May 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

NAACP puts an advisory of danger to Black people; don't go to Florida.

Fun Fact: The NAACP Chairman lives in Florida.


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HAHAHAHAHA oh the news is so much fun these days we hardly need comedians

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023

Guess the Pentagon is still using the same β€œaccountants” it had when Rumsfeld was there.

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Ah yes, 9/10, "there's 2 billion missing at the Pentagon...", then 9/11, the very office with all the accounting records taken out by Saudi pilots unable to land a Piper aircraft during training. Move along, nothing to see here...

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Actually it was trillions - Rummy didn’t mess with chump change:


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Yes it was Professor Skidmore from the University of Michigan his students audited the Hud and the pentagon and came up with 21 trillion dollars missing. In the last year doctor skidmore has been canceled for some other damming audit.

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"Saudi pilots"...πŸ₯΄

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Golly, but two Saudi passports floated down and were found on top of the rubble so it must be true...

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exactly!! It's their grandkids!!

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It was a father and son they use for thier accountants, Dov Zacheim they are Duel citizens of that country in the middle east.


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Actually, we can't have comedians because they are unable to say anything without triggering someone, somewhere...

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Joe rogan is opening a comedy club in Texas for all the cancelled comedians

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It's open and sold out. Tried to get tickets weeks in advance of my trip to Austin.

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It's been sold out for months in advance. Hard to believe, given how woke much of Austin is and how the local newspaper daily spews woke dogma and neocon propaganda. I guess the city council hasn't gotten around to outlawing laughter yet.

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Floridians, help me understand something. I recently visited the Miami area for a few days and was struck by how much seemingly race-blind financial success I saw. Everywhere we went, we saw so-called POC living in luxury high rises, dining in upscale restaurants, driving expensive cars, partying on expensive yachts. Indeed, most of the affluent people we saw and interacted with seemed to be POC. I understand the demographics of the Miami area, and I also know something about the legacy of racism in the South. But, I don't understand how, if Blacks have it so bad in Florida, so many seem to be extremely successful financially.

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Seriously. The β€˜white privilege’ truck failed to deliver to my family’s neck of the woods. I grew up in a β€˜Cracker’ style house built around the turn of the 20th century. Lighted by kerosene lamps, heated by fireplaces and devoid of indoor plumbing.

Long ago I saw a picture of the home MLK was said to have grown up in; a large 2 story white frame home. I was shocked. I would have considered that to be a mansion. I definitely would not have been embarrassed to have friends see it.

When I see video clips of ordinary black people being interviewed for news stories inside and outside their homes, they all appear to be living finer than me on my 30 year pension and Social Security.

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I have a friend who grew up in similar conditions, and when as an older adult she volunteered at our local, private charitable organization, she was always amazed - the clients had better phones than she did even then, and their sense of entitlement astounded her.

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I had a civil litigation practice for many years. My bankruptcy clients ALWAYS drove better cars than I did. ALWAYS.

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That would help explain their bankruptcy status?

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Yes; to this very day I still buy slightly used vehicles and pay cash on the barrelhead. But they always had massive car payments. The worst I remember was one man back in the 1990's who had a $1400 monthly truck payment.

Paying interest is for people who want to impress other people who they will never even meet.

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When I worked at an inner city middle school, most all the students had smartphones and would laugh at my old android. They called it a β€˜house phone.’

The receptionist desk there prominently displayed information for parents on how to get free internet.

That’s why we pay so much for it. We’re carrying others we don’t know about on our plans.

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Hey now, you’re using logic and reason here, that is not allowed in woke land! πŸ˜›

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Hmmm. Like Dr. Ladapo?

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I love that man!

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Well, I hear BLM is going bankrupt and is asking for more money. I wonder who will bail them out. Blackrock, again, maybe? Open Society, again?

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There’s got to

be a sacrificial Floyd, first.

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Life long Floridian since the 1970’s here. Miami has always been another country inside our state. Now since Covid lockdowns/ mandates, it has grown even more. Definitely a melting pot. I’ve had a few family members live in Miami. Just like any other big city, you’ll have the affluent, the upper to middle class, and then poverty/ sketchy areas. Sounds like you were in the good areas! Also as a Floridian, we aren’t from the β€œSouth.” Geographically we are, but we’re not racist. We’re accepting of all people. Hell, we even let Nancy Pelosi live here!

Last, but definitely not least, not all Floridians are UF Gator fans.

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β€œβ€¦not all Floridians are UF Gator fans.” Just the ones worth knowing πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

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I didnt realize that, being from Georgia and Louisiana, I'm (we're) so racist. Thanks for setting me straight.

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Are you THINKING for YOURSELF and making observations??!!? Are you going AGAINST what

Main Stream Misleadia told

us to think??!! What’s wrong with you?

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Free State of Florida; the way America’s meant to be.

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I'm sure the NAACP put Chicago on the same list, right? Right?

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You can’t make this stuff up...and many sheep will fall for it.

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Or heart wrenching. Makes me want to throw up at how our govt is so rotten

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I have to put it aside, look to my own actions and remind myself that β€œThe end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.”

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And this warning will probably make Florida even more attractive to a good many people. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

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Property values still on the rise, at atypical rates of increase ? Tells you all you need to know.

The weather has always been as is, same for its beautiful beaches, Northern folk still flooding communities every winter, the Snow Birds ?

... WHAT could possibly be different ? πŸ€”

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I was struck by how people of color or colored people now includes the alphabet people. Is it the colorful rainbow?🌈

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It's a way to become an oppressed minority. Trans women were largely nonwhite sex workers before upper-class white men appropriated their culture.

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Those dang entitled white privilege trannies. πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023

Just plain "struck", here - DUMBstruck.

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Are they? Or is it another illusion?

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To the HQ peeps at naacp they are.

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Yeah, but is he actually black, or just identifes as a black man...like the previous leader a few years back....white woman... claiming her black heritage...

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How ffs are they *allowed* to keep that despicable *Colored* in their name?! 😱

[NAACP = National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, est. 1909]

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"People of Color." Is that better? It's the same thing.

