Everyday I wake up and see the data and revealed lies Iโ€™m overjoyed because I didnโ€™t drink the koolade.

Oh darn, another day without clots and myocarditis.

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Same. There's something amazing and also sad about walking in freedom amongst so many in bondage to propaganda and fear.

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Nov 1, 2022ยทedited Nov 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes! At the very beginning of the Covid (before it became clear it was not as bad as being portrayed) our pastor taught a series of messages on trusting God, He was still our King, and that when people trust God they do not fear. Those messages had a profound impact on me as for the first time it made me realize living in fear is sinful. How I had missed that previously after decades of bible study makes me shake my head.

Either one trusts God or they don't, there is no middle ground. Whenever someone uses the word "terrifying", "frightening", or something similar when describing events, they are telling the world they don't trust God. When people make the vax (or masks or anything else) an idol, they are telling the world they don't trust God. The entire "trust science" movement is idolatry, on top of it's obvious irrational self-defeating contradictions. Science is a process, not an entity unto itself. There is nothing wrong with taking a medication after a careful risk/benefit analysis, but putting one's trust in a drug? Fearful idolatry.

The last three years have been quite the litmus test in separating the wheat from the chaff. It does make me wonder if that was God's intent all along.

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Excellent points. For me, it is a daily spiritual and mental exercise to NOT fear. It takes a shifting of focus away from earth and all its temporal concerns, to the One who made and owns it all and who holds our every moment in the palm of His hand. I am so thankful for His peace.

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As you say Janiceโ€ฆit is a daily exercise. It is easy to be strong in some areas, while weak in others. My prayer is often this verse:

โ€œImmediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, โ€œLord, I believe; help my unbelief!โ€โ€

โ€ญโ€ญMarkโ€ฌ โ€ญ9โ€ฌ:โ€ญ24โ€ฌ โ€ญNKJVโ€ฌโ€ฌ

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That verse has always been my constant companion.

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I decided around April or May of 2020 that I wasnโ€™t going to fear Covid. Or, dying from Covid. I am a believer so why would I or why would anyone who trusts in God? I didnโ€™t get the clot shot and seldom wore masks. If I had to wear a mask, my nose was exposed.

Come to find out, the projected deaths were from a terrible model and the real Covid deaths were inflated too. Total psyop operation. I now, as do many others, question everything the government tells us including 9/11. I just canโ€™t figure out why/what the motive was for bringing down the towers. Itโ€™s an interesting rabbit hole to go down.

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Same. I too remembered that God tells us not to fear. Decided I would be okayโ€ฆbut if I did become ill and die, then it was Godโ€™s will.

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The motive was to turn us all into blind submissive sheep who would just sit back and willingly hand over our freedom in exchange for "safety." A roaring success. Along the same lines, people believe the jab was created for the virus. No, the virus was created to more easily distribute the jabs to the masses. Another roaring success.

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In โ€œdanceโ€ they call it the 2-step.

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That's exactly what happened with us. When my husband heard the lie that Hydroxychloroquine was dangerous, he got suspicious. Somehow, by the grace of God, we researched and found the "dissident" doctors and scientists. I decided that I would trust God as to whether I got covid, I couldn't control that. I could, however, control whether or not I was jabbed and potentially killed or injured, for no benefit! The more we learned, the more sure we were that we shouldn't get jabbed. "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." It's a win win situation for Christ followers.

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Phillipians 1:21

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Possibly the 'patriot act'.

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Have you heard of the gold and documents stored under Building 7. Did you know there were 3 buildings that came down?

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I'm with you on not fearing and trusting God against a virus. We've clearly been manipulated as a society by all the experts and authoritarians.

I am not able to intellectually extend that skepticism to 9/11. I've looked at it all different ways and nothing makes sense other than jihadist terrorists. MAYBE the government knew and let it happen, but I don't really believe that either.

Be careful thinking everything ever was a psyop. Next you'll be doubting the moon landings and thinking the earth is flat.

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And the pyramids and the Great Wall of China were built by labor unions.

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All key words to continue the psyops agenda.

Read Christopher Broyles book. Solving 911.

Great read.

Even more fakery now discovered after his book was written.

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I could have written you post!

