May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I’d almost laugh at the ridiculously ironic fact that the FDA let Emergent keep pumping out tainted vaccines with no consequence and yet closes down Abbott and creates a formula shortage with no proven issue at the plant if it wasn’t so tragic. Every three acronym government department needs a total clean out of all top people and every department head on day one of 2024 with a Republican President!!! All of them are so corrupted and don’t work to protect We the People or the Constitution, in my opinion. 🇺🇸

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They don’t need a clean out at the top. They need to be abolished because no such power was ever enumerated in the Constitution to create them in them first place. They are extra-Constitutional impediments to the power of the sovereign states and true Liberty of a free people.

Please do not put your faith in republican (RINOs) to do the right thing. It will be difficult to even find independent candidates with integrity as the uniparty system prevents them from even getting nominated. It is time to wake up and reclaim Liberty!!

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The uni party? You mean the “ COMMUNIST PARTY”, I believe that’s what you meant to say. Lol

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It seems that the party who is not in the seat, is the one that does the work. Dems do something when they are minority, and now some Reps have. But most do nothing at all, just cash the check. Only a handful of people have worked for the people - Senator Johnson, at times Paul, and a few more. Some of the republican governors did what they could, DeSantis probably the most eye catching, but Kemp and several others did what could be done. But will they keep on doing it, if the government turns Rep?

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You just stated: “ Brian Kemp did what he could”? 😂😂😂🤣🤣🥴🥴. Are you serious? He freakin helped steal the 2020 election!!! His daughters boyfriend was fried in a “ car crash”… and he did “ all he could do” omg. I refute that statement.

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Just as with the president election we had the choice between bad and worse. If Abrams had won, we would still be in lockdown, and we would have a jab mandate. He probably did steal the election. But now it turns out it might be better this way. Do you know an honest politician? Honest politicians do not exist. Honest people don't go into politics. Even my friend who owns a small business agrees with this statement. I am sorry for his daughters and their boy friends. All I see was what he did as the governor of this state, and that was way better than we could have hoped under Abrams.

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Stacey Abrams is a waste of air, IMHO.

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True there.

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We can only hope the overreach of the last two years woke enough people up.

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Maybe they’ll at least need another thousand or so mules to steal this one.

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Yep everywhere!

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Who knows… we saw all the sheeple and still see them around with air clogging contraptions on their faces. I swear, when I see one. I just want to go up and yank It off and yell: STOP IT, ALREADY YOU DUMB FOOL. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Am about to scream every time I see one. Several people have opened their eyes. Others are sleep walking and will never wake up. A former friend biologist still thinks jabs, masks and lock downs are great ways to solve this problem. Can you believe it. Even the regular press publishes articles about the disastrous sick wave in states and countries that did exactly that. Belgium had one of the worst lock downs and the highest per capita death toll. Still my father is going to get a fourth jab next week. Some people are worse than sheeple. They have a death wish.

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Ask your father this question. If he received a shot for measles and then was told he needed another shot for measles and then two boosters and then he actually got measles, what would be think of the measles vaccine?

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Abbott has done a little. I wish he'd step it up.

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Oh don’t worry. I have no faith in Rino’s at all. I mean a ultra-maga conservative as President. I hear your concerns about the department’s and I still think there are some good people in the lower ranks who love our country. Guess I’m just a slight optimist still.

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What is really interesting is that this story coming out to me is all propaganda because they know full well that their jabs- all of them are deliberate bioengineered poisons. So now they have a new scapegoat instead of putting the blame where it squarely belongs and that is with, Fauchi, Gates, Soros and the rest of the swamp creatures that pushed this evil on the world.

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Exactly. Blaming it on the plant . Geez us. 😵‍💫😵‍💫

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maybe so, but NONE of your words deal with the uttelr LACK of constitutional authority for any of these slphabet soup gummit cess.. er I mean agencies to exist. Since when are issues like lcohol tobacco, firearms medicne, biological research, disease control, vaccine development/production. BUYING medicines, insurance of any sort, retirement plans, managing at any level what we do/do not put into our bodies for any reason or no reason at all, whatkind of car we drive or can own, what we "feed" thos cars, or our children, or ourselves., transportaion or any facet thereof, managing vast tracts of "public lands" under illegally cosntituted federal agencies, the Federal ReerveSystem or lack thereof, to set interest rates, fuel standards or production, welfare, weather and/or climate,

Meanwhile, consider the other side of that coin: the few and clearly defnied tasts assigned FedGov are so badly mis-managed they are total faiulres. Post office, military/defense, money and establishing the value thereof,

they DO manage to have a pretty good handle on weights and measures,

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So you are stating the obvious: WE AINT FREE AND WE HAVE NOT BEEN FREE FOR CENTURIES! It’s time to mount up and get free! We keep fighting! That is what God’s ARMY is all about! LIVE FREE OR DIE!

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I like you Katie! My kind of woman.

