Oct 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Heroes: That Romanian MP, that Canadian Premier, and that guy at the townhall meeting with AOC. May truth prevail, my friends. May it be spoken loudly and clearly on all corners of this beautiful earth.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

Will there ever be accountability? There’s a house across from the high school in my town that has a Halloween tombstone on the lawn that reads: “Karen Antivaxxer, died 10-31-21. She did her own research”. Well guess who lives in the house? A frigging CARDIOLOGIST! A mother/cardiologist putting that out for high schoolers to read *in 2022* when this vax is now proven to causes heart damage to perfectly healthy high school boys. The arrogance and negligence are astounding and infuriating. Jeff, when can the doctors get sued?

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Same Halloween-themed tombstone appeared here in my hometown last year in front of a house. The great thing is, you know their address, and can start a letter writing campaign pointing out the current data.

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And next year, perhaps you can put a tombstone in your yard bearing their name, along with the epitaph, “Here lies a stupid, narrative supporting sheep”!

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That would be fun, deluge their mail with letters containing counter narrative information 😆😂

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It is shocking. A doctor I had at the VA was ignorant of any of the facts about what the mRNA is doing to the body. I have to wonder how it has happened that the so called experts are the least well informed among us.

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Follow the money. As another commenter said, many folks had to choose between SCIENCE!! and a paycheck.

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“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair

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And when is THAT going to be addressed and reconciled? SOMEONE(S) should be held accountable for that. FAUCI? MEDIA? GOVERNMENT? BIG PHARMA? And how about the people whose lives have been ruined because of the effects of the jab, including death?? It's so fashionable these days to castigate our forefathers for "slavery" to the point of pulling down statues and renaming schools, government buildings, etc. They are aghast that slavery was even alloweed in this "despicable" country and shout that there should be reparations for "sins" that were committed hundreds of years ago. I wonder what people 200 years from now are going to be thinking of those who, today, are doing their best to take DOWN this country by destroying the lives of the citizenry purposefully, for their own gain.

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Yeah, I understand however that excuse was used at Nuremberg as well and didn't work out too well.

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Because, as the Dr I questioned, he couldn't be bothered. That was the stupidist thing I ever heard!!! A physician that didn't want to know the facts, what a nightmare!! The people who are supposed to be able to advise us, couldn't be bothered to learn the truth!!

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I feel like storming into my doctors' offices and demanding accounting and compensation for pushing the JABS on me!

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My doc at the VA is brain dead. He won’t even discuss.

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My husband, who I had to jump up & down in front of, in order for him to not get the jab, has now officially seen enough young people suddenly die, that he is no longer arguing with me about the cause of these sudden deaths. I would send him weekly texts with information even though he told me he didn’t want the information. I would always say, “I know you don’t believe me but....” after he would tell me about someone he knew suddenly dying. Now he finally believes me. He’s going to a funeral very soon

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At least it's not his own funeral he's attending. He owes you Big Time.

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I think he’s very gradually realizing this

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Sad that he had to learn the hard way.

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This is one case where I wish i had been wrong. The most recent man left a wife & 2 children without a husband and father. Sooo unnecessary

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they stopped practicing medicine years ago...they are foot soldiers of the CDC/FDA, nothing more. "Trust your doctor" should be removed from everyone's thought process at this time. We are all on our own, if you don't have a doctor who asks questions after 2020, you don't have a doctor. You have a robot.

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I agree

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There used to be sayings to explain this, now outdated, like, "The cobbler's son is the only boy in town without any shoes." Or, "The baddest boy in town is the son of the minister."

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And in my neighborhood there is a tombstone that reads “hit by truck died of Covid 2020”. That gave me some hope that people are getting it.

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I need one! Was it homemade?

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Yes it definitely was.

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I want neighbors like that.

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exact same smug bs from my big shot U med ctr cardiologist/internist. so i think how the hell have you been making decisions about my health - in particular pharma you recommend? is it comp that drives prescriptions and the doctor/med center is covered by pharma lawyers with the contraindication small print? ....you know "may cause blindness, paralysis, death..." So, they're just shills of big pharma??? Now, the truth is coming out....and a reckoning should be had...if "informed consent" is not modified to reflect actual truth and true risk of this genetic EUA fakery, I think we got em. I hear 1000 publications are out there.... form a network with that Renz guy in Ohio?...and Reiner Fullmich guy and let's turn the tide on all "do no harm" incompetence!! sick em attorneys!!!

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

Yeah, I mean why bother with doctors if all we should be doing is following across the board recommendations from the CDC and Pharma? No need for individual doctors at all if they only really know how to pass on recommendations from other organizations.

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Which is why many of us are using our own brains, research and common sense to guide our healthcare. Eat healthy, lose excess weight if needed, get outside in the fresh air every day, walk instead of drive whenever possible, look into wholistic or functional medicine as healthcare alternatives.

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Yep. Not going to a doctor for anything other than a broken bone if I can help it. They must be running low on new customers because my elderly mother gets phonecalls and texts multiple times a week from humana. She's 89, and takes no medication, and goes on walks daily, eats well, sees her great grands daily. That's the best healthcare!

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Yes of course, which we always should be doing, but my point was more that doctors style themselves as experts who can advise you about what personal health decisions to make or which might be beneficial (or not). But if all they are doing is serving as a mouthpiece for the CDC, FDA and drug companies, why bother with the (very expensive) middle man??

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I couldn’t agree more!

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I'm too lazy to look it up, but one of the relatively rare reviews of widely-used treatments (meta-studies) concluded that 80% of improvement to heart health overall came from non-drug lifestyle changes like you mentioned. I'd add such obvious ones as stopping dumb habits like smoking. drinking too much, illegal drugs.

Drugs may be helpful in some cases, but as this example shows, they should not automatically be the first choice.

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Maybe there's something to the village medicine man/woman....

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Just because a doctor recommends or prescribes a prescription drug, does t mean you have to ingest it.

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Same a few doors down from me at the home of an ER doc. My normally mild mannered husband started cursing and pointed out that Galileo did his own research. Are we vilifying him too?

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Wow good for your husband!!

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Idiots come with and without degrees!

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Although I think idiots WITH degrees are worse because they think they know everything because they have a degree. Back when I was in college in the 1970s I thought I was going to an enlightened place where people debated and considered all kinds of ideas. Even then, not so much.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

From firsthand experience working in academia, I can tell you for sure that it is indeed even worse with those who have degrees, particularly with those who teach biology and English.

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Seems like a mixed metaphor. Aren’t Karens the proprickers who spit in those who refuse to be pricked faces?

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Yeah, good point, seems Karen can be used for both sides of the coin now. Frankly I’m sick of it.

Especially since I’m a Karen who did her own research, remained unvaxxed and undead. And uninfected.

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Go Smart Karens!

