I think your connection of “radiation drugs” to v induced long Covid is actually the most plausible explanation.

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This article confirms the use of Nplate for radiation exposure:


To increase survival in people (including adults and children as young as full term neonates) with Hematopoietic Syndrome of Acute Radiation Syndrome (HS-ARS), which occurs following acute exposure to doses of radiation that reduce the activity of the bone marrow (myelosuppressive) resulting in fewer platelets and other cells

HOWEVER, platelets are critical for clotting. And as we have seen, one of the major problems with COVID and/or the COVID injection, is clotting. As a treatment for Long COVID, Nplate could be very deadly.


Nplate can increase your risk of serious blood clots, e.g. deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, portal vein thrombosis, heart attack, and stroke. [paraphrased]


I think Jeff might be overthinking this. It may be just what it seems, i.e. propaganda nudging us to become more fearful about nuclear war.

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Nope, he’s not overthinking this. See my posts on this thread.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

It's interesting that ITP is being observed 2 weeks later. This would suggest platelets are being used up via clotting and the bone marrow can't keep up with production. In fact, this is exactly what happens with DIC - excessive coagulation occurs using up all available clotting factors followed by excessive bleeding.

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Yes it is interesting isn't it? I was taught that DIC has two meanings: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, and if you have it, Death Is Coming...back in the day it was mostly end stage liver disease and alcoholism related...now it is becoming more and more "common" as I have seen it in many VAERS reports and articles about vaccine adverse effects. WEIRD huh?

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Agreed. This is more intuitive. Vax recipients aren't bleeding out, they're clotting, so they don't need more platelets. Thanks.

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Many are- some are clotting excessively, but some are stopping platelet production altogether. Remember that obstetrician who was one of the earliest higher profile vax deaths? Pure thrombocytopenia. Many VAERS results with that as the search term. With the oncogenic factor and the influence of chemo on the deluge of cancer patients, who knows.

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No, you are incorrect. The clotting cascade is very, very complex. Once all of your platelets are gone, in this case, destroyed by autoantibodies these products cause some people to make against their very own platelets, then the bleeding starts. You do bleed to death, usually in the brain.

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I agree ~ the clotting cascade is incredibly complex. And I knew someone who died under circumstances very similar to those you described with Dr. Gregory Michael. By the same token, you hear of far more people dying of the conditions cited in my earlier comment. How come some injected people die due to lack of platelets and some people die due various types of blood clots? I sure don't know, but it seems to me that a one size fits all treatment would be unwise.

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I wonder if the vaccines had different batches with intended different effects. If everyone had the same side effect wouldn't it be easier to blame the vax? Thrombocytopenia may just be one that they can profit on more.

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I have heard that theory, but haven't seen any hard proof yet.

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I imagine there are several mechanisms at work and it just depends on your own physiology as to what may befall you. These injectables do seem to disrupt the endothelial layer which if “roughened up” can lead to clots forming. The poor Dr. Michael’s process was likely an autoimmune reaction like we’d discussed where his own body made autoantibodies to his platelets, destroying them as quickly as he made them and as quickly as they could infuse units of platelets into him. So awful. I remember caring for a woman in labor who had had a very traumatic labor and finally a Caesarian in which the doctors were incredibly brutal in delivering the baby- much too unnecessarily rough maneuvering as they damaged her body during delivery. In recovery, she began to bleed profusely, then she began to clot off different areas of her organ systems. It was a gruesome sight and she ended up losing a few fingers and toes, had kidney damage, and was in ICU for weeks. I will never forget her to this day.

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Oct 8, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022

Your experience with the woman who had the brutal delivery is so shocking. My heart breaks for her and for you...

Yes, the damage to the endothelial layer by the spike protein is critical. In case you haven't read Walter Chesnut's Substack, here is one of his many excellent articles:


FTA: "A study published online on October 3rd validates my hypothesis that the Spike Protein is inducing Endothelial Disease. The study had three major contributions to add to Spike Protein pathology."

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One size treatment would be very unwise.

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They knowingly injected people with poison. Why do people think they are now somehow trying to cure/treat/fix the problem they created?

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Excellent point! That's why I've been trying to make the case that treating Long COVID with Nplate might cause clots and harm a lot of people.

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Yes definitely I have patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia and the platelets are high, but ineffective as you know, and they have positive antiplatelet antibodies. If the docs don't test for antiplatelet antibodies, the patient will not get correct diagnosis.

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My 60 year old brother in law died over the course of 2 months in 2021 via both clotting and microbleeds in the brain. He had had 3 vaccines. He also had other conditions (obese w diabetes), but all the MDs seemed puzzled over the presentation. It was a horrible death as his family was kept away from him (COVID rules) as his brain deteriorated and he died in a nursing home surrounded by nothing familiar in his last month of life.

