Woe to those who deeply hide their counsel from Yahweh,

And whose deeds are done in a dark place,

And they say, “Who sees us?” or “Who knows us?”

You turn things around!

Shall the potter be considered as equal with the clay,

That what is made would say to its maker, “He did not make me”;

Or what is formed say to him who formed it, “He has no understanding”?

— Isaiah 29:15-16 LSB

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More money to Ukraine will result in no money helping the people there. It's all a ruse for shifting more funds into the pockets of the war lovers and the Russia and Putin haters. Once again, the American taxpayer is being played for a fool. That ploy is now in hyper-drive as has been for decades.

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The photo of McCain, Klobuchar and others made me cringe. Horrible people.

At a campaign event in 2019, I had the opportunity to ask Klobuchar about her thoughts on the fervent effort to extradite Julian Assange. A very pertinent question considering she served as AG for the state of MN, and her father was a well-known reporter in his day. She quickly shooed me away to one of her aides, who told me it was "complicated." No, it isn't. You are either for freedom of speech and press or you are not. She clearly is not.

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Feb 28Liked by Jeff Childers

Tucker's latest interview is with Eithan Hair, the just graduated surgeon whistleblower who exposed his Texas hospital for lying about shutting down their transgender complex. For which they sicked the weaponized Feds on him. Just gave to his GiveSendGo account. ,

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28Liked by Jeff Childers

Good Morning, this is a landmark day; what we knew to be true in our hearts is true, the God of the universe will reveal it or let it be seen, the Enemy means it all for evil and for division and for retributive hateful reaction. Our course as Free people who do not serve men is quite clear. Light and Darkness have nothing to with with each other, each soul must choose which god or God they serve. Some of the video accompanying this news story of CIA destabilization required to bring security in E. Ukraine is quite revealing of the Pathology of Evil these professional, highly compensated meddlers operate under

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Feb 28Liked by Jeff Childers

I felt like I was reading a spy novel heavily laced with dark humor this morning.

Thank you for the work you put into this. It crazy

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They (DeepState) incited and allowed Pearl Harbor massacre, abandoned Wake island to massacre, no real attempt at striking Japan's Invasion Fleet and transports taking the Phillippines, they left the East Coast open for MONTHS as prey for U-Boat massacre of our merchant marine (highest % death toll of USA servicemen 1941-45) to ensure we'd fight to the death with no negotiated surrender and turn ALL power of intelligence and war over to them. We all need to look into who funded Japan's Military Industrial Complex 1860s-1930s, the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, Maoists, The Italian Socialist-Fascists, the Nazis, overthrowing or co-opting Kings and Emperors and installing malleable Republics or Rabid Revolutionaries. This is how they work generationally and the sons and grandsons learn very well from their fathers. They Killed Dem leaders in 1960s and took over that political party, they ran Nixon out, made Ford and Carter puppets, tried to kill Reagan, Clintonized us, they set us up for 9-11, NeoCon'd us, Obama'd us, and now Biden'd us; they ARE the ones funding our current invasion by foreign assets. Who owns and operates "our" DeepState and Globali$t Financial Cartel--even Ukraine was just on par with being an illegal pot grow and puppy mill operation to the Global Master Class.

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When I see the New York Times actually do journalism, my first thought is what’s the motivation? What is the deep state up to? The NYT has become nothing but a tool, like so much of our MSM.

I figured 2024 was going to be a crazy, interesting year, but I’m starting to think I underestimated.

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Another big fake news from Ukraine is the (western) media will use dehumanizing language to make the Ruskies out as primitive orcs that use 'human wave' attacks. Which is a complete lie. Check out a bit of this here.


Turns out the same BS lango was used for previous wars. We were told we were winning Vietnam even as US forces were humiliated in the bumbled Saigon evacuation. The amount of curated propaganda is actually increasing...

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Feb 28Liked by Jeff Childers

—“No more money for Ukraine until our own border is fully secure.”

At this point, I would say no more money for Ukraine, period. I don’t trust that the money would actually go to help the people. Let Europe spend their money on them, they keep complaining about the US until it’s time to spend money on something, and then they’re only too glad to ask for help 🙄 We keep being told how great people in European countries have it, with “free” or low cost medical care, universities, parental leave, vacation, etc. If they’ve got that much money, then why don’t *they* show how “noble” they are and make some sacrifices for their Ukrainian brethren? 😑

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Feb 28Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff! Great as always!

I think that Russia likely found one of these bases and Russia was likely using it as leverage over the current administration or holding is as an October Surprise. The only reason you burn something like that is if its already lost. Rather than have it become a huge embarrassing foreign policy blunder later, which seem the norm with Biden, they are running damage control now.

It does beg to question who is running this country. You wonder if Trump was briefed on these spy camps. I wonder if Biden was, or if he could even remember being briefed on them.

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"Ammo, you can buy. Weapons, you can buy. More Ukrainians? Not so much."

Not true. The US, Canada & EU have multiple thousands of Ukrainians residing in their countries and many of them are lobbying governments to send more money and weapons to Ukraine. Before we do anything else for Ukraine I suggest we have all Ukrainians return to the land they love.

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Feb 28Liked by Jeff Childers

This might be the coffee talking, but I just want to thank you Jeff for digesting the important news for us! I’m so full of gratitude this morning! You’re doing incredible work.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

in re: What would the U.S. do, if Russia were building dozens of secret military bases along our southern border and training Mexico’s military and installing Russia-friendly, KGB assets into all of Mexico’s top political, military, and intelligence services...

The UN is doing so, much more effectively, in the guise of refugees pouring illegally across our border? The army have arrived and continue to build up their bases here

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“Leave the World Behind”…..they told you what they are doing. They want to US to implode. And they will accomplish that be revealing more and more to the public so that Americans will no longer trust the institutions of its government. And for the past several years they have driven the wedge of division into the population on several fronts…socially, economically, politically, mentally and most certainly emotionally. The pandemic set us up for the next phase…it turned friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor, family against family over competing narratives. And now, they are dropping the veil so that they can simply light the fire and watch the flames rise high and society constructs burn to the ground do they can “build back better.”

You have to think like them. They have taken us to the brink. The purpose mainly to undermine the foundations of Western society by revealing the corruption and increasing capture of those institutions.

Think Machiavelli’s “The Prince.” The ruler presents as 1/2 man and 1/2 beast….but in truth is whole beast. Caveat Emptor. We are being played. They are going to create the problem and then offer the solution….it has been years in the making. They want us to come to the conclusion that governance as we have always known it is no longer the answer. And they have their pre-baked solution…technocracy, with themselves in the driver’s seat.

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Glenn Greenwald gives a great breakdown of the NYT article in this podcast. They really do think we’re idiots. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/system-update-with-glenn-greenwald/id1669610956?i=1000647224229

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