I love a Sunday bonus Coffee and Covid! Thank you

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What an unexpected Sunday morning surprise, thank you Jeff… enjoyed the well written comedy πŸ˜‚ among what feels like vindication for our team is finally breaking news…. πŸ’—

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It was a wonderful surprise! Thank you Jeff!

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Yes, thanks Jeff!

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Especially when I’ve just made my coffee! β˜•οΈ πŸ˜€

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The best timing!

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ditto!! Enjoy the vacay, Childers Family!!

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Right?? It’s always such a delightful surprise!! 😍

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I woke up around 5 this morning and β€œhad a feeling” today would be a bonus day! Sunday C&C is such a treat!

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Never underestimate our women's intuition! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Ž

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But reading promotion of bird flu? Jeff, there is no such thing!!

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It's really the new Big Thing.

Covidians will be excited to add bird flu to their list of vaxxinations.

More shots = more safer!

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Maybe the main difference between Trump’s case and biden’s case is there is actual evidence in biden’s case. That must be confusing to MSM

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As well as an actual crime

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Well, yes, a thing erroneously LABELLED a crime.

The tick boxes on the 4473 Form are merely bait to either incriminate ones self or confirm compliance with a "law" that should not BE a law....

I really hope Hunter beats this ridiculous case. MJ should NOT be a Sched 1 drug, it does not meet the requirements to be included in that category at all. And for FedGov to determine that possession and/or use of that substance on Friday renders one a lawbreaker if he possesses one bolt action twenty two rifle on the following Wednesday.

If the standards established in Bruen are applied, which I am quite certain Hunter's defense WILL do, and ably, that part of the case will fold up like a cheap polyester suit. And then BATF will be forced to remove that question from the 4473.

Now, does this mean I support Hunter as a person? Nope. Don't be silly, He is one sick puppy and should surrender for treatment.

Does this mean I approve of the use of merryhootchie? Again, nope. Don't be silly again.

but FedGov have criminalised far too many things, all because they are on a wild tear to render as many folks as possible "unlawful possessors" of firearms. EVERY person they render "unlawful possessors of" is just one less Americal able to defend himself against crime.. and them.

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The only job more demanding than waking up to find out your POTUS every morning, is waking up to deny that POTUS didn't know he was POTUS when he woke up....every day.

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Another difference is HB will be found not guilty.

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Jun 9Liked by Jeff Childers

McCullough is one of my anti-COVID heroes…along with you, Jeff, of course!

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Beware, Jeff, and followers. This "discovery" plays right in to the hands of the fear mongers who are trying to convince you that there is indeed another pandemic on the way. There are already a lot of dead chickens out there whose only crime was having a positive pcr test from the coop's poop!

Not only is the virus manufactured, but so is the story of its scary lethality and transmissability that we will be hearing .

COVID was never a pandemic. Please read the work off Sasha Latypova and Denis Rancourt to understand that fully. It is critical that we all understand this, and not fall for the next scamdemic!

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Thank you for saying this - so very important. To continue promoting "pandemic" and fake tests is supporting our own demise. People that understand they've been scammed by the long conVid but continue feeding the madness by taking these tests (includes all viral testing) makes no sense to me.

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That's because you are actually logical.

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Yes! And read info from 4 Substack authors from prior post here today.

Jason Christoff has an educational YouTube channel and many podcasts: https://soundcloud.com/user-50904611/podcast-196-jason-christoff-how-to-sidestep-the-cabals-most-powerful-spell

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Jun 9Β·edited Jun 9

This is exactly right as I explained here in regards to Dr. Bossche and Dr. Martin. COVID was never a pandemic - full stop.

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Did you mean climademic?!

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Jun 9Β·edited Jun 9

Good one. Another psy-ops being perpetrated on us by our own military.

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Yeah replete with pretty chemtrails

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and a goodly number of OTHER FedGov agencies, and bought/paid for "popular" PoohBah's Grandes sich as billy the Gates,

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It's simple:

how do we diagnose COVID? not by symptoms as there are no unique symptoms for COVID, we do it with a PCR test. So then how do we diagnose bird flu? same, with a PCR test.


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Exactly! And reinforces that RNA can pandemic, it has already and will do it again. RNA cannot pandemic. Even GVB is wrong in his predictions. McCullough has recently proposed fighting mRNA problems with MORE mRNA! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


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He claimed they found β€œbird flu” in a dolphin.. ..selling his β€œcontagion emergency kit β€œβ€¦

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The main red flags on him are that he sells these spreading virus stories as truth, and then profits from the fear. I believe Dr. Mike Yeadon is a true hero, who, by the way, never gets invited to testify before congress. So much theater for our consumption.

