Yes, I agree with you about Governor DeSantis. He’s better off completing his term as Floridas Governor. The deep state would take him over the coals and devour him. Trump is much better equipped to handle them now that he’s seen their playbook! He’s going to obliterate them in his 2024 Presidential Election return.

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Better to be in charge of one of the biggest and soundest lifeboats than be awarded the vanity title of “Captain of the Titanic” just as the bow slips beneath the waves.

If DeSantis has a mission on the national stage, I think it would be in leading a revolt of the states.

There’s going to be no “savior” POTUS -- the corruption and rot are far too profound. When your house has had an uncontrolled termite infestation for decades, you’re probably better off razing it, exterminating the white ants and starting again. Pretending otherwise just prolongs the misery: the day of reckoning will come one way or another.

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Further agreed...FIRE them ALL. Elect a new congress, put the Administrative Pension state on the street.

Guess what...they can all survive on a SELF-FUNDED!!! 401k or SepIRA just like the rest of us deplorables

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Actually you would be asking people who have an annual salary of $140k plus junkets and trappings to voluntarily give those up for a pension of at least $50k. Few of us deplorable have such security; not to mention we are allowed that after we are 67 and age going up, whereas they get it from day one! Problem is they hold the pie and the knife!

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Lol...yes that is right. Although there's there's no voluntary about it. Fire them all...the Admin. Branch is so bloated its worse the a 3 day old dead cow.

The ancient writer mentioned this...summarizing: whenever there is a society rife with corruption and bribes look up and see that there is an administrator and another over him and another one higher still.

In other words, the fatter a government gets....buckle up because you won't see justice or Integrity for a very long time.

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I agree...the Constitution puts far more nation saving capacity in the States and trust by the way. We need him winning like a UFC Champion in a state post more than getting into a decision-match in the Swamp.

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So, why don't you guys support an Article V convention? They can only vote on the pre-designated items. Term limits is one of them on the agenda. Look up the COS Convention of States site.

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This is the group that is slowly making that happen: https://www.termlimits.com

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Nice thought. Absolutely impossible to achieve outside of a second civil war...assuming the good guys win.

Right now I do not imagine enuf military or police personel would jump on board. Very unlikely to garnish even 1% of needed defenders to win anything...other than wet dreams. But...here I am...in Trudoland...with nothing but socialist fascists in every direction I look.

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I wish he would lead a States revolt! Have him start with Indiana! They need help getting out from under all the RINOs.

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And, did you know that Indiana is the chief "clearinghouse" for human traffic'ng in the US? Clean out the lizards and snakes where they are entrenched. Mike Pence is one of the biggest lizards of all.

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Nothing would surprise me.

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I was originally from Indiana and you are RIGHT! Nobody gets into politics there without the help of Eli Lilly. Sad but true. RINO country because of that.

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Between the "acronym agencies" in the Federal government and the huge pharma stronghold on our "health"care system--WE THE PEOPLE are besieged--and, sadly, most citizens DON'T EVEN REALIZE IT!!

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I know. And it has to do with what news media they have become hypnotized by.

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Absolutely! When I share what I have learned by being online and doing my own research--most of my friends and family look at me as though I am certifiably "mad"--and guess who's actually "mentally ill"!! Not I...said the "little red hen"!

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Absolutely! Sharon - honestly didn’t know that. 😞 Tell me more.

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You'll get more information by doing your own research. The "subterranean Web" is a good place to start, Lora. Happy researching--it's good for your soul--truly.

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I will share this op ed article written 7 years ago by a faith-based leader of group that assists in advocating for victims of human trafficking-- start there and you will find many other articles about Indiana and WHY it is a "hub" for trafficking in humans (particularly young women)! https://www.indystar.com/story/opinion/2019/04/07/op-ed-indiana-hub-sex-trafficking-but-hoosiers-can-help-rescue-victims/3378216002/

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Our Bible Study group has been fasting and praying for the youth of our community and nation. We often drive around the schools in our area and pray for everyone, from the janitor up to the school board.

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If governors use his model (and learn from his mistakes) the country would turn around, state by state.

To do that we have to get good governors and good state legislators in, and fix the broken voting system.

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"...get good governors and good state legislatures...," 😂🤣😂🤣 Slapping my knee!

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💯 Well said! 👍

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I am so confused over everyone’s devoted Trump support. So it took him 4 years to study the playbook, play along with operation warp speed, falter on election integrity, spend like the democrats, and now supporters wait on, “the plan.” It is amazing how much grace he gets. Yes, he had some good policies, but I’m not seeing a proven conservative. Is everyone okay with his repeated and unnecessary promotion of the covid vaccine?

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He also offered alternative treatments (ivermectin) and was vilified and the treatments blocked from purchase. DeSantis pushed the vaccines at every press conference. We have very short memories as a ppl. He also brought companies back to the U.S., got tarrif payments for our farmers, allowed citizens the "right" to try medical alternatives for cancer, etc. I could go on, but I haven't seen ANY other politician do a smidgen of these things. Plus he's the only guy not bought or owned which is a HUGE deal!

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I think it was Hydroxychloroquine that Trump promoted and got vilified for. Why did he leave Fauci in his position, after he humiliated Trump over that issue?

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He had to weigh reactions in that very explosive time. He already had everyone operating against him. What do you suppose would have been the reaction had he ‘fired’ Anthony Fauci?

He was also having to figure all this out in real time. I had deep, deep compassion for him and still do.

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Agreed. It would be fitting for Trump to get his 2nd term back.

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My biggest concern about DeSantis is the RINOS who have jumped on his bandwagon, notably Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush and Mitch McConnell. Trump isn’t beholden to anyone and has seen the corruption and betrayal in the swamp. He knows who the traitors are. A big part of the learning curve has taken place. And he was robbed of his second term.

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I can forgive many of the errors made in the fog of war. But now it's hindsight and he STILL brags on OWS being his crowning achievement that saved the world.

I can't get back on the Trump train if he doesn't get right on that.

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I’m at the point where they ALl seem like different veggies in the same putrid stew. Some are a little more palatable than others until you notice them crawling out of the same pot. Nice money in being stewed though. Same pot plot.

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One day you will see what OWS really was. It wasn't about the vaccines that you THINK. It was about the millions of poisonous viles that were taken out of circulation.

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Joe Biden is a bad president but somehow he managed to fire Fauci with no blowback.

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Hmm, I haven't heard that before. My impression was that Fauci would have wanted to stay forever, but with congress switching parties and tea leaves indicating the gain of function s#$* likely to hit the fan, he "retired" because there's less accountability as a civilian than an active government employee. He's smart enough to quit while he's ahead.

Do you have any links documenting that Biden pushed Fauci out against his will?

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Fauci was not fired.

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Fauci resigned, he wasn’t fired.

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He didn't fire Fauci. Give me a break.

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He offered both HCQ and Ivermectin, as well as some experimental treatments being used at the time. That’s why deep state came so hard on the Ivermectin and HCQ.

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Plus, there could not be any known effective treatment if the shots were going to get EUA, so they just let people die.

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Ivermectin and HCQ were very well KNOWN treatments. One only had to do the research, as well as realize that if the left and their thugs in the media were screaming against it .......it must work.

That’s how most of us knew where the Truth lays. It’s the absolute opposite of whatever the RATS, RINOS and media are saying.

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Exactly, Anne!

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If Trump hadn’t put fauci front and center, I doubt that the general public would be finding out about the Wuhan lab leak today. I suspected it in February 2020. I had no doubt it was a Bioweapon.

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No doubt whatsoever. The panic of it all gave it away.

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Anne...Trump did not have enough intel that was truly honest about what Fauci and his henchmen were up to all over the globe with their "bioweapon research labs". If he had been permitted to another 4 years--he would have figured it out.

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I don’t understand why Trump has not rescinded his support of the vax. I, too, think he didn’t have enough Intel, but the truth is out now, and he has not given any indication that he has changed his mind about it.

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There are much larger "fish to fry" - that's where DJT is spending his time and energy, I would believe. He has always said NO MANDATES for the jab!! If he had still been POTUS the mandates would NEVER have happened. Private industry followed the "bidding" of the government "leaders"---and thus hundreds of millions of people are still suffering injury from that bioweapon jab.

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Trump promoted both IVM and HCQ, (which had saved his life, because he listened to Dr Zelenko), and said jabs should NOT be mandated.

He even posted dozens of tweets and was vilified every step by the Narrative Media. Orange Man bad syndrome, and all that. Mutiny was everywhere in his administration and the Feds generally.

Fauci led the COVID task force meetings by his position and a seeming voice of calm. He fed only what he wanted them to know, and crafted the snakey language that everyone believed.

For example, when Fauci was asked whether natural immunity was as or more effective than the jabs, his answer was

“Well, we don’t know how long it will last. Get vaccinated.”

The translation of Fauci’s answer is

“Yes. We know it lasts a long time but can’t say exactly how many years. Get vaccinated.”

Its in a video clip.

That answer was the devil’s own deception in the garden - both the commission of lies, and intentional omission of truths which is to lie.

No one can fire the person holding Fauci’s title except for Fauci’s boss who was in in the gain of function business and the pharma revolving door scam with Fauci, and Fauci’s wife, who is the ethics director.

Be very careful of his replacement who is rabidly worse and not even as smart.

We also should put a stop to fireproofing that position’s tenure, but not in an overreaction mode. Always consider that the pendulum swings both ways.

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EXACTLY!! That pudgy guy with the sickening demeanor--is he going "replace" Falseci?? HEAVEN HELP US!!

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He wasn’t in the office very long when Covid hit it goes to Biden who keeps paying them to make more viruses. Oh Biden’s best friend Facie Fauci made the virus.

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I 2nd this...

Perhaps "Trumping" all that even still, he withdrew us from the WHO and de-funded it to some degree at least.

That may be the utter destruction of our Constitutional gov...if we don't stop the push from WHO this very month.

I watched from within the Stage dept/mil under Sec.Cli. under the Obamanator the setup for the globalists to sidestep the Constitution. We had better pray. They have nearly finished the job.

We shall see...

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also withdrew Paris accords and was pissed about UN / NATO funding disparities...

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Obamanation was "groomed" to set up the framework to DESTROY our Constitutional Republic. I'm certain he DESPISES the USA!! Now he has a deluxe gated "mansion" in D.C. from which he runs his THIRD term in office as POTUS.

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The bottom line difference is that DeSantis woke up a long time ago. Trump is still on the same page...unwilling or unable to see the truth about the vaccines.

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I do recognize all the good that Trump did and he was there for that season. But I do not see him turning around on this Covid jab. I wish he would speak out more against those who imprisoned J6 political prisoners. It’s very bewildering I don’t really trust anyone these days. DeSantis for a short while did support the vaccines, but once he found out the truth, and he hired that man, his surgeon general things started to roll. I know this because daily I read coffee and Covid and Jeff keeps me informed.

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I suspect the J6 prisoners might have been treated even worse if Trump spoke out more.

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You are probably right. I hadn't considered that. Thanks for commenting.

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Trump speak out more about J6 prisoners? Are you kidding? After Tuckers initial reveal, Trump immediately called for their release....and he's called for the J6 Committee to be tried for treason. That's WAY more than DeSantis is saying.....crickets! What more do you want him to say????

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Guess you haven't heard.... last night Trump released his first song on Truth Social. It rocketed to #1 on the charts at itunes. Higher than Mylie Cyrus and Tim McGraw. Proceeds going to help the families of jailed Jan6er's. They are on the song as well.

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It’s better to remember the biggest problem with the vax were the mandates. Everyone wanted the vax to work ....EVERYONE. The bigger issue was the unconstitutional vaccine mandate.

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Everyone did not want the injection to work -- all the people who already knew that no vaccine "works."

