Stacey Abrams....sigh. Every time I think she's sunk to the lowest level in the scum pond, she sinks lower. Quoting the BIBLE to console herself, all the while suggesting women murder their unborn children to combat inflation.

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Those horrible pictures of her unmasked with her big gappy grin surrounded by kids who were all fully muzzled, smiles hidden. Utter shameful for all adults who were part of that.

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That image said it all for me. There’s gotta be hell to pay for what these monsters did to children. ASAP.

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I haven’t seen any hell being paid. In fact, it looks more like full steam ahead for insanity.

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It's child abuse to mask kids for covid.

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Couldn’t agree more!!!!! 💯 child abuse. Parents are enabling this madness!!!!

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got to wake up as many parents as possible to end the madness of jabbing their kids, not just for this, but for the others as well. 40 jabs by age 6 is crazy. I had not one and am now 65. Had oral polio and poxx as kid, and 7 jabs when I came to the US.

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Or for ANYTHING (flu, anyone? Common cold?)

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Cause the elections are rigged by computers. All the tyrant governors are back in! FETTERMAN won! That says it all. Arizona and Nevada slow counting! All by design. Computers must go.

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Can't recall where I saw it, but they demonstrated how the voting machines could be set to do whatever you want. Like give me 3 or 4 votes for every one you got for example.

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I saw it too. Mike Lindell maybe.

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Hell to pay requires extreme caution, planning, and patience so the backlash of the black hats doesn't stop it. It's coming.

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It will happen. Medical treatments and pharmaceuticals are the 3rd leading cause of death in this country behind cancer and heart disease but since we know the level of corruption in governments that speed up the death by letting our industry including medicine, food, pollution—all of it —operate with impunity I put politicians at the head of death counts. They are the ultimate cause of our demise.

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I think that is one where her political carreer ended. And calling GA the worst state to live in did not do good either. But the Babylon Bee called CA for her. May be she has a future there if Newsom runs for president ?

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Biden just announce she has a post with his administration. That and Obamas Irs henchman got named as our new IRS leader.

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what else can he destruct before his presidency ends?

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Biden needs a nanny? Jill just has too much on her hands. Working mother, you know.

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Anne, I was responding to Lynn's mentioning a new position in his administration. If anyone needs a nanny it would be Biden. Why not someone who ran for Governess? It would allow Jill to govern with Ron Klien and the rest of shadow government. I'm so sick of these blues and blues running for office.

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It gets confusing. I was responding to lynn, who said Abrams announced " she has a post with his administration." I checked and it appears her lawyer has been offered a post having something to do with elections, but not Abrams. That's a scary thought; Abrams making election policy. Her lawyer may not be any better.

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She'd be a great VP candidate for Grusome. Stunning and Brave!

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yes, she would, Grusome was also quoting the Bible in a demonic way to support abortion. sadly, the devil knows & understands the Bible better than most Christians.

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Can it get any worse than OBiden and Kamala?? Leave it to the DemonRATS to put anyone on the ticket and rig the election to get them into office so the same Marxists who pull the strings now will retain control.

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The dems are already talking about putting FETTERMAN up as president! "He's shown such great spirit." But, like Biden, can't complete one coherent sentence. Let's fill our federal government with mentally disabled folks! Can't make this stuff up!

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That's so true! And of course with the I dint care and I don't want to help you attitude. Abrams is repulsive to me.

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If she comes out as gay or announces she wants to transition, she will increase her chances exponentially.

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I thought she was a lesbian? She cheerleads enough for the LGBTQRST+++ groups.

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I have no idea. I just hope she'll abandon politics and public life.

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Think Abrams lost the election right there with that indelible photo of children as the servants of Dems. It was ghastly.

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There was the same sort of picture with an grinning, unmasked Kathy Hocul and a bunch of masked black kids. The day after she was "re-(s)elected" she flew to Puerto Rico, for some reason. Probably to pick up a few kids...

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You could park a Mack truck in there!

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My late husband used to call that a "corn-on-the-cob-through-the-fence-eating smile".

He was a little weird.

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Absolutely hideous but the corporate media except for perhaps Newsmax and Fox hide it. What’s new?

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Even the devil can quote Scripture.

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and can do a better job at it!

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The hypocrisy truly is astounding. I really don't understand how true Christians can still vote for the baby murderers. I have a lifelong friend who is supposedly a strong Christian but is all in with the dems and I really don't understand it.

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It is truly mind boggling. I know many "strong" Christians who believe that Biden is doing a terrific job and they follow this agenda to the nth degree! So sad!!

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It is ignorance. If they approve of him, they approve of transitioning little children, pornography in schools, and literally killing fullbterm babies.

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and they are guilty with him! if you stand with a murderer (unless you are his lawyer, who must do just that) you are guilty too. if you were on Hitlers side, you were guilty too.

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I wouldn’t call these people Christian. You can sit in a garage all day, but it doesn't make you a car.

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there is a difference in christians and christians. There are those who know the bible by heart, and those that follow the message of Jesus. That are 2 totally different things. The second group does not necessary name themselves christian. In fact there are other religious and non religious people who follow the message better than the bible parrots

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I question people such as that of being real Christians. I would not want to worship with them.

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they are programmed thru the media............not kidding

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Keeping early term abortion legal, is very different from killing a full term born baby. I dont think they realize that and the sickeningly demonic extreme it has been taken to. Their heads are buried in the sand together with the emotion riling misinformation and twisted headlines which conveniently keep that disgusting tidbit out of it.

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Dead is dead, no matter how small the victim is...

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Many of them deny that full term babies are being murdered. Ironic again, the same people arguing that percentage is low are the ones that argued you should lose your job over a shot for an illness that didn't kill many people without comorbidities.

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What is the percentage of full term abortions?

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one is too many!

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I couldn’t agree more

Babies delivered pre term can be saved at only 21 weeks old now… so any baby aborted/killed after that… is a viable person.

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None of us is fully capable of surviving on our own...viability is not a good litmus test to decide who lives or dies.

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I've never heard so many people absolutely ignorant of basic biology! Life begins at conception.

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From the moment of conception of a human egg, this new life has its own genes different from both the baby’s mother and its father. In this moment although invisible to the naked eye, the color of the eyes, hair, and skin, facial features, body type and certain qualities of personality and intelligence are all determined by this genetic coding. This unique person will have its own fingerprints different from every other human being. Within the first month from conception, this baby will have reached a half inch in size and will have the beginnings of a circulatory system, heart, brain, lungs, eyes, and ears. The unborn child although different in size and location is living and growing just like any other child. (Part of a letter to the editor just published.)

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Fundamentally, killing a human is killing a human. Differences in size, level of development, and degree of dependence don’t change that the entity in the womb is - from the earliest stage of development - a distinct, living, and whole human deserving of the same rights as you and I.

I realize that it seems “very different” and obviously much easier to stomach when you don’t have to deal with the body of a late-term human. This is what makes it so easy for those who support “choice” to slide so easily into “shout your abortion” and cheering the practice as a “moral good.” Because at some point, the only way to drown out the truth - “I am advocating for a mother to be able to kill her child with impunity” - is to scream loudly about how much you love the extreme and stop trying to face yourself in the mirror.

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Supposedly Christian….we need an acronym for them like RINOs. I think the abortion debate is a good litmus test. No TRUE Christian supports that.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

I agree! Totally! We are here where we are in the cesspool because the churches essentially forgot God and the Real Deal of Scripture by moral force.

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Not an acronym but Nominal Christians.

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Yes. Which literally comes from Christians In Name Only.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022


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If they are truly saved and believe and vote for any of this ungodly evil, they are identified by the Lord as carnal, walking after the flesh and not after the Spirit. Even religious people trying to keep the law are deemed carnal babes in Christ who never grew up unto a perfect (mature in sound doctrine) man.

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Chreasters? Only go to church on Christmas and Easter... ;-)

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CEOs - Christmas and Easter Only

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Especially Catholics!

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and Pelosi & Biden claim to be devout Christians! and yet they want to kill babies!

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They aren't saved unless they've trusted the gospel of Christ which I highly doubt, because their religion teaches them works (traditions of men) to be saved. They are, however, devout to their father the devil!

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Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised, at this point, if Bergoglio came out acknowledging the murder of babies! He’s tearing down the Faith stone by stone.

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It's that "strong delusion" that God promised would happen during this time.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Tank" Abrams embodies (no pun intended) most of the qualities and beliefs that make progressives so damnedly vile.

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Yep, she's fat. Way to focus on superficials. But that's not the problem, more that she does not see the democide genocide would be my focus. But that's just me.

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Ugh.” 2 loses, Stacy. Give it up. Perhaps get your head into the entire bible. You seem to be sitting on top a good deal of it unmasked smiling with restricted breathing little children behind you.” I can’t get that image out of my head.

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MSNBC awaits...

