UK hospitals to drop mask mandates; CDC wants to testing vaccinated people; Pfizer says its drug is a prototype; Wuhan and monkeypox; HIV and monkeypox; reinfections; and lots more...
Can we take the template for success trailblazed by Florida and copy/paste to the rest of the states?
Also, I just want to make sure everyone understands the ‘k’ in monkeypox is silent, so let’s make sure and pronounce and spell it accordingly to get ahead of the framing from the outset:
Setting the stage yet again with another "Table Top" exercise.
We may find that these table top exercises are actually being used for decision making in real world situations. I can hear the pols now talking about how to respond, "the exercise clearly showed us that the countries that prioritized keeping their economies open, undertaking little-to-no NPIs, and downplaying the virus and its potential impacts, experienced much worse outcomes in terms of illness and mortality than those that responded early and energetically. We must shut it down, lock it up, mask it up, nothing less - after all, the table top exercise revealed to us exactly what will happen. We must follow the science!"
BTW - Margaret Anna Alice - you do wonderful work - thank you for all of your revealing insights and analysis!
I’ve no doubt these “exercises” are thinly veiled dress rehearsals for the agenda to come as they have a habit of coming to fruition just like clockwork after they’ve done their practice run.
And thank you so much for the kind words, Bubblehead!
One more thought on the tabletop: The Final Discussion section - this is exactly the same conclusion that underpins the Paris Accord except in this case, it’s for MoneyPox not climate change. The conclusion reached, clearly from science of course, is a drastic need for investment in other countries. DJT was right. It’s all about the money.
I wonder if there is anyone who can stop gates 1. from speaking 2. from pouring money where it does not belong 3. deprive him from it all and see how happy he is.
On a similar note, Mayo Jacksonville, in its Beijing inspired, no Covid EVER policy, now requires ALL employees to once again put on the dirty rags. "We'll have NO sick people in this hospital, dammit!" Them shots is awesome! Nutjobs.
Mayo Jax has never let their mask demand down. Not one minute. They are still sending out regular reminders to schedule your “safe and effective” vaccine there. Not only that, some staff member is sure to jump all over you if your mask isn’t seated just right. Science in action!
Exactly the same with Ascension Seton “it’s company policy”… and the gestapo like employees literally chase you threatening to call security if you don’t disgrace your face with a mask, “you must keep masks over the nose!” Because science…
My (former) UF Health GP office would not let me in the office. Told me to drive around back, came out and talked to me through the car window from 6 (+) ft away!!
All this is insane. I work at a doctors office that hasn't worn masks since March 2020 and have had no increase in COVID patients, we have seen very few cases of COVID since September of 2021, mainly colds, allergies and wait for it ...flu...yes tested Flu A...we are seeing an increase in illness and mortality in vaxxed patients.
All of this brings up another very important point. Where are all the discrimination lawsuits? If some people are allowed to stay based on a religious exemption and others are let go based on their religious exemptions is that not discrimination? And why the hell do you need any kind of exemption anyway? How about I don't want the damn thing!
Shands in Gainesville also continues to hold onto mask mandate for employees as well as all patients/visitors. For employees, there are different mask types for the vaxxed and unvaxxed. I'm SOOOOOO over it!
All of the practices that function under the umbrella of some “health” organization such as baptist, UF health, etc are top down controlled. The narrative is set on company wide basis and all members are restricted to the narrative and the policies thereby imposed. In order to keep their jobs they surrender autonomy to practice effective medicine, use off purpose medications, opt out of irrational policies, etc. The organization will not risk the carrot and stick of federal Medicare $, Licensure, FDA/ CDC, etc approval.
There are still independent practices out there who work real medicine. You deserve better. Be sure to go find one for your family.
My husband works for a small private hospital in the Midwest. They do not foresee EVER letting go of masks. And unvaccinated personnel are supposed to wear N95s. (Before COVID, those who refused flu shots had to wear surgical masks.)
Am I the only one losing any last shred of respect or regard for people? They're showing themselves to be utter morons, devoid of reason, obedient, craven rubbish.
Short That's why I dress like a borderline psycho so people don't approach me. A steady stream of Smith & Wesson, 2nd Amendment, Betsy Ross Flag, etc....
Ha! During this whole exercise in idiocy and/or insanity I would go to the store looking as outlandish as possible. Weird clothes, big hat, big dark glasses, no mask.