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We would be frens🐸

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Tio: Your great list captures the gist of just how completely controlled our lives have become in this once free country.

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Pretty close, there, Michael. It is more accurate to say "just how comletely controlled THEY WOULD LIKE our lives to become in this once free country".

It remains for WE THE PEOPLE to stand solidly against such obscene control and attempts. Simply stand your ground when possible and say NOPE. The ONLY times I slapped that mug nappie accross my face were when I NEEDED medicalattention and the facility insnsted I at least wear the foul thing as they praded me through the lobby with others seated about in it. Been kicked out of two businesses for refusing to hide behind the rag. Refused the shots, never quarantined, never avoided public places. I pay for almost everything with cash. Minimise exposure to public communicatioins systems, drive a 25 year old van with a third of a million miles on it, cycle wherever I can...... own certain items "they" would demand I turn in if they could, eat what I WANT to not what they tel me I should, ignore the stream of pleas and requests to schedule medical proceedures they think I should have, and testing.... and I am part of an organisation of volunteers which teaches rifle marksmanship and the history of the time leading up to the start of our war to kick out the Brits who were busying their sorry selves about completely controlling every aspect of our lives And how THAT ONE THING is what sparked that war for independence. And I could care less wht "they" think about all of the above.

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I hear you Tio: You are pretty much describing my practices as well. However, the number of things that we need permission for, have to pay fees and taxes for on the $ we already paid tax on, need permits/ licenses for , are prohibited from doing, etc, etc continues to expand weekly so that we are not a free people.

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Keep being an optimist! We need you! I am one! WE ARE GOING TO WIN THIS BATTLE!! NEVER, EVA, EVA GIVE UP OR GIVE IN!

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forget clean out of all the top people...every three letter department needs to be permanently shut down

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In your opinion? Lol… I think that pretty much wraps up ALL of our opinions. 😂😂

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The only threat to national security is Adam Schiff and the rest of the Democratic/Socialists and RINOs.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

If there is "intelligent life" out there, they would surely be avoiding Earth right now...too much "contamination."

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They're justifying the need for security drones... to keep us safe...

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Maybe they’re psyching us for a blue beam “war of the worlds” invasion?? 😱

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Precisely this^^^^^^^ When the going gets tough, trot out the eternally unverifiable UFOs... Granted our planet has likely been visited by various off worlders for many millions of years, but this has nothing to do with that and everything to do with distraction and obfuscation.

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If we can't get any aliens to make an appearance - we can use TR3Bs to simulate the threat.

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Another government distraction hoax! Please don’t fall for it America!

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Adam Schiff, Commander and Chief of the BUG EYE COMMISSION. 🤠

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My guess is the UFPs are Russian next gen hypersonic missiles being tested. 🤷

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Russian? I think if any country, it would be ours. You know the military industrial war Mongers.

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Russia is between 2 & 5 years ahead of us in missile technology. Even China has already tested hypersonic glide missiles, right under our noses last year, & our woke generals were oblivious until weeks after the fact. Russia has been using its hypersonic Kalibr missiles in Ukraine. We're years away from hypersonic.

They also are using tactical laser weapons and are testing lasers that can knock out satellite communications. Again, we are way behind.

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Or we could have complied with our commitments to disarmament, and stopped our aggressive and beligerent actions towards Russia and China...not cancelled the ABM and INF Treaties, stopped the expansion of NATO, and disbanded it...or just let Russia join, when they asked to do so...

The Russians and Chinese are trying to maintain a credible deterrent, since we refuse to abandon dreams of winnable Nuclear Wars and First Strike doctrines.

Those UAPs are TR3Bs, that are made by us, top secret, and flown near our bases so we can hype the "threat" when they're documented.

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They are NOT democrats, socialists or Rhinos. They are AMERICAN COMMUNISTS.

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Sooo true! Can’t believe lying Schaffer is still around!!

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I don’t know how this is but news. Even something as safe and painful as a tax return done at warp speed is not a good thing. Nothing rushed and hurried Can be safe effective. The moment trump said he was setting warp speed into action for the vaccine and would ready faster than ever before ........ I thought oh no I’m not taking this. I will let everyone be the Guinea pigs get immunity from rushed vaccine and I will emerge vaccine free and safe adverse event from this pandemic. Never made any sense to me and they never worked on a therapeutic and early treatment. If you get a bad cold and you don’t treat it early you risk pneumonia. Exactly what happened with covid.

Everyone heard novel and thought we will all die. No man lying liars.

About Fauci all I have to say is TRJMP 2024 #maga.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I hadn't thought about it an a long time, but you remind me I think the first time I thought "no thanks, I'll pass" was when they first started using the term Warp Speed sometime in mid 2020. Being Trump, who I generally liked, I wasn't completely closed to it, but it certainly didnt make me anxious and enthusiastic to take it.

