Feb 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

When I was v injured, a functional medicine ‘doctor’ immediately ran a d-dimer test and told me about nattokinase. My PCP was very upset that I didn’t follow his suggestion which was to do nothing.

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Eric--where do you find a functional doctor? I found one that is holistic/allopathic combo that is "off the grid" as far as corporate medicine and insurance goes. You pay up front and I appreciate their care--thus far. I never heard the term "functional doctor" before--that's why I'm curious.

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I see one as well. She has helped me with several issues conventional docs ignore. Zinc/copper balance, Hashimotos, blood pressure, anxiety plus detoxing high lead and arsenic. Targeted high quality supplements. I only take a very small BP pill now. Lessening my anxiety to a very low level was certainly why I need much less medicine.

Medicare pays for most blood tests but nothing is submitted to my supplemental insurance. It’s relatively expensive but thorough. She also offers infrared sauna and other treatments. She employs a NP and proper lifestyle and nutrition coach. I just searched online for one and found my past gynecologist who switched to what she really loves doing. She is unjabbed as I am. On her desk my last visit was Ed Dowd’s book “Cause Unkown”.

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I test any new conventional doc by their opinion of the fat/cholesterol causes CVD con (It doesn’t). If they are still stuck in that paradigm I fire them. Lol.

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That’s a very good way to test wether one should keep seeing a particular physician or not, I do the exact same thing, have fired about five docs so far, one of them an integrative/holistic doctor who I consider a very smart one but who’s still stuck on the fat/cholesterol scam, smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can’t believe that the majority of doctors are still stuck on the fat/cholesterol causes CVD lie :/

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Well, there is some new evidence that your particle size and number of your LDL's do have a lot to do with CVD. Also, do you have the genetic marker of lipoprotein (a)? That can pretty much be a death sentence and is why sometimes seemingly healthy individuals can have a heart attack and die. So, while sugar intake sets up the inflammatory process that can cause CVD, your cholesterol profile needs to be one that fractionates the LDL. I get a Cardio IQ test done twice yearly which breaks all of this down. Very few doctors order it.

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I’m aware of this, and had all kinds of blood work to find out the cholesterol particle size etc, my doctor at the time told me that she wanted me to start statins asap to what I replied: is there any other test/exam I can get done to check how my arteries are before having to take statins? An exam to check calcium buildup? And so she sent me for a calcium score test, that came back with a score of 0, so in the meantime while I look for another doctor (haven’t found one yet) I’m making sure to eliminate refined seed oils from my diet, which are never in my kitchen anyways but they’re almost impossible to avoid when eating out even if once in a while, I do have a sweet tooth but I’m aware of that and am trying to eliminate that as much as I can, I just love a well made desert but I don’t drink sodas or any sweet drinks, don’t smoke or drink, and high cholesterol does not run in my family, so all I can think is there’s chronic inflammation in my body that’s causing it to create cholesterol in response and something else oxidizing the cholesterol? I’ve read so much information about it that my head is ready to explode, I just want to find a functional doctor who’s knowledgeable and up to date on how to better treat this without the use of statins

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Yes that’s true but can be alleviated. one thing don’t eat seed oils. As you know. They are damaging along with processed food and sugar. Generations have been led to these oxidized killers and the rise of use mirrors the rise of CVD. Saturated fat has been demonized. The animal fats we used to eat and cook with or good olive oil, coconut oil. They do not cause health issues. Of course our entire corporate food system is polluted and unhealthy plus full of sugars and seed oils. But I don’t let good real butter and decent meat and dairy scare me. 🤔😁. My functional doc ran that test on me. I’m 74. My particle sizes were ok. I had my eyes opened about 12 years ago and switched fats but I’m sure some damage from decades of buying the canola con remains. Cheers!!

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I read docs are decades behind on nutritional learning. This dangerous canard is way past the smell test. They get a couple of hours of nutrition learning and that’s all.

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That is so true Janet! Once again it goes back to John Rockfeller subsidizing the medical schools and Big Pharma. He wanted pill pushers, not critical thinking doctors.

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But how can you sell billions and billions of dollars of useless and dangerous statins if dietary cholesterol isn’t the boogeyman?

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Ah. There’s the rub. Total cholesterol is meaningless but if the arbitrary marker gets set lower and lower their profits get higher and higher. Children are next. From 30 years ago my normal total cholesterol is now considered😱😱😱. I also see that the PHARMA is pushing an adult gardisil. 😱😱. Haven’t damaged enough kids yet I guess.

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Just saw that the other day. Remember the old days when they would only give it up to a certain age. Remember when they said it wouldn't work on older people?Must be losing money on it. Miraculously it must work now on everyone. Like it ever worked at all. 😡

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Same with bp

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

My integrative cardiologist said that clinics are rewarded for cholesterol numbers of their patients being below a certain number. Therefore, drs just look at your number and if it’s not below the magic number, bingo statin. No brain required.

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Forgive me, but I'm slow to learning so many new abbreviated terms for things, like CVD. What does it stand for? Covid? I'm trying to keep up, but there are so many! A few weeks ago I had to break down and ask what TPTB stood for. 🙃 🙄

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CVD is cardiovascular disease, I believe. I'm always having to look up the abbreviations too, like TPTB, which I had to look up again today.

One of these days, it'll stick, just not today. :)

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thanks from another slow learner

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Oh, I also assumed it meant covid, but it must mean cardiovascular disease

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CVD-cardiovascular disease

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NP is a nurse practitioner. I also get hung up on alphabet things. Lol.

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Very interested in anything that helps anxiety. I tried to stay off an antidepressant and covid stress took me over the edge. Please advise any info if it’s not too difficult.

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Do some research on niacinamide. Also, do a media fast. Ignore the media, the internet, social media, even these wonderful sub stack posts for a week. The world won’t end if you don’t know the latest news. Pick some Psalms and read/recite them throughout your day. Get outside every day and breathe the fresh air. Read up on forest bathing. (If you don’t know already, it’s not what it sounds like.) Pray and be thankful. God will help you.

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Also I’ve heard that “grounding” is good. Walking or standing on the ground in bare feet. Not kidding!

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So is "Sunning" which, if you believe your doctor will certainly kill you. Obv, too much of anything might kill you. Sunscreen might kill you for a LOT of reasons. Poisons, inhibiting natural "sunning" vit D absorption.

At the beginning if Covid I think it was the Peruvian govt that put out a PSA for COVID prevention that said keep weight down, get exercise, get some sun and fresh air and take some vitamin D. Next time some batsh*tter "scientist decides to manufacture a virus I am gonna look to Peru for answers on combating it.

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Ha! This Florida girl has done that her whole life. My mom used to just shake her head and say she did raise me to wear shoes. 🤣

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Yes! I go to the beach for that. Sometimes just barefoot on my front yard. 😎

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Look up Trudy Scott and her info on GABA and 5-htp for anxiety and depression.

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My son takes Gaba. He had been on Singulair/Montelukast for 10 years (he's 14) and it totally screwed him up (took me a long time to realize it was the Singulair). He's now on Gaba to try to fix what that poison did to him and it makes a HUGE difference when he takes it. I hate that at 14 he has to take anything but that awful stuff really did a number on him. My daughter also took Singulair but it didn't have as strong of an affect on her as it did him.

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I agree about a media fast. Yesterday I spent the day painting (we're selling our house this summer) and I realized around 5:00 that I hadn't looked at a device or read anything news related since about 8 a.m. and I felt SO relaxed. Just a few hours made a difference for me! I can't imagine what several days would do (so where am I now? Reading news... but I digress).