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023

You def failed the woke exam, and abysmally at that! 😭


πŸ˜‚ I just can't stop being amazed at that bastard Poe's law never tiring of winning 😁


PS If some memories could use gentle refreshing:

πŸ—¨ Poe's law is an adage of internet culture saying that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.

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Thank you! I had not heard of Poe's law. My first inclination was that it had to do with Edgar Allan Poe. Not yet ready for Jeopardy.

NAAPC which would fit their political correctness.

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The first inclinations date us mightily, don't they? 😁

If I had to venture a low-stakes guess: Among the online crowd, Edgar Allan would fare worse than Nathan (the guy who lent his name to interwebz' law). Not that Nathan is common knowledge either 🀭

PS A clever question for Jeopardy that will never be! πŸ‘Œ

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I keep thinking things have gotten so bizarre, the lies so brazen, that we have to be near the end of this national temper tantrum. Right?

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What new symptom of insanity will manifest tomorrow?

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Says the succesful black man who resides in Florida. I'd love to see a picture of his home.

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And take Florida's 24th Congressional District Rep. Frederica S. Wilson with him.


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I actually looked it up from tax records. Approx taxable value $275k (seems low?) Google maps shows a VERY nice house, palm trees and vaulted porch. Certainly "better" than my house. I wouldn't trade him, tho.

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Yeah that seems low but maybe they have a reduction compared to the actual value for te taxable value. We have a kind of credit in my state that reduces the taxable amount if it’s your main residence.

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That’s a hoot!

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Now that is hilarious!!

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Blatant hypocrisy is always amusing.

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I live in Florida. I finally agree with something the national association of liberal colored people has to say.

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Too late!

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Regarding engineered scarcity, it is coming . Every ounce of preparation on your part will be worth a pound of survival. Civilization - goes an old maxim - is only nine meals away from barbarismβ€”Once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order.

Our supply chain is an incredibly complex and incredibly fragile (fragility increases exponentially with complexity) global just-in-the-nick-of-time production and delivery system, and right now it is breaking down all across the world.

Famine. It's what's for dinner. If you do not prepare.


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I know, I am really getting worried about this...we've already seen a small sliver of this with stockouts on our own shelves, but it hasn't been enough that it's significantly interfered with our lives yet - more of an annoyance not being able to get your favorite products so far. But it's coming. Scary stuff. I'm just so glad everyone got to feel good about themselves and pat themselves on the back for being so woke and smart when they cast their ballot that day. We'll have to remember to thank them when we're starving.

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Jar up as much meat as you can afford. Protein will be in short supply.

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Where can I just get my supply for fentenyl to help out so I don't have to endure this insanity?

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023

Isn't this the truth! It's horrible! They cannot get it here fast enough! Sadly, dear friends of our lost a 17 yr old cousin to a fentanyl overdose...then the coroners report added ricin to that making it DEADLY... THEY ARE POISONING OUR YOUTH! Yes, it is likely she took the drug of her own volition, (that has however, not been determined yet police are involved), but it is still an unending nightmare for her parents. They lost their only child! Our govt is turning their backs on the tragedy of the open border.

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That is truly awful! And yet, you don’t see THOSE deaths written or spoken about in the propaganda outlets? No. It’s all about shootings, shootings, shootings. There are literally thousands of deaths caused by fentanyl - crickets. Now, they’re lacing it with ricin? You’re absolutely correct. They are poisoning our youth and that’s exactly what they want. To make this a larger crisis than we think it is today, it has been going on for years. It is part of the Great Reset. God help us!

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All part of this plandemic of theirs! Come Lord Jesus!

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It is heartbreaking to hear these stories. Each a real person, precious to someone. A life lost in large part because of government corruption.

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That is heartbreaking. I'm so scared as a parent to get to that stage (mine are still a bit young - 10 & 7), but I will have to worry about this very, very soon. I'm so sorry for your dear friends...I cannot even imagine the pain.

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It is so very heartbreaking! The only grandchild...😒😒😭

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These people will give training sessions to kids about how to be politically correct in their use of pronouns, etc., but won't put effort into teaching them how deadly pills can be.

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They don't care.

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Often those young fentanyl "overdoses" are actually legit pills these kids think they're buying, like pain killers or antianxiety meds, and it turns out they're counterfeit and mostly fentanyl. They're really poisonings.

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Agreed. Part of the plan to destroy this country.

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I'm sure the new arrivals on our border are bringing in a good supply.

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I’m working on it.

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We need a compilation video of people β€œthanking” Biden and the Democrats for all of the β€œwonderful” changes they’ve wrought 😑 Then make it go viral.

Kind of like the sarcastic song from Annie β€œWe’d like to thank you Herbert Hoover.”

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Today we're living in a shanty

Today we're scrounging for a meal

Today I'm stealing wood for fires

Who knew I could steal?

I used to winter in the tropics

I spent my summers at the shore

I used to throw away the junk mail

We don't anymore!

We'd like to thank you: Joseph Biden

For really showing us the way

We'd like to thank you Joseph Biden,

You made us what we are today

Prosperity was 'round the corner

The cozy cottage built for two

In this blue heaven

That you

Gave us


We're turning red from blue!

They offered us Trump and Biden

We paid attention and we chose

Not only did we pay attention,

We paid through the nose

In ev'ry pot he said 'a cricket'

But Joseph Biden, he forgot

Not only don't we have the cricket

We ain't got the pot!

Hey Joey,

You left behind a grateful nation

So, Joe, our hats are off to you

We're up to here with admiration

Come down and have a little stew

Come down and share some Christmas dinner

Be sure to bring the missus too

We got no turkey for our stuffing

Why don't we stuff you?!

We'd like to thank you, Joseph Biden (Thank you Joey)

For really showing us the way

You dirty rat, you Bureaucrat, you

Made us what we are today

Come and get it, Joe!

(With apologies to Charles Strouse πŸ˜†)

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WOW! That has legs!

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I didn’t even have to change much for it to be appropriate πŸ˜†πŸ˜

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Take Pesto for instance. I’m certain I’ve never paid more than $5 for the 6.2 oz jar. Was looking on Amazon and it’s going for $9+ now. At least that’s with Prime shipping. Walmart online wants $11.10, plus $9.99 for shipping. Sticker shock!