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Yup. She’ll go on and whine whine whine. I never watch it anymore—does she have a segment? . That’s usually where the failures go. Get her book out too.

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Biden just announce she will be working for him

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I'd rather have her at MSNBC...

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That's where Florida's pathetic Dem gov candidate Charlie Crist will end up...my guess is a nice, cushy ambassadorship, most likely to Greece. FLAG IT!

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Wait - I thought it was only one loss? Did I miss the first one? ;)

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Didn’t she run for Governor or something? She got famous for saying she was cheated. ? I haven’t listened or cared about her since 2021 when I got red pilled.

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Yes back in 2018.

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Yes she lost in 2018.

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It’s comforting that the Bible says, God will not be mocked. When these Godless, evil people quote scripture, that’s what they’re doing…mocking God. There’s a day of reckoning coming.

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Please, come Lord Jesus!

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Interesting how religion haters love to quote the Bible when it suits them. My friend likes to say, "Christianity is not a buffet"

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That ... and God is not a cosmic bellhop.

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Thanks LuAnne. I do wonder, for the lower income among us, of which I am one, whether the outcomes of unplanned pregnancies are left more to the woman, than in middle class and upper class situations. How many low income people can afford either 'the pill' (bad for humans though) or vasomecties, for instance? As for affording condoms, the same issue but often falling to the fella. I think you may see where I am going here, essentially lower income people end up with more unplanned pregnancies and less ability, monetarily, to support children. Perhaps once you walk a mile in those shoes you may see abortion access has more importance for lower income people. At this point, given this is a geno-demo-iatrogenocide, we may 'need all the babies we can get' so to speak, but the economic realities persist. Telling a woman she has to put her baby up for adoption is not something I feel I have the right to do, it is a personal decision. On a related topic, here is an interesting article at Retraction Watch involving an article on how imposed (not allowed to be aborted) pregnancies may affect a woman. https://retractionwatch.com/2022/11/09/author-critical-of-study-involving-abortion-hires-lawyers-after-journal-flags-paper/

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Since 1973 and around 65 million babies killed not one social ill has been cured by abortion. Poor does not mean you can’t raise a baby. Do some research into the size of families during the depression era.

How about all the poor having more children to increase their mail box money? How about Medicaid, welfare?

While volunteering 10 years for a pregnancy resource center 98% of the women that walked through the door were poor. Once they were able to see their baby on a screen 85-90% of them decided not to have an abortion.

Most of the reasons they gave for abortion were based on the inconvenience of pregnancy. I don’t remember more than a few citing poverty being a problem. They themselves were raised in poverty and none of them wished their mother had killed them.

There are too many resources available to use poverty to keep abortion legal. I raised three children by myself in poverty. Poverty does does not justify murder.

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I have personally walked in those shoes. I can personally tell you how it affected me. I had my first child when I was barely 17. No money, still in HS, no family support, no help. And...this was many years ago when the stigma and judgement of pregnancy before marriage was not what it is today. According to everyone in my life at that time, abortion was my only option. Some of them were even people who claimed to be Christians. They were ALL wrong. Today, my daughter is a beautiful, kind, smart, and loving woman who enriched my life tremendously. She and her husband went on to adopt their 2 daughters, my grandchildren, who are now beautiful young ladies.

Believe it or not, there are way worse things in life than an unplanned pregnancy. It's not a cancer to be cut out. It's not a life long prison sentence. It's not the end of a woman's life.

I now help support a few organizations that financially assist women in need. Women, who have chosen to keep their babies. Not only with meaningful financial assistance but other services as well such as housing, transportation, counseling, etc.

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God blessed your child for your bravery.

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Me too. Teenage mom here, when it wasn’t cool. Got counsel from several members of the church to ‘get rid’ of my sin. I chose to keep my baby. It was hard, but ultimately I know that although I made the choice of self sacrifice over sacrificing my baby, there are those in my circle who did abort their children go on to have live births and realize that having an abortion was the biggest mistake of their life.

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I’m so sickened that members of the church counseled you to abort. You are courageous and I applaud you for choosing to do what was right in the face of shameful advice. I give you a standing ovation and much respect for doing the right thing even though it would be difficult.

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Amen! 35 years ago, when I first became involved in the pro-life movement, we had a woman who came to us who had aborted 8 pregnancies. Her first one was a coercion by her father, a Baptist pastor. Being raised in a Christian home, it was mind boggling to me a pastor would do such a thing. She came to live with us for a week while we were finding a home for her to go to. I have never met anyone who had such a low self-esteem. The good news is her baby was adopted by our associate pastor and his wife.

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I admire that so much, especially given the pressure and advice to choose otherwise.

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Thank you for being courageous and doing the right thing against all odds. Your daughter is smiling today because of it.

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Your story is so moving and inspiring LuAnne, I admire you more than I can say for not doing what seemed easier but what was right. That shows a lot of character.

I love the way you frame the issue as not a prison sentence or the end of a woman’s life. That is part of the problem, too many people DO frame it this way and it is widely accepted as truth. I also love how you are now working to support women in need and help making this choice easier for them.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Thank you! I know women who've had abortions and while it seemed like an easy and immediate solution, they deeply regret it. Such a difficult burden to carry. No one talks about this reality.

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This is so true! In the 1980's, we had an older woman in our church who had an abortion many years earlier when it was illegal. The guilt and shame that she still carried was incredible. Thankfully, she finally found the forgiveness of Jesus.

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Only rape potentially imposes pregnancy on anyone (incest is rape), so all other pregnancies happen because of a choice made by a woman. Birth control, in many forms, is free through these United States. Murder by abortion is a human’s choice of death to another human; putting a child up for adoption is a choice of life for another human. All are choices. Stop giving people the “victim card” for their bad choices.

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And with rape the criminal should be dealt with harshly, not the innocent baby. Abortion gives the rape victim two horrible things from which to recover, doubles her trauma.

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Yes! Excellently said! I'd like to copy/paste your comment to my Fuquebook wall if that's okay with you. Thanks!

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The impact on women who undergo abortions - emotional, mental, spiritual, physical - cannot be undersold. A lifetime of regret, the memories rekindled every time she sees a baby or child of any age.

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I recently learned of a non-profit in my area whose sole purpose is counseling and support to help women who have had abortions overcome the tremendous guilt and angst they face, sometimes years and decades post abortion. The woman who leads it says that getting media attention, or any attention, period, for this issue is very hard, not surprising given the media slant in favor of PP. A friend of a friend who had 2 abortions in college was in a traffic accident in her mid 20's with injuries that left her unable to have children. She was a raging alcoholic for over a decade trying to mask the pain of the regret, but eventually found God and is now a vocal advocate for life.

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A group called "Rachel's Vineyard" helps post-abortive women heal from the trauma of abortion.

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Too often, what is left out of the abortion debate, is that most women of child bearing age ARE young, lacking in life experiences, and who among us did make at least one stupid decision in their teens and 20's? Fortunately for me, none of the dumb things I did resulted in life-altering consequences, but I cannot condemn others who are living with regret.

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My adopted child’s mother was 15.

I was a 19 year old college student when Planned parenthood told me it was just a blob of tissue. My life was a total disaster but I’m so thankful I kept that “blob of tissue” and he’s happy to be alive with a wife and two children. He survived the brokenness of his youth. I’m thankful for my stupid mistake.

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I agree whole-heartedly. While I am pro-choice, the left is incredibly dishonest about this issue. I also believe that women that have had an abortion will subconsciously due to hormones etc "want" a baby and have an "accident" and then end up getting another abortion. Like many political issues both sides hold on to one side of the "truth" when the reality is much much more complex.

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Don't local County Clinics give out free birth control to those who need/want them if they qualify?

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I live in a small town in a very conservative state. There's a woman's health clinic that puts out free condoms every Friday. Of course, they're near the high school so you probably have to be quick to get any. But the lead nurse there says that on Monday, the bucket is empty.

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Thanks Ellen K...searched my area, 97217, and found a confusing array of sites, mostly Planned parenthood. link https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control

It seems all of the 'options' are for the woman to use, and are chemically dangerous for prolonged use. Good old rubbers only for the men. So I would assume that most of the abortive 'stuff' they present (most expensive first of course) is laced with chemicals that will not only prevent one pregnancy, but create a sterilization situation in the women. This happened to my sister, repeated use of 'the pill' (1970s to 1980s) messed her up for any actual pregnancies. Oops, seems Bill Gates Eugenics is everywhere, all the time.

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Has everyone just plain forgotten about ABSTINENCE??

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Most high schools offer free birth control. And will arrange for abortions without parental consent or awareness!!

