Dr. Kerryn Phelps - "We did a lot of homework before having the vaccine, particularly about choice of vaccine at the time."

Well, obviously not. I and others like me who resisted jumping to get in line for a shot, began reading about mRNA tech, previous attempts to vaccinate against coronaviruses, basic immunology (prior to 2020), early treatment protocols etc. WE did a lot of homework, not her. Sorry, not sorry and we didn't peddle these shots either.

Merry Xmas!

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Ya I’d like to see their β€œhomework”. πŸ™„

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I don't know if I'll ever get used to two wives being married.

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Dr. Phelps doesn’t have a wife. She has a partner. The β€œwife” bit is just a Late Western fantasy.

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And two men together sexually or two women together sexually do not make a family no matter how effectively this idea has been marketed to us.

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The only good thing to come of that "marketing" is that it makes us experience being as uncomfortable as it has been for gay people who have always been expected to be attracted to the opposite sex. Maybe increasing our understanding and love. Maybe.

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you can be gay or lesbian and not throw it out of windows and doors like some do. I have had and still have several gay and lesbian friends, but they don't advertize. They go about their lives like regular people. My hairdresser is one of them.

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It ain't that much understanding in the universe for me to accept a perverted life style of men on men or women on women if you want to he gay or trans that's up to you and what ever god you serve but don't expect others to accept your life style you stay in your lane and I will stay in mine.

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To be clear not talking about pronouns or genders ad infinitum.

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Dr. Kerryn Phelps and Jackie, together, have proven that "two heads are better than one" is totally false.

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It is your fantasy, not my reality.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing Christ being taken out (X) of Christmas.

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Shopping today and heard these lyrics, "So let's give thanks to the Lord above, 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight." Ah, no. That's not what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful that Christ came down, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins, rose again three days later, and was willing to grant me forgiveness.

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Do you believe that Jesus transported down instead of being born?

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I believe what the Bible says about His birth. Is your name really Robert? You sound a lot like my brother. He's an atheist who has badgered me for years and I credit him with strengthening my faith immensely as well as making me more bold. I haven't told him that because I don't want to upset him. He's already threatened me one time and that's enough. So, if you're really my brother Robert, I guess the cat's out of the bag now.

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I used to hate it, too, but read that X is actually the symbol for the letter β€˜chi.’ Chi (or X) is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ. In the early days of the Christian church, Christians used the letter X as a secret symbol to indicate their membership in the church to others.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

Perhaps, however In English today it doesn’t mean that, it x’es Christ out of Christmas. Intentionally or not, at worst it does it and at best it’s just plain lazy.

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Came here to make the same comments. X&P superimposed (known as a Christogram) can be found on tombs and other places denoting followers of Christ. In my own research of 17th century English records, I will often find baptismal records with the names Xtopher for Christopher or Xtian for Christian. So Xmas is not pejorative, but a very early masking of Christ’s name in use by secret societies that eventually came to be openly adopted.

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Dec 24, 2022Β·edited Dec 24, 2022

Yep, which is why I no longer feel bad about using Xmas when I'm scratching out notes for myself. I used to feel negative toward it until I learned this

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Why was the masking used by secret societies?

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Plus, the letter X is a cross, so it's got a form of the Christian symbol right there in the word.

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Which very few would recognize as such.

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Yep. This right here. I often type Xmas, by which I mean "Christ-mass."

I assumed anyone with an 8th grade education knew this.

I continue to be disappointed.

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Kindly provide corroboration of such having happened.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

It’s at the end of the comment to which you replied. I’m not saying you said it. I’m piggy backing your comment to the commenter adding an additional thing that still, after all these years, is hard to get used to and hurts when I see it.

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You mean fake married, of course.

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If the law says they are married, they are married under the law.

Kindly define fake if you wish to proceed.

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I think we all know that making something a law, does not mean it is true.

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Nor is law necessarily moral. Someone once said, "When tyranny is law, rebellion is duty."

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That is what most of us call anarchy.

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A marriage between anything other than a man and a woman I serve a mighty God and he don't make mistakes you chose to leave God out of the equations but he is always looking at you.

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Are you accusing me?

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I’ll live by God’s law.

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Which of the hundreds of versions?

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NOPE. They're not married, they're just homos.

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If the law says they are married, they are married.

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Slavery was once legal in this country too.

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It still is.

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When I was younger, I thought having two wives would be great. Little did I know!!!

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The dog ate it.

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GoodGrief-239.....The dog probably ate it.

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I had an oncologist friend who never posts anything on FB come out in Aug 2020 warning against those shots and said they’d cause autoimmune issues at the least. My neurologist who I see for autoimmune issues told his patients to stay away too. And it’s so much worse!

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She states that she and her partner weren't properly informed. And yet as a doctor she went out and pushed the shots on others......so I guess, they weren't properly informed either. She pushed it on young kids in January 2022 even though she and her partner knew back in July 2021 that they had been covid shot injured.

I'm truly glad that she is finally speaking out.... atonement.

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I smell a rat. Perhaps she is starting to feel the heat of liability concerns for her promoting it and she’s trying to get ahead of it early by claiming β€œwe researched it, we’re injured too, (don’t come after me)”!

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I agree. Lots of people will start to come out NOW only because science is coming to light regarding the vaccines and so many want to save face. The Covid debacle has ruined this country these last 3 years---it has caused suicides, divisions amongst friends and families and threatened livelihoods of everyone refusing the mandates. I have never witnessed such evil in these last 3 years in my life.

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Exactly. She is guilty of malfeasance. Her change of heart is a little late considering their injuries were almost 2 years prior to this new concern of hers. You think there is reason she didn't issue a warning about the shot PRIOR to her leaving her office as Pres of the AMA?

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I'm waiting for the, "How could I have known!" defenses to start. And I often wish they'd have the same thought a millisecond before the projectile hits them...

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I agree. She's trying to position herself on the right side of history.

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SHe is the one that should have informed others. She is the one who should have looked into things before she started propagating and jabbing. But like so many doctors she is bought by bigharma and believes everything they say, even if they include a blank piece of paper in the jab packages. Everyone has seen that pharmacist by now, and the doctor at Sen. Johnson. If that is not a red flag, what is?

