Ohhhh, the IRONY of the Associated Press talking about women's safety when engaging in "sports!" Maybe they could take notice of the women and girls getting beat downs from males pretending to be females on basketball courts and soccer fields now. Oh, never mind, that wouldn't fit the narrative.

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I saw the video today - my question is - why are women putting up with this - They fought for women's rights for so long and now they are letting men step all over them - literally...

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If you listen to Riley Gaines, she tells you why. Universities and the officials tell them that if they say anything, they will lose their scholarships, be kicked off the team, won’t be able to play again, won’t get into grad school because it will be part of their record, and will never be able to get a decent job. So, essentially, their entire future is threatened if they speak up.

It’s the typical tactic of the left. If you don’t agree with us, we will do everything we can to silence your opposition, including, but not limited to, destroying your future.

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What kind of future will these people have when they choose to turn away from the truth? Can't buy integrity!!! They may have to learn this lesson the hard way. Very sad!

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Trust in God and do what is right. How do you know what is right? It is what you do not want to do, because it may cost you something you want to protect. But God will balance the books either in this life or the next and not just balance but generously overflow you with much better than what you risk or lose.

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Yes there just HAS to be karmic justice for all the terrible people like Fauci who seem to slither out of any punishment in this life. And now he has a glowing memoir coming out that the brainwashing masses will be able to lap up.

What a bunch of shameful hubris and lies by this sad excuse for a human being. And shame on publisher Viking for agreeing to put out this disgusting garbage. 🤮

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No such thing as karma. No. Such. Thing.

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Fauci, Newsem, Trudeau - all belong on a deserted island and let their egos battle it out. Who do you think would come out on top and why???

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Problem is they don’t believe in God, so how can they trust him?

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But if every single female athlete refused to compete with men, they could change this. It would take the participation of ALL women, however. They could and should join together in such a boycott of events in which men were trying to compete as women.

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Yes, that is all it would take - a totally united front...

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Seems like universities are “woke on steroids”! When will they shut up and teach?

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But her mom could speak up - loudly and all the other moms and dads - where are the dads that don't think it's cool to let dudes take their daughters' positions on girls sports teams - the parents aren't risking their post secondary anything...

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"Women's rights" was always a bit of a misnomer. Rights such as being expected to work in a cubicle while the kids are dumped in day care? Rights such as being abandoned by a deadbeat dad rather than the guy being forced to honor his obligations (at the end of a shotgun if needed)?

For millennia we have had a system of chivalry where men were expected to care for women and children. Men protected and provided, women nurtured and comforted. Not perfect but it generally worked.

What woman's rights really means is the right for women to act as men (i.e. assume traditional male roles). Well you got that "right" for better or worse. Now men are demanding the "right" to act as women. My fallen human nature makes it hard not to laugh at the schadenfreude of it all.

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Many years ago, Jeff C, my wife and I were attending a home schooling conference, and this was before home schooling was a 'thing' in the modern parlance. I ran into a co-worker which he and his wife were moving into the home school realm. I made the off hand remark that promoting women into the workplace was the dirtiest trick ever played on the American people. It destroys the family unit, doubles taxes to the state and federal governments, and increases sales of automobiles and everything associated with it. We also see that children in government education learn far less at the end of the day. For Mr Childers, yes I live in Oregon so know of what I speak. Portland, the new Rio Linda. Some of you will get that...

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And I think it helped contribute to the obesity issue 😕 There was nothing to take the place of moms making home cooked meals.

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Haha. Rio Linda. But Rush came out of there and my first crush lived there, so it wasn't all bad. I was a Carmichael girl.

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Talk about flashback !! LOL.

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HAHAHA!! Rio Linda, haha, I have not heard that for so many years. Hahahahaha! I am sure I will wake up at 3 a.m. and laugh again. Too funny. Thanks.

