magoo a flat hump. Or something.

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"...  the entire global public health establishment needs to be completely dismantled before those idiots kill or beggar us all. Who’s with me?"

I'm in! And speaking of the American Rescue (sic) Act, here's a fall 2021 article linked to by Dr. Meryl Nass that explains how that act essentially turned CDC recommendations into law:


P.S. Loved the closing line. I calmly await your call to ... PANIC!

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You are spot on re the lack of unity among conservatives. Sadly we are still so comfortable that trivial disagreements (and the UFO situation falls into that category as it does not affect our lives) cause highly emotional reactions, showcasing how frivolous conservatives can be. People have way too much leisure time. Idle hands….

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Plus-“my way or else!”

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First World problems.

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Everything you said about aliens, I have been saying to those who deny the existence of COVID/viruses/germs. I don’t care what they believe and have never once written about their beliefs, and yet by merely acknowledging that people are experiencing a certain set of symptoms and that those symptoms are alleviated successfully by the application of early treatment protocols like ivermectin, I have been repeatedly attacked and even threatened by virulent virus-deniers across multiple platforms. I guess I should be honored to be grouped with targets like Malone and Kirsch, but it is yet *another* distraction from defeating tyranny and democide.

So, to repurpose your statement:

“People, PLEASE. This is exactly how we lose. I don’t really care about whether viruses exist, it’s not my gig. Don’t believe in them if you want, and good luck to you. I can’t follow everything, I only have so much bandwidth. But if we can’t tolerate differing opinions even on issues like viruses, how can we possibly work together to defeat looming authoritarianism?”

Although unrelated to either aliens or the virus question, I addressed the divisiveness caused by these kinds of purity tests in my recent exchange with a commenter:

• “Dialogue with a Divider” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-divider?s=w)

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At this stage of disclosure(which has been a real mind-field the last 3 years!)I lean towards prosecuting the perpetrators of a yuuuge psyop and scam-demic that created "500 new billionaires"[review Forbes article please]. In addition, we who are in the consumer category, aka- plebeian sector need to consider the realm of patents and the fact that individuals own patents on viruses. And we must remember what RFK,Jr has been telling us for almost 30 years: The CDC is in the vaccine "business", and they promote vaccines(and other experimental drugs) for profit.Bottomline, Bioweapons are a reality; and all the other myths that were promoted 24/7 are just advertising for the stakeholders. Follow the money.

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Margaret, have you read this https://www.academia.edu/40882765/William_Hall_partner_with_Robert_Gallo_the_fraud_who_invented_Non_existing_Virus academics paper… right can’t follow everything and yes it’s imperative we unite against this corroborated callus collective to destroy us, the US… the global destruction of “we the people”… the attack and hatred of the white race, the obvious coordinated planned democide…. Jeff says we’re fine… yet the agenda momentum continues….

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Thank you for the link, Maureen, and for your call to unity above disagreements. I haven’t read that paper, but it does appear to deal with HIV, and I found RFK Jr.’s analysis of that suspected fraud in “The Real Anthony Fauci” compelling.

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I did just now read it, .... and it gave me a headache. When I got to the end, the only thought that came to mind was, "What was the point?" Rather than reading like a manifesto of interconnecting elitists, ... it seemed more like a very long and ongoing list of fairly lengthy resume's that gets periodically added to. It was somewhat informative in places, to be sure, ... it just seemed quite scattered.

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I’ve tried to make sense of the anti-germ people’s idea, but I can’t. They get very upset if you don’t fall in with them, though. I’ve had a few let me know that I was wrong for not believing them.

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If I understand them correctly, the anti-germ idea is based upon Louis Pasteur's (developer of modern germ theory) supposed death bed recant of his germ theory where he said that the "germ is nothing, and the terrain is everything." It is said that he recanted because he never could definitively prove that viruses were the actual cause of disease. There is a body of research trying to answer the question of whether viruses cause disease or they show up because of the sickness to perform certain functions. There are those that believe the toxic environment (the terrain of which Pasteur spoke) is what causes disease and that viruses or exosomes as they call them will then show up to help clean up that toxic environment. The book "The Contagion Myth" touches upon this subject in some detail if you want to understand that train of thought.

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The essence of the" Toxemia" (vs "Germ Theory/Kock's Postulates) is this. If your body has an "optimal or balanced" immune system, your body can handle any bug (virus or bacteria) that comes your way, including rogue cells called cancer. But, if your immune system is suboptimal, any bug can infect you, and depending on how suboptimal your immune system is, any of these bugs can kill you. The things that compromise you are: poor nutrition, toxins from your environment (ours is loaded with them), unresoved and unabated stress, lack of exercise, overstimulation, medications (which are foreign chemicals). These cause "enervation" which is an aberrant nerve system reaction resulting in the toxins not being eliminated from your body and there is buildup of toxin causing toxemia, and a cascading series if negative effects. The toxemia can be reversed by treating your body the way it was intended without all the negative elements mentioned above. Medicines, chemotherapy, radiaton, etc will make the toxemia worse. Fasting and bed rest are often required but the problem (illness) can be healed if we reach homeostasis and balanced immune function.