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Atonement? How about posturing?

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Exactly! Well said. No amnesty. Sorry Ms Phelps.

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Obviously the amount of homework Phelps did would fit on the head of a pin. As a "medical professional" she had access to far more data and information than so many of us around here did, and she theoretically had far more science and medical training to understand it than we did, yet she remained clueless enough to get the jabs. I wouldn't want her for a doctor, that's for sure.

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Like so many Dr's, she was completely brainwashed woke...until injured. After that she continued even though she knew from her own injury the shot wasn't safe. Why? Because she was bought off until she left office. She was NEVER concerned about the Aussie children. How much do you think her bank account has grown in the last 2 years since they were injured???

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Yes, they are so brainwashed. Having a doctor in the family, I know too well.

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She was pushing the shots into 2022. No sympathy from me

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β€œDr. Kerryn Phelps - "We did a lot of homework before having the vaccine, particularly about choice of vaccine at the time."

Just like she said, the research only covered β€œchoice of vaccine”. No mention of risks, safety or effectiveness. Hopefully they chose the best option. It could have been so much worse had they chosen wrong. Whew!!!!

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I was just getting ready to take a swipe at this low hanging fruit. How silly Drs claiming they did a lot of homework before rolling up their sleeves for still as yet undisclosed contents.

On the other hand we can well use this info as turnabout as a great of example of a rebuttal when a friend or relative resists the notion to consider the vaccines are harmful and claims they are taking Drs advice. Beware of Drs advice since we know even when they "do their homework" they don't always uncover the truth.

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Totally agree! There was plenty of other information out there regarding potential harms of the under-tested vaccines way back in early 2020; and plenty of us resisted back then, many of us paying a substantial price for doing so.

So to Dr Phelps and her mate, welcome to the party, albeit a bit late!

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The β€œhomework” had nothing to do with β€œIs this necessary” or β€œshould I obey people who want me dead?” Rather, it was β€œwhich one do I choose?” You can bet on it. Dummies.

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I did my homework back in med lab tech school. What I remembered from a couple semesters of A&P years ago was pretty much all I needed.

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β€œHomeworkβ€œ = reading the advertisements from competing pharma companiesοΏΌ

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Have a wonderful Christmas, Jeff and the entire Childers family!! I appreciate you very much. πŸ€—β€οΈ

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The chart leaves out the leading cause of death: abortion.

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I also don't see another very high ranking cause: death by doctor.

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This is true. Every year, approximately 99,000 people in the US die from "Healthcare-Acquired Infections," i.e., iatrogenic infections, and 250,000 from "Medical Errors." Combined, this would put them at number 3 on the "official" list, or number 4 including abortions. At the current rate, getting covid is less dangerous than going to the doctor.




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Thank you!

Every day is a school day here @ C&C!

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You have to begin with knowing the word they use to label it: iatrogenic .

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They've outdone themselves with the Covid "vaccines."

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You are correct. β€œThe United States has an abortion rate of 20.8 abortions per 1,000 women.” - https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/abortion-rates-by-country

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😭 baby lives matter

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Heartbreaking! Those precious little babies!

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You going to look after them all?

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Says the guy who likes to get women into bed and then send them off to the abortionist so he can shirk his responsibility. It takes 2 to make the baby…and 2 to β€œlook after them.”

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I have no idea what you're on about. By the way, I'm not a "guy". Woman here and not one of those fake trans one's either.

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Pardon me Dr Phelps BUT you did not do your homework. It didn’t take a PhD to understand that these shots were poison. Your lame excuse is a cop out. Sorry for being so blunt and dispassionate.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

One does not even need to do a whit of research to recognize that these were still very much an unknown product with unknown side effects.

As a physician she should have/could have known this more easily than most. It doesn’t take an infectious disease expert to consider that we’ve been trying to develop a vaccine for the common cold for decades, without success (and I didn’t even know about all the failed trials for the old SARS and for RSV etc). So when Trump announced a guaranteed successful vaccine in 18 months, I figured that was never going to happen.

When the F D A and C D C kept assuring us that β€œno corners were cut, we just cut out unnecessary red tape,” one had only to wonder why, then, is the red tape there in the first place? Surely some of these safeguards are there for, uh, a reason?

When we were assured that there were no long term side effects, when by DEFINITION the long term side effects were impossible to know because there had not yet been a long term of use…. When we were assured it was absolutely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women, but zero studies had been done and EVERYONE KNOWS you don’t give pregnant women untested substances…. All of those things requires not a whit of research but some common sense and a lot of reflection.

I say β€œa lot” of reflection because it is indeed hard for doctors to overcome their abilities, trained into them, to live with cognitive dissonance.

Case in point: Med school year 1, basic cell biology: cholesterol is a vital component of every cell membrane; cholesterol is the building platform for major hormones in the human body. Fast forward to med school year 3: cholesterol is evil and the cause of heart disease. Cholesterol levels must be lowered by any means possible. [They forget that 50% of folks showing up to ED with heart attacks have NORMAL cholesterol levels.]. Then they wonder why we have an onslaught of men w low testosterone, elderly with Alzheimer’s, and so on.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

You are exactly right. I'm happy Dr. Phelps has seen the light and really do wish her the very best in recovering. That being said, I'm really getting tired of the "we were misled" garbage from people who should have known better and actively pushed the vax on others.

Asking, "is it safe?" and being told "yes, it's safe" without a hint of due diligence does not mean you were "misled". It means you foolishly trusted people who were either compromised or had no idea if it was true. Those of us who actually dug into the spike protein and the history of mRNA treatment were not "misled", strangely enough.

On top of that, these trusting souls like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro (and Dr. Phelps for that matter) then used their celebrity status to tell others to take the vax! In fact, many of them insisted on it and slurred those of us who declined to indulge. Now they say they were "misled". Yeah, it's easy to be misled when you use zero critical thought.

Keep track of the "misled" brigade as they have shown they just parrot what others tell them and cannot be trusted on important matters.

Edit: Adding that if someone recants and admits they did zero independent research, were simply echoing what they were told, made a huge, irresponsible mistake in using their public platform to repeat it, and learned an important lesson, then they should be cut some slack. I've yet to hear this from the "misled" brigade aside from perhaps Dr. Aseem.