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Susan, that is a terrible thing that happened to your BIL. So sorry.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace

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I'm so sorry, that is so sad. Puzzled,.. such a shame,. A lowly NP like myself can figure it out. I have patients now getting IgG or IgA per heme, but true. I have one hematologist who treats it, and others who still don't even look for the antiplatelet antibodies.

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so very sad, all the horrible things they have been doing, prayers for you and your family.

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What an incredibly sad death for your BIL. 😭 Heartbreaki g that this was allowed to happen to SO many people.

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the platelets are defective, so can be low or high, regardless they aren't doing their job, are insufficient, or lead to microclotting

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Don’t know. I think they need to cover up jabs & if we’re more worried about nuclear fallout this can help cover.

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Yes, more fearful of Russia because of the nuclear threat. The support of the people is a necessary pre-condition for a war if it is to be fought effectively. Lose the support of the people, and you lose the war in equal measure, and probably quickly I might add. This assumes that the politicians actually answer to the people.

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I find it very difficult to believe that anybody would support a nuclear war...prepared with Nplate or otherwise. Anybody feeling a little better now that we have stockpiled a supposed antidote is in dire need of therapy.

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And it's true we keep stockpiles of items related to disasters of various types.

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Agreed. It didn’t take me but a few seconds to find the same info...

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Platelets aren't the only blood cell effected.

"Since 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA) has approved four radiation medical countermeasures for H-ARS following the Animal Rule; namely, Neupogen, Neulasta, Leukine and Nplate (romiplostim)."

Why aren't there press releases that our govt has bought some of these other three products too, which boost WHITE blood cells too?

I think it's propoganda also - FEAR is important, but I think the Nplate purchase has an ulterior motive of potentially helping thrombocytopenia in the vax injured.

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You may be giving them too much credit. Treating thrombocytopenia would require them to come clean on the vax and I just don't see them doing that. They just aren't that smart and I don't think they'll ever admit to what they've done. My guess is the big guy told them to start taking measures to prep for a nuclear attack and this was low hanging fruit. Or, more likely, someone had a lot of this stuff to unload and there is a quid-pro-quo in play somewhere.

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NIH sponsored study for radiation indication back in 2021. it was easy to find. He needs to update this article not to lead people to think the indication isn't approved. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31021662/

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I don't know of anyone with Jeff's ability to look behind behind the narrative. He's truly extraordinary!

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Maybe not and its follow the $?:


"Reports containing our political contributions can be found at the following links:"

- January 1, 2022 – June 30, 2022 https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/-/media/Themes/CorporateAffairs/amgen-com/amgen-com/downloads/political-contributions/2022-political-contributions-jan-june.pdf

- July 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021 https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/-/media/Themes/CorporateAffairs/amgen-com/amgen-com/downloads/political-contributions/2021-political-contributions-july-dec.pdf

- January 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021 https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/-/media/Themes/CorporateAffairs/amgen-com/amgen-com/downloads/political-contributions/2021-political-contributions-jan-june.pdf

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- July 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019 https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/-/media/Themes/CorporateAffairs/amgen-com/amgen-com/downloads/political-contributions/2019-political-contributions-jul---dec.pdf

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Thanks for this!! If you want to dig further into how Pharma has DC on the take, you can search by pharma company here https://www.statnews.com/feature/prescription-politics/federal-full-data-set/ Seventy-two senators and 302 members of the House of Representatives cashed a check from the pharmaceutical industry ahead of the 2020 election — representing more than two-thirds of Congress, according to a new STAT analysis of records for the full election cycle.

Pfizer’s political action committee alone contributed to 228 lawmakers. Amgen’s PAC donated to 218, meaning that each company helped to fund the campaigns of nearly half the lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

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I had stock in phizer, but after the insanity of jabs, I had to sell all stocks, I felt like I had shares in concentration camps, and it made me physically ill.

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There needs to be a 'conservatives only' mutual fund - to push back on all of this 'ESG score' crap!!

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Check out Vivek Ramaswamy (sp) he is doing just that. It may not be conservatives only, but, they are not putting money into any company that's pushing ESG. Good luck!

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There - are - no - words.

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Something I knew intuitively but didn’t have proof of. Thank u!

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That’s so disappointing and disgraceful. The DC swamp is deep. So many elected (or selected) politicians are corrupt.

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probably before arrival and definitely after arrival to the swamp.

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Oooh, wow. Crazy. Thanks for looking into this and sharing what you found.