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Absolutely! A couple great books talking about Niacinamide are “Orthomolecular Meficine For Everyone” and “Niacin the Real Story”. This supplement has long been known to be a miraculous treatment for many ailments.

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I’ve got a bottle of that in my cupboard but not sure how to use it. I’ll check out the books. Thanks.

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Forest bathing, is that new testament or old? :-)

I like your advice.

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Shinrin-yoku! Never heard the phrase but something I’ve already been attempting. Thanks for providing the terminology.

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In addition to Melissa S’ comments, get outside and take at least a 20 minute walk every day; fresh air does wonders. Make sure you’re eating fresh, healthy food. Get involved in an organization you’re interested in to volunteer. Grow closer to God through prayer, worship and studying His Word.

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I take this nutraceutical called Stabilium that I used to get for 12 dollars and now it is 3 freaking 8, and I've taken it for 20 years. My resident a few years back said I had the blood work of a 25 year old, which I am way lol way older than. It is made from a deep water fish that has adapted to great pressure and cold, and the Ancient Celts used to give it to their elderly and their warriors, who had to be out swinging meat axes and wearing chain mail for weeks at a time. Lots of Omega 3, which is on many covid prevention protocols. Garum Armicorum


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Great!! Most fish oils are rancid off the shelf and not healthful. I eat ketoish and almost carnivore. There are lots of beef and hog farms around me selling quality meat and eggs. Vegetable and the best farmers market in illinois is 10 miles away.

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Interesting word “Garum” - it’s what the ancients ate in Pompeii. Fish paste. They sold it in large terracotta jars in their stalls along the streets.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

Turning off MSM early during Covid did some of the stress relief but I was anxious way before that. After about 6 months into my functional medicine treatment most of it went away. My sleep then improved . A functional med doc can address that without drugs.

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Morning. I have no medical training of any kind, but have tried fasting and exercise?

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Helps a great deal. I Intermittently fast most days.

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I started IF last year...it's amazing how much better I feel! And it's not as hard as I thought. A fast doesn't always mean 24 hours.

I do 16:8 most days. (fast 16: eat in 8 hour window). With some 18:6 thrown in.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

If you're on Instagram there's a great pharmacist with a plethora of suggestions for that and MORE! He is very smart and great at explaining.


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I started with a local compounding pharmacist in my town. In fact - I flatter myself - I was his first bio-identical hormone customer! 👏

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Tysvm Maggie!!!!

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Maybe hormones?? That was my problem. Like lifting a veil. Depending on ur age and situation, you might want to investigate bio-identical hormone therapy.

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Ayurvedha is a holistic practice that offers many herbal choices. I use Traquil Mind and Stress Ease from Banyan Botanicals: https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/

Yoga pracitice is another form of stress release that is worth exploring. Simple breathing exercises can bring calmness in minutes.

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I had anxiety all my life, including a nail biting habit that often left me with bloody fingers. About 8 years ago, my ND ran a battery of tests on me that came back with three mutations of the MTHFR gene. This means my body cannot process vitamin B without addition of methyl folate. Most run of the mill vitamins include folic acid, which is synthetic and I cannot process it…it build up in the body and becomes toxic, causing (among a list of symptoms), extreme anxiety. I now take a methylated B vitamin and a host of troubling symptoms of B deficiency have resolved. Almost everybody has at least 1 mutation, but more than one can be a problem.

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Thank you for the reply. Which vitamin product specifically do you take? Both my girls have it also.

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Just watched his interview with tucker Carlson Smart guy!

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Janet, same experience here with my functional medicine MD.

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I see a functional medicine doctor as well

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I have been working with an integrative medicine doctor for about 8 years. Autoimmune issues and biotoxin mold illness. I pay out of pocket and he uses my insurance to direct me to blood work so they pay. After 20+ years of neglect and gaslighting by insurance dictated ( disability) doctors in upstate New York, it’s great to have some improvement in my quality of life. And I have hope again. Priceless. He left the insurance dictated hospital system 20 years ago because they told him to stop spending so much time with his patients. He’s in central Florida and only available 3 days a week. 2 days a week he’s working at a clinic for Florida residents who have no insurance.

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That describes a wonderful human being. Inspiring hope.

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He’s started a new venture since the hurricane hit Florida. In Lee county he’s taking a van around offering supplements and information on mold illness. He’s working with other faith based doctors and just became officially non profit to encourage donations.

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Tried to connect to the link - got a reply that it was not a safe site.

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I’m in Central Florida. Care to share his name? 🙂

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Dr Alan Gruning . I just love him and I trust him. When I still lived in upstate New York, I would see him once a year when visiting my mom. He’d ship my prescription to me. Works with Apothacare 360, a good compounding pharmacy. Highly recommend both.

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I see him again in a few weeks. He helped me stay calm through the lockdown too. Helped me fight to keep my disability benefits when I moved to Lehigh Acres and disability made me fight for months to keep my benefits. Lol, they claimed I was cured of all autoimmune issues because my seasonal affective disorder got better in Florida.

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What a PRINCE - you are indeed blessed to have connected with this physician who takes the Hippocratic Oath seriously and completely!

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People keep begging my husband to start his practice again because they can't find a sane/logical physician who puts the patient first...he just keeps telling them "Atlas Shrugged"!

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I feel like we're now living Atlas Shrugged. Even the rail lines are falling apart, what with 300 derailments per year.

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Might just have to watch it again!

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Do people get that -- your husband's response?

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Most do not, but we quote Ayn so often, most should!

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Thought so. I understand your husband's sentiments exactly.

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A functional doctor is the same as an integrative medicine doctor. Integrative medicine is the more current term.

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Ah hah--then I AM going to a "functional" doctor--thank you for that important clarification, Karen.

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Sharon, I’ll look for some links for you to explain what they are and how they are different from a naturopath and an allopath. Hang on.

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Naturopathic physicians have twice the classroom hours and twice the courses of MDs in our medical curriculum, which includes the entire MD curriculum, plus nutrition, botanical medicine, etc.


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Functional medicine doctors actually look for the root cause of diseases. They are very different from most docs who only put band-aids on the problems.

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Which is exactly why my husband became an osteopath! He looks for the cause, and at the whole person. Being a Christian he also seek God's wisdom. Unfortunately, more and more people don't want to hear they need to change their lifestyle but would rather take a pill! And lastly, the government has orchestrated group medicine for greater control.

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Three questions people should always ask when seeing their doctor: What is the diagnosis? What caused the condition? And what can I do to prevent or heal it? In my experience and observations, in most cases doctors go directly to writing a prescription, without even discussing the second or third question unless they are pointedly asked by the patient. And even if the the second and third questions are asked, the doctors will often not provide much in the way of natural treatments the patient can do on their own. Unfortunately, in the current medical model most doctors are trained to simply prescribe pharmaceutical drugs, so they may not even know what a patient could do on their own to treat their issue. But, it is not just the doctors’ fault that this is typical. Most people just want to take a pill and not take responsibility for their health.

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Please don't forget, the patient has some culpability as well...most would rather have the latest and greatest Rx rather than making a lifestyle change!

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So very true Lisa!

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Exactly. I had the most comprehensive blood tests I have ever had plus testing for heavy metals and thorough thyroid panels and a brain thing I can’t remember the name. The metal detox caused improvement in thyroid and blood pressure plus probably anxiety . I already ate a low carb real food diet but tweaked it some.

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Go and research ‘functional medicine’ and how it differs from conventional medicine

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Doesn't matter to me what you call it...

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My nurse-practitioner is certified in functional medicine at NFRMC in Gainesville.

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The field is Functional Medicine.

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just avoid the jew doctors

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Why would their ethnicity matter--it's the type of "medicine" they practice--right??

