With the Israeli war we are witnessing an all-encompassing scripted narrative unfold in real time. A single entity is puppeteering both sides of the world chessboard, while the fifth column fourth estate spins tangled webs of counterfeit fabrications from artificial provocations and the powers that shouldn't be siphon off assets and pour stolen treasure into their coffers which were supposedly lost or spent in this war theater or that.

Like a violent encounter between an archduke and an anarchist in Sarajevo, 911, & the plandemic simulacrums, a facsimile of reality is being sculpted before your eyes, the end goal of which will be horrific beyond comprehension. This one's for all of the remaining marbles, and we must expose this endgame stage-play or all that we love will be carried away.

No, very little of what you are witnessing is real, but the unholy contrived consequences very much will be.

Facsimile Reality & Atrocity Propaganda - Three Lies Being Told About Hamas-Israel War: https://bitchute.com/video/KSgwc9x1Yh9U [1:18mins]

Withdraw your trust and consent. Deploy your discernment. Follow the money. Spread the word.

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When the scamdemic started, I thought I was the only one who did not believe any of it. None of my family agreed with me. I lost all friends and some family relationships because I chose to speak up for what I believed in and to question the narrative. I felt completely alone, betrayed, angry, hurt, and shocked at the people who pushed me away, but I never doubted myself that I was right while remaining open to proof, which never came, that I might be wrong.

Now as I sat with my dad last night, he is buying the whole darn narrative. I said something is wrong here. It does not all add up. And once again, world events are pushing us apart because he believes and I DARE to speak up against the narrative. Something is happening, but it's not what we're seeing IMO. Like the scamdemic, if I am proved wrong, I will admit it. But for today, I'm going with my conscious and gut instincts.

This is a very lonely and sad place and you'd think I'd have gotten used to being here during the scamdemic, but it still hurts. If it was not for Jeff and the C&C commenters I would not be sane. Glad you all are here!

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Thank you for writing this FourWinds, I think many of us here experienced much the same and, as you say, without a community of friends who understand us, weathering these storms would have been far more difficult. Two inspirational quotes come to mind from your heartfelt and eloquent words:

"A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if no one believes it" โ€”Unknown

"It doesnโ€™t matter what the press says. It doesnโ€™t matter what the politicians or the mobs say. It doesnโ€™t matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. Republics are founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe in. no matter the odds or consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:

โ€œNo. You move.โ€ โ€”Mark Twain

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Discernment is God given.โ€œDo not conform to

the pattern of

this world, but be

transformed by

the renewing of

your mind. Then

you will be able to

test and approve

what God's will is

- his good,

pleasing and

perfect willโ€

Romans 12.2

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"No. You move." YES. Thank you for sharing those quotes.

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023

Wish I had known Samuel Clemens! In my youth, I got to know him so much as Mark Twain that I actually miss him now. His political comments were just as good as his fiction. He was a vocal critic of American imperialism.

Come to think of it, Twain is like the literary version of a Norman Rockwell painting.

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He was one of the best, imo. If alive today - he would be RIPPING THIS UP!

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I visited Clemens' home in New England on a bus tour in 1993 - you could still slightly smell the "fragrance" of his cigars--LOL! He had some great sorrow in his life that most people are not aware of. But he was a staunch soul and decried stupidity and inhumanity in his own unique writing style! You do know the story about him and Halley's Comet--don't you?https://www.reference.com/science-technology/connection-between-mark-twain-halley-s-comet-d8fac48582f1426d

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In with the comet / out with the comet.

Great writing is certainly no accident - what a clever man!

Took a Uni course that was all about him - incredibly enjoyable.

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I had forgotten that. Thank you.

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Twain was one of the smartest ever- and he used humor & satire to break through people's inherent trance state, which resulted in their blindness to what was right in front of them!

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A favorite quote:

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

- Mark Twain

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Yep. He is paraphrasing Proverbs. โค๏ธ

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I too thought I was alone, but turns out I was alone in my current circle only. Found a new circle. I miss some of the folks from the old one, but many were hanging from a thread after the 2016 election anyway. And more are awake than you may think. I am known to strike up random conversations with strangers, and been having a lot of good conversations lately.

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Amen. Like you I was wasting my time and life with my old circle. I found I did not truly know them or myself. I do now. A real blessing indeed. โค๏ธโœ๏ธ๐Ÿ™

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Yes, some I was holding on to due to nostalgia more than shared values and interests. I 'knew' that but 2020 made my vision clearer on that for sure.

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I have heard some recent prophets state that God was going to be separating people that are no longer beneficial to us, sounds like the 2016 and 2020 scamdemic took care of that and another prophecy (recent) fulfilled!

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Sifting for sure.

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the "wheat and the tares" have been separated for any who have eyes to see.

the "tares"are being burned away daily. stay on the good road, and do not despair

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You know, I was having a 'wondery' about that very matter (your second line) this morning before rising--my best time for thinking.

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Me too! But it is actually the other way around for me. Not sure why so many strangers talk to me about these things. I must have a "trusting" face.

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I honestly understand how you feel. It is beyond sad! It is hard to phantom how our loved ones, who are fairly intelligent can be so deluded. Keep praying, and asking God to remove their blindfolds, so that they may see and hear, the truth. Praying for you. I too, am so grateful for C&C and like minded friends.

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That's probably why it's helpful to read books about advertising, propaganda, mind control, and even 'Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People.

Probably a good idea to also read "Nudge"--but don't let it nudge you!--just to see how *they* think and operate. (But don't buy it, otherwise you're supporting Cass Sunstein of the Obama crowd!)

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I loved reading "The Black Hole of Guyana" about Jonestown and "The People's Temple". The intel agencies have their fingerprints all over that one.

I like to tell people that "Not everyone who ran for the jungle made it. A lot were shot but NOBODY who chose to stay lived".

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Sounds eerily like Lahaina.

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Unfortunately the deluded ones think the same about us ๐Ÿ˜•.

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Has anyone applied for a job recently where you felt you were denied because you were not covid vaxxed??? Although it is not legal, today one must apply digitally, checking the box to allow access to your personal information. Interviews go well, but for some unexplained reason, the reply is we can not move forward with your application. Has anyone else had this experience? Your response is appreciated.

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I had a someone reach out to me regarding my resume, the position was for Opthamology front desk/ registration work. When I told her I had not taken the jab she told me that was a deal breaker and proceeded to hang up on me. I can only imagine what it must be like working for that place.

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Ophthalmology.... they cannot deny you employment for being unvaxxed. It's none of their business if you've been vaxed or not. Hubby was recently told if he didn't get the flu vax he'd have to wear a mask at the hospital. His reply... "Good luck with that!" No one that refused the flu vax has started to wear their "mask of shame."

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PRAISE JEHOVAH - there are some COURAGEOUS patriots in our world today!! Thanks, Maggie!!

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One of my all time favorite sayings?

"Rejection is God's Protection"

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Thanks for your reply. I think it is a deal breaker and they are getting around the legalities by claiming other reasons or not giving one at all.

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Well, 'they' have done this for years/ decades any way. Discrimination on the basis of a,b,c,x,y,z is prohibited by law. So what did James O'Keefe show us? A public school principal caught on video, explaining how he manages never to hire people of religious disposition or 'older' (because if older, less malleable).

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You would think the unvaxxed with an intact blood brain barrier would be the best candidate. As more people and brains deteriorate...and they are, there will be a shift. CHEMICAL LOBOTOMY- THE BRAINS OF THE VAXXED WILL SLOWLY DETERIORATE https://www.bitchute.com/video/j2SOlbeoskvC/

However, the unvaxxed are in demand in some ways. I mentioned this before, but my 30 yr old daughter said that there are people willing to pay over 10k for unvaxxed eggs and up to 5k for sperm. It is disgusting but true.

It is morally very wrong IMHO.

You can't keep producing blood clots in your body and live. If you did get the jab, I am sorry and you must detox. I would personally use MMS. See below for info.

Watch: Theuniversalantidote.com

Free PDF book: https://www.jahealthadvocate.com/uploads/2/4/5/9/2459046/mms_health_recovery_guidebook_1_october_2016.pdf

How to get it and a trusted source.


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Thanks. I copied for further review.

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It is good for just about everything. I have seen it work on regular infections and even my pets. But I told and aquaintence about it who had his days numbered and was in serious meds to survive. He did research for a month then did the protocol and I saw him a year later at a conference and not only is he completely healed from this incurable infection. He takes no meds for anything now and has medical data tracking improvements.

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Morally very wrong indeed. 40 year old daughter in Can. told me on Tuesday of someone who has been a surrogate mother (more than once, I believe). To which I replied that I see that as prostitution--selling of the body--and slavery--selling of the baby. 2nd thought--is it vaxxed who want unvaxxed eggs/sperm? Or unvaxxed who suffer infertility (which returns us to pre-2020).

