“Or, should we maybe multiply a reliable water-testing company to go in there, test folks’ wells for them, and post the results online? “


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and compare results on independently tested wells to government tested wells...

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Good way to expose the government corruption. 👏

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Never trust a government official. Never ever trust a government official in a white coat. Never ever ever trust a government official in a white coat who looks like Fauci's brother.

In general, don't trust any government, it has never worked...


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As Jesus said, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Somehow most of us forgot that along the way and just naively trusted those white coats and suits worn by government bureaucrats.

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I’ll add one: And who wears a bow tie like Bill Nye.

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For all of those people who did and do what they did because "I trust my doctor", the only difference between a doctor, a lawyer, and a stock broker is the doctor wears a lab coat over his suit. They are all business men fist second and last, and you are a $$$ to them. And FYI, it has been shown in test after test wearing a lab coat does fool the average person into placing more trust in what they say.

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BUT...the white coat also makes your blood pressure go up...”white coat syndrome”. Hmmm...maybe our subconscious knows something we don’t.

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Since this COVID debacle, my blood pressure goes up just knowing how much physician gaslighting is going on.

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Exactly! As soon as I saw that clown I told my husband “that looks & sounds like Fauci’s evil twin”

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Or one who's lips are moving.

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The City water supply could be the first to be toxic. This needs to be independently checked before well water that could take weeks or months to show any changes... good or bad.

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HEY, stop being a pattern theorist - just trust the experts and govt when they say the water is as safe as those COVID vaccine injections! 😉😉😉

CHERNOBYLsteria: Best Ohio Train Derailment Memes (Safe as a COVID Vaccine!)

- Is Hollywood writing the latest psyops? Your gas stove is still the problem, pattern theorists, there is no escape, never fear (Buttigieg will save us), and more Ohio train derailment memes!


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Thanks for the link good stuff there.

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Yes, CS rocks!

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Later Jay

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The problem is, if the results are not governmentally correct, the testing company will get in the cross-hairs of the govt and have non-stop problems afterwards. How can we prevent/fix that issue?

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Another problem might be, depending on how deep your well is, that it could take months or even years for the chemicals to reach your water. Testing right after the spill might not show anything.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

Exactly what I was thinking. Better hurry up and test so we can say “nothing to see here”.

Testing is part of remediation efforts? No, testing is not remediation. Just like mammograms are not prevention.

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Get it tested now for a baseline. I would call an independent tester. The government cannot be trusted.

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Test now for baseline, the. Test periodically afterward.

People should go get baseline health status reports too, for the same reason.

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Don’t reveal the name of the testing company? Is that possible? I’d do a donation on that multiplier Jeff. Please just DO IT!

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We could keep the private company anonymous and get one from a neighboring state.

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YES! I am all for testing- especially for people to know. But the problem is just like in COURT - its your expert against the GOV expert. So its tit for tat. No saying anyone is going to do anything with our results that will likely show poison and contamination.

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I'd certainly be on board with any help C and C folks can give. I was wondering if there is some general fund or Give-Send-Go effort set up to help these people with the costs of hotel bills, bottled water, etc. If anyone knows of a website set up to help the people of East Palestine, please let us know.

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Where’s FEMA? They’re usually Johnny-on-the-spot with portable housing and supplies.

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Especially since the surrounding infrastructure wasn't wiped out as happens with hurricanes... No excuse that FEMA is a no-show.

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Way too dangerous, FEMA doesn't want to lose people or equipment.

You're on your own Palestinians!

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Story finally reported in today's Bezos Post, page A3 of the print edition. Maybe that will get FEMA's attention.

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Or not. What a tragedy for those folks. Goes to show being rural and small in number leads to being ignored.

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I think it was on Tucker's show last night he mentioned that this area is largely a red voting area.

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Sadly, the only agenda is Climate. Well this is definitely climate... but has nothing to do with equity. So, it’s ignored. These people are on their own in a our nation. Incredible!

What about infrastructure? The brakes failed. Reported many times. Where’s Pete?

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Nobody has any idea how far away is safe. 50 miles? 200 miles? Where to set up and put trailers?

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Has Samaritan’s purse responded to this tragedy? They would be a good resource for these people.

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I hope they save their receipts so they can bill the railroad. Or add it to a class-action lawsuit.

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It may be local churches who will be providing the most effective help.

They are trusted. Established. Know the people. Are in the same boat.

Are first responders even getting water and donuts or pizza??

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Me too. I just heard on Badlands there was some effort to cover expenses to the tune of $200 per family. One hotel night? I don’t think so.

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In laws in Cincinnati reported that the chemical plume on the Ohio river coming; water inlet being shut down. Cincinnati has a 3 day water supply and they're not asking residents to conserve.

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Yes !

