"Did it not occur to the military that anyone with a bag and a bomb could also make the same thing? What do these people DO all day long?"

A: Play dress up

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& making sure their lipstick matches their outfit

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And don’t forget the Vera Bradley bag!

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And dye their hair to match their Vera Bradley bag!

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KGer ... definitely a lady's comment. And God please help any guy who knows what a Vera Bradley bag is! (But then again, that is why we adore you all! Because you continually mystify us!)

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I was thinking of the transgender Energy Official Sam Brinton caught snatching a Vera Bradley at the airport. Between that and the R&D guy at Pfizer makes me question how people like hold the positions they do!

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It’s called DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)

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When will they wake up and see the error in their ways?

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Ah! The guys probably won't remember the name, but now that you say it ... yes. And for the guys, the Vera Bradley thing is such the symbol of this guy's tragic flaw. Like ... no regular dude would EVER get this far off the rails. Never! Somethings are just astonishing perplexity. Like Woke Everything for instance!

(Okay! We get it now! ... Yours Truly, Slow in Virginia)

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Haha those are so 7 years ago!

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True, but their travel duffles are great for shoving into overhead bins!!

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Haha yes, so flexible, yet with intricate designs to mesmerize and stun would-be luggage thrives like that pervert Biden appointed to oversee nuke waste!

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Hey, I still use my Vera items; especially for packing my toiletries etc. I love my totes too! Yep, grandma here😉

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We call it my “ Mary Poppins “ Bag!!

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Same! But it’s not all the rage like it was back then.

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Which was of course obtained during a covert operation at airports - testing security, I'm sure.

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RAVEN BALLOON Systems brag on BORDER PROTECTION, Solid state Radar, advanced situational awareness but not Chinese balloons?. Have you noticed that US intel agencies consistently fail to see or decode threats to national security and seemingly allow disasters to just "happen"? . 9/11 is the prime example and it continues as if the DoD is taking orders from the enemy. (DAVOS)


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I was thinking comparing nail polish and makeup, but playing dress up w irks too!

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mark Milley finds time to call his Chinese counterpart and reassure him that he won't allow America to fall to Trump.

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Raven Aerostar claims their Stratospheric balloons are capable of advanced "situational awareness" except for those pesky Chinese Balloons as it turns out. https://youtu.be/e3gQAIft67M

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A. Attend diversity training...

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The report of an explosion is now claimed as "false" For now. This appears to be a misunderstanding based on the smoky video that was posted. Nobody from the public has stepped forward to claim they heard an explosion associated with the video. It's simply another Chemtrails tanker. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/02/massive-explosion-billings-montana/

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They do each other’s hair and nails and sip red wine, while reading Vogue.

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"Thailand princess has been in a coma for about 3 weeks after getting a booster.. the Royal family has discovered Pfizer has lied & it's looking like they will tear up their contract & demand billions back. This could be the start of Pfizer's demise.."


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I watched this video yesterday. The complete lockstep unity of so many nations and governments proves this is all part of a global demonic takeover.

They want death, famine, and war.

When you take a step back, you can see this has been planned for decades and the real plan started to move into place with Obama. It’s very clear.

I’m grateful for so many of the freedom fighters like Jeff and so many others.

My prayers are we can stop this but it really seems like it is full steam ahead and more bad things to come.

The whole government coding us as vaccinated or partially, etc.

really to me that is a relegation looking us in the face. They plan to come for us.

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Now it makes sense why they were calling for vax cards and entering the information in databases. It wasn’t the vaxxed they wanted to know about. It was who is unvaxxed.

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Or - they will see the chronic Expensive sickness of the jabbed and send them to End of Life chambers. Unjabbed will be the labor force because we are healthy and able. Forced labor from concentration camps because we do not comply.

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Seeing I’m unjabbed and disabled, I’m sure they’ll make a special exception for me.

Oh, by the way, in early 2020 before the jabs were even available, I set up a telehealth appointment with my Primary Care doc. I told her I’d never take it. Her response? “I don’t think that’s going to matter.”

Remember this: God sees all and waits.

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I can take your doc’s comments various ways; such as you will in the end; or they aren’t worth the trouble; they don’t work...

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I think it’s ABSOLUTELY the former not the latter.

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Start building the Guillotines then. There is nothing in our God created nature that says we have to comply like sheep to psychotic depopulationists.

If they come for me then I will be bringing them with me to meet God.

“Give me liberty, or give me death.”

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Also the Red Cross will love unjabbed, when untainted blood is the only blood which does not in essence rejab by transfusions.

Untainted blood will be a precious commodity for organ transplants.

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Sadly there’s the very real risk of Transmission. People who’ve never submitted to the ClotShots are suffering from the known side effects of them, too.

Remember, Pfizer’s own research admitted Transmission occurs between the jabbed and non-jabbed, and that’s WHY it tried to bury it for 75 years. Fortunately, a Texas Federal Judge forced its release.

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but HOW and to what extent ? Does anyone have any ideas on this ? Between "husband & wife" relations? If yes, is that just as bad as actually taking the shot ? Is one shot as bad as five in terms of it staying with you forever? Can you actually be transferred mRNA through shedding ? I realize they will try to get unsuspecting people with blood transfusions and the flu shot...... I feel maybe unjabbed aren't as safe as we feel we are. if 20% of the population are unjabbed but 10% of those are married to or dating a jabbed person, get a blood transfusion/flu shot or get sick from shedding, that severely cuts into the # of people that can fend this off.

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Actually, they want as many trans humans as possible so that they can use the 5G radiation to direct their actions and thoughts. The unvaxxed will be quarantined and force-vaxxed - if they can catch us! As Jeff wrote yesterday (LOL) the mandates were halfway around the track before we got our saddles on.

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It is like they are going to walk us into the de-lousing chamber one way or another.

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I saw that Pfizer came out with a statement that only 31% of the population was actually vaccinated or fully vaccinated. The CDC was stating that 70% were vaccinated. Now that they have data on who got what shot and how many, seems to me that if there is a greater percentage of people unvaxxed that they can't track with vaccine cards. Their psyop to get people vaxxed failed miserably. Also, it appears there may be significant numbers in some groups with fake vax cards. Another can of worms screwing up the vax database. If they plan to come for the massive number of unvaxxed people things will get ugly in a hurry.

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You know those codes your docs fill in, to calculate their insurance reimbursements after an OV? There are now codes for vax status.

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Insurance is absolutely corrupt and a big part of the problem

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Medicare’s reportedly also acting a lot like Santa now; making its list and checking it twice all to see who’s naughty and nice.

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I think it is shortsighted to look at Osamabama as being the a catalyst, has this not been their plan all along? It seems to be a scenario that is on permanent loop in human history.

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Kennedy’s assassination! My entire lifetime..

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Agreed! And got away with it ... and the set the table for my entire lifetime. Then next ... bye, bye the last of the gold link. Then 911 followed by Covid. And no accountability, trials and convictions. As a result, everything is disruption and lies ... and things like empty supermarket shelves, the war on eggs and beef, the war on processing plants, gone up in smoke ... really endless what they do. Madness Everywhere.

It will only stop when the American Empire falls. That would force the severe funding contraction of which Congress will never do on their own. And there is this. I cannot recall one instance where an Empire ended because the rulers thought Empire to be a really bad idea, a disaster in motion. No! Not one instance. Instead, the rulers of Empires are always intoxicated by their unrestrained lusts and delusions of power. The simple reiteration is that ... They Are Stock-Raving Mad. Out of their gourds mad.

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JFK, RFK, King....and more.

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The Clintons certainly played a part in it.

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Agree, Chelsea Clinton keeps posting the need for WHO to expand the oversight of all our medical protocols. Now, What country pushes to give such

Sovereignty away? It flies inthe face of America first.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

Chelsea Clinton can go to hell. She’s a grifting leech like her parents 😡🤬

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The Bush Family, too.

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Bet they still are. & never held accountable.

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Most you will never know their names...