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My sister-in-law is Karen as well. She hates it.

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If I ever do have a legitimate complaint I'm almost afraid to voice it. I tread very carefully! It stinks!

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I had an argument with a trauma doctor recently who claimed he's read all the trial data and he continually sees everyone dying that is unvaxxed. Same doctor whose girlfriend is vaxxed and boosted and been sick at least 6 months this year. Oh, and they both got Covid again and have been sick for the last 3 weeks. Not only that, he claimed Ivermectin was bad for you.....Crazy.

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You should post a picture of that. Irony, hypocrisy, idiocy. It's got everything!

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If we were ghouls like leftists are we would make our own fake headstones with died suddenly post vax. But we aren’t ghouls.

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And you could actually put real names on those 😞

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I certainly could. A friend’s 23 yo son died of a heart attack.

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That is horrible 😞💔

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Well actually, that sounds like a good idea. Hehe…….

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Surprised that there is a died suddenly/unwanted effect page on fb. And those aren't fake stories unlike the lib ghouls.

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Propaganda works. Brainwashed victims or Mengeles allowed to roam free.

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Tom Renz and Warner Mendenhall, both attorneys in Ohio Are working to prove Pfizer and Moderna committed fraud with these jabs. Fraud negates their indemnity and takes away their liability protection and than I hope they are sued out of existence with the amount of harm they have done to the innocent masses.

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We do have a history of charging people with war crimes against humanity. I think that trumps any legal document with loophole excuses any company might profer. I certaunly hope so, anyway. Jeff, thoughts?

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I'm heartened to see lots of women at the forefront of fighting the lefty tyranny (latest example, that Canadian Premier). I saw the repub mayor of Phoenix says NO to Kari Lake because she's an 'election denier'. Instead he's going with the lefty loonie. We gotta purge these RINOs!

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If you are talking about the current Governor of Arizona, he’s a squishy, spineless, McCain RINO and Chamber of Commerce “Republican.” He needs to be gone, like, yesterday.

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Lake will do a good job of purging the RINOs along with the election cheats.

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She has more brains in the tip of her pinky finger than these idiot career politician hacks do. GO KARI!!!

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And far more ethics than they would ever have any use for.

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The mayor of Phoenix is a hardcore Democrat Communist, not a Republican.

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Not sure who *the Repub mayor of Phoenix"is that's referred to. The mayor, Kate Gallegos, is very definitely, bigly Dem. I live in Phoenix. 😉

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Are their city elections technically nonpartisan? I used to live in Tempe (TX now), don't remember much about Phoenix system. I know it's

a "weak" mayor system, manager and council have a lot of power. I'm pretty sure Phoenix hasn't had a republican mayor in quite a while.

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You recall perfectly on all. 😓

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There are those of us who would prefer hell to Phoenix:-)

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Decades ago, many Canadians considered Alberta to be "too American" in its politics - because of Alberta's oil wealth. Their new Premier follows in that pattern. Sparkle Sox must be peeing himself.

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Sparkle Sox 🤣🤣🤣

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I laughed too

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Sparkle socks 😂😂😂

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Canadian here…. There is a very strong movement by some very brilliant folks for Alberta and possibly Sask Manitoba to become sovereign…. We (west)are an after thought we love our eastern citizens just not the established and entrenched political culture that we exist only to serve them. We want to share but have no voice because of the way the voting system is set up it is all determined in the east who wins the federal election.

This premier is recognizing the will of the ppl in Alberta just not sure if it’s because she believes it(thankful she is sticking her head out of foxhole) or because this movement threatens the established parties. The movement outed the last premier Kenny.

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Great insights and questions. I wondered as well. Trust is hard to come by these days

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I lived in PQ during the 1970s, the decade of Levesque and les separatistes. Doubt that PQ could have survived economically had they departed the confederation. Alberta, being resource-rich, is another story.

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I pray every day for truth and goodness; and today I see both. I'm furious, crying and thankful for two beautiful voices: Cristian and Danielle - thank you!

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I know. They have energized me today. Wow! I have renewed spirit. 😃

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Yes 🙌🏽 Shouted from the rooftops‼️

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(said the most interesting girl in the world!) just sounds like that guy Lisa....

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff Childers, you are balm to my soul! Thank you for your work at revealing the maggots.

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Amen! Maggots are the most disgusting, vile, vomit inducing creature when you find them writhing at the bottom of your garbage can. Time to bleach the heck out of them and send them to their deaths!

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At least actual maggots serve a needed purpose. These maggots are without natural affection and of no worldly use.

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😂 so true!!!

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What an uplifting wave of news this morning!

I do agree “the speed of science” testimony represents an epic tipping point and was just telling my husband that this could be what finally breaks the spell when we were discussing it a few hours ago.

It felt deeply vindicating to hear Danielle Smith describe the discrimination suffered by the uninjected in such stark, indefensible terms.

Jeff, you missed a BIG piece of news—Tulsi Gabbard’s blistering announcement about why she is leaving the Democratic Party:


I promised my readers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis/comments) the first thing I would ask Tulsi when I had the opportunity was about her WEF and CFR affiliations, which I did (https://tulsi.substack.com/p/why-im-leaving-the-democratic-party/comment/9657480), and she answered—quite astonishingly given she is likely submerged in the biggest tsunami of media attention she has ever received.

I finally got a chance to watch your Epoch Times interview, Jeff, and it swelled my heart to hear you speak with such wisdom, humility, and courage. It reminded me of this conversation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ytv1pzjiSw) between Neil Oliver and Bret Weinstein where they talked about how they looked around waiting for the usual voices to speak out against the tyranny, and to their shock, no one did, prompting them to step up and fill the void—just as you did by taking on constitutional law *and* winning victory after victory on behalf of freedom, human rights, and hospicided victims of the State!

I came away feeling, as I often do, that we have the best of humanity on our side, and truth, love, and justice *will* prevail. I do believe we are seeing the sun peeking on the horizon at this very moment in history.

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The narrative has been changing. I was looked at as an uncaring anti vaxxer or at best a pitiful misguided person. Now I notice more subtle respect. I have always proudly walked as a pureblood. I am not backing down now. 🙂

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More respect? How wonderful! Is this coming from your close friends/family members? I'm hoping this will soon happen to mine.

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This won’t happen with mine. It will take a bombshell, promoted on MSM, for any of them to even think of challenging the brainwashing narrative.

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It is their tone. They are not so smug and sure in their covid beliefs. They're sick and I am not. I am very lucky that my entire family, including my sister and brothers and their children et al are not vaxxed and we have always supported each other.

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I am finding the same. People who walked away from me 2 years ago are now standing still listening. Not actually seeing the light but standing still.

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Perfectly stated. The sun is peeking over the horizon and hopefully soon it will be so blinding, it cannot be ignored!

