Be prepared for alligator-eating pythons if you move to Florida; bizarre sexual ethics in Venice -and- FTX.COM; China changes covid zero policies; and lots more.
It was no accident that the FTX implosion coincided with Election Day. SBFs job was done, the DEMs had their money, and the steal was on. There were multiple reasons why they had to steal this election, none less than what would have been exposed by Republicans with subpoena power looking into FTX. Now it will just get buried, like every other scandal.
Of course it will get buried. The elite globalist dems/celebrities (in their own minds) don’t want the regular folks to know where that Ukraine “aide” money went. Gotta remind the brainwashed, I stand with Ukraine flag flyers who fawn over the zalensky persona, that the missing and unaccounted for money (is it trillions? 🤔) was well spent to combat russia man bad.
A fool is born every minute, and two to take him in. I think P.T. Barnum said that. I would amend that to "A fool is born every minute, and a hundred to take him in."
Part of the problem is that handling all these scandals and everything that’s coming out so fast is like playing whack-a-mole. It’s hard to start something and take it all the way to the finish before the next one rears its ugly head. Are there enough white hats to handle it all is the question.
But I don’t think we have more than a dozen white hats in the legislative branch. Maybe as much as 15. Maybe 10 or 12 in the judicial. None of course in the executive. No military leaders in our fight, effectively none in intelligence either. Any white hats in law enforcement would probably be at a small town, rural setting, principled but very hampered by rules and regulations.
Financial institutions, along with the medical industry and education have been lost to us for decades now. No white hats there.
Corporations have apparently bought the lie that their best interests lies in communism. No white hats there.
Many small business owners became such because they have Christian values (whether or not they know they are Christian values) and cannot stomach working in the ‘woke’ world.
Many white hats there, but woefully lacking in the resources to fight such massive evil as we face today.
So, sadly I believe we do not possess anywhere near the number of white hats required to handle even an average day’s crisis now. We are in dire straits and unable to save ourselves.
When we accept that reality, then we will truly see that ‘we battle not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities in high places.’ Ephesians 6:12. There is only one who can save.
There is a proper way to request His help.
2 Corinthians 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
I do believe local action can have national impact and bit by bit tear away at the foundation of the cabal. I am not well-versed in the Bible, but isn’t there something about God helping those that help themselves? Or does that come from somewhere else?
Right. That is the strategy. It’s Cloward-Piven. It’s meant to overwhelm and demoralize and get people so twisted in knots that their heads explode and they give up. It’s like from the movie Fargo. And eventually you accept their solution to the problem they originally created.
In AZ the GOP establishment, either on their own (which would not surprise me) or in complicity with the Democrats purposefully screwed up the process, shut down machines, removed printer cartridges and whatever else they could do, because they knew most GOP voters were going to show up on 8 November. They disenfranchised 1000s and 1000s of voters, including Democrats and Independents.
The two criminals overseeing the AZ election in Maricopa are both Republicans. Not only did the fight the efforts to look into 2020, they fought every effort to make changes and no changes were made. One year ago they formed a PAC that targeted “election integrity” candidates. If you want to find the smoking guns in AZ, that is the place to look. Hobbs didn’t need to campaign and she may not have needed to get her hands dirty. She had two criminal GOP election officials who were not going to allow any of the 4 main GOP candidates to win.
How are people not being arrested in Venice, Florida? Sexualized kid games is NOT NORMAL!! People have been brainwashed beyond belief. God help us and please Governor DeSantis put a stop to this. It’s beyond sick and evil.
Possibly, but I think there are many people raising children today that don't have a moral bone in their body. These public events would end if no one showed up.
There's an essay "out there" that I read within the last year, it spoke about Christ's ministry changing the global population PERCEPTION (aka value) of children. NET NET of the wonderful essay was: before Christ kids were treated less than cattle or livestock. What happened to children regularly would blow our minds and then we'd actually see that proportionately, children today fair so much better than children 2K + years ago (going back your choice of how many 1,000s of years)...
Not mentioning this to dismiss the nasty, the evil, the wrongdoing, just mentioning it so that we can appreciate how far we have come as a societies with regard to treating children better AND do not think anything we're seeing now is new. Oh, no, it is far far away from anything reminiscent of "new".
I would venture that what we are seeing in the sexualization of children is due to a large swath of the population no longer adhering to Christian values. I would also posit that the unwillingness of young people to get a job is also part of that collapse. Christianity offered more than just a good guy up in heaven who gives us goodies when we pray. Christ warned against corrupting children, St Paul talks about the value of work and human dignity, Christ being born of a woman elevated all women to a higher status. The hard working man who protects and supports his wife and children is all flows from Christian teaching. Christianity being given lip service or outright rejected leaves us with men no longer willing to work or marry but still wanting all the perks of sensual life, woman being used as sexual objects, children being rejected in the womb. This leads us to today where sex is no longer enough and gratification is found in perversion. It is incredible to see that women no longer protect their born children and offer them up to the altar of Satan, since this perversion is totally satanic.
Although Christian teaching values children, the comment does not soften the fact that children are being incinerated by abortion, trafficking and the wholesale evil of the SJW agenda. Christian teaching, contrary to prevailing prevalence, suggests that the civil magistrate be an intolerant terror to child abusers.
Matthew 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Another horrendous attack on children is convincing them they can change their gender, then providing puberty blockers and/or the so-called "top" surgery or "bottom" surgery. (Part of SJW, I guess) I got curious a few days ago and checked on the four major hospital groups near me. EVERY SINGLE ONE does these mutilations, plus I found other non-hospital affiliated clinics that do also. Is there that much demand?? I am horrified! Not only that, each hospital's website still has the same old lies about the covid shots; thoroughly tested, safe for everyone including pregnant women, necessary even after having covid, etc. I seriously don't know where to go in the event I should need surgery or treatment. I don't trust any of them.
Today a friend, recounting the story of just yet another family ripped apart, said of the horrific state of affairs, "I am sorry to depress you." I said, "I am not depressed, I am angry." And I don't trust of hospitals after all the crimes they have committed. It's just unbelievable!
This is a good point and one I always try to make, our baseline of what is normal and acceptable nowadays is very different compared to at previous times in history. And like you, I don’t mean to minimize the wrongs that have been done but it is progress that these things are not just accepted as “the way it is.” There is lots of work left to do, though, for sure.
The mega$ that 'childcare' entails, with car seats, bike helmets, sippy cups and soft spoons, why is that faction allowing the laissez-faire attitude of the Left?
I do not doubt that we will see these gene therapy killshots do just that, murder and maim beyond our present comprehension- MAINLY hinging upon your point, the innate immune system is damaged.
The hell I am afraid. Why is this crap not considered kiddy porn & child abuse? They are shoving it in our faces that there are Dems who are part of all this so they can get away with it. Sick.
Some of the Democrats who claim to be religious (Pelosi is one) have the most extreme positions on abortion. Total hypocrites and they probably haven't been in a church in decades. It was disturbing to see Pelosi chumming it up with the Pope, given her views.
And Pelosi has the GAUL to say every chance she gets, "we must protect the 'chillllllldren'.... with a straight face. There IS an explanation to this demonic behavior.
Romans 1:28 28 Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity.
I just had someone subscribe to my blog with the e-mail address that had the word "trans" in it. I saw that and am like..."wth"? Maybe they mean transportation. Yeah, I am going with that! Tempted to go over to that office in Sarasota and cause hell.
