Strangers saving a man's life from a burning vehicle, is what the real America is all about.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22Liked by Jeff Childers

Regular citizens saving a country from burning up is what America is really all about. 💪🙏🏻

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America is burning up right now.

No one is coming to save us.

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Four more yrs of democrat control will destroy the USA completely

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Sadly, most of the Republicans are as awful as the Dems. Four more years of the Uniparty and we are finished 😢

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Time to clean house ! No more going along to get along … we need REAL change.

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There was a really interesting video of Tucker Carlson and a journalist from Texas. You could feel his frustration with both Democrats and Republicans. He pointed out that even in Communist Russia, Stalin "allowed" the opposition party to exist as long as they knew their place and didn't step outside the lines. This perpetuates the notion that there is not a tyranny in place. I should have saved a link to it and now I can't remember his name. It was a fiery interview.

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Well, he's pointing out the truth: our so-called "conservative" party, the GOP, is nothing more than controlled opposition. The "opposition" and "checks and balances" are fake. DNC and GOP are on the same team. It's been this way for decades now.

Our leaders learned their lessons well from WW2. Sadly, they learned all the wrong lessons and made their playbook out of all the bad ideas from Stalin, Hitler, et al.

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Found it. The interview is with Jesse Kelly. I don't like to post links. Just go to Tucker Carlson Network and look for the interview with Jessy Kelly.

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I believe it was the Joe Rogan interview you refer to. Joe lives in Austin and is probably the most famous, most followed podcaster in the world. I watched it on Spotify.

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was it Jesse Kelly?

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It must have been shocking to learn that most Americans of all persuasions are standing with allies and against the ChiCom-Russia-Mullahs Alliance.

That's why it's good to go outside and take the temperature from here within the Lavorv-Kremlin HQ. 🤣

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How's things going at Langley these days?

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Reinforcements for Benny have arrived! Don't look now but Rusted Horsey is back.

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Where you been?you’ve been missed. Like a kidney stone.

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Yes, it will. The Dem controlled cities are an indication of the horrors all of us will face.

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I agree.

America can tolerate a LOT.

But 4 more years of insanity/tyranny is likely to destroy the country.

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Some heavy hitters on Wall Street have said the same thing. It's appears to be a consensus opinion growing in the country.

Given the House vote, the cheering and chanting of Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine and nothing for the border, it is nearly taps for the last remnant of the USA still standing. And the USG is caught in a debt trap. It's all a house of cards run by lunatics.

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“It's all a house of cards run by lunatics.”

How true and oh, so sad.

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I highly doubt it will take 4 years.

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There is a revolution occuring as we speak, but most Americans are either oblivious to all the changes which have already occured, (the oligarch/corporate dominance of decades now), are aware but overwhelmed, think voting can change things, or are just plain scared because of the J6 example. It is all too much. One thing most over 35 will agree is that the country has changed.

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There is no United States government, only the criminal pretense thereof. The Ukraine vote? It tells me that the Ukraine is more important that you, me and the border ... our border. Again, we don't have border. But we do have a failing money/funding machine.

My bright spot today is the mention of Marjorie Taylor Greene who Never gives up. Nor should we. No matter how hard the going gets.

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I take MTG with a grain of salt, if I remember correctly she was an adamant McCarthy supporter. Actually I take ALL politicians with a grain of salt.

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Actually, McCarthy was much, much more right than he ever was wrong. And famously Ann Coulter made this acknowledgement and she is right. And I would have thought that McCarthy was a little bit before her time. She, after all, was born in 1974.

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IF we repent as a nation - JEHOVAH will indeed HEAL our country!!

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But there are plenty standing by with a gallon of gas and a match! And I'm sure they have American names but have other agendas in mind.

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Well benn and IH. Whisch used to stand for international harvester, but now stands for this dope benn brought back. Thanks benn.

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“Frisneda died suddenly at age 53 on Saturday. All we know is there was no foul play.”


MMM was the only site I saw that mentioned ‘died suddenly,’ although there was a comment that the news was ‘sudden.’

Elsewhere, “Frisnedo’s cause of death was not shared. On Friday, April 19, he had posted a photo on social media of himself working at City Hall with the accompanying caption, ‘My last assignment of the week!’” Sudden indeed. :(

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The medical people are "baffled!"