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Yes. Digital application as well. I had to confirm I was vaxxed. If not, I had to confirm whether I would or request an exemption. Then ironically at the end of the appl, it stated "we do not discriminate on basis of blah blah"..but I sure felt discriminated. Never recd contact despite 23 years experience in that field.

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Close call--something better for you. ๐Ÿ™

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My thought exactly. Something better is out there.

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Thanks Michelle.

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Same here. My family is kinder than most, Iโ€™m still allowed to attend family gatherings, as long as I accept my Uncle Fester status.

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Save my kids' weddings in 2021, we have not been having big extended family get togethers on my side -on my late dad's side, my uncles are all out of town and in precarious health, so they no longer travel, and on my mom's side it is pretty 50/50 between the awake and the sheep, and it's just been inertia - I see the ones I want to see and since the planning of these gatherings had fallen to me the past decade, I just didn't bother since 2020. I don't want to hear about what precautions I should have taken and such. But I am having an 85th birthday party for my mom next month. Should be interesting to see if WW3 breaks out when the crowd is gonna be a mix. My hubby's side is all awake, they are conservative and rural and never liked the government anyway.

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I think we have to accept that life is forever changed and do our best to be grateful for our blessings. Growing a thick skin and learning not to be defensive or reactive has been challenging but has also brought about a new found strength. I wish you a lovely day celebrating your mom.

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great observation; i agree

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The party for your mom will be a test case of sorts. You have to report back to us!

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Oh I am sure there will be some stories...Not having any alcohol so that might help?

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good luck with that ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Have funnnnn!!!

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I never "obeyed" the flu shot mandate throughout my life - but I never knew how EVIL our governmental people really are--they honestly believe they are "gods unto themselves". A "pox" on them all!!!! (forgive me Jesus).

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Well, he was known to get angry and call names--at least once.

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I do so appreciate your final sentence! America in 17 words.

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yes, I married well...hubby comes from a long line of hard working, salt of the earth, No BS folks.

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My young great nephew was excluded from a family gathering because he was unvaccinated! His mother, my niece was already cut out of the family but now theyโ€™ve excluded her son. Sad.

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We had a big family reunion this summer. Hosted by a "No Jab for Us, thanks" awesome lady. Most every one in our family (both sides) is unjabbed (thank you God) but you can be certain that even the poor deluded jabbed relatives were invited. Funny how that is. Always is.

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The vast majority of my extended family is unvaxxed. Weโ€™ve always been strong conservatives and leery of the government. My mom is 93, lives independently and is doing well and has never had any vaccines in her entire life!

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Julie, your mom sounds like the poster child for the unvaxxed!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

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I must admit, I've had my share of vaccines over the years--but NEVER the flu one and certainly not any of the "biologics" that are running rampant in "huge pharma world"!!

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Thank you for that--your mother is just 20 years ahead of me, and I (and husband) want to be in her camp!

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Yeah. The unvaxxed are the tolerant ones. My entire family, extended too, are unvaxxed. A real blessing indeed.

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That's unheard of in these parts, ma'am ๐Ÿค 

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So sad!

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My MIL did not want my sons girlfriend, now wife to come visit because she was unvaccinated! They have chosen to live their final years out like this. So sad!

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Jpeach, I just pictured myself at the next family get together as Uncle Fester ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ more like grand mamaw, but whoโ€™s checking ๐Ÿ˜‰

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They get "all their vaccines", boostered &...., they wear a mask (maybe TWO!!), they socially distance - and still feel UNSAFE.

ok, WHAT is wrong with this picture ?

perhaps....... something, or SEVERAL somethings, just do NOTHING ??

Yet, they keep on keepin' on. Clown World.

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Never liked clowns of any sort--and the clowns we have running the governments of the world are SADISTS!! Not funny people at all!!!

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That word "allowed" has triggered me. Was there some kind of vetting process? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Fourwinds, I am like you ... My cognition and my heart tell me there is something amiss but it is a long lonely road to stand my ground. I am blessed with a few family members who either agree with or tolerate me. I am not alone but if I was, I would hope to have your courage! You are strong and beautiful, am inspiration to people like me.

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I have many of the same thoughts and feelings. We are not alone. Sadly, we canโ€™t just pick up the phone and call each other.

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But we get together every day (in a sense). Some people don't even have that!

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I hear you. It is a hard journey, day by day, wondering what is wrong with everyone. Why can't they see something is not right? The answer is they are blind and cannot see. I despaired for a while. Now I feel blessed that the scales have dropped from my eyes and thank The Lord every day for His Grace. The Lord is strengthening our mettle for the upcoming days. ๐Ÿ™ โœ๏ธ

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I feel much the same.

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The narrative is easy. Always remember that!

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023

FourWinds - Right there with you!!

To this day, I have never heard from a single former friend or family member, confirming even ONE thing that I told them as true. Even though by now it is more than self-evident.

Crazy thing is, I kinda knew what was coming (in a backwards sort of way). In 2019 I was reading about all of the shot mandates for kids to go to school. The doctor writing about it also wrote about the 1986 act, and how the majority of such rules/mandates were being pushed by democrats. I thought that was horrible, though as I don't have children, kept my mouth shut. (Figured that battle was in the realm of parents.) Then the same doctor wrote a followup post, finishing with "... and they are coming for the adults next." A chill went down my spine at that point, though I couldn't figure out *how* they could possibly "come for the adults." Then 2020 happened.

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Have you seen that YouTube video of Bill Gates making a presentation at the TED conference in I believe it was 2016--and he flat out stated that "Along with vaccines and our healthcare system we will achieve NET ZERO CARBON EMISSIONS!! In other words...we're doing to ERADICATE a lot of human beings (along with all plant life)--oh wait...that's right...we'll be dining on SOY BEANS AND GERANIUM PETALS IN THE "BRAVE" NEW WORLD!! No meat!!! If you haven't seen it....I saw it about 2 1/2 years ago and it chilled me to the core!

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That man must be possessed or so mentally far gone that he is totally out of reality. Luckily, that plays in our favor as no one with a tenth of a brain listens to that moron.

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Unfortunately, Four--guess what kind of people are "governing" the world now...BRAINLESS, GODLESS people full of themselves and their "superiority" to WE THE PEOPLE!! Gates is one of the "poster people" for the elitists!!

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When I was reading an article about how CA is allowing illegals to become police officers (but ran into a snag because they could not own guns) I first thought "another lurch toward depravity." Second thought was "I wonder if Jeff is covering this story". Yep, CnC the keeper of sanity the reporter of INsanity.

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they're doing the same thing in Chicago - boggles the mind. Get out while you can. The AP ran this story in August -- the illegals have to be "authorized the work" - meaning the city just says, yeah, you can work. AND they have to OWN THEIR OWN GUN. What the WHAT????? Yeah, sure, be illegal, work illegally and own an illegal firearm, because if you're here illegally, you are not supposed to be able to legally own a fire arm. Can you imagine a police force comprised of illegals owning illegal fire arms? https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-immigration-illinois-daca-boebert-desantis-968521926686

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YES--it smacks of the WILD, WILD WEST--remember all the "desperados" in those Westerns we enjoyed watching as kids (back in the '50's and '60's)??

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Not only that but US armed forces recruiting foreigners with citizenship as the carrot.


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That is not new. I worked with intl students who sought military enlistment as a way to US citizenship. They had to prove they had a skill that would be useful to our military. Most tried to be translators. Over several years, only one student, from Korea, was accepted.

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Remember that Elijah the Tishbite thought he was alone. 1 Kings 19:9

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I recalled the Elijah in depression passage of Scripture on this forum a few weeks ago--and Yahweh reminded Elijah there were tens of THOUSANDS of Jewish people who had NOT bowed their knees to the false god, baal!

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023

" A single entity is puppeteering both sides." A determined, focused entity that has a small army in every corner of the world, made up of very clever bad actors who have mastered the art of instilling hatred, revulsion, and disgust in all peoples everywhere for anyone who is not a carbon copy of themselves, pitting one population against the other. Friends against friends. Family against family. We have seen it. We have done it. How many people are still picking and choosing based on the neither safe, nor effective covid jab/mask lies?

These armies have little actual "work" to do themselves--they fire the first shot, then let us eat our own.

How do we win when we don't even know who we are fighting?

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We are fighting principalities.

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How do we fight a principality?

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Ephesians 6:12 and context.

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We are fighting the "prince of this world"--the Bible tells us that Lucifer is calling the shots right now--the ULTIMATE power is Yahweh--and He is waiting for the perfect moment to send His son--who THIS time will NOT be a baby in a manger--but the WARRIOR KING--YESHUA!!

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Thank God for the discernment that he has blessed you, me and C&C readers with! Hard to believe how many are still duped.

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To thine own self be true. Don't change.

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Four Winds,...We are here!