Looks like several of my slimy, lilly-livered state and federal lawmakers (or, maybe we should start calling them legal money thieves) are on the list. 😡

Makes me wish that corporations could not give to the legal money thieves. 😠

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So sick of these ppl, all of them! SO. SICK. Thanks for this info.

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Let me assure you that Amgen is a very political company. LOL don't ask me how I know. Also very Hollyweird connected - HQ in Thousand Oaks, close enough to LALALand.

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Is there such a thing as not a very political company nowadays??? especially in any heavily regulated industry like BIG PHARMA???

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Some of these are conservatives or very Republicans PACs

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Isn't interesting how they spread their money throughout the Uniparty as Sundance / Conservative Tree House calls them???

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I think it's a good "conspiracy theory". It makes sense to me when there has been a lot of talk of the jabs having a payload, and that payload can be activated through radio frequency. That could definetely cause a lot of jabbed people to come with all sorts of symptons and call it a nuclear bomb or maybe a dirty bomb at a local goverment building. Anything can happen. The short term goal is to have everyone at home before the nov 8 elections or cancel the elections all together.

Jabs and patents, there is this video:


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That feels far-fetched on the surface of that link...

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Perhaps they're buying drugs to save a preferred group of people who are suffering from long covid symptoms, while using the drug's other use to further cement the idea that there's going to be nuclear war - possibly of their own creation.

They honestly think it's going to happen - see Monkeywerx's aircraft tracking showing a Navy P8 (sub hunter/killer) in proximity of the pipeline when it was destroyed and the appearance of nuclear sniffing planes further north in Europe. There's a lot of theater going on here to foment fear on our side.

Zelensky (who can't pass up more US taxpayer money for no humanitarian purposes that have been observed) is doing his part to portray Putin as crazy and headed towards nuclear war.

Maybe our side will detonate dirty bombs on our soil and dole out these drugs to preferred people. And they'll blame Russia! Russia! Russia! And maybe even keep people from voting... due to a national emergency.

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Good points. One correction, Jeff: I think the issue is radiation sickness, not radiation burns.

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Here's some more shocking info about the vax, and Karen Kingston gives patents and their applications (which have to state what the tech is for and what it's supposed to do, and how). I really want to get this info to Jeff but don't know how. If what she is saying is true, we have got to stop all the 5g from being implemented !!! I wish I coukd do all caps without breaking the rules here !!! This is urgent !!!


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I don’t mean to come off negative, this is just my impression.

I watched the whole video and have 25 years of high tech experience. 5G has many uses and there are many motives for deploying it. This theory is not why 5G exists. Maybe it could be used that way, but unlikely.

Patents do not prove anything because they are filed with assumptions and expectations that may never be realized. They are filed to protect future INCOME potential. Without income, patents are useless.

For example, I can file a patent for a Magical Time Machine. You can file a patent for a Space Time Transporter. So what. This is theory. Can you actually build the product and make it work?

We need more evidence to be worried about this. This is a distraction.

Until we see these patents actually developed into real products… Don’t worry about it.

And you know what? Even if this does come to pass because God allows it, so? If we are living in a time such as that, so be it. God placed us here in this time of world history for a reason. Just go with it.

Again, not meaning to be negative. I did take my time to watch the whole 1hr + video… just being logical.

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My IT husband and I both are deeply distrusting of 5G…mainly because from the very beginning of the rushed rollout, it was pushed and bankrolled by Gates, Soros, and all of the usual WEF criminals.

They only bankroll depopulation schemes, and things that further their power…therefore 5G must have a darker purpose that what appears on the surface.

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I listened to Karen's interview. She makes her case. Her speech patterns are confusing at first, but things become more clear as the interview progresses. 5G is a Trojan Horse - as are many other things/people now in play. Its complicated! But gradually Karen, and Jeff, and other like minded people are putting the pieces together and revealing the hidden picture.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

WOW!!!!!!! You're getting your James Bond on today with an intriguing and entirely plausible plotline linking the jabs and nuclear threats, all backed up by Dr. Evil hiding in the shadows. (Cue the cool 007 theme music). I buy it. In light of the sick puppies we've got running the world, it would be just the kind of manipulative, deceptive move they'd run with. What struck me as ironically funny is that the drug our government has bought is supposedly to be used for radiation sickness but you said the drug's website doesn't indicate it for that use? Hmmm, there was some other drug that physicians wanted to use for something not specifically indicated for its original intended use, but the government vehemently disallowed it, leading to countless, unnecessary deaths....what was that? Silly me! Ivermectin.

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I literally came here to say the same thing! Lol. I noticed that off-label prescribing hypocrisy the minute I read it and was like…are you kidding me?

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This was exactly my thought when reading this today!!