Unlike certain Democrats who were publicly emphatic pre 11/3/2020 that they would never take TRUMP's vaccine, then transformed into the huge jab happy mandators.

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Agreed. I thought the name choice could have been better. Warp speed? Sounds rushed to me. And that’s never a good thing

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Thank you most didn’t take it thought same thing. I like trump but he has got to be crazy if taking warp speed vaccine. My sister now Jewish by marriage told her democratic in-laws who got vaxxed and boosted not her or children would get vaccine. First she got covid and got over it children were exposed no symptoms or side effects ever. Second she my sister was not a Guinea pig and she would wait to see what happens to them her in laws. 😂 she ended conversation with let’s not discuss this again I will not take it and neither will my children. End of story. Never been prouder and I never discussed my thoughts on this with her she reasoned this on her. Clear sign my sister is bringing to reason at age 45. Ha. Been waiting for this my whole life.

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I think the naming "Warp Speed" was for that very reaction. Alert humans that still think critically would take pause.

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I just can’t understand why the D’s did such an about face

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The first mention of a vaccine, I immediately thought “no thanks, not for me”. They push flu shots every year and I never have taken one. I haven’t had a flu since elementary school. I’m 60 now. Then I also heard about early treatment protocols from Dr. Peter Breggin. He interviewed Dr. Zev Zelenko. Dr. Breggin also talked about how the government does studies on “fear appeal” so I understood then what was going on. After that never stopped reading articles and listening to videos about the this whole entire plandemic. Also, was aware of the corruption of Big Pharma and neuro toxic psych meds… that is why I was I happened to be watching Dr. Breggin’s videos right when everything began in 2020. He quickly switched from talking about psychiatry to talking about the plandemic.

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I would really like to know what is it in people who succumbed to fear and took the jab and what is it in those who didn’t succumb to fear and did not take the jab, or ever wear a mask? It isn’t ignorance. Most were highly educated. I really find this interesting🤔. Why some people fell for it, yet others never did. What do y’all think about this?

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Agree! I was very distressed about the ‘warp speed! talk and decided immediately not to be a Guinea pig. I think Trump had just given management of this crisis over to Pence. He said that at the outset and gave reasons why Pence was capable. I think Trump was hoping to put his focus on other issues and apparently he trusted Pence. And then it turned into a cyclone of insanity that consumed the world. Never forget who uttered the words ‘Just give us two weeks to stop the spread’ in his best funeral director’s voice. That was Benedict Arnold Pence.

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Right, trusting Pence with the pandemic was a crucial error. Trump is best when he trusts his instincts and sticks to it despite resistance. I think his instinct was not to jump on the virus panic train, but mostly ignored his gut due to political considerations. He kind of deserved to lose (even though he didn't).

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I think Trump tried to push back with presenting information about possible treatments; hydrochloroquine, ivermectin, laser light, etc. He tried to counter the doom and death talk. Everything he spoke of was real treatment, but he was mercilessly attacked by the media and a lying pharmaceutical and medical industry. Very quickly it was like trying to stop a freight train with your hands. It was a tsunami of media induced fear and panic. I can’t fault him because I’m not sure what he could have done, short of telling Pence to pound sand.

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I totally agree. And just imagine what America would have faced without a “ vaccine”…. Total lockdown for God only knows how long .

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He saved millions, believe it or not. He talked about HCQ and intelligent people knew not to take it. I mean… would you take a experimental drug? Believe it or not, Many did. My question above☝🏼 Is what made some react in fear or servitude, and others not. But Trump did what he had to do . Can you imagine the entire USA being in lockdown becayse there was not a vaccine 🤔

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Did you mean the c19 shot when saying was experimental and not to take?

Two issues with HCQ, an approved Rx drug that's off patent and available as a generic (inexpensive) was desperate people who looked up concoctions with same ingredients but not medicinal and subsequently poisoned themselves, and, the fraudci et al whose correspondence noted potential benefits of HCQ (and as Trump was likely informed or read) but then contradicted DJT when he mentioned the HCQ.

Then fraudci network pulled same bs for IVM.

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Yep. Warp speed Amazon delivery...cool. 👍🏻 Warp speed in anything medical...opens up a deadly can of “oh sh%t, what did we do?!?” 😳 I’m sure the “medical experts” that Trump was relying on set him up.

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Yeah I don’t know what Trump was thinking but the esto speed discussion I kept thinking is there a Treky on this team and is that supposed to make me feel better? Unless the starship enterprise was going to take me to get vaccinated five years plus from March of 2020 no way was I getting that vaccine.