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

What a lovely word picture!❤️❤️

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I've gone from a 1 issue voter to a 3 issue voter - foreign policy, covid/lockdowns, and wokeism. Tulsi checks all 3 boxes. She's vastly superior in all 3 categories than most of the GOP. She timed her announcement the evening before her appearance on Joe Rogan which led to her trending for 2 days in various forms, including "Russian" or "Russian asset", on twitter. She's helping out the campaign of a GOP candidate in NH.

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The only thing I am still wary about with her and others like her relates to something I heard a commenter say the other day. That she is the old school liberal who still loves America and believes in freedom but also believes in bigger government and in an expansive safety net. I maintain that there is no way you can be for both of those things in any logical sense. Big government ALWAYS gives rise to more control and less freedom. A safety net has a price. He who pays the piper calls the tune. When government gets bigger it automatically controls more of our decisions. I don’t believe that those two, big government/safety net and freedom can really coexist.

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MAA, thank you so much for asking her that! There's far too much gossip about people and far too little speaking honestly yet kindly to one another. Thank you for demonstrating a Christian standard of love. Combined with the young man lauding Tulsi for her anti-warmonger stand in leaving the Democrat Party, while he shouted down AOC (is schadenfreude un-Christian? sadly, probably yes, yet I experienced it), one wonders what could be in the offing. A coming-together (on at least some issues) between the Tulsi folks and the anti-warmonger/Beltway-Bandit-military-contractor MAGA wing of the Republican Party? What a time to be alive.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

“Fasten your seat belts it’s going to be a bumpy night” Bette Davis All about Eve

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One of my favorites, hence my choosing it for the finale of my “Letter to a Tyrant” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant).

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That brings up an old one!

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Where is the idea that being Christian means you always have to be nice, the rug the vile wipe their feet on? Have you read the words of Jesus, those in red in the New Testament of most Bibles? A lot of people have created their own nice guy Jesus, who exists only in their minds.

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What do you think a Christian who wanted to know the answer to MAA's question should have said to Tulsi, instead of asking her directly?

Is asking a person a direct question inconsistent with being a Christian, in your mind?

MAA didn't do what others have done, on another platform I'm on (and perhaps in this series of comments, since I haven't seen them all) - i.e., speak in a critical way *about* Tulsi, as if they know her mind and heart (i.e., gossip), instead of speaking *to* Tulsi about the issue with which MAA had a concern.

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In re-reading my comment, I see that perhaps you thought I was being a mushy-headed Christian in criticizing my own schadenfreude. From Merriam-Webster, though, schadenfreude is "enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others." It further explains, "Schadenfreude is a combination of the German nouns Schaden, meaning "damage" or "harm," and Freude, meaning "joy." So it makes sense that schadenfreude means joy over some harm or misfortune suffered by another." That *enjoyment* seems un-Christian to me; not the criticism.

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I agree with your statements, and I appreciate the links to substack

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I wish Tulsi would stop waxing poetic about "flourishing democracies". Anybody, much less a member of the military and an elected official who swore an oath to the republican form of government outlined in the Constitution, who speaks in those terms is someone to be wary of. I am sick and tired of that bullsh*t.

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I don’t trust anyone who won’t stand for the right of the unborn to live and become what God has destined.

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Thank you for a beam of hope, MAA. I pray there there is merit in it.

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Thank you for asking her! I have the same reservations about her wef connection. You are absolutely correct to suggest to her that if she corrects the record on the few areas like that that cast doubt on her sincerity, the flood tides of followers for her will be opened. Great news all around!

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Thank you for your uplifting and hopeful post ❤️

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

The vaccines were 95% effective: Barely 5% of our population saw through the scam and kept needles out of their arms.

The vaccines were 95% effective in imposing draconian federal and state controls on the population - controls which crushed society and business for a year and a half.

The vaccines were 95% effective in lining the pockets of a select few members of TPTB - why, they skimmed enough cash off taxpayer-funded jab purchases to pay for avgas for their next flights to Davos.

What remains now is for the 5% to exact the necessary penalties. Lawsuits with large settlements are a good start, but money does not cover the cost of lost lives and shortened careers.

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The percentage I’ve consistently heard quoted is 30% of the population is unvaxed. Let’s hope and pray it’s that high.

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I think it's higher. There's some evidence of "nudge"-style efforts to cook the numbers to make the unvaxd look like a smaller minority than they really are, so they'd feel isolated and pressured into conformity. Whatever the official numbers are, the real numbers are bigger than that.

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They cooked the numbers to make you feel like everyone else is doing so why aren't you. Pennsylvania got caught with overstating vaxxed numbers by millions. My work admitted to about 40% of the staff being unvaxxed. That's why they didn't invoke a mandate. About 40% of us would've walked. Screw them.

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I know for a fact that where I live in California, huge numbers of people acquired fake vax cards and pretended to be vaxxed when they really weren't. If you didn't make a fuss and just said you were vaxxed and flashed a card when necessary, no suspicions to the contrary were aroused because most pro-vaxxers assumed the person was just as fearful as they were about covid. So these unvaxxed people just wanted to fly under the radar and not draw attention to themselves and wanted make their lives easier amid all the vaccine fanatics.

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Probably depends a lot on region. I work in healthcare in Houston, which is pretty mixed population and regularly ask patients on their jab status. At least 70% are at least original series. A lot of 1 boosters, not too many 2 boosters.

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I live in a very red county in a rural area of central New York. 30% sounds about right here.

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Sounds reasonable. After all, we know they exaggerated the number and severity of cases and the number of deaths from covid. It was all part of the plan, the great gaslighting effort.

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Way more than 5% of our population rejected these products. That should give you more inspiration.

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Hubbie and I (adult daughter too) knew not to get something this experimental and did alot of research about it. I also have a long memory which helps when lies start compounding..like initially saying that if you have allergies, have any autoimmune problems, are pregnant, *not* to get it. I thought well we will just be cautious for a while, avoid large crowds, wear masks, etc...better than injecting ourselves with the new fangled mrna.

I remember going to a wedding last June 2021, and well to be on the safe side, we wore masks in the church. All the proud as peacock, we got our shot guests looked at us like we were space aliens! They were thinking I am sure: 'How could this 60 year old well dressed intelligent college educated couple not have gotten the miracle vaccine? Can they be crazy right wing conspiracy nuts'?

We got that from just about everyone we knew who figured out we probably werent vaxxed.

When my husband explained to old friends how he recalled the swine flu vaxx disaster of the 70s in college and how it was taken off the market the day he and his college roomates were finally coerced into taking it, not one person responded with a thought provoking response or "I understand".

We were the enemy of the brainwashed. WE WERE the reason ( they were convinced by misinformation and propaganda media) that the damned pandemic was not over.

I heard so much from 2 coworkers who only said it to me because I actually had to *pretend* I had it.

