All parents should quit vaxxing their kids. Watch the Vaxxed film. The unvaxxed children are way healthier, have no allergies, and if they get one of the childhood sicknesses, they have life long immunity. Isn't that much better than a chemical that might protect against one strain, and that leaves heavy metals and allergens in children's bodies?

PS I just get a message here that Liz Truss has thrown the towel. Have to check that out!

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I am my 10-year-old grandson's legal guardian. I have decided that he will never get another vaccination, unless he gets cut on a piece of rusty metal and begins to develop symptoms of lockjaw (happened to my ex-husband years ago), in which case, I will exhaust every other treatment I can find before he gets a tetanus shot; that would be a last resort.

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Grannymama Bear rocks!!!!!!!!!!

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The tetanus vaccine doesn’t work that quickly. You would need tetanus immune globulin and probably antibiotics once infection is started, regardless of what “medical professionals” claim.

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My vet knows the difference between tetanus vaccine and tetanus antitoxin. I doubt my Dr does!

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

I and my adult daughter decided that living in a farm required the tetnus but you CANNOT JUST GET THE TETNUS! It ONLY COMES with two OTHER vaccines also!! I wish we hadn't! The chances of getting tetnus after bleeding are practically nil! Treat it right. Ignorance and neglect kill. A. Lincoln's first love died from an ignored splinter. We don't have vaccines for that! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I was raised on a farm. Crawled walked snd dug around everything. Never got anything from our cuts and scrapes.

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I read long time ago that tetanus shot does not prevent tetanus. Just like most, money making crap

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I have read that you can request tetanus alone. It might take some effort on your part.

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You used to be able to get just tetanus if you asked, but they put a stop to that nonsense because they wanted to make sure everyone was getting their DTaP.

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I TRIED. I'm no pushover. I was ignorant. This was just six years ago.

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According to my pharmacist they do not manufacture the stand-alone tetanus shot anymore.

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Nope. Not possible to get just the tetanus alone. At least not in the us.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

For cases where you actually encounter the tetanus toxin, hospitals can administer “Tetanus Immune Globulin” - essentially an isolate from the plasma of those who’ve developed antibodies to tetanus. It is supposed to be administered as the first line protocol for anyone displaying developing symptoms of tetanus toxicity and can be administered to anyone who has had a past tetanus vaccine or anyone whose vax status is unknown (so actually, anyone).

Just as those with SARS-CoV-2 antibodies were able to donate plasma to protect at-risk patients from developing severe COVID-19, those with tetanus antibodies can donate plasma to protect those who become I’ll from tetanus exposure.

But also, don’t ask for “just tetanus.” Specifically request the “Monovalent Tetanus Vaccine.”

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You CAN just get tetanus. I did a couple years ago with a wound that requires stitches. I will never get a combined vaccine again. Bad reaction to pertussis. I read the bottle to ensure it was ONLY tetanus. A pharmacist can probably order it.

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They are giving tetanus shots to two month old infants. What are the odds of a two month old puncturing themselves with a rusty nail :)

So glad their insanity has so many now paying attention.

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I went to CVS for an overdue tetanus after getting a nasty cut and after the shot was handed the receipt which said the shot included pertussis! I was never told that it was a dual shot nor would I have accepted it. We have friends whose daughter was given a pertussis vaccine at age 2 and had several seizures which left her a vegetable. She is now 35 and still the same. I will never trust the medical/ pharmaceutical world again.

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Same here. In l985 a good friend gave her beautiful, totally perfect 10 month old daughter a DPT shot. A few days later she started having severe seizures. It left her totally brain damaged. She can sit in a wheelchair, but has never been able to talk, walk or feed herself. This has been her life and she's now 38. Her parents were part of a huge lawsuit in around 1986, but it didn't change what happened to this child and all the other children who were affected.

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If you get tetanus it is already TOO late for the shot. The shot takes several weeks to work. Tetanus is not from rusty metal it is from infected animal feces. Unless you are around that AND your wound doesn't bleed, you are fine. Stop spreading falsehoods.

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It was never my intention to "spread falsehoods," thank you very much, so I rather resent your inference. I spoke from personal experience. Obviously not the same experience as yours; still valid, nonetheless. Just sayin'...

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Good good ! But read up on tetanus - it doesn’t work after exposure despite ER protocol. Suzanne Humphries has written excellent books / given many talks.

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After taking the tetanus shot in my teens, I had a bad reaction. Now I always put on my doctor forms that I am allergic to it. They look at me strangely and ask what my symptoms were, as if I am faking them out. Sadly, I did not fully wake up until after I had the Shingles shots. No more for me.

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I’m always asked about the shingles shot by friends who have it now from the C jabs. I lie. No more vax jabs. Ever. Period. Nada. When pigs fly. When unicorns are in my garage. When truth shoots out of the Former VP’s patootie.

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The Shingrix shots were a nightmare! Right after the first, my knees were so weak I had to sit down at the Sam's Club. And after the second, I was out of work for 2 days - felt like I'd been hit by a truck. WTH.

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I got a tetanus shot over 15 years ago. The injection site swelled to over 2” in diameter, felt hot to the touch and took a long time to heal. Scared me. Never got another one!!

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Big Pharma has been getting away with this for way too long! It’s hard to fathom the millions of people who have died or been seriously injured by their drugs. But even they will face God on Judgement Day!

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

I got a tetanus shot years ago before I knew about the dangers of vaccines. Of course it was the combined shot (TDaP), which I didn't even know. They say "here is the tetanus shot" and don't mention the other stuff that is in there. I had a pretty bad localized reaction. At the injection site, I had swelling, redness and terrible soreness that lasted for weeks if I recall correctly. That was and will be my last vaccine.

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And be fully aware

Tetanus vaccine is one of the few vaccines that does still contain Mercury!!

There is a mercury free tetanus vaccine version but you will need to request it!

It’s not commonly given.

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Tetanus is usually transmitted through farm animal feces. Also if the shot does work at all, you would have that one before getting infected, it doesn't work after exposure.

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Good for you! I’m right there with you!

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The book "Turtles All The Way Down"...about vaccine myths from 2019 is also splendid for those who want to further investigate big pharma's vaccine empire. If I had children, I'd be running for the hills as far away from vaccinations as possible.

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I have dissolving Illusions, which is older, but very well done. I also read Death by Injection by Dr Mullins, from the 80s, which describes how Rockefeller and Co have tried for over 100 years to get rid of all the healers (using mostly natural methods) and make big money from chemicals. Most of the people in the scam were either not medically trained in any way, or from the Fauxi type. Horrendous.

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Another excellent read is Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America, by E. Richard Brown, 1979.

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The best book on vaccine “science”.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The first url below is the revised study in IJVTPR by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler and Dr. Russell Blaylock proving unvaccinated children are healthier. The second url is Dr. Lyons-Weiler's article in his Popular Rationalism Substack discussing why the original study never should have been retracted.



