Feb 26Liked by Jeff Childers

Ohhhh, the IRONY of the Associated Press talking about women's safety when engaging in "sports!" Maybe they could take notice of the women and girls getting beat downs from males pretending to be females on basketball courts and soccer fields now. Oh, never mind, that wouldn't fit the narrative.

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I saw the video today - my question is - why are women putting up with this - They fought for women's rights for so long and now they are letting men step all over them - literally...

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If you listen to Riley Gaines, she tells you why. Universities and the officials tell them that if they say anything, they will lose their scholarships, be kicked off the team, won’t be able to play again, won’t get into grad school because it will be part of their record, and will never be able to get a decent job. So, essentially, their entire future is threatened if they speak up.

It’s the typical tactic of the left. If you don’t agree with us, we will do everything we can to silence your opposition, including, but not limited to, destroying your future.

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What kind of future will these people have when they choose to turn away from the truth? Can't buy integrity!!! They may have to learn this lesson the hard way. Very sad!

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Trust in God and do what is right. How do you know what is right? It is what you do not want to do, because it may cost you something you want to protect. But God will balance the books either in this life or the next and not just balance but generously overflow you with much better than what you risk or lose.

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Yes there just HAS to be karmic justice for all the terrible people like Fauci who seem to slither out of any punishment in this life. And now he has a glowing memoir coming out that the brainwashing masses will be able to lap up.

What a bunch of shameful hubris and lies by this sad excuse for a human being. And shame on publisher Viking for agreeing to put out this disgusting garbage. 🤮

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No such thing as karma. No. Such. Thing.

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Fauci, Newsem, Trudeau - all belong on a deserted island and let their egos battle it out. Who do you think would come out on top and why???

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Problem is they don’t believe in God, so how can they trust him?

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But if every single female athlete refused to compete with men, they could change this. It would take the participation of ALL women, however. They could and should join together in such a boycott of events in which men were trying to compete as women.

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Yes, that is all it would take - a totally united front...

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Seems like universities are “woke on steroids”! When will they shut up and teach?

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But her mom could speak up - loudly and all the other moms and dads - where are the dads that don't think it's cool to let dudes take their daughters' positions on girls sports teams - the parents aren't risking their post secondary anything...

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"Women's rights" was always a bit of a misnomer. Rights such as being expected to work in a cubicle while the kids are dumped in day care? Rights such as being abandoned by a deadbeat dad rather than the guy being forced to honor his obligations (at the end of a shotgun if needed)?

For millennia we have had a system of chivalry where men were expected to care for women and children. Men protected and provided, women nurtured and comforted. Not perfect but it generally worked.

What woman's rights really means is the right for women to act as men (i.e. assume traditional male roles). Well you got that "right" for better or worse. Now men are demanding the "right" to act as women. My fallen human nature makes it hard not to laugh at the schadenfreude of it all.

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Many years ago, Jeff C, my wife and I were attending a home schooling conference, and this was before home schooling was a 'thing' in the modern parlance. I ran into a co-worker which he and his wife were moving into the home school realm. I made the off hand remark that promoting women into the workplace was the dirtiest trick ever played on the American people. It destroys the family unit, doubles taxes to the state and federal governments, and increases sales of automobiles and everything associated with it. We also see that children in government education learn far less at the end of the day. For Mr Childers, yes I live in Oregon so know of what I speak. Portland, the new Rio Linda. Some of you will get that...

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And I think it helped contribute to the obesity issue 😕 There was nothing to take the place of moms making home cooked meals.

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Haha. Rio Linda. But Rush came out of there and my first crush lived there, so it wasn't all bad. I was a Carmichael girl.

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Talk about flashback !! LOL.

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HAHAHA!! Rio Linda, haha, I have not heard that for so many years. Hahahahaha! I am sure I will wake up at 3 a.m. and laugh again. Too funny. Thanks.

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The basic rights I am interested in are the rights not to be for all intents and purposes a man’s property and have no say in my own finances or choices or be able to take care of myself if I don’t find a good and decent man to marry early in life or if my husband should pass away or leave me or become unable to work. I think there were some good things that came of that movement but also many bad things. Women aren’t any more valued by the women’s rights groups for their unique capabilities than they were before the movement and men seem to value women even less than they did before, in many ways 😕 Clearly those responsible for the women’s movement at least in more recent times, have had little interest in actually improving women’s lives and making society better in general. It has all just been for power and to gain control and influence of the state over the family and the individual 😕

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Yeah I remember stories from older (female) relatives about how back in the day, their teaching job would *automatically* fire them once they got married, because married women aren't supposed to work. And they had to carefully not tell their employer that they had got married until later on, because they planned to work for the first year afterward. (I don't recall for sure if they were outright forbidden to work or if they would just have had to reapply for their old job as a married woman and didn't want to deal with the hassle and risk of not getting the job?) I'm not a fan of that sort of thing. But at the same time, modern "women's rights" is much more into "pretend sex differences don't exist", which is just as harmful in different ways.

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I agree. I've chosen to live my life alone and am exceptionally happy that way. Never wanted kids or a husband. Now that I'm old I have zero regrets. Were it not for some kind of women's rights movement, I could never have survived on my own. I would have been forced into a life of a husband and children just so I could continue to eat and live indoors. As it is, I work, own a home, and have a life of my choosing.

I have to wonder how many women got married because they felt they had no choice. When my grandfather died, I told my grandma I was sorry. I was 17 at the time. She said, "I'm not. For the first time in my life, I'm free." I was shocked then but understand it now.

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

Yes. I am so glad you got to choose the life you wanted. I am married and have children but I wanted that and also have no regrets. Like you, I can’t imagine being more or less forced to marry out of necessity or have to live a precarious life dependent on others. There were definitely some benefits to the fight for women’s rights.

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Spot on. My first thought was the “right” to fully embrace the sexual revolution - sleep around, be used by any fella who’s had one too many and won’t remember their names tomorrow, use any fella who might fill the void in their pathetic lives for a few minutes only to find that act only deepens the void, right down to killing their own children (via abortifacients or even right up to birth) which of course is unnatural and devastating forever...this was all part of the plan to destroy the family. And it worked. AND they’re so proud! Useful idiots. 🤦‍♀️

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Oh, and let's not ignore that the feminazis (thank you, Rush Limbaugh) were never about raising the status of women, honoring motherhood, femininity and even emulating the most decent, noble and gallant examples of men in the workplace or in esteemed positions in society. It was about emulating and mimicking the worst behavior of the lowest examples of male behavior (NOT that of "real men", honorable, trustworthy family men, who sacrifice for their family, by MY definitionof men). The feminazis desired that women ignore their own biology and subscribe to the "fornication and run" behavior of their hedonistic male counterparts. And here we are.

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Good One, I learned a new word - schadenfreude. I never really understood why women would want to become equal to men and take a demotion, LOL...

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I wonder this myself all the time. I guess all that feminist crap was just a bunch of hot air. Oh wait...we knew that.

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I started college in 1970, and the feminist movement was just gathering steam at this time. I immediately saw what phonies they all were and I wanted no part of it. They were and always have been a radical leftist movement who USED women for their own political agenda. It was not about elevating the status of women. Never was. I would even argue that they set women back while they were brainwashing a lot of women.

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thanks for your comment- this is what I have long since suspected. so much of what they do seems to have brought more misery to men, children and actually especially women. way to go ladies! now we can truly have it all...we work 10 hour days and raise kids, and run the pta, and volunteer in our kids classes, and clean our houses, and, and, and...all to keep up with the jones's.

I don't have a problem with women working (I do, and I know there's fulfillment there), but one can't help but notice how well this has worked out for the government with all that additional tax revenue coming in for them and women too exhausted to really keep a close eye on the garbage they're spoon feeding our kids in these schools. And if there is still any doubt left that this model is truly to benefit the government and not the people, one only needs to observe how families were immediately treated following ww2 when they found that if they were on the socialist side of the fence moms were immediately forced to go to work and their kids were taken from them into schools to begin indoctrinating them. And any parents who were skeptical of this new model, their children were encouraged to rat them out to the government. I can't help but see parallels now with these new "surveys" my kids are getting at the school. For now, we are allowed to opt out, but I can be sure that we won't be if we don't push back now.

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What are the new surveys in schools?

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They are called Climate Surveys. We started seeing them pop up with all that Covid Cash that schools got (millions - to implement really awful things like this, and SEL and a host of other radical things). The surveys ask the kids inappropriate questions as to how they feel about numerous topics, some appear innocent enough (about the school), but they quickly start asking the kids opinions on race, sexual orientation, etc. and then they even nose on into how the kids home life is and do their parents "support them"? It's really, really easy to see how they can use these things to drive a wedge into families and butt their way right into your business.

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“The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.”

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Just a ruse and a plot to gain power and break up the traditional family 😡

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They HATE the traditional family because it's the strongest safety net a person can have. Very high correlation between healthy, happy families and well adjusted (non manipulatable) adults.

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Have you noticed how many of the “alphabet soup people” are products of broken homes? Children of single parents, divorced parents, absentee parents… Mothers are probably all feminists too.

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Yes, well said!

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I found an old booklet amongst my grandma's things, and it was titled Stalins Plan to Steal America and it was written right after WW2. That was the main focus, break the family. Interesting shit going on and a lot of waking up happening. Just had an earthquake, 4.9 and some shakers, not too far from my place in Idaho. Not normal...waiting for the famine to follow. And war and rumors of wars etc. ♥Jesus♥

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My sister felt that in Nampa.

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We live 30 miles from the epicenter. Yikes.

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Women and girls should carry a leather sap and not be afraid to use it!!!!

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Women should carry concealed and not be afraid to use it.

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did you mean leather strap? or is sap something I'm not familiar with?

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It's a weighted pouch-like weapon about 8" long with a flexible metal rod in it. A concealable weapon. Think of something a little more elegant than a sock filled with pennies.

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I'm finally starting to hear very prominent people say essentially that the men cheating to compete with women would disappear very quickly if ALL women refused to compete in any competition that included a man. Period. Any man attempting to compete in women's events would be doing the event all by himself. So do you win if you are the only competitor? As a woman, this has been my own opinion since all this hit the news. If I were a young athlete now, I would be working overtime to convince women athletes to not compete with biological men. They're basically not going to win when up against a man anyway, so they're not giving up much to make a stand. It wouldn't last forever, just for long enough to end this idiocy.

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Reilley Gaines ( auto correct going goofy) is doing everything she can

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I believe they are threatened to be kicked off the team (and more) if they speak up.

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I didn't fight for women's rights. Now we have to work, clean, cook, and let other people raise our children. I would gladly give my useless voting rights up to school my own children... most women vote dem.

The women's rights movement was instigated by the same people who are instigating trans etc.

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It’s called BRIBERY from the universities 😡

They complain-loose scholarships 😡

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Are fighting, are not getting traction. It’s not PC. It surely would sell more news if they reported on the controversy in a balanced way.

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Yea, the latest girls' basketball game video is disturbing on so many levels. I'd like to know why the ref didn't kick that kid out of the game? I suspect I know but guys on college teams get thrown out for less.

