Fauci's stinker of a last day and final presser; a telling covid disinformation study; a bizarre study connecting misinformation to covid jab injuries; and Canada's ugly new assisted suicide ad.
Fauci is a worm…centipede…cockroach…drain fly….definitely one of those icky crawly thingies. “His Despicableness” has been tripping on vaccine acid for so long that he actually BELIEVES the noxious drool that he routinely regurgitates. This makes the token-taking bridge gnome all the more sleazy and loathsome given the circumstances surrounding this entire wretched and pre-planned Covid keg party (no doubt scratched out on a grimy napkin during a clandestine gathering of accomplices at a backwoods Waffle House)….from its manufactured inception, stealthy workarounds, association with a seemingly endless assemblage of freak show deviants boasting similar dark character and motivations, the gargantuan line of flapdoodle we know as “two weeks to slow the spread,” and ultimate execution while cowardly shrinking behind the flimsy shields of MSM, Big Tech, and an armada of deep state thugs. Oh…..and lest we forget, the thousands upon thousands….upon thousands of dewey-eyed underlings that bowed down to his contemptible preachings and multifaceted jackassery. Any sympathy I had for "The Spike Protein Casanova" and Big Pharma's favorite blood sucking parasite has emphatically stomped out of the building.
Fraudci has deftly avoided suffering any weighty ramifications, despite the fact that he’s been stinking up the medical landscape in grandiose ways, for decades. As much as I’d like to conclude differently, the “Teflon Pocket Skunk” will, in all likelihood, lope away, reasonably unscathed from the forthcoming proceedings, sprinkled with holy water and be forever institutionalized in Wiki history as an American hero…..nay, Savior.
Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. I will repay. Deuteronomy 32:35. My pastor gave an absolutely wonderful, pointed, and timely sermon yesterday that both corrected me and gave me great hope. I cannot and will not give Satan one more moment of my thoughts by dwelling on Fauci. God means my time and thoughts for other things. I must trust God to take care of Fauci. Of course, I wish Fauci to find Christ, but no matter what, it is in the Lord's hands as to when that vengeance will happen - in this life or the next. I am attaching a link to the sermon here, if anyone feels so inclined to hear: https://www.centralnc.org/music-and-messages/nov-27-2022-message-1030/
Easy to avoid thinking about Fauci but I struggle with being silent when his handiwork is praised among my elderly Bible study ladies. They are fast asleep and seem to want to stay that way. I am an outlier and it’s very lonely.
One of the most difficult things for me during this plandemic has been watching most religious leaders avoid talking about what is happening. What's even worse is those who encouraged people to be jabbed because Jesus would have done so, or in order to "love" their neighbors. I offered a book to one of our Bible study teachers who had stated that vaccine injury is rare. He declined, saying that this is so divisive and he doesn't want to get involved. Have you read Eric Metaxas' book. Letter to the American Church? He warns that the church is doing the same thing the German church (for the most part) did in the Nazi era. How many have died or been injured because not enough people were willing to speak out? Don't these elderly ladies see that those who were jabbed are continuing to have covid over and over? People have lost critical thinking skills.
I'll have to check out the book. Amazing people can't seem to put 2 + 2 together anymore - like my cousin who got Covid after her booster shots. How can anyone return to a church that promoted the vaccine/ masks, and listen to a pastor that promoted the vaccine at the pulpit? I listened to sermons online by my previous pastor in another state (whom I thought was very intelligent and inspirational), and then he went off on the wonderful vaccines, etc. Aside from the $$$, he truly has lost his mind and my respect.
I agree that the Church as a whole failed to practice what they preach. It has actually been a slow decline that accelerated with COVID. Your Bible study teachers were only a symptom of the disease. We say that right things, such as God is in control, By His (Christ) stripes we are healed, etc. then head to the nearest doctor. We as a people need to humble ourselves before God and pray. I doubt the German churches did that, as a whole, just as we did not. My own denomination failed to support those of us vaccinated when faced with mandatory jabs. I believe we are post Christian denominations and must seek out those that still believe the Bible.
@Anne You are SO CORRECT!!! WHY did so many people put their Critical Thinking Skills away??? People that I total respect, like @BenShapiro - very few ppl stopped to really think about what kind of snake oil was being sold to us... and the consequences are just now mounting... SAD!
If we assume that most people actually do have critical thinking skills (I doubt that very seriously), it is clear they much preferred indulging their impulse for sanctimony,
Some churches proclaim anything they want to from the pulpit. They register voters there at the church. They have political candidates speak from the pulpit. Of course, we’re so much better than that🥸
I wholeheartedly agree. I will go one step further and say that while we are where we are because we, as a nation, turned our backs on God. We, as individuals, are where we are - born at this time, for a reason. As in Esther, "for such as time as this." Are we living up to that reason? I know I have improvements to make.
I totally get what you are saying. For my part, I do not think I am avoiding Fauci as much as I am moving towards what I need to be thinking about, praying about and talking about. I believe in sharing truth in love with our Bible study folks. They live in a fear created by Satan. I believe it may be more profitable for me (not saying anyone else should do this, but simply a suggestion on my part), to pray for them and talk to them if led about putting our faith in Christ for all things. They may not listen, as the talons of fear are very strong by now, but it is my duty to keep presenting Christ as the answer for all things. (And just to share, I have not been doing this. I had a great correction yesterday, and I know this is easier said than done. I just need to take this one day at a time.)