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In Austin I recommend Dr. Philip Oubre.

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I mentioned this below, and think it may be helpful here:

I have recommended nattokinase, *when appropriate* for individual patients, for many years. Earlier naturopathic physicians for decades.

Before starting it, please get these labs checked, and then again a few months later:

CBC with platelets, Fibrinogen, D-dimer, PT/INR.

I will write an article on this soon.

The thing is - it has an effect on clotting, bleeding, hemostasis.

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When I mention a D-dimer test to some clot shotted friends, they are more hostile. The brainwashing is really bad.

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I'm a sexuality counselor specializing in male sexual dysfunction. The number of young men coming to me with ED lately is insane. I tell them all to get D-dimer tests. Erections are dependent on blood flow and they need to know if they have micro clots.

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What a disaster.

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had a family friend's 18 year old son start having jab symptoms, told them to get a d-Dimer and it was VCH (very critically high). The son was told it was all in his head...

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What I've learned throughout my 73 years is that when a doctor doesn't know about something or what to do about various symptoms, you will be told it's all in your head. Insta-response for ignorance on a subject.

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100%. So much pride instead of showing the humility that they may not know something and be open to learning new information

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Or just throw prescriptions at till something works!

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My naturopath, here in Arizona, who says he went to medical school with you Dr. Huber, put me on nattokinase after I had a stroke. The conventional doctor from the hospital told me to take statins for the rest of my life, and I told my NMD I wasn't gonna do it. I have been with him for over 12 years, mostly because he listens to me and he does everything he can to treat me in a way that works, not just with my body, but with who I am as a human.

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My greetings and admiration to your naturopath. Glad you are doing well!

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My husband had a heart attack in 2007 (he was only 47) and his cardiologist at the time told him "if any doctor ever tries to get you to stop taking statins, change doctors". He will NOT, under any circumstances, stop taking them because of that. I've sent him tons of information on nattokinase and he flat out refuses to stop the statins. :( He now has 8 stents (yes, that's not a typo. He has 8 stents) and he got the J&J vaccine because he was afraid he'd have a bad reaction to covid (he didn't -- he got it AFTER getting the vaccine and took ivermectin and was fine). Ugh. It's so hard to get people to change!

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I TOTALLY know where you're "at"--both of my husbands would not listen to "wife" when she was attempting to "reason" with them about ANYTHING. Let a man say the same thing to them--and they were all "on board". I have found being a wife in today's climate is like being an underpaid "assistant/nurse"...I want none of it anymore. Glad I have children and grands though! Husbands? BLEHHH!!!! If husbands who call themselves Christians would HONOR and CHERISH their wives as Christ does us--His "bride"--most women would be thrilled to be wed!! Alas...that is not the case all too often.

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What a wonderful success you have had!! You are indeed on a path of wellness--which few are on in this age of "corporate medicine". Have you taken notice on mainstream "medicine" is " all in " on "virtual care" now? Instead of have a REAL visit person-to-person...they want to ZOOM you into their office. IT'S PATHETIC!!!

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Yes! And like Vit E it should be stopped two weeks prior to any surgery.

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And fish oils. They also thin the blood.

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Thank you. I will be a new subscriber to your Substack.

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Colleen: would it be beneficial for me to consider taking nattokinase as I have a family history of heart disease and also strokes (on my father's side--and I tend to take after him on the physical plane). I will print out your advice and take it to my integrative doctor when I have my annual check up in June! THANK YOU! P.S. As far as I know, I did NOT contract the Wuhan Virus and I definitely did NOT take the bioweapon "jab"!

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I asked my physician for a d-dimer test and a traponan test. She wouldn’t order but did order a CT coronary calcium score. I go tomorrow- I did take the original 2 shot series- Pfizer. I figured I’ll start there and then push for the other two tests next. My doc says d-diner will not indicate future problems- it will only give a snapshot in time. I wish I knew more.

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Sound advice. Thank you!

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I have been using and recommending enzymes like nattokinase for years and has been commonly used by the naturopathic community for a long time. I take it every day. While it's action on blood clotting is will known, logically it makes sense that it would work directly against the foreign spike protein as well.

One Caveat: You must take the enzyme on an empty stomach in order to get it into the bloodstream where it can work it's magic. If you take it with food, the food will absorb the enzyme in the digestive process and it'll never make it into your bloodstream.

With today's constant threats of aerosol spike, spike in the food supply and/or shedding, I am pro-actively taking this enzyme every day.

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Where are you getting the Nattokianase?

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

Here you go. I use the Nattozimes. It's made from 2 strains of fungi instead of soybeans. It's cheaper than nattokinase and 1 pill has 6,750 FU of action. I use one a day.

But I didn't take the shot. If I did, I'd use more.


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Among other places try PureBulk.com

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ConsumerLabs recommends enteric coated nattokianase (so it gets absorbed in intestine and not stomach IIRC). Very few brands are enteric-coated. I use KAL brand. It's a little more expensive, but at least I know it's working. You can find it online.

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Can you explain what “shedding” is? Thanks so much!

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....My PCP was very upset that I didn’t follow his suggestion which was to do nothing.....

Clearly, this crisis is driving the point home for a LOT of us that our traditional, establishment medicine is not be trusted - at all! They cannot even be trusted to recommend aspirin as that has been shown to do nothing for the micro-clotting. Enzymes are the answer and they know NOTHING.

Also clearly, we must start creating a health care system outside the medical establishment.

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My question is this: As Covid hit in early 2020, I started researching my brains out and I've done this for 3 years now. WHY didn't the practicing doctors do the same as I did?

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Because most doctors' ethics have been compromised by GREED and pressure from the corporations who "own" them to "follow the official guidelines". They aren't really physicians anymore--just "corporate shills"! It's VERY SAD indeed.

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This is happening with World Council for Health. An organisation worth supporting.

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What a controlling jerk he is.

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Yup! We all need to fire our useless allopathic md’s and find docs who actually think and read for themselves. I have and it’s going to be expensive since my Naturopath does not take insurance. Luckily I rarely need a doctor.

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My main concern is that my new holistic/integrative doctors cannot be listed on my Medicare advantage plan insurance card. I already requested that and Capital Blue Cross would not put their name and contact info on my account--so...when and if I am admitted to the HORSEpital--they would not even be notified. I have to talk to them about how we can circumvent this travesty!

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Typical Doctor Advice! Do Nothing ... or alternatively, Do Nothing Useful!

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jews poisoned you

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Had been looking at Nattokinase for some time and it sounds promising. Glad you got some beneficial medical advice.

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Eric - can you describe a bit of your experience with taking natto and how it helped you? I just find this extremely interesting.

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Nattokinase is found in fermented soybeans. I originally starting taking it to prevent blood clots from the v but now I take it to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It’s a natural blood thinner. My cholesterol and blood pressure have gone down since I started taking it, but that may just coincide with exercise and taking other supplements. I buy mine from Swanson Vitamins. Look up Dr. Eric Berg’s video on YouTube.

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I’ve mostly stopped watching Dr Berg since I found out he was high up in Scientology and tries to convert/indoctrinate all his staff.

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I never heard this before. I just did a quick Internet search and I guess it’s true.

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Is it simply a matter of fermenting them or do I need to add anything?

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You can buy natto that's prepared commercially but having seen it used on "Chopped", it looks pretty nasty. It adds a lot of "umami" to food and it's very pungent.

I think it might be hard to eat enough to get sufficient benefits. But maybe you'll end up being a "natto lover".

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my wife eats it over rice every morning. she buys it at japanese and korean markets in nyc.

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Thank you!