I truly do not understand that mindset. If someone called me “transphobic” I’d agree. After all, the way the trans people are coming after our children is pretty scary and creepy.
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Oh no! We need to have VERY much to do with them! Show up with social services and/or a few police officers. Do that every time they appear. Some of the tranny‘s and maybe even some of the parents will be arrested. If the police and social services are woke and won’t cooperate then take a group of parents with signs and make a lot of noise. Every. Single. Time.
My thoughts exactly! Where have all the overt displays of perversity come from this year? Has it been simmering underground and they now think they have a green light to step into the public eye and proselytize? Our mid-sized west Texas town is advertising a Trans Christmas Gala, at the City’s civic center!!! I noticed that they’ve discounted tickets. I wonder if anyone but themselves will attend this stellar event. But I really believe we should be protesting at city hall the fact that it’s even allowed. God help us all to make a stand against this evil and call it for what it is!
I am surprised at how few people I talk to are aware that young people are having healthy body parts cut off in a misguided attempt to change their gender.
I’m not surprised at all. Nearly everyone I know is clueless- about gender BS, vaccine injuries and deaths, elections, etc etc. I tried to tell a friend the truth about why a healthy 19 y.o. young man she knew was hospitalized with heart issues. She didn’t want to hear it, and even went so far as to prove me wrong by looking it up online. Of course google proved to her that cases were rare, and I was simply a conspiracy theorist. People have their heads in the sand and won’t wake up until they get a personal gut punch…and maybe not even then. She told me another one yesterday about her previously healthy 68 year old friend being diagnosed with extremely aggressive breast cancer - I just bite my tongue…and pray.
One of my daughter's best friends (age 58) got colon cancer in early 2019 and the cancerous polyps were removed. She was tested very frequently thereafter and was in total remission. March 2021 she got 2 Pfizer jabs. Four months later she had stage 4 cancer again. Then in November 2021 at her damn doctor's advice, she got the booster. She has been through all kinds of treatment, but at this point they are counting the days and she is on hospice care. The cancer went everywhere...liver, lungs, stomach. She won't make it to Christmas, and probably not even to Thanksgiving. She is under 90 pounds and on morphine for pain. It's heartbreaking to watch. Her daughter is convinced it was caused by the shots.
We’re hearing the same story over and over. I keep wondering where the tipping point may be, I don’t think we’ve reached it yet because FAR too many people are still believing the lie and getting boosters. And it makes the rest of us sick at heart and furious to hear these stories.
Very interesting post on FB today! Our niece, Jamie, was being pressured to get the shots while pregnant. Everyone in her family had gotten them, including her husband. She reached out to me because she saw what I posted on FB, and I was able to give her facts and convince her not to get the shots. Flash forward to these FB comments.
Jamie's husband: I have never in my life struggled with upper respiratory problems as much as I have this year…… it’s beginning… no, it is GETTING OLD!
Jamie's sister: Same! One of us has no joke or exaggeration been sick since the middle of September! Wish I had stock in either Kleenex or Tylenol or Mucinex
Jamie's mom: I want all of us to get well. And stay that way. I think at this point Jamie is the only one out of the 9 of us that hasn't been sick.
I'm sure they're all baffled. Why does Jamie stay well???
I'm seeing an increase again in the number of people wearing a mask. I suppose it's the fear porn about RSV, flu and covid ravaging the country and filling up the hospitals. I think the people wearing the masks might be the vaccinated, because they've learned they can still get covid. But wait, the next booster will be the magic one!
I was at the grocery store today, and all of a sudden the music stopped and went into a litany of why RSV is so dangerous. I told the manager I don't appreciate the fear-mongering, and I plan to file a complaint.
mzlizzi - We have some of those! When the Antifa thugs were looting cities around the country we had a slew of local cowboys saddled up and ready to ride - just wishing those losers would show up here! We heard rumors that they were coming but I think they found out pretty quick that they'd be outflanked in these towns.
Our young people are watching things like that online and are feeling sympathetic towards these people. My granddaughter, age 16, said she felt sorry for such people. My daughter-in-law and I were trying to tell her she has to base her values on the Bible, not on her feelings. I have seen parents compromise on these issues when one of their children comes out as gay or whatever. To me, it's the same as when our son decided to move in with a girlfriend. We still loved him, but we did not offer support for that decision, as we would have done if they married. A person cannot help if he or she is same sex attracted, but they can choose to live celibately and certainly choose not to mutilate their body.
The “Be Kind” type of person and movement is really what this is all about. People have been told again and again to be kind, tolerant, loving and accepting of everyone and everything. It’s gone way too far imo. Just like “helping” people through lifetime welfare from the nanny state has backfired (in terms of how it actually helps individuals and society), and parents being their kids’ friends, all started with good intentions but have served to do the opposite.
We live in world where crazy and perverse are normalized. One aspect of this process is to characterize "normal" people as wrong and fringe. Usually this is enough to intimidate normal people into silence which is a form of compliance. Thus crazy is normalized. We have got to quit letting the enemy set the terms of the debate. This is a problem with the political right as well. We have to set the terms of the debate and call them out for their evil and forcefully state how they are wrong and state what is right. Force them to defend their position. Ours needs no defense. Allowing ourselves to be intimidated simply validates them.
How does this happen? Because churches threw God out the window and their congregations with them. The clergy forgot to teach that sodomite behaviors are perversely evil and lead to evil consequences. The clergy also forgot to teach that it is impossible to love your neighbor by enabling the neighbor's evil lying and immoral ways. And this is why 'they' the Demon Elites were so hot to chuck things like the Ten Commandments out of the court rooms and the manger out of the public square? They the Demon Rulers did this so that they could become administrators of Evil.
Humans want to feel like good people. We get big dopamine pleasure hits when we do good things for one another. But, like exercise, it takes some sacrifice or work to get to the good feeling part. Sacrifice is particularly distasteful for our current lazy, narcissistic population. It’s much easier to just say, “Look at me being so open-minded, accepting, and just plain better than the small-minded, mean, bigoted troglodytes,” and then they can feel the satisfaction and pleasure of being a good, superior person without doing a single thing but going to a party.
As for the "pride" event, Jesus was very clear about what would happen to those who harmed children. What do you think is the fate of nations who allow and even encourage child abuse?
Hey Jeff, thanks for always making me laugh! This one really got me going!! “Doctors have no idea whether Mr. Miller will recover or if he’ll be retiring from the vaccine lottery by keeling over (thanks for playing though).”
I really do appreciate Jeff's humor because it helps retain my sanity. However, I sincerely hope Mr. Miller survives. I read a story on the Epoch Times recently about a 20 year old young woman, who suffered a heart attack the day after receiving her 3rd shot. She took them because of college requirements. Her mother was pleading for prayers on FB, but the girl died. I can't think about this without weeping.
It's horrific that the hippy 60's crowd that were into "protesting" way back when, are the uber "liberals" who set the university systems up to the crimes being committed today to all young college students. If any generation needs to protest, it's the current 18 year olds who are blindly being led into the vaccine abyss.
I am still stunned at the way the ongoing Midterms are playing out. I normally don't put much faith in polling, but even the Legacy Media was predicting a "red tsunami". As we sit here watching them slow walk/finish the steal in various locations, I can't help but wonder what is going on. Is the intent to demoralize us by stealing the election in plain sight? Are they hoping to foment political activism and unrest on the right in order to justify the further erosion of civil liberties ~ maybe even impose martial law? Right now, I feel like the alligator in the python's stomach...
