☕️ BAGGING IT ☙ Sunday, June 9, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Trump mystery juror update, kind of; Hunter trial update; Texas GOP W's; bird flu origin; jabs cause worse covid; Ukraine's F-16 plans crashing and burning; WWIII war weapons look trashy; and more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Sunday! Normally today is a subscriber-only post, but since we’re on vacation schedule, enjoy a quick-hitting, hotel-lobby roundup, including: update, or non-update, on Trump juror fracas; Hunter trial updates highlight differences with Trump Trial rather than similarities; WaPo fretting over good news from Texas GOP; Dr. McCullough proves origins of bird flu even before the new pandemic gets off the ground; new study undermines the last pathetic remaining jab argument; hilarious F-16 story proves more media malfeasance; and more about the most ridiculous war weapon yet deployed in World War III.
🔥🔥 Forbes reported yesterday afternoon that the Trump jury scandal poster’s identity remains a baffling mystery. I counseled cautious restraint yesterday until we know more. But another news cycle later, corporate media still can’t say who posted the claim that the fix was in.
Given the stakes, it’s weird that nobody can track this guy down. The alphabet intelligence agencies surely know who he is. I suspect they’d have no problem leaking his identity to compliant media if it would be helpful.
And where is Michael Anderson? If he’s not the ‘cousin of a juror,’ and is just a ‘professional s—poster,’ why not come forward and claim all the attention he obviously craves?
It is still too early to draw any conclusions, and it remains most likely this is much ado about nothing. But the longer the media pretends they can’t find him, the more interesting this case gets.
🔥 The Hunter Biden Trial is not getting the attention it was designed to get, and we might understand why. Friday,
Politico ran a trial update story under the unintentionally truthful headline, “The Hunter Biden Case Is Solid. There’s Something Rotten About It Too.”
Politico’s take was that prosecutors were over-proving their case. Politico was appalled at the unrelenting, day after day evidence of Hunter’s sordid lifestyle, calling the trial an exercise in “public flogging.” Oddly, their newfound anxiety about over-prosecution was AWOL during President Trump’s public flogging.
Their righteous outrage appeared in these paragraphs, which revealed much more than they intended:
Politico’s point was there was no point. Everybody knows the Resident’s son is a crack-addled meth addict. Why rub it in? The intended, unstated comparison was to President Trump’s show trial — apples and apples.
But Politico unaccountably missed the main point, the critical distinction between Trump’s sham prosecution and Hunter’s kid-glove treatment. To prove the lesser crime of failing to check a box on a firearm form, government prosecutors presented evidence of a long series of much worse crimes, crimes for which Hunter is inexplicably not being prosecuted.
If it proved anything, this trial proved everything Hunter is getting away with. And unlike Trump’s, Hunter’s public flogging will be completed in just few days, with the jury projected to begin deliberations next week.
🔥 In another unintentional headline, the Washington Post ran an op-ed yesterday headlined, “The Texas Republican Party has gone off the deep end.” Which is saying a lot, since corporate media loves to wring its hands about Texas Republicans.
The new Texas GOP platform, which terrifies the WaPo’s editorial staff, sounded pretty good to me:
Not only that, but Texas Republicans are working diligently to reverse the state’s inglorious slide into blue-state status:
Progress! The conservative counter-revolution continues gaining ground.
🔬🔬 Someday soon they’ll regret activating all these professionals who used to mind their own business. Dr. Peter McCullough and friends published a new study about the origins of bird flu this week in the open journal Cureus, titled “Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl.”
McCullough is looking into bird flu, and not liking what he’s seeing. A couple days ago, he described his study’s conclusion on Twitter/X:
Our new study presents strong evidence that the current HPAI H5N1 "Bird Flu" Clade outbreak is a result of laboratory leaks from the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Before the pandemic, highly credentialed Dr. McCullough was a busy clinical cardiologist, researcher, and prolific study author. But the pandemic transformed him into one of the most prominent and influential vaccine critics and heterodox thinkers.
Now, he’s disassembling their silly bird flu narrative in an explosive study that properly cited virologist Geert Vanden Bossche.