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Yes, Yeadon is an honest man.

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I see Yeadon's videos on "X" from time to time and always find him to be spot on with what he speaks of. Is there a way to follow him or is it just a few privy to his information that shares it?

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He now has a substack. You can find him at drmikeyeadon@substack.com. He posts infrequently. He is well worth reading.

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Also, I think you can find some of his stuff on the substack, Exposing the Darkness.

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I believe he has a Substack. I get posts from him from time to time. I'm not on TwiX anymore.

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Yeadon gets a 100% on my credibility meter. Everyone else gets a degree of skepticism, especially Dr. Bossche who I have been tempted to post about.

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Geert triggers my spidey sense.

Yeadon is a rock star in my book.

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Exactly my reaction. I just haven't devoted the time to get into Geert's stuff to be able to post a critical comment. But I do get that "wolf in sheep's clothing" sense about him.

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Jun 9Β·edited Jun 11

I'm curious about why it is you feel this way about Geert Vanden Bossche. I haven't heard anything either from or about him since the time when the shots were first introduced. At that time he'd said that he felt that it was a very bad plan to vaccinate everyone at the height of the pandemic. He believed it would make things worse. Quite frankly I don't remember what his argument against the vaccines were, just that he was opposed to them. I think maybe he wasn't a fan of the MRNA design, possibly? I also recall that he was recognized as a world famous vaccine developer. I guess that would mean he's a "virologist", but in particular, a virologist specializing in developing vaccines. So, I'm wondering if it's his line of work that makes you uneasy? If it is, I can truly understand that. I myself saw Bossche's negative position on the COVID shots as just another good reason not to get any. After the "pandemic" I will never ever get any type of vaccination ever. All the best!

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Mike Yeadon was fortunate in making a lot of money from Pfizer before retiring. He can say whatever he wants, as he's not trying to make a living and he's well off.

Dr. McCullough's career has been cut off in his prime, for saying doctors should practice medicine, as he did to the Texas legislature very early on in Covid. He still has bills, as do all the physicians whose licenses and board certifications have been threatened and yanked, and now they all have legal bills as well, which are not small. Note that Jeff's rationale for the $500 annual support is to pay for *one hour* of legal work. Everyone who comments here makes money one way or another. I don't understand why people criticize people whose livelihoods have been cut off for wanting to, I dunno, keep their houses and buy groceries.

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I agree. McCullough did come out early and continued to fight for the truth. We have to understand there is a level of ignorance here to recognize even with McCullough. We all know only so much. And someone as highly trained as McCullough has the additional challenge of overcoming everything he has been trained to accept, ie, to overcome the paradigms his training has conditioned him to accept as unassailable. The virus model is one such paradigm. Challenges to such well-established paradigms always come from outside the subject area of expertise because those that operate within the established paradigm cannot see the contradictions to those paradigms that are right in front of them. Call it confirmation bias. This is well explained in the academic work of Thomas Kuhn, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions".

My guess is that McCullough is still operating under the assumption that the natural covid virus is real and that there really is/was a pandemic. But I have not seen anything to question his ethics or motivation.

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Two of my favorite commenters on here having a respectful and intelligent contrary discussion, without impugning each others motive, stating opinion as fact, or otherwise using bad faith tactics. You guys are great.

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Excellent reference JSR! Thank you. This adds to my contention that McCullough is operating under false premises - intentionally or otherwise. This information is not a good look for McCullough....

"...The current rabbit hole down which I currently find myself began a week or so ago, with Peter McCullough’s rather shocking endorsement of siRNA to combat the mRNA injections that have been deployed around the world.

I found it stunning that a doctor so outspoken about the harms of mRNA, would nonchalantly suggest injecting some siRNA to negate the previously injected mRNA.

Considering how outspoken Dr. McCullough has been about the toxic nature of the lipid nanoparticles delivering mRNA, it is surprising that he didn’t mention on substack that this silent interfering RNA (siRNA) also gets delivered in a lipid nanoparticle (LNP)..."

"...Dr PM is a clinician, not a basic science researcher. His subspecialty is non-interventional cardiology with a master’s degree in public health. He appears to have no actual working knowledge of molecular biology, drug or biological product design/development or in the laboratory setting. The payments documented here would therefore appear to be for the purpose of marketing potential or new products in his capacity as a well-recognized public medical spokesperson.