Answer: "Yes". As always, the republican benchwarmers on Team Uniparty appear to be going along with it. I found the interviews with Blake Masters and Adam Laxalt on the eve of their respective losses where each seemed resigned to the result particularly troubling. It's almost like they "knew" all along but were playing the good soldier role.
[EDIT]: Add Kari Lake who also appears to be on the verge of losing her election. In Lake's defense, she was staunchest in her conviction that she would win when all the "votes" where counted. She was silent about the "ballots" part.
Well, it does take time to steal an election, especially when you have so many mail-in ballots that were turned in and you have no idea how many are for Rep so you have to figure that out before you can calculate how many fraudulent ballots you have to create to offset the Rep vote...and then create the faux ballots. So many ballots, so little time. Florida counted 7 million ballots in one day. Ariz is still counting a couple hundred thousand. Not hard to figure out what they are doing. That's the difference between an honest election and a stolen election.
I know a lot of R’s who stayed home because they know the cheat happens and their votes don’t matter. It’s unfortunate that a very large amount of R’s feel this way and rather than step up, they sit home. No matter how hard we come out to vote, they always cheat and get away with it. At some point do we stop legitimizing these fake “elections”. Idk.
The perception by some republicans that their votes do not count and thus they do not participate is a major failure of the republican party. I'm cynical but I always vote. There's no honor in capitulation to tyranny.
Well, to be fair….the Rep party as we know it is a fraud and failure full of fake Rs who pretend to be one thing and then are another. How can we expect them to not fail at everything they do. 😒
We don’t have an actual party. We have a fragmented group of people who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground, and yet continue to steal our money and lie to us about everything, and have no spine to stand up for their constituents, while putting a smile on their faces and regurgitate the words, try again next time. What we actually have is RHINOdemocRATS helping democrats stay in power. R’s disappeared a long time ago.
That is a huge concern of mine: conservatives not voting because the elections are stolen. Even if the elections are stolen, we need as many votes as possible- let's not give it away easily to the Marxist dems. And if some elections are honest I'd hate to conservatives to lose just because dems take voting more seriously.
California is a prime example of what they want to do with the entire nation. The R's (and there are a lot) have been annihilated in a few decades of this and now the only place to find an R in public office is in a closet or under a rock. They stole their way into power a long time ago and the people keep paying the price.
It's not difficult to understand what happened. I believe it's an amalgam of factors: voting irregularities, mail-in ballots, Dobbs and the abortion issue, the disaster that is the republican party (Michigan, for example) and its incompetent failure to seize the moment, the Trump/McConnell factor, the influence of MSM and Big Tech (thinking of Dr. Robert Epstein's "Google's Triple Threat" theory in particular), external interference.
In summary, the republicans have failed to understand the election landscape going back to 2010. It's becoming more clear that Trump was an aberration in 2016. They don't understand the machinery and they didn't understand that taking an absolutist position on abortion (I'm completely pro-life) will not win elections. They need to speak with one voice as the democrats have done since Barack Obama became their thought leader in 2008.
If cheating is the only way to win an election in this increasingly corrupt society then the republicans need to get better at it. They can outlaw it if and when they ever return to power. The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
The republicans need to get better at understanding the machinery that gets candidates elected and gaming the system better than the democrats. Lee Atwater, young Karl Rove, and Steve Bannon understood this. That includes mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, the roles of the media, academia, the entertainment industry, and Big Tech.
There's no honor in elections nor among thieves. Just read "The Prince' by Machiavelli. It's only about power and it has always been this way
I understand your sentiments but completely disagree with your solution. To cheat because the other side cheats?? That is wrong and to join them in dishonesty and deceit isn’t an option for me. We’re better than that! Instead get involved at the local level, in the schools and county meetings. Volunteer to be an election judge, a poll watcher or a poll worker. Band together with other citizens to get election officials and your state representatives to remove the opportunities to cheat (mail-in voting, ballot harvesting and the machines. Voting should be on paper ballots, watermarked and verified by voter ID and hand counted) Finally expose and severely punish anyone involved in cheating in an election.
I think maybe the media talked up the Red Wave to energize the Dems to turn out and vote. However, I would not be surprised that 'cheating' once again skewered the Will of the People. And once again in a system now rigged to marginalize 'we the people' into the dust bin of history (if not outright liquidate us).
Thank you for the encouraging reminder! The evil all around us is so very shocking and discouraging, but it is as prophesied in Scripture, and I know who will be victorious. I am Rapture ready...
I felt like when the msm states what is going to happen then they already know…. thus the steal. With Trump they did not see it happening and thats why we won! Remember them stunned!
By their own admission, they knew they screwed up in 2016 and vowed never to let it happen again. The 2018 'Blue Wave' was a correction that the GOP ignored.
Remember the Time Magazine article after the 2020 Election where they bragged about the convergence of forces to ensure that Trump would not be re-elected. The GOP ignored this as well.
This election cycle demonstrates that the 'Trump Moment' may have passed in 2018. Of course, he had to run in 2020. Perhaps it is time to move on.
I think roofing nails are great. I've used lots of them in the past. I'd be happy to watch a documentary about them; it would be a thousand times better than what's normally on TV.
This FTX story is absolutely stranger than fiction! Honestly if someone had written this we’d all say, “no way that could happen”. NOW I want to see who benefited from this insanity, of course MSM is going to downplay the entire thing because their “horses” benefited. JUST STUNNING!!
I have to believe the whole escapade of the FTX “business” will have major holes & reveal the truth sooner than later. The corruption is becoming so big that it actually is beginning to swallow itself! (Sorry too much Python 🐍 visuals!) But the sloppiness of it all - will leave remnants, little crumb trails but for Whom? The entities that actually COULD do anything with simply look the other way.
As I sift through day after day of corruption, the thought always occurs to me that this simply can not go on for too much longer. The stunning corruption and incompetence at the highest levels of our public and private institutions will by necessity implode one way or the other. What comes after that is anyones guess.
You bring up a very relevant point, and one we will find the answer to when it plays out, ‘but by whom’. Where there is a legitimate need there will eventually be a supply. Jan 6th occurred in the vacuum created by ‘no recourse’ because the courts didn’t do their job. This is just the next chapter in the same book.
I wish I understood it so I could partake in whatever ya'll are talking about.
Reading yesterday's "primer" did me no good. My eyes and mind did the same thing they did when my dad talked about cars: they crossed and my mind went elsewhere.
I guess if I understood how it affects me, I would care. But I had no money invested there, so I dont care and dont understand why I should.
It would be like talking about makeup and it's application to a "real" man. He wouldnt care in the least.
1) Hypothetically, if you're born female, how do you know what it feels like to be a man? What does it feel like to be non-binary, exactly?
2) If physiology doesn't determine gender, why do people who believe they are a gender other than their physiology feel compelled to change their physiology to match their believed gender?
3) How demoralized must one feel to believe identity is primarily or solely composed of your sexuality? (mostly rhetorical)
You keep using the "g" word and all the psychological, sociological hooey that goes with and you can come up with as many as you want. If you stick with the "s" word -- sex -- that limits you to two. Automatically. Period. Full stop.