Someone would report me, I guess, because the intercom would come on to remind that masks were required. I’d be moving down the aisle with some masked individual coming my way, glaring; but then thinking ‘Maybe the poor thing is deaf?’ 😂🤣😂
Ha!! In 2020, I purposely shopped in my scrubs, after work. You should have seen the wide paths created when I walked illegally, up the “down-arrow-taped” aisles. Healthcare Heroes my ass. 🙄
They didn't help......All in the name of medical tyranny and politics. Unfortunately, their name carries a certain cache. Good people there. Upper crust administration are egocentric, profit driven and power hungry.
Refused administration of drugs prescribed by the patients Dr. Even went to court to fight having to allow effective TX. Court upheld them. Patient passed shortly following.
I had the virus a year ago. One week of really sick (and the lingering cough for another two weeks 😜). Didn't test because I got it from my husband (who had to test for workers comp).
Last week I got the virus again (from my son--who didn't test, because it was a bad cold, so what? But his vaxxed, crazy fearful co-workers tested for their "colds" and it came back positive). Man, I am so glad I had natural immunity because this time it could have been so much worse than a cold! 😁 My point is that you can still get the virus, regardless of jab and immunity status, but the bottom line is it's still just a cold! Throw lots of vitamin D, C and zinc at it!!
I still ask every time anyone says they have covid, How do you know? The tests find tiny fragments of any coronavirus not necessarily covid, and since covid virus is ubiquitous like all the other coronaviruses, you might test positive if you breathe air. This testing is one of the many scams perpetrated on the public.
Yes, myself and my family are not vaxxed and had it at Christmas so we were incredibly dismayed when I tested (purely out of curiosity to see how natural immunity held up) positive again last week. Five months. We weren’t incredibly sick either time but it was not noticeably milder this time. I’m very disappointed.
Interestingly, my husband had it very bad last year--but he didn't get it again. The only difference? He has consistently taken his daily vitamins (of D, C, zinc and quercetin). Perhaps his regimen has really upped his immune response? I jumped on my vitamins the first day which lessened the cold/cough part, but for some reason, this virus attacks my head first and the migraines are awful!
I had a moderate case last July - lasted 10 days. I too started the same nutraceutical regime and I have had nary a sniffle since. Unvaxxed, unmasked and I go where ever I like. I recently spent 10 days traveling by plane and bus, interacted with hundreds of unmasked (and masked) people at a trade show in Chicago. I am still fine but several of my colleagues (all vaxxed and boosted) got sick and tested positive. I don't know why they even test as they don't do anything different - except when they know, they get extremely paranoid and anxious thanks to all the fear porn.
Hubs and I are unjabbed, same with son and daughter (adults). Both daughter and son got Covid long ago...him in late 2019, her in late 2020. Then in January this year son got sick again...his girlfriend supposedly tested positive, he didn't test but had the same symptoms as she did. So maybe he had it again after having covid 2 years prior (he says he was much sicker the first time in 2019). My husband and I have been fine the whole 2 years until early March....son got a mild cold, then husband got it slightly worse, then I got it all within about 10 days. It persisted for a couple of weeks, but not all that bad. I haven't been sick in years so I've actually forgotten what a bad cold or flu is like. Never tested so who knows what we had if it could even be determined by those stupid testse. Then again in early May a much milder version of what we had in March, annoying more than anything. I think we all just had a good old fashioned cold, but we don't waste our time with testing or playing any covid games. We've taken C, D3, zinc, NAC, quercetin and some other stuff for a long time. Obviously the protocol didn't prevent illness, but what we all had was what I'd consider fairly minor so probably the vitamins helped. Our D3 levels are in the 60s. No big woof, I'm tired of everything being called the dreaded covid. Who cares? It's a damn virus. Viruses happen.
If you aren’t incredibly sick why are you testing? Colds, flu and upper respiratory viruses have been around forever and always will so why pay anymore attention to it than what you would have 2 1/2 years ago? People are incredibly focused on every cough or sneeze and it’s made them paranoid.
This testing is what's keeping the narrative for covid going. People I know who have been sick with cold like symptoms are testing themselves like 2 times a day just to make sure it's not the dreaded 'covid'. All the jabbers that I know test all the time. I wonder where all these tests come from? Bigger industry than home pregnancy tests!