Are they supposed to “shower” with bottled water !? We are exposed to water beyond drinking. 💔

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Agreed. Good point!

I wouldn’t let my wife and children bathe in that water.

And even the rain water contamination is an issue to consider if one uses a rain water collection system. So much needs to be investigated.

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Maybe the company that discovered the lead in Flint's water.

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immediately YES!

Maybe a few independent contractors who represent the PEOPLE, not the robotic government actors. Remediation? LOL

govt- Hey y'all, I know we just blew up the town, but everything looks good on our end. Just a couple of safety precautions- 1) get vaccinated, 2) test your water on us, 3) hold your breath while you're outside, 4) please call our 800 number to report any concerns about the amount of white men working in construction.

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Or, taking a page from the Salem Witch Trials, let’s dunk those Government, Industry and Media folks who’re telling people there the water still is completely safe straight into it.

If they come up after a minute or so unscathed, let’s hold up a glass and cheer. If not, well, thank you for caring.

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Hey Bridget,

That sounds real Medieval, but I kinda like. Yeah, I like it alot! Good on you!

Later Jay

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As an OH native, I did a little research on this the past few days. OSU provides the following testing facilities and capabilities:


E. Palestine is in Columbiana Co of which there is a local lab, however out of state testing is a reasonable consideration as well.

Depending on where you live within the state, it's not straight forward on how one goes about getting water quality testing accomplished. One more thing to add to the list of stuff we've taken for granted and need to correct.

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I recently installed a whole home water filtration system for my deep well and the company I bought the system from highly recommended I have my water tested prior to purchase to check levels of anything and everything including chemicals both naturally and industrially occurring. The list of chemicals they can test for was astoundingly long. The filtration company gave me a list of labs to choose from or I could use one where I live. I chose an outside lab. They sent us a kit with clear instructions on how to collect and then send back to them in a postage paid box. It took a few weeks and a very detailed report was emailed to my inbox which I forwarded to the filtration company. Very, very good quality testing. The lab was ETR Labratories. There price for our test was $125


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Find out if the various chemicals on the train - dozens! - are detectable by your system.

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Universities are on the government payroll. They are suspect too.

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Concur, however the list is for private labs from what it appears. The university seems to have just compiled them.

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I am so on board with this! 🙌

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Only if we can ensure the "post the results online" part.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Dr Mercola offers an independent water testing option. We’ve done it for our well water. Maybe we should contact him (He was on an FLCCCA conference call recently and he lives in Florida).


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Yes! Dr. Mercola is the BEST. Discovered him 20+ years ago. Been singing his praises ever since.

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I wonder if Mike Adams could do it.? He has 100 % integrity, requirement #1, and probably the best quality control testing for food grade products in the US. Agree you can't trust universities at all. They long ago sold their souls and are part of the enemy infrastructure to indoctrinate and transwhatever our children.

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Mercola is a big red flag with MSM etc, anything he's associated with will be completely dismissed. Just sayin.

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MSM is a big red flag with the silenced majority, most anything they say is FUBAR.

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Great idea...

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Thanks! I just checked it out.

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I just ordered Mercola’s kit for city water. I live in Florida. When I contacted testing companies a couple years ago, they made it sound like it was pointless for them to test because they couldn’t possibly test for everything 🙄

I trust Mercola selected some of the most common and most important things to look for.

You can also go on the city website for water quality testing to see results but I think they only test every few years. Besides, we’ve learned we can’t trust government.

It would be nice if Mercola’s test results also included what the health problem is associated with the substance found and the best type of filter to remove it.

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Plus, municipal water testing just changes the acceptable parameters of chemicals when the previous ranges creep up.

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Just like blood testing, they change the normal parameters as the population gets sicker.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

If you live in East Palestine and you evacuate, take your guns! We had a flood in a nearby town a couple decades ago and when the National Guard came through evacuating people, they entered property and confiscated guns. They also arrested people for marijuana grow rooms they discovered.

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The tyrants use the "National Guard" because to use the military would violate the Posse Comitatus act, which is a constitutional protection against using the military like the US military action at Waco. Janet Reno was a murderer.

The "guard" can be armed and given arrest authority. Bad, bad deal. Those who have sworn to uphold the Constitution don't even know what it says.

I think everyone who has to swear allegiance to the Constitution should be required to pass a test on what it says and means. Bill of Rights anyone?

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For a preview of what might happen, check out Sen. Kennedy asking a Biden nominee for U.S. District Court judge to tell him ". . .what Article V of the constitution does. . ." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNlfbQ-WbFY

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Oh my Gosh! But I am not surprised!