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This one also is authored by Dr. Paul Thomas, pediatrician & James Lyons-Weiler et al. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 (Also mysteriously retracted, but up and available to read/review/learn/analyze.) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33266457/

Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination

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Yup. That's where it all started and what Dr. Lyons-Weiler addresses in the substack url posted.

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thanks Martha. I am keeping this for further use !

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The “vaccine” provides no immunity—it is, after all, nothing more than a medical therapeutic, and a poor one at that. Most Americans aren’t stupid. They personally know people who received multiple injections and still got sick. What’s the point of getting a shot that doesn’t provide immunity? If the CDC takes the final step of mandating these injections for school attendance, we will see an exodus from the government school system that is so rapid and immense that the system will simply collapse. https://open.substack.com/pub/markmcdonaldmd/p/has-the-cdc-finally-gone-too-far?r=697d8&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post...

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And to have the corrupt, evil public school system collapse would be a very good thing for the children of this country! It’s too far gone to save.

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I’m afraid I don’t have your optimism. The past two years have shown that the sheeple will, murmur a bit and, follow lockstep in line.

Praying I’m wrong.

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And now the fear is being ratcheted up what with flu scares, and increasing positivity rates when testing healthy adults. Note that I do NOT use the term 'asymptomatic testing'. Notwithstanding the known unreliability of testing, and the fact that a positive test does not mean one has a disease, I point out that the use of the term/phrase 'asymptomatic testing' was NOT selected casually or without massive forethought. Nope! If they had proposed mass testing of healthy people, then most would have seen this ruse for what it is (one would hope). But by using the term 'asymptomatic', then the messengers are insidiously causing the sheeple to think that everyone is infected/sick, but just don't know it until their positive test for SARS CoV-2 test comes back.

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I've seen a of people who got the jabs and who subsequently got sick (some more than once), but they ALWAYS punctuate their comments with their brainwashed belief that they "would have been so much sicker or perhaps would have been hospitalized or died" if they hadn't had the jab. There's no way to argue with this mindset.

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unless they die of course. that is when at last a few family members seem to wake up. Like the body builder who died this week, joking that, if he died, the jabs were not safe... that was in the news feed and I hope lots of people saw it.

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I wonder if that is what they are hoping for? that parents massively start home schooling so the government need not pay for schools any longer. I hope they also dismiss the large amount of taxes that we pay for keeping these schools open !

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Religious schools are good (I went to parochial school and my daughter went to an RC girls high school) but have become terribly expensive. I wish our tax dollars subsidized them. Parochial schools used to be working class affordable.

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But if our tax dollars subsidize the schools, then they have a say in what we do

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I count on that to happen.

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Yup. She resigned. Lost power. Lost budget. 6 weeks.

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Can you provide a link for the Vaxxed film, please?

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the full film should be at the bottom of this page. It is about an hour and a half long

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There’s also a part 2 as well. And if you want to continue down the rabbit hole, this is a great doc on the AIDS fraud with amazing parallels to the current scamdemic. https://youtu.be/lvDqjXTByF4

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Yup, she resigned

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

The US Federal Government has over 600 agencies - 600! The resident in the White House just created another one with an $88 Billion price tag?!! I’ve lost count how many new agencies he’s created in less than 2 years. This has to stop!

We do not need the majority of the agencies we have now. They do nothing and are redundant. Our Federal government is too bloated. We need LESS government and LESS regulations. We need mandatory Federal retirement and no more pensions and benefits after retirement. Let them live like the private sector! These agencies have their own agendas; get bigger budgets and more people annually. The government has their own agenda and we’re not on the list!

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Congress can stop whatever it wants by cutting the cash flow.

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Yep. But as we’ve seen, they do...absolutely nothing. Says it all.

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This new one sounds like the most worthless of all. The lesson of Covid is that the LESS the government had done, the better off we'd be. There are things they could have done that would have been useful, but they did the opposite of useful as would this new plan/agency.

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Katherine Watt April 28, 2022 —- The basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved, was to set up legal conditions in which all governing power in the United States could be automatically transferred from the citizens and the three Constitutional branches into the two hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, effective at the moment the HHS Secretary himself declared a public health emergency, legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects.

That happened on Jan. 31, 2020, in effect as of Jan. 27, 2020 through the present day.

In other words: Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers. https://open.substack.com/pub/bailiwicknews/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program?r=697d8&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Absolutely so true!

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This administration is pushing every and anything they can.

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Just like Obummer

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Jeff, numerous people are saying it is illegal to mandate an EUA product.

For example:

“For one, this is still an unlicensed product. I am still not sure a EUA vaccine product can be added to the schedule. I don’t believe it has ever been done before.”

—Robert Malone (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-acip-vote-today-and-what-this)

“EUA PRODUCTS CANNOT BE MANDATED. What is happening now is illegal. Unethical. Immoral. Unprecedented.”

—Jessica Rose (https://jessica5b3.substack.com/p/and-acip-goes-all-in-at-150-again)

What are the chances of this being challenged in court once they rubberstamp it? Perhaps you can team up with Health Freedom Defense Fund and make it happen :-)

Regarding this quote: “They chose not to do a very, very harmless thing that protected the rest of society.”

This is one of the most enraging examples of Covidianism *and* collusion I have yet to see. Words fail me.

On the other hand, I am delighted to hear AOC is being besieged by yet more righteous heckling! I told my husband after the first instance that it would be wonderful if an attention-craver like her started being afraid to go out in public for fear of being held accountable for her actions.

I adore Alex Stein and have been following his public meeting artistry since he first trolled onto the scene. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but his mother was brutally hospicided via remdesivir—AGAINST THEIR EXPLICIT WISHES—by Baylor Hospital. I shared that heartrending story and a rare serious public meeting presentation by him in this piece:

• “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis)

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They'll come out with the final product as soon as they get permanent immunity

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Thanks, Jeff. Dastardly and diabolical.

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Florida says NO! 👍👏❤️

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Finally! The comirnaty I have been pining for. ;)

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"permanent immunity"? No such thing. I wonder if you have seen this heavily investigated report from another substacker. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/other-transactional-authority-ota?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email After reading this, I thought there's no way anybody is getting the truth out.

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There are no longer laws for them. It doesn’t matter what is illegal or unconstitutional. They have successfully subverted legality. We’ve been watching them do it for years. They just ignore it, do the damage and wait for it to be sorted out in court and maybe win or lose - all the while the damage is already done. Then while that is playing out they go onto the next evil dishonest illegal thing. Then while that’s being sorted out and the damage is already done, they move onto the next thing. It’s their plan. Shock and awe. Sound familiar? Reminds me of pig pen from the Peanuts cartoon. He walked around with a cloud of dust that followed him everywhere. The evil cabal and corrupt govt agencies and corporations are walking around in their filth, leaving behind everyone coughing and struggling to breathe, doing their damage, and then going on to their next dastardly deed. They don’t care who is in the wake. They don’t care how many people die. They don’t care whether or not it’s legal. They don’t care. They hate us. We are in the way. The more of us they can kill or destroy the better. That’s why it seems like we can never even catch our breath. We can’t. They keep hitting us before we even stand back up. They sucker punch us when we do.

