Australia lets ivermectin out of pharmacy jail; Texas AG Paxton to investigate jabs; UK Telegraph's spicy, anti-trans op-ed; thoughts about feminism and sports; does HB269 kill free speech?; and more.
I absolutely loved her writing and that specific line!! Hilarious!! She and Jeff should take up a project together!!! Oh my!!!! I am so excited high profile women are finally speaking out!!
The most recent Report: BOMBSHELL – Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway.
I do not know what it will take for something to change, for charges to be filed, for people to be held accountable. It seems each day there is a new study, a new report, a new finding, a new something and yet nothing happens. The Ron Johnson hearings, the Pfizer document revelations, the Ed Dowd reports of excess deaths....and yet the beat still goes on. I feel discouraged.....and no, I'm not gonna give up
I guess, to quote Elvis Presley, I want to see "A little less conversation, a little more action, please."
And it needs to happen before they release the Kracken.
That’s the spirit, “no, I'm not gonna give up”, but think “we the people” are mostly to blame for the lack of action, since most have yet to realize that:
* mRNA jabs were designed to injure, maim, and kill.
* It is the public’s duty to spread such truths far and wide, so as to build massive public opinion pressure on the litigators.
Suggest watching, and getting fluent with, the Yeadon video ref’d in reply below, and then getting everyone you know to do the same, and then pass it on. The inaction we complain about would end in a heartbeat, if enough moms were aware of these crimes.
Thank you -- yet another step toward educating enough of the public (especially moms) for “we the people” to stop this insanity.
Please help spread the word, along with the need to avoid fear. I like the way one of my heroes -- Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News -- put this a while back, “Once you know that you are under attack, a lot of the fear starts to go away.”
“Mind boggling”, yes, but my guess is that you’ve already gotten over most of the fear, having now realized what we all must do to protect our children 😊
===== Other Info That May Be Of Interest
Below is irrefutable evidence, based on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries that have been in med-school textbooks for decades, showing that all mRNA jabs are unsafe (see Refs #1, #2 below). And in the case of covid jabs, evidence that they were designed to injure, maim, and kill (see Ref #3 below). Please share!
___11:30 3 clues jabs designed to injure/maim/kill
___12:08 #1 = toxicity of antigen
___13:03 #2 = protection for payload
___15:00 #3 = why all mRNA jabs are harmful
___16:06 tptb are moving all jabs to mRNA = disaster for humanity
___17:10 what we must do to survive
___18:10 closing
The mRNA in jabs, cause cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2). (so, all mRNA shots are unsafe)
* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (enable organ damage)
* Sudden death, and most other mRNA injuries, are explained by mechanisms in above Refs
I’ve been waiting more than 50 years. The last time something was done, it was done to Richard Nixon, who did nothing wrong, but his party abandoned him. At the time Some Republicans were saying, ‘Oh, the Democrats better be careful. They’re setting precedents that can be used against them.’ That was a load of crap.
I actually still hear that being said today. They think we’re all dumb as dirt.
Those in the Big Club are protected and prospered just as long as they do as they’re told. Demonrats and Repukes.
But their day will come. The waiting is hard.
“They who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount up on wings as eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.” ISAIAH 40:31.
I rolled my eyes at the ones saying the precedent is being set…just wait…the democraps are in for it…..blah blah blah. You stated it well. And as Jeff said, unless we get some DA’s and Attny Generals with giant stems with giant berries on the bush….and big giant ones….nothing will happen.
And of course, President Trump is relentlessly attacked and has been since he declared in 2015. He stands because God upholds him. No human strength could endure what is being done to him.
Check out JulieDonuts @juliestark on Twittet and see what she has to say. Greatly encouraged me. Let me know what you think. Not for the faint of heart.
Am not dissing “the work Naomi Wolf and the DailyyClout has already done”, it seems very useful, but think the AGs also need to include Yeadon’s solid evidence that the mRNA jabs were designed to injure, maim, and kill. See 11:00-19:16 of
Expect most who watch this 8 mins of Yeadon will realize that virtually all pundits commenting on mRNA are controlled opposition to some degree, simply because they fear addressing these fundamental mRNA flaws, given that big pharma is counting on mRNA to be its next multi-trillion-dollar cash cow.
I wonder why Yeadon never gets invited to testify. Are they worried he might drop some inconvenient truths? And why is it that some, like Robert Malone, are EVERYWHERE, and he's trusted even though he has so many ties to the DoD and other organizations behind the plandemic? Not to mention Malone is suing the Breggins!
No inside info here. But my take is that virtually all attys, going after these criminals, are afraid to use the fundamental flaws in mRNA -- revealed by Bhakdi and Yeadon, based on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries captured in med-school textbooks for decades -- without massive public opinion support, as it is simply too dangerous.
About the only path to closure in my view, is for people like you and me to spread these truths via our person-to-person networks, until many, many more become aware of these basic flaws in mRNA. Because as Yeadon points out, this topic is too hot for MSM and most honest substack hosts (who I still trust) to handle.
Sadly "we the people" mostly have only various degrees of controlled opposition to listen to, with Malone appearing to be very much controlled with an assigned task of trying to scare truth-tellers, like the Breggins, into silence.
I never got on the Malone train. It never sat right with me that he invented the MRNA technology and got the shot. Then came out against it. 🤨 I could be wrong but I really didn’t listen too much to him.
