I hope Nancy runs on her record, because nothing says "Job well.done" quite like a campaign video full of people pooping in the streets and looters ransacking stores.

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“You must pass it to see what’s in it.” This women may have been the most destructive House Speaker in history.

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I bet Pelosi is running to "help" her so called distant relative Gave-in Newscum get his foot through the door.

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Pelosi is a demon in a human form. No other explanation for it. She’s an ‘entity’.

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She is ‘Legion’. They’re actually fighting for control within her.

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basically she wants to keep the seat warm for her chosen replacement

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I continue to hope for the day when supposedly mature adults will stop playing childish games with the names of people whose philosophies they have problems with. This immature form of ad hominem attacks don't reflect well on the attackers.

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Oh, I don't know. Ridicule has long been used to topple tyrants, and this is just a form of it.

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If ridicule worked so well, Thomas Jefferson would have used it in the Declaration of Independence.

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If ridicule is good enough Alinsky its good enough for me!

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J. P. Sears--the stand up comedian - has some grand "freedom lovers" tees and hoodies on sale. I've purchased several for myself land some of my guy friend too! They're not ridiculing---just making a very DEFINITE STATEMENT! https://awakenwithjp.com/collections/all

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It's a very mild mockery of some truly horrible people, based on their ACTIONS.

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I would have to disagree. It’s humor. A necessity of life.

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I hope you don't work as a comedienne.

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Dear Vonu,

Nobody do the Voodu like U-do Vonu…!

Your crayons are sharp, your helmet is tight, now go out there and have a great day…!

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It's either the helmet or the shorts...

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But be sure and mask up!!! I hear those N95 masks are great!!!! Good for your lungs and ever-thang lak at.

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Sorry. Though I was replying to Vonu.

He/her/it is so sensitive.......bwess it

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I think v is a troll. Don't feed it.

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I'll take this opportunity to remind you that I am ignoring your ad hominem.

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It's all in good fun, Vonu!

It's just part of what makes this such a great community, tbh.

Now, who was bringing the donuts this Saturday ??

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Dear Vonu, a word to the wise isn’t necessary — but please continue to use Ad-Hominem “At-Nauseam.”

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Vonu, you are indeed VERY special..... are FAR superior. lol

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I love hominum! Butter, salt and pepper. Great side dish!

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How are your bolts and nuts and 1/2 layer CPU's going?

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Maybe there is a substack available to you with more mature people to your liking.

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Psychotically immature people have always been peppered throughout humankind.

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Maybe you can pepper-spray the inside of your mask to help keep those hurtful comments from hurting your feewings.

Are you on your period or something??

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Y'know...pompously condemning to lecture others,,,uh...ad nauseum... on their self-perceived *immaturity*, is, ironically, a form of immaturity, because it is built on narcissism.

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I read the banter... but I had to comment on this one.

Some people never grow up and its great. To be silly like a kid and joke is what keeps us young at heart. It also helps us appear younger. Life is serious, but laughter is necessary. Take care!

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Projection, bot!

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You may want to familiarize yourself with Saul Alinsky. And with techniques to break through the psychological walls of those immersed in cults...mockery and ridicule are very powerful tools.

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Saul Alinsky was an understudy.

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Again, you may want to familiarize yourself with Saul Alinsky. This is not difficult material to master, no need to avoid that you haven't read his Rules for Radicals.

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It’s just a short form way of conveying truth in a world that’s running out of time for lengthy explanations for numbskulls, who will likely never get it anyway. And we don’t care what you think of us.

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I guess it wouldn't dawn on you that you are one of those numbskulls.

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Oh, my! I’ve been ‘ad hominem’ attacked by a numbskull! Where are my smelling salts?

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Can it be? You, who just *ad nauseum*, pontificated on how maturity prevents from stooping to what you erroneously characterized as 'ad hominem', just indulged in it yourself. Chill out, sweetheart.

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It's called exercising my God given right of free speech

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Atheists are denied your right of free speech.

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Sadly this is the state of politics. Win by destroying opposition no matter how.

Dems call names, Reps call names. It’s a break even.

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He/she/it started it.......

That’s what siblings say (using ‘preferred pronouns’ of course.

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We play fair with those who respect the golden rule. Other do not deserve any respect at all! It is not a problem about philosophies, it is about ACTS.