Well, call me dishonest, but if it worked for the confused gender fluids, why couldn't it work for me: " I *identified* as vaxxed!! 😉🤣

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Angela…wearing a mask back then was like an open admission to not being vaxed, and I wasn’t for doing that…especially when I didn’t believe in the “efficacy” of the mask either! So when the euphoric freedom of being vaxed came along, I just hugged my poor duped friends, and let them think I was one of the crowd. That may have been risky because of all the spike proteins being shed, but it was part of my strong conviction to trust God and not live in fear.

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As my daughter said, "we identify as inoculated", having all had covid and recovered...

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My husband told people he was vaccinated. He left out it was his childhood vaccines. Oh well. We have no problem lying to covidiots. karens and kevins. They do not deserve respect or honesty when they are so openly living and believing the lies.

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Priceless, identifying as vaxxed!

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To "be on the safe side"? The safe side of what? To avoid harassment by the good, church-going attendees? For having the audacity to show up breathing as God intended?

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No. Because I believe that it helped us not catch anything. That is what I believed then. It was our choice. I dont have to qualify or explain anything more to you. No reason to be rude.

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Merely trying to understand the intent of your words, Angela. Given the context, I thought you may have worn the snot pouch to avoid harassment vs. as a means of warding off whatever.

Of course, it was your choice...But for millions and millions and millions of people it was not. Cooperation with that nonsense and support for forcing people to wear the pouches led us to forced injections.

Forgive me if I'm a little "cranky" about it.

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A lot of people were forced to choose between getting the vaxx and feeding their families.

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And when will we see the appropriate economic retribution for that?

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Very sad…and criminal.

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47Yinzer the money also must have paid for all those carbon offsets they spewed CO2 when they flew to Davos .

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Remember there is still a mandate in place for healthcare workers and some military I believe.

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Yes. I hope all mandates will soon be dropped.🙏🙏🙏

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Danielle Smith ... identified unvaccinated people as “the most discriminated against group that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime.”

It's a toss up between the unvaccinated and the vaccine-injured. I've never seen such hate directed at the latter, and all by their fellow-vaccinees.

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People that got just 1 jab of the Stroke Poke... they are open to all the horrible side effects, AND they also still don't count as vaxxxinated. Worst of all worlds.

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It was a nightmare. Since not one person outside my nuclear family was unvaccinated, this newsletter was my anchor of sanity in an insane, and brainwashed world.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Okay this was the FIRST Substack article I have ever read...and I am so happy I did. I finally have found a place where people can speak truth. Very excited. I liked the hole in “new politicians” too

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You should go back and read all of Jeff's blogs--pure gold, every one of them!!

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Been reading Jeff for about 1 1/2 years, it’s my go to every morning. It’s what’s kept me sane and feeling slightly optimistic about the future.

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Welcome aboard. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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Don't drink coffee when you're reading C&C. Lots of great writing and commentary that could have you spitting it out. Lol 😅

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Done that!

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I strongly suggest reading a few back issues if you have the time. Jeff often follows up on threads from weeks ago. Gives us informative updates and doesn't let ANY issue off the hook. It lives in his brain until it is resolved. (Saving US all space in our brains)

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Yep, Welcome - you have come to the right place!

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So happy that you have joined the C & C Army.! You will be so glad that you did!!!

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When absolute risk of hospitalization and death is near zero, relative risk reduction doesn't mean sh*t.

That guy who sent you the "95%/wasn't meant to stop infection" is foolish.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

RFK Jr covered this very nicely recently. During Pfizer's trials, 22,000 each, vaxxed and unvaxxed, there was 1 death by covid in the vaxxed, and 2 in the unvaxxed. So those who play with perception could say, "since 2 is 100% more than 1, we can say it's 100% effective at stopping covid deaths!

Lol! What they also published, however, was that in the same time period 1 unvaxxed participant died of a heart attack while 5 vaxxed people died of heart attacks--- therefore using the same metrics we can conclude that the vax increases your likelihood of dying by 500%, of heart attacks, and at a 250% greater risk than your chance of dying from SARS-COV-2!

Lol; who would have lined up then?!?!

Not really funny though, because now, two years later we are every single one of us with a brain and access to unmanipulated information waiting to see which ones of our loved ones drops dead from this mass Nazi era Holocaust brought to us by our own Government.

And then, btw, to cover their wicked tracks, they vaxxed all the unvaccinated so as to destroy the control group an actual 100% as in there are none left!

And CDC and FDA and NIH and NIAID refuse categorically to do a definitive all cause mortality vaxxed vs unvaxxed study. Of course. It would expose completely Demonic behavior.

So, where are we? Well Florida has people of Integrity and Dr. Ladapo has exposed the lie, or at least a portion of it.

However, this data, heart attacks in men, 18-49, within 28 days is only the tip of the iceberg, people.

He needs a good sit down with Dr. (as in PhD) Naomi Wolf and Jim Thorpe, MD, and a real education on the reproductive harms to women and girls from the NLPs and mRNA with gene altering capacities hitting the ovaries!

A few men dropping dead is not the existential threat to humanity that the attack on the ovaries are, as women have every egg they will ever produce while they are a fetus in their mother's womb, much less as girls and grown women. Look at mycyclestory.com. Fully 40% of women who took this toxic product experienced reproductive heath problems afterwards!

Men produce billions of sperm cells continually throughout their lives. It could not be more different.

The attack from these products on women, their genetics, their capacity to conceive, to maintain a pregnancy, and the health and viability of the baby is absolutely critical.

Breast milk dried up. Babies died. Women who got vaxxed are having trouble maintaining a pregnancy now. Fourteen year old girls have gone into menopause! Women in menopause have started bleeding, and some have never stopped.

Biologically males are expendable. (Sorry gentlemen, it's just a fact.)

But females are not. You ruin their reproductive capacity or kill off the females and the species is done.

End of story.

And further down the "rabbit hole" is information that the vaxxes may be creating gene mutations which will cause the daughters of the vaxxed to be sterile.

Ladapo and DeSantis better move on protecting the women and girls in this state or they will fail completely as genuine males, in my personal perspective.

Decent men protect women and children above all else; it's their highest purpose, above all worldly ambitions, imho.

May they wake up and see the writing on the wall.


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You should explore the trickery they use to promote statins as being safe and effective.

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Too many crimes, too little time, lol. I did my own research and realized it was BS decades ago.

Got myself off pHarma's train back in my 40's. They almost killed both me and my daughter long before Covid came along.

Pioneer type ancestors did just fine; I lean more that away these days....






Frequency Medicine


There are many excellent alternatives to Western Medicine alive and well.

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I was visiting with a like-minded neighbor yesterday. She told me that after EXPOSURE to her vaxed parents she started post menopausal bleeding. She didn’t get the vax herself and had not had periods for about 12-15 years.