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And every 300+ pounder in yoga pants was "misled" by McDonald's marketing.

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Actually, if one forgoes then fries and the buns and eats just the burgers and salads (do they still have salads) without the veg oil dressings, one can adopt a low carb lifestyle and lose weight at McDonalds. Oh, and of course drink water or unsweetened tea.

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Totally agree. McDonald's has democratized nutrition. It's high quality and affordable if you stick with 100% beef. Don't eat the bun, or at least go with a double / triple patty per bun. Stay away from the starches and PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids), and you are good to go. If they brought back tallow beef for their deep friers, then the occasional order of french fries might not be terrible either.

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and the vaxxes cause autism. is it the monkey cells, dog cells, aborted baby cells, mercury, formaldehyde, et al, they use to make their poison?

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I'll be rooting for "misled" brigade to enter many an active vocabulary! πŸ’―

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I knew the vax was bad news because of who was promoting it and how hard it was promoted. Same with Ukraine war.

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I knew it was bad because the timing, push without liability and the dire response That did not allow early treatment ( which I knew missionaries used in the bush and fields of third world countries). Then the immense censorship. Not America. I knew this would drag out through election…. Sad, I was right. Having a few autoimmune diseases , I’m led to research everything! Dr. Mobeen of Cupertino, Ca, had medical guest all over the world to discuss. Not anti- vax but how it worked. I’m grateful this research that the Lord led me to gave me fortitude to say No to all my Doctors despite shaming and threats. Those women did not look too far. 🀫

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Yes, the vax was promoted hard and Putin promoted his Ukraine invasion hard. Still is.

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Putin isn't promoting the war, the Biden admin is! they have to protect their money laundering scheme in Ukraine.

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It's too soon to rewrite history in this year but of course people will try. Newsflash: Putin invaded Ukraine. Show evidence of any "money laundering scheme" with Putin's illegal invasion of another country against international law.

The Biden Crime Family EXTORTED Ukraine. They impeached President Trump to cover up the extortion.

Show evidence proving otherwise as the extortion by Traitor Joe is ON video.

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Putin also met with Klaus Schwab in a recorded meeting the month in Moscow the month before the Ukraine invasion, in which meeting Klaus handed him a copy of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Is it so hard to understand that all of this is WEF theatre, with the innocents of many countries caught in the crossfire?

Yes Putin is corrupt.

Yes Zelenskyy is incredibly corrupt and evil being, who slaughtered thousands of his own citizens in Donetsk, and has been usefully laundering US taxpayer money by the billions back to US Democrats and complicit RINOS to subvert and steal elections.

All at the direction of WEF.

Is this so difficult to see?

The enemy here is the budding NWO, and all the world is their stage.

Know your enemy, and don’t fight among yourselves.

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Absolutely. It has been most frustrating to watch doctors subscribe to this without the least concern. The masks too. It makes me think of an old sitcom where the boy's father asks a history question and the young man says "Gee Dad, I passed that test last year. No sense keeping old junk in my head!" And so, the important things are taught in Year 1 so they can be forgotten in Year 4, when pharma takes over.

Here's a beautiful explanation of our amazing immune system to share with those who forgot and those who need to learn: https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/how-to-boost-immunity?publication_id=674651&post_id=92280688&isFreemail=true

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I just read about the microbiome on your hands & skin... there are good bacteria & good fungus that inhabit our skin that protects our immune system! & the powers that be recommend washing hands with antibacterial soap that gets rid of it!

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My mother (who died in 2016 at age 95) talked for YEARS about the dangers of constantly using antibacterial soap for this very reason. When you look for hand soaps in the store, especially those designed for use in the kitchen, it's getting harder to find one that is NOT antibacterial.

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My father, a hard working blue collar man said the same. Yet, clean, tidy and organized.. he did not believe in over-sterilization of hands. β€œ need to build immunity! β€œ

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I work with money (cashier) and eat Cheetos at the same time. Lots of finger-lickin' going on. Great immune system.

(I'm exaggerating a LITTLE, but not a lot)

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We played in the dirt as kids, hadn’t a clue that it was actually good for us.

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Absolutely. Many people may sicken or die from excessively sanitizing their hands

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

I think it’s important to understand that doctors can be hypnotized by indoctrination. Just like the rest of us it often takes being injured or a family member being injured to wake them up

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That sounds like something The Little Beaver would say, from TV.

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Even weasel-Fauchi himself said early on in one of his daily press conferences, that it takes 10 years to develop a vaccine. That was enough for me to start questioning, and to look into natural immunity and vit D, Quercitin and zinc, HCQ and Ivermectin.

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I agree with you. I am a RN and was a Pharma rep for 12 1/2 years---studies for safety and efficacy take at least, at least 5-7 years. And once it goes to the FDA for approval long term studies are being done at same time. So development of a vaccine at warp speed is very dangerous.

What this shows is the FDA is controlled by money and the government and the pharma companies also. I read the article (I can’t find it now) on a Friday that the FDA was going to approve Pfizer vaccine but talks with Pfizer is ongoing. It was approved on that Monday (it was in September of 2020 I believe) as Comarity. What is given to the people then and now is still the experimental drug and not Comarity (which is experimental as well). I refused the jab and witnessed the evil done these past 3 years. I don’t trust FDA, CDC, FBI, etc anymore. It takes a long time to gain trust and that was ripped away in moments. And it was done right in our face and there was nothing we could do. You couldn’t find one attorney to take up a case against the mandates---and that could drag on for years--by that time you have lost your job and/or dead by the time someone stands up to protect us. I commend Gov DeSantis and respect him so much because it is doing what a leader should do---protect the public--that is why they are called public servants.

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Sadly, they have not deserved our trust for more years than we have realized.

Go back, if you haven’t, and research the childhood vacks. Turtles All the Way Down, Vaccine Epidemic, or Dissolving Illusions are all good places to start. The story w the current Safe and Effective is nothing new. They’ve been using this playbook for decades, if not the entire last century. πŸ˜“

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We had one attorney who worked against mandates in Alachua County Florida. Thank you, Jeff Childers.