Yes, there are people who test incessantly, probably the same people who always wear a mask or two… they’ve been brainwashed by our gov and media.. they are to blame for prolonged madness and keeping the narrative going…
Its really quite interesting as the home test are so faulty anyway and there is enough info out there for people to understand this if they 'want' to..In fact even both of my neighbors have told me this fact but they keep swabbing away!
The tests that were sent in the mail "for free" say Made in China on the box. My mom's do too. I've never used any of them though because we haven't been sick
There are many reasons people want to be tested: some are required by work, some have kids in daycare setting that requires testing after known exposure, some want to know in case natural immunity is ever recognized, some want confirmation that distinct symptoms they have are the same illnesses they had before covid pandemic was announced, some want to know so that they feel immune to the virus, some are curious how long does natural immunity lasts… i think it’s better not to judge even if you choose to not test, I don’t judge people if they do or don’t test…
Interestingly, my daughter (nurse) is required to test 2x a week. She had covid in Nov. of 2020, but since recovering she has always tested negative except for one time, and a subsequent test the next day was negative so it was considered a "false positive". I just hate all the testing she is required to do.
the narrative has messed everyone up so it seems. What used to be a cold is now covid, and everyone wants to test constantly. What are they testing with now? the same old pcr that never worked? I don't even know LOL
I understand your frustration, I have been irritated by the insanity of it all as well and never bought into the hysteria around it even from the very first day. The response has been abysmal and harmful. However, your dismissiveness is unwarranted.
If you truly want to know the full story of why I tested it is multi-pronged.
First, my mom ended up almost dying from Covid at Christmas, and she was set to visit again and I did not want to expose her again. We experienced everything Jeff mentioned in his post about hospitalization only we were not allowed in. It was an absolute nightmare. Thankfully she pulled through but her drop in o2 was no regular response to any common respiratory virus I’ve ever seen.
Two, I was curious if it was possible to get reinfected again so soon. All actual studies I have read had said natural immunity is robust and five months is early for another round of any virus. This is concerning for it to come back so frequently and for us it was not mild nor were the respiratory symptoms the symptoms of concern for me.
Which leads n to three, this is not merely a respiratory virus. This is a modified virus that can affect all systems. In fact the nervous system appears to be the one most impacted by both the virus and the vaxxes. It is perhaps mild for most people, but certainly not for all.
Again, I appreciate your frustration with everything, but dismissing that this is a genetically altered virus that has been responded to in countless harmful ways which has now led us to find ourselves in totally uncharted territory is not necessarily a helpful (or charitable) response.
Natural immunity against the strain you had previous IS robust, but the problem is, the dang thing has changed enough to evade immunity against the older strains.
As much as this is “just a cold” for most people, it is far and away far different for many as well. This is a virus whose origins are from Satan himself, that great enemy of the people.
The tests aren’t distinguishing true, infectious virus from remnants. Entirely possible you had co-habiting virus and it was not the cause of your symptoms.
So true. It was Dr. Malone who first told us that the PCR tests for COVID were not accurate at all and could not distinguish from any other coronavirus. On top of that, the scientist who invented the PCR clearly stated that it should not be used in clinical practice. I, myself, do not need a test to tell me that I am sick.
I’m the only unvaxxed person at my job. My vaxxed co-workers are sick every other month it seems, passing the same cold/flu symptoms back & forth. They finally gave their cold to me. I thought I was doing enough on the vitamin front. I wasn’t. My nurse said the viral loads being shed by these vaccines are massive. If this would be of help to anyone, my nurse said to take the following for maintenance daily:
VITAMIN D 5000 IU (or 20 minutes of sunlight), VITAMIN C 3000 (divide doses)
QUERCETIN 500 mg + some Zinc (divide doses)
COLLOIDAL SILVER nasal spray (twice daily).
If anyone is interested, I can pass on the dosages of what she recommended vitamin wise, if you were to ever get sick. My nurse also frowned on sticking the PCR test in your nose, period! She recommended spitting into a Kleenex for the test, if your employer mandates the Covid test. I followed her advice during my illness. I tested 3 times & every test said negative. I was SO GLAD to know that I wasn’t sick, despite all of my cold symptoms!! LOL *Disclaimer, I’m not a doctor, just trying to be helpful*
Dr. Mercola, as I understand it, says that zinc supplementation should be temporary because, long-term, zinc needs to be kept in balance with copper levels in the body.