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These stories are EVERWHERE!

I know women who had that happen to themselves from marital relations with a vaxxed husband who DID NOT disclose to her his vax status.

Divorce ensued. But not before their 8 year old daughter started menstruating.

This "vax" is a Holocaust for women.

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I agree.

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Yep. I'm post menopausal but SO got an early vax due to his job. I had bleeding. He has not taken any boosters but I wonder what those initial shots did to him and also, by way of proximity, to me.

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I have a good and long memory. I like to look at Daily Mail because though it isnt an 'intellectual' paper, it often has some newstories of importance not in msm.

I *clearly* recall that in the beginning if the vaccine rollout they said not to have it if pregnant!

The narrative changed soon after.

My daughter works with the public where she and her customers like to chit chat and every week she heard of someones grandparent dying after taking the vaccine!

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Wickedness is walking our Earth. I pray God helps us turn the tide!


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You need to send this to Ladapo and DeSantis. Ironic isn’t it, that men get the attention, still, in society.

But I get it, many of these women’s issues won’t show up for a long time, a heart attack and sudden death is pretty alarming. Its a shame that women’s issues that are evident now rarely make the news.

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I'm trying but haven't succeeded yet. And you are correct; women are still second class citizens in many respects.

Just deal with mainstream medicine--- if they killed half as many guys with their drugs as they do women the sky would fall.

Two thirds of reports to VAERS from the Covid Jabs are from women. How many people know this?

Decidual Uterine Casts were suddenly all over the search engines post vax roll out.

Why didn't that stop the shots?

Because pHarma and NIH and the Bio-weapons programs, etc., etc., etc., are all ruled by males, in my humble opinion.

If elder women ruled those organizations, when their daughter's uterine linings started passing out through their vaginas, this insanity would have come to a full stop. Instantly.

And Bourla, Moderna and Fouci would all have ceased to exist!

I'm personally a little tired on men. At least those kinds. We need the other type to deal with them, and fast. Instead of giving these bastards a bloody free pass. Fouci needs leg irons. Rand Paul is just window dressing. No one has any courage in Washington, they are all cowards imho.

This nightmare should have been stopped at the get go.


And now it's COMPLETELY out in the open as is the wicked wicked push for WW lll. And CBDCs. And abdication of our Federal Government to the Private Entity ruled by Bill Gates called the WHO!

Men, where are you? Many women have been fighting this fight to save humanity.

You need to get up and get active. It's one second to midnight on the world's doomsday clock!

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I love Rand Paul . And Ron Johnson. And Hawley...

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Rand Paul should have ordered Fouci arrested the MOMENT he lied to congress and not one second later. It's all a "dog and pony show," in my opinion.

Why that wicked little elf is still running free and handing out grants to the monsters that created this mess is because EVERYONE in Congress in compromised! Rand Paul owns large amounts of Gilead Stock; who makes Remdesivir? Gilead.

Spare me. We are still being Bullshi$$@#.

Maybe Ron Johnson is actually honest, I haven't seen anything on him yet. And his interview with Del Bigtree was groundbreaking! It certainly implies he cannot get his message out via any normal avenues...so I'm willing to entertain the possibility he is genuine.

But virtually no one besides DeSantis and Johnson actually stood up.

Now Ladapo is, but he has left out women who are being harmed at incredible rates by these toxic injections with nary a peep on mainstream.

In fact mentioning it gets you canceled exactly like speculations on lab leaks did years back.

That should tell you something!!

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I agree with your anger and frustration. I'm fairly certain that R.Paul does not have the authority or ability to arrest Fauci - just expose him, which he is doing his level best to do. He has promises investigations once they get control of the house and with God's blessing, the Senate. Then he can be arrested. He's a true hero in my book. I don't blame him for owning the stock. Maybe he owned it before and had no idea it would be used for evil purposes. it's the protocol more than the drug. I am ONLY thankful to Ladapo. If he had done the women's study first, would that be leaving out men ? I am grateful to all he exposes. Let's see what he does next. Florida is literally doing all they can - more than any other state. Every week it's another major announcement for our freedom. I consider them working to save all Americans. This shows the vaccines are unsafe - for ALL - and the point is to have them banned. I have trust they care equally as much about their daughters, wives, sisters and mothers.

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 You say it so well.

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Thank you.

Once in a rare while my anger and information coalesce nicely.....

; ))

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I couldn’t ‘heart’ your comment so here it is ❤️

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My psychic friend (who has been amazingly accurate with so many details in the past that no one could have known, i.e. I trust her) stated that 44-45% of the women/girls injected will become sterile.

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A much beloved, intelligent and well researched, as well as holy, archbishop in Cyprus (and later persecuted for speaking against the EU vaccine elitist narrative) said that he would not tell people what they should do, but that he would not take it, and that pregnant women or women hoping to get pregnant should not take it.

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And their daughters may be 80% or 90% sterile also.

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In 1949 when my mother was carrying me, women were given DES to prevent miscarriage. Later, it was learned that girls born to such mothers often got reproductive system cancer at some point later in life. I spent a lot of years fearing that would happen to me, although as of now at 73, it has not. But it affected a great many women from that era. So I have no doubt whatsoever that this injection could affect the fertility of girls, or perhaps even worse. Time will tell.

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I fear you are right. With a smaller population , resources are more plentiful for those left STANDING...! Survival of the fittest anyone?!

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every grandmother has literally had their daughter’s child in her own body. such a strange and amazing thought!!

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Explain please.

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all of the eggs that a woman will produce are in her body as a fetus. that fetus containing her eggs spends 9 months in her mothers body. thus the egg producing the grand baby was in the grandmothers body while the daughter harboring the grandchild’s eggs was forming in her mothers womb. a mind melt!

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Excellent post!

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Excellent comment, Katherine. I think they're (Ladapo & DeSantis) gonna go "there" next.

I have written to Dr. Ladapo on this very issue. He's a very smart, thoughtful guy. I have every reason to believe that as he knows about the horrific cardiac consequences for young men, he knows about the catastrophe happening to women and their reproductive health.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

Now, this reminds me of Handmaid’s Tale, not sure if you watched. Only in the show the problem was a toxic environment and pollution which made women infertile.

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I think it's their damn primer.

(And perhaps their idiotic "paradise," as well.)

Let's just hope it's not our future, lol -----

That image should be shocking enough to get a few more individuals off the couch!

; )))

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I hope not. I believe God is in control and I also believe in our body’s amazing capacity to heal itself. Or they’ll come up with mRNA shot to fix fertility problems. I know it’s a bad joke but I wouldn’t put it past them. Ultimately I hope fertility issues are not the case.

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"The wages of sin is death."

God let's us learn. I just hope this lesson doesn't end the human race as we know it and as God created.

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I think you mean RFK Jr. :)

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Of course; thanks!