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Pelosi is an insincere, cunning, repulsive thug. Her soulless hypocrisy is all that’s left of her.

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Daddy’s little girl

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Human Feces offers the exact same view under the micro scope.

We don't need the microscope for this. You are in plain view.

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just like a fecal sample!

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

The Republicans who run against her never even bother to campaign. And whenever Democrats try to primary her, they are usually as bad or worse.

Pelosi has, unfortunately, got the set for life, if she wants it. People vote automatically. That's why the old fossil of Feinstein is still in the Senate.....and that's really damning because it's indicative of the voters of the entire state. No doubt Schiff will get into the Senate and we'll end up with that liar forever.

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Can we really blame Nancy for wanting to stay in DC, even her home isn't safe...

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The federal building in downtown SF that was renamed for her is now advising employees to work remotely if possible, as the surrounding sidewalks have become too dangerous due to drug addicts and aggressive homeless people. What a legacy. Nancy’s also purchased a mansion in Florida to retire to - doesn’t say much about her loyalties. Anyone who lives in her district who would vote for her again is either clinically insane or a Democrat.

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And this BS from her! 😡🙄

Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery,” Pelosi said on X. “Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection — and respectfully ask for your vote.”

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San Francisco values prioritise poop and used needles in the streets, while thugs roam free.

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Where is my "vomit" emoji???????

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I so didn't get the wording of her quote. "Our country" wait, isn't that America? So "America needs America to show the world...." ? And wait, WHAT does that have to do with Commiefornia?

Dain Bramaged, just like Biden, Fetterman, Feinstein, McConnell--all those BITTER CLINGERS to their power.

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Nothing in that Quote really makes sense..it is alot of polito babble malarkey. (empty, insincere rhetoric).

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WORD SALAD is the current slang for this babble

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Can we close Florida?

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And deport Nancy from her house there 😛

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Don't worry, we all aren't moving there from Cali.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

There are many problems in San Francisco because the local government is stupid, ineffectual and corrupt. But the area around the Federal Building is not particularly unsafe. My theory is that they had had a lot of boomers retiring from the Federal government and that a lot of the newer employees want to WFH like so many of the tech workers are still doing. I suspect some of them weren't even taking the positions if they weren't allowed to WFH. So blaming the problems of San Francisco for a personnel issue may be what is actually happening here. I could be completely wrong, of course.

Also you cannot blame Pelosi for what is going on in San Francisco. It's completely on the shoulders of the local government.

The one intelligent thing that Pelosi did was get stimulus money under Obama to fix the approach to the Golden Gate Bridge. That had been a problem since the bridge was built and nobody wanted to do anything about it to the point where the existing approach was starting to fall apart. It's fixed now, pretty nice actually.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

Yes, yes, I have read the articles, but that one appears to be firewalled. What I am saying is that, as hard as it may be to believe, is that members of the Federal government and the press may be lying.

Look, I live in this town. I think I may have a better idea than some writers at Fortune.

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The problem is: which GOP or other party candidate will step up and give the old harridan a real run for her money? Does the CA GOP have the guts to push back against the Dhimmicrat narrative? Doubt it...

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Isn't that one in the same, CeeMcG?

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Oh oh, time to move from Florida. Wouldn't want to have her as a neighbor

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She can live anywhere in the world she wants. Even have multiple homes. Her decades of raiding the US treasury, insider trading and routing government contracts had made her rich $$$$$.

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You forgot Ukraine.

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Pelosi-A-Roni The San Francisco Treat!

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Pelosionium........the poisonous plant from hell

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Pelosoinium-210 Acute Radiation Syndrome.

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Threat more than treat 😛

Or maybe trick (as in trick or treat).

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Ain't eatin' that...

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.... neither is Paul.

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Yes we can because her policies and decisions are what have resulted in CA and many other cities to be crime infested hellholes

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Do you really think these octogenarians actually win their elections? They are selected and until paper ballots are used in all elections the cheating will continue.

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much like NY is saddled with Chuck Schumer for over 40 years!

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I think you are correct. It's name recognition.

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We can at least take comfort in her eternal reward?