If you are doing blood testing of the 2, you will know if they are in balance. I long term supplement high dose zinc for other reasons and I test quarterly. I’m still balanced. I refuse to take copper.
A year ago it was Delta. Now it's an Omicron variant. Both Peter McCullough and Robert Malone have said that reinfections are now possible with Omicron, even for those with natural immunity.
I would rather DeSantis left the rural areas alone. Those of us who live there don’t want our areas built up. It’s why we moved out here in the first place.
@kim @jeff Childers I'm applying for a Florida Medical License to escape the once Great "Battle Born" state aka Californication East. 🙀I'm going to need a rural real estate agent!🙏 for me.
Melrose, small town east of Gainesville, has successfully fought off Walmart for years. Even the nearest Publix is almost 20 miles away. The people stay involved in local politics.
N. GA is getting unbearable. So many cookie cutter developments popping up in the once beautiful untouched areas. They seem to be bringing rudeness and their ugly city ways with them.
I hope our neighborhood here stays free of city people. At first I was afraid of snakes, then of wild boars, and now of neither. They don't shoot people.
I just emailed our governor about this. Another thing people don’t realize is how much of Florida’s rural interior is used for agriculture. Many of those farms have been passed down in families for decades. Building up those areas drives up the prices and property taxes to the point the families can no longer afford to keep the land. What’s left of the rural coast is also food producing.
A few anecdotal stories; elderly aunt (94), Covid vaccinated to the max came down with Covid (2nd time), pneumonia and flu all at the same time a few weeks ago. Thankfully she survived.
Cousin’s SIL was fishing with a couple of buddies last week, and noticed one of them slumped over in the back of the boat; a healthy 40 year old, dead from a heart attack. Not the first one in our circle of family and friends under 50 to suffer heart problems. Weird and sad…
My sister has been reading obituaries for 40 years (used to work in family cemetery business); she said she has never seen so many young people who ‘died suddenly/unexpectedly’ in the obits and it’s been going on since last fall. She said it’s 4 to 5 every week.
Like I said, anecdotal stories, but the pieces are adding up to something not good.
Can we take the template for success trailblazed by Florida and copy/paste to the rest of the states?
Also, I just want to make sure everyone understands the ‘k’ in monkeypox is silent, so let’s make sure and pronounce and spell it accordingly to get ahead of the framing from the outset:
• “Moneypox” (
Setting the stage yet again with another "Table Top" exercise.
We may find that these table top exercises are actually being used for decision making in real world situations. I can hear the pols now talking about how to respond, "the exercise clearly showed us that the countries that prioritized keeping their economies open, undertaking little-to-no NPIs, and downplaying the virus and its potential impacts, experienced much worse outcomes in terms of illness and mortality than those that responded early and energetically. We must shut it down, lock it up, mask it up, nothing less - after all, the table top exercise revealed to us exactly what will happen. We must follow the science!"
BTW - Margaret Anna Alice - you do wonderful work - thank you for all of your revealing insights and analysis!
I’ve no doubt these “exercises” are thinly veiled dress rehearsals for the agenda to come as they have a habit of coming to fruition just like clockwork after they’ve done their practice run.
And thank you so much for the kind words, Bubblehead!
One more thought on the tabletop: The Final Discussion section - this is exactly the same conclusion that underpins the Paris Accord except in this case, it’s for MoneyPox not climate change. The conclusion reached, clearly from science of course, is a drastic need for investment in other countries. DJT was right. It’s all about the money.
Yep, money and power—’twas ever thus and ever thus shall be.
I wonder if there is anyone who can stop gates 1. from speaking 2. from pouring money where it does not belong 3. deprive him from it all and see how happy he is.
On a similar note, Mayo Jacksonville, in its Beijing inspired, no Covid EVER policy, now requires ALL employees to once again put on the dirty rags. "We'll have NO sick people in this hospital, dammit!" Them shots is awesome! Nutjobs.
Mayo Jax has never let their mask demand down. Not one minute. They are still sending out regular reminders to schedule your “safe and effective” vaccine there. Not only that, some staff member is sure to jump all over you if your mask isn’t seated just right. Science in action!
Exactly the same with Ascension Seton “it’s company policy”… and the gestapo like employees literally chase you threatening to call security if you don’t disgrace your face with a mask, “you must keep masks over the nose!” Because science…
My (former) UF Health GP office would not let me in the office. Told me to drive around back, came out and talked to me through the car window from 6 (+) ft away!!
