

1) Corrected the spelling of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi's name.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

May not be a good fit for errata, but to this non-lawyer, adding the refs below would significantly strengthen the legal case to have all mRNA shots removed from the market. Another excellent post as usual btw!!


* Eliminating dependence on unknowns, like batch quality, will close the door on opposition arguments in these areas and lead to a quicker winning verdict.

* Basing case on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries, long taught in med-schools, will be difficult to argue against successfully.


1# = https://rumble.com/v21ppz6-all-mrna-vaccines-will-cause-harm-prof.-dr.-bhakdi.html (see first 13-mins, Dr Bhakdi basics at Jr-High level)

#2 = 00:45-29:00 of https://rumble.com/v1p3855-friday-roundtable-worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m.d.-sucharit-b.html (see first 18-mins, Dr Bhakdi credentials plus basics at Jr-High level)

#3 = Medical References (to confirm Dr Bhakdi’s views and add historical basis)

* Roitt's Essential Immunology 13th Edition (Martin, Burton, Roitt, and Delves; 2017) {basic immunology involved is covered in Chapter-1}

* History of Organ and Cell Transplantation (Hakim and Papalois; 2003) {history of related discoveries, ref’d in Roitt’s}

* A History of Transplantation Immunology 1st Edition (Brent; 1996) {history of related discoveries, ref’d in Roitt’s}

#4 = Overview of relevant points (by this non-MD, same as in post but all in one place):

The mRNA in jabs, cause cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2). (so, all mRNA shots are unsafe)

* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (enable organ damage)

* Sudden death, and most other mRNA injuries, are explained by mechanisms in above Refs

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Not exactly an erratum, but I would beg you most piteously to remove the word “germ” everywhere your non-scientifically-trained self employed it in your otherwise superb article. Thank you.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“But first, a disclaimer. As I am constantly reminded by critics, I am a lawyer, not a microbiologist.”

I am a trained molecular biologist with a background in micro. You are representing the literature appropriately. I am constantly amazing that tou can grasp the concepts and present them.

REMEMBER: this poison was created and disseminated by supposed “microbiologist”. Also anyone who thinks this is microbiology is not knowledgeable. This is molecular genetics which uses bacteria, viral components, genes, and cells.

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The more I hear, the more grateful I am that I never took the jab. It smelled fishy from the get-go! I never used to be this discerning, but the Scamdemic woke me up!

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Me too. Thankfully I listened to my “gut”. I smelled a political, not medical response to a supposed deadly virus. I saw corporations with a track record of billions of dollars in fines for falsifying clinical trials, guilty of shoddy quality control and contaminated production lines, freed from safety standards and liability, all in the name of speed. Nope, it just didn’t add up.

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yes, but they'll simply apply another killing method upon unvaccinateds it doesn't matter that we did not voluntarily get on the trains to the relocation camps for processing, safety and employment. They are coming to obliterate us no matter our wariness and hesitation to their means.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Well then, come at me. As long as I go down fighting it's all ok. We need to not live in fear of them coming after us. We all need to live what's left of our lives to the fullest. Not sure why we were all born to live during this time but I have faith there is a very good reason.

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Valkyrie; better to try to infiltrate and upend them and in the end call them out for the Hateful trash they are--ALL of THEM every single one-yes Patton used the Nazis to police and run the sanitation systems but they were still compliant NAZI SCUM i don't care if their only job was to send Fatherland gift packages to 6th Army POWs in Siberia. Unless they worked actively against the Genociders then they are at some level guilty. All of our Global, Federal and State and local gvt and medical garbage peddlers and the current and former presidents are all aware or involved and are guilty DePopulationists; We must ASK--Can Trump and Pence plead innocent, really?? they appear to know the boundaries they must operate within and mustn't stray from and it shows doesn't it? A restrained and conservative DePopulationist is still sympathetic and enabling of the professional murderous plotters in my eyes.

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I agree. They are ALL guilty.

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I believe you are correct WP William. This is Satanic, at the molecular level. Satan's only goal is to deceive and destroy God's creation. Sadly he has many people in his employ to do just that.

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So true.

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We're already being poisoned through our water, air, food, etc. The earth has been contaminated for years!!! Chemtrails are never ceasing.... we would be despairing... BUT GOD!!! WE TRUST IN HIS INFINITE MERCY. TO LIVE IS CHRIST, TO DIE IS GAIN

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Yes - the unvaxxed will be starved to death as detailed here https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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I'm SO GRATEFUL GOD gave me a discerning spirit. I question all, so our family was spared the jabs, however I'm sure we have come in contact with the "Shedding" so we're actively practicing DETOX protocols as prescribed by Dr. Bryan Ardis...

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Amen. I was grateful before but now I really am.

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I never took the jab because I started to inform myself from the get go. When I found out they were using "fetal" material from aborted babies, etc., in the ingredients, both in testing and manufacturing, I objected. Dr. Frankenstein, I mean Fauci, et al, have created their monster, and now its loose.

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'mRNA' and 'nanolipid particulate' said it all for me. In retrospect, and even so, how little did we know! By now, however, no one here should any longer think that this NSA/DoD directed onslaught was remotely about 'health'.

Glad you spotted it so early.

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In actuality, they've been using fetal material in vaccines at least since the 70s. 😕

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I never took the Rat Juice because I am not a gullible MORE-ON

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All people had to do was think! Apparently that’s too much to expect anymore.

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A blessing for me to read (also @JK and @Annie in replies); a blessing you trusted that ineffable something, call it intuition. Thank you for posting. Provided a moment of gratitude that lightens and fills my heart. I've never lost hope that enough people will awaken, and brief posts like yours reinforce that hope and prayers of infinite gratitude. Quite the trip this earthwalk.

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Amen! I wasn’t crazy about the lockdowns, but at first I bought the idea that quarantine and isolation would be protective. I think that forced masking was what woke me up and made me question everything “they” said after that. I was repulsed by the thought of everyone wearing masks. I felt waves of revulsion just seeing others in masks, not to mention putting one on myself. And that was before I knew that masks had been used on slaves and prisoners to dehumanize and isolate them, and before I read all the pre-Covid studies that found no benefit in masking to prevent respiratory viruses. Remember the ridiculous video of the Surgeon General (Jerome something?) demonstrating how to make a mask from a bandanna and rubber bands? Oh, I made one, and boy, do rubber bands around the ears hurt! I was certain that everyone - Americans at least - would draw the line and say no way. I was sadly mistaken about that, but at least it kicked me awake! I found Alex Berenson and el gato malo and Dr. Simone Gold on Twitter, and reading the replies led me to many others and eventually to Substack. And I learned enough along the way to know I wanted nothing to do with the deadly clot shot.

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Thanks for the affirmation that Jeff is getting things right. He is one careful and thoughtful man, isn’t he.

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Yes, amen. Jeff needs all of our support and applause. Maybe he'll become a scientist soon and leave his lawyer job.

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NO! We need smart and honest lawyers!

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Bite your tongue, Roman--we LOVE Atty. Jeff just as he is--even if he IS a "lawyer"....the law at least does not alter our genes--it sets us apart from the "uncivilized" creatures--sometimes!

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Oh no :O Jeff is doing exactly what he does so well!

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Scientist yes; politician God forbid!!

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A TRUE scientist would be fine--but that is NOT what we have spoon feeding this bioweapon jab onto the citizenry of the world.

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Jeff’s Careful and thoughtful with some snarky thrown in for good measure!!

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The information presented terrified me.😳 I feel awful for all who took the clot shots. I would be worried. Looks like clot shots is the appropriate name to call them. God help us all. 🙏

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Me too. I took three. I didn't want to but the peer pressure was immense and I wanted to go skiing (stupid is as stupid does). But I then stopped. To be honest, I'm more frightened by this revelation that I ever was to a tough coronavirus.

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God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

You can't change the fact you took the shots, what's done is done. Nothing will change that and worry will be debilitating and bring no good.

What you can do is learn everything about the shots and the treatments being developed to counteract it's effects. Dr. McCullough highly recommends Nattokinase (an enzyme) and other supplements to help undo the potential damage. That being said, learn everything you can and start something like this wisely rather than just popping a bunch of pills.

Most important though, trust God as He is in control. When you trust God there is no fear as no matter what happens you know that He will use it for your good. God bless and remember what Jesus said in Matthew 6:25:

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

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I can’t imagine having taken the shot and living with all of this horrifying information that’s coming out.

I thank God every day that I didn’t succumb to the pressure of getting the shot because I think the stress of living with all of this dreadful news would put me 6 feet under quickly.

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Right??!!! Over 2 years ago I looked into it because Hubs was duressed into getting it to keep working! Private company, bragging on a 100% vaxxed crew. Highly illegal and I believe they got government kickbacks for this 'status'. I tried everything to keep him from having to get this...lawyers (wasn't even on their radar) doctors (a note from his physician did not suffice). So, he got the jab but m e r c o l a gave me the list of things to have on hand for him to start taking right afterwards. I believe his was saline, but you know what? All he wanted to do was work, and retire here in a few years. If all the key crew would have stood up together and told them to stick it, we would not be where we are. From the HR perspective and invasion of privacy to a medical mandate to keep your job, there are so many illegal aspects to everything that went on. Nobody could force me to do this to myself...but he felt like he had no choice and was given 5 days notice that the jab was coming or he could look for other work. God protected him and they got their effing paper, so he is still working. It is just evil and people just sat there and let it happen. What made it real for me is one: we are fearfully and wonderfully made and two: Geert VB said that these shots would kill your NK (natural killer) cells and you would be susceptible to everything that would be thrown at you immunologically from there on out if you let them stick you. You would never know if your headache was because you bumped your head or you were having a stroke because clotshot. Natural aging is now a thing of the past for those who took poison. Sorry...little carried away there.♥

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All my kids took these shots all my family and friends I did not but my health is failing because I worry so much about my kids and loved ones It’s horrible Every single night I pray to God to help my loved ones overcome this poison and I truly feel only He can do it He knows are bodies so well If there is a cure God knows it There is nothing more we can do but try to get our loved ones to never take another one of these mRNA shots again!!!

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Jesus said, "Do not worry...." He meant it. If we are believers, we trust in God's providential care, period. We do not worry. God has got this. Trust and obey.

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Most people who got vaxxed do not read these types of Substack articles so do not know, even now, even after loosing loved ones to turbo cancer and heart attacks. I feel there is a willful ignorance that is necessary to cope with the magnitude of what they did to themselves and forced on others. Vaxxed members of my family just don't want to talk about the dangerous nature of the vaxes. It is heartbreaking.

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There are a whole lot of vaxed who were alarmed by the coercion. Like me. I had a certain amount of faith in authorities which has. Even completely destroyed early in COVID. Mostly when they persecuted anyone trying to treat COVID early. Then I knew. I’ve done a lot of risky things in my life but there was a bright red line at forcing people to participate in an experiment.