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I think remaining fearful is sinful. You are not trusting that God is in control. But fear should trigger (in a christian) our turning to God in prayer and the comfort of knowing that he has a plan, it will be done, His will - not ours and his will is good and perfect. We were not promised a life without worry, hardship and danger. In fact Christ tells us we will have to endure hardship for His sake and will eventually have to sell out cloak for a sword. When I feel anxious, I turn to the only one who was able to save me from eternal hell. I read what He has to say. That solves fear. To remain in fear is sinful

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If you are a Christian, raise your hand if you have prayed something along the lines of "God, I do NOT understand your plan, but I trust it is just and perfect and that brings me comfort today. Thank you". I have prayed it innumerable times.

They thought separating us from our family in Christ would make us turn to them in faith. Fools.

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Nov 1, 2022ยทedited Nov 1, 2022

Agree 100%. We all have a burst of fear at some point, like when we almost have a traffic accident and somehow escape it. What's sinful is choosing to wallow in fear rather than trusting God.

I've been thinking about this topic a lot lately. The Bible condemns many of these negative emotional states (for lack of a better phrase) in no uncertain terms, fear, bitterness, envy, self-pity, etc. Clearly these are self-destructive habits so the condemnation makes sense. But these are also tools that people use to manipulate others. It does make me think God also condemns them to protect us from being lead astray as he knows wallowing in this state makes us vulnerable to deception.

Avoiding these emotional states aren't suggestions but biblical commands. It's like a doctor telling me that me I have a penicillin allergy and if I take it it will kill me. No problem, I won't take it. God is telling us the same thing, these behaviors will destroy us, I'm not allowed to wallow in my fear or self-pity (a form of bitterness) no matter how good it feels in the moment. It's just not an option.

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I bet you have been thinking about it a lot over the past few years. I know I have! But we have God on our side! I always ask him to tuck me well under his wing.

A bit back I had a serious brush with death. But (and I don't say it boastfully, but in awe) I wasn't afraid. I knew God would decide when my time was up and until then I was bulletproof! : ) I never used to think (when I was a young Christian) of the 10 commandments or other admonishments as something to protect me from evil, but as I get older and have poured over my Bible it has become plain that every word is there in that book in some way to keep us in Him. Safe. Right now I am struggling with forgiving people I don't even know, but have done some terrible things. The struggle is real Jeff. I know we are to forgive (God forgives and forgets!). I have easily forgiven terrible things in the past, but now... struggle!

Remember that none of the things that we face here on earth can separate us from the love of God. They will try obviously! Haha Grrr,

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Put on the armor of God, and do NOT fear!

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This is one of my favorite verses, especially for the times like this.

โ€œIt is better to take refuge in the LORD

Than to trust in man

It is better to take refuge in the LORD

Than to trust in princesโ€

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To paraphrase: I will fear no evil. My Lord God is with me.

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Yes!!! I have been saying this from the beginning. Trust in God! He will take care of you. Jesus will shower you with his graces if you ask Him.

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Yep, God's got this!

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I found myself getting anxiety attacks a few months ago, then realized I was fearful of vaxxident on the road. Driving defensively but praying before I go .

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Hereโ€™s a prayer that will change your life. Surrender yourself to Jesus!


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A few years ago I recommitted my life to Jesus. I had been doing new age junk, & had to repent.. was getting gang stalked for reporting a registered sex offender for grooming children and he walked, I got harassed. It was very scary. God protected me.

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Praise be to God for His Grace and Mercy towards us.

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Fear is THE biggest demon Christians face!! The older members at the Baptist church were scared to death. Next thing I know they're having a free vax clinic at church!!!๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

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Fear of death is huge. For me too before Christian conversion and well into it. And I had wondered most of my life how the martyrs, those persecuted and facing lions in the arena, the persecution by kings and inquisitions, and so on ... how these souls managed to keep their courage. There is no pat answer. However and nonetheless, faith developed leads to a liberation of the self ... and yet only in obedience to God and His Scripture (law, proverbs and so on). Eventually one comes to know that one cannot serve two masters. And that walking about on one's knees mendaciously is not a very good option. In the end, obedience to tyrants is disobedience to God ... and right back to the two masters choice.

Matthew 6:24 King James Version. 24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

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Amen! I've been studying deliverance from demons and the spirit of fear is THE biggest demon there is!!!

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You are exactly right. Jeff wrote a great piece about why Christian's didn't/shouldn't fear Covid. We know if we die we will be so much better off!

Many Christians don't think they're good enough to go to Heaven and thus the fear.

I have been studying deliverance ministry and the number one spirit (demon) is fear.

Satan and the cabal know exactly how to use that against us but we know perfect love casts out fear.