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It is a Do It Yourself situation.

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We will save ourselves!! During the first revolution it was a small percentage of ordinary citizens ( 10% I think) that instigated and somewhere in the 30ish% of people actively supported the war. Small groups of righteously determined citizens is all that’s required. For big brother ** not advocating starting a war or inciting violence **. This is a metaphorical statement.

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We are the only ones who can save us

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deletedApr 22
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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Get lost! We have already seen the narrative of the scary "Christian Nationalism" being pushed beginning with Biden and now there begins a full-on push to impose that narrative on America just in time for the election. I'm not having it and I'm not tolerating it. Even our local NeoCon apologist, BNN, dropped this term Christian Nationalism just the other day. This budding narrative is cut out of whole cloth and I will not give it any credence. It is a diversion to take the debate off of the actual evil in our Gov't, Marxism and their woke, trans-humanist agenda. The enemy cannot abide light being focused on them!

I would add that this narrative is only the beginning with the goal of an organized attack on America's churches - both legal and physical. Our pastors and their congregations have no idea what is coming for them.

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Personally, I think we should own it like the gays took back the word "queer." I see nothing wrong with Christianity or nationalism. And if they want to point out that there is a sizable portion of this country that thinks Christianity is good and that it's good to have borders and rule of law, then I say they should go for it.

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Exactly. This is why the Marxists are beginning a full court press to malign and mischaracterize Christian Nationalism. They HATE Christianity and they fear Christian patriots.

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I agree. And hitch it to the wagon of having a border. And with never forgetting that the real purpose of the Cretins is to extinguish Christianity and Christians, as need be.

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Do you remember when the DOJ wanted churches in TX to send them their sermons? That was eye-opening and it was years ago. Thankfully, they did not comply even though most sermons are readily available on-line.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Government regulation of the churches by the Marxists is coming. The churches are not ready. All they care about is losing their tax exempt status and their license from the state.

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Pastors need to read “Letter to the American Church” by Eric Metaxas 👀

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Everybody needs to read that book NotaBot. I'm looking forward to the film version, it's often easier to get people to watch a film than read a book.

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I heard somewhere (lol, my bandwidth can't absorb a lot) that the psyops people (like BlackRock, and Stanford Observatory, and Mckinsey and Weber Shandwick) are distributing a bunch of propaganda to churches which tries to use the Bible to get them to "be kind" to DEI CRT as if Jesus would've wanted that. It is really really sophisticated. So either churches knuckle under to DEI CRT sheep's clothing or they get lumped into the category of Christian Nationalism, which term is loose, and could include anything, sort of the like the terms "inclusion" and "diversity". Toby Rogers had a clip of an ad that said, I kid you not, "ScienceSaves" so one of the new gods (or old repurposed gods) is The Science, with the faux apostles Fauci and Hotez and the rest of those Father of Lies minions. Whatever one thinks of Liberation Theology, it was a political movement, which the intelligence agencies decided had too much power, so they sent in faux evangelicals, who were really CIA, to disrupt it. This is the model they are using against the churches, IMHO, as people who answer to higher transcendental principles terrify them.

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All true.

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Here's the purported father of "Christian Nationalism", the patron saint of The American Redoubt, Pastor Doug Wilson, interviewed by Tucker. Watch, listen, decide for yourself:


BTW, the first true "Christian Nationalist" was John Calvin, in Geneva, in the 1540s.

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Exactly. In our finer, earlier days, American patriots were all self-consciously Christian nationalists. They believed in a nation informed by Biblical morality. This use to be the national consensus.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

What scary words ... Christian Nationalism. We should all fall down!!!

I am with Vox Day. Anyone standing for anything of substance will be called names. And these days the worthiness of an American is in inverse proportion to the force of the allegedly 'pejorative' heckling hurled down upon us from the dizzying heights of Mt. Satan by the Cretin Destroyers.

And although I largely approve of the direction of the Doug Wilson/Tucker Carlson interview, I think Vox Day's remarks bear a hearing.


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No Christian Nationalism = NO Western Culture and NO FREEDOM. Marxist-secularist Progressives delude themselves but know deep down. Naturalism = Brutal Tyranny and Totalitarianism or Perpetual Revolution and never ending self-destructive cycle of fear and destruction and disorder.