He suffered a heart injury from the jab... He did exactly what many other intelligent doctors did...he followed the directions from the government backed medical tyranny system and, he paid for it with his health! Sadly, probably 80% of physicians pushed the poison...instead of demanding the studies, the proof that it was what they were being told... Now we realize what too many of them did, they "bought the company line..." No integrity, no questions, no insight, no common sense, nothing. They forced it on themselves and their families, friends, co-workers and patients. They had no idea what those jabs were...
Ummm... he isn't a jab victim. He is part of the psyop. He works with and for the MIC and the intelligence community. He himself has spoken of all his CIA connections. And he's making a lot of money playing both sides. A lot of money.
It's kind of like saying Elon Musk is the hero of free speech because of Twitter, until you find out all the projects he's involved in and how much money and power he will get if his "everything app" rolls out. Data is the new oil. He'll be more powerful than the Rockefellers.
the best evidence is what Pfizer withheld and has been revealed by Naomi’s aggressive team. I would bet Ken Paxton has all (or most) of what he needs to nail Pfizer & Moderna.
To properly protect our children, AG Paxton must also prevail in keeping mRNA from being used in future jabs, of any kind, like the criminals -- "Pfizer & Moderna" and others -- are rapidly heading to worldwide. Think you will agree if you watch Yeadon video = 11:00-19:16 of .
You are welcome, and as Yeadon says, it will take getting truth out to each person's network to win. So, thanks for assisting with this.
===== Other Info That May Be Of Interest (also includes link above)
Below is irrefutable evidence, based on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries that have been in med-school textbooks for decades, showing that all mRNA jabs are unsafe (see Refs #1, #2 below). And in the case of covid jabs, evidence that they were designed to injure, maim, and kill (see Ref #3 below).
With this, easy-to-understand info, most moms will be able to protect their kids by successfully pushing back on mRNA-jab-pushing MDs with solid medical arguments that, if ignored, could set MD up for a malpractice suit. Please share!
___11:30 3 clues jabs designed to injure/maim/kill
___12:08 #1 = toxicity of antigen
___13:03 #2 = protection for payload
___15:00 #3 = why all mRNA jabs are harmful
___16:06 tptb are moving all jabs to mRNA = disaster for humanity
___17:10 what we must do to survive
___18:10 closing
The mRNA in jabs, cause cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2). (so, all mRNA shots are unsafe)
* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (enable organ damage)
* Sudden death, and most other mRNA injuries, are explained by mechanisms in above Refs
Thank you Laura. I’m a Texas resident and I’m going to email our great AG Ken Paxton to thank him for taking a stand. While I’m at it I will send him this link!
Freebird - wonderful! I'm in the process of emailing and also USPS mailing a letter to my state AG. We need a campaign to do this in EVERY state in our nation. Will it help? Who knows, but I will not give up trying!
The thing is we all know somebody, family friends coworkers we all know somebody who has fallen for the lies and has believed.
And received the poison not just one or two but a five, six times and then for us who has seen right through the lies we are the ones who have to stand by and watch our loved ones die one by one absolutely heartbreaking.💔
The people I know who have received have become so brainwashed it's downright scary.
And I have heard from the beginning that people who do receive this poison may not have any adverse reactions right away but within three to five years there will be massive deaths throughout the world and we are at that point now. And how horrific for the parents to believe that all vaccines are good they absolutely are not they are all poison.
You are so right about the brainwashed part of this, and the rest as well. Please help spread the word, along with the need to avoid fear. I like the way one of my heroes -- Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News -- put this a while back, “Once you know that you are under attack, a lot of the fear starts to go away.”
===== Other Info That May Be Of Interest (also includes link above)
Below is irrefutable evidence, based on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries that have been in med-school textbooks for decades, showing that all mRNA jabs are unsafe (see Refs #1, #2 below). And in the case of covid jabs, evidence that they were designed to injure, maim, and kill (see Ref #3 below).
With this, easy-to-understand info, most moms will be able to protect their kids by successfully pushing back on mRNA-jab-pushing MDs with solid medical arguments that, if ignored, could set MD up for a malpractice suit. Please share!
___11:30 3 clues jabs designed to injure/maim/kill
___12:08 #1 = toxicity of antigen
___13:03 #2 = protection for payload
___15:00 #3 = why all mRNA jabs are harmful
___16:06 tptb are moving all jabs to mRNA = disaster for humanity
___17:10 what we must do to survive
___18:10 closing
The mRNA in jabs, cause cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2). (so, all mRNA shots are unsafe)
* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (enable organ damage)
* Sudden death, and most other mRNA injuries, are explained by mechanisms in above Refs
Look up the book Turtles all the way down vaccine science and myth. So full of information every parent who's thinking of bringing a child into this world should be reading this book and it should be in every pediatrician's office.
Thanks much for the reco, you just pushed it way up on my reading list, as have had "Turtles..." for a while, but has not been high on list.
Here's another book on this topic that is well-ref'd (but clearly not as deep as "Turtles...." must be) = "Vaccines -- Are they really safe and effective?" by Neil Miller.
Laura, I second your thoughts! Dr. Naomi R Wolf, Teamed with 3500 volunteers from all professions, doctors, lawyers, statisticians, epidemiologists, virologist, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, Technology experts, every day folks, all got together in conjunction with The WarRoom with Stephen K. Bannon.