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Dr. Mercola has, for many years, advocated the use of proteolytic enzymes for a variety of scar tissue (fibrin) type removal. Taken on an empty stomach, these digestive enzymes seek out proteins elsewhere in the body and aid in slowly eliminating all sorts of scar tissues, including fibroid uterine tumors, scar tissues in the arterial walls (thus aiding in blood flow to the heart), old injuries and surgeries, etc. So the recommendation of this most recent use of nattokinase makes a lot of sense to me. You take outside of food so the enzyme, which would normally set about digesting protein in your stomach and intestines goes looking for it elsewhere.

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I came to the comments to say the same Glenda--about Mercola touting Nattokinase for years now. Glad to hear it's coming to use for those who took the shot.

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Wonderful! Then I’m sure he’s got some sort of supplement. And his articles available on the “shop” part of his website are so helpful and informative! I’ll check it out!

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The reason you take on an empty stomach and at least 30 min before food is that the enzyme will help digest the food instead of going into the blood stream after the scar.

Our homeopath/naturopath gives enzymes to cancer patients because cancer/tumors have a hard protein shell and the enzymes eat at it so your body's immune system can get inside to fight the cancer.

Enzymes help with infections too using the same mechanism.

Also, there are enzymes for protein, fat, carb. So taking the right ones matter. Bromelin is taken before surgery to minimize scarring.

It's a fascinating field. Viva la enzymes!

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I was going to ask, "why does no one talk about these other options?" and then remembered the last 3 years. I don't think I will ever trust allopathic medicine again.

I am waiting for the government to restrict nattokinase. I should order some now.

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My thoughts exactly! I had avoided it in the past because it looks disgusting--Mercola would eat the actual fermented soy beans and I didn't think I could choke them down. Jeff's article reminded me that I should look into the supplement, and there are so many out there! I ordered some this morning. All the while I thought of how the government will probably ban sales and/or buy up all of the stock. When you do buy it, make sure it's non-GMO.

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Would you believe I have tried to share some of Dr. Mercola's detox methods for the jab and the Wuhan Virus on Twitter--and it will NOT allow me to put in the link to his articles. You get that "this information violates Twitters Rules of Conduct error message". Sooooo....MUSK hasn't improved Twitter all that much--you can say weird stuff and be rude but you cannot share "off the mainstream narrative" information!

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Mercola was one of those labeled by the occupying administration as a top 10 disinformation spreader in Twitter. Which told me I could probably trust him.

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EXACTLY - I was still VERY disappointed I couldn't share his sage column on Twitter--I may have actually been able to dissuade someone from taking another "jab" cocktail!!

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Because big Pharma has successfully pushed all these good, valid and often perfect solutions to the side.

Too many doctors belong to the profession health care system sponsored and run by Big Pharmaceutical Companies with the blessings of the professional political class of inbreds.

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Do you know if Dr. Mercola offers a supplement of proteolytic enzymes?

I have been taking some of his supplements since 2020 and have my vaccinated mother on a few select supplements. I’d love to research and add these to her daily regimen.

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Yes, as a matter of fact he does. I just purchased the lumbrokinase, which is the strongest one, for a scar I am trying to eliminate. He also has the others. Go to his store (mercola.com) and search enzymes.

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VitalzymX is good too. Vitalzym is OTC, but the X is stronger--Sold by healthcare practitioners. (Or used to be). The company changed owners, so I dont know if the product is as good now but it helped me w surgical scar tissue as does stsphysagria.

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Wonderful!! Thank you! And thanks for personal testimony on how it has helped you.

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I have a new scar on my face I would love to see get smaller. Did you read that by taking it internally, it can help eliminate scars anywhere on the body? Or is it some kind of topical to apply to the scar? Thanks!!!

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Yes, anywhere. Sports medicine doctors have been using this for years on patients. My chiropractor was the one who turned me onto this years ago.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

I read these comments, then went to: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5372539/

Based on the verified statements about Japanese consumption of this enzyme and the typical longevity of the Japanese people, I ordered some (NOW brand, non-GMO sourced, $18/bottle) and plan to add it to my daily pile o'pills. At age 75 and a recent Omicron sufferer, consuming such non-Pharma supplements sounds like a very, very good idea. Thank you to Dr. Mercola, to Jeff, and to you too, Glenda!

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ALL OF YOU - THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting such HELPFUL, COMPASSIONATE answers to my query about where to find "functional" doctors. We do not have any close to me--so I'll continue to go to my holistic/allopathic clinic that is "off the grid" and I'll share some of what I learned today with them. They are always "open" to "natural" versus "man-made" alternative treatment plans.

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I get my vitamins and supplements from Dr. Mercola. When I first read Dr. McCullough's article on nannokianase I searched Dr. Mercola's site and didn't find anything???

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Patricia, I wish I could point you to a specific article or 2 but can't. My credentials (if you can call them that) in saying he has been touting Natto are that I have been following him for years. In the 1980's he was the Dr. of my cousin (whom I was very close with). She would share his nutrition suggestions and soon enough we'd all be doing things like eating millet or juicing a watermelon with ginger (I really was too young then to understand the ends to the means but it was interesting). When the internet became a thing and he got an online presence, I started following him directly and using some of his products, so I've been pretty familiar with his suggestions, articles and products. Perhaps it was about 10 years ago (?) he was pushing Natto-- he would talk about making it and eating it for breakfast as part of his routine 🤮😂. Possibly since cancel attempts and force shutting down his websites some of the information may have been lost.

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Here's a page from his library.


"Proteolytic enzymes such as lumbrokinase, serrapeptase and nattokinase also act as natural anticoagulants by breaking down the fibrin that forms blood clots"

For more reference: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-24422-y

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And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”

— Revelation 19:11-16 NASB1995

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Amen Janice. Now THAT’S Apocalyptic!

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But so glorious! Again, I had it copied and in my notes before I saw the post. 🙏🏻

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This passage is what the hymn writer of BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC used as the model for that tried and true message of the MIGHTY WARRIOR--the RISEN JESUS CHRIST THE LORD. Makes me want to start singing it right now!!

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023


SEE patent Wo20200𝟔𝟎𝟔𝟎𝟔A1 & chain Åbove

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Almost the 3 year anniversary of that!! It is amazing so many people do not know about this "thing" from the World Patent Office. It is real, people.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

I look at triples as I'm on the right track vs anything too much more than that. Math/#s is one of only 3 universal languages with the other 2 being instrumental music and scripture.

𝟭𝟭𝟭07588b2 (PoliCIA patent)

637𝟐𝟐𝟐4 (1st abandoned Pfizer canine rona)

Wo201514𝟯𝟯𝟯5A1 (Chimeric spike protein)

Wo20200𝟔𝟎𝟔𝟎𝟔A1 (Bill Gates Micr¤soft motive)

𝟳𝟳𝟳6521 (24 inventors•gov CDC center for Demonic Control lol)

Sorry I don't have time to add hyperlinks. Maybe Jeff can help me 🙏. I have a great civil suit that can even be countered for malicious prosecution with Dr David Martin & Dr Richard Fleming + others as my expert witnesses that could blow the lid off. I have legal standing:


David = 33 min

Richard = 135 min

Me = 316 min

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Geoff Wexler Can you give a link? Sounds intriguing, whatever it is.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

Been wondering why I haven't heard much about this. I think I first heard Dr David Martin speak about this back in 2000 or early 2001? Seems like a slam dunk if you get your day in court...

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Brave Sasha and Karen Kingston have been focusing on patents.