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Sounds like you’re a troll… nobody engage this. Ignore

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I responded because it is apparent this is just the beginning of this narrative.

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No gaslighting allowed on this site. Move along, commie.

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I agree AngelaK, the thread is a little difficult to follow. I am however a little (lot) put off with the name calling. Freedom of speech is wonderful and I respect the first and important amendment, but with freedom comes responsibility. Disagree politely and move along.

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Yes, regular citizens doing what’s right in their own lives, their own families, communities, and so forth. By God’s mercy and grace, and a lot of hard work together, this country can be turned around.


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Apr 22Liked by Jeff Childers

They keep trying to de-humanize us - make us hate each other. They are trying to stir up controversy and hatred at every turn. By "they" I mean the powers that be, but they could not do it without the media. BUT, yet here we are, trying to save a man from a burning car. Ultimately, it will be the human spirit that is triumphant.

On a totally unrelated yet hilarious note, weather.com had a "Weather Report for 2050" the other day. I didn't bother watching it, but though those morons can't get the weather right for the next few days, how the heck can they even predict 2050?? 🤣🤣🤣

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Climate Change! It predicts everything! And you don't even have to deal with facts ... or truth!

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Well, they sure did predict globull warming accurately ....

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My Clear blue Colorado skies were wonderful yesterday; of course they were "dimmed" by a slight whitish sheen that is nearly always present now; Oh i'm sure i can't believe my own eyes... but the Atmospheric mRNA is for our own good.

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Gorebull Warning.

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It’ll be a milky cloudy sheet or whatever else they want it to be, sadly.

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Right??? Their response is always that that is *weather* and this is *climate.* 🙄 Well, it seems to me that short term, near future weather is far EASIER to predict than long term “climate”. And they even get THAT wrong all the time. So their argument , once again, doesn’t hold up.

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I'm grasping at straws but perhaps they suffer from severe myopia?

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Weather manipulation is in full force, and becoming very prevalent around the world. I'm sure God is chuckling as He thinks 'you want weather manipulation? I'll show you weather manipulation'!

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The wokesters are going to be so angry. I mean, those people didn't even stop to consider who had the power and status, who was the oppressed and who was the oppressor. They don't even seem to care that they are different races of people. How dare they!? LOL.

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And they didn’t ask the driver what he did for a living or who he voted for. Must be off their game.

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Or his preferred pronouns…

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Trump flip-flopping on Ukraine aid is what the NEW America is all about.

Very disturbing. And I give up believing there is any way to discern what truth is.

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Agree 100%. So discouraging.

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Wait til Honda gets his lawsuit! That TOO is what America is all about!

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Was he stroking out from a jab? Texting? Drunk?

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Good question...years ago there was an elderly woman driving who had a stroke and she would have rammed into a building downtown. Thankfully, the building had barricades to prevent such a thing.

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Or falling asleep at the wheel? Re: "Was he stroking out from a jab? Texting? Drunk?"

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This came up on my feed. This is what happens when people are bound together by a Constitution and its precepts to transcend tribalism. https://youtu.be/M6hClRAOnzc?si=3X3LsCZ-p3biXWWo

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Real America “led” by self serving con artists pushing more graft through Ukraine. I wonder how much Johnson’s cut is?

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Follow the money.

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The desire to protect life is innate. In everyone.

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Except for the warmongers in DC.

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Let us say, it is sometimes overridden by other forces ~ both in that city and elsewhere, worldwide. The cultural forces that have been ascendant continue to be both dangerous and harmful ~ THAT war rages on ...

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US military difference through the eyes of a French soldier. https://youtu.be/M6hClRAOnzc?si=3X3LsCZ-p3biXWWo

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I needed to hear this story today. Thank you for the uplift!

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How would a robot-driven car have responded to that burning Honda pickup?

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It would have kept on driving.

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Apr 22Liked by Jeff Childers

”For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.“

‭‭James‬ ‭2‬:‭26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

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I don’t think many people know what the “works” looks like. This looks like action, projects, etc. if we want freedom, we’ll have to work and take action that has an impact in the world. Louisiana is an example recently: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-rise-of-the-rebel-state

This is the goal behind my article on “projects.” When we know how to use faith to make our projects more effective, we are really putting action behind our faith: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-power-of-projects-part-four

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NOW let's all WORK towards holding Mr. Johnson from Louisiana accountable???