Yes, unfortunately most pastors and congregations ARE asleep. It's easier to be oblivious because it doesn't cost them any friendships or cause any conflict. As a wise pastor in CA who DID NOT close their church during the plandemic has said, "Too many pastors believe peace is the absence of conflict, but peace is being in God's will." Listen to the Epoch Times' American Thought Leaders interview with Steve Kirsch and hear his account of how much he has lost - not just $$, but friendships - because he has chosen to seek truth and speak truth about what is happening. And I have never heard him profess Christ! As Anne says below, the silence of most Christians continues to be very troubling. They truly are asleep in the Light.
We love Epoch Times! I, too, was amazed at how well Steve Kirsch presented so much material. A couple of months ago, we met some of the doctors with integrity: Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Keith Berkowitz and Mobeen Syed. Marik and Kory have suffered a lot also, in fact, Marik's career was ended. All of these doctors are affiliated with the Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance (not Frontline Doctors, that is a separate organization.) https://covid19criticalcare.com/ They recently held a conference for doctors to learn how to treat the effects of the spike protein. We offered to pay a portion of our doctor's cost to attend, but she didn't even respond to the offer. Regarding Christians' response, I am surprised at how very afraid many are. We're in a win win situation, "to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Wow! What an honor to meet those physicians. They are some of my heroes, as is Steve K. We've followed the FLCCC protocols the whole time. Good for you offering to pay something for your doctor's cost!! I also suggested the conference to my PCP who was actually open to it based on her response. She's an NP whose clinic has pushed the jabs and I've only seen her once in a new patient visit b/c I'm staying away from the medical establishment if I can avoid it. Unfortunately, I could not about a week ago when I had to go to the ER for fluids due to what we thought was influenza as I became extremely weak and dehydrated. I tested positive for the rona - this after we'd both done IVM early on - and you can imagine the treatment I received for it. Buh-bye, as Jeff is fond of saying. I didn't have the energy for too many comebacks with the moronic physician, and based on one hostile response, I'm sure he wouldn't have stayed to listen to anything I said. It was obviously too threatening to his ego. Two days later, we both did telemedicine visits with someone who works with FLCCC protocols and got some HELP. We are both doing better and last night was the first good night of sleep I've had in more than 2 weeks, praise God!
I made a decision in 2020 that I would not live in fear. I think there is some advice in the Bible about fear... Even 3 years later, people don't know there are multiple early treatment protocols. The fearporn has been very effective.
Masks trap all sorts of things including bacteria and viruses. If you wear them all day long and are breathing in and out harder you are breathing those things in to you and pushing out to those close to you.
I had a conversation with a sweet lady who was bagging my groceries about her masking. She ended up telling me that she now wears the mask to cover her missing teeth, not because she is afraid. I asked her if she considered that the mask might be part of the problem with her teeth. Her mask looked well worn so... Anyway, I hope she talked to her dentist about it.
I think I got the rona from a doctor who was face to masked face with me. I quarantined myself before the visit (I was getting a melanoma removed and didn't want to be sick while healing). But I did get sick. Best laid plans! Anyhoo...
I feel ya Credenda. I have one other woman in my WBS that thinks like me. The rest are in the jab camp and are STILL living in fear even after they have bazookaed into their arms with jab material at every opportunity. There is no talking them into not being fearful. I just keep my mouth mostly closed (smirk) and pray they wake up. Some of them have had problems from jabbing, one has had a husband who has gotten very very ill right after 2 jabs, but if I even mention a study about side effects (they are having) of jabs they get so mad. So I zip it. They, I am sure, have less respect for me for not jabbing and I have to fight with every bit of me not to return the feelings. I love them and want them alive, well and doing their job here on earth in joy.
Haha. Yes, baby steps. At least she listened. Maybe she will rewind the tape and review it with a few more facts under her belt. Hope she comes around - especially if she has little kids.
Reminds me of a joke that was going around after Hurricane Katrina. First, a bus was driving through the neighborhood evacuating people before the storm hit. He declined saying "The Lord will provide." After the flooding, a boat came to his upstairs window offering a rescue. He declined saying "The Lord will provide." As the water rose he climbed up on his roof, and declined another rescue from a helicopter saying "The Lord will provide." As he was about to drown in the rising waters, he cried out "Lord, why have you forsaken me?". To which the Lord replied "I sent you a bus, a boat, and a helicopter."
Perhaps the Lord wishes to work his vengeance through the people in this case.
Maybe he should right his lies down and carry a cheat sheet? Loll. But the corporate media covers for him. That’s their jobs. I wonder how much money from Big Pharm and the US government these snakes get? Well won’t help them in Hell. No get out of Hell card either.
I have a two year old granddaughter I am so close with. I look to God and pray over her. I’m 63 we are seeing the results of a world that has tuned its back on God. Studying prophecies helps me to see the big picture. Trust in Jesus❤️
I can’t find my way to the comment that you responded to of mine. But you were talking about how we turned our backs on God. I’ve always tell people that Deuteronomy chapter 8 is gods message to America today as much as it was his message to ancient Israel. Whenever a blessed nation turns its back on God, or loses gratitude. It is a great offense, and those blessings must be removed.
