You're the best, Counselor! Ended up on a PERFECT note. Everyone stop apologizing, stop behaving like you're doing something wrong, stop playing the victim, stop going along to get along, stop being bullied around by dweebs who don't know their ass from their elbow, stop trying to defend yourself,.....Ask simple pointed questions, and then more questions and then a few more, (my favorite: "What difference does it make?".....let the stammering commence), be relentless, be defiant......AND DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP! Chase the cockroaches back under the fridge.

From Attorney Thomas Renz: ......At the end of the day, the crime that was and is COVID-19 will be revealed. We will win this fight and there will be accountability. There will be accountability for the disease, the hospital murders, the jabs, the lockdowns, and everything else and we will do everything we can to ensure that EVERY single person that profited from this crime against humanity pays the price.

I end this article with this: for all of you that have made the trillions of dollars off of the death and carnage that is COVID in ANY sort of corrupt way, know this, it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but we the people are coming for you. We will not deviate from our peaceful path towards accountability and you WILL be held accountable. So enjoy your ill-gotten wealth for today but make sure you NEVER stop looking over your shoulders because the millions dead demand accountability and whether from me or my betters, you will pay.

SOURCE: https://tomrenz.substack.com/p/justice-accountability-is-coming?utm_source=email

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Amen, Sir Thimas Renz! "Lest we forget"... for so many years, I carried a mystifying "guilt" that my generation had never been tested. Hah! What a blind dope I have been! I believed the human spirit living under freedom was invulnerable and immune to totalitarianism. Lord, please forgive me for my naivete and laziness. We are ALL warriors now.

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You’re not alone

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The Lord does for as I'm sure you know the LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.

He fights with you in the internet Clouds.

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Love, love, love it!

I have been following Pam Popper and Attorney Tom Renz since the beginning! They are awesome!!!

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Dec 1, 2022
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I love Bobbie Anne also!!!

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Amen Eric!!!

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Well said, Hulk.

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Yes!!! This.

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Well said. To paraphrase in my own words call a load of bollux a load of bollux and give 'em hell.

As 'hell' means 'fair' or light in German this means give them light. This is what cockroaches hate.

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Can you imagine De Santis our President and Dr. Ladapo our surgeon general ?

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And RFK jr. for US Attorney General.

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What a "Dream Team"!

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No. I want them to stay as far away from that smelly crime syndicate and all its disgusting operatives. The republic gets saved by the States and the people in them -- and by reducing that murderous operation and the people in it to nothing.

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Federal government need massive shrinkage- even dismantling.

Most of it is unconstitutional which we allowed via mission creep of looking for federal $$$ to “fix things.”

Founding Fathers knew well the corruption & evil of central governance & wisely limited. They knew the best governance is closest to the people for accountability.

We need to go back to original way of selecting US Senators too.

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yes indeed. Appointed by governors, easily fired!

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More gets done at the State level.....apparently. They'll have to wrestle them out of my cold dead hands!😁

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I think you are right. The whole US is watching Florida anyways. If Florida can get it done, all the rest can too. When they go to the capital, they have to fight against all 50 states. And all the swamp shebang in Washington.

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DeSantis is a role model for governors across the land. We need him to continue to set the bar - to show them what courage looks like. We go back to our own governors and say, "See, this is how it's done." "Why aren't you doing this??

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Well, I have to admit...I live in Oregon so there's no value in telling The Brown about DeSantis' exploits. But, we're working hard for a conservative governor and ours is now ahead in the polls! Christine Drazen promises to reverse every executive order Brown has signed and to go after the State agencies she weaponized. Now if we only had election integrity in Oregon. But, will wonders never cease, there was a recent court case, the State vs Sippel, and the Sec of State actually admitted in court that our election machines are connected to the internet. Jeff Childers would find this entertaining... https://rumble.com/v1mkjjs-breaking-dr.-douglas-frank-details-huge-election-integrity-court-case-victo.html

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That's great news re Candidate Drazen. I hope she wins and does what she says...

Do you know of Oregon State Senators Linthicum and Thatcher? I came to know of them through the work of Dr. Henry Ealy. Ealy has worked to get a case presented to a grand jury for these crimes, and I think Linthicum and Thatcher were involved. They both seem solidly pro-freedom (vs. conservative?) and if they know and are behind Ealy they also know about the "COV!D operation" (vs. "'pandemic").