All this is insane. I work at a doctors office that hasn't worn masks since March 2020 and have had no increase in COVID patients, we have seen very few cases of COVID since September of 2021, mainly colds, allergies and wait for it ...flu...yes tested Flu A...we are seeing an increase in illness and mortality in vaxxed patients.
At least some seem to have their brains together still. My vet never masked so I might need to go there if I get sick !
lol ~
I’m waiting for all the illness and injury stats to come out, guess I’ll just have to hang on a while 😊
Where is this office??
I have a "close friend" who works there. I can assure you that if you were jabbed you were free of the rag. This policy has just changed.
All of this brings up another very important point. Where are all the discrimination lawsuits? If some people are allowed to stay based on a religious exemption and others are let go based on their religious exemptions is that not discrimination? And why the hell do you need any kind of exemption anyway? How about I don't want the damn thing!
Especially stop pushing c19 shot since data are showing little efficacy for variants.
Science my....
Shands in Gainesville also continues to hold onto mask mandate for employees as well as all patients/visitors. For employees, there are different mask types for the vaxxed and unvaxxed. I'm SOOOOOO over it!
Brainwashed morons are everywhere. It is so exasperating.
Just made a similar comment above, Eric, in response to Natalie's comment.
All of the practices that function under the umbrella of some “health” organization such as baptist, UF health, etc are top down controlled. The narrative is set on company wide basis and all members are restricted to the narrative and the policies thereby imposed. In order to keep their jobs they surrender autonomy to practice effective medicine, use off purpose medications, opt out of irrational policies, etc. The organization will not risk the carrot and stick of federal Medicare $, Licensure, FDA/ CDC, etc approval.
There are still independent practices out there who work real medicine. You deserve better. Be sure to go find one for your family.
For the longest time I trusted the Mayo clinics, but they now seem to be on the receiving end of some poop money
My husband works for a small private hospital in the Midwest. They do not foresee EVER letting go of masks. And unvaccinated personnel are supposed to wear N95s. (Before COVID, those who refused flu shots had to wear surgical masks.)
Interesting, given that flu shots don't do s*** and masks are useless except in an operating room.
Tell that to the administration, including the very woke chief medical officer.
What's his number?😁
Actually, it's a "her." Pronouns "she, her, hers."
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with those terms😂
Am I the only one losing any last shred of respect or regard for people? They're showing themselves to be utter morons, devoid of reason, obedient, craven rubbish.
Short That's why I dress like a borderline psycho so people don't approach me. A steady stream of Smith & Wesson, 2nd Amendment, Betsy Ross Flag, etc....
Ha! During this whole exercise in idiocy and/or insanity I would go to the store looking as outlandish as possible. Weird clothes, big hat, big dark glasses, no mask.
Someone would report me, I guess, because the intercom would come on to remind that masks were required. I’d be moving down the aisle with some masked individual coming my way, glaring; but then thinking ‘Maybe the poor thing is deaf?’ 😂🤣😂
Ha!! In 2020, I purposely shopped in my scrubs, after work. You should have seen the wide paths created when I walked illegally, up the “down-arrow-taped” aisles. Healthcare Heroes my ass. 🙄
Huh, I’ve been wearing those kinds of things for years. Maybe that’s why people outside my area leave me alone 😁
Peeps paying attention now, given all the nonsense. If "they" wish for division I want to make it abundantly clear which team I'm on.
Can't wait for the whole western Rockefeller medical system to come tumbling down!
Complete and total and dangerous nut jobs. Do everything you can to avoid them.
Didn’t they just kill a man not too long ago?
They didn't help......All in the name of medical tyranny and politics. Unfortunately, their name carries a certain cache. Good people there. Upper crust administration are egocentric, profit driven and power hungry.
We had a relationship but canceled all appointments. Moved everything to a great freedom loving doctor in our area.
Refused administration of drugs prescribed by the patients Dr. Even went to court to fight having to allow effective TX. Court upheld them. Patient passed shortly following.
People lost their jobs over a prototype!!?!! 🤬
People died because of a prototype!!!!
It was just a "demonstration" of death. The word demon jumps out.
Give them time to redefine the term.
"A helpful heat map for the sexually adventurous.. Spain is a hotbed right now." 😂😂😂 I just choked on my banana reading that!!! Love it.. 🐵
Don’t you just love the way he writes…. with some sarcastic humor thrown in?
