Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

All of you airplane travelers have your cell phones at the ready. There are going to be some hellacious battles worthy of documentation. Taking away the masks is going to be equivalent to taking away their child. I'm always looking for a good laugh. Of course, they won't remove theirs....ever, but the rest of you best prepare for the loon brigade.

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I’ll just bring extra masks and tell them to wear one right side out and one inside out and that way it’s like they’re wearing mine for me and that’s an even better virtue-signaling thing to do. Maybe thinking about that will occupy them at least for a little bit. Oh wait, they don’t think.

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That is hands down best response to a maskholer I've heard, thanks!

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Janice I wish you had made this remark last year LOL. It would have saved me a few agonizing trips to walmart.

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Incidentally, I've never had anyone besides a medical person insist I wear a mask except for my long time friend from 6th grade who, unfortunately, drank the covid koolaid. But I live in Oklahoma so maybe things are more chill here. Although I have been seeing more people wearing masks now than maybe six months ago. When the greeter at Walmart offers me a mask (which they're doing sporadically), I just say no thank you.

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Shoot, you’ve definitely been privileged to live in chill land. What a blessing for you!

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I am thankful. It's been annoying, but not horrible like in other states and cities. That is not to say that hospitals here haven't killed patients with the wrong protocol while denying the treatments that work... :( That is, of course, horrible. I guess there just aren't as many mask nazis here as elsewhere...

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I had made a similar suggestion on my public page back in the 2020 days when I still had Facebook. But I think I added something like “wear your two masks and leave me alone.” 🤭

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

Janice, well done. How do you keep a virtue masker busy for X hours? Hand them two masks . . . . 😆

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That’s the best response ever!!😆❤️😆❤️

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And my kids don't think I'm funny.... :D :D :D

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Janice, you’re the best! 👍🤣

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That’s perfect!

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

Read a post yesterday about a passenger being approached by a flight attendant asking for support to keep the mask mandate in place. Her reasoning, to protect her child until eligible for the shot.


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Could I please have that child? 🙄😡💔

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Imagine saying "no" and being trapped in a metal tube with them for the rest of the flight.

I hope they brought their own food.

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

The packaged food is safe, it’s the coffee I’m worried about!


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That’s right! It’s like being in a group MRI where those with halitosis just won’t shut up 🤮

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So her kid can be immuno compromised for the rest of his/her life and purchase many more Pfizer products to "help" overcome health issues caused by the gene therapy.


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Another Festivus Miracle!

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Unfortunately, another one lost to TV science.

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So sad and stupid!!

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🤦‍♀️Poor kid.

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not to worry, no one will be flying in a couple months anyway. It will be way too expensive. so the mandates won't matter. :)

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Well this is good news and bad news. Good news because some someones need to learn a lesson, but bad news because my husband works for an airline. I am so thankful God holds us in His hand…and He owns it all anyway.

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I made reservations a few days ago for a trip to FL to visit my sister. My husband heard this morning that SW plans to cancel approximately 2000 flights because of gas prices. I won’t be surprised if ours gets canceled because we’re flying from one mid sized town another.

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For some reason I couldn’t activate the like button. So this is a like.

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Comments, as they nest farther out, are harder to like. Seems to be a bug in substack.

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my ticket is still on hold, but I am not going anywhere until all the covidmania is gone. Europe is still way to much in nazi style and I heard from friends they had to pay extra for testing to come back to the US

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Rand Paul should have also dropped the testing requirement for US citizens coming back into the US. When will the fascist bullshit ever end? I’m so SICK of it. If I could convince my husband, I’d leave this country. I dk where I’d go but I’m sick of the corruption and evil men ruining our country. As well as big pharma. :((( how did it get to this?

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Where would you go? Serious question. It seems all the governments in the West have gone full-bore authoritarian at the same time.

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Exactly. I heard Mark Steyne say this very thing a few.years ago, he was subbing for Rush and he did quite a monologue on this very subject; the importance of fighting for American freedoms, because it was the last hope. I remember the feeling of sadness when he said ….there is no where else.

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Bring that I’m married and my husband didn’t feel the same way, it’s not anything that I’ve looked at seriously. Costa Rica and Mexico might be options. I’m a researcher and if moving was an option or a plan b, I’d would have an answer. At this point, it’s difficult to find a country that’s not corrupt. But, they do exist. Where would you go?