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Jenny! I love that you're a regular C&Cer as well. I comment on Substack anonymously, but we met you and your husband at LeBlanc in 2020 and now all our children have read (and loved) your books. I remember our conversations from that time on the pLandemic and jabs and so thankful for God's guidance all the way to spare us from these government imposed harms! Crazy how much has happened in two years. We'll be back again this year in early November! Hope our paths cross again. :)

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We love Jenny’s books too. Our son was rather disappointed that we must await the coming of the next one in the Revolutionary War series... I didn’t know it was not yet published and wondered why I couldn’t find it on ThriftBooks. Ha! We can’t wait! Huzzah!

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I’m sorry it’s taking me so long to finish it, but The Marquis, the Escape, and the Fox I hope will be worth the wait. It’s going to be all war action, huzzah! Right now it’s planned for Aug 2023 release. 😊

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Ah, well, I am not an author and have no conception of all that’s involved! All war action will be amazing.

The earlier two books already gave us so much depth of knowledge about colonial times, the role of our Christian faith in the struggle for freedom, and the struggles of our founding fathers as they debated war and independence. Thank you!

I’m confident that the wait will be worth it. God’s blessings on you and your family as you continue to write. ❤️

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Someone once said, "Every great book was written with the author's blood." So if that gives you an idea, LOL...THANK YOU for your kind words of affirmation of how the books have helped you understand all the FOUNDING BLOOD that was required to give us our freedom. I get choked up every time I think about it and now to see it so casually thrown away by those that do not understand what it took to give them their liberty. That's what keeps my pen fueled. I covet your prayers as I cross the finish line in November. I've got to get Washington across the Delaware and through the Battles of Trenton and Princeton and I'm done, huzzah! Blessings to you and yours!

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We will pray!

We had fun reading elsewhere about the cannonball hitting the portrait of King George II in the hall at Princeton (don’t remember the name of the building!) during the battle. Hahaha!

And yes, sharing sorrow at the ease with which it has been forgotten, neglected, not taught, and is being dismantled. Resolutely grateful for Patriots today standing staunchly against the tyranny that once again embroils our beloved land. And praying for God’s great grace and redemption.

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Wow how fun!! I’m so happy to see you here! Le Blanc 2020 seems forever ago!! I told Casey last night that I have got to get back in January after I finish writing this next book that has kept me locked in the writing cave for two years! I was hoping to get there in Nov but I’m not quite finished. Thank you so much for your kind words - happy your family have loved the books! And I’m so happy you were spared the jab, yay! Tell Cancun hello and enjoy!!

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This C&C Army is SOOOO WITH IT!! The lies and the gaslighting is all right up in our grill and I am sick of it. How did SO MANY POLS GET SOOOO CORRUPT?!??

The enemy has been patient and slowly infiltrated all of our institutions. Lord, help us!

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That particular type of gaslighting, how the medical community at large has ignored off-label prescribing and how doctors will not allow IVM because it’s not “indicated for COVID” has certainly been at the top of my radar for a number of reasons. First, I was a nurse in a family practice and literally watched our providers prescribing medications for off-label use for years. Second, as a patient of many chronic disorders, no less than 6 of my own medications are prescribed off-label by numerous specialists including primary care, gastroenterology, neurology, allergy, and my mast cell specialist. One of my meds was given to me to try simply because my neurologist had “heard it worked for one other lady”. A number of my disorders don’t have FDA approved treatments, they barely have had ICD codes for only a few years, so the medications I take for them are not “approved” to treat them. This ridiculous outright lie that because the insert doesn’t say COVID, or FDA hasn’t approved IVM for COVID therefore they can’t use it, is a stain on the medical profession and I don’t know how they can utter that drivel one minute and then continue to prescribe off-label meds to other patients the next without fear they will burst into flames.

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You nurses know. God bless you.

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In the first place, I wouldn't trust this radiation drug. And secondly, if a nuclear war breaks out, the law of unintended circumstances would prevail. Meaning that no one could control the escalation or the fallout or really predict the end results. Is either side going to be happy just nuking a few cities, military installations or targets of interest? The contemplation of an event such as nuclear war is beyond comprehensible.

Recently NASA did a study to determine if there would be any positive outcome from a small scale nuclear war. It pertained to the effects on climate change that using nukes would have. No mention was made of the 10's or 100's of million of humans that would be murdered. This is where we are...utter insanity ruling the roost.

I do not think Putin wants any kind of nuclear war. It will be dummies like joey and the WEF who will force him to act all in the name of depopulating the earth and saving face for a failing leftist/socialist agenda.