I’ve said I wish he’d write a book… about anything.. I’d buy it.
Yes..he must keep his wife laughing all the time with his sense of humor. Laughing right now is sure better than crying!!
Do you think that has anything to do with Biden inviting Spain to the Summit of the Americas? Maybe they want to speed up the spread of the Moneypox.
So our dear senile pres is inviting the moneypox to come and spread ? LOL
Maybe Brandon will catch it???
aw LOL and deform that pretty face ???
Maybe you were doin it wrong?! According to monkeys, we do it upside down!!
😂 Hey hey we're the monkeys
And we like monkeying around,
Shedding the pox while swinging
Cause we do it upside down.. 🐒
that song will now be stuck in my mind for days. Loved that show.
GOLD! Nicely done...
You should know by now that it is dangerous to drink (specially hot beverages) or eat while reading these posts!
I had the virus a year ago. One week of really sick (and the lingering cough for another two weeks 😜). Didn't test because I got it from my husband (who had to test for workers comp).
Last week I got the virus again (from my son--who didn't test, because it was a bad cold, so what? But his vaxxed, crazy fearful co-workers tested for their "colds" and it came back positive). Man, I am so glad I had natural immunity because this time it could have been so much worse than a cold! 😁 My point is that you can still get the virus, regardless of jab and immunity status, but the bottom line is it's still just a cold! Throw lots of vitamin D, C and zinc at it!!
I still ask every time anyone says they have covid, How do you know? The tests find tiny fragments of any coronavirus not necessarily covid, and since covid virus is ubiquitous like all the other coronaviruses, you might test positive if you breathe air. This testing is one of the many scams perpetrated on the public.
Yes, myself and my family are not vaxxed and had it at Christmas so we were incredibly dismayed when I tested (purely out of curiosity to see how natural immunity held up) positive again last week. Five months. We weren’t incredibly sick either time but it was not noticeably milder this time. I’m very disappointed.
Interestingly, my husband had it very bad last year--but he didn't get it again. The only difference? He has consistently taken his daily vitamins (of D, C, zinc and quercetin). Perhaps his regimen has really upped his immune response? I jumped on my vitamins the first day which lessened the cold/cough part, but for some reason, this virus attacks my head first and the migraines are awful!
I had a moderate case last July - lasted 10 days. I too started the same nutraceutical regime and I have had nary a sniffle since. Unvaxxed, unmasked and I go where ever I like. I recently spent 10 days traveling by plane and bus, interacted with hundreds of unmasked (and masked) people at a trade show in Chicago. I am still fine but several of my colleagues (all vaxxed and boosted) got sick and tested positive. I don't know why they even test as they don't do anything different - except when they know, they get extremely paranoid and anxious thanks to all the fear porn.
AND stress weakens the immune system - self fulfilling prophecy
Tis …
Hubs and I are unjabbed, same with son and daughter (adults). Both daughter and son got Covid long ago...him in late 2019, her in late 2020. Then in January this year son got sick again...his girlfriend supposedly tested positive, he didn't test but had the same symptoms as she did. So maybe he had it again after having covid 2 years prior (he says he was much sicker the first time in 2019). My husband and I have been fine the whole 2 years until early March....son got a mild cold, then husband got it slightly worse, then I got it all within about 10 days. It persisted for a couple of weeks, but not all that bad. I haven't been sick in years so I've actually forgotten what a bad cold or flu is like. Never tested so who knows what we had if it could even be determined by those stupid testse. Then again in early May a much milder version of what we had in March, annoying more than anything. I think we all just had a good old fashioned cold, but we don't waste our time with testing or playing any covid games. We've taken C, D3, zinc, NAC, quercetin and some other stuff for a long time. Obviously the protocol didn't prevent illness, but what we all had was what I'd consider fairly minor so probably the vitamins helped. Our D3 levels are in the 60s. No big woof, I'm tired of everything being called the dreaded covid. Who cares? It's a damn virus. Viruses happen.
Using NAC is also helpful to add to your regime. My husband and I have not been sick since 2008 swine flu. And that was awful.
Yes, we have the same experience- vaxed or not vaxed reinfection in 6-7 months if not hiding at home
If you aren’t incredibly sick why are you testing? Colds, flu and upper respiratory viruses have been around forever and always will so why pay anymore attention to it than what you would have 2 1/2 years ago? People are incredibly focused on every cough or sneeze and it’s made them paranoid.