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Understood. All the more reason not to give up. We know their pattern, so we can start making preemptive strikes ourselves. Health Freedom Defense Fund struck down the federal mask mandate. They and other attorneys like Jeff can start preparing their cases now that they know what’s coming down the pike.

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I agree and I will never give up the fight. I choose not to live in fear. But people need to stand up too. We are so used to letting everyone else do the heavy lifting. It’s not comfortable not to do it ourselves. Many didn’t want to give up their favorite stores they shopped at. Many didn’t want to give up their favorite sport to watch. Many didn’t want to challenge anyone. Many didn’t want to lose friends. Many didn’t want to lose family. Jeff and the lawyers can’t do it all themselves. Look at the numbers of people who bowed and took the jab so they could save their jobs. Millions upon millions upon millions of people caved. Albeit, many did so against their better judgement. They were lied to and manipulated. They didn’t have time to research. Didn’t have time to question anything.

But will they stand now?

Will they now sacrifice their jobs and lifestyle to homeschool?

In staggering numbers?

Not just a few here and there?

Will there be enough people to make an unwavering, undeniable statement?

I certainly hope so. We need 100 million people to stand up. We need 200 million people to stand up. Short of those staggering numbers, I don’t see us changing anything. We need a William Wallace type army. We need a people willing to bow to no one other than God Almighty. We need a people willing to say give me liberty or give me death. That is what this has come to. This is our very existence as America on the line. This is for the lives of our children and grandchildren. This is not to save ourselves. This is to save them! Will we sacrifice for them? Now? This time?

I believe when we make mistakes and choose wrongly, God will give us opportunities to learn from it, and have another opportunity to choose again. We are now being given that chance with our kids. Did we learn when our heads were on the chopping block? Did we choose wisely then? More has been exposed. Much more. We know now the agenda. We know the corruption. Will we choose differently for our kids now? We need to choose wisely.

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I agree completely, Sunnydaze, and that is why I have been advocating mass noncompliance since I introduced it as the secret to toppling tyranny in my second essay:

• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)

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I’m so concerned for the children. I live in a blue state with a supermajority dem legislature. They will certainly mandate the kill shots here for school attendance. I am so grieved. So many elderly in my church are still supporting the vaxxes and I say nothing because it’s their choice. But what about their grandchildren? How many couples will make the considerable sacrifice of becoming a one-income family in order to prevent their children from being permanently maimed by these shots? These are difficult moral choices but they are here and they are becoming more black and white. Because I am a Christian I can’t stay silent any longer about the danger because it’s too close to home now. They have laid down the gauntlet with their decision. We must stand against this.

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I’m with you. I’m grieved too, because as hard as so many of us have tried to reveal the truth…the masses believe the medical and media establishments and the government. The truth has been buried for going on three years now. 😢 People who are awake and searching know the truth. But until the media is taken down and the truth is blasted from a bullhorn into every household for all to hear, it’s an uphill battle and the casualties are so high. Evil has been successful at causing this information war. The truth is washed over and the lies are magnified. More than I’ve ever witnessed before. Even if I share the truth, now, at this point, someone who is skeptical will just find other sources that say the opposite of the truth. Nobody knows who to believe or what to believe. And the SADS is being buried so deep that so many don’t even know it’s happening. How do we win like this? I spoke to a cousin and her husband recently in a different state. They are wide awake about most things. Did not want the vax but both work in the medical field so we’re “forced” to take it. When I brought up VAERS she had never even heard of it!!! When I mentioned how many were dying and physically dealing with health issues after taking it she had no idea. This was completely new news to her. How can a person be so awake about all the rest but completely clueless about the vax killing people? I was baffled. The brainwashing and information war is as real as it gets.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

I completely agree Sunnydaze. How many people are willing to publicly draw a line in the sand and stand up against this insanity? I fear not many. In my own community I’m the one constantly urging people to attend meetings, call their representatives, speak out publicly and very few, if any, do it. The “I don’t want to offend anyone” excuse is what I often hear. Or “Everyone can make their own decision” or “I’m too busy”. It’s apathy, laziness and fear of being disliked. If you can’t stand up for something, you stand for nothing. That’s why we’re where we are today.

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Exactly! And the church from the pulpit (in general) fed the apathy. Don’t want to offend people. Don’t want to get involved in politics. To each his own. That’s between them and God. We are subject to our government. God appoints the leaders so we must obey them. 🤮 All of it. Taught us to be passive observers rather than proactive doers. And now here we are. 😞

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The pastor of the church we attend has preached from the pulpit about the degradation of our society and the sexual depravity for the past few weeks comparing the complete disregard and mockery of God and His Word to the time of Sodom and Gomorrah. God is patient and loving but He will not continue to bless a nation who has turned their back on Him. I believe that’s where we’re at.

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Look at PA, they are openly defying the Supreme Count and their own state legislature regarding ballots. They don't care. Who would enforce any of it?

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Exactly. Until We The People stand up and say NO MORE, they will continue with their evil ways. Too many scared, fearful people who don’t want to count the cost. The sacrifice is too great in their eyes. So they will just let it happen. We obeyed man rather than God for so long, we don’t even know how to stand up. It’s so incredibly heartbreaking. 😞

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Freudian? Court vs count 😉

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The Peanuts cartoon reference that plays in my head these days is Lucy teeing up the football for Charlie Brown, but jerking it away so he lands on his butt over an over and over.

Each time Lucy solemnly promises Charlie she will hold it steady *this* time. And each time, Charlie ends up on his backside.

Guess who the GOP is in this cartoon. Guess who represents Charlie Brown.

After 42 years of voting, volunteering, and donating GOP, I finally decided I’m finished falling for it.

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It is a terrible place to be in. The party system elevates rhino mediocrity so that there is no good choice. It is either wacko Democrats, or week, sold out Rino’s

So we either vote for the rhinos, or stand down, let the lefties do their evil deeds while we prepare for the apocalypse.

If you aren’t right with God, now is the time.

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Great picture too! Spot on 🎯

Glad you stopped trying to kick that ball. 💪🏻

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Subverted legality or change the definitions altogether.... some of us can see where adding this to the childhood schedule is going... the entire schedule including every new mRNA in the pipeline now forced/mandated for all of us.... made clearly evident to any of us that give David Martins patent exposé credence. There’s more... the recent approval for continued gain of function... let’s take a look at this slight of hand... https://open.substack.com/pub/karenkingston?r=697d8&utm_medium=ios

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Yup. Keep everyone looking at the left hand while the right hand deceptively does other things. They’ve been exposed with gain of function. They’ve been caught with releasing the virus from a lab and yet while we are all reeling for the last almost three years thinking we are making progress to stop them….Boston creates an even more deadly extension of it. 80% death rate. Wait. What? How did they do that? I thought we were stopping them? 😞

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Is there time? Will they listen to “We the People?” https://www.votervoice.net/MVC/Campaigns/98248/Respond

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Sent my message too

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Sent my message. Thanks.