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But if the Feds secretly have been using this mRNA technology in our pork supply since 2018 (and what else), and since the Pfizer documents admit the jabs are self-spreading via body fluids and respiration...are we not all in the same boat?

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Ever hear of morgellons? I had it and it is painful and scary. I’ve had bleeding in menopause from whatever shedding is. Morgellons was the test drive for the unnatural fibers .

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Ugh and ugh!! You think you got Morgellons from shedding? So, you are not jabed and still have this?? I just looked that up. Wiki and Mayo says it is a psychological thing. They are such assholes.

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Good question!

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I thought this from day 1! I couldn’t handle finding out what was injected and seeing the horrific truth coming out. Men’s hearts will fail them.

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We took 2 each. In my case, under duress.

But we knocked it back with a flow of horse-wormer that started 2 weeks before the injections and continued for a long while afterward

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I did the same thing. Not sure if it makes a difference considering the plasmids. So far have felt nothing and haven’t been sick throughout. Maybe had COVID but not sure. A cough for a few days. While feeling ok is great I worry the harm may show up down the road. A tsunami of cancers. The plasmid issue has me more concerned than everything else I’ve learned about these vaccines. It’s kind of a nightmare scenario! I wonder what we can do to help heal in the meantime or is there nothing that can be done Re: altered replicating DNA. Probably nothing.

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You may want to subscribe to Walter M Chesnut's stack... highly technical, but he is tirelessly looking for answers and potential treatments to mitigate problems caused by "the spike".


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Rob, <stupid is as stupid does> we all do things we regret, some more harmful some less, whether to self or others; in this case it's self. It's part of life.

I second the suggestions to seek out ways to heal the body. The caveat is you're not likely to find the info at your "regular" doctor. Keep an eye on your anxiety, too <To be honest, I'm more frightened...> . Chronic stress will suppress your immune system and inhibit your efforts to heal the body.

Prayers sprinkled throughout every day here for everyone who took the bait, especially those who succumbed to pressure.

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Said a prayer for you, Rob. That Jehovah Rappa, God is My Healer, will protect you and cleanse your body from all negative reactions to the shots. In Jesus name.

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DETOX ... Find Dr. Bryan Ardis on Telegram and learn about detoxing...

Best Wishes!

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I'm seeing it as the opposite... it gives me hope.

The first step to crafting a solution is to correctly identify the problem.

Jeff's summary helps me understand why ivermectin and the long-covid supplments protocol helps the jab-injured.

Have faith. Mechanisms to heal the injured are available. And as more and more people awake, Accountability will be sure to follow.

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I’m so glad you posted this. We must be wise, so I’m thankful to God for knowledge coming out. But we must also reject fear of whatever man may do, and fear only The Living and Eternal God who made us.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

I'm an engineer not a molecular biologist but I have studied it in detail. I've read Kevin's paper and the numerous Substacks breaking it down. I agree that the material was very well presented, and more importantly, "dumbed down" (no offence intended) so the average reader without a scientific background can easily grasp it. Well done Jeff.

One of the telling signs of a bad-faith actor is those who ignore the 99% accuracy of an article and exclusively focus on some insignificant error or oversimplification. Most of your critics play this game and should be ignored. Life is way to short to argue with or even acknowledge disingenuous people.

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Thank you, Dr. Linda and Jeff. I don’t know how you do it but appreciate that you do.

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But just today I heard that this diabolical shot delivers intact bacterial plasmids into the sinuses of the injected, where they can sneeze and breathe them out onto all of us! That's what the "shedding" really is. Stay tuned, as this is new news...

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This is ... very obviously ... mass murder

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I agree Dr. Linda! Jeff is so gifted at explaining things.

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"FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD"! (follow the ungodly amount of printed money!)

The block buster earliest film to ever use "FEAR", around each and every corner.

All the Scarecrow wanted was a heart! Something he already had within.

Tinman Brain. Lion Courage. Dorothy a way home.

Munchkins will tell you a story that you must be vaccinated. That is a lie!

You must go and seek the Wizard of Oz. For only he is all powerful. (.GOVs pHARMA)

Be thankful of the smallest things to show the way. Do your own research. Be like ToTo.

Pull back the dam curtain down over and over again till it's gone.

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I think that Jeff should round up the scientists readers from C&C and create a Science C&C (SC&C)? group to discuss topics like this so when it's time to release the information Jeff and its readers can feel comfortable knowing that the information has been properly understood and disseminated.

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Is it correct to say LNP is lipid nano protein or lipid nano particle? (or maybe it doesn't matter which?)

Dr Henry Ealy says the spike itself is actually a GLYCOprotein or carbohydrate which causes both glycosylation (clumping/clotting of red blood cells which reduces surface area and capacity to transport O2 to cells and CO2 from cells) and resists the breakdown of fibrin.

and yet, the ''Trojan horse'' is a fat.... right?

Thanks for your confirmation of Jeff's analysis. I especially loved his videogame analogy.

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How does bacteria factor in here?

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Bacteria are host to the plasmid 'factories' which make the nucleic acid sequences needed, like the Spike protein mRNA.

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I was set to have surgery on my foot in July 2021. In May, I called the hospital (St. Joseph in Riverview, FL). I asked the intake nurse, “When should I schedule my shot?” She said “We do not recommend you get it.” I said OK, but why? She said well, it creates a lot of inflammation and you don’t want that for your surgery and if you have a reaction you won’t be able to have surgery. I said OK, no shot.

My husband heard me on the phone and told me after I hung up that he would NEVER let me get the shot and explained all the things he had been hearing on The War Room.

Thank God I never got the shot. I had a friend (we’re no longer friends) ask me what she could do to make me and my husband get the shot. We thought she was kidding. She wasn’t. Her and her husband got at least 3 each. She did research at UNC and believed EVERYTHING they told us. This is why we’re no longer friends. Oh well.

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@Dr Linda. “Then they use more chemicals to break up the double-stranded e-coli DNA into smaller, single-stranded RNA parts.”

What chemicals? (the boiling frog meakly asks). And how do they purify away those chemicals before injection? Did they just call them ‘generally accepted as safe.’ Or perhaps part of the proprietary mix. Or they were just trace elements not worthy of reporting? I'm also alarmed/relieved that a scientist (Bhakdi) echoed one of my earlier concerns - how exposed and reactive DNA is during cell division. In the presence of all these other proteins = RISK, the unknown-unknown variety.

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👍 the statement around plasmids is not entirely accurate though is it? Mitochondria can have plasmids.

And how many mitochondria per cell.....? (rhetorical).😐😐🤨

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More reason to have a Pure Blood blood bank. I must ask: is autologous blood transfusion a possibility in the event of a planned surgical procedure?

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yes because i will

never take a blood transfusion now to the death of me

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This couldn't have been an accident and all I can say about this is...

They came with their Doctors and their lockdowns. Torched our economies, suffocated our lungs with masks, destroyed the minds of our children, killed and maimed us for life with poison filled needles…

And now they want us to be thankful to the WHO and the CDC and the FDA for being saved…

from a cold.

Once the psychopaths responsible for this are swinging from lampposts, we must never forget this tyranny, and never allow it occur again.

Always remember, it's never been about safety.

https://tritorch.com/safety.jpg [image]

Dr. Christina Parks seems to explain this plasmid problem well:

https://bitchute.com/video/Xrg1O9SsnNou [4:03 minutes]

If you want a behind the scenes look at what is really going on with this COVID military operation, give this a watch: https://bitchute.com/video/Pf1r9xX6Gyb5

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I always saw this operation like an “internal” Holocaust:

🔹Zey didn’t need to round up zee people...put zem in camps...march zem to zee gas chamber...nor dispose of zee bodies🔹

All they had to do was scare the shit out of people, threaten them with their jobs, and or try to humiliate and bully them into willingly injecting this “death camp” into their bodies. Now...some people survived and escaped the these death camps during the Holocaust...so there is hope that people will survive and escape any serious effects of the jab...only time will tell! What evil genius(s) came up with this operation???

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💯 correct. Much more efficient. One thing is for certain, make sure you and your loved ones are right with The Lord and tell your loved ones you love them and to adhere to God's Will. Everything else is earthly and temporary.

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Wins the internet today for me!

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Y'all need to watch The Great Awakening movie put out by The HighWire !! Free to stream.

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To answer your last question Carolyn....Satan?

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Absolutely! I literally cried while reading this C&C article just thinking of all the people who’ve been duped and misled hurts my heart. Nobody deserves this…

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Thanks particularly for the link to Dr. Parks. I saw her speak early on in the hearings (probably Sen. Johnson's) and liked her a lot.

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Great links Tritorch , pray for Dr. Parks . Living in the land of Nessel and Whitchmer can be a trial by fire , like many who speak out in Michigan.

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We love Dr. parks here in MI, the land of the wicked whitchmer.

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Yes, Dr. Parks and that Detroit Democrat who thanked Trump for suggesting hydroxychloriquine, which saved her from covid, but put her in the crosshairs of the rest of the Democrats here, who censured her. Chris Martenson has a funny take on the latest "white supremacist" (which Jim Jones Robinette Biden says is such a great danger) gatherings, and speculates on the real dynamics of the big kidnap plot of Whitmer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p43tS4bI8OU

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Yes. All this. Thanks for the links as well.

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Yeah. No accidents. By evil intent and design from the beginning.

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I'm still hoping it's incompetence driven by unreasonable fear instilled by the media feeding a social media frenzy. Still feel incredibly let down by the establishment here. Takes years to build a relationship but seconds to destroy it.

I prefer that to accepting that it was all a big plan. But each day that passes that resolve crumbles.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Sorry but no way was this incompetence!! Too much, too fast, too coordinated world wide. Not to mention the patents are decades old and the PCR test was being ordered way before any ' Covid'!! I could go on but suggest Karen Kingston's substack!! She worked with these ' Companies' and brings the receipt's!! I am truly sorry.

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I agree. Worldwide is what nailed it for me. Not just political infighting in the USA, but global. And...The Big Evil.

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The antidote to your hope is Dr. David Martin. The plandemic was a DoD operation planned and executed with the vaxx at the ready BEFORE there was an outbreak. All of it: A DoD bioweapon program used on the American people.

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Yes I watched Martin's recent talk at the COVID summit. Powerful stuff and no real reason to doubt it. But the response to what might have been manmade is what we're talking about here.

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Sadly, no. Lockdowns were being planned for *at least* 6 months prior to March 2020.

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I disagree that Covid is a cold. I had it, I should know. It put me in the hospital for 3 weeks then rehab for 3 weeks. Once home, PT, OT, nurse home visits and on oxygen for almost a month @ home. I was in the high risk group cause of age, but no comorbidities. I did not have a cold. I had Covid Pneumonia.