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The gaslighting never stops, it just gets more insidious. I called bullshit as soon as I read about the government's purchase of a so-called "nuclear radiation treatment". Again, I'm no doctor or scientist, but does ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT FLIPPING MIND think that once someone is exposed to acute radiation, that ANY treatment is going to reverse the radiation damage? Are people that f'ing stupid? Sorry for swearing, but I'm frightened out of my wits.

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The scamdemic proved that a good percentage of people are that stupid and gullible.

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Unfortunately. And still more unfortunate, some are still succumbing to that stupidity by getting boosters and flu shots. It’s just mind blowing.

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And still are!

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Yes. People are really that stupid. Listen to the four interviews Steve Kirsch did in California about the CDC hiding the VSafe data that was only released thru litigation and their responses. https://rumble.com/v1mtvbs-four-people-on-the-street-in-downtown-los-altos-talk-about-the-cdc-and-v-sa.html

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Wow! Excellent interviewer and the first two interviewed were readers and somewhat thoughtful people. But... too much of "go along with the system ".

This is where survival of the fittest comes in. We must think and question.

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Also, they are in California!

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Those interviews were unbelievable but then again..CA (precisely why we left there after 50 yrs)

The fellow with the sunglasses had me rolling. I think his vaccines were working as intended. 😎

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I'm surrounded by vaxxed people who sound just like them ( NYC area). I'm flabbergasted how they all echo the MSM -Medical Complex.

I wonder what's going to be in a few years. I'm circling the wagons.

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We are screwed. The captured MSM holds the high ground.

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No we aren't. Have you not seen the dismal plummeting ratings of MSM outlets? People in mass are resorting to alternative means to get info. More and more are questioning things. The light of truth is slowly expanding in many areas. The fools who still believe MSM and government propaganda can wallow in their own fears alone. It's unfortunate for them but humanity must move on as the Lord intends it to.

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I like your positive outlook. What I don't understand is that MSM ratings have been slowly tanking for years now, yet, "woke" corporations continue to prop them up with obscene advertising expenditures, despite diminishing exposure.

Where is Adam Smith when we need him?

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I've heard that the fed gov and foundations from people like Billy Gates give millions to big media to push their sludge. They get enough from these types that they don't need only advertising money.

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I'm terrified too, and mad as hell, and I don't have any support or anyone to talk to here. I've alienated everyone because I'm not easygoing, and not good at "go along to get along". I wake up lonely and directionless and just want to start immediately drinking. I want to go to Rehoboth beach or DC or wherever that waste of human sperm known as the "leader of the free world" is and shake him so hard his head snaps off his neck. Then I want to go to Russia so I can live in a country that actually has human values, with a sane leader who cares what happens to HIS country and isn't flying billions of his people's money to corrupt plutocrat-run countries.

I need to check out of everything news-related, but I can't take the loneliness and at least this substack gives me a reason to open my eyes in the morning.

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“God is our refuge and our strength, an ever present help in time of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way, and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” Psalm 46:1-2

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Ps 46:1-2 needs to be our “mantra” when times are dark.

Resistance and Reliance on God.

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Always because He alone is faithful and worthy of our praise!

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I went through this too. Felt the same way. I found out I am stronger for it. I believe God is stripping me down to a core. I know the scales of lies have fallen from my eyes. I feel rejuvenation and I do not fear. What happens, happens. Get right with The Lord. ❤

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022

I believe God is stripping all of us down to a core, or at least, those awake enough to listen to His voice!

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Just keep coming back. You're here with like minded folks.

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All the energy you are putting on the issues of the world are bringing your spirit down. Take a step back, let go of the burden of saving the world from stupidity, and breathe in while you thank God for your sanity. Look for friends and you will find them, look for enemies and you will find them. Seek peace and see beyond the temporary, exaggerated, outstandingly bloated lies the media spews at us daily. Rest in the thought that God is setting things up for His glory to be revealed. Nothing else matters. No bomb, no politician, no evil ruler, no war, no disease, no financial crisis, no amount of climate change (LOL), and no amount of darkness can thwart or interrupt His victorious return. Let the worries of this world fade into overwhelming mercy and grace. Let your heart rest in God's exponentially superior plans for us. Let peace fill your heart and then share it with those who need it more than you do. There is so much power in pouring out what God has filled you with. Be still in the power of his love.

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Laura-Ann, I want you to know that my family and I will be praying for you. You ARE NOT alone. Jesus loves you and there's a whole family of God out there that would rally around you with love if you only reached out. Glad that C&C is a glimmer of hope, but the Bible is a read full of promises of even bigger reward and peace! Read the book of James!... but don't think that you can or have to live life alone. Reach out to the Church. Praying!