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Reno and Clinton both were murderers. Randy Weaver was approached by an FBI informant repeatedly who kept asking him to saw off that shotgun. Randy finally relented to get rid of him, and then they had their excuse. My former boss could recount the story chapter and verse, and it utterly enraged him. Same thing with Waco. He said any game warden could have defused the situation, and had the stones to do it. As an aside, the agents allegedly killed at Waco just happened to be former Clinton bodyguards. Another coincidence I guess. I also believe my memory is correct in saying the records for these sordid examples of government abuse of power were kept in the Federal building in Oklahoma Timothy McVie ( a CIA agent) was charged with blowing up

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Sounds like the New Orleans Katrina evacuation debacle. Cops at checkpoints were shaking down folks for their guns.

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We lived in New Orleans when Katrina hit. The stories we heard when we returned to get our stuff and move to TX were bone chilling.

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They did that during Katrina too. 🤬🤬🤬. Great advice!!!

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That was done in Hurricane Katrina...firearm confiscation. Not to mention other unconstitutional diktats. Oathkeepers are the ones that really woke me up to this years ago.

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WTH??? How could they do that?

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The expression of their faces bears witness against them,

And they display their sin like Sodom;

They do not even conceal it.

Woe to them!

For they have brought evil on themselves.

Say to the righteous that it will go well with them,

For they will eat the fruit of their actions.

Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him,

For what he deserves will be done to him.

— Isaiah 3:9-11 NASB1995

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🗨 In situations that can cause the cleverest of us to fail and the bravest of us to look for avenues of escape, we occasionally see someone who quietly recognizes the right thing to do and does good. You can be sure that is a man who prays.

~~Ernst Jünger [via N.S. Lyons]

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LOVE this - thank you!! 🙏🏻♥️

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I look for your scriptures every day. Thank you for sharing them!

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Rachael, your encouragement makes waiting to see Jeff‘s posts before I go back to sleep every morning all the more worth it. 🥰

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I do too, Rachael!

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Kamala Harris as " anti-impeachment insurance " ............... that is RICH, Jeff. Just beautiful.

And a whole lotta truth, too!

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Just like Biden was 0bama’s impeachment insurance. They keep running the same play and getting away with it, so far, anyway.

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Well you know "they" are serious in getting rid of Biden, when they start going after Kamala AKA Spiro Agnew.

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Problem is there isn’t enough time left to get rid of Kamala, place an agreeable substitute, and get rid of bozo

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Very few people know that the Constitution originally provided for a presidential election system where the runner-up was named Vice President. If that were still the case, we could impeach and remove Biden, and Trump would become president.

We need to repeal the 12th Amendment (1804) to make America Great Again by foiling the impeachment insurance.

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Hmmm…then we might have ended up with Hilary after Trump’s impeachment.🤔😬

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Yeah you can see why they did it. All the congress would do is spend all their time trying to impeach the current potus to get their own into power. There got to be a better way. Prob should be the runner up in each primary must be vp.

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Only if he'd been convicted, of course. Trump was impeached (twice actually) but not convicted.

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Good Catch ... and I really see no good way out of this cesspool of too far gone corruption other than collapse. It may happen. The alternative financial now growing around the Asian Hub inclusive of India and Russia is perhaps the last nail in the coffin of the American Global Empire of Lies. This is something most people just can't look at. Too painful.

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In my humble opinion, I think the USA is a wrap.

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My few market friends say the same thing. Only they say it's going to be Biblical in scale. People cannot image. But maybe not so in some places which are commodity/manufacturing self-sufficient. In Russia, they will have lights, heat their homes and eat ... because they are self-sufficient in all the basics. Can we say the same in the USA? Self-sufficient? Well we were when my dad and mom were kids. No any more I'm afraid.

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I couldn’t have said it better! I totally agree! TPTB gave our self sufficiency to Chyna. All those jobs in Chyna should be ours. I still have stuff that says MADE IN THE USA…and that’s rare! When I was growing up, everything said MADE IN JAPAN. Japan isn’t communist. Why are we getting anything from Chyna???? They are our enemy. Wrap that around your head. They could tell us yo go F ourselves.

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Maybe that’s why she talks so stupid. I swear she wasn’t like this before.

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She’s a cunning, malevolent and vicious person. Unless she’s been attending John Fetterman communication seminars, it’s all an act.

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Oh now I think I get it. Kamala might be worse?

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I’ve been thinking this awhile now. I despise Biden but KH worse!

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Totally have known that all along.

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Don't understand why KH is insurance against impeachment. Ethnicity?

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KH is impeachment insurance, bc if OBiden is impeached, KH would step in as the new Pres. So doofus 1 done away with, now we have royal doofus on steroids 2!!!

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They’re both just as bad. TPTB are dictating what they do. They’re simply place keepers, in my opinion.

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Who can read the teleprompter better and not fall off her bicycle.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This is well written as I am familiar with some of these past disasters. Whoever gave the order to blow up those train cars is either crazy, stupid or just plain evil

I was in the hazmat cleanup business for 10 years.