McCullough’s study persuasively argued that two research labs, one in Athens, Georiga, and one in the Netherlands, caused the current bird flu ‘pandemic.’ Both labs have long been engaged in gain of function research on bird flu. So McCullough and his team mapped the spread of the current epidemic, and found geographic evidence of spread from the two labs.
They pulled the wool over our eyes with covid by hiding it’s lab origins until it was too late. This time, Dr. McCullough isn’t letting them get away with it. If they want to fire up a bird flu pandemic this year, the discussion will include the virus’s origins from day one.
And they might not want to talk about bird flu’s lab origins, which could cause them to back down. We’ll have to wait and see, but this study may have single-handedly torn off the new pandemic’s fake beak and saved us all from another exhausting ordeal.
Even brushing aside Biden’s nuclear warmongering, these virus scientists and their gain of function experiments “to predict the next pandemic” might pose the single greatest imminent threat to mankind. At some point, we need to start acting like they are an existential threat.
💉💉 Another narrative-busting study published in February in the journal Frontiers in Immunology titled, “Brief research report: impact of vaccination on antibody responses and mortality from severe COVID-19.” Joining the steady drip of many other troubling findings about the jabs, this one found vaccinated patients were more likely to have severe covid outcomes than were unvaccinated patients.
The study measured antibody responses and mortality in jabbed and unjabbed patients hospitalized with severe covid and acute respiratory failure at Ohio State University hospitals between May 2020 and November 2022.
The researchers found that among covid patients, mortality was significantly higher in vaccinated patients (70%) compared to unvaccinated patients (37%), even after adjusting for comorbidities. Even more fascinating, they found the vaccinated patients had higher total IgG4 antibody levels, suggesting jabbed people develop an improper immune tolerance allowing spike protein to run wild.
We’ve discussed the IgG4 problem before. These antibodies are a normal but unusual part of the immune system that usually activates in response to allergens, where the body tries to stop an immune over-response by ignoring a particular foreign protein, like pollen. In this case, the allergen is probably mRNA-induced spike protein.
The study’s starkly concluded that jabs make covid worse:
As you well know, the shots were originally sold on the false premise they would flatten the curve and help us reach herd immunity. When that narrative collapsed, the bureaucrats and pharma shills shifted to arguing that the shots still “protected people” through somehow reducing the severity of their covid infection when they had it. It could have been worse!
But this study adds to the growing evidence that, not only don’t the shots prevent infection in the first place, and not only don’t they protect people from severe covid cases, but they appear to actually increase the risk of a bad covid case and increase the risk of dying from covid.
The authors laughably and optimistically called for urgent follow-up studies, which will never be conducted. But an unavoidable reckoning is nevertheless coming. Sooner or later, the government must reckon with the fact that, like all their other pandemic interventions like lockdowns, masks, and six-foot rules, their safe and effective jabs just made everything worse.
🚀🚀 Eject, eject, eject! Last week, Politico ran this unintentionally hilarious Proxy War headline: “Ukraine frustrated with US over F-16 pilot training.” Among other things.
A running Proxy War theme greatly amusing the warbloggers is the endless cycle of euphoria that always begins with media celebrations over some game-changing weapons system to be provided to Ukraine. Shortly after delivery, the new wonder weapon inevitably fizzles out, just like a 200 million dollar M1 Abrams tank mired in the Ukrainian mud.
Then, the media always claims it was never that big of a deal in the first place. And moves on to the next high-tech wonder weapon. Rinse, cycle, repeat.
Of all the game-changing weapons systems glowingly predicted to turn things around for Ukraine, there was one that stood out above the others, a master weapon to rule them all, the high-tech wingman that Ukraine needed most to help it show those wily Russians who they were messing with: the F-16 Fighting Falcon.
To say former Ukraine president Zelensky has been anxious to get his tiny hands on some free U.S. fighter planes would be an exercise in understatement. The F-16 Fighting Falcon retails for an affordable $80 million dollars out of the hangar, not including missiles, maintenance, or delivery charges.
But alas, some problems have popped up on the runway.
The biggest problem is that American flyers aren’t allowed to fly the damned things. American pilots flying American fighter jets launching American missiles at Russian military assets would break the rules. Thus, Ukrainians must fly the planes.