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The MANDATE was the problem.

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Not true at all. I saw a video of Trump back a few years where he was speaking the truth of all vaccines and noting the terrible damage they were causing with autism. We are all naive if we think he had any other alternative that wasn't MUCH worse than the way it went. At least, he tried to give us alternative choices and talked of other things acting as vaccines. That's part of living in a free country. You have the right to not believe everything someone tells you without searching it out for yourself. Because we glibbly believed everything the "experts" told us does not alleviate our own responsibility to do our own research. The label: EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES should have been the catalyst to hesitate, but everyone was too driven by fear and too brainwashed to think you can read for yourself and come up with a conclusion. And this complacent approach is in every venue of our lives. You gotta wonder....why did good people readily admit our government cheated in elections ...admit there was a deep state....realize MSM was lying to us. .but turned around and believed the establishment about vaccines and masks? And I hold every doctor that succumbed to this nonsense as guilty because they KNEW the truth about viruses and how they worked AND immune systems. Basic medical 101. It's WAY too late to pawn things off on the only guy who made a true attempt to help us..

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Why? bc of the Narrative Media. Designed and paid to do exactly what you described.

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A long time ago? Nah. DeSantis only woke up when he saw the people loved Trump and loved how tough he was. That was when DeSantis grew a spine and a pair.

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I’ve heard it said that DJT received more than 80 million votes in 2020. Nothing he has done since Nov ‘20 is likely to change their opinions of him, and many have since come around to DJT’s side since then. I think Trump is a proven leader and he deserves to be in the White House. I am a FL Native and I love our Gov but I want him to finish out his second term as Governor before attempting to save the country.

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Remember he was one man against the machine. He virtually had no support

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And what makes you think this time will be different? A rino by any other name is still a rino

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I would never call Donald Trump a Rino. You need to get a dictionary or something. He’s not a Rino. He’s the enemy to the Rinos : Romney, Cheney, Mitch Occonnel, etc. You just need to be a little bit more educated I guess on what that means. Republican in Name Only.

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You clearly don't know what a RINO is. The United States are fortunate to have him in our corner. Did you get vaxxed? If you're not dead or injured, chances are it's because of DONALD TRUMP.

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I love it when trolls and bots decide they are intellectuals and start commenting. Their comments inevitably reveal what they are.

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I'd bet I could run you right back into your chicken house with my intellect, given your inane comments. You don't present well.

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I am not okay with that! He needs to admit he was wrong about the shots.

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Anne, I am as anti-vax as anyone can be, and understand your point. However, Trump has better political instincts than anyone I know of, so I am trusting that when the time is right (and it's getting closer as more is revealed about the corruption) he will deal with that. Navarro has expressed the talking points very well..

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Agreed, but he may well do like Jeff guessed and play both options to see if the media will praise him for one or the other!

As long as he preserves medical free choice and crushes the WHO/UN I don't think I'll get too bothered if he would rather use this to get a checkmate on the Leftie media.

But free-choice and demolishing the Public Health apparatus are not negotiable.

Never trust those godless earth-worshippers twice.

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So don’t be okay.

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Operation Warp Speed WAS NOT about getting vaccines to Americans. It was really about confiscating millions of poisonous viles of vaccines before they hit the market. He saved millions of lives by having the military covertly confiscating these poisonous vaccines. He was mislead and he got most of the poison off the market but he wasn't able to get all of it.

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Where do you read this Lisa? I’d like to think it was true, but it sounds much like another “white hat” saving the day for which we see no validation.

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You will see your validation to this at some point. I can tell you it's true. Trump is well aware of the upset people have over this OWS and he still speaks to the millions of lives he has saved. It's true. Our military risked their lives, once again, to save millions at the behest of our President. The enemy wanted to put us down and take over the continental US (think Israel and Palestine, the Israelis just moved into their homes when the coffee cups on the breakfast tables still had warm coffee in them) and it would have been easy peasy, even with all the guns. If you've seen any of the adverse reactions from the clinical trials that Pfizer sponsored, you'll have gladness in your heart for what Trump did.

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Interesting. I learned today that some of the MRNA jabs were placebos.

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Other info says we were supposed to be in lockdown with nonstop MSM Narrative fed to us for 2 years in isolation until we begged for a vax. This would have totally destroyed economies and minds.

And voila there would be the Plan’s “savior” vax. The 2 year vax was supposed to be much more deadly and jab rate much faster. Trump rushed it out and we got the half baked version EUA’d. And declared it should be only voluntary and in US IVM and HCQ with D3 and other simple vitamins and supplement treatments.

Biden made it mandatory.

Biden took away treatments.

Biden paid for his narrative media.

In my readings the 2 year lockdown psyop scenario is by bad mil but unclear about who is behind them and who is the actual target.

Idk how the 2 year lockdown plan could have been hijacked by a good mil. There don’t seem to be many left and they are flying low to stay alive.

It would make a good movie plot; we know most of the actors. I would like to know the names of the director and producer though.

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JFK, Jr. is alive. He saw that his plane was tampered with a bomb and he asked people he knew to help him fake his death. He's been in the ethers ever since with the righteous military that follow their oath to hold to the Constitution. They have been working on this for years. Their main goal is to wake the sleeping Americans up to the heinous crimes that have gone on for decades and more by the so-called "swamp". People don't want to wake up. Pizzagate is REAL and the inhumane crimes against humanity are REAL, which is exactly WHY Trump created the EO's that he did. We are talking about TRiLLIONS in cash and assets confiscated. The CA bank that just went down has serious ties to human trafficking and adrenochrome production and sales. Our debt will be paid and humanity will get the real "reset" we need. We have to weather the storm while the sleeping idiots wake the hell up so we never find ourselves here, again. The USA is on the verge of Age of Enlightenment but we have to go through what we have to go through to get there. There will be more loss of life and no one knows who that will be but these animals we are contending with don't care...they don't care. They believe they are Gods and we are a lesser species than them and they will destroy as much as they can and take as many of us as they can on their way out. We have to continue to have faith and trust. It's a tall order but if the children that sit in dog crates right now waiting for transfer to their buyers can hold on, if women who are trafficked and sold 30 or more times per day can hold on, if parents who have had their children stolen can hold on....then we can hold on. Pushing the tides does nothing but waste your energy and dampen your Spirit further. Hang in there, it will get better than better.

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I really wish out of 350 million Americans there was a better choice for President than gongshow TV hosts like Trump. Someone who works well with both sides to make America the best it can be.

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Both sides cannot be worked with. This isn’t D vs R. It is good vs evil and the two cannot and will not and should not be combined to work together. That ship sailed. The only one in 350 million people who can bring both sides together to work well together, will be the antichrist. There is only One Savior and it isn’t any man.

Although I do understand where you are coming from and what you are saying……We have to stop pretending like good and evil should be able to work together for the better of humanity. One is good and one is evil. There’s no middle ground there.

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Well said Sunny. We are way past “crossing the aisle” to get things accomplished. That worked in the 50’s and early 60’s when there was far more integrity in our national life. Now, for a good longtime, the only ones who “cross the aisle” are RINOS. We must realize that now there are two visions of how our country should be. Jane Fonda and The View ladies are a good example. We are a house divided and I have it on good authority that the house cannot stand. And like you, I wonder if this is the time when sexual chaos, lawlessness, apostasy, famine, pestilence and the like will set the stage for the final Antichrist. We just have to stay the course.

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Credenda…nice comment. It’s reminds me of how long I’ve hated that well-worn phrase from politicians…”my friends across the aisle”. It always made me want to scream, They’re Not Your Friends! Or shouldn’t be.

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Yes. It's the people vs. the oligarchs who want us in chains, or dead.

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You are 100% correct. This is a war with good and evil. God versus Satan. The prize is mankind. Yes the antichrist will come on the scene as the savior of the world. But we know what will happen. America has to be taken out of the way in order for the one world order and the antichrist to rule. They are working hard on that and America is falling. People think she can be saved. I’m sorry it looks like AMerica is going down. Our money has to be removed. Digital dollars so they can control us. They have to get rid of our guns. And they have occupied ,the evil ones , all the schools now with perverts so they can get the hearts and minds of our children. As for me, I belong to Jesus. My life is in his hands has been for 38 years. I know who wins I read the end of the story.

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Great, concise answer. Very hard for most to swallow...but will prove itself in time. Even so...most will still wallow in their insanity.

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Amen! Sunnydaze

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The issues is on what side of the line you're standing on, cause the other side will always be the Evil side :/

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I understand your point, I think, but I will maintain evil is recognizable to one’s who are not “religious” even. Evil will say they are good and call good evil….I think is your point? And the Bible foretold of this too. Good will be called evil and evil will be called good.

But the truth is still the truth and by any moral and biblical standards I know what is evil and what’s not. On the solid rock I stand and I know the difference between good and evil.

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Right ON baby!

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Nobody can work well with communist, except for another communist. That is what the Democrat party has become. If you think anything can go back to normal, you are sadly mistaken.

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Very funny- gongshow lol- blast from the past. Unfortunately there is a side that will never work with anyone to make the US the best it can. It has to falter for globalism to be the only solution. Unfortunately that side is constituted by more than just Dems.

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He must’ve been underwater during Trump’s four year term. He did more for this country in four years than any president before him. 

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Obama gets elected and before he is even sworn in is awarded the Nobel Peace prize! (What a joke). Trump gets elected and before he is sworn in - and through this presidency - all you hear about is Russia, ivermectin, and everything in between!

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You should be kissing Donald Trump's boots.

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We all should, dear. It’s obvious that you are here to sneer at us all. Hope you’re having fun and, as my Mom used to say “Be careful, or your face will freeze like that!”

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Both sides, up to this point, are the uniparty. Both sides are corrupt. What are we saying?

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Agreed...see my previous comment on firing the entire Admin branch. Reduce the guvment's annual budget by 90%.

It always works.

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You mean, like Biden? Or Newsome? Or Whitmer? Or Hochul?

I do not want anyone working well with both sides right now. That's what Romney and McConnell and Thune and Rounds supposedly do - work with the other side - by amputating the new GOP House legs a week before they were sworn in.

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Gongshow host! OMG. That made me LOL.

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That sounds like liberal speak to call Trump that. He has some warts, but he has the wealth to be a viable candidate.

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You do have to admit that every time they came at Trump, he always pointed out their ridiculous ways. We are the audience and the whole world is The Gong Show. I am madly ringing my bell....get those idiots off the stage!! For what it is worth, Trumps America is much preferred by this girl than Biden's Freak Show.

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You think you can reason with Karl Marx???

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These ‘coexist’ people think you can live with those who want us dead. Lol. They’re ‘special’.

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Isn’t that the current clown Biden promised us he would be?

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Both sides suck.

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We need a dragon slayer. Sadly, the time for Statesmen Is past. They are extinct.

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Agreed. I do find his personality abrasive at times I don’t like his name calling. But he’s not stupid and he made some good decisions for the most part until Covid hit. That was a hard one. I think DC is such a swamp whoever goes into that White House. It will be a mess especially if they’re a Republican and especially if they’re not a Rino. I believe our government has been totally captured, and it’s such a mess. Only God himself can help us, but God has been kicked out of America’s government schools. You name it ….sad. Disastrous for our children🥲

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Trump is a disrupter. In business a disrupter is brought in to save a business. Many times the execs can’t do it themselves. Disrupter routes out waste, bad apples, and excess weight, and reorients the “ship” in the right direction, without any legacy ties to cronies.

Painful and necessary, never popular. They move on when their job is done. Idk how people can do that, but it’s a rare skill set.