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This was well written. Thank you for sharing. Dioxins are serious and they aren’t letting on how dangerous they are. 🤬

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Remember the dreadful dioxin poisoning of erstwhile Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko?

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

Unfortunately, they relied on the "experts." 🙄

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Same "experts" they used for the covid bioweapon.

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Or DEI approved "experts."

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Yep. Only incompetents are deemed "experts" these days.

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Would that be experts like the dude dressed in a white lab coat and wearing a bow tie?

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Totally Frodo Baggins.

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I am a friend of Coppolino and have dine volunteer research work for him. If you have expertise, I suggest you get in touch with him and help him with covering the story. You may have useful knowledge or useful leads

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There are many with much higher technical qualifications than I. Love Canal, Times Beach were two of the most publicized I am familiar with. But Monsanto and Hercules had several dioxin laced sites. The only way to make them safe is to incinerate the soil at high temperatures or encapsulate the site like they did at Chernobyl so that nothing could get in or out. They have basically destroyed the town and the surrounding areas otherwise. Sad

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

Wasn’t the active ingredient in Agent Orange dioxin? And they said that exposure to it wouldn’t hurt the troops or Vietnamese locals. Just looked it up, the dioxin called TCPP that was in agent orange was a byproduct of the manufacture of the herbicides found in the defoliant. It is considered the most dangerous of all dioxins. Also dioxins are produced when a lot of different chemicals are burned, so who knows what the byproducts of burning all that vinyl chloride were.

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Yes and Monsanto and Hercules were culprits in that saga.

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Took the Pentagon and the VA 30 years to figure it out.

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you mean admit it

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Less customers that way

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This reminds me of Love Canal in Niagara, NY. Such tragedy and I fear long term harm.

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I remember that from the 1970’s. It was a travesty!

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So now the perfect excuse for SADS, and turbo cancer. Dioxin and E. Palestine.

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Excellent find and post. This cannot be re posted far and wide enough. Terrifying. Is this their solution to too many people refusing the jabs?

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On Amish Country... what do you think???

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Go to the 21 minute mark


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I want to ____ slap this poor excuse for a man. He’s absolutely pathetic. He was definitely SELECTED to be the paid, useful idiot of “TRANS🌈”-portation.

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Paid off with the title to step aside in the 2020 primaries.

With added bonus of Joe being able to hire another "first" to crow about.

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Sometimes a train wreck is just a ... train wreck.

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The map shows that the toxins could affect many “flyover” states. Just sayin.

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Excellent! Thank you so much!

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

While vaccines (mRNA in particular) are the new glamour drug of the Medical Industrial Pharma crime cartel, the old money lies in the chemotherapy poison which has made investors along with oncologists exceptionally wealthy. A neighbor of mine was diagnosed with leukemia a number of years ago and proceeded to go in for those chemo treatments approximately 10 days later. He died the day after his first session. So whenever someone dies so quickly from “cancer” I just assume it was because they took the poison.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I always look back to and give credit to the start of my awakening at such a young age, to a job I had as a dewy-eyed 19 year-old (I was already a new mom, so stuff hit me in that "mom gut" too). Working in a hospital as a radiology aide/transporter wheeling/carting inpatients to/from their inhouse radiology tests, to include Oncology.... I would see SO many newly diagnosed patients come in looking and acting ALIVE, move into the cancer ward, start their chemo, radiation and witnessed as they all lost their zest, turned grey, lost motor skills, and died by what appeared to me to be a very painful, miserable, and sometimes slow death. It didn't make sense to me to choose that route when it seemed so "Certain Death" AND miserable. I've always said ever since that I don't know exactly what, but "cut, poison, burn" will NOT be my choice of treatment if I'm faced with that decision someday. Well, now I know and have experienced a lot more since then and STILL stand by my 19 year-old decision.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I went to talk to my dad's doctor as I have power of attorney. She wanted me to do a colonoscopy and I said absolutely never. She said it could save me from cancer and I said no, because I will NEVER do big medicine's evil trinity.... cut, burn and poison. You are so right - that is the establishment for cancer treatment. She said, and I quote, "colon cancer surgery is easy now" and this was before the scamdemic. I said no, my uncle said he'd rather die than go through that a second time. Now I'm sure I'd wind up on a vent and be killed by run-death-is-near. Cancer treatment is the all time money maker in this country. Good for you for standing by your decision!