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I had a dry cough and a bit of a sore throat for about 18 hours. For me, much less than a cold. I am old, but extremely fit, and I never had any flu shots or other vaccines. Never ever go to doctors. So maybe that helped me out.

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Bit like the Amish who did, of course, catch COVID-19 but they didn't lockdown, mask up, stop meeting at Church or take the vaccine in large numbers. A recent study in Lancaster showed they were x23 less likely to die of COVID. Of course, they're probably healthier than your average American but even that is telling.


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I was surprised to learn that the Amish eat a lot of sugar and white flour. (Their pies are worth traveling for.). Many of the men smoke. I can’t remember if they drink some.

My daughter and her family live amongst them in Ohio.

They also live lives of various degrees of strictness of observance, depending on what particular order their community follows.

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They do all engage in levels of physical activity far beyond the English that surround them.

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Linda Costello is an author of a series of crime fiction novels set in the Amish world. (Imagine that). She is not Amish herself, but seems to have deep knowledge about them and great respect for their faith.

It kind of bothers me that my daughter’s church doesn’t consider them to be Christian and has several ‘former’ Amish in their community that they minister to.

I know we have a sort of idealistic notion of the Amish lifestyle, but I have trouble seeing how we English have anything better to offer.

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Willing Spirit, I can't speak from a point of knowledge, but that won't keep me from opining. RE: Amish and smoking, if Dr. Brian Artis is on to something with snake venom and nicotine, that may be a partial answer to smokers having fewer cases of CV-19. We are still in the learning phase of this demonic trick played on humanity.

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He makes alot of sense and brings the receipt's!!!

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Smoking ( nicotine) kept ' Covid' away for many. Studies came out about this and how smokers were NOT affected as much!

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Willing Spirit - the Amish men who smoke may have actually helped the good Amish stats. I think it was Dr. Ardis who has postulated that nicotine has something to do with preventing COVID. My super casual interview of friends who smoke did show that a smaller percentage of them caught covid than my nonsmoking friends and family members.

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My 40 year old son never had any illness throughout the scamdemic. He also has never had a flu vaccine and the childhood ones forced upon him were minimal as I could make them.

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I refused flu vaccines for most of my adult life. (Free to teachers every year of course.). A young, sincere doctor convinced me to take them for about 5 consecutive years before the Covid horror. I saw the ‘pandemic’ as an a global attack on President Trump and never once considered taking the jab.

And I will never willingly take another vaccine of any sort.

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Covid = VERY REAL = bioweapon (any weapon designed to be used in biological warfare)

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Like making a 'vaccine' against mustard gas. They think we are ALL idiots.

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It’s a bio weapon & definitely can make you sick

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I believe you. I knew someone who got it very seriously and by the time his wife took him to the ER he was suffocating with Covid pneumonia. He did fly to Vegas knowing he'd been exposed and then drove back across the country after testing positive so possibly that worsened his outcome but there were absolutely those who had it very seriously. I believe it was a very small percentage and many did not know about the frontline protocol to start at the first moment of symptoms as well. For my husband and I, we had it quite mild and I think that's the norm in our age group (40s) and possibly why people refer to it as a cold. It obviously affected elderly much differently hence why it killed so many nursing home residents. I'm glad you're okay.

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I 100% agree with you…the Covid infection I had in July 2020 was NO cold. I had the usual symptoms (cough, sore throat, fever, etc.)…but the thing that set every other infection I had ever had apart was the excruciating pain that I had. I had 3/4 babies with no drugs…so I’m no stranger to pain; However, this felt like I had been poisoned…and that every fiber, muscle, joint, bone, nerve, etc. was under attack. It was so bad at one point I wanted my husband to just shoot me and put me out of my misery. This was not the usual body aches that accompany fevers…this pain was unbearable. I did have a 4 day course of IV steroids about a week before becoming ill (due to an MS relapse). I was told the steroids would lower my immune system and perhaps that’s why I experienced what I did. It also took 3-4 weeks to start feeling semi-normal again. I went to the ER twice during that time as I felt so sick, but was sent home and told not to come back unless I couldn’t breathe. Thankfully, I never went back!

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Liked your comment yet I must insist, the spike, in the virus or the vaccine, will spike, and I have witnessed and read of MANY similar issues. It is definitely not a cold. It is most certainly a man made virus. It is worse in the vaccine.

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From everything I have seen, "virus" may be a misnomer even though everyone assumes it's a virus. All of the characteristics more closely fit the definition of a parasite. It's a synthetic, lab created chimeric...something. Doesn't fit any natural category.

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Agree...hence the suppression of the anti-parasitic. That gives me the creeps and I don't get the creeps. EVER. But, I have known that is what it does in the blood since the beginning. It is all about the blood, whether the blood of Jesus Christ or the deliberate hijacking of the blood of mankind, it is about the blood. So, if we are made in the image of God, then woe be it to them that mess with His creation. I cannot wait for the divine retribution that is coming.

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Definitely not a cold and it was designed to injure, maim, and kill -- see 11:00-19:16 of https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/o/3/7/w/o37wi.caa.mp4?u=8msc5&b=0 (see timeline below, Dr Yeadon basics at Jr-High level, plus why harm intentional)

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The Globalists' FINAL SOLUTION to the under-ling overpopulation Problem has many varied facets and layers just like the National Socialists' plans for eliminating persons and perfecting society and biology 1930-42; Only under the duress of the collapsing war fronts from 1943-44 was the maximum effort placed on maximum results; the Holocaust was only the most egregious phase of a much more comprehensive and sinister plan.

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If McKernan’s vials are typical of what was injected into billions of people, we are looking at a pharmaceutical blunder .


blunder implies innocent stupidity.

how about malevolent catastrophe.

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You don't accidentally skip all of the testing that is normally *required* by law and regulation before releasing a drug to market, much less mandating it. Criminal, all the way.

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That is who is running the country. Criminal cartels. Above the cartels is the nwo with a planned, systemic, destruction of our nation. The only way out of this is to return wholeheartedly to our Christian roots.

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I'll agree Jo McEvoy, but Jesus also told his Disciples to sell their extra tunic and purchase a sword. I am probably wrong, but I see sitting in a prayer closet all day liken to faith without works. We must be out and active doing as Jesus did.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023


The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:16b

I remember a preacher talking about visiting a monastery in Italy years ago. He observed the men praying throughout the day and into the night, their prayers never ceased. He asked the tour guide what they were praying 24 hours a day. "China, they're praying for China." The preacher didn't understand why they would pray for one thing only.... then he met a missionary from China who had heard of the prayers from the monastery. "We felt the prayers of everyone at that monastery, they continually lifted us up and allowed us to do extraordinary things for the Lord. Without those prayers, we would have missed a great connection to the work of the Holy Spirit."

Prayers are vitally and vastly important. They are our instantaneous connection to our heavenly Father. I will never doubt their worth.

Knowing there are folks confined to bed who use their time praying, brings me great hope. Those prayers are as important as the feet that bring good news.

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Reading This Present Darkness again by Frank Peretti. If nothing else, it shows how prayer makes a difference and frees up the Host of Heaven to fight on our behalf. But, I always copper up, in case I am needed to protect what is mine.

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I enjoyed many of his books!

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Read the chapter 1 I provided a link for as a comment on this comment by MVARR. If you think “required” testing would’ve saved anyone then you need to read chapter 1 of Turtles All The away Down. Shocking and yet unsurprising knowing what we know now. 😞

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Turtles is good reading. Have been working on it for a month.

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I remember Robert Malone saying that they wanted to call it a vaccine, not gene therapy, because a designation of gene therapy would necessitate much more testing, especially its effects on fertility.

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Even the FDA referred to the emerging mRNA technology as “gene therapy” until around 2020, when it magically became a “vaccine”.

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Moderna literally calls it the' SOFTWARE' of life!! Computer generated!!

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I recall a video of Zuckerburg saying he was going to wait to get the (jab) because it was gene therapy.

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It was the DOD that manufactured and distributed the kill shots on purpose to murder or maim. They used the Pharma names but DOD is the drive begins this

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Early I read the patent paperwork on Moderna specifically stating it was “gene therapy.”

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The dismissal of Brook Jackson’s lawsuit against the terminally corrupt Pfizer tells us they’re practically eternal. Some very savvy lawyers, biologists, and medical personnel must put their heads together to end it.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Check out Highwires latest episode with Aaron Siri!! State leaders! Exactly what we need!

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Exactly! This comment!!!

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Nor do they require any GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) in the DoD contracted production facilities. Sasha Latypova revealed this, how there's literally no consistency across the lots or batches of vials. Each one has dofferent contents. The DoD contracts don't even require there to be any such quality controls!

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Yeah I thought the same thing. Blunder implies not on purpose. I don’t see how it could’ve been an accident, especially in light of the poorly conducted clinical trials and all of the ignoring and gaslighting of the jab injured.

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Malice or incompetence ??

I think most of us know the answer, but in the name of being level headed and allowing for some wiggle room, let's entertain mere incompetence. If that were the case, might it not be a reasonable and even charitable response to at very least acknowledge that a considerable and harmful error was made? Why the silence? How about the militant suppression and aggressive cancellation imparted upon anyone who dared question the (now defunct) narrative? Perhaps it is because even the slightest admission will trigger millions of angry and bereaved citizens to rise up and give new meaning to 'class-action'? Come now hallowed institutions charged with protecting the great unwashed, where is your voice now? We can see clearly that you are shuffling your ranks, replacing old faces with (even more) compliant new ones. What is it that you are preparing for? Why is it that we keep hearing about "the next one"? Would it not be a safe and effective idea to clear up some of the considerable issues with the covid narrative and the "treatments"? Many of us are waiting with bated breath. Please don't disspoint.

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This pandemic was a strategically premeditated & orchestrated global mass murder operation planned for decades. Quite possibly longer.

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Well yeah there is that...

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"Perhaps it is because even the slightest admission will trigger millions of angry and bereaved citizens to rise up and give new meaning to 'class-action'?"

This is why I believe it will take years & years to uncover and unpack the scam. In fact, I would bet $'s that I most likely won't live long enough to see full transparency...in this life anyways. I think class action suits will be the least of worries.

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Yes well, as I have mentioned before: there is a fantastical scenario where the heartbroken Karen with nothing to loose straps on a custom made vest and charges in to the boardroom...entirely fictional of course.

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Ok, you've planted a visual in my mind I probably won't be able to unsee. Lol.

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Exactly right.

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I call it Malice and Malevolence disguised as Ineptitude and Incompetence.

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Thinly veiled, to any one with eyes and ears and a bit of critical thinking, at least.

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No innocent stupidity. Very calculated and strategically perpetrated on a population that had already been conditioned and ripe for an evil depopulation agenda. And it started long ago. I just finished a couple chapters of Turtles All The Way Down by the Children’s Health Defense. Here is a link to read chapter one as provided in the book for free to share. If THIS chapter doesn’t clue you in to how long ago they started their criminal activities then I don’t know what will. It made me sick to my stomach. I wish there were a way to purge all the “vaccines” I got over my 50+ years.