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You know that makes perfect sense. I wish Trump had disrupted a bit more though as far as not cleaning out the swamp like the FBI and using Fauci. And listening to them. Do you know Fauci in on the record for declaring that there would be a pandemic break out in Trump’s term. And now we found out that it was all planned. But alas Trump is a human being. There’s no perfect human. No perfect president. Some more than others. Thank you.

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Trump started off good, but I think someone had something on him. It was obvious at the end that he was controlled. Why did he surround himself with swamp creatures? I have read that George Soros loaned him a lot of money on one of his NY condo deals.

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Trump is a disrupter. In business a disrupter is brought in to save a business. Many times the execs can’t do it themselves. A disrupter routes out toxic or excess waste, lifts the rocks to find which insects underneath have symbiotic relationships, provisions the “ship” with food and fuel, and reorients the ship in the right direction.

A disrupter is painful and necessary, never popular. Not cuddly. They move on when their job is done. Idk how people can do that, but it’s a rare skill set. And sometimes the disrupter is gong a show host in disguise.

I’m not particularly a Trump fan but appreciate disruptions and shining a light on the consPIRACY against America.

A lot of corruption has been exposed in the last 6 years that has been going on for decades, bringing to light deeds done in darkness for decades.

-FDA/CDC/Pharma captured industry

-Media as government paid narrative mouthpiece and social enforcer

-mechanisms put in place by obominaton to bring CIA into US soil


-election mules breaking the law, lack of solid election laws and practices


-spotlight on boy, girl, women sex trafficking

-political crime families and their “foundations” (Clintons, Bidens, Pelosis...)

-gain of function - US labs around the world


-malleability of people, and discovery of people who are immune or who catch on faster.

-agility of technology to set up alternate culture (news, financial, medical)

And so many more.

From 2016-2020 Trump made the country healthier economically and strategically even while doing it with one hand tied behind his back by the media (fabrications and allegations, mutinies, traitors).

We need that work to be completed and now that the masks are off and we know where people stand, Trump could finish the job, paving the way for DeSantis. Get the boulders broken down into rocks, so the rocks can be broken down and a highway built.

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This is actually the best description of how Trump functions that I've ever seen. This is a really sound description! I still think DeSantis is a Trojan Horse as evidenced even by his Disney "tough talk but nothing changed" result. And Disney "contributed" a mighty fine donation to his campaign fund as a result as well. He's another opportunistic politician who happens to be a RINO....talks big and accomplishes very little, but the people all flock to believe him because he tells us what we want to hear.

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You’re way too naive.

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THAT right there is my problem with Trump. But, I have lived and traveled across the country in Trumps America and Bidens....I prefer Trumps America. But the OWS is just too much. Bah!!

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I agree that the vaccine thing is a problem, however, look at where the country was before COVID thanks to his policies. Most of us no longer care about labels, we want results. And Trump delivered.

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No one that I know ever called him a Conservative. But yes. We give him grace, because he was surrounded by evil, corrupt men, even in his administration. He has gone through a hell of an education for the last 8 years.

The DeSantis thing is coming from Deep Stste to divide and conquer. If you cannot see that, I pray that the scales fall from your eyes so that you can see what is really going on, otherwise, you will fall into the trap the DS is setting.

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Well if doubt that even “you” would have known how to handle COVID when the so called experts in medicine were telling you that thousands would die. We had a booming economy, energy independence, freeedddoom

And no threat of war...go figure!

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As written by another poster, johnnyfandango:

"President Trump’s first choice was to make therapeutics available such as hydroxychloroquine. He pushed Modi in India to reluctantly part with some of his supply. Because of Pres Trump’s actions we had ample stores of hydroxychloroquine ready to dispense.

What happened next? Our enemies launched a multifrontal attack on hydroxycholrooquine. The Lancet one of the world’s premiere medical journals publishing a study of 900,000 people shockingly showing hydroxychloroquine was dangerous and ineffective.

Problem was the study never happened, a complete hoax. The Lancet eventually admitted this and withdrew the paper after scientists around the world started asking how they never heard of the study. But the damage had been done. Hydroxychloroquine was smeared and taken off the table as a possible treatment.

Then the states blue and red locked us down. President Trump had no authority to impose or lift lockdowns. That authority rested with the states. And the states were not going to let go of the lockdowns. WEF was delighted, as Covid was seen as a gift to bring on the Great Reset. Lockdowns were planned by globalists to continue thru 2026-2028 by which time there would be no economy left to support people’s survival.

During the lockdowns regular medical care was impacted. Most non-Covid procedures and diagnostics were indefinitely postponed. People with cancer and heart issues didn’t get needed surgeries. Other medical procedures indefinitely delayed. Screenings and diagnostics didn’t happen so people were left undiagnosed, untreated.

How many more would have died of lack of medicare care if the lockdowns went on to 2026 or 2028 as globalists desired?

How many would starve under the ruins of an economy destroyed by the states’ lockdown madness should lockdowns have continued for many more years?

What freedoms would remain after many more years of dictatorial emergency rule at the state level?

So as captain of the ship President Trump was faced with a decision. Sometimes there are no good choices at all –a Kobayashi Maru situation.

He chose the only route that the states would accept as the price they demanded to lift their lockdowns. Vaccines or Lockdowns. If President Trump were still in the Oval Office in 2021, there would have been no mandates. And he would have continued to push to provide alternative therapeutics as he did with monoclonal antibodies.

Many died from the vaccine, but many also would have died if he couldn’t get the states to lift their lockdowns.

—-Death from lack of access to medical services.

—-Death from a permanently destroyed economy where people could no longer feed and house themselves.

He made a choice that in my view was the only route open to save the country and save lives and pull us back from the decimation of our freedoms under lockdown rule. Who’s to blame? Biden, Pharmaceutical companies, Bill Gates who heavily funds the WHO, WEF, China, feckless judges and corrupt politicians at the state level–they are to blame.

And lastly, any candidate trying to hold a fig leaf over their own responses will not do well to try to make a holier than thou argument regarding their pandemic response –no one. Right now there’s lots of revisionist history that will not survive a look under the hood of each candidates actions these last years."

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It is funny, isn’t it, that someone thinks they could have done a better job, when all the world was against him? Not funny, as I lol. Butt funny, as in, ‘their cornbread isn’t cooked in the middle’.

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He never promoted Mandating the covid vaccine.

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Trump has a huge EGO Which is l believe why he allowed the bioweapon promoters to snow him so he could "bring out" a vaccine FAST basically to prove he could. It was already out and over 20 years old and already proven as an animal kill shot.

His continued push and anybody else that still pushes it is to me a purposefull failure to admit a horrible mistake.

When he was in office however my own business was much better. People retirement portfolio was great.

If it is Trump against Biden again I will vote for Trump but more than likely like last time my vote won't count.

It is at the point that ONLY GOD can fix this mess!

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My husband and I were just talking about how God is sovereign over all of this. He allowed Trump (and Biden) to get into office, but I now think perhaps the reason for Trump being in office was not to save the country, but to take us that much closer to the chaos of the end times. I believe Trump genuinely wanted to help our country, but he couldn't be allowed by the globalists to do so.

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He never even controlled the legislative branch...not even close with all the RINOs. How could one fail to understand the profound wins he took for Conservatism thru sheer negotiation mastery considering that he was otherwise hamstrung as a Pres??

I got no answer for the Vax thing...except like Jeff surmised. He could loose me there.

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He could lose you there? Why?

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Are you okay with Ron's promotion of the vaccine and lockdowns?

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I'm not promoting DeSantis for president, but I am more forgiving of those who changed their stance and admitted they were wrong, than those (like Trump) who refuse to acknowledge any wrong.

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Trump does need to come out against the shots but he was always against lockdowns and mandates. I believe he is trying to coalition build. Who is gonna vote for the guy who actively demonizes the majority of the country (the vaccinated)? He should say he was lied to by Birx and Fauci. I mean let's be real he was mislead and betrayed by 90% of his team. We ALL thought for a few years that the GOP was actual opposition to the dems. He should have known better though.

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Politically, he should admit he was wrong and take responsibility as many times as Biden admits he was wrong and takes responsibility.

There is no grace given in politics for mea culpas, so a demand for "repentance" is a nonstarter.

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Interesting point. But in winning the next chess move it might be too much to demonize jab-receivers besides just being too far generally.

Now demonizing MANDATES!? That's a different thing.

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And you are God so we know you’re right!

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No, but I have an opinion just as you do. I am a follower of Christ and do not believe there is any candidate who can save us, if indeed we are under God's judgment, as it appears. Donald Trump was a good president overall and he should be in office now instead of the senile, illegitimate clown who is there, but God is sovereign over all of this.

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I'm okay with course correction when it became clear that the CDC and FDA were lyin' liars. Other governors didn't do that.

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People ignore this fact because they are morons.

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So many of the comments assume if you question Trump then you must support DeSantis. We don’t even know who’s running! And curiously, Trump adding to the deficit like he did is directly associated with inflation. We weren’t paying the piper when he was in office, but we are now. And Biden just helped by warp speeding the impact of inflation. Ultimately, we would have ended up here by many years of terrible fiscal policy by BOTH R‘S & D’s. I think a second term Trump would be a disaster, but so is Biden. So let’s talk about RFK Jr ;).

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I appreciate RFK Jr's book exposing Fauci. And I appreciate his clarion call about vaccine injuries to thousands and thousands of children. But he has the charisma of a potato and has zero chance of winning a nomination much less the presidency. He is a Democrat through and through with the exception of the vaccine thing, and he is an uncritical admirer of his rapist murderer Uncle Teddy.

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If RFK and Trump are our choices I don't even care who wins lol

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Not ok with his promotion of the COVID Vaccine.I do believe he left to many decisions to people who were knowledgeable in that area.They chose to give him bad advice.Don’t think he will make the same mistake twice.

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He didn't promote the vaccine, he promoted Operation Warp Speed and that is NOT a promotion of the vaccine. It was a promotion to confiscate millions of poisonous vaccines before they went into circulation. It will all come out and I can tell you faithfully that Trump has NO REASON to apologize.

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I am most definitely NOT ok with his repeated promotion of the not safe and not effective vax. He must evolve on this issue!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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DeSantis is a trojan horse for globalism. Trump for sure and MAYBE Pompeo can handle the deep state.

I dont trust anyone who the media loves and the media loves DeSantis!

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I don't trust Pompeo. He quashed release of JFK documents with some very sketchy rhetoric about 'protecting people'.

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He is a former director of the CIA. That alone makes me question his complete allegiance to the American people. We've all seen what the CIA and FBI really are and of what they are capable.

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Pompeo???? You mean “we lied, we cheated, we stole, hah , hah, hah???

That pompeo? He could handle the deep state because he is the deep state!

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I concede that and you May be correct on Pompeo. 100% True.

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The media loves DeSantis??? On which planet?

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The media will only fawn over a GOP candidate until he’s the nominee against the Democrat. They’re looking for the weakest or easiest candidate to beat. Then they will trash them like they’ve done to Trump. Haven’t we all learned by now that the media is against us??

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Gov. DeSantis is being touted by Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan, 2 never Trump RINOS......please stay in Florida and continue being a great governor. I hope Gov. DeSantis hasn't been doing all the good things he has done for Florida only to draw people away from supporting President Trump in 2024. His association with RINOS is quite concerning for me. President Trump needs to finish what he started.... we don't have time for on-the-job training. We can look at Gov. DeSantis in 2028 and assess then.

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I want our country's top peacetime president, President Donald J. Trump, back in our nation's driver's seat where he can do more to govern and ensure freedoms for America as well as for those countries wherein leaders were counterproductive and dangerous for the world.

Peace and prosperity!

Let's refresh our understanding of what PDJT has done in four short years:


Candidates with bulk funding from deep state sources (e.g., Mitch McConnell, Club of Growth, Wall Street, etc.) deserve our mistrust and hesitancy.