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some did ! The baptist church where a former friend attends, is fully jabbed. I am not sure if they require the jab proof, but I would not be surprised ! The Episcopal church closed very long and masked up mandatory until about 3 months ago. Everyone jabbed but 2 families. Someone told me how afraid they were of these families ! I don't think any church at all stayed open. The catholic here was the last to close and the first to open. I stopped going during this period and will not attend again. God is out there with the birds, the flowers and the trees. Probably more genuine so, than with the fearsome 'believers'

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True indeed. All the people sitting in churches but then running to the jab place (and god forbid, the churches that set up jab stands) are not godly. For myself God is in the woods, the wind, the trees. I no longer visit the churches because they all closed in fear for a sickness, or in fear for the government.

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I saw Robert Jeffress and TD Jakes were out there hawking the jab. We are studying Jeremiah in my WBS is reading 22-23. 23 deals with leaders of the flock who lead then astray, destroy them, lead them astray. Special woe for them. God will attend to them. Gulp. What happens to those who harm the little ones and causes them to sin? Millstone to the neck and a swift kick to the bottom of the sea. I think mammon is their idol. Money and things.

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Nov 2, 2022ยทedited Nov 2, 2022

The pastors recommending jabs thing is interesting and I think you have to judge their acts against the Bible. When the jabs first came out they were falsely portrayed as a modern wonder, and many pastors tend to be pretty naive and too trusting on things like this (IMO). Saying something like, "We don't want to lose any of you so please prayerfully consider if you should get the vaccine, I got one myself", seems misguided but fine to me.

Saying nothing would have been better, but these are fallible men after all. It was incorrect in hindsight but not unbiblical (again in my opinion). They thought they were doing the right thing because they have not yet grasped the corruption of the medical industry.

But turning the church into a vax dispensary with onsite injections is way over the top, and reminiscent of the money chambers in the temple. Telling people they were required to get the vax to "love others" is unbiblical heresy yet plenty of pastors did it. No surprise it's exactly what the world was saying and a lot of these pastors didn't want to be one of "those people" and went along with the crowd. This despite the fact the Bible tells us over and over to specifically be one of "those people" and reject worldliness.

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I agree. In fact you gave me a few things to ponder which I greatly appreciate.

Gird your loins Jeff. I think the ride will continue to be bumpy. So Christ says. : )

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Dr Jeffress was the pastor at First Baptist Wichita Falls when I first started going to church. I was really disappointed to hear him being pro jab. Iโ€™ve pretty much given up on โ€œchurchโ€ and instead attend a very small home church with fellow believers. It is more โ€œrealโ€ than church in a fancy building ever was.

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It is good to hear it put this way. And truly the Middle Ground vanishes like a desert mirage the closer on approaches the illusion. The corollary to 'there is no middle ground is' to be had in R. J. Rushdoony's stating this. That there is no such thing as cultural neutrality. As such, there is the way, the light, the truth. All else is death.

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Rushdoony! Whoa! Havenโ€™t heard that name in a long time. Are you a Reformed man perchance?

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We are Reformed Christian as per the standards set in various confessions of faith as set down in the Reformation era. That is to say, my wife and I understand how broken, how fallen and how heretical the churches are today.

And oddly, we have to agree with Obama when he said famously that the United States was a post-Christian society. Here's a very recent example. A local coffee shop last Saturday hosted some kind of Drag Queen event inviting families to attend (including little ones). My wife says that on the coffee shop FaceBook pages, quite a few were admitting that they were witches, etc. Never would have happened in Geo. Washington's time or in any of the American Colonial Period.

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When I tried to warn some church members about the jabs I was met with they're fine and if it's my time I'm ready to go. God's got me. With that rationale why should we stop murderers or punish them...

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This is the mentality of the Fallen Church. It ignores the Dominion Mandate and stewardship responsibilities. It is an antinomial in character, turning a blind eye to God's Laws in all except lip service. And the whole expression of statement appears to come with the cache of being on spiritual autopilot with overtones of the relatively modern heresy, Two Kingdoms Theology. Put this way. If there is no application of God's Laws, then why study Scripture at all. And to those who say, Scripture is simply a personal guide. Well then, Mandates alone make a mockery of that idea.

I am betting that this church you speak of is a nominally Christian church. And I bet in this church is light on 'Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.' As it was, it took us a good long learning curve of maybe six or more year, before we began to understand the difference between orthodox Christian teaching (Westminster Confession for example) and the watered down 'teaching' going on in most churches today.