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My question is, why do the girls submit to this? Why do dads sit in the stands and watch their daughters be attacked? Just refuse to play against males!

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The Dads don’t want their daughters to lose out. My Dad advised me to drop out of a drill team when parents objected to a black girl making the team and wanting her dropped. He asked me if this was right. I said no. So we agreed that I couldn’t be part of that and I quit (even though I didn’t want to as i was the leader). My Dad got the other parents together, and they successfully applied pressure and got the black girl back on the team. But I learned the lesson that sometimes there is a cost to standing for what is right and you have to be willing to pay it. Personal responsibility is not well promoted these days.

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Wow Dr. Walby, what a life lesson to learn at a young age. And great admiration for your father in identifying the situation helping you learn that lesson. The art and responsibility of parenthood is almost gone, being turned over to government.

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This might sound odd, but what happened to this black girl is what "liberals" THINK they are doing to protect 'trans" kids. I know some of them. I ask, "What about the biological girl's feelings?" Some say they'll just have to get used to it. Others say nothing. REALLY having an incredibly hard time with all of this insanity!

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A “trans” is not a gender nor is it a color. We all saw what happened to Michael Jackson for wanting to change his color and looks. The “trans” should make own league or play with the gender they were born

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What year was this Karen? That’s such a bizarre story.

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What year and what location? I grew up in Cali and never really spent any time in the deep south until recently. My recent trips here in the American South have been eye opening to say the least. You can still feel the separate-ness of races in certain places and feel the scars of the past. And...it seems to be just as much if not more from the black folk. There is a lot of self-segregation still happening down here. The West is far different.

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Same here, Sadie.Jay. I grew up in CA and truly never saw self segregation until I moved to Chicago as an adult and experience racism first hand. Folks in certain areas really do not want others in their comfort zone. Everyone is in their territory and those that venture in are called "Urban Pioneers." It's freakishly unnatural from what I grew with.

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Stop with the Karen crap ... they did the right thing. They sided with the black girl and not the racist parents. They set an example by doing the right thing they showed it is more important than doing what is easy. Next time, take the time to understand instead of judge.

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Umm, the woman who posted the comment is named Karen. You seem to have assumed that Cheeky was insulting her.

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MayBella82? The woman who told the story is named "Karen." In asking the question, Cheeky NonGMO was being explicit as to whom he/she was directing the question.

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I agree. Honestly, if I showed up with my daughter to a game and a guy was playing for the other team, we would refuse to play and demand a forfeit of the other team and if the game was played, we would leave. I don't understand why all the parents didn't just take their kids and leave.

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I used to say the school were the ones who needed to step up and prevent this because the girls who spoke out would be ostracized and loose their sport’s scholarships. No more — to he— with sports scholarships and the schools themselves. Parents and girls, speak up and do the right thing!

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My goodness! What would daughters think if their Dad actually stood up for them and defended them? And if their Moms joined in and backed up the Dads? My goodness! The Daughters might think that they were watching a Conspiracy Theory unfold which only the FBI and the CIA could defeat with a Color Revolution!

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The vast majority of the adults standing up for their kids are women, at least where I live. We have a large group of very vocal women who are fighting a corrupt school board. The women outnumber the men probably 10 to 1. Now, the men might support the women, but it’s the women who are out there on the front lines. We’d love to see more dads involved.

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Sad comment on the Dads, isn't it.

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And there are quite a few whose children have graduated, but still fight the fight because they care!

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Great point. I wondered if it's because the organization here is mostly Moms 4 Liberty. They don't have a Dads organization, but I can guarantee you if they did, the liberals would destroy them. they'd have them compared to the Proud Boys in no time. They already call moms 4 liberty nazi's every single chance they get.

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Men, step up and do your job and protect us!

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What you say does seem to be a case quite broadly, but I'll also add that rather a lot of the leftists trying to implement all of the corruption seem to be women. Upper class, supposedly educated women.

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There are a lot worse things in life than losing a sports scholarship. It's actually something that very few people can be awarded. They can survive. Standing up for basic principles is far more important in the grand scheme of things.

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Lose, not loose. 😁

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I kind of get why they still play...unless the whole team (including second/third string) walks out together, your child is the one being punished by not being able to play a game they’ve worked their ass off to play...they age out too, so there’s not always next year...and there’s no college opportunities if you don’t prove yourself in HS (for most anyhow)...and for the vast majority of girls, HS sports is their peak - then they are done as there are few that have the skill for college or beyond. So, you play against a boy or you don’t get to play (someone will happily take the spot you earned on the team)...it’s a tougher call than most on here are making it out to be.

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Let's scale this up as to the topic of 'punishing'. Let's scale it up to wearing masks, death jabs, having one's livelihood shut down and being imprisoned in one's own house. How does such as this happen? I suggest that it happens because a huge number of people made the choice 'not to be punished' and/or 'ostricized' all the way along the rocky road to Enslavement Armageddon.

First we let a little slip by telling ourselves it will not do too much harm. Then more and more until slippage becomes the coward's habit of never making a moral stance against evil. And at the end of the road, one is abjectly enslaved and dispossessed of a country.

When one get right down to it, this is the purpose of the 'public' schools, to teach compliance by never having to make a hard choice. To do this, they have to kill off God.

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Amen, daverkb!

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Saving this reply dave. Excellent boiled frog recipe and nobody sees. Enslavement Armageddon, brought to you by complacency and selfish greed and Satan. The reason they don't want us to see black and white is because of the meaning behind it. For all time. That is not changing no matter how hard they try to erase any 'whiteness' it still represents good and black represents evil. There is no gray and if you aren't sure? Then you are for the wicked. Says so right in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-13. This is the time of the Great Delusion so God can see which side we are on. One or the other.

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Thanks for the Bible Verses. And yes, there is the Light and all else is Darkness. And once through the Wicker Gate, the way is straight and narrow. Straight and narrow is hard for us mere mortals.

I though you might enjoy this:

Much on the family ... and he nails it.


Also, I just went to the website. I noticed an article there on why Christians should not take out a state Marriage License. Can't wait to read it. My wife and I would never do this knowing what we now know.


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The school board and administrators should have been on the right side from the beginning, preventing this from ever becoming an issue.

I didn’t mean to say the girls *should* play - just that I understand. And in some cases, it show integrity to put forth your best effort despite knowing you don’t stand a chance of winning - assuming there isn’t a safety issue - and then fighting the battle in another way....at the point we are right now, without re-writing history of how quickly this has progressed, I think there are several potential right ways to handle it as a female (or parent of a girl).

In a more perfect world, we would t even have to discuss this....or if it became an issue, everyone would stand up for what is right. I tend to be pretty black and white about issues, but how to respond doesn’t have only one correct option for where we are today.

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We are pretty much in an 'all or nothing' situation in America. One side will win and they other side will lose. For some context, this is Tucker Carlson's latest.


I eschew lecturing. Because we won't win by lecturing. But we do need a clarifying of our minds so that we see this ongoing nightmare with clear eyes, as clear as one is able to manage. This video sort of fills the bill.

It's really nice hear from you ... and with my best to you and your family.

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Excellent post, daverkb. I wrote an article in August, 2020 that speaks to the catastrophic costs of complying:


Laura Hayes


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It takes one brave person to lead the way ... how do you expect your kids to have integrity and strength of character if you don’t teach them when it is important. This is an important issue for females... it will follow in other aspects of life if it is not stopped now. I don’t know about you but I do not want a male in the locker room with my daughter...because this what you are accepting too.

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me neither. My oldest is headed off to middle school and I am starting to get quite nervous. We haven't had to deal with these shenanigans in elementary but I know it's coming.

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As a mom in this situation, you will have to be constantly vigilant and observant, and very involved in your child's school so you can detect if any weird stuff is going on.

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I am not accepting it. I was simply pointing out the difficult decision it actually is rather than being flippant about how “we just can’t see why everyone isn’t responding the way they should” like many of the comments I saw.

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My thoughts exactly. It takes an entire community, not just one or two girls, to step up. Those one or two girls could potentially become the “transphobe villains”.

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Heather, please read the post above by Dr. Karen Walby. The lesson in that post transcends the moment and will be of benefit for a lifetime.

Parents must rip DEI out of the public realm, be an example for their children. Missing a couple years of team sports is nothing compared to a lifetime of enslavement.

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I felt some comments were a bit flippant about how easy it is to just do the right thing...I only intended to point out that it isn’t an easy decision. If doing the right thing was easy, we’d all have boycotted any business that even whispered the word mask, much less forced their employees to get vaccinated or show their negative tests or any number of things we tolerated the past several years.

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You are correct Heather, life presents us with many difficult choices. Not everyone is prepared to make a sacrifice of convenience or position for the sake of principle. Those that do are called leaders, mentors and champions. They are often criticized in the moment but quietly praised in the long run. Do the best you can when you can and always strive to do better. I am still a work in progress.

As Roy Rogers once said “Sometimes it hurts to do the right thing, but afterwards you’ll feel better.”

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Is sports really that important?

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Coming from a former high school and collegiate basketball player, it’s not - and I love sports. I still play competitive men’s baseball in my 50’s. As far as professional and collegiate sports? I’ve lost interest in pro sports, save golf. My collegiate sports interest is dropping like a rock. IMO, College sports outside the 4 super conferences will collapse due to NIL - and this from someone that believes the players (football and basketball) have been getting screwed for decades.

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In high school, long before there were girls water polo teams, I played on a co-ed team. I was, and still am, a strong swimmer, but I knew at 5’8” and 128 lbs there was no way I could play in the hole against guys who are 6’+, so I stayed out on the perimeter unless coming in to shoot. For the most part, I didn’t have to deal with all the underwater crap the guys pulled against each other because most wouldn’t do it to a girl.

Mind you, I was very strong and enjoyed the challenge, but it would’ve been different on the soccer field, basketball court, etc.

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I should also add that I am the youngest of a large family, lived out in the country, and was not babied. We played hard, and it wasn’t along the lines of girls and boys. I guess you could say we were a bit feral. LOL It was the type of childhood that made you a bit tough and very independent.

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deletedFeb 26·edited Feb 26
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I realize I didn’t say it, but I’d love to see all girls refuse to play if a boy joins their team or tries to oppose them. I was just musing that the responses prior to mine made it seem like an easy choice when it obviously is not - even Reilly Gains (butchered the spelling I’m sure!) continued to compete while also being outspoken about how wrong it was.

I disagree that it’s the same as an abusive relationship though. Life is unfair and the girl can only control her actions. She can choose to still do her best playing despite a rigged game or she can take her ball and go home. If it’s not a safety issue, I think doing her best despite knowing she doesn’t stand a chance shows character as well and is one of several right choices she could make.

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One word. BETA. Can’t we all just get along🙄🙄🙄

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No ... we can't! Because Evil is always telling us that we cannot choose Good ... because we might hurt somebody's feelings ... or something.

Choose Good in this Evil World of unbridled murder and mayhem and such a one will be despised and hated. Just look around ... and say it ain't so.