...If pathological viruses don’t exist (which seems increasingly likely), there can’t be any bird flu. In the unlikely circumstance that bird flu actually exists but can’t be diagnosed with PCR tests (PCR was proven to be an unreliable diagnostic test for CV19), bird flu can’t be diagnosed reliably. If that’s true, there is no medical indication for SiRNA’s or an mRNA β€œvaccine” for this alleged disease. The fundamental underlying assumptions upon which this new treatment is based, are either extremely doubtful or false. Anyone making such claims is at the least, highly suspect.

Moreover, when you see words/phrases like β€œseem effective", realize you are being subjected to propaganda since they are not valid medical or scientific terms..."


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Dawn Lester, co-author of What Really Makes You Ill has a worthwhile Substack.


As does Dr Toby Rogers, Utobian. https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/piping-hot-truth-biscuits-june-3

And Christine Massey, activist extraordinaire sending FOIAs for proof of viruses : https://substack.com/home/post/p-144956539

Dr Sam Bailey is a gem - https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/is-immunity-a-scientific-concept

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I would LOVE to see any proof of viruses. This scam is deep.

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I am still completely confused about why my family keeps getting β€œcolds” and even now in freaking June! We are not jabbed, we live mostly outdoors, in the sun and ocean on an island. Seriously WTF is happening… 5g, the vaxxed, the chem trails.. I get it but I’m so exhausted by it and it’s so disturbing and disheartening

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Yeadon is authentic. McCullough, perhaps unintentionally, leads people down the wrong path. Consumption indeed - "A progressive wasting away of the body". The job of congress seems to be only to consume the body/people until nothing is left.

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I don’t know that it’s a wrong path. In deference to Mike Yeadon, I am not πŸ’― % convinced that there was no COVID 19 virus, if that is what he is saying. I think that there was/is a poorly weaponized COVID Virus (remember we have known about both human and animal COVID Viruses for decades) developed illegally in NC by Drs Barik/Dazick whomever(can’t keep the criminal players straight w/o a scorecard) & share (again illegally) with ourβ€˜friends’, or should I say Fauci’s friends (and our enemies (proving again, if any more proof was needed, that HE is our enemyβ€” and if Obama can drone a US citizen w/o legal preliminaries, surely lil’ Anthony is a prime candidate for an encore performance). COVID was so poorly weaponized that it required nuclear grade medical and ethical & public health & coding/billing malpractice and MSM psyOps to create the appearance of a Plandemic with a case fatality rate no different than a bad flu year (which is what Mike Yeadon, PhD is really saying).*

All that to say that there is good evidence that a cocktail of cheap, safe repurposed medicines and vitamins are effective and safe for early treatment and prevention of COVID and other single stranded RNA viruses, including influenza; and since half or more of the population have been pre-bunked into being terrified of the next wave of viral infections, I don’t think that it is unethical (& actually justifiable) to develop & market a basket of said medicines. After all, we have been doing this as a culture for decades with useless OTC cold and flu meds without anyone batting an eye.

If you think w/ Mike Yeadon that this COVID was all a mass formation psychosis, then you can keep your money and just stay sick a little longer, if MY was wrong. Either way, life goes on as normally as possible after the Plandemic operation.

*And all that world wide destruction mortality, suffering and dislocation just to block the re-election of Orange Man β€” that is some weapons grade anti-orange racism!

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LOL... isn't it though. Well put. As you can see from my other comments in this string, we are pretty much on the same page. My only difference is that I think they developed exactly what they wanted in a synthetic pathogen that they could use to cover their culpability for their plandemic democide.

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I didn’t touch on that (too many rabbit trails in the post already),though I wouldn’t put it past them .

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Bird flu going through gain of (flight) function?

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You can't gain function on a non-existent virus.

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It wouldn't matter if there was a virus or not.

They could've accomplished the same thing either way.

You're better off making that argument imo.

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They've found it in other mammals too, because they're trying to. But I agree selling those kits gives me pause.

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But he is still promoting germ theory. Viruses do not exist. Period.

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Confirmation bias.

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I have asked this question for years now and no one can answer it: what is the difference between β€œgain of function research” and β€œweaponization”? GOF is just a way to hide what scientists are really doing. No, you don’t β€œneed” to make viruses more transmissible and virulent to study them. Leave well enough alone you psychopaths.

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There’s data suggesting Lyme Disease was a lab leak too… so it’s not the first time … and Fort Detrick also had problems, that’s why it was closed down.