Beautifully shared. I believe we have been waylaid from the Great Commission by this. I know I have fallen short and not prayed for and help others as I should. This has caused much fear, but also much anger and division. This was Satan's plan. It is God's plan to reconcile. This is not to say we ignore what is going on, we just need to ask God what our role in this is and leave the rest to Him. He has a role for each of us, such as Jeff and these posts. What is not our role is to dwell on the negative hour upon hour as I had been doing.
Fauci should have been in prison decades ago for his "medical experiments" preying upon defenseless children. Our law enforcement and justice system failed us a looooong time ago. Fauci is the by-product!
Well written. But I have hope Fauci the puppy/child-torturing demon will face Justice…and a noose…here on earth, before he faces God’s eternal Justice in the hereafter.
In the spirit of this season of Christmas…this epic rant was right up there with Clark Griswold’s 5 minute scathing rebuke of his pissant boss who decided not to give out the Christmas bonus that was relied upon by his employees every single year. His tirade is a classic! And so was this Eric 💪🏻
Wow Eric... you perfectly conjured up a replay of Jeff Goldblum with Geena Davis in The Fly horror film 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 fitting given the “eccentric so called scientist” FrankenFauci horror film and lies we’re living through ... yes, FrankenFauci is a noxious drool insect regurgitating lies..... to quote Seth Brundle/Goldblum... “insects don’t have politics (debatable with Fauci) they’re brutal. No compassion. No compromise. We can’t trust the insect....”
Character traits of a narcissistic sociopath. Most people cannot fully appreciate the depth of the depravity and evil in such personalities. It is hard to convince people that there is literally no common ground with such people. To think otherwise is the weakness they prey upon.
'The Russian embassy in Canada responded with scathing comments to the Canadian Trudeau government's attack on Moscow over the new Russian federal law criminalizing the spread of LGBTQ propaganda in Russia.'
'Canadians should keep their "foreign" beliefs to themselves, the diplomatic mission said Saturday, reminding them that there are only two genders.
The new Russian law bans propaganda in favor of non-traditional relationships, pedophilia and gender reassignment and was passed by the upper house of Russia's State Duma on Thursday.
Widely seen as a follow-up to the 2013 law banning the dissemination of LGBT material to minors, it extends that ban to both minors and adults'.
Exactly.... Trudeau wants to force kids to wear masks in school and inject them with experimental drugs while drags in assless chaps are twerking around during story time. Hilarious that Russian diplomats are telling Trudeau to STFU.
It's good that most of the world bans gay marriage, like Russia, China, Indonesia, most of Africa, the Middle East. The Woke West endorses degenerate gay culture, and is becoming more irrelevant each day as it's currencies and societies decay away.
Good for Russia. I didn't care what people did before the plandemic. I thought we were entitled to do what we wanted in the privacy of our home, provided we were consisting adults. Wow, I had no clue on the depravity of the world. My imagination couldn't even go down to the level of what people are doing. I am such a shocked prude.
LOL.... "foreign beliefs"..... Leave it to the stoic Russians for dramatic understatement! God love 'em. I think Russia just set the bar for the entire West.
“He actually wants MAID, but his vaccine refusal is proof that he’s not mentally competent to articulate his decision. So, out of compassion, we are going to do what he wants , but can’t say”.
"Building blocks are being put into place so that political dissidents can be drugged or locked up much like the Soviets did with Sluggish Schizophrenia."
But if you stay pure blood it means you have a brain that thinks critically. You have a sound mind. Therefore you will never apply to kill yourself. They lose.
However, I also know they will twist that around to say they need to murder the mentally ill which you now qualify as.
I am without words. That woman who thought her death would be beautiful . . . I hope she was ready for eternity. If not, she is regretting her decision now and it can never be changed. Have mercy on us, Lord Jesus.
Is that fashion brand selling coffin outfits now? Crossdeadbody bags? Easy on duds with handy zippers down the back? Wrinkle free? Sorry but we have entered a new phase of macabre machinations of soulless walking somehow breathing shredded human tissues unleashed on us by the true author of evil.
As an Orthodox Christian I thank you for the link. It is quite pastoral and thoughtful.
IMHO, by our culture normalizing it, it can easily become trendy for those of an age where they are confused and undergoing hormonal emotionalism.
On more than one occasion as a teen, having been brought up believing it to be an unforgivable sin, and having a firm belief in the afterlife, I did not allow my perceived teenager 'depression' at the time ( my boyfriend broke up with me kind of stuff) entertain anything more than a fleeing thought of "I wish I could die".
It has become, in current times, taboo to say that suicide is a sin, but by doing so, who knows how many occur that might have been prevented had the secular societal taboo not existed.
What do you even say to something like this? So what happens when the go-fund-me funds are gone? I can’t believe this is a thing! He’s got this reporter going through the items in the fridge just as casually as you’d discuss the weather. May God help us indeed!
Poor, poor man. Where were his parents during his upbringing?
Parents, have a major role in creating the human and spiritual life of their children, and imparting the importance of family love. (Put so well by Pope John Paul II).
