β€” Fixed reference to Dr. Campbell (nurse and PhD, not MD)

β€” Fixed Revolver story to reflect news is Ray Epps threat to sue Fox, and corrected date of the Epps conspirators article

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Might want to fix the part about the meeting with Mr Luft and six FBI/SDNY folks actually occurring in 2019--pretty sure he gave them all the dirt in 2019 and THEN the same FBI clown he met with was the one who confiscated the laptop from hell from the guy at the computer shop a few lousy months later (which confirmed everything he said to them--which was why it was immediately buried). So it wasn’t actually a warp speed prosecution they are just acting because congress was going to interview the guy which would blow the whole mess into kingdom come. Great video btw. Hope the guy beats this entirely false rap.

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Maybe a multiplier needed to help him

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He has a PhD

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Yes...and I think that should be stated. Just saying Nurse makes him seem not as well qualified to comment on the study while he certainly is.

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That someone has a Ph.D. no longer holds the patina it did just a few years ago. I want to see their body of work, and the derivation of their earnings, before I give credence to men and women who pontificate at all.

I can read and now know more about vaccine's than most of those proffering an attitude of compliance and awe. Certainly more aware of vaccine studies than Faucci or Gallo, those weasels.

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I have observed on Twitter and their own websites, scientists who profess to be Christians, mocking men like Dr. Campbell and elevating the likes of Susan Oliver. It was embarrassing to watch unfold. Scientists that I thought were able to discern truth from error, proved to be unable to do so with the dangerous vaccine. Blinded by β€œscience”!

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Nothing super special about a β€œscientist”.

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You can use https://twittervideodownloader.com/ to download Twitter videos and then upload them to Substack. Then the Windows snipping tool to take a screenshot of the tweet above it as a reference...

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There's another app called 9convert that grabs and downloads YT videos, at your choice of resolution (and size). Each time you launch this app, your malware app may flag the first download as "dangerous". X out the download and do it again. The malware warning is incorrect in my three years' experience with 9convert.

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Forgive my pedantic correction in the comments.

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Would also be worthwhile to augment J6/Ray-Epps coverage with fact that related embarrassments to America were enabled by not prosecuting politicians that disregard their oaths of office -- "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" -- in violation of Article VI of the US Constitution.

Pelosi violated her oath of office by refusing National Guard protection for the Capitol. In addition, the unconstitutional laws, currently jeopardizing America’s survival, were also enabled by such oath violations. Repairing this damage is of utmost importance, and thus seems worthy of a C&C multiplier.

To confirm legal accountability for oath violations is on SCOTUS Docket (Case # 22-1028) under Rule-11 ("imperative public importance" so as "to require immediate determination" by SCOTUS). Suggest multiplying letter-writing campaign to help put public-opinion pressure on SCOTUS to assure a non-political decision. See https://loybrunson.com/, ironically, the fee for mailing your letter for you is $2.

Note, a letter-writing campaign, that generated 3.5 million complaints to national leaders in 11 days, prevented a 2009 effort by HHS to sterilize many Americans, by using squalene in a mandatory Swine-Flu vaccination program. So these can work.

For more detail see 1:05:12-1:09:50 of https://rumble.com/v2jbo0g-top-whistleblower-dr.-rima-laibow-warns-globalists-preparing-new-bio.html (note, HHS would likely have only sterilized <1% of Americans to help hide the genocide, vice the 100% Dr Laibow suggests).

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Does anyone actually know whether those in office really swore oaths, and where the oaths are recorded? I've asked several levels and departments in SC and have NONE - no oaths on file so far

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Jul 12, 2023
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Awesome! A real education, thanks much for link.!

Believe it is still important to support SCOTUS letter-writing campaign at https://loybrunson.com/, and then ask others to do the same.

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I've heard that none of Biden's cabinet or staff ever signed an Oath of Office. Apparently, no copies can be found.

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I would be so pleased if these parasites would simply follow the limits placed on them by the constitution...

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Jul 12, 2023
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Thanks Buster. Now I need the name of the criminal who released people from the obligation to adhere to the document that speaks our will to all would-be government employees.

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If working out and staying healthy is β€œright-wing”, does that mean being lazy and destroying your health is β€œleft-wing”?

These writer’s own words weaken their arguments.

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I also notice they like to associate being proud of your country as β€œright-wing”. If so then does that mean being ashamed of your country is β€œleft-wing”?