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Preach FourWinds! 🫂

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About 10 years ago I watched the docu-series The Truth About Cancer from Ty and Charlene Bollinger. It changed my whole perspective about how the worst cancer of all is the cancer business. I’ve learned so much since about alternative therapies and hear of situations like Jimmy Carter’s terminal brain tumor that somehow just mysteriously disappeared. So many lies; so much suppression of safe cures. Check it out - https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/

Also here is a video by G Edward Griffin about Vitamin B17 based on his book World Without Cancer. I’ve been eating bitter apricot seeds daily for years. Greatly reduces my risk of acquiring the big C - https://youtu.be/tPADSv3XAv0

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Where do you get bitter apricot seeds? Any brand you recommend?

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Here’s the company I use. They sell the raw seeds and B17 capsules as well. https://www.apricotpower.com/

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My respect for G Edward has grown immensely large over the years. G. Edward has done so much for us, our understanding. Truly a hero!

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If humankind survives the current WEF/Satanic attack, we will look back at chemo as barbaric. Chemo, and gender-affirming surgical mutilations: Both on the barbaric short list.

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You have a perfect name 🌞! I agree with you! I had ovarian cancer in August. I had a HUGE tumor removed. I was lucky to not have to have anything else done. The doctor said that it’s rare (he probably tells everyone that). I was awake before this, but now I’m hyper-awake! I trust no doctors or nurses anymore. We were all too trusting (I know there’s some good ones out there). Too many have been captured!

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023

Thanks Renee, I'm glad you've not had anything else done and seem to be thriving and healing! I had a skin cancer cut out of my scalp in December, but also had one removed many years ago, different location, that was stubborn and needed more "cutting". I'm still healing from December's ordeal and it's not been fun- it's a cakewalk compared to many others experiences & suffering, but certainly not fun, would not recommend. I honestly don't know that I would cut out something again without more weighing, research, and possibly alternative treatments. I think I need to do a lot more research on the skin cancer stuff. There has to be better way than cutting stuff out of our skin that's questionable. Was telling SheThinksLiberty, same day as scheduled scalp excision the dermatologist noticed a flat freckle on my chest (I'm very fair completed and have spots all over) and she scrape biopsied it without my consent, and it's truly a major nuisance right now, and came back benign and nothing worth causing that much pain and significant scarring over a tiny freckle. Makes me not want to go to the dermatologist again. 😕

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Oh boy, do I understand! I’m finding through reading, that there are so many NATURAL cures for so much! I just bought “The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health” by Nenah Sylver…I haven’t started it yet, but it looks like a wealth of information! It came highly recommended. It’s a little pricey, but so is being “sick”. Go with your gut/intuition…God given!

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Look into using black salve on lesions. It's not for everyone, but then again neither is the alternative mainstream medical route.

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Fourteen years ago, I had endometrial cancer which spread and was stage 3a when found. This happened because my doctor misdiagnosed and said I had fibroids, giving the cancer two years to spread while I was trusting and oblivious. I underwent chemo (whether necessary or not, I don't know) but when my oncologist then recommended radiation, I refused. I was stunned and saddened to see in 2021 that my oncologist was pushing the covid shots, even for pregnant women! I heard early on that doctors were seeing a lot of cancer in the vaccinated, which is part of the reason I didn't get the shots.

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By the way, my obgyn is pushing it as well! In fact, she had a flyer in her office stating that it’s safe, etc. I grabbed one for posterity sake. It made me really angry. These doctors are getting paid by someone.

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WOW Anne! I sure hope you’re okay now ✝️! Getting a cancer diagnosis is surreal. I HAD it last August. I firmly believe that there are good cures (which I’m reading about), but the “Rockefeller Cartel” has kept it hidden. Think about the money involved! There are so many people literally invested in it! 🤬

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I'm doing well. The week of my biopsy in 2008, we were scheduled to go on a mission trip to El Salvador. We left before I got the results. We were trying to share the gospel with a man and he couldn't focus because he was worried about an upcoming surgery. I felt led to tell him that I was waiting to find out if I had cancer, and that God might let me watch my grandchildren grow up or he might take me home to be with him. I told him I had peace. He was able to focus then. He prayed to receive Christ and we prayed for his surgery to go well.

How are you doing? I will pray for you! Dr. Marik mentioned a good book on a recent FLCCC webinar. I think it was How to Starve Cancer, by Jane McLelland. There are two books by her on Amazon, with slightly different names.

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You're so brave and what an ordeal to have experienced. I'm grateful that you're still here! You're always sharing wisdom in your comments, thank you.

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While I wouldn't have chosen cancer, it turned out to be a very close time with Jesus. For that reason, I have good memories (and bad). Being forgiven and reconciled to God makes all the difference. I highly recommend it. ✝️ I became a follower of Christ in 1976 and I hate to think about what my life might have been like without Jesus. I am 70 years old.

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Same exact thing happened to a friend of ours. Chemo is a killer.

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Actually kills more than Cancer

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My sister then died after the first shot. Quickly.

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I am sorry. 😭🫂 That's horrible.