I purchased two Kindle versions of the book plus two hardcopy versions to support their excellent work. They have done so much heavy lifting and it’s so well documented. It is very useful for anyone looking for background on the Pfizer trials and the FDA process for the emergency use authorization (EUA).
I am so grateful to people who share of their time and expertise as volunteers as these 3500 WarRoom/DailyClout volunteers have done. It is an excellent work and great for any legal proceedings.
It is available on And also on Amazon Under “Pfizer documents”
It has sold so many copies they are in their fourth printing.
If I were wealthy I would buy thousands of these and drop them off at various hospitals, medical facilities, politicians offices.
RFK Jr’s “the real Anthony Fauci” and the “WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer documents” are mind blowing.
I suspect Paxton will either use this as his launch into Tx Gov seat and possibly national politics... or he'll find nothing as a trade for that launch (sell out). He's not a dumb guy, and his team seems very intelligent. I have zero doubt they don't know of the evidence available already pre-packaged.
His statement on what he's focusing on concerns me. The GoF work was not done by the big 3 companies. It was mostly done by UNC/Chapel Hill's Ralph Baric via NIH. Won't find anything barking up that tree if you look at a tree without the dog barking at it.
Regarding Pfizer and GoF work, do you remember the last thing James O'Keefe did with Project Veritas? The guy admitted that Pfizer "enhanced" viruses so they could test out their vaccines. The response from Pfizer that came back pretty much admitted that this is going on. So I think they have enough evidence to proceed.
You are right though about Baric's work being the main GoF research. There are currently lawsuits in that area as well, I believe connected with Pam Popper's people.
You are most welcome Nancy. I support the work that Naomi and her team is doing by purchasing copies of their book containing the reports. It will be an important book for history.
Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” so that we confidently say,
“The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What will man do to me?”
💬 Can we—should we?—return to the place where men feel valued, appreciated, and respected for taking up the duty to protect women? Or have we evolved beyond that now?
We absolutely should return men to their protector and provider status. I am old enough to remember our culture before the feminist movement when women were treated with RESPECT (it had nothing to do with whether a woman had the ability) by opening doors, given corsages for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, and any other special occasion, saving women and children first (the true Titanic story), etc. I bought the feminist propaganda (think, I Am Woman, can't remember who sang it) for a brief time in my late high school and early college days. I am grateful God brought light from the Bible to transform my thinking to truth. I do not ever regret that when God's still small voice asked me to dress like a lady even though making excuses like Moses, I obeyed! I have 3 daughters who are all feminine and act like ladies and 3 sons who are very masculine and are protectors. My middle son has intervened to help women who are strangers out of bad situations. Any gentlemen who will open the door for me, I quickly thank and praise! How desperately our society needs real men who understand their role as God ordained it. God sees men and women as equal, but we were created very differently with unique characteristics which is why mediocre men will always dominate women's sports if allowed to participate.
That was well said. I also bought into the feminist dogma for a while and now regret the disrespect with which we treated men. How many children’s lives have been impoverished because men and boys have been told they are unnecessary? And how many men who are in prison today would not be there if they had had good male role models? Women need to reaffirm the value of men in our lives.
Very well said Kim. It’s my belief that more harm than good came from the feminist movement. And the lies from it bore fruit and have been perpetuated for generations now. God designed men and women to compliment each other with differing gifts - not to compete against one another. What a sin-sick world we live in.
The one good thing from the feminists is a woman can be engineers, doctors, etc. But, many women dress like ladies of the night and have never looked at their butts in the mirror while wearing yoga pants. Falling out of top wear and skin tight anything is just not feminine. There is a difference. How can we command respect by disrespecting our temples? And don't get me started on tattoos...
Strong women who are also wise know what a blessing a strong, protective man is. Weak women spew their sour grapes venom because they don't have one or were taught they don't need one.
As a lifelong female 😉, I appreciate men who are polite and respectful to women. I just had a situation at the SLC airport; I was with my 2 young grandsons, who were each carrying their own carryon and backpack and I was struggling with a large bag, a heavy carryon bag, 2 car seats and a hat. As we made our way to the exit doors, I kept telling the boys to slow down as I was falling behind them with my heavy load. I was afraid we would get separated and then out of the blue, a young man, probably in his mid 20’s came up and said “let me help you”. He grabbed the car seats and followed me to the curb where we were going to be picked up. I have no idea who he was but his mama raised him well!!! With all the people in a busy airport for a young guy of all people, to offer his assistance was very heartwarming and much appreciated. So, to young and old men, and all people, if you see someone struggling and you’re able, please ask if they need help!
Amen! And boy did I need that today aft4er dealing with a belligerent, bully, chauvinistic contractor who lacks integrity and finding out that my husband's cancer has progressed. So sad, but know that my Lord is not deserting me, forsaking me and IS my helper.
So sorry to hear that. My friend's son-in-law got a terrible cancer (pre vax times) and her daughter had already had a stroke, and we went all over the internet finding churches of all denominations who would accept prayer requests and asked that they pray for him.
"covid accountability is a popular political position" .... gosh I hope so! But with 70% of the sheeple having taken at least one Jab, the unjabbed are a small minority. However at lot of those who took a shot regret it now, so maybe we're close to the 50% anti-Jab level.
I'm ready for perps in cuffs for these medical tyrants.