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Every girl/woman has the choice to close her legs and abstain. Society started dictating a long time ago what is expected of girls/women. We fell into the trap of assuming and expecting young people to have sex because they felt like it. It was pushed on them in every way possible. It was all part of the evil agenda to dismantle the family and convince women and men that murdering their unborn child was perfectly acceptable behavior, and not murder. It was the same kind of lie that the serpent told Eve when she took a bite of the fruit in the beginning. Same thing. Tell a lie, twist it, manipulate it to sound okay, and then use it to destroy the person who believes it. The serpent has been lying to mankind ever since. There is a free will that every single female has that was given since the beginning of creation - the freedom of choice. We can blame society and hormones and financial disparity or we can own up to it. It was a lie that a baby is just a blob of tissue. It was a lie that the baby doesn’t feel a thing. It was a lie that getting pregnant isn’t your fault. It was a lie that you can thwart the consequences of your own choices. It was a lie that people don’t have to be responsible for their own decisions. It was a lie that having sex outside of marriage is expected and glamorous. It was a lie that there are no repercussions to murdering an un unborn child. It was a lie that abortion is not murder. It has all been a lie. And we slurped it up to avoid the consequences of our choices, all of our actions over the decades and centuries. The sooner we call this what it is and quit blaming sex, finances, and everything else for our choices the sooner we change things. Until then, it will be a lie hellbent on destroying us. And it’s working. Quite well too. I’m sure the serpent has a smile on his face every time someone murders their unborn child.

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Perfectly said!

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That is it in a nutshell! Well stated!

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The other reality is that the women who tend to be most promiscuous AND careless about birth control are those who were sexually abused as children. Often with serious clinical diagnoses like Borderline Personality Disorder. It is very unfortunate for all involved but it would be better for deeply traumatized women like this not to have children imho at least until they have healed enough not to pass the same trauma onto their children. I was an unwanted child and I would not wish that on anyone. The abortion issue is much more complex and nuanced than advocates for and against want to admit. My view as of now; pro-life advocates are right in theory but reality is not as utopian as they would like to believe.

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Most prolife people don't operate under "theories" to create bogus "utopia's". They operate under God's word.

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The utopian idea is that implementing strict prolife policies would not have a devastating effect. It would. A pro-life argument could be that it's worth it.

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I keep reminding myself, the jabs are as or more effective at birth control than the other methods., and both woman and men have had them in great number. Our arguments are a bit moot now, perhaps.

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I sincerely hope that every prolife person gets to have their baby in health or adopt a baby that the mother chose to give up. As for their right to push that on others, no bueno. Not my or your choice is appropriate for another person.

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1. There are thousands of willing parents waiting to adopt for every child that is put up for adoption. I know - my wife and I are waiting to adopt after raising 5 wonderful kids.

2. I have not only the RIGHT to oppose killing innocent utterly defenseless children, but the DUTY to do so.

3. Every single life starts at conception, with an utterly unique human DNA sequence that is not the mother's or the father's, but an entirely new person.

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Many in the prolife movement have adopted babies such as myself. There are miles long lines of couples waiting to adopt. But why make it so complicated. It’s really simple that no matter what we shouldn’t allow the murder of babies. They did that in Old Testament scripture and it didn’t go well for them.

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I agree. If abortion is another woman's choice, that's fine except I don't want my hard earned tax $'s to fund someone else's bad decision.

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When things become about money...which is always. That money of yours and mine will get spent on daycare and other services for that child, but that may be preferable even though it will be more money, in the end. So we end all gov support for low income, I would support that, I guess. But your logic about saving your money does not quite pan out as I see it.

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Amen! Truth not situation ethics!

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Thank you PermieGeek, I am in agreement.

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Abortion is barbaric - the worst possible form of murder.

I'm beginning to think we need to start prosecuting it as such. Thankfully, it is illegal in my state.

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I totally support your right to say that.

I haven't had an abortion, so I really cannot

comment on it. How was it for you?

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

You cannot comment on murder because you haven't murdered anyone?

Do you demur taking a position on lynching if you haven't lynched anyone?

Just curious - what do you think about mass shootings? For or against, or no position because you haven't committed one of those either?

That's a weird position.

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If a woman really does not want to be pregnant, for whatever reason, perhaps she should practice keeping her knees together.

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I've worked in the addiction recovery field and my experience is that addiction is rooted in trauma and often addicted and personality disturbed people lose their free will to a large degree. Healing is possible and spiritual principles like restraint are part of that healing but it is not as simple as people who have not experienced addiction usually understand. I'm not arguing that you are wrong but that healing underlying issues is necessary for some before they are able to.

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Abstain is a guarantee . However, there are dozens of contraceptives available.

That’s just for the females. Choices, Discernment…. As humans, we have a choice.

And, it’s my understanding, technology provides a day after pill. So, WHY is there a need to murder fully viable or full term newborns. ???

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Pretty sure that there's a company called Planned Parenthood that will help with such things as family planning, I e. contraception, and that is primarily located in low income areas. Of course, they make truckloads of money off abortion, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence as to why they don't trumpet prevention, but rather hard sell the 'cure'...

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You might research the history of Planned Parenthood, it might suprise you.

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Oh, it's a nasty organization, alright. I was being (kind of) sarcastic about them, but they do offer birth control, although it is kept relatively quiet, so as not disrupt the cash cow that is abortion for them

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You mean the part about it being founded by Margaret Sanger, who openly supported eugenics to eliminate blacks, the poor, and other "human weeds", as she called them?

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Not me. The intention is not to serve. Very racist.

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Abby Johnson used to be the Director of the largest PP in TX before repenting and starting a Pro-Life organization. She says that PP focuses on abortion because it's a huge money-maker. They provide birth control only to promote sexual promiscuity, knowing that eventually it will fail and the women will want an abortion. Look her up! :-)

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Isn't there a movie about her?

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The majority of young women do use birth control and think of abortion as plan B.

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Actually, no, according to statistics, which indicate that over 50% of abortions occur after no birth control was used. In other words, abortion IS their birth control.

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Wow, I did not know that statistic. That's pretty intense. I don't want to ban abortion altogether right now but that is a horrible stat. The MSM is doing quite a number on our young people. I commit to doing what I can to turn it around but this generation has been propagandized to so much. My daughter is 20, but she was homeschooled, so very different than many of her peers.

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Woman who are not mentally or emotionally challenged or addicts use the Plan B you are talking about if they have unprotected intercourse. If it is a failure of birth control, one wouldn't know until too late for day after pill.

And the woman most likely to be careless are the woman most likely to be terrible mothers. It's just an inconvenient fact.

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It’s spirit of delusion . Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Pray she repent to Lord Jesus

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She is such a hypocrit!

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Is her pastor Warnock?

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So could you all pray for us in Michigan? 🙏 We are going to need it. “Pure Michigan” is descending into “Pure Hell Michigan”. Even in our district, 70.84% voted for Rashida Tlaib?! Makes no sense. 😞

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It’s incomprehensible because it’s improbable. Until we have an election process that everyone can trust, I refuse to believe this is who we are as a nation. CNN did an exit poll showing 70% of voters are dissatisfied or angry about the direction of the country. It’s incongruous that they would then vote for more of the same!

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A loved one told me, "We need Change in this country. I voted a pure democratic ballot!" seriously. I don't know how to react when truth and logic have no place in conversation or thinking. I feel nearly hopeless after this pitiful outcome. It seems like about half the country wants this unconstitutional tyranny. I don't want to be on a team where half of the team wants to destroy everything good and decent about the team. Whatever the USA (and IMHO, it's the people, not just the deep state operatives) has morphed into, makes me disgusted and angry.

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The media has been trumpeting propaganda nonstop that conservatives are fascist and democracy will be over if they win and other such nonsense. The people who buy into this really do believe they are doing the right thing.

I believe we are in a battle that can't be solved at the political level, but at the spiritual one. Remember despair while understandable is "voting" for the "wrong team" spiritually and that Love, Peace, Joy, are much much much more powerful than hate or even just going along to get along. A "vote" for love is worth massive number of votes of something less.

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This is proof of the red tsunami. Long Island, and you know who lives there, went completely Rep. Why, because the Dem's took LI for granted and didn't spend any effort cheating there! Think about it. Maybe I'm wrong.


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Miami Dade county too! The Latino vote! Family values!

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Polling about being dissatisfied with the country's direction has always seemed worthless to me. Half of those saying they're dissatisfied could be liberals who think the Christians are taking over and that the country isn't moving far enough left.

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I saw many comments on Instagram where people were wearing shirts that said, "Vote Blue no matter who." Scary that control of the house and senate are more important to them than what is right!

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If I were in Georgia I would have voted for Hershel Walker, not because I agree with HIM on things like the enviroment but because I'm pretty sure he will vote PARTY lines in congress. Sometimes having a weak member on your team is better than having no teammate.

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Much of the rhetoric suggested that a vote for a Republican was a push toward communism, among other scare tactics - some of what I saw on social media had me shaking my head - I could see that this messaging might be effective..... and many folks are simply too easily swayed (as in simple-minded - which is just what THEY may say about US - the world has been knocked off-kilter, needs an enema, imo)

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But Bill O’Reilly says there is NO evidence of computer election fraud. And he fully supports the bio weapon shot. I have decided that Bill is one of the cabal. Sad day indeed.