PS - I have never gotten a flu shot. All my vaxxes except 1 were childhood. I let my dr talk me into a pneumonia “vax” in 2019 and I went along even though I didn’t want it. Because I turned their magical age 🙄. I feel relieved that I rejected the many over the years, but sad for the ones I did get.

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From reading Turtles (and I read foreword and introduction, skipped to polio, now am back to first chaps, I realize that if I had the chance to 'do it over again' I would not let any any any vax into my children.

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Same, it breaks my heart that ours had any jabs at all!!

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Talking with a fellow (in Maine) last month--he remarked that his children had never had any vax ever. And were healthy beasts. His nephews and neices, however, vaxxed like most children, were continually sick. Can't say I saw this in my children, but youngest was born in '87 so perhaps missed most. On the other hand she was conned into taking Gardasil. 18 at the time, so parent was not with her at appt.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

We know a few families that never vaxxed their kids, and they are healthier than most and none are on the 'spectrum' either..... We were dead set against chicken pox and Gardasil! Our children had chicken pox at an early age. Had a friend who argued with me that they still needed to be vaccinated against the pox. Her girls got jabbed and boosted for chicken pox and later as teenagers got very bad cases of the pox where one actually spent a week in the hospital - they couldn't keep her fever down and had breathing difficulties. Our children didn't have any complications from getting chicken pox other than a very few small scars....and now have natural immunity.

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By vaxing for chicken pox at a young age, they've increased the cases of older teenagers to get it and it's also severely increased the cases of shingles in older folks. Something about the wild type disease kinda naturally innoculated the older folks, but the vax stops that from happening. The doctor that ran the cp vax trials in California noticed it, and brought it to the California Health Sept, the CDC and FDA's attention and was squashed. He finally quit on ethical grounds. I think it was a 3 part documentary, can't remember the name of it! Ugh!

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Me too.

Worst thing I ever allowed.

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All we can do is keep learning and move forward 🥰

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Me too! I wish I had known then what I know now. I’m educating myself now for my grandkids and nieces and nephews kids. That’s what got me reading TATWD. It isn’t for me or my kids but for the ones that are coming along now.

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Just finally ordered the book. Like you, I wish I hadn’t taken any. I was even cajoled into taking a few as an adult by well-meaning friends.

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Credenda, I also. Within (less than) last 10 years, ook the flu jab twice, and the pneumonia (which really gave bad reaction). D.O. urged another pneu. on me, 4 years ago, because I was 69--I refused.

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On my first visit with an ENT physician for a Eustachian tube issue, he spent the first 15 minutes trying to push several vaccines. I politely listened - nice try Doc.

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Glad you are reading the book too. I’m trying to spread it around to as many as I can.

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I just want 'them' to leave us alone. Is that too much to ask? I know what I know and that it has all been leading up to a moment in the future. I wish it would just happen already. I feel like I am constantly bracing for impact.

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But we live and we learn.

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Can you share the link please?

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I ordered it from AMazon. It was about $20 for the paperback.

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Thank you.

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This is the link so you can read chapter 1. Otherwise you gotta buy the book. Worth every penny.

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Thanks. I found it!!

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Wish I had never had any and especially that I had never allowed them for our young person. I didn’t see a need for hep B or hep A or rotavirus, but didn’t see any harm so just went along. Now, who knows but that some of the gut issues this person is experiencing are related to the rotavirus.

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I understand that hospitals are injecting HepB on day of birth. Daughter age 40 daily expects to deliver twins---having twice birthed at home, is now required to use hospital. I am in fear--no, cannot say that--I am concerned, because God has it in hand. Need I point out that she is unvaxxed (else wouldn't be about to deliver)?

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In prior times she absolutely would have easily been able to decline the hep B vaccines.

It should be the case now. But she should reiterate to every single person (nurse and doctor) who comes into the room that she does not want x, y, and x. It is here right as a mama. Just have her make it clear up front from the beginning.

I am saying a prayer right now for an uneventful delivery, at term, without complications for the little ones. God bless you all.

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Thank you so much, Copernicus! I have been praying for these babes since I learned of their existence in January. She and husband (and boys) in Toronto managed to defy the Canadian system and have remained pure as to the blood.

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Thank you, Copernicus.

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Have her “room in” 24/7 with her baby. I would also put it in writing that her baby will not be given any medications or injections of any kind without permission from the parents. Have them put a copy on the chart and a copy in her room. Speak to both her pediatrician and her OBGYN before hand and let them know her decisions on these things. Make sure you date the documents and if possible have them notorized. And get out as soon as she and the baby are stable.

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Have a patient advocate with a Medical Directive!!! PRINTED out and SIGNED with all parties. As well as multiple Copies. Also have it NOTARIZED BEFORE admission to the hospital. Inform multiple family members as well. Document everything!!!

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Thank you, JustANobody--I sent your comment off this morning.

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As it turns out, babes were born last Thursday night, at 6#13 oz (girl) and 7#15 oz (boy) making a family of 3 boys and 1 girl (just like the families in which husband and I grew up in). We have had only two notes from her--initial of birth, and today of corrected weights, names, and nursing (Hallelujah, thank you Lord). Don't know anything about whether they were jabbed in any fashion.

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Congratulations ViaVeritasVita!! How exciting and wonderful! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!! They were good sized babies for twins! You’re all in my prayers for God’s protection and richest blessings! Thank you for sharing your joy! 🩷💙

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Thank you for this information, Julie Ann--I sent it to her this morning.

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You’re so welcome! I just looked back and realized you mentioned twins!! Oh my, that is twice as exciting and wonderful! Are you planning to be there? I’m going to pray that everything goes smoothly with her labor, delivery and recovery, that the babies are healthy, and that the hospital staff will respect her wishes. May God bless your family at this special time!!

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So sorry. Just saw that you wrote basically what I stated!! Great Advice!!

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No problem! I’m an RN and worked in OB for 27 out of my 32 years of practice. In the beginning of my career most mom’s wanted natural childbirth with as little intervention or medication as necessary in a relaxed “homelike” environment. Then it moved to epidurals, IV Pitocin inductions and other meds, and continual monitoring of the mom and baby. It was no longer as rewarding when we had to pay as much or more attention to the machines than to the patient(s). After all we have seen in the healthcare profession and hospitals recently I hope it will swing back the other way.

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Check advise and paperwork to fill out in advance:


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Thanks, Based!

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Why is she REQUIRED? Does she have pregnancy issues. ? I am praying for her and those babies.

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Age and multiples (she's 40, holding twins)--or so they tell her. They also tell her she cannot exclusively nurse two (she is child of a nursing-only mother, is mother to two only-nursed boys). What's going on? This is Canada running the show. (We her parents, like her, are US citizens). I fear she is getting overwhelmed, and do so very much thank you for your prayers. Wherever two or more are gathered in my name.....

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I’m a lactation consultant. That’s a crock of Shit. She can nurse two babies fine. Biggest concern is prematurity to nursing.

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Good grief. Absolutely she can nurse two. It will be harder, and she may choose to pump and have a family member bottle feed sometimes. But hogwash she can’t nurse two. God made a woman’s body on purpose for exactly this.

It may be a medicolegal thing for the nurse midwife or whomever does home deliveries - may not have coverage for home deliveries in certain situations. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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That is very evil. Will cover your daughter in prayer.

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Praying for your daughter as well.

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Praying for her as well!! 🙏

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You are welcome. Blessings!

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A year and a half ago my daughter after having had a home birth found herself in the hospital after going into premature labor at 34 weeks. Neither of her other two children are vaccinated. It was constant hassle by the doctors to vaccinate her child and in my opinion harassment by the doctors to meet certain criteria before they would release the baby. I had a 6 1/2 week premature baby 30 years ago so I am basing this on my experience. Your daughter must be tough and stand her ground. This is her body and her baby! She will live with the consequences not the doctor. Big Brother in the Exam Room by Twila Brasse is about medical privacy and records.

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Can you organize a 24-hour vigil of people to stay with your daughter and the twins to be sure that they are not vaxxed? She should be able to request no vax and they'll post it, but I would still try to have someone keep an eye on the babies 24/7 while in the hospital.

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Thank you, Peace--I think it quite possible, and sent this suggestion off to her this morning. She is part of a really powerful ( I say this having been able to attend a service in April), really small church (who had a baby shower for her, and one member had given her a list of twin-things being offered from twin-mothers.

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Ooh, that sounds promising to have the church help with a vigil. Keep us posted!

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Said a prayer for you, Copernicus. That Jehovah Rappa, God is My Healer, will protect you and cleanse your body from all negative reactions to the shots. In Jesus name.

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Thanks! These are, thankfully “just” the old fashioned kind. Not the latest Safe and Effective, thank God.

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I agree. I totally regret taking them for myself but especially for poisoning my boys with vaccines. I just pray their bodies are strong enough to overcome all the shit that was pumped into them. I calculated at least 46 separate jabs. Nuts! One good thing, if they have children 🙏🏼 they’ve said “no vaccines!”

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To be clear, none of us took C19 jabs.

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Thanks for chapter 1 of Turtles. I sent the book to my niece, who is battling her husband’s family on not vaccinating her precious baby girl.

Like you, I had the childhood shots but they were few (I’m 66). I had a couple tetanus shots in my teens as I had horses. I was made to get a rubella shot to get a marriage license (?!). Fast forward to 2020, I refused the C19 jabs but did get the shingles shots.

Bottom line, I was never anti-vax until now. Will never get vaxxed again, nor will my indoor cats! Silver lining of the plandemic is how many are now proud anti-vaxxers!

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It’s true isn’t it? 🙌

The plandemic shined a bright light on what kinds of shenanigans they’ve been doing all along. I was sound asleep most of my life 😴 concerning vaxxes. I thought the anti childhood vaxxers were a bit on the extreme side, HOWEVER I never felt bad for their choice not to vax. It was their right. Now I’m very in tune and will proudly defend our right to decline every vax they try to shove down our throats from here on out including and especially kids. 💪🏻

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Wow--you speak for me in every one of your words.

This Coffee and Covid space is pretty amazing.

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You echo my life pretty closely--but rubella was no requirement in 1972--had not heard of that until your post. We had to show proof of no venereal disease (don't remember which one)

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Thinking about this again--what on earth does a rubella shot have to do with marriage license? Crazy.

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Well, there is the "bad batch" theory. I think there was even a website for "how bad is my batch" or similar that started some basic tracking of people self-reporting adverse effects and noted that some batches were much worse than others. (Like the ones given to politicians were probably pretty safe overall.)

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Ask Jamie Foxx and Damar Hamlin how safe their experimental injections were?

