Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm glad I read this stack, for I immediately was upset with the Canadian actress who seemingly said she'd get the Jab again even after being maimed by it.

But after Jeff's explanation that she was cleverly saying it in a way to discredit medical tyranny helps me to pause and consider all the angles before going with the first reaction. Thanks, C&C!

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BASED! Are you ok? Our home escaped the damage- we are just NE of Fort Myers in Alva.

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Yes! I’ve been concerned with the fate of all our C&C Florida friends. My sis in Ft Meyers is ok, with minor damage to her home. Now the struggle is no power for who knows how long amidst the enormous clean up! Miserable conditions. 😥

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All good here in Palm Coast. We're on the Matanzas river which came up to the house, but didn't get in. Power is back on and the sun is out now so everyone's cleaning up.

But I feel for those who got serious damage or worse. We just to pick up and get it together... feels like such a new day now.

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Glad to hear it! It’s also nice to see a comment from you again, I’ve enjoyed your wit and sarcasm almost as much as Jeff’s! 😊

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Yes, I was missing my "Based Florida Man", too! :)

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Me too!

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I'm pretty sure that video was from May, 2021. Someone reposted it yesterday, and it's getting a lot of attention today.

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That makes more sense because for a while now we haven't needed the shots to "see" people in Canada.

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I had to read the Utah case and the Ft. Bragg trans officer case 2 times because my brain is apparently incapable of understanding the depths of depravity. I still can't fully understand it. So incredibly evil and bizarre.

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I don't want to understand it. If I could, I'd be worried about myself.

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Yes, looking at any of these deviants and thinking “Hey that looks like a good idea” would definitely indicate similar mental illness!

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Astute, I have a very hard time with these things as well. I guess it’s a blessing that we don’t understand on some ways. But being clueless isn’t the answer either. Speaking for myself, no implication towards you

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One's inability to comprehend crazy is a sanity check in itself.

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If someone had pitched it as a plot for a 'B' movie 3 years ago, it would have been rejected, I think.

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Truth is stranger than fiction…

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A few years ago when the pizza-gate thing was going around, I never even gave it a shred of legitimacy. Since then I've seen history channel and national geographic channel shows talking about various engineering feats and architecture as well as historical info.... all point to the fact that there are VAST networks of underground tunnels ALL OVER this country. Combine that with these stories and the evil we see with the forced jabs. Now my position is "yeah, probably happened / is happening"

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Ever see the artwork in John Podesta’s house???? Yeah...like that’s real normal.

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I saw a documentary about some of those paintings…they’re from an empty swimming pool in an estate in the USA (I forgot where). Really creepy stuff! What sane person would think those paintings are okay???? I’d run out the back door! Lol!

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I just started the first of Whitney Webb's two-book series on the Epstein phenomenon. She lays the foundation by going through the history of the nexus between intelligence operations and the criminal underworld dating back to before prohibition. Like everything Whitney Webb writes, the book is thoroughly researched and footnoted.


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Thanks you for the recommendation. I haven't read the book but judging purely by its title it's right on point. I'll check it out.

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amen, that is just too unbelievable, I agree treason for the military. So incredibly evil and bizarre.

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Treason requires aiding and abetting an enemy in war.

Are you saying the USA is at war with Russia?

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It might not be declared to the world, but since we are paying the Ukraine government to continue the war with secret civilian troops, military weapons, and money......hmmm maybe

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I am not going to look at the links, your description is horrific enough. The depravity of these monsters is unfathomable 😳😡

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Yes, I agree. There is great value and comfort in finding likeminded people here on C&C.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Every old person we know here in the U.K. are ecstatic to receive their bivalent covid booster poisoning. They can’t wait to tell everyone “I just got my covid booster and flu shot”! I always ask “on the same day, at the same time”? “Yes” the enthusiastic nutcases respond. I then shake my head, make the sign of the cross and throw in a “good luck” for closure on clown world.