If no one teaches you about God and the Bible, how much more difficult (but not impossible) to discover His Truth!
Yes. That’s why my parents, with no money left at the end of the month, who would have been considered desperately poor by standards of this world, were fabulously wealthy spiritually and that was the inheritance they passed on. I feel so blessed to know that God is my father and Heaven is my forever home. Let this world be ever so troubled, my peace and joy is eternal.
Yet according the Catholic magazine The Pillar, “We Must Do Better”. How pathetic.
This headline summarizes everything that is wrong with Christianity's response to all this. This isn't some minor social faux pas, but actively encouraging people to kill themselves. While I'm glad The Pillar is bringing attention to this, we need to do a lot more than "doing better".
Might I suggest criminal prosecution as an accessory, seizing all their possessions, selling their children into bondage, and salting the Earth where their tribe lives. We can learn a lot from the Old Testament.
May the Lord do this in a spiritual sense in our hearts and in our land:
“Thus says the Lord God, ‘On the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will cause the cities to be inhabited, and the waste places will be rebuilt. The desolate land will be cultivated instead of being a desolation in the sight of everyone who passes by. They will say, “This desolate land has become like the garden of Eden; and the waste, desolate and ruined cities are fortified and inhabited.” Then the nations that are left round about you will know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruined places and planted that which was desolate; I, the Lord, have spoken and will do it.’”— Ezekiel 36:33-36
“ Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process.”
Bruh I literally watched state and local governments shut down restaurants and home gatherings then say protests of tens of thousands of people were safe and not super spreaders.
Neither do I. I feel as if I am shut out of medical care because I don't trust most doctors and hospitals. A 19 year old friend of a friend, fully vaccinated, was taken to a local hospital last week. He is now diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis. The doctors said it happened due to a "virus" he had just before that. He had a low grade fever, but no other symptoms. This same hospital, along with the other two major hospitals in my area, has absolute lies about the "vaccines" on their website. These doctors have to realize what is going on, but are too cowardly to speak out. What would have happened if there had been a massive protest, perhaps even walk-out, of doctors who refused to follow the approved protocol? Instead, they were content to murder people and say they were following orders. (P.S. Good to see you on here again, little brother in Christ.)
Received this message from a relative about her 21 yo grandson. “He was admitted to the hospital with chest pains & they thought he might be having a heart attack or a blood clot. But after several days & multiple tests it was determined that the lining around his heart had become inflamed. He was advised to withdraw from school, return home & live a quiet restrictive life. So that he wouldn’t become depressed his parents got him a cute little Havanese puppy” Hey son, sorry we let your school coerce you into the vax, but here’s a puppy & that should make it all better. 🙄
I responded with “I’m sure you’re aware this is a common occurrence in males of his age group who have been vaccinated.” Crickets.
Fauci is a worm…centipede…cockroach…drain fly….definitely one of those icky crawly thingies. “His Despicableness” has been tripping on vaccine acid for so long that he actually BELIEVES the noxious drool that he routinely regurgitates. This makes the token-taking bridge gnome all the more sleazy and loathsome given the circumstances surrounding this entire wretched and pre-planned Covid keg party (no doubt scratched out on a grimy napkin during a clandestine gathering of accomplices at a backwoods Waffle House)….from its manufactured inception, stealthy workarounds, association with a seemingly endless assemblage of freak show deviants boasting similar dark character and motivations, the gargantuan line of flapdoodle we know as “two weeks to slow the spread,” and ultimate execution while cowardly shrinking behind the flimsy shields of MSM, Big Tech, and an armada of deep state thugs. Oh…..and lest we forget, the thousands upon thousands….upon thousands of dewey-eyed underlings that bowed down to his contemptible preachings and multifaceted jackassery. Any sympathy I had for "The Spike Protein Casanova" and Big Pharma's favorite blood sucking parasite has emphatically stomped out of the building.
Fraudci has deftly avoided suffering any weighty ramifications, despite the fact that he’s been stinking up the medical landscape in grandiose ways, for decades. As much as I’d like to conclude differently, the “Teflon Pocket Skunk” will, in all likelihood, lope away, reasonably unscathed from the forthcoming proceedings, sprinkled with holy water and be forever institutionalized in Wiki history as an American hero…..nay, Savior.
Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. I will repay. Deuteronomy 32:35. My pastor gave an absolutely wonderful, pointed, and timely sermon yesterday that both corrected me and gave me great hope. I cannot and will not give Satan one more moment of my thoughts by dwelling on Fauci. God means my time and thoughts for other things. I must trust God to take care of Fauci. Of course, I wish Fauci to find Christ, but no matter what, it is in the Lord's hands as to when that vengeance will happen - in this life or the next. I am attaching a link to the sermon here, if anyone feels so inclined to hear: https://www.centralnc.org/music-and-messages/nov-27-2022-message-1030/
Easy to avoid thinking about Fauci but I struggle with being silent when his handiwork is praised among my elderly Bible study ladies. They are fast asleep and seem to want to stay that way. I am an outlier and it’s very lonely.