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I know of (don’t know them personally) two sisters who succumbed to turbo brain cancer after taking the jabs. From diagnosis to death both were gone within 4 weeks.

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Just how is Damar, heard crickets about that lately.

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He apparently was cleared to play this coming season.

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It was asked...they insist it wasn't from the shots at all--just random! 🙄

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How in the world can doctors claim that "we don't know" is a better answer than "maybe it was the experimental product recently injected into the patient"?

And why in the world do patients accept that answer?

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Assuming politicians and other favored folks got a real mRNA jab. I've never been inclined to believe in conspiracy theories but it sure would be easy to give the favored folks a saline shot and pretend it was the real thing. SMDH....

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It rather appears as though someone skipped the saline with Senator Feinstein.

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And Fetterman, the Giant Walking Rhubarb.

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Rhubarb is too delicious to be associated with that freak! Giant walking corn stalk is preferable imo 😆

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Well, he is a husk of a man.... And you are right about the taste of rhubarb. I've had it in pie and wine (both times with strawberries) and both were yummy.

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Thank you for that laugh!!

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

You're welcome. Feel free to spread it around!

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I have thought this since the politicos were publically taking their shots (and Mr. Trump refused to do it in public....)

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I honestly believe that there were batches that were basically saline. Ask a handful of people who got the shots and each one has a different experience of symptoms --from "nothing" to "entire body on fire"! AND some people had differences just from first shot to second shot!!

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Here's the link.


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Was just about to post this! Thanks!

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I saw this...there was a dramatic difference in the first shot for me vs. the 2nd. One of them had almost zero reactions or deaths and the other had quite a few. I can't remember which. Thankfully compared to some of the other batches, even my bad one wasn't all that high. It's still so stressful though. We're all just waiting to see what happens and wishing we'd known then what we know now.

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Do you follow Sasha Latypova on substack? The DoD contracts prove none of these "prototype countermeasures" (that's what the DoD contracted for, NOT a medical treatment called a vaccine) happened by accident.

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All involved are evil and complicit.

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“Malevolent” seems to be the most fitting in this situation

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I wish we had a way of meeting each other in person. How powerful would that prayer group be!

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Nailed it M Varr. Unfortunately. And the nihilist Orcs that do the bidding of those who would annihilate will then annihilate themselves in the end.

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Re: McKernan’s discovery- how would this explain Long Covid in the UNJABBED like myself? I’ve had unintentional weight loss over 60 lbs, severe fatigue and brain fog since my only so called Covid infection in Dec 2020. My life has been forever altered since that time. 29 months of no answers from physicians in my area, I have been stuck in a NIGHTMARE feeling like I know more about what’s going on than THEY do, yet when I speak to them about even just the Spike Protein being TOXIC, they look at me like I am crazy. I stopped going to all doctors, I will NEVER trust healthcare providers again. My brother in-law is a Physicians Assistant and is absolutely CLUELESS. What a lonely place to be, yet I will FIGHT with every last bit of strength I have, in my 100 lb body. If you haven’t already done so, my best advice is to get closer to the Lord and REALLY understand his WORD. Not one person will miraculously save us. I used to think that. NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE THE WORLD. Only He.

God help us all. 🙏

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

You are not alone . A dear friend has suffered with autoimmune issues after getting Covid in January 2020. She is just starting to regain some strength after many years of intense treatment with integrative medicine.

My daughter has also had many lingering symptoms from the virus and is seeing a functional practitioner.

Neither one had the shot.

The virus and the shot are both bio weapons.

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"how would this explain Long Covid in the UNJABBED like myself?"

Perhaps you had COVID or were exposed to the Spike Protein via shedding. Have you tried any of the Long COVID or Post-Vax Protocols out there? For example, here is the FLCCC I-RECOVER Protocol:


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Also, unjabbed, I had a long covid problem of 100 days. I owe part of the recovery from the long haul effects to Ivermectin which I took in the first days of the virus. It stopped the replication of the virus - which affected the nasal passages and bronchioles. Ivermectin should be a staple in everyone’s medicine cabinet for use in stopping a viral attack. Primary prophylactic treatments are povidone iodine and sterile water nasal sprays and/or gargles. Take it to the bank.

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Stephanie, I am so sorry you are going through what you are. I am glad you know God and he is providing you with strength to keep going under these circumstances. Will pray for you daily!

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This sounds awful. I’m so sorry.

Have you checked out one of the docs listed on the FLCCC website? I have a friend who is treating lots of long COVID. Many will do by telehealth.

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Yes! I had long Covid and my doc had me follow the FLCCC protocols. I started feeling better within a week. Most everything can be purchased online or at a health food store. Ivermectin: https://www.herbhealers.com/anti-paravites-ii-90-capsules-x-420-mg.html

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Woa, cool link! 25mg are big!

Anti-Paravites II (90 Capsules x 420 mg -- each capsule contains 25 mg. of ivermectin.)

Note, the Details tab links to https://www.altcancer.net/ivy2.htm

They say FLCCC says dose for 80kg (175lb) is 50mg, or 2 pills.

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Woo-hoo! A Greg Caton (RIP) fan! 👏👏

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Connecting long covid to today’s post, one interesting study I recall on long covid showed that those with long covid lacked bifidobacteria in their guts. I always figured this was because the spike protein is in snot that gets swallowed and then digested. Something similar was mentioned in today’s post, with e-coli bacteria being impacted in the gut. And the reason the bifidobacteria thing stuck with me is that ivermectin, in addition to clearing spike protein, somehow helps repopulate the bifidobaceria in the gut! Other commenters have mentioned FLCCC protocols, including ivermectin. Perhaps this could help, or you could find a naturopath who focuses on gut issues.

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Dr Sabine Hazan on bifidobacteria. May I suggest that you all start making some vegetable ferments in your kitchen? It's pretty darned easy; extremely cheap (all you need is water and salt)--as a preservation method, a lot cheaper than freezing (which requires energy used in blanching and maintaining the freezer) or canning (which involves a whole lot of you-pay-for-it heat from the stove).

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I should read a little further, I just commented about this! I didn't know ivm repopulated bifidobacterium. Do you remember where you learned that?

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I just listened to a snippet of her interview where she talks about the jab eliminating the bifidobacterium flora. I'll have to listen to it all. Thanks.

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Praying for answers and healing 🙏

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Hi Stephanie, sorry to hear about your plight. I'm sure you've had many people say "try this", however are you aware of the anti-inflammatory properties of AM sunlight, as it helps regenerate our melatonin?


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and Vitamin D helps with autoimmunity.

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Absolutely! However supplements can often do more harm than good as they send a false signal to our bodies telling us we have enough D, but ultimately can't use it as only Sunlight can help us metabolize D by making it water-soluble:


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I’m struggling right now with an army of supplements I’ve collected over the past few years. I feel like it’s out of fear and I don’t know what is doing what.

Some have to be taken on an empty stomach and that’s a real juggling act.

I don’t know if I’m doing this right and it’s becoming concerning.

Any suggestions? My only issues are acid reflux and arthritis. And trying to have that bullet proof immune system. And I’m 72.

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I hear you - it's very confusing and overwhelming. We're all different, but I personally take only three supplements. Iodine (thyroid- controls metabolism and flushes fluoride), B12 (helps cognition and builds nervous system), and magnesium. If I were to pick one out of these three, it would be magnesium as it helps us absorb all other minerals, and helps our bodies with 300+ enzymatic processes. There are lots of different types out there, currently I'm cycling b/w l-threonate and bisglycinate.

I make my own sauerkruat (lots of vit C) yogurt, and kvass as ultimately everythng boils down to feeding our bacteria which keep everything else going. Flax seed mixed with water and a tsp of local honey each morning has also helped keep me regular, and its omega 3s are a game-changer. I don't take a fish oil supplement but eat lots of sardines and mackerel, as the DHA they contain help everything else regenerate and limit the stress response:


I know this is a lot of info. Feel free to email with any other questions as sometimes I miss comments. take care Mr/Ms. Spirit!

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Wow you seem like you really know your stuff! I’m another who feels overwhelmed by the number of supplements recommended for this or that. You make a good case for magnesium so maybe I’ll resume that one. I always forget b12 but I have that sitting on the kitchen table. I tried fermenting but was afraid to eat the results because it came out weird looking and without being able to smell it I ended up ditching it. Then there’s the question of absorption if the supplement is not in the right form. Too much for me! But I’m definitely going to check out your substack. Thanks !

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Can you do a bit of Baking Soda in water? Drink first thing in am.. I use Bobs Red Mill. A bit pricey but pure. I had issues myself but completely gone now. Add a bit of fresh lemon. Good Luck.

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A lot of people that eat Keto or Carnivore have cured acid reflux and lower their inflammation. Arthritis is inflammation. It might be worth a try.

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Willing Spirit - You may want to write down your supplements (either a Word doc or a spreadsheet) and then make a note for why you're taking them. I've found that I start a supplement (eg. magnesium) for one health reason/benefit, and then i read/hear of another benefit from the supplement so I add that reason to my spreadsheet. It helps keep me on track as to the "why".

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Willing Spirit check out Ben Lynch MD. He strongly argues against taking many supplements every day. Take some as needed. Others all the time. He has a supplement company.

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Any advice for loss of taste and smell? I’ve tried everything. Right now it’s ALA but I’m open to anything I haven’t tried.

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Zinc! With quercetin!

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Nicotine patches have been recommended by Dr. Ardis. It attaches to the receptors. He is quite fascinating and I believe what he is telling us. He has been on top of this with links, articles and videos with all the receipt's.

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Agree about Dr Ardis. Something about his aura, vibe, spirit- whatever you want to call it has made me trust him from the beginning. He GENUINELY seems to be honest and truthful. The nicotine in your body helping fight off this man made Bioweapon is astounding to me. This would explain why my husband and I didn’t get the Covid cough or breathing issues when we caught it Dec 2020. He uses Copenhagen daily and I smoke cigarettes. I believe this is why we were spared during the nightmare 2 wks of being home sick. Getting ready to switch to nicotine patches.

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good question. Not trying to be facetious- but have you tried eating freshly grated horseradish blended with apple cider vinegar? This root veg is great for our brain health.

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I’ll try it! Where do I buy fresh horseradish?

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Makes sense since its a hormone really. But, I was just advocating dor getting more sunlight and why its important!

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Gotcha...ok then, just throwing in my two cents against supplements as I often like to do. No offense. Thanks Lisa for supporting our best supplement - the Sun (:

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Can you recommend some research for me? I really need to shed some supplements. It’s almost like a mental addiction at this point.

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Stephanie-I am so sorry that you have been suffering with this and for so long. Have you looked into functional medicine doctors? Also, start taking Nattokinase. It is supposed to help with removing the spike protein. You can get it at any healthfood store!

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You have to be careful with that and any medications.