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You would be most welcome to pen-pal me (London living middle aged mother)

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Do you mean you'd "like to bang on that monkey skull of his until it rings like a Chinese gong"? 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Is there a beach near you that you can walk on?

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Don’t be frightened. God gives us a spirit of FEARLESSNESS. Put your trust in the Creator of this beautiful earth. That Anchor holds😉

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Hmmm follow the $...: https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/political-contributions

"Reports containing our political contributions can be found at the following links:"

- January 1, 2022 – June 30, 2022 https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/-/media/Themes/CorporateAffairs/amgen-com/amgen-com/downloads/political-contributions/2022-political-contributions-jan-june.pdf

- July 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021 https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/-/media/Themes/CorporateAffairs/amgen-com/amgen-com/downloads/political-contributions/2021-political-contributions-july-dec.pdf

- January 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021 https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/-/media/Themes/CorporateAffairs/amgen-com/amgen-com/downloads/political-contributions/2021-political-contributions-jan-june.pdf

- July 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/-/media/Themes/CorporateAffairs/amgen-com/amgen-com/downloads/political-contributions/2020-political-contributions-jul-dec.pdf

January 1, 2020 – June 30, 2020 - https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/-/media/Themes/CorporateAffairs/amgen-com/amgen-com/downloads/political-contributions/2020-political-contributions-jan-june.pdf

- July 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019 https://www.amgen.com/about/how-we-operate/policies-practices-and-disclosures/transparency-disclosures/-/media/Themes/CorporateAffairs/amgen-com/amgen-com/downloads/political-contributions/2019-political-contributions-jul---dec.pdf

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Yes, Always follow the money.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

Faith not fear. I hate to think of anybody being scared out of their wits. This is what they want. Remember, WE who have faith know the end of this story we live in. I know where I'm going. I'll give this to you. It's the getting there that can be disconcerting. 😳

That's exactly what I thought in regard to nuclear war. Who in their right mind thinks anyone survives this? Stupidity prevails though, so many do think they can.

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Ann R They want us to be afraid. Then we’re easier to control.

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Don’t be scared, Ann.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'd forgo the radiation meds if I could turn into the Hulk, for say.....an afternoon of frivolity, to clean up some business at the WEF.....and elsewhere. "Bullethead makes Hulk angry. Hulk SMASH!!"

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Happy to tag along as your "Robin" - if not to assist, just to enjoy the show !

But.....would LOVE to assist. Just sayin'.

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As long as you leave your diplomatic sensibilities at home.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

Heck* with diplomacy.

If THEY ain't using it, neither am I.......

* NOT my first word choice, btw.

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What are diplomatic sensibilities? 🤣

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Me too

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

’ll be speaking at the Florida Summit on Covid II on October 22, in The Villages, Florida, at the fabulous Brownwood Hotel, along with a great lineup of others — almost too many to list. More information and registration information is available at Florida Summit On Covid II The Future of Medicine in Post-Covid America.


If you are streaming your speech, please let us know the details!

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There were reports that Ukraine and Russia had worked out a settlement in April. The Biden administration nixed it. There were reports Turkey worked out a settlement between Russia and Ukraine in May. The Biden administration nixed it.

Very convenient the cash and arms being sent to Ukraine can't be traced. Makes you wonder how many are getting rake offs. It might be instructive to start with those Senators voting for continuing to shovel the money down this sink hole. Just a thought.

It seems to me, in my humble opinion. the Biden administration is pushing for the Russians to use nuclear weapons. There are no winners in a nuclear engagement. Best would be to step back and find some common ground to stop the destruction in Ukraine. That would be sane.

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Agreed. Talk about climate change

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Climate change is to create fear. What this really is about I believe is bringing in UBI ( universal basic income) just look at what they did to the businesses and livelihoods of people around the world. Destroyed it. Our economies. That’s the goal. Imagine how many people will easily take handouts now becayse they are in dire straights. You ever listen to Corey Digs? She’s got some really good stuff. Check her out on Bitchute SoundCloud Gab Tv maybe Rumble,too. She just had a podcast out about UBI. This plan has been in the making for 100 years at least. All by the same group of people… some call them Khazarians. Jesus called them VIPERS. All I say… is we must NEVER give in to socialism /communism and it’s up to us to share the message. Here’s a link to Corey. Just take a look around her site. The article on Rockerfellow and their Goals is good, as everything she has researched. Take care, frens

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not seeing a link

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I forgot to post it, then went back and reposted it above my original post. Lol! I am In left field most of the time it seems! But anyway, here it is. Corey has some great stuff. Look through her website. Subscribe for free. Check out the one titled : Forest Abundance! Its awesome! I grow food all the time in a tiny yard! We can all grow food! I swear the globalist and the evil cabal are going down! A battle it will be… but I really believe in the prophesies of the minor prophets… God is revealing all this evil and giving us redemption and a new and peaceful world for a time 😉. Here is the link. Please feel free to share it. https://www.coreysdigs.com/

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Oops… I forgot to drop the link below. Here it is: https://www.coreysdigs.com/

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Yes, you are right and informed! (A good memory too).