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That is SO true, it is emotionally challenging to get your head around it. And when you really try, it has a sense of doom about it. Maybe that's a sense of impending judgement.

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There was an FDA approval, they just have not released batches tagged as approved for marketing under brand name,. A technicality to keep selling EUA version to governments until they could get on vax schedule and then the approved version will be protected from liability. How to spell corrupt. . .

C. D. C and A. A. P. (American Academy of Pediatrics)

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Oh yes, the Comirnaty and Spikevax shell games—I hadn't considered that 😟

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Children's Health Defense, with Barnes Law, has filed a lawsuit about that very "bait and switch":


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While everyone around me was telling me the jab got approved back then I was yelling “no it didn’t!” Bait and switch. I read the “approval” letter word for word and I said that very minute - they did not approve it! And people who are wide awake told me “yes it did. All the conservatives are saying it was approved”. I was floored. I asked every single one of them “did you read it yourself?” Every single person said “no”. None of them have come back and told me I was right. But they all know now it wasn’t approved. Just bait and switched. 😞

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You nailed it! "They" count on the fact that most people won't do the reading and will trust their news source, who probably didn't read it either. Pick any controversial topic and it will be the same thing ~ 🤦‍♀️

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Our local drugstore was making announcements over the loudspeaker that they had the approved Comirnaty available. I had a "discussion" with the pharmacist who had no idea that they did not actually have the Comirnaty. I called corporate about the issue. never did hear that particular loudspeaker ad after that.

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I had no idea that Alex's mom was injured by that remdesivir. Amazingly, they are STILL pushing that poison even today!

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Not just injured—killed. It was absolutely devastating. Alex and his mom both told them NOT to use remdesivir (he has documentation of this), and they still did it, and she died a miserable death.

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Wow. Even more appreciative of his activism. The ability to step outside of your grief, and soul breaking pain to stand up and call out the BS, the backwardsness, the clowns...is nothing short of superhuman and admirable. Just, wow.

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EUA, baby! Can't be sued!

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I read/heard your comment as if Alex Stein was right here, rapping it! 😆

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LOL In any other context, giving a known harmful medication to a patient against her expressed wishes who subsequently died would be a ticket to big fat lawsuit. That's the miracle of EUA! Give deadly treatment, don't sweat it.

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I believe tptb are desperate to try to push this vaxx on kids as a very large percentage of children didn't get vaxxed. As with the last mandates, a lot went along with it. They caved for various reasons. I am sure they know a percentage of parents will cave and let their children get the shots.

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Sarcastically saying “Well what choice did I have? My kids have to go to school. I have no choice.”

Sound familiar?

“What choice did I have? I was going to be fired.” People bowed and caved with their shots. They will cave for this too.

WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE! Many just didn’t want to make the sacrifices needed to make their choice.

Be cautious. It will happen again. We’ve been brainwashed for decades. We’ve been lulled to sleep for decades and even longer. We were fat and happy. Spoiled rotten. Didn’t even see the sucker punch coming.

Now people don’t know how to stand up and make the right choice. We’ve never had to sacrifice in such ways because others did it for us.

Now is the time.


Make your choice. Sacrifice? Or go along. Choose wisely.

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Amen, people do have a choice as no one was holding a gun to their head. What these "no choice" people are actually saying is, "What choice did I have? If I didn't comply my standard of living might suffer”.

I get it as no one wants to take a pay cut, move to a smaller home, or give up the nice things we've all grown accustomed to. But lets be honest here, no one was forced to take the shot or to send their kids to public schools. No one is forced to announce their pronouns, take a covid test, pledge allegiance to the rainbow flag, or any of the other absurd rituals of the semi-totalitarian state.

People do these things because they aren't willing to pay the social price of standing out from the crowd. People go along with these things because they are fearful of the unknown and unwilling to trust God (as he commands us to do in no uncertain terms). Step out in faith, you may just be surprised what happens.

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This is the real truth. All of these "sacrifices" were easy for me because I don't place much value on social acceptance. Lucky for me, I'm just driven by knowing the truth.

It seems to come down to principles and conviction. For the "cavers," they simply do not see the magnitude of their rights being violated or what it leads to. They're not deciding on values on principles, only on material and practical short-term impacts. I understand why they do it; I just wish I could show them the obvious-to-me outcome of what it'll be like in 5 yrs...

Hardest part is having college aged kids that are still too smart to listen to their "conspiracy theory" dad who's been reading and learning about corrupt governments and conspiracy facts for decades. I guess 20+ yrs of being red pilled doesn't really make anyone wiser, does it? SMDH.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Right there with you, sir. SMDH, too. In the trenches! Awakened parenting is HARD! Keep on, keeping on. I'm a firm believer that when our children have children, many things we've been trying to teach our children will finally click. Prayerfully! My college-aged child, 21 is awakening, albeit slowly, but surely. He has decided that he'd rather be a plumber and eventually own his own business than rack up any college debt- be it financial or mental. 😅 His father and I are divorced, but his father and I are both "conspiracy theorists", he seems to be coming around these past few years, asking more questions. Most of his friends are in college and jabbed. He walked away from a Home Depot job that expected him to mask up.

Our would-be 17 y/o daughter, passed 2020- but, at just 14 y/o, she questioned everything! Refused to go along with narratives just because everyone else was. If it was trendy/trending she wasn't about it. She was a rebel! Admired that so much about her. She didn't mind sharing her beliefs, emphatically talking with others about theirs, and challenging them to think objectively. My two youngest children have recently started saying "FJB"... So?! We shall see! We worship no human in this house---- especially not any past, present, or future White House Resident.


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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

A physician in the family who works for a corporate hospital said, "sometimes you don't need to KNOW everything, and you just gotta keep your head down and do your job"... Yes, said person and all of their family, multiple young children are boosted to the Nth° Meanwhile, we've walked away from careers that mandated jabs, sold a house, uprooted and now travel/live FT in a camper and homeschool, as we figure out where we go from here. I've always been a truthseeker...and uncompromising when it comes to my beliefs- but losing a child in 2020 at the start of this NEW circus act 🤡, has noticably made doing the right thing for us; including my spouse (who has started awakening), easier. Our souls are NOT for sale, and what freedoms we do have is not negotiable. We have a duty to protect our children and show them that even in the face of hardship, ostracization, etc., There is ALWAYS a choice. (And to teach/encourage them to never forsake compassion AND their ability to think critically).