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Left wing = nasty.

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And demonic. But that's redundant.

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Refer it to the Dept of Redundancy Dept.πŸ˜‰

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Also, according to the writer’s comrades in propaganda, exposing child-sex trafficking, and homeschooling is also far-right, or β€˜Q-Anon adjacent’.

These people are themselves, are victims of university indoctrination of the highest order.

And who in the world doesn’t know that β€˜adverse events’ are the same thing as β€˜adverse reactions’. Boy, keep attending those leftist colleges, it’s helping. πŸ™„

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Where 'Q-Anon Adjacent' is a slur, you are not allowed to point out that Drag Queen Story Hour is Pedophile Adjacent.

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Yes the ideology has self-contradiction woven throughout.

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Yes! 100%!

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Jeff C has a point above. It seems they invert the 7 Deadly Sins into Virtues.

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Listen to Allie Beth Stuckey talking to Tim Ballard about the Sound of Freedom sabotage.


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I find it sickening how cnn is calling Sound of Freedom a Q a noN conspiracy theory. This is the network within the last year or so had 2men charged with minor sex charges, Jeff Toobin caught pleasuring himself on zoom call, and the chief Zucker resigns over consensual affair.

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Around 10 years ago CBS did a piece on Tim Ballard and his endeavors to stop human trafficking of all sorts. They praised his efforts and showcased the horrific problem.....my, how times have changed.

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Around 10 years ago, one could argue that CBS practiced journalism.

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We thought!! They have lied to us since Cronkite!

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CNN is a joke.

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All these articles are coming up on my Google Feed which undermine the movie ...all leftist of course. This should not be political, unless it is political because....

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Yes... exactly. The perpetrators don’t like exposure like the cockroaches they are. 😬

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Don't for one moment believe only one party is guilty. The band actors are at any level of government in any party. It's sickeningly horrifying when you dig and learn how vast the evil is.

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I agree for the most part.

But it’s the democrats that are saying the quiet parts out loud.

Democrats are fighting to GROOM our kids with sexual content in schools.

It’s democrats that want biological men in women’s private spaces and sports.

It’s also the democrats (CNN) that are comparing people who are trying to save children from the horrors of sex slavery to Q-Anon conspiracy theorists.

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I don't have Pandora, can I listen somewhere else?

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Yes Lisa, look up β€˜Relatable’ with Allie Beth Stuckey on YouTube. I’m not sure what other platforms she is on. 😊

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So fascinating you should use the word β€œcomrade”. Last night, one of the far-left loonies in my town said β€œcomrades” when referring to the other far-left loonies, and I thought, β€œIf only people were paying attention, they would see how he just outed himself.”

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Left wing has come to mean someone that proudly embraces the seven deadly sins as their lifestyle. They perfectly encapsulate every aspect of their arrogant thinking and hedonistic behavior. And of course sloth is on the list.

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Had to look up the 7 deadly sins to refresh-








The 7 Virtues are what society should strive for-








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It requires rational thinking and wisdom to discern the qualitative differences between the two lists. Reading the Bible is a positive aid.

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Agree. Rational and critical thinking of which this scamdemic showed how few actually exercised it. But exercise is right wing. Lol.

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The Bible does require critical thinking!

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Yes, one does have to think. But thinking is not enough without historical context ... that of the Bible, the history of the Church plus coupled with a systematic orthodox theology. Such is missing in the Fallen Church of the Collective West.

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Excellent way to sort the goats from the lambs. β€œBy their fruit you will recognize them” (Matthew 7:16).

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Good one Johnny

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Woe to those who call evil good and good evil . . .

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I've heard the term "satanic inversion" and that seems apt. They're taking everything that is good and sustains society (order, peace, family, etc.) and are trying to destroy it; at the same time they are taking things that weaken society (crime, laziness, perversion, etc.) and elevating them to sacred status. Hence the non-human, demonic, and perverse statues they've been placing in public settings, at the same time they are removing statues of humans that represent the order of the past. It would not be inaccurate to refer to the modern left as a satanic death cult. (FWIW, I am not someone predisposed to apocalyptic thinking. I am actually pretty secular and have spent most of my life in or around scientific fields. But, I also can't deny what my eyes and instinct are telling me.)