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I know, right. That’s what Common sense is for. My head spun on a swivel watching all my church get jabbed and masked up. WOW! People have been brainwashed to believe their government gives a crap. Well… they got their wake up. And I don’t attend church any mote, btw. A non profit tax free empty shell of an institution of dogma 🙄 I find the Lord in my heart. Now you got the church scaring everyone about the end times. Everyone is waiting on the rapture. 🙄. Maybe the End Times is the END TIMES of this Babylonic cabal that has ruled the world for thousands of years and God is using us, his children, to stand up and battle! Amen! 🇺🇸🙌🏼🇺🇸

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I don’t attend church either. I sometimes watch it on YouTube to hear the preacher say something enlightening. Hasn’t struck a cord with me yet but the discussion can be interesting. Love thy neighbor Jesus’ plight and how we can apply to current day. I don’t think the end of days is coming. I think we need to vote and make sure others votes anti OBiden. Then if things don’t settle maybe can discuss end of day again. But not today, definitely not yet.

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I agree, but where I live… the Deep South, pastors are preaching the End Times as if it was the end of the world doom. I have other interpretations of Revelations that point to armaggedon being the battle we are in now against this NWO. Look back in biblical history… they saw things worse than we… and I am sure they thought it was the end of everything . But God gathered up men and formed armies to defeat the evil of their times. I think GOD is revealing the evil so we too will rise and be the army of righteousness .

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Yeah I am with you. I was raised Catholic went to catholic school. We read the Bible cover to cover. For three years we sat in a mandatory class reading taking turns by page up and down the seating rows. Bible can be interpreted many different ways. God gave us free will to forge our path in life. We make choices that shape our lives. When we need of the power God to help us thru we take from his strength to rebuild our lives push forward in Gods image. But the first step is making a choice of what path to take. I don’t think God is looking to wipe us from the face the earth. And preaching end of days is not productive because if it is to happen cant stop it so why worry take one day at time and if preacher wrong and it doesn’t happen lots of people are going to be rightly angry and find a new preacher and church!

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May 18, 2022·edited May 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Adam Schiff looks and acts like an alien, so probably is one. So an Alien investigating Aliens 🤔. Well played aliens, well played.

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Maybe the aliens are dumping their village idiots off on earth

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And people are voting for them.

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Yet they somehow get positions in government 🤣

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

He always looks like he just saw an alien

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He has the signature alien bug eyes.

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More like a possession! Do you know about the black eye incidents?

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No but I will look it up!

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He looks like he still has the probe up his ***.......

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I'd like to know who keeps electing Schiff. How could they not see what we all see about him? And yes, probably an alien, lol.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

No, no, and no. These experimental biologicals are causing severe adverse events and deaths around the world. Contamination of the experimental biologicals by a company never mentioned over the past two plus years? What exactly did they use to contaminate the vials?

Emergent. Never heard of emergent, ever. Have read nonstop about the entire scamdemic daily night and day for two years. Why would a pharmaceutical company (Pfizer, J&J) deploy its manufacturing of an experimental biological to a company with a known safety record? I smell something fishy here. Also a great way to muddy the waters regarding causation of severe adverse events and deaths post injection of experimental biologicals. That would be about the last straw.

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Yeah, I automatically suspicious these days. Why would they allow this to come out? J&J jabs are a small portion of the total. Will stories about mRNA contamination start emerging soon? Be a good way to admit to all the AE without admitting the medication technology itself is flawed.

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Exactly. They don’t leak stuff like this without a game plan. It’s to cover their asses.

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May 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thanks for this link you posted. Wow… the evil is just falling out of the woodwork like panicked roaches.

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Was this the company run by I think two foreigners mentioned in Kennedy's book about Fauci?

There were two guys that were running a "defense" company that then got into making vaccines. Seemed like a complete and total scam.

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I searched the Kindle version of Kennedy's book and found no mention of Emergent biosolutions.

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This was just brought to my attention, it is a video which shows blood testing and microscopic examination. The examination begins at the 11 minute mark.


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I have seen so many of these. Who knows anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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So, can Emergent be sued, but Pfizer can’t? Curiously puzzling. 🤨

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Why of course. That’s the reason they leaked if. To cast blame on a company and not them 😡😡

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Emergent produced J&J’s vaxxes not Pfizer’s.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

It’s shocking how federal regulators that most Americans believe, you know, REGULATE the preparation, testing, and distribution of critical medical products are almost completely hands-off. The drug companies have all the control limited only by their corporate conscience. This is the scandal of our time and it’s killing Americans.

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May 18, 2022·edited May 19, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

That’s because the reason government regulators exist has nothing to do with safety or quality. Large corporations actually lobby for these types of regulations as a means of stifling competition and erecting barriers to entry that prevent more-efficient start-ups from entering the market. Look at the cosmetology licensing in most states. These regulations are claimed to protect us from sketchy barbers using dirty scissors (as if that wasn’t perhaps the easiest type of establishment for a patron to instantly judge the sanitary condition of), but they actually make criminals out of people with the audacity to attempt to scratch out a living braiding hair or shaping nails on the street without a government-issued license. The point of the game seems pretty obvious in the preceding example, but why do we believe that government regulation of restaurants, railroads, or even doctors and pilots serves any more effectively to ensure public safety? In the absence of such stifling regulations, would the majority of the public still not insist on their restaurants and hospitals being privately insured against negligence and malpractice, and would those insurers not establish or employ their own private auditing and certification operations to assess and limit their financial risk? Unlike the government, these private companies—whether we’re talking about the primary business, or their insurers, or their auditors—would have real financial incentive to ensure the safety and quality of the products sold to consumers.