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Not nearly enough attention is being paid to the differing or common effects between 'natural' infection and injection.

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🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 they disbelieve you now about the actual virus and illness and it’s harms. A virus that they were so afraid of they lined up willingly for a diabolical experiment along with their children, willingly allowed the world to be shut down and then bullied us who did not line up. The twisted thinking here is breathtaking. Their DNA has indeed been changed. I’m praying for you.

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I am so sorry. The first year of covid seems to have been the worst strain. I pray that some natural means can help detox your body through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 🙏 Dont give up.

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BIG HUGS hun! BIG. It is lonely but we are here. I personally have found that chiropractors and FMD are the ones who know the evil and believe. My own chiro (and my aunt who is chiro) were warning me early even tho I was already in their court.

Join us on FB for more cnc friends. C&C Junkies grp.

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Dr.Ardis!!!! Nicotine Patches. Taste/Smell.

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Look up Dr. Ardis. The patches attach to your nicotine receptors,He is on Rumble and has his own website.

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I’m confused. what is this in relation to? i just said my chiro and aunt also prepare me.

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Maybe I confused your comment with another.Thought you were talking about taste and smell issues.

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Have you tried taking the supplements in Dr Zelenko’s spike protein mitigation protocol: Quercitin, D3 with K2, zinc, Ashwaganda and Vit C? I was hospitalized for 1week for Covid with pneumonia. To handle massive inflammation I took those supplements for a year. It handled my brain fog and fatigue.

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Dr Zelenko, truly a man kept alive long enough to help thousands.

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Stephanie, you are sadly correct. As I commented above, the spike, in the shot or in the man made virus, will spike, that is go systemic, pass the BB barrier, and although the CFR is low, it creates a wide wide variety of harms.

The “its just a cold” is just wrong.

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It was definitely not “just a cold” for our household. 😡

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I believe Covid causes major inflammation- have you seen a functional medicine doctor? They will take your symptoms seriously and deal with your inflammation. I had Omicron in December of 2021 and it caused my entire system to become inflamed- hair falling out, joint pain, digestive issues, brain fog. My functional medicine provider has saved my life.

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You took the first important step, stop going to traditional doctors. Find an alternative or complimentary medicine practitioner that is awake. Even some integrative MD’s are awake but look for an awake or semi-awake acupuncturist, homeopath, kinesiologist, herbalist. Has anyone recommended you take natto or use nicotine patches? There are protocols out there.

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Jeff....I'm speechless 😮

Quite a bit of information to assimilate, presented in an easy to comprehend way and in a language that we can all easily understand.

It would seem that if the facts support that the jab test results are accurate and representative of the materials that have been injected into folks, there's a bunch of problems.

Many innocent people were lied to.

Many will suffer needlessly.

Statistics already show shortened life expectancy since the jabs.

Statistics show sterility, increased miscarriages and lower birth rates.

Increased heart issues.

Increased stroke issues.

Increased autoimmune disorders.

While it sounds cliche, this/these are crimes against humanity on a global scale.

Jeff I support you in your prosecution of all legal cases to bring justice ⚖️ to this matter.

Fellow C&Cr's...this just might be the most substantial article showing malevolent forethought regarding vaccines and the mass enforcement of coerced injections.

The truth will set us free and the good need to keep on doing good.

God Bless.

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Thank you for the comment - my thoughts exactly .. I’m sitting here digesting what I just read - looking at my innocent 8 year old son & thinking about his future .. all the lives affected by this novice vaccine technology -- and praying 🙏

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you mean, bioweapon? or clot shot?

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Great summary . And it all feeds into the culling narrative. Population control, eugenics, ect.

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And many who stood firmly and screamed out to protect their ppl were nuked. Those dead count too.

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Agree. Great comment.

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Contrary to your Substack name, pharmaceutical representatives provide doctors and nurses with free lunches and even dinners quite often.

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An evil crime of this magnitude will not have the sufficient meager words to describe it. I try, but …..

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None of this was done by accident, please remember this. ALL vaccines created by this industry are poison, whether for humans or for animals. STOP injecting yourself, your children and your pets. The accumulation effect of the poisons along with the increased EMFs being pumped at us are killing us by the millions. Start by freeing yourselves from the Medical Industrial Complex and research alternative ways to get and stay healthy. ❤️

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I'm wondering how people feel about Robert Malone's assertion that he really believed in the tech and was trying to do good with it. Do you think it is possible for someone at that level of vaccine development to really think it can be beneficial if done "right"?

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I have heard him describe how he was involved. It was not originally designed as a vaccine platform but as a gene modification platform. He and others shelved the tech after discovering that it didn’t work. It didn’t work because causing a person to make proteins that are foreign to them, albeit a typically normal gene in other people, evoked an autoimmune response which ended up causing more harm. The tech didn’t work, therefore, to treat genetic disorders.

However, OTHER PEOPLE snagged the tech as a possible way to create new vaccines. Precisely because of the immune response it evoked.

As I understood Dr. Malone to say, he was never involved in its development as a vaccine tool. In fact, he was an early voice warning about its potential risks. And yes, I know he took the jab himself. And was injured as a result.

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Only know what he says not sure what his motives are. He certainly presents himself very well but that’s a great trait of controlled opposition too. We don’t have proof that he took the jab only his statement that he did. I think the wascal rabbit is still digging on that hole.

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Honestly, even though I don’t understand why he is suing the Breggins or why there is such infighting between some of the med freedom docs (like, who cares if MxCullough and others are making money selling supplements, or whatever the supposed grievances are?!), I also really do not see the value in constantly suspecting and questioning motives. I’m not talking about blindly following someone.

I am talking about the adult stance that acknowledges good and bad in all of us. None of us gets it right 100% of the time. Trump did a lot of good, but he utterly failed on lockdowns and warp speed. And hasn’t admitted that failure. However, those failures won’t keep me from voting for him if he is the R nomination. DeSantis locked down initially, but now is with the legislature doing amazing things that almost no one else is doing. Some people allege he is doing it all for political profit. Well, so what? What is the alternative? Vote for the Alzheimer’s patient currently in the White House?

Whatever DeSantis’s motives, he is bringing freedom to lots of people. He is saying things out loud that need to be said.

And I think the same with Dr. Malone. We can’t know his motives unless he tells us or unless we get inside his head. But he has endured a lot of opposition yet continues to speak out. Again, he was one of the earliest people speaking out.

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The Adversary will endeavor to come against us by sowing discord and discontent. That said, we should be glad for whatever is a help to us in these the Darkest Days perhaps in the annals of Mankind.


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Well said.

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Dr. Malone has at least one other lawsuit he's bringing against a freedom fighter - wish there was not the infighting!

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DeSantis is not saying or doing that much that is unique. In 2020 Rupert Murdoch convinced him to accept grooming to become the ‘Trump/but much improved version’ candidate to take out Trump in 2024.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

I disagree that he’s not doing much that’s unique. Who else on a state level has done as much as he has? Yes he has a supermajority but so do several other states with Republican governors and most of them have only done anything at all because they’ve been shamed into it or just hopped on the bandwagon. DeSantis’s initiatives got the ball rolling in many cases. I am not for or against Trump or for or against DeSantis at this point, I am just trying to see what each one has done and consider the flaws and strong points of both in a balanced manner.

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He was promised support from all of Murdoch’s media empire and assured Trump would be dealt with so that he would not be a viable opponent.

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He doesn’t just say that he has also talked about how he has had ill effects. If he was controlled opposition he never would have come out against it early, as in 2021!

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Uh, okay. But he traveled overseas during a time that vaccine proof was required to do that. So do you think he's part of a larger cabal that gave him a wink and a nod and allowed him to travel, or do you think his vaccine proof is fake?

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If anyone coulda got a fake vax card, it would've been Bob, dontcha think?

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The people I knew in vaccine development at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, both civilian and military, absolutely believed they were doing the right thing. Some stayed for an entire career as a civilian government employee instead of jumping to the high-paying industry side. The history of vaccines and vaccine development I was taught at a very prestigious university's school of public health didn't have any of the information that is in Dissolving Illusions or, presumably, Turtles All The Way Down (though I've not read that one).

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They intentionally left that the true info out!

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I do believe that. Not sure about him specifically, but I think people can be blind to the potential harms when they have made a great discovery and think they are doing good with it.

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Medical education is inDOCtrination. Doctors routinely go for aggressive treatment and die early.

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Lots of questions around Dr. Malone. It's getting harder and harder not to see him as a limited hangout.

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However, he was one drawing attention very early to risks of the injection. So regardless of what one may think of him, he has definitely done good in that regard.

No one is going to get everything right all the time. It’s up to us individually to sift.

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All true, Copernicus. When you go down some of the deeper (and darker) rabbit holes, questions arise regarding his involvement with DARPA and remdesivir and the shots as a bioweapon. I can't honestly process all of the discussion and at times I just have to tap out and protect my heart from drinking too deeply from the well of cynicism.

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You didn’t see his talk to children in Hawaii about taking it? I think he was with children health defense find . Video is out there.

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The one where he did nothing as a doctor, via a doctor's opinion about pros/cons of a medical intervention, to either quell or stoke fears of a 12 year old? (Of course the latter is *not* a good idea.) Malone directed the fearful 12 year old to her parents. He did nothing in any manner to speak as a doctor to the issue of the shot, the thing the 12 year old had fear about. A 12 year old knows what a doctor is, and why we seek input from doctors. In my opinion, Malone did not do this child a service. He could very easily have given his opinion, clarifying that it is just his opinion, and *then* directed the girl to her parents, who he could also have clarified are free to disagree, allowing that he is not perfect, he just has an opinion, her parents are the ones she should go to for all kinds of things while she's growing up. I couldn't figure out what he was playing at. He completely abdicated as a knowledgeable professional. I know my memory is not mistaken about this exchange. I was stunned by his non-answer. It's likely the small group was hand-picked and all parents were already on board with keeping their children safe per Malone's publicly (adamant, internet at the very least) shared warnings and so he knew his direction/suggestion would probably save a child's life (per the shot). But the viewer has no way of knowing for sure; it wasn't disclosed. That whole clip was uncomfortable and gave me pause about the guy. Not for the first time. Has he done some good? Yes. Is he something else than what he presents himself as? Maybe. Time will tell. I for one proceed with caution. He's been tickling my spidey sense.

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That’s the one

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Exactly right. He came out early plain and simple.

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Who knows what absolutely? This is always a question. HOWEVER ... I do know that anyone doing the right thing, whether it's 50, 75, 80 or 90 percent the right thing is going to come under attack aimed at neutralizing any good influence contrary to Evil Agenda being dumped on us. Freeze, neutralize and destroy ... in the words of Alinsky.

You said it right. Indeed, he came out early plain and simple. This counts big time.

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I recall Alex Berenson has a beef with Malone.


Not sure if it adds up.