I agree with #1 from the woman's point of view. Many times when I see trans women (men to women) they seem to be a garish parody of a woman. Not to speak for all women, but we do not get up and dress like Cher, Bette, or Dolly. I actually go days without eyeliner. The one who went to the White House certainly acted like a caricature of a teenage girl. My niece and all of her friends never acted like that. There is a certain persona that I see many portraying that is not a real, everyday woman. Just the ones on trash tv.
Just looking at that display of supposed femininity probably triggers a lot of dysphoria in girls... If that's what a woman is supposed to be like who wants to be a woman?
Can you imagine if this was a Trump kid or Trump-adjacent person running this level of FTX scheme? It would make the search for Russian yachts look like child's play and there would be 24/7 news tracking their whereabouts.
I think the C&C readers knew Ukraine is and has been a laundering front for many years. They just used this to go big or go home. It is so disheartening to see them steal it again right in front of us. There was a bigger red wave than is being reported because the "fix" is in form them to keep control. They want to appoint as many liberal radical judges through the Senate. It is almost like it does not matter the R has the house. There is no more money to even try to stop the bleeding.
Judicial Watch reported last Friday that they've got documents showing our government's involvement in setting up biolabs in the Ukraine, to "research avian flu".
So has Putin been telling the truth all along? [Asking for a friend; please don't cancel me.]
There is ample evidence that the labs in Ukraine are part of a network through which military and pharma collude to weaponize disease and develop gene specific bio-weapons.
Interesting that they are giving "five years to study the myocarditis/vaccine connection"--all the cardiologists I've heard have said that a damaged heart typically lasts only five years. Such evil. 😢
The NBC article states there has been about 1000 reported cases of myocarditis/pericarditis of the hundreds of millions of vaccines given... 🤡 lying liars
The FTX information from yesterday was very interesting, to say the least. It is amazing just how dishonest people can be and get away with it. I appreciate your honesty Jeff and being honest about what is going on. This election last week just shows again, how messed up things are. So proud of Florida doing great, unlike here in California.
We can't even hold clean elections let alone hold anyone accountable. Seriously- where will this lead? It's just another tree burning in a raging forest fire of corruption.
Everyone who reads here is capable of getting involved locally in some capacity. We must secure our elections and install good patriots in office. Our country is broken. Our sin is grave. We must repent, act, and speak truth in love. We must be people of peaceful action.
Thank you for reminding me of this sweet song and its powerful words. I wish I had seen this comment at the very top, before reading and reacting to the doom and gloom of all that is happening. Every time I let all of this get to me and raise my blood pressure, I have to repent that I took my eyes off of Christ and put them on this world or someone in it.
It's such a struggle...the world and all its problems can be so overwhelming. I have to concentrate EYES UP with intention when I start to feel dragged down...
Matt, I honestly don't know if there are any good political solutions left. The outcome of this election has left me so demoralized that I think my only recourse is to turn, even more, to the One who made us and loves us. I have placed my trust in princes too often and too earnestly. I can't do it anymore. In the Catholic calendar the feast of Christ the King is this coming weekend - it is well-timed and a much-needed reminder for me that He reigns sovereign over the world.
NAB right now Jesus awaits His reign- Satan knows his time is short- He will judge the wicked and remove Satan from his reign on the earth, THEN He will reign on His throne in Jerusalem for 1000 years. Then "the Government will rest on His shoulders." Keep your eyes on Him 🙏, and prepare the way of the Lord✨
Lisa thank you- That's very kind- I would probably not be able to keep up with the demands of a blog at this juncture of my life. But I'll be hanging around C&C for the foreseeable future! If you loved that last post of mine you'll love Joel Richardson's book "Sinai to Zion": The Untold Story of the Triumphant Return of Jesus
That is a really interesting observation and is not unreasonable, I think. After a while, all those elite families do intermingle and quickly become like the Royal Families of Europe in the 19th century. And how are we letting these children run anything more significant than a lemonade stand?
It was no accident that the FTX implosion coincided with Election Day. SBFs job was done, the DEMs had their money, and the steal was on. There were multiple reasons why they had to steal this election, none less than what would have been exposed by Republicans with subpoena power looking into FTX. Now it will just get buried, like every other scandal.
Of course it will get buried. The elite globalist dems/celebrities (in their own minds) don’t want the regular folks to know where that Ukraine “aide” money went. Gotta remind the brainwashed, I stand with Ukraine flag flyers who fawn over the zalensky persona, that the missing and unaccounted for money (is it trillions? 🤔) was well spent to combat russia man bad.
A fool is born every minute, and two to take him in. I think P.T. Barnum said that. I would amend that to "A fool is born every minute, and a hundred to take him in."
Part of the problem is that handling all these scandals and everything that’s coming out so fast is like playing whack-a-mole. It’s hard to start something and take it all the way to the finish before the next one rears its ugly head. Are there enough white hats to handle it all is the question.
Ain’t that the truth ( about the whack a mole)?
But I don’t think we have more than a dozen white hats in the legislative branch. Maybe as much as 15. Maybe 10 or 12 in the judicial. None of course in the executive. No military leaders in our fight, effectively none in intelligence either. Any white hats in law enforcement would probably be at a small town, rural setting, principled but very hampered by rules and regulations.
Financial institutions, along with the medical industry and education have been lost to us for decades now. No white hats there.
Corporations have apparently bought the lie that their best interests lies in communism. No white hats there.
Many small business owners became such because they have Christian values (whether or not they know they are Christian values) and cannot stomach working in the ‘woke’ world.
Many white hats there, but woefully lacking in the resources to fight such massive evil as we face today.
So, sadly I believe we do not possess anywhere near the number of white hats required to handle even an average day’s crisis now. We are in dire straits and unable to save ourselves.
When we accept that reality, then we will truly see that ‘we battle not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities in high places.’ Ephesians 6:12. There is only one who can save.
There is a proper way to request His help.
2 Corinthians 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
I do believe local action can have national impact and bit by bit tear away at the foundation of the cabal. I am not well-versed in the Bible, but isn’t there something about God helping those that help themselves? Or does that come from somewhere else?
That’s one of those sayings not directly from the Bible, but the principle is implied.
I’m so sorry to sound so cynical about my fellow man.
Right. That is the strategy. It’s Cloward-Piven. It’s meant to overwhelm and demoralize and get people so twisted in knots that their heads explode and they give up. It’s like from the movie Fargo. And eventually you accept their solution to the problem they originally created.
In AZ the GOP establishment, either on their own (which would not surprise me) or in complicity with the Democrats purposefully screwed up the process, shut down machines, removed printer cartridges and whatever else they could do, because they knew most GOP voters were going to show up on 8 November. They disenfranchised 1000s and 1000s of voters, including Democrats and Independents.
The two criminals overseeing the AZ election in Maricopa are both Republicans. Not only did the fight the efforts to look into 2020, they fought every effort to make changes and no changes were made. One year ago they formed a PAC that targeted “election integrity” candidates. If you want to find the smoking guns in AZ, that is the place to look. Hobbs didn’t need to campaign and she may not have needed to get her hands dirty. She had two criminal GOP election officials who were not going to allow any of the 4 main GOP candidates to win.
There. I simplified that one for you.
Yes. That was probably the deal made with SBF: you do this and you'll get $1.7 billion to disappear.
How are people not being arrested in Venice, Florida? Sexualized kid games is NOT NORMAL!! People have been brainwashed beyond belief. God help us and please Governor DeSantis put a stop to this. It’s beyond sick and evil.