Candidates with support from war-mongering groups (e.g., Bush Family, FOX news, etc.) deserve our mistrust and hesitancy.

Candidates that lead with political hiding and opacity (e.g., Mar-a-Largo, Disney, vaccines, etc.) deserve our mistrust and hesitancy.

That said, Governor DeSantis should remain in Florida where he can continue his gubernatorial successes... why? He needs to earn a great deal more trust to lead our complex nation. Voters are clearly indicating he falls short at this time (e.g., various polls, supporter/voter crowds at public events, CPAC avoidance, MSM puff pieces & infomercials, etc.).

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Exactly. His reasons for running are very clear by the supporters he has! This dude does not care for America the way we need to be cared for. We will never be a super power with Desantis...it will be much like Billy Clinton in office, just looking good, strutting around and showing off! It's terrible he is even considering this. If he thinks the entire USA is his niche in Florida, he is crazy as a bat!

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I totally agree. If the Rats RINOS and media love him? Leave him where he is.

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"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" DeSantis is running against Trump. They MSM pretend to accept him. Also, in the polls, for what they are worth (not much) Biden does better against DeSantis than against Trump at this juncture. This is so-called love of DeSantis is just gaming the electorate. Remember in the last cycle Dems funded so called MAGA candidates in the primaries? It was a strategy that I think helped them in some purple states.

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DeSantis is controlled opposition!

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Yep! Truth!!!!

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So the "people" shouldn't have gone to a rally over a stolen election? We should have just stayed home accepting it like the plandemic? Once again, this was a complete set up as is and has been proven and just exposing more of this corruption to the core. We cannot sit idly by and let them ruin America and the more rallies the better!! MAGA!!!!

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You know what gets me? There are 330 million people living in the USA and only a hand full of the folks there were “violent” damaging property. By the government’s own talking points this was a “mostly peaceful protest” and that somehow demonstrated that the one third that didn’t get the shot were trying to kill. Ludicrous! The only ones there to creat mischief were those that the DAs across the country won’t prosecute for truly heinous crimes. I mean who knew you could get arrested for climbing a wall and breaking a few windows when there is no penalty for pushing another person in front of an oncoming subway train?

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All I’m saying, it’s from a strategic point of view, the rally was a disaster, and no one was there to look into what would have happened, and what ultimately did happen, with having that rally in that location. I do believe it was a set up, and Trump played into their hands. To me that does not show a leader who is capable of looking into and understanding strategic opposition. Which is exactly what happened that day.

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It is BECAUSE OF that rally that people like you have been able to SEE the truth of how deeply evil the left is. You need to do Mor thinking and less ‘feeling’. They are playing on the emotions of the ever-wavering middle. And just to be honest, I’m tired of boneless people. My kids would do that when they were little, just go boneless. It’s time for us to grow up and get an understanding of just what kind of deep-shit we are in

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As submitted by poster, Regitiger, on March 7, 2023

I think most (not all, but a large number ) of people are totally missing what happened ..and why this happened on Jan 6.

I am going to try my best to outline the events that day…blast past the commonly held assumptions and get right down to the core corruption.

I will present this as a series of questions and answers.

q1: how do you prevent congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes?

a: it requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency”…An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.

facts: remember, carefully…focus please…remember…just moments... literally 3 minutes before two representatives issued a vote for motions to suspend the certification the House members were “informed” by capitol police and other “agents” that a protest was about to breach the chambers. It was at this time that key people: Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell can be seen being walked out and escorted from the chamber. This effectively halted the Entire Chamber Process.

q2: why was it necessary to halt the chamber process

a2: the crisis was created to eliminate the motion challenges to halt the certification and to begin voting to look into voting irregularities and fraud

facts: the two motions were completely legal and constitutional under at least two constitutionally recognized procedures…procedures that would REQUIRE the house to pause the certification and then vote to determine whether the motions of suspend could move forward.

q3: what was so important to refuse this motion and the subsequent votes to suspend the electoral certification

a3: it was important to remove that process entirely and continue the fraud and certify the fraud with no detractors on record. This effectively gives no standing for a SCOTUS ruling appeal! understand this. If those two motions, even just one had successfully been voted EVEN IF THE MOTIONS were DENIED IN VOTE, this gives those who presented them with STANDING FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ARGUMENT BEFORE SCOTUS. Understand this.

q4: could this have been done some other way other than creating a crisis/protest?

a4: unlikely….In order to prevent those two motions, requires that speaker of the house, minority leaders, and the president of the congress (vice president of the united states: pence), to NOT BE PRESENT IN THE CHAMBERS. Once the capitol police and other “law enforcements agents” informed the speaker and these three other individuals, Pelosi UNILATERALLY UNDER EMERGENCY RULES, suspended the business of the congress. This protest was necessary ..the crisis was created because there is no other way to suspend the business of certification UNILATERALLY. By creating a crisis…invokes emergency procedures. No other circumstances other than war or mass simultaneous explosive diarhrea can create such unilateral speaker delivered suspension of the certification.

q5: Why did the motions, once that the speaker RECONVENED congress, move forward back again to the floor for votes? Why were members disallowed to even consider putting forward ANY motions to the floor in when the chamber business was reopened?

a5: the speaker initiated the NEW sessions under special emergency rules. These rules abandon and make it clear that the ONLY purpose of the new session was to EXPEDITE the certification and dismiss all prior regular session procedural rules. This is why those two motions to table votes to consider a debate and pause to the certifications of state vote electors never happened later that evening when the house business was reconvened!

q6: Other than new rules, emergency rules, what other peculiar things occurred when the speaker reconvened?

a6: members were allowed to “vote” in proxy…remotely…not being present…(you can use your imagination about what conditions were placed on ALL members during this time to prevent anyone from “getting out of line”. Also clearly, it was at THIS NEW SESSION that VP Pence, President of Congress, would also have no ability to even consider pausing the electoral certification…because there was no motions of disagreements on the matter. So in a technical legal claim, he is correct that he had no constitutional authority to address any issues of fraud or doubts about electoral irregularities. But this completely dismisses the FACT that congress created rules in this crisis/emergency that never allowed them to be floored!

understand what happened in Jan 6…don’t get hung up on Viking impostors, stolen Pelosi computers, podium heists, and complicit capitol police.

understand the process and what happened and what WAS NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.

this was a coup….it was a very organized and carefully planned coup. VP Pence without a doubt as well as most members of the house were quite aware of how the certification was going to be MANAGED.

it would require new rules to prevent the debate clause from occurring!


so they created an emergency.

noting: I understand why many people have great interest in debunking the j6 event…I get that. I think it is important to dissect and examine the events of that day.

but please…step back and understand WHY these things happened…examine the chain of events in congress…why those two motions that would have at least paused the certification THAT WOULD GIVE VP PENCE THE CONSITUTIONALLY RECOGNIZED POWER TO MOVE TO SUSPEND THE ELECTORAL CERTIFICATION AND THEN EXAMINE THE IRREGULARITIES AND CLAIMS OF FRAUD!

at the very center of this coup stands Pence…the same individual who also spoiled President Trump’s first opportunities in the earlies hours of his Presidency just 4 years prior, when he created and facilitated the removal of LTGEN Flynn. I will not spend much time on this thread explaining why LTGEN Flynn was so important to President Trump and why the IC was so afraid he would have advisory power to the President. That I will leave for another day, another time. But understand this clearly: MIKE PENCE WAS AND IS WORKING FOR THE MOST CORRUPT CRIMINAL TREASONOUS PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT.

Protip: if you really want to get a true understanding of this matter videos of protesters walking in the capitol is not going to address them. Actual video and time line records of events and the specific actions taken by the speaker just moments before TWO MAJOR ELECTORAL ALTERING MOTIONS WERE ABOUT TO BE FLOORED. This crisis was developed just in time with a precise coordination to prevent those two motions to be entered into the chamber record. The two motions do not exist. The emergency powers established in the new session made sure they never could be entered. The emergency powers could never happen without a crisis…

God Bless America

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Absolutely. We must stand our ground, we must fight back. Our freedom wasn't given to us, it was fought for and now we have a bunch of do nothing panty waists just willing to say "I don't want to get involved"....I'm too scared! These people are dangerous and if you have a bunch around you, find new people to socialize with!

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DeSantis is not Trump's enemy except that Trump said a few negative things recently, so it seems more like a ploy.

We have to see what happens to make the best call.

I do not want the REP vote divided.

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Too bad DeSantis couldn't be VP....I mean that would be quite the team and the learning experience for DeSantis. They cannot run as a team because their permanent residence is in Florida, this is what prevents it. DeSantis would be smart to support Trump and not divide the vote further! If he care anything about America he will do this!

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DeSantis despises President Trump. He almost lost his first campaign for governor because he did not want Trump’s endorsement. When it was clear he would lose without it (to the crackhead pervert, Andrew Gillum) he played at being MAGA for a little while, while he found it useful.

His handlers have now convinced him that Trump and his movement are over (done I tell you!) and he has a great shot at being the next president.

Just look at how RDS responded to the historical first of the FBI raiding the home of a U.S. President. In the state he was governing! If any don’t remember, RDS vanished for 5 days. Then he made some mealy mouthed statement about the naughtiness of the FBI, with zero mention of President Trump or the historical precedence. He has not publicly mentioned Trump’s name since then.

I will not return to the Rinos’ slower, deceptive walk to hell. My fighting spirit says, “Let’s get it on now!”

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1. We Floridians had much more freedom than any place else during Covid.

2. He has small children. He is fighting for other small children's right to innocence of childhood. and not to be psychologically sexually abused by sick teachers, school boards, and their leftist new world order following unions.

That is a VERY important thing! Many of those children are our grandchildren!

This is a spiritual battle for their precious souls.

I can think of nothing more important right now.

God only knows what diabolical and depraved sexual theme will come next. Already somewhere in Europe bestiality was legalized.

Paedophilia is also being talked about..the grooming now is the first step.

We cannot hide our heads in the sand about all this, as sickening and distasteful as it is.

No one is immune.

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RDS thinks he's a movie star just like 99% of DC thinks they are movie stars!! He is just more of the same but the real patriots see clearly!

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I didn't want Andrew Gillum, and he may be what you said, but the whole thing looked like blackmail to me.

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I think Trump has called attention to DeSantis so we can examine him more closely. Since Trump's announcements we've discovered some of DeSantis's backers, ie. Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan. More to come?

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The polls? Is anyone really still talking about listening to "the polls"? "I'm tired of that! Let's meet somewhere else." 🙄🥸

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Ron DeSantis=George W. Bush

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I've been saying this. Thank you!

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100% and our Country can't wait 25 years to figure it out when it's too late!

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Possibly and quite likely...time will tell.

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Pompeo is a hyper neocon.

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How, exactly, does the media love DeSantis? From what I've seen so far, the media, minus Fox, loves to hate him.

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I’m sure the media knows their role in this Globalist strategy for destroying MAGA. They are supposed to give RDS a glowing National Spotlight, while at the same time satisfying the appetite for hate of their rabid base. Challenging, but they’re satisfying sick morons, so…it can be done with their usual levels of (in)competence.

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They will be playcating to the simple minded and we know there are many simple minded with their freaking heads in the sand looking for a shiny star....DeSantis is this shiny star....nothing more and no substance whatsoever! He's a liar and the beginning of a thief is a liar!

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Pompeo is the Deep State. In spades.

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I've been seeing a lot of negative articles on the MSM sites, so they're gearing up for heavy duty poop slinging when he says he's running.

The media is already attacking, they dont like him.

And yes, we can't fully trust any gov official, but so far as the TopGov he kicked ass and took no BS during the covid dictatorship rule. Florida flourished.

Once he makes it to the WH the lobbying circling sharks will unfortunately get his ear.