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There was a European doctor who said there were three shots given: saline, mRNA and cancer. If I can find the clip I'll post it, but with the rise in all sorts of cancer, I wonder if there was truth to that? Or if the mRNA shots did the deed with cancer...

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There seems to be a plausible mechanism of action for mRNA/cancer connection.

Is a cancer injection even a thing? What would that be? Pure asbestos? Radioactive isotopes?

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I have no idea as I am not a medical person; however, if they can create mRNA to wreak havoc, how hard would it be for them to create a cancer shot? There's money in cancer for pharma and hospitals.

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Might have been in Meryl Nass’ substack. They showed a clip of a nurse from another country who said the vials were marked 1, 2, 3.

Just as you listed.

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Yes! That was it! But I can't find it...

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I think AIDS is also in some of the jabs. It’s funny how Fauci just happened to be in the neighborhood for AIDS and CONvid. Coincidence? Hardly.

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Chemo drugs are the Only drugs pharmacies don't fill. The oncologists actually buy them then resell them to the victims. This makes up ~75% of an oncologists' ~$250 K ( 20 year old figure) income. As a related aside, at least 3 surveys have shown a majority, sometimes an overwhelming majority, of oncologists said they would not give chemo drugs to their family or friends, nor take them themselves.

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WOW!!!!!!!! Just curious on your sources. This is outrageous.

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Check out The Truth about Cancer. Lots of fascinating information - https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/

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Thank you! 👍

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I had lunch with a new widow whose husband died last week after his first chemo treatment. He had not even been diagnosed but since they found a secondary cancer it was already stage 4. They had no idea where the primary tumor was. They kept doing the same tests, endoscopy and such for 2 months. “Hospitalists” got hold of him every time he ended up in the hospital who refused to look at his already massive records “that’s not our job” they said. His wife always had to repeat was going on to every doc. Obviously they weren’t going to do anything for him but offered palliative care. He was on hospice at home for one day and died. She said much more went on. She was appalled and experienced the most stress of her life. Horrendous.

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Similar experience. Now I see the hospital timed things carefully, they were only after the insurance payments.

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What a heartbreaking story. Inexcusable conduct from those trained to help.

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He was most certainly vaxxed.

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My late FIL passed similarly. Turbo cancer, hospitalized, chemo, radiation, home one day for palliative care, dead... Matter of 6 weeks diagnosis-treatment-death..he took the first two doses of Pfizer. Has just passed his annual health exam months prior with picture perfect health on paper.

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Along with cardiologists replacing heart valves, pacemakers and treating arrhythmia, kidney dialysis centers are opening up left and right, scan centers, labs and emergicare clinics, they are raking in the profits.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

THANK YOU for the continued focus on "The Jabs". Hazmat & UFOs are distraction, morbid and criminal but a distraction for the crime of Covid. Between the Jabs + Hospital protocol- have you seen Dr. CAMPBELLs video on rumble titled Feb 13 2023- HOLY SMOKES, hospitals literally murdered people with med combos. 😳 And Johns one to report only what's printed/ no speculations.

EYES ON THE TARGET, global genocide.

Grateful for Switzerland, Thailand, Japan and Ecuador for DOING something, getting the ball rolling on atonement of some sort. We need A LOT more of this.

Keep the Faith 🙏

Hold the Line ✝️

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I will consider Switzerland as atoning when they CEASE hosting the WEF thugfest at Davos.

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Right-O! Info I see from reliable alternative sources is that the Ukraine is all but done. And now we see the geniuses saying that they cannot supply the Ukraine with ammo sufficient enough. This means The Green Giant is going around with arms flailing trying to figure things out. Like ... "Duh! Whadda do I next?" The Green Giant does not have a clue ... and that is why we are getting a flood of balloons, aliens and what not. It will only get worse and the fight is on. What fight? Ours! And like Russia's, it is for survival! It EXISTENTIAL SURVIVAL in big letters!

And as you all know, I keep hearing that refrain from the Mr. Blue Sky song, "Where did we go so wrong." I think we know. It's by flushing God down the toilet ... and dumbing down of the churches and the schools. That's where we went wrong. Solzhenitsyn pretty much said the same thing about the Soviets. And guess what? We ain't so much different. And one of the ironies of history.

I am pretty much in line with this wonderful post. I too am grateful that some of the rest of the world is taking action. They have to. It's a matter of survival. And as well, the world thirsts for JUSTICE to be meted out to the Demonic Ones.

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I couldn’t agree more. Sometimes I cry to God the Father for the sins of humanity, as well as my sins. I look at the precious, innocent children, and animals. My heart is broken.

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Hi Renee! Same here! De Wife has FB friends. Sometimes she shows me pics of the little ones, kids and grand-kids. Jesus hit it right. About sums if up for me.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English

“And everyone who commits an offense against one of these little ones who believe in me, it were profitable for him that a donkey's millstone would be hung around his neck and he be sunk in the depths of the sea.”