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The new booster was thoroughly tested on 8 mice. Yes, EIGHT mice made the ultimate sacrifice during the 'clinical trial' ..... for two whole weeks before they were, um, eliminated.

If they say SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, then it MUST be so.



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The people are the test subjects. I have lost faith that ANY federal agency truly has the best interest of the people in mind. They all have zero credibility after this. Same with the medical community. What I found interesting is that my husband had surgery this week. They told him that because he was a patient, he didn’t have to wear a mask. So while we waited for them to come take him back to the OR, he was maskless while everyone else had to wear one. Many of the hospital staff even wore them below their nose. They don’t even believe the nonsense anymore either.

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Same when I was in the hospital 3 weeks ago for hip surgery after an accident. I was not required to mask and there was some sloppy mask use by staff. I was not asked about the jabs. And just had the quick Covid test. The staff and nurses were amazing. Northern Illinois.

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We are in Northern Nevada and my husband didn’t even get tested. They only asked him if he had Covid within the last 10 days. They didn’t ask for vaccination status either. The mask police sit at the entrance and won’t let you in the hospital without putting a face diaper on. At least they let me go back with him before they wheeled him to the operating room.

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Wendy, fellow Nevadan here. Good to see neighbors on here. 🥰

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I went into a large VA clinic with my hubs the other day. A masked woman at the door handed us masks with a pair of tongs. I couldn't resist asking her, "They're STILL making you wear masks?". She looked a bit sheepish, but had no response. So I took the mask, put it on, and promptly moved it below my chin and walked around the facility like that for the 20 or so minutes we were there. Every single person in there was masked, but no one said anything to me, nor did anyone appear to even notice.

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Tongs? 🤣🤣🤣 Never saw that around us.

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I wonder if elimination is the end game for us worthless old people.

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Yes! Ding! Ding! You do indeed the prize!

The Killing Machine is more sinister than most people think. Why? Because most regular people don't think like cunning demonic monsters. Our Dear Leaders, for one.

Some of it is about cost analysis. That is, if old people, retired people are killed off, what is the result? Pension fund liability is reduced. SS payout is reduced. Medicare and Medicaid costs are reduced, just to name a few. Of course, 'the system' is front loaded in costs like hospital, medical costs, etc, required to carry out The Program. But long term payout loss is greatly reduced. Once eliminated, cost is eliminated.

This term Useless Eaters is about much more than just eating breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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True what you say. However, while I know a lot of elderly people died in the last 2+ years, I have to judge what I see and have learned from my nurse daughter, who has been working in nursing/rehab facilities all this time. People are in there mainly because their condition is pretty poor and they can't live alone any more. Some died, but no more than usual for this cohort of people. "Covid" swept through a few times, no one really died FROM Covid. Some of them were fully expected to die within months (usually) when they came into the hospital. A great many were jabbed, but not all, some refused it. Many who were unjabbed got covid, including a 104 year old who wasn't all that sick and who recovered quite nicely and quickly. So it really was more or less business as usual. The flu and pneumonia takes out a lot of the very elderly every year. No real change from past years. My daughter had a religious exemption and never got any jabs, but there was a point in time where she found it quite amusing that all her jabbed colleagues got covid again...and again....while she did not. She herself had covid in Nov. 2020, better after a week and has been fine since then except for a sniffle a couple of times that didn't even keep her off work. She's pretty disgusted with it all, but at least she has worked in reasonable facilities. This is in crazy California, too!

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Thanks for the information. And good for your daughter! This must ease your mind a good deal.

Nothing with all of this stuff goes in a straight line nor can it be 'figured out' entirely, one size fits all geographical locations, all age groups. There are a lot of variables, including that all batches of 'vaccines' apparently were not the same. However, and this said, I know plenty of folks who have had adverse 'vaccine' reactions and/or died, particularly and significantly at younger ages than would otherwise be expected prior. This includes cancers, stroke and heart conditions. Overall, what my wife and I see and hear is not all that different from what is reported in the excellent C & C coverage.