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Such great news from Louisiana - thank you for sharing!

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I JUST read this quote in Anna Karenina about 30 minutes ago.

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You mean Ephesians 2:10 ??

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Apr 22Liked by Jeff Childers

To Trumps Question why Europe isn't giving more: We didn't start this war, we didn't do a coup in Ukraine and we also tend to defer to the US when it comes to selecting who is going to become a member. We also don't want a war with Russia. A lot of Europeans feel pretty similar about this pointless war as the Republican base that Speaker Johnson betrayed. We also have to deal with the energy prices and another refugee crisis on top of the other refugee crisis caused by US foreign policy.

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75% of U.S. House revealed themselves as Globalists, voting for $60 Billion for Ukraine and then waving Ukrainian flags. Anybody with any common sense knows, most of those Billions will be stolen and laundered back to the Globalist Cabal. $300 million was for Ukrainian border security. Designed to keep potential Ukrainian conscripts from fleeing the Meat Grinder. The DS is in control and they will remind us everyday as they implement their Color Revolution on America.

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At least the Americans seem to be paying pretty close attention, I think for a lot of Republicans who voted for this it's likely the end of their career. 70% percent of Americans are against this.

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I won’t vote for my gop rep. He’s done for me. Not even a poke in the democrat eye vote which my defection from the Dems in 2021 has only produced since then. I’ll call and tell him. My 2 senators are demoRATS.

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I can say I was pleasantly surprised by my rep's "no" vote on the bill (now, I know sometimes they "allow" certain reps to vote no in very conservative areas, but still). Claudia Tenney - NY 24. She issued a decent statement too.

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I’ve thought that too. The party lets some vote in opposition and then the reps get cover of some sort. I’m in a red district.

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Never thought I’d say this, but I may vote for a Democrat over my Republican representative, Brett Guthrie. Brett has voted against the Republican base at every turn. I’ve had enough.

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I know. I keep hearing, "Oh, it would be SO MUCH WORSE with Dems in control of the House." Um. Really? How, exactly? The small consolation with our very small majority has been some of the lesser publicized investigative hearings, but even there, what can we realistically expect in terms of outcomes and consequences?

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Obama Care makes me think it could be worse. But it doesn’t get better when Rs are in the majority. It only trends downhill with a slowdown when Rs are majority. They never turn anything around to undue what Dems do.

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Exactly so: The Dems ARE in control of the House right now, with Schumer-Lite Johnson at the GOP helm.

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My gop rep doesn’t seem to know what danger we are all in. He voted for the bill. He’s a legacy rep. His dad was Ray LaHood. All his dad’s cronies have probably trained him. I could get behind old school republican policies but we require much more than that. More MTG please. We don’t have much time. I suppose I may check what his Dem opponent says. The last one was an actual acquaintance of mine so I knew exactly where she stood and I didn’t vote for her. She ran because otherwise there would be no Dem opposition.

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Something happens to people when they get to Congress. As we saw during Covid, it is a tiny minority of people who can resist, shall we say "influence."

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MTG appears to be a safety relief valve for the MAGA Right to vent steam through, what power and influence does she actually wield in Congress other than spectacle for the cameras to focus on?

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I am furious about what happened, but I don’t like MTG either. I think she is just a Showboat.

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Perhaps a T Shirt - "More MTG please"

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I know! And with this Ukraine sell out vote ... and absent any controll of the border, the odds on the total destruction of remnant America has just doubled.

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Hello, fellow Georgia voter!

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Makes me almost glad I am in a blue sh** hole. At least our “representatives” votes never surprise me or let me down. 😡🙄 What’s worse a Demonrat or a Rhino? A Rhino!!!

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REPUBLICAN IN NAME ONLY... not rhino....the animal. Right?

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Yes 😅

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Is there a list of who voted for/against the Ukraine aid bill? Gonna check on my reps and let 'em know how I feel, yay or nay.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

It was truly sickening to watch Congress wave Ukrainian flags and yet if they waved American flags they would have been smeared by the media. Definitely living in the twilight zone.

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The flag waving really got to me too. And it was a straight up thumb in our eye. They knew how it looked and did it anyway.

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Reminds me of San Fran Nan tearing up the State of the Union. The sentiment is "And what are you going to do about it?"