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the "experts" ruined public school, why wouldn't they ruin medical school for their own purposes?

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That's a brilliant post!

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Looks like a ubiquitous meta-product of med education is proficiency in doublethink. Holding 2 incompatible thoughts without a whit of discomfort.

Hence, any remnants of common sense & reflection must be done with, the earlier the better, for both the $ystem and its aspiring sycophantic servants.

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Yes, you summed it up succinctly.

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There you go again with your wrong think. Really needed you and all your kind to get that mental sludge poison, uh, er, vaccine so you'd quit mucking up the gears of progress.

For me, it was one fact: EVERY PRIOR mRNA VACCINE TRIAL IN ANIMALS WAS HALTED EARLY DUE TO SAFETY SIGNALS. And the signals were... exactly what we see now (, although the prion-folding type 4-ft fibrous clots are new).

If anyone did indeed look, finding the truth required two things: intellectual honesty and a wide scope of sources to evaluate. Of course, second part also flows from the honesty part.

No mercy. Bible says eye for an eye. Death sentence by Pfizer vaccine for the lot of 'em.

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Actually the Bible teaches AGAINST extracting vengeance a la β€œan eye for an eye.”

β€œYou have heard that it has been said, β€˜an eye for an eye, but I say to you…”. Matthew 5-7.

And β€œ β€˜vengeance is mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.”

Now, this of course does not mean we do not seek justice. It does not mean that actions do not have consequences here and now. Romans 13, I think it is - authorities are instituted by God to wield the sword against those who do wrong.

It means we leave vengeance to the only just Judge of the universe.

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I was thinking the same thing. Where in the world did she do her "research"? Under a rock? πŸ€”

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She did her research on the CDC website. Of course. Where else?

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

The authors of Turtles All The Way Down did all their research on sites by CDC, FDA and WHO exclusively. Yet they demonstrated that all vaccines are dangerous. So Dr. Phelps could have found this as well. They just choose to ignore anything showing vaccine problems.

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I don’t think I knew that they confined themselves to those sites alone. Even more damning that they would continue promoting and mandating these products.

I will go look at my copy of the book.

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I think their comment was the 1,200 sources provided by the authors were exclusively from CDC, FDA, and WHO.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

It's a *very* complex structurally multilayered and historically conditioned problem, this collective blindness of medical profession. No way it can be reduced to handwavy 'choose to ignore'β€”which implies an act of will that could be easily reversed as tomorrow dawns 😟

A Midwestern Doc unpacks this difficult conundrum in through detail in his extensive series of related essays. https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/why-do-doctors-push-dangerous-pharmaceuticals <-- a good point of entry, among sundry others of equal worth πŸ™‚


ETA The canonical Monkey Business Illusion to illustrate the point --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGQmdoK_ZfY. Innit our perception psychology rank bewildering? 😏

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AMD has done us all a great service with his thoughtful essays. I have appreciated his work very much.

As you say, it truly is not as easy as saying that doctors β€œchoose to ignore.” One is not just β€œignoring” what one has been trained to not even see. One is not ignoring what one does not know exists.

I was last summer with some dr friends. We were discussing a mutual elderly friend who had (despite her safe and effective) contracted The One. And was taking Pax. One of my doctor friends exuded, β€œisn’t it amazing that X went through the whole pandemic without getting sick, and now, when she does, there’s Pax!”

Me: β€œwell, there has been safe and effective early treatment all along.”

Them: continued chattering about our mutual friend. No one even heard what I said.

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That is a very compelling video! Thanks for sharing it.

Depicts perfectly so much of how drs and many of us are trained to think, or not think. And the importance of holding our perceptions loosely. β€œThere was a gorilla?” was my absolute first thought. πŸ€”πŸ˜†

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could it be money received from big pharma that caused them to skim over those parts & focus on safe & effective?

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Where all good doctors do their research. Of course. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ I am being serious.

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We really need to think about how to break the medical practices' use of CDC guidelines for everything.

How do we wake the practice management folks up to let the doctors think independently? Lot of challenges there, but if you crack that nut, the potential for group think damage diminishes greatly.

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It unfortunately is not simply as simple as practice management folks.

If doctors practice not according to The Guidelines and the patient has an untoward reaction, response, or outcome, even if that has nothing to do with the doctor’s practice or recommendations, the doctor is often vulnerable to losing any malpractice suit that may be brought against him as a result.

Doctors get to feel very good about themselves for following The Guidelines. Following The Guidelines absolves them from the need to think more deeply or critically about the patient sitting in front of them. I have a family member harmed by omission. When I mentioned this to the Dr, his response was that, well, none of The Guidelines recommend evaluating x. To which I said that yes, I realized that. However NOW I want you thinking beyond The Guidelines because I don’t want to sit here yet again in ANOTHER few years wondering β€œif only….”

Additionally, most doctors would not know where to go for alternative information or recommendations. Truthfully, doctors cannot know everything about everything even within their own specialties. They spend hours each day seeing patients, then often at least as many hours documenting in the odious EMRs (another LIE sold/mandated by our Big Brother government, telling drs it would make them more efficient. The truth is most often the opposite.). They do not have time to track down study upon study for each and every thing they treat. They have to rely, at some point, on guidelines or summaries or something developed by someone.

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Agreed. I think her most egregious error was to continue to publicly support these jabs, even for children and young adults. How many suffered as a result of her silence? She knew, and she didn’t act. οΏΌ

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Yes, apparently she continued pushing jabs even after her injury, according to this https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/australias-former-ama-president-defects

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She did much more than push the jabs. She was all in for the unscientific, continuous lockdowns and school closures as well.

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That's the part I wondered about. She didn't say this happened last week witb her fourth booster... She's known and covered it up while she kept jabbing. No amnesty.

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Reaping what she sows

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People in Australia were put into camps when they refused to vaccinate, were drug from the street as they went out to buy groceries, I think they were even vaccinated against their will, forcibly.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

There was some video evidence that some Aboriginal people may have been vaccinated against their will. I hope not or at the very least, I hope not many.

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I think I saw that too. Yea, cuz they’re to stupid to think for themselves… snark. Makes me furious, what elite pigs.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

It's darker than that. Aboriginals were forcibly jabbed because they literally did not have the legal status to refuse.