Even though 70% took the jab- we need to wonder how many maybe took just the first 1 or 2 and not all the subsequent boosters. I also like to think that at least most children didn’t get it and these kids get older and become adults all the time. There is hope for the future generation.
And yet, we keep hearing about "sudden death" or "died after a short illness" among the younger age group - as recently as this morning I read in Belfast Live (N.Ireland news) about the sudden death of a 13 y/o junior soccer player following a match at the weekend. I know - causation does not equal correlation, but how many of these have we been hearing about in the last year as compared with (say) 2018 - 2019??
That ride operator has his own You Tube channel. If you want to watch even more thrilling adventures from Pigeon Forge, TN.
When Ronald Reagan signed no fault divorce law, women lost protection. When the cabal realized half the population was not being taxed, women were compromised. Slowly, but surely, everyone has lost! Ever wonder why the need for two incomes was almost immediate after no fault divorce?
As for the sports...common sense has escaped the agenda that has been waging war. We have had war raged on our air, food, health, well being, peace and the list goes on...time for us to get control of this madness by the government.
Agree with this...but this is how socialists always feel...they want everyone working to feed the fat cat government. I was reading about how the soviets after ww2 on their side of Germany they were coming in and taking kids out of homes insisting they go to school and learn things the right way, start worshipping the gov't, and they also made all the moms work - said it was their duty to their country. Look, I am all for having a career that you enjoy (and I do!), but I do not in any way shape or form want a government that thinks I owe that to them and thinks my kids belong to them. I work to support my family, not the government.
I agree, the family started to deteriorate in the 60’s. Case in point, my husband’s father left four little kids and mom. The oldest was 7. By the time the oldest was 11 the father had completely disappeared. She had to raise those kids on her own. She had to become a feminist, I really don’t think you can completely blame feminism for all these kooky trans men. Men still need to share in the blame. They were equally culpable in breaking up the family. Maybe more so.
These kooky trans men are weapons... they despise women, and I believe are being ushered in to destroy strong women that are doing their best to stand up. It came upon us like a storm, all over the globe at the same time... just like Covid
I wonder if it has ever dawned on the female athletes with big megaphones (Megan Rapinoe for one) who support transgender men in women's sports that they would be sitting on the sidelines had this movement happened, say, 25 years ago. They never would have gotten anywhere close to where they are now.
But, as is typical of any elite group, they subscribe to the philosophy of "I've got mine, so who cares about you."
(stem and berries still on the bush) OMG!!! LOL!!! So funny.
I did a double take then laughed out loud! 😂
Same here! 😂
Franks and beans! Franks and beans!
I would bet those stems and berries are "Mediocre"
Bare-ly there?
I absolutely loved her writing and that specific line!! Hilarious!! She and Jeff should take up a project together!!! Oh my!!!! I am so excited high profile women are finally speaking out!!
C-Rabbit, you beat me to it…LOL.
“Austin Killips is a man (stem and berries still on the bush) who pretends to be a woman.”
OMG — hilarious / Brilliant description…spit some coffee when I read that one…LOVED it!! 😂
I love that one and its tasteful rather than too vulgar.
Stem and berries still on the bush. You all beat me to it. Laughed multiple times at that. Such a word smith.
No, in the UK they call it your meat and two veg. 🤣
Beans and franks.
Yes, that was a good one!
Jeff, your age is showing. 😆
Can’t help but wonder if anyone in Texas or Florida will look at the work Naomi Wolf and the DailyyClout has already done.
They can even go to their website and look at all 69 reports on the fraud that was committed.
The most recent Report: BOMBSHELL – Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway.
I do not know what it will take for something to change, for charges to be filed, for people to be held accountable. It seems each day there is a new study, a new report, a new finding, a new something and yet nothing happens. The Ron Johnson hearings, the Pfizer document revelations, the Ed Dowd reports of excess deaths....and yet the beat still goes on. I feel discouraged.....and no, I'm not gonna give up
I guess, to quote Elvis Presley, I want to see "A little less conversation, a little more action, please."
And it needs to happen before they release the Kracken.
That’s the spirit, “no, I'm not gonna give up”, but think “we the people” are mostly to blame for the lack of action, since most have yet to realize that:
* mRNA jabs were designed to injure, maim, and kill.
* It is the public’s duty to spread such truths far and wide, so as to build massive public opinion pressure on the litigators.
Suggest watching, and getting fluent with, the Yeadon video ref’d in reply below, and then getting everyone you know to do the same, and then pass it on. The inaction we complain about would end in a heartbeat, if enough moms were aware of these crimes.
To confirm that public opinion pressure can make a difference, watch 1:05:12-1:09:50 of
This isn’t a conspiracy theory … it’s the truth. We ALL need to watch this and share NOW.
Please go to and e-mail your leaders to withdraw from the WHO. Our power is in numbers … we need to get LOUD!
Well-said, and many thanks for adding that link!
Everyone, please do what she says...
Just watched banned presentation! Mind boggling. Scared to death now. Covid vaccine was not the beginning, but very close.
Thank you -- yet another step toward educating enough of the public (especially moms) for “we the people” to stop this insanity.
Please help spread the word, along with the need to avoid fear. I like the way one of my heroes -- Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News -- put this a while back, “Once you know that you are under attack, a lot of the fear starts to go away.”