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On par with the Handmaiden's Tale Democrat claque of female Congresspersons all showing up in white outfits for DJT's last SOTU.

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"Billions will be stolen." Actually, it was all stolen. Billions will be stolen again.

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Add to this betrayal, the tantrum resignations of GOP members leaving us with no majority. They really do hate their voters.

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The waving of the little flags is really the icing on the cake. Like giving Americans the finger as they drive away with our stolen money and our future in flames. I think: they can't possibly think they're doing the right thing, can they? But then I remember Mao, Stalin, Hitler, all of them thought they were doing the right thing. Evil is slippery like that.

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Actually, the money for wars is printed. Please read David Roger Webb free book “The Great Taking.” There’s also a video. Very important info there from the Tucker Carlson of the business world.

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Yeah! Voting signaling a Death Wish for America.

Not a penny for Our Border. But I hear $300 million for 'watching' (whatever the means) the Ukrainian border.

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Now you know who they represent. Vote 3rd, 4th even 5th party.

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You realize those parties are worse

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Thank you for the European perspective.

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Most Europeans (in my view as a Brit living in Europe) swallow the propaganda that Putin just wants to conquer Ukraine then he’s coming for Europe.

The TV shows the war 24/7.

Most Europeans also think - they just do! - that America should win the war for Ukraine & Europe.

A friend said the other day that it was ‘terrible’ that the US hadn’t approved yet more billions for Zelensky. I said: ´Really? And why should US taxpayers send more billions to Ukraine?´

He just looked blank. Hadn’t occurred to him. He just thought.....America should pay.

LOTS of Europeans moan about America while viewing America as the world’s daddy who should fix things & pay for things.....

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Yes, I see it that way too. I have lived in Europe and still have many friends and also some family there, so I hear their perspective and read the various news outlets too. Then they have the gall to mock and deride us for not having their government social “safety net” benefits (not that I think those would be a good idea since our federal government mismanages everything) while they have money to spend on theirs partly because they spend less on defense. They get angry at us for our hegemony and wanting to impose things on other countries. Can’t have it both ways, sorry.

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You mean sugar daddy 😏

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Europe has been conditioned to suckling from America’s teat because of the Marshall Plan, which also fed and fattened many American companies involved in the rebuild after WW2.

“The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative enacted in 1948 to provide foreign aid to Western Europe. The United States transferred $13.3 billion (equivalent to $173 billion in 2023) in economic recovery programs to Western European economies”... Wikipedia

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Yes, agreed - Europeans saw America pay to rebuild Europe after the war. But the present generations of young & middle-aged people don’t have much (hardly any!) awareness of that huge flood of money coming in after the war.

There’s a more general view of America as (still - despite everything) rich & powerful that means many Europeans just think the USA will sort out problems! In the EU people are now hearing leaders talk about strengthening Europe’s defenses, investing in defense & I think people don’t take it very seriously because they simply still view America as ‘the world’s policeman’. At the same time, many in the EU criticize America day in, day out - a bit like adolescents moaning about their dad!

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To be fair, that's my perspective. I haven't looked at the polls and most people probably don't know what's going on but most politicians in Western Europe are fully on the Ukrainian aid train, only deterred by the abysmal budgets.

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It was good to read your take on things. Hate to say it, but America is on a very fast decline. It is being deliberately destroyed by the neo-cons and that idiot in the White House. Actually, Obama is running this deliberate train wreck.

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I don’t think Obama is running the details. But his former staffers are. Bunch of unindicted co-conspirators.

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There is a big money oligarch behind so much of this. I am tired of bringing this up and will stop bringing up his name. No one can fight him and his influence, so why bother. His son has been handed the reigns now.

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Why bother? Sorry, *I* am not giving up. You can if you want. But that is exactly what he or they or whoever is behind all of this wants, and expects.

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Never, never, never give up, as Churchill said.

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Awesome he has found love with that horse face Huma Abedin. Go figure.

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Bill Ghate$...

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OAN's Channel Rion has a great reporting on this:https://twitter.com/ChanelRion/status/1781674910085001378

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Oh, he absolutely is. But he answers to other people—The Hidden Hand—

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The polls are similar to others in the West... most people are bought into the propaganda of the day pushed by the Mockingbird Media.