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I'm in court next March 20th but it's on the defense for cyberstalking because I exposed the Special interest private practice attorneys profiteers WHO legalsleezed me. I've did a guest appearances online with David Martin recently. We both have legal standing on different sides of the coin. Jeff or any righteous attorney can jump on my malicious prosecution counter which will pierce the new record mass tort slam dunk you mention. It's not a slam dunk however if the law firm doesn't have an attorney barred internationally b/c the there will be deepstate disbarred attempts IMO.

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May our Great Physician enable and strengthen you, Geoff Wexler!! You and others of your ilk, knowledge and fortitude are indeed leading the way for JUSTICE for HUMANITY against the evil progenitors of this horrid PLANdemic and JAB mandating.

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On a side, shit is corrupted everywhere. I just listened to someone give testimony in AZ senate who said their investigation found that about 20% of judges were to be found taking bribes , (cartel money laundering). I am quite the cynic but that still shocked me, assuming it's accurate.

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Also interesting, a friend of mine is posting patents on FB and one popped up that I looked at and LITERALLY saw something that looked like this thing flying in the sky a week prior. Never had I seen one before and my kids were going on and on about UFO's from seeing it. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20060145019A1/en

Lotta weirdness going on these days.

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interesting that it is 2020 (year) and then basically 666....

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Janice. I've been wondering quite a bit lately if God didn't have a hand in what's happened in the last three years. Even I, who always prided myself on having open eyes and not trusting big government in anything, did not see this coming. Pride comes before the fall and all that. Shame on me. This was a huge thump on my head and I believe God did the thump that was felt around the world. I for one am grateful for the wakeup call to me.

Do you feel the same?

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Tracy— I don’t presume to know for sure, but it seems more like Satan’s gnarled hand. Obviously it was allowed by God, who is absolutely all powerful and sovereign. Who knows how much He restrained the evil ones… I do know He works all things together for good to those who love Him. And that our times are in His hand. And that He is working out His plan for this messed up world using messed up people. And that we win in the end. I am so thankful for Jesus!

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Thank you for your answer. I too am thankful for Jesus. Without him I would have no hope.

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You and everyone else--without hope if not for Jesus I mean...although many don't even know it. :(

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I credit the pandemic, the vax, and all that went along with these to bring me back from the world and back to my faith and love of The Lord. God does indeed work in mysterious ways. ✝️

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I agree 100%. I have been blessed as fruit grows in the valleys of life, not the mountaintops. Money wise and relationship outside of he, has temporarily been destroyed, yet with the father it has blossomed

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Jewish guy who found Messiah in this persecution Biblically described times. Been arrested 4x w/ 10 charges and no priors for whistlblowing my Alma mater, clients and iP patents. I gained some knowledge and gifts of the spirit like healing & prophetic watchman/seer anointing. I believe the messenger 'm' in mRNA = Messianic 4c he has 1st right or refusal + takeover of all [nano]tech.

Proverbs 10-12 will help more than solo practitioners; not naming any names ☕

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“Why would anyone in their right mind send an old lady...”

What I want to know, why are we stuck with all these doddering old fools running our gov’t? I don’t see even one “best and brightest” among them.

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Because with rare exception, crime syndicates, a.k.a. "governments," especially big central ones like the one headquartered in the D.C. swamp, attract the worst among us. And the worst of those stay forever and ever and ever -- because they're parasites or attention-seekers or power freaks -- or all of the above.

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The young ones are no better. They are sequestered to: We are not certain. Or That is being looked into. Seems that were more coherent and sharp in the past.

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You're right. See AOC as exhibit A for the Dems and even people I thought would be great, like Dan Crenshaw, as exhibit B for the Republicans.

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Crenshaw. What a damned disappointment.

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You can say that again!

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There are NO best and brightest! The entire Administration belongs in the land of misfit toys. Useless broken freaks.

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As the person I interviewed with today at the income tax preparer's office told me, " The flying monkeys have conquered Washington, D.C. " SPOT ON!

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Worst and dullest is the whole lot of them...always corrupt, now old AF as well. Why do these evildoers seem to live forever??!!!!!!

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They do seem to live forever, don't they. For Pete's sake, when I was in my teens and Henry Kissinger was seemingly everywhere, he was old then! How old is he now? 1,000?

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They are "protected" by the prince of power of this present age--the despotic, desperate rebel angel, Lucifer!!

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We know who controls the flying monkeys. We’re getting slow rolled, and it’s not slow anymore. The deep staters have begun criticizing Brandon’s policies. The msm is suddenly noticing the rot in our health and security systems. I suspect the deep state and media will start “noticing” a lot more. And they’ll be shocked. Shocked, I tell you! Cloward and Piven didn’t develop a theory; they developed a strategy now on steroids and unleashed.

In the voices of our “leaders,” the Accuser is about to speak just enough truth to fully condemn us: “You elected a white Republican president, but he was a Russian and an insurrectionist. So you elected a white Democrat, and he’s corrupt and incompetent. Your white Treasury Sec is cutting a sneaky deal with Ukraine right in front of your faces. Your debt, border, infrastructure, health and education systems have all been falling apart for years, and now they’re completely unreliable. You’re even killing and mutilating your own children. You see it all now, Americans! Your ideology, institutions, and systems are utterly rotten. It’s time to tear everything down and start over. We’ll help you” into slavery and concentration camps.

A whole bunch of us best turn ourselves and our country over to Christ for help.

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We who name the name of Jesus Christ the Lord WILL be persecuted in the NWO impending--of that I have no doubt. The "useless eaters" will be rounded up and either eliminated immediately or put into "aging camps (worse than the ones we have now that we call "nursing homes"). I, myself, would prefer to go out with a "bang" rather than a "wimp"--GOD SAVE US FROM OURSELVES!! We are impotent, wretched and blind!!

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Well, they don't want to die because then they would burn in hell for eternity for their depraved evil. They would rather stay alive and torture us with their presence on earth. Every single day. It is always something new with their ilk and it is always more hellish than the one we read about yesterday.

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The COMFORT we who know Jesus Christ the Lord as our personal Savior is that THIS WORLD is SO TEMPORARY - and we will have ETERNITY to praise the Lord Jesus and bask in HIS LIGHT AND LOVE!

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Amen and Amen.♥

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That old geezer warmonger is about 98.

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You were "close"--he's going to be ONE HUNDRED YEARS "YOUNG" in May of this year! https://www.britannica.com/biography/Henry-Kissinger

I went to a church in my hometown where our pastor spent an entire YEAR delving into the book of REVELATIONS. He stated the Holy Spirit told him that "good ole Henry" would be the antichrist--I was amazed he would even put that "prophesy" out there. But...23 years later..."good ole Henry" is still "here"!! So...who knows...we will probably find out very, very soon!

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Evil takes forever to die.

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I wonder the same thing on a daily basis...it’s like they’ve all got to have their turn. As the country disintegrates around them.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

lemmincakes - Well now, maybe you’re forgetting about that sharp young Bootykeg fellow. He’s in his prime, and so accomplished. 🙄 As you say…best and brightest, and certainly checks all the right boxes.

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I was thinking why did she come back. Wish they would keep her.

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When do these “ lifers” retire?

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Dang! Opportunity lost.

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I know. I try not to be "ageist" but when I saw Yellen speaking the other day, I thought, "my goodness, that woman needs a cup of tea and shawl around her shoulders." Thoroughly unimpressive.

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I keep asking the same thing!

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Well, I use to like Brad Paisley. But he's been a big pusher of the Jabs (on tour with Jill Biden). Now he's promoting a Zelensky love song. Makes me want to hurl.

No songs for vax injured or the disaster in Ohio?

So tired of these traitorous celebs.

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All a person, who raises themselves above the rest (aka celebrities), has to do is open their mouths anymore these days and we know exactly who to stop watching, listening to, or paying any attention to. The minute they align themselves with the agenda they cease to exist in my mind.