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True. Fortunately God does.

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The WAR AGAINST AMERICANS began with Obama. Always the deep state players playing for power inside government (JFK assassination e.g.) but the taking down of American citizens, that, as far as I can tell, begin with the Manchurian Candidate, Obama.

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The only significance that I can see about Osamabamas presidency is that they grew bold enough to speak openly about their disdain for the value of Americans and the Country. The attacks have been constant and horrible in my life and generations preceding me. 9/11 all wildly fantastic theories aside, was an inside job. Iran/contra,Oklahoma City Bombing, Vietnam war,Iraq,Afghanistan,cancers diseases suicides birth defects from the promotion and protection of the chemical/pharma/industrial food complex and their saturation of our world with known toxins...

The War has been going for a long long time.

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Would it be so wrong to suggest that all bureaucrats and the Pentagon (with its occupants) come to a quick end? The 9/11 people tried. Maybe the next Chinese balloon! As Jeff says, “What are they doing all day?” Useless,,,and according to that Ryder guy last night, he thinks he owns us. Stop asking questions. Basically, you’re allowed to look up at the sky. What more do you want?

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Did and done. I really admire Dr Malone. He's out front. We need to back him up.

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I saw awhile back that some people were calling out Dr. Malone as controlled opposition. But this PV thing removes any suspicion of that, at least for me. Malone is courageous and to be admired.

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I love Dr Malone and fully trust him. He has been through the horrors.

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Did and done for me too. Very powerful - every single person should watch.

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They plan to destroy us - we are non- essential to their global world takeover

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We are useless eaters. Anyone pay attention to the people who raise chickens who use commercial feed. Their chickens stopped laying eggs. Several have come out now and are warning do not feed your chickens purina or other commercial brands. When they switched to a local or homemade feed their hens started laying again. Then the bird flu forcing the culling of millions of chickens. Chicken farms mysteriously burning to the ground. Low and behold what pops up? articles that show egg yolks are amazing at immune system boosting properties that also have components that destroy mRNA spike protein. My curiosity that the egg shortage started during the Plandemic, is now starting to see the pieces of the puzzle coming together. The price of what was formerly cheap source of protein is now getting to be more expensive by the day.

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Yes. This happened to us. Zero eggs for months last Fall, then we ran out of commercial layer feed, so we switched to feeding our locally made livestock feed.

We had eggs the next day, and every day since.

As far as the culling of millions of bird for “bird flu” I got suspicious last year and looked up the test the feds are using to diagnose that…yep it is the same PCR test as used for Covid.

Those who interfere deliberately with the food supply are nothing less than domestic terrorists.

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Thanks! Totally astonishing information! And it's all to stitched together to be 'just a coincidence.'

This has to be Deep State ... somehow, somewhat. Only the Deep State is this deep covertly operative.

A lot of Three Letter Stuff has to be defunded. It a matter of our self-preservation. It's an Alice and Wonderland World gone mad ... more mad than the Mad Hatter.

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They're working on a solution for that.

*Can Immunization of Hens Provide Oral-Based Therapeutics against COVID-19?*


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Wow! Just what we need. All vax survivors will no longer consume poultry and eggs - from their hyper-immunized hens!

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Exactly correct! They stay a little ahead of us, but when we glean their motives, we need to become motivated and act.

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And acting....

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For us, a life or death struggle. Nothing else now is important except terms of survival. And they have to be our terms. Nothing else matters.

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Quite true

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I am trying to pray for my enemies lately. Sometimes I choke. & protection from them. We’ve gotten plenty of exposure!

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A suggestion. Your choice: take or leave. Regarding prayer.

Background: You know how prayers are just thoughts? Can’t hold them in your hand, stick them in the oven to warm ‘em up... They are things, just not tangible. It’s the intent behind them that matters. Right? That’s why we even bother.

A 10-15 second “prayer” or “meditation” - could be longer, for as long as you choose to hold the thought:

In your mind’s eye pull way, way out from the earth 🌎 (Attractive little thing, yes? Rather... beautiful. Achingly so. I digress.) Picture her surrounded and infused to her core with brilliant blinding white light or golden white light. That’s it.

Light. Extinguishes the dark. It’s metaphorical but, just like intent behind word-thought prayer it creates... something. Light. Since you’re surrounding and infusing the entire planet, you cover all bases, enemies included. Light. No secret ‘they’ are operating under something dark. Add Light. Billions of us. Billions of times a day. A long ago scribe set an important teaching down on the substrate of the times, the first words: Let there be Light. ...And it was good.

Can’t hurt!

For your consideration.

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Thanks & I will name Jesus and God, as the new age “ love & light “ is a deception in my eyes. Once I repented from new age practices, my life drastically changed for the better. I truly believe Jesus did die for our sins.

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🎯 beautifully and descriptively put; I could easily envision all you wrote. 🙏 👁️ 💞🌎🕯️

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Pass it on! The more Light generated the better! The prayer/meditation can take as little as 10 seconds. Encourage like minds. Think ripples. If billions or slowly tens of billions took 10 seconds a day, or a few times a day... can’t hurt! 🤍💝🙏

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I really struggle with that praying for enemies thing. It's pretty hard even to know who they are these days - Russia? China? Iran? John Kerry? Chuck Schumer? Mitch McConnell? etc.

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I just say evildoers, God knows who they are.

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Yes, yes He does!

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This may help:

O God, expose all deeds done or planned in darkness, shine a light on them for all to see, cut them off, bring your judgment, not ours, upon them.

He knows who are the good and bad. We have to be strong enough to withstand the disgust and horror at what is brought to light, bc we pray for it and are getting what we prayed for.

Our job is to pray and participate in exposing, and holding accountable who/what comes to light by whistleblowers, investigative journalists, and truth tellers.

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In agreement, amen. The exposure lately does overwhelm me at times!

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Pray for the conversion of your enemies to the Good Lord and ask God to to make them harmless as sheep if they refuse to stop harming and tormenting innocents.

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I pray God sends them to their destination. This is War.

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I just read an article that says it does go back to Obama. And Dick Luger back in 2005. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2005

It was done supposedly to destroy the weapons stockpile https://www.congress.gov/bill/109th-congress/senate-bill/313/text

Then we meddled in Ukrainian politics https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-ukraine-tape/leaked-audio-reveals-embarrassing-u-s-exchange-on-ukraine-eu-idUSBREA1601G20140207 and the country fell into civil war. Nuland said they were afraid Russia would get their hand on biological weapons. Once we had complete control, the Bidens got to work.

Everyone talks about how Obama stopped funding for gain of function research, but all he did was move it out of the US and into places like China and Ukraine. What happens when Putin gets his hands on the biological weapons we've been producing over there?

When I think about the stuff our government is involved in, I can hardly breathe. I have loved this country unconditionally because she was such a free and open place. But we've been infiltrated by the worst of the worst and they have done horrific things in our name.

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Yep, GoF never stopped, and we, the taxpayers, helped fund it.

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Speaking of freedom fighters and what we’re up against, I received a helpful ‘unsafe alert’ from Norton. It referenced my on-line calendar, which is very little used in my case. A provided link helpfully took me to the ‘dangerous’ calendar page, but no event was saved on the date in question.

Digging into it, I had received an email from a local group that has the word Patriot in their name and they were inviting me to attend a ‘Meet the Candidate’ event for the mayoral race here in Jacksonville on that particular date. In effect, Norton appeared to be warning me not to attend as it was unsafe to do so. It had to have stemmed from the word ‘patriot’ in that particular email.

Now I want someone to email me an invite to a BLM/Antifa event so I can see what happens. I strongly suspect that would not produce a Norton alert.

We have no privacy and Patriot is an intimidating word.

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Un-friggin-believable ... except that this sort of crapola is now commonplace. When I click on email links from various "dangerous patriotic" sites, MS Outlook sends me to a screen with a big "Danger Will Robinson" warning, and in very fine print at the bottom, "proceed anyway [not recommended]". I know I sleep more soundly at night, knowing that the deep tech state is protecting me from unsafe thoughts and ideas.