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Just went to Costa Rica in December (my fifth trip there and easily the worst) The people are generally great but they really drank the Covid Kool Aid. Asked me to wear a mask to walk to a table outside on the beach. Almost 100 % vaxxed population. Had to pay for insurance at $7/ per day extra if unvaxxed. Was told by people living there that we wouldn't even be allowed in without the jab (untrue obviously). Had to pay $75 for a Covid test to return to US :(

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Hawaii and Ireland dropped all bans. Israel is begging for non vaxed.

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My sister (anti-covid jab) had an Israel trip planned for about a year. Got the Johnson & Johnson shot months ahead of time as required only to be able to share the trip with her daughter. A few weeks ago, Israel dropped the vax requirement. My sis landed there yesterday for her tour. I'd love to see where Jesus walked and healed and cast out demons on earth...but I will probably wait and see the new Jerusalem...

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Yes, they pay big-time!!!

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Alas, we are already at the precipice of the next "global crisis" so we may be waiting a long time!

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I have already warned my family that they might never see me again. At first it hurt, but now I am at peace. If you decide to move across the ocean, you know that might happen anyways. I think of them always, that is what counts. After all, travelling has become a hassle and we are not getting any younger ! Just stay in this little corner of nowhere in the woods is safest right now I guess. Never seen a deer with a gun!

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Or a mask!

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Ok, don’t shoot me or anything but I would wear a mask on a plane, against regular flu/cold sized stuff flying around from the cougher behind me or sneezer ahead. Hubby or I get sick after every flight we take presumably from recycled air.

IF the airlines upgraded all of their planes I’d be happier but I don’t trust that they did. Otherwise why are they FOR masks? Stupid.

Pre Covid, people occasionally wore masks onboard. For their own reasons. So when you fly, don’t dis the tall blond in a mask wearing a “So.” shirt. 😉

And it won’t be on Delta who wants to ban non mask wearers for life.

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I'm flying on April 18th! I'll be ready :)

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I gave 52 to the candidate. I’m so glad DeSantis is leading in Miami dade county. This is great news. I don’t think we are south manhattan. We are divided and I live surrounded by Cuban exile republicans from the 60s first and second generation most of us gather at La Carreta on bird road to protest. Viva cuba libre! We love trump and DeSantis.

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Donated and wrote a message..." Coffee & Covid has your back!"

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Love it!!!

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Currently on the road. Will get on it later this afternoon.

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$22 and done, with a C&C shout out to boot!

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Would still like to hear how the last multiplier we did for DeSantis turned out. Did you ever get the numbers?

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I donated too ($12) but I missed the spot where I could add a nice message like yours. Dang.

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

Me, also.

Edit: thanks for letting us know we could go back to leave a message. Noted had learned of him on C&C.

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Same here.

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Me too!

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Shoot! I forgot to use the 2 multiplier. Guess I’ll have to go back and donate again!

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Great message! And it really does feel wonderful to be part of Operation Multiplier! Each day, I feel happily blessed after reading C&C!

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Thanks. I didn’t think it that!

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Me too

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

After you donate to Joe Harding, leave him a note and let him know why you donated.


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Done. Thanks for the link.

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Ya and the dude seems solid. He and his family seem like the young energy we need.

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Thanks for that. Done and done!

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire, just launched a lawsuit to remove masks on planes.

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Yes! 🙌🏼

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I just donated to Joe Harding from NH. I'm a life-long democrat but no more! I have been red-pilled! Love Coffee & Covid! Thank you for all you do!

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Welcome to sanity. Just curious, what was it that led you to shift? Have tried with some friends and family with little success. Although my sister (who lives in AL so her vote for D's has been mostly in vain) called me Sunday night and apologized for voting for Biden. What did it for her? Her hubby's tanking 401K, interestingly enough. Not the vid, not gas prices, not the illegal immigrants who she complains has overrun her area due to all the chicken plants in the region, but the stock market. Interesting as I think the bull run would have run out regardless of the 2020 election, but I was gracious about it and told her the D party actually left HER a long time ago. She just doesn't pay a lot of attention.

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Every day of the last 2+ years has been intense and hurtful. My family (with 3 adult children) is unvaxxed in a liberal town so we have lost friends and jobs. Way too many lies from our government and media for us to ignore. We are very well read but I don't have one "friend" who is interested in my sharing any of it. They are totally in the tank about what they hear on mainstream media and will not read any dissenting views. We feel like we're living in a dystopian world here. It's very strange.