Needless to say, flying F-16s isn’t like driving a golf cart. It’s hard even if you’re sober. They are possibly the most difficult and demanding mode of transportation ever invented, where even tiny errors can be fatal and wildly expensive. If Top Gun taught us anything, it’s that it takes years of training and mad skills to graduate a new fighter pilot.
So that’s one problem. But now, Politico reports, it seems Ukraine’s jet fighter pilots didn’t sign up on the Top Gun program’s application website in time:
We’re still training them anyway, slowly, in small groups. However, the graduation rate isn’t encouraging. They expect to have the first full squad of fighter pilots by the end of next year:
That prediction might seem obvious, even wildly optimistic, given that Ukrainians aren’t known for air combat skills. But the long training lead time wasn’t obvious to corporate media. Last September, the AP predicted Ukraine’s F-16s would already be taking it to the Ruskies:
On top of the now-delayed timeline, and possible worse news for Ukraine, the F-16 narrative from anonymous U.S. officials is unpromising. The officials quoted carefully shrank expectations for the new F-16 fighter jets, miniaturizing the deadly air fighters from game-changer status down to just a teeny tiny “increment of capability”:
Note the journalistic sleight of hand in the quote above. They softened the negative impact by slyly sliding in — without citing a source — that officials have warned for months the F-16s won’t make much difference anyway. So. No biggie.
It’s a mental trick. By dropping in the phrase “officials have warned for months,” Politico’s reporter gave the impression that this isn’t news, everybody already knows it. But that’s not true, at all. Lies! A mere three weeks ago, Business Insider mendaciously called the F-16s’ now-incremental capability a vital role that would personally humiliate Russia’s president:
A month before that, military think tank GIS Reports misleadingly predicted that F-16s would change the war:
Early last year, ABC wrongly described how the ill-fated fighters would “turn the tide:”
I can’t end this chain of journalistic disgrace without quoting CNN, whose humiliating headline even included the fateful words “game changer:”
To cap the story off, the F-16s are only the latest grim example of broken Biden promises. In January of last year, Biden vowed Ukraine would not receive any F-16s, since that would be too much of an escalation. CBS headline from January 23, 2023:
Last year, President Robert L. Peters said, “nyet:”
I’ll grant you it’s fair to wonder whether Biden even knows what he’s saying most of the time. He might have just thought he was answering a question about whether he’d reached his hair-sniffing limit yet. But I will maintain the dignity of this blog and assume the leader of the free world understood what planet he was on.
There’s a lot you could say about all this official lying. Biden’s shrinking group of defenders would say he changed his mind, which presumes he has a mind to change. They would say the media, well, what can they say about the media? The best you can say about official F-16 policy is that the U.S. is totally reactive, with no plan, and the unshameable, lizard-lipped media continues lyingly covering for our wandering war schemes and official dissembling.
🚀🚀 Yesterday, the UK Guardian updated what might be the most absurd feature of World War III: North Korea’s trashy littering weapons. We covered the start of the Korean Garbage War earlier this week. It’s heating up like a junkyard fire.
Apparently, borders matter. Without firing a shot, the Nork’s little rocket man has effectively tunneled under the South Koreans’ skin using low-stakes environmental warfare.
Trigger warning. In response to South Korean airborn pamphleting, The Guardian reported the Norks’ floating rubbish ordinance included toiler paper and cigarette butts. Gross! And the South Koreans don’t like it, not one bit. They are retaliating, not over-reacting, not escalating, by re-activating their massive border speaker system to teach the North Koreans a lesson in propaganda they won’t soon forget.
In the sane, pre-pandemic world, the South Koreans would laugh at the North’s less-than-fearsome garbage arsenal, and would mercilessly mock the North Koreans for being so broke their weapons were literal garbage. But nowadays, a few cross-border garbage bags are apparently enough to justify a strong military response.
It’s 2024. And there are still six months left! Time to get a bigger bingo card.
Have a blessed and rewarding Sunday! The Childers clan is off to visit a local church and then take in some more Civil War sights. I’ll be back with another traveling roundup tomorrow morning, so stay tuned.
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I love a Sunday bonus Coffee and Covid! Thank you
Maybe the main difference between Trump’s case and biden’s case is there is actual evidence in biden’s case. That must be confusing to MSM