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A reasonable hypothesis in incredibly UNreasonable times.

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Much easier said than done, but I could not remain in Michigan under any circumstances after watching Tuesday.

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It’s seriously on our minds.

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I’ve thought about this…if we don’t like the color of our state…move. But move where!? I’d rather stay and fight for the state I love than hand it over to the commies!

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I get it. Look at Zeldin's loss in NY . . . the great out-migration to Florida could not have helped him. That being said, the writing is on the wall for MI, NY, CA. You can only control the controllables. I just feel sorry for people who are multiple generations in, and leaving behind life-long ties.

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Illinois! We are in Illinois! Ruled by The Fat Man, Jobba, J.elly B.elly The Prikzter. We've drained the land of the swamp but we can't flush the politicians from Chit'go.

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I’m here with you in IL, after Bailey’s loss and knowing what’s coming as of Jan 2023, I’m looking across the border in IN. I’ve lived in my South Burb of Chicago my entire life but I just can’t continue with the high stress over local crime which I know will get worse. Recently a young man 15 mins away in another burb, was murdered in his driveway, shot 20 times by 2 masked men(kids?). I just know it will soon be in my beautiful little community. 😭 I’d like to live out my golden years with less stress and more joy.

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Have an old roommate from Chicago suburb - the type of person who I could never envision leaving Chicago they loved it so much. Even this person wants out. Personally I think Florida should ban Pritzker and his family from entrance (kidding, sort of).

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Rural and small town areas can still be ok BUT the violence from the blue areas is starting to spiral beyond into even these areas...

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I am rural in Michigan but in a county with one automotive tie in, (foundries and auto parts manufacturing, long since gone), but the county remains divided. There are five generations of my family on this land, but I am seriously considering moving. The amendments passed on Tuesday will make Michigan the Mecca for abortions, our young parents will soon find they will have no health say over their own children, and none of the horror that is to come can a health care professional be held accountable. There will be no law suits because nothing will be upheld.

The new voting law means we will be Illinois, permanently, voting blue with no rights to question any election.

I am heartbroken!

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Yes we are 5th gen in WA state, relatives came after civil war and CA gold rush. We are leaving within 2 years. Hard but the world has always had migration. It is inevitable.

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Heartbreaking. I love WA state myself, and dream of spending summers in Anacortes. But I could never be a resident.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

4th generation myself. Great grand parents immigrated from Norway at the turn of the last century. Thought my friends were a little wacky leaving in 2020. Now when I visit them I’m very jealous of their freedoms that got swiped from us in WA. Would be looking to exit stage right myself, but the offspring have decided to replicate so GrannyNanny needs to stay put. Drat!

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I believe we are not far from Balkanization! We definitely are not the United States anymore. I have given up on that!

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Illinois is bleeding businesses big time. Many large mega corporations are leaving for other states. Chicago area headquarters of several/bye bye.

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Zerohedge I think had a letter from the CEO of Citadel about why he is relocating to FL e.g. he said it was not about taxes but clean streets, schools, safety etc

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

It's hard to see how a state that voted in a pro-abortion constitutional amendment can be saved within most of our lifetimes. Perhaps the only was to save the place you love is to first abandon it to it's own devices, i.e. make it a prodigal state that hits rock bottom and begs forgiveness.

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You have my sincere sympathy and concern. That awful Proposition 3 . . . I have no words. Hide your children!

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Thank goodness our children are all young adults and we’ve raised them to reject this nonsense. I weep for all the little ones.

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I relocated from the Grand Traverse region to Florida last year. Heart breaking because I was born and raised there. But I couldn’t live there any more. I didn’t want my children raised in a place that attacked our values so much.

Proud to call myself a Floridian.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

My husband & I were both born & raised in Traverse City. The hubby was stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas in the late 80's and we ended up staying down here. We're both recently retired and we had entertained the idea to move back to MI to be closer to family but I'm now wondering if it would be a huge mistake. My husband thinks we should stay here in TX and then rent a place in MI for a few months in the Summer.

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I’m glad you could get out. We were there recently. Traverse City had pride supporting flags on the street lights. 😞

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Welcome to the free state of Florida.

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If it makes no sense, it’s probably fraud. Just like that old saying about if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

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As a Michigander, you keep praying no matter how long it takes. God did say that all things are possible with him. Either we believe it or not. I choose to believe it. I am praying for him to change my state, as well. And it is all based on that verse

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Michele I’m with you 100%… when my time is over where I’m at , another door opens . I ask everyday for God to put me where I’m suppose to be.

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A high school friend of mine moved back home to Michigan several years ago ... from Tennessee no less! I never understood his reasoning. He's a Trump-supporting Christian, too. He and other suffering Michiganders are on my prayer list.

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You need look no further than Romans chapter one to understand what’s taking place. It is referred to in theological terms as, “Gods wrath of abandonment”. Where He gives people over to the lusts of their hearts.

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Did AOC win as well ? Any more wins and she will be eligible for a pension. Please make it stop!!! Sorry about your state. I’m trapped here in Illinois but your @sshat may be just a bit worse.

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Yes, got 70% of the vote or something ridiculous like that.

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I thought I read that the many conservative Muslims up there had started to fight back. Guess I was wrong. We have up-to-the-moment-of-birth child murder here in Maryland too. I honestly believe that God is judging the West, and our nation in particular for the level of evil we have allowed to grow in our day. But He will have the last word!

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They did I heard as well, they went to the schools to complain. I don’t trust the voting.

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I'm not saying there isn't a significant "baseline of idiots" that vote pure blue but the voting patterns across the nation do not make any sense unless this...

(and check out the results in Long Island!)

Legendary political operative and Trump adviser says the only explanation for Tuesday's election results is an 'election-hacking operation' run by the Dems and CIA


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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

Let me state the obvious. These vote counts from NY are illustrative of the "black box" manipulation of the vote count across the country...except for FL where this was prevented. The narrative I see being talked about that the red wave didn't happen is BS. The red wave happened. Florida and Long Island is illustrative of this truth. The fight in Arizona and Nevada is glaringly showcasing the fight between the red wave and the unprecedented black box manipulation. If the vote counters reward the Dems with the final count, EVERYONE will know they blatantly manipulated the count on a massive scale. Full Stop.

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There is a strong Muslim constituent base in Michigan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dearborn,_Michigan#:~:text=Dearborn%20is%20a%20city%20in,mosque%20in%20the%20United%20States. Maybe they voted for her on name alone 🤷🏻‍♀️

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“It's very sad," Aoun said Wednesday. "I reached out to religious leaders, but did not get a response. ... Not one religious leader came out and said, 'Hey man, we shouldn't vote for this.'" from this article regarding Proposal 3 - https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2022/11/10/archbishop-catholics-penance-proposal-3-approved/69634202007/

When we lose the Muslim and Catholic votes who if they are faithful to their religion, should not vote democrat, we’ve lost. Our church leaders have all become liberal.

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“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This is what the Church has done for over 50 years.

If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/2-Chronicles/7/14

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Eric Metaxis just wrote a book called Letter to the American Church. It's based on Bonhoeffer's assessment of the church back in the early 30s when Hitler took power and how most pastors did nothing to stop him or speak out against him. Metaxis warns that the American church is doing the same thing to our peril.

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My conservative Lutheran pastor spoke against it in sermons, prayed about it in church, and wrote newsletter articles about it. We had "NO to Prop 3" signs outside our church. Shame on the churches and pastors who stayed silent, thinking this was a "political" issue.

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Our Catholic Churches only began speaking about abortion in the metro Detroit area when Prop 3 was put on the ballot. Where have they been for the last 20-30 years?! Too afraid or complacent to say something. Now you have lost a whole generation of young people and their parents because of it. They have themselves to blame when they didn’t teach against it. It was way too little too late and now they will wonder “Why did this pass?” Wake the heck up!

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Where were they since 1969, when certain states started legalizing abortion? My soap box issue: When the Church failed to speak about birth control, divorce and re-marriage, cohabitation, all of which are against Catholic teaching, we get what we get. Too little too late. And don't get me started on the "seamless garment" nonsense.

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Preach, Karen! Instead we get columns telling us to read that utterly worthless USCCB document "Faithful Citizenship" which speaks out of both sides of its mouth. Drives me absolutely crazy. And then there is the utter failure of the Church's Covid capitulation.

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Agreed. The church has failed the faithful.

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I ama staunch Catholic. I'm sorry to inform you that the Catholic hierarchy (including not just priests but bishops) are infiltrated with closet homosexuals.

The independent John Jay College investigation revealed that fully 82% of the recorded abuse cases were priests having sex with teenaged boys. That's not pedophilia, it's homosexuality.

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Natalie, I thank God that there is at least one pastor speaking out! The ones who don’t want to ‘get involved’ in political issues are sadly mistaken.