It works like this. Some yabo says "hey look at me, I'm an aboriginal, my great great great grandfather was one". Pretty soon that "aboriginal" is the head of an NGO called "Indigenous Rights Centre" or something. They get funded, and hire "researchers", who then become "experts". Those experts are then called into Parliament for their "expert testimony on what's right for aboriginals".

Darker still. The big push is for what's called "Native Title" covering the land. But oopsie, "Native Title" DOES NOT CONVEY ANY PROPERTY RIGHTS TO INDIVIDUALS, the NGOs get the rights to decide what happens to the land. The UN goal is that "native title" covers 80% of the Australian landmass by 2030. This is also the playbook for Canada, New Zealand, Brazil, and the US.

Start your research with Josephine Cashman, Australian MP in the One Nation Party. Prince Philip, Julian Huxley, the WWF, and the other Malthusian eugenecists have been running this playbook already for decades.

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Thanks. Gotta love these playbooks. As I was reading this I thought of our Native Americans. It’s not working.

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I dumped my neurologist of 10 years because she told me I should still get the jabs...two weeks after I had already gotten Covid and beat it in two days. She knew and still pushed me to get it. Forget about medical training - what happened to common sense?

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I dropped my Dr of many years because when I informed him I had covid & asked if he would prescribe early treatment, he said: "I'm sorry you're sick, please go to the ER when your symptoms become unmanageable." this is the same Dr that several years before chewed me out royally for NOT contacting him when I first got sick with an upper respiratory illness that I had & it ended up as pneumonia because he had several meds to prescribe that would have stopped it.

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And even now if you ask for early treatment, you'll get Paxlovid instead of the safe drug that shall not be named.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

How does an employee "Chew [their employer] out royally?"

I'm serious.

What the hell is wrong with people thinking their DOCTOR has some sort of authority over them? I do not get this. Never have.

Does your hairdresser / fast food worker / Walmart cashier chew you out too?

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My late mom had glaucoma and didn't realize it because she hadn't had her eyes checked in awhile. She did notice that her vision was suffering. When she finally went to the eye doctor, it turned out that she had lost some of her peripheral vision. The nurse got mad and asked my mom why she hadn't come in sooner. My mom said, well, what do you want me to do about it now? Nurse shut up.

I got sore at a dental hygenist once because she neglected to tell me that baking soda would have helped my gums when it turned out she knew all about it. She said that it used to be the thing to do but nobody believed in anymore because it was abrasive. Yeah, well, if I hadn't started brushing with it, I'm pretty sure I would have lost my teeth. I'm sure she thought I was rude but jeez, she could have mentioned it. I have really had it with the "health" professions.

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Upon discharge from 2 months in the hospital (5 weeks on a ventilator), the doctor actually said to me: "I hope that you'll get vaccinated in the next couple months." I just smiled for fear they'd shoot me up on the spot before releasing me.

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Hoping that you didn't get vaccinated! And hooray that you made it through even when vented! May you have a very blessed Christmas!!

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I did not get vaccinated, and never will of any kind again. It was certainly a miracle from God that I'm alive. I do still require oxygen almost a year later, at night and with exertion, but I am very blessed to be here with my husband and kids this Christmas. I missed Christmas with them last year. May God bless you this Christmas and New Year as well!

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When their WOKE mind is made up, all they "researched" was a way to agree with the Aussie Plan and comply... This kind of "research" NEVER allowed for Critical Thinking Skills... SAD!

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Hello? All she needed to know was that the shot was EXPERIMENTAL. Nuff said.

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Yes, I laughed at her explaining that she had done so much research before getting the shots. So did I and I didn't take one. I think my research started with the news story where that doctor got the shots and somehow his brain was destroyed. That was shortly after the shots were being rolled out in the U.S.

But we all know doctors can be slow on the uptake.

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What if β€œthe best available scientific evidence” would β€œactively undermine the national immunisation campaign”? Because it does.

Thank you for your moving words, Jeff, and for sharing Baby Alex’s poignant story with the C&C Army.

Those who wish to try and prevent future such tragedies can join me in calling on Ron Johnson to sponsor #RememberBabyAlex legislation as outlined in the piece I published yesterday:

β€’ β€œLetter to Senator Ron Johnson” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-senator-ron-johnson)

Jeff may be too modest to say, but I took his brilliant idea to write a one-sentence federal law removing all pharma liability shields and proposed that under #MakePharmaLiable, which Banjocat came up with in a brainstorming thread on the original post (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/c-and-c-news-saturday-october-22/comment/9914040), so it is a true C&C brainchild!

Lastly, I proposed #PutPeopleOverPharma legislation to enshrine the Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, and Universal Declaration on Bioethics & Human Rights in a legally binding manner.

I am encouraging everyone to share this letter with their own legislators (as well as Ron Johnson) in the hopes of getting them to cosponsor this or similar legislation.

I’m also hoping everyone can share on social media with #StopTheShotsNow (currently trending) as well as #MakePharmaLiable, #RememberBabyAlex, and #PutPeopleOverPharma to raise awareness and build a groundswell of pressure on politicians.

It’s time to go on the offensive and let them know they are here to serve usβ€”not BigPharma.

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MAA, thank you for your tireless efforts to reveal the tragic consequences of Covid β€œvaccines” & pandemic policies. I can only imagine how heart wrenching it must be to investigate and report on devastating stories like that of Baby Alex. Thank you for having the compassion, empathy and perseverance to do this vital work to reveal the truth. Praying for Baby Alex’s family and all those impacted by the policies of the past 3 years.

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It is my profound honor to do so, MB.

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Margaret Anna Alice, first of all, thank you very much for reaching out to Ron Johnson. All excellent information. But amazingly I didn’t realize that you are in Oregon!

I’m in Bend.

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Aww, howdy, neighbor! πŸ‘‹

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Where are you?

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I’m in Southern Oregon :-)

I don’t like to get more specific than that publicly as I’ve tangled with a number of Covidians with stalker potential, at least two of whom have threatened to visit me (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dispatches-from-the-new-normal-front-d2c and https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/behind-the-scenes-vying-with-a-vigilante). Coach John was particularly persistent and still seemed obsessed with me months after our sole exchange.