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Just think about the Dutch Farmers and that engineered plan of attack. One of the most illogical assaults on food provider going, at least for now. Better plan accordingly.

Just saying.

Later Jay

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John Kerry is a much BIGGER problem! Pray for these evil America haters!

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Sorry Maggie, I pray for them to die (not really) but I think it a lot -know what I mean???

Look at the number of farmers in the national statistics. The number is only slightly larger than winning at Bingo at the VFW, right? So, Come on Man!

Later Jay

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John Kerry, translated: "Using our preferred assumptions, mathematical modeling shows that agriculture produces 'emissions,' and we also have models that show that the preferred inputs we select show 'global warming' resulting from those 'emissions.'"

Also (not a Kerry quote):

"The UAE will host COP28 at the end of this year and agriculture emissions are expected to be a major theme of the global climate summit. UAE climate minister Mariam Almheiri pledged at the AIM summit on Monday that COP28 will be "a game-changer for food systems.""

Buckle up; they tell you what they plan to do to you. This second quote is from https://finance.yahoo.com/news/slashing-farm-emissions-critical-fighting-150433618.html

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"a game-changer for food systems." -Ahhhh, nothing to eat! Likely they are all heavily invested in bug propagation or synthetic meats or both or just no respect for life short of their own.

Later Jay

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How many giant homes, cars and private airplanes does that master hypocrite Kerry have? If he's so worried, he should go live in a hut somewhere with only a bicycle, no electricity, no heat.

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Here's a great source of information on preparation and management of such disasters:


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That is a fantastic source of information. Thank you, Fla Mom!

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I was put onto it by reading the novel Black Autumn.

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Ah, thank you for the heads up, I will try to make some time to check it out

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In addition to their readyman.com website with lots of info on it, they have an app that costs, Plan2Survive. I haven't sprung for it (yet, at least).

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With your research it sounds to me that you're going to be well taken care of when things start going sideways πŸ‘

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Dead on. Another way to look at it is the supply chain works so well that we have become completely detached from reality. Things could all change in a day. An EMP here or even in another country could crash the chain.

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This is right out of β€˜Atlas Shrugged’ The producers took their goods and disappeared leaving the rulers without anything to regulate.

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When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors–when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed. -Ayn Rand

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All the better opportunity for the WEF to swoop in and save us all via regulations and controls on multiple areas of our lives.

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And that does seem like the goal? Tear us down, and the WEF/New World Order comes in with 'solutions'.

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100%. Here is my latest article on the subject, it may interest you Based:


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Via global controls. Wonder how long we have til the alien invasion? I hear it's scheduled for 2024, just in time for the presidential election. Wonder if Joe will cancel the elections like Zelenskyy did in Ukraine?

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Indeed: And then son, we hit 'em with the f*n aliens. The last card they will play.

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How do you have an election when Russia is invading?

By the way, Belgorod oblast in Russia was liberated and voted to join Ukraine.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I actually think the goal of most world governments at this point - certainly the ones in first world nations - is to completely destroy the economy of their respective countries. Price fixing contributes to that, as Jeff pointed out. If there is no profit for a famer, manufacturer, or company, they won't waste their time producing food, goods or services. Why would they? When no one grows food, there's an obvious problem. It's quicker depopulation than the clot shot for sure, and you think we had riots in 2020? Starving people are dangerous.

Worse, this whole situation leaves the people COMPLETELY dependent on the government, and there you have it, folks.... what do we call totalitarian governments that controls every aspect of your lives? I call it communism or Nazi Germany 2.0.

But I also don't want to sound so negative. We see what is going on and have good people who are willing to stand up to government overreach. I think there are many more of us than there are of the power-starves evil ones trying to pull this off. We can't put all of our eggs in one basket and wait for a savior or hero to fix it all, like we were reading about this in C&C last week, but each one of us can do what thing we can - even if it is just speaking out - in our own communities.

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My take on it is that across the world nations are being run by really stupid people who knew one thing only and that is how to rise to the top in politics. If you read the history of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the parallels are remarkable. Dumb people, making repeated dumb decisions over extended periods until everything ceases to work. The world’s leaders are so dumb that they will literally burn down the house they live in.

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No. They are not dumb, at least not the ones pulling the strings. Their minions, sure, but not them. They are just evil beyond any normal human comprehension. but do not ever think they don't have a plan, sick though it may be.

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They are demonic...

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YES...not dumb...just pure evil.

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Beyond human comprehension. Supernatural. Just like Legion, cast out by Jesus. Demons, like angels, roam the earth. If you believe in angels you must believe in demons.

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More like they are all being run by thieves who are stealing as much as they can.

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The come up with β€œnew improved accounting methods” to give them more to steal

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Power for the sake of more power, and people at the top of the food chain looking out only for themselves.

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I’d venture one step farther: the goal is depopulation. And if you think you’re going to survive easily, I’m happy to sell you a few bridges to help you get around.

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Fifty years ago I was eating lunch and having a philosophical discussion with a co-worker. From out of nowhere he said, β€œWe just need to kill off half of the world’s population.” Shocked by his comment, I looked at him and said, β€œLet me guess which half you think you’ll be in.” Shut him right up. But that’s the way these hate-filled lefties think: they’re the β€˜good guys’ and will always come out on top. Guess they really haven’t studied history very closely.

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Wow, that would absolutely have floored me, too, and you're right - if you pin these people down, they can't tell you who should die. I always wanted to ask Bill Gates which people should be killed off first since there are supposedly too many of us. Then I'd ask why he would not volunteer himself or his family, but I could never bring myself to suggest someone should kill themselves or others to "save" anything.

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Like the Church of Euthansia. Of course, the founders are still around.


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Whoa. I just read that. Why don't its two founders volunteer? What a sick organization.

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yup, I've heard people say similar things. You then say "ok, so take one for the team. You be the first to go". And then they laugh it off and say "me? no way, I was talking about useless people"....oh there we go, and you can imagine the conversation just spirals down from there. It's an evil idea that has no place in society. At least not a society that will survive anyway.

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50 years ago? Your friend was one evil mofo.

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They think they’re in the club...

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Great response. That is exactly how they think. Good for you for calling him out!