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Dr. Tenpenney reported last Thursday that she was invited to speak in MI regarding Prop 3 and that the audience was a great mix of Christians & Muslims. Not all Muslims agree with Prop 3.

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Most Muslims are strongly against abortion, transitioning the kids, etc. Why they still vote for Tlaib and Omar is a mystery.

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No, they do not. Unfortunately, if their leaders aren’t strong on standing against it, their people will not be either.

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We need SANE people to STAY AND FIGHT. Sign onto lawsuits to stop the madness...

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Can you move? I just told my husband about that list of states and said we'd be getting the heck out. NC is bad enuf. We have a great neighborhood but when my kids are gone, I may be going to FL if it stays red after DeSantis.

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We can, but it’s at least a few years out. It’s hard to just pick up and leave everything behind when you still have many things holding you here. Tempting, but not reality at the moment

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My sympathies. It is very hard to relocate. Also, you may move to a state that is red now, but who knows the future. My county in Texas is pretty bad.

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That’s what we said. Other than Florida, where is there to go?

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Have family in western NC and Tennessee; TN has impressed me to some extent. Lots of growth in the last few years.

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I fled Illinois for western NC when I retired six years ago. Luckily NC had a good midterm outcome and moved rightward a bit. Now if we can get rid of Cooper in two years. But I, too, wonder if I may have to move again at some point, but I'm not keen on risking hurricane-prone Florida just yet.

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Well, I live near Raleigh and it seems every hurricane ends up over Raleigh, usually much diminished. FL gets it worse tho

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I lived in Charlotte when Hugo came through still blowing at 90 mph. After leaving for a career move, the return to NC has me in Flat Rock. It's more conservative and, as with today, we just get Florida's leftover rains.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

In spite of all of the gloom surrounding us over the last several years, I seem to find that Jeff always, maybe on purpose, maybe unknowingly, throws something in on a daily basis that always brings a smile to my life and maybe to others - today it was "threw them a celery stick." I'm still laughing - thanks Jeff!

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I agree!

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I’d like to see Jeff in court. I’d bet just as funny as he’s here at C&C.

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Inflammation is far more likely a function of excessive intake of empty carbohydrate and industrial nut and seed oils in the diet (a historical novelty).

I'll maintain nutrition science was COVID science before COVID even existed.

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Yes. I changed my diet 11 years ago when I found out the cholesterol scam. The horrific trajectory of chronic disease rises in step to the continued degradation of our food system snd the accompanying pharmaceutical interventions and bogus medical advice. . Most health can be fixed by improved food and lifestyle interventions. D3 level is so important. All my changes have served me well. At 72 I experienced a runny nose Covid before jabs. I needed a hip replacement after an accident recently snd 4 weeks later I was walking normal without aid. Without pain. My fitness level and good diet helped. Take care.

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Janet- good for you for taking your health into your own hands, and out of the hands of the medical industry! I am a little younger than you and my doctor is pushing me to take statins, despite my cholesterol levels not being too "high". I have always exercised, maybe a bit too much, in my younger years, and now have some limitations due to that. Can you tell me what your diet and fitness regimen currently is. I want to do everything I can to stay healthy and out of the doctors office and hospital.

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The book "The Heart Attack Gene" by Bale and Doneen, two Cardiac Physicians, is an eye opener that puts things like cholesterol in perspective. A LOT of good information on diet and genetics and meds like statins. An excellent and informative read.

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Another great read is "The Clot Thickens: the Enduring Mystery of Heart Disease" by Malcolm Kendrick. He turns the whole "cholesterol is the problem" paradigm on its head. And he's Scottish with a great sense of humor so not only do you learn so much, it is quite a joy to read the book.

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Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes is another good one debunking the cholesterol myth.

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NAB, thank you for the recommendation- it sounds great@

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Thank you for the recommendation! I will look into picking it up. I (personally) think genetics plays a pretty big part in it. My cholesterol levels were fine up until about age 55 or so, and then something changed even though my diet and exercise habits did not. My mother had high cholesterol and I believe there is a heredity factor.

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You will learn a lot.:)

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Make sure you stay away from statins.

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This is something I have wondered about. That the cholesterol story might be more about selling cholesterol lowering crap than anything else.

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You are correct to wonder. Even the ads state “this drug has not been shown to prevent heart attacks. Keep you intake of refined sugars and seed oils down, walk daily and don’t drink too much. You’ll be fine.

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Kathy !!! Don't you like our nice C & C people, nice people who take the time for others? Yes! We do! And well then ... this is about what I thought. And just more terrorizing people, this time with Allopathic Voodoo Fear and more of the Line the Pockets routine. It really adds up to a criminalized system by knowing fraud. Putin called it right when he said the West was the Empire of Lies.

What you say is what we do. Keto, and no refined sugar! And no bleeding gums after eliminating sugar and hardly any tooth decay. No alcohol now for twenty-two years. But I still like coffee. And basically, my wife is smart about all this stuff. I'm a lucky guy. Thanks so much for writing!

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See above post to Genevieve

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See my comment below to Genevieve

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Dr Mercola has a great chart showing oils from harmful down to healthy.

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DeSantis has governed with common sense these past 4 years. He's the future. Trump (for whom I voted twice) has to be put in the rear view mirror. He was good while he lasted, but the future is with common-sensical, non-narcissists like DeSantis. Trump doesn't bring the Independents like DeSantis can, and if you don't want to see Michigan's Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Newsom sworn in to the White House in January 2025, we better put Trump in the rear-view mirror now.

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I’m disappointed that DeSantis has accepted a ton of money from Paul RINO Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Ronna McDaniels, none of which are conservatives. That money doesn’t come without strings attache’s.

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Don't let perfect become the enemy of the good. 2024 is still a long way away, and if this election taught me anything, it's that this nation as a whole is trending blue. Not necessarily D blue, but people like their safety nets. They push for 'more laws' to solve problems vs pushing personal responsibility. Embracing 'diversity' holds sway over promoting the nuclear family. People are told 'their truths' must be respected, at the expense of universal truths. 'Work' is now oppressive - see the labor force participation rate and all the articles about 'people in a post covid world want jobs with meaning'. We still need factory workers, janitors, and warehouse workers. Sometimes meaning comes from what you do outside of work. See Jeff's comment about the Beto voters. The national R party has done an abysmal job of selling conservative values, and instead spent the entire election season bashing D's - telling us what they were NOT vs what they stood FOR.

No one gets to the highest office in the land without some baggage. To me, and feel free to disagree, we have to migrate towards a candidate that the low information voter will find palatable, or risk a loss to another demagogue who is packaged well and has the media, popular culture (as odious as it is) and the press in their camp. I despair of the fraud prone regions being fixed in the next 2 years, so it will have to be overwhelming support to overcome the fraud. No way the overwhelming support is going to DJT in 2024.

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Donna - you state the situation perfectly when you say "people like their safety nets." That is it. We really are addicted to our comforts and we have lost any appetite for hard work or temporary sacrifice or even intellectual challenge.

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And our state just passed legal pot. So don't see any improvement in that on the horizon.

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So sorry to hear that, Donna. More terrible news.

When we moved back to Oklahoma from Seattle in 2020, it was shocking to see the changes brought about by so-called "medical marijuana." I simply could not believe my ruby red Oklahoma was *FLOODED* with marijuana dispensaries on every corner.

The funny thing was, when we left OK for Seattle in 2017, I was a complete libertarian when it came to drug usage. I didn't partake myself, but I thought others should have that right.

3 years in Seattle cured me of that mistake. It ends in human degradation, with hundreds of thousands addicts living on piles of human feces and garbage under overpasses, in public parks, etc.

I left OK a drug libertarian and returned as a proponent of making it illegal. As i like to say, the two great questions of history are "What could it hurt?" which is inevitably followed by "How could we have known?"

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While I've never been thrilled with the idea of legalizing marijuana, I was certainly sympathetic to the arguments favoring it. Now I am completely against it. I know way too many families dealing with kids who have been completely lost to it. And as you said, Fred, it ends in human degradation - not human flourishing.

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With McConnell, that useless piece of 💩, Paul Ryan, Ronna McDaniels, the Koch brothers, etc. you get controlled opposition like McCain, Romney and the Bush’s. They don’t represent the America first, constitution following, conservative values I’m looking for. They’re easily bought and then have to toe the line to their big donors. I like DeSantis a lot but am very disappointed he’s now indebted to a corrupt group who will own him.

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That makes two of us. The time for kicking the can down the road, while the Uniparty enriches themselves and gets their jollies by torturing us in ever increasingly brutal fashion is over. The big ugly cometh.