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No, that guy wasn't foolish. The clinical trials explicitly tested for relative efficacy against symptomatic expression of C19. They never tested its ability to stop infection or even reduce mortality and never reported anything in absolute terms. It was an open joke from the beggining.

Search for "fda gov 144416" and look at the PDF for their emergency approval application. Section 6.2, starting on page 49. They openly admit (admittedly using sciencey sounding words), that they have absolutely no idea how the jabs impact mortality, infectiousness, whether they work in children, etc. Nobody bothered to report this, or those that did were censored/gaslit.

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Yeah, this. I read the protocols long ago and realized the same thing, as did every scientist in every federal agency who was involved in this worldwide confidence game, who all kept their mouths shut because they have no courage.

Here's the comment I posted on another platform, in response to someone who just found out about the 'doesn't block transmission' truth:

The sad truth is that the studies they did perform, for only a few months before declaring victory and stopping them, were never designed to test for ability to block transmission, only on prevention of clinical disease, and they used a statistical trick (relative effectiveness, not absolute) to claim 95% effectiveness when in fact it wasn't even in the same city, not to mention ballpark. I read the protocols under which they carried out the original studies, which is how I know how the studies were designed. I've seen others' assessments of the outcome data to realize the part about lying with their statistics. When they stopped the study early, they offered the active injection to the participants in the placebo arm, i.e., the comparator arm, which 95% accepted, meaning that there was no longer a randomized comparison group, so we could never know what the longer-term outcomes would have been for each group, to inform judgments about longer-term safety and efficacy. Not to mention that the data submitted in support of the EUA application were far outside the legal and regulatory requirements for ethical conduct of human subjects research (this info via Dr. Robert Malone). I hope for justice for them in my lifetime but, if not, then God's justice.

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Do you know about ARR? Absolute risk reduction? Which is the data that really matters. RRR is how they got millions of people on statins too and fooled us with these 95% is worthless. The RRR was .08 to 1% plus. For the vax. It was in the initial documents submitted.

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It was the ARR that was hovering around 1%, not the RRR.

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I know. Tried to edit. Tiny phone. Big fingers. ARR 1% or less.

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Of course I know about ARR and of course I agree that's what really matters.

I'm just pointing out that all the garbage statistics we were fed were relative risk numbers.

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That's important yes, and usually the best available from short term study, which is most of them. Other factors may be more important, like "number needed to treat" (NNT), "number needed to harm" (NNH), comparison of incidence of morbidity and mortality in treated vs. control, and so on. The problems with these other data is that they are difficult to get, requiring many trials with lots of participants, over long time periods. I'm not 100% sure, but I think only a small minority of drugs/interventions ever get such studies, owing to not only the difficult and expense, but also the understandable lack of desire to get potentially unfavorable data.

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True. NNT is always interesting plus revealing. I read over 500 studies will be retracted from one high profile journal because a “peer review ring” was discovered that the reviewers got together to yea or nay the study results according to what they or their $$ masters wanted. This should be a scandal widely reported but all I hear is crickets right now. I’ve researched the statin issue and cholesterol con for a long time. Seen the problems of statins in my own husband. But I have no say in the discussion with him. I’m staying away from all new vaccines now since all care and due diligence is officially gone. This is a new dystopian frontier now and trust is gone for me. For most meds. I’ll stick to my alternative health options. They have served me very well even at 74 yo. 4 weeks after a hip replacement (accident) I’m walking normally with no aid and only need about 3 PT sessions. I normally hiked about 3 to 5 miles several times a week. Plus the gym. Vit D level 70 to 90 consistently. Low carb, real food—including meat. 😀There are some obvious jab damages in my circle of senior friends. Along with poor health and lifestyle choices. Best wishes and good health for you!

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The ARR was .08 to 1 percent

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95% wasn't meant to stop infection 😂. I guess "prevent" and "stop" are not longer synonymous. Newspeak


"The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and the approved vaccine is marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 12 years of age and older."

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I don't think it's that "prevent" and "stop" are being messed with.

It's that technically COVID-19 is a disease, which means symptoms. If the shots mask your symptoms, but you're still crazy infectious, then by their standards they could argue they prevented the disease. They let others jump to the conclusion that prevention of symptoms means non-infectiousness, but if you parse their words closely, the smart guys never say that, they let others say it for them.

It's kind of like HIV isn't a disease, it's a virus that causes the disease AIDS. You can prevent AIDS while still being HIV positive and infectious.

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For the record, it's far from consensus that HIV causes AIDS. You can also have AIDS while having no evidence of harboring HIV. This is is summarized in RKF JR. Fauci book and elsewhere.

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I guess we have to work on new definitions for prevent and stop...!

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This should be a core concept every dissident should grasp. It also describes the net effect of a great many drugs and other "interventions." There really are things that "work," but the patient may have to do his own due diligence to find them.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Pfizer never SAID it would stop infections.”

Many, including the President of the USA, the CDC, the FDA, stated that people would not get or transmit covid if they got the "vaccines". Remember the whole, "get the covid shot to protect grandma" BS campaign?

They all stated this loudly and proudly everywhere. HOWEVER, PFIZER NEVER CORRECTED THEM. If they had misspoke, why did Pfizer never correct them?


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The defense of the cowardly woke lovers of experimental shots is to say "it was a different variant"

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They never corrected them because they are all about profits, not safety and effectiveness.

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Yes, and my daughter met fellow millenials daily whose grandparents died AFTER the vaccine. SMH.

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An argument might be made that we should not take our medical advice from a President, nor even a Secretary of this or Minister of that or Pharma Executive X. Sadly, the system is so rotten that I'm even become leery of advice from genuine credentialed MDs. Turns out that much of their advice is at best useless, at worst dangerous to one's health. 😠

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“You won’t get Covid if you get these vaccinations”

-joe Biden July 2021

I’ll get the actual videos too.

The narrative collapsed. That’s why they are called “breakthrough” infections.

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People who support the vaccine do everything they can to show it’s benefit including calling anything that goes against what they believe a lie. When people lack a valid argument they resort to name calling. It’s sad a lot of people don’t understand that you follow data not science.

Should be some interesting lawsuits filed by people who were fired because they refused to be forced into getting an experimental shot didn’t stop the virus.

I enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the fight.

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It's confirmation bias.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, I just love this quote: "I’d REALLY like to see them working on an mRNA drug to inject into politicians to make them honest and trustworthy. "

You need to make that a bumper sticker available in your store. Or can I have permission to make a bumper sticker? "I want an mRNA drug that makes politicians honest and trustworthy. - Jeff Childers"

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Love it

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022


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I'd order one too!

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I'll gladly order one!!!

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I work in a 200-bed community hospital in Connecticut. When I questioned the benefits of the mRNA-based vaccine, I was called “stupid” and an “antivaxer” even though I have a research background (PhD in cell biology) unlike other physicians who do not have such experience.