As we can see clearly in this rare case, under the current system, when “federal regulators” *are* caught protecting incompetent contractors from market competition, the blame is immediately shifted to a few chosen scapegoats in upper management (who may receive either a golden parachute or a jail sentence, depending on how well they help the government cover up the corruption and utter incompetence of everyone involved, from U.S. Presidents to contract janitors), fines are levied to reclaim a portion of the grift wasted on these pathetic corporations who would be unable to even exist in a free market, and the real victims are not only left holding the bag, but can’t even get so much as an apology or even an admission of negligence or wrongdoing from either the government or the corporation.

While examples like this one may cause people to instinctively demand tougher regulation, when you start peeling back the layers, you realize that it’s the mere existence of government regulations in the first place that is the root problem. A truly free market (absent artificial liability or monopoly protections from a government), on the other hand, has every financial incentive to properly regulate itself.


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Love this quote from the Mises article on bureaucracy:

"The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!"

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While I feel bad about these folks just trying to make a living, there’s a reason for regulation. I’m a hairstylist. I spent 1600 hours in school learning about my trade, but also about sanitation, lice, scabies and bacterial infections; they are all real. In California they pulled the whirlpool pedicure foot baths when they realized a antibiotic resistant bug was still in the “pipes” and caused a serious infection. (Like a year on an antibiotic to get rid of it infection.) We also work with caustic chemicals that can burn your scalp. You should see the crazy stuff we see that non-licensed people use to apply things like extensions and lashes. 😳 BTW...A nail technician only has to go to school for 300 hours.

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May 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022

The point is that there's no reason any of that regulation needs to (or even should) come from a government. To the extent that real problems like this exist, the market will demand independent inspection, auditing, and insurance of businesses, which in many cases will demand the same of potential employees. Why 1,600 hours and not 1,500 or 2,000? It's entirely arbitrary, invented by a bureaucrat who has probably never cut a single head of hair.

In a free market, the companies who insure these businesses will use actual data to formulate their own requirements for various services and employees, and the fact that they will be financially liable for any malpractice will motivate them to increase requirements, while market competition will provide a check on overzealous regulation. For example, if one insurance company is requiring employees of its customers to have 2,000 hours of training, but a competitor only requires 1,500, which is providing them with acceptable risk levels to maintain similar premiums for equivalent coverage, then the first insurance company will begin losing business to the latter because that lower requirement will provide a business using that insurance company a larger hiring pool, reducing the cost of labor. Conversely, if there is something in that extra 500 hours which makes a measurable impact on the incidence of malpractice, the insurance company with the lower requirements will have to rethink that policy or risk becoming insolvent. Eventually, the market will determine what the appropriate level of training is to apply fake eyelashes without causing serious injury or illness. That number is unlikely to match the one some bureaucrat at a desk in the capital pulls out of his butt at the behest of industry lobbyists.

The problem with government regulations is that it is essentially a monopoly enforced at the tip of a bayonet. Consumers and businesses have no choice in which regulations are necessary, or whether any are necessary at all. When a consumer is harmed, the regulators who failed to prevent the harm suffer no economic or civil consequences for it. To the contrary, the organization that failed to prevent the harm is strengthened through fines paid not to the victims but to the failed regulators, as well as by an increase in public demand for more regulation, which is reliably and swiftly exploited by the lobbyists for the established industry players who caused the harm under the negligent eye of their monopoly government regulators. Established players are protected from innovative upstarts, the bureaucracy continues to grow, and the public is less protected than it otherwise would've been.

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Exactjy. Just like school choice. Every parent should have the right to send their kids to the school they like. Imagine if a school was teaching crt and a family could just leave and go somewhere else… that school teaching CRT would go out of business. Free market all the way! Just like for the hair salon. If you want people supporting your business, then one would certainly pay for 6 month safety and health inspections each year for

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Crud. I had a comment typed out and lost it. Agree with you. Have you ever read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A Heinlein? He has a lot to say about exactly what you wrote.

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Unfortunately, we've also seen what happens across multiple industries when minimal standards don't exist or are not met. Without minimal standards, unfortunately, human nature does not lend to self regulation at restaurants, salons, spas, construction, etc.

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Further, take note in Renee's example that despite all the regulations and training and licensing there was still a problem. Those things happen with or without regulation. With regulation it actually takes longer to discover those things because the market and consumers do not pay as close attention as they should because they assume the government regulators are actually doing something to prevent these events when they aren't doing anything.