One of the most difficult things for me during this plandemic has been watching most religious leaders avoid talking about what is happening. What's even worse is those who encouraged people to be jabbed because Jesus would have done so, or in order to "love" their neighbors. I offered a book to one of our Bible study teachers who had stated that vaccine injury is rare. He declined, saying that this is so divisive and he doesn't want to get involved. Have you read Eric Metaxas' book. Letter to the American Church? He warns that the church is doing the same thing the German church (for the most part) did in the Nazi era. How many have died or been injured because not enough people were willing to speak out? Don't these elderly ladies see that those who were jabbed are continuing to have covid over and over? People have lost critical thinking skills.
I'll have to check out the book. Amazing people can't seem to put 2 + 2 together anymore - like my cousin who got Covid after her booster shots. How can anyone return to a church that promoted the vaccine/ masks, and listen to a pastor that promoted the vaccine at the pulpit? I listened to sermons online by my previous pastor in another state (whom I thought was very intelligent and inspirational), and then he went off on the wonderful vaccines, etc. Aside from the $$$, he truly has lost his mind and my respect.
Listen to Pastor Smothermon in Albuquerque, Legacy Church. He sued the state when they locked down & canceled church.
even my unchurched brother will watch him regularly.
I agree that the Church as a whole failed to practice what they preach. It has actually been a slow decline that accelerated with COVID. Your Bible study teachers were only a symptom of the disease. We say that right things, such as God is in control, By His (Christ) stripes we are healed, etc. then head to the nearest doctor. We as a people need to humble ourselves before God and pray. I doubt the German churches did that, as a whole, just as we did not. My own denomination failed to support those of us vaccinated when faced with mandatory jabs. I believe we are post Christian denominations and must seek out those that still believe the Bible.
@Anne You are SO CORRECT!!! WHY did so many people put their Critical Thinking Skills away??? People that I total respect, like @BenShapiro - very few ppl stopped to really think about what kind of snake oil was being sold to us... and the consequences are just now mounting... SAD!
If we assume that most people actually do have critical thinking skills (I doubt that very seriously), it is clear they much preferred indulging their impulse for sanctimony,
Our church stayed open. Unmasked.
Some churches proclaim anything they want to from the pulpit. They register voters there at the church. They have political candidates speak from the pulpit. Of course, we’re so much better than that🥸
Pastor Jeffress in Dallas is an example, he has had lots of famous people speak as well as Christian musical artists sing and share on Sundays.
Jesus warned that those of us who knew the truth would be a minority
I wholeheartedly agree. I will go one step further and say that while we are where we are because we, as a nation, turned our backs on God. We, as individuals, are where we are - born at this time, for a reason. As in Esther, "for such as time as this." Are we living up to that reason? I know I have improvements to make.
Yep. And both Daniel and Joseph spoke truthfully to pharaoh and the king(s). Respectfully and truthfully.
I wonder how we fell under this false impression that people of faith must remain silent. It is a dreadful way to conduct ourselves.
I totally get what you are saying. For my part, I do not think I am avoiding Fauci as much as I am moving towards what I need to be thinking about, praying about and talking about. I believe in sharing truth in love with our Bible study folks. They live in a fear created by Satan. I believe it may be more profitable for me (not saying anyone else should do this, but simply a suggestion on my part), to pray for them and talk to them if led about putting our faith in Christ for all things. They may not listen, as the talons of fear are very strong by now, but it is my duty to keep presenting Christ as the answer for all things. (And just to share, I have not been doing this. I had a great correction yesterday, and I know this is easier said than done. I just need to take this one day at a time.)
Yes, unfortunately most pastors and congregations ARE asleep. It's easier to be oblivious because it doesn't cost them any friendships or cause any conflict. As a wise pastor in CA who DID NOT close their church during the plandemic has said, "Too many pastors believe peace is the absence of conflict, but peace is being in God's will." Listen to the Epoch Times' American Thought Leaders interview with Steve Kirsch and hear his account of how much he has lost - not just $$, but friendships - because he has chosen to seek truth and speak truth about what is happening. And I have never heard him profess Christ! As Anne says below, the silence of most Christians continues to be very troubling. They truly are asleep in the Light.
We love Epoch Times! I, too, was amazed at how well Steve Kirsch presented so much material. A couple of months ago, we met some of the doctors with integrity: Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Keith Berkowitz and Mobeen Syed. Marik and Kory have suffered a lot also, in fact, Marik's career was ended. All of these doctors are affiliated with the Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance (not Frontline Doctors, that is a separate organization.) https://covid19criticalcare.com/ They recently held a conference for doctors to learn how to treat the effects of the spike protein. We offered to pay a portion of our doctor's cost to attend, but she didn't even respond to the offer. Regarding Christians' response, I am surprised at how very afraid many are. We're in a win win situation, "to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Wow! What an honor to meet those physicians. They are some of my heroes, as is Steve K. We've followed the FLCCC protocols the whole time. Good for you offering to pay something for your doctor's cost!! I also suggested the conference to my PCP who was actually open to it based on her response. She's an NP whose clinic has pushed the jabs and I've only seen her once in a new patient visit b/c I'm staying away from the medical establishment if I can avoid it. Unfortunately, I could not about a week ago when I had to go to the ER for fluids due to what we thought was influenza as I became extremely weak and dehydrated. I tested positive for the rona - this after we'd both done IVM early on - and you can imagine the treatment I received for it. Buh-bye, as Jeff is fond of saying. I didn't have the energy for too many comebacks with the moronic physician, and based on one hostile response, I'm sure he wouldn't have stayed to listen to anything I said. It was obviously too threatening to his ego. Two days later, we both did telemedicine visits with someone who works with FLCCC protocols and got some HELP. We are both doing better and last night was the first good night of sleep I've had in more than 2 weeks, praise God!