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I think all of us should! We could make it real snarky, like "secret location to be disclosed at 5pm on the day before, watch for secret signs...." and of course, "bring the usual" and, "for your safety, don't carry ID..."

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Early 2021, I was typing an email to my SIL about adr3nochr0me. I included links. The email said "sent successfully" but she never received it. I tried sending to my husband, same thing. I put the link in a Word doc attachment, it still acted sent but not rec'd. I finally put dashes, stars, etc in the link and then was typing explaining to her how to "decode" the link. Suddenly, my email screen redrew and my email locked up. After rebooting and logging back in, there was no copy in my draft folder, even tho I have auto-save every 3 min turned on. That freaked me out! I've used Comcast email for over a decade but haven't had Comcast service for at least 6 yrs. Nothing like had ever happened. Somebody did not want me sharing that subject. 😒

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If the word is intimidating. Imagine how scary the real thing is! 🤣👻

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But having read the book, we know how this story ends.

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This is true!

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Look into China's Great Leap Forward, which lead to the great famine. The playbook is already written, except now they have new tech and AI to help them collapse society.

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Middle kingdom. It is important know and understand their philosophy and plans to accomplish their goals in order to understand what has and is happening. You have to look beyond our borders as well.

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40 million starved to death, I think it was. Can anyone imagine that in this country?

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Which is why it’s super important for us to STOP letting them have all our medical info. We have been conditioned to just sign whatever the front desk hands us at the doctors office and now sign electronically. Because they act like if you don’t you can’t see the doctor. Lies. If you take the time to read what you are agreeing to it will turn your stomach. I no longer sign in electronically! I go to the window and say I refuse to sign that. I will only consent to treatment. Boy they don’t like that 😂 😂. I do have to sign that the insurance company has access to billing information. So probably that is enough for the govt to get it 🤷‍♀️

We screwed the pooch decades ago when we left every trip to a doctor use fancy wording to gain access and be able to send on our private medical info to a whole host of third party “healthcare officials”. 👎🏻 insert middle finger! I’m sure it’s too late to stop the train by refusing now. But I’m still doing it.

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To avoid this, one must drop Medicare. Sorry, but I do not have the millions of $$$ required to finance the ever-more-frequent doc visits that occur > age 75. And I paid into that friggin program for DECADES.

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I was at the optometrist recently. The receptionist seemed annoyed I was actually reading it before I signed.

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Oh ya they hate it. 😂 The first time I told them I wasn’t signing, all the ladies in the office were shocked when I told them what it said. Then one of them said “we need to read it I guess so we know what it says”. I went back for two more appts. Nothing changed. And I still refused to sign.

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I refused to sign saying I'd received a copy of whatever it was. I brought it to their attention and they acted like I was the first person to ever bring it up. And they weren't aware of any copies that needed to be given out! Smh

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The who shouldn’t be allowed to be so involved!

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Who's gonna stop 'em?

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"The who"?? The headline/link refers to "the federal government" and the "CDC."

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Pardon me. I meant to mention the world economic forum & how they’re bullying many countries.

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And to designate “vaccine hesitancy” as a mental illness.

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Canada is really pushing that! So crazy.

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There are medical codes for vax status, which can be / are entered into a database after an OV.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

It's Madness. It is a Satanic Sickness of the West. Ruled over by Madness. And see how this same word keeps popping into my head!

I keep telling myself, "It will end" because Man can't live like this ... and something always intervenes a cracks the Insanity to pieces.

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It will end. It will be the grace of God that ends it.

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I'm 73 and these thoughts and words have never before been in my head until the last couple of years.

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They’re here.

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I said double crossing the Thai Royals was going to bring about big, big problems for Pfizer and I was right. I have had online contact with Dr Bhakdi because both of us are members of Doctors 4 COVID Ethics. He is right again about this and it may be the push that starts the ball rolling down the hill and blasts Pfizer to Smithereens.

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Dear God, please let it be so and make some people pay!

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And awake more from the spiritual darkness they are blinded by.

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Thank you for your medical work and your honesty. Appreciate you standing for freedom and health

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The Chinese balloon story expresses the fear of reprisals

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"The Balloon goes up" is a Popular UK/American idiom - See this - https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/the+balloon+goes+up

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Covert Chinese Police Station in NYC Closed but Action Linked to Chinese Balloon Story - News of the Chinese police stations come as Pentagon officials said this week that the Defense Department has been tracking a suspected spy balloon for days as it traversed the central United States after being spotted over Billings, Mont.

On Friday, the Pentagon responded after China insisted the balloon U.S. defense officials were tracking over Montana had drifted off course and could not be maneuvered.

“The balloon is maneuverable,” Ryder said to reporters. “It violated the law. We communicated that to China.”

He said that shooting down the balloon “was taken into consideration,” but “because we assessed that currently, it does not pose a psychical or military risk to people on the ground, for now, we are continuing to monitor and review options.”

Also Friday, a Chinese government official admitted that the balloon was theirs but claimed it was not meant to enter United States airspace, Fox News reported.

“The airship is from China. It is a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological, purposes,” a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said. “Affected by the Westerlies and with limited self-steering capability, the airship deviated far from its planned course.”


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"Mainly meteorological..." What else?

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A balloon launched in China accidently finds it's way over Canada and the US with no warning from the SCIENCE of Chinese officials that they admittedly lost control of the data-gathering air ship and suddenly became a complete surprise to US intel and DoD officials? A main mission of these balloons is to survey agricultural and farming conditions. Is it a coincidence the balloon entered US air space during the aftermath of a giant cold front with record low wind-chill temps? The order to shoot down the balloon didn't come until it had already completed it's mission over US farmlands with all data collected safely in the digital cloud.

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Extremely disturbing (non)actions from our military. So, they are telling us that no one even noticed that 3 school bus-wide "balloon" BEFORE it even made it to the Alaskan coastlines? How could something like that even be "missed"? Like Tucker said, "What DO they do all day?"

I'm not sure why China even needs to do something like that, just give Joe or General Millie a call, they'll give them whatever data they want, and probably get Hunter a job, too. Besides dangerous to national security, it's such an embarrassment and shows the world, again, how weak and incompetent our military truly is.

They "don't see" a huge foreign survelliance balloon coming at us, but they sure can track down and arrest innocent people who peacefully demonstrate at OUR capitol building in DC. They definitely have their priorities mixed up.

I saw headlines where the local authorities were pleading with the public not to take potshots at the balloon. I'm not sure that would even be possible, but it shows they ARE afraid of an armed citizenry that will defend themselves and others.

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The DAVOS mission is for citizens to lose faith in their government on all levels including currency. Carried to extremes people will begin to beg for new leadership and new forms of government rather than the perpetually incompetency of our failed constitutional republic. This threatens to close the trap door on freedom, first amendment and civil rights under the NWO of digital slavery.

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Go after them Thailand! 💪

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Give it another week and a few $Billiion in Gates' hush-money and the complaints will disappear.

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So sad. Covid isnt even a scary thing anymore so why are people still boosting?

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Covid always had the full recovery numbers of an ordinary seasonal FLU. It never qualified as a pandemic. Almost all excess mortality was achieved by (1) scare tactics, tyranny of lockdowns and massive unemployment while Walmart was allowed to remain open. (2) Then the vaccine mortality was added to the collateral damage mortality. This is how mass murder is achieved - by seducing victims to participate in killing themselves, friends and family.

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Well said.

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Because you cannot vaccinate against stupid. It's a lifelong condition for these clowns.

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Because, as I’ve said in the past, it’s their new religion.