I wrote an email in Dec 2020 to the hospital CEO asking him to be more honest about the minimal benefits of the vaccine. The 95% effective number was the relative risk reduction in “severe” cases with NO reduction in hospitalization or death (even with Pfizer heavily falsifying data in their RCT). I also pointed out NO safety data after 2 months. I felt that informed consent could not be given if employees were not given basic information about risks and benefits of vaccination. My concerns were ignored and invalidated.

Then begin constant harassment. One coworker even said “you don’t understand how vaccines work; they prevent spread.” I was ultimately labeled the “most hated person on the medical staff”. More recently, however, a cardiologist asked me if anyone mentioned that I was right about the vaccine. Other than him, no.

I’m not sure why they are still so angry with me: my religious exemption or the fact that they were tricked by Pfizer and their co-conspirators (FDA and CDC).

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Thank you for holding your ground.

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

Here is the email that I sent on Dec 28, 2020:

Dear Mr. ,

Most people generally assume vaccines that are safe and effective. Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID vaccine represents a new class of vaccine (mRNA). It has been authorized for emergency use as a "countermeasure". It has not been "approved", and given Pfizer's disclaimer (see below), I doubt Pfizer will seek formal approval for BioNTech's vaccine. There are several safety concerns which I would like to bring to your attention as this vaccine is offered to the Health System.

First, safety data are only available for 2 months. No one knows the safety of this vaccine after 2 months. If safety data past 2 months exists, why would Pfizer not make this data publicly available? Does Pfizer have any safety concerns about their vaccine after 2 months? Because they are not seeking "approval", they are not obligated to prove these data if they are, in fact, available and known.

Second, Pfizer was responsible for conducting the clinical trials for BioNTech’s BNT162b2. Pfizer easily could have purchased the licensing rights to this vaccine from BioNTech. Pfizer did not do so – Pfizer was content to do the clinical trials for BioNTech. Why would Pfizer do this? Are they trying to create “plausible deniability” for any adverse effects that arise from this vaccine after 2 months?

Third, the benefits of the vaccine seem minimal at best.

a) In 20,000 study participants who received 2 saline injections (the placebo group), only 162 cases of symptomatic COVID infection occurred. 94% of these cases were mild. The rate of increase was linear (not exponential) likely due to widespread prevalence of COVID in the community.

b) In the test group (7 days after the 2nd dose), 8 cases of symptomatic infection occurred. The vaccine reduced symptomatic COVID infections by 95%, but it only reduced "severe" infections by 89%. It may have reduced symptomatic COVID infections by increasing the risk for "severe" infection.

c) For data ≥7 Days after Dose 2 (from Figure 3 and Table S5 in the Supplementary Appendix, not included in the published NEJM article), the risk of "severe" COVID infection was higher in those vaccinated: 1 participant out of 8 in the test group versus 4 participants out of 162 in the placebo group for an Odds Ratio of 5 (12.5% for test group vs 2.5% for placebo).

Fourth, prior research in developing a coronavirus vaccine, such as one for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, showed that people can develop “paradoxical immunity” where vaccinated people who develop disease may be more sick and die.

I believe the Pfizer/BioNTech data suggest this very phenomenon. Once vaccinated, few people get symptomatic COVID infections, but those who do have more "severe" disease. This is devastating news for people with high risk exposures such as health care workers.

Fifth, Pfizer’s disclaimer on their press releases is appalling. They take no responsibility for the conclusions of their Phase 3 study. They go so far as to say “substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements”. With such a disclaimer, it is difficult to trust them or their data, but I wonder what they knew that they are not willing to tell the public.

Sixth, I have requested more detailed information about the nature of the "severe" COVID infections in both the test and placebo groups. Despite multiple requests for this information, the authors of the NEJM article (who are also Pfizer employees) have not responded to my requests. Once Pfizer published their results, their results were no longer protected as "intellectual property" under privilege and confidentiality. It makes me wonder why the authors of the NEJM article do not want to provide this information.

I wanted to bring these concerns to your attention so that all members of the Health System can make informed decisions about whether or not to receive the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine.

Thank you for your time,

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That is one heck of a letter. And no one said anything substantive in reply addressing any of its content?

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No, the CEO directed me to the chair of infectious diseases and the chief medical officer who were too busy criticizing me for my lack of knowledge about the benefits of vaccination. Others subsequently joined in their attacks on me. There was a strong incentive for the hospital to follow the narrative about COVID, and ultimately mandatory vaccination, because money/federal funding were involved.

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Kudos to you for standing strong in your integrity.

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Thank you for standing by your principles!! I am so disgusted by the behavior of those who fell for the scam!

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

Besides the lack of critical thinking that lead to an unfounded trust in the CDC/FDA, money has clearly driven the public response to COVID. At one point, I asked the hospital CEO this very question. He responded (in an email) that my impression was wrong. When I shared this email with the state hospital association, I was called into a meeting with him and criticized for making negative comments about the health system and violating the health system's code of conduct (my views were not in "alignment" with the health system, and I made "presumptive" comments about the CEO without full knowledge).

His response proved my suspicions. I have known since early 2021 that I do not belong in any institution that attacks and undermines free speech (as we have seen, the entire medical community), but I think my ongoing presence (unvaccinated under a religious freedom exemption) really bothers most of my coworkers, especially the ones who verbally attacked me for my opinions on the matter, so I stay as a visual and daily reminder that COVID vaccination was really unnecessary for many (most) people.

The cardiologist mentioned above also told me that he has many patients (who have received 4 doses) with severe or lingering respiratory symptoms after testing positive for COVID. For comparison, I had an earache for 24 hours when I had Omicron (God's gift to the unvaccinated) in Dec 2021, and the only reason I knew I had COVID was weekly testing (I thought I had a "standard" cold causing nasal congestion).

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I truly admire you for not backing down and also not letting them drive you away. You have a very strong backbone!! It is really disheartening how ready the people in power are to quash any dissent or unpopular views, even when those views have merit and are respectfully expressed. It underscores how wrong it is to put people up on a pedestal because of their education, status or credentials (and thereby deem them worthy of being listened to). Really the only thing that should matter are people’s principles and moral courage. No one deserves to be in leadership positions unless they have those.

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Right? It’s baffling more people don’t own up to having been wrong and that you had been correct. Is it that they still don’t know? Is it that they have somehow forgotten? Do a huge number of people have pronounced personality deficits?

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

I think ego plays a large role. One of my coworkers (infectious diseases doc) actually told me at one point "I think you would agree that I should know about viral infections a bit more than you. That is why I see things you can't yet." This sentiment (sent in an email) is very disturbing. There is NO way she will ever admit she was wrong.