I could list them all but it would be too many 😂.

I just saw B Gates invested in Heineken and now I know I would never buy that beer ever again (if I drank it in the first place, which I don’t) and as soon as the intelligent people find out he is an investor I would hope Heineken would cease to exist too.

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"Intelligent people"????!!!! And...who would that be?? Nobody has a spine to back up their convictions, especially if it causes inconvenience in their life. We shall, from hence forward, refer to ourselves as ABNORMIES. ♥

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It’s true. I didn’t say how many are intelligent. 😂 I like the sound of abnormies. 😂

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What, one can’t be an intelligent coward?

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😂. Yes. But it doesn’t actually help.

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I seriously can't keep up with who is who when it comes to labels. One persons smart is another ones stupid. I give up.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

Yeah, but he also drinks poop...................


SOME might suggest - his taste is in his @$$

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🤮 that explains a lot.

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Celebs. The only reason I ever look at "those people" is when they are getting their asses kicked. Then they are kinda funny.

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He’s going to lose a big part of his audience over this...me included 😡

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BFM, who wrote the book “Shut up and Sing”? Maybe we need a revised edition of that.

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Just goes to show you - "fools" can be lurking around every corner.

And seemingly are.

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Your first mistake was liking Brad Paisley ;)

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Ugh 🙄

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Fetterman's not the only one with a disability. The entire US Congress routinely passes legislation without being able to read the Bill. -- "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it." - Nancy Pelosi, 2010 RE: Affordable Care Act.

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Wait what does that remind me of....oh that’s it! “The only way we are going to find out how safe they are is to start administering them” Or something close to that, in reference to covid shots for children.

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Truly horrible people. To mess with children's lives.

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When societies “mess w/ children’s lives” & mislead, destroy, end them we know we are close, very close, to the end. The lowest of the low.

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Destruction of the family is highest priority to obtain compliance. Take children from parents and parents from children. The state becomes the parents. Look at all the social issues supporting separation-

Trans. Traffick. Abortion. Social engineering. Elderly in isolation.

More broadly, divide and conquer-

Generations. Cultures. Races. Religions. Left vs right. Conservatives vs conservatives. Doctors vs doctors.

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Speaking of taking children away from parents and parents away from children, little known info about the marriage contract:

1. It is indeed a contract.

2. People who want to marry have to apply for a license. (Think about that for two seconds.) Signatures are required. (Think about that item in terms of contracts.) A representative of the “state” also figures in to finalizing the filing of the license - filed with the “state”.

3. The parties to the contract number three: (2) spouses and (1) the “state”.

- Think of the (3) contract parties as a triangle: the spouses are at the base of the triangle, the state at the top. Yes, at the top. The state is inextricable from your marriage arrangement. Think about all the seemingly little ways the state is involved in your life once you are married. I won’t enumerate.

4. The state has the legal power -via the contract arrangement- to remove products of the marriage, including children. Mostly they don’t; can you imagine the pushback if they swept in on a whim -because they legally could- and took children left and right? But in some cases, the most egregious like abuse and neglect, they do and without much trouble.

4. Think about dissolution of a marriage. How is that executed? Answer: through the state (court system). There is no other legal means. Well, there’s Mexico, but you get the point. The state has to “agree”/sanction the dissolution of the contract. Costs everybody money, but only the spouses have to fork over. I won’t elaborate.

Starting to get the picture? Since most of us didn’t go to law school we are not educated - about most legal matters. Heck, even lawyers who don’t practice the nuanced nuances [sic] of law remain uneducated.

My ultimate point, we can see now the thrust of TPTB to break down the family but know that ‘they’ have subverted for a very long time, reserving to themselves legal powers we are oblivious to. Ancillary to that but also important is the distinction between legal and lawful. They are not the same. If you’ve read Katherine Watt you probably know that the legal [sic] maneuvers of the “state” over the last century are not lawful. This could weigh in to ‘their’ undoing but nobody here has a crystal ball.

Take care. Stay strong. Keep learning and digging to find the truth. 💪

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Interesting post. The seeds of our own destruction have long been planted. They'll get sprung on us when we lose our will and ability to resist. Like, any day now.

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Annie.... on messing with children’s lives ~ Stew Peters most recent interview yesterday with Odessa Orliwitz of Canada covered the massive numbers of children age 6 to 13 who died suddenly, most with myocarditis and sudden unexpected heart failures, the flu also being pushed as causation... of course the regulators are “baffled” ... what one thing changed in the children’s lives and at least 200 physicians in 2021-22... https://www.stewpeters.com/video/2023/02/thousands-of-canadian-children-are-dying-suddenly-fully-vaxxed-boosted-kids-unexpectedly-drop-dead/

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The venerable Dr Rubin did us the service of uttering it in front of camera, so there’s that...

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Annie.... on messing with children’s lives ~ Stew Peters most recent interview yesterday with Odessa Orliwitz of Canada covered the massive numbers of children age 6 to 13 who died suddenly, most with myocarditis and sudden unexpected heart failures, the flu also being pushed as causation... of course the regulators are “baffled” ... what one thing changed in the children’s lives and at least 200 physicians in 2021-22... https://www.stewpeters.com/video/2023/02/thousands-of-canadian-children-are-dying-suddenly-fully-vaxxed-boosted-kids-unexpectedly-drop-dead/

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This is awful. Nasty evil people.

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I read last night that the head of the Republican group over there sent in a letter demanding video of showing Fetterman alive due to posts claiming he is in a coma or dead so that the gov't doesn't draw this out past the special election time in August.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

Brutal - but seemingly necessary.

Oh, the Lefties gonna have a FIELD DAY with THAT , I tell ya !!

............if true.

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Dems are biding their time so PA Gov. Shapiro can appoint Fetterman's wife to fill the Senate seat.

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Congress is malicious, not disabled.

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They certainly do seem bought and paid for….

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I have started to believe that government attracts people who are psychopaths. I looked up the characteristics of a psychopath and it almost entirely fits most politicians.

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They do have a bizarre ability to embarrass themselves to complete shame and keep on ticking.

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Brandon Smith over at AltMarket does some fantastic and very clear writing on the subject....stand by

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Is anyone else happy at the prospect of never having to hear Nancy Pelosi speak through her ill-fitting teeth again?

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I still think Fetterman's wife is a low class, disgusting and narcissistic individual. No one with a soul leaves anyone they love in a time of crisis unless being forced away at gunpoint, and even then I'd put up a fight. I'm not changing my mind on my opinion of her.

As for the toxic dirt or water or whatever, send it to Washington D.C.

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She will fit right in with the rest of the Senate when she is named to take his place - a woman of color to boot.

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I liked the stains on her gray sweatpants in yesterday’s picture.

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Agree. Good teaching moment for your kids about how not to behave and avoid libs as partners because this is how they will treat you. Always second to the political narrative.

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.... definitely DC where many members of congress live and Maryland and suburban northern Virginia... oh and what a tantalizing bouquet of rainbow colors to send to Martha’s Vineyard...

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I though the exact same thing. Send it to DC and perhaps to the HQ of the company that was making it in the first place.

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He’s probably dead.

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She looked quite happy in the photo.

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I look at all the people that the Biden creep install into places of leadership and they all share one commonality, lowlife grifters. I impose that basic assumption on all this critters.

Hey, before Biden and his horde of evil worker creeps were installed

It was innocent until proven guilty

But now it’s guilty until proven innocent

And you know why are all the politicians basically lawyers turned crooks

Does a lawyer really walk such a fine line.

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I was waiting for someone to suggest sending the toxic substances to D.C.!