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Hopefully the prize is a long life

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Jeff this may be helpful - it is an important piece related to C0>id- piercing the legal immunity in general, and the fact that the military was jabbed by Comarity not the EUA potion.

Bottom line is that the EUA contracts provides legal immunity but Fauci (accidentally?) pushed for and got the jabs into the drug approval process. That’s why the date to finish trials and go to market is in 2025.

The last 15 minutes are the synopsis and impact.

The first part is wading through what did and did not happen. It picks apart Dr. Malone’s statements last year after comarity was approved. He may not have had full info at the time as to the legalese.

Lawyers should be able to Pierce the jab injury supposed veil with this. The guest states that what is at stake is all of Pffiizzer and complete jab recall. They will do anything to make this happen. C0>id j

The whole point is to get mRNA to become a pffarma platform for delivery of all medications - likely Fraudchi’s hubristic goal. For posterity of pffarma, ya know.

It’s worth a look and follow up.


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*They will do anything to make this NOT happen.

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Ding ding ding! You win the prize today on the "Discover The Secret Truth" show!

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Social Security will have DEM-magic applied to it so it won’t run out of money after all those dire predictions. It was supposed to run out (by 2030? can’t remember). Since the smaller bubble created by Baby Boomers next generation will also have less people left due to “Covid heart” the SS won’t need as much for them, so the end date will push the unfunded date out further.

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CapIT, the second Bush stole, er borrowed, money from SS, killing us is the only way to make up the shortfall. Killing young people who pay into SS makes no sense, but does anything these days? 🤪

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Dr Linda - definitely!

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I am always astonished why the vaccine is especially recommended for the elderly and the high risk comorbidity folks. Now I get it.

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Agreed. No one will actually respond to that. Ask your “doctor”. Mine is flustered when asked.

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Failed testing. All 8 got covid anyway, regardless of their "antibody levels."

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I think many older people buy into it because they're from a generation (a wonderful generation btw) that were taught to obey authorities. Doctors, government officials, etc. I'm 62 and I remember my parents being the same way and I was pretty much that way as well until my late 30's, early 40's. Plus, our parents generation didn't have access to information that we have today. News back then was via radio, newspapers, and eventually TV and I'm sure those modes of information were highly controlled as well. Both of my parents are gone and in a way, I'm glad they aren't here to see what's happening to our country & world.

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I'm 64 and raised by two parents who stressed the importance of 𝒏𝒐𝒕 simply obeying. Only One was infallible. Everybody else?

They raised us to be respectful, but not obedient just because...That is the creed of slaves.

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I think it's a mix though. My parents questioned authority, but...not really. They weren't blind sheep, but they could NEVER believe that people in government would purposely send them to the slaughter. For them, it doesn't even seem possible to pull off when there are so many people who would have to 'be in on' the scam. So, while most people aren't 'slaves' and they do question things, they also cannot believe that throngs of people would purposely go along with methods that lead to their own demise...

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Did your parents remain apart from history or current events where their fellows in "government" did exactly that? Send others to their slaughter? Or simply carry out the slaughter of others? This country's (U.S.) history overflows with these very tales. Have you ever read "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee"?

As for your parents' assumption (without evidence) that "so many people would have to 'be in on' the scam", it is precisely not that. It is through compartmentalization that lots of people can contribute to "scams" -- and other events/processes -- and be completely oblivious to their own role in it. Can you say, "Manhattan Project"?

As for "throngs", "throngs" go along. That's all. We've seen that over the last 2.5 years and especially with more than 2/3 of the throngs rolling up their sleeves to have themselves injected with an experimental concoction without long-term safety data never before used in humans that not a single person had any idea of what it contained and in all likelihood completely unaware that the manufacturers of said junk had liability immunity for any injury or death.

The throngs obeyed and continued to obey while the economy sank, basic human rights were destroyed, and hundreds of millions had God-knows-what injected into them. Not go along with that which could lead to their demise?