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Link please?

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I think this is the video Tucson referred to. My husband listens to John Campbell regularly and I have begun to also. He's not sensational, just reporting data and facts. He is becoming more and more upset at what has been done to us. https://rumble.com/v29ehhq-february-13-2023.html

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Anne! Excellent! I'm listening now! It's like Murder to get the first numbers up in order to drive The Narrative. And then comes the Big Time Murder and Crippling Effects with the jab. The pattern is so dominant and ubiquitous that this all cannot be by accident.

Thanks for the post. Dr. Campbell is great ... and meticulous, very measured. I added Dr. Campbell to my Rumble list. Between covid/jab murder and sanctions fall out, this is going to bring down the West. The rest of the world understands what is going on and they aren't amused. God bless you and your husband, a good man!

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Sadly, doctors may pooh pooh a nurse phd’s explanation. I like him though, even before he “red pilled.” I would love to see the episode where he had the aha moment.

The betrayal one feels when realizing one has been lied to about a life and death choice is physical, emotional and mental.

Once the person works through the betrayal they can help others see because they are already trusted, not like an unvaxxed.

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I think that betrayal is the reason some just can't accept what has happened. It is devastating to realize that those you trusted to help you have been working against your best interests for a long time. Dr. Pierre Kory addresses that, and other things, in this interview, in which he talks about his journey. Dr. Paul Thomas, who is doing the interview, is a former pediatrician who had his license taken away because he advised parents about childhood vaccines rather than strictly following the schedule. He did a study of all patients who had been in his practice since birth, comparing those who were unvaccinated versus those who had some, or all vaccines. He found the unvaccinated were much more healthy.


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Does Dr Paul Thomas have a substack or Rumble channel or similar? Please & Thank you

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I don't think he does substack, but he has a website.

https://www.paulthomasmd.com/ He also has a weekly podcast on the Children's Health Defense website. Here's the link to the latest and from there you can browse other show topics.


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Yes and he doesn’t mock the physical appearance of our fellow humans made in the image of God...wish all of us who are Christian would do the same...Christ never did!

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Thank you

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Thank you!

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Even if the water is safe for drinking - for now - it may not be safe for anything else. The largest organ on the body is the skin and if there are chemicals in the water, they can be absorbed through the skin in a shower, washing hands, get into clothing in the wash/rinse cycle, etc. Further, the chemicals may or may not take time to get into wells as they leach into soil, although hopefully that won't affect deep wells, but I don't know. As Jeff pointed out a few days ago, that water goes to the Ohio River, then the Mississippi, then the gulf. Hello.... test along the way! The state absolutely should be testing and publishing online the results of that area and surrounding areas. And no, as an Ohioan, I don't trust a single organization in this state at all. I was skeptical to begin with but the scamdemic put the nail in the coffin for me. We'll see how they handle or don't handle the remainder of this problem.

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Horrible, just horrible and evil...

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Good point! Funny I didn't think of it straight off because I always allow the bath water to sit for some minutes to get as much chlorine out as possible.

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Excellent points.

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If your distrust in doctors couldn’t get any worse, check this out, as masked Columbia University medical students chant the mantra of critical race theory.


Comments include:

- Never a better time to be a malpractice lawyer.

- Don't ever get a physician under the age of 40 anymore. You'll regret it.

- I saw two white males in that crowd.

- The body count bout to huge, yo.

- Best part is when she demands that everyone bow their heads, not in reverence of God, but in devotion to the tenets of critical theory. 1984.

- “Let us bow our heads in recognition of the gravity of this oath…” Totally not a cult.

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Great. They’ve replaced the Hippocrates oath with racism. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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“Hippocratic” Stupid autocorrect.

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We knew what you intended to write!

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Wow. Just wow.

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Dear Florida Man,

Each time I look at the schools, it's worse. My God! It's a horror. And I think that if I was real, real young, I'd move to Russia. At least they don't do this kind of thing and neither do they allow Satanic Cult exhibitions at events like the Super Bowl or the Grammy Awards. At this point, I'd do almost anything not to live in a culture of flagrant perversion.

Yours Truly,

Tearing My Hair Out in Virginia

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I work in a public highschool. I can assure you it is as bad as you can imagine. It is pretty much a full on indoctrination center….

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Yeah! I believe it! I think the US is going down. Maybe this year or the next. No country can survive this level of Nutz Beyond Insane. So sad! Most people won't know how bad it is going to be until they are smacked on the head confronted with a brutal fact of complete ruins and devastation. I am sure, for example, a lot of German people did not believe Germany lost the war until Berlin fell to the Reds. Only when Allied administrators filled every post did it truly sink in ... the entire devastating sweep.