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I agree with you in principle, but I think without our industry being regulated it could be worse. At least in California. The slippery slope is…where does it stop? Can anyone claim to be a brain surgeon? Robert A Heinlein had a saying about writing. Paraphrasing…anyone can say they’re a writer, but no one says they’re a brain surgeon without actually being one.

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Natural is the way to go. No more nail polish for me. A clean look is always in style.

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I make my living off of chemicals. 😊 Bring on the hair color! 😉

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Regulations like that are fine. It’s lobbyist we need to make scarce.

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I heard that a hairstylist gets more training than a police officer.

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I can believe it!!

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all regulation is brought about by the rich and powerful to maintain their wealth and power

regulation is never for the benefit of the little guy

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We need to get rid of all lobbying. It has no right in politics or healthcare/medicine.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Could this be another way to blame Trump and Operation Warp Speed? One thing we have learned from Trump’s presidency, is that every bureaucratic office in DC is corrupt. He had to deal with every one at some point and showed for everyone looking just how low our government has sunk.

The J &J disaster in the enfolding reminds me strangely of all of Obama’s green initiatives. Cash for Clunkers and the most appropriate, Solyndra, a billion dollar scam from the get go. But graft in the Federal government goes back as far as the founding of this country, so there is that.

Masks just have me perplexed. I can go to virtually any sports event, indoors or out and find nary a mask. Same with art’s events, church, and any kind of entertainment. But go into any grocery store, small or huge, and masked people are still there. Husband and I had to stop at a Verizon store for help with a tracking device. The place was not busy and no masks. But when we were checking out, we made mention of the plexiglass partitions back up. The guy wearily, said cases were on the rise again and this was the CDC, ‘keeping us safe’. He also hoped they wouldn’t have to wear masks again, but he had heard rumors, they might. See how that works. Mask on, mask off. Then this morning another “let kids learn” site, published a ‘Newsbreak’ app bite that the CDC was warning that 10 counties in Michigan were seeing a resurgence of covid cases and masks were recommended for all indoor venues. The 10 counties were mostly around Detroit, but strangely a third were in northern lower Michigan from Cheboygan to Traverse City. We know that this area is becoming very liberal due to the influx of young people who now permanently work from home and like the big lake lifestyle, (of course, this also corresponds with the summer tourist season). Most people are turned off by the msm’s coverage of covid, but they do look at numerous news apps for ‘relevant news’, which is covid whenever needed. Covid, the gift that keeps on giving.

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"We know that this area is becoming very liberal due to the influx of young people who now permanently work from home and like the big lake lifestyle, (of course, this also corresponds with the summer tourist season)."

This remark very accurately describes Oakland County where we lived for twenty years before packing up and moving south last year. Everything you described about masking is true.

Trips to the local Whole Foods, Costco, or Kroger were always excruciating even late last year where sixty percent of people were wearing masks, many still doing the 'double-mask' thing which, other than the middle-aged woman wearing her mask while on walks around our neighborhood, is the height of absurdist theater.

This is why I genuinely fear that Gretchen ultimately will be re-elected. That, and typical Michigan corruption and the state's tendency to cut off its nose to spite its face.

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Our eyes are wide open now. Once our Republican Legislature betrayed us in November of 2020, several groups were formed to get back election integrity. What that means is getting Conservatives to work the polls, along with poll watchers. To vett Conservative candidates, and to publicize election fraud as often as we can. Patrick Colbeck has been a leader in the fight to show election fraud. His new book, “2020 Coup”, details it all.

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May 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022

If you watch 2000 mules you’ll know working the poles isn’t going to help.


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I hope so although the wealthy liberals in Birmingham, Royal Oak, and Bloomfield Hills will have a lot to say about it. Being a U of M by-product, albeit in a soft major, seems to go with the territory along with pointing out how many people in their family are doctors and how they all recommend masks and vaccines.

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We have communists and globalists infiltration .

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Driving alone in a car masked?? Hiking in woods masked??

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You really can't be too safe. The unvaxxed are still spreading new variants all the time.

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Seeing someone driving alone wearing a mask was a daily event. Michigan has a fantastic rails-to-trails network where I used to road bike. Inevitably, I would confront a jogger, hiker, or biker wearing a mask.

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We even hit that around Texas. At the state park - groups walking while wearing masks. Even single people walking while wearing a mask at times. I just don't get it. :/

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Unreal, isn’t it. My 24 year old daughter who suffers anxiety refused to come visit me unless I wore a mask. It broke my heart these damn evil people had affected her thought process. But just know, there are anxious people out there who this planned demic shit REALLY EFFECTED… one being my daughter 🥲 fear mongered by her employer to get that criminal vaccine. I pray it was a placebo 🙈🙈

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Not proud of my Michigan!! Not a lot of common sense here!

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Same here in CT. Back wearing masks at work. Idiots were handing out double lined masks yesterday. I took a handful and threw them in the trash. I just don’t understand why people are still being forced to wear these things? Death rates are non existent due to the latest “cold” variant. Makes my blood boil.