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In fact, the group has another lawsuit in the works. Maybe a good one to multiply! Help us turn Oregon around. https://www.freeoregon.us/lawsuits

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The rest of the states "can" get it done; the question is how many of them will "want" to get it done. Appearances suggest that the majority of the electorate in several states enjoys wielding the mandate hammer, and virtue-signaling their purity to the rest of us. Dependency is the desired state for these folks, and in their little cramped minds, individual responsibility is baaaad.

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DeSantis only gets 4 more years as Governor, then he's term-limited out in 2026. The next presidential election is in 2028. Perfect timing; 2 years to campaign. The President nominates candidates for the Supreme Court, and so it's critically important for that reason alone, though there are others. The U.S. Surgeon General has a bully pulpit if he or she uses it, but no real power, no staff, no real department. SG Koop did a great job with his bully pulpit. Why couldn't we have a doctor as a Governor of Florida? Governor Ladapo in 2026; why not?

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I confess, Fla Mom, I am so biased against that thing in D.C. it makes it hard for me consider the merits of sending someone there -- someone who seems to be a good person. I believe DeSantis and his family would be in grave danger were he to get elected President -- and that is how he would instantly become ineffective. Ineffective for liberty and for the Republic, but very effective for the deeply degraded people deep inside that crime syndicate.

As for Dr. Ladapo becoming governor? That I could get behind, but we've also got to manage the FL Legislature and keep a keen eye on the "monkey business" that goes on there.

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DeSantis was a congressman in DC before becoming Governor.

I spend a lot of my time trying to influence politics in Florida at state level, but it's a sadly corrupt oligarchy with a lot of money involved (not by me and mine, of course), not much different from DC except in scale.

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Yes...I saw an interview with DeSantis where he said that while a U.S. Congressman, going back and forth, he asked himself what he was doing away from his home and his family. It's why he left. Granted, if he became head of the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate, he could take his family with him...

I commend you for your efforts at the State level. As bad as it is, it's closer to home. One of the other things we need to ensure is that we have Constitutional sheriffs.

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fabulous thinking!!

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One can dream! They have my vote for sure.

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the only problem with De Santis for president is who will become Governor of Florida?

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That is a problem- we need more young conservatives to start moving up the ranks.

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Will Witt! He’s now a resident !!

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Lt. Governor Nunez is solid.

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Not sure if Anthony Sabatini has political aspirations but he was great during Kungflu when almost no one else was.

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I would fear for their lives.

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Wouldn't that be lovely? Let's pray for that outcome.

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We need this!!!!

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Yes, please!!

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Many times in today's roundup I chuckled, including the link on the Two Words, but this is priceless: "I’m pretty enough, at least Michelle thinks so."

So, what's happening in Crimea?

Thanks for all the time and effort you put in to inform us, Jeff!

My husband and I leave today for our new home in Florida. We'll have our California license plates replaced with ones from the BEST state in the Union.

Does FL offer C&C Army license plates yet?

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Coffee and Covid plates would be awesome!!

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Change your plates ASAP, I couldn’t wait to get NY plates off our cars! Florida is Free🇺🇸 Safe Travels and Welcome to Florida!

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Thanks! We have a rental property in Pensacola so we're stopping there to get rid of the plates.

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Awesome! You’ll be “ marked Safe” with your new plates!🤣

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Welcome to 🌺La Florida🌻

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We're so excited!!

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I’ve always wanted to live in beautiful California. Just visited my eldest sister and her children in July. She can’t leave because her partner & family have a long history there and lots of property, plus they bought into the narrative.

My three siblings moved to Ca. decades ago and I stayed behind because I was the one left in charge of my mother. My eldest sister still lives there but never bought into the narrative. I wouldn’t move there now for any amount of money. Such a beautiful state though. 😢

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I'm a native Floridian, but my parents settled in California when I was 12 and I've been a prisoner here ever since (not counting the 13 or so years I worked overseas). It used to be lovely, but I started worrying about 15 years ago and it has been downhill ever since. I'd so much love to move back to Florida, but alas, my children and grandchildren are here, also my brother and his family, plus I own a business and a house, so I'm terribly entrenched. But at least I live in mostly sane Northern California, in the mountains, where I can escape the craziness and the majority of people I encounter are conservative and sane. There actually ARE a lot of conservatives here, believe it or not!

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I was born in California, Praise God, haven't lived there since a child. Been so blessed to live in the free state of Florida for many decades. the last time I visited CA, in 2010, told my cousins out there, never again. Too many mentally challenged people. Sorry for the loss of your family.