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The Israel attack occurred a day ahead of RFK Jrโ€™s Oct 9 AM speech before an enormous crowd in Philadelphia to Declare his Independenceโ€™ from Democratic Party. My immediate thought Saturday upon the news was a distraction to be sure no one paid attention. Would the nefarious factors do this? The timing is too suspicious.

Nonetheless, $11M in contributions poured in that day.

Over half of American voters are registered independent. The time is ripe.

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But RFK,Jr is going along with the MSM narrative about the "attack on Israel". I was very disappointed in his response after all he had said about exposing the perpetual war machine of the Military Industrial Complex. This "attack on Israel" is a classic MIC maneuver, but no one dares question the "official" story for fear of being labeled anti-Semitic. I have lost all my faith in him.

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Never ever put your faith in people. They will always let you down. Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. He is our hope.

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I noticed this too ... and the rest of them falling all over the god-state of Israel ... the political class nearly one and all. The Power above all Powers is very, very powerful and by them the United States is a captured state.

As I was pondering The Attack, the most recent one, and in particular pondering who and what might be involved. And then I realized that London, Brussels, Washington and Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are just 'offices' out of which 'they' work, the ones who are responsible for all our misery. And the rest of us are just slaves and cannon fodder ... expendables if you will.

Some may think such voicing is harsh, extreme and overwrought. But all the bowing down, fawning and falling over themselves of the Western political classes says otherwise.

We must always stand with Israel. But never for ourselves. Life is unfair.

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023

I saw it reported in Forbes magazine, as an estimate, that the Rothschild family dynasty is worth $500 trillion. You read that right - 500 Trillion dollars. But no one really knows. Maybe it's twice that. They finance all wars - for both sides - going back 7 generations to the 18th century. They do not marry outside the family. I cannot think of a more lucrative business model. They finance huge national debts for the warring nations and then are guaranteed repayment through the governments taxing of their citizens to pay for the loans. WWI and WWII was a two-fer, actually just one long continuous war, the second one being caused by the first one. They control the Bank for International Settlements which in turn controls all the central banks of the world.

As you said, the capitals of the world are just "offices" out of which the cabal works that are responsible for our misery. These are just my poor guesses but the cabal that I see is an unholy trinity of the Rothschild family through the BIS, the British Crown through the City of London and the Vatican. If you follow the money, these three are the repository of all the ill-gotten wealth of the planet. This is the "root of today's evil". The rest of the world are just their pawns.

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The Rothschilds were given the land that is now Israel via the Balfour Declaration in 1917. Why were they given this land? In exchange for getting the US involved in WWI. The Germans wanted an armistice but not enough profit had been made from the war, so the US was dragged in to prolong the war and make more money. Look up the Balfour Declaration and read for yourselves.

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Makes sense. WWI was about burned out and ready to die but when the US entered the conflict, that was like pouring gasoline on the embers.

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I think that this as you state is basically right until proven otherwise. I think this in the main even though I cannot prove it and some of it is totally nuts, illogical as to the fall of the West. And yet, I saw photos of a Rothschild party and the whole thing had a Satanic look to it. New York, Vatican and City of London etc. basically right. Plus Israel. I think there are more families involved inner circle and maybe a few thousands of outer circle wealthy families scatter through various countries of the world. No single person or family whoever extended can do it all.

It was the Banco Ambrosiano scandel that began to make me think that there was actually something to this idea. Remember how Roberto Calvi end up dead in 1982 dead, dangling underneath the Black Friars Bridge in London? Steal from the Cabal and it's a capital offense, I guessing.


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I'd say that is a pretty good guess. And a publicly displayed execution as a warning to anyone else who has ideas to play outside the lines.

Satanism always seems to be the religious undercurrent associated with these people. Hollywood has conditioned us to view Satanism as a Halloween fantasy but to these people it is their motivation and justification. Besides the Rothschild's displaying Satanic practices, I have seen ceremonies of the British Crown that are Satanic in nature and I've even seen Vatican practices that are morally repugnant and symbolic of Satanism. I'm sure that is mild compared to what goes on out of sight. And people called Alex Jones a conspiracy nut!

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The Military Industrial Complex plays both sides for its own benefit and never cares a whit for human life and decency. The innocent citizens of any war torn country are the ones who suffer, no matter what their nationality or religion.

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Too many conservatives are still tied to propaganda media like Fox or Newsmax. It is nonstop. They have lost the ability to be discerning or reason any longer. I have held the propaganda media responsible for all of this mess.

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Israel controls US politics. If youโ€™re going to make a serious run your going to have to kiss the ring, or bend over or whatever.

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He's NOT his Dad, that's for sure.

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Watch no media. Look for your news in areas of truth like conservative blogs or conservatives on Rumble

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I don't believe Kennedy is a big enough threat -- YET. But he is in for a lot of dirty tricks and sabotage as his strength grows.

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This is all a build up to the upcoming non-election.

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Among Bidenโ€™s enormous troubles...

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023

Yes, it has been clear from the start that we are being lied to regarding this event. Those who should know better have been treating unverified claims with zero skepticism.

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Seems to be an ongoing trend. Par for the course.

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I got this this morning and found it most interesting. As the IDF is bombing the shit out of Rimaldi, and I think "why did they do something to provoke such a known power who would respond this way? And where are their mothers?!" It was a good one for sure.

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Yes! That very sentiment is missing from many conversations. Why would a chipmunk pick on a bear? That doesnโ€™t happen in nature. Hamas knew they would be writing the end of their story. Why were they willing to do it? THAT is the question that needs to be asked because the answer leads to absolute truth.

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Islamic women are way down on the list with the family dog. A mother means nothing to them and women have little rights. It is a very dark religion starting with muhammud.

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023

People need to start embracing what I have been saying for years. Virtually everything the government or MSM says that is not easily verifiable is a lie. Stop believing anything they say, and do no allow yourself to become frightened, shocked, or outraged by their propaganda. The BS baby beheadings, Assad gassed his own people story, The Russians did it, you name it, it's all designed to manipulate your emotions and behavior.

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Boom! Youโ€™d think many would have learned after covid and all the fake crap put out there, all the censoring, the fear porn, and the inevitable turn arounds, months and years later, but they keep going for the same stuff over and over again.

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Yes ... think with the head or else be manipulated by the emotions.

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Discernment and innocent human life. The 2 things lost in today's world.

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It's like an onion. So many layers of subterfuge, psyops and lying. Tptb do not care about Israeli, Palestinian or for that matter any human lives. Sick an evil.

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Oh the tangled webs they weave

When at first they began to deceive

But after they've practiced quite awhile

How vastly they've improved their style

โ€”Sir Walter Scott

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My mother's favorite poem about the Democrats (decades ago!)

She was an astute political and geopolitical observer.

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tptb? (hard to know all abbreviations). Thanks.

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the powers that be ๐Ÿ‘

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Evolving rapidly, I hope, to tptsb โ€“ the powers that shouldnโ€™t be.

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They already are TPTSB. They need to become TPTA (The Powers That Aren't).

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Gotcha! Yes thise demonic human powers that shouldn't be.

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I like to call them the powers that wannabe

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I am shocked. Lol. ๐Ÿ˜‰ lying is all our government does.

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Thanks for this perspective and the historical context reminder.

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Well written, thanks.

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Excellent Posting.

I thought I left a reply but maybe it did not save due to browser problems. But in short, these three lies are more than enough to establish that it's a 911-style false flag event. And also that the Five Eyes Empire is involved because the Captured Media in unison ran with this ... same as they did with the C19 Global Pandemic bio-weapons attack.

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โ€œNo, very little of what you are witnessing is real, but the unholy contrived consequences very much will be.โ€

This is the most sensible truth Iโ€™ve seen yet!

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$Trillions in GAZA Offshore Oil and Gas Reserves and "New Middle East" Agenda is Central to Israel's Virtual "9/11" Event With HAMAS (aka Mossad).

The unbelievable MSM claim that Hezbollah (and presumably IRAN) approves of the GAZA attack on Israel is in serious question since Saudi Arabia and Iran normalized relations on March 10, 2023. https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/trillions-in-gaza-offshore-oil-and

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Not having a TV, and not watching a lot of streaming "news," etc., I only happened to see a share of a clip of Nikki Haley screeching that it's a "war on us, too!" The hype reminds me very much of 1990, in the run-up to Operations Desert Shield/Storm, because Iraq had invaded Kuwait. Did we really need to deploy 500,000 troops then, or could, possibly a Special Operations/SEAL Team or two have done enough of the job? And what about those nearby nations? Could they do nothing? What about those nearby nations now? Have they no interests at stake that might prompt them to take public action? At least in 1990 Congress debated and voted whether to go. Now it's just 'gin up hysteria and claim we're under attack.'

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Now that The Narrative is discernably unraveling, it remains to see if this story can be sustained, or how it can be elongated, and what blow back issues from it.

Longer time, this new Israeli 911 apt to be entered into the Annals of Clown World ... and as just another US policy failure because it does zip to alter the predominately stronger forces now controlling ... like BRICS Plus for example. The more intelligent in the governments of the world will see this Israeli caper for what it is. They may not say out itloud, but they will note. And credibility will further abraid.