“Mind boggling”, yes, but my guess is that you’ve already gotten over most of the fear, having now realized what we all must do to protect our children 😊
===== Other Info That May Be Of Interest
Below is irrefutable evidence, based on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries that have been in med-school textbooks for decades, showing that all mRNA jabs are unsafe (see Refs #1, #2 below). And in the case of covid jabs, evidence that they were designed to injure, maim, and kill (see Ref #3 below). Please share!
1# = (see first 13-mins, Dr Bhakdi basics at Jr-High level)
#2 = 00:45-29:00 of (see first 18-mins, Dr Bhakdi credentials plus basics at Jr-High level)
#3 = 11:00-19:16 of (see timeline below, Dr Yeadon basics at Jr-High level, plus why harm intentional)
___11:00 drug design
___11:30 3 clues jabs designed to injure/maim/kill
___12:08 #1 = toxicity of antigen
___13:03 #2 = protection for payload
___15:00 #3 = why all mRNA jabs are harmful
___16:06 tptb are moving all jabs to mRNA = disaster for humanity
___17:10 what we must do to survive
___18:10 closing
The mRNA in jabs, cause cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2). (so, all mRNA shots are unsafe)
* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (enable organ damage)
* Sudden death, and most other mRNA injuries, are explained by mechanisms in above Refs
I’ve been waiting more than 50 years. The last time something was done, it was done to Richard Nixon, who did nothing wrong, but his party abandoned him. At the time Some Republicans were saying, ‘Oh, the Democrats better be careful. They’re setting precedents that can be used against them.’ That was a load of crap.
I actually still hear that being said today. They think we’re all dumb as dirt.
Those in the Big Club are protected and prospered just as long as they do as they’re told. Demonrats and Repukes.
But their day will come. The waiting is hard.
“They who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount up on wings as eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.” ISAIAH 40:31.
I rolled my eyes at the ones saying the precedent is being set…just wait…the democraps are in for it…..blah blah blah. You stated it well. And as Jeff said, unless we get some DA’s and Attny Generals with giant stems with giant berries on the bush….and big giant ones….nothing will happen.
And of course, President Trump is relentlessly attacked and has been since he declared in 2015. He stands because God upholds him. No human strength could endure what is being done to him.
Maybe, instead of the "beat" should it be "and yet, the beast still goes on" ?
The beast of Revelation 13 is alive and well.
Amen David
Check out JulieDonuts @juliestark on Twittet and see what she has to say. Greatly encouraged me. Let me know what you think. Not for the faint of heart.
Sorry. Misspelled it
Julie Donuts. @JulieSnark
Am not dissing “the work Naomi Wolf and the DailyyClout has already done”, it seems very useful, but think the AGs also need to include Yeadon’s solid evidence that the mRNA jabs were designed to injure, maim, and kill. See 11:00-19:16 of
Expect most who watch this 8 mins of Yeadon will realize that virtually all pundits commenting on mRNA are controlled opposition to some degree, simply because they fear addressing these fundamental mRNA flaws, given that big pharma is counting on mRNA to be its next multi-trillion-dollar cash cow.
I wonder why Yeadon never gets invited to testify. Are they worried he might drop some inconvenient truths? And why is it that some, like Robert Malone, are EVERYWHERE, and he's trusted even though he has so many ties to the DoD and other organizations behind the plandemic? Not to mention Malone is suing the Breggins!
No inside info here. But my take is that virtually all attys, going after these criminals, are afraid to use the fundamental flaws in mRNA -- revealed by Bhakdi and Yeadon, based on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries captured in med-school textbooks for decades -- without massive public opinion support, as it is simply too dangerous.
About the only path to closure in my view, is for people like you and me to spread these truths via our person-to-person networks, until many, many more become aware of these basic flaws in mRNA. Because as Yeadon points out, this topic is too hot for MSM and most honest substack hosts (who I still trust) to handle.
Sadly "we the people" mostly have only various degrees of controlled opposition to listen to, with Malone appearing to be very much controlled with an assigned task of trying to scare truth-tellers, like the Breggins, into silence.
I never got on the Malone train. It never sat right with me that he invented the MRNA technology and got the shot. Then came out against it. 🤨 I could be wrong but I really didn’t listen too much to him.
He suffered a heart injury from the jab... He did exactly what many other intelligent doctors did...he followed the directions from the government backed medical tyranny system and, he paid for it with his health! Sadly, probably 80% of physicians pushed the poison...instead of demanding the studies, the proof that it was what they were being told... Now we realize what too many of them did, they "bought the company line..." No integrity, no questions, no insight, no common sense, nothing. They forced it on themselves and their families, friends, co-workers and patients. They had no idea what those jabs were...
Ummm... he isn't a jab victim. He is part of the psyop. He works with and for the MIC and the intelligence community. He himself has spoken of all his CIA connections. And he's making a lot of money playing both sides. A lot of money.
It's kind of like saying Elon Musk is the hero of free speech because of Twitter, until you find out all the projects he's involved in and how much money and power he will get if his "everything app" rolls out. Data is the new oil. He'll be more powerful than the Rockefellers.
Good instincts. At least he red-pilled a lot of people. Even if it was due to the "revelation of the method" karma thingy elites like to use.
Because Malone “knows”... he is the problem
the best evidence is what Pfizer withheld and has been revealed by Naomi’s aggressive team. I would bet Ken Paxton has all (or most) of what he needs to nail Pfizer & Moderna.