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My dad was a child during WWII in Germany and heard my grandfather tell how the Nazis came to power. As long as I can remember, he’s been respectful and law abiding but never blindly so (he refuses to wear a seatbelt because in his opinion it’s government overreach) and does not trust the government. Having heard that viewpoint since I was a child, I am much the same. I am suspicious of government that does things “for our own good”.

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Well SheThinkLiberty, I guess I'm from a family of slaves. Thanks for your kind insight.

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Well, as my mother used to say, "If the shoe fits..."

Obedience -- obedience to that which was obviously unlawful got us to this precipice, LuAnne. Obedience to that which was obviously so 𝑺𝑻𝑼𝑷𝑰𝑫 one had to wonder how the vast majority in the "exceptional nation" failed to laugh their asses off at the absurdity. Instead of the nation laughing and respectfully standing their ground, the obedience of the majority took us 𝒂𝒍𝒍 from "15 days to flatten the curve" to businesses lost forever and churches closed to nasty little snot pouches to forced medical interventions.

And your feelings are hurt?

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

My theory about those who think for themselves in regard to health issues, vs. those who blindly obey, is predicated upon whether the individual has learned to question medical wisdom.

This mindset is also found in people with an independent spirit, and doesn’t really have much to do with age. I’m in the lemming generation, but I’m not a lemming; and truthfully there’s NOT a lemming generation. I see as many young people wearing masks as older ones, and you can bet they are vaxxed to the max.

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🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I quit believing the government around 2001. Final nail in that coffin 2020. I’m 74 now. Stopped Believing health nonsense around 2011. Final nail also 2020.

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At 73, pretty much the same. And from 2001, for sure, things went into a malevolent hyper-drive and from there accelerated. 2020 also was the last straw for me. Sanctions and the Proxy War, just seconds the motion, so to speak.

A big, big tell for me was Walmart somewhere in the mid-1990's. One year, everything was the Made In America theme. The next year, everything was China, China, China. From then on, I knew something sinister was afoot. Because there was the de-industrialization of America staring at me right there on the shelf. This though, had already been going on for many decades. And as a footnote, it's all tied to the fall of the dollar and the closing of the gold window in 1971.

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I remember Walmart's sudden about-face on the Made in America thing. I think about it often when I walk into a WM stuffed full of Chinese crap.

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Thanks Fred.

It was pretty disheartening to see the change. Because at the time, we all knew that Walmart was a big player and a trend maker. It did not bode well. And now we are up the creek worse than ever.

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I feel the same as you do about my parents not being here to see all this insanity. God bless you!

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I was told by 2 people yesterday that they heard older people at the grocery store eagerly requesting more shots. It’s like a bizarre Soylent Green or Logan’s Run. Why are these people driven to self destruction; speaking as one categorized as an old person? Just a rhetorical question.

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People so very proud - " I got my booster today " ........... almost as if they look upon it as putting out the American flag on July 4th, or Memorial Day, or some similar.

But they don't get it - the flag can come down, that jab can NOT be undone.

So many are simply going to believe that "they" would NEVER lie to us......until a few seconds AFTER being pushed off the cliff, I suppose.

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I have friends in the UK and they were all excited about getting their second booster. They are smart people and I have sent them info so I just don’t get it.

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Same here in the state of WA.🤷🏻‍♀️

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I see you’re a teacher. I was one there in the PNW also but Inslee’s forced jab requirement ended my career & we fled to a red state. Do you still have a job?

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Good for you! Hubby quit his job over the forced jab as well. Fortunately, he got something else and we didn't have to move

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Nope. I was terminated by Inslee and a backward-thinking short-sighted school district. To be honest, by terminating me, they shot themselves in the foot as I was a highly-requested substitute teacher with a stellar reputation. Last year, they were pulling in people from the district office to cover classes, or teachers couldn’t take time off. Don’t know what they’re doing this year.🤷🏻‍♀️

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And yet I’m spite of that they will all say to your face that everything is going great & they’re having their best school year ever. Public education is a cult.