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The video captued by Dolly Moore 2 days after the balloon sighting is not unusual and probably has nothing "directly" to do the the Chinese balloon story. And very little has been revealed about the alleged 'explosion". These billowy "smoke" trails seen as the jet flies away from the camera are referred to by the lying media as "contrails". But radiometric analysis reveals these trails contain very little water vapor or ice crystals as contrail science requires they do. Controlling the climate is part of the war plan against humanity in case you havn't heard . The secret operation of spraying aerosols to control the weather is not a conspiracy theory. If you suspect food and egg processing plants are being burned down by DAVOS operatives you can also consider weather warfare operatives, know to the DoD, as disrupting US food security by creating generalized and selective adverse climate conditions to enhance crop faiures. Scientist J Marvin Herndon and Dr. Mark Whiteside, an infectious dis. expert from of Key West, FL, explain how COAL FLY ASH is used to warm surface temps and create high and low pressure areas that produce sustained drought conditions and likewise enhance flooding conditions as the super-saturated condensation nuclei, sprayed by jets, moves easterly. Sound familiar? This is explained in the book, "Chemtrails are Not Contrails" available from amazon or PDF format. - PDF is here - https://archive.org/details/chemtrails-are-not-contrails-two-faces-of-evil-2022

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I do want to see Pfizer become a name we associate with "the 2020's" A brand name anachronistic of this time.

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When does their patent on Viagra end? That’s when they will no longer matter.

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It ended years ago where have you been? Sildenafil anyone? It’s cheap(er) these days.

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Well since you asked... not with anyone who needed the product! 😝 sorry, couldn’t resist. I just remember when Viagra first came out, Pfizer’s stock rose pretty swiftly......

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Viagra's making a comeback. As a re-purposed (original purpose) drug for heart disease. (Just in time!) It was originally for heart disease but caused too many adverse side effects, except one...so they switched gears and sold it for ED. I wonder if those original adverse reactions just went away?

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Just told a friend the same thing, the Thailand princess might finally be the last straw that makes the whole thing collapse.

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RAVEN AEROSTAR in South Dakota deploys large balloons that remain aloft for weeks. They're full of electronics and change altitude by levitating within stratospheric layers of high and low temperatures at around 65,000 feet AMSL.. I speculate the jets release aerosols that create levitation opportunities when the well-placed aerosols absorb sunlight to create regional heat sending a few balloons to a different and higher altitude than other balloons to avoid collisions and released in a complex surveillance operation. See the history, location and change of ownership of RAVEN AEROSTAR. - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/9zKW5UBRIdo/m/jd2ZgAytAQAJ

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More details:

Thailand drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer, they're PI*SED


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She was apparently very loved and very popular.

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And very beautiful

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Oh let’s hope so!!!

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Interesting video! One of the two men is Swiss and a well known legal expert, the other an esteemed Thai scientist (who spent his childhood in Switzerland). The Swiss man has filed a lawsuit against Alain Berset/President (he called him a criminal), and the Thai scientist is pushing for the government of Thailand to do the same, given what has happened to the princess. Supposedly another member of the Thai royal family has turbo cancer now. Also, there are a lot of activists in Thailand working to accomplish this. They have documents PROVING that zero studies or testing was done with the vaxxes, despite what they claimed. Their goal is that Pfizer repay the billions they spent buying the jabs. Things are getting more and more interesting on this front, hopefully what they are doing will spread.

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The contracts with the countries specifically state no refunds for any reason.

It is better to cut their losses and incinerate what’s left (except for enough for trial exhibits) than continuing to poison people with jabs just because they paid for bad product,

and ban ALL Pfizer products from the country to dry up future Pfizer profits,

AND refuse to join the WHO World Order.

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We can hope that Thailand's poison injection awakening will gain political unity against Pfizer and mRNA injections in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to which Thailand is a member.

In response to pandemics, ASEAN has coordinated with ASEAN+3 and other actors to create a regional public health response. How could recent events change that?

ASEAN is a political and economic union of 10 member states in Southeast Asia, which promotes intergovernmental cooperation and facilitates economic, political, security, military, educational, and sociocultural integration between its members and countries in the Asia-Pacific. The union has a total area of over 1.7 million Sq miles and an estimated total population larger than the USA at 668 million.

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Thank God. Truly. Sad but really it takes one of your own before you wake up!

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Hope so

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Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble.

Say to those with anxious heart,

“Take courage, fear not.

Behold, your God will come with vengeance;

The recompense of God will come,

But He will save you.”

Then the eyes of the blind will be opened

And the ears of the deaf will be unstopped.

Then the lame will leap like a deer,

And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy.

For waters will break forth in the wilderness

And streams in the Arabah.

The scorched land will become a pool

And the thirsty ground springs of water;

In the haunt of jackals, its resting place,

Grass becomes reeds and rushes.

A highway will be there, a roadway,

And it will be called the Highway of Holiness.

The unclean will not travel on it,

But it will be for him who walks that way,

*And fools will not wander on it.*

— Isaiah 35:3-8 NASB1995 (Emphasis mine)

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God is still on His throne, I will not fear!

Fearing people is a dangerous trap,

but trusting the Lord means safety.

Proverbs 29:25

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This is beautiful. So hard not to fear at times

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Lisa, I agree. If I let my mind wander into the "what-ifs" instead of keeping it on WHO is in charge, the fear can creep in. I love doing word searches in the Bible for victory, triumph, peace, recompense, etc...Here's something I wrote yesterday that has comforted me: "My Jesus is unfathomably patient, gloriously just, and wholly loving, yet He will recompense His enemies in due time and restore to the righteous infinitely more than has been lost." There's an image here:


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Of course, it’s also on my Substack…if you hate Facebook. 😀

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Thank you for the reminder about who is REALLY running the show!

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I have to preach to myself quite often. 😬

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Seems to me Dolly's video and all the narrative control is pretty easy to understand, the US tried to shoot the balloon down and failed. As usual, those in charge lied about it to cover up their own incompetence. All the stuff about the safety of people on the ground was an obvious lie. We are helpless to stop China from doing this any time it wants to with whatever it wants to. Who knows what they'll float over us next.

A trillion dollar defense budget and we can't stop a balloon. But we do ensure transgender military personnel aren't offended by using the wrong pronouns, and that our embassies fly rainbow flags. Sad to say that our military leadership has become a laughingstock. It's a national embarrassment.

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And our arsenal is being given away or left behind....

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The US itself has become a laughingstock. If Kamala becomes president, we will appropriately have a laughing hyena in charge.

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Kackle Kamla

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Kackling Komrade Kate

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Even if 🐪a is “in charge” she won’t be in charge. OHarris would be. She just reads teleprompters better.

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Yeah, I used the term “in charge” very loosely!

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How can we not hit a slow moving war blimp??? How is this even possible?? I can't wrap my head around it.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

Fighter aircraft can't fly that high so they can't simply buzz it and strafe it. Missiles have to have something to seek, usually a heat signature, RF emissions, or a radar return. If the balloon's signature is small then it would be difficult to hit, particularly if it's not made of radar reflective materials. The balloon may also have active countermeasures.

I'm not an expert here but the US is clearly lying about why it's still up there, the idea that the debris may hit someone on the ground is laughable. Montana is not New York City.

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F-15 can fly up to 100,000’

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It is not the ability but the will of the senior 'elites'. A problem that became abundantly apparent under Odumbo - rid themselves of true patriots and keep those sympathetic or in awe of the CCP, etc.

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Well at some point today it will start moving across the Atlantic (allegedly) 🍿

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It was shot down several hours ago.

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They lied about how high our fighters can fly and what our sensors can or cannot pick up. Those U2's flew above 70,000 feet and somehow the Ruskies had no problems picking them up in the 60's ...Whatever- that balloon traveled a couple thousand miles over US and Canadian errrr Cubandian airspace without a peep. So naturally we're supposed to believe that these harmless weather balloons are the cutting edge of stealth 🙄 and we have no tech to detect them? Oh yeah! Because global warming or something 🥰

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The military had better get hot on it then, and figure out a way to do it.

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They are too busy with 'priorities'.