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I would hope there is a middle ground. I too want America first, constitutional following conservative value candidates. That plays well in places like rural MO but I am just being practical. Unless there is a huge sea change in the mindset of the broader electorate, those candidates cannot win nationally. Another sad fact is that unless you have Trump level money you have to raise funds. A LOT of funds. Especially in a national race. R's don't donate like D's do. I see it even here in local races. D's have twice as many donors as R's, which doesn't guarantee a W, but it certainly helps. Valentine had $7 M to Schmitt's $3.2 M a week before the election. But you can't bootstrap an election on a national or even statewide race. I will be watching DeSantis very closely the next 2 years for sure, I don't like it either. But we need to do a better job of selling conservative values, as an awful lot of people are not buying. A radical leftist got 44% of the vote in my fairly red state senate district and he did not even campaign. I suppose the pro-pot/Amendment 3 voters voted for him.

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Part of the problem of selling conservative values is one of them is personal responsibility, and too many people don’t want to take responsibility for their lives or choices. They prefer to have others tell them what to do so they don’t have to make hard choices and can always blame someone else for what happens.

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Underestimate Trump at your own peril.

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For sure. Little Ron is too big for his britches and wading in nasty waters.

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More Trump Derangement Syndrome from the Ever-Trumpers.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

I agree that Trump needs to be in the rear view mirror. He can continue to do his rallies and endorse people, but I cringe at the thought of him running again. He has done some excellent things for our country, but he is a blatant narcissist. Those who have been abused by narcissists find him triggering and off-putting and do not trust him.

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Goodness, you’re so kind to allow this extraordinary man to do his rallies and endorse people. 🤮. Whatever kind of tea you’re drinking, you certainly missed the concept of the tea party. Then again, TeaDrinker sounds like a good handle for a propagandist. At least the CIA would think it was, being the losers they are.

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Lmao. I'm sorry that you feel you need to call anyone that doesn't agree with you a CIA propagandist. It's basically the same as saying anyone that doesn't agree with the shots is an antivaxxer. Two sides of one coin. Kindly stop giving us a bad name. Thanks!

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I still use the analogy that when I find a doctor that can cure my illness, I could care less about his bedside manner. I feel the same about our leaders. The end results of the job is what matters. Trump may not be voted as Mr Congeniality but his business savvy was evident and we were in a MUCH better place 2 years ago than today....by far.

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Yes. What the ‘Conservative’ ‘Pundits’ still don’t get it:

Donald John Trump wasn’t just our MAGA candidate in 2015, he was our murder weapon and the professional GOPe elite, the party system within the Republican club, was our intended victim.”


Of course DeSanctimonious now has the endorsement of fine lefty news sources like Politico and MSNBC, so, sure, he’s the ‘real’ murder weapon 😂🤣😂

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My fear is that a battle between DeSantis and probably Newsom would see DeSantis losing. There are too many people who continue to vote for insanity.

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Trump is The President, Biden is the Puppet, Obama is the Resident, and the NWO-ChiComs OWN the Political Elitist Estab. "Class" in the USSA.

Trump is Still the Outsider hated by democRats and rinoRats alike. In a Battle I want no holds barred Trump.

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Yes no R is winning the key battle ground states at this point. The D+30 youth vote will carry MI, PA, WI, NV and AZ. You could run Reagan and he would still lose

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Totally agree

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I take it this argument that there is no election stealing, no election integrity issues occurring, the problem all lies with the majority of people turning leftist; is being force fed through a fireman’s hose into the psyche of terrified people through every media outlet including and maybe especially FOX NEWS.

The latest greatest chance to take down Donald Trump.

I don’t watch FOX and certainly not MSNBC or its like and I don’t believe it for a minute.

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Agree. When republicans figure out how to not piss off suburban white women, they will win.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

If that means slaughtering the unborn, or allowing minors to be mutilated, I'd rather lose.

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And just what will they win if they have the same values of the suburban white woman voter?

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Wise answer! I’d rather be dead, having fought the battle.

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They will get a Donkey Lapel Pin with a Purple Star for "Achievement".

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Suburban White Women with their panties in a Twist need to spend more time at the range practicing their self=defensive shooting skills. Most sElected Republicans are "Quislings" and roll over for their democRat kissing cousins.

MTG won with 65% of the vote in GA. just saying.


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Appreciation is not a characteristic of DeSantis, Bushie Cartel $$$ seems to have won him over. Splitting the Conservative Base aids the rinoRat DC Swampsters as well as their Kissing Cousins, the democRat Swampsters.

Posted for your comment tomorrow on the Trump/ DeSantis "feud". "Follow the $$$$$"


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Sometimes I just want to close my eyes and go back to sleep.

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But you took the Red Pill, and can't unsee reality. hint: "When going through hell, Keep Moving"

Just be prepared for the next boot to drop, Economics will hurt more than Politics.

Food Storage is Essential , imo whatever that is worth.


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I couldn’t agree more. Very disheartening but God is in control. Our country has been on a serious moral decline and God may allow the “leaders” we deserve rather than the leaders we want.

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Well, at least he provides a 'sanctuary-from-santuary city' bolthole for now.

I agree re the splitting the vote - we must observe that as there can be all sorts of gaming going on. We saw that in the UK in the Conservative party, who have been infiltrated by Liberal Democrats now and losing the trust of many many members.

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Lots of time for some things to sort out. I think the ‘elite’ bastards have sprung this hand too early. Far too much to ridicule about DeSantis’ ambitions and alliances.

He’s been endorsed by MSNBC!

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I really think the evil bastards may have made this move way too early. DeSantis is exposed as the weak, greedy, egotistical loser that he seems to be. Lots of time for lots to happen and truths to be seen.

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DeSantis has done a remarkable job as Governor for the past 4 years. How about the Next 4 years he was just re-elected to??? What's the RUSH to be El Presidente'??? Why not 2028???

After 2 Productive Conservative Terms as Governor he will be better known nationally and have even more Gravitas.

Then there is that little lack of "Gratitude" thingy, that just seems "mean spirited" imo


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He will not be popular with MAGA

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This might give you a different perspective on what the DC machine (Rhino’s included) are trying to accomplish and sadly I fear my GUV might be buying in. I am for We the People regardless of who the candidate is. If we don’t continue to stand up we will be lost. Do not comply.


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I'm a disaffected liberals and so have been interested in that movement and following it to a degree. What I see is any that are going to vote would vote for DeSantis but are much less likely to vote for Trump.

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Not what I see.

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But that’s from a liberal point of view. Your values are different than a conservatives values. At this point I don’t think anyone could get a liberal to vote red, regardless of who they were. We need a strong united conservative base that will vote. And work hard in the next 2 years on election integrity because we know Democrats cheat.

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Actually LOTS of disaffected liberals are voting red because they see it as the only way to save the country. From my perspective, both the left and right have changed since I was in my 20s in the 90s. I believe both Trump (a former Dem) and Ron Paul (a libertarian) have had a big influence on the right. Even though, the media keeps screaming about how "extreme right" the MAGA movement is, I see it as less extreme. The Democrat party has been completely taken over and I support the group fighting back. Not RINOs though. I always considered the Clintons DINOs. Funny how things have changed.

And I agree, Republicans should be the one to pick their candidate, that's why I offered information rather than an opinion. I don't belong to either "team" and I want to do whatever helps us understand each other better.

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Trump vs newsome won’t even be close. Totally agree we need someone new who trump backs.

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What is wrong with you people! Trump would eat Newsome alive! Stop buying the lies!

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Load of bull shite. Underestimate Trump at your own peril. The big ugly cometh.

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I have a few relatives who have gone blue since covid-and more importantly Roe. No respect for them anymore.

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Ah, but the irony. Our body wasn't our choice for 2 years but now suddenly our body is our choice again if killing a baby. So disgusting. I was truly astonished when I saw them bringing back the my body, my choice slogan after covid. The hypocrisy is amazing.

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The mandates were predicated upon a vaccine that would prevent transmission. Therefore, you being forced to get vaccinated would prevent killing grandma and every other vulnerable person. The "my body my choice" slogan doesn't care about the vulnerable fetus, placing its significance lower than killing grandma or other vulnerable persons that have successfully made it through the birthing canal or C-section to receive a birth certificate.

Is abortion morally right? No more than any other non defensive killing.

Are the continued mandates (military servicemen) justified given the vaccines were never tested and subsequently verified not to prevent substantive transmission?. No.

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I tried to bring that up to my ultra liberal sis- it just made her madder. Made. No. Connection. At. All.

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If I tell my sister anything about how i voted or even display any leaning Red she will shun me again. She spends her time suffused in a bleak world of Trump hate. I have no problem telling others I’m pro-life.

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Some things are best left unsaid to those close, who have differences in their beliefs. You know you won't change their minds.

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IF they say they went "blue" over COVID and Roe, they were not that independent before... Most Indies are not that Indie...

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Most Indys I know just don’t want to admit they are GOP.

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Maybe there is something to the 5G theory of the shot containing chips that respond to outside control? RationaI thinking gone. I think sci-fi may no longer be fiction.