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She was an illegal alien.

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All the better. The first illegal alien to serve in the Senate. That’s important.

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You might want to throw "sarcasm" after that comment.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Why is our Treasury Secretary visiting with Beglinksy?

What do they share in common... both are dual passport holders!

Skimming money to their peeps. Who also have similar dual passports.

But the Secretary of State would stop this policy. Oh wait, Blinken is one of them as well!

Nice racket, guys!

At least this arrangement isn't present in our big pharma and medical regulators. Oh, wait...

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Does our senile, illegitimate, puppet president really have the authority to give all this money to Ukraine? Did Congress approve this? Why can't someone stop him???? Can someone at least intercept his cut when it comes back to him?

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Since this is not a "declared war" - Congress is circumvented--it's wrong--it's horrendous--it's precipitous to starting WW III (which is what the neocons are praying for)....but there it is!

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There you go again blaming “them” aka “the Jews”. How quaint! The neo-Nazis are back and even Mr. Childers gave it a like. 🧐

It’s truly pathetic.

Sorry to bust your fever bubble, but neither Covid nor Ukraine is part of a Jewish conspiracy to spread war and disease to make money.

It wasn’t “the Jews” who cooked up the coronavirus in a lab in Wuhan; “the Jews” did not advocate nor pay for GOF research in complete disregard of US law; “the Jews” do not control the CCP, WHO, FDA, CDC or even the MSM; “the Jews” don’t control Putin or Zelensky or the modern day Cossacks who to this day despise “the Jews”.

It’s not “the Jews” that are lying to you, it’s the federal government, which I can assure is NOT taking orders from “the Jews”.

I could go on but I doubt I’m going to change your mind if it’s already infested with the mind virus called antisemitism. Not even Nattokinase can scrub that shit out of your brain.

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Israel was a big testing ground for Pfizer....the sad irony.

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Yes even more so because the Pfizer jab was developed by BioNTech...a German company.

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Agreed. And I'm married to a Lebanese guy. There are evil doers on all sides. Why is it that when society needs a scapegoat they pin it all on "the Jews." Watched CNN talking about the 2 Israeli brothers shot in their car a few days ago, and the Palestinians passing out treats to celebrate. Only on CNN the reprisals from the settlers was the "horrifying" story, like a pogrom! And thank God the Israeli government went after the perpetrators (meaning the retaliators, who also killed a Palestinian)! If Israel lifts a finger in its own defense, the whole world goes ballistic. Yet they are routinely attacked, and are supposed to just live with that.

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The level of oppression coming from the Israeli government is 100 fold what comes from the Palestinians. Good lord. Would you not retaliate if you were held in effectively an outdoor prison, with food, electricity, water, and medicines rationed? Being subjected to periodic "lawn mowing" (non-discriminate murdering of civilians)?

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

Sorry, I have a degree in Middle East studies and have lived in the Middle East, crossed the Israeli border many times. I'm married to a middle easterner and have every reason to believe as you do. What you are stating is absolute hogwash. You have no idea of the history of this situation, so maybe you better start studying it. The Palestinians do this in every nation they are in, and I do not hate the Palestinians. Killing innocent civilians and celebrating it is their MO. There was injustice when the Zionists came to Israel, but every single people group has suffered injustice. I would like my castle in Switzerland back too--my ancestors were burned at the stake and had to flee to America before it was a nation to escape, leaving all their possessions behind. The Palestinians' suffering is mostly self-caused--by constant hate filled indoctrination and complete corruption of their leadership. Just don't make sweeping judgements until you know a little about a subject.

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I never said Palestinians do not commit atrocities. Go back and read what I said and refute the fact that Israel by far and away leads the amount of blood and terror that happens in the conflict. You took what I said waaaaay out of context.

And btw, plenty of videos showing IDF killing and celebrating.....war is hell.

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Imho “them” equals Deep State, the Swamp, the govmint cabal, lifelong bureaucrat insiders (who recycle endlessly).... not exclusively one race or religion or sex (only 2, btw) & not exclusively either.

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Agreed, but that’s not the poster meant.

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Ok then, lets go with Talmudic Zionists. Does that work better for you?

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No, still antisemitism. But thanks for asking.

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What do semites have to do with it? Is one not allowed to question or criticize Zionism? How is this form of discrimination?

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Criticism of Zionism as a political platform is just fine. Plenty of (((them))) are anti-Zionists. The problem is when you use anti-Zionism as a cover for antisemitism.

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Do you consider yourself a semite? For the record: I dont often discriminate but when I do, it’s based on content of character not face shape, skin-tone or ethnicity. I do however hold people to their word, and seek to find their true motivations where and when it effects me.

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"It’s not “the Jews” that are lying to you, it’s the federal government, which I can assure is NOT taking orders from “the Jews”.

You mean like https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-biden-administration ??

The number one cause of anti-semitism is semitism.

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Spoken like a true antisemite!

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Can I buy you a Snickers bar?

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"What do they share in common... both are dual passport holders!"

Thank You.

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Jews do not automatically have “dual citizenship” nor are Jews issued Israeli passports at birth. One must apply for citizenship to become a resident of Israel to get an Israeli passport. I’m quite sure most American Jews don’t have “dual citizenship”.

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I was floored by your first reply, I didn’t see what you were talking about. But later in the thread it’s sadly apparent you are on target. It’s shocking that any Christian would blithely assign characteristics/actions/motives to an *entire* race or religion. I was raised that this is unacceptable. As an Episcopalian, no less! (I now pray and worship “in secret”, it’s nobody’s business how I believe and practice how I understand the Word of the Lord. And I firmly, unwaveringly believe that God’s love is abundantly enduring for each and every one of us, as Jesus taught.)

My long pondering has led me to conclude that Jesus’ most transformational message was forgiveness and mercy - even as his body was unimaginably tormented hanging on the cross he said plainly, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

I have stayed mum after seeing so many worrisome comments indicating that I would be among those who would be cast out by those calling themselves Christians because I have a different way of worship, meditation and prayer, and I just can’t stay quiet today. There are evil people in every creed, race, community, etc. I happen to believe there are an abundance of them from several creeds (mostly Marxist/Socialist) calling themselves leaders, holding positions of power in this bogus administration and all over the world. They think they know it all, and can forcefully build Utopia while ignoring the Laws of Heaven.

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Thank you, well said. The Christian messiah was born a Jew and died a Jew. I cannot understand how any righteous Christian can spew antisemitism. If you hate Jews you cannot call yourself a religious Christian, because your hate applies to all Jews at all times, including Jesus. Do you think Jesus would wink and nod to those who prefer belief in him but hate his fellow Jews? The very same Jews he preached to and professed love for? I understand the Christian desire to proselytize to the Jews, out of sincere love. I’ll never understand hatred of Jews by Christians.

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Your statement "has led me to conclude that Jesus’ most transformational message was forgiveness and mercy". I think the prospect of eternal life is significantly more transformational: "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgement, but has passed out of death into life." John 5:24.

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Do you think the Israeli government does not get special treatment from the US government? $4 billion/year in "aid." Remember when Nutty Yahoo came and spoke to Congress, and was not even formally invited to do so (I believe that was under Obomber).

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The “aid” is all in the form of credits to buy American weaponry. It’s a way of subsidizing the military- industrial complex. Similar amounts are handed out to Egypt and aid to Ukraine dwarfs anything sent to Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else.

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Sure, but Ukraine is kinda comparing apples to oranges. Prior to this past year, you couldn't make that argument. And if Israel were in a war against a stronger nation, as is Ukraine, you could bet the US gov would dole out 100s of billions. And if you spoke out against it you would be branded an antisemite.