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I had a colleague tell me that one too.. we as a civilization were overpopulated and half of the population needed to go. This is from a pathological liar who regularly slept around with the men in the office despite living with her boyfriend and who had psychotic tendencies - nothing she said shocked me anymore. First I asked her who she thinks would be the first to go and she could/would not give me an answer. I went on to prove to her that the entire US population could fit inside Texas. I may also have told her that sucking D won't guarantee her survival.. She got quite upset and went home for the rest of the day leaving me in peace.

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023

Yep, I'd say you are right and I am pretty sure my chances of survival are at .0001% since I refuse to keep my mouth shut.

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023

You are not negative, nor wrong. But please don't be a pessimist. They want us to give up, despair, stay depressed. The dark side feeds on loosh, or negative energy. That's not a myth. Why do you think war is their ultimate currency.? I read once about a woman who took a survival course, and she asked him what was the single most important thing you could have in a survival situation. He promptly replied " a Positive Mental Attitude". She tattooed it on the back of one of her hand. If you need a little help, play Gloria Gaynor's " I will survive " every morning while you read C&C.

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I've often thought of this regarding the last 3 years. Anyone trained in the Military will tell you that the essence of survival training is to keep a clear head so that you can think straight and not allow the reptilian part of your brain to overwhelm you with fear. So what did governments around the world do when the "pandemic" first hit? That's right: they deliberately induced fear so that people would not be able to think clearly but would instead cower in panic and do anything their government told them to do. Governments even employed an army of behavioural psychologists to maximize the fear and compliance.

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And now they have a list of those that know better. Guess where we end up living. Remember the Japanese in the USA during WWII? Or maybe, just maybe, there were more of us than they guessed and they’re revamping their plans. Civil war is still an option for them.

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On point. Give these a read Cynthia:

This is Your Brain on Terrorism:


Bio-security and Politics:


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Thanks very much for those links: both very interesting articles. Those stats were interesting: makes the huge (& unknown) governmental spend on counter-terrorism look utterly absurd in terms of risk/benefit.

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I sing A Mighty Fortress is Our God. Covers it all and then some!

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You are so right, and thank you for the reminder. I used to teach very basic survival skills to teens and completely forgot about the attitude of choosing to survive. Thank you for the reminder.

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love that song, along with "I am Woman, hear me roar". Even if it sounds like we are not up in arms. Boycotting Target, forever, along with Bud beer.

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Yes, I have been told and agree my mouth's filter, doesn't work lol !!

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Peepul exist who don’t want to know, several levels on my list who can’t handle what I could send them …Breaks my heart, but I am becoming calloused, because it’s all out there to know and to resist. ~~~~Our comty security rode around in golf carts, masked up to the eyeballs in Phx summers, no one else in the cart, can you beeeleeeeeeeve!? Such stupidity and cowardice. ~~~Our proud new army: Jump into the foxholes, marines, don’t forget your masks!!

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Get your DePop shot.

It's not just good public health policy, but it's the law.

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And They say it’s for the greater good.

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The depop shot is for THEIR greater good. They just forgot to mention that.

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Back the blue!

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Had a conversation with someone whose father in law used to farm in Central Oregon years ago. Retired now. But he questioned his FIL last summer while there, about why all the farm land is desolate. Where’s all the cattle, hogs, and wheat? The answer made me sick…. They are getting subsidized by the government NOT TO FARM! The land is desolate because they make more money not farming! Why work your a$$ off and lose money if you don’t have to, I guess. πŸ˜” It’s happening.

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That’s kind of generalizing, but what’s happened in recent years is lack of water. Hay farmers around here only got one cutting, maybe two, last year depending on the water district they lived in. It will be interesting to see this year’s water supply, above average snow pack.

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I understand what you are saying, but this particular place had nothing to do with watering issues. I know the family well including the father in law. Water wasn’t the issue. Our conversation was pretty blunt. I suspect…don’t know, just suspect….that this is happening on a small enough scale as to not put a spotlight on it. It needs to be hush hush when it happens. That way by the time people find out what’s happening it’ll be too late to do anything about it. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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Yea, Gates has bought farmland, has China?

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Yes. I’ve heard China has too. In fact I think Florida just passed a law that included no longer letting Chinese investors purchase Florida land. I can’t remember details but it was a good start.

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The same is happening in Texas. I know a woman who owns over 100 ac and she gets paid more for having the land in her name, rather than her husband's. The thing is, is they have no interest in farming anyway but she still collects a hefty check for "not farming". πŸ™„

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Is it the CRA program?

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CRA has to do with mortgages in the community. They paid cash for their property several years ago when land prices were cheap.

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We must be talking about different programs.

I might have the acronym wrong but it’s a program that basically pays you to let the land rest. Pants on head stupid.

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Upstate New York did that for many years.

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Your optimism is commendable but many do not stand up to ridiculous propaganda. Not in Russia, not the in the US and not in many parts of the world. Once government edicts become law, many will just try to lower their profile and wait until things get better. When they don't, they just curl up or go along. There was a book some time back about how easy it was to get people to go along, even with turning up up the power to jolt a victim under orders.

"Are we all Nazis?" was the book and the study. Turns out whole damn group of the population is ready to go totalitarian with a little urging from the government. Or did we already forget how the unvaccinated were the new jews or kulaks of the day?

Had come across the book in my university library and read it. It's probably been vaporized from there since.


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Being one of the unvaccinated, I certainly have not forgotten. Two different platforms I follow recently played a video compilation of media idiots wishing death and destruction on the unvaccinated and I was surprised at how upsetting it was to me. I already knew it, of course, but hearing it again was traumatic.

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Where I live, the local mayor who I knew somewhat well was putting out releases telling people to literally not associate with "the unvaccinated."

It wasn't a mistake. He did it several times. The sheep never bleated a single sound in opposition. Maybe I'll put out a reminder on the town Theftbook page.

They already hate my guts but I don't care.

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Do you have copies of the original statements by that mayor?

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Sure I do as the mayor's staff was proudly emailing them out to residents. It's not like he can deny it. Same with trying to impose a $300 face mask fine for any resident stepping outside their door.

Led the fight against that as part of my last major local contribution. It went down in flames.