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Clear explanation, thanks. Different perspectives - like looking through a microscope at different powers of magnification. As in other things, best to appreciate different views - helps to enlarge and deepen one's own insights.

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Good summary!

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I understand that is what they are saying. I’ve read a little about it.

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I have pondered believing parts of three different notions.

1. Terrain makes sense, a polluted terrain will breed sickness and disease

2. Stephan Lanka's experiments do indeed prove that virus isolation techniques are fatally flawed, as he achieved the exact same results purifying and isolating a virus as he did purifying and isolating Nothing.

3 Yet I do not have to believe by that, that viruses do not exist, ... just that isolation techniques are flawed.

I just don't think any of it has to be all or nothing and that a dividing line of reasoning can be drawn between them. I have not had any discussions with Germ Theorists, or Terrain Theorists, but if I ever do, I think I can agree with both on certain points and catch less flack from either side, .... before reminding both sides that they are both just "Theories". Until one or the other becomes "Fact" I will have to keep an open mind.

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It seems to me there is some contagious factor in some diseases.I don’t think I’m knowledgeable enough to offer augments either way. I do find it interesting that this has come up, though. I’ll have to read a little more when I have the time.

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Same here, Canny Granny. I’ve learned it’s not worth my time to try to reason with them and provide the evidence for my own stance. It really does seem like the flip side of Covidianism. Some have postulated that this idea was intentionally planted as a way to discredit the anti-vaxxer movement. It is a plausible theory given how divisive many of them are and how off-putting their beliefs are to normies. I’m not saying most of the proponents are controlled opposition, just that they may have fallen for a mind virus that is being used to undermine the Resistance.

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The way I look at it is that germ-host interaction is complex as our own microbial makeup is different as individuals. I believe some viruses can be more pathogenic than others but also their pathogenicity is conditional rather than inherent. So for example, and I heard this from a doctor the same virus will behave differently in an obese host, it will change its genetic code and will become more virulent. The same goes for a vaccine, for example flu vaccine is less effective in the obese person, not that it’s very effective in general, especially this year and as Dr. McCullough said the vaccine injected in the arm doesn’t nave a great track record for a respiratory virus.

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It's really, REALLY angry stuff, and I don't claim to fully understand it.

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Agreed, Guttermouth, and it does appear to echo the same cultlike fanaticism practiced by Covidians. There are some reasonable ones who are willing to set this matter aside to focus on larger concerns, but the ones who refuse to do so are vicious.

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It's like the alien question, arguing about something we can't see and may never have a definitive answer. Waste of energy. There's a lot we'll never understand, let's focus on what we do.

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Mark Twain supposedly said, “It’s not the parts of the Bible I don’t understand that bother me, it’s the parts I do understand.”

I think that’s relevant, but then I’m on a car trip with my older son and his brand new fiancé and I’ve already called her by his old girlfriend’s name twice.

So maybe I should be ignored 🤪

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Very well said, Margaret. I've seen and received the same hostile attacks from people who insist viruses can't exist, but don't offer alternative plausible explanation(s) for the breadth of virus-attributed phenomena. It's not worth the divisive rhetoric and rage-quitting.

The looming authoritarianism is by far the more urgent matter, as you say.

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Thank you, Colleen, and I wholeheartedly agree with everything you eloquently stated.

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Still have some Facebook friends who are hanging on every word from the J6 commission and can't imagine how anyone could be so unpatriotic that they would think it was all a big bit of political theater. They still hold very firmly to J6 being one of the worst events in US history, completely downplaying all of the events that happened during the summer prior. Even my dad, who's normally pretty conservative, thinks that the people who strolled through congress deserve the death penalty. For me - everything I saw seemed to be people egged on to get in, but once in - they really didn't _do_ anything other than act like tourists. Rude tourists, in some cases, but overall - tourists. They stayed in the ropes, they really didn't cause huge amounts of damage, they took selfies/videos, but there wasn't really a lot of "let's take over the halls of government" to the people inside.

Were they fools for going in? Yeah - I think that was a really bad decision. Do they deserve to rot in cells forever? I don't think so. Let them have their day in actual court. I'm still more interested in who was letting them in and who was egging them on to go in. It wasn't Trump.