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The basic rights I am interested in are the rights not to be for all intents and purposes a man’s property and have no say in my own finances or choices or be able to take care of myself if I don’t find a good and decent man to marry early in life or if my husband should pass away or leave me or become unable to work. I think there were some good things that came of that movement but also many bad things. Women aren’t any more valued by the women’s rights groups for their unique capabilities than they were before the movement and men seem to value women even less than they did before, in many ways 😕 Clearly those responsible for the women’s movement at least in more recent times, have had little interest in actually improving women’s lives and making society better in general. It has all just been for power and to gain control and influence of the state over the family and the individual 😕

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Yeah I remember stories from older (female) relatives about how back in the day, their teaching job would *automatically* fire them once they got married, because married women aren't supposed to work. And they had to carefully not tell their employer that they had got married until later on, because they planned to work for the first year afterward. (I don't recall for sure if they were outright forbidden to work or if they would just have had to reapply for their old job as a married woman and didn't want to deal with the hassle and risk of not getting the job?) I'm not a fan of that sort of thing. But at the same time, modern "women's rights" is much more into "pretend sex differences don't exist", which is just as harmful in different ways.

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I agree. I've chosen to live my life alone and am exceptionally happy that way. Never wanted kids or a husband. Now that I'm old I have zero regrets. Were it not for some kind of women's rights movement, I could never have survived on my own. I would have been forced into a life of a husband and children just so I could continue to eat and live indoors. As it is, I work, own a home, and have a life of my choosing.

I have to wonder how many women got married because they felt they had no choice. When my grandfather died, I told my grandma I was sorry. I was 17 at the time. She said, "I'm not. For the first time in my life, I'm free." I was shocked then but understand it now.

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Yes. I am so glad you got to choose the life you wanted. I am married and have children but I wanted that and also have no regrets. Like you, I can’t imagine being more or less forced to marry out of necessity or have to live a precarious life dependent on others. There were definitely some benefits to the fight for women’s rights.

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Spot on. My first thought was the “right” to fully embrace the sexual revolution - sleep around, be used by any fella who’s had one too many and won’t remember their names tomorrow, use any fella who might fill the void in their pathetic lives for a few minutes only to find that act only deepens the void, right down to killing their own children (via abortifacients or even right up to birth) which of course is unnatural and devastating forever...this was all part of the plan to destroy the family. And it worked. AND they’re so proud! Useful idiots. 🤦‍♀️

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Oh, and let's not ignore that the feminazis (thank you, Rush Limbaugh) were never about raising the status of women, honoring motherhood, femininity and even emulating the most decent, noble and gallant examples of men in the workplace or in esteemed positions in society. It was about emulating and mimicking the worst behavior of the lowest examples of male behavior (NOT that of "real men", honorable, trustworthy family men, who sacrifice for their family, by MY definitionof men). The feminazis desired that women ignore their own biology and subscribe to the "fornication and run" behavior of their hedonistic male counterparts. And here we are.

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Good One, I learned a new word - schadenfreude. I never really understood why women would want to become equal to men and take a demotion, LOL...

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I wonder this myself all the time. I guess all that feminist crap was just a bunch of hot air. Oh wait...we knew that.

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I started college in 1970, and the feminist movement was just gathering steam at this time. I immediately saw what phonies they all were and I wanted no part of it. They were and always have been a radical leftist movement who USED women for their own political agenda. It was not about elevating the status of women. Never was. I would even argue that they set women back while they were brainwashing a lot of women.

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thanks for your comment- this is what I have long since suspected. so much of what they do seems to have brought more misery to men, children and actually especially women. way to go ladies! now we can truly have it all...we work 10 hour days and raise kids, and run the pta, and volunteer in our kids classes, and clean our houses, and, and, and...all to keep up with the jones's.

I don't have a problem with women working (I do, and I know there's fulfillment there), but one can't help but notice how well this has worked out for the government with all that additional tax revenue coming in for them and women too exhausted to really keep a close eye on the garbage they're spoon feeding our kids in these schools. And if there is still any doubt left that this model is truly to benefit the government and not the people, one only needs to observe how families were immediately treated following ww2 when they found that if they were on the socialist side of the fence moms were immediately forced to go to work and their kids were taken from them into schools to begin indoctrinating them. And any parents who were skeptical of this new model, their children were encouraged to rat them out to the government. I can't help but see parallels now with these new "surveys" my kids are getting at the school. For now, we are allowed to opt out, but I can be sure that we won't be if we don't push back now.

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What are the new surveys in schools?