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deletedFeb 26
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People fainting at vaccination clinics isn’t uncommon and blurred the awareness that folks were actually dying. With the help of staff of course, who did know.

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The CDC announced the multistate faintings on the same day were from “anxiety.” Why would they not just say it’s common?

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Hadn’t heard that one! Thanks

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Where can I see this video?

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And in the MMA ring.

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First, kick "her" in the balls, hard. Really hard. Then say oops, my bad, didn't know.

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I was tempted to say the same. Though, to be fair, I understand it's also quite painful for women to be kicked in that spot. (Source: I totally did not do this to my sister as a kid, and you can't prove anything.)

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That's not what she said...

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26Liked by Jeff Childers

Sorry for facial profiling.....I see face and neck tats and I sashay to the other side of the street. It's a "safe and effective" strategy. My wife likes jogging in the neighborhood which is a rather pervasive and innocuous activity here. She doesn't generally focus on this kind of horrendous news, but I do. It's a delicate situation because I don't want her to be crippled by fear, but I find myself saying: "Keep your head on a swivel......oh, and take this pepper spray." She gives me the look.....I say "trust me on this one." My daughter, who now drives to school, parrots me: "Head on a swivel, Dad." One of the esoteric nicknames for Florida is "The Gunshine State." Yours truly doesn't jog anymore, and while pepper gel is my first line of defense.....well, you know. I'm sure the counselor would tell you that what YOU might think is a clear cut case of self defense might not pass muster in a slightly debased and/or politically motivated court. Every situation is different, but if possible, I would opt to spray first as opposed to getting dragged through a potentially oblique system on a murder charge. It happens. A lot to consider in a split second of time. Courts can't be universally trusted to do the right thing. History 101.

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Feb 26Liked by Jeff Childers

You can judge a book by it's cover, people that say otherwise are either hopelessly naïve or deliberately trying to disable other's God-given sense of discernment. It's also a favorite tactics among groomers to soften up their targets.

People with face tats, lots of visible piercings, unnatural hair color, wrong sex clothes, gangster clothes, and/or clothes with obscene or anti-social words are making a statement. That statement is that they reject societal norms and the order it brings. I take them at their word and avoid them, and teach my kids the same. I also teach them to constantly be aware of their surroundings and continually evaluate risk. If anything makes them feel uneasy they are to leave immediately and I will always back them up, regardless of whose feelings it hurts.

I'm sure there are some that will say it's judgmental and they are right it absolutely is. God gave us a sense of discernment for a reason though. And in six decades on this planet I've never been mugged, robbed, assaulted, or suffered any of the other indignities the "non-judgmental" seem to regularly experience.

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You stated this so well. Absolutely the clothes, piercings and tattoos ARE making a statement. And I use my God-given discernment to recognize and avoid such people. And thank you for the tip about pepper gel. I'll be looking into it.

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I’ve used this brand. No complaints.


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This made me chuckle: "I’ve used this brand (of pepper gel/spray). No complaints."

So, did you actually "use" the pepper gel/spray and your recipient had no complaints? My mind went there!

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Be certain to look deeply and look into “C to C”!!! My wife did and does!!!!

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It’s like those hilarious memes— only

tragically sad.

“You won’t KNOW I’m a heinous criminal, but there will be signs…”

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A couple of years ago there was a study put out that confirmed that people who choose to tat up their bodies actually DO live riskier life styles. I take this under consideration and react accordingly.

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deletedFeb 26
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She was using her God given innate common sense so desperately lacking in modern society. Good for her!

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Wisdom from the mouth of babes. Good job Kim!

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and the statement is also - I vote democrat

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True about making a statement with how you present yourself.

However, they are changing societal norms. They would be looney outcasts and homosexuality was shunned in the 50s.

With each generation, they become more hedonistic and tolerant of vile things that are ungodly.

God knows this and will end it.

Titus 1:15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

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I hope the parents sue University of Georgia. We visited there with our daughter in 2019 and it was so incredibly woke. They welcomed all kids with varying sexual orientations, then people of color. If you were white and straight, you weren’t included in the welcome which was at 2/3rds of the room. It was so off putting. They owe the students who pay to go there safety and should have to do serious background checks on all people employed on campus. And if they find crime or illegals, they should not hire them. It’s the least they could do. Her life is gone because University of Georgia along with the Biden Administration didn’t do their jobs.

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Brilliantly said. I think maybe another word for this is "instincts". I listen to my gut - my instincts - and so far it has not been wrong (or at least not that I have noticed.) I'd rather be "judgmental" than beaten up, raped, killed, robbed, etc.

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I’ve always wished someone would invent a phone case that doubled as a taser or stun gun. I understand that this will never happen due to the fact that it would destroy your phone, but man.... if every woman could have a taser in her hands at all times without it being obvious.... that would be great.

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You might want to try these instead. The highest grade pepper gel will be more effective than a stun gun. The idea being to keep as much distance between you and a would-be assailant as possible. I would suggest gel over spray due to potential blow back. (ALL pepper spray/gels are NOT necessarily equal.)


Less lethal pistols are an option, as well: https://byrna.com/

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My niece jogs in Joshua Tree California and she has a key ring weapon and bear spray, due to meth heads. Another tactic I learned a long time ago is to act crazy if you can't escape. Babble, wet your pants, fall down and eat grass or gravel, roll around. Attackers depend on your fear and your reactions (just like Democrats and Big Pharma lol), but if they can't predict you they might just rob you and leave. It is a bit off putting to all but the most perverse if one has wet one's pants.

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In the 90’s on the way home late at night, I was going to the last stop on the R train to Bay Ridge.

I got scared of a guy casing me out. I started mumbling and pacing and scratching my head, on the platform. It worked.& that was in such a different time! Before cell phones & the pay phones were Always broken down in the subway.

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Good performance art! Nice touch that lice scratching.

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Lived in Bensonhurst in the 80's. Rode the "B" train. :)

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That’s were the Christmas lights were!

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I remember discussing this with a friend and her older brother when we were young! Act crazy 😆 I hope I remember if ever needed!

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Also https://shop.hero.us.com for non-lethal self-defense. Pepper ball and gel options.

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Use code JESSE for discount. Ads on The Jesse Kelly radio program. I purchased both HERO non-lethals. Happy with decision.

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I’m currently drooling over the Byrna less-lethal pistol. They make a model that is “legal” in California. I’m balking at the price, but I’ll likely suck it up and get the damn thing.

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I'm interested in the Byrna too. I have never in my life used a gun so I'm wondering how you get proficient with the Byrna and how it all works.

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Of course, illegal in MI. Can carry a concealed gun, but not pepper gel.

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But, of course.🤪

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Per a retired Bay City PD officer and confirmed by the legislation, yes, most people can carry and use pepper gel in MI. http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(i5r2w02yvqr40530upnn0adn))/mileg.aspx?page=GetObject&objectname=mcl-750-224d

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Michigan sucks! Better to be attacked and suffer the consequences? Or I guess Gretchen WHitler would rather people carry and shoot rather than spray? Makes zero sense.

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Michigan does suck so massively! Now Governor Witless is advocating people giving illegal immigrants the spare rooms in your house, whom she naturally insists are just asylum seekers and refugees. My feverishly imagined conspiracy theory about this, since the globalists could care how many people they sacrifice, is that Dearborn and Dearborn Heights Muslim extremists will take in Hamas and Hezbollah and other extremists, who will then attack a city in Michigan in a terrorist attack, which she will, having been coached on the script, improve her presidential or national political bona fides with how she handles it. The actual asylum seekers, who are not gang members or human traffickers and pornographers, will be funneled into pride CRT DEI schools and be forced into the childhood vaccine schedule. But I'm stuck like Ground Hog day in imagining worst case scenarios lol.

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She’s totally insane. I told my husband that I certainly hope her vacation home in Elk Rapids has been filled with illegals - she has plenty of room to help out. Me, not so much - only one home and it’s full of kids and animals and guns and ammo.

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SHE is the one needing an asylum.

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Has the governor with this great idea offered up any of her assorted spare rooms? She's likely to have multiple spare rooms in her multiple houses. Fill 'em up!!

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In case anyone prefers "plain English" about the laws: https://www.pepper-spray-store.com/pages/michigan-laws

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If engaging with a pistol is legal, I'd want one in MY hand that is not in he category of "less lethal". Bringing ANY firearm into a situation is a game changer, but in the eyes of the law they are all still a firearm, and size means nothing.

IF the situation justifies the introduction of lethal force, engage with LETHAL force and don't play in the sandbox. Under the law you can only bring a firearm into a situation when your life, or someone else's life, is under imminent and grave danger of death or permanent bodily injury. If it ever comes down to some jerk(s) wanting my car keys, wallet, etc, and he is using HIS size/threat of bodily harm, and it looks like "him or me" it will be HIM getting the holes punched. And I will always have the means to do that upin my person. And hope I never have to make that decision.. for fifteen or twenty years now, this has been the case. Never had ti introduce anyone else to "my little friend" and I pray that winning streak cintinues.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

Who is going to testify in Court that you life was not in grave danger? It's your word vs. the perpetrator, only he/she won't have a voice will he/she? '-)

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I couldn’t find any reference to a gel product, only sprays on this site.

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Sorry. I thought that as well. You have to read the description. I'll double check.

UPDATE - Have to dig a little: "Stream spray for maximum stopping power, less cross-contamination." Click on the actual product. They should change the name.

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Wow what a great idea! Looks like an American mind and ingenuity behind this .

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We have a byrna air gun and like it. The only downside is it’s too bulky to conceal easily. Oh and it’s expensive.

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I bought a Byrna for my daughter.

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Eric- Do you know if you can take the .5oz one on a plane in your purse? Or will tsa confiscate it?

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"One 4 fl. oz. (118 ml) container of mace or pepper spray is permitted in "checked baggage" provided it is equipped with a safety mechanism to prevent accidental discharge. Self-defense sprays containing more than 2 percent by mass of tear gas (CS or CN) are prohibited in checked baggage. For more information, visit faa.gov.

We recommend checking with your airline as some may not allow this item in checked bags....."

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Valerie - we should all be taking self defense classes. I know how to use a gun, but I’m still not comfortable with it. I’m comfortable with “going for the jellies” though. 💪💪💪

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Yes, some skilled instruction in self-defense IS a good idea. But one thing I do not understand has been expressed a lot here: many are "uncomfortable" with stronger tools, and some have expressed a real reluctance to having a firearm handy. Some are uncomfortable with a string pepper spray but seem OK with a milder one. A question (rhetorical, no need to answer here, but you can if you want to).. are you more comfortable if the situation confronting you would only make you scared, and less so if it, say, got you a smashed in face, or even a broken leg... or dead? No ne being atacked or serously threatened can know how dedicated the perp is to winning.. nor does anyone know what the perp classifies as "sinning". Sometimes all he wants is to scare you. sometimes he will take what he wants, whether your goods, money, health, car, or life And you will never KNOW until the incident is all over. So WHY worry about harming him more (as with a stronger pepper gel) or less (as with wasp spray) if he really wants your life, or the use of your body for his pleasure? Carry a handgun and KNOW how and when to use it. There are smaller cheaper ones that are still lethal if properly used, are light and small, ad your attacker will ONLY notice that point three eight inch diameter hole into shich he is very anxiously staring.. he won't take the time toread the brand name. Try several, find one that fits YOUR hand and points naturally for YOU. Personally I carry one the same size and calibre as these little cheapies, but it is a precision instrument and very reliable. Yes it cost more.. so what? I started with the cheaper ones. but i am an avid road cyclist and the cheap ones did not fare well in the "tool roll" I carry in the right back pocket on the typical cycling jersey (three pockets across the back low down) In fifteen years of carryig this NO ONE not even the rotten copper harrassing me ever "made" that gun's presence.