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From the small amount of tv watching I do, from the beginning it seemed that they were surprised that they were let in and they walked within the ropes looking around as tourists do, probably thinking that it’s ok to walk there if they were let in…

It was surprising to me that people around me perceived it as a worse act than throwing bricks, Molotov cocktails, looting, starting fires etc.. but I guess if people in power feel threatened it’s a bigger deal than everyday person is threatened (as during summer riots)… it is interesting although maddening to hear opposite point of view…

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Unless its a SCOTUS who is threatened, then it doesn’t seem like that powerful person has a right to feel threatened. Against the law? no big deal says Nancy.

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Even a Supreme Court justice won’t escape threats and potential harm from the nutcases, who are generally known to the FBI, if they’re a conservative! No justice for the conservative side!

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And Pelosi made that perfectly clear. I don’t even want to know how she gets away with this crap.

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Or Senator Rand Paul and his wife chased and attacked after the GOP convention at the WH... And Senator Paul on his own lawn. That's cool, apparently.

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Yes, apparently. Grrrrr

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And poor soul Ashley Babbitt. That crime was just swept under the gigantic entrance rug.

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Another conveniently swept under the propaganda rug: Roseanne Boyland, died Jan 6 in the spot she where she was beaten to death in one of the tunnels BY a DC policewoman with her baton - the police officer was excused for the murder. Here's bodycam footage, see what you think. https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/04/bodycam-footage-shows-dc-police-officer-beating-jan-6-protester-who-later-died/ The injustices which have been allowed to continue since J6 are inexcusable. Our Nation has lost its way.

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Already on the ground, incapable of defending herself and the DC cop struck her repeatedly…truly evil!

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OMG, heart-breaking video

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That is utterly horrendous!

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Remind them that they hung onto the 4 years of Russian Collusion BS every night on CNN and MSNBC, along with 2 impeachments and how did that turn out?

People that still watch TV and get their marching orders and thoughts from it ought to get a life. Think abut our world if for 30 days everyone turned off the TV/social media and just lived their lives. I know it will never happen but it makes me understand how we do have more control over our mindset and lives based on our own daily choices. I choose to be kind, pay it forward and show my patriotism whenever I can and I can't remember the last time I watched 30 seconds of any MSM or major network programming. The most major benefit is a reduction in stress/anxiety and anger.

It's all one sided and meant to paralyze us.

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It makes me sick that the narrative that has been pushed and repeated relentlessly by the left is a big pack of lies. Where is the demand for truth, righteousness and justice?? Just like the rigged Nov. 2020 presidential election. Apparently there isn’t enough integrity in our entire government to pursue the truth of either of these debacles regardless of the cost to their own careers! And if citizens push back, they’re called terrorists and jailed without even a hearing! So the fake narrative continues, lies are repeated often and loudly enough that the stupid, uninformed, non-thinking segment of society accepts whatever the fake media talking heads tells them. That is why I am very worried about the future of our country except that I know for a fact that God is in control, nothing escapes His sight and His plans will prevail!

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They are so butthurt...lolol

They have no case for insurrection. Maybe trespassing at best. You can't charge them with insurrection when the police and Federal Agents ALLOWED them to walk in.

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None of my business but .... why in hades are you still on Facebook? It's a sewer almost as odious as Twitter.

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Keep your friends close abs your enemies closer…..

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They're partly right, J6 was an extension of the summer, same instigators, Antifa and govt "informants" were the destructive force, killed people, to hang it on Trump and his voters. Another Reichstag fire, same con, but thankfulky this one didnt burn. Anything to get Bad Orange. I don't understand how any serious person could watch those evil leftists spew tripe on tv, and I suspect their soviet-style show trials are doing their cause more harm than good, hence the abrupt cancellation.

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Hear, hear!

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Re: economic meltdown and inflation. If memory serves correctly, the first round of stimulus checks and PPP came out under the Trump administration. I was a supporter of him, but he made some serious mistakes in covid response. I know he was fighting a tsunami of worldwide pandemic panic, fear porn and horrible advice, but a staunch conservative should have fought the urge to throw money at the problem. That’s what the left always does, and it’s never a solution.

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Same thing for Bush towards the end of his 2nd term - lots of stupid spending he should have just vetoed. The "let's just keep sending people 'free' money" thing has been horrible for the economy with the "get paid to not work" and the "here's your tax refund early, but it's a stimulus payment" craziness really not helping. I know of a lot of businesses who couldn't get people to work because they knew they were making more on unemployment. Then you have them just barely interviewing so they can say "I tried" and keep collecting. :/

As I understand it, there were also some sort of hardship payments going over to businesses in some cases - so as long as they were not able to find employees, they'd _also_ get assistance. Horrible situation all around.

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That so many whose jobs were deemed essential kept going to work, and then lost those jobs over the jabs, makes it even worse to me.