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They are called Climate Surveys. We started seeing them pop up with all that Covid Cash that schools got (millions - to implement really awful things like this, and SEL and a host of other radical things). The surveys ask the kids inappropriate questions as to how they feel about numerous topics, some appear innocent enough (about the school), but they quickly start asking the kids opinions on race, sexual orientation, etc. and then they even nose on into how the kids home life is and do their parents "support them"? It's really, really easy to see how they can use these things to drive a wedge into families and butt their way right into your business.

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“The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.”

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Just a ruse and a plot to gain power and break up the traditional family 😡

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They HATE the traditional family because it's the strongest safety net a person can have. Very high correlation between healthy, happy families and well adjusted (non manipulatable) adults.

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Have you noticed how many of the “alphabet soup people” are products of broken homes? Children of single parents, divorced parents, absentee parents… Mothers are probably all feminists too.

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Yes, well said!

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I found an old booklet amongst my grandma's things, and it was titled Stalins Plan to Steal America and it was written right after WW2. That was the main focus, break the family. Interesting shit going on and a lot of waking up happening. Just had an earthquake, 4.9 and some shakers, not too far from my place in Idaho. Not normal...waiting for the famine to follow. And war and rumors of wars etc. ♥Jesus♥

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My sister felt that in Nampa.

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We live 30 miles from the epicenter. Yikes.

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Women and girls should carry a leather sap and not be afraid to use it!!!!

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Women should carry concealed and not be afraid to use it.

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did you mean leather strap? or is sap something I'm not familiar with?

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It's a weighted pouch-like weapon about 8" long with a flexible metal rod in it. A concealable weapon. Think of something a little more elegant than a sock filled with pennies.

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I'm finally starting to hear very prominent people say essentially that the men cheating to compete with women would disappear very quickly if ALL women refused to compete in any competition that included a man. Period. Any man attempting to compete in women's events would be doing the event all by himself. So do you win if you are the only competitor? As a woman, this has been my own opinion since all this hit the news. If I were a young athlete now, I would be working overtime to convince women athletes to not compete with biological men. They're basically not going to win when up against a man anyway, so they're not giving up much to make a stand. It wouldn't last forever, just for long enough to end this idiocy.

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Reilley Gaines ( auto correct going goofy) is doing everything she can

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I believe they are threatened to be kicked off the team (and more) if they speak up.

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I didn't fight for women's rights. Now we have to work, clean, cook, and let other people raise our children. I would gladly give my useless voting rights up to school my own children... most women vote dem.

The women's rights movement was instigated by the same people who are instigating trans etc.

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It’s called BRIBERY from the universities 😡

They complain-loose scholarships 😡

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Are fighting, are not getting traction. It’s not PC. It surely would sell more news if they reported on the controversy in a balanced way.

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Yea, the latest girls' basketball game video is disturbing on so many levels. I'd like to know why the ref didn't kick that kid out of the game? I suspect I know but guys on college teams get thrown out for less.

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My question is, why do the girls submit to this? Why do dads sit in the stands and watch their daughters be attacked? Just refuse to play against males!

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The Dads don’t want their daughters to lose out. My Dad advised me to drop out of a drill team when parents objected to a black girl making the team and wanting her dropped. He asked me if this was right. I said no. So we agreed that I couldn’t be part of that and I quit (even though I didn’t want to as i was the leader). My Dad got the other parents together, and they successfully applied pressure and got the black girl back on the team. But I learned the lesson that sometimes there is a cost to standing for what is right and you have to be willing to pay it. Personal responsibility is not well promoted these days.

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Wow Dr. Walby, what a life lesson to learn at a young age. And great admiration for your father in identifying the situation helping you learn that lesson. The art and responsibility of parenthood is almost gone, being turned over to government.

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This might sound odd, but what happened to this black girl is what "liberals" THINK they are doing to protect 'trans" kids. I know some of them. I ask, "What about the biological girl's feelings?" Some say they'll just have to get used to it. Others say nothing. REALLY having an incredibly hard time with all of this insanity!

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A “trans” is not a gender nor is it a color. We all saw what happened to Michael Jackson for wanting to change his color and looks. The “trans” should make own league or play with the gender they were born

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What year was this Karen? That’s such a bizarre story.