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Seems more of an ego battle. Alex pissed off a lot of people for the unforced error by attacking Dr. Malone.

Dr. Malone is the architect of the platform the later developed mRNA uses. He himself took the jab was injured and has beens sounding the alarm ever since.

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I remember thinking at the time that it was a strange "flex" for Alex.

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A couple of days ago Malone reviewed a piece from which he pulled an extract that used the terminology "birthing person." In his in-his-own-words summary he repeated the terminology. I blinked hard when I read it. What??! There were numerous comments about the terminology, one of which he responded to clearly stating that the terminology was theirs (the cited author/s') not his. Ok, but... why repeat the terminology in his summary without batting an eye? To me this smacks of "normalizing" its use, by not questioning it on the spot and revising it out of his in-his-own-words summary. Why not write "mother" instead of repeating the sociological-psychological hammer of "their" choice of language? Calls his integrity into question/adds fuel to the limited hangout theory for me. Just one of numerous ticks on that side of the ledger.

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Check out Sage Hanna's substack if you really want to go down the rabbit hole of "Bob Malone" (as she calls him). It bothers me that he is suing Dr. Peter Breggin for $25 million dollars.

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Yep, I’m familiar with the Sage’s 🐴. And also question why🐴 didn’t go after WaPo, NYT or any other deep pockets that he also “suffered” defamation from. No, he went after a little guy. Curious, eh?

Also remember reading many moons ago from him that each article he/Jill writes takes from 3-5 hours (sorry no link, but I’m 100% sure I read it), which, as an editor and sometime writer I know to be an accurate estimate, some more some less. So with a working farm (which he surely has help with), a consulting business (which I glean he is not as busy as he once was but is still a going concern), a domestic and international travel schedule that is constant and must be exhausting, and frequent taped media appearances (with who knows how much time ends up on the cutting room floor) on this or that outlet, I’m supposed to believe that he/Jill spends no less than 2-3 hours a day researching and writing at least one, occasionally two full articles and scours the net for his twice weekly collection of political memes and cartoons? No way. He has ghostwriters. Yes, occasionally he republishes articles requiring no writing per se, all fair, but the bulk of output is original writing. Yet puts his name on everything. This is a misrepresentation in my humble opinion. It’s not illegal, just disingenuous. Another tick on the other side of the ledger.

The truth will out at some point.

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The title of his book is a bit galling too - "Lies My Government Told Me." Uh, Bob, YOU were intimately involved in the government via DARPA and other military consulting work. Something just way too...convenient about his whole story arc.

*I have not actually read his book so in fairness to him, maybe he addresses all the conflicts of interest.

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I understand he worked on the technology. Different than working on the vaccine using it. I give him the benefit of the doubt at this point. The inventors of the gasoline engine probably had no idea of its ultimate uses. Good technology often goes haywire in the hands of humans. I can’t think of one thing humans haven’t f-cked up, polluted or used for nefarious purposes. I want to put the blame where it really belongs. Cheers.

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Yes. I truly believe him. I believe he was trying to cure things ill like Cancer or say alzheimers etc. To me, proof I need is in how strongly he has come out against it early on even after he took 2 shots.

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If you get $ from your patents, sure.

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He’s a big fat liar... Sage Hanna writes some great stacks about him and the other “players”

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I can't quite figure out Sage Hana - does she think anyone is truly a "good guy" since everyone seems to be suspect.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Thank you for this reasonable, courteous, thoughtful and spot on comment!!

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She must have trillions of mRNA delivery pods nuking her body - Former Pussycat Dolls member Jessica Sutta admits that she is injured from the Moderna mRNA vaccine:

"I’m vaccine injured by the Moderna vaccine. Three days later, after my first shot, my life has not been the same. It’s been two years of hell. I feel like I’m dying every single day...

Anyone injured out there - http://react19.org


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Kudos for the website she refers to to help the vaxx injured. react19.org

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I am not any type of scientist yet I was able to understand much of your explanation. Interesting that as I finished my C&C, I opened Daily Mail and this is the lead article.


There may be a link, correct?

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I think that a contributing (though probably not exclusive) factor to altered gut microbiome are the hideous number of vaccines that generation has been given. And the gut is also a problem with autistic children.

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& women my age (57) with numerous autoimmune issues. Our moms are healthier than our generation.

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No vaccines or antibiotics..antibiotics are miraculous and I cant imagine how stressful it was for our grandparents raising our parents without them, but today they are overused to a ridiculous and harmful degree, destroying healthy gut microbiome. That happened to my millenials as small children. Both developed IBS. One grew out of it but it affected his behavior at the time, and the other sadly never did. She never knows when her tummy will have an issue..no rhyme or reason. Wish I knew then what I know now. I would have atleast supplemented their antibiotics with probiotics like kefir. (it is amazing!)

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Like the guys who developed nukes. Folly.

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“Doctors are still trying to determine what’s behind the unprecedented rise, but theories include modern diets, antibiotic use, and fungus.” This article needs to be edited so the list of theories can include the CDC Childhood Vaccine Schedule.

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Us “Boomers” need to understand that we have only had a small percentage of the amount of vaccines given to children born after 1990.

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Yup - I had three throughout my lifetime - now it's up to 72 and adding more each year?!

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Gotta work that Fungus in there. That may be a candidate for the next plandemic!

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We grandparent types grew up on fast food and fungus. Think there might be another cause these young people are a target? Hmmm. Think about it .

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Boomer here: we grew up on home cooked food. Play dates centered around eating home cooked dinner at our friend's or cousin's houses. I grew up in Brooklyn. My first pizzeria pizza dinner ever was at a friends house in my teens..with a healthy side dish of homemade tabbouleh (her mom was Lebanese-American).

The first hamburger fast food was only one which was close by, again, not until my teens. McDonald's didn't even exist near me in the 70's!

A fast snack for us as teens out and about was a slice of pizza or a hero sandwich. We didnt have much fun money to spend anyway...then back home for a home cooked meal.

My cousins lived in various well to do suburbs in the US, and visiting them, it was the same. No fast or junk food.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Same here. I grew up in the late 60's & throughout the 70's and my mother cooked our meals every day. Rarely did we eat out, only on special occasions, and it would never be at a fast food place (we had one McDonald's and one Burger Chef in our town). Not like today where there's a fast food restaurant every 100 feet.

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Were you my neighbor? I am in agreement about how we were raised.

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Bad diets or fungus to blame, they say.

More #abv. Thanks for the link.

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Oh, so very interesting, that article--thank you for offering. I find myself, more and more, when reading an article, mentally taking in the opposite of what my eyes are seeing--a much more intense version of 'reading between the lines'.

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Just learned of a 30 yr old man with mets colon cancer—not the typical tumor that can be excised—to bones and lungs. His only symptom was a cough. The scan 6 months before showed his lungs were clear. Mayo has a treatment plan for him, (of course). I have prayer for him.

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Sounds like 5.2 billion injected people are well and truly hooped.

This information is tragic. Astounding.


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Mind blowing at the crime against humanity that has been perpetrated.

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Let’s not forget that our government funded this- GoF at Wuhan. The entire Covid scheme was DoD and and all of this is still continuing to this day. Yikes.....We need to stop giving these bastards the benefit of the doubt.

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We also need to stop giving them our tax dollars.

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Using taxes to kill and maim us or enrich themselves!

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And funding Ukraine and its labs!

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And the DoD had plenty of people to test it on. And now our government, like the Chinese, have no problem killing their own citizens.

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Amazing deep dive today Jeff! So the immunity system destroys transfected cells, including endothelial cells. These tissues in the brain don't heal. So are The Vaxxed literally losing brain cells?

How much does this affect a person as they lose brain capacity?

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For someone I know, it has translated into personality changes and rage tantrums. The anger outbursts are not out of the norm, but really had not been seen much since reaching adulthood…until now. It’s like he has regressed to a 14-year old in the emotional outbursts.

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What details on the jabs and timing for this victim? Are there others who have the details and see similarly the outcome and timeline?

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My 62 yo sister seems damaged. From nice one minute to name calling and suspicion the next day. But then she has been utterly brainwashed by her leftist cable fantasy purveyors and masters.

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My mother's personality changed with every shot and booster. She became mean and angry, where before she was very gracious. And it happened within 2 years. More than just aging I think.

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My mom after 2 Moderna's! It is awful. Her memory is so bad.

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Sounds like overlapping potential causes, sympathy on your loss.

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My friend's boyfriend had a psychotic break which they claim not to remember and almost killed my friend - brutal beating.

Another friend's spouse became meaner and other weird thoughts

My inlaw has memory issues now that are progressively getting worse (many episodes of complete loss, scans show nothing, eventually diagnosed with epilepsy after a seizure event because he bit his tongue...with this episode as well, scans show nothing). The "good" news - not getting anymore cv shots.

It just depends on what part of the brain is damaged.

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Think, Bruce Willis...

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As K-dub has said, I have a similar experience for a friend’s brother experiencing personality changes.

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Zombie Apocalypse! Not at all funny!

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

A friend who wouldn’t listen to me when I warned her about this experimental garbage finally stopped after the 4th shot. She has been to Drs. Regarding a “gut” issue. They didn’t find anything & she is still wondering what is wrong? I want to send her this article which might explain her problem but in the past she has been terribly opposed to any of the so called “conspiracy theories”. Further, she would probably shoot the messenger, ME, too! I finally got to the point of not saying anything to people about this nightmare & hoax on humanity because too many people got royally pissed at me for doing so. I just keep hoping one day the truth will be wide-scale exposed to the public.

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My hairdresser developed Crohn's disease after her second shot and ended up having to have a part of her colon removed. SHE told ME her Crohn's was due to the vaccine! Some people are waking up.

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What a horrendous price to pay. These perpetrators are so beyond evil, its nearly unbelievable but we know its true! I hope they haven’t misdiagnosed her and she can be healed somehow.

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As I’ve posted in these comments before, I was finally vindicated by a friend of mine just a couple of weeks ago. “You were right about the shots.” I wasn’t running around thumping my chest. What I hoped would happen is that some of the information would trickle down and people will start asking questions, seeking answers along with possible remedies.

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A couple I know who love CNN and the like, he admitted his A-fib started after the 3rd jab. In hospital recently, then got covid afterwards. Shots are s**t! They are waking up sometimes when it becomes obvious.

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My mom’s elderly boyfriend was in the hospital for 5 days with a positive Covid test, he clearly wasn’t sick. When my mom isn’t around, he talks to me about it.

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You can’t make people see what they refuse to see 🤷‍♀️

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Yes, I know, but if you care, you do try even though you get a slap in the face in this saga!

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Yes sadly 😞

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It's absolutely infuriating....why are they being so nasty to people trying to tell them the truth yet they feel no anger to the people who did this to them?

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@Jen As has been said here before, “it’s easier to fool a man than to convince him he’s been fooled.”