SO now you've got the tool... next you MUST learn to be confident and effective with it. I'd start by getting and reading Massad Ayoob's foundational book on the topic, "in the gravest extreme". He will lay out the mindset necesary to always have a deadly weapon with you. He is a retired cop, one of the top firrearms trainers in the nation, an expert witness in every aspect of lethal force actions, and one of the best marksmen out there. I've met the man and worked with him, hes a great guy.

For very low cost high;y effective basic handgu handing course, there is nothing better (unless you have a good froend/close relative who is well versed in guns) than the pistol programme Appleseed present. It is a two day course, you bring yours and over the time you WILL become comfortable and profficient in a very friendly setting, even if you have never fired a gun in your life. Cost for the weekend is I believe will under a hundred bucks. Go to appleseed (no space) info dot org. Webpage popes up, left upper corner click on the events box. Map comes up, click on your or nearby states, Look at the "pistol clinics" but there are other types of events.. rifle, distance,etc. I've been an instructor with this outfit for fifteen years now, so far only in long guns. All volunteer citizens just like yourself. I have not kept track but I'm certain I have worked with at least a thousand folks with rifles, some as young as six years old, and one gentleman who was ninety six. With Mas' book you will have the practical and letal knowledge to conduct yourself wisely, legally, and safely, and with the Appleseed weekend you will then have the practical confidence that results from being comfortable handling and using your chosen defensive tool. You WILL walk about in public witth a level of comfort and confidence that, all by itself, will set you apart as 'this one is NOT a victim". And yet the wisdom to still avoid the risky scenaria when possible. As Mas is famous for saying "any gun will do if YOU will do", and "the best gunfight you will ever be in is the one you avoided".

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Thank you for posting ... a few Appleseed events are happening over the next few months within 5 miles of my house. I am definitely will be attending.

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Tio, thanks for the info! I had no idea. I need to get more involved with events like that. The last time I went to gun training was under Jeff Cooper at Gunsite in 1980. Took the combat handgun and the assault rifle courses. Good times. I'm now in NW FL.

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I took Tae Kwon Do when I was in my 30s, and the biggest lesson I learned was how having that capability to take someone out gives you the confidence you need to almost never have to use that power. However, knowledge of your ability gives you strength and power to stand up to someone as necessary and hopefully defuse a situation but you know you can meet force with force if necessary. I would say it's similar with a gun.

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The NRA teaches an aptly titled “Refuse to Be a Victim” course:

https://rtbav.nra.org/. Suggest you find one near you!

It’s not firearms-specific or even (unarmed) self-defense centered, but rather a personal security strategy seminar. I recommend it for everyone, especially women and young children. Each person can choose the “tools” they prefer to defend themselves, but this will get you thinking about all the other aspects of situational awareness and strategies for staying alert. Even if you've taken it before, might be time for a refresher.

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I know this sounds silly, but I have begun to notice where all the ‘other’ exits are. In grocery stores and ‘big box’ stores there are so many ways to get out of there is an armed idiot cones in.

I counted 28 exits in our WM the other day.

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I’ve taken them, but I’m physically unlikely to overpower a grown man, but yes I agree.

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Valerie - at least you’d go down fighting. And a man does not expect a woman to glue herself to him so she can throttle his trachea.

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An anatomy teacher told us that if you can break someone’s clavicle, you can effectively incapacitate him.

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Kicking a knee in (force the knee to move in the opposite direction that it is intended to move) can temporarily incapacitate someone.

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Or dislocate a shoulder…

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

Self defense has multiple levels. The last being physical fighting which is street fighting. It’s brutal. You must believe you are fighting for your life. These days I am not sure a court would side with a woman defending herself. I think we’re screwed one way or another. I sound like Debbie Downer

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

I learned a lesson early.

In high school, there was this gang of boys continually picking on me ... knocking books out my hands and so on. One day I got fed up and had it out with a guy outside of school. Word must have gotten around because the whole school seem to be out in numbers on the field of contest to witness this gladiatorial contest. I was not the favorite as I was the much smaller guy. But I fought defensively at first, wearing the other guy down. Once I saw his arms dropping, I started belting him with some good hits. And then suddenly something most astonishing and unexpected happened. The antagonist dropped his hands and said, "I have to go to soccer practice now!" That's when I said to myself after all the months of harassment, "You SOB!" And smashed him around but good. It was then that the principal came out, took us to the office and gave us each a week's suspension from school. But guess what? It was worth every bit of it! Because after that ... nobody ever bothered me again.

This should be a lesson to everyone of us who is fed up with the insane calamity going in our once upon a time country now badly in need of reclaiming. That one must FIGHT for one's self or otherwise suffer abuse.

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I could agree more. There is a price for freedom. Good job

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I love your story. Love. It.

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I think of all the soldiers sitting in Leavenworth right now bc they defended themselves against guys def wanting to kill them. Sad state of affairs. Best advice is to try and not put yourself in harms way.

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My ex was 6'2" and a big guy. I took a self defense class (not because of him) in which I learned if someone had me from behind in a choke hold, all I had to do was bend over and that would likely be enough to get him off balance and possibly on the ground. So, I came home and told my ex I learned how to put an attacker on the ground. He said I couldn't. I said put me in a choke hold. He did, and I got him just enough off balance to have him stumbling. Had I continued, I could have gotten him to the ground. We were still a couple then so obviously I didn't want to harm him. Never had a chance to use it in real life, thankfully.... knock on wood.

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Good job. The element of surprise is a huge advantage. That’s why I encourage people not to practice with people they know. I am glad you haven’t had to use it. But it empowering to know

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You mean, you can’t have children either??

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You don’t need to overpower…one good kick right where they live, so to speak

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When I was a little girl my father taught me if someone wants to hurt me then that is no time to fight fair. He taught me how to slam a knee into guy's family jewels, slam a palm or fist into their nose to try to drive the nose bone into the attacker's brain, and if needed poke their eyes out with my fingers. Point: take them down fast so I'd have time to run away. He also drilled me never to let any strangers close enough to grab me. "Don't talk to strangers!" Decades later, I learned our part of the county in those years had many snatch, murder and rape cases of young women and children.

Remember the school bus children buried after being highjacked in Chowchilla, California by rich kids for ransom? Once driving near one of their family homes about the same year as that kidnapping, my Mom and I got broadsided repeatedly by a junker station wagon, nearly pushed off a twisty mountain road by them or their pals. She raced her car after them and scared them off as they tried to do the same for thrills to another car. Lesson: don't just fight for yourself, fight for others, too, never be a scared bystander. Local police and sheriffs could no nothing, they said, because the bashing car had no license plates. Unreal.

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A video called “how to say no to rapist” was shown at my school. It was awesome. Wish I could find it again. It stayed with me... so when I had a daughter, I taught her everything I learned in it. Taking martial arts re-enforced those lessons.

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A.J. Yes, I remember Chowchilla. I grew up in the Central Valley. But I do not remember there being twisty mountain roads there...it's the valley, right? Flat. And that bus..they buried the whole thing! Can you imagine that now? They would not make the effort now!

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I used to teach those class.

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Nice, although if you did that up here in Canada, they would charge you for assault - welcome to clown world.

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You really need to leave that place…all together!!

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I carry a fanny pack whenever and wherever I can. I LOVE your idea!!!!

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I hike alone quite a bit and I never go without my Zap hiking stick, (has a hidden taser on it). I got it for extra protection out on the trail. You can get it on Amazon. Last year, on a trail ride in AZ, our group encountered illegals. You never know. I don’t want to be that “one”.

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Great idea, I’ve never heard of one. I also hike by myself and sometimes I get a creepy feeling that someone is watching me. Then of course my imagination runs wild. The pepper gel in my pocket isn’t super handy, but a walking stick taser would be. I assume it would work on a cougar?

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I’ve never had to use it, thankfully, but demonstrating it to friends has made their dogs scared with the zapping electricity.

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Yes, thankfully. So you can use it more than once and practice with it! Cool!

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Don’t fuk with cougars (aka Mountain Lions). Avoid if at all possible. Noise and numbers mitigate.

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And make yourself big!

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Thank you, so much, for the info.

I’m going to buy one!

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I’m sure, as I’ve been told, those illegals were only “Dreamers.” So they certainly posed no threat. Not like those “Dreamers” at UGA.

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My daughter has a very loud whistle thing. VERY LOUD, She's Birdie it is called.

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Me too and I only walk back where the owls hoot and I get bothered by curlews and redwings.

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This site has several self defense options. My daughters carry some of these items everywhere they go.


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Valerie … I have a dummy cell phone taser. It’s a “thing”.

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I go everywhere with my little friend, in my Flashbang holster. And usually there is a nice knife in my pocket, in case I see a turtle wrapped in a Bud Light 6 pack holder.

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Save the turtles!

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Your wife is blessed to have a husband who loves and protects her.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

I've travelled the world extensively, and I have always maintained it is critical to project the image you are in control and aware of your surroundings. Not out of fear, just common sense.

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There have been surveys also where criminals have been shown videos and asked who they would attack and the general consensus was "people who walk 'disorganizedly'" -- not purposefully and not aware.

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Totally agree. Situational awareness. Not perfect but def the first step.

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Eyes up and scanning surroundings, etc.

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It helps to carry "purposefully" a stick or an umbrella - anything that looks like a weapon if one is at all slightly infirm or slow.

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Excellent advice.

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We’ve literally been taught not to trust our intuition because it’s “profiling” people. In fact, that intuition is very often correct, especially for those of us who are spiritually aware. I’d rather trust my intuition and be wrong then not trust it and be dead.

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I was with a group of epidemiologists shortly after 9/11, and one of them virtue-signalled by saying how immoral it would be to be extra suspicious of men from certain Middle Eastern countries. The first outbreak case we all learned was salmonella in the potato salad, from the egg-containing mayonnaise, and in outbreak investigations we always look for foods with known associations with certain pathogens. So I said, "And what would be wrong with that, epidemiologically speaking?" One of the others laughed; no one else had a response. We must always keep an open mind, so as not to miss a surprise, but 'post-judice' (contra 'prejudice') is valuable, as it's just judging (thinking critically) based on experience.

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I agree.