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What year and what location? I grew up in Cali and never really spent any time in the deep south until recently. My recent trips here in the American South have been eye opening to say the least. You can still feel the separate-ness of races in certain places and feel the scars of the past. And...it seems to be just as much if not more from the black folk. There is a lot of self-segregation still happening down here. The West is far different.

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Same here, Sadie.Jay. I grew up in CA and truly never saw self segregation until I moved to Chicago as an adult and experience racism first hand. Folks in certain areas really do not want others in their comfort zone. Everyone is in their territory and those that venture in are called "Urban Pioneers." It's freakishly unnatural from what I grew with.

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Stop with the Karen crap ... they did the right thing. They sided with the black girl and not the racist parents. They set an example by doing the right thing they showed it is more important than doing what is easy. Next time, take the time to understand instead of judge.

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Umm, the woman who posted the comment is named Karen. You seem to have assumed that Cheeky was insulting her.

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MayBella82? The woman who told the story is named "Karen." In asking the question, Cheeky NonGMO was being explicit as to whom he/she was directing the question.

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I agree. Honestly, if I showed up with my daughter to a game and a guy was playing for the other team, we would refuse to play and demand a forfeit of the other team and if the game was played, we would leave. I don't understand why all the parents didn't just take their kids and leave.

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I used to say the school were the ones who needed to step up and prevent this because the girls who spoke out would be ostracized and loose their sport’s scholarships. No more — to he— with sports scholarships and the schools themselves. Parents and girls, speak up and do the right thing!

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My goodness! What would daughters think if their Dad actually stood up for them and defended them? And if their Moms joined in and backed up the Dads? My goodness! The Daughters might think that they were watching a Conspiracy Theory unfold which only the FBI and the CIA could defeat with a Color Revolution!

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The vast majority of the adults standing up for their kids are women, at least where I live. We have a large group of very vocal women who are fighting a corrupt school board. The women outnumber the men probably 10 to 1. Now, the men might support the women, but it’s the women who are out there on the front lines. We’d love to see more dads involved.

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Sad comment on the Dads, isn't it.

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And there are quite a few whose children have graduated, but still fight the fight because they care!

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Great point. I wondered if it's because the organization here is mostly Moms 4 Liberty. They don't have a Dads organization, but I can guarantee you if they did, the liberals would destroy them. they'd have them compared to the Proud Boys in no time. They already call moms 4 liberty nazi's every single chance they get.

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Men, step up and do your job and protect us!

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What you say does seem to be a case quite broadly, but I'll also add that rather a lot of the leftists trying to implement all of the corruption seem to be women. Upper class, supposedly educated women.

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There are a lot worse things in life than losing a sports scholarship. It's actually something that very few people can be awarded. They can survive. Standing up for basic principles is far more important in the grand scheme of things.

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Lose, not loose. 😁

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I kind of get why they still play...unless the whole team (including second/third string) walks out together, your child is the one being punished by not being able to play a game they’ve worked their ass off to play...they age out too, so there’s not always next year...and there’s no college opportunities if you don’t prove yourself in HS (for most anyhow)...and for the vast majority of girls, HS sports is their peak - then they are done as there are few that have the skill for college or beyond. So, you play against a boy or you don’t get to play (someone will happily take the spot you earned on the team)...it’s a tougher call than most on here are making it out to be.

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Let's scale this up as to the topic of 'punishing'. Let's scale it up to wearing masks, death jabs, having one's livelihood shut down and being imprisoned in one's own house. How does such as this happen? I suggest that it happens because a huge number of people made the choice 'not to be punished' and/or 'ostricized' all the way along the rocky road to Enslavement Armageddon.

First we let a little slip by telling ourselves it will not do too much harm. Then more and more until slippage becomes the coward's habit of never making a moral stance against evil. And at the end of the road, one is abjectly enslaved and dispossessed of a country.

When one get right down to it, this is the purpose of the 'public' schools, to teach compliance by never having to make a hard choice. To do this, they have to kill off God.

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Amen, daverkb!

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Saving this reply dave. Excellent boiled frog recipe and nobody sees. Enslavement Armageddon, brought to you by complacency and selfish greed and Satan. The reason they don't want us to see black and white is because of the meaning behind it. For all time. That is not changing no matter how hard they try to erase any 'whiteness' it still represents good and black represents evil. There is no gray and if you aren't sure? Then you are for the wicked. Says so right in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-13. This is the time of the Great Delusion so God can see which side we are on. One or the other.