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Exactly. I just said the same thing. LOL

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Schiff?? Say it isn’t so! Can he run since he got censured? Come on, California! Grow a spine and some common sense! Surely there are enough Reagan conservatives out there to win that House and Senate seat.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

Did you know that there were two Democrats on the ballot last election cycle, and no Republicans? The crazy way that California's ballots go are the top two primary vote getters in a district are on the final ballot. Because the Republican top-runner didn't get more votes than the runner-up Dem, there were only demoncrats as options for voting!! I refused to vote for either.

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I would in good conscience NOT VOTE in that case. What a farce and scam!

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It's rigged for the Democrats to win

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I would not vote unless I could understand which is the lessor of two evils. But that’s the case no matter which political party. Many time we can’t tell which is lessor. 🫣

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We dance with a 2 faced devil now. They just take turns “leading”.

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Well, as a platform, Democrats are for killing babies. Republicans oppose, in principle, at least. That’s a big difference right there.

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No difference IMHO. Each side hurts us but in just different ways. Except wars--they are the same now. Dangerous to the planet.

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democracy at its best - or should I say demonocracy at work?

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Gee whiz! Do you think that was design or just a stupid accident?

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By design. They can't let anyone but Dems to take that seat.

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I hear you can cast your vote for Nancy in brown Play-doh on any San Francisco sidewalk.

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Imagine the opposition’s commercials.

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Coit tower covered with a giant condom? The Presidio under a giant clear bubble?

The Trolley Cars being pulled up and down hilly streets by Tesla's? What could go wrong?

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Yes, with “San Francisco values”.

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Has she seen downtown SF lately? No thank you.

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And this from her! 🙄😡

"Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery,” Pelosi said on X. “Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection — and respectfully ask for your vote.”

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"Our city"?

She's a carpet bagger.

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They don’t care. They keep voting in these terrible, evil people. I will give them some grace though. Maybe it’s all just rigged like everything else and most elections. As long as they allow mail in ballots, electronic voting machines and no voter ID, expect the same people to be as Jeff says “selected.”

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The Dems who vote for these people don't see them as evil, sad to say.

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Hell will burn hotter when she ends her time on earth. She's an awful person.

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It doesn’t matter because left loonies love her. She will be in just like Feinstein who is in her 80s.

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She's 90, actually.

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I think that she, and all of the other decrepits, is hoping that it affords her some protection from prosecution.

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Doesn't matter. They'll pay the homeless and illegals for their votes. That's most likely why ahe's kept her seat for 36 yrs. The mayor of SF wants LOOSER drug enforcement, remember.

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Kept her elected so far....

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And because the election is rigged, she could make a campaign promise of more people pooping in the streets and win by a bigger margin!😭

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Nancy running is no less crazy than Newsome thinking he’s fit to run for President. How can someone who presides over such a disgraceful state as CA even consider themselves a viable candidate?? These people are legit delusional!!

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Who do you think is going to run against her that would be any better?

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Your explanation of injunction law was fantastic, thank you. I appreciate how you're able to explain law in a way non-lawyers can comprehend. I imagine even a Portlander could follow your description!

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There needs to be a laughing button.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m still laughing at Mate being perched on Carla’s best duvet. 😂

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And pondering if his wife’s fancy shampoo would make a good bubble bath! 🤣

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i do feel terribly sorry for Australians though - they are in a totalitarian government with a smile on its face 😥

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I am still laughing at "involuntary virus-education"

Oh how I feel that one!

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Said duvet is now likely for sale, if you are interested 😆

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I agree, I particularly enjoy Jeff’s explanations about legal matters. Very easy to follow and very enlightening.

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Absolutely Jeff!!

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My heart breaks when I read of sudden deaths in young adults but breaks even harder when it is a father of young children. The traditional family unit is so fragile in western societies these days that I am saddened to see a family WITH a present father lose him prematurely.

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The photos of his kids just broke my heart. They’re going grow up without their precious dad who was most likely was murdered by his government who made him get vaccinated. And with all the evidence we have now, it was premeditated.

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Yes and everyday I see somewhere on media pages, a family broken up by the father dying because of 😔 SADS.

It is truly a crime against humanity.

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Let's hope they grow up. I pray they didn't get the jab. The innocent children have suffered so much.

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I know 😢💔 It’s horrible.

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Makes you fear for Carla’s life too

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It’s so hard to look at those pictures.

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I so agree! But I’m wondering, if he was self employed, why did he have to take the juice? Maybe I’m mixing him up with the other victims?