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I have wondered that at times. I'm a disaffected liberal so I understand where old school leftie beliefs come from, but they now went over the deep end and seem to keep getting worse. It's probably something simpler like believing the media propaganda but...

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It is one of those things that make you go hmmmm.... I lost a longtime (30+ year) friend over the 2020 elections. She has always been a liberal, and I was always a conservative but we used to be able to have rational conversations. But her hatred of Trump seemed to 'go to 11' once the Jan 6 narrative went into overdrive. Her timeline is a non stop parroting of all the usual talking points. She quit returning my calls and texts. Initially thought maybe she'd come around to some form of common ground but she seems to like the deep end she has gone off. She did get the shots and boosters....but it's more likely that people who fully immerse themselves in any ideology without questioning will develop tunnel vision.

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I'm guessing perhaps the looming threat of Trump re-emergence had many go blue.

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Totally agree w that!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

> The Journal next offered as another example loan broker “Mr. Dong”, who recently bought a $1.44M home.

I call bullshit. "Mr. Dong" is my stage name.

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Lol. Those houses they showed— ugly ass monstrosities. Blarney Castle is more beautiful. They deserve them.

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Perhaps their Mr. Dong is the Long Dong Silver trotted out to smear Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings. Oops, or is that you, too?

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You might very well think that, I couldn't possibly comment.

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I think that the media did a great job in brainwashing people that the government only has your best interest at heart therefore you need to mask up socially distance and let the lack of oxygen kill your brain cells so you wont think for yourself. Like you I know many intelligent conservatives, who prior to the plandemic, were outgoing and individual thinkers. If more people turned off all sorts of news propoganda and breathed freah air their brains would come out of the fog. I can only pray for that.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I think, with reference to Jeff's wondering - that the split is between those who revere authority and those who think for themselves. In the UK we have a similar response: a part of society worships experts...mainly because they think of themselves in the same way. They hate the deplorables - the non-mask or jabbers, the brexiteers. They almost always belong to the professional class - teachers, lawyers and so on...folk who had a nice childhood and have never had to distrust authority.

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Agree with you Juliah, but let's take it a step further, why do they revere authority?

Some of it is likely what you speculate in that they have never had a reason to distrust it, but I think it's much deeper than that. These people live in fear. They are timid little creatures who would happily surrender freedoms if it results in "peace of mind" (I really hate that phrase and everything it stands for). And since your behavior affects their fear level, they demand you conform.

These so-called conservatives who were broken by Covid never were conservatives (i.e. liberty-loving free people) to begin with. They called themselves conservatives because its values represented stability. Once the leftists seized the institutions and implemented totalitarian actions (e.g. lockdowns, CRT, trans agenda), conservatism became radical as it represents a rejection of the status quo. That scares these cowardly people so they switched sides. It was never about values for them but what placates their fearfulness.

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I agree with all of that Jeff.

My guess is that folk today have no thoughts or values that are not planted by education or media. There has only ever been one version of reality presented to and accepted by them. They know they are correct because growing up no-one ever corrected them, they never had to accept losing the egg and spoon race. Salami sliced by identity politics, and trapped in polarised social media echo chambers, they no longer have a point from which to objectively view their own culture. Believing woke liberal creeds has become a sign of being educated, an education that has led to the devaluing of masculinity, the dismantling of collectivism, the nuclear family, religion and faith.

Instead, today's godless society is cult-like; members share the same vision of reality and the same fears. Conformity is required and any behaviour outside the bounds of the norms of the cult brings about a fearful reaction. Fear is an unconscious response from our more primitive brain to a PRESENT threat. Anxiety is an emotional response to an IMAGINED threat, a response that shuts down the logical side of the brain. We live in a constant state of arousal due to the continuous bombardment of 24 hour media, the machinery of the state. Continuous exposure to this invasive, inflammatory rhetoric and imagery causes changes in the brain which can change anxiety into fear, that is, from an emotional response to an unconscious response that we cannot control.

It is a huge business, creating fear and anxiety. And we humans are wired to respond to them so are highly manipulable. We have become programmed without our consent; we have acquired a false sense of involvement; we have been told we should be fearful. To defend against those fears we acquire something akin to Stockholm Syndrome and revere the oppressor. IMO

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Wow! I believe you’re right!

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I agree, well said Jeff C. and Juliah.

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I agree except coming from a different direction, liberals used to question big pharma, revolving door regulatory agencies, tyranny. And now? I see it like Jeff the lines have been redrawn and have more to do with seeing through propaganda etc. As long as we buy into teams fighting each other, the would-be-controller will win. Right now the biggest push back, and only politically, is coming from right but that hasn't always been the case.

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I think the ones that questioned because they were thoughtful skeptics and the ones who did it for the “nonconformist cool” cred have taken different paths these past two years.

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I think you nailed it. A whole bunch of bought into corporate run "non-conformist cool". Has me shaking my head in disbelief. I think it is a lesson for us all to hold our beliefs strongly but lightly enough to not be fooled by corporate marketing targeted to our demographic or belief system.

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Very well said…. A lot of rural Canadians have had to fight for everything and know what it is to sacrifice we have faith in God because he has provided. I also think “they” preyed on the vulnerable I know so many elderly took it because they were made to think they were vulnerable and this was the way out. The elderly had much courage in the past went through many hardships. It was made urgent on purpose so they didn’t have time to think critically. They young however many were caught in not being able to travel or go to a restaurant convenience. What are ppl willing to give up for convenience and pleasure avoiding pain. That is a crisis of courage

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Agreed! My Son made a joke about the Red Tide More or less failing. I gently told him that MSM shoved that term down everyone’s throat as a scar tactic. He stopped joking.

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I think you are correct. Then once they take the propaganda, being able to think doesn’t happen. So I was scared I to take the jab. Now I can’t go against the jab because that would make me a fool and I am not a fool. Now, I am watching all the things to help prop up my weak ego because I realize I was duped but I am not willing to admit it to myself or others. Now I am watching more propaganda which does exactly what it was designed to do, conform my thoughts to the ones “they” want me to have. This ultimately moves me so far away from where I started as a scared “dutiful” citizen…to a brainwashed sheep….

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Way to go Judicial Watch! Thank you for your work. It really is coming all together, isn't it?

Is anyone else concerned about the lame duck session? I am: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/lame-duck-session-is-anything-but

Any other proposed legislation to be on the watch for?

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It may depend on who controls the Senate - if we can ever find out. If Republicans control the House and Senate, Demoncrats may have to sign some more executive orders.

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Don’t expect republicans to do anything to represent their constituents. Led by McConnell and McCarthy - what a joke.

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Dick Durbin want the FDA to control all supplements.

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The pandemic most definitely change many people but it also revealed, at least to me anyways, who they really are. Comparable to a veil being lifted. I feel very fortunate (and very grateful!) that my entire family, both immediate and extended, stayed grounded and didn't board the crazy train. But... a friend of mine, for 25+ yrs, completely shunned me when I told her that I believed covid was being used as a political tool and that many people didn't have to die if early, effective treatment had been made available. She stomped off in a fit of rage and hasn't spoken to me since. This was over a year ago.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The blue-leaning righties tend to follow a trend line in my real-world experience - highly educated and wanting desperately to believe in the intelligentsia. I consider myself highly educated with a post-graduate degree, but I've also had some life experience that makes me question the mainstream medical community. They've mostly lost my trust. Have watched this for 15+ years, so the Covid trajectory was not a surprise to me, sadly. I think we have to have grace for people who have cognitive dissonance on this stuff. When you invest a great deal of time and money into your education and professional career, it's mentally tough to go against that world. Plus, Jeff, you're in Alachua (specifically Gainesville) which is the epicenter in Florida at least. So I'm not surprised about your friend.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

I am much like you. My life experiences (education and military) have allowed me, once a democrat, to let that party distance itself from me. I don’t quite understand how a “conservative” can shift towards the principles of the left.

I have had some experiences main stream medical establishment that enabled my distrust if doctors, etc then the covid debacle.

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Yeah -- The Dems were pretty sneaky to add "trusting in Doctors" and "Caring about your health" to the Liberal side of the slate -- heretofore "medicine" was always somewhat politically neutral. Now you have to find out the politics of your doctor before you go -- if he's liberal, he's going to recommend shots and masks and jabs and treat you like an idiot if you object. Great going, Dems.

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Uhhhh, no, medicine has thought itself politically neutral, but the reality is that it hasn’t been.

We have had the AMA advocating for the ability of people to kill themselves, as long as they can find a dr to agree and provide drugs; for the right of mamas to kill their children, as long as the child was not yet born - all under the guise of healthcare. For a number of years the AAP has advocated for kids to be able to get hormonal pills to avoid pregnancy, for an alleged vaccine to prevent a sexually transmitted infection (HPV) to be given to kids as young as 11 (shouldn’t we actually be encouraging them to NOT HAVE SEX?! instead of injecting them with a potentially toxic product), and advising pediatricians how to talk with kids and teens about sex and STDs without parents knowing about it. All in the name of “health.”