Also, 1 out of my 4 children has never, ever been touched by a 💉 and this child has zero autoimmune issues, rarely gets sick and when child does become ill, child's immune system knocks it out in less than 24 hours. Been 6 years and nothing has slowed child down. Other 3 have had asthma, food allergies, skin issues, attention-deficit, behavioral issues, etc. Thankfully the older 3 have not been 💉 in over 10 years! And they're also really, really healthy now. Asthma needing no medication, skin issues cleared up, attention-deficit/behavioral issues reversed, and food allergies are mostly gone; a few lingering food sensitivities now, but with minimal, non-life-threatnening reactions.

And, I just gotta plug it here: has anyone heard of John Schneider's indie film that debuted today?!


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Well said! Thank you. 😊

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I agree! And you are correct, I heard story after story of one’s who stood up and said “no” and God has moved mountains for them. New jobs, new location, new profound look at their lives, new found faith, new friends, deeper faith, deeper trust, and different blessings. Everyone’s scenario is different. And there are others who made sacrifices that are struggling but not wavering in their stand. I can’t pretend how to know God will meet every need. I just know He knows what He is doing and I have to trust that.

Thank you for sharing.

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As I was going door to door canvassing for a Senate campaign last summer, I kept getting told “No, I don’t wanna yard sign because my neighbors would think badly of me.”

We are a nation of cowards.

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“Home of the Brave,” my ass.

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Home of the sheep.

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"Gun to their head"? We HAVE TO BE WILLING TO DO RIGHT IF IT KILLS US! THAT'S what's wrong with every aspect of humanity.

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What I found most devastating (I am still in some degree of shock) about 2020 and 2021 was that I had a belief that people would say "no" to the bullies and humanity would stand together against the masks, lies, and coercive vaccine and passport program. . . But they didn't they went along and that is very, very scary.

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I was shocked. Which is why I question if even having our kids and grandkids lives on the line, will they suddenly now stand?

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I so agree. All of these people had a choice. I would have sacrificed everything I had to not give in to the pressure. I told my husband I would sit on him and block him from leaving the house if his employer had mandated it. Thank God he was in total agreement and agreed to quit if forced.

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Yes. Do not cave. Do what’s right. Resist evil.

I could add to your above examples. Think of all those German citizens under Hitler —

“What choice did I have when they began killing the ‘undesirables’ …”

People bowed and caved under the Holocaust.

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I think it's really about the liability protections afforded to shots on the childhood schedule. People are waking up, lawsuits are advancing, and pHarma is scared enough to push for this right now, before midterms, when Dems really wanted/needed us to forget covid.

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I believe most parents will "cave" - we had a large percentage of kids who weren't vaxed for chickenpox. Had an "outbreak" at school and the health department came in and did a vax campaign right before they let families know they would have to keep their kids out of school for 21 days if they had no vax. Almost all families got their children vaxxed.

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The CDC "recommends" this in the Childhood vaccine schedule. It's not mandated. Its not a "rule", it's guidelines. The cities and states will have to "mandate" the shot to attend school, but people still have a choice. They can choose not to send their kids to public school. Since it's a baby sitter for so many who work, some don't really have a lot of "choice" there.

The only way to stop the madness is to get the kids out of public schools. So help me, once I retire I'll volunteer to teach any homeschool group for outside enrichment (Magic or science-the study of chemical reactions; Actual math without estimation; Using Geometry to build wood bench, you know that kind of thing). Start my own charter umbrella school. SOMEthing.

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I suppose you noticed AOC will NOT go into a darkened room. That’s the first step…😉

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Outstanding commentary, Jeff. I particularly appreciate your encapsulation of our current reality:

"The committee, who were all sitting in little boxes in a dystopian version of “Celebrity Jeopardy,” never discussed the fact that covid poses a miniscule risk to healthy kids. The committee never discussed natural immunity. The committee never discussed adverse events."

The majority of humanity have gone insane and I fear that we are all passengers on a veritable Titanic quickly approaching the inevitable iceberg. I've commented a few times on my job and how I work with a ton of happily jabbed people. I truly feel like an Orwellian thought criminal every day as I sit in meetings and hear people humble bragging about business trips to Brazil and other places where 'jabs for entry' requirements still exist. I am asked frequently, "When are you coming to Brazil?"

We live in the south, our kids are teenagers, and we've gone the homeschooling route before so I am pretty sure we can adapt. However, I look at friends of ours celebrating newborn children and I can't help but to feel incredibly depressed. (My wife and I suspect that both of our kids are vaccine injured due to behavioral issues that both experienced as young children as we - like most formerly naive and trusting new parents - sheepishly went along as our kids' pediatricians injected each with 38 different shots. All we can do is tell them we were stupid, that we're sorry, and to understand why we are so militant now).

Humanity have been divided into two entirely distinct realities. A friend of my wife happily informed her yesterday that she just received her second booster so she can visit an elderly friend in Philadelphia. When my wife out of curiosity asked her why (my wife is pretty open about our stance), her friend said proudly that the elderly friend will be happy knowing that she's up to date on her shots.

I am confident that mandated jabs will convince many previously opposed parents to inject their kids simply so their kids can attend public schools The vast majority of these will be forced to do so because they do not have the means to home-school their kids or other real alternatives.

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I agree. I don’t see that there will be any more of an uprising with this. It’s unfortunate. People give up so easily.

I have friends who got creative. Thinking outside the box.

20 students parents’ formed a co-op and hired a teacher who was sick of the BS in public schools so she quit. She is now homeschooling those 20 kids from a one room classroom like the old days. The parents pull their money to pay the teacher. Happy and educated kids. Happy and destressed parents.

We have to get creative. We have to be willing to sacrifice. If there is no willingness to sacrifice then just get in line and inject poison into your kids.

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"most formerly naive and trusting new parents - sheepishly went along as our kids' pediatricians injected each with 38 different shots"

You didn't just go along, you thought you were absolutely doing the right thing for your kids. Why would the doctors recommend , and 99% of kids get, something that was bad for kids? It made sense at the time, until we now realize what that tiny number of independent-thinking parents were talking about.

I don't suspect my kid is vax injured, thank goodness, but I still wish I had paid more attention before covid smacked us all on the side of the head.

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I’m sick to my stomach about childhood vax decision, I could not read past that. I’m happy for Florida kids, but what about kids who live in blue states like New York. With population in NYC there is no chance to turn it red. And please don’t tell me that parents will choose to homeschool then - for most it’s not feasible... I feel so hopeless...

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Even when homeschooling, in some states, we are required to submit our children's vaccine proof. For those in states that have overruled the religious exemption, even homeschooled children are "required" to vax. Insanity. Utter insanity. This may be what breaks the camel's back--attacking our children under the auspice of "common good." No thank you.