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Ok I’ll try: For decades now American military hardware is designed to be expensive and complicated (for the most part) with the goal of siphoning tax dollars. Like the Pharmas and Banksters, there is well greased revolving door which keep the gravy train running. Examples: F-35, Zumwalt LCS (cancelled), Ford class carrier, Stryker. They are all boondoggles that wouldn’t last an hour in a near-peer conflict. Which brings me to my second point: 800+ military bases outside the country draining funds and making enemies does not benefit our nation at all. The BrettonWoods era is done. The sooner we realize it the better, but the parasites dictating policy are simply doubling down. Why? Because they are trying to crash the system so they can recreate our world in the form of NeoFeudal Technocracy. Sorry for the excess verbiage…..

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Actually, I appreciate your response.

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Yeah, if the Soviets could shoot down a U-2 at 70,000 feet in 1960, then we should be able to hit a balloon at 50-60,000 feet in 2023.

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Imagine the stealth tech those pesky balloons must have!! ohhhhh ahhhhhh

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We can. We won’t.

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We did!

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But only once it went thru the entire country 🙄

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Or stopping an incoming meteor.

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The US is world embarrassment. 🌎

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Our military seems to have contracted with the Acme Corporation of Wile E Coyote which would explain why it cannot spot down the balloon!

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To the point, that's one reason I subscribe.

Where was this blimp launched from? I am seeing information it originated from mainland China. That's a long way from Montana. If so 'we' should have been tracking this thing for days, and had a plan to deal with it. Again, if it was launched from mainline china, the route taken would have been over the Aleutian Islands. I was stationed at the end of the Aleutians (don't ask) in the mid 70's. I believe that was the United States then, and still is. The international date line went around that island to keep it on the same day as the continental US. We had two of the most expensive aircraft in the USAF inventory based there, along with super powerful stationary surveillance installations. This was all to keep an eye on Russia. To think the US didn't know of this slow moving non motorized aircraft is absurd. And if we didn't know, we are in much deeper trouble than I realized.

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Yeah, I was stationed on Adak at the same time. It’s always cloudy there though (real low clouds) so they would have to detect the balloon by radar. I think it was sunny about four days the whole time I was there.

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Thanks for your service Billy Bob, Adak was a 'big' island compared to Shemiya, the 2X4. That was the last stop for the bush pilots before my island. I remember just a handful of sunny days, and I will always remember the constant wind. Nothing taller than tundra grass could grow there for that reason. Every building had hand rails or ropes at the entrances/exits, with the slick surfaces and high winds you were lucky to keep your footing. But still, God Bless America!

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Yes, but when the sun did shine, it was very beautiful. Many different shades of green on all the small islands out in the ocean.

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Our Air Force spotted it over the Aleutian Islands days ago. We shot it down several hours ago.

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Someone (Fox analyst on the radio) claimed they had been tracking it since it left China. He said they could have/should have shot it down over the water before it passed over Alaska.

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They are perverted in more ways than one in their “leadership”

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The foolish ones are shamelessly trampling on the blood of those who came before. I used to be very supportive of our military and so very thankful for their sacrifice. My now 24yo son wanted to join the Air Force, but as time went on, we saw the destruction of the military, as well as of our country in general, and he went a different direction. My dad served in WWII, and I have multiple other family members who have served, but it is a different world now for sure. I don't know if you saw this some months ago when I shared it on here, so I'm sorry if it's a repeat. But it is the prayer of my heart!

Look Upon the Flag

When I look upon the flag

I think of liberty

Of lives lain down in sacrifice

To make a nation free.

Then I look upon the flag

And think how can it be

That I could be so blessed

That someone died for me.

Again I look upon the flag

And tears come to my eyes

As I think of all the freedoms lost

And hear our soldiers’ cries.

For what, they ask, do we risk it all

So a nation can trample our blood?

No! We serve, we die, to stem the tide

Of oppression roaring as a flood.

Look upon the flag, my people,

And see the freedom there

Remember what our nation was

And fall to your knees in prayer.

May God Most High restore this land

And bring us back to Him

And may our flag humbly wave

As a banner of freedom again.

—Janice Powell ©️2014

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Beautiful poem Janice, thank you for sending. Occasionally I am asked by a young parent my opinion on encouraging or not their child for military service. Every case is different of course, but generally my recommendation is no. If a young person is destined to be a NCO, as I was, I suggest a trade school. Skilled electricians, heavy equipment operators, welders etc. make a good wage and be rewarded by their accomplishments at the end of the work day. I love my country and would fight again if asked, to defend our home land, though at my age I would be a limited asset. I no longer trust our military leaders and Commander in Chief. If we are to engage in a battle on foreign soil I demand we follow the Constitution and have the action debated in Congress.

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Remember Smedley Butler's story. All Wars are Banker wars. Wars are essentially contrived in the basement of the Federal Reserve.

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Thanks for posting. And yes, times have so changed. So much so, that the only flag we put out on July 4th is the Appeal to Heaven flag, also known as the Pine Tree Flag.

The first link comes with some history. And by the way, the Appeal to Heaven flag was the first flag flown over the American fleet of six cruisers during the War of Independence. It is testament to faith in God alone.



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China continues to buy almost all of our fiscal debt. We owe them more than a few balloons.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

The significant thing is that the balloon IS in the news cycle. Oddly enough, even a mention of it in my trading platform propaganda news. And again, it's the old trick done over, and over, and over. LOOK! Balloon! Nothing Else To Be Seen! Not the DoD Ramstein AFB remark, 'limited window of opportunity. Not the Bakhmut impending disaster. Not impending collapse of the Ukrainian Army. Not the possible peace offer, reportedly refused by the Russians, and then reportedly totally denied by the US (and who knows). Maybe Distractions are the new wave in the New News Cycle.

And the minute is saw this Balloon Thing I thought ... maybe the New Normal is going to be, it's the Chinese, it's the Chinese, it's the Chinese. Maybe, just maybe, the Russians are in for a breather down the road? (Who know with this cast of crazy characters?) But the Ukraine Proxy War is not going so well. And from the get-go of the Sanctions, maybe the biggest miscalculation in the history of the United States.

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The gov finally shot down the balloon. I hope we are not headed for war. That would kick start our economy and maybe our rulers have decided that would give them power for a long time:(

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Great response...may I quote you?

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Interesting how Jab executive Jordan Walker admits the Depop Shot affects menstrual cycles. I’m sure it doesn’t improve the chance to get pregnant, but instead degrades it.

Note the video has been scrubbed off youtube, facebook, and instagram.

Whereas Rumble has pinned it to their front page.

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I cringe when I think of all the women who took these jabs while pregnant. Considering all the things OB doctors tell pregnant women to avoid these days, which is much more than when I had my kids many years ago, they're perfectly fine pushing an experimental concoction with zero long term safety data???

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I know a midwife who was pro jab. Now she complains of the 25% miscarriage rate in her clients. Hits the pocketbook, yet she still wears a mask. No dots connected.

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how can she not make the connection?

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That will always remain a mystery to anyone with critical thinking skills!

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My daughter's female ob/gyn tried to push it on her 3x during her pregnancy.

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These doctors need to be fired. I’m firing my allopathic doctor of 30 years and sticking with just my wonderful naturopath. Before I do though I’m going to ask if they are still recommending the jabs with what we know now. When they say “Yes of course” I’ll say “then I will be taking my healthcare to a practitioner with the ability to think for herself. I’m done with this office.” I’m not having my “vaccine status” on record with these idiots.

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That's what I did with my former primary care practice. I had not been in several years and they sent me an email a few months ago urging me to come in for a check-up. I wrote back and asked if they were still pushing the ineffective, unsafe shots or had they faced reality. I told them I could not trust a doctor who is still pushing these shots. They sent me a link to the hospital system's website, which had absolute lies. Unbelievable after all this time and all the evidence!

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You know, of course, they know their jobs and livelihood are on the line. How easily and quickly some people depart from their (ethical) consciences.