Same with health. If someone in the street or a shop looks really unhealthy - feverish for example, it’s intuitive to avoid them. (Unless of course you’re trained & it’s your job to help). Our instincts down the generations are what got us here. We often know on a gut level how to avoid danger.

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Florida is The Gunshine State. Now that would be a superb bumper sticker.

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That nickname came about when we were among the first, if not the first, to become a 'shall issue' state, meaning that if someone applied for a concealed carry permit it shall be issued unless there is a legal bar to issuance. Before that we were a 'may issue' state. Now we are the last Republican-led state to have true constitutional carry. Our legislature passed permitless concealed carry last year, but not open carry. More states allow open carry than permitless concealed carry; only Illinois, New York, and Florida have bans on open carry (though Florida allows it while camping, fishing, and hunting, or traveling directly to or from these activities). Even California allows open carry in rural areas. There probably are leftover bumper stickers or t-shirts or whatever from back in the day; Florida is shaped roughly like a pistol, and that was used in the graphics.

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If for no other reason, that’s why we love it here!! Click- Bang!!

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Always pack when I run.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

You could add to the "head on a swivel": "you don't want to be a statistic" or "you don't want your 15 minutes of fame to be over your rape and murder." I bet the GA college student didn't think she'd be headline news this week for all the wrong reasons either. I bet she did that run hundreds of times without incident until she became a statistic...

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Knees bent, head on a swivel.

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Pepper spray is effective; makes them stand still to rub their eyes.

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The highest grade stuff will ostensibly immobilize someone. I've seen videos of big dudes getting absolutely crushed.

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Where I used to work in Orlando I was the FSO, but the liberal HR didn't want me to give the front desk receptionist a pepper spray, despite several vagrants coming in and bothering her, especially since she knew spanish...(gee, guess where they were from.._) Anyway, I bought her a 2-pack of wasp spray for the pesky bugs.....

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My husband’s receptionist (small dental practice) keeps wasp spray under her desk too! When those pesky bugs can walk in anytime…

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another much safer but probably more effective spray is the mechanic's "Brake Cleaner" spray. It leaves no residue whatever, not poisonous like wasp spray, does not violate EPA or hazmat laws when "not used for intended purpose per federal law" like wasp spray/poison does. It is far cheaper, and I know from personal experience that getting that stuff in your eyes HURTS LIKE ALL GET OUT. A blast of that stuff on someone's face WILL have them on the ground for a while. It also works for yellow jackets as I've been out in the yard wrenching, had a can or that stuff handy, was being tormented by the yellowjackets/hornets, and the stuff drops them instantly. then stomp on em. Having had that stuff bounce off a surface and into MY face I know it would incapacitate any thugs as quickly as it has done me.

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Been there Tio Nico and agree completely. Cleaning gutters one day and I ran out of wasp spray. Next best thing was the brake cleaner and I was amazed at the effectiveness. Just out of curiosity, chlorinated or non? And yes, I always wear glasses!

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The squeaky wheel - and the thug - gets the grease?!

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There has been some instances of illegal Espanyol-Flies around here..they all have the Biden stamp of approval!!!

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yep....and then a swift kick to the Jerry Nadlers and they're on the ground crying for momma

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“…the Jerry Nadlers”


Pretty sure HE doesn’t actually have any though

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You’re right!!!😂😂😂😂

I canNOT believe a woman married him.

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I understand that temptation, but just get the hell out of harm's way and call 911.

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and don't forget Nadler's famous quote, "It's only a myth"

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I wonder though, if someone who is strung out on drugs would even be deterred? Only a bullet would would stop that kind a person; and it would have to be a well placed shot too. If you just graze them or get them in a non lethal spot, they will just keep going, kinda like a zombie…..

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What you ask is a good question and the answer is no, you have to keep shooting drug users. Empty your clip because they might keep coming at you. I learned that at my first conceal carry class years ago.

My husband still says as a general rule, empty your clip.

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"empty your magazne" is bad advice. It could get you conficted of excessive use f force. the LEGALLY permissible standard is "shoot until the threat is neturalised". If that takes one round, you're done. If it takes ten, you're done. But if he's down and still after one round and you keep firing, it can go VERY badly for you.

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Well, yes, with corrupt judges today. Maybe I should have said if you’re going to use a gun, shoot to kill. The situation I was referring to in class was an addict who kept coming at her.

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no, don't ever "shoot to kill" ONLY ever shoot to "neutralise the threat"

Shoot to kill says you are trying to kill, which is illegal. Neutralise the threat only means I will not be the one to die here and now. Now if the dirtbag is persistent, won't take STOP to heart, and it takes enough holes poked in him that he dies, oh well.

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There aren't many 100% options for self defense. Gotta give yourself a fighting chance.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

AnnieMarie, you bring up a very valid point. Having spent a career as first responder in Jeff's 'favorite' city I learned to evaluate a situation and often 'talk down' a patient so we could administer proper care. Toward the end of my career I saw more of what you mention. Drug addled people that I could not communicate with, 'crazy' people. A very dangerous situation.

In the civilian realm, distance from the threat is your best option. The more distance the better. A knife in the hands of a perp within 20 feet is as lethal as a firearm, maybe more so. I advocate carrying a firearm, as long as you are trained in its use. Simply firing at will until the bangs stop, which many professional and non professionals do, can injure or kill many bystanders. Know whats beyond your target. Anyone remember the police officer that emptied his clip on his own cruiser because an acorn bounced off the roof? Adrenalin is your friend and your enemy.

Is there one single answer for every situation? No. Be alert, avoid dangerous situations if possible, know your exits if inside. Travel in pairs. I will add pray for protection and discernment. I feel bad for families that are forced to live in lawless crowded cities, often with police that are handcuffed by political feel good policies. If they even have funding. The odds are against the law abiding and innocent today. re read todays first topic, and learn from it. I am incensed by this situation, and know those responsible for creating these policies will never face the results of their mandates. Nor find themselves without their own personal protection detail.

Sorry for the long rambling post.

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I think if you at least take away a pretty crucial sense (sight) it will give you a chance to escape. But you’re correct, I’ve encountered people as a paramedic with the super strength borne of drug use and they are virtually unstoppable.

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Time for every woman to buy a ring taser.

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What's that phrase?

Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.

If we do not exercise our 2A rights, we lose them.

Don't cede the territory to fear. It is OUR nation.

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Jogging Protection: Dogs are a reasonable alternative. They like to run, are not afraid of strangers, loyal to a fault, and almost never get accused of racism or profiling. They also have fine-tuned discernment.

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Yes, fine line between 'head on a swivel' and being 'accepting of differences'.

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My Greek grandmother used to say (direct translation: "have 14 eyes").

I don't know why '14', but the meaning is the same as the swivel remark.

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My daughter is 5’1”. We started young with martial arts...I even did it with the kids so they were excited to do it. I knew I would not be around to protect her forever. I didn’t wordy when she was at college because I knew she could protect herself and she earned her callsign Might Mouse. Tell your daughter to have confidence to protect themselves... pepper spray won’t do anything if they don’t feel confident in using it.

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I still walk out in the back 40 of our conservation district here in northern Illinois. I will until I hear for sure that the 1.8 million square feet empty Motorola plant purchased by the DOD is not going to be housing illegal invaders right outside our small town. Not much news about it but a story about medical glove manufacturing. There was some job openings advertised but not now. I’ve only heard of one person who was hired to pack gloves. With such a huge enterprise there should be some kind of hoopla and such going on. Or even land speculation. But house prices haven’t moved much. Still business plots for sale, etc. WE got royally screwed by Motorola who built an analog cell phone factory while the rest of the world was going digital. Stoooooopid.

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Feb 26Liked by Jeff Childers

I love how all these Democrats and deep staters are saying that if Trump wins it’s a ‘threat to democracy’ when they’re really just worried about themselves getting caught for actually weaponizing their office. Oh... that is an actual threat to democracy. The irony is eye-rollingly obvious.

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Didn’t you hear that the Democrats changed the definition of “Democracy”. It now means “Democratic Institutions” and not government by the will of its citizens. So protecting Democracy now means protecting the Deep State in America and Globally. So protecting Democracy in Ukraine really means enriching Oligarchs, Military Industrial Complex, American Politicians. It’s all perfectly justified if you just make a slight change to the definitions.

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Makes me happier yet that Nimrata lost her SC primary, military-industrial shill that she is.

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She literally lost to "none of these" in NV. I guess she can claim she came in second to none, lol.

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RU, you could have a bright future as a paid political spin doctor!

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Just shows how arrogant she is, clearly no one wants her but she stays in the race anyway 🙄 Ostensibly to give people a “choice.” 🙄🙄🙄

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She's staying in to collect delegates and provide a viable "runner up" in the event that they are somehow able to jail Trump or have him removed from the race. She is the deep state's backup plan. A Nikki vs. Hillary general would be their ideal scenario.

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Naw, she's making a mess of the GOP voter data on her way out the door to "No Labels" or the DNC.

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Saw on another site that by staying in these primaries, Ms Haley is keeping DJT from getting the funds due a pres nominee and keeping him from getting focused on Resident Peters.

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Yes she’s certainly at the service of the deep staters and RINOs and Democrats 😕

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Koch brothers finally removed her funding though.

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I guess that would be called “KOCH ZERO”🤣

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Yeah just saw that too.

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Just realized her real name sounds like the feminine form of ‘Nimrod’……….

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Trump needs to pick up on that………she’s such a ‘nimrata’.

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Redefining definitions is a big thing these days.

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Yes! But I still work off the original Miriam-Webster dictionary, lol

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Since we’re on the subject of “Ukraine”, it is noted that the one time stand-up comedian of the Ukraine and the Biden Crime Family have created the largest “money laundering” operation on the planet!! Can you say, “B”billions with a “B”??

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‘Democracy’ has always meant “Majority rules”…..in other words ‘the Mob rules’. That’s why the demonicRATS want the illegals here.

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Depends on what the meaning of “is” is

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Kinda like screaming at us to eat bugs and drive EV's to save the planet from climate change when they are the ones changing the climate by spraying particulates into the ozone and dimming our skies? Those people?

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Yes!! Those people! It still boggles my mind that there are so many people that can't see it.

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Yeeess, those people…as well!!!

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The Letter Agency operatives should also worry about being prosecuted for their role in escalating and recharacterizing J6 from a rally to an "insurrection".

I'm still waiting for Ray Epps to be properly accused and tried. And he ain't the only one: https://nypost.com/2023/09/19/fbi-lost-count-of-number-of-informants-at-capitol-on-jan-6-ex-official/

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Epps was charged and he only got probation and now double jeopardy is in play.

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Did you mean accursed???

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Projection. It's always projection from the bolsheviks. If they accuse you of doing something, it is because they are doing it. The old "he who smelt it, dealt it".

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It's amazing how it's true in every single instance. They either tell you what they are doing or what they are planning to do. If they accuse you of it or call you a conspiracy theorist for calling it out, you can be sure they are doing that thing. Russia collusion is a great example. Turns out, not only did Russia not help Trump in any way, Putin wanted Hillary to win b/c she was a known quantity and he felt he could manage her. So, what do the Bolshes do with that info? Say the exact opposite of the truth and accuse Trump of what they themselves were guilty of.