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Well perhaps if you are in a liberal town there are still those like you, it's a question of finding them. My other sister is a lonely R in So Cal, but has managed to find some conservative groups that meet, and she's surprised how many silent majority folks are out there. Got really involved in the Recall Newsome movement but really disappointed in that though. Even in my town, where 65% voted for Trump, the left is very nasty, and making life h*ll for our local R candidates, even tried to get one fired just for being conservative, sending screen shots from her campaign posts. The fight is everywhere, sadly.

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I’ve heard that once you take the red pill, there’s no going back. When your eyes are opened and you see truth, you can never Unsee it! It’s an odd Twilight zone world we live in, with lies coming at you from every angle, but hang on. C & C is a good place to find some sanity.

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I donated approximately 3 gallons of gas to Mr. Harding. ⛽️⛽️⛽️

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Harris skipped a large White House “Equal Pay” event yesterday, leading many to speculate that she also may be experiencing symptoms."

Nah, inappropriate outbursts of loud cackling isn't a COVID symptom.

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I’ve heard it’s a symptom of Cocaine use. 🙄

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Harding got my bucks, and I actually bothered to read the campaign page this time- fortunately this is a candidate I don't have to be a single-issue supporter on.

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So what is behind the recent spate of truth telling? It's not organic, it never is.

Is it just politics and fear of a mid-term wipeout? If so, why is it happening worldwide? Also, why is it happening in places like LA County (my home for now) where even Stalin himself could be elected if he had a "D" after his name?

It has to be more than just politics. My guess is that the truth behind the vaccine adverse events is cataclysmic, and all the vax pushers (virtually every level of gov't) are trying to pretend they weren't behind it and hoping people forget. All the signs are there with the excess deaths and warning from insurance companies. Those in power must know. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think so.

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The explanation would be that the US/CDC sets worldwide policy. Dunno if it's true, but there is evidence supporting that hypothesis.

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Yes, that could explain it. I had assumed that many of these leaders actually thought for themselves rather than just following the herd. CYA from their awful advice/mandates actually shows some rational thought albeit very low morals. Perhaps I gave them too much credit.

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The public has ALWAYS had a short memory as to politics. Idk why. The opposing party has to call out all the lies every cycle.

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Done! Thank you also Jeff.

Note sent:Thank you for standing up for our children and parents! I heard about what you did from Jeff Childers at Coffee and Covid. Now if only Florida's sanity could spread to us northerners! You have my heartfelt gratitude.

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DeSantis for president !

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We're hogging him all up for Florida. The rest of ya'll can get by with Trump the Jabber.

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I've been saying the same to my little sister, who lives in North Carolina now. It's almost like we're kids again. She keeps telling me I have to share and I keep telling her no I don't. :D

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Agree! Trump had his day and he’s too old for 2024!

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Wouldn't that be a blessing!

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

RE: India relations with the US

Considering India's essential role in ingredients and finished pharmaceutical products, very interesting play by the DC crowd.

Reminds me of a dimwit, who was responding to someone's lament of the plight of farmers, that she didn't care as she got her food from a grocery store.

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Please, please, please, Jeff, deploy the C & C army and let us all (100,000) send a mask to Mitt. 🤪

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Mask Romney. What a deplorable politician. Will be glad to see him get the boot.

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

YES!!!! What’s his address?

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Used masks only. snicker

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Also why is Charlie Crist trying to stay relevant-NO ONE can beat DeSantis (unless it is stolen like 2020)

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

But we have election police now 😆

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The Republican majorities in both houses watered it down to a tiny unit with inadequate funding. Our battle is as much within as it is without. Don't be complacent, about anyone or anything.

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

There was a hint of sarcasm in my comment along with a dash of hope.

I hear you!

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We have to BE the election police. Sign up as a election day volunteer to watch them not stuff the ballots after hours.

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

Yes!! For example, my friend was trying to influence local politics but realized it wasn’t going to help so his whole group said screw it and ran for the positions and they swept up.

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Yes, and apply to be poll *workers,* not just poll *watchers.*

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Mar 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Donated- wished I had made a comment but I did donate!

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Commenter Richard said leave a message here…


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Thanks! Dropped him $22 and left a comment pointing back to this substack.

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