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Well stated. And it is a Satanic Death Cult by at least two criterion. First, Satan being the Father of All Lies with lies being the vehicle by which the Satanic Inversion is accomplished. And secondly, everything the Satanic Monsters do leads directly to death. That is, and in their own words, 'creative destruction is our [their] middle name'.

And when things reach their utmost extreme, it becomes so much easier to view things in stark opposition, like Good and Evil. Take for example the story of the Garden, the Serpent and the Apple wherein the Serpent (Satan) seeks to unseat God of His throne. Contextually the modern update of this Biblical story is this. Covid is means and Transhumanism as the end. And the god of Technology is the sparkling hanging lure dangling on the tree. And all the same, and in simple terms ... our time is all about killing God and instituting a New Transhuman Creation.

That I have come to think as I do in my old age is The Surprise of a Lifetime!

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With age often comes wisdom! A blessing in these troubled and dark times.

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Interesting Daverkb.

And the Apple computer logo is an apple with a missing bite. Look at the back of your phone.

Also, I remember when the Amazon logo was the half smile with the word β€œWicked” underneath.

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The Satanic Inversion of reality is now in our face.

And does one recall Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut? And all the symbolism in pop culture, films, music and art? Also all in our face.

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Agreed. We can’t unsee what we see.

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I watched a video where it was pointed out the best way to demoralize and crush a country is to make all of their previously held societal "taboos" to be perfectly acceptable. When you're pushing for pedophelia to be "normalized" and legalized, the child-sex trafficking thing isn't a good look.

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I just heard last night that they brought out rap just for division that was it. That was their plan and it happened

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I'd say you made an accurate guess there. I remember seeing a video about a gym owner, I believe from NJ, who refused to close his gym during the scamdemic. He said he felt "they" want us fat, lazy, and depressed. People in that category are less likely to fight back, so... yeah.

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The leftist loons in my area are pretty nasty. And most have gained at least 20 to 50 pounds during the scamdemic. Unless being triggered or screaming at Maga or the Supreme Court burns calories, they are in a permanent state of nastiness. πŸ˜πŸ˜…

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Do you remember the Smithsonian's list of character traits that were connected to "whiteness" a few years ago?

It really was quite revealing of the racism of white academics against "people of color," that they associate these so-called victims with all manner of undesirable traits.

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I missed that Smithsonian list. I remember when BET the TV network came out, I felt it was racist. Think if there was a network called White Entertainment Television.

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Or a White Caucus in Congress πŸ™„

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No kidding!

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But if you expressed that thought, you would have been told that EVERYTHING is White Entertainment Television.

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My thought exactly

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You’re right. I prefer they just call it that then. But they won’t.

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White leftists are the biggest racists. They believe they are the apex of evolved thought. To them, all people of color need them to navigate everything that keeps them down. Meaning to them - colored are not capable of doing that themselves (which is not true).

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Recall Saul Alinsky, everything is the opposite, accuse the other side of what you are doing. Hilary = Russia collusion, etc.


Can we finally acknowledge that we are battling black supremacists? The FBI sent field agents to root out white supremacists and they reported back to HQ: sorry, sir, but we couldn't find any.

Interesting reminder recently from Obama's biography, he was raised in The Phillipines by a *trans* nursemaid. And interesting that not a single woman has come forward and confessed that she slept with Obama. And has anybody asked why Michael, oops Michelle does not have her pronouns on her social media?

Lastly now we know that the alien spacecrafts are black, egg-shaped pancakes with...wait for it...upside down ram's horns. Hmm where else have I seen ram's horns? I seem to recall some from the Beyonce concert and from the Commonwealth Games opening ceremonies...

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Seems like most of the evil we are witnessing right now is driven by white, elite leftists.

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Biden openly revealed his true nature/racism a couple of times that I know of,

I don’t see why everyone can’t see it. Talking about Corn Pop.

Made me want to vomit.

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Biden was very close to Sen. Robert Byrd, who was a prominent KKK member. That says it all.

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How about: If you don’t vote for me β€œYou ain’t black”


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I identify as fit and healthy, though. Does that make me a bad person?

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LOL! Maybe ok to identify that way, but don’t make it a reality πŸ˜‚

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Yes. Lol πŸ˜…

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Just don't say it put loud or post on social media! Lol

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If working out is β€œright”, I don’t want be left...errr...wrong

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No, the left wing expectation is that someone else works out for you and you get to take the credit. πŸ˜†

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It almost seems like they want to destroy themselves. Everything they encourage (i.e. shots) harms them & they discourage the helpful things, like exercise?