This testing is what's keeping the narrative for covid going. People I know who have been sick with cold like symptoms are testing themselves like 2 times a day just to make sure it's not the dreaded 'covid'. All the jabbers that I know test all the time. I wonder where all these tests come from? Bigger industry than home pregnancy tests!
Bill Gates and George Soros bought the PCR testing companies last year.
Yes, there are people who test incessantly, probably the same people who always wear a mask or two… they’ve been brainwashed by our gov and media.. they are to blame for prolonged madness and keeping the narrative going…
Its really quite interesting as the home test are so faulty anyway and there is enough info out there for people to understand this if they 'want' to..In fact even both of my neighbors have told me this fact but they keep swabbing away!
Someone (Dr. McCullough?) described this as a pandemic of testing.
Excellent observation by a brilliant man. I could imagine him saying this. Thanks for sharing!!
Yeah, and not to mention the PCR test does not work!!!
The tests that were sent in the mail "for free" say Made in China on the box. My mom's do too. I've never used any of them though because we haven't been sick
The tests have chemicals in the swab that can make you sick; throw them away!
There are many reasons people want to be tested: some are required by work, some have kids in daycare setting that requires testing after known exposure, some want to know in case natural immunity is ever recognized, some want confirmation that distinct symptoms they have are the same illnesses they had before covid pandemic was announced, some want to know so that they feel immune to the virus, some are curious how long does natural immunity lasts… i think it’s better not to judge even if you choose to not test, I don’t judge people if they do or don’t test…
Interestingly, my daughter (nurse) is required to test 2x a week. She had covid in Nov. of 2020, but since recovering she has always tested negative except for one time, and a subsequent test the next day was negative so it was considered a "false positive". I just hate all the testing she is required to do.
I agree! Stop testing, people!
the narrative has messed everyone up so it seems. What used to be a cold is now covid, and everyone wants to test constantly. What are they testing with now? the same old pcr that never worked? I don't even know LOL
I understand your frustration, I have been irritated by the insanity of it all as well and never bought into the hysteria around it even from the very first day. The response has been abysmal and harmful. However, your dismissiveness is unwarranted.
If you truly want to know the full story of why I tested it is multi-pronged.
First, my mom ended up almost dying from Covid at Christmas, and she was set to visit again and I did not want to expose her again. We experienced everything Jeff mentioned in his post about hospitalization only we were not allowed in. It was an absolute nightmare. Thankfully she pulled through but her drop in o2 was no regular response to any common respiratory virus I’ve ever seen.
Two, I was curious if it was possible to get reinfected again so soon. All actual studies I have read had said natural immunity is robust and five months is early for another round of any virus. This is concerning for it to come back so frequently and for us it was not mild nor were the respiratory symptoms the symptoms of concern for me.
Which leads n to three, this is not merely a respiratory virus. This is a modified virus that can affect all systems. In fact the nervous system appears to be the one most impacted by both the virus and the vaxxes. It is perhaps mild for most people, but certainly not for all.
Again, I appreciate your frustration with everything, but dismissing that this is a genetically altered virus that has been responded to in countless harmful ways which has now led us to find ourselves in totally uncharted territory is not necessarily a helpful (or charitable) response.
Natural immunity against the strain you had previous IS robust, but the problem is, the dang thing has changed enough to evade immunity against the older strains.
You make a ton of very valid points.
As much as this is “just a cold” for most people, it is far and away far different for many as well. This is a virus whose origins are from Satan himself, that great enemy of the people.
Yup. That's how respiratory viruses work. Perfectly normal.
Could always be a false positive.
The tests aren’t distinguishing true, infectious virus from remnants. Entirely possible you had co-habiting virus and it was not the cause of your symptoms.
So true. It was Dr. Malone who first told us that the PCR tests for COVID were not accurate at all and could not distinguish from any other coronavirus. On top of that, the scientist who invented the PCR clearly stated that it should not be used in clinical practice. I, myself, do not need a test to tell me that I am sick.
Kary Mullis (inventor of the PCR) said it was NOT a diagnostic tool for illness.
What are you testing for, specifically?