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After seeing the compilation of videos that you saw, I was sick all over again too, when I thought about one of my close friends (not in same town and we hadn’t been in touch) bragging about her upcoming wholly vaxxed Thanksgiving.

We were having warm weather and I invited them to meet us to go camping. She texted an hour later asking if we were vaxxed, I said no, she declined the invite. Outdoors, our own RVs no less!

They and other friends in another group thought the same way. Sorta makes sense, they are all in the peoples republic of Portland Oregon.


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So sad!

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Division of people was part of the plan and libs fell for it due to fear and group think.

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I lost so many people to the scamdemic. They believed, I did not. Relationships over.

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I saw that compilation too. Luckily I don’t watch msm so I didn’t witness their evil vitriol against we unjabbed at the time. It was bad enough getting dis-invited to events and having β€œfriends” literally run away from me in fear.

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Parents lost their children too.... we rarely hear from 2 of ours.

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Same here. 😒 Not to mention, siblings and other extended family. I never dreamed our "tight-knit" family would become so terribly fragmented over govt propaganda.

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They have plugged their ears! Refuse to discuss any of it... So much for the days when civil discourse was for the most part respectful and peaceful.

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I am so sorry - this is the worst, Maggie ToM!

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Thank you. It is.

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It’s shocking how those you loved and raised could just turn you away. It was so unpredictable- people we thought we knew suddenly acted so paranoid and mean. I have a long memory for those people. Many of them are sickly now and I’ve noticed they don’t talk about the elephant in the room.

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No they don't and they won't. It's something they cannot comprehend because their thoughs are clouded witn falsehoods! So, they must silence us, as if the problem stems from us and not their own misconceptions. No civil discourse. Just lots of blame. I've given it to God. Only He can redeem and restore.

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Also seeing all the film clips at the same time was toxic.

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I just watched that compilation on Telegram.

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You're right. Many do not stand up. But I won't rule out myself or others doing it. I will never forgive nor forget the general population wanting me dead for not taking the death jab. Now the morons are asking for amnesty over it. Never.

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This is a first. I agreed with something that Horsey said. :)

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Is Iron Horsey the same as Horsey?

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Just ordered the book, Iron Horsey.

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This is why Bill Gates is now the largest single farm owner in America. He can stop production of real food. We are in the End Times. Get your life in order. The Rapture is coming sooner than we know. Get to know your local farmers, go to farmers markets, make friends with them, if you can't garden yourself.

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Amen!! They are trying to do all of this but it doesn’t mean we have to let them!!

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Add in a HUGE population of displaced, illegal, criminal, "fighting age" young MEN from multiple countries, who will also be starving and roaming the streets. It's a recipe for disaster of epic proportions. There's been plenty of predictive programing in movies and TV shows that support this.

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Better known as the Great Reset.

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β€œRemember the former things long past,

For I am God, and there is no other;

I am God, and there is no one like Me,

Declaring the end from the beginning,

And from ancient times things which have not been done,

Saying, β€˜My purpose will be established,

And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’.”

β€” Isaiah 46:9-10 NASB1995

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Hanging on to that! Definitely! ~~~ Our Phoenix newspaper columnists have no idea what’s coming. Noses in the air, can’t see the big potholes up ahead Broken legs, very possible, very soon.

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My mother said exactly one useful thing in my life. It was about the great depression.

"At first it was great because everything was so cheap. And then it was awful because the store shelves were empty."

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Like under communism.

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If the WHO Pandemic treaty passes the Senate the Biden administration going to go gangbusters to implement it and then we will have full blown totalitarianism. Every aspect of our lives will be controlled. The WHO One Health Conference lays it all out.


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I saw a documentary about China back in the late '90s in which an elderly woman was interviewed. By then, the coastal cities had been allowed to do some trading, so they were prospering, relatively speaking; not so much in the heartland. She said, "I liked it better before; no one had anything!"

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Right. Misery loves company.

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Sad. Terribly sad.

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Wow, it's obvious too few people have studied history and economics if they think price controls and central planning actually work. Oh I forgot, they are too busy teaching kids about social activism and 23 genders. I am old enough to remember the toilet paper shortages in the old Soviet Union. I remember hearing about people who traveled there having to bring their own toilet paper in their suitcases. What is it with the toilet paper anyway?

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Growing up we had a Soviet family in our church. I recall my mom telling how the Soviet mother described waiting in line for hours for one chicken for her family, and even then the chicken was nearly spoiled.

But kids aren't taught anything about anything anymore and haven't been for a generation or two. It's despicable. One of our third grade neighbors has been learning in his "social studies" [when people stopped teaching HISTORY and began teaching SOCIAL STUDIES, that was a problem], anyway, he has been learning about Ukraine. What do third graders need to be learning about Ukraine? How about teaching them either the early history and development of our own country, or, as our young person was taught, about the early history of western civilization in Ancient Greece and Rome? Give kids the historical background and context for how we arrived in our modern world.

Okay, mini rant done.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

If you can afford it (parents or grandparents) I would suggest you send your kids to a private school. My grandchildren are attending a Classical Christian school and it’s amazing what they’re learning and doing. They’re only in 1st and 2nd grade and are reading chapter books on their own, learning Latin, world and US history, doing real math that requires exact answers, can spell and write essays, are studying the Bible and they don’t use IPads. They’re taught to practice virtuous behavior. It’s incredible.

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Considering what's going on in our public schools, parents had better afford either private schools or begin homeschooling.

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To hear something good like this makes my day!

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023

We were at a private Christian school. They taught largely a classical model including teaching humanities by timeline, which is why Ancient Greece and Rome were being taught in third grade. πŸ™‚

We loved it until we hated it. The classical model works well for a certain sort of kiddo. It ended up not working so well for our young person who is very bright with some learning differences. It did not work well for our friends whose kids are bright but who developmentally simply do not read until they are 8 or 9 years old. The classical model definitely facilitates the skills you describe, however, it does not inherently cause first graders to write essays, if those first graders are not developmentally ready to do so. Our kiddo was being made to produce multi-page papers in third grade, while never having been taught how to write a good sentence, let alone a well-constructed paragraph. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

As I said, we loved it. Until ours hit the wall in third grade.