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I think this family was in Australia.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Just as I was reading this, I received a text saying that my grandson's football game was canceled because a teammate's father died of a heart attack last night.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

We were waiting for a friend to meet us for a walk. She is always prompt and early but she didn’t show up. 15 minutes went by. We are in our 70’s. Knowing she is vaxxed up I was starting to get worried. She lives alone. I did not express that particular worry but my other friend went to her house. She didn’t answer her phone either but on knocking loud she did answer the door. It was a big relief. She was sick with sore throat and sinus. Letting us know might have been nice but cutting her some slack. She has been sicker more than usual lately. But all of our lives might be filled with moments of dread like this as time goes by.

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I dread the next half year. Flu season. And so many are vaxxed and have compromised immune systems. They were sick in the summer. 😔

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

Was just thinking about this. They'll blame a failure to GO OUT AND GET YOUR FLU VACCINE, or Long Covid, or whatever - but we'll hear NO mention of immune systems compromised/damaged by the 'safe and effective' , Pc Of Sh "vaccines" that masquerade as "medicine".

Ignore the elephant in the room, ignore the Science - and scratch your heads, baffled.

This is tiresome.

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We need to yell back at those statements that it’s only the VAXXED that need to fear the flu. We need to be one voice in that statement so it sinks in.

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Gotta expand the vax market now that the covid lollapalooza is over! Think of all the money that can be made by expanding vaxes to adults too what with flu, covid boosters and now RSV shots! The drug execs must be rubbing their hands together in glee!

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Me too. My wonderful sis in law was visiting today. Still sick with a cough she can’t shake. Two courses of antibiotics. Ugh. I grabbed all my good stuff and made her a to go baggie. I hope they are going to be ok and will stay away from any type of vax this fall. 🙏

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Worse yet, their mother is also at risk.

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and likely forced to be multi-jabbed. Then the children will be without someone who truly cares for them

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We often need more emoji’s than just a heart. 😢😡

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I multiplied them. They're getting pretty close to their $100k goal.

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Heartbreaking. It’s so sad to see what’s happened to the great country of Australia, so many people compromised by VAIDS.

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Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

— Romans 13:11-12 NASB1995

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Thank you Janice - Also reading Romans 12: 9-21

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I was reading through that before landing on this one. Pretty sure I had already shared the passage from chapter 12. Good stuff.

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Come "Offit" Paul: “FDA vaccine adviser Dr Paul Offit says healthy young people don't need another Covid booster - despite new BA.2.86 variant pushing virus rates up.” - Take out the words "healthy" and "young" and substitute "BA" variant for "BS" and truer words were never spoken. Of course, as a dedicated employee of the FDA - the most heinous of all the 3 lettered agencies - speaking the truth on these matters is something he has yet to come to terms with. He's got flip-flopping down to an FDA science. The "cover your ass gene" often rises up when under great duress. There's no shot for that.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“Offit explained, “Understanding that the goal of the vaccine is to prevent severe disease … Boosting otherwise healthy young people is a low-risk, low-reward strategy.”

Change “low-risk” to high-risk and it also becomes more accurate.

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"Playing Russian Roulette with otherwise healthy young people is an extremely high risk, no reward strategy."

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My d-i-l said she ‘played that game (C-jab/mask) once and is not participating again’ 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Exactly my thoughts!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Could be read as the young are at low risk, thus there is low reward for getting the jab.

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His nickname is “For Profit Offit.” Or it was. He’s surely giving up some personal profit and power with this pronouncement!

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Offit realizes that the COVID "vaccine" is so bad that it threatens to destroy the whole vaccine cash cow industry.

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And now he is on the record telling young people not to get the booster. Covering his ass here.

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I suspect the real reason is one too many young humans who were very close to him emotionally and/or by blood have died of clear-as-bells jab side effects.

Like that TV reporter Megan Kelly this past week. Her sister had to die from jab damage and she herself get a nasty jab side effect for her finally to use her brain. A two-fer!

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I think that could be a factor. The only person I know personally who is waking up is vaxx injured.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My husband had three separate medical appointments this week.... At every one there was at least one professional that said they were never getting another 'vaccine' ever again. Only one fo these individuals actually got jabbed, the others held out as they saw their family, friends and cohorts suffer adverse reactions. We know more, and more people who got the jabs that have the exact same sentiment = No More Jabs, Ever! Pretty encouraging.