I’m the only unvaxxed person at my job. My vaxxed co-workers are sick every other month it seems, passing the same cold/flu symptoms back & forth. They finally gave their cold to me. I thought I was doing enough on the vitamin front. I wasn’t. My nurse said the viral loads being shed by these vaccines are massive. If this would be of help to anyone, my nurse said to take the following for maintenance daily:
VITAMIN D 5000 IU (or 20 minutes of sunlight), VITAMIN C 3000 (divide doses)
QUERCETIN 500 mg + some Zinc (divide doses)
COLLOIDAL SILVER nasal spray (twice daily).
If anyone is interested, I can pass on the dosages of what she recommended vitamin wise, if you were to ever get sick. My nurse also frowned on sticking the PCR test in your nose, period! She recommended spitting into a Kleenex for the test, if your employer mandates the Covid test. I followed her advice during my illness. I tested 3 times & every test said negative. I was SO GLAD to know that I wasn’t sick, despite all of my cold symptoms!! LOL *Disclaimer, I’m not a doctor, just trying to be helpful*
Dr. Mercola, as I understand it, says that zinc supplementation should be temporary because, long-term, zinc needs to be kept in balance with copper levels in the body.
Jarrow has a formula called zinc balance which has copper in it
The CDC and FDA should be working on the best vitamin/supplement regimen for good health. But how can you get rich doing that??
Exactly. You can't.
I started using a liquid tincture plant based Zinc made from organic guava leaf extract. Global Healing is the company that makes it.
If you are doing blood testing of the 2, you will know if they are in balance. I long term supplement high dose zinc for other reasons and I test quarterly. I’m still balanced. I refuse to take copper.
A year ago it was Delta. Now it's an Omicron variant. Both Peter McCullough and Robert Malone have said that reinfections are now possible with Omicron, even for those with natural immunity.
I would rather DeSantis left the rural areas alone. Those of us who live there don’t want our areas built up. It’s why we moved out here in the first place.
@kim @jeff Childers I'm applying for a Florida Medical License to escape the once Great "Battle Born" state aka Californication East. 🙀I'm going to need a rural real estate agent!🙏 for me.
So long as you leave the city stuff in the city you’re welcome.
I have a friend who might be able to help you. Here’s her work email
Depending on where you want to go I might also have a recommendation or two
Absolutely! My thoughts exactly. We don't want smart meters and cell towers and Wall Marts and Chinese Dollar stores and traffic. Please...........
Melrose, small town east of Gainesville, has successfully fought off Walmart for years. Even the nearest Publix is almost 20 miles away. The people stay involved in local politics.
keep politicians in the big cities. No need for them to spoil our countryside. Middle of the boonies here too, GA
N. GA is getting unbearable. So many cookie cutter developments popping up in the once beautiful untouched areas. They seem to be bringing rudeness and their ugly city ways with them.
Happened to my hometown of Naples, FL too. I do get to laugh when the city people call a 10ft gator “huge” though.
I hope our neighborhood here stays free of city people. At first I was afraid of snakes, then of wild boars, and now of neither. They don't shoot people.
I just emailed our governor about this. Another thing people don’t realize is how much of Florida’s rural interior is used for agriculture. Many of those farms have been passed down in families for decades. Building up those areas drives up the prices and property taxes to the point the families can no longer afford to keep the land. What’s left of the rural coast is also food producing.
After months of reading and occasionally commenting on C&C, it is safe to say that all of my Newest Best Frens are here!
YES! So good to be in the presence of common sense, which is less common these days..... and on other substacks I have been given some assurance that common sense and critical thinking really do still exist!
Amen to that.
A few anecdotal stories; elderly aunt (94), Covid vaccinated to the max came down with Covid (2nd time), pneumonia and flu all at the same time a few weeks ago. Thankfully she survived.
Cousin’s SIL was fishing with a couple of buddies last week, and noticed one of them slumped over in the back of the boat; a healthy 40 year old, dead from a heart attack. Not the first one in our circle of family and friends under 50 to suffer heart problems. Weird and sad…
My sister has been reading obituaries for 40 years (used to work in family cemetery business); she said she has never seen so many young people who ‘died suddenly/unexpectedly’ in the obits and it’s been going on since last fall. She said it’s 4 to 5 every week.
Like I said, anecdotal stories, but the pieces are adding up to something not good.
We're awaiting the life insurance companies to sound the alarm. Real facts will finally overwhelm the propaganda.
Real facts and their bottom line! 💰
I've seen the same thing in Vermont