That's why (they) want to shut down Internet sources of independent discussion. Hence the TikTok ban included in the Ukraine/Israel aid bill.

Once they nick TikTok, they'll go after twitter.

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Once they start censoring, there will be no stopping them.

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You used the wrong tense... Once they started censoring, there is no stopping them... One thing that the WuFlu proved for anyone paying attention.

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In France, Rumble has been banned for ages.

Not certain content - the whole PLATFORM.

My guess is the globalists plan to buy/dominate a few platforms & close down others.

Anything outside their control, they want to shut down.

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When I was in France I could not access Rumble.

But, this was the decision of Rumble themselves doing it. The French government wanted Rumble to remove some things, and Rumble said "no."

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I know two men in Ukraine who live in hiding because they don't want to get conscripted and forced into the meatgrinder. They don't want to fight. Why do we?

If the Europeans were serious about the war we would round up every military-age (e.g. younger than Biden), able-bodied Ukrainian who fled West and send those "draft-dodgers" to the front. Obviously that's not palatable. So far it's just money and we can always print more of that apparently.

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I’m sure substack is too.

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Absolutely. It's not as big as the others, but the level of Medical Disinformation is intolerable and must be stopped. ;-|

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WEF/Euro representatives.

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I’m still wondering why the silly republicans didn’t see Johnson’s betrayal coming…

Is it pride they are blinded by?

Is it self obsession?

They are all paid actors.

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I’m thinking that dirt was found on Johnson. He’s being blackmailed or threatened. Which come to think of it, is how Congress is run most of the time anyway…

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

Did this happen when people began to make a career out of being in Congress? The founders didn't intend for people to stay in DC. They were supposed to be there for the minor governmental issues that needed to be addressed in DC. Now we have a Goliath in DC. Most governmental actions were to be taken care of at the state level to prevent this sort of thing. But now we have congressional seats that seem to be owned for decades by the person sitting in them and it seems that they have the power to hand pick their successor. Too much money to be made in the swamp. I saw a meme that said we don't have a representative democracy (republic), we have an auction to the highest bidder.

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His eyes aren’t the same, no spark left. What happened?

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Congress =Crime syndicate!

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I’m pretty sure those republicants stepping down are being threatened with death. That’s how the cia works. If you think not,ask Benn or IH. They might know.

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Who are Ben and IH

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They are commenters that disagree with Jeff and most of this community about the facts leading up to, and during the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Benjamin Two NNs and Iron Horsey. Mr Two NNs is an Army bot and Mr Horsey is his alter ego.

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He visited the SCIF and got some classified intel. MTG didn’t even bother to go and listen to what they had. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I still think so much bad stuff happened in Ukraine - and they have the receipts - that the U.S. is being threatened/blackmailed somehow or else Ukraine will release it all. Especially the biolabs and the economic sector.

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Well, so it’s the blackmailers running this country!

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You also suffered from our blowing up of the Nordstream.

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To be honest, the immigration problem has been caused by the EU and its policies.

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It certainly didn't help, but a lot of the people who are fleeing the middle-east are doing so as a result of US interventions in those countries. Of course the EU is letting a lot of them in and doesn't look to closely who is coming in. Some Syrian refugees were rather surprised to find to find the person from Assads secret police who tortured them living in Germany for example.

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I agree to an extent, but Islam itself is also an ideology with conquest at its root. I think there was always going to be an effort to flood European countries with Muslim immigrants - the conflicts in the Middle East just provided cover for it.

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Also true, and this obviously works a lot better when there is a lot of migrants and no more need to assimilate into the culture. The disdain many in the West seem to have for their own culture also makes fertile ground while the Muslims have raised their own cultural conquest to religious status. Some idiots even proposed that non-Muslims shouldn't eat in public out of respect during Ramadan.

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Whoa. That is a new level of cultural self-loathing.

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... And the comparative birthrates sure pour fuel on the fire.

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This was THE PLAN from the founding of the Globalist Robber-Baron 1944 U.N.

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I think he's referring to NATO and the dynamic that for the most part Europe does not pay their fair share for NATO membership. The US always ends up carrying the load, especially when it comes to military presence and the costs associated with that. And in this case, the argument is that it's Europe that's at risk, which is why we "need" this war. FWIW, I still think it was the UK that started this war. They've been itching to topple Russia for a long time, and it was their MI6 agent who was meeting with Navalny about overthrowing Putin.