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With such confidence, you assert this is a lie. Before God, I hope you have confirmed such a powerful position as you are asserting and using to influence the thinking of others.

Iโ€™m sure BLM and our Marxist Universities applaud you.



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From your first article: UPDATE: The White House had to retract statements made by Joe Biden where he lied that he had seen โ€œconfirmed pictures of terrorists beheading childrenโ€ in Israel.

A spokesperson later clarified to The Washington Post that Joe Biden had not actually viewed these images. Instead, his comments were founded on claims from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and media reports detailing a horrific event at the Kfar Aza kibbutz in southern Israel.

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I've seen reports (available publicly, not insider knowledge) from multiple sources that the 'beheading' story has not been confirmed. According to an Israeli journalist...During a media tour of the initial attack, reporters were allowed to speak directly to Israeli soldiers. One soldier 'told' one reporter that he saw 40 beheaded babies. No photos or any evidence provided at that time, just verbally said by a man who is known in the area for inciting violence, according to one report.

Has anyone ever heard of the 'Babies on Bayonets' psy-op reports from WWI?

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Which doesnโ€™t mean it didnโ€™t happen. The fog of war is very foggy.


This might interest you. The Israeli government being extremely corrupt and dangerous to its own citizens (much like the situation we have here) does not take away from the pain and horrors suffered by the Israeli people. Your denying that the horror occurred only adds to the pain.

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But it's a helluva way to get the rabble rabblized!

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Itโ€™s one group within the US controlling both sides (good vs bad) of the narrative.

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023

TriTorch ... and TriExcellent posting. I suspected that the truth would come out on these stories. And when I heard the Fab Forty tale of beheaded babies I immediately thought of the Iraqi Incubator Story and the Iraqi Washington Ambassador's lying daughter acting out on camera.

So now we have THREE fake planted media stories ... and that is more than enough to conclude that this is an orchestrated Israeli false 911-style event, and with the caveat that false flags do not mean innocent people were not killed. And we know that Israel and the United States don't care how many innocent people get whacked, sliced and diced if it is for 'a good cause' (911, USS Liberty, C19, among others).

Now that we know this, we may expect further unraveling of The Narrative. However, and with say ... NYT stories planted and later retracted, the inestimable damage is done. The Dummies of World have been infected and infested with The Narrative. Just look at C19 to see how this will work. The silver lining is that the intelligent rest of the world behind Walk-Away and BRICS Plus will not be fooled and the trend line in motion will only grow. In the very long term, this caper will be another US Clown World policy failure because it does little to reverse massive US domestic and foreign systemic failure. Israel, however, gains two fold. Greater control over Gaza tacks down rights to the immense off shore gas reserves.

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TriTorch, that was a Pousse-Cafรฉ of a post! Many layers of complex flavors and colors, and when consumed in its entirety knocked me out! ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅโšก๏ธโšก๏ธโšก๏ธ Well said.

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Wow... thank you Susan, very kind of you!

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Where can I go from Your Spirit?

Or where can I flee from Your presence?

If I ascend to heaven, You are there;

If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.

If I lift up the wings of the dawn,

If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,

Even there Your hand will lead me,

And Your right hand will lay hold of me.

If I say, โ€œSurely the darkness will bruise me,

And the light around me will be night,โ€

Even the darkness is not too dark for You,

And the night is as bright as the day.

Darkness and light are alike to You.


Oh that You would slay the wicked, O God!

O men of bloodshed, depart from me.

For they speak against You wickedly,

And Your enemies take Your name in vain.

Do I not hate those who hate You, O Yahweh?

And do I not revile those who rise up against You?

I hate them with the utmost hatred;

They have become my enemies.

Search me, O God, and know my heart;

Try me and know my anxious thoughts;

And see if there be any hurtful way in me,

And lead me in the everlasting way.

โ€” Psalm 139:7-12; 19-24

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My pal Tippy (who does her daily DEVO on Facebook) introduced me to Psalm 139. She prays it daily and I strive to do it when I remember...๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ But anyway, that Psalm should be in everyoneโ€™s Scripture Speed-dial...thank you for posting it today! I will go read it aloud (and weep) when I have a quiet moment. Holy Spirit really descends upon me when I read this. ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ๐Ÿ’š

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I have prayed it with my children's (and others') names inserted. It does bring such peace. Also, thanks for subscribing to my stack. :)

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There is more instruction in the Psalms than any other book in the Bible. When you listen to the words of David, you can literally hear him pouring out his heart across the centuries.

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Your timing is good. Today's "Thru The Bible":


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Thanks for sharing that link. Somehow I hadn't ran across it yet.

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I try to catch it every day. J V McGee is pretty good, although I occasionally yell (not really) at him. ๐Ÿค 

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And I do wonder whether Margaret Brown was thinking of this when she wrote "Runaway Bunny".

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I just now had time to read the letter. Now I'm crying about the last clip. Thanks, Jeff!

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Investigator Grus, we're going to have to let you go for in depth investigating with a proper license."

"Mrs. Chiarello, looks like your husband died from being allergic to nothing whatsoever."

Is the whole freaking world hopped up on psychedelic mushrooms?!

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Another day in ClownWorld.

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More info on Helen Grus at the Dossier substack: https://www.dossier.today/p/trudeau-regime-puts-canadian-detective

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So I read that article last night and started looking at the links provided regarding Detective/Journalist Best. Check this story out, specifically for the transcript of the call with the mother who caused all the fuss. https://donaldbest.ca/public-health-agency-of-canada-personnel-influenced-ottawa-police-investigation-and-charge-against-detective-grus/

We've talked here on C&C about these parents and I urged empathy toward them, but this doesn't sound like anything that compassion can cure. When Mr. Best asked if she was vaccinated, she responded, "Itโ€™s the worst thing to come out of your mouth. Itโ€™s horrible. You werenโ€™t vaccinated. I work in the frontline. Iโ€™m vaccinated. If I could have had the vaccine in my eyeball, I would have. And if I could have had the vaccine when I was pregnant with her, I would have. But I couldnโ€™t have. Do you understand me?"

This isn't normal. This is not the way normal, rational, reasonable humans react to the death of their children. Coincidentally, I saw a video this morning of a Palestinian urging a toddler to throw rocks at IDF and get himself killed. The terrorist literally said, "Don't be afraid. Throw a rock and let him kill you. Don't be afraid."

I've been having a bit of a mental crisis because I believe humans are created in the image of God and He loves them. I hate the idea of us hating and killing each other; it doesn't honor God and it breaks His heart. However, I am coming to believe that maybe what we're seeing isn't so much a mental health crisis as a demonic possession crisis. A simplistic test I've begun using to evaluate things that happen in the world is: is it regenerative or degenerative? The answer to that question points me toward wisdom.

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Itโ€™s definitely demonic.

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I've posted this before on this forum: Satan has been very busy lately.

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As in other countries, I've heard that Muslim Palestinians are "trained" from birth to hate Israelis (and other "infidels"). And yes, "sacrificing" yourself to kill an Israeli (or any disbeliever of Allah) is a great honor to the Muslim's family. The dead one is supposedly awarded 27 virgins by Allah in "Heaven".

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Hmmmm. Excellent point. "Perhaps demonic possession." Never thought about that. You very well may be onto something. ๐Ÿค”

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Apparently so, Eric. Yesterday I saw on Farcebook that a friend and her husband each got injections for rsv, flu and covid at the same time! She said she did research and found that there were no contraindications for taking them together. Her pharmacist confirmed this. She is immunocompromised due to having a liver transplant several years ago, so does everything she can to stay well, she said. I hope she is not requiring her children and grandchildren to be jabbed in order to protect her.

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Google no doubt being confused with a reliable outlet for research. Google and YTube are good for gathering information on how to install a nifty wall shelf or, for the kiddos, how to get Jello to fart....that's about it.

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- Off to reprimand my children for not sharing jello fart with me -

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One of my clients got an RSV injection and had a painful swelling of her entire upper arm

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The world will not see, because the world cannot see.

We were told this would happen.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

"The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

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evidently, or they are drinking the kool aid

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Not in California. They have been vetoed! I don't know what everyone else's excuse is. Satan, maybe?

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Satanic Mushroom. Damn, yet another awesome band name. I gotta start writing this stuff down.

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I believe the so called "illuminati" lizards frequently are. and the outcome of that all depends on your intent.

lizards cultivate the "dark nature"

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It would be better if they were!

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Anthony Fauci belongs in prison.


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David Martin claims that he provided Rand with ALL of the necessary information to take him down quite some time ago. I'll never understand politics.............Oh, and wait for it: "I never told anyone to wear a mask, lock down in their house, close their schools and businesses, get vaccinated, blah, blah, blah...." Putrid little worm.