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It needs to be the straw that finally wakes up these pathetic sheep-parents and forces their “The View as News”, brainwashed minds to pay attention to the collaboration they are supporting gleefully to destroy their own children’s futures! They’re too busy celebrating diversity and making sure their kid’s look cool in their rainbow tutus and that they have all the politically correct signs on their lawns so they fit in at the neighborhood block party, drinking the latest microbrew or rose sangria with they’re EV minivan parked in the driveway, while bragging to their friends that they work for the most ESG-sensitive corporations that could care less about their dinghy, shallow lives and will soon replace them with the robots for which they’ve been used as models for the beta test. They work diligently to maintain the “woke” lifestyle of their zombie-generation without a thought to what it will truly mean for their children in 15-20 years. Talk about self-centered and clueless!

PSA: I’m talking about my own adult child and his wife. Watching the devolvement of freedoms in their quaint little Boston suburb, oblivious to reality, but patronizing all of us “unwoke” heathens with their self-righteous defense of and active engagement in their self-inflicted demise is truly sickening. My 4-year old granddaughter is the innocent victim being paraded around in said rainbow tutu in their clueless march toward the utter destruction of her world. I can hardly view the IG and FB posts without puking.

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How absolutely heart-breaking for you. 😢 Any chance the 4-year old can spend lots and lots of quality time with Grandma?

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Ha! They wouldn’t leave her with me for fear I’d pollute her mind with thought of freedom and godliness!

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Oh geez. So so sorry. I would cry tears every night.

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How painful. I am so happy I never had children. If I had to watch this in my own family it would kill me. I'd be stroking out constantly.

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I can only hold to my faith in God that the truth will set us free and continue to stay informed and educated in the event they finally come to their senses and ask for help, as they know I know the lies they’re supporting, in their feeble attempt to be woke and hip, and they know I am on the side of freedom for them and that darling child. His sister has seen the light; her husband is a freedom advocate, be it a bit passive, as he’s involved in CT law enforcement. They cried out for my help just days ago as they will be forced, if nothing changes, to V*X their four children in order for them to continue to attend CT public school. They don’t see an option of homes schooling and can’t afford private school, if available without the poisoning mandate, on their two salaries. I’m potentially going back to work in an effort to help them afford a school, if available, that respects their rights as parents. We the people, if we will, have the power to force our Congress to do the very simple task of passing a law outlawing forever this forced medical tyranny. It’s that simple, really, as federal law would supersede state law, in this regard, but knowing who serves in that swamp and how deep the rabbit hole is, does not give me hope. The politicians; most all of them, are all willing, or unknowing, puppets in the great reset to eliminate as many of us as possible. Our time of freedom is drawing to a close; and quickly, if more don’t wake up and rally in large numbers to defend ourselves and our future generations from this travesty.

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These days, I shake my head a little every time I re-read the story of Noah.

From a symbolic point of view, all that rainbow gear is like: "Nyah Nyah! You promised! Now we can do whatever we want! Pbbbbbbttt!"

For people who largely don't believe in God, they're awfully petty toward Him.

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Rainbow tutu is nothing comparing to what this vax could do to a 4 year old

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Not joking; this shit is real and tearing families apart!

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My worry is that it won’t break the camel’s back and parents who were on the fence will vax their kids and not revolt because gov can not possibly do anything to harm our kids

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People's stupidity ceases to surprise me. Everyday. They will not rise up. They will continue to be the sheep they are and then wonder why all their friends are dying from blood clots. There are no excuses for not knowing anymore. It is one thing for an adult to be willfully ignorant but pushing it into little children that God gave to you? Well, there is a special place for those assholes. Excuse my language but this pisses me off like nothing else has.

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Did you watch the video of the well-spoken man in front of the school board? "It is better to have millstones tied around your necks...then to lead little children astray..."--God will certainly be their final judge.

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He was on Tucker tonight. He's amazing, we need more like him. He has a book coming out and he's going on a book tour all over the country in 2023. Maybe he will give courage to others to finally speak up.

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Yes! He was amazing. And that part stood out to me as well. They should be scared.

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If they have any belief in God, they should be terrified!

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Agree 1,000%! While their stupidity has ceased to surprise me, too, it still enrages me. On the daily. "Assholes" is probably the mildest word I would, and do, use to describe them. No apologies.

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Government is always the worse offender IMO.

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I would have believed that in the 50s 60s and 70s. Many have grown up at that time and cannot understand that much has changed.

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When kids start dying "en masse" parents (hopefully!!) will flip.

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There are plenty of states where homeschooling is a constitutional right and completely free of state interference.


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That's horrible!

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I’m with you Emma....I’m crushed and anxious. There’s zero chance my 5 year old will ever get this shot so I’m worried about my choices if my state forces this or takes away the exemptions. With so little people getting their kids this shot so far and the fact it’ll be required every year, I think there’s hope that people will be outraged. Just gotta hold on to hope somewhere....

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Beginning to wonder just what good traditional modern school is now anyway. Grooming of all sorts of thought and action.

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Agree, this trite, "just homeschool," BS is not an answer to the problem. Even if you can do it, most can't, and these problems in schools affect us all, not just our own kids. These are generational problems of the body and mind that we will all have to deal with as a country.

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We homeschool for other reasons. AND I will absolutely fight in our state for freedom for ALL students to forego this injection. I will be at my statehouse, if it comes to the legislature. This is about ALL of our kids and ALL of us.

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I know you're right, but I cannot and will not entrust my kids to a system that grooms and warps their minds while I try and fight this system. I'm making homeschool work because I love my kids too much to inflict that worldview on them.

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I really like DeSantis's program of giving miltary veterans a fast track to getting a teacher's certification.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

And there is no religious exemptions in schools in NY! I feel as it’s September last year again when gov mandates came out: in shock and literally sick that this is possible in our free country!!! Only this time it’s worse - it’s kids!!!!

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I am so sorry!

Yes, it feels like deja vu w the mandates. Didn’t we just do this a year ago??!!!

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Religious exemptions have to be allowed. The Supreme Court ruled I believe that you have to accommodate this. Correct me if I am wrong.

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There are several states that don't allow religious exemptions: https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/school-immunization-exemption-state-laws.aspx

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Not in New York schools

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Until the parents challenge it in court. Like the 2A, NY may get spanked by SCOTUS over it.

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The positive to all of this is more people now know how awful all vaccines are, how our medical community is totally controlled and corrupted by big pharma. Also this could be the final blow to take down the groomers also known as the public school system and their evil doers, the NEA.

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Those states now have a reason to vote for the GOP candidate. In NY, the race is closer than originally expected.

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Governor's could do a LOT to stop city and state vax mandates and groomer programs. I hope blue state voters seize this opportunity, it could be their last.

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Yes, i am sick about this too. I live in a blue state and I am terrified for the children. We pulled ours out of school last year- I am the grandmother and am homeschooling them. But what about all the other innocent children?

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Kind of the same in Illinois. Chicago bullies the mainly red rest of it.