We brought our young person home to homeschool, continuing the historical timeline for teaching humanities. We have been able to include a more gentle approach to learning that better suits our young person's learning needs and style. There may or may not be Latin in the future. It was much-anticipated prior to third grade, which was when the school began teaching. However, it was taught in a way that was incredibly difficult for kids such as ours to learn (teaching various noun endings, when they haven't even mastered basic English grammar???!!!), so we abandoned that when we first came home.

We shall see.

But yes, classical model, or Charlotte Mason model, or eclectic model - bottom line teach what is good, beautiful, and true. At a private school or at home.

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Homeschooling is definitely a method that can be customized to any student. I homeschooled my 2 boys through high school. Using Alpha Phonics, they learned the English phonics in kindergarten and their basic 1-2-3's of math. For what it's worth, I never had them focus on grammar. They had a grammar reference book available to look up any specific questions but their grammar was simply absorbed by reading great literature. In hindsight, that worked beautifully.

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Homeschooling with a great co-op is truly the best/only option. I know that most families these days have both parents working. Do your math - not New Math- and discover how to get to the β€˜living as was designed’ place in life; provider, homemaker, parents. I speak from being a family of educators (not from a family of educators because I left home at 15 and got my education because of loving extended family and started college at the age of 36). I have worked in many different areas during 27 years in the education system in the 70s to 1999, just to watch over MY children who I was told I had to leave with strangers all day. No homeschool was in existence in the minds of parents then. I saw β€˜things,’ fought β€˜things,’ and reported β€˜things,’ but was labeled even in those days. But we are told to β€˜take the light into darkness’ dressed in our Armor. I did and retired. Now my children and grandchildren are. May they be successful in shining light on the dark, evilness and Satanic in our educational system.

When asked by parents early in my accidental career, which was the best school for their child, I always would reply, home or one you’re at daily in some capacity. I was hired because I was at the school every day volunteering and the teachers were tired of my β€œchecking out their classroom teaching.” Pray for all the single parents whose choices are limited and to look for options. We are out here!

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No doubt homeschooling is a great option but it's not necessarily the best/only option. My boys are in a small traditional Christian high school (100 students) and it's been fantastic for them. They are surrounding by teachers that love Jesus and other kids from good homes. Parents sacrifice to send their kids there so it selects for a good student body. My older son doesn't make friends easily (on the spectrum) but the kids there have been fantastic to him and are always warm and friendly and treat him as just one of the guys.

The principal interviews all prospective students multiple times ensuring they are polite and respectful of others. If it happens, kids that are openly rebellious (as opposed to making dumb mistakes all kids make) quickly are expelled. All teachers and students must be Christian and proclaim Jesus and their Lord and Savior.

My wife is on staff there this year (teaching chemistry) and she can attest that they "walk the walk". Plus the staff are kind and decent people who are there not for the money (pay is not great) but because they are grateful to God for all He has done for them and want to return that kindness to future generations. I really like having my kids around these Godly people seven hours a day.

I'm thankful that you found a homeschooling coop that works well. In fact our school holds joint events with our local coop (just hosted prom together) so I've seen firsthand the great work done by coops. But there are other options out there that people should consider also. Homeschooling isn't necessarily the only way to do it, but you do have to find the right school.

But one thing I think we all agree on, if your kids are still in public school, you will reap what you sow.

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Jeff, you are correct! It just happens that all the homeschool parents I know are from our and surrounding churches with a certified Christian Principal/homeschool mom as our Co-op principal. Yes, what a difference Jesus makes in teaching our children. I’m thankful that you have found a small Christian school for your boys because in our area, the students expelled from public school end up registering and being accepted in the Mega church schools. Defeats the entire principal of Christian schools as far as I’m concerned and I know that sounds terrible and not very Christ-like, but it has been proven to me to be an unhealthy environment for most of the other students, not to mention the staff.

I would love to know the name/website of your school, as I will never give up trying to get more β€œgroups” started locally.

We, too, have special needs grandchildren, one of our 4 adopted China babes (high school) is deaf. He was born with no ears and attends FSDB. Our other special needs step- grandson (25 and on the spectrum also) just graduated from college with a major in History. So Christian secondary schools and colleges are a real need. Blessing to your wife!

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I should have mentioned that I loved your comment in particularly how you described the spiritual warfare underway for our kids. Amen to every word of it.

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The sad part about that is, "if you can afford it."

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Yes, I understand. But a lot of people are homeschooling or forming co-op home education and that’s a wonderful option too. It’s so sad that the public schools have become indoctrination camps that are destroying innocent children with their obsession with perversions, evil and division even between parents and their children.

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Gee that sounds like my public schools when I was growing up!

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Would you share the name of the school? Interested in knowing about it as an option!

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There are lots of them around. You can search online for Christian schools, and then inquire about their approaches. Or search online for classical Christian school. Hillsdale College sponsors some too.

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Yes the school is Telos Classical Academy in Park City, UT. and you can search online at telosclassicalacademy.org

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My uncle studied Latin for years. Learning about the world, from Rome to US history and Eastern Europe (Ukraine) is more useful.

Virtue is valued more when people understand what happens to nations where virtue is absent or eliminated by totalitarians.

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Sounds like β€˜Classical Conversations”; the program my daughter homeschooled with. Wonderful.

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Our North Carolina Governor just declared a state of emergency over pending school choice legislation (vouchers for private schools):

"Democratic North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper declared a "state of emergency" on Monday in an attempt to stop a school choice bill from passing the state legislature.

Cooper released a video announcement where he declared a state of emergency, arguing that the state of public education is "no less important" than other emergencies.

"It’s time to declare a State of Emergency for public education in North Carolina. There’s no Executive Order like with a hurricane or the pandemic, but it’s no less important," Cooper stated."


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Soviet joke: A man walks into a shop. He asks the clerk, β€œYou don’t have any meat?”

The clerk says, β€œNo, here we don’t have any fish.

The shop that doesn’t have any meat is across the street.”

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A Soviet man waits in line for hours for meat, when he finally get to the front there is none left. He snaps.