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That is encouraging. Wish I could report the same about my husband’s main long care doctor in the stem call clinic at Vandy. At his last appointment, the doctor told my husband he was eligible for the flu vaccine, the Covid booster, and the pneumococcal vaccine, and that he recommended all three for my husband. My husband thanked him and declined. After the doctor left the room, my husband looked over at me and said, “That must have been so hard for you to sit there and say nothing to the doctor about all those shots. I’m so proud of you!” 😂 Sure was hard. But I’d already lit into that doctor so many times in the past over the subject of fake vaccines. He knew how I felt about them.

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I am seeing many vaxed people who are ill with a range of neurological issues, heart issues, brain bleeds, cancers etc. Most are not making the connection between those issues and the vax.

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Sad but true. They’re not making the connection bc they rely so heavily and with such trust on their healthcare providers.

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Exactly. I have two cousins living who keep saying how sick they are all the time lately, and one who just dropped dead in his early 60's.

I mention the vaxx, but it just sails past them. They are so far from even contemplating that they have been lied to, yet it is so obvious to me.

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Same here, sadly.

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Media just remembers the last thing said so he’s good as gold now.

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Ahem.....Young folks never needed the dam FIRST one.

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I'll raise you one: Nobody needed any

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Heartbreaking that some actually waited anxiously in a line to have it done!

Tears to the fallen ones. Who thought they were saving mankind.

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My neighbor posted herself crying as her young teenage daughter was getting "vaccinated" for COVID 😥

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Was she crying tears of ‘joy’, or was she upset?

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Let us pray that no harm is bestowed upon the innocent. Especially yours.

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I'll raise again: Not only did no one need any, they were actively harmful.

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Deadly, to be exact...

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"There's no shot for that."

......ummmmm - I beg to differ.

But, the law frowns on it.

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The FDA will work in collaboration with the SOL and DOA.

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California has completely lost the plot. Basically it's no good raising kids anywhere on the west coast right now.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

There are a few bright spots even in CA. The city council of Huntington Beach (aka “Surf City” where my daughter & family live) just passed a no mask mandate this past week. School boards in Chino Hills, Temecula, & Orange recently ruled that district schools are now required to inform parents if their child is identifying as trans at school. As expected, the state is now suing at least one of the above mentioned school boards over this issue.

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This is very helpful. People need to become aware of pockets of resistance and push back. I think that college in Atalanta has dropped its mask mandate after resistance (and ridicule).

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It was my understanding that the majority of CA is RED, but is controlled by the large blue metro areas. The 2020 voting map showed that also.

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Population is concentrated in the cities. I suspect the majority lean left, but certsinly lots of conservatives, many in small towns or rural. Our colors are reversed -- Red are the Liberals ( leftists). Blue are Conservatives.

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They need to continue to be ridiculed. “Hey, remember when that college in Atlanta tried to do a mask mandate? What person would attend that dumb school?”

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California is now open to legally kidnapping these highly vulnerable children from their parents who are the only ones who love and protect them like no one else can. Imagine their horror as they are placed with transgender and gay pedophiles that turn their lives into a nightmare. 😢

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

Do not think that many parents in California approve of "gender-conforming" surgery and all the other garbage. This stuff was snuck in without parents knowing about it but the Covid "pandemic" brought this to the front. The legislature is probably being paid plenty by the medical industry to support this stuff. The lawsuits are already piling up. I'm not sure that this new law would survive an appeal although the California Supreme Court is pretty pathetic.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My granddaughter proclaimed she was a boy right at the start of the pandemic. Parents had no real place to turn to plus no peer support for the child. Of course eventually they ended up in the clutches of the transgender medical political and mental health corrupt complex. We got a phone call out of the blue about it and too far away to really talk. It’s heinous.

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There are starting to be books out there. One already published Lost in TransNation by Dr Miriam Grossman and a new one coming out soon Sasha Ayad, co-author of "When Kids Say They're Trans”. Hope they are able to get help. Sorry I’m a parent going through this right now too. It’s heart wrenching.