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The district I’m in was very ‘generous’ with all of the RE handed out, however that came at a steep price of weekly testing for the asymptotic, n-95 masking as well as the social distancing and solitary confinement. Several took earlier than planned retirement, others were fired for non-compliance. OSPI and my district have a lot of ‘splanin’ to do.

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Do you bid them bon voyage as well? 'Cause many of 'em are about to depart for a trip to that place from where there is no earthly return.

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...............Martha's Vinyard ??

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Bizzaro world indeed. I must say, that Adam’s apple enhances his overall feminine appearance.

God bless Jennifer Gibson and heal her. And open the eyes of the blind.

No wonder God is going to burn this place up someday… Meanwhile, we keep going, walking in power and living hope.

Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things [new heavens and a new earth], be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless, and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation; just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

— 2 Peter 3:14-18 NASB1995

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

My boyfriend, a former SEAL, and his colleagues (a crew of vets from Florida Roof Specialists) went south to Ft. Myers and Sanibel Island early yesterday to volunteer their help with SAR (through Cajun Army). Not everyone evacuated so there are people trapped in flooded homes still, they are pulling up bodies out of the water, etc. I am so humbled with his dedication and willingness to go above and beyond to help save lives and assist with disaster relief!

God BLESS them! 🙏❤️

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Yes God bless them!!!

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Blessings on these guys. ❤️

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Well, to be fair, the sign does say: Fort Bragg "Special Operations." Between that, hotty Rear Admiral Rachel Levine, and the Marine "Corpse" (Thanks forced injections!), our military is looking sharp. Patton would be proud.

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Haha! Have to laugh to keep from crying at what has been done to our military. Fort Bragg is just a couple of hours from my home . . .

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Fort Bragg has clocked over 80 'sudden and unexpected' deaths.

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

So sad…I worry about my granddaughter’s fiancé, who just earned his Green Beret at Ft Bragg last spring. I’m sure he had to submit to the jab. 😥 It’s so absolutely evil that they’ve forced this on the best and brightest of our young people!

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That is unbelievable - please be sure that Mark Crispin Miller (substack - he tracks died suddenly stories around the globe) has the details on that information. Please share here as well. Thank you !

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The rapper Coolio just died suddenly of a heart attack. 59 years young. Recent pics show him looking very fit.

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Most of the stories about the stratospheric number of deaths at Fort Bragg date back to March of this year. They've started to hide the information and it's impossible to find something more mainstream and more recent. Here's one blog on the topic.


And Steve Kirsch wrote about it as well.


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Bad batch?

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Patton is writhing in his grave.

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Florida Disaster Fund.org is the donation site that Casey DeSantis is spearheading.

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Great idea Ellen- we need to keep it local and under our state’s control without too many governmental and corporate corrupt fingers in the pie. I live in Alva, 13 miles NE of Fort Myers. We fled corrupt Chicago 1-1/2 years ago and now this. Our home escaped flooding and damage miraculously (just built and we moved in 8 months ago) but Orange Harbor mobile home park 5 miles away from us was completely destroyed - we lived in our camper there for 14 months while supply chain issues and Covid slow walked the construction. These people also need our help - most late 60s. My heart is broken.

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My 22 year old daughter lives in Tampa. She spent today trying to find an organization that she could volunteer with. Sadly, some require proof of Covid vaccination in order to volunteer! 🤦‍♀️

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This is honestly beyond infuriating. Could you let us know what orgs so we can NOT support them? I’m dying to know which ones would require this.

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All Hearts and Hands and Project Hope both required C19 vaccination from their volunteers. She was able to complete online training through both the Red Cross and Salvation Army, so is hoping to be put into action. Crazy times, isn’t it?

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My heart is broken too! Such horrible devastation and to rebuild will take many years. Supplies are short and the cost for them is astronomical! I agree with Jeff though, Floridians are a tenacious bunch and we always step up to help our neighbors in need!! Praying for everyone down there.