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Geez us. What is wrong with Americans!

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If this 💩 circles back around and people comply … then they deserve to lose their job or whatever else.

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It's not the ones who comply that lose their jobs. That's why we must keep pushing legislators for action to stop the false narrative about c19, mandates for c19 flu jabs, masks, lockdowns, etc that are not supported by robust, scientifically constructed studies.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Nuclear cardiologist Richard Fleming examined Pfizer vaccine vials and found them contaminated with junk, said something like that should never be injected into anybody.

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Flemming also said the "junk" contamination was a way lawyers could start suing irregardless of the liability bs protection. Don't know if anyone took him up on it.

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Yes, maybe those injured by Emergent can start suing.

The dead … s*it outta luck.

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Great to have a link for that so i can put it in the Dossier....

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Yes, I'll look for it. I think it was on Brighteon. But alas I must go off to work now.

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Awesome, thanks... Like others, I continue to compile a dossier of articles, papers and interviews that form the basis for "scholarly work" which in all likelihood will never be completed because like yourself...I have to go to work.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Here it is. Around 4:45 https://www.brighteon.com/fa61504d-0af4-4c86-a18b-85561ebdf0f7

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I wonder if there really is “ contamiminated” vials and I contaminated? I hope for my daughter’s sake, and others too, for that matter, that there are and she got the uncontaminated. 🙌🏼🙌🏼

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May 18, 2022·edited May 18, 2022

Well, emergent produced J&J. Which shot did you and your daughter get?

Charles, whom you are replying to, is referencing “Nuclear cardiologist Richard Fleming examined Pfizer vaccine vials and found them contaminated with junk, said something like that should never be injected into anybody.” That’s all Pfizer vaccines just have junk in them that should never be injected into anyone.

That’s not the same as some of the J&J vaccines that were “contaminated” at Emergent.

We’re kind of talking apples and oranges here using the same word “contamination” in different ways.

Good luck.

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I am a retired manufacturing engineer. I would be afraid, VERY afraid of these, "safe and effective", jabs. The manufactures have NO incentives to produce a safe and effective product when they were given immunity. I figuratively know how the sausage is made and this is the major reason why I did not get the shots. I have worked in ISO and GMP facilities and it all comes down to how ethical are the employees, particularly the upper management. They will produce anything and ship anything to make, "the numbers", for the week or month. Nothing else matters and they wouldn't care if arsenic was in the batches, IMHO.

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Emergent Biosolutions has a long history of corruption and hazard going back to the anthrax scare and vaccine. This is a long article but worth the read, especially if you want to know who is in charge of giving out these idiotic contracts and also profiting from them - in the case of Emergent, it's Robert Kadlec. https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/killer-enterprise-how-big-pharmas-most-corrupt-companies-plans-corner-covid-19-cure-market/

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One has to wonder of being in Baltimore has anything to do with it...

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“Rat-faced public health expert Anthony Fauci gave people what is possibly the best reason to vote for President Trump again in 2024 when he announced this week that he will quit if Trump gets re-elected.”

That’s almost verbatim (except the rat-faced part, which is one of my uncle’s favorite epithets for Dr. Mengelfauci, incidentally) what I said when Paul Alexander posted about it 😆

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When Fauci is referred to as rat faced, I immediately think of ‘Templeton’, the rat who lived under Wilbur’s trough in “Charlotte’s Web”.

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Yes, perfect description. Now I see it!! Love that book!

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I can never help but think he looks like an older version of Alfred E. Neuman of Mad Magazine. Seriously, like uncannily looking alike.

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"What, me worry?"

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YES! I sawthat too!

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

A friend, 39 years old at the time, had such severe myocarditis after his J&J vax (that he was pressured to get by his employer) that his atria actually split apart and he required surgery to place mesh so that when the inflammation settled down the atria would have something to scar down to. He also suffered two small strokes during that time, and thankfully seems to have no residual effects. But there were “only half a dozen” clotting issues 🙄

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Our healthy 42 year old friend died in his sleep a few months ago. Because he was retired military and in The Reserves they did an autopsy, yep, myocarditis. He was anti-vax but loved his service more I guess. 😭😤🤬 I hope your friend continues on an improving path.

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Such a tragedy…I’m so sorry for your loss.

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Thank you. He was like a little brother. I wanted to get up at his celebration of life and tell everyone what I knew, but I kept my mouth shut. I think half the crowd would have reviled me, the other half would have cheered.

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Horrifying, yet it seems the employers pushing it will go along with more of the same any day that Lord Voldemort says so. Why can't the actuaries at the insurance companies show the data to the corporations-- wouldn't they want to reduce the cost of their insurance plans/ benefits $$$??? Silly question, I guess, since the masks, etc. seems to have silenced most of those who could have stepped forward & made a difference at those companies.