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We are in Chicago too-my kid is in a Catholic school so what will that mean for them?

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I am grateful for our leaders in Florida, such as our surgeon general. However, I am amazed that this will effect not just blue states, but red states, too. I believe Tucker mentioned that even Tennessee has a law that they follow CDC guidelines for the childhood schedule. I also had heard that Louisiana does not allow religious exemption on the childhood schedule. Those are just two red states that are behind the times. Imagine the blue states!

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Loved that Florida came out right away against it. My only problem was that Lapado’s tweet said no “healthy” child should get the vax. I wish he would’ve left off the word “healthy”. 😞

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Ah, Mississippi rather than Louisiana. Thanks for checking on that.

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Same, same, same

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Jeff, You need to look into HR 350. FAST!!

This just happened yesterday, in the most recent US Congressional meeting behind closed doors, and you need to be aware.

Cloture was invoked yesterday under Unanimous Consent Agreements over Order No 371, House Resolution 350. and it centers around the establishment of "Domestic Terrorism" Offices within Homeland Security, The FBI, and the Department of Justice itself.

*A Unanimous Consent Agreement means that it passes defacto unless objected to by members.

Invoking Cloture here is their means to an end. It means they limit the debatable time to 30 hours by default and it prevents filibuster. After 30 hours it is pushed through to a vote & all amendments undiscussed automatically are tabled.

It is a procedural way to get around filibuster from political opposition, & to keep amendments from undercutting their plan here.

Avoiding a quorum call means members dont even need to be present for a vote to happen.

They are expanding Agencies to target us, the People, specifically, and they are doing it FAST.

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And there are many Republicans who will vote yes to expand the security state.

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Yep. Don’t get distracted by ‘Democrats vs. Republicans’. That’s just a facade. They’re all corrupted crooks.

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Our US Congress ‘at work’. Aren’t they wonderful? (Sarcasm of course). They’ve proven that they’re corrupted to the core, and that we can’t depend on them for anything whatsoever.

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The last nail in the all out communism coffin? https://townhall.com/columnists/wayneallynroot/2021/02/28/the-communist-takeover-of-the-united-states-n2585431... quote from Wayne’s frightening “wake up America” article...”Obama's actual plan. I learned it at Columbia University from 1979 to 1983. I was Obama's classmate at the Ivy League college where Marxism and the destruction of America were taught in every classroom. The plan was called Cloward-Piven, named after a husband-wife team of Columbia professors. Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven created the perfect Marxist plan: Get every American possible on welfare and other government handout programs in order to overwhelm the system, bring the national debt to levels never imagined, bankrupt America and bring business owners to their knees when the economy collapses. Then you've got a socialist country.... this article is a year old... how long has our republics Constitution been eliminated?

I recognize exactly what's happening today in America with Biden as the PINO (president in name only). Obama is using a modified Cloward-Piven plan.

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And don't forget, Cloward and Piven were students of Saul Alinsky, who wrote Rules for Radicals.

Fun fact: Cloward and Piven were married.

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Does this include Pelosi's plan to have a Capitol Police (Gestapo) department in every State? Sounds like it.

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Let her try and send them to Florida. I can already see DeSantis’s middle finger glistening in the sunshine! 💪🏻

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Ugh. I try not to even look at her freeze dried face, let alone read or listen to her. I rely on good brave citizens like you and Jeff to do that for me. Thanks for taking a bullet. Of course her idea is disturbing. All this is going to obviously need “papers” to live.

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freeze dried...LOLOL

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H.R. 350: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/350?loclr=bloglaw

The real question is whether or not this will go anywhere in the Senate...

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"Finally, it directs the FBI to assign a special agent or hate crimes liaison to each field office to investigate hate crimes incidents with a nexus to domestic terrorism."

This sounds just like the Political Officers of Nazi Germany...I think that's what they were called.

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As was Obama which is the point... going back further, a contribution by Richard Schaum... on America's organic laws, “the joke played on us.” If you read American History, you will discover that before the 1783 King George 3rd's Treaty dictate all 13 Colonies chose a much different Rule of Law form.

The Common law for America as entitled 'Colonial Law, sums up what the Thirteen Colonies considered to be the final bases for all law in America or ever to be in America... "the colonies were so impressed with the idea of an overruling law of nature that the laws of God and so-called natural laws were regarded as the true laws, and all temporal legislation was considered to be binding only in so far as it was an expression of this natural law" Yes, back then there were some moral white hats.

James Wilson, the foremost lawyer at the Constitutional Convention, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a man who was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1789 and was well familiar with this legal principal stated above called Natural Law and stated; "Parliament may, unquestionably, be controlled by natural or revealed law, proceeding from divine authority". However, history seems to document King George 3rd. and the King's men, Washington, Franklin, Congress & Senate overruled this with their man-made Laws of the Sea, Maritime, and Admiralty Law.

After 1783 the Americans were not allowed to vote during the founding years, were not allowed to own their lands with free and clear title (Allodial or Land Patent), not allowed to implement their Rule of Law form (Our Rights Come from God) and in 1791 lost the right to choose their currency forms, commerce practices and private-side banking. Remember, Washington and Hamilton sided with the King in 1791 and we got a foreign banking system with foreign stockholders… this all stands to this date; exception would be voting LOL.

**** Where are we today**** contribution by Katherine Watt April 28, 2022 —- The basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved, was to set up legal conditions in which all governing power in the United States could be automatically transferred from the citizens and the three Constitutional branches into the two hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, effective at the moment the HHS Secretary himself declared a public health emergency, legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects.That happened on Jan. 31, 2020, in effect as of Jan. 27, 2020 through the present day.

Ask yourself…. What administration was in power…the point is…it doesn’t matter by design for over 200 years!!!

Katherine Watts continues: “In other words: Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers. https://open.substack.com/pub/bailiwicknews/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program?r=697d8&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

Katherine Watt’s work imho is required reading for all of us, especially those still attached to the concept that we have rights under our constitution and still believe voting and our vote matters... weigh in Jeff?

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“However, history seems to document King George 3rd. and the King's men, Washington, Franklin, Congress & Senate overruled this with their man-made Laws of the Sea, Maritime, and Admiralty Law.

After 1783 the Americans were not allowed to vote during the founding years, were not allowed to own their lands with free and clear title (Allodial or Land Patent), not allowed to implement their Rule of Law form (Our Rights Come from God) and in 1791 lost the right to choose their currency forms, commerce practices and private-side banking. Remember, Washington and Hamilton sided with the King in 1791 and we got a foreign banking system with foreign stockholders… this all stands to this date; exception would be voting LOL.”

All of the above is hogwash. (The mention of Admiralty Law is always a dead-giveaway for conspiracy nut tax protestors. Always.)

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The breadth and depth of your historical knowledge far exceeds mine! Bottom line, we are in a horrible spot because we have allowed our elected leaders/federal government to erode the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Extreme federalism and a Convention of States may be the only the only solutions...