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Despite our lunatic politicians, there are pockets of California that are still incredibly nice. I know as we're lucky enough to live in an isolated coastal enclave with beautiful views, 72 degree year round weather, and wonderful, sane neighbors and rational local leaders. We were fortunate enough to get in twenty years ago and incredibly blessed to be here.

The problem is that these areas are now out of reach to the great majority of the population due to insane housing costs. The California dream of the 1960's has been destroyed for the common man, less well-off people have to endure cramped housing, deranged homeless people everywhere, and high crime. I cannot imagine living, and trying to raise kids, in this environment but it's now pretty common in less well off, older neighborhoods.

To those that don't live here, don't paint the entire state with a broad brush. LA and SF aren't representative of the rest of the state, and not every neighborhood is trash and graffiti ridden like you see on TV. There are still some very nice places here and the weather is better than just about any place on earth.

That being said, we are looking to get out after I retire, as generally things are getting worse. Plus as someone who got in early we have benefitted tremendously from housing appreciation, and would like to take advantage of that. If anyone knows a good attorney proficient in capital gains tax law please let me know!

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I wrote this about the state. I am from the UK and haven't visited.

California – Home of Fornication, its main industry. The Cali bit comes from Kali, the Hindu goddess, who was one of the Tantric Sects. She was hot stuff apparently, which is why we have calorific etc.

The industry is not liked by everyone. The fault frequently gets put on San Andreas, although why he should be responsible I don’t know. Perhaps he was a roaming Catholic.

Its main area of forest is known as Holly Wood. Rather prickly as you might imagine. You have to be careful how you move around if you go in, as there are a lot of pricks about (on the leaves of course).



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The weather, in my opinion, is its oy redeeming value.

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The weather, in my opinion, is its oy redeeming value.

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The Pacific coast highway has some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever experienced not unlike places in Europe. The weather is spectacular.

The people running California into the ground are the problem!!

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The ukrianain navy destroyed the Kerch bridge tnat Russia spent 227 billion rubles building.

One road span is completely down, the rail section has severe heat damage from burning diesel, and the other roadway has damage but is okay for cars. Implanted Russians in the occupied areas are buying all the gas and food they can now.

A Ukrainian explosive drone boat took it down despite the defenses on the area.

Happy birthday Putin you sack of crap

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The bridge has 2 sections of one lane of the vehicle portion down. The other lane is still being used. The rail line above has fire damage. This was done by a truck bomb.

It won't take overly long to repair.

Three innocent passengers in a passing car were killed in the explosion.

The Starlink satellite system transmitting information to the Ukrainian government mysteriously went down.

Other acts of terrorism committed by the Ukrainian nazi puppet government include the assassination of Darya Dugina, a journalist, in Russia.

All indications are that the Nord Stream pipelines were blown up by the USA. Sorry, Germany. Oh, whoops, we left one string undamaged. Darn! But you can't use it, you'll have to buy our Freedom LNG at exorbitant prices or freeze your asses off this winter. So what if tens of thousands of German citizens are out in the street with signs saying Turn on Nord Stream!

The sack of crap is Zelensky. He has just banned almost all of the other political parties. There is no free speech there. You can be arrested for speaking Russian, which is the first or second language for almost all Ukrainians. The Ukrainian military was just caught devising plans to blow up a kindergarten with hundreds of children in it. They have already killed by bombing about 16,000 citizens of the Donbass and seriously injured almost 100,000 more starting from the 2014 coup to the February 24 Russian military intervention. Did you know that a Ukrainian army of over 100,000 was amassed at the border of Donetsk and Lugansk preparing to invade? Putin beat them to the punch by less than 2 weeks.

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Not quite.

One span of the road bridge is down. The railway bridge was enveloped in fire so hot it melted the tracks and guards and it is not useable for a long time. Russia didn't build the bridge, outside companies did. Russia can't repair it to pre war standards because they don't have the technology, hence why they contracted with outside companies. Ukraine allegedly killed 3 civilians while striking a military target. Russia killed 20 while hitting a mall in kremenchuk.

Moscow was plunged into darkness the other day. Anything on that?

"Darya" wasn't a journalist, she was a propagandist for the Russian government and so was her father as an adviser to Putin. She's not some innocent party. She directly advocated for genocide. She was a legitimate target.

The 30 year old woman and her 4 year old child walking outside that were killed by Russian missiles weren't legitimate targets.

You literally repeat all Russian talking points, Ironic.