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I thought the same after seeing the Governor and his wife speak yesterday. If the organization already exists, let’s go with it!

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Donated yesterday

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This would be my choice. They are on the ground where the need is and can get the relieve out quickly and targeted.

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I would be positively shocked if Jeff even considered them. Them and United Way. Also I hear Goodwill is also not very reputable, although I know they don’t do disaster relief.

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And even the Salvation Army has gone woke in recent years, having received the last penny from me as a result.


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Yes you’re right - I stopped giving to them about 4 years ago- just a darn shame. And I had to stop buying Girl Scout cookies a decade ago. Just pitiful!

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Ugh. Don't get me started on Girl Scouts.

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I know. So sad.

My grandma spent her adolescent years in a Salvation Army orphanage, which is where she learned about Jesus and gave her heart to him. I have always given to their red kettles at Christmas in her honor and gratitude for their impact on her life and thus on our family, but alas, no longer. 😥

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Thanks for that link and information. Done bell ringing.

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Is this just in NY? I know a SA pastor (they don’t call themselves that) who would never put up with that! I don’t believe the whole organization is corrupt though. They’re extremely evangelical.

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No, it appears to be the organizational leadership, similar to the top-down woke indoctrination in the military and schools and universities.


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It’s from the top actually. 😭

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Samaritan's Purse: Experts in disaster relief, 100% volunteer organization that helps both with material circumstances and the Word.

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Samaritan's Purse is a fantastic humanitarian organization. We volunteered with them during two separate tornado outbreaks in Alabama. That have teams that deploy to disaster areas and boots on the ground often within hours of the storms' passing. It is run by Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham.

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Thanks. I got their link yesterday and wondered.

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If you are Catholic, please visit this website for charities that are not ‘woke’ and do not go against the faith:


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one doesn’t have have to be Catholic to donate but it is good to have a niche clearing house.

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is very effective at feeding and helping people.

There is a team in every diocese, and in almost every parish. They serve all - and not Catholics first.

No money earmarked for SVDP goes to the parish, only for help.

There are 7 Dioceses, 475 Parishes in Florida - very manageable and they are practically everywhere.

I’d highly recommend them for the multiplier.

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I tried to research St. Vincent de Paul Society on the Lepanto Institute Charity Report. Unfortunately, there is no information whether it is safe or not safe.

Traditional Catholics have been burned before: with Catholic Charities, CHD, Catholic Relief Services, Salesian Missions, etc promoting or contributing to programs that undermine the faith.

I just have to be very cautious but thank you for your thoughts.

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SVDP have gone woke and political here in Australia.

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I use them for my donations. I hope they are honest. Seems like we can’t trust anyone anymore : (

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I’ve gotten info about Samaritans Purse. Any problems there?

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They are the best

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I’m sorry, but a “woman” with a HUGE Adam’s apple is super ugly and disgusting. ...and insulting to real women.

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I saw this posted somewhere

"Drag is to women what blackface is to Black people: A costume, a caricature, a mockery, a cheapening, a dehumanization."

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022

Wow! That us an amazing thought. No wonder I have such a strong reaction to it. It is demoralizing. It’s a tough time to be a biological woman.

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I guess if it’s only demeaning to women, it’s okay.

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Seems to me that if the professional feminists had their way, biological women would be obsoleted; replaced with polygendered seekers after magic chromosomes - the ones with the sexswitch on them.

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I agree but I don't understand.

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Well said. Gonna repost that one.

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That’s exactly how it feels to me.

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Spot on.

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I saw this too - I think it’s true whether we give a monkey’s fart about it or not. If women made a fuss about it...what do you think would happen? 🤔

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Nothing. We are now voiceless. If we complain then we are transphobic or racist or something.

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It always amazes me that they appear to believe that they could be taken for being a woman, when they always just look like men in (bad) drag.

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And I always wonder what “woman” are they impersonating because they never look like an actual woman on the street.