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I tried to read your Substack about this lovely man and it's locked. For subscribers only. Wah!

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"lovely man" *lol* Coach John is in this piece, which is available to the public:

β€’ "Dispatches from the New Normal Front: Sparring with the Belligerently Bamboozled" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dispatches-from-the-new-normal-front-d2c)

The other one is from an exchange on a private platform, so I just publish those privately in my "Behind the Scenes" series as it's a bit of a legal gray area when I'm sharing their comments.

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As I wrote, β€˜where are you’ I was thinking you might not want to reveal much. Crazy world we live in.

He did mention a location, you might want to black that out, or maybe not, maybe he’s wrong about that too πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰. The sad part, so many out there are just like him. Stay safe. β™₯️

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Thank you for your understanding, Karen. We’re in a different location now, so I let him continue believing that in hopes of throwing him off the scent ;-)

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These are some great ideas. We really need to push these efforts and stay involved.

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I appreciate Jeff spot lighting your well-written article and really wish we could do a multiplier for the family. I donated upon reading your article but don’t have the power of the entire C&C army. This case could be vital in holding the medical community accountable for their egregious actions during COVID. This is a precedent setting case in my opinion.

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That is definitely a seed worth planting, FedUpInOR! I was just in touch with Cornelia today, and they are committed to finding justice for Baby Alex and raising awareness about this threat facing us all.

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Merry Christmas everyone! Thanks Jeff for a wonderful year of sarcastic commentary on this upside-down world we are currently living in and the playbook with which to turn it right side up.

HOA's are another local board you can try to get on. Its arguably the most local you can get. I just got on mine.

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My condolences, Joe.

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For the HOA? Well, the previous board managed to win a lawsuit against the builder and managed to not pay the lawyers, which snowballed into a $4 million settlement that we now have to pay off over 5 years to an extra $200 per month in HOA fees so I figure it can't get much worse.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

It's great to see Australian lesbian (so brave!) Doctor Phelps connecting 'Long Covid' to vaxxine injury.

We've always known this. Unvaxxed people are not getting Long Covid. Do you know why? Because Long Covid is a vaxxine injury.

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She and her partner are suffering from karma and like them, it's a bitch. Great she's admitting it but no remorse for her part in depriving people from life, liberty, medical autonomy and the the pursuit of happiness and supporting their families. You reap what you sow.

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Yeah, no remorse. That remains a huge problem. And then there's amends. How?

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Like we say in the Jab Industry - We hope you like your shot. NO REFUNDS!

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I don’t think she sees it as karma.

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Actually, unvacksed people are getting long COVID too. Sad to say. Even with appropriate early treatment. And even with pre-existing healthy lifestyles. Two in our own family.

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Yes, long Covid hit the unvaxxed. My husband, after a year’s recovery, is just now showing marked improvement with respiratory symptoms. He had been in great health prior to being struck down with the virus. Hospitalized for a month, refusing Remdesirvir and ventilator, he survived by God’s grace (and novena to St Philomena) and countless prayers.

We have much to be thankful to the Lord.

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Do you think shedding from vaxed is the cause?

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Well, I wondered about that. However we are not around many vacksed people. Husband works from home. We homeschool. So aside from casual interaction with of course plenty of vacksed in the community, our exposure is low?

And symptoms developed immediately following an obvious viral infection/process that was neither mild nor β€œjust a cold.” πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ We all have great vitamin D levels, used FLCCC protocol, emphasize whole foods with not much sugar and no veg oils, etc, etc.

It was definitely a VERY odd and not-expected experience.

I think we unvacksed need to retain humility about our own vulnerabilities and about the truly diabolical nature of this engineered virus. Also, it is probably not unreasonable to consider that They have created and spread various strains of the virus, some more virulent or with varying adverse effects.

While we surely DO have the benefit of intact immune systems, we still are not invincible.

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Well said. It seems pretty clear at this point that "long covid" is real and actually sequalae from spike protein exposure. That exposure can be from either catching covid or the vax. That's why early treatment and a healthy immune system are still critically important. The spike is a nasty piece of work.

But turning one's body into a human spike protein factory is the very definition of insanity, and I would argue far more likely to cause long covid than a couple day illness. We know the mRNA is active for at least sixty days if not much longer. The dose makes the poison as they say.

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I completely agree, the spike protein factory is pure insanity!

But what is also insane is that a couple of days illness could alter my taste (6mo), make my hair fall out and turn into the texture of straw…like a chemo patient!! So many other unvaxxed stories exactly like this !!!!πŸ‘†

I encourage people to be very compassionate and slow to make blanket statements about the unvaccinated response to Covid .

I know you don’t know until you know, but I did not choose to vaccinate…and yet here I am. With some yummy spike for Christmas πŸŽ„

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Many years ago a friend of mine said something that really stuck with me, "you conservatives don't think something is real unless it happened to you". I think there's some hard truth there and something to always keep in mind.

Best wishes and prayers for a full recovery.

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Yes, I had a long recovery from my bout in feb 2020. Lots of fatigue and hair loss for months. My hair still has not recovered.

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Agreed. I carry a "covid kit" put together from americasfrontlinedoctors.org , when we travel should we need to start immediate treatment.

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We do the same. I made a couple for my adult son and his girlfriend, unfortunately they are both vaxxed and boosted but still need protection with the kit.

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Great idea, Linda!

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YES to this !!! Dives me crazy the unvaccinated uppityness that EVERYTHING is because of the shot.

Covid itself is WICKED!!!

And yes, I’m unvaccinated! πŸ™„

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Same here. The left is terrible about it but *way* too many people on our side make absolute claims that they can't back up. At best it's an indicator of shallow thinking.

Plus there's that inconvenient fact that most people who got the vax are fine by all outward appearances. Clearly a large subset were harmed but many, if not most, were not. How do we explain that? Unless we address this point we will be dismissed by most of the population.

(Personally I think the cause is vaccine "hot lots", but a genetic predisposition and/or inadvertent intravenous injection are also plausible explanations.)

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I agree …I have endometriosis, which is classified as autoimmune…possible genetic predisposition?? Who knows !?