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That's why Putin would rather have Biden. Why get in the way of a country bent on destroying itself?

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Exactly right. It's just so tiring for those of us that see it happening over and over again and our fellow constituents who react to every news story like it's real. I've started pushing back more and asking them why they believe that propaganda.

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Satan started that before the Bolsheviks

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Satan is the demonicRATS pattern maker. Their ‘god’.

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BINGO! They are worried about being ousted!

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I mean, the things they have done, I think, are death penalty offenses. They carried out a coup against a sitting, duly-elected President. They turned their agencies' tools of war (surveillance and psy-ops) against the American people, effectively declaring war on their own population. They enlisted foreign governments to spy on American citizens and a Presidential candidate. They unleashed a bioweapon to steal an election. They have spent the last 60 years or so using color revolutions and assassinations to start unnecessary wars. They clearly either created Epstein's business or aided it. (Not to mention likely killing the President in 1963 and covering it up for decades.) So, they are probably afraid of being more than just ousted.

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Complete agree! And if they carry through to completion, it's likely that 'they' will murder millions of us. Because that is what these people always do.

And I think some of the Apex Elite see this, are now scared for their own skins and appear to be busy beavers in rolling things back. It's like when Khrushchev had General Zhukov arrest Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, that there comes a point that nobody is safe, not even the higher ups. That's when a massive roll back begins to happen.

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Well, all just hypotheses, but: I think it's all falling apart. The various factions that were working together, first to make money and grab power (business as usual post-WW2), then all hands on deck to "stop Trump," are now warring with each other. They overstepped their bounds in trying to stop Trump and the populist movements more broadly. It's exposed them and fractured their coalition.

On top of that, the US bankers are clearly not willingly handing over power to London/the EU/WEF. Powell is holding rates high. Wall St. has relocated to FL (possibly the biggest story no one talks about). My guess is that they caught on to what the WEF/EU were trying to do and aren't willing to give up control of the global financial markets.

My guess is the deep state was playing for both teams and can't figure out which way to go now that the EU/WEF looks like they lost, their allies from team Obama are fleeing, and team Hillary is trying to regain control.

My guess is that is why we have the narrative shift we have. The globalist/Yankee side is realizing they lost and scrambling to salvage what they can, cover their arses, and find new leadership in time for the election. Panic is really going to set in if they can't find a viable replacement for "Joe Biden."

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1) There is a multi-generation Narrative Shift now being put out and built up, and I believe that front man Argentine Milei sums up the main themes designed to reel people and draw institutions back into this ... The New Compliance. It is Save Their Skins Time for the Western World dominant Money Power. They see the Afghan and Ukraine, the longer term Russia Encirclement Project having failed, and moreover, the failures having provoked the BRICS Plus Walk Away. Clearly the rest of the world laughing their asses of at the Collective West and at what comes out of the mouths of the the Soy Boy and Girls idiot Western World 'leaders'. This loss of international credibility may have been even more of a pressure to walk things back than even the insanity rampant with the American Empire itself. Or maybe it is just a coin toss. Whatever the case, the Money Power clearly feels jeopardy and must realign, restore and get a grip on things out of existential necessity.

2) If Wall Street is saying that 'we cannot survive' much more of this, this is what Wall Street believes. And I take them at their word. And moreover, that Wall Street is also speaking for the Uber Money Power controllers. At the very top layers, there has to be an overall consensus as to how things are to work. Or else the whole enterprise fails.

2) The Uni-Party is the operation of two dominant factions. But it should be remembered that within both dominant factions (R and D) there also also competing factions called the wings of the parties. But also, the Deep State is factional as well, and from the Money Power point of view, these factions cannot be permitted to become so powerful that they dictate to the Money Power. This makes a Trump win likely. Because without a counter-revolution, the Money Power is toast.

3) I am not too sure that rates can long term fall too much further, except that the Fed buys it all (which it may already be doing?). The Fed warned not to sanction, but Powell also said accurately that the spending is out of control and cannot be sustained. Translation: that the Fed is cognizant that 'they' are in a 'debt trap.' How this works out, I don't know. But I know that if Powell is talking this way, then there is in some large quarter an awareness of the situation. And that 'they' always have 'plans.' Unbeknownst to the general public, liquidity has been a huge problem. This as well as the political problems plays into the calculation of things and is as much a source of necessity for roll back as is anything else.

I am on the edge of my seat as never before in my life.

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I think your analysis makes a lot of sense. From what I can tell, they way overstepped their bounds and blew up their entire left/socialist project with their ham-fisted covid response and propaganda push that appalled everyone (15 min cities, eat bugs, own nothing, etc.). So, they are scrambling like lunatics to shift. It appears it will be a rightward shift. I think it's headed that way no matter what. Even if they do suppress the populist movements and manage to steal a couple elections, the cat is out of the bag and people are not just going to give up. Ultimately, eventually, we'd end up with a strong man right wing figure rising to power to counter the leftism and social/moral/legal decay. I'm sure "they'd" much rather make that shift on their own terms, somewhat in control of it, than to have it forced upon them by an angry populace. No matter what happens, I think the EU is toast. They're broke and have no good way to fix that. Collapse or cancel everyone's pensions and get serious about their finances. Interesting times for sure! If nothing else, I'd like to see common sense return for a bit. Maybe some productivity again.

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very interesting summary. I have been wondering this as well. We feel like this just can't continue, that there's going to be some financial reckoning/collapse at some point. But how does that take shape? And who will get hurt the most (probably us). I sincerely hope Wall Street is saying we cannot survive much more of this, because Main Street has been saying it for a while.

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oh I pray that you are right. I saw someone with a Biden/Newsome 24 sticker the other day and I wondered how he even got it. Is that a thing now? And it made me wonder if they're going to run a basement Biden campaign and then just quietly install Gavin in.

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I think it will be Big Mike if it’s anybody.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

And they are far too arrogant to realize that even if we don't get them for their crimes, oh they will be held accountable. Big time. Hope they enjoy the heat.

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Yep, just saving their own asses.

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But sadly, their panic button remarks do resonate with the low information TDS crowd.

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Donna in MO

Awww…..show us on this doll how Twump huwt you, snowfwake.

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?? I was just saying the lies they tell about Trump to cover their own behinds get believed by those whose TDS has all but blocked out their critical thinking mechanisms. How does that make me a 'snowfwake'?

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That’s all they’ve ever cared about 😡

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If the Epstein info came out when it could have, we’d have a totally different playing field right now. That’s why they hate trump too, he wants it stopped. The trafficking of children.

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The Dems & alphabet agencies should be concerned! They have wreaked havoc and harmed do many innocent people and now scream like babies that they may be held accountable for their treasonous behavior. They better grab their backsides because they should not be shown any grace. They need to suffer the consequences!!!

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Hey Val, you have my vote 110%!!

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Help me, O Yahweh my God;

Save me according to Your lovingkindness.

And let them know that this is Your hand;

You, O Yahweh, have done it.

Let them curse, but You bless;

They arise and will be put to shame,

But Your slave shall be glad.

Let my accusers be clothed with dishonor,

And let them wrap themselves with their own shame as with a robe.

With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to Yahweh;

And in the midst of many I will praise Him.

For He stands at the right hand of the needy,

To save him from those who judge his soul.

— Psalm 109:26-31 LSB

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26Liked by Jeff Childers

My friend's daughter was killed by an illegal immigrant who had been caught, deported, illegally entered the country again, been arrested on an assault charge and released, and finally committed the hit and run fatal accident that took this young woman's life. Even after that crime, he ditched the car he had borrowed from his dad, and told his dad to lie and say the car had been stolen.

EDIT: This was before Biden was president, but highlights the problems that existed already, that have now become thousands of times worse with the recent influx of astronomical proportions.

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So sad and it shouldn’t have happened 😞 The woke will respond “well people who live here legally do stuff like that too” as if bringing in more people, especially those who have demonstrated they care nothing about any of our laws, is not somehow making the problems we already have even worse 😡

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the left only cares about loss of life if it furthers one of their pet causes. Millions of people can be murdered or tortured but if it contradicts one of their special narratives, then it doesn't matter. those people don't mean anything to them.

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Yup exactly. As long as they can move forward with their agenda nothing else matters. The end justifies the means, eggs and omelettes and all that… 😕

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I remember Trump did something that was called “Kate’s Law”, after a woman named Kate was murdered by an illegal (was it in California? I’m not sure.) Too bad other states didn’t follow.

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Yes. She was shot on a boardwalk walking with her Dad. In broad daylight! Illegal had been deported multiple times before this incident. Truly tragic.

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Indeed! It was horrendous.

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The tragedy happened in San Francisco to Kate Steinle: 🙏 https://www.legalscoops.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-kates-law/

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It was Bill O'Reilly who presented the stand alone bill but McConnell wouldn't bring it up for a vote.

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Really, a talkshow host?

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Yes..it was Billy O…and good old Mitch would not bring it for a vote…probably because he didn’t want O’Reilly to get the credit. GO AWAY MITCH…you are a disgrace.

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We have been too soft on crime for a long time now. The left's mass sociology experiment has cost us a lot, including far too many lives.

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Look at Mexico to see our future. AMLO's "Hugs not Bullets" policy has turned the country into a war zone. WSJ report below:


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A reason to believe in capital punishment. So that they will never do it again.

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That’s the main reason I believe in it, not as a deterrent but more to take the person who has shown to be willing and capable of such acts to be removed from society. No possible recidivism.

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Illegal Aliens: Remember when that was the phrase? Nonetheless, the collective we should step-up in cases like this. We should post far and wide the names and contact information of the people responsible for releasing these criminals back into our midst. We should then commit to calling out the so called 'media' for not reporting these travesties. Even if the media is biased toward the powers that do not protect our rights, they should still report the explanations for why this keeps happening. Then the public can decide if distract attorneys et al should be re-elected.

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I'm so sorry. 🙏

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Just remember, “The O’Bu**H*le - Biden Crime Family”, does it, DEEPER!!!

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If they need someone to execute them, I volunteer to flip the switch, pull the lever, pull the trigger at absolutely no cost to local or federal taxpayers…In other word's, absolutely free of charge…as long as this, just for starters commences with every member of the “CDP” (Communist Democrat Party) ASAP!!

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26Liked by Jeff Childers

A quick comparison of substacks…while waiting for C&C this morning, I read Naomi Wolf’s stack from yesterday. It was an interesting account of her hobnobbing at CPAC. She’s a good writer, but what I found shocking,, was the comments…a day later and only 165 comments with almost No interaction between the commenters. It was like an echo chamber. After being accustomed to the lively discussions and intelligent, witty, insightful remarks here in the C&C community, it gave me a new appreciation for this group. C&C is the best!

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I'm surprised by how active this comment section is. If you don't get in early, no one even sees your comment, lol. This is a very engaged group. I've sometimes wondered if we should all register on X and form a group there to see if we can shift the narrative more broadly.

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I see you RU. I see you.