This has been going for a long time. Covid was just the largest scale.

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Most of us in the Lyme community fully believe it is a bio weapon. The more factual data you review on it, thr more obvious it becomes. It's a nefarious disease.

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I've posted this before but Kris Newby's book Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Bioweapons is worth reading even if you're NOT affected by lyme. Just to fully comprehend the evil of our military / government.

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One lady who lives close to Fort Detrick posted that a lot of locals developed diseases in her community a few years ago. She suspects the biolab as the source.

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I've heard that too

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From Lyme CT! The lab there leaked it!

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No, from Plum Island, not far away.

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β€œLeave well enough alone you psychopaths.”

^^^ The moral to the story of β€˜Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.’

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Are we talking about Prometheus...or Pandora?

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Prometheus, as per Mary Shelley.

Pandora is a whole β€˜nother box of worms!

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I read somewhere, might have been in C&C that the Government of our country (USA) is now nothing more than terrorists running amuck. Every day, this gets clearer and clearer. It is so mind blowing. You would think by now, I would have no mind at all, it's been blown to hell and back.

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Two research scientists at the U. of Alberta in Canada, received grants to see if they could develop smallpox in their lab. They were successful, so now a Canadian pHarmaceutical company is developing a vaccine for it. Gee, what could go wrong!

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So why would they devote the investment required to develop a "vaccine" for something that does not exist except as a lab experiment? Answer: Because they planned to release their creation to begin with! This is an ADMISSION of guilt to conspire to attack the Canadian people.

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The story is all too familiar - create the cure, fine-tune a wonderfully infectious (and frightening) disease, let 'r loose ..... and make your fortune/devastate the world.

Whatever. It's a "pick 'em".

Money or power, power AND money....any which way you look at it - we, da people, lose.

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The Canadian government even funded the research.

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This is a prime example of SCIENCE GONE ROGUE!! It is NO LONGER 'science'--it is TERRORISM via "government".

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Mind Control Expert on Weaponized Psychology & Propaganda in Covid Operations in Canada -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qaLn1Zhg5c

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What is GOF if viruses don’t exist

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Bioweapons created by GOF do exist.

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Agree bioweapons exist, but not from GOF. From poisons, toxins, fear, stress, vaccines.

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The effort seems to be pointing toward the creation of synthetic (artifical) life forms that are controllable and programmable.

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Humans aren't controllable and programmable enough???

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You cannot 'gain' something from nothing! Viruses DO NOT exist! It's all a psyop to continue the virus lie.

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A quick directed note of inquiry to your fed reps with response required checked - that let's them know we are aware - even if it's only a lowly staff member who reads it and provides a canned response - numbers count! Enuf inquiries makes them react!

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"Senator X appreciates your input and will take your comments and concerns into consideration."

Got a bunch of those lining my circular file!

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But...since your inquiry did not contain a five figure ( or more) contribution...we will look into your inquiry soon.

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Benevolent Bioweapon production...you never know the benign outcomes that may come out of it too

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They are the same.

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The difference between the 2 phrasings is a way for America to break the biological weapons treaty.

Sasha recently covered this topic.

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You can't "gain" anything from nothing! There is no such thing as a virus! It is all a giant mind-f***! We are being poisoned -- by just about everything.

J Christoff - One Nation Under Mind Control - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhJlEIoZP_4

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This is great! Along with the link within the description of video to Jason Christoff’s testimony in the European Parliament June 2023.

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Therefore, beloved, since you are looking for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless, and consider the patience of our Lord as salvation[.]

β€” 2 Peter 3:14-15a LSB

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His Word, pouring anointing oil on my head. Every day. Cleansing my palette.

Thank you.

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Uh oh!

I have some cleaning to do!

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Only Christ in us can cleanse. The rest is just using a dirty mop.

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Jun 9Β·edited Jun 9

Mzlizzi….β˜•οΈπŸ˜‚πŸ˜œβ€¦ hair sniffing got me too

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If people want to know who Micheal Anderson is, maybe they should assign the crack team of investigators who looked into the person(s) who left cocaine in the White House.....

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Or the team searching for the individual who leaked the Supreme Court Dobbs decision.

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That, too!

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Did they ever pin down who blew up the Nordstream pipeline?

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Mr Putin suggests it was Tucker CarlsonπŸ˜‰

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USN, P-8

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The pipe bombs on J6.

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Yeah, that’s the ticket!