To properly protect our children, AG Paxton must also prevail in keeping mRNA from being used in future jabs, of any kind, like the criminals -- "Pfizer & Moderna" and others -- are rapidly heading to worldwide. Think you will agree if you watch Yeadon video = 11:00-19:16 of .
Thanks for the link! Truth
You are welcome, and as Yeadon says, it will take getting truth out to each person's network to win. So, thanks for assisting with this.
===== Other Info That May Be Of Interest (also includes link above)
Below is irrefutable evidence, based on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries that have been in med-school textbooks for decades, showing that all mRNA jabs are unsafe (see Refs #1, #2 below). And in the case of covid jabs, evidence that they were designed to injure, maim, and kill (see Ref #3 below).
With this, easy-to-understand info, most moms will be able to protect their kids by successfully pushing back on mRNA-jab-pushing MDs with solid medical arguments that, if ignored, could set MD up for a malpractice suit. Please share!
1# = (see first 13-mins, Dr Bhakdi basics at Jr-High level)
#2 = 00:45-29:00 of (see first 18-mins, Dr Bhakdi credentials plus basics at Jr-High level)
#3 = 11:00-19:16 of (see timeline below, Dr Yeadon basics at Jr-High level, plus why harm intentional)
___11:00 drug design
___11:30 3 clues jabs designed to injure/maim/kill
___12:08 #1 = toxicity of antigen
___13:03 #2 = protection for payload
___15:00 #3 = why all mRNA jabs are harmful
___16:06 tptb are moving all jabs to mRNA = disaster for humanity
___17:10 what we must do to survive
___18:10 closing
The mRNA in jabs, cause cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2). (so, all mRNA shots are unsafe)
* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (enable organ damage)
* Sudden death, and most other mRNA injuries, are explained by mechanisms in above Refs
Agreed, saw that the other day, it needs to shared everywhere!!!!
Thank you Laura. I’m a Texas resident and I’m going to email our great AG Ken Paxton to thank him for taking a stand. While I’m at it I will send him this link!
Freebird - wonderful! I'm in the process of emailing and also USPS mailing a letter to my state AG. We need a campaign to do this in EVERY state in our nation. Will it help? Who knows, but I will not give up trying!
Please also include this link, which provides solid evidence that mRNA jabs were designed to injure, maim, and kill = See 11:00-19:16 of
I totally believe this man and I always have.
The thing is we all know somebody, family friends coworkers we all know somebody who has fallen for the lies and has believed.
And received the poison not just one or two but a five, six times and then for us who has seen right through the lies we are the ones who have to stand by and watch our loved ones die one by one absolutely heartbreaking.💔
The people I know who have received have become so brainwashed it's downright scary.
And I have heard from the beginning that people who do receive this poison may not have any adverse reactions right away but within three to five years there will be massive deaths throughout the world and we are at that point now. And how horrific for the parents to believe that all vaccines are good they absolutely are not they are all poison.
You are so right about the brainwashed part of this, and the rest as well. Please help spread the word, along with the need to avoid fear. I like the way one of my heroes -- Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News -- put this a while back, “Once you know that you are under attack, a lot of the fear starts to go away.”
===== Other Info That May Be Of Interest (also includes link above)
Below is irrefutable evidence, based on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries that have been in med-school textbooks for decades, showing that all mRNA jabs are unsafe (see Refs #1, #2 below). And in the case of covid jabs, evidence that they were designed to injure, maim, and kill (see Ref #3 below).
With this, easy-to-understand info, most moms will be able to protect their kids by successfully pushing back on mRNA-jab-pushing MDs with solid medical arguments that, if ignored, could set MD up for a malpractice suit. Please share!
1# = (see first 13-mins, Dr Bhakdi basics at Jr-High level)
#2 = 00:45-29:00 of (see first 18-mins, Dr Bhakdi credentials plus basics at Jr-High level)
#3 = 11:00-19:16 of (see timeline below, Dr Yeadon basics at Jr-High level, plus why harm intentional)
___11:00 drug design
___11:30 3 clues jabs designed to injure/maim/kill
___12:08 #1 = toxicity of antigen
___13:03 #2 = protection for payload
___15:00 #3 = why all mRNA jabs are harmful
___16:06 tptb are moving all jabs to mRNA = disaster for humanity
___17:10 what we must do to survive
___18:10 closing
The mRNA in jabs, cause cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2). (so, all mRNA shots are unsafe)
* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (enable organ damage)
* Sudden death, and most other mRNA injuries, are explained by mechanisms in above Refs
Look up the book Turtles all the way down vaccine science and myth. So full of information every parent who's thinking of bringing a child into this world should be reading this book and it should be in every pediatrician's office.
Thanks much for the reco, you just pushed it way up on my reading list, as have had "Turtles..." for a while, but has not been high on list.
Here's another book on this topic that is well-ref'd (but clearly not as deep as "Turtles...." must be) = "Vaccines -- Are they really safe and effective?" by Neil Miller.
Learned about above book from this interview with Leslie Manookian (her bio, 01:27-14:27, will inspire most)
Laura, I second your thoughts! Dr. Naomi R Wolf, Teamed with 3500 volunteers from all professions, doctors, lawyers, statisticians, epidemiologists, virologist, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, Technology experts, every day folks, all got together in conjunction with The WarRoom with Stephen K. Bannon.