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Thanks for the Bible Verses. And yes, there is the Light and all else is Darkness. And once through the Wicker Gate, the way is straight and narrow. Straight and narrow is hard for us mere mortals.

I though you might enjoy this:

Much on the family ... and he nails it.


Also, I just went to the website. I noticed an article there on why Christians should not take out a state Marriage License. Can't wait to read it. My wife and I would never do this knowing what we now know.


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The school board and administrators should have been on the right side from the beginning, preventing this from ever becoming an issue.

I didn’t mean to say the girls *should* play - just that I understand. And in some cases, it show integrity to put forth your best effort despite knowing you don’t stand a chance of winning - assuming there isn’t a safety issue - and then fighting the battle in another way....at the point we are right now, without re-writing history of how quickly this has progressed, I think there are several potential right ways to handle it as a female (or parent of a girl).

In a more perfect world, we would t even have to discuss this....or if it became an issue, everyone would stand up for what is right. I tend to be pretty black and white about issues, but how to respond doesn’t have only one correct option for where we are today.

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We are pretty much in an 'all or nothing' situation in America. One side will win and they other side will lose. For some context, this is Tucker Carlson's latest.


I eschew lecturing. Because we won't win by lecturing. But we do need a clarifying of our minds so that we see this ongoing nightmare with clear eyes, as clear as one is able to manage. This video sort of fills the bill.

It's really nice hear from you ... and with my best to you and your family.

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Excellent post, daverkb. I wrote an article in August, 2020 that speaks to the catastrophic costs of complying:


Laura Hayes


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It takes one brave person to lead the way ... how do you expect your kids to have integrity and strength of character if you don’t teach them when it is important. This is an important issue for females... it will follow in other aspects of life if it is not stopped now. I don’t know about you but I do not want a male in the locker room with my daughter...because this what you are accepting too.

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me neither. My oldest is headed off to middle school and I am starting to get quite nervous. We haven't had to deal with these shenanigans in elementary but I know it's coming.

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As a mom in this situation, you will have to be constantly vigilant and observant, and very involved in your child's school so you can detect if any weird stuff is going on.

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I am not accepting it. I was simply pointing out the difficult decision it actually is rather than being flippant about how “we just can’t see why everyone isn’t responding the way they should” like many of the comments I saw.

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My thoughts exactly. It takes an entire community, not just one or two girls, to step up. Those one or two girls could potentially become the “transphobe villains”.

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Heather, please read the post above by Dr. Karen Walby. The lesson in that post transcends the moment and will be of benefit for a lifetime.

Parents must rip DEI out of the public realm, be an example for their children. Missing a couple years of team sports is nothing compared to a lifetime of enslavement.

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I felt some comments were a bit flippant about how easy it is to just do the right thing...I only intended to point out that it isn’t an easy decision. If doing the right thing was easy, we’d all have boycotted any business that even whispered the word mask, much less forced their employees to get vaccinated or show their negative tests or any number of things we tolerated the past several years.

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You are correct Heather, life presents us with many difficult choices. Not everyone is prepared to make a sacrifice of convenience or position for the sake of principle. Those that do are called leaders, mentors and champions. They are often criticized in the moment but quietly praised in the long run. Do the best you can when you can and always strive to do better. I am still a work in progress.

As Roy Rogers once said “Sometimes it hurts to do the right thing, but afterwards you’ll feel better.”

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Is sports really that important?

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Coming from a former high school and collegiate basketball player, it’s not - and I love sports. I still play competitive men’s baseball in my 50’s. As far as professional and collegiate sports? I’ve lost interest in pro sports, save golf. My collegiate sports interest is dropping like a rock. IMO, College sports outside the 4 super conferences will collapse due to NIL - and this from someone that believes the players (football and basketball) have been getting screwed for decades.

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In high school, long before there were girls water polo teams, I played on a co-ed team. I was, and still am, a strong swimmer, but I knew at 5’8” and 128 lbs there was no way I could play in the hole against guys who are 6’+, so I stayed out on the perimeter unless coming in to shoot. For the most part, I didn’t have to deal with all the underwater crap the guys pulled against each other because most wouldn’t do it to a girl.