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Good morning 🌞 β˜•οΈ . Please read Kevin McKernan et al … double stranded mRNA … even more evil in those genetic jabs . AND the ACOG still recommends them to pregnant women. God help us .πŸ™

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And the VA is still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans with an "additional dose" for veterans 65 years and older.

It would be wonderful if the both of us could stop posting these comments.

If...only...sanity could rule again.

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Never stop KJ . They have maimed and killed .

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I will continue to tag team you 😒

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Thank you!

I will not let those murderers hide.

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All those studies. All those conclusions. And yet no one accountable for the millions of deaths and life altering injuries . Those people deserve your well-placed and well-worded comments. Never stop, KJ.

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I was even more horrified about the active duty being forced to take the covid DeathVax. More than 8,000 active duty were forced out because of their refusal. Those folks were not malcontents or malingerers. They were clear thinking individuals who had concerns about an experimental mRNA gene therapy full of lipid nanonparticles, spike proteins, polyethylene glycol, and other toxic substances.

To further demoralize the military, religious exemptions were denied.

The military is probably the healthiest population around.

Covid was never a threat to them.

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Give it time. Someone will be held accountable. We can all bet it won't be those ultimately responsible. Not sure that has ever happened in human history. But, some folks like Fauci will be tossed under the bus. I did notice his beagle story is back in the mainstream, this time proven true.

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And will continue to do so

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Well, the motivation of the VA might be culling the oldsters to make their budget go further.

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"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

If they couldn't kill us with Agent Orange, toxic anthrax vaccines, Gulf War Syndrome, toxic water at Camp Lejeune, exposure to burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan...they will finally finish off the job with the covid DeathVax.

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The Culling....of the old, the young, the infirm, the disabled, the abled, basically the majority of the useless eaters that breathe air is their plan. See Georgia Guidestones for more details.

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It's their version of doctor assisted suicide. Cheaper than medical care. The newest way to balance the books.

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Highly sus that they are pushing additional doses on the older ones.

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"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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Where is Gov DeSantis? Why is not on the forefront protecting our vets by banning the bio-weapon in FL?????????????????????????

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His inaction tells me all I need to know about him.

He is a coward.

Probably enlisting a focus group to give him a feel on how to proceed.

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Jun 9Β·edited Jun 9

I'm a Florida resident. I voted for DeSantis. He does some admirable things and he does some things that I don't consider admirable. He did get Lapado as Surgeon General, so that was good. But early in the pandemic, before Lapado, I emailed DeSantis and requested that he look into supporting ivermectin. I got no response whatsoever, other than a generic one. The gist of the response was something to the effect of, "The governor is very busy and he'll get back to you on this sometime." That was it. DeSantis is a politician. I find politicians hard to admire. Politics is a game I could never wrap my head around.

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If the pandemic has done anything for me, it has elevated my suspicions and skepticism to appropriate levels about anyone who DESIRES public office, much less achieves it.

Government must shrink, and I don't see it happening any time soon, because how do we shrink it? Government must do it to itself. Thats like trying to fix a broken hammer using the only tool you have, which is the broken hammer.

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I figure all those lazy federal government workers who are still working from home because of covid or such nonsense...well, guess what, we don't need them.

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"he could have been a contender"

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Do you know of any veterans who are taking the offerings?

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Yes, I still see and hear veterans asking for the covid shot and the RSV shot.

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That makes me sad.

I have a veteran relative who I always looked up to as a rebellious type.

But he seems to accept every procedure that they advise at the VA.

I guess he’s been mostly bluster!

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I suspect that some veterans were afraid of losing their benefits if they did not comply. The pressure on us was huge. And maybe he encountered some mini-Mengele VA employee who implied/inferred a loss of health benefits for refusal to take the covid DeathVax.

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Jun 9Β·edited Jun 9

I actually don’t know how many he took, but it sucks that he took even one.

Do any veterans ever cut ties completely with the VA?

Because I wish he would!

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From the first day at boot camp recruits are conditioned to unquestionably obey every order. I got out in 2004, but would've probably lined up for the jamb without question. 🫀

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… and healthcare professionals beg for it too

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Well...they might be long for this earth.

I read Dr. Makis and Mark Crispen Miller's Substack...and the illnesses and deaths are horrifying.

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A good friend is waiting to hear results from a PET scan after cancer markers showed in her blood. After her second shot in 2021 she was hit with autoimmune hepatitisβ€” one of the 1200+side effects list given to FDA by Pfizer. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

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It is the disgraceful disgusting gift that keeps giving .

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Oh, no. That is so disappointing and disheartening.