Zelensky hasn't banned all other political parties. Just like the USA banned Germany and Japanese political parties in the USA during WW2 he banned Russian ones. Are you saying Russia allows Ukrainian political parties in their state Duma? They don't. And they arrest people for simply putting "No war" on a Vkontacte profile picture as it "disparages" the Armed forces.

No, the Ukrainian army isn't blowing up Kindgartens.

Russia needs them to store weapons and arms in.

Why would the Ukrainian army mass troops at their borders?

because Russia was going to invade.

Furthermore, what Ukraine does in it's own border is nothing of concern to Russia. Ukraine has every right to mass troops there because of Russia's history. Ask the Moldovans and Georgians how that goes.

Have you gotten your mandatory sputnik shot yet, comrade? Putin mandates it.

It's not a Russian military intervention, it's a conquest. And Russia is losing.

Why are Ukrainians fighting so hard against Russia?

Because they remember the Holodmor.

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"Why are Ukrainians fighting so hard against Russia?" Because they are Nazis fighting the communists and it matches the narrative that we are following, a re-run as it were of WW2 only 80 years ago. The whole thing is a pantomime so I treat it as such.

It is also a distraction form all the other evils going on around the world, including the funneling of huge amounts on arms and money into Ukraine to keep the war on the boil.


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With a Jewish president elected by the people?

I'd love to hear your explanation over Russia's extremist groups which number in the tens of thousands in the conflict and are personally approved by Putin.

What tattoos does Dmitry Utkin have on his shoulders, again? And why is he so close to Putin?

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And I would love you to explain the Azov Nazi battalion, the years of corruption in Ukraine and the fact that the Nazis and the Marxists/communists all came out of Germany originally.

And why the Roman Catholic church is behind it all via the Vatican?

And why there are Jews who say they are Jews but are not, but are the synagogue of Satan?

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I have two words "Let's Go Brandon"

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🤣🤣🤣 Perfect!

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Best. C&C. To date!

Thank you! My tired brain, my wore out emotions, my resolve to keep fighting JUST GOT ENERGIZED!

Thank you!

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Mine too, Sunnydaze!!!!’

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Exactly how I feel!!!

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So much good news!!!! I am so excited about about Florida’s guidance on under 40 men!!Your insights on how we can use this is priceless. I am also thrilled about the Peter Dazsak lawsuit!! I have wanted this for a long time now. I knew today was going to be extra good when you wrote: “We’ve been showered with blessings this week. Buckle up” I’ll be smiling all day now!!

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What's interesting is that I follow this subject pretty closely, but had not heard a word about this study until yesterday. So not only did they conduct it, but they had the wisdom to keep it under wraps until they were done. Had they publicized it before completion we would have had a months long propaganda campaign to discredit it, instead Pharma and Public Health (one in the same) appear to be caught completely off guard.

DeSantis not only has sound principles, but also he looks to be a master tactician. He's the leader of the opposition these days, not the republicans in Congress.

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So true! I don’t trust our Republican leadership! I have zero faith in them to protect our nation, our constitution or our people. And the Democrats have been taken over by pure evil. I feel like we are living in the novel Atlas Shrugged combined with 1984 and few other dystopian-horror ones. DeSantis 2024!!

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I haven't trusted the Republican leadership since Paul Ryan became Speaker and proceeded to scuttle many of Trump's attempted reforms.

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Between his law training and his military training he’s a tactical genius

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What military training does he have?

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"He...graduated with honors from Harvard Law School. While at Harvard, he earned a commission in the U.S. Navy as a JAG officer. During his active-duty service, Ron deployed to Iraq as an adviser to a U.S. Navy SEAL commander in support of the SEAL mission in Fallujah, Ramadi and the rest of Al Anbar province. His military decorations include the Bronze Star Medal for Meritorious Service and the Iraq Campaign Medal." - rondesantis.com



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Wow! That’s impressive. I didn’t know that. I have been sold on him for his policies alone, that’s an icing on the cake deal. Thanks for sharing that. I had no clue. I heard something like the merchant marine but I wasn’t sure.

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republicans in congress are mostly globalists and don't give a second thought to their constituents. Corrupt too!

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Except to write letters and memo's!

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Yeah, But I feel left out. What about us old guys??? :)

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Progress yes, but the guidance statement should have been broader and applied to everyone.


Thank you for all your work and keeping the needle moving. Your work so much needed and appreciated. You've become a daily part of our lives.