So no, the practice of medicine has absolutely not be apolitical.

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Don’t forget they give Hep B shots to tiny babies. Hep B is sexually transmitted.

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Ah, yes, very true. I always thought that was odd.

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It’s also transmitted by blood.

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You mean through the placenta, or a blood transfusion after birth?

If from the mother, don’t they test the mother for diseases? Thus making the shot unnecessary for infants?

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My former doctor tried to shame me into taking the jab on the very day he was heading out for his booster. Physician heal thyself!

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Compliance over Science.

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Great interview questions for my next doctor (hopefully no many more)

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Actually it used to be the exact opposite, those on left were more likely to question "western Medicine" and the lies of big pharma. They marketed this "pro-science" nonsense like crazy to the left.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022


Although sadly, I have plenty of red friends who don’t question. Strangely enough.

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Shellenberger: Climate Fanatics Are Weaponizing Mental Illlness


"Anti-capitalism thus became the ideology of the old rich, or what sociologist Thorstein Veblen called “the leisure class.”

Veblen noted the importance of “conspicuous consumption,” the tendency of leisure class to flaunt their wealth through fancy dresses and jewelry.

Today, elites flaunt their wealth through “luxury beliefs, ideas and opinions that confer status in the upper class while inflicting costs on the lower class,” eg we must make energy more expensive & return to less efficient, feudal modes of production, to protect Nature.

The capitalist class, the people who built their wealth from scratch, tend to feel proud, not guilty, for what they built. They defend free markets as part of their legacy. Their children and grandchildren who inherit their wealth struggle with their purpose."

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Luxury beliefs. Lol. When they are roaming around looking for food and a warm room they better not come to my house. We’re prepared and armed. I don’t tell anyone that though.

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I've been having a fantasy lately that all the "deplorables" just stop working until the country realizes just how necessary they are and how unnecessary those with these "luxury beliefs" are.

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Shellenberger 🧵 is long but worth the read. The man KNOWS what he’s talking about!

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I really like him. He ran in Calif primaries for governor. Got decent amount of votes, but Aunt Nancy makes dang sure her baby Gav wouldn't be defeated.

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Probably a lot bigger than Pelosi. Newsome is a young global leader of the WEF.

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"Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in 3 generations . . . " Some things never change.

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Great stuff right there.

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College Towns everywhere are democRat Bolshevik training camps.


Reality isn't always pleasant, and "education" is currently weaponized. (Well actually it's been a long road of subversion since John Dewy).


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Just got an invite to my alumni reunion at Georgetown, held on campus. Look what's in the flyer:

"All attendees for this event must be up to date on their Covid-19 vaccination (i.e., a primary series and, when eligible, an additional dose) or attest to having a religious or medical exemption. Attendees who are not vaccinated but attest to having an exemption will need to take a COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours prior to the event and provide their negative test results."

And amusingly enough - there are socials planned every evening of the long weekend to be held in local DC restaurants/bars/etc. off campus that do not have any restrictions. You can't make this stuff up.

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democRats are Certifiable, INSANE. Once we start operating in our liveswith that datum things will be better fo.r us. As for them, perhaps the Covid Death Jabs will take their toll.

I do realize way too many of us got the Jab as well. There are mitigating nutraceutical formulas online, but it may require taking the "Horse Medicine" that so many originally derided. btw, the CDC now says it works, such duplicity & evil = Insanity.

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Sometimes when I’m having a battle with my meanie thoughts I wish that these people would just go out and have six or ten shots at once. It would solve so many problems.

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I hope you will reply with studies showing what nonsense this is!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

As someone who follows a plant based diet, Beyond Burgers or the impossible burgers are not an example of a healthy plant based meal. They are awful for you; full of oils and chemicals. It’s a marketing scheme. And to clarify, I am a conservative( these diets sometime come with a stereotype). Pam Popper who Jeff has mentioned in prior blogs, has promoted and researched food in relation to health for years. She’s one of our main reasons why my husband and I did not take the jab. My main point is not to promote a diet but to point out how awful that substitute meat is for your health.

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I'll stick with my plant based cow diet. Grass fed and grass finished.

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I am also a conservative who eats a plant based whole food diet - the data is undeniable regarding the health benefits of eating plants. But - the processed faux meats are bad news - as you say - full of oils and chemicals.

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Agree and I love and support Pam and her organization. She definitely was a life saver during the lockdowns and now.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

I've studied health pretty extensively and now belief 2 things about diet. 1 quality of the food is much more important than type, biggest example is animal fats. Because fat stores many toxins, the fat of animals raised on toxic CAFO diet adds alot of additional toxins to a person's diet, whereas animal raised on a natural diet for their species e.g. cows eating grass has fat that is a "superfood" in terms of nutritional value. And as MK says Beyond Burgers are not an ideal plant-based food. AT. ALL.

The other is that variety, particularly seasonal variety is healthy. This is why plant-based people often do better when switch to meat and hard-core meat eaters do better when go to healthy plant-based diet. Human evolved to eat a different type of diet at different times of year, times of less or no animal products, times of more, times of feast, and times of eating less. Switching things up now and then is good for us as long as stay with food as that's as natural as possible.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Even though Arizona’s crack squad of highly-motivated vote counters are counting votes slower than a dyslexic second grader .. "

Are we sure they're counting? After all, it takes much more time to create and alter ballots than to simply count them

Regarding heart issues and COVID, ask yourself 1) what is the toxic part of SARS-CoV-2 and 2) what creates the most of it (by orders of magnitude), a SARS infection or a COVID spike-manufacturing jab?

Don't forget that bird viruses don't have to be engineered to infect humans to be used as weapons of war. Just look at the number of poultry that had to be slaughtered this year due to infection. Food supply reduction is a potent weapon.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, you are to Substack and anything else for that matter, what DeSantis is to being a governor. You are a working pit bull that digs out the relevant news around the world and accurately analyzes it beautifully. You also make the important links to the Bible to remind us Who is sovereign over all things. We need to constantly be reminded that God is in control and like it or not everyone will kneel before Him one day and acknowledge Him as Lord and then face true judgement. Thank you for your hard work and also the chuckles you provide to balance out the dark realities we are facing. May God richly bless you and yours!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I feel for the poster w/ the "conservative" relatives in Houston. I've heard similar - people who claim to be conservative, but voted for Beto because Abbott is "too conservative". Ugh. Abbott's a follower of money and polls. If other states hadn't started relaxing their pandemic measures, Abbott definitely wouldn't have - he ignored the TX constitution with his mandates and gave free reign to some of the worst county leaders to shut down their counties and terrorize their citizens. Yeah, he eventually started relaxing that nonsense after FL showed the way, but he shut down businesses and took away freedoms. He has worked behind the scenes to keep the "T" movement going and mutilating our kids by slow-walking that sort of legislation. His constant pandering to the left-leaning big tech companies may attract job, but at the cost of importing people who don't share TX values.

I voted against Abbott in the primary, but for him in the general. While I don't like a lot of his actions over the last couple of years, O'Rourke would be _far_ worse.

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Totally agree! Held my nose and voted for him because no way could I vote for Beto. There was an ad on the radio about Abbott being an “extreme conservative” and it made me think the left has no clue what an ACTUAL conservative is, if they think Abbott is extreme. Abbott does what’s best for Abbott. I’d say he has no spine, but that seems cruel seeing as how he’s wheelchair bound.

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Have a feeling that would be my take on Abbott, too, if I lived in Texas. During the height of covidianism I was surprised how anemic he was.

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Worse - he actually declared some businesses non-essential and then let the county leaders run roughshod over their citizens. He pushed for a state-wide mask mandate days after saying the TX constitution wouldn't let him do that. He's _still_ continuing the "state of emergency". It's sad that he got as many votes as he did in the primary - still not really sure why.

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Wow that's sickening.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

Randy Kelton (look up Rule of Law Radio) filed a complaint before a Grand Jury in TX in 2020. The next day Abbott withdrew his EOs re Covid and other things, many Republican governors followed suite very soon after. My understanding is something similar happened in FL although I haven't actually read that complaint so not absolutely sure. It's possible that two men filing the right legal action in the right way turned the tide of tyranny around. That and it was politically popular with conservative voters. And also ethical lawyers like Jeff.

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Hmm - I seem to remember Abbott pulling his mask mandate in Feb/March 2021, but maybe he scaled back some nonsense he'd done for 2020. There were definitely far too many businesses shuttered as "non-essential" and too many petty dictators in charge of counties gleefully issuing mandates and portraying anyone pushing back as not caring about grandma.

Sadly, Abbott really only started letting go after FL led the way. (And man, the screaming of the mask-happy crowds as people were "allowed" to go maskless....)

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Black and Veatch is also involved in the recently opened biolab that moved from Plum Island, NY to the beef belt of Kansas.

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