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My niece said several jabbed women in her circle have had premature births. Luckily she never got jabbed and refused the hepatitis shot for her new baby.

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Smart girl --praise God!!

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My unjabbed daughter still had a late preterm birth. So not everything is jab related, but she refused the hep B for the baby.

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Not necessarily unjab related--there's been a lot of strange things happening to women who are unjabbed but surrounded by the jabbed in everyday life. My sister is a massage therapist and shortly after she worked on a woman who had recently gotten the shot, my sister broke out in a weird rash. Her doc told her it looked like an autoimmune disease!! Scared her big time, so she did a detox and some natural supplements and got rid of the rash (and hopefully other problems!).

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She did have covid in her first trimester.

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I had the very same thing happen. Do you know what supplements she used?

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My daughter’s did too at every visit. We now have a beautiful baby boy who, thank God, has NO spike proteins ravaging his tiny body.

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Thank God she trusted her instincts--and her mom. 😉

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Angela - these Drs are truly sick

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Sadly, I dont trust them anymore. Physician assistants seem to be a bit more willing to brainstorm, discuss and respect.

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We know a PA who prescribed Ivermectin for her patient and she literally overdosed him 10x for his weight... (Trying to do the right thing....but she misread the dosing online). His MD friend caught it after he'd taken a few days worth and was not feeling real chipper. He asked his friend to check the meds he was taking. and bingo! The PA didn't catch the overdose, nor did the MD in the practice. Both are in their late 30's and it was her 84 yr old grandfather. It was the 70 yr old MD friend who caught the mistake, and lowered the dose. (So, three entities missed it; the compounding pharmacy, the PA and the MD). We always check those sorts of things but many folks don't... There are many smart PAs but I still want an MD I trust checking the answers...

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That is just frightening. It’s depressing to learn how not so smart our supposed smart doctors are....

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At some point these Doctors must pay.

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I've heard about spiking punch, but nothing crashes a party like announcing to all the ladies that their ovaries have been spiked.

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Same OB jab pusher tactic and my DIL fell for it. Hubby doc can’t see the problem either (!)

She just delivered a healthy (so far) baby but she has postpartum eclampsia and tingling/numbness in a leg the since day before delivery. They are in the hospital now. 😳

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I’m so sorry, but at least you tried.

I’m astonished how my own bright, good natured Doctors fell for the Big Lie as well. These aren’t stupid people but they obviously lack Wisdom.

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Those who are book smart don’t always have common sense. Of all people, it’s the doctors who I would think should be questioning “the science.” They haven’t asked enough questions FOR their patients and have opted to spread a narrative of an untested, new technology being “safe and effective” while allowing their patients to be Guinea pigs and suffering immeasurable harms. When all is said and done, I hope those who are cowards resign. If they can’t stand up for their patients, their patients should stand up and walk away from the cowards’ practices.

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I was aggressively challenged by one Specialist I fired over this very issue. She asked why I thought people in her profession were being duped. I told her the fact Medical Students must memorize and regurgitate information without critical analysis primes them for unquestioning obedience. Similar to an unused muscle, their reasoning skills were atrophied by design.

I remember how outraged she was when I informed her “I’m my own Doctor now.” I sent her an email a couple days later explaining I was no longer her Patient.

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Thank you. I’m sure the FLCCC can help. People thought I was crazy when I said what I thought caused it. I hate your sister experienced that but confirms I’m not crazy.

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Exactly, no cold cuts but take the DTAP, flu, and COVID vaccines, they’re perfectly safe. I’ll take my chances with a turkey sandwich and pass on your poison injectables which bypass my God-given immune system, thanks!

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i have 2 jabbed pregnant friends who both miscarried. 😢

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From the very beginning it was known, but you know "disinformation". 🙄

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The thing that constantly bumps me is that "Jordan Walker" is a doctor. When people started referring to "Pfizer Doctor's Project Veritas Video Scrubbed from the internet" I thought there was another video I hadn't seen yet. First of all, most of the sources usually called him a high level executive or employee at Pfizer, so there was that, but even after I had to verify it myself...this guy is a doctor.

The woke will think that I am being homophobic and racist here, but that's not it at all. It's the behavior of the person who is a doctor that was clearly unprofessional that bumped me. If I was doing central casting for a doctor, even one that was a research doctor, I would not hire this guy, because he failed the audition. I don't hear much in the way of empathy and compassion from him at all.

He speaks of things from more of an academic standpoint and doesn't appear to really consider the lives of the people he is experimenting on at all. And he is experimenting on people. You can emergency FDA approve anything you want, but when you sleep at night, know that you are conducting a worldwide medical experiment.

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Mengele was also a doctor.

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Mengele was also a Nazi, and already had a skewed view of what it meant to be a doctor. There is a difference here. I don't see anything inherently calculating and malevolent in regards to Walker. It appears to be a childish incompetence.

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I dunno.

Nazi stuff all began under the guise of public health and what was good for society. American medicine has been harping these as justifications for a lot of The Guidelines for quite some time. Ya wanna know why the chickenpox shot was justified? So parents wouldn't have to take two weeks off work and lose those wages and employers wouldn't have lost productivity. I am not making that up.

Statins may cause dementia and diabetes, but the definitely also lower cholesterol which is public health enemy #1, so we need statins in the water, if only we could do that. 🙄

So for Mengele, and admittedly I have not read any of his writings, if he left them, perhaps he quite naturally slid from public health into the death camps. I'm quite certain they had their own ways of justifying their evil to themselves.

I mean, we here in the US were justifying eugenics right up until the 1980s, if I recall. And there are currently a lot of folks who believe that those who have certain defects are better killed before birth than allowed to live, for the good of their families and society, as they cost too much financially and emotionally.

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I recently read an account of a doctor who worked with Mengele, and this doctor said Mengele justified experimenting on the Jewish people at Auschwitz by saying they would have been sent to to die directly otherwise, so he was helping them by keeping them alive. What a twisted mind to think that way 😡

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I guess there’s a (kind of) justification for anything if you have no core and no developed conscience.

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Yes, evil has no problem justifying itself 😕

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You are so correct. We are still doing eugenics now, eliminating those deemed "imperfect" before they are born. And don't forget that the satanic chicken pox vaccine actually contains embryonic stem cells stolen from an aborted child. So that we don't inconvenience the working moms, or slow down the cogs of production.

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I was trying to reply to Copernicus, not sure I did it correctly.

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I am no poster boy for maturity, but I think at least Mengele had some persona of professionalism. There appears to be no sense of even hiding or obfuscating what he is doing. Also, what kind of prospective date would be impressed by all this?

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Mengele was a doctor for the SS initially. Himmler appointed him to the position as chief doctor at Auschwitz in 1943. No morals, zero empathy, known to have fed his patients well...a sort of bizarre gesture considering he was killing them slowly or quickly depending on what he was using them for in his vast storehouse of medical experimentation. He escaped Germany and lived in Argentina until his death from a stroke in 1979.

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Lol, what kind ofndate would be impressed by this!

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When you know your company’s product is hurting people & yet do nothing about it, that is malevolence

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He’s woke enough for Pfizer and they won’t mind throwing him under the bus.

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But, is incompetence in this arena not to some degree “malfeasance” - no matter how small

It seems?

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Incompetent by design

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It is, but for some reason there is no effort to hide or even vet it.

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There’s a point where sheer incompetence meets malfeasance. Many of these types were (are) there. Think Fauci and J Kerry!

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What? It seems to me he certainly has the capability of stepping over the same edge Mengele did. All it would take is a nudge from one of his bosses....he's close enough!

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My point is, and am making it horribly, is that whereas some may come to that edge with rationalizations and reasons , I get the sense that he is only aware of the edge in an academic sense, that if there were no societal warnings against it, he would simply step or blunder over it.

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So is Fauci.

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It has been my sad experience over the past 40 years to not see any empathy from any Drs I have had the misfortune of seeing or taking my loved one to - they are abysmal.