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I like Rand, but the chyron at the bottom saying he has a new book out makes me wonder, did he save his big 'bombshell' for the book release tour?

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Manufactured profiteering you say? Normally, I'd applaud such skillful marketing, but in this case, not so much.

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โœ… I thought the same thing.

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Heโ€™s referred Fauci to the DOJ for prosecution, but of course, this DOJ has done nothing.

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Department of Justice??! Now, that's funny. I have to be careful on my timing when I read those words....I "quick snort" the coffee right out my nose. Department of Selective Justice rings a bit more true. No snort reflex.

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Of course, if there are 2 systems of justice, there is, in effect, no justice. I should have said the Department of Injustice.

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Yes, as in "social justice"--modify the noun and you change its meaning. That is, after all, what 'modify' means.

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DOJ is as fake as The Justice League. Doesn't exist.

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The DOJ always protects pHarma. Theyโ€™ve been looking out for them since the NVIC Act was passed in 1986.

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David Martin stood outside of the Senate Building on โ€œJanuary 6thโ€ and read the list of Statutes broken in the development of the experimental, liability-free jab. Almost three years later and Fauci is still a free man. I donโ€™t want to see him, Birx, Collins, etc. in orange jumpsuits, I want to see them executed. I know eventually justice will be served, but my desire to see it here on earth is strong. Also, will the DoD ever be held accountable? Nah, of course not.

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At his age he will be "executed" by the God he doesn't believe in soon enough. Hopefully he will use the remaining time he has to repent

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I will donate the rope!

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Kinda like what happened to that โ€œworld-wide class actionโ€ lawsuit regarding covid vaccines etc. started several years ago by the German-American attorney??? Fuelmer(sp) I believe is his name? Was he just another one placating us to believing someone or something will bring justice for all the crimes against humanity??

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I do believe that he was sincere, although a little, idealistic and naรฏve.

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Reiner Fullmich? (umlaut on u)

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He's the one that got Dr. Malone to come out of his shell.

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IIRC he couldnโ€™t find anyone who would bring charges or a court that would hear the evidence. Itโ€™s still there waiting for the winds to change so maybe some day things will be different.

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I liked him. He put up several videos that received about 37 hits in total.

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And not just to Rand. He gave the info to many representatives and Govs and AGs. I sent his info to the FL, TX and SD governors and AGs. This almost 2 years ago.

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Maybe they were waiting for a shift in the cultural zeitgeist? Better traction....fewer roadblocks, etc....

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Or more $$

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Well, money does seem to reign supreme.

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So ... is this Rand thing the inevitable throw Fauci and China under the bus as a means of letting the higher Western side of the equation Apex Criminals off the hook.

I assume Rand just did not get up one day, yawned and said to himself, "This Grauchy Fauci thing is the Cat's Meow!". Rand seems to be at least in parts a player. But then again, I'm not ever quite sure who Rand is. But he appears to be connected because he appears to be always corralled within boundaries which he will not exceed.

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Anthony Fauci belongs in front of a firing squad.

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Bill Gates and the WHO needs to be gone too!

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Midwestern Doctor had a good article on the various failed responses to Covid - all around. Fauci was just a part of that. WAY too many physicians played along and they should have known better.

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VA still offering covid shots to veterans.

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Grocery store still loudspeakering โ€˜get your flu and covid shotโ€™ right here.. right nowโ€ฆ no apt necessary! So selflessly attending to customer convenience.

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Yep, heard that nonsense at Kroger and got mad. These people just won't quit.

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Propaganda over loudspeakers...I hate shopping at those places. I found a store here in Florida that plays The Message. I love that place!

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No need to quit as there is always a steady line of sheep coming down the pike.

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Glad to know to avoid Kroger when traveling. I didn't know they were doing this, but would not want to patronize such a store.

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Yup โ€ฆ Krogerโ€™s. But they arenโ€™t alone. Usually avoid as we r very lucky to by from farms.

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you hear and see it all over the place (CVS)

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Yesterday I saw on Farcebook that a friend and her husband each got injections for rsv, flu and covid at the same time! She said she did research and found that there were no contraindications for taking them together. Her pharmacist confirmed this. She is immunocompromised due to having a liver transplant several years ago, so does everything she can to stay well, she said. I hope she is not requiring her children and grandchildren to be jabbed in order to protect her.

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My neighbor is baffled at the cancer cases. So many and so fast! I mentioned it might be the untested covid vax. She said "I have had 3 and there is nothing wrong with me, as a matter of fact I have an appointment to get my next covid/flu/rsv shot soon." Yeah...I could not get out of her house fast enough.

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I have two siblings who sometimes โ€œfact-checkโ€ my FascistBook posts. The image of the mask wearing Nobel Prize winners set her off. My sister recently informed me that all of my siblings and their partners have gotten their boosters, flu, rsv, and pneumonia vaccines because when you get older you need help with your immunity. I was known as an โ€œanti-vaxxerโ€ prior to the plandemic and I did my best to give them all the dissenting information, but they are all Democrats, who for some strange reason suddenly trust the โ€œcapitalist corporatizationโ€ (she use to say it like she was hacking up a hairball) of the government.

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"they are all Democrats, who for some strange reason suddenly trust the โ€œcapitalist corporatizationโ€ (she use to say it like she was hacking up a hairball) of the government."

Made me giggle with that one!

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Along the lines of the trusting Democrats, protest singer Brad Skistimas (Five Times August) just released a song called Ain't No Rock and Roll about the once anti-establishment rockers who caved when covid and jabs were inflicted on us.

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Yes. The holy trifecta. To the covidians anyway. Some have added the tetanus shot too. Not sure why but I guess 3 shots are good. So 4 must be better.

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Or the Shingles shot. They just keep piling them on.

3 is good, 4 is better....5 must be the ultimate. yikes

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We have an idiot coworker who takes EVERY single thing offered. She is a horribly mean and deceptive person who has done her best to manipulate and harm everyone there at work. So God forgive me, but I keep wondering why she is alive and my family's friends are dead.

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Good Lord.

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There were concerns about taking the covid shot and the flu shot at the same time which could cause a stroke.

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I will never take any vaccine again. I'm sure my friend's "research" was of the safe and effective sort. ๐Ÿ˜  I saw her husband a few weeks ago and he said her dementia is getting really bad. Another side affect? I was not aware she had dementia until talking to him.

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Now that would really be effective!

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Lord have mercy. The pharmacist is WAY off on that one.

It didn't occur to me until last night, but a resident in my dad's independent living complex died 10/8. Not sure what of, but there was a massive "covid/flu" "booster" clinic on 10/4. Probably just another coincidence. <sarcasm>

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Shooting (!) themselves in the foot, as the jabbed will be spending less to nothing on groceries.

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And, a โ€˜discountโ€™ on food!


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I've never shopped in a grocery store like that! Surely, there are alternatives?

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Whenever I hear it, I make disparaging comments.

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My regional chain store was playing that commercial and I and several of my friends bombarded customer service and those surveys at the bottom of the receipts with complaints. Don't know if it worked but I have not heard any of those commercials in the last couple of months.

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Gotta use up that inventory!

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I'd sit down, and just before they plunge the needle I'd ask: "This is free, right?"

"Yup, it sure is." Then I'd grab it out of his/her hand and throw it in a trash can followed up with: "Wow, I feel better already!"

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Love it!

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horrifying, but that is the government.

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And Walgreens continues to hype the poison on talk radio (conservative!?) commercials. โ€œyou can get 2 shots in oneโ€. Flu & COVID. Sick.

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The sheeple in my area are lining up for all kinds of shots. They are scared and doubling down to support their pharma gods. Baa baa baa.

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MWD is a great read no matter the topic. Highly recommend.

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Thanks; just subscribed.

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All about the money. Administrations call the shots. Hippocratic oath is nearly extinct... nearly. But the good shall rise up and we are seeing that! TWC.health and FLCCC.net are just two great examples.

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Reminds me of today. A friend, 80, was hit hard by covid fear. Her husband had dementia and was institutionalized when covid erupted. No children in state. She never left her house for 3 months. Sheโ€™s a devout Christian, (but the churches all succumbed to covid fear porn also). Sheโ€™s also a fervent conservative. She finally came out of her house but got the first two shots and a booster. Iโ€™m unaware if she got more boosters. She has been trying to find life again this past year. She just went to visit her son and DIL, (who is a doctor) in TN. Said she didnโ€™t feel well on the plane down and got worse after she landed. . Influenza type symptoms, achy joints, chills, fever and a deep cough. Her son took her to an instacare center, they suspected covid. Tested and sure enoughโ€ฆ.covid. Dr DIL wonโ€™t come near her MIL because she might get it.

After all this time we are still PCR testing for CoVid with a test that wasnโ€™t accurate ever, but we must get new untested boosters for the new strain of covid? People have literally lost any sense of anything.

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Yes, and now they are branching out to treating other diseases like cancer and Alzheimerโ€™s. Such great info from flccc as well as more brave warriors you can connect with!