Because people are more afraid of being labeled transphobic than wanting to protect their kids 🙄
Possibly, but I think there are many people raising children today that don't have a moral bone in their body. These public events would end if no one showed up.
That too. But I guess it goes together with not having the courage or desire to protect children because they’re too afraid of being called names.
Went out with the participation trophy generation.
Or sticks and stones!
There's an essay "out there" that I read within the last year, it spoke about Christ's ministry changing the global population PERCEPTION (aka value) of children. NET NET of the wonderful essay was: before Christ kids were treated less than cattle or livestock. What happened to children regularly would blow our minds and then we'd actually see that proportionately, children today fair so much better than children 2K + years ago (going back your choice of how many 1,000s of years)...
Not mentioning this to dismiss the nasty, the evil, the wrongdoing, just mentioning it so that we can appreciate how far we have come as a societies with regard to treating children better AND do not think anything we're seeing now is new. Oh, no, it is far far away from anything reminiscent of "new".
I would venture that what we are seeing in the sexualization of children is due to a large swath of the population no longer adhering to Christian values. I would also posit that the unwillingness of young people to get a job is also part of that collapse. Christianity offered more than just a good guy up in heaven who gives us goodies when we pray. Christ warned against corrupting children, St Paul talks about the value of work and human dignity, Christ being born of a woman elevated all women to a higher status. The hard working man who protects and supports his wife and children is all flows from Christian teaching. Christianity being given lip service or outright rejected leaves us with men no longer willing to work or marry but still wanting all the perks of sensual life, woman being used as sexual objects, children being rejected in the womb. This leads us to today where sex is no longer enough and gratification is found in perversion. It is incredible to see that women no longer protect their born children and offer them up to the altar of Satan, since this perversion is totally satanic.
Although Christian teaching values children, the comment does not soften the fact that children are being incinerated by abortion, trafficking and the wholesale evil of the SJW agenda. Christian teaching, contrary to prevailing prevalence, suggests that the civil magistrate be an intolerant terror to child abusers.
Matthew 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Another horrendous attack on children is convincing them they can change their gender, then providing puberty blockers and/or the so-called "top" surgery or "bottom" surgery. (Part of SJW, I guess) I got curious a few days ago and checked on the four major hospital groups near me. EVERY SINGLE ONE does these mutilations, plus I found other non-hospital affiliated clinics that do also. Is there that much demand?? I am horrified! Not only that, each hospital's website still has the same old lies about the covid shots; thoroughly tested, safe for everyone including pregnant women, necessary even after having covid, etc. I seriously don't know where to go in the event I should need surgery or treatment. I don't trust any of them.
Today a friend, recounting the story of just yet another family ripped apart, said of the horrific state of affairs, "I am sorry to depress you." I said, "I am not depressed, I am angry." And I don't trust of hospitals after all the crimes they have committed. It's just unbelievable!
There IS nothing new under the sun.... and God WILL repay.
This is a good point and one I always try to make, our baseline of what is normal and acceptable nowadays is very different compared to at previous times in history. And like you, I don’t mean to minimize the wrongs that have been done but it is progress that these things are not just accepted as “the way it is.” There is lots of work left to do, though, for sure.
The mega$ that 'childcare' entails, with car seats, bike helmets, sippy cups and soft spoons, why is that faction allowing the laissez-faire attitude of the Left?
Ecclesiastes; There is nothing new under the sun.
All forms of evil began with the Fall. What differs from age to age is society’s will and ability to fight the evil.
It is said that everyone has some amount of cancer cells in their body. The strong immune system keeps them at bay. A weak system gets overcome.
I do not doubt that we will see these gene therapy killshots do just that, murder and maim beyond our present comprehension- MAINLY hinging upon your point, the innate immune system is damaged.
The hell I am afraid. Why is this crap not considered kiddy porn & child abuse? They are shoving it in our faces that there are Dems who are part of all this so they can get away with it. Sick.
And the people continue to vote ‘Democrat,’ and call themselves religious.
Hypocrisy abounds.
Some of the Democrats who claim to be religious (Pelosi is one) have the most extreme positions on abortion. Total hypocrites and they probably haven't been in a church in decades. It was disturbing to see Pelosi chumming it up with the Pope, given her views.
Actually the Pope is not much different from her. It seems he is a Pope, but not a Christian.
Nor Catholic; and not even the Pope
The delusions have begun?
And apathy/ procrastination spreads like a plague
Ask them what religion.
And Pelosi has the GAUL to say every chance she gets, "we must protect the 'chillllllldren'.... with a straight face. There IS an explanation to this demonic behavior.
Romans 1:28 28 Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity.
YOU aren’t. But plenty of people are.
And I totally agree, it’s child abuse.
Analogous to pointing an accusing finger and shouting "Rascist" in this screwrd up, woke-ist world we find ourselves.
But protecting the kids..... ALWAYS job Number 1, in my book.
I just had someone subscribe to my blog with the e-mail address that had the word "trans" in it. I saw that and am like..."wth"? Maybe they mean transportation. Yeah, I am going with that! Tempted to go over to that office in Sarasota and cause hell.
I truly do not understand that mindset. If someone called me “transphobic” I’d agree. After all, the way the trans people are coming after our children is pretty scary and creepy.
2 Tim 3: 1-5
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Oh no! We need to have VERY much to do with them! Show up with social services and/or a few police officers. Do that every time they appear. Some of the tranny‘s and maybe even some of the parents will be arrested. If the police and social services are woke and won’t cooperate then take a group of parents with signs and make a lot of noise. Every. Single. Time.
My thoughts exactly! Where have all the overt displays of perversity come from this year? Has it been simmering underground and they now think they have a green light to step into the public eye and proselytize? Our mid-sized west Texas town is advertising a Trans Christmas Gala, at the City’s civic center!!! I noticed that they’ve discounted tickets. I wonder if anyone but themselves will attend this stellar event. But I really believe we should be protesting at city hall the fact that it’s even allowed. God help us all to make a stand against this evil and call it for what it is!
I am surprised at how few people I talk to are aware that young people are having healthy body parts cut off in a misguided attempt to change their gender.
I’m not surprised at all. Nearly everyone I know is clueless- about gender BS, vaccine injuries and deaths, elections, etc etc. I tried to tell a friend the truth about why a healthy 19 y.o. young man she knew was hospitalized with heart issues. She didn’t want to hear it, and even went so far as to prove me wrong by looking it up online. Of course google proved to her that cases were rare, and I was simply a conspiracy theorist. People have their heads in the sand and won’t wake up until they get a personal gut punch…and maybe not even then. She told me another one yesterday about her previously healthy 68 year old friend being diagnosed with extremely aggressive breast cancer - I just bite my tongue…and pray.
One of my daughter's best friends (age 58) got colon cancer in early 2019 and the cancerous polyps were removed. She was tested very frequently thereafter and was in total remission. March 2021 she got 2 Pfizer jabs. Four months later she had stage 4 cancer again. Then in November 2021 at her damn doctor's advice, she got the booster. She has been through all kinds of treatment, but at this point they are counting the days and she is on hospice care. The cancer went everywhere...liver, lungs, stomach. She won't make it to Christmas, and probably not even to Thanksgiving. She is under 90 pounds and on morphine for pain. It's heartbreaking to watch. Her daughter is convinced it was caused by the shots.
I think so, as well. We are watching a genocide.
We’re hearing the same story over and over. I keep wondering where the tipping point may be, I don’t think we’ve reached it yet because FAR too many people are still believing the lie and getting boosters. And it makes the rest of us sick at heart and furious to hear these stories.