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Do they just offer it, or is it mandated for them to get treatment. Because I actually thought they offered it still to most of the population, regardless of them being veterans.

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The veterans are offered the shot. It was not mandated to get treatment.

However, many veterans were under the impression they could lose their benefits if they refused.

The VA employees were mandated to get the death shot...also, the contractors that work for the VA were also forced.

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My hairdresser, 33yrs old, is a Navy vet. She got one Pfizer, (required to return to work). Her husband is also a Navy vet, neither of them received ANY money from the govt during Covid. One vax nearly killed her. They were trying for another baby at the time. Yes, her VA Ob-Gyn said the vax was safe.... She was with her husband when she passed out backing out of a parking space. He started CPR and the paramedics in the ambulance took over. She was out cold... came to in the ICU at the VA hospital. She was told, "no one has ever survived that kind of event." It has been 10 months since the initial episode... She had a defibrillator installed back in September and now a pacemaker installed in November. She's been given 5 different diagnosis' since her initial event. Just saw her a month ago after her fourth procedure. She's back at work and no longer has a "diagnosis." They told her, "we don't know what is wrong with your heart, all we know is, it's something..." She's waiting on a referral to see a heart specialist outside the VA... she's hoping for someone over 60.

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Oh my goodness...what a horror story.

Any doctor who tells a woman the covid shot is safe learned nothing from Thalidomide and DES.

A doctor will tell a pregnant woman not to drink, smoke, or eat certain foods, but taking an experimental mRNA shot full of toxins into the body is OK.

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I know a mother in her 30s with heart failure and an implanted defibrillator. They got the injections to take the kids on a cruise. She regrets it, needless to say.

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So damaging.

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I’m just a small business guy but, it seems like the IG4 conversion, from multiple mRNA injections, is the predicate for VAIDS and all the diseases that cause mortality.

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American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

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Ahh, thank you.


First thought was β€œadvanced combat optical gunsight”

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I figured πŸ˜› And you’re welcome. Makes more sense in this context doesn’t it 😁

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I can’t believe the acog (snicker) wouldn’t realize β€œhey, these shots are messing up women we are supposed to help..maybe we should stop..”


give the shots out at all times!

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I’m guessing you’re being facetious but I can totally believe they don’t realize or don’t care that the shots are harmful. There are plenty of other interventions they promote as safe and act as if those interventions are problem free, when that is far from true (epidurals, c sections, pitocin, etc.).

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β€œThrough the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. β€œThe Lord is my portion,” says my soul, β€œTherefore I hope in Him!” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him.”

‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3‬:‭22‬-‭25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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This Scripture always brings tears to my eyes. I do not even begin to understand His mercy.

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What the Russians should do is send thousands of eligible Russian men into Ukraine with flowers and chocolates for the Ukrainian women who now are massively single from the meat grinder military that Zelenskyy has reigned on the country. That’ll win the war peacefully and the war will end like a good love story book.

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Sounds like a Hallmark movie...

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I will happily donate to that cause. And take pictures.

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The Bible should be taught at home, not in public schools, unless of course we want atheists, Muslims and other people hostile to the Lord Jesus teaching the Bible. And why not teach the Koran?

Pathetic politicians are at it again.

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It's a plank in their platform, not a policy. It would never pass constitutional muster if they attempted to make it law, and they know it. It is included as, primarily, messaging; it helps get out the vote.

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It's pushing the Overton window to the right. That's the goal. And it's a good strategy. As we can see from comments here, conservatives are not used to this sort of actual fighting and standing for something.

I actually don't remember it ever happening. Usually, our side starts with the status quo somewhere in the middle-left ("we want to keep it as it is!") and then "negotiates" their way to a far-left "compromise" that results in banning individuals from praying or displaying an American flag in a public school, and 9 month and beyond "abortions."

They are learning from Trump. Take a currently "extreme" position and work from there. If they even engage you in the negotiation, you've already gained ground from the status quo.

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Here is a simple example of Republican bipartisan negotiating:

Dems: give me $10.

Republicans: no.

Dems: ok, make it $7

Republicans: deal!

And Republicans think they made $3 on this deal...

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LOL. True. It's triggered a lot of people on the conservative side, but all Trump - and those who followed his lead, like Rufo - are doing is reversing this situation. Though in a way, I guess it makes sense. Conservatives are about conserving. Therefore a change to the status quo is "bad," even when that change is actually helping.