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Now it is the HIPPOCRITIC OATH,!

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You mean the hypocrite oath?

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If anyone deserves the guillotine, Itโ€™s that man!

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Yep, agreed 100%. He has murdered so many.

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Yep. Heโ€™s taken โ€œtrust the expertsโ€ and made a mockery of it.

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And has been murdering them for over 40 years.

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With a dull, rusty blade.

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Guillotines was invented for mercy.

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ok, than drawn and quartered.

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Now you have me thinking....so since we are better than that, we tell him he will be drawn and quartered and then we display mercy by using the guillotine. So that we do not become what we despise.

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hanging followed or preceded the drawing/quartering?

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Sorry, The guillotine was.......still working on the coffee

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...and do the same beagle puppy "experiments" on him.

Leave the vocal cords intact.

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Absolutely. Are there other 'experiments' which he should properly experience? What he did to those foster children?

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Chinese wire basket torture.

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If the mask fit, you must not acquit!

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I donโ€™t even have to read your linked article (though I will) to give your comment a like. Fraudchi is one of MANY who deserve an orange jumpsuit, at the very least.

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I wonder how Fauci would squirm if they lined HIM up for a real COVID shot instead of fake saline?

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Along with many, many others.

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023

Or a roach motel at the very least. He is a despicable nasty toad. ๐Ÿ˜ก

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Fraudci sealed his fate when he told Rand Paul he did not know what he was talking about (during questioning about GOF at Wuhan and the role NIAID played). Rand is coming for him and I am looking forward to the show.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I went to my dad's yesterday and he had the news on about what's going on in Isreal. I've been a caregiver for a few months now so I have to be there (not that I would not be). I said no, I am not watching or listening to this fear p0rn. I am not doing this. I saw enough of this kind of sensationalized junk during the "virus panic" and I'm done. (I understand bad things are happening but I believe NOTHING the media does or says.)

I'm sure I'll hear about it, but honestly, no one can produce a single good reason explaining how my watching horror stories on the news benefits anyone involved in this situation. I can care without watching or listening to this stuff. I made the same argument about the TV during the virus panic, but he kept watching and got all stirred up. But, since it's his house, today I am taking headphones and an MP3 player. I'm too tired to keep trying to convince him that the news lies.

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Keep taking care of your dad despite your differences. Do what you can to keep him happy. Itโ€™s the right thing to do. Just took care of my dad full time for his last six years. I have no regrets

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I will, no doubt about it. I would no matter what. But I absolutely will take my music to tune out the fear mongering on TV - I just can't and won't listen to it. He'll have to throw something at me if he wants my attention cause I won't hear him, but we're in the same room so I likely would notice him talking. :)

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I stopped with corporate news after first gulf war. I was only 20 or so but I really didn't like how the news portrayed it-- to me it looked like they were trying to make it like a video game.

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I get my friend to put on the cowboy western channel when Iโ€™m helping him. I canโ€™t stand cnn and msnbc . & I take a few extra supplements for the shedding

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When my mom had dementia I would travel to stay with her for weeks at a time. She had CNN on 24/7 and became enraged when I would not get a vaccine. What are you going to do? We love them. She also voted for Biden because heโ€™s โ€œniceโ€. This is the real problem in the country. Peoples opinions are based on what they perceive as real news. I mainly get my news from substacks now and my life is much less stressful.

It also helps hearing from people who believe as I believe. 2020 was really lonely and terrifying. I was actually trying to figure out a plan if they enacted house-to-house mandatory vaccinations. Weimar, anyone? And donโ€™t think they wonโ€™t try it again. We have to resist on every point because now we see how easily civilization can collapse.

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Epoch Times is a good source. Their American Thought Leaders program presents very thought-provoking interviews. It's been a process for them, but to their credit, they listened to the good doctors and scientists and learned.

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Amen. I had to cease from looking at phone for news yesterday. I chose music to change my mindset for awhile

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It is thought by some scholars that music began before language, when, in the move from the forest to the savannah, and bipedalism, infants were born earlier, and couldn't cling, and that mothers would lay down their infants, but call to them, singing, and infants would call back. Music creates oxytocin, the mothering hormone. It then became the way that humans bonded, in ritual and community. If you read the comments under deeply moving songs on youtube, everyone is filled with brotherhood and love, the opposite of the divisiveness that is being pumped at us 24/7. Music, though seen as just a sort of side effect, a spandrel, by the evolution people, like cheesecake Pinker says, might be what saves the world and unites us.

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Love this. Souch truth. music moves me. And it is a big part of my life and my grandchildren. In fact in grade school we had a choir teacher who taught us songs and played guitar. So many songs and ballads. She sent us home with packets of music that I still have. It had such a profound effect on me. I have passed it down to my children.

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Watching my grandchildren dance around my front room yesterday singing all the Sound of Music songs was so uplifting.

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I've sung in massive choruses with 100+ member orchestras. When enough of us get the pitch and rhythm perfect we can feel the air move and the floor springs us up as the sound waves bounce around. And something else, too..... a strong feeling of being out of time and space. In harmony with everyone and everything. Hearing and feeling everything perfectly.

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I was starkly reminded of the beginning of the pandemic and also 911 when we watched news so closely. I decided NO....never again. Learned the lesson

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I've been thinking about doing the same. It's all so overwhelming.

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I feel ya. My mom is the same. Re the news: Don Henley's 'Dirty Laundry' comes to mind. If it bleeds, it leads.

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Been in your camp since April 2020. Why I can sleep at night.

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Some people, their best friend is the MSM to entertain, shock and give form to their life. What a great โ€œpropagandaโ€ medium the bad guys have.

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"The News" has convinced my dear elderly friend to move out of state. She SAYS she doesn't watch the news, but when I'm at her house at 5:00 it's always on.

Yes, I've counseled her on this

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The video made me cry. A few months ago I got teary when I was exiting a fast-food restaurant and a young black man with dreadlocks who was coming in, held the door for me. It was a small thing, but in this current atmosphere of race baiting, it meant so much to this elderly, white woman that this young man was polite. I thanked him and he replied, "Yes, Ma'am." There's not as much hate as the fomenters of hate want us to think.

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I don't get the race thing. There's jerks of ALL COLORS out there.

Lol it's a ๐Ÿคฃ joke.

In real life, I find everybody just acts according to their upbringing, regardless of color.

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Unfortunately, the upbringing of too many is by the government. Parents have got to take their children out of the indoctrination schools. Not the Bee reported on this perverse demonstration at a school in my state, NC. The town where this high school is located has a population of less than 5,000. I wouldn't have been surprised to see this in Raleigh or Charlotte, but Midway? https://notthebee.com/article/this-is-a-real-thing-that-happened-at-a-north-carolina-high-school?utm_source=Not+The+Bee+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=10112023

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You could not be more correct. I can count on one hand, with fingers left over, the number of times a black person has shown any racial animosity toward me. The blacks at the gym have been more friendly towards me than the whites. I have hated a whole lot of white people in my life, plenty of Jews (probably Khazarians) , but not only have I never hated any black people I have known, I haven't even disliked one.

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Well WWII antisemitism is alive & kicking in this world! ๐Ÿ˜ขThought this crap was over

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Here in the South, I find people to be polite and helpful almost always.

I am not so sure of the randomness of that video, although it was sweet. First, the camera is right on the lady, and she is standing in the crosswalk. Then she begins walk, and if you watch her feet, as soon as the white car with the saving men shows up, she begins to walk in place.

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Newsome will always be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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He may be doing it for the wrong reasons, but as someone who lives in a very pleasant, sane part of California, I'll take it. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth as they say.

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Agreed. We too live in a sane part of California and all the random conversations I end up in with people I donโ€™t know almost always end with them wishing things would be more rational in the state as a whole. The whole idea of not talking about politics is gone here as complete strangers do it often with me to bemoan the insanity happening to children, crime, prices, you name it I have heard about it. Frustrations are real and evident after only a few minutes. No CNN, the real voters and tax payers in California do not want this insanity nor did we actually vote for it.

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I have long thought that the powers that be are purposely driving people out of California and a few other states. They destroyed one of the most beautiful cities in the worldโ€”San Franciscoโ€”to demoralize us and to ensure we looked upon America as a crumbling, destitute relic.

I donโ€™t know what they plan to do with California, but they want it. Perhaps they hope to return it to a pastoral, rural land as it once was. Remember, Klaus Schwab told us all they intended to turn all the major highways into parks. That might give you an idea of their intentions.

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I agree something nefarious is happening here. And it is not just ignorance of many voters. There is a greater evil power at work here. Which is truly very sad considering all the natural beauty we have here - I have the Sierra Nevadas out the east affording me beautiful sunrises and the coastal range out the west affording amazing sunsets with all the ag valley in between - reminding me of Godโ€™s hand at work as the day begins and ends at His call and the farmers grow and feed because of His bounty. How can a populace literally surround by such amazing God created beauty be so enthralled and consumed with their own ugly. It has been tragic watching it all unfold and wondering - to what end?