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There never was a settlement. Nothing was ever hammered out.

The best way to step back is for Russia to go back to the 1994 agreement boundaries and end the war.

First it was boris that stopped it,

Now Turkey, now Biden.

Remember the arms aid started the very next day Ukraine was invaded.

How many here are willing to negotiate with Biden and get a jab? What’s it worth to you?

Now what’s it worth to the people of

Ukraine to be safe and free from a genocidal tyrant?

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The point I was attempting to make is that the Biden administration does not want a settlement.

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There never was a settlement in April.

Would you accept a settlement to get a Covid shot? Why and why not?

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There was no settlement because, from my reading, the Biden administration didn't want it.

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Because there was never a settlement at all.

The current settlement was rejected by Russia.

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When the POTUS announces to the mayor of Ft. Myers Fl “nobody fu… with a Biden”. Well let’s just say folks, our country has reached a new low. Dignity, couth, leadership, thrown right out the window. Instead an undignified, rudderless, disgrace.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

And to call sleepy Joe our “leader” or “the leader” of our country is a complete joke. He can’t lead himself off a stage while his handlers are directing him. He’s a puppet who is carrying out the plans of very sick, evil people. Biden is evil as well and willing to be used as the vehicle to carry out the Deep State agenda.

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Biden is a shameful, embarrassing disgrace to the office of the President.

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👍 Sadly, that is an accurate description. He always does things like that. No matter who he is speaking (mumbling) to, he tries to adopt what he thinks is their speech inflection, Hispanic (he is, after all, Puerto Rican), Black, Asian, and he obviously decided that the good people of Fort Myers are hillbillies. What a dunce.

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The little phrases Biden uses are not endearing or confidence-inducing. “I’m not joking”, “I mean it” etc. are turns of phrase used by sixth graders. This guy is a dangerous joke.

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I didn't think anyone could irritate me as much as Obama speaking, but I have been proven wrong with Joe Biden and his verbal tics.

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I couldn’t stand OBummer but I can’t stand Brandon even more! 🤮🤮🤮

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I suspect OBiden is following OBummer’s directives.

OBiden just can’t read the cue cards well.

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Yup! Exactly! Evil!!!!

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He is dangerous. No joke.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I went to share your article on Twitter and I found that I have been banned for suspicious activity.. I don't do much on Twitter, I actually hate the site. I think it's where good people go to get banned 😧 but I do like sharing your articles. Apparently that was suspicious activity. As to your observations on the new radiation medication- I put nothing past this Communist regime that stole the election and is doing a terrific job in only one avenue- ruining our country.

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First they steal the election and then they work at burning the country down! EVIL!!!! 🤬🤬🤬

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they are the most evil regime since hitler, bar none.

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Dump twitter. It's mostly bots and mommy's basement dwellers.

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you aren't wrong

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Create fear, create the solution, count the sheep.

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. . . for better sleep?

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Brilliant connection, Jeff! The govt has to distract us from Hunter, China and the election bombshells that have dropped. What better way then to spark fear of nuclear war?

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

My first impression when seeing the radiation drug purchase was that it was just good old-fashioned crony capitalist corruption. More specifically, the media pumps up some looming catastrophe (based on info fed by the government), and the government uses that hysteria to justify buying billions of dollars of worthless Pharma products that would otherwise have no market. We've now seen it with Remsdivesvir, the vax, paxlovid, the monkey pox vax, and now radiation pills. I can only imagine what's next.

The tie-in to vax-induced immune system damage is an interesting theory, but that implies the government is actually acting responsibly with foresight to prepare for a looming event. The corruption explanation is far more likely IMO.

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Sorry to disagree but I have a hard time with any statement that includes both the words "government" and "responsibly". I think that "looming event" ship has already sailed since the shot has been around for over a year. Anyone seriously impacted has probably already died. I would personally put this more in the "here is one more area that we screwed up that we might be able to covertly cover up going forward".

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm not sure why you think we disagree as we're saying the same thing. I never said the government was acting responsibly, I said the opposite.

The government stockpiling this drug to treat the vax injured is by definition is "responsibly and with foresight", as it shows they see a looming problem and are preparing to deal with it (even if lying about the actual cause). Preparing to treat injured people is acting with foresight by just about any definition of the word.