—Mark Twain

They get angry with the person who’s telling them they were fooled because no one wants to feel stupid. In my case, they don’t get angry, they just roll their eyes and talk about my “tinfoil hat.” I pray the truth will be revealed one day 🙏🏻

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"When a person chooses to believe a lie, their thinking becomes skewed and twisted because they must distort the facts to fit their belief. There is a blockage in their reasoning abilities.

And some part of them knows that they have chosen a lie, so there is a deep tension within them as they try to hide from themselves that they have chosen the lie.

The truth then becomes a terrible threat to the false personality built on the lie, with the anger and vigor with which they attack matching their fear of self-exposure."

- Henry See


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It used to be also somewhat politically motivated too.

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I’ve only gotten through to 2 friends. One is a young mom, the other just got done with his turbo bladder cancer treatment.

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Terrible world all this.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I just thought of something reading your mrssage today....e-coli is a gut bac, ivermectin works in the gut, i understood, but it was dangerous, so bad it was BANNED for covid treatment.

HMmm. So somebody maybe KNEW ivermectin would maybe interfere with....maybe...


Too many blanks to fill in...

Nah. Couln't be.

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I've learned how important your gut chemistry is to your health... probiotics and pH being important.

And comments like 'cancer is a parasite' which of course IVM is an anti-parastic (along with fenbendazole, etc).

I'll be glad with the Medical Community gets out of the thumb of the big money and gets back to real science (won't hold my breath).

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Exactly. Also, the so-called virus is a chimeric creation more akin to a parasite - not a virus.

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"The reason Pfizer used mRNA in the first place is because mRNA is temporary, transient. Each mRNA strand normally gets consumed in the process of creating whatever it’s coded for."

Jeff - perhaps an add is needed to clarify they psuedouridinated the mRNA to make it more stable and it is not breaking down in the body as normal, natural mRNA is.

Interesting aside: at the FLCCC conference, Dr Cole mentioned he believes re injuries and health issues there are 2 syndromes: 1) the obvious spike issue and 2) the non degrading mRNA issue. I asked a question at the conference if there anyone was doing any research to figure out how to degrade the psuedouridinated mRNA. Dr Been answered no.

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I was thinking about the role of pseudouridine in all of this too.

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Yes, indeed, they undertook codon optimisation specifically *to make it more durable* such that it could trigger a substantive immune response prior to degradation / destruction.

So it was already 'suped up' to be unnaturally durable, even without this plasmid / DNA complication.

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The Lipid Nano Particles are a serious culprit!

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Was thinking the same thing, that was the only key point missing from Jeff's post.

The FDA/CDC disingenuously stated that mRNA is quickly eliminated by the body's systems so their was no concern with vax mRNA longevity. The ignored that the vaxx mRNA was deliberately altered with pseudouridine (subbing for uridine) specifically to prevent this from happening. That is a huge deal and the most charitable explanation is that they didn't understand the implications.

There's also concerns that using pseudouridine confuses the molecular machinery and that it blows right past the stop codons (that would normally have uridine) thus manufacturing protein strings of only God knows what. It's a mess.

Perhaps this was intentional but even if it was just stupidity it's a criminal disregard for human safety and monumental incompetence.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

May be off topic but wanted to share here. Re. President Trump not disavowing the jabs, this woman writes an interesting perspective.


Nellie Elizabeth Palmer-strawn on FB

Just to clarify briefly because I am still seeing many are still blaming President Trump for the fallout from the vaccines. Trump had no choice but to release the vaccines in order to stop their great reset. It was always meant to happen under Hillary Clinton. The original plan was to keep nations shut down until a vaccine was made. Multiple deep state leaders told us this. They also said it could take years to develop. A central element of the cabal strategy was to hide all treatments. The WHO ordered all governments, news media, and social media to censor and ban information about treatments. Trump smashed this plan by shouting from the rooftops that there were treatments. He posted 26 tweets (!) about hydroxychloroquine and promoted doctors who use it. Essentially Trump removed the need for a vaccine by saying there were cures. Who needs a rushed vaccine if there are proven drugs? He promoted these drugs for many months. The significance of this evades most of us. This is where many of us KNEW not to take the shit, and tried to tell all of you NOT TO TAKE THE SHIT and tell people to f&ck off!! The vaccines were not his idea. They were the cabal's plan. He released them 1.5 years sooner to end lockdowns, which saved the world. That was the key to the original plan. Under the guise of a public health crisis, shut down the economy long enough to kill it completely. 99% of the people that took it were also going to take it, regardless of what Trump said or did. This is evident in the fact that despite his endorsement of the vax, the intelligent of the world adamantly refused. (More in comments) 👇

If he had come out against the vaccines, they would have simply used it to destroy him and still introduced it but on their own timeline. It was the only option. Nothing could prevent the vaccines. Mankind demanded them. They would have been released anyway. All he could do was thwart their plans.

The genocide is not his fault.

The adverse events are not his fault.

All of this would have happened anyway, & far worse - on top of the total wipeout of America & all nations, followed by a tyrannical Great Reset.

Go back and watch Trumps rally in Alabama

He was booed for mentioning Warp Speed...

Thus ending his promotion of it

He was waiting for the People to acknowledge the dangers of the vax

How many Doctors were censored from all forms. Of media for telling, you the dangers?

Researching just the risks of 1 vaccine opens the Door to. All research and questioning all of the Lies.....Since that day Trump. Dropped

Warp Speed talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA306aNtvmk

More comments on FB if interested

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"many of us KNEW not to take the s***".

low and behold, the jabs were full of e-coli. Never realized before today that this statement was to be taken literally. :-)

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Trump is never at fault is he? There is always a reason why he couldn't do this or couldn't do that. Or it's 5D chess. For example his choice of General Surgeon, or giving Fauci the lime light. Or him signing an executive order in September 2019! related to speedier vaccine development and the establishment of a National Influenza Task Force with these folks being part of the task force:

(i) the Department of Defense (DOD);

(ii) the Department of Justice;

(iii) the Department of Agriculture;

(iv) the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA);

(v) the Department of Homeland Security;

(vi) the United States Food and Drug Administration;

(vii) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;

(viii) the National Institutes of Health (NIH);

(ix) the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS); and

(x) the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).


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His devoted followers will make excuse after excuse for him. Mass formation supporters waiting on “the plan.” Its time to move on.

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So why attack DeSantis so brutally, when DeSantis almost single-handedly saved the western world from biomedical security state tyranny?

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I love Gov Ron, but is he now working with the Bush team? That's what we hear. That's the Deep State.

The question is... why is Ron running when it's Trump's turn to finish his 2nd term?

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All I can go by is past history as a future predictor of performance. RD stood AGAINST what the WEF and WHO wanted when it came to Covid. He did it when it was risky and unpopular. I voted for President Trump twice, but I do not trust him whatsoever to not make similar mistakes again. That said, I'd vote for Trump again over Biden or pretty much any democrat except RFK Jr. (and I want to know where he stands on the 2A, and a couple other issues).

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Is it true that DeSantis locked down all his traveled records, past, present and future?

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1 - A backup plan is needed. It's even possible Trump could be killed.

2 - Ron needs to gain recognition on a national platform.

3 - All the bickering between Ron and Don so far has just been theater ( Ron DeSanctimonious) that could not be forgiven if one were to eventually become the VP. Unless something terribly serious is said, it's all for show.

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Additionally, the deep state, the neocons and Bolsheviks are going to do everything they can to plant stories that Ron is a deep state agent to keep the populist movement divided against itself. Likewise they will plant all kinds of stories that Trump is a washed up has-been and not very popular anymore. Nothing could be further from the truth. The last thing they want is for the patriotic populist movement to close ranks on them in opposition.

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There has been nothing brutal - yet. Just typical Trump. If something truly damaging is said, then I'll perk up.

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PS: don't know if you live in Florida, but I'm in south Florida where Trump's MAGA pac has been running the meanest, most ugly ads. Criticize DeSantis on policy all day long if you want - but to run ads suggesting he eats pudding with his fingers? Disgusting. I truly do not appreciate President Trump spending more money and running worse ads than freaking Charlie Crist. And I voted for Trump twice. I don't have a dog in this fight other than I love how DeSantis grew the Republican voter base in Florida, and how he handled Covid in a truly heroic fashion.

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So how about stupid then? Calling him an “average” governor is one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a long time. Especially when Trump and most of his adult kids live in freaking Florida! GTFO if you think he’s so “average” or worse than most R governors.

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Don't know....yet

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Really? Is this the same guy that promised to appoint RFK Jr to chair a commission on vaccine safety and didn't do it? The same guy that Bill Gates bragged of meeting with and convincing him you don't need to do that? https://www.insider.com/bill-gates-donald-trump-vaccines-safety-2017-4

He is also the same guy that claimed the Republican establishment were against him, right? And then he hired the head of that Republican establishment to be his Chief of Staff.

And did you get the latest tally of the amount Mexico sent us for that wall? Where is that wall, btw.

Or maybe you saw the latest video interview of Hillary from Federal Prison after he locked her up.

Trump talks a good line, but his achievement list is weak. He made his money in three of the dirtiest, corrupt businesses known to man - real estate development, casinos and Hollywood. But maybe he is just draining the swamp from within, right?

Wrong, wake up.

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Yep, good summary.

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Thank you for your comment! I’ve said this before as well. The plan was a 5-10 year shutdown when the death rate would have skyrocketed. He fast-tracked the vaccine to satisfy the DS. When he was sick with the virus himself, he said to the people not to be afraid of it. You’re right, he promoted HCQ and even said he would make monoclonal antibodies available free to everyone. The deep state threw everything at him with the help of the leftists and media.Then the Biden Regime rigged the election, took over and mandates began. That’s where the read damage began.

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Agreed! Trump 2024🇺🇸

He needs to finish what he started! The evildoers gave been trying to destroy this man for 7 years, why?

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Question, and I mean this respectfully - who is going to vote for President Trump who didn't vote for him in 2016 or 2020?

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Densonmd—A thousand thank yous for your post! All the thoughts I’ve mulled over and through and the words I’ve tried to find!

Truly inspired

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It is Mike (15 days to stop the spread) Pence, who should get some justice delivered.

Lying, Jackass pervert!

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30 Pence is such a traitor. The gall of him to think he's a worthy candidate for 2024.

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Just shared another's perspective...

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To further your comment: Now imagine what the scenario would be if that murderous b**** Hellary had been President.

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Important post. Thanks!

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What FB? where are comments

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Nellie's Facebook page. You will have to search her name then find the post. Not sure how to share it here. I copied & pasted from her post.

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So, when is Trump gonna denounce the vaxes and stop claiming he saved "millions of lives"?? I don't care why he supposedly did it or that HE didn't mandate it. The evidence is quite clear now and still - Trump's greatest achievement is his killer vaccine.

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