I made a decision in 2020 that I would not live in fear. I think there is some advice in the Bible about fear... Even 3 years later, people don't know there are multiple early treatment protocols. The fearporn has been very effective.
Masks trap all sorts of things including bacteria and viruses. If you wear them all day long and are breathing in and out harder you are breathing those things in to you and pushing out to those close to you.
I had a conversation with a sweet lady who was bagging my groceries about her masking. She ended up telling me that she now wears the mask to cover her missing teeth, not because she is afraid. I asked her if she considered that the mask might be part of the problem with her teeth. Her mask looked well worn so... Anyway, I hope she talked to her dentist about it.
I think I got the rona from a doctor who was face to masked face with me. I quarantined myself before the visit (I was getting a melanoma removed and didn't want to be sick while healing). But I did get sick. Best laid plans! Anyhoo...
I feel ya Credenda. I have one other woman in my WBS that thinks like me. The rest are in the jab camp and are STILL living in fear even after they have bazookaed into their arms with jab material at every opportunity. There is no talking them into not being fearful. I just keep my mouth mostly closed (smirk) and pray they wake up. Some of them have had problems from jabbing, one has had a husband who has gotten very very ill right after 2 jabs, but if I even mention a study about side effects (they are having) of jabs they get so mad. So I zip it. They, I am sure, have less respect for me for not jabbing and I have to fight with every bit of me not to return the feelings. I love them and want them alive, well and doing their job here on earth in joy.
Haha. Yes, baby steps. At least she listened. Maybe she will rewind the tape and review it with a few more facts under her belt. Hope she comes around - especially if she has little kids.
Check out Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg VA. Strong Bible based church that is not afraid to speak up against non biblical stances.
Love him.
I hope you can stay strong. Turn in to cornerstone chapel. They are in leesburg VA. Wonderful Bible based church that is not drinking the koolaid.
Reminds me of a joke that was going around after Hurricane Katrina. First, a bus was driving through the neighborhood evacuating people before the storm hit. He declined saying "The Lord will provide." After the flooding, a boat came to his upstairs window offering a rescue. He declined saying "The Lord will provide." As the water rose he climbed up on his roof, and declined another rescue from a helicopter saying "The Lord will provide." As he was about to drown in the rising waters, he cried out "Lord, why have you forsaken me?". To which the Lord replied "I sent you a bus, a boat, and a helicopter."
Perhaps the Lord wishes to work his vengeance through the people in this case.
Like Judas, he will eventually hang himself
Thank you for sharing.
I wouldn’t want to be in Fauci’s shoes.
Maybe he should right his lies down and carry a cheat sheet? Loll. But the corporate media covers for him. That’s their jobs. I wonder how much money from Big Pharm and the US government these snakes get? Well won’t help them in Hell. No get out of Hell card either.
I think I am more concerned for how it will be for him standing before God. I shudder.
good sermon!
Amen! Our job remaining here is to share the good news and pray for and with as many people as possible.
I have a 3 yr old daughter and when I see more and more evil every day it pains me she is alive to see and live through this! 😭
I have a two year old granddaughter I am so close with. I look to God and pray over her. I’m 63 we are seeing the results of a world that has tuned its back on God. Studying prophecies helps me to see the big picture. Trust in Jesus❤️
I can’t find my way to the comment that you responded to of mine. But you were talking about how we turned our backs on God. I’ve always tell people that Deuteronomy chapter 8 is gods message to America today as much as it was his message to ancient Israel. Whenever a blessed nation turns its back on God, or loses gratitude. It is a great offense, and those blessings must be removed.
Beautifully shared. I believe we have been waylaid from the Great Commission by this. I know I have fallen short and not prayed for and help others as I should. This has caused much fear, but also much anger and division. This was Satan's plan. It is God's plan to reconcile. This is not to say we ignore what is going on, we just need to ask God what our role in this is and leave the rest to Him. He has a role for each of us, such as Jeff and these posts. What is not our role is to dwell on the negative hour upon hour as I had been doing.
Wow! Brilliantly and cleverly written!..and lest I forget to say: oh so accurate as well!
Well that was fun to read...so much so I just had to read aloud to my husband. 😁
I did the same!
I did, too. It was priceless.
💥👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Linda A, I just did the same! So “accurate, clever and fun” I saved Eric’s brilliance in my iPad notes 😉
Gawks in awe the English language itself, massively impressed 😂
Fauci should have been in prison decades ago for his "medical experiments" preying upon defenseless children. Our law enforcement and justice system failed us a looooong time ago. Fauci is the by-product!
True dat.
Can you write my son’s college essay? 😆🏆
Colorful word picture, right up there with the description of Mr. Grinch! ;)
And if he is literally sprinkled with holy water the demons may finally leave him. But he would have to want them to leave.