However, we did FINALLY find one (a referral) in this 3 yr journey (a functional , integrated Internist MD of over 40 yrs in practice - who is stellar & cares.

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

I'm thinking you haven't had many personal/medical/professional interactions with "doctors." Finding one with empathy and compassion is almost impossible. Speaking of impossible, it was hilarious how Walensky caught herself and instead of saying that the problems with menstrual cycles and the vax was "impossible," she quickly but awkwardly replaced it with "improbable." What a hack.

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Isn’t it great that Jeff has us on guard now for “weasel words?!” (He’s the BOMB! Or maybe the blimp. 💭)

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I have had some professional run ins with doctors. Most of the ones I knew growing up at the very least were professional. Even the ones I came in contact with in 2015 were fairly professional. I think what probably happens is a lot of them get jaded as they know many of us will not change our lifestyles and a considerable amount of healthcare and 9 1 1 calls are due to lifestyle issues that could be averted.

I think this is different. This guy doesn't strike me as jaded, or world weary, but rather, young, childish, and incompetent. As if he thinks of us as "expendable collateral damage" to whatever it is he is doing.

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That is a very troubling comment to me. To describe a physician as rather, "young, childish, and incompetent" is frightening (most are in their early 30's when they finish residency training)! I've known many physicians, and while there are many who were/are probably egotistical, none were/are childish.... However, today's medical schools are pumping out very poorly trained, low performing, immature, crt, diversity trained students who are ill equipped to practice real medicine. MCAT scores were lowered. Grade requirements for medical school entrance were lowered. Medical school is now pass fail. Sadly, medical school is not what it used to be! Diversity is the new admission requirement. Book smarts and natural intellect are out, as is a high GPA. Moral, empathetic, respectful, honest, kind, etc are no longer required character traits. It's a 9-5, 5 days a week for many in residencies now. Those doctors who stayed caring for patients, when everyone was hurrying home are few and far between...not many want to put in the hours to do real, honest to goodness medicine. I heard one say the medicine she practices is "new," not like the old stuff..."we're way past that..." She was speaking of her own father's medical training.... He read the books, he never stopped studying, searching for answers. "Now we just open our ipad and look it up." Look up what? Whatever it is you type in? Even if what you type in off by a mile? Have a jab injury? "We don't see any, the vaccines are safe..." But I just got the vax and now have myocarditis... "Oh, you got that from a virus." 🙄 Probably 70% of today's physicians would have you believe that! Now, we do our own research...

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Sounded to me like she said implausible! Same difference though.

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Well said

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And he is just the type of person the Pharma companies want to hire. If there is compassion in their souls, then why would they want to be a part of wiping out civilization in such a devious manner? These companies research ways to kill people by making insidious products to put in our bodies, under the pretense they are trying to help us avoid sickness. If one is opposed to killing and causing suffering, then why would they want to work for the companies that want to wipe us out? Only sociopaths and psychopaths would be attracted to this work.

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Honestly, I don't think their intent is to kill us, just to make us customers for life (more $$ in that scenario!). Now the government/WEF... that's a whole different story!!

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Like a parasite/host relationship

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Something seems off about these PV videos with this very incompetent/unprofessional doctor, if he even is one. I thought he said in the earlier video he was not. We knew about the dangers to babies/pregnant women and menses issues right at the start. This is old news. Isn’t this also the tactic Bill G. used on females in Africa and elsewhere, through supposed tetanus vaccines, as noted in the new video by Dr. Andrew Wakefield? The shots there contained the hCG hormone which caused women to abort if they got pregnant. It seems this is a known tactic to screw up the reproductive systems. As well, at a part in the first video Walker said to his “date” how sometimes people get filmed by secret news places. Then the date gets back on topic and Walker says “oh, we’re talking about this again…” If he was already so suspicious and knew about these undercover tactics, how daft is he to fall for it himself? No discredit to PV but something is amiss here.

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Something is not just amiss here, that's the thing.

Things have been amiss for years. And the use of "staged" content is nothing new either. One could even conjecture that reality TV was introduced as a way to accepting this as "reality." It must be true, it has "reality" in the genre, right? I've heard stories about American Idol, for instance, that show all the limitations the contestants go through in order to get on TV.

The decoupling of reality from narrative has been occurring for a long time, so it is good to be skeptical of everything. Our default position should be skepticism. I felt as you did when I saw the video and the subsequent videos. "Surely a guy like this can't possibly have a job that high up at Pfizer." But here is the thing...there are plenty of anecdotal stories out there of people who were far down the food chain at big companies who thought, "once I get promoted up to an executive position, I'll find someone who truly knows what they are doing."

Except that it's not true. Heck, Bill Gates has a s-ton of money, but it still can't buy him a clue.

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Absolutely agree with what you’ve said here and wondered about those reality shows myself. Love the default position being skepticism. Amen to that!

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If anyone discussing Nazi doctors wants to see the evidence, here's a Substack of the transcripts of the doctors' trial at Nuremberg, published on the exact date it took place, separated by decades. Here's the introductory post:

"Dec 8, 2021

"About the Trial

"The Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial began seventy-five years ago in December of 1946 and ran through the summer of 1947. 23 defendants (20 of whom were doctors) stood trial for a variety of crimes against humanity: 7 were acquitted; 16 convicted. Of those convicted 7 were condemned to death by hanging, 5 to life imprisonment, and 4 sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging between 10 and 25 years in prison.

"After the trial, the judges crafted the Nuremberg Code, which has been called “the most important document in the history of the ethics of medical research. … It served as a blueprint for today's principles that ensure the rights of subjects in medical research.”1" [If only, right?--Fla Mom]


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I think he's a doctor like Fauci. 🤔

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My husband is a retired commercial pilot. We can’t even fly our light sport plane near a large city without special permission and electronic gear. This balloon thing is infuriating. People need to wake the hell up. What is next???

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Speculation says the balloon story is a NEWS propaganda vector for clamping down on civil aviation WHITE HATS capable of disrupting DAVOS operatives.

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DAVOS and all those complicit with it are the enemy.

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I've also been thinking that the whole blimp thing could be yet another psyop, an attention detractor from something else perhaps, or who knows what these criminals are up to now. Malone's article on 5th gen warfare today put my mind onto this track with the blimps.

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Consider this balloon shoot-down as a forecast for a US and global economy "event" including war. "Balloons" are famously used as western idioms to signal impending catastrophes. The Masons uses these signals to message their cult and cult observers. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/the+balloon+went+up

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That Pfizer guy also said it doesn't cross the blood brain barrier. I'm pretty sure my aunt who died 1.5 years ago from bleeding on her brain would disagree...

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Yes those LNP are teeny tiny and lipid soluble and will diffuse all over the body.

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My Aunt too! A year ago 😢

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Why did he say that? Because that it precisely what they DO.

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Right? They knew it would cross the barrier. Daily clout had addressed it.

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And a 21 yo female that I know just had surgery for 2 brain aneurisms. And she IS at least 3x’s vaxxed.

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Wow 😮

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It is my understanding that Dr. Malone developed mRNA specifically to pass the blood brain barrier...when used in cancer treatment. He said he was horrified to find that it was being used in "vaccines." So yes, it goes into the brain and they KNEW that when they decided to use it.

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Ironically, my husband had a certain brain operation in October 2020. We read the brain blood barrier thing in our research , so were not even considering it. The hospital where the surgery was done called him a few months later to offer him the privilege of being first to receive the miracle jab. Thank you, but NO thank you!!

Out of sheer curiousity, at his follow up visit to this top young neurosurgeon, he asked if he thought he should have the vaxx. Not surprisingly, he said yes because catching covid would be dangerous. Again, thanks, but no thanks.

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Wisdom is precious and you are blessed!

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It crosses the barrier. Other docs have said so. Sad that Walker doesn’t know - or says - gotta wonder if he would change his tune and flee Pfizer.

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Haven’t they been using it specifically for crossing the brain barrier in cancer patients, for quite a few years? Can’t remember where I read it.