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I hope Ladapo is doing other studies besides this one. Clearly the shot is dangerous to everyone just on general grounds of toxicity. Women need protection and are especially more vulnerable to injury than men in some areas like reproduction.

Time to drive the sword in up to the hilt.

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I hope so, too! Am thinking they went with the strongest case/best data they had at this time.

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That's what we all want, but it's critical not to get out over our skis. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

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I hope you mean "feed" correct? 😊 If so, that may be true, but should it take more than 1.5 years? I know we are on the same side, and I am glad for progress, but I believe at this juncture, people need to go big or go home. I'm starting to see more real names and faces on substack. That is promising. Instead of hiding behind something and creating private groups, all of this needs to be in the open and why I appreciate substack so much. It's the opposite of censor where we can share and debate respectfully.

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I guess I'm more risk averse than you when it comes to Florida's guidance. If Jeff is correct that there won't be the usual media/federal government pushback, going big would have been the best tactic. However, if there is pushback, I want FL to be able to 100% defend the line drawn in the sand and not be susceptible to cries of overreach.

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I believe the guidance is the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent…it will apply to everyone soon!

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Excellent response from Matt. Uncanceled and unapologetic. Like most of their fantasies, canceling someone is just another imaginary concept- that does not exist unless the target accedes.

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Exactly! Who cares if you’re cancelled by the woke mob of idiots!

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Rose, I thought the same when Trump never conceded to the election results. He shouldn’t have, because he didn’t really lose!

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Oh my! You are on FIRE!!! Today's post was ah-mazing. I especially loved the information about Matt Walsh- it made me think, "Thank God for a REAL man!" He's so right- and YOU TOO- thank YOU, Jeff, for not tip-toeing through PC crap, but instead addressing things as they are.

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Exactly. When Matt was talking I was thinking, "real man!!! hallelujah!!"

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"We should use the scanning machines to build some new environmentally-friendly coral reefs for sea critters, and go back to watermarked, serial-numbered paper ballots. Period."

But wait! There's more! after that "Period".

Picture ID.

Index fingers dipped in ink.

Early voting banned. Motor/voter registration banned. Same-day registration banned.

One day only - a weekend day - make it a national holiday, for voting.

Civics test...hey, I can dream!

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Not so fast Andrew! I’ve used a mail in ballot once when I’d had knee surgery and couldn’t walk yet on Election Day, and now I have another surgery scheduled ON Election Day! You rarely get to name your date when it comes to surgery and there are legitimate reasons for mail in or early voting. I’m happy to say that my state of Texas watches it carefully. After using the mail in ballot, they automatically sent one to me for the next election, but I was able to go to the poll then, so when I signed in, they said…”our records show that a ballot was mailed to you and we cannot allow you to vote until you surrender that ballot”! Thank goodness I had just laid it aside, and I was happy to drive home, pick up the unused mail ballot and drive straight back, to hand it over and cast my vote! It wouldn’t have occurred to me to vote twice by using it, but I’m sure happy to know that my state watches for the unscrupulous people who would do that.

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"After using the mail in ballot, they automatically sent one to me for the next election, but I was able to go to the poll then, so when I signed in, they said…”our records show that a ballot was mailed to you and we cannot allow you to vote until you surrender that ballot”! Thank goodness I had just laid it aside, and I was happy to drive home, pick up the unused mail ballot and drive straight back, to hand it over and cast my vote! It wouldn’t have occurred to me to vote twice by using it, but I’m sure happy to know that my state watches for the unscrupulous people who would do that."

Your state doesn't do that; one single person did that. Imagine how many polling stations DON'T exercise that kind of diligence over mailed ballots.

NFW on mail-in ballots other than demonstrated-need absentee ballots, and NFW on early voting. IMO.

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Jeff didn't posit that absentee voting would be scuttled, only that it would be greatly curtailed and only available if requested.

From the segment about Delaware: "It only allows for absentee ballots upon a valid request, where there is a good reason why someone is physically unable to vote in person."

That would cover you.

But early voting? NFW. How many people vote early, and die before Election Day? I don't know, but their votes shouldn't count. Otherwise, I want ballots for the next 20 years, because I know I'm going to vote GOP and I'd like to do it early.

Secondly, candidates run their campaigns with Election Day as the endpoint. An early vote is to one degree or another an uninformed or at least an ill-informed vote, because it cannot take into account anything that happens between the early vote and Election Day.

Just think how many people's early votes would've been different because of Hunter's laptop if there weren't early voting...and if the story weren't suppressed by the corrupt media.