My point is that they are doing *no such thing*, this is just run-of-the mill corruption to loot the treasury and pump billions into Pharma. They are not preparing to treat anyone, just stealing billions of dollars.

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Sorry, I misread your response. My mistake. Trying to get through all the comments as quickly as possible. Sometimes I miss stuff because of the rush but there is so much added value in the comments. Again, sorry about that.

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Agree. Slough off $$$$$$$$ while they can, and perhaps incidentally reduce some death stats and thus their culpability

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Agree. They are trying to lay cover for the sh-t hitting the fan now and down the road regarding vaxx injuries and deaths. I would not put it pass them to be okay with a limited radiation incident to play into this narrative change. It solves 2 problems - blame Russia and cover vaxx crimes and cause more deaths (depopulation).

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If they holed the pipe and blamed Russia they can easily do this.

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Russia does have a habit of destroying civilian and arms

Stockpiles in other countries, not to mention attacking people in England with novichok

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Isn't it a bit of a coincidence that Russian agents chose to 'attack' certain high profile foreign people with connections to the security services, in a town in England in close proximity to a biological weapons HQ?

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Anthrax scare gave us Cipro stockpile.

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I wondered where that came from. I had Cipro injury after one dose. I felt like crap for years. Fine now.

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That is also very likely.

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Maybe a CYA thing for those that decided to take it, are in positions of power, and experiencing "remorse" for having done so?

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Fascinating "connecting the dots" between the "radiation" drugs and vax-induced issues. Time will tell what narrative the government tells its propaganda arm (aka media) to put out for public consumption. All I know is, I put NOTHING, ZERO, NADA past this criminal administration!

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Every time i think 'Oh thats GOTTA be the limit' Wham! they raise the bar....

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Unfortunately there’s no limit to their evil.

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Isn't that the truth?! They keep coming up with twisted new ways to try and exert more control!

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The only thing surprising now is that it can get worse.

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I hate to say it but it definitely will get worse before it gets better 🥰

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💯 agree!!!!!

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100%! They are evil and corrupt! 🤬🤬🤬

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Agree with the speculation around Nplate - was chatting with my bro about that yesterday. Just had a friend who had a blood cancer, and one of the issues was low platelets. This was how he was diagnosed with AML. Low platelets can cause internal hemorrhaging...cancers cause low platelets...there as been a >6sigma rise in cancers since the "safe and effective" rollout...Cancer treatments can also cause low platelets...so, there is that too

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My mom has stomach cancer, is not having 'treatments', is in hospice and has high platelets. However, her hemoglobin is low due to tumor bleed.

I suspect different cancers react differently?

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So sorry about your mom, Angela.♥️

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Thank you. She is in home hospice with me and my husband. She will be 88 in a few days. It is a blessing but also surreal waiting for the day.

So grateful for the honesty of her gastro and pcp to not put her through the recommended by oncologist radiation therapy.

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God bless you, Angela, for doing home hospice --we did it for my mom from Feb.-March 14 when she died (and thank God for the oncologist who told us NOT to do chemo!). Hard as it is, I will always be so grateful for the time with her (we went through all of her photos! And memories!). I miss her so much. Prayers for a peaceful and merciful death for your mom. And comfort for you and your family.

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Yes! My mother loved going through photos during her last few months!

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Angela, I’m so sorry about your mom ♥️. I lost my mom to lung/brain cancer 22 years ago when she was only 68. She bravely chose to face her mortality head on and forgo the brutal pharmaceutical “treatments”, as well, that were not going to prolong her life, but rather only prolong her death.

We had almost a year with her before she succumbed which included so many wonderful and meaningful conversations and just “time together”. Bless your hearts for caring for your mom in her last days. Prayers for a smooth and peaceful transition for your mom and the healing of your heart in the aftermath. I was only 36 when my mom died and I didn’t know how to live without her, but I didn’t have a choice. We simply learn how to live without them. ♥️

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See? This column right here is why I pace and irritably drink coffee every morning until C&C drops. Thank you for your research and reporting, most awesome attorney.

The time for hanging traitors has long since passed. Let’s get those guillotines set up on Union Square outside the Capitol and empty those Deep State bureaucratic buildings. Meet me in the Mall park; I’ll be the old lady in the red cap, knitting and cheering, especially when Fauci is dragged out.

*sigh* ...wishful thinking...

In reality:

I will be wielding my vote like the Hammer of God next month!

Oh, and #FJB

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I’m behind *this*. During the economic meltdown in 2008 I envisioned heads shoved on the horns of that giant bronze bull on Wall Street. But the guillotines would —well you know.

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