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No kidding - women don’t wear tacky earrings 🤣

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Even Bruce Jenner, despite all the surgery he has had to make himself look like a woman, has the mannerisms of a man and when he walks he looks like a man in drag, and then there's the voice....it can't be fixed to be female. It's impossible for these men in drag to be feminine. Sorry, I can't refer to any of them as "she" because they AREN'T. And then there is Rachel Levine....it's weird that he would say he is female so why wouldn't he at least want to be a halfway attractive female? He's a fright, IMO.

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And...no woman would wear that mismatched jewelry with an outfit. Just saying.

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And the earring are ugly.

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The world seems Hell bent on destroying women these says.

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Don't get run over by all the "feminists" running to women's defense.

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I am an old fashioned feminist. I can “see” an enemy even my own gender.

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Uhem. Menstruating people.

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Jeff, your take on Jennifer’s video is *brilliant* and I truly hope it is true!

Having just engaged in a highly successful censorship smuggling campaign of my recent satirical post (“50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” > https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the), I understand how easy it is for people to knee-jerk react. I was called everything from “Merchant of death” to “child murderer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/75545320/thank-you-on-behalf-of-kids) because people didn’t understand it was a satirical title and got triggered without bothering to read the content.

That approach, however, enabled it to not only bypass the censors but also to trick unwitting pro-vaxx parents into clicking through. I can only hope they absorbed some of the truth before closing the window in a panic.

On another note, I wanted to alert the C&C army to the piece I just published as we need all hands on deck to #StopTheTreaty:

• “What If They Threw a Pandemic and Nobody Came?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/what-if-they-threw-a-pandemic-and)

The 30th Pan American Sanitary Conference covered the pandemic accord yesterday, and it’s clear that the globally coordinated propaganda campaign pushing this “instrument” is kicking into high gear as everyone is starting to parrot the same talking points.

I appreciate everyone else’s help with getting #StopTheTreaty, #StopTheWHO, and #ExitTheWHO trending (ideally with a link to my essay or other pertinent articles for context). We need to voice our opposition so loudly they will be unable to ignore us.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

for what it's worth, I came across a very detailed article on the Franklin scandal some years ago. It made headlines in major newspapers for a while until the story was shut down. Some big and powerful names involved. What really caught my attention is that it said Charles Manson was in that orphanage. Would explain a lot.

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It feels like there are a lot of NGOs involved in these rings. Like the ones that say they are “anti” anything is a cover to do the opposite of what everyone thinks.

Orphanages supplying children for child sex abuse?! Why are there hundreds of anti-trafficking organizations popping up in the last few years? What’s really going on?

I stopped giving to any of these organizations. It seems they are helping the depraved, disgusting, inhumane people get their “supply”. We need to stop this!

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Next time some leftard mocks "Comet Pizza", tell them to look a little closer.

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NGOs outside the USA = CIA or Soros funded OR stuffed full of pedos IF they involve children etc. Unfortunately, the Catholic Church attracted its share of Pedos as well...

Check out:

The Roundtable #24: Shaun Attwood



ALOT of Epstein talk as Attwood got into trouble for it with YT and he mentions a hospital or something in the UK who's benefactor had the run of the place and with patients-residents - so to speak......

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The Roundtable #24: Shaun Attwood



Gonzalo Lira interviewed Shaun Attwood - first time that I had heard of him as he got into ALOT of trouble for talking about Jeffrey Epstein on YT... Attwood also talked about some mental hospital or something in the UK who's [royal] benefactor could do whatever he wanted there... Whether true or not, I don't know...

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This week Facebook took down Died Suddenly News group that had grown to over 200,000 members. It’s back up again with about 55,000 members.

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I'm surprised: 1 that it took so long and 2 that it's back up!

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Not shut down. The admin was ahead of them and hid it.

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No, Fakebook did shut down the group once it hit 300k. The backup was called RIP News and when it went “live” the name was changed to Died Suddenly News like the old group. I believe it’s invitation only, you can’t search for it on Fakebook.

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I stand corrected. What I posted was prior. One was stopped, but we rolled over to the other one.