Mind you, I was very strong and enjoyed the challenge, but it would’ve been different on the soccer field, basketball court, etc.

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I should also add that I am the youngest of a large family, lived out in the country, and was not babied. We played hard, and it wasn’t along the lines of girls and boys. I guess you could say we were a bit feral. LOL It was the type of childhood that made you a bit tough and very independent.

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Feb 26Edited
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I realize I didn’t say it, but I’d love to see all girls refuse to play if a boy joins their team or tries to oppose them. I was just musing that the responses prior to mine made it seem like an easy choice when it obviously is not - even Reilly Gains (butchered the spelling I’m sure!) continued to compete while also being outspoken about how wrong it was.

I disagree that it’s the same as an abusive relationship though. Life is unfair and the girl can only control her actions. She can choose to still do her best playing despite a rigged game or she can take her ball and go home. If it’s not a safety issue, I think doing her best despite knowing she doesn’t stand a chance shows character as well and is one of several right choices she could make.

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One word. BETA. Can’t we all just get along🙄🙄🙄

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No ... we can't! Because Evil is always telling us that we cannot choose Good ... because we might hurt somebody's feelings ... or something.

Choose Good in this Evil World of unbridled murder and mayhem and such a one will be despised and hated. Just look around ... and say it ain't so.

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Feb 26
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People fainting at vaccination clinics isn’t uncommon and blurred the awareness that folks were actually dying. With the help of staff of course, who did know.

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The CDC announced the multistate faintings on the same day were from “anxiety.” Why would they not just say it’s common?

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Hadn’t heard that one! Thanks

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Where can I see this video?

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And in the MMA ring.

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First, kick "her" in the balls, hard. Really hard. Then say oops, my bad, didn't know.

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I was tempted to say the same. Though, to be fair, I understand it's also quite painful for women to be kicked in that spot. (Source: I totally did not do this to my sister as a kid, and you can't prove anything.)

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That's not what she said...

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Sorry for facial profiling.....I see face and neck tats and I sashay to the other side of the street. It's a "safe and effective" strategy. My wife likes jogging in the neighborhood which is a rather pervasive and innocuous activity here. She doesn't generally focus on this kind of horrendous news, but I do. It's a delicate situation because I don't want her to be crippled by fear, but I find myself saying: "Keep your head on a swivel......oh, and take this pepper spray." She gives me the look.....I say "trust me on this one." My daughter, who now drives to school, parrots me: "Head on a swivel, Dad." One of the esoteric nicknames for Florida is "The Gunshine State." Yours truly doesn't jog anymore, and while pepper gel is my first line of defense.....well, you know. I'm sure the counselor would tell you that what YOU might think is a clear cut case of self defense might not pass muster in a slightly debased and/or politically motivated court. Every situation is different, but if possible, I would opt to spray first as opposed to getting dragged through a potentially oblique system on a murder charge. It happens. A lot to consider in a split second of time. Courts can't be universally trusted to do the right thing. History 101.

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You can judge a book by it's cover, people that say otherwise are either hopelessly naïve or deliberately trying to disable other's God-given sense of discernment. It's also a favorite tactics among groomers to soften up their targets.

People with face tats, lots of visible piercings, unnatural hair color, wrong sex clothes, gangster clothes, and/or clothes with obscene or anti-social words are making a statement. That statement is that they reject societal norms and the order it brings. I take them at their word and avoid them, and teach my kids the same. I also teach them to constantly be aware of their surroundings and continually evaluate risk. If anything makes them feel uneasy they are to leave immediately and I will always back them up, regardless of whose feelings it hurts.

I'm sure there are some that will say it's judgmental and they are right it absolutely is. God gave us a sense of discernment for a reason though. And in six decades on this planet I've never been mugged, robbed, assaulted, or suffered any of the other indignities the "non-judgmental" seem to regularly experience.

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You stated this so well. Absolutely the clothes, piercings and tattoos ARE making a statement. And I use my God-given discernment to recognize and avoid such people. And thank you for the tip about pepper gel. I'll be looking into it.

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