Pfizer was very good at "working" the data, but they left nuggets along the way that showed lack of clinical efficacy (their RCT showed NO reduction in hospitalizations or death). Observation studies (which are inherently biased) were used to "prove" efficacy, but such studies do not prove the evidence-based results that RCTs do, so between observational studies and RCTs, only RCTs should be used as the basis of public policy.

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The democrats/liberals will do whatever they want without repercussions.

On a side note, my coworker, a fairly intelligent accountant, just got her covid booster and has scheduled for her 9 year old daughter to get hers. The insanity will never end. I will avoid her for a few days so that she doesn't shed on me.

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There's an idea for a new T-shirt. Instead of "Don't tread on me", it's "Don't shed on me".

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Make some and sell 'em on Etsy. Donate your profits to the C&C Tip Jar!

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Good one! I now work one day at home to give my body a break from all the shedding and sickness coming from the vaxxed. The are as baffled as the scientists and doctors over why they are always getting sick.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

😂😂 Instead of the serpent image for “Don’t tread on me”; it would of course be the spike protein image for ”Don’t shed on me”! Some clever entrepreneur will make it for sure. 🤣

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serpent image would still be appropriate. use the medical serpent.

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Wow! I guess the serpent was meant to kill DISEASES. Now it's meant to kill people, I dare to say!

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Excellent idea!

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Dear God everyone pray for her daughter!

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Order your quercetin and zinc from Sandhus today (if you are not already taking it).

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Take extra vitamins too!

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Vitamin d every evening with large meal to absorb it, thousands of mg vitamin c taken throughout the day. I have now added wild fish oil for something else (I research natural alternatives to drugs when I have health issues) and I am sure that it is also good for immune system.

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Great...always keep learning about natural alternatives...

this helps confirm what you are doing is beneficial to you and you can find out about better ways of maintaining optimal health.

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I'd avoid her for more than a few days. That person is a danger to herself and others.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers


I'm not letting the CDC off the hook. Fauci knows how to read drug applications and knew that Pfizer's documents claimed only that the jab reduced symptoms. And Fauci knows the difference between relative and absolute efficacy. Fauci's CDC is in bed with Big Pharma and the WEF and knowingly lied along with them. Fauci should not receive a dime in pension compensation.

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Never mind the pension, Fauci should be in prison.

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He should be convicted for Crimes Against Humanity IMHO

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After reading RFK,Jr. book about Fauci, his whole ballgame is change the original protocol and stop it early to hide the disasters. Yes - Fauci knew.

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I read JFK/s book on Fauci. IMHO-Fauci is a murderer. What he did to the elderly in the nursing homes in England, was murder in my book. All to make it look like hydroxychloriquine look bad!!

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I can think of several things Fauci should receive!

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As my sister sits in Urgent care with her 4th case of Covid (transplant recipient, 2xpfizer +booster), glaucoma, cataracts and losing her vision in her left eye since being jabbed per doctors orders, reduced kidney function and only 58 years old- I will enjoy seeing these maggots torched, and I am momentarily crying with relief that the truth is FINALLY flooding forward. I hope it continues unabated like the hurricane that just destroyed my city of Fort Myers. Keep up the great work Jeff- I am so grateful for you and the C&C family.

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You cry all you want. What a sh$%-storm you're dealing with! I pray your sister heals, and you and your loved ones are well and safe.

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I am so sorry, I also hope those evildoers will get their comeuppance soon.

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I have heard of two additional people who permanently lost vision in one of their eyes due to a post-jab clot situation.

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I asked her to ask her doctors about a blot clot behind her eye- she was just admitted to the hospital last night by her kidney doc- she’s having respiratory symptoms, possible pneumonia. It’s really unbelievable.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

When I saw your posting of Posobiec's tweet of the Saudi statement I was so excited I clicked on it and read until I found the section, which if I had had any patience and faith, I would have seen clearly in your next few paragraphs. "FOR A MONTH". Absolute gold. Not that any of my friends, children, in-laws or acquaintances will ever read it, hear about it, or believe it if they did. Honestly it's getting to me. So thank you for being there with encouragement.

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Nobody phucks with a biden except the Saudis. I have to applaud them because what they did truly exposes the loser, his party, his family, his administration, the rinos and his loser followers as to what LOSERS they are. It also shows globohomo/wef reset nwo that the Brics alliance is here to stay, challenge and win this game. Popcorn ready and I am ready to trigger covidiots, rinos and libtards! Good times 😁😁😅

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Things that f*ck with a Biden:

- teleprompter

- steps up to a plane

- bicycles

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Live microphones too!

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Hahaha 😆 plus he's a total goof.

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Herbie pushed Tony from the Boys' Club roof

Tony thought that his rage was just some goof

But Herbie sure gave Tony some bitchen proof

Hey, Herbie said, Tony, can you fly?

But Tony couldn't fly - Tony died

-- Jim Carroll Band, "People Who Died" c. 1980

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Love him or not, Trump recognized that the U.S. has the domestic capacity to be a net exporter and independent of the OPEC cartel. This was unacceptable given the deeply incestuous relationship between American royal families like the Bushes and the Saudis.

Preserving Saudi energy dominance is why the Bin Ladens were allowed to flee after 9/11 and why the U.S. has supported Saudi genocide in Yemen and the use of Al Qaeda in the proxy war against Bashar Assad in Syria.

Remaining on the Saudi payroll is the real quid pro quo.

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I want to understand the situation in Yemen, and I don’t. I don’t understand how a genocide in Yemen keeps Saudi energy dominance.

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"What was Saudi Arabia’s motivation to wage war in Yemen?

Saudi leaders backed Hadi for many reasons. They were alarmed by the rise of the Houthis at Saudi Arabia’s southern border, who they said were backed by Saudi Arabia’s main regional competitor, Iran. The Bab el-Mandeb Strait off the coast of Yemen is a critical oil shipping lane that links the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and the Saudis wanted to ensure they were in control of it. This sea route facilitates the movement of millions of barrels of oil per day for Saudi Arabia and is critical to the world’s oil supply.

The Yemen war served the political ambitions of then Saudi Defense Minister, and now crown prince, Mohammad bin Salman, who used the conflict to gain national recognition and consolidate power. Lastly, control over Yemen would allow Saudi Arabia to construct an oil pipeline from its southern border through Yemen’s eastern province, Al Mahra, into the Indian Ocean. The pipeline would ease Saudi Arabia’s dependence on shipping oil through the Strait of Hormuz, which borders Iran."


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I love ❤️ him!

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I taught in a Saudi University for 8 years, and believe me, the Saudis are not the desert yokels Biden apparently thinks they are. They've got his number. They also have good memories and MBS isn't forgetting that Biden called him a murderer. MBS is getting even.

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Falling off of my chair laughing and rolling around on the floor!! CovIDIOTS!

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