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Well I'm saying that the European countries will likely not follow the US lead for foreign interventions if they have to not only put up a lot more money but even put troops at risk. This whole Ukraine situation benefits the US the most, the cordial relationship between Germany and Russia was always seen as a problem, the Nordstream II was never turned on and then destroyed, some additional countries have joined NATO, European countries are giving aid to Ukraine to buy US weapons, European countries buy more oil and (liquefied) natural gas from the US and less from Russia, US corporations are slated to benefit from Ukrainian privatizations and the takeover of farmland and other natural resources and EU NATO countries are ramping up their defense spending. Many European politicians have ties to US organizations and very often they will do things that benefit the USA to the detriment of their citizens.

I don't think MI6 does anything without permission from the CIA.

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I used to think that about MI6/CIA as well, but it's starting to seem like the relationship works the other way around and has for a long time, maybe always. I think the MI6's image as the lackey is stagecraft.

As far as Europe not providing support, that I think, is Trump's point. I don't agree in the least that the US benefits the most from this Ukraine debacle. Clearly Europe does, given the ties to Ukraine and Russia for natural resources. And Russia has been a target of Europe forever, for that same reason. It's telling that those pushing it from the US side are the politicians who are most closely aligned with globalist and European interests.

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I think we might actually agree, I'm not saying ordinary Americans without an oil derrick or gas field below their property are benefiting either while there are some elites that benefit because their positioning is truly global. The same can probably be said for Russia, the oligarchs are also making out like bandits.

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Ukraine IS in part the result of geography and part "Expert" failure in foreign policy in same manner that 2nd World War was, and Korean War, SE Asia, and other conflicts where a Buffer State adjacent to a militaristic resurgent power is targeted, and where standing down to keep the peace is seen as weakness rather than tolerant accommodation. Perhaps Not enough attention was put on this issue 1991-2010, and then Too much (incorrect) attention (CIA meddling, $$$ for US Political Powers, etc) after that. This is a FAILURE of the WEST, more fratricide on massive scale due to fumbling the ball. The NWO Kooks have a plan however, move swarms of non-Western peoples throughout the West in order to fundamentally transform societies and governments. Perhaps Ukraine and Russia can be repopulated with a few million Indians.

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I had seen some stories where Henry Kissinger's political policies contributed to much of the post WWII issues. It seems that he really just saw people as pawns and it geopolitical maneuvering was like a game of chess or Risk.

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He put the "Dip" in Diplomacy

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Ukraine can be re-populated by Russians. It will be fine as long as the US has no say in it at all.

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The Europeans haven’t been supporting their own defense for 75 years. In the 1980’s, at the height of the Cold War, the Germans had 9+ Active Divisions in Europe, the US had 5 (including 3 independent Brigade sized units), the Brits had 1 Active Division. The rest of NATO essentially nothing.

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But the bigger question is who do they need to defend themselves FROM? It is the global regime and the US intervention in foreign governments that has caused all the problems and wars. And the CIA has been instrumental in it.

The USA should not be the "world police", and should not be forcing "democracy" on other sovereign nations.

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I wrote this comment to Erick Erickson's sorta-conservative column today. It fits here equally well:

[Erick said] "Our costs would go up more. Our interest rates would go up more. The foreign exchange rates from which we benefit would increase. Our freedom would decline."

If our nation continues its feckless policy of foreign interventionism, picking winners and losers, supporting alliances which should be allowed to expire on their own, the growth of BRICS and the end of the petrodollar's sovereignty will accomplish every point Erick made in that quote. Global leadership is earned, not demanded, not assumed. As in all secular enterprises, the position of global leadership depends on merit, not on entitlement.

If anyone can convince me that America is currently setting a moral and righteous example worthy of emulation by other nations, I'd like to hear your explanation of how promoting deviancy, self-absorption, rampant secularism, and profligate squandering of human and natural resources will attract other nations' people to "the American way of life".

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I spent a lot of time this week-end surveying the political/economic, business and banking dynamics prime moving. We are in a debt trap, one of our own lunatic making. And with certainty, America and its tawdry empire are rip for a fall. The smart money sees this all and is loading up on real money without liability, gold and silver.

