Registered Democrat here in Insane Francisco who collected 100's of (the 2.1 million total) signatures to recall our criminal governor only to face 70-80 million dollars of mostly tech money Newsom support as he held on to his position in the recent election. I've become a single-issue voter and activist & all I can say right now is Go Republicans! You're giving us hope for the future of freedom in this country. Sad to say, with the latest deranged children mandates here, most level-headed families will be leaving the city, if not the state entirely (I know dozens who have already done so).

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I don't know how many California people believe in the recall results reported by media. We all know the tricks.

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I just found your blog via an underground fb group. It is the most refreshing and on point thing I have read in months. I hastily subscribed via my email and have sent the link to friends.

I hope that Youngkins VA win proves a true turning of the tide. I don’t want another victory for Conservatives that turns into just another GOP member towing the party line which seems to be nowhere these days. Here in “sucking down the drain” Michigan we have a GOP led Legislature in both branches and all they can seem to do is hold their hands up and say, “nothing we can do against the Nazi queen governor, Whitmer and her two assassins in the form of SOS and AG”. Don’t tell me the state election of 2018 wasn’t fixed as these 3 began their reigns of terror almost on cue in March of 2020. Our Legislature puts out legislation, which is promptly vetoed by our Governor, (she now holds the national record for most vetoes in one year), unless it involves monies she wants and then rewrites appropriations so the money can be put exactly where she wants it. Hence, why our hospitals, schools and government are all under ridiculous mandates. Our AG will prosecute nothing unless it’s restaurant owners who tried to stay open, and our SOS admits to going around laws, but again nothing happens.

Reading this gives hope that we in Michigan need to know. Too many Michigan snowbirds have totally separate rationale for this state and yours. Time to wake up and smell the Coffee and Covid.

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I am in MO, a weird state in that it is ruby red except KC, St. Louis and Columbia. R governor who has said this is his last political office, so no motivation to listen. R's control the house and senate. Frustrating as hell, as the state was only shut down for a month, never had a mask or jab mandate, but he will not do anything about the petty tyrants in KC or St. Louis. I will give him credit, he rolled out monoclonal antibody treatment centers before DeSantis, but has been dragging his feet on the vax mandates. There are R's in our legislature as well who say 'telling businesses what to do' is not conservative. I call BS on that.

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Could Some of the more salient and likely to be difficult to find points be footnoted or referenced? The source for numbers from Italy in this case would be greatly appreciated.

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So the school board is breaking the law (again) and has been told so by each governing authority. So why are those three school board members not in jail? I am so baffled that these people get to walk away and continue breaking the law so blatantly, but if you or I break the law, well that’s another story. ESPECIALLY if the judge in our case got wind that instead of heeding his warning to stop breaking the law, we went out and broke the law again! We’d be thrown in jail so fast our heads would spin. We already know there are rules for thee, but not for me. But REALLY!! I am disgusted by this. ARREST them. They won’t stop until they are arrested.

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I’ve looked everywhere for the revised numbers from Italy. There’s not one, single website saying their National Health Institute has adjusted its Covid death toll. Could you provide me a source. I am working on an exemption letter and would love it for a reference. Thank you!

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According to AK2 below:

"Does anyone have the link to the Italian data? I looked at their official website and the latest document still cites 130k deaths."


Links to such claims would be very helpful.

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I've been looking and can't find anything either.

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What was the reasoning behind the decision to keep masking the kids?

There is no logical health reason to do so.

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Sorry to say, you may discover UF Health "authorities" are whispering "insurrection" towards school board members. With so much funding at stake via endowments, even university healthcare systems are increasingly captured by the interests of Pharma, Biotech and the GREAT RESET.

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Stacking containers 6 high makes it impossible for Newsom's pirates to remove all those illegal drugs, human trafficking and other contraband.

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Thanks for the call yesterday Jeff. It was very helpful. Just a few more victories and maybe we can turn this franchise around! Can't happen fast enough.

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Fauci - “There’s no reason for me to take a test. I have no symptoms.” Another priceless gem from the lord himself via the purveyors of truth at CNN (Communist News Network). Keep it up the good work. Oh, did you all see that CNN maggot Don Lemon was vacationing in Florida with his "friend" sans mask. Yes, the same useless turd that routinely calls Florida a deathtrap. "PEOPLE ARE DYING!" "DEATHSANTIS!" Best I can tell Donny Boy is some sort of vampire/cockroach hybrid so he's taking a hell of a chance coming out in the daylight. Predictably, he did scurry away when noticed. That cockroach DNA can be a life saver.


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Do you have a link to the video of fauci saying this... i want to do a screen capture

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He actually said it in March 2020; I worry that Jeff received some fake news. I would not spread this around right now.

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It's enough that Fauci made this claim at all. There may be a more recent quote but I've not found it yet

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Agree, but this is the problematic statement in today's post: "In an interview on CNN yesterday"

Because it wasn't yesterday.

I do hope Jeff will remove or edit it. The last thing we want is for anyone to accuse him of misinformation.

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You might be right. But the little puke is on record for saying it. Of course, he has never been even remotely consistent on anything he says.

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From our friend Harold, who shared this above:

From CNN on March 15, 2020 where Fauci claims he needs no test because he has NO SYMPTOMS.


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Another excellent and informative C&C to wake up … rise and enjoy! ❤️❤️❤️😉

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does anyone have a link to the actual video where fauci says... I dont need a test I dont have any symptoms... I want to do a screen capture of this.

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From CNN on March 15, 2020 where Fauci claims he needs no test because he has NO SYMPTOMS.


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IS THAT SPIKE PROTEIN a BIO-WEAPON? --- New in vitro study presents evidence the Spike protein can enter the cell nucleus to tamper with your DNA, increase opportunities for cancer growth and shorten life expectancy -- "SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro"


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Is the VA Governor’s election really over? Just saw a newscast reporting the count is still going on… Not surprised.

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McAuliffe did concede, so there's that, at least!

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Great news for Virginia. Good to see an election rigged the other way for a change......

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I'm sure McCauliffe lost by way more than the official number. Just wasn't rigged enough, like Trump-Clinton 2016.

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No matter how compelling the need for change in leadership, we always witness these suspicious razor thin election margins.

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Huzzah for hope! 💪🏻🇺🇸🎉#whenAmericansactlikeAmericansshouldact

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I'd like a source for fox calling it for mcauliffe. I was watching most of the evening and didn't see that happen, although I was certainly feeling like they were dragging their feet on making a call.

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Well I was watching Newsmax all night, they spent a lot of time beating their chest that they had called it for Youngkin first, and noted that CNN and MSDNC called it for Youngkin BEFORE Fox did.

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