Well written. But I have hope Fauci the puppy/child-torturing demon will face Justice…and a noose…here on earth, before he faces God’s eternal Justice in the hereafter.
In the spirit of this season of Christmas…this epic rant was right up there with Clark Griswold’s 5 minute scathing rebuke of his pissant boss who decided not to give out the Christmas bonus that was relied upon by his employees every single year. His tirade is a classic! And so was this Eric 💪🏻
Wow Eric... you perfectly conjured up a replay of Jeff Goldblum with Geena Davis in The Fly horror film 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 fitting given the “eccentric so called scientist” FrankenFauci horror film and lies we’re living through ... yes, FrankenFauci is a noxious drool insect regurgitating lies..... to quote Seth Brundle/Goldblum... “insects don’t have politics (debatable with Fauci) they’re brutal. No compassion. No compromise. We can’t trust the insect....”
Character traits of a narcissistic sociopath. Most people cannot fully appreciate the depth of the depravity and evil in such personalities. It is hard to convince people that there is literally no common ground with such people. To think otherwise is the weakness they prey upon.
Except, not a backwoods Wafflehouse, but lavishly appointed public simulations paid for by us tax paying lowly deplorable plebeian
Yea who said “Tell a lie long enough loud enough people will believe it.
Good Nazi tactic.
Spot on post, the description of Fauci is perfect!
Four sentences into this comment my first thought....this must be Eric. LOL spike protein Casanova!!!!!!!!!
Fantastic! Also rage inducing. These people will never pay. Hopefully payment will come when they leave the protection they have here on earth.
Wow! You put it brilliantly. 👍
“Currently, Canada is considering adding ‘mental illness’ to the list of conditions qualifying Canadians for a visit from a death MAID.”
It’s also official, in Canada, that if you don’t want the “vaccine” then you’re mentally ill.
See where it’s headed?
Speaking of antiChrist following Canada:
'The Russian embassy in Canada responded with scathing comments to the Canadian Trudeau government's attack on Moscow over the new Russian federal law criminalizing the spread of LGBTQ propaganda in Russia.'
'Canadians should keep their "foreign" beliefs to themselves, the diplomatic mission said Saturday, reminding them that there are only two genders.
The new Russian law bans propaganda in favor of non-traditional relationships, pedophilia and gender reassignment and was passed by the upper house of Russia's State Duma on Thursday.
Widely seen as a follow-up to the 2013 law banning the dissemination of LGBT material to minors, it extends that ban to both minors and adults'.
Exactly.... Trudeau wants to force kids to wear masks in school and inject them with experimental drugs while drags in assless chaps are twerking around during story time. Hilarious that Russian diplomats are telling Trudeau to STFU.
It's good that most of the world bans gay marriage, like Russia, China, Indonesia, most of Africa, the Middle East. The Woke West endorses degenerate gay culture, and is becoming more irrelevant each day as it's currencies and societies decay away.
Good for Russia. I didn't care what people did before the plandemic. I thought we were entitled to do what we wanted in the privacy of our home, provided we were consisting adults. Wow, I had no clue on the depravity of the world. My imagination couldn't even go down to the level of what people are doing. I am such a shocked prude.
That’s why the world hates Russia!
The western post Christian world only.
Mmmmm that's why I love Russia. They give zero fuqs.
LOL.... "foreign beliefs"..... Leave it to the stoic Russians for dramatic understatement! God love 'em. I think Russia just set the bar for the entire West.
“He actually wants MAID, but his vaccine refusal is proof that he’s not mentally competent to articulate his decision. So, out of compassion, we are going to do what he wants , but can’t say”.
So if you don't get the Jab, you get assisted suicided?
Murder either way
Scary. People will turn each other in, even parents by their kids.
Just like Jeffery Epstein. Maybe Hillary will move to Canada and be in charge of their “assisted” suicide.
Somebody posted this yesterday on another stack:
DANGER: "Anti-Vaccine" Thoughts are a Mental Illness Requiring "Treatment"
(sorry can't remember where or by whom. I had it bookmarked.)
Nice catch. "Vaccine hesitant? Well then..you may have some troubles that can be addressed with this lovely new barco-lounger!"
"Building blocks are being put into place so that political dissidents can be drugged or locked up much like the Soviets did with Sluggish Schizophrenia."
wow that sounds like something out of china.
Both Joe and Trudeau openly admit they are following China's playbook.
Exactly what I was going to point out.
😱 I did not "see". LORD, help us.
Nurse Ratchett: Medicine Time!
But if you stay pure blood it means you have a brain that thinks critically. You have a sound mind. Therefore you will never apply to kill yourself. They lose.
However, I also know they will twist that around to say they need to murder the mentally ill which you now qualify as.
So 🤷♀️ 😠
I am without words. That woman who thought her death would be beautiful . . . I hope she was ready for eternity. If not, she is regretting her decision now and it can never be changed. Have mercy on us, Lord Jesus.
Suicide is a sin. It has become taboo in our culture to say this. It is taboo to even say 'sin'.
Death, aka murder, has been enshrined by the Left and our Gov't.