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Pompeo is as deep state as they go

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Exactly...The media loves those who love themselves....lovers of self and doomed to destruction and not truly public servants as a President should be!

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I am way too jaded to believe that anyone who gets to the highest office in the land does so with a servant heart. Yea Trump took no salary and left a comfortable life to put himself in the line of fire, but his outsized ego (a turnoff to me) was likely a motivating factor. BUT I also acknowledge that anyone who is able to survive in the political space has to have some ego as armor against all of the negativity that comes their way. I have run (and lost) for local office and the negativity and attacks are relentless and nasty. You have to believe you are better than your opponent(s) to get up and fight another day. And Trump is a fighter like no other, he seems to relish it.

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How do you get to be Donald John Trump without a massive ego? That’s like saying King David had a massive ego. I have accomplished nothing in that layer of human existence and can’t imagine how it would feel. I also don’t begrudge an ego to anyone who has earned it. Nor am I envious. I feel I have done fairly well in my little life’s sphere and I can admire those who have done well in the highest of spheres.

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You nailed it!

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You keep posting this. She cites Fox News and one middling headline from CNBC. That’s hardly “fawning” coverage. The media hate RDS. They lie about everything he does. This may change if he decides to run and they want to “tweak” DJT, but they have a visceral hatred for anyone on the right, RDS included.

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Sarah D is one of the worst posters on Twitchy. She’s always snarky about Trump and I can always tell when I am reading her posts without even looking at the tagline.

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Plus, Trump "don't care" about the optics for a second term! He'll just do what needs to be done!

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So far in this great discussion no one has said how they think either candidate will get into office. Did the Deep State just agree to keep their paws off the electoral process from now on? Has anything been truly fixed? Do we still have “voting season” instead of Voting Day? Somebody please tell me how it’s going to be different next time.

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SHOW UP AND VOTE ON ELECTION DAY!!! That's a start! Don't vote early nor absentee...show up and vote and bring your friends, family and neighbors with you! Get involved with Board of elections and learn the process be the eyes and ears...We know we cannot expect the left to do the right thing....we must be one step above instead of just spouting useless words without action!

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That backfired in AZ

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Have to start before Election Day. This part is up to us.

-Clean up the voting roles-no dead people voting. Twice.

-Get involved with the local precincts now. 2024 is almost too late.

-help school boards and mayors of small and large towns get elected.

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No one who has not been approved by the skull and crossbones club, the military industrial complex, and big pharma will ever become US president. But that's just my opinion.

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Well it happened once, it can happen again. Need to clean up elections though.

How can anyone NOT want clean, transparent elections? Anyone who balks has something to hide.

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You might be right.

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Exactly. The evils powers that be are confident they can run Hilary and win now. They know how to cheat and get away with it. How can we even get anyone else into office. Feels like we don’t have a chance at a fair election. Trump is calling on governors to fix voting with 3 steps. But they aren’t exactly on board.

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I would appreciate anybodies thoughts on this post from another substack, critical of DeSantis.

It is about the two medical freedom bills.


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I read that article. The video where Burton says that she was given the bill by the Gov's office seems pretty damning to me. However, Burton may be saying that to give herself cover. Either way we will find out what DeSantis is made of on this very soon. Will he say "yeah, that was wrong, and I've asked Sen. Burton to withdraw the bill" or will he say nothing, or will he issue weasel words?

Here is my concern. Team DeSantis '24 is already doing tracking polls in all the swing states. Yeah, they have to win the Primaries, but one way to win primaries is to have a clear track to the White House. They are already counting electoral votes and trying to figure out how to get there. They might think they have to moderate some of his recent stands in FL to win the general election? I'm guessing that nation wide, there is a growing group of people who realize the Covid thing isn't a vaccine and they opposed it being forced on them, but that most Americans still think we should be vaccinating folks in general. I hate to sound cynical, but I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't another politician using our freedoms in a game to improve their political position.

This is why we have to watch everyone, and I mean EVERY ONE OF THESE PEOPLE, like a hawk. Accountability is the name of the game.

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Thank you. Our host Jeff has a fairly balanced wait and see regarding Presidential choice, and I think that is best. I hope he comments about this.

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Just emailed DeSantis about the bills and let him know what I thought... nicely

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Everyone in this community needs to read this!

Ron DeSantis=George W. Bush! Look past the Superman costume the media has plastered over him. Deception!

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What do they have in common??? IDK

Bush was head of CIA (automatic no no) and father Scherf was a nazi paper clip immigrant from WW2... Maybe maybe not...

What are Desantis' connections or relations? All I know is he was a part of some minor secret club in school and his name since removed. It's sketchy but not damning.

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I agree Dawn. Willing spirit needs to bring more than a lonely assertion.

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After watching the video, I am leaning toward Trump, but who knows...

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Here is what he was talking about. DeSantis saying Bush inspired him. It is a video but I haven't watched all of it.


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You might want to look at who are members of Skull and Bones. It isn't just some "minor secret club". It's an abomination and they commit for LIFE. Every man that comes out of it has betrayed our country and they do it with pleasure. It's like being a part of the WEF but on the steroids of young, impressionable men.

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You might enjoy this: https://majorkalhoun.substack.com/

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I would love this to be true; however, I do not believe that the oligarchs are going to allow him back in the Oval Office. There will be cheating galore and I fear that there will never be another republican as president, in my opinion.

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I heard that trump said we should go back to paper ballots and a day off to vote. Great idea because the way it is now is chaos like everything else lately...and the master of chaos is satan.

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I’m in agreement about DeSantis. Wondering though if they have some neo plans to eventually move Ben Sasse into the political swampy soup . Currently president of Florida University ?

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If it’s the same guy who was governor of Nebraska he’s a neocon, a Bush type guy. He’s really not conservative (unless George Bush is, lol)

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Yes. You are correct.

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He's a "pretty boy" somewhat like Billie Clinton.....Gives me the worst feeling about all of this!

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Better check this out for the TRUTH about Ron DeSantis. He's not who you think.


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Those star struck glittery people will never look past his Hollywood face!....This is the problem! I keep saying it, just like Billy Clinton....all's they saw was that Hollywood face......

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i like his stand for children. and schools. He has children. Beyond that, we are a crumbling country. No politician can change that. Half the population believes depravity is good and worships it with pride, a religion of idolatry and paganism... and they believe that God and religion, morality and virtue are bad.

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I'll take the win with DeSantis.

The real problem facing children in Florida is trafficking. It might be too big. God will handle them in His time. I worked in a poverty stricken school for years, and many kids would just withdraw/leave. The poor did move around so I didn't think much of it, but now, I wonder what happened to so many...

Maybe DeSantis is doing as much as he can/allowed OR for show OR part of grooming... He is messing with Disney which is good sign OR could be time to merge what Disney is doing with the regular state gov.

What is he doing about DCF????? (dept of children and fam) IDK

We know the very institutions set up to "help" children are the very ones doing the crimes against them. Sadly, DCF is able to choose children that won't be missed or have parents with a voice.

Ex. Hillary put Laura Silsby, the woman who nearly kidnapped 33 (yes that number...) children in Haiti, as head of Amber Alerts??? I wonder where Silsby is at now. IDK

If anyone watched the conference yesterday, there was a speaker talking about the 10 signs we're in the last days. It seems things will get worse, so our actions now make a difference, and we still must help the lost.

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Critical information about Ron DeSantis that you won't easily see.

He has a publicist from the SWAMP.


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If true, ( I think you are a bit high, yet they are certainly vocal) then what the other half believes and lives is perhaps the real election.

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I for one hope Desantis runs in 2024. I worry Trump running 2024 may divide the ticket and cause another 4-8 years of the loony tunes.

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Absolutely right! I always wonder how others cannot see what is obvious. They should at least keep track of their inaccurate perceptions since they were teens and get then hell out of the way! No self awareness!

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Agreed! DeSantis is far too important leading the way at a local level that in many ways is more important at this time than him trying to take on the deep state.

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More information about DeSantis that you won't see on MSM.


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Agreed! Stay in FL...... for now. His time is coming.

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More important information about DeSantis that is critical.


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I agree with Marion!

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Marion? what did she say?

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I'm not sure Gov DeSantis should run for president. I don't think he can beat Pres. Trump and will split the vote. I love our govenor, but I think Donald Trump needs to be our next president.

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Yes! DeSantis should stay as governor and help with state's rights. He'll lead other governors by example. That will help Trump much more than as a VP.

AND when Trump is finished, DeSantis will be harder to beat.

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If Trump serves as president again and beats the deep state, DeSantis will fade away. He's a globalist one world government thru and thru.

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It's his past stance as a Senator, coupled with the deep state people who are supporting him with big money. You don't take bucks from those channels unless you're supporting their narrative.

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Where did you hear that? My sister says the same thing.

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I also would like to see a lot more than the assertion.

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Change to our political system will come from the local and state level. Washington cannot be reformed in its current state. The states need to rest control back from the feds. We the people need to rest control back from the governments and hold them accountable. Otherwise I do not believe the USA will exist as we know it. Desantis should lead the state governors in implementing these changes.

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‘Wrest’ control back. I agree

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Illinois, MI, NY CA NJ MA ME AK MN NM needs DeSantis! Can Trump get it done? Could DeSantis lead the whole nation. It takes a SMART TEAM that shock and awe the evil ones but who is that? I seriously think everyone is infected with world dominance. I just want to live in peace and walk humbly with my God. Their god wants war and world slavery.

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They may NEED DeSantis, but they KNOW they need him or even WANT him?

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I think you are right, although I am not happy with the Trump situation. But I also realize that the disaster we find ourselves in is due to the seemly invincible ignorance of the American public. Given the American public factor, there are limits. Witness the totally ignorant covid panic stampede.

Pure opinion, but I don't think DeSantis is seasoned enough yet. I am afraid the swamp crocs would eat him alive by all of their covert chicanery. And four more years of Woke unraveling would confer advantage to any newcomer. However, I'd like to see DeSantis on the debate stage and see how he does.

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“Witness the totally ignorant covid panic stampede.” Yes, this! In the beginning of the Covid attack, I was trying to point out in my local area the absurdity of the claim of ‘No treatment, just ventilators and death’ and some other ridiculous points.

The pushback, blowback was horrendous. I saw it as like in the old Westerns, when a thunder storm would spook the cattle and basically all that could be done was to stay out of their way and monitor them until the stampede played out. Needless to say, I got kicked off ‘Nextdoor’.

That was eye opening and I don’t expect anything different for the future.

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We just might be on the same page. I say 'might be' because I would hope the people would have 'gotten some smarts' out of all of this. But do they ever? Maybe some? In the end, a mass insanity perpetrated from on high. And the whole planet. And we are only just beginning to scratch bottom on all of this. This has been Science Fiction to the moon. Simply unbelievable!

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There will never be another R president elected if we don’t wrest elections back from the deep state/elites/whatever. Biden did NOT get 81 million votes. We all know that. Why would 2024 be any different? They know they can “install” whomever they want, because they did it in 20 and 22. Primaries, electoral votes, polls mean ZERO. And everyone keeps talking about them as if they do. Read some of Jay Valentine’s work at American Thinker or check out his site, omega4america.com. No affiliation; I just think he’s the only guy that has revealed a process that could really make a difference, if we could just get a majority of the R states to use the system to delete phantom ballots and get Zuck bucks/dark money out of the system.

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I lean in that direction.

I would appreciate anybodies thoughts on this post from another substack, critical of DeSantis.

It is about the two medical freedom bills.