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l've seen the lucrative software/biotech economy of the San Francisco Bay Area create too many soft people. Who create soft times. Which creates tyrannical boss politics and thus hard times. Which creates hard people who make soft times. The cycle always turns and turns.

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My part of CA used to be sane...but the Los Angeles roaches have slowly been infesting and turning it to LA-lite. Such a shame what this once-beautiful state has become under Democratic rule.

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There are nice places in California relatively immune to the insanity. My isolated coastal enclave is close to paradise, though it costs a fortune to live here. And the weather is just about perfect, there's a good reason people flocked here by the millions in the 60's and 70's.

Bottom line though is that what is happening to much of California is happening everywhere in the US. Nice, safe, comfortable middle class communities are fast disappearing as they are being overrun with third-world illegal immigrants, fentanyl, lack of decent jobs, legalized gambling and drug use, etc. It's only going to get worse, and the only defense is to have enough money that you can live around like minded people who won't put up with it. In my community cannabis shops and card parlors are illegal. Zoning is strictly enforced. Our police are proactive. Plus our property values and rents are sky high so we don't have many lowlifes living here.

My highest priority is to ensure I leave significant wealth to my boys that they'll receive once they have demonstrated responsible and self-sufficient behavior. They aren't going to have to live in some seedy apartment in a crummy neighborhood just to get by. God blessed my wife and I, and rather than us blowing it on cruises and BMW's, that money will be used to ensure our sons don't have to deal with this pathology.

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And not particular about what he โ€œeatsโ€. Wolves are considered by some as opportunistic carnivores. He will ravage when needed

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023

Newsom will always be the Joker in day-makeup.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I wonder if Detective Grus got MORE SIDS data from parents worldwide after becoming famous for being suspended.

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Can you imagine the horror of parents everywhere if her line of investigation turns out to be correct?

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The horror and regret is painful to contemplate. . . also for parents whose babies survived but were born prematurely.

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Sadly, it would likely be ignored unless it was _extremely_ concrete evidence. :/

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It would be unthinkable. Unthinkable is the perfect word, because many parents would not be able to come to the proper conclusion in their guilt and grief.

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It is true, research has already been done to prove it so.

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Go read the phone conversation a reporter had with the mom of the child who died who blew this story up. There's no brain-function there that would allow horror to be felt.

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What do you mean by "blew this story" up?

As in verifying it or debunking it?

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If you read the article I posted, the mother, whose name is Sarah, works for Public Health Authority Canada (PHAC). So does Sarah's mother, whose name I can't remember, Dr. De Grohl or something like that, call her "Dr." Both have deep involvement with the jabs. The article explains how do into the rollout they both went but I can't remember everything. Suffice it to say, the roots go deep.

The CBC is funded by the government and pharma. They were also involved in this case.

When Detective Grus investigated, Sarah was the one who filed a complaint with Ottawa Police Service. OPS immediately began an investigation. Someone in OPS reached out to a "journalist" at CBC and leaked information about the investigation. (This is criminal, BTW, and OPS launched an investigation and then abandoned it.) CBC contacted OPS and said they had 24 hours to comment before they printed the story. This threw the investigation into complete disarray and they had to call the nine parents and tell them their baby's death was being investigated and there was an investigation into the investigation.

The author of the article I posted, Donald Best, is a retired detective turned journalist. He attended a hearing online and noticed Dr. was in attendance. So he contacted her at her office to discuss what her part in the hearing was. She informed him that her interest was personal and she wouldn't discuss it. Two minutes later, Sarah called Best and told him never to contact her or her family ever again. Best didn't even know who Sarah was at the time. During that conversation, she told him the vaccine didn't kill her baby. That's when she made that comment about she'd get it in her eyeball if she could. She is the parent that has caused all this against Detective Grus.

When the CBC reporter went on TV to discuss the case, she talked about how traumatizing it was to be contacted and asked her vaccination status when she's grieving the loss of her child. When Sarah spoke to Detective Best, she used the same language. There was another incident where "trauma" and "reliving the loss" was brought up. This Sarah has been going after Grus. It all has to do with protecting the vaccines. (Well, that and I believe, demon possession.) Plus, parents of babies who die without cause want to know why their baby died. Eight other parents haven't come forward to complain. Detective Best didn't come out and say she's the cause of all this, but she's the cause of all this.

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I didn't see the article you posted before I made my comment.

Thanks for the clarification.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm so grateful for the news on Helen Grus! I just read about her situation in the dossier Substack yesterday. She has a give send go for her substantial legal fees. I also suggest having everyone look into the coutts 4 which is Canada's version of January 6th political prisoners! Kyrie Eleison!

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Donated last night before I read the C&C post. Wish I had ended my donation in a 2!

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"Who knows how many people made their ultimate decision to get the shot so they could go to a Springsteen concert?"

My 22 year old (at the time) daughter made the decision to get the stupid shot so she could see her friends and go out. So yes, people ARE this stupid. My own freaking daughter is one of them.

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Oct 12, 2023ยทedited Oct 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It amazes me how many supposedly smart people got the vax solely so they could imbibe in low-grade hedonistic pleasures. Concerts, cruises, and recreational travel are all luxury sensory stimulation that no one needs, yet people seemingly went into withdrawals once they were threatened with then being taken away.

With kids I get it as they are young, impulsive, and don't have much lived experience. But the gray hair set couldn't go without their cruises for a while until things settled out? Was the gluttony of the buffet and the never-ending alcohol that important to them? I guess so. They could have just stuffed their faces and got plastered at home without taking an experimental injection, but that isn't considered socially acceptable (though doing it on a $10k cruise is fine).

I give the kids a pass on this one because kids are supposed to be young and dumb, that's just how they are and always will be. And God bless them, they seem to be learning quickly and are questioning a lot more of this stuff. Many of our "seasoned citizens" though, don't seem to have learned much in their six or seven decades on the planet, besides how to blow their kids and grandkids inheritance.

"A good man leaves an inheritance to his childrenโ€™s children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous." (Prov 13:22)

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Haven't you noticed that the only thing anyone is pursuing these days is hedonistic pleasure?

I made a comment the other day about how perverse I think our leaders probably are and that night, Tucker Carlson said something about Congress and their perverse sex lives. Our government is involved in child trafficking. It's all hedonists, all the time.

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Yup, it's like a sickness. Madison Cawthorne tried to call it out and was condemned by the GOP the primaried out of office at the next election.

But it's really much more pedestrian than all that. How many seniors are taking expensive cruises when their grandkids are stuck in demonic public schools? Does it ever even cross their minds just how self-centered and hedonistic this all is? Their grandkids are being manipulated with insane gender and race-based propaganda non-stop. The money spent on that cruise (or Cabo vacation or whatever) could be used to get them out of it. Yet they never even consider offering.

If you follow the trends online, there is an outright visceral hatred toward the Boomer generation for exactly this type of thing. I don't defend it as hatred is ugly and soul destroying regardless of it's cause. But the hatred is there and it's real. I hope the fond memories of eating a 5000 calorie cruise meal comfort them when they are alone on their deathbeds. Because their kids and grandkids won't be there.

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You still on this complaint?

For goodness sake, if a person earns money, they should be able to spend it on things they want to do.

I never expected to receive an inheritance from my parents. They worked hard and I was glad they were able to enjoy their later life before they both became seriously ill and died.

And, if your kids are being brainwashed in schools, it is your job to do something and fix the problem.

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Oct 13, 2023ยทedited Oct 13, 2023

Typical out-of-touch boomer comment (and I'm 61).

This isn't 1982, have you looked at what it costs to buy a house compared to the average wage? Median home costs are over $400k and an extremely modest used car is ten grand. Home/auto insurance costs are astronomical and will run another several thousand a year. How is someone just starting out supposed to by a house, a car, and pull their kids out of public schools?

Wages have not kept anywhere close to keeping up with basic costs, and it's getting worse every year.

Your attitude shows you don't know anything about the financial realities struggling families face today. But you keep telling your kids to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" while you sit on a half million in home equity and party down on Mediterranean cruises. God forbid you actually help your kids out.

Maybe contemplate that your "boomer libertarianism" is actual just an excuse to justify your own selfishness.

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You have some serious issues, and lots of animosity, towards people who worked for a living.

At this point, you harbor some serious resentment against senior citizens.

Don't know where you live, but the boomers I know are barely hanging on.

Seek help.

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Well, that goes to another thing Tucker said...

He said our leaders don't love us anymore. They used to. They used to care about the people they represented. They don't now. They hate us. They want power. Where do you think this lack of love, care and concern began?

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In that regard, Trump seems to be the one person who constantly displays a genuine fondness for the American people....and Kare Lake but she is not a contender for POTUS.