I purchased two Kindle versions of the book plus two hardcopy versions to support their excellent work. They have done so much heavy lifting and it’s so well documented. It is very useful for anyone looking for background on the Pfizer trials and the FDA process for the emergency use authorization (EUA).
I am so grateful to people who share of their time and expertise as volunteers as these 3500 WarRoom/DailyClout volunteers have done. It is an excellent work and great for any legal proceedings.
It is available on And also on Amazon Under “Pfizer documents”
It has sold so many copies they are in their fourth printing.
If I were wealthy I would buy thousands of these and drop them off at various hospitals, medical facilities, politicians offices.
RFK Jr’s “the real Anthony Fauci” and the “WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer documents” are mind blowing.
DAM - well said! Another great book is CAUSE UNKNOWN by Edward Dowd. Have you seen the interview that Tucker did with him in February?
I suspect Paxton will either use this as his launch into Tx Gov seat and possibly national politics... or he'll find nothing as a trade for that launch (sell out). He's not a dumb guy, and his team seems very intelligent. I have zero doubt they don't know of the evidence available already pre-packaged.
His statement on what he's focusing on concerns me. The GoF work was not done by the big 3 companies. It was mostly done by UNC/Chapel Hill's Ralph Baric via NIH. Won't find anything barking up that tree if you look at a tree without the dog barking at it.
Regarding Pfizer and GoF work, do you remember the last thing James O'Keefe did with Project Veritas? The guy admitted that Pfizer "enhanced" viruses so they could test out their vaccines. The response from Pfizer that came back pretty much admitted that this is going on. So I think they have enough evidence to proceed.
You are right though about Baric's work being the main GoF research. There are currently lawsuits in that area as well, I believe connected with Pam Popper's people.
Thank you so much for this link, Laura! I was not aware of this website. Great, exciting work! ❣
You are most welcome Nancy. I support the work that Naomi and her team is doing by purchasing copies of their book containing the reports. It will be an important book for history.
Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” so that we confidently say,
“The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What will man do to me?”
— Hebrews 13:5-6 NASB1995
💬 Can we—should we?—return to the place where men feel valued, appreciated, and respected for taking up the duty to protect women? Or have we evolved beyond that now?
I raised my boys to respect and protect women as did all my friends. It’s the southern way. Chivalry is alive and well in Texas.
Yep Tonya! Me and all my friends too! Yee-haw Texas sister!
💖❣ Bcuz the regular run-of-the-mill vanilla-flavour garden-variety heart feels woefully not enough 😊
We absolutely should return men to their protector and provider status. I am old enough to remember our culture before the feminist movement when women were treated with RESPECT (it had nothing to do with whether a woman had the ability) by opening doors, given corsages for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, and any other special occasion, saving women and children first (the true Titanic story), etc. I bought the feminist propaganda (think, I Am Woman, can't remember who sang it) for a brief time in my late high school and early college days. I am grateful God brought light from the Bible to transform my thinking to truth. I do not ever regret that when God's still small voice asked me to dress like a lady even though making excuses like Moses, I obeyed! I have 3 daughters who are all feminine and act like ladies and 3 sons who are very masculine and are protectors. My middle son has intervened to help women who are strangers out of bad situations. Any gentlemen who will open the door for me, I quickly thank and praise! How desperately our society needs real men who understand their role as God ordained it. God sees men and women as equal, but we were created very differently with unique characteristics which is why mediocre men will always dominate women's sports if allowed to participate.
That was well said. I also bought into the feminist dogma for a while and now regret the disrespect with which we treated men. How many children’s lives have been impoverished because men and boys have been told they are unnecessary? And how many men who are in prison today would not be there if they had had good male role models? Women need to reaffirm the value of men in our lives.
Very well said Kim. It’s my belief that more harm than good came from the feminist movement. And the lies from it bore fruit and have been perpetuated for generations now. God designed men and women to compliment each other with differing gifts - not to compete against one another. What a sin-sick world we live in.
Helen Reddy sang that song.
'Nother packet is due 😊: 💖❣
The one good thing from the feminists is a woman can be engineers, doctors, etc. But, many women dress like ladies of the night and have never looked at their butts in the mirror while wearing yoga pants. Falling out of top wear and skin tight anything is just not feminine. There is a difference. How can we command respect by disrespecting our temples? And don't get me started on tattoos...
I agree totally!
Strong women who are also wise know what a blessing a strong, protective man is. Weak women spew their sour grapes venom because they don't have one or were taught they don't need one.
🗨 God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them. ~~Augustine of Hippo, City of God
As a lifelong female 😉, I appreciate men who are polite and respectful to women. I just had a situation at the SLC airport; I was with my 2 young grandsons, who were each carrying their own carryon and backpack and I was struggling with a large bag, a heavy carryon bag, 2 car seats and a hat. As we made our way to the exit doors, I kept telling the boys to slow down as I was falling behind them with my heavy load. I was afraid we would get separated and then out of the blue, a young man, probably in his mid 20’s came up and said “let me help you”. He grabbed the car seats and followed me to the curb where we were going to be picked up. I have no idea who he was but his mama raised him well!!! With all the people in a busy airport for a young guy of all people, to offer his assistance was very heartwarming and much appreciated. So, to young and old men, and all people, if you see someone struggling and you’re able, please ask if they need help!