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Every card player has tells!DeSantis is showing his hand and not in a good way.While I like DeSantis,I don’t feel he should be nominated for president in 2024.The introduction of this watered down bill shows he will cave to special interest groups.President Trump,whether you like him or not has fought the swamp with his hands tied behind his back.He has some areas he could improve on but who doesn’t?People need to stay the course.President Trump made good on many campaign promises and was moving the country in the right direction.I believe he will do that again if elected.

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From what I understand, a democRAT introduced the watered down bill. But who knows if it was encouraged by RINOS?

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So not DeSantis?

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Yee haw!

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

So someone in Burtons offices says the governor brought the bill and that means he did? If I say "your mom eats dog poop" does that make it true? Where does DeSantis say he proposed that bill? How do we know someone isn't LYING or misrepresenting something, because we've never seen that before, right?

AND why couldn't both bills pass because they don't affect each other? The covid bill has extras for Covid that 222 does not. Having two bills doesn't mean one just goes by the wayside.

People are making assumptions not based in facts.

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The assertion is made, with an appropriate question mark.

It was not made by a random person, but by an assistant to Burton's office.

A watered down bill was made and brought to the table.

The question needing to be asked to DeSantis, has been asked.

We will see the answer given,

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I always appreciate SheThinksLiberty’s perspective on the issues.

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They have it planned out.

Just like everything, pretty much, you see in the news. 😊

All theatre to captivate your attention from what is really going on.


Don't worry about the banks, they will all be saved and so will you by the Gov.

CBDC Plan. Not! Good luck Slaves. Just like the Chinese Social Credit system. What?

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He may not be able to beat President Trump, but Trump will definitely not beat the Democrats. No way, no how.

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I understand and share that concern/awareness about the state of our elections. I also believe from my observations of President Trump that he does not waste effort. He has something in mind.

I recommend watching his speech to CPAC last week.

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I do lean to supporting whomever THEY want the least.

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I called on Your name, O Lord,

Out of the lowest pit.

You have heard my voice,

“Do not hide Your ear from my prayer for relief,

From my cry for help.”

You drew near when I called on You;

You said, “Do not fear!”

O Lord, You have pleaded my soul’s cause;

You have redeemed my life.

— Lamentations 3:55-58 NASB1995

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Thank you, Janice🙏🏻♥️

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It was so good I could hardly wait to share it. :)

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Hey, if they're ok with murdering unborn babies, why wouldn't they be ok with murdering politicians who cross them?

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And why do these ancient sea hags care so much about baby murder? They have been post menopausal for years. Truth is, they are such misanthropes they want other women to murder their children.

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They're envious of a baby's innocence and beauty of which they are without

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Ancient sea hags! Brilliant!! Can’t stand Jane! It won’t be long before she will be standing before the Almighty and being held accountable!

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Or murdering individual citizens who don't agree with them. Jane fonda is part of the death cult.

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Yes, that is exactly what I pointed out concerning the crisis pregnancy center attacks last year in a letter to the editor.

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023

St. Mother Teresa said, “the fruit of abortion is nuclear war.” If human life means nothing, then it means… nothing. She has no problem saying what she said because life means nothing to her and millions more ghouls like her.

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I don’t think she meant murder politicians. I think she meant murder the babies after they are born if you can’t murder them before they are born.

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Why would Fonda call the brutal torturing to death of a Preborn, Partially Born or Newborn who survives her abortion attack by its proper name, “Murder?”

Abortionphiles like her refuse to admit the wrongful killing of the young is Murder because many laws pertaining to that horrid act deny it as well. If a human being isn’t human in their eyes, laws pertaining to humans don’t apply.

No, Fonda was referring to an activism that takes out political opponents which still is defined as “Murder.” Until they can legally dehumanize these adults as non-human like the Preborn, she’ll play along and admit it’s what we know it is.

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I agree, they don’t consider abortion murder but “health care.” 🙄 She’s taking about murdering pro life activists imo.

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I think you may be right. Nonetheless, the comment was straight up right. The political class in general does not overly object to murder in endless wars based largely on made up fairy tales and the fraud of staged events ... and certainly not covid murder whether in hospitals or by the jabs. They are an 'the end justifies the means' crowd and anything goes with no moral brakes. As such, Fonda is a perfect example ... didn't even blink an eye with what was coming out of her mouth. And kind of stunning, when you think of it. Even her Woke View friends, whatever they believe, knew that it was bad optics to say such a thing out loud. But, as Lawyer Childers said, at least she was honest. We can chillingly giver her that!

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Of course she did! Those ppl all have murderous intentions and thoughts. They've murdered before, their own children, and encouraged/accompliced the murder of others!

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Oh, she meant murdering politicians. Or anyone who stands in her demonic way.

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I was thinking the exact same thing. They love murdering babies, so their souls are dark. Why not murder your opponents as well?

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Oh they are. Just ask Jane Fonda.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Today is 11 March.

3 years ago, on 11 March 2020, the WHO declared a pandemic.

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Three years which changed our lives forever. Family and friends lost by death or dispute. Trust completely dissolved in everything corporate or government, leaving a constant suspicion of any "news" allowed to see the light of day. "These are the days that try men's souls." (T.Paine)

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And a stunning revelation as to the character of our own Doctors and their staffs.

They’re not as bright or Patient focused as I once thought.

But the truly good ones have done incredible things for us, despite their persecution and censorship.

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I was including them in the corporate system, since that's how it was possible. Instead of solo practitioners making individual assessments and planning treatment per the individual, we're given employees of health care systems, operated always with all eyes on the bottom line.

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It’s sad how my solo practicing Pain Doctor has taken every Booster, along with his wife and teen kids. He was ecstatic when he was able to get his first shot.

He tried to sell me on it long before it was released. I told him I’d never take it. He said the vaxx was my “winning lottery ticket.”

Now, each time we see each other I know we’re both thinking, “You’re still alive?”

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

He was wrong about the type of gambling, it was (Russian) roulette not the lottery 😕

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For different reasons!

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Yes, and here in Florida (supposedly set totally free by DeSantis) I am still not seeing my doctor. The nasty hospital corporation that employs her is still requiring masks and micromanaging her care protocols.

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VA will deny medical care to any veteran not wearing a mask.

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And opened our eyes to the fact we live in the empire of lies. Before Trump I never would have believed the level of deceit and evil existing in every area of our lives. Our institutions are corrupt. This is a spiritual battle.

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I used to think Alex Jones was a nut case when he talked about the Deep State.


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"Fundamental transformation" at its finest! Good work, O Anointed One. Your third term is progressing well.

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Obamalamadingdong doing his best at being the worst. He is evil. But I still hold out that Adam Schiff is possibly the mOst evil man in DC. He is a puppet, just like Brandon and Barry, all controlled by even more evil puppet masters.

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Maybe not as evil as you think. The diabolical mastermind puppetmaster of the New World Order, George Soros, reportedly wasn't too happy with him at the end.

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George is one face of the puppet master.

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I'm wonsering if all these fiendish charlatans take their orders from Bill Gates ....

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Soros was on this before Gates. He was talking for decades about this stuff in Europe and was on their radar long before most Americans knew his name, despite him living here.

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All of that 😞

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You mean a SCAMDEMIC!

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Depopulation event.



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We were made for a time such as this! I always try to remember this although it's very frustrating!

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There is so much sadness, anger, and PTSD.

We are stronger...but the devastation that was released on children's education, and the murder of people by the covid bioweapon, and the covid bioweapon shots, are just unforgivable.

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Exposure of big harma like never before! Shaking out more eveil we would have never seen. Devastation at the highest level on the world and billions of eyes opened at same time!

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Especially when we realized our government wanted us dead.

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And all was revealed because of President Trump, appointed by God. (Don’t come at me, lol. I didn’t say he was a ‘Godly’ man, that is not for me to say. But he was chosen by God to FORCE US to choose whether to open our eyes and see the darkness we had allowed into our country and REPENT, or to continue to turn away from Him and reap the consequences.

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Was just reading how God used the king of Babylon to destroy Jerusalem and take captives to exile—all to get the attention of His disobedient people. God can, and will, use anyone to get His message across.

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Yes, he usedCyrus to release the Hebrews from captivity and he used his wealth to help them restote their temple. He did it because he read a prophecy given 140 years before him where God mentioned him by name and said He would use him. He came under Godly conviction and even said "I will believe the Hebrew God. Lance Walnau, a modern prophet, wrote a book in 2016/17 about God telling him He, God, was going to use Donald trump as His Cyrus.

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I understand what you are saying.

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And DeSantis locked us all down and let the police patrol the streets for anyone who wasn't out for the "right reason".

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He's trying to make good after making bad!

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There's a simple thing called admitting one was wrong and apologizing that is the first step to making good. Until he does that he can suck it. My grandfather became so depressed from being locked in a nursing home that he died. Until I hear an apology DeSantis can suck it.

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Don't hold your breath Eva! I'm so sorry about your Grandpa....that is so very sad! The fact they disregarded and point blank went after the elderly and defenseless is unforgivable. They killed off is a sense much of our wisdom! :(

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I’m so sorry about your grandfather.

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He has dreams of being the next President. His handlers are calling the shots!

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Like O'Biden! Maybe a little blackmail???

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Wait when did DeSantis “lock us down and have the police patrol the streets” I moved freely across the state of Florida the entire year of 2020 while I was living there🤨. I don’t recall law enforcement ever being told it was ok to arrest adults who didn’t lock down and I was definitely never questioned 🤷‍♂️. What law was that?

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I don’t recall that either. I’m in central Florida near ft Myers. God blessed me greatly, I got married March 3 2020 and moved here from upstate New York. Being a newly wed made lockdown far easier for me and I appreciate being in Florida. (& I have a good doctor here, after being ignored by insurance dictated doctors for 20 years in New York. Autoimmune issues and mold illness actually improving, so Florida has been a tremendous blessing)

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Really? I thought Florida was more sensible than that?

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You’d be amazed by how much Florida isn’t being sensible about. There is the media supported ‘illusion’ and then there is the reality.

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Look, atleast we were open for business and out and about while places like NY were still locked up and in their homes. I work for an upscale mens retailer. I cant tell you how many visiting New Yorkers came in literally yelling that " You have a great Governor " because of this.

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Then you bought the propaganda. :)

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Good point!😂🤣😂

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Mar 11, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

Celebratory fireworks display tonight in Brussels. Rumor has it that Bourla and Tedros will arm-wrestle to see who lights the fuze on the first skyrocket.

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...or Davos.

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Not that it matters, but Jane Fonda is 85, not 96. And no amount of plastic surgery, Botox or fillers can hide the ugliness of that woman.

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And WHY are these old crones (I chose that word intentionally) with shriveled ovaries and barren wombs so hell bent on killing innocent babies? I can't get my head around that kind of blood lust. My husband thinks because abortion was/is the defining issue of their lifetime and they just can't let it go.

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Crone is an excellent word choice. Aren't crones witches? I used the term "sea hag", but crone is great. Their blood lust is shocking. It is almost as if they need aborted tissue for nefarious purposes.

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NAB - They want to keep the supply they have enjoyed for the last 50 years. They will have to pay their piper one day.

It is inconceivable to a normal person.

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Vietnam veterans hate her guts.

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Rightly so. And they’re not the only ones 🤮🤮

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Rightfully so! I remember her as Hanoi Jane & I’m 57.

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Kinda creepy seeing that vid, eh?

Made me think of using toothpicks to hold an item together during cooking - and what happens sometimes when you pull those toothpicks out.........

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I think that was his exaggeration for effect, he’s said similar things about Pelosi and other people who have been around forever and have gotten oodles of plastic surgery to keep looking “young.”

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More likely he fat fingered it - if you have a numerical keyboard section on the right of your laptop, 96 falls right next to 85. If he wanted to exaggerate for effect, "112-year-old fossil Jane Fonda" would have been more obvious. The weird thing about that awful face job is that it only serves to accentuate her age. It doesn't make her look younger, just scarier.