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What does "conserving" mean? In political terms, it means minimizing power in the hands of federal government officials and "conserving" it for the people and the states. In economic terms it means exercising fiduciary responsibility and prudence: conserving resources. In social terms, it means, to use a cliche, "live and let live": conserving relationships between people.

In a handful of words it means: no more government than absolutely necessary.

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πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ Deal! Hahahaha

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I actually don't think it is a good strategy, but I do understand your point. I hate starting with a compromised position. My problem is that it is deeply unserious. "Congress shall make no law" is sufficiently proscriptive to know this would be overturned 9-0 by the current SCOTUS if it ever made it that far. Put that in the platform, and I believe that you are equally unserious about other planks in the platform.

I don't care what the left makes of it. They will hate if we said "Allow all humans to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide" and denounce those who propose it as racists, or "plant phobic" or something. We need adults in the room. We live in a pluralistic society. We always have done. And the framers understood that state run religious ANYTHING leads to tyranny.

Here's a better plank that doesn't start in the center. Privatize schools and provide vouchers. Each student attending their selected school is a free market vote for that school, its quality, etc. Don't worry about standards, that will self level after an initial period of it being the wild west. That would accomplish what the TX GOP platform plank is aiming for, but in a broadly positive and culture changing way.

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Jun 9Β·edited Jun 9

First... The State will never give up control of the youth. Short of a collapse of the USG, they will never give up control of education.

Second... Vouchers are just another form of control. Funding is control. Rather, eliminate all individual property taxes. That would be a big relief to all families and would defund state education. Privatize all education. Further incentivize families to have children by eliminating 20% of their income from income taxes for each child they have. Sounds fair to me but of course that will never happen.

As for the First Amendment, "Congress shall make no law respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." simply prohibits the Federal Gov't from "establishing" a State sanctioned church. American churches are to be free from Fed Gov't regulation: no law respecting any establishment of religion. This was something the founders were very familiar with in Britain where only one church was allowed to exist. In fact, the early Congress budgeted money for the printing and distribution of Bibles for the American people.

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IMO, it's all about narrative and what is deemed "acceptable" discourse. So, I think any way we push the window open is a good thing, and ultimately a good strategy. No, this is not going to be approved by SCOTUS. That doesn't matter. That same issue has certainly not stopped the left's "long march." It's considered a minor obstacle b/c they know it's a battle for narrative control and what society deems "acceptable" beliefs, which then leads to policy. Time to go on offense.

Our question should be: what's the furthest "right" position we can seed into society, to set the right boundary of the window as far right as possible? (But also, because we live in a pluralist society, the "extreme" voices on the right also need to be heard and considered. They've been silenced my entire life.) We certainly hear enough from those on the left, which is why our window currently extends from center-left (big gov't and high taxes) to far-left (institutionalized anti-white racism and calls for "socialized" everything).

As for serious or not - that is within the minds of those putting it forward. I suspect they are serious. (As it turned out the leftists chanting "defund the police" were actually serious.) I know us attacking them from our own side doesn't help move society's mental model rightward.

School choice is a good example of what I'm trying (poorly) to say: we've been trying for decades to get choice and vouchers, but it hasn't worked. Why? IMO, because there was nothing to the right of it being offered. So, it has been taken as the "right-most" starting point - the view of the "right wingers" - which means any society-wide negotiation by definition moves to the left from that position. That is why it's gained little-to-no traction despite 60+ years of costly, abject failure of the public school system.

The way I see it, societal level arguments aren't won with reason and logic and seriousness. People are emotional and moral animals, not rational animals. So, we have to make bold, sometimes ridiculous claims - or at least support the right to be heard for those who do - in order to shake up the status quo. We need the people furthest to the right to have a voice or we will always be arguing from the center, at best. Then, negotiate to the solution we actually want.

Final example: 8 years ago Trump said "close the border and build a wall," and people gasped in horror. The avg person said things like: we're not China or Berlin! That's racist! We should have an open border and offer asylum! And so on. He opened the window to an "extreme" view. His opposition overreacted to that. Now, 8 years later, 73% of the country wants the border closed.

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I love your comments, RU, and I agree with virtually everything you say, but thanks to the nutty leftists and their trans ideology, and also to Grandma Garland and his Stasi calling angry parents attending school board meetings domestic terrorists, the school choice movement is doing much better these days. Imho far too few families take advantage of the possibilities provided by laws such as Florida's and other states', but I do think Covid helped open people's minds to the notion of other modes of schooling; one of its many silver linings, for those not killed or maimed in the interim.