"I am a patriotic Soviet citizen! I work for the state for thirty years! I fight in the great patriotic war! I don't complain. And this is how I am treated? Dogs get treated better than this!"

A man in a trench coat walks up to him, "Comrade, do not speak like this. You remember in the old days what would have happened for doing so" and he pantomimes a gun to the head using his finger.

Frustrated the man returns home empty-handed. His wife greets him, "Are they out of meat again?" "Even worse" the man replies, "they are out of bullets".

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There is nothing quite as salty and pragmatic as Russian humor.

Who was hurt most by the USSR? Russians.

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But not on a percentage basis. Ask the Tatars in Crimea. Ask the people of Ukraine why they fight for survival so valiantly shocking the world?

They'll tell you about the communists from Moscow and how they tried to break their will to the State by closing the borders, seizing grain and food and starving them. The first man-made famine in history which killed upwards of 7 million or more people.

The Holodomor is not forgotten in Ukraine today. Neither are Putin's henchmen who use torture, rape, murder and ethnic cleansing literally kidnapping children and sending them into the bowels of Russia.

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023

You can't legitimately trivialize any people's suffering by comparing it to someone else. The Communists first ruthlessly subjugated their own Russian people before the people on Russia's borders. This is the fist of Communism and it spares no one. In the Russian community we have here in Florida, you still hear tales of families torn apart generations ago who are still looking for missing members. Seventy years of Soviet rule is the reason they are so stoic as a people... people who have suffered great loss.

Now Communism is flowering in our own Gov't and the people are so bereft of understanding they have no clue what is coming.

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I'm with you on your first two paragraphs and the first sentence of the third; agnostic on the rest.

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Yes, but teaching them DEI and all the LGBTQwxyz malarkey and 99 genders is so much more important!!!

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Learning more about the world, not less is a good thing. I learned about the US Constitution and the world from the Roman Empire to Eastern Europe.

It's a good thing and most learning takes place outside the classroom. Kids should be encouraged to read. Read more.

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When I was in Bucharest, Romania I stayed at a small hotel. The owner's son was telling me how his father was on list for 8 years just to purchase a car during Soviet times.

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It was the same in East Germany. But the waiting time for a car was even longer. My parents were lucky they could buy a used car (20 years old) for the same price as a new one...

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I have a personal friend who grew up in Russia and she told me the same.. you never knew when you might eat next, always having to struggle to get food and regular household items, etc. There were never enough. She is middle aged and still traumatized to this day, despite living in the US. We had a light bulb blow out and she started crying. Definitely put things into perspective. I truly hope it does not get this bad as hungry people become desperate and will murder without a second thought for a mere morsel of sustenance.

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Hungry people who do not have a moral compass will murder.

It is the lack of a moral compass which has gotten us into this disaster. Those in charge have only themselves as a source of morality. Each one doing what is right in his own eyes. They refuse to submit themselves to the true Authority of the Universe.

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Imagine the shock when a mommy dog discovers her new gender, and the bald eagle realizes he no longer has to watch the nest, but have the babies! What chaos in the animal kingdom ~~~. And who will be there to explain it to them?! ~~~ A whole new series of internet seminars installed, to teach the language of the animals before it is too late, with climate change and all. Meanwhile in the human world, hardly anyone knows what to do with an apostrophe! Amen and amen

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023

β€œMeanwhile in the human world, hardly anyone knows what to do with an apostrophe!”

This made me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜† Funny because it’s true 😬

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always the first things stores run out of. How come? Do some eat it?

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Because no one wants to run out of it! πŸ˜‚

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The Bidet enters the chat...

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Exactly! You don't want to run out because what is the alternative? When was the last time you saw a Sears catalogue? And no one gets a physical newspaper anymore.

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Well, here in Ohio there are leaves. I'm not saying that's a good option because 99.9% of the people out there can't identify poison ivy. πŸ˜‚

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I'm pretty good at identifying poison ivy. It's just that my timing is off; I don't see it until I've already stepped in it!

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I read some folks were talking about cutting up squares of old t-shirts, etc. Not real sure if they were going to wash/reuse said squares, tho... I guess it'd be kind like washing baby diapers. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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My neighbor just gave me a bunch of expired food, which I will absolutely eat, but then she also gave me a 6 pack of toilet paper because she said she had a whole basement full of it. I don't get the obsession with toilet paper, either.

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Respectfully, this is what people say who have never been without it. Using water and one's left hand, as is common in many Asian countries, works, but hand sanitation is made much more difficult, and fecal-oral transmission of human pathogens "is a thing," as the saying goes these days. Leaves do not have absorptive capacity. Other types of paper, if they are available, have similar issues, and ink can rub off. I have no experience of European-style bidets, so I can't comment on them, but they are not generally available in the U.S. anyway.

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For what it's worth - the ones that are built into toilet seats are pretty widely available in the States.

I've installed them for several friends and family members. DIY friendly.

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Bidets are so simple and effective and easy to install. Americans have a blind spot here due to construction traditions. Think of it this way. Which is more effective? Smearing your ass with paper or washing it with water.

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And does one just spray water without being able to see what's going on down there (is it clean or not?), or does one rub the area as well? If so, with what? If one's hand, then I suggest culturing one's hand after handwashing, as a fun experiment.

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It's easier than you envision. Your ass has lots of nerve endings to tell you what is going on. A few seconds of water spraying and then a pat dry with a little TP and your done. As good as Mr Clean.

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Maybe as a physician I've had more experience of various . . . qualities that human feces can have. (Nurses, nursing assistants, etc., would have even more.) I remain skeptical. But thanks; I've always wondered.

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Yes, travel through Asia and almost every toilet has a little hose with a nozzle sprayer. You can get bidets that are easy to install and those hoses with the nozzle sprayers for a low price (that also install on your tank). Now if we run out of water… We have a different problem.

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I was just thinking of the water running out being an issue!

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Lack of water will kill you faster than lack of food.

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I liked your comment, but I don't really like the reality of the comment:)

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I remember the toilet paper shortages of 2020.

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I'm old enough to remember that too:)

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May 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I read Empire of Pain (the story of the Sacklers and their corruption with opioids). I’m trying to figure out how the same things keep happening again and again and why it takes so long for people to hear the truth. (Well, I do get it, but it’s crazy.)Thanks for the update on this case.