I do subscribe to Katherine's Substack and appreciate the way she digs into the weeds, pointing out how we have allowed government to "legally" expand it's powers and take power away from We the People.

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I do think it MAY come down to a Convention of States or a divorce of the Free States from the Blue States. One way or another, the States will be our last line of defense against the Bolsheviks.

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Conspiracy nut alert.

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Perhaps you can provide a bit more of an explanation to further the discussion...

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The ACIP vote is just one more indication of how much democrats hate children in America. You know those bureaucrats are almost exclusively progressive. Stacy Adams thinks we could improvement inflation if we kill babies. The CDC doesn’t care if children are injured by a shot that isn’t properly tested and they ignore their own injury information. Progressive women think they have a constitutional right to murder their own babies. Government schools indoctrinate children and sexualizes them. We don’t educate our children. We don’t protect them. We don’t offer them a future. Take your children out of the arms of government and love them properly.

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It's not just Democrats. Just like provoking Russia to start a nuclear war, it's both parties and the pharma influence is deep and pervasive. I have very little faith knowing that the GOP is led by corrupt dupes like Graham, McConnell, and McCarthy. I am not confident that more Trump is a solution, either.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

The rug has been pulled from under us long ago. Unelected, unsupervised bureaucrats who answer to no one and are never held to account, no matter how treasonous their actions, are running our country. I’m not sure we can dig our way back to freedom but if we aren’t willing to do it for our children, we never will.

As for political parties, they are two cheeks of the same ass but for decades the democrats have moved further away from the Constitution and from God. The speed of this is increasing and it’s time to elect new people, younger people with courage and brains. We have difficult work to do.

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I believe that there are degrees of evil and the DNC established their agenda long ago under Barack Hussein Obama. I early voted straight "R" yesterday.

P.S.: Don't forget to request a paper ballot.

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Please everyone vote on election day

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Yes. But take note that no one in government, regardless of party affiliation, is doing ANYTHING to stop this evilness. Think about why that is.

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The people have spoken. In fact over 86,000 comments about adding the covid vax for the childhood immunization schedule as of Noon yesterday, keep speaking! See what people have to say.


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15 useless idiots determining the fate of millions of children? None of these people are even qualified to referee a game of jacks.

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This is the documentary Based on the RFK jr book, The Real Anthony Fauci visible for FREE the next 10 days on Rumble


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Watched Part 1 last night ~ am wondering if Part 2 will also be free or if I have to buy the DVD or digital download.

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Not sure. I haven’t seen the one I shared all the way through yet.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I live in Woke County (officially known as Wake County). We homeschool. I strongly advise and encourage everyone to get out of gov't run schools, today. It will be fine, the kids will be better off and they'll learn more useful things making up games in the backyard than getting indoctrinated in the woke classrooms.

We need to get that man to run for office asap.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Did this since 1988. And YES "played games. All sorts." Their college GPAs 3.9 and MA in Data analysis and I was an abysmal failure teaching math. But God is Sovereign and NEVER FAILS to get His ppl where He designed them to be. Obey. Trust.

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Doctors who support vaccines (most of them) will admit that they give Hep B vaccines to just born infants in the hospital (day 1 or 2) because if they don't give them the vaccine then, the parents will not give it to them later. I saw a doctor from Johns Hopkins say this in an interview several months ago. Hopefully, all of this vaccine awareness will backfire.

I have to admit, I'm actually happy that the CDC is now making covid vaccine for children an election issue. They probably think it will help Democrat candidates. It is most definitely going to tilt things in the favor of the GOP candidate if they decide to make it an election issue like Kari Lake has. In AZ 29% of 5-11 year olds and 59% of 12-17 year olds are fully vaccinated. For PA, it's 34% and 59%. You can see all states and % vaxed by age here. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/covid-19-vaccine-doses.html#age

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I was always told it was to protect the rare newborn whose mom had undiagnosed hep B, and who therefore was at risk of contracting it during birth.

But still, there are better ways to assess a baby’s risk for this, rather than carte Blanche giving to all.

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Six years ago I had my 4th and final child, induction.... RN was telling me about the protocol vaccines they'd take my newborn away to give to her.... I told her nope! And gave her my birth plan in writing. She responded with a "Looks like I'm going to have to give you some vaccine education while you're here" snarky comment 😂 the LPN that was trying to start the IV just looked up at me like OMG, I'm so sorry. Needless to say, I never saw that RN again. No one got to take my newborn away from my sight, and if I were to ever have another baby, I'd never again do it in a hospital.

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My daughter specifically declined the hep b vax, but her baby’s hospital records show that he got it.

They are either lying on his records or they deliberately disregarded her instructions. Either way, her next baby won’t be birthed in a hospital.

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Test the mother before birth. Problem solved.

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The cynic in me says they probably do the test but don't look at the result - more items to bill that way.

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Yes, I know. Exactly.

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That is total bullshit, of course. Anyone here ever heard of a baby getting hep b? Anyone here, or their children, ever had it themselves?

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I have no doubt that somewhere there are perinatally-acquired cases of hep B. Probably (I am assuming) babies born to moms who have used IV drugs and/or been sexually trafficked/prostitutes.

But it is not common at all. And we have zero reason to give to the entire population.

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Kind of like the ointment they put in a newborn’s eyes to keep them from infection in case they came into contact with an STD during delivery....except they do it to C-section babies too 🤔. I remember wiping it away immediately and saying (on video) “Mommy doesn’t have an STD, let’s get that crap off your eye” 🤪

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Didn't you know, there is rampant unprotected sex in nurseries...

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Oh no! Those percentages are awfully high. So sad

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Do we have this info any other way? Would hate to have to create a nytimes account.

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Oh Jeff! God bless you for making me laugh out loud with that video of Alex. That was the BEST!

And I loved it that you mentioned Akron, Ohio where I’ve lived most of my 63 years!

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

I laughed so hard I cried! It was the BEST, wasn't it?! Alex Stein is an incredible human being, as are your, Jeff. My husband and I regularly bust out into Primetime 99 song & dance, and make each other LOL.

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So much to comment on today. Another informative post!

I'm not a parent, but if I were, my answer to this forced "vaxxing" of kids would be a simple no. Just no. Stop complying. As we've learned with the masks, the mandates, the shots, etc, they will keep pushing and pushing, as long as we let them.

As for that little weasel, Baugh, I hope he keeps getting his boosters until the results are "sudden and unexpected". Godspeed, D-bag.

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The 2 of the 15 wearing a mask in the zoom meeting were trying to hide their identity because they felt “stupid” for agreeing. There is absolutely no other excuse!

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We need to know who they are. STAT.

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Regarding the NYC Mayor aid...Chris Baugh who said


HE WAS FIRED! There are many of these tyrannical weasels in the DEMPUBLICAN party.

One down...many to go!!!


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