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Yeah that’s also definitely a possibility.

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Well that makes more sense. I was thinking she looked like some sort of walking miracle. I even tried to do the math in my head but I gave up. Too much trouble — for such as her.

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On the declassification of Wuhan related COVID information - I think it is a limited hangout. It leaves out all the other activities of the DOD, Ralph Baric, EcoHealth, etc. that happened in other places.

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Yes, agree. What about the Ukraine biolabs? What about what was going on NC? I read a lot on this virus origin stuff back in 2020 when all of the fact checkers were having a heyday trying to quash legitimate inquiry, and tried sharing it but most people were too busy being scared to pay attention. Practically all of this 'reveal' was there in plain sight (ok well with a little bit of digging) years ago. Glad to see some of it coming into the light, but frankly would rather see prosecutions for all of this rather than just vindication.

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If the whole picture is not investigated and held accountable and only China is blamed, then we will be at war with China. Do we not remember that many of our essential products are manufactured there? It is interesting to me that the House and Senate were unanimous votes! If you haven't heard, Gordon Chang along with retired Col. John Mills and other top retired military have stated that we would be at war with China sometime this year before this vote. The left needs a war to coverup the money laundering and financial collapse, the bioweapons funding, the plandemic, the election steal and J6 set up, etc. The more truth that exposes them, the more desperate they become.

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Agree. They real story may be in the labs in the USA and Ukraine, where it could potentially have "leaked" from. If they do not find anything in Wuhan, then will the investigation be complete and closed, with nothing further to see? Turn over every rock.

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What does it mean to be a limited hangout?

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Limited hangout is an intelligence/spook term that refers to putting out small pieces of the truth as a distraction from what the larger truth really is.

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The partial display of truth to distract from the whole story.

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Thanks for asking! 🤭🙋‍♀️

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Especially if you think/believe/know the CCP/fauci minions have largely destroyed evidence....

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Political prognostication is not my forte, but I will say the MO has a R gov, a R super-majority in both houses, and yet, very little gets done as our gov is not out front leading and publicly supporting good legislation. In contrast, DeSantis IS out front, leading and supporting truth and pushing back on the narrative. BUT he skipped CPAC. He does not inspire the fervor and enthusiasm of the average Joes the way Trump does. And if he does indeed have his eye on 2024 he better start talking about foreign policy, since the Brandon administration seems to be sleeping at the wheel as we are driving towards WW3.

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My observation is similar to yours. We've had a number of good Republican R's the last 20+ years that I've lived in Florida but DeSantis has set a new standard.

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DeSantis came to KS (I am in MO but close to the KS border) last year in support of a R governor candidate in KS (who lost) and he did pack the place to standing room only. He did fire up the friendly crowd and there were about 50 protestors outside with the usual signs. Suffice it to say the vast majority of the people were there to hear DeSantis, not the KS governor candidate, myself included. So he definitely has a following in flyover country.

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I recognized many of the protesters out front as being from Douglas County in Kansas.

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Well JoCo has gone purple, they voted for Sharice Davids. My understanding is Prairie Village is now KC west. OP probably not much better since they haven't met an apartment complex they don't like yet.

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Donna, we have to celebrate victories where we can; MO was one of the 3 states who pulled out of the disastrous contract with ERIC. AG Andrew Bailey has been a rock star already pushing back against the Biden regime with lawsuits on a variety of issues. I agree that Gov. Parson is weak but having a strong AG and some brave foot soldiers like Rick Brattin we are getting some things done and not losing ground. There’s always room for more action! Volunteer as an election judge so you can help monitor your county. Do you have an active GOP in your county?

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I have been working as an election judge since the 2020 Nov election, and JaCo (the part that is not in KC - KC has their own separate sketchy election board) runs a tight ship. Never saw any issues first hand. I have volunteered some with MO Canvassers, although not recently. We have a fairly active GOP committee - I ran for committee last year but lost as I did not campaign for it, I was too busy campaigning for Schmitt and a number of county and state race candidates. BUT our county committee is devolving into drama and infighting as there are 2 competing factions - one side wants lockstep adherence to every tenet of the MO GOP party platform while the other is more 'big tent Republicans' and looking to try to broaden the appeal of the party and be less rigid. They get called RINOs by the other side and it's gotten ugly. I attend the meetings and have friends on both sides, it sucks. Both make good points but I lean towards the big tent side, not wanting to cancel anyone. But yes, Bailey has been a good surprise, I was against his nomination but he has been doing a great job. Ashcroft just pulled out of ERIC as he wants to run for gov, he was tone deaf on pulling out on it 2 years ago. And yes, Brattin is a great guy, his wife is running for school board in Ray Pec, too bad I can't vote for her but sharing her message with my Pleasant Hill relatives.

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“Since Winnipeg News’ expert basically is SCIENCE, we will surely see a lower incidence of ‘heart attack, stroke, and even cancer’ in all the areas that DON’T follow Daylight Savings Time, right?”

Oh, Jeff, Jeff. Using a control group is so twentieth century.

Regarding your question about presidential candidates, RFK Jr. may be throwing his hat in the ring, which would certainly spice things up:


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The one democrat that I could ever imagine voting for.

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I feel the same way. I've really come to respect him during the last three years, as I became aware of Children's Health Defense. I think he might have a good chance against senile Biden. Surely there are a lot of disenchanted Dems who still can't bring themselves to vote Republican, but might support RFK, Jr.

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I like his views on vaccines but not so sure about the rest 😕

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

RFK Jr is a climate alarmist, through and through.

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Well, our control groups would be Hawaii and Arizona since they don’t observe Daylight Savings Time. Pretty sure their data doesn’t look any better than the rest of the country--esp Hawaii. They were one of the last states to lift the lockdown.

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But Dems already declared no debates!

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How can anyone be surprised at Hanoi Jane? She hasn't changed since back in the days of the Viet Cong, where she was their FAVORITE American traitor. But think of it this way: if she has NO PROBLEM killing babies, why would it cause her even a second thought to kill the people who protect them?

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She was a traitor because she was against the war in Vietnam, because she was antiwar? Did you go and fight? I think before any war is undertaken by the US, all citizens should get to vote on whether or not to proceed. All those who vote yes should be conscripted to fight and take their children with them.

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She was a traitor because she ACTIVELY tried to assist the enemy and harm Americans. And she did a pretty good job of it, too. I did NOT fight, but Iost quite a few friends who did, as I am of that age. So, go on with your nonsense, but she will always be Hanoi Jane to me.

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They weren’t my enemy. Were they yours? If so, what did they do to you to make you want to massacre millions of people not just in Vietnam but throughout Southeast Asia, not to mention sending American soldiers, those who survived, home as destroyed people? War is not the answer.

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I have to say, this is a hard one. But in retrospect, with the advantage of revelations, the enemy all along was the Deep State Criminals and their Military Industrial complex Milk Machine. Image where we would be today if we had not sold out to China and financed their rise to power, and not had endless stupid make-up engineered wars, had real borders and a real American love of country, had prudent state finances, had not sold out to the UN policy agenda and had made priority number one the US and developing our own industrial power here in the United States. If we had done that then maybe more of our kids would have real paying jobs like our fathers and grandfathers.

And maybe we would not have food processing plants burning down all over the place. Just for one.

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I am not here to justify my choices, feelings, or actions to you. My comments stand, every word of them.

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Of course you can’t justify them, because you’re unable to engage in a reasoned conversation about your thoughts.

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No, I DON'T HAVE TO. And I would never, never NEVER try to explain anything to you, period, end of story. Just like I wouldn't spit on HANOI Jane to put out the fire if she were blazing. Anyone who will act traitorously, kill babies, and kill people who want to protect them? No. Not for one second. And not you either.

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And....blocked. Will never see another word you write, thank god.

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Hanoi Jane betrayed US soldiers, most of whom were drafted and only pawns. She visited them in POW camps, they handed her secret notes to loved ones back home in hopes she could deliver them, but instead, turned them over to their captors. That's a special kind of evil.

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Yes, that is exactly what I was referring to but didn't remember the details. Thank you for bringing that out.

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Whether they were the enemy or not has nothing to do with Hanoi Jane and why people hate her. She was a traitor to our men. Period.

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The real traitors are those who send Americans to fight war which have zero impact on our national security. These would also be imperial wars like we have had for the last twenty years at trillion and trillions of expenditure. Meanwhile American industry rots. There are not borders. And the traitors finance China with fake money Treasury debt, and again America rots and our children go without good paying jobs.

Sure Hanoi Jane is a Woke Idiot and treasonous for her Woke Marxist ideology. This said, Hanoi Jane is relatively some potatoes compared to the Big Traitors who always seem to slip on by us.

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She wasn't small potatoes during her "legendary activism" stunts. She gave aid and comfort to the enemy, it was splashed all over international magazines, and she clearly has no remorse for betraying the boys who were drafted and sent to fight and die on the other side of the world.

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2 years into socialism and chill and already having bank failures.

What a time to be alive

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If you really want to know what's coming down the pike--subscribe to the world-renowned economic forecaster, Martin Armstrong's, daily newsletter. There's a free version (which I have) and a more in-depth paid version. His World Economic CONFERENCE is held every year and is known to be a counterpoint (and very relevant one) to the diabolical World Economic FORUM. Here's a link to Marty's website: (I am only a fan--not a staffer of Marty's--LOL!) https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/

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Has he said anything about possible bank bail-ins? A video of FDIC meeting is going around where they talk about the next banking crisis resulting in a bail-in instead of a bail-out. Wondering if he's mentioned.

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You will be informed and sometimes scared silly--but Marty always balances his forecasts with the "history of economics around the globe". He has worked with WORLD governments so he knows whereof he speaks and writes.

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It's only the beginning as the economy can not handle the implosion faced with high inflation and climbing interest rates. This squeeze hasn't seen the last victim. Our host will probably blame further economic decline in 2023 on Ukraine. He calls the US support following the Reagan Doctrine, "a bailout" which of course is no such thing. Ukraine is fighting Putin's illegal invasion and has Europe and the civilized world vastly behind them who don't want to be "next" and undermine post WWII Cold War stability. One day people will have to get over themselves and face up to what the ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs Axis means.

If Mr. Childers traveled beyond the continent and had real-world knowledge on Europe, he wouldn't be making attacks on Ukraine's women either. The Beatles knew better and so do world travelers. It's sad how some are so quick to mock victims and dismiss the Reagan Doctrine. Like Ukraine is getting a "bail out" in a US annual budget of almost $7 trillion. It truly undercuts the domestic efforts here. Isolationism isn't a winning hand in the 21st century. Ignorance is not strength.

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Are you concerned about the corruption in Ukraine and where all of this U.S. tax payer-provided money is actually going over there? Are you concerned about the sanctity of our own borders here in the United States, does our govt owe its own citizens the same protection and commitment to secure borders that they champion for Ukraine? Do you consider the possibility that a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine (which could bring relief to the suffering ppl of Ukraine) might be more quickly sought and worked out between these 2 countries if we didn’t continue to financially support this war indefinitely? (And along those same lines, might this conflict have been avoided altogether if the U.S. hadn’t secretly and with nefarious/selfish intent meddled in affairs over there in the first place?)

I’m not trying to be confrontational and I don’t claim to be an expert on any of this (far from it). My heart goes out to absolutely everyone impacted by this and the citizens of Ukraine are top of that list. These are genuine concerns I have.

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Am I concerned? Yes, but we have measures to address that. We have inspectors there to verify SNs, Dodics, and other numerics to make sure it is not being pilfered or stolen.

I want a secure border. I want criminals thrown in jail. Having those does not mean we have to abandon Ukraine.