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Over the weekend, I saw a bus with an advertisement for a drug that reverses opioid overdose. Onward and upward. It seems the pharma cartel has already moved on to new solutions to pad their accounts.

CNN reports their assurance of no adverse effects. A favorite flip flop doctor wen on covid policies recommends it! Earmark this article for the next lawsuit.

β€œ The drug works on someone only if there are opioids in their system. It won’t work on any other type of drug overdose, but it won’t have adverse effects if given to someone who hasn’t taken opioids.

Naloxone reverses an overdose for up to about 90 minutes, but opioids can stay in the system for longer, so it’s still important to call 911 after giving the drug.β€œ. #science


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As always, just provide a "fix" but never address to "root cause".

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Because people actually believe the doctors and msm community is their for their good health. 😳 Tide is changing. If we stop feeding this beast, it will collapse.

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We feed the beast with fear. They create it to survive. Just stop any fear and anxiety they perpetuate!

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Just say no - to the msm medical community.

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Me too...their inability to see the truth is shocking

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Dopesick was also excellent. It’s a must watch for everyone. And the parallels between the development of OxyContin and the vaccine are downright scary.

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Dopesick was phenomenal. Awakens you to how corrupt the medical system is.

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History repeats itself regularly and like clockwork, always has and I'm afraid always will.

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Quite simple ackshoolly: every disagreement with official tall tales is billed as hate, and every inconvenient fact as mis/dis/malinfo. This draws the drape for truth hard to penetrate πŸ˜’

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2nd Corinthians 4:4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

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Here's another eye-opener:

Big Pharma and the Opioid Epidemic, a lecture telling the history of the pharmaceutical industry.


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Thanks for sharing this!

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Idk after what the cigarette industry did in the name of money, why are we surprised?

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BTW, The History Channel is doing a series about big events in history. They did one on how the cigarette, booze and sex became industries. They knew way, way early on that cigarettes were bad for you.

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The TV series DopeSick lays it all out pretty well too.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Gates got honey potted! Epstein made a living by extorting rich pedos....he kept videos of it all as well! Hey, where are those videos?

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I know! I know! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ The eff-bee-eye has them and now THEY’RE using them to blackmail the participants. That’s why that agency fears nothing from all the recent revelations of their twisted dealings. Blackmail tapes allow you to say, β€œYeah. And?” Won’t they be surprised when they meet their Maker?!

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On the laptop

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Epstein had the protection of at least several countries. He was being protected until the day he wasn't. The videos are all safe and sound taken from Pedo Island.

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Dunno, but in order to get into the club one must do a few things as a form of insurance, just sayin....

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May 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The Nancy Pelosi word problem was gold πŸ˜†.

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I wanted ice cream after reading.

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Those flavors were awesome!

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no matter how bad they were, they are always good food for jokes.

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Gold? More like a rich melange of heavily sweetened creme!!

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Biden: OMG, the debt ceiling crisis. We're running out of money!

Also Biden: announces $375 million for Ukraine

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so Zelensky can buy another mansion somewhere in case the money dries up

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Only losers have just one mansion, duh.

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Where is this mansion again?

Surely Jeff has been to it since it's in Florida, right?

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This money was funded previously.

That's basic economics, dude.

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β€œrequires them to publicly disclose over 30 million documents”

Now this is exciting. Remember how it came out in court that Merck had a β€œβ€˜hit list’ of doctors to β€˜neutralise,’ β€˜destroy,’ and β€˜discredit’ for exposing the dangers of Vioxx” as per the standard Disinformation Playbook (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-croatian-weekly-hrvatski-tjednik). I look forward to seeing what is revealed in this disclosure (might need to put Naomi Wolf’s army of data analysts on it).

β€œthe latest in a long series of institutions to publicly distance themselves”

I can’t wait till this starts happening with Pfizer!

For those of you who have been following Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi’s trials and tribulations, please see the article I published the other day with an uplifting update from Sucharit at the end as well as actions you can take to support him. I’ve created graphics you can use with the hashtag #IStandWithSucharit along with signs you can print in your window to accompany burning candles on the evening of May 22 (Berlin time) before his trial on Tuesday morning:

β€’ β€œProfiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit)

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It occurred to me that a great use for AI / ChatGPT is to scan the millions of documents for keywords or concepts or statements, etc. Difficult to get through that many, but this may be one good use for AI.

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Brilliant idea to put it to use for good, Fla Mom!

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So now we have a Gates-gate?

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May 22, 2023Β·edited May 22, 2023


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Nailed it! Lol

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A funny headline: Politicizing Nancy Pelosi’s ice cream is a fridge too far.

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You are on a roll today.

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This country is corrupt.

As President Reagan said, β€œIf we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under”.

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Reading β€œReturn of the gods”. Points out what is happening now in USA and western countries when God is driven out. Evil slithers back in.

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I am reading that book now and can see the trouble we are in. When you drive God out, you are inviting Satan and his hosts in.

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Every copy of that book in my large system of libraries is checked out. A good sign. I bought it. It adds cohesion to what I see around me and trying to figure out why all this is happening. Especially the explicit child sacrifice, 2020’s style. I have a trans grandkid. 17. I had trouble reading that section in the book, but I must.

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When they removed God from schools and public places, it created a vacuum that evil occupied.

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Yes. A parable of Jesus warns that removing God from your nation will allow the evil from long ago pushed out by Christianity, to returnβ€”7 fold more dangerous. We see it on display and trying to be crammed down our throats as they destroy our children.

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And he came after the β€œsecond worst president”.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Are those Pentagon accountants the same ones that lost track of $2.3 TRILLION in 2001? The same ones that war criminal Donald Rumsfeld referred to in a speech on September 10, 2001?

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Not just 2001, September 10th, 2001 was the date Donald Rumsfeld announced it in a 23 second clip. Timing was just a coincidence I'm sure.

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In reality, it was FAR more than $2.3T.

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Philanthropath: A sociopath masquerading as a philanthropist.

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oooh, good one. That's how we should refer to him. Seems it hurts his feelings when we refer to him as a pedo, maybe he'll prefer this moniker?

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