And yet in the case of Judas and Fauci, perhaps the way such folks finish out this life
A beautiful death is that of the warrior fighting to rid the world and his loved ones of the psychopaths that plague us
.....an eternity in hell.
We have reached the point where we are advertising people to kill themselves? May God help us all.
Is that fashion brand selling coffin outfits now? Crossdeadbody bags? Easy on duds with handy zippers down the back? Wrinkle free? Sorry but we have entered a new phase of macabre machinations of soulless walking somehow breathing shredded human tissues unleashed on us by the true author of evil.
Isn't getting the Jab pretty much a Russian-roulette version of suicide? #DiedSuddenly
Lord have mercy. Pain is no easy thing to live with and because of that, this 'option' will seem attractive.
In my faith tradition, suicide is a sin.
Western culture has removed that word from public consciousness and made the concept outdated, along with all Judeo-Christian values.
Same, Angela. The Orthodox faith on suicide: https://www.pravmir.com/orthodoxy-suicide/
As an Orthodox Christian I thank you for the link. It is quite pastoral and thoughtful.
IMHO, by our culture normalizing it, it can easily become trendy for those of an age where they are confused and undergoing hormonal emotionalism.
On more than one occasion as a teen, having been brought up believing it to be an unforgivable sin, and having a firm belief in the afterlife, I did not allow my perceived teenager 'depression' at the time ( my boyfriend broke up with me kind of stuff) entertain anything more than a fleeing thought of "I wish I could die".
It has become, in current times, taboo to say that suicide is a sin, but by doing so, who knows how many occur that might have been prevented had the secular societal taboo not existed.
What do you even say to something like this? So what happens when the go-fund-me funds are gone? I can’t believe this is a thing! He’s got this reporter going through the items in the fridge just as casually as you’d discuss the weather. May God help us indeed!
I thought the same thing. Money comes & goes but I wonder if anyone bothered to tell this man how much God values his eternal soul?
Poor, poor man. Where were his parents during his upbringing?
Parents, have a major role in creating the human and spiritual life of their children, and imparting the importance of family love. (Put so well by Pope John Paul II).
If no one teaches you about God and the Bible, how much more difficult (but not impossible) to discover His Truth!
Yes. That’s why my parents, with no money left at the end of the month, who would have been considered desperately poor by standards of this world, were fabulously wealthy spiritually and that was the inheritance they passed on. I feel so blessed to know that God is my father and Heaven is my forever home. Let this world be ever so troubled, my peace and joy is eternal.
As someone who did not have such parents, I know what an incredible blessing you were given. No worldly inheritance could ever equal that!
Not in Canada 😔
There are no Christians in Canada?
God always has a remnant.
Yet according the Catholic magazine The Pillar, “We Must Do Better”. How pathetic.
This headline summarizes everything that is wrong with Christianity's response to all this. This isn't some minor social faux pas, but actively encouraging people to kill themselves. While I'm glad The Pillar is bringing attention to this, we need to do a lot more than "doing better".
Might I suggest criminal prosecution as an accessory, seizing all their possessions, selling their children into bondage, and salting the Earth where their tribe lives. We can learn a lot from the Old Testament.
The American church has been very selective about what parts of God's word they are willing to teach.
May the Lord do this in a spiritual sense in our hearts and in our land:
“Thus says the Lord God, ‘On the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will cause the cities to be inhabited, and the waste places will be rebuilt. The desolate land will be cultivated instead of being a desolation in the sight of everyone who passes by. They will say, “This desolate land has become like the garden of Eden; and the waste, desolate and ruined cities are fortified and inhabited.” Then the nations that are left round about you will know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruined places and planted that which was desolate; I, the Lord, have spoken and will do it.’”— Ezekiel 36:33-36
So beautiful…..Come, Lord Jesus!
God's promise for this life.
“ Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process.”
Bruh I literally watched state and local governments shut down restaurants and home gatherings then say protests of tens of thousands of people were safe and not super spreaders.
I don’t trust them about anything.
Neither do I. I feel as if I am shut out of medical care because I don't trust most doctors and hospitals. A 19 year old friend of a friend, fully vaccinated, was taken to a local hospital last week. He is now diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis. The doctors said it happened due to a "virus" he had just before that. He had a low grade fever, but no other symptoms. This same hospital, along with the other two major hospitals in my area, has absolute lies about the "vaccines" on their website. These doctors have to realize what is going on, but are too cowardly to speak out. What would have happened if there had been a massive protest, perhaps even walk-out, of doctors who refused to follow the approved protocol? Instead, they were content to murder people and say they were following orders. (P.S. Good to see you on here again, little brother in Christ.)
Received this message from a relative about her 21 yo grandson. “He was admitted to the hospital with chest pains & they thought he might be having a heart attack or a blood clot. But after several days & multiple tests it was determined that the lining around his heart had become inflamed. He was advised to withdraw from school, return home & live a quiet restrictive life. So that he wouldn’t become depressed his parents got him a cute little Havanese puppy” Hey son, sorry we let your school coerce you into the vax, but here’s a puppy & that should make it all better. 🙄
I responded with “I’m sure you’re aware this is a common occurrence in males of his age group who have been vaccinated.” Crickets.
Good for you saying something!