The only "peace deal" Russia would agree to is a total capitulation of Ukraine and abandonment of them. That's not something anyone would or should agree to. Rewarding a tyrant is never a good idea. Jeff touched on this idea but he's kind of being hypocritical here. He wants to sue people that mandated the shot but also wants to push a peace deal that rewards bad actors. Well, he needs to accept a peace treaty on the covid lawsuits. He would never agree to that. Why not?

Russia should withdraw its army and go back to the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine that it agreed to in the Budapest memorandum.

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The war in Ukraine is driven by the interests of several "empires" and not just of Russia's, Pope Francis said in an interview published on Friday.

Francis said the conflict was fuelled by "imperial interests, not just of the Russian empire, but of empires from elsewhere".

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Francis says a lot of things. Ukraine was not as Putin claimed going to invade Russia.

Russia invaded Ukraine. Putin didn't need any fuel. He's had enough fuel since he was a KGB officer in East Germany when the Berlin Wall fell. He called the Soviet Union's end a "catastrophe."

That catastrophe ended the "Evil Empire" with a scorecard of tens of millions killed and countless more lives destroyed. Solzhenitsyn detailed much of it. It's too bad folks don't read him anymore. When I'd meet people from Russia, I'd always ask them if they read Solzhenitsyn. Their eyes would always get big. They literally don't expect such a question from Americans.

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This was fueled solely by Russia. it wasn't france, england, or the USA that invaded Ukraine. It was Russia.

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Amazing how political positions can get so twisted with so much noise, repeated in a bubble over and over the basic obvious fact is completely misplaced.

We in America are seeing a real problem of critical thinking. Recent history is all but erased for posturing.

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Do you need to see where the money is? Do you know the battlefield today? Do you realize Ukraine has held off and then pushed back the second largest military in the world? It's not invisible to see where the world's backing in Ukraine's self-defense is. Hardly.

Why is it so hard to understand that sovereign borders here and in Europe as well as the world matter? People who think the southern border and the biggest war in Europe are a "pick'em" and you can only choose one have fallen for a cheap illogical position. It's an inability to apply common sense or worse, view everything through a domestic politics lens. Biden caused BOTH situations, now we are dealing with it. This demented clown is causing major damage at home and abroad. The Afghanistan debacle was a dog whistle to every totalitarian thug in the world.

Btw, did you ask Ukraine about trading land and people for "peace?" What do you think they are thinking about giving up territory and people for more of Putin's rape, pillaging and murder? Oh, I forgot the torture and genocide part. So many think that is peace. SMH. Not only will it not bring peace, it will bring more mayhem, sooner than later.

It used to be Leftists who would use this weak limp argument of peace through surrender. If someone comes into your home, do you think it's a good idea to not resist so the invaders might not be upset and spare part of your family? People that argue Ukraine should not be backed in self-defense don't care about anything or anyone in Ukraine whatsoever.

Leftists advocated for unilateral US disarmament. "No Nukes' they demanded. They said it would bring peace. It's insane to hear people repeating this trope today. Most who do know exactly what they are advocating for and it isn't peace. It's the death of untold others.

Whose affairs do you think the US was meddling in exactly? It's pretty sad how little people in the US know about Europe and the world. Ukraine is a sovereign nation. There's plenty of coverage in Europe and you can find out a little by watching some of that coverage online. When did those freed in the Cold War sign a different UN charter they could not seek a common self-defense in a defensive alliance? Who coined that unilateral rule?

You're fine, not being confrontational but your conclusions are wholly inaccurate and woefully incorrect. If you are an American, you're out maybe a dollar or less in taxes to try and stop the collapse of international law and Europe's stability (not to mention the world) by allowing Ukraine to reap the reward of the Reagan Doctrine by people bravely and courageously standing and acting in self-defense.

It's unfortunate many won't learn and have no actual real interest. If you listened to Putin for any period of time, you'd know that he could care less about anything anyone thinks and now international law. That's the wakeup call to the world and the ChiCom-Putin-Mullahs Axis is going to keep showing it until they are shown it's not in their interests to take this barbaric and savage route. They won't do it because you ask nicely.

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Excuse my ignorance, have all the US attacks on sovereign countries in the last century been legitimate? Is the US the only country allowed to attack sovereign countries?

Also, is the US allowed to meddle in every sovereign country (remember Burisma and biolabs) without any consequences?

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Your ignorance is excused as there was no vote, NO VOTE in the UN or anywhere but in a meeting before the ChiCom Olympics where Xi and Putin met and released a statement just before the illegal invasion of Ukraine where the ChiCom-Russia Alliance declared "no limits" partnership.


If you are yet in the dark, Burisma was a Biden Crime Family operation and there's plenty of biolabs around the world and quite a few in NJ which is all the rave however for those who are fed a steady diet of Qtardia.

Does this help you?

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Thank you for elaborating on your position without resorting to vitriol. I respect your feelings and you may well know a lot more about this than I do. I still have the concerns I mentioned before but as I also said before, I’m no expert in this area.

It’s okay to “agree to disagree” and on the subject of Biden we appear to be on the same page, no disagreement whatsoever with your assessment of him.

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Always respect different views but it's concerning the lack of interest in what is actually going on in Europe. It seems many people are happy to talk to each other when they agree but are not too interested in getting direct knowledge if they deviate on an aspect.

Absolutely good to disagree and we should have more discussion not less. Of course, we wouldn't have this issue in Europe, Afghanistan's debacle or the disaster at our southern border to discuss if 45 was in the Oval where he should have stayed.

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The US hardly has the moral authority to complain about one country invading another.

US has been bombing the shit out of the Middle East for +20 years.

And...Ukraine is not worth one drop of American blood.

It won't be your kids coming home in a body bag to Dover AFB.

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We actually do. We didn’t go to Iraq to start a referendum and force Iraq to become American.

My kids aren’t in the military.

I am.

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How many soldiers has Ukraine asked for from anyone? Anyone?

Ukraine in the model of the Reagan Doctrine has asked for assistance to defend itself.

Thee end.

How about over 140 sovereign nations? Do they have the moral authority to tell Putin to GTFO of Ukraine?

Because they did.

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Europe's problem.

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You go over there to fight...instead of being a keyboard warrior.

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Exactly. I remember a while ago Jeff responded saying “oh I grew up during the Cold War..” but then threw out a bunch of lame excuses.

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Respect people who are just isolationists but all the other BS is like urinating on a rape victim. Unseemly.

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Isolationism doesn’t work. Hasn’t worked.

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People also sadly miss that while 45 also used Reagan's coined "Peace through Strength" no one showed how economic incentive can tame thugs like Putin and Xi.

That's the 45 needed now. That and one who can point the finger and say, "Now about the clot shot... they lied, they all lied."

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I really hope Gov. DeSantis stays in Florida where he is doing so much good. They'll shut him down in DC, and shred him.

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A unanimous vote on anything should raise suspicions. Methinks it’s a way to ‘blame’ the CCP and ignore th DOD/NIH/NSA involvement.

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I agree, makes me wonder—why are they suddenly working together so well? 🤔

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Usually when that happens they are either enriching themselves or hiding something.

I lean towards the second.

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Embrace the power of "and"!

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Yes I agree.

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The bank ‘failure’ is also suspect. There one day, gone the next. And nobody saw it coming? The regulators are not good guys, but they also are not stupid. For me there is symmetry in the two events. Both of them appear to be obscuring the real reason of why they occurred.

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The bank officers did - they pulled their $ out a couple weeks ago.

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That is an excellent point!!

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Yes especially in light of the praise by Forbes almost immediately prior to all this. Seems off.

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It does. I guess we will see what happens. But this would provide a seemingly “perfect” reason for the FED to intervene or for the Treasury to ask Congress for a bail out.

BTW. This bank was hugely committed to the climate change scam. Last year they committed 5 billion to help fund NGOs having to do with that scam. Figures.

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Ezra Levant: "Justin Trudeau has invited American women who want an abortion to come to Canada.

Bodily autonomy, he says.

But they are not allowed to come unless they get vaccinated first."


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Yup. I tried that on a few liberals, you know, “my body my choice” concerning the vax. Let’s just say it didn’t go well.

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Go for all three.

"What happened to NO WAR? What happened to QUESTION AUTHORITY? What happened to MY BODY MY CHOICE?"

It doesn't go well. Ever. You can smell their circuits frying in grey matter.

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That’s for sure. What about corporate capture? What about damage from big corporations? What about free speech? Protecting children? Democrats have lost the plot altogether. Nothing about them is the least attractive to give them my vote anymore. I’m done.

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When it’s about following the crowd and getting brownie points, instead of about principles, we shouldn’t be surprised when they just go with whatever the current popular thing is, I guess 🤷‍♀️

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& they don’t even see the disconnect!

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They believe everything their tribal/cult leaders tell them. I was a cult member once. Fell for it. Thank the Lord grew suspicious long before but healed in January 2021 and left😁😇. Actually soured on the Dems during Obamas first term. And I went to his first inauguration. Was loads of fun so I’m glad I partook in this wonderful American ceremony that once meant something. (But now I question much of past history we are led to believe).

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NPR used to be my favorite. When Hillary lost & they were all emotional, that made me question things. Used to listen to the radio programs all weekend, still miss a few of them but I can’t listen.

Also being gaslit by insurance dictated doctors and humiliated got me aware 10 or 12 years ago, it was scary. 2017& 18 I started learning about repentance and spiritual warfare and everything in my life got better. Actually experienced more than one miracle in my life. We’ve pushed God aside & it’s showing in America. The level of evil is overwhelming at times. I love my fellow patriots but have lost respect for our country.

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So true. In September of 2021 God showed me the entire Covid horror was totally engineered by Satan and the humans he uses or possesses. The technology age made it now possible to harm the planet within a short time, weaken everything about humanity and lead to his supremacy for all time. Or so he thinks. The Bible confirmed it. That those of us unvaxxed and woke up along with everyone else seeking Him or truth and all he calls and are resisting every other way also will be a remenant that will be given strength and help from God if we accept it. Immediately so much life saving and narrative challenging information flowed my way. I laid awake at night excited and also frightened. I guess I never thought that I would be alive during the Last Days. Maybe I’m not but God has my attention. Substack showed up that same time and then I had a tribe. The amount of rank evil can be beyond conception sometimes as well for me. But I don’t want to get used to it. I want to push back on it. Rosalind, thank you for being here and eyes wide open. ❤️

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I take a lot of comfort reading my substack s. Most social media is too crazy or censored for me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. If it is end times, God knows we are up to the challenge even when it doesn’t feel like it.

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I love the cupcakes with “so!” What a cute idea. I hope you had a great birthday. I kinda like your post coming out on PST. I normally feel 3 hours behind the conversation. 🤣

Can you post the link to today’s conference? I’d love to watch.

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This is the link he gave several days ago, but so far, there's nothing but music and different screenshots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdedujR_xOc

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Thank you so much for sharing the link. We began just as Andy Woods was about to speak this morning. My husband and I listened to the full conference today. It was excellent!

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Do you know what time he is speaking?

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He is speaking at 3:30 and he is on the program!! I am here and it has been wonderful. The last speaker before lunch was Alex Newman and he had an amazing talk on the Great Reset and that we have been under the New World Order for a long time!! Two and a half hours until Jeff speaks, woot!!

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Thank you! I went back to the schedule link I shared and found it was for the 2022 event, so I deleted my comment. I listened closely to the first speaker, but had heard Newman speak before, so didn't pay as close attention to that. So Jeff will be at 6:30 EST.

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Maybe so Annie! I’m glad you are watching. I wish there was a way to connect with other C&C folks actually here!

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All the C&C folks should have worn “C&C Army” or “So.” shirts 🙂

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It's "Daylight Saving Time," singular. No savings are realized.

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