There’s hope then....
Amen! And boy did I need that today aft4er dealing with a belligerent, bully, chauvinistic contractor who lacks integrity and finding out that my husband's cancer has progressed. So sad, but know that my Lord is not deserting me, forsaking me and IS my helper.
Blessings to you and your husband.
So sorry to hear that. My friend's son-in-law got a terrible cancer (pre vax times) and her daughter had already had a stroke, and we went all over the internet finding churches of all denominations who would accept prayer requests and asked that they pray for him.
Our prayer warriors would love to add their names. Let me know.
So sorry for all of that and thankful the Lord reminded you of His presence with you.
"covid accountability is a popular political position" .... gosh I hope so! But with 70% of the sheeple having taken at least one Jab, the unjabbed are a small minority. However at lot of those who took a shot regret it now, so maybe we're close to the 50% anti-Jab level.
I'm ready for perps in cuffs for these medical tyrants.
Even though 70% took the jab- we need to wonder how many maybe took just the first 1 or 2 and not all the subsequent boosters. I also like to think that at least most children didn’t get it and these kids get older and become adults all the time. There is hope for the future generation.
And yet, we keep hearing about "sudden death" or "died after a short illness" among the younger age group - as recently as this morning I read in Belfast Live (N.Ireland news) about the sudden death of a 13 y/o junior soccer player following a match at the weekend. I know - causation does not equal correlation, but how many of these have we been hearing about in the last year as compared with (say) 2018 - 2019??
.....and no one is asking "why?"
The silence is deafening.
When I think of how convinced and proud everyone I knew was to have gotten them back in the if it was the end of smallpox.
With all the Facebook profile pics and proclamations of “Team Pfizer” or “Team Moderna” 🙄🤮
Bunch of dumb schmucks.
As the kids today would say "sooo cringe."
I know many who took just one and never went back for a second or they took the J&J. I believe only 15% are getting boosters. So some progress.
You posted ⬆️ to a comment I’d made.
In the “mentions” (whatever it’s called here)I saw it.
Can’t locate original comment of mine nor your response in the comments following Jeff’s C&C.
I wish Substack would “fix” this & take one to the place the exchange took place.
Most of the time tapping the comment notice. takes one back to beginning of comments.
Ready AND waiting!
I needed that video at the end!! Thank you, sir, for never letting us C&Cers down. (Okay, I meant that pun!) 🥳😂
Hold on I need to adjust your seat belt........... LOL
Best video of the day! I was laughing through all of it. 😂 😂
Same. Same. I kept wondering how many folks cuss at him from the ground level! Haha.
Or passed out before hitting the ground! I think we could all blame him for most of the cardiac deaths!
You could add it to the suddenly and unexpectedly list.
or soiled their pants by the time they realized he was kidding
I’d say they got their moneys worth on that one! Haha
That ride operator has his own You Tube channel. If you want to watch even more thrilling adventures from Pigeon Forge, TN.
That's awesome! Thanks for posting it!
I believe we all know some folks who need to check the "medulla oblongata."
The last words...shoulder straps....!!
The video made me feel sick simply because I would never, ever get on a ride like that.
When Ronald Reagan signed no fault divorce law, women lost protection. When the cabal realized half the population was not being taxed, women were compromised. Slowly, but surely, everyone has lost! Ever wonder why the need for two incomes was almost immediate after no fault divorce?
As for the sports...common sense has escaped the agenda that has been waging war. We have had war raged on our air, food, health, well being, peace and the list goes on...time for us to get control of this madness by the government.
Agree with this...but this is how socialists always feel...they want everyone working to feed the fat cat government. I was reading about how the soviets after ww2 on their side of Germany they were coming in and taking kids out of homes insisting they go to school and learn things the right way, start worshipping the gov't, and they also made all the moms work - said it was their duty to their country. Look, I am all for having a career that you enjoy (and I do!), but I do not in any way shape or form want a government that thinks I owe that to them and thinks my kids belong to them. I work to support my family, not the government.
Consistent clever light-hearted mocking looks like a good start --> 🤣
I know the cold hard facts about ‘no fault divorce’.
It was the brain child of serial adulterers.
I agree, the family started to deteriorate in the 60’s. Case in point, my husband’s father left four little kids and mom. The oldest was 7. By the time the oldest was 11 the father had completely disappeared. She had to raise those kids on her own. She had to become a feminist, I really don’t think you can completely blame feminism for all these kooky trans men. Men still need to share in the blame. They were equally culpable in breaking up the family. Maybe more so.
These kooky trans men are weapons... they despise women, and I believe are being ushered in to destroy strong women that are doing their best to stand up. It came upon us like a storm, all over the globe at the same time... just like Covid
See the Victor Davis Hansen article, relates to this.
Could you explain your comment more fully? I’m not sure I follow your argument--especially the first paragraph. Thanks.
Are you asking me?
What is there to fault signed into law 1979.
Yes Jaci. Thanks.
I wonder if it has ever dawned on the female athletes with big megaphones (Megan Rapinoe for one) who support transgender men in women's sports that they would be sitting on the sidelines had this movement happened, say, 25 years ago. They never would have gotten anywhere close to where they are now.
But, as is typical of any elite group, they subscribe to the philosophy of "I've got mine, so who cares about you."