The LBME and the COMEX, and I dare say the Fed, have lost control. The gig is up. And the spectacle following the Ukraine package seconds dire prognostications. The world sees it all.

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You're right of course. In exchange for that the Europeans deferred on all foreign policy decisions regarding the Soviet Union and Warsaw pact to the US. The Soviet Union had a similar strategy, not too arm it's satellites too much because they could rise up against them.

Some in the EU are thinking about setting up their own defensive alliance.

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70% of Americans are opposed to funding the Ukraine or Israeli wars. And yet our elected representatives are funding these corrupt wars once again.

We are in no way a Democracy. We are living in a corrupt kleptocracy.

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Why did Boris scuttle the peace deal then?

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

I think there are a ton of reasons Ukraine is extremely important to politicians and the like and those reasons have nothing to do with "democracy". After the passage of the foreign aid bill, Mike Johnson, along with many others (both dems & repubs) stuck the knife into the backs of Americans even more by loudly proclaiming our support to Ukraine (and other countries) protects our "national security" and a reminder that we should stand by our allies. Personally, all the Ukraine flag waving after the passage was just a big middle finger to the American people.

I don't think most Americans disagree with helping other countries but when our own country is going down in flames, they just let us know loud & clear, that they don't care. I suspect Ukraine money laundering will continue indefinitely. I'm not the only person who thinks so.

Below is an X post from Jesse Kelly that pretty much matches my suspicions.

Jesse Kelly:

You think you’re mad about the Ukraine money now?

Wait until they lose the war (they will) and make a peace deal giving Russia what it wants (they will) and then the scumbags in Congress send $500 billion of your money to “rebuild Ukraine.”

Write that down. It’s coming.

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BlackRock and such are already there, sizing up the con. Lining up contractors to fleece the taxpayer.

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That's exactly what it's about. It's the exact same dynamic they use within US cities. This is why the encourage rampant crime. Destroy everything and then "rebuild." Which means massive profits for the co's that can buy up the land and buildings for pennies on the dollar.

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I am done 'with helping others' and am up for 'tending one's own garden' without our 'money' be taxed and 'borrowed' away.

Once everything goes down the toilet, folks will think that it is perhaps best to have money in one's pocket for building up one's own country.

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We aren’t “helping” anyone except Wall St mobsters hoping to help themselves to the energy trade routes and farmland.

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Apr 22Liked by Jeff Childers

As we all know, Trump is only the most famous person that lawfare is being used against. There are many more, and a bunch of them are lawyers who had the audacity to work for Trump. John Eastman is one of the most eminent legal authorities in the country, graduating from University of Chicago Law School and clerking, I believe, for Justice Thomas. He is being persecuted for working for Trump, and they are in the process of disbarring him. He has also recently been de-banked. He is a fighter and a Christian, and he says he must fight this because if he doesn't, with his credentials, who will? This has huge ramifications for future attorneys, and as the relative of a young up-and-coming conservative lawyer, I'm really worried about what this is going to do to our legal system in the future, if conservatives are kept out of the best law firms or have litigation against them if they work for things like election integrity. Here is a GiveSendGo link for John Eastman: https://www.givesendgo.com/Eastman. I would urge you to go to this site and read his more recent comments, especially this: "And there is this by constitutional scholar Paul Ingrassia: The Lawfare Against John Eastman and Jeff Clark Portend The Fate of Every Right-Leaning Attorney Who Fails To Stand Up For Their Persecuted Colleagues." He also asks for our prayers because he said he and his wife read every note and they really appreciate our prayers. If he and others don't win this fight, there will not be anyone left to defend us. Perhaps this could be a multiplier for C and C readers.

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I think this would be a good multiplier candidate too.

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John Eastman was debanked by Bank of America and USAA.

I had read that USAA went woke...so it is true.

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USAA was such a disappointment. I've been with them for almost 40 years, their insurance was always fantastic. Now I need to look elsewhere. : (

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Several long time users I know have said the same thing. Very disappointing.

The CEO is not even a veteran.

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I got a better rate at AAA

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Gotta finance those top executive salaries at USAA.

Check out how much they get paid while the members get hit with double digit increases in insurance premiums.


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Eastman’s article in Gatestone is well worth reading.


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Thank you, Horizons. Eastman was also on Steve Bannon's War Room recently, and that's worth watching.

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Thank you!

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