Very interesting post on FB today! Our niece, Jamie, was being pressured to get the shots while pregnant. Everyone in her family had gotten them, including her husband. She reached out to me because she saw what I posted on FB, and I was able to give her facts and convince her not to get the shots. Flash forward to these FB comments.
Jamie's husband: I have never in my life struggled with upper respiratory problems as much as I have this year…… it’s beginning… no, it is GETTING OLD!
Jamie's sister: Same! One of us has no joke or exaggeration been sick since the middle of September! Wish I had stock in either Kleenex or Tylenol or Mucinex
Jamie's mom: I want all of us to get well. And stay that way. I think at this point Jamie is the only one out of the 9 of us that hasn't been sick.
I'm sure they're all baffled. Why does Jamie stay well???
I'm seeing an increase again in the number of people wearing a mask. I suppose it's the fear porn about RSV, flu and covid ravaging the country and filling up the hospitals. I think the people wearing the masks might be the vaccinated, because they've learned they can still get covid. But wait, the next booster will be the magic one!
I was at the grocery store today, and all of a sudden the music stopped and went into a litany of why RSV is so dangerous. I told the manager I don't appreciate the fear-mongering, and I plan to file a complaint.
Every stinking time I turn on the radio there are ads for the unsafe, ineffective shots. I am angry! I am tired of watching this go on and on.
That’s awesome you complained to the manager. It’s ridiculous how much we are bombarded everywhere.
mzlizzi - We have some of those! When the Antifa thugs were looting cities around the country we had a slew of local cowboys saddled up and ready to ride - just wishing those losers would show up here! We heard rumors that they were coming but I think they found out pretty quick that they'd be outflanked in these towns.
Those cowboys using a herd of longhorns to part the trans sea.
I wanted to vomit after watching the brief video of the tri-gender or whatever that is! My head feels like it’s ready to explode! May God help us!
I didn’t even watch it, I knew would react the same way.
Our young people are watching things like that online and are feeling sympathetic towards these people. My granddaughter, age 16, said she felt sorry for such people. My daughter-in-law and I were trying to tell her she has to base her values on the Bible, not on her feelings. I have seen parents compromise on these issues when one of their children comes out as gay or whatever. To me, it's the same as when our son decided to move in with a girlfriend. We still loved him, but we did not offer support for that decision, as we would have done if they married. A person cannot help if he or she is same sex attracted, but they can choose to live celibately and certainly choose not to mutilate their body.
The “Be Kind” type of person and movement is really what this is all about. People have been told again and again to be kind, tolerant, loving and accepting of everyone and everything. It’s gone way too far imo. Just like “helping” people through lifetime welfare from the nanny state has backfired (in terms of how it actually helps individuals and society), and parents being their kids’ friends, all started with good intentions but have served to do the opposite.
I loved the Twitter comments especially this one :
“I identify as Non-Bidenary”! 😂
It' s demonic...she needs PRAYER!!!
Amen. I mis-gendered the speaker as female. God given gender is pretty clear.
Lol at least any pronoun should work for "trigendered"
We live in world where crazy and perverse are normalized. One aspect of this process is to characterize "normal" people as wrong and fringe. Usually this is enough to intimidate normal people into silence which is a form of compliance. Thus crazy is normalized. We have got to quit letting the enemy set the terms of the debate. This is a problem with the political right as well. We have to set the terms of the debate and call them out for their evil and forcefully state how they are wrong and state what is right. Force them to defend their position. Ours needs no defense. Allowing ourselves to be intimidated simply validates them.
Excellent comment.
How does this happen? Because churches threw God out the window and their congregations with them. The clergy forgot to teach that sodomite behaviors are perversely evil and lead to evil consequences. The clergy also forgot to teach that it is impossible to love your neighbor by enabling the neighbor's evil lying and immoral ways. And this is why 'they' the Demon Elites were so hot to chuck things like the Ten Commandments out of the court rooms and the manger out of the public square? They the Demon Rulers did this so that they could become administrators of Evil.
Humans want to feel like good people. We get big dopamine pleasure hits when we do good things for one another. But, like exercise, it takes some sacrifice or work to get to the good feeling part. Sacrifice is particularly distasteful for our current lazy, narcissistic population. It’s much easier to just say, “Look at me being so open-minded, accepting, and just plain better than the small-minded, mean, bigoted troglodytes,” and then they can feel the satisfaction and pleasure of being a good, superior person without doing a single thing but going to a party.
Nailed it. Change your FB profile picture, put up a flag or banner and hey presto! You are saving the world!!
Do they allow minors in adult bookstores in Florida? I am thinking they do not. Where is the difference?
Are there still adult bookstores? I thought everything was online now.
The pro-China cabal has suspended the Rule of law in America.
The Groups' struggle for Power and Acceptance is more important than any Individual.
Please see Jordan Peterson's & Thomas Sowell Lectures (long or short version):
62k views - JRE Clip - Identity Politics Lead to Oppression - (3 mins)
1.8 Mil views - Marxist Movement vs Capitalism - (29 mins)
5.8 Mil views - Identity Politics and the Marxist lie - (2:30 hours)
Sowell - Leftist Policies hurt the poor - (8mins)
Sowell - Economic Facts & Fallacies - (33mins), hoover Inst. interview.
The Groups' struggle for Power and Acceptance is more important than any Individual.
Please see Jordan Peterson's & Thomas Sowell Lectures (long or short version):
62k views - JRE Clip - Identity Politics Lead to Oppression - (3 mins)
1.8 Mil views - Marxist Movement vs Capitalism - (29 mins)
5.8 Mil views - Identity Politics and the Marxist lie - (2:30 hours)
Sowell - Leftist Policies hurt the poor - (8mins)
Sowell - Economic Facts & Fallacies - (33mins), hoover Inst. interview.
As for the "pride" event, Jesus was very clear about what would happen to those who harmed children. What do you think is the fate of nations who allow and even encourage child abuse?
No coincidence it’s one of the deadly sins and goes before a fall.
Probably why we are being judged with all this horrible “leadership”.
Maybe ship a few of those pythons up to the DC Swamp where they might do some real good.
Next multiplier for that project please!
Awesome idea! From what I understand we have plenty of pythons 🐍 to share.
That was my thought too 😁
Pythons on a Plane (bound for DC)!
Now THAT would be a great movie (or better yet, reality show)! 😁😆😂
Hey Jeff, thanks for always making me laugh! This one really got me going!! “Doctors have no idea whether Mr. Miller will recover or if he’ll be retiring from the vaccine lottery by keeling over (thanks for playing though).”
I really do appreciate Jeff's humor because it helps retain my sanity. However, I sincerely hope Mr. Miller survives. I read a story on the Epoch Times recently about a 20 year old young woman, who suffered a heart attack the day after receiving her 3rd shot. She took them because of college requirements. Her mother was pleading for prayers on FB, but the girl died. I can't think about this without weeping.
I certainly don’t wish death on anyone, but I do need comic relief. Jeff delivers beautifully!
It's horrific that the hippy 60's crowd that were into "protesting" way back when, are the uber "liberals" who set the university systems up to the crimes being committed today to all young college students. If any generation needs to protest, it's the current 18 year olds who are blindly being led into the vaccine abyss.
Bet they’re going to do everything they can to keep him alive. Will those various variables be part of the study though?