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It's a good point, and you know I always appreciate your views! I guess that I would read that as some parents voicing an "extreme" and "unacceptable" view, the Establishment PTB overreacting and freaking out, resulting in a societal move to the "right." (Similar to the dynamic with Trump and the border.)

So, in a way, it was those emotional and sort of Quixotic actions that led to some traction finally being gained, not rational policy / economics arguments that defined past efforts to push choice. They forced the window open with an emotional appeal. I think having someone to the right of them can only help them, even if only as the new "unacceptable" position.

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But promoting unconstitutional stances will also backfire, much like the zero provisions for abortions (and I acknowledge, not a fair comparison).

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time will tell...

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I'm a Christian, and I agree with you. Although I think the Bible can and should be taught as an important religious text and foundation of Western civilization, nothing more than that unless it's a private Christian school. The provision for trying to make it impossible for Democrats to be elected seems pretty sus too. I guess election fixing is only bad if the other side does it.

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The 'majority of counties' idea is simply an extension of our Electoral College at the national level, ensuring that the big city in a state doesn't so dominate elections that the rest of the state isn't actually represented, as the Electoral College does for big states vs. smaller ones.

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Jun 9Β·edited Jun 9

Then that implies teaching other religious books and history...which would be great only...they are... But without Bible, so they aren't.

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Jun 9Β·edited Jun 9

There is no answer for this. EVERY society/culture is based on a commonly-held faith, a set of presuppositions that cannot be proven that inform all of life. In other words, a religion. A belief that disavows all religions is itself a religion. Humanism is the most prominent example. It disavows a "God" yet it is still a religion based on a set of presuppositions. Instead of a "God", humanism sets up "Man" as the arbiter of all "Truth", ie, Man is "God".

America was founded as a Christian culture whose faith was informed by the Bible and was explicitly the presuppositional basis for the Declaration of Independence. Early Congressional actions budgeted money for the printing and dissemination of the Bible.

America became a base of support for Christian missions to the rest of the world. A society that does not have a common faith in a "religion" descends into chaos and conflict. Today, the Marxists who have taken control of the USG have openly declared Christianity to be the enemy and have openly characterized Christians as terrorists.

The belief system that informed the creation of early American society and sustained the development of our culture has now been marginalized in society as an abhorrent and subversive faith. Christianity is now being explicitly and violently purged from American society and replaced with a hedonistic and relativistic humanism that has no absolute standard of morality and justice. The embodiment of this faith is the State. For them, the Ten Laws do not exist. Chaos is ensuing with the mass importation of tens of millions of immigrants who have no connection to the Christian morality that informed the building of American society. Conflict will be the inevitable result and indeed, it is at our door.

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Jun 9Β·edited Jun 10

They war against a God they say cannot exist. They run when no one is chasing them. πŸ€£πŸ˜‘ They fight against a non existing enemy... but they KNOW.

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This is a well-stated, logical, thought-provoking comment. Thank you! ❣

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Sorry but I don't understand this comment? Wondering if maybe there's a typo or two in there.

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I think RJ is saying then they would have to tech other β€œreligious” books also if they taught the Bible. Better to be none than adding all the others.

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Except that the other books have no historical relevance to the history of the US and its development. Only the Bible does.

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It should be taught in that context, absolutely.

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Knowing truth is essential to recognizing a lie.

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I'm sorry you can't read my mind. I realize my swype often doesn't match my thoughts, or does it? 😜 Hence my name "Rambler"

Tried to fix. Thanks for your interest. 😁

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That's not the problem. The problem is public education, State funded and controlled education, should not exist. State education is simply the means for the State to indoctrinate young minds with the Statist philosophy the State wants. That is the problem. By it's very nature, "education" is presuppositionally religious.

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And it's become a fund-raising and vote-buying mechanism for the political party in the US (D) that wants to make the state larger and more powerful. It's become that at the expense of the kids it's supposed to be educating. Abolish public education.

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Wow! You are very good at creating a strong, logical argument. Maybe you should be writing a regular news letter, or maybe you already do. Anyway, thank you again! 😊

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What a thought. I don't know how Jeff does what he does in the limited amount of time he has. Truly amazing.

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Yes, but you are exceptionally articulate and as I said, logical! If you had a Substack page I'd be reading it. 😊

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Right. Time to privatize education.

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It doesn’t need to be β€œtaught.” It needs to be read. In elementary school in the 50’s, we started each day with the Pledge of Allegiance and a Bible verse.

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And those ppl sent their children even after liberals sued against it.

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