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I think FB has been sifting through accounts lately. My son had put up that Hunter Biden photo with a cigarette in his mouth a long time ago when it first came out. FB just took it down and suspended him for a week or so.

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That's pretty bad as that photo has been shown everywhere -- in fact there are problem dozens of memes based on that photo. To me, FB's action at this point in time (when the horse has long left the barn) shows how out of touch and yet how controlling FB and its censorship has become.

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What happened to the remaining members? (Not being on FB, I've no clue how the membership works with dropped/then reestablished FB groups.)

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2022, what a world…I used to think Rush Limbaugh was a little off the mark but now I get it—- Rush was first to the “socialism is evil” party.

God bless Rush and thank you Jeff for clearly and professionally pointing out today’s BS.

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I really miss Rush!

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No, he wasn't first ;) .... I was.

It took until Trump's second run in 2020 for people to start calling out the Socialist among us.

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What about Samaritan’s Purse? They do a lot of good. Or Cajun Navy. They can get in those swamps or out to the islands.

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Unfortunately I seem to remember that Franklin was a bit too pushy re jabs..... telling folks it was the loving, Christian thing to do. 😓

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

I agree. Sadly had to stop donating to Samaritan’s Purse after Franklin Graham pushed the jabs. He never recanted.

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Same for me.

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Ugh. Franklin Graham.

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May have "had" to do it, and didn't do it in a clever way? He was wayward in his early years.

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I don’t understand?

Whether he chose to take it or not, he had no business condemning others who chose differently or badgering Christians by alleging it was unloving to refuse.

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His public speaking May have been "required ", a deal he couldn't refuse.

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Well, he “chose” to get it.

But didn’t need to badger fellow Christians about getting it. He didn’t need to say a single thing about it, actually.

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I’ve donated to Mercy Chefs in the past and haven’t heard anything bad about them yet.

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Yikes! I somehow got on the mailing list for Father Flanagan's Boys Town. They send out packages with all kinds of junk, in an effort to guilt people into donating. I have not, and will not, donate to them. I have a long list of reputable ministries and organizations that I donate to and don't need random "suggestions" from my mailbox.

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Wow, glad we aren’t the only ones suddenly receiving their fat envelopes of stuff asking for donations. Weird.

I always figure that any org that sends me “free” stuff as an inducement to give doesn’t need my money anyway,but now this is weird and I want to toss the “free” stuff they sent. 🤮🤮🤮

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I also got the fat envelope from Boys Town. It was very bizarre since I did read the book about the cover up this year. Very creepy.

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I just got something this last week from them trying to 'guilt' you into donating. Had pens, calendar, planner, Christmas cards and a heartfelt letter from one of their (victims?) residents. Needless to say I skipped any donation. Way to over the top and now this story. Geez.

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So did I!

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So glad I read this today, have been pondering the receipt of that package and having grown up in Omaha thought perhaps it was related…..so evil, I used to love Boys Town night at the roller rink.

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Back in the 1960s, my parents got such mailings. FFBT has been workin' the scam for decades, it seems.

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Holy Moses! The info made its way to the trash!

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I donate 5 bucks to groups I disagree with and wish they would go broke.

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Don't like to bring this up but the only donations that I made in 2022 were multipliers on C&C. 😬

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Very interesting take on the Jennifer Gibson story and one I hadn’t considered. If you’re right, she is a hero. God Bless her. I hope she is able to recover🙏

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I am a huge fan of Heartland and am so sad to hear about this actor’s passing. It’s a huge loss for the show. Why is it that those in power aren’t experiencing the side effects? Did they get a saline solution instead? It’s the federal-level people who are not being affected. Why is that?

I sincerely hope Ms. Gipson fully recovers. Such a sad story that I hope ends well for her. Those pushing these poisonous shots need to pay for their crimes. Nobody should have to endure the side effects these “vaccines” are causing. Thank you for highlighting these. It just makes me thankful that my husband and I passed on getting the clot shot.

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