We need a ‘safe and effective’ treatment for the injured from the ‘safe and effective’ vaccine.
There are somre available. FLCCC web site have a protocol. There are others.
Heck they’ll just try a new myocarditis vaccine!
Yeah, I laughed at that one too.
I am still stunned at the way the ongoing Midterms are playing out. I normally don't put much faith in polling, but even the Legacy Media was predicting a "red tsunami". As we sit here watching them slow walk/finish the steal in various locations, I can't help but wonder what is going on. Is the intent to demoralize us by stealing the election in plain sight? Are they hoping to foment political activism and unrest on the right in order to justify the further erosion of civil liberties ~ maybe even impose martial law? Right now, I feel like the alligator in the python's stomach...
Demoralize us? Yes. Laugh at us in plain sight? YUP!
Answer: "Yes". As always, the republican benchwarmers on Team Uniparty appear to be going along with it. I found the interviews with Blake Masters and Adam Laxalt on the eve of their respective losses where each seemed resigned to the result particularly troubling. It's almost like they "knew" all along but were playing the good soldier role.
[EDIT]: Add Kari Lake who also appears to be on the verge of losing her election. In Lake's defense, she was staunchest in her conviction that she would win when all the "votes" where counted. She was silent about the "ballots" part.
Well, it does take time to steal an election, especially when you have so many mail-in ballots that were turned in and you have no idea how many are for Rep so you have to figure that out before you can calculate how many fraudulent ballots you have to create to offset the Rep vote...and then create the faux ballots. So many ballots, so little time. Florida counted 7 million ballots in one day. Ariz is still counting a couple hundred thousand. Not hard to figure out what they are doing. That's the difference between an honest election and a stolen election.
I honestly felt like 2016 was our last honest national election. My feeling hasn't changed.
You meant 2016, right?
Yes! Oops, I will change that now! Thanks!
Msm is always ‘in’ on it. Maybe many R’s stayed home thinking there were enough going to the polls and their vote was not needed.
I know a lot of R’s who stayed home because they know the cheat happens and their votes don’t matter. It’s unfortunate that a very large amount of R’s feel this way and rather than step up, they sit home. No matter how hard we come out to vote, they always cheat and get away with it. At some point do we stop legitimizing these fake “elections”. Idk.
The perception by some republicans that their votes do not count and thus they do not participate is a major failure of the republican party. I'm cynical but I always vote. There's no honor in capitulation to tyranny.
Well, to be fair….the Rep party as we know it is a fraud and failure full of fake Rs who pretend to be one thing and then are another. How can we expect them to not fail at everything they do. 😒
We don’t have an actual party. We have a fragmented group of people who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground, and yet continue to steal our money and lie to us about everything, and have no spine to stand up for their constituents, while putting a smile on their faces and regurgitate the words, try again next time. What we actually have is RHINOdemocRATS helping democrats stay in power. R’s disappeared a long time ago.
I'm exactly the same - can't not do our civic duty or it all falls apart. I felt good being in line with other patriots .... we'll see what happens.
Oh I agree. They are rolling over and letting this happen. It’s infuriating.
That is a huge concern of mine: conservatives not voting because the elections are stolen. Even if the elections are stolen, we need as many votes as possible- let's not give it away easily to the Marxist dems. And if some elections are honest I'd hate to conservatives to lose just because dems take voting more seriously.
California is a prime example of what they want to do with the entire nation. The R's (and there are a lot) have been annihilated in a few decades of this and now the only place to find an R in public office is in a closet or under a rock. They stole their way into power a long time ago and the people keep paying the price.
It's not difficult to understand what happened. I believe it's an amalgam of factors: voting irregularities, mail-in ballots, Dobbs and the abortion issue, the disaster that is the republican party (Michigan, for example) and its incompetent failure to seize the moment, the Trump/McConnell factor, the influence of MSM and Big Tech (thinking of Dr. Robert Epstein's "Google's Triple Threat" theory in particular), external interference.
In summary, the republicans have failed to understand the election landscape going back to 2010. It's becoming more clear that Trump was an aberration in 2016. They don't understand the machinery and they didn't understand that taking an absolutist position on abortion (I'm completely pro-life) will not win elections. They need to speak with one voice as the democrats have done since Barack Obama became their thought leader in 2008.
If cheating is the only way to win an election in this increasingly corrupt society then the republicans need to get better at it. They can outlaw it if and when they ever return to power. The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
The republicans need to get better at understanding the machinery that gets candidates elected and gaming the system better than the democrats. Lee Atwater, young Karl Rove, and Steve Bannon understood this. That includes mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, the roles of the media, academia, the entertainment industry, and Big Tech.
There's no honor in elections nor among thieves. Just read "The Prince' by Machiavelli. It's only about power and it has always been this way
I understand your sentiments but completely disagree with your solution. To cheat because the other side cheats?? That is wrong and to join them in dishonesty and deceit isn’t an option for me. We’re better than that! Instead get involved at the local level, in the schools and county meetings. Volunteer to be an election judge, a poll watcher or a poll worker. Band together with other citizens to get election officials and your state representatives to remove the opportunities to cheat (mail-in voting, ballot harvesting and the machines. Voting should be on paper ballots, watermarked and verified by voter ID and hand counted) Finally expose and severely punish anyone involved in cheating in an election.
It won't let me heart this, so I am stating that I heart this!
I live in downtown Chicago. I have served as an election judge here.
My R votes truly are not counted. So I refuse to vote and legitimize the fraud.
And cameras just happen to go down in Nevada at night
I think maybe the media talked up the Red Wave to energize the Dems to turn out and vote. However, I would not be surprised that 'cheating' once again skewered the Will of the People. And once again in a system now rigged to marginalize 'we the people' into the dust bin of history (if not outright liquidate us).
I'm not sure if you follow the prophetic, but here's an encouraging one
Thank you for the encouraging reminder! The evil all around us is so very shocking and discouraging, but it is as prophesied in Scripture, and I know who will be victorious. I am Rapture ready...
I felt like when the msm states what is going to happen then they already know…. thus the steal. With Trump they did not see it happening and thats why we won! Remember them stunned!
By their own admission, they knew they screwed up in 2016 and vowed never to let it happen again. The 2018 'Blue Wave' was a correction that the GOP ignored.
Remember the Time Magazine article after the 2020 Election where they bragged about the convergence of forces to ensure that Trump would not be re-elected. The GOP ignored this as well.
This election cycle demonstrates that the 'Trump Moment' may have passed in 2018. Of course, he had to run in 2020. Perhaps it is time to move on.
I think that I will take the Netflix documentary on the history of roofing nails, please.
I think roofing nails are great. I've used lots of them in the past. I'd be happy to watch a documentary about them; it would be a thousand times better than what's normally on TV.
So, true. The only tv show that I watch these days is OnPatrol Live.
My first thought as well!
Yes me too!
This FTX story is absolutely stranger than fiction! Honestly if someone had written this we’d all say, “no way that could happen”. NOW I want to see who benefited from this insanity, of course MSM is going to downplay the entire thing because their “horses” benefited. JUST STUNNING!!
I have to believe the whole escapade of the FTX “business” will have major holes & reveal the truth sooner than later. The corruption is becoming so big that it actually is beginning to swallow itself! (Sorry too much Python 🐍 visuals!) But the sloppiness of it all - will leave remnants, little crumb trails but for Whom? The entities that actually COULD do anything with simply look the other way.