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Self destructive is a good description

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Who is gonna sue the heart attacks that may likely fell large-diameter women of colour such as Hippo - er, ah, Lizzo, or that 500 pound underwear model employed by Calvin Klein?

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Trying to normalize not just fatness, but morbid obesity. There's a commercial for Depends "panties" (of all things) where this grossly overweight black women is pulling up her jeans over her gigantic belly and she grins at the camera and says how nice she looks. I'm not sure, but I think if your bladder is being displaced by 20 pounds of fat, THAT'S the problem. Address that, and you probably won't need to wear disposable panties with a super-sized sanitary pad to absorb "bladder leakage".

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I saw that one too 😩

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One has only to briefly peruse the photos of these detractors-of-all-things-right to realize that exercise is not at the top of the list of any of these antifa loving, Starbucks swilling, knuckle head scum.

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Look at many of the world leaders who are supposed to be the "health ministers" of their countries. Oh, my! Who would want to take health advice from someone who obviously doesn't practice what they preach? Peter Hotez and Richard "Rachel" Levine are good examples of people who should not be advising ANYONE on how to live their lives.

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But You, O Lord, are a shield about me,

My glory, and the One who lifts my head.

I was crying to the Lord with my voice,

And He answered me from His holy mountain. Selah.

I lay down and slept;

I awoke, for the Lord sustains me.

I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people

Who have set themselves against me round about.

β€” Psalm 3:3-6 NASB1995

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Oh, do we need God’s shield around us.

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Yes! Especially around our minds so we don’t lose them.

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Oh.my.absolutely. Indeed. I have been having to practice taking thoughts captive a LOT, and find it is taking more focused effort and intention than I ever remember previously in my life. And this is not necessarily in regard to the events of the world but more ordinary events and situations in my ongoing life.

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Recently I heard a pastor speaking on fear and other mind issues and he said, "If it doesn't exist in the mind of Christ, then it shouldn't exist in mine, because I have the mind of Christ." Game-changer for me.

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How did you make those first words red??

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Not red on my end

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I have no idea. Perhaps because there is a period between them, so the program/Substack whatever thinks they’re part of a link. I suspect that’s what happened.

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Click on them. It made a hyperlink to a picture of books on a library shelf.

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This is what I found when I right-clicked and pressed Inspect element:

<a class="linkified" Href="http://oh.my" target="-blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">Oh.my</a>

On the other hand, maybe Copernicus is right. A.test.

Edit: No, that didn't work.

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God's shield is to protect us from the thought police silly....CISA...that four letter acronym that sounds like VISA. Go ahead, I double dog dare you to look it up.

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I need a bumper sticker that says "God is good. And no one else."

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Rom 3:4 "...let God be TRUE, but every man a LIAR" :)

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John 8:32 and you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free

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That was the Psalm I read yesterday!!

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It’s so beautiful and uplifting.

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Wow, I just read that this morning! A two witness moment...

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Opening my Bible now - thank you Janice πŸ™πŸ’—

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In a psalm about living in times when the wicked seem to be prevailing:

Trust in the Lord and do good

Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness

Delight also in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart

~ psalm 37:3-5

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One of my favorites!

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As my kindergarten age son takes a puff of his cigarette he says to me, β€œI just want to learn about shapes. How is diversity gonna help me get into first grade?”

This was my sons comedy bit this morning before leaving for WORK. We were dying laughing. He stomped out his pretend cigarette and headed out the door. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

EDIT: I should note, it wasn’t really my kindergarten aged son. He was pretending to be in kindergarten. That was part of the comedy bit. Notice I said he left for work (which I now edited to capitalize). πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ My son is 26. πŸ˜‚

I just realized I think some of you mistook what I said, and missed the part about him leaving for work πŸ˜‰ Oops 🀭 Epic fail in my writing it. I wondered why it was getting all the β€œlikes” πŸ˜‚

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The kid's a genius.

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πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ I told him that was pure gold!

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I suspect that it has a lot to do with his parents and the environment you have raised him in. He figured "it" out in kindergarten.

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Yes, well done! The Marxists hate generational reproduction and their goal is to break that cycle and turn the next gen against parents and their values. Bravo!

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