Thanks for the post! It must be a living hell for you!

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I saw that a few months ago...SCARY SHIT!

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Major flashback to catholic school.

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Which Catholic school did you go to? Yikes! Not my experience at all

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I actually had good memories from 12 years of Catholic school. I definitely never had to worry a what to wear!

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Booty count?

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The only parts they forgot to say were: Back of the bus for that one skin color group and the historical concept of “Do no harm” is violence overriding Reproductive and Gender Freedom.

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“Yes Master...” 😵‍💫

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Nothing says expert as much as a white lab coat and a bow tie. Costumes are always the first consideration when bamboozling the masses.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers


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Dear Mr. Vanderhoff:

1) The title "Doctor" disqualifies you from being trusted. Drop it.

2) God provides clean air and water - the government screws it up...

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In the posted video, the "doctor" is wearing a white coat, traditionally worn by doctors. He's trying to covey an image, that he just finished rounds at a hospital, for example. This clown is a BUREAUCRAT, an ACTOR paid to perform and the white coat is just a costume.

Stuff like that just burns my butt, because people will be sucked into the performance.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

For me, the "Anthony Fauci costume" with that stupid bowtie made me reflexively want to punch him in the face and take his lunch money.

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I, too, get a clenching in my right hand when I see and hear Fauci. And I’m gentle as a dove normally.

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Hard to trust an adult male in a bowtie...which is attire for small boys under the age of five!

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Noooo I like bow ties. Especially on lawyers and doctors. I refuse to let Frog-chi ruin it for me. 😫😫

Like rainbows were ruined.

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Exactly. Doc's PR Team really dropped the ball here. This scene called for a sweatshirt and cargo pants. The Science clearly shows that white lab coats stress out the test subjects.

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Yes, Kansas. I completely agree. He looked like a B grade actor portraying a “medical expert” in a 1980’s sitcom.

It is so obvious how they are trying to gaslight people. It is farcical.

Lord God, please remove the scales so people can clearly see.

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I'm sure he has really valid advice on covid shots.

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Lots of similar scenes during the Sandy Hook tragedy.

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Plenty of giggles and Duper’s Delight there….

Robbie Parker comes to mind.

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Trust Dewine???? I remember the little weasel spewing “2 weeks to stop the spread” 🦜 HAVE WE NOT LEARNED ONE SINGLE LESSON??? Do your own investigation. We have our own Coffee & Covid truth warrior ... aka Jeff Childers

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DeWeeny recently took down his StandWithUkraine banner he had plastered over all his social media accounts. I guess that's not trendy anymore. He's such a RINO dweeb.

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Pam Popper used to call him Governor DeSwine, maybe she still does. Apparently another Neocon Rino Hedge Fund Billionaire similar to NJ's Gov Murphy who I believe once stated to Tucker Carlson when asked about the Constitutionality of the lockdowns that Constitutional issues where "above his pay grade." WTF an effin Governor who swears to uphold the Constitution stating that?! Blows my mind but these days is Par for the course!

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I don't trust DeWine any further than I could throw him. He ruined so many small businesses in Ohio during the scamdemic. Horrible. I will give him a lot of credit for recently declaring natural gas as "green" energy in Ohio. While the powers that shouldn't be want us all on electric so they can turn if off when they please, at least for now, gas is protected in Ohio.

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DeWine is a weasel. He was the lesser of the evils. We lived in OH for a long time; my husband is from there.

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I live in Ohio now, can’t wait to get out.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

A woman 10 miles from East Palestine, Ohio found all her chickens dead. They were fine the day before. "If it can do this to chickens in a night, imagine what it will do to us in 20 years"


I this is clearly an attack on conservative America's population and food supply.

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I wondered if they were targeting the Amish somehow, but they live further away. They would love to kill their animals and farms. They can’t control them with energy costs or vaccine mandates.

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Ohio chicken farms are the largest egg producers in the US, producing 9.5 billion eggs per year. Remember the latest absurdity? Eggs cause heart disease? Must ban eggs!!

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Also: they need eggs to make vaccines.

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This is so so so sad. And they have been burning chicken coops. You think we’ve had a problem with egg shortages we will have a massive problem soon. 😡

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I doubt they have 20 years.

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Wow. Just saw the video. Thank you for sharing

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Well, at least he stopped short of saying that you should drink your water, bottled or otherwise, through a mask. Incidentally, I'll choose the virus over an experimental injection everytime. At least the virus gives me a fighting chance

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Omg that would have priceless!!!! Seriously!!!

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Agree. If given that hypothetical, I'd take a sars-cov2 injection over mRNA anytime!

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The Kenny Rogers line is pure gold

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Know when to run, so true!

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I was thinking same. On spot!

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I loved it.

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