Clearly being unvaxxed I’m sensitive to other unvaxxed individuals being so dismissive of very real consequences that can come from a perfectly natural infection.

Not to mention…the conspiracy theorist in me thinks *they* love the focus in the vax …keep the anger on the vax ….and not the ORIGINS!!!!! πŸ‘€

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

I’m afraid I have to agree. My unvaccinated family has been sicker than usual this last year. I wonder if the β€œaccidentally” released Covid virus wasn’t purposely formulated to weaken the immune system of anyone who comes in contact with it. I know, a really far fetched conspiracy theory. We sure haven’t found that our unvaccinated status has saved us from all kinds of upper respiratory illness. No heart disease, though.

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Yes, I do.

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I have a question---in March 2020 how did they come up with 14 days and that the virus effects mostly people with comorbities??? I don’t recall a β€œstudy” to come up with that. When politicians stick their noses in science you see what happens----death & destruction to lives. I have so much bitterness after all this. I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in Feb 2020 and when I finally got to have double mastectomies in May 2020 ---the process was so fast (get in and out quickly). No one asked how I was doing mentally----oh but they would call me and ask do you have any fever, SOB, or come in contact with someone that has had Covid. And sadly healthcare is still only focused on Covid-----because of money and reimbursements. The Covid debacle has ruined our healthcare for sure. Telehealth has remained with some providers. I feel like if I have to wear a mask to go in then I shouldn’t be there. Fauci needs to be held accountable because he knew exactly what he was doing and used fear via the media----he did more appearances on TV since 2020. I never heard of him before then. But Collins and Fauci retiring from their positions in a year---what does that tell you!!

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β€œUnvaxxed people not getting Long Covid β€œ

I politely disagree, after my last (natural) infection, I had Covid induced hair loss & altered taste that comes and goes… 6 months later. It just takes a little research to confirm I am not the only one who has experienced lasting effects from a natural infection.


I hate the vax, but Covid itself is wicked .

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Sorry to hear about that, and I do know a person who has had some lingering effects as well from the virus. After all, it was a bioweapon engineered in a lab for the purpose of causing harm....

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So agree!!! And honestly the conspiracy theorist in me thinks *they* love the focus on the vax …keep the anger on the vax ….and not the ORIGINS!!!!! πŸ‘€ mission accomplished

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Try taking zinc, NAC, vitamin C and chew nicotine gum (yes, that stop-smoking gum--following its directions). Loss of smell and hair loss related to Zinc depletion.

Ref: Dr Bryan Ardis https://rumble.com/v20yoi4-dr.-bryan-ardis-updates-on-venom-bio-weapon-research-and-a-simple-treatment.html

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Exactly. We have ALL been exposed to this virus and likely for the vast majority of us our immune systems simply did what they needed to do and we never knew. I distinctly remember this notion of getting 'tested' to find out if we were 'sick'.

Spent a bit of time in Orange County and many times there would be mile(s) long lines to get the 'free test' - it was maddening to see these masked up fools in their cars alone, sitting in idling cars clogging up the roadways!!

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Masked up fools is such an accurate description. Although now if they are masked up I know to avoid them as they are probably shedding, sick and /or mentally ill. A mask now is like a traffic sign - avoid accident scene. 😐

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Completely agree!

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Wrong. I am unvaxxed. I got a terrible, 3-week case of covid earlier this year and ended up with long covid. A three-day Rx of iver finally cleared it up.

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Sorry to hear that. I meant 'vast majority' as I know scores of people who barely had a sniffle, pretty much everyone has 'had' the virus, I am speaking of a large military community. In my large circles of acquaintances, cases like your were extremely rare.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

Wife is an RN in a big city hospital. Treats COVID positive patients regularly. (She's had 2 this week.) She does not wear any weird PPE - just regular scrubs and the hospital mandated blue cotton mask.

Her colleagues freak out every time - wear weird biohazard gear, avoid contact with the patient, leaving them all alone for hours at a time.

Wife is unvaxxed. Has literally treated *hundreds* of COVID positive patients over the past three years. Has never contracted COVID; works all the overtime shifts for her vaxxed & boosted colleagues who are constantly re-infected.

It's all bullshit.

Also, claiming COVID has become an instant 2 weeks paid vacation for overworked RNs. No one can ask you to show proof. You just call in and sit back for a couple weeks RnR.

And btw, I'm not vaxxed either. 60 year old male who isn't the LEAST bit concerned about my unvaxxed wife bringing it home. We both have working immune systems.

Biggest freaking scam in history.

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Thank you Fred, and thank your wife on my and my husband's behalf for her dedication! We knew a couple of elderly people who were hospitalized during the beginning of the PsyOp and were treated horribly, none of them tested positive for the virus but were still treated like lepers, it was horrible to watch!

I was blessed with a no-non-sense approach practitioner as this rolled out, but then my husband was diagnosed with cancer(which of course was nearly missed as due to the COVID hysteria he had a hard time being seen) and he had to endure test, after test, after test for multiple surgeries and treatments. The look of terror when these medical professionals would find out he was not vaxxed was frightening.

We had some foreknowledge about such campaigns that we saw roll out and were amazed at how easliy people fell for the lies, but that is what fear does to people, causes them to be irrational.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

My wife should be a candidate for sainthood.

Me not so much, as y'all can prob tell. My youngest is home from the USMC and has inherited my direct mode of speech. He's rough as hell and does not tolerate anything less than perfection. I told him yesterday that his grandfather was worse than both of us, combined. He responded, "So it's genetic."_

Afraid so.

Just this morning, my wife told me about her latest COVID positive patient, and how he has had NO ONE come to visit him for 4 weeks. She spends extra time in his room (again, the other nurses avoid him like he has Typhoid) and makes a point to smile at him (he's intubated) and touch him and speak kindly whenever she's in his room.

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Do you know the official term the hospitals use for someone who is suspected of having COVID (but before testing has confirmed it)?

"Person Under Investigation" or "PUI".


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Good grief, well I actually thought of something much stronger!

Absolutely Orwellian.

Of course then there is Run Death Is Near Remdesivir.... Our Pharmacy tech SIL told us in early 2020 that this drug was deadly, he was shocked when it was being recommended.