As I sift through day after day of corruption, the thought always occurs to me that this simply can not go on for too much longer. The stunning corruption and incompetence at the highest levels of our public and private institutions will by necessity implode one way or the other. What comes after that is anyones guess.
We can hope it destroys itself; for sure our RINOS in leadership won’t do any harm to the cabal
You bring up a very relevant point, and one we will find the answer to when it plays out, ‘but by whom’. Where there is a legitimate need there will eventually be a supply. Jan 6th occurred in the vacuum created by ‘no recourse’ because the courts didn’t do their job. This is just the next chapter in the same book.
We need to see the FTX investor list!
I wish I understood it so I could partake in whatever ya'll are talking about.
Reading yesterday's "primer" did me no good. My eyes and mind did the same thing they did when my dad talked about cars: they crossed and my mind went elsewhere.
I guess if I understood how it affects me, I would care. But I had no money invested there, so I dont care and dont understand why I should.
It would be like talking about makeup and it's application to a "real" man. He wouldnt care in the least.
Honest questions:
1) Hypothetically, if you're born female, how do you know what it feels like to be a man? What does it feel like to be non-binary, exactly?
2) If physiology doesn't determine gender, why do people who believe they are a gender other than their physiology feel compelled to change their physiology to match their believed gender?
3) How demoralized must one feel to believe identity is primarily or solely composed of your sexuality? (mostly rhetorical)
Now don’t you go using that logic and good sense, all that matters is FEELINGS!!
Really good questions. Of course that makes you some kind of phobic. I can’t specify which kind. My brain refuses to go there anymore.
You keep using the "g" word and all the psychological, sociological hooey that goes with and you can come up with as many as you want. If you stick with the "s" word -- sex -- that limits you to two. Automatically. Period. Full stop.
So. Shall we?
I have an excedrin headache.
N Kovi - and an upset stomach.
It's just all beyond stupid, isn't it ?
Stop trying to use logic you bigot!
I agree with #1 from the woman's point of view. Many times when I see trans women (men to women) they seem to be a garish parody of a woman. Not to speak for all women, but we do not get up and dress like Cher, Bette, or Dolly. I actually go days without eyeliner. The one who went to the White House certainly acted like a caricature of a teenage girl. My niece and all of her friends never acted like that. There is a certain persona that I see many portraying that is not a real, everyday woman. Just the ones on trash tv.
Just looking at that display of supposed femininity probably triggers a lot of dysphoria in girls... If that's what a woman is supposed to be like who wants to be a woman?
Can you imagine if this was a Trump kid or Trump-adjacent person running this level of FTX scheme? It would make the search for Russian yachts look like child's play and there would be 24/7 news tracking their whereabouts.
A Trump kid would already have been perp walked and thrown in prison with the speediest of trials ever!
I think the C&C readers knew Ukraine is and has been a laundering front for many years. They just used this to go big or go home. It is so disheartening to see them steal it again right in front of us. There was a bigger red wave than is being reported because the "fix" is in form them to keep control. They want to appoint as many liberal radical judges through the Senate. It is almost like it does not matter the R has the house. There is no more money to even try to stop the bleeding.
Judicial Watch reported last Friday that they've got documents showing our government's involvement in setting up biolabs in the Ukraine, to "research avian flu".
So has Putin been telling the truth all along? [Asking for a friend; please don't cancel me.]
Video of Chris Farrell interview here:
There is ample evidence that the labs in Ukraine are part of a network through which military and pharma collude to weaponize disease and develop gene specific bio-weapons.
Cancel me all you want: I think Putin is onto something and is trying to open the world's eyes.
I think he and Trump were/are buddies and were trying to expose many things. They are trying to take both men down to shut them up.
There. Cancel me all you want. I couldnt care less.
For me , aside from loosing, I am maddened that we just paid for the steal through gov funds siphoned to Ukraine, etc. that we will all now pay for. 😡
What gov funds sent to Ukraine?
Interesting that they are giving "five years to study the myocarditis/vaccine connection"--all the cardiologists I've heard have said that a damaged heart typically lasts only five years. Such evil. 😢
And they are rolling out new drugs to rebuild that heart damage as well as drugs to treat amyloidosis. Let the clinical trials begin!
The NBC article states there has been about 1000 reported cases of myocarditis/pericarditis of the hundreds of millions of vaccines given... 🤡 lying liars
The FTX information from yesterday was very interesting, to say the least. It is amazing just how dishonest people can be and get away with it. I appreciate your honesty Jeff and being honest about what is going on. This election last week just shows again, how messed up things are. So proud of Florida doing great, unlike here in California.
I couldn’t agree more. Thank you Jeff. Great information.
I don’t know how you have the time to write these amazing Substack articles and do a full time job. I guess sleep is overrated. 😉
We can't even hold clean elections let alone hold anyone accountable. Seriously- where will this lead? It's just another tree burning in a raging forest fire of corruption.
Everyone who reads here is capable of getting involved locally in some capacity. We must secure our elections and install good patriots in office. Our country is broken. Our sin is grave. We must repent, act, and speak truth in love. We must be people of peaceful action.
I was so demoralized yesterday...but my pastor quoted the first two lines of this old hymn during his message and my heart lifted...
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly lean on Jesus' name
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
When darkness veils his lovely face
I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil
His oath, his covenant, his blood
Supports me in the 'whelming flood
When all around my soul gives way
He then is all my hope and stay
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
When He shall come with trumpet sound
Oh may I then in Him be found
Dressed in his righteousness alone
Faultless to stand before the throne
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
Love that one. Hopefully he's mobilizing his congregation to action. Most would just sing louder as the boxcars roll by...😭
Thank you for reminding me of this sweet song and its powerful words. I wish I had seen this comment at the very top, before reading and reacting to the doom and gloom of all that is happening. Every time I let all of this get to me and raise my blood pressure, I have to repent that I took my eyes off of Christ and put them on this world or someone in it.
It's such a struggle...the world and all its problems can be so overwhelming. I have to concentrate EYES UP with intention when I start to feel dragged down...
Matt, I honestly don't know if there are any good political solutions left. The outcome of this election has left me so demoralized that I think my only recourse is to turn, even more, to the One who made us and loves us. I have placed my trust in princes too often and too earnestly. I can't do it anymore. In the Catholic calendar the feast of Christ the King is this coming weekend - it is well-timed and a much-needed reminder for me that He reigns sovereign over the world.
NAB right now Jesus awaits His reign- Satan knows his time is short- He will judge the wicked and remove Satan from his reign on the earth, THEN He will reign on His throne in Jerusalem for 1000 years. Then "the Government will rest on His shoulders." Keep your eyes on Him 🙏, and prepare the way of the Lord✨
Matt, a hearty AMEN! Would you please start a blog? I’ll follow.
Thank the Good Lord for Christians like you (and many here) who continue to keep our eye on Christ and still do what we can and should here.
Lisa thank you- That's very kind- I would probably not be able to keep up with the demands of a blog at this juncture of my life. But I'll be hanging around C&C for the foreseeable future! If you loved that last post of mine you'll love Joel Richardson's book "Sinai to Zion": The Untold Story of the Triumphant Return of Jesus
The elites must be inbreeding. Those specimens are seriously sub-par.
That is a really interesting observation and is not unreasonable, I think. After a while, all those elite families do intermingle and quickly become like the Royal Families of Europe in the 19th century. And how are we letting these children run anything more significant than a lemonade stand?