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Dang that is nasty. Will we ever get a total tally of the injuries?

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Sadly, likely not

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May 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

UFO’s - why is this suddenly on the forefront with abject silence since the 1960s… something is up

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More bread and circus to keep shifting your focus. Plandemic? Vaccine/ mask mandates? No look over here UKRAINE/ FREEDOM /DEMOCRACY/ UUKKRRRAAAAINE!!! No! Loook over here… UFOs!!!! OH no! Look HERE! Not there where the corruption and communist revolution are succeeding.

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It's intended to move us on the light scale from dark to light but still enslaved in the Luciferian existence. Check out Probably Alexandra. Her stuff will blow your mind.

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They have to blame "something" on their planned EMP release!

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It's always been part of the agenda, hence all the scary invasion movies. They tell us what they intend to do.

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We’re going to need more jabs to protect from the alien’s viruses? They can just relabel the stores they have?

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Don't let the news about the Janssen jab make you forget that Pfizer's and Moderna's shots also don't work and have maimed and killed tens of thousands of people.

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Yup. Jansen just couldn't grift the Govts as much as the other two criminals.

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Either that, or they were the pre-planned fall guys from the beginning.

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So glad the safe & effective vaxes are so safe & effective 😵

Please...no more name-calling! I see no reason to insult rats! Imagine how it would feel to be called "Fauxi-faced!"

Hopefully President Trump will lock up Fauxi, Collins, Gates, Soros, Baric, J&J, Pfizer, Moderna....

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Jeff, please please please expose the rampant bull that is being pursued in nyc. Toddlers have been forced masked for months. Now, everyone is being forced masks. Nyc haS mandated that all Camps require full time masking for everyone , unless eating or outside. (That’s a huge change since our dept of health was recently requiring it for outside play at schools). And governor Hochul, a NON ELECTED governor, has renewed her emergency powers. AGAIN! Finally , mayor Eric Adams had repeated over and over that he intends to mandate the vaccine for schools. And we have no religious exemptions for children. Jeff, PLEASE HELP SAVE NY!

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All it would take would be the majority to rise up and just say "NO! We will NOT comply!" They can't put everyone in jail.

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Where i live (lower Manhattan) everyone — adults and children— have been triply vaccinated. Teens included. There is no majority here, sadly. But perhaps statewide there is? I don’t know. Nyc is HORRIFIC tho

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My kids live there. Were forced to take jabs in order to keep jobs and remain in place they love. That is a clear violation of informed consent and the basic rules of the Nuremberg Convention.

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Exactly. No one is going after the private employer mandate which has emboldened Adams more. It’s disgusting. One of my kids took the first two (behind my back) and wants the booster. The other one wants the vaccines and will prob get them and not tell me. Because they can get them here anywhere without parental consent

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CA is passing a bill to allow 12 y.o. To get jab without parental consent or knowledge. The commie breakup of the family is now coming to fruition.

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I live upstate. We've been in the oh-so-dreaded high case zone for months. No one cares. I refuse the shot and masks. The 'Ho can go to hell.

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Unfortunately people were quick to don their muzzle before the mandates went back into effect here. I mean people were still wearing them regardless… makes me so mad.

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It doesn’t take a majority. 10 % would do it!

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The only way to save NY at this point is to leave and let collapse under the weight of its corrupt, evil government, taxes, traffic, wokeness, and mandates

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I hear Florida is nice... 😁

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We have to take back our lost liberties. New England is the home of our revolution from the Crown. We can't keep moving away to a dwindling number of states.

Time for revolution 2.0.

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It is one of the freer states. Our governor is a standout for Freedom and conservative principals.

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Some of us can’t. (I can only work in NY). It SUCKS

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Susan, I know that masks for toddlers is insane and needs to be dealt with, and masks at camps too. But I think you can stop worrying about the V mandate for school children. If it failed in CA, it will fail in NYC. Even this NYT article says it will fail:


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I don’t trust anyone and i certainly do not trust Hochul

Or Adams. Since they have renewed their emergency powers repeatedly i feel like they may be able to enforce a school mandate. I mean, nyc is the only place i know where there is a private employer mandate and no one has fought it. (Thus my children cannot get jobs here this summer ).

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I blame the businesses. Grow some balls and say no. I'm unemployed because I grew some balls and said no. The world didn't end for me and it won't end for them if they take a stand.

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💯. The businesses should have refused. But they caved and the people wanted it. (Businesses didn’t want to be sued for “spreading Covid” I’m sure. The New York courts (for whom i work$ are completely pro mandates. 103 court workers have been fired in ny for refusing to “dance” and those of us who were granted exemptions will likely be terminated in September when our exemptions “expire.”

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Good for you, Napoleon! We all talk and fail to act.

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lots of court cases in the pipeline - michael kane at the defender has been on top of this, adams is just a wef puppet like his predecessor.

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Same in CT

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