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It’s too late. By the time I knew what was really going on she was on the drugs then had the top surgery at 17. I’m heartsick. I’m so sorry you are in this. She seems to be doing ok. But when do teenagers share their feelings easily? The maddening thing is she was diagnosed on the spectrum around 11. Out of the blue which leads me to believe she was injured by the HPV vax. Why would the system allow a child who is mentally damaged to be subject to this. That is when I knew for sure the entire system is corrupt and it’s a satanic program to harm our children deliberately. I also left the Democrats. They are dancing with the devil as well. I pray you are able to help your child. I will pray. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I understand they are pretty much targeting kids "on the spectrum". Easier to manipulate. Sorry you're having to experience this. It's crazy and satanic.

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Yeah, but you know who is easier to manipulate? The parents.

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So heartbreaking

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I'm very sorry to hear about your granddaughter and the terrible situation her parents found themselves in. I hope they are able to resolve the situation with the least possible damage, psychological and physical, to their daughter.

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TRUTH. The only thing that carries me is knowing that I’m married to a Christian. And God hope my child never sways in her “identity”.

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Especially in Portland right Jeff?

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CA continues to amaze. They already created an exodus due to mandates, and next, families concerned about sexualization of children will exit. Those left will be supporting a sterilized lifestyle which should further reduce their population. Shockingly self-inflicting pain on their state.

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You forget those of us that are believers and The Lord has called us to stay here and stand firm. We are not moved by politics but by The Spirit of God.

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Never get involved with a progressive. I don't care what they call themselves. Avoid at all costs.

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Radicalized demonic democratic dogma is burning the world to the ground. Strike back with humor, ridicule, and scorn which are among the most powerful agents of change in the realm of psychology. People keep believing nonsensical things such as the transgender mania because their peer group dramatically reinforces these deranged ideologies—And they get more and more radicalized and staunch in their increasingly ludicrous positions as time goes by due to this feedback loop amplification chamber.

This is how they've managed to destroy scientific biology and normalize cutting breasts and genitalia off teenagers. It is how they've brought once great cities to their knees. It is why we are being flooded with impoverished illegal aliens. It is why our value systems are fading. It is why America is disintegrating. It is far past time to shatter this accelerating cycle of insanity into a trillion pieces. Here's how:

Guy Abandons Lunatic Liberals Who Want You to Use Proper Frog Pronouns...For People: https://bitchute.com/video/3dBRYYZyhO6l [1min]

Matt Walsh Exposes the Absurdity of Personal Pronouns as a Mental Health Crisis https://bitchute.com/video/OWvuGVpJ3ZA6 [1min]


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"Powerful people need robotic people." —Brandy

The stupider the people are, the easier they are to manipulate, this is why they've gutted the journalism and education. Once you learn genuine critical thinking, you are no use to the powers that shouldn't be. They have every reason to keep you stupid/uninformed/confused/distracted and fighting among yourselves by any means possible—they never taught African American slaves to read either.

It all boils down to this: make life easy for someone and that someone does not grow, does not harden, does not ripen. That person goes into a state of arrested development and becomes a dependent slave - French kissing his master's boots for his next meal. That is what all this social justice & LGBTQ+ nonsense is about, all of this getting rid of Ds and Fs in grading is about, this is what welfare and UBI is about, this is what reality TV and social media is about: to deliberately create a generation of Idiocracy servile slaves who cannot think for or take care of themselves.

This is a real Flyer around seattle circa 2020—come and get your heroin "booty bump" injection kit: https://tritorch.com/seattle [image]

Here lies "booty bump"

Took heroin in his rump

The doctor said

"No wonder he's dead"

He shot too much junk

In his trunk

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Tough men make good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make hard times. Hard times make tough men

The wheels on that bus go round and round.

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Along the same lines, small families (not to mention broken or single parent homes) have contributed to a lack of adults. As a personal example, I had 6-siblings growing up, so we had to contribute to the keeping of the home as there is no way my parents could do it all. We had to be on top of our own stuff (school, sports, etc) because our parents simply couldn’t do it all. Also, we wanted to get the heck out of that home asap! And we all did - lived on our own at 18 (the youngest couple maybe stayed a little longer because there was room finally)....families now have way fewer kids, the parents (myself included unfortunately) do way too much for our kids, and there’s no sharing of bedrooms and plenty of space to do your own thing in the home....and no reason to leave because it’s such an easy life.....without leaving your parents home, it’s pretty tough to become an adult with its full meaning

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I think we’re stuck for a while with four flats on that bus.

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