So grateful for people like Mr. Childers, your wife, yourself and others who kept their collective minds during this operation. Gives me hope!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

A man collapsed by the gate desk in Milwaukee airport as we were about to assemble to board. The defibrillator did not bring him back and as they let us through to board they were doing manual compression. It didn’t look good. He just dropped like a stone. So sad. I think he was traveling alone. Looked around 60 yo. πŸ™πŸ».

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You have to wonder. At least there are 2 pilots. But what about your Uber driver or the friend you’re riding with from the airport? I had an MRI yesterday and their was only one tech administering it...what about if she goes down and I’m trapped in the damn thing? Etc etc etc.

I wonder if the incidence of passenger in flight medical emergency diversions has gone up?

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Have to admit I was thinking about that on the plane. Small jet, young pilot. We’re there 2 pilots? I assume so. Delta. I’m sure the entire crew was vaccinated

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Any Delta or Delta connection plane has 2 pilots. I’m not so worried about that.

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Good. The attendants were awesome and so cheerful. I like Delta. SWA doesn’t seem to have a direct to LGA from Milwaukee we can use anymore.

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Make sure the friend you have taking you to the airport in a pure blood at least. :)

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

I’ve started thinking about asking my friends (the ones that don’t typically talk about it)…”Um, are you vaccinated?…yes?… do you mind if I drive?”

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I mean, it is your life at stake..... Otherwise, take some training on how to take over if they collapse.......

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Hey there’s an idea for a useful side business.

β€œYou’ve heard of MADD? How about SADS? Learn how to recover the vehicle should your driver suddenly collapse. Call 1-800-GET-SAFE”

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Safe and Effective is getting replaced with defibrillators and caskets.

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* Supplemented πŸ˜‰

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There are no words.

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I know. The whole area went silent. πŸ™πŸ» For him the whole time. They eventually brought a screen for privacy thank Godβ€”but the human eye can’t forget a person suffering. Although there are legions now who could care less because they have closed their ❀️and minds because of their own evil and greed.

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These experiences are terrible and do last in our thoughts. Last year, at the height of the push for vaccines, I witnessed a man (young) collapse at a major league soccer game hitting hard the pavement of the arena. He was non-responsive and there was also a lot of blood involved as he hit his head. This was pre-game and there was a vaccine clinic going on. I can't get the image or the possible connection out of my mind.

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Vaxxed up 3 yr old girl in my town dies of β€œSIDS”?? according to autopsy… Super lib parents now say β€œwe wish we would have done things differently”… You don’t say… Tragic.

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So tragic and avoidable.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œI may have a little something in the Santa sack for all you good little boys and girls. That is, if I may still say, β€˜boys and girls.’” Please do :)! And a very Blessed Christmas to you and yours πŸŽ„πŸŽ„.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I love your Spirit led optimism Jeff! Merry CHRISTmas!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I got a real strong impression from the Holy Spirit today and it kind of resonates with Jeff your emphasis on local change. Basically, I was reminded of all the times I hear about people wanting to change the world

The word I got: the world is not going to be changed by human effort. But your neighbor can be deal with loving your neighbor, and making sure they know the truth no more is necessary.

I’m glad that many people are working on legislation to hold back the tsunami of evil, and I’m glad that people like you are helping us to know the truth behind the lies of the media and the government.

But especially this Christmas season, we need to focus on loving our neighbors, being kind to strangers and being ready to speak whatever truth, someone else might be willing to hear. And also being willing to hear whatever truth we’ve been missing.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff-Wishing you and your family a wonderful, blessed Christmas! Thank you for all that you do. You are the ONLY source for my local and world news! You are to be commended!

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Merry Christmas everyone. God is great!

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He is Great β€πŸ™

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you Mr. Childers!

I refer to C&C as my β€œmorning paper” πŸ—žοΈ πŸ“° While my husband gets his accurate daily news by going to multiple β€œalternative source” websites ranging from financial reports to the political state of Israel, I just read your wide-ranging, informative post!πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸΌ (sometimes you mention the very things he found in his search! Good job Jeff!)

We always have a lively discussion and exchange over morning coffee, but my read is WAY more fun!! Thanks for giving me the lineup of the day with a smile!

Merry Christmas!! πŸŽ„πŸŽ

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"Morning Paper" - So true. So very true. This and "bad catitude" are the start of my day.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff - can we give you an assignment? Contact Alex Marlow (editor-in-chief, Breitbart News). He has a daily show on SiriusXM, which is also a podcast I think. In today's episode (hour 2 I think) he AGAIN completely dismisses the idea of COVID-19 vaccination injuries, claiming there is "no science" to back up those claims. Alex is one of the most thoughtful, serious conservative journalists we have but for some reason is completely blinded on this one. I sent a contact note to him today to ask him to be more objective and to get RFK Jr or Dr. Malone or Dr. McCullough on his show so they can lay out the "science" for him. If someone could just get him to see and report the truth of this matter, it will help our cause. Thanks for what you do. C&C is the highlight of my day. Merry Christmas Jeff to you and yours.

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Hand it over to Steve Kirsch and he’ll go after it like a dog with a bone. He’s looking for someone to debate him.

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If it's a debate, I'd prefer Jeff Childers on my team over anyone else.

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Although sometimes I think Steve is a little (or a lot) too abrasive in his approach to people. He needs to try a little more honey and a bit less vinegar, if he ever hopes to get someone to actually accept his offers.

I get that he is beyond frustrated. But nobody wants to enter a debate with someone who has already shown them disrespect.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

I don’t think it’s as much vinegar or disrespect as it is being very, very persistent and direct with factual data.

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Dec 23, 2022Β·edited Dec 23, 2022

That may be.

As a very direct person myself, I have had to learn that I often get more traction if I modulate my bluntness. Many people (my mom being one) experience our degree of directness as rudeness. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

Do I like having to speak and act in ways that I feel are less than forthright, at times? Absolutely not. I want plain language. However, sometimes we can modulate our approach without compromising our content.

That said, Steve is doing great work and I am thankful for him!

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Give an example please of him showing someone disrespect? I think it’s the other way around. He’s putting himself out there to debate people who have shown him disrespect.

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