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"Who does the military work for again?" Good question. I am totally unclear on this. I suppose getting all tied up in "Diversity Training" can be a bit of a distraction.

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Can we have just one day where our own government doesn’t lie to and gaslight us?

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Agreed! The master of lies has A LOT of people working for him.

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Hasn’t happened in my memory. And that goes back quite some years.

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From the link above and Dr. Malone here is quote that says it all

"Over the last three years, Western governments, non-governmental organizations, transnational organizations, pharmaceutical industry corporations, media and financial corporations have cooperated via public-private partnerships, which I assert is a euphemism for fascism, to deploy the most massive globally harmonized, psychological, and propaganda operation in the history of the world."


"...which I assert is a euphemism for fascism..."

We are cooked!

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Great talk, thanks for sharing!

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They lie.... For our "safety"

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That too would be in the neighborhood of make-believe.

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War blimp is over Taylors, SC this morning. My daughter filmed it over her house. It's clearly visible and recognizable as a balloon/blimp.

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I wonder if Ron DeSantis would assemble the National Guard to shoot it down if it makes it’s way over Florida? Would he be able to do that?

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THey probably wouldn't dare fly it over Florida and find out. Just like it wouldn't be flying over the US if we had a different president.

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I’ve wondered the same thing!

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Unbelievable. Let’s just let our enemies scan the whole US and have our own people say “Nothing to see here...”. 🤬

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No there, there.

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Chinese spy aircraft.

(There is no such thing as “civilian” in China, all is CCP or military.)

In US airspace.

Over US territory.

Act of war or at least aggression.

No action by US military, led by Commander in Chief, OBiden.

No prevention or capture of surveillance photos, videos and other info.

Act of treason.

All it would have taken at first sighting (no one was asleep at the radar screen) is the demand to get it out of there immediately;

Then give it a burst from jet wash to swat it out of the country and back to Canada/China. If it “popped” in the process would be a big oh well. We would clean up the debris for them.

The world lets them fly over Taiwan and they are emboldened to fly over the US. No opposition.

No one is asking the questions: is it manned? Why is there no action?

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Is it targeting red states? I’d love to see the reaction if it was over NYC!

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I love the explanation that they couldn't shoot it down over Montana as there is A LOT of Montana that is not densely populated. But...what about Alaska?? We knew it was over Alaska. Afraid of debris hitting a polar bear. The President of the United States is clearly compromised and a clear and present danger to National Security. He should be impeached and removed from office immediately.

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Only to get The Dimwit as President. Pretty depressing prospect either way.

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She doesn't have as many people in her pocket after his lifetime in the government. I think she'd be far less dangerous. I think very few people can be as dangerous as the Bidens' at this point. But, yes, she is as stupid as they come.

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And it has to be clear by now that the “President” is little more than a sock puppet anyway, so it doesn’t really matter.

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Until this morning I thought dimwit was worse than byedim? Did the sob surrender to the ccp and just forgot to tell us?

Why the media shutout regarding the video?

With AI and tictoc the ccp can tell everything about you from how you voted to what kind of serial you eat and now they fly a spy vehicle over our sovereign territory! I for one refuse to learn Mandarin. Let it get within Glock range and see what I do.

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Compromised! I'd take it to the final step the limit so to speak ...not compromised just CCP's agent running the USA.

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If it’s got a nuclear payload that would be very bad.

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Japanese tried to do this in WW2 to bomb the West Coast. They mostly failed. Tech is different these days.

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“Compromised” what a nice term for someone colluding with da “comm”unists ;)

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I know. I had 2 cups of coffee before reading this morning 😂

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His backup is worse.

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As a woman in her 50s, I know what heavier periods signal. So if this is what I think, and it is happening to women in their 20s and 30s, we’ll, we may end up missing a generation of children. And then what? I guess just fewer of us fighting over “ze bugs.”

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Agree. Same thought. We know 2 obgyn nurses in 2 separate hospitals, 2 separate cities. Both are seeing sky high number of still born babies. Both nurses are taking early retirement due to emotional distress. Cannot take all all the dead babies. That would be tough on anyone.

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As a former Reporter, I see no Local News is willing to touch these stories with a ten foot hypodermic.

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😭 God help us!

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That’s so sad 😞

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We tried to tell one of our daughters that and she didn’t listen. 😞

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Big ugh. So sorry. I feel for you & thankfully my daughter was 16 & had to listen to me (even though she stated it would have been “easier” to get the shot)

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A good lesson for her that what initially seems easier isn’t always easier or better long term.

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Unfortunately she is 19 and I couldn’t stop her. She always thought we were overreacting to everything.

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A bit ironic, considering that getting this injection is overreacting to the “danger” of Covid 😕 It’s too bad she didn’t see that the jab pushers are the ones overreacting, not you.

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But she didn’t. She will thank you.

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My friend’s daughter had to get the shots to attend college. The daughter actually said at the time “I hope this doesn’t make me infertile because I really want kids.” Time will tell.

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Thats very sad. My nanny refused to get it because she didn’t want to

risk infertility. She even put off “her life” because a school wouldn’t let her in without it.

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Good for her! She can make up for lost school time, but not for lost children.

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They manipulated a whole generation. 😞

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should have taken a gap year or gone for the rel exemption It's hard to see when you're young that nothing in the world is worth losing your health over and what sometimes seems like it will never end, often 'trends" and then is over is 3-5 years.

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Unfortunately her parents are jabbed so she had no one to help her defer.

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I read yesterday that women in NURSING HOMES started bleeding after the jabs...so, it affects any age female... And that is beyond bizarre and frightening!

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My friend who was in menopause and never got the shot, started bleeding again due to all her interactions with those who took the shots. The scope of evil this encompasses is truly heart wrenching. Stay close to God pray without ceasing. He is our light in this darkness.

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An excellent podcast which helps me immeasurably: Getting to Know Your Bible.

I read the Word after I have my morning coffee and sort through my various Substack subscriptions. The only antidote to the daily despair of life.

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Amen - God will see us through, one way or the other. Thanks for the podcast info!

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And this is exactly why I refused to let a nanny in my house who was jabbed!!!!!!!!

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Smart 😉

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That truly is frightening! I mean, not only are the nursing home women OLD (no offense meant) but many of them are physiologically frail. So uterine bleeding is the very LAST thing one would think would be getting somehow revved up again.

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Yes, a neighbor of my mom (80+ year old) had bleeding after vaccination. At that age, they just assumed cancer and went straight to a hysterectomy. But the biopsy showed no cancer. Baffling.

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Yup it’s affecting the brain. My guess is a huge increase in dementia is coming.

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Just found out my aunt 74 has breast cancer. She is jabbed. surgery next week

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

😞 I’m so sorry. I have two people from my running groups (relatively young, late 40s, early 50s, I think) fighting cancer right now 😞

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Ugh between the cancer and autoimmune issues and fertility problems and this, seems like we are going to have a lot of issues to deal with in the future for those who took the injections 😞

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We already do now with autism rates...again thanks to too many unnecessary jabs.

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I agree but I think it’s getting much worse 😞

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Except for the few people who have not taken the shot and our children who don’t have it!

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Oh now I see the blimp...it says on the side "Made In China".

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You just won the comment contest! 😂

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Those pesky menstrual cycles!! At least they used the word "women" in the news clips.

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Oh oh, they are insulting certain women wannabes.

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When the jab first came out, there was a warning (out of England) that the vaccine was contra-indicated for pregnant woman, woman who were planning to conceive in the next two years and people with autoimmune issues. That warning disappeared within a week to a month, replaced by the mantra that "the vaccine is totally safe for everyone". So they knew in advance (or had a pretty good idea) that it could mess with reproduction and the immune system. I wish I had taken a screen shot of the warning, but I was naive as to how fast they would rewrite history...

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Yes, the shot was never even tested on pregnant women or the imunocompromised. But they were the first to get the shots. I guess that was the testing.

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