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I heartily concur. I don't like everything he did, but I never doubted he loved this country and wanted to restore it out of love. Once I figured that out about him, it made it easier to trust him.

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Do you remember the scene in Bambi when the animals are in hiding from the hunters and the quail canโ€™t take it anymore? Blam.

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And your daughter is likely uninformed not stupid. There is a difference between the two. You are not alone.

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I know. She was scared. She believed all the fear porn despite our attempts to calm her. All of her friends got it and she was terrified none of them would agree to be around her. :(

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It took a very strong willed and well researched young person to not fall for it. Not too many exist. My daughter was one who did know. She even warned us against taking it. We used to think of her as a conspiracy theorist ten years ago. She loved conversing online and was even flagged at the airport 15 years ago on a family trip to Europe because of her intellectual curiousity about 'conspiracies' !! Lol. They did a lot of vetting but let her fly. Then, on another trip, my mother who also loved discussing geopolitics online was taken and detained into a room at the international airport (flagged I guess) at the age of 77!!!

No reason was given to her. (scary stuff)

Anyway, we now respect how smart our daughter was, and how naive we still were.

However, she is a hugely curious individual who loves researching. (History degree)

She also had more time for it then.

Now with a job and family, she doesnt, so I do the researching.

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I have a teenager who had a virus last week and no kidding, he was so angry at me for not ever vaccinating him because he was convinced he wouldn't have gotten whatever he had if I had just vaccinated him. He felt very unwell and I know that was the reason for the recriminations, but I also blame his peers and the media for lying to him.

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My son is sick right now and he keeps asking if he should be tested for covid. NO! The treatment is no different than a cold - why would we do that??

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After the story about the illegal lab in CA that had all those viruses and was making Covid tests, I decided I'm never putting one of those sticks up my nose again.

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You do know, you can take that stick and spit into a cup....then dip that stick in your spit... Our youngest daughter and her fiancรฉe did so several months ago when both came down with a bad bug... They tested positive, had already presumed so and started HCQ AND Ivermectin. He was very ill. High 105ยฐ fever, super uncomfortable until he started the meds... Was 80% better in 6 hours. 100% better in 24 hours.

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That's one of my concerns too.

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Sorry. Our adult son also took the mRNA. He was "doing his part." The kool-aid was/is particularly strong.

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I agree uninformed and likely programmed to fear illness from an early age through the public school textbooks. It is hard to read any history book without seeing the story of the โ€œkiller virusesโ€ and how it wiped out civilizations! BEFORE science was sophisticated enough to identify what the virus it was or take into consideration living standards of cleanliness and nutrition. Pharma has captured more than government, but our historical records as well.

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Ex sister-in-law said she got jabbed so she could attend a Buffalo Bill's game.

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Isnโ€™t Kim Pegula (co-owner of the Bills / Sabres) still recovering from what was thought to be a Covid vaccine reaction??


โ€œPegula went into cardiac arrest while asleep at her home last June on the day of her 53rd birthday. Another daughter, Kelly, administered CPR until paramedics arrived and were able to restore Pegula's heartbeat before transporting her to the hospital. Jessica Pegula, who was at her home in Florida, first heard what had happened in a midnight call from her family.โ€

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Hopefully, she will be ok. Dont be so hard on her. It was easy to fall into the entire pandemic propaganda. Pray for her health.

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My niece got the shot in order to hang out with her friends in NYC. The social aspect was so hard for the teens. She knew all of the risks but at that age, they just donโ€™t care. As soon as she turned 18 she got the shot. And she was born with a heart defect ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

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Am I the only one who always thinks of Martin Sheenโ€™s portrayal of a presidential candidate in โ€œThe Dead Zoneโ€ every time I hear about Gavin Newsom slithering into that role? He is totally the type of person who would use a baby as a bullet shield:

โ€ข https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcZJF81jt4w

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Slithering is a great word for him.

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TSK TSK! You are so bad (not). Gavin is oily guess that makes the slither slithier.

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Every county in every state had better be working with their local Sheriff to organize a Militia. Gonna be needing them. There are more foreign fighters illegally in this country than we have TOTAL active military.

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My sheriff in Franklin County, NC posted this about a month ago. Although it is not the issue you are talking about, Sheep Dog, I was thrilled to see that he has taken this stand.

"Under ZERO circumstances will COVID lockdowns or mandates be enforced under my jurisdiction.

I want to clear something up. As rumors of a new wave of COVID are swirling again, I wanted to put a few things on the record.

I am a duly elected Constitutional officer. I swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution - not to fulfill the desires of political tyrants and unelected bureaucrats.

Politicians throughout North Carolina are free to pass or order whatever mandates or lockdowns they like, but they will have to look elsewhere for someone to enforce it.

Let it be known: our community will serve as a citadel of freedom and a sanctuary for our divinely granted rights. I will NEVER enforce a government action that infringes on your individual rights and liberties.

Feel free to let the political class know: our community is Freedom Town, USA and always will be."

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Thatโ€™s awesome! If only we could say the same about the Wake Co sheriff.

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He was just elected last year and is doing a great job! It's amusing that he's riled up some people by posting photos of drug dealers and other criminals and warning that others like them will also be apprehended. I didn't know there were so many crazy people in my county who are concerned about the "rights" of the criminals, while not expressing any concern for their victims.

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Citizens are armed. Hope the illegals arenโ€™t counting armed citizens. Surprise!

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Iโ€™m concerned for the soft target, gun free zones. Parents know what your school policies are.

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Yep, they are in for a surprise all right. A LOT of citizens are armed.

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I remember a time when I was in favor of gun control. My mother would argue with me. When she finally explained that it was because we need militias, I understood.

I still personally loathe and fear guns and wish that criminals didnt have them.

However I understand the necessity of the 'right to bear arms' for militia groups now more than ever.

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I live 1 town over from the "shot heard around the world." (or 2 towns over...depends on whom you believe since both Lexington and Concord argue as to which shot is being referred to...)


Because THEN, the surrounding minute men were quick to the scene, and in less than 24 hours, hoards of militia from so many hundreds of miles were on the scene.

A Militia in Massachusetts NOW?

I have to laugh...or I'd cry.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you for covering chef Chiarello's sads death! He was one of my favorites on food network back in the day. He has a great meatloaf recipe. So sad!๐Ÿ˜”

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Just wondering ... did he ever cook for the Clintons or Obamas?

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What does he put in meatloaf? Thinking of making one now that cooler weather is here in South Florida..lol..in the 80s not 90s!!!

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Thanks! I have made something similar in the past..forgot about it. Yum.

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I grew up half in so cal half in texas. We ate and still eat meatloaf year round.(in fact in august i had it for my birthday dinner lol)..but you're the 2nd person I've heard recently indicate meatloaf is a cold weather meal. My chef best friend from Chicago was the other.

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Unfortunately my children hated it, so it exited my cooking psyche. On the other hand, I loved it so much that it was a red light food for my dieting. I couldnt stop at one or two servings, so it has been years since I have made it tbh.

Now that I am in Florida, all the seasons are basically the same, so the oven goes on for cooking, summer or winter! Thank God for aur conditioning!

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yeah, he probably got a booster

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Actually, Chiarello had a drug problem. I have met him a few times and you would have never suspected it then. Have several friends in the valley who are in the wine biz, (I have traveled there for the last 30 years and am a collector of Napa wines) and it is well known that he suffered from drug abuse. Just spoke to one friend yesterday who said he was โ€œunrecognizableโ€. I am wondering if whatever they gave him for de-tox is what may have caused a reaction. What I think is, they do not want to publicize his real demise. Very sad. He was a great chef.

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This is so sad. Drugs are a terrible plight on people.

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Did I miss the results from the call for Dr Ryan Cole?

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I missed that too

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

just cane here to say before I finish reading that I love this group! I looked at Helenโ€™s give send go because I wanted to see my fellow army giving and it actually brought me to tears seeing it. It REALLY is empowering for those who are in the fight and feel discouraged but I believe for those who SEE all the donations as well. Its hard to know sometimes how many people are on our side! So thanks for the added encouragement. โค๏ธ

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Yes. Even though not an official "multiplier," C&C Army showing up in force!

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Just a bit moving to see that the photo showed her surrounded by praying friends laying hands on her.

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Fauci should spend the rest of his days in a maximum security prison after having his all his money taken away. His money should go to people who lost their jobs on his advice. He should be held liable for all the deaths he didn't prevent. May he rot in jail and be reminded hourly of the hell he has wrought all these decades.

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Waste of taxpayer money, keeping him alive (he'd probably get a lawyer to get him out). Just assess a fine = his assets, distribute among those damaged. And crush the beetle.

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I agree about taxpayer money, however, I was hoping that by being in a maximum security prison, he wouldn't be (alive) in there very long, if you know what I mean...

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You make a good point. I have 'heard' that child rapists have an extremely short life once behind the bars. Prison justice, I believe it's called.

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