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The only “strong nation” that threatens Israel is Iran. Iran is our buddy and it’s not a foregone conclusion that the US would back Israel in a war with Iran. After all this idiot president reinstated the unratified treaty allowing Iran to continue processing uranium for nuclear weapons. Weapons that the tyrants in Tehran have already promised to use against the US. The moment Israel believes a nuclear strike is imminent she will strike first and with any luck destroy the regime entirely.

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Filed under EverySingleTime.

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Hat tip

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The Nattokinase treatment sounds promising for people who bought the government propaganda.

Too bad the FDA and CDC have to ban soybeans now. Maybe have the DEA list them as Schedule I substance.

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Do not give the FDA or CDC any ideas! Truthfully, soybean oil (not the same as nattokinase) is an inflammatory food and not remotely a good thing, so they want to keep that garbage on the market for sure.

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Do NOT consume any seed oils! They are all bad for you. They are basically industrial oils.

Nattokinase is a derivative of fermented soybean. You are not eating soybean. Nattozimes is a similiar product, which I use, that does the some thing as nattokinase. It is made from two strains of fungi and is about half the cost per dose of nattokinase. All good.


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I thought the same thing, I don't really want anything based on soybeans. IDK, maybe this is finally a useful product? But they can't ban them because then what would all the non-meat eating green people eat?

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Soy is so bad. Fermented soy is a whole other thing.

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apparently, fermenting cures a lot of ills?

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crickets. I'm hearing crickets. :)

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The FDA was told when they wanted to ban supplements ...

so when will you ban carrot juice for supplying too much vitamin A!

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Well, they're trying to eliminate eggs. So don't underestimate them in their zeal to eradicate highly nutritious foods.

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I wonder if the "soy boys" have some built-in protection? 😉

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Please, please, please don't encourage DeSantis to run for president! Let him keep his promise and keep doing the wonderful work in Florida. There's a lot more to do there and as governor, he can effect more changes and set an example for other normal thinking states. Absolutely need a major over haul to the tyrannical education system!

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I would definitely like to see more states follow his lead! That would help neuter the federal government more quickly and easily than anything else I think!

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It's possible he might run on the same ticket with Trump. Would that be a way to overcome the ballot cheating? I dunno.

I always thought the Dems would replace Biden but now I'm beginning to think Joe is going to run for re-election. My buddy was incredulous when I said that. He was thinking Biden was already in his second term - lol. It's be a rough two years!!

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

I've always thought biden wouldn't make it through the first ill-gotten term. And I still believe he won't.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“And … did she leave with more suitcases than when she got there?”

All those wonderful souvenirs, Ukrainian nesting dolls take up room in suitcases. 🤣

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

Never thought about that - I'm sure you COULD stuff cash inside

those little dolls..............

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It's disturbing that Rasmussen even ran the poll in the first place.

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That's the real issue, isn't it? With the media, politicians, and entertainment stoking the embers of racial hostility on a daily basis, what purpose does a poll like this serve and why do we continue to fall for it?

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Agree . Their agenda

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And it would be interesting to have an analysis of what kinds of people responded to the poll!

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One would have to assume that Rasmussen knew responders’ race.

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The irony is that if a poll asked if "it's okay to be black", they'd be cancelled themselves.

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Why not give it a try?

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Adams was clumsy in his speech around a sensitive topic, but I don't think there was any way he could have told the truth in a way that would have avoided cancelation without compromising the point. He has said he was prepared to pay the price and I hope for his sake that's true.

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Agreed. Race relations is another subverted topic, clouded in fake info.

'Asian Hate' is 99% black attackers. But you'd think it's white guys doing all the crime.

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I mentioned that once and was met with incredulous noises.... Of course every video of an Asian American getting beat down proves it

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Lol 😂

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Adams has been talking about taking himself out in a glorious fashion for over a year. Newspapers are dying out and comics along with them. This wasn’t any surprise. BTW, that Rasmussen poll was enlightening. It shows how many people refuse to turn off the f’n TV or change the channel off MSNBC, NBS, ABC, etc. No one watches CNN anymore.

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Or I wonder if he knew he would gain a bunch of supporters??

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He needs to get a grip and quit living life through social media. If you stay on long enough you'll need to either apologize or get canceled and then apologize. Big giant apology tour. So over the whole social media crap. 🙄

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It’s “unusual” to commit to your social media platform during your honeymoon. Priorities, I guess 🙄

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Here is the thing with Clot Adams, he's very manipulative. My bet is he makes more $$$ from his own websites than having his cartoons appear in dying newspapers and might have wanted out of any newspaper deals... Also, and while he was right, Alex Jones' take on the controversy was spot on e.g. “you can run all day long from your problems, but until you confront them…” /“black people aren’t the problem, evil is the problem…”/ the globalist elites who divide us on race and then “referee it all like a warden in a prison” / the “prison management systems of gangs…” etc

RACEsteria: Best Black History Month Memes (Divide and Divide Some More!)

- You just can’t win when everything is racist, I need to visit a tanning booth, real problems, a meeting I missed and more race + Black History Month memes + Alex Jones puts Scott Adams in his place!


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I agree with Scott Adams. Why are you siding with the lefties?

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I didn't see all of what Scott said, but I think I got the important points. Imho, Scott's only mistake was to 'identify as black in order to help black people' in the first place. They don't need our help. Malcolm X was right - the white liberal is a black person's worst enemy.

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I agree with what scott had said as well as he basically said the quiet part out loud BUT I also agree with alex jones who made a number of good points - listen to his take at: https://battleplan.news/watch?id=63f9500485d91c3d2e5f5964

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Sorry , I don't agree with Scott after taking a look at the poll distribution.


The crucial part is that as much as 18% of black people strongly disagree, more than 3x of all people (6%). And a total of 26% of black people disagree/strongly disagree, by far the largest segment. But that’s not the story here, the focus is entirely on the opposite, the 42% who strongly agree and are thus labeled “reverse racist.” They’re not racist, they are just duped/dumb/not thinking.

For Adams to call them “hateful” is white propaganda, designed to reduce structural racism to a matter between individuals and how individuals feel about one another. It’s structural racism being reframed as personal racism. That’s what CRT is. It’s a psy-op.

It’s confusing the symbol (individual feelings about race) with the territory (structural racism that prevents blacks from improving their lives). Dropping your white privilege at the door does nothing to help black people in their daily lives. It doesn’t put money in their pockets, it doesn’t help them find affordable housing or a better job, it doesn’t help them getting a loan from the bank.

It’s ironic how Scott Adams gets canceled over advancing the desired CRT narrative but maybe that’s part of the psy-op. Another fake victim that gets to be blamed on the true victims.

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It really is all about divide and conquer. I saw a post from a young "lady" (I don't know if she anymore considers herself to be that) who is elated that she has essentially made herself completely invisible to CIS white males and the oppressive patriarchy. She used to be a brave young woman who fought against corporate greed and destructive projects in our community, but apparently has taken this as her main cause. So so sad.

So essentially she has written off half of the population. I thought about asking her to explain how making yourself invisible to half of the population gives you power. But I just don't want to engage. These people are insane and I have no faith I will change anyone's mind.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I have recommended nattokinase, when appropriate for individuals, for many years.

Before starting it, please get these labs checked, and then again a few months later:

CBC with platelets,




I will write an article on this soon.

The thing is - it has an effect on clotting, bleeding and hemostasis.

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I’m wondering if there would be a caution for those with thyroid issues.

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Excellent question. Natto, from which nattokinase is derived is in turn from fermented soybeans. Soy is a known goitrogen. Honestly, I would work with a local naturopathic physician on this.

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