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I so agree. Top notch. Top Niche. ♥ I so appreciate everyone (mostly) on here and the way we all have each others back as well. I have seen a random comment from an unknown against someone on here and then, to see us pile on the troll, it is a beautiful thing.

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Dare I say, someone finally gets it!!!

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I think it depends on the post, I’ve seen good interactions there but not as consistently as here.

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I haven't heard so much as a peep from the establishment media on Jose Antonio Ibarra. I wonder why they are remaining silent? It reminds me of the Waukesha (WI) Christmas parade when a BLM/antifa member ran over those poor people why they're families watched. The establishment media actually tried to make excuses for this psychopath and then just buried the story after only a day. Atleast six people died and 60 people were injured. Amazing how the left still brings up Charlottesville after eight years. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as the Waukesha Christmas parade. Their hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.

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The worse the establishment media are, at this point, the better. The Fani Willis scandal is opening some eyes; October 7 has opened some other eyes; Laken Riley sadly has put a beautiful sweet face on untrammeled illegal entry and law disenforcement. Hunter's lap top finally did it for me, even though I had cancelled my NYT subscription, with prejudice, way back when Condolezza Rice was Secy of State.

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It's sad to say, but anything that opens the eyes of suburban white moms is the thing that's going to help our side the most. Those are "Joe Biden's" stronghold: suburban, upper-middle class, professional white women. If they can envision themselves or their children being harmed by the insanity going on, that will swing enough of their votes to help. Crime like the Athens case hits them with hard reality.

Seeing someone like Fani - the type of affirmative action grifter they've always made excuses for - showing her true colors might help a little, too. Any of us who went to college can remember our own "Fani": an unqualified, almost illiterate individual put in place and passed through for "social justice" reasons...while the rest of us had to actually work AND had to pay for their schooling. Will this open their eyes to their own complicity? IDK, but the pure corruption and stink of it all can't help team Obama...uh...I mean "Biden." Might cause them to sit out the election, which would also help.

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Thank you; my thinking exactly. I (suburban white female with a graduate degree, by the way) thought the unfairness of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings might also make a dent in some skulls: he is, after all, somebody's son, husband, father--can't these women think that someone they love could be so wrongly accused? Tribalism is still trumping common fairness and decency way too often, but I think the pendulum is swinging the right way.

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I think you need to add liberal or democrat to that list, not all suburban white moms with degrees are like that or vote Democrat. It depends a lot on the suburb too but there is at least a significant minority that rejects that kind of foolishness.

And there are of course plenty of upper class well -off educated non-white suburban moms who align with the left. I think until their guilt about their own success and their naïveté about human nature as well as their feelings of superiority regarding the underclasses are addressed, they are unlikely to see the light. They will continue making excuses and supporting the narrative.

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Definitely. I was just saying that when you look at the #s as to who supports "Joe Biden" the strongest, that demo stands out. Of course black folks as well, but that's been the case for Dems for decades. (Though it is interesting that support among black men has declined.) Right now white, college educated, upper middle class women tend to be his (and Dems) stronghold. "Moms" was probably one qualifier too many in my description. Democrat voters, of course, but that particular bloc of voters skews Dem more than the US avg. Aside from blacks, I think they're the highest % Dem.

I don't know for sure, but I would also guess that they have the most never-Trumpers among them. I think of them as the "mean tweets" crowd. They just can't get past the type of direct language that Trump uses. Or at least that's the given reasoning. Personally, I think it has to do with indoctrination in the colleges: Dems always good; Rs always bad; pro-abortion is a must have. I think this is Shellenberger's, Bari Weiss', and Abigail Shrier's target market, trying to sway these people away from the college programming. If we can sway that bloc to even 50/50, Trump will win, probably in a landslide. Assuming we have an election...

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

Fair enough but I just hate being stereotyped because I happen to belong to a certain category of people, for any reason, just like I try not to make too many generalizations about others. So although I agree that white suburban women seem to skew liberal, just because I and others share some characteristics with these people doesn’t mean we’re all the same. I do think Covid and schools pushing sex and gender propaganda made some of those change their minds about who they wanted to support. I think it’s worth considering why these people feel and vote the way they do, and work on chipping away at those reasons as much as possible.

I do think part of it is the way women and girls are encouraged to “be nice” and elevate feelings above logic and reason. I hear relatively conservative women using narrative speak because they seem to want to avoid offending or hurting someone.

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Charlottesville was a False Flag on steroids. Both sides got off the same buses . And that's just a sliver of the tells.

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Well….the media covering for RATS and their policies goes way back….

Remember Ted Kennedy? Chappaquiddick?

And he ended up bringing called the “Lion of the Senate”??

The media just quit talking about it, and that was that.

He lived as a coward, died as a drunk coward…..yet they called him a ‘lion’.

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Edit not ‘bringing’ but ***being***

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Be honest, you say their hypocrisy knows no bounds??? Are you kidding, with them, when has it ever!!!

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Trump has a mandate to dismantle corrupt intel agencies and root out all the treasonous aholes. I pray he does a mileu and slashes govt departments with a machete or chainsaw.

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amen, that's what we're all praying for. take out the trash and find us some people who will actually work FOR the people not against us. I have to question what those agencies even do for us other than attack perfectly law abiding people and then turn around and commit crimes in their spare time.

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I certainly agree, a “deep knife” is absolutely in order!! A little, “hack& slash”, please & thank you!!

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Yes, KB, and that is precisely why the Dems and low information voters don’t want another Trump presidency. He WILL take action against the corrupt intel agencies. The Dems certainly don’t want all their hanky panky to be exposed.

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Contrast this story, or non-story, of Laken Riley with the completely blown out of proportion story of a female trans kid here in Oklahoma who may or may not been the aggressor in a school fight, and who may or may not have died as a result of said, “fight”, and you can see the agenda here.

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I saw that on news last night. Showed her super fine and talking while in er.

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I aah, am not “Trans-anything”… I have no ideas and don’t want any. I will never apologize for not wanting anything to do with something that has caused seemingly so many underage children to have been mutilated and forever ruined for the sake of the Communist Party movements, here and abroad!!** Read: “The Naked Communist”

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It’s everywhere. Even that “press secretary” of Biden’s led the last briefing with it.

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I only have ROKU. Bowed out of satellite and cable over 10 years ago, so I haven’t seen anything about it.

Sorry to have bothered you. I was just curious.

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Here’s a link. Most times when people say, “link”, they’re just being an ass. https://www.news9.com/story/65da98a1ae758f0656430283/still-deserves-justice:-supporters-of-nex-benedict-gather-for-vigil-in-oklahoma-city

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Thank you. I understand.

I have been and still am an ass sometimes……even on here…….and Jeff Childers has so far allowed me to be one. Most would probably have kicked me off by now.

So……you’ll probably find me being an ass…..it’s usually when I’m passionate about something. (I’m an old ass……and I guess I’m just tired of being quiet……all my life I thought women had to be quiet……now I’m an old ass)

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Just old and tired of my country being destroyed by demons…….sigh…..

But judgement is at our door…..actually already broke down the door. It’s here and I’m angry as hell…….not at the Judge of all. We were overdue for His judgement, but angry that I and my generation did not kick down the doors of hell when these demons showed up in the 60’s. I’m mad at me for staying quiet. I refuse

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night


Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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"The UK Independent ran a sickly-sweet story about the latest deceased globalist this morning headlined, “Lord Jacob Rothschild: Financier dies aged 87.” "

The devil takes one of his (((children))) home.

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May they all shortly follow forthwith!! God wins. But meanwhile, things may suck.

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Joanna, Unfortunately, so true, so true!!…

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Yes! Satanic Financier ... financing the ruin of the Western World with Satanic Fantasy Money.

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I had that thought too...hope more of them follow suit

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I figured he'd live to 99! They probably picked his death date for a reason.

All of those evil globablists are not children of God. I wrestle with how they became that way. Their blood, family traditions? God says we are not born evil but He does know the future of what we will choose. I found this scripture but haven't fully understood it.

1 John 3:3 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. (((interesting that we don't know what we will be or become...)))

But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 3 All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.

4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. 5 But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. 6 No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.

7 Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.

(((Here is an explanation but I do not understand... Some people are not born of God? We do know who the children of the devil are.)))

8 The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. 9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.

11 For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. 12 Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous.

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God says we are not born evil but He does know the future of what we will choose. I found this scripture but haven't fully understood it.

Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—Romans 5:12

Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. Psalm 51:5

Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men. Romans 5:18

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Good verses thanks. We were born into sin, but not created as sinful. Right?

Do you believe some are born evil? Then that allows for the claim that people are born a homosexual... I think we become children of the devil not at birth but by sinning. It's hard to wrap my head around.

The Romans verses refer to sin spreading and justification, but not specifically at birth.

In Psalm 51:5, David was humbling himself before God saying "surely" but he is assuming. He confirmed God was teaching him in the womb, but God cannot stand sin, so this verse does not prove we were born evil.

5 Surely I was sinful at birth,

sinful from the time my mother conceived me.

6 Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb;

you taught me wisdom in that secret place.

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It's a theological debate, and it depends who you ask, but I don't believe we are "created as sinful" in the sense of being already guilty before we did anything wrong. But we ARE all affected in some way (again, theological debate on how) by the sinful actions and example of our father Adam. Everyone has temptations and struggles and inclinations to sin, in one way or another - it varies between people as to exactly how (same-sex immorality, opposite-sex immorality, greed, envy, rage, drunkenness... the list goes on).

The Bible also tells us that "God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, he will provide a way out so you can endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13). Although this is written to believers, I'm inclined to think that it applies more generally - even non-believers have the choice between right and wrong, and we are all guilty precisely because we COULD have done the right thing, but didn't.

In the end, the message is clear that everyone has done wrong, and will face the consequences unless they repent of their evil and seek the forgiveness of God through Christ. Some do repent, others... I guess they prefer to do things their own way, regardless of the consequences.

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Thanks for both thoughtful replies.

Man's theologies are manmade like the trinity. Yes God has at least 3 spiritual parts for us but the word trinity is man's making and something about it seems not right. Maybe its the symbolism that is used for other things.

Hey just a thought to get your feedback.

I recently have been convinced the angels are stars in the heavens through scripture. I never heard anyone speak about it in church. Have you thought about this before? It kind of ties in with this alien agenda maybe.

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Hmm. I'm not sure I've heard that specifically, and I wouldn't take it too literally - but as a metaphor or symbol it's certainly reasonable. Stars represent many different things in the Bible - Joseph's brothers in his dream; human powers and authorities (when prophets speak of the "stars falling" or the "heavens being shaken" when prophesying judgement); and certainly some theologians have seen the "third of the stars falling from the heavens" in John's Revelation as being symbolic of angels who rebelled with Satan, and are then cast down.

I do think we should be careful to not be too quick in assuming we know EXACTLY what everything means, because we could easily be wrong about things. (Not directed at you - but moreso at people who confidently "know" that their particular interpretation of something is the only possible valid way to see it.) When in doubt, we should focus on following Our Lord, and doing whatever task he has put in front of us at this moment. As He said, "my sheep listen to my voice and follow me."