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I just went through Texas Poll Worker Training. This is, in fact, how mail-in ballots are supposed to be processed, with the exception of the automatic sending for next year. When a person requests a mail-in ballot, they are supposed to mark for which elections or "annual". If the request is for annual (only for 65/older or voters w/disabilties) the voter will automatically receive a mail-in ballot for all elections that voter is eligible to vote in for ONE YEAR (Jan-Dec) only. Did you request a mail-in ballot again or were these elections in the same calendar year (Jan-Dec)? There shouldn't be any automatic year to year mail-in ballots sent out in Texas.

When you go to the polls, your ID is scanned and the system tells you if a mail-in ballot was sent to that potential voter, and if it was received back. In your case, the poll worker handled your mail-in ballot correctly by making you surrender it before letting you vote in person. You also could've filled it out and turned it in at the polls.

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Yes, the elections were in the same year. I'd never done a mail-in ballot before so I didn't know much about how they worked. And I was so glad to be able to walk again after my knee replacement that I was happy I could go to the poll and vote in the run-off election. I know there may be some level of fraud with mail-in ballots, but I still maintain that it should be available for disabled voters. And I think Texas does a pretty good job of preventing voter fraud.

Bravo to you for being a poll worker! I wish I could, but I'm not up to it, I'm actually having surgery this year ON election day.

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Seriously!!! Who’s brainstorm was it to make voting day on a weekday.

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Let's not use the scanning machines to create artificial reefs. Electronics contain lead, arsenic, and other things we don't want in our waters. Hardly environmentally-friendly.

I agree with getting rid of them though.

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i do like good news but dont get over excited, they are twisty little bastards

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Yes! You are correct. But we have to celebrate the wins as they come.

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Slimy and slippery as well

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You’re right. The war Between greed and compassion has many twists and turns and every victory is a chance to celebrate but also yes to be wary of the next angle of attack

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Hard to know where to begin with all the good news in this post. So, I will just simply say, "Godspeed, Jeff Childers, Dr. Ladapo, Dr. McCullough, Matt Walsh, Dr. Pam Popper, Tom Renz" and everybody behind the efforts to uncover and contribute to the prosecution of all the criminals involved in the "COV!D" operation -- and all of the corresponding madness that came along with it. May God bless and keep you all.

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Well said!!

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Dec 1, 2022
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Oh, yes! She has done fantastic work up in NY.

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Such a wonderful post, Jeff! We need a multiplier for Pam...definitely!

I am so thankful for your diligent and insightful emails! You are a Godsend for those who just knew getting the vaccine made no sense!

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Good for Matt Walsh, he gets it. Simple rule in life, never apologize to anyone who demands you do so. Never. And in fact if people in your life demand you apologize for things then you should take actions to remove them from your life. If they won't change they are toxic to you.

People who demand apologies are doing so as a manipulative tool to exercise control over others. It's the old-fashioned guilt trip coupled with something for them to hang over your head going forward. At best these people are emotionally-stunted, more likely it's outright bad faith, possible even sociopathic. These people are bad news in every respect.

The Bible commands us to forgive as God forgives us, it's not optional. Many people (including people in authority in churches) try to use this as cudgel to manipulate others. However, God doesn't use emotional trickery and demand apologies as part of His forgiveness, He convicts us by the power of the Holy Spirit to stir our conscience and bring us closer to Him. If people are demanding apologies from us they are acting in a decidedly unbiblical manner. As Christians. we should not feel guilty when people who don't share our values, in fact they often mock them, try to use them against us.

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Thank you Jeff! What an awesome post. You continue to affirm our decision to remain “pure bloods”, unvaccinated. Your posts start our day with vital information & a much needed chuckle. (Often it’s belly laughing.)

We love Governor DeSantis, pray more governors will follow his lead. If not, I see a relocation to Florida in our future.

Again, thank you for shining a light in the darkness.

Praying for Florida’s recovery from the hurricane.

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I am not vaccinated but are we considered pure bloods if we have had covid? I had it twice. Ugh. Just wondering about that conundrum. It is a bio-weapon. :(

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I have had Covid as well, but I refuse to have the mRNA poison jab. I call that pure blood because I have not injected the poison.

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I've had it too and what makes me suspect it's a bioweapon is that I use a vitamin and herbal protocol to eliminate colds and flu. It works great. When I had Cvd19 it took a mighty dose and finally some Ivermectin to clear it out.

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