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As Aaron Russo(RIP) illustrated in his documentary, "From Freedom To Fascism", the income tax is unconstitutional. It was created by a cabal of European bankers. We are taxed at every step of the consumer day--at the pump, at the grocery store, and so forth. We need to review this nation's history more often. Something about a Boston Tea Party comes to mind. pax

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My dad always said income tax was unconstitutional.

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I cannot type on my phone without errors. The results of hurrying, poor proofreading, and the predictive text make me appear to be illiterate! Lol I also can’t edit my mistakes on the app, so I have to quickly go to the website and try to find the post to edit so y’all won’t think I’m a maroon! I hope there are no mistakes in this post, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are.

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Granny, nobody thinks you're a maroon! I known exactly what you mean, happens to me too.

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A maroon 😂🥰

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😂😂😂 We’re all victims of autocorrect at some point. I wouldn’t even attempt this on my phone. It’s hard enough on my iPad, but don’t want to be tied to the computer.

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As a bonafide retired educator, I have graded this post and it’s A+ work.

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The bad thing is that I’m a retired teacher also! I’ve given myself a few Fs for not checking my work before turning it in. I hate predictive text! That’s how most of my mistakes slide through.

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So did my mum! And she also supported an anti-income tax activist: Vivien Kellems!

Link: https://connecticuthistory.org/vivien-kellems-takes-on-the-irs/

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We have a friend who spent time in a minimum security prison cuz he so strongly believed that income tax was unconstitutional. Kind of destroyed his marriage and part of his family, but they all survived and he’s happy and living in Florida.

There are people who walk the talk. Too bad it didn’t do much towards the cause.

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DJT was smeared even before he was elected in 2016. His mistake?... He didn't exercise absolute Stalin-esque control over the press corpse as Obama did. I've read many accounts of journalists(to include Sharyl Attkisson) who stated that the Obama admin controlled "its" press like no other Presidential admin in 30 years. Attkisson also mentioned that in 2011--the "narrative" emerged and is indicative of lockstep reporting by all legacy media groups. If you wish to understand how DT was shut down over his 4 year term we need only visit the work of Professor Dale Scott on the history of the DS. That and Davos! Happy hunting!

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Good job! I find critiques of President Trump to be tedious. So many armchair quarterbacks are so sure they could have navigated that nasty, poisonous, toxic, disgusting, flesh eating swamp with total aplomb😣

The man kicked Hillary’s ass. I will love him till I die.

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But, why did the press cave? They've abandoned investigative reporting.

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Righto! The $100 Billion Dollar question. And coincidentally the Pharma industry is a multi Billion dollar industry with one of the most powerful lobbies(at one time: "THE most influential lobby"--plausibly still the case)in the DC matrix. When the same individuals that own or rule the boards of the Pharma Co's also sit on the boards of MSNBC,CBS, NYTimes, WaPo...what we see is the end of a Free Press. The Fourth Estate has been eviscerated and disintegrated. RIP bona fide journalism, Hello Orwellian Double Speak. Psyops R Us.

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MSM is getting paid by pHarma and government to report as they're told, and tech complied for fear of getting regulated, so the obvious result is govt brought the "free press" to heel.

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To a degree I will agree--but we must also consider the historical precedents(prior to 2022) for a "propaganda driven press." If you haven't seen the film Citizen Kane--there are a couple of scenes that speak volumes on the topic of Govt aligned propaganda, aka Yellow Journalism. Also of note is The Third Reich's intel/media officer, Goebbels. The bigger the Lie, the easier to convince the masses. Ignorance and denial are the actual cause of dis-ease!

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The big "5", government, media, entertainment, education, medical are all dominated and captured by the same crew. It's like swimming upstream to make an inch of headway against this monolith. We've let it happen with hardly a peep of protest and now we're in trouble. It's scary.

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Yeah…about 50 years ago

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Completely agree. We NEVER should have been given money. The country should have opened UP! Now because of everyone being used to living off the government, there are help wanted signs s all over. It’s so bad

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I agree. I said then that giving out that money was terrible for our economy. Warp speed was horrific for the US as we have seen from the effects of it after Trump left office. He should have tried to get Fauci out when he took office, also. Maybe things would have turned out better with Fauci out.

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I believe DJT did not realize how ingrained and corrupt the alphabet soup of bureaucracy’s was. I think he believed he knew politics and DC. He did not. The wheel is greased by what the bureau chiefs want. Look at all the agencies he had to take on, to get anything accomplished. I do not know why he did not rid himself of Fauci early on, there was evidence of what he had been up to for decades, but Trump was on an island, and many loved Fauci, including my nephew who is a doctor.

Remember a Republican led Congress for two years did nothing to help him. Congress has been about spending money for decades and decades! I am beginning to believe the two parties are flip sides of the same coin.

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I loved so many things about DJT, still do. And you’re right, he said he wanted to drain the swamp but I don’t believe he, or anyone else realized the gargantuan scope of that job!

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