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My understanding of Reformed theology is that all of us have inherited sin nature from Adam after the Fall, meaning that all our actions, thoughts are tainted with sin (literally bent), not pure in motive; it doesn’t mean that we are all and all the time as bad as we can be, but we all are capable of evil;as Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote: the line between good and evil runs right through every man’s heart.

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Actually, Scripture says we are born with the infection of sin, thanks to Adam / Eve [see Ps. 51:5], however, Christ developed a Remedy for sin / death and offers it as a free gift to all who will trust Him and take the Remedy.

What does the above passage mean to you??

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Russell, to me it means salvation is a free gift…John 3:16. All we have to do is accept. Christ died so we could live.

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Thanks, good verse. I considered that one. However, the context it is used affects the meaning and purpose. David wrote that Psalm after he was confronted with murder and adultery. He was humbling himself to God because he was so sorry for his sin and meant that he must have been born sinful since his sin was so great. In some versions it says "Surely I was sinful at birth."

It does not mean he was literally born sinful in this verse.

From my understanding, there is a point, maybe as young as 2, that we willfully sin and will be held accountable for it.

We were born "in sin" but not had a chance to sin. Children are innocent. However, there is a verse that says "from birth" the wicked sin, but not "at" birth.

I think God creates us perfect and not born that way or we could blame our sin on being born that way.

Psalm 58:3 Even from birth the wicked go astray;

from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies.

John 9:34 To this they replied, “You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!” And they threw him out.

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God had a hand in creating 3 human beings. Adam, Eve, and Jesus of Nazareth. All 3 were created sinless [God does not create sin]. Since Adam and Eve failed in their task of developing perfect character, every offspring since has been born with a survival of the fittest mentality written in their DNA [the one exception being Jesus]. Half of his DNA came from Mary [born of a woman "under Law" Galatians 4:4] and the other half of his DNA came from the Holy Spirit. These two antagonistic principles were at war for His entire development and ministry. At the cross, He defeated the desire to save "self" and gave up his life so that we might have eternal life.

Think of sin as an "infection" or a terminal disease. A child born with leukemia did nothing to "deserve" being born that way, but the child will die unless a remedy is applied and the cancer remits and the white blood cells go back to their pre-cancerous state. Each of us has been born with the infection of "sin", but did nothing to deserve it. We should not feel guilty of it, but the untreated sin will be terminal unless we partake of the free Remedy developed by Christ at the cross.

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100% about what you said except... We are not born infected with sin but by sin and destined to become sinful.

If we are born with drug addiction it is from another's sin and not the infant's. It is blameless until a certain point IMHO.

The moment God creates us we are perfect until we are corrupted by sin.

If a mother aborted a child because it had a defect, would that child be responsible for the sin caused by the acts of another? It would be affected but not accountable.

At some point we become aware of wrongdoing.

The only Bible verse I found that says sin is born from birth is Ps. 58:3 referring to the wicked but even that is after birth.

Thank you for that thoughtful comment but I am not convinced we we born sinful but after birth. Do you think that?

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Does a newborn care more about its needs or the needs of the parents? Rhetorical.

Of course a newborn cares more about his/her wants/needs. They cry because they're hungry, wet, tired, need human touch / attention, etc. The newborn elevates "self" above all else because of the infection. The parent, who has developed some character, puts the newborn's needs above their own.

I don't believe "God creates us" as you said. Our parents created us by a conscious decision to use our God given reproductive abilities. God gave Adam and Eve the ability to bring forth new life in their own images, but He gives us freedom to use that ability as he designed or to abuse that ability.

Another question: How do God's Laws function? Do they function just like human laws, or are His Laws the protocols for life itself? This is the foundational question that must be answered. Every religion [including every Christian denomination] has been infected with an error regarding God's Law.

Check out this resource: https://comeandreason.com/files/share/The_Lie_Magazine_Web.pdf

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I think that, many times, the means used by people to become so incredibly "successful" are somewhat less-than-fully-moral. Cheating people out of their homes, and rorting the stock market, are profitable... for a while. There are plenty of psalms in the Bible about "why do the wicked prosper", after all. But they generally end with confidence that one way or another, evildoers will eventually receive the fruit of what they have planted.

As to the rest of your quote, I would say -- we have the choice; when we do evil, we choose to be "of the devil", and when we recognize the wrongness of evil as ask for God's help to stop doing it, then we are choosing (by God's grace) to become "children of God".

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Pedo s*t*nist

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You can type satanist without the asterisks.

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As a former Orthodox Jew, there are indeed some Rothschild’s that, no doubt, need to be, “re-called” for the lack of a better term…. Otherwise, G-d be praised!!

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Feb 26·edited Mar 12

Illegal immigrant, serial lawbreaker, and soon to be rapist and murderer José Antonio Ibarra was allowed to be out and about, AKA free, while hundreds of U S. citizens, who at most trespassed on J6, had their lives destroyed. Think about it.

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Trespassed……on public property. Property they had the right to be on.

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Citizens vs Aliens: "Think about it." I would but it seems that is exactly what the evil that is in charge seems to want us to do. J6 was a setup. That much should be obvious. I still have in my mind N.P. carry the clownishly large gavel through the streets after passing the ACA. It seemed provocative. It really appeared they wanted trouble. In the case of J6, it seems like since they couldn't get the trouble they wanted, it was created and then distorted. Perhaps it has been said before, but some things bear repeating: Don't react the way your enemy expects you to.

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It’s beyond infuriating!!! 🤬

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Paul…you are so right. On Judgment Day, I would not wish to be in the shoes of those who are responsible for the imprisonment of the J6 people.

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GM C&C people

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Good morning. 🙏🌞As I dedicate my daily prayer for protection over my family, I realize that we are living in uncivilized times, overrun by individuals who have allowed demonic spirits within their souls.

These are not good times at all.

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And yet, they could be the herald to good times to come. The darkness comes before light. Despair is not something we want to cultivate! But hope is. The devil is merely a creature and has zero power over God. Evil has no power over God. Good will prevail.

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I agree, but people are becoming uncivilized.

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They’ve always been uncivilized.

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You don't think that we are seeing more uncivilized behavior in the general population (road rage, indiscriminate murders, rapes, crazy stuff on airplanes. etc) today than in the 40s, 50s or 60s? 🤔

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Possibly compared to that very short period (compared to even just since the birth of Christ) but overall no. Those more civilized periods were relatively short lived blips in the context of human history.

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No, not more uncivilized. We actually are much more civilized and peaceful as a whole in history in our time than ever before. Think Roman Empire, any time in England’s history before modern day, French Revolution, the American Civil war, etc, etc. And yet right now, I can walk down the street without being accosted, have a warm safe house, sleep peacefully, and have food delivered to my door if I so choose. Not all in the world have this, but a good majority do. Many times in the past, people’s existence was entirely a fight to survive constantly, if not from starvation, a threat from others and the wild around them. If you look even at photos from the 1800s, people who were regular working people look half-starved.

I think I the 40s, 50s, and 60s, society in general seemed overall to have restraint morally, but I think what part of the aura we think of that time period is people just didn’t talk about the immoral things unless it was so bad it got in papers. Within my family I’m learning of awful things that happened, but was seen as “normal” within a family that our jaws drop now when we hear of people doing these things. Children in general are seen as precious and to be protected now. That wasn’t always the case. So yes, think we are in more civilized times, but have entirely too much access to information that makes it seem uncivilized. And way too many details sometimes that we don’t need to have.

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Feb 26Liked by Jeff Childers

Per my lawyer friend, this happens to him ALL THE TIME:

Lawyer: Your Honor, the Code says, "If ..... the court must rule ..."

Judge: I don't care what the Code says, this is how I'm ruling.

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Speaking as a lawyer, true statement.

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Ugh 😕

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Lawyer question: Do these statements by judges go into the court record?

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That's just effin great.......................

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Remember when some rich kid was found guilty of rape, but the judge let him off because of affluenza? His parents were too busy making money that they didn’t raise him right. I think it happened during Bush.

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I think it might have been appropriate to add a few flames coming off 🔥 Rothschild 🔥 in the posted photo.

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Russia Russia Russia

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wait til some Black girl is raped and beaten to death by Biden's foreign gangsters; the mother Effers will be vigilante'd and the Dem-owned media will blame House Reps and Trump for minority on minority violence... Media has covered for foreign killers for years,,, Crow Nation family killed by Wyoming man (ILLEGAL, violent criminal MEXICAN). Democrats' New Normal is anything but new and NOT Normal!

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They won't cover that either. They never cover the fact that a huge majority (I think over 90%?) of black crime is perpetuated by other blacks. You never hear about all the black on black crime.

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Yes it won't be covered unless the assailants themselves video it, one of the people excoriating Chicago's mayor last week mentioned the kids in her community running around causing all kinds of problems (lack of policing). Black Americans moved into these cities when the US War effort needed workers...and they're right on some level to say they were ghettoed and left to subsist on the gvt handouts after the work dried up in these decaying neighborhoods that are now being targeted with migrants; (They only BLAME TX Gov Abbott and Republicans of course while maintaining the border is secure but not enough $$$ and personnel are avail for processing). Great buying opportunities in cities that need Gentrification and Green Reconstruction by Progressive Developers and Dem Donors is being made with this assault on urban communities. Democrat Urban Renewal can be painful to their voting constituents but Lucrative for the Leadership and Asset-Class.

Save OUR Cities, Protect OUR Communities, Vote Trump 2024!

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I used to live in the Chicago area. Used to say REAL racism is the black leaders refusing to clean up the black neighborhoods so sweet little black ladies can’t even go to their neighborhood grocery store without fear of being shot. Call it like it is Obama (whose house on the south side is a stone’s throw from LouisFarrakhan…but of course, Barry said he didn’t know him…SO). Louis Farrakhan is an American religious leader who heads the Nation of Islam, a black nationalist organization

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Maybe we should call them "Illegal Democrats"

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It has happened, the media won't say a word about it when the murderer isn't white. They don't care about black people, only the hatred of of white people.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

It's a classic divide-and-conquer strategy.

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You are so right!

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I always cringe when I see women wearing ear buds while jogging.

You can't hear someone coming up behind you.

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Yup. Have never been able to give up that sense when out and about.

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Shokz are better for that reason. They allow you to hear what’s around you. Even if it’s only traffic/cars. Which are usually the biggest danger for runners.

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I hate to write this, but so many women I know lack situational awareness.

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Yes it’s true. I am not paranoid but I am careful. The only places I will run by myself are well lit and well frequented. Never any dark and/or lonely areas even if near residential areas. Always aware of what’s around me and who is around me.

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RL - Your comment about only running where it's well lit and well frequented makes me wonder about the attack on campus - how did he attack her with (I would assume) others in close contact?

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It would be interesting to know if he was that bold 😕 Or if he targeted her when there wasn’t anyone around.

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I use AirPods in transparency mode. You can hear the music and everything all around you.

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On that Kathleen we are 100% in agreement.

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