This is not to say we did not like a lot people in some of the churches we attended. The people in our little country church were wonderful, nice to us. We still miss them. But we had to leave because we were not being fed, nourished and raise up in Christ.

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It is utterly ridiculous that they have managed to divide us on absolutely everything. Right down to our core. OK...God has got you. Now, would you go jump off a bridge because you believe that? Or drive into downtown at night? I feel like that is just tempting God. "Hold my communion wafer and watch this!!"

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Great post! Fearful idolatry is indeed what weโ€™ve witnessed in the last 2+ years. Would also argue that if you โ€œbelieveโ€ in the ambiguous โ€œCovidโ€ and its ever-unproven origins โ€” with nonsense like โ€œLong Covidโ€ and โ€œengineered virusesโ€ being further distractions that beg the question โ€” then youโ€™re committing a sin. To โ€œbelieveโ€ in anything besides God is to worship an idol, especially an undefined โ€œdiseaseโ€ claimed to derive from an unproven โ€œpathogen.โ€ Both are constructs of the mind and thus pure fantasy.

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2 Thessalonians 2: 9-11

And...Joyce Meyer always says that you pray once and believe. Period. To keep praying for the same thing over and over is unbelief, because you think the Lord didn't hear you in the first place. This is a great Stack on 2 Thessalonians...not JM. subject:https://walrusandcarpenter.substack.com/p/those-who-refuse-to-love-the-truth

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Hmmmโ€ฆ..rather, we are to pray without ceasing. The Lord gave us the parable of the importunate widow . โ€œAnd he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faintโ€ฆโ€ฆ.โ€ The Lord knows we are weak and must return to him again and again, much like a little child who needs his parents tender reassurance. This Joyce Meyer teaching leads to unnecessary suffering. Once and done? No, โ€œcome to Me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you restโ€. As many times as I sin and repent he forgives me, as many times as I implore his help, he hears. He knows our frailty and sympathizes with our weakness.

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True! Also the parable of the woman whose prayers were answered because of her persistence. Didnโ€™t take time to look up the verses but theyโ€™re there, and theyโ€™re another example of โ€œprayer without ceasing โ€œ and that often means bringing the same concern to God over and over. There is absolutely no sin in that.

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Yes, but keeping it in our hearts with the initial request made is something I agree with. I am always praying, lifting myself up. I don't mean the once and done approach. That sounds yucky. It sounds as if we separate ourselves from Him at times. Yeah, no. But praying and leaving it in God's hands is something we all have to do, instead of asking Him again and again for the same thing. Sometimes, the specificity of a prayer is...well, maybe something He doesn't want for us. Like that Garth Brooks song. Unanswered Prayers. Ugh. I think of all the things I prayed for that I didn't get. Thank God.

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Maybe Joyce Meyers meant that if you pray the sinners prayer (thus believing it), repent and go on endeavoring to live according to the will of God there is no need to keep asking for God to "save" you. If it is actually unbelief to pray a prayer of the sinner - I will leave that to God. Just sitting here thinking of it, I cannot see how God would reject remorse for sin and having a conversation with God asking for a bit of bolstering to one's faith. The only unforgivable sin is unbelief. It is certainly not an unforgivable sin to pray the sinner's prayer more than once IMO of course. Also there are lots of passages in the Bible where people pray repeatedly for the same thing and Christ encourages it. God wants us to come to Him. I pray a LOT for my sister who is not a Christian. I pray every which way that it is God's will that she will come to Christ. The answer may be no, but He wants to hear from us. It is not vain repetition. I pray for Jeff and all the people who have stood strong and will continue to. I think it is in accordance to His will.

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I imagine what she said means to believe God is going to answer your prayers. Be secure in the knowledge that when you go to Him with a sincere heart and prayer, He hears you. Yes, pray without ceasing. About everything, because it all needs continual coverage. This world cannot have too much prayer. It has been so long since I heard that tidbit from her that I cannot remember the context.

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God's hearing and answering are two separate things though. We must keep our prayers aligned with His will. Even unbelievers can go to God with prayers. And if they seek him with earnest they will find Him. They may not feel secure if they are new christians, but they should and could go to Him. I think God strengthens them. Believers are told we can go boldly to the throne (and should!). We know whether a prayer is according to His will if we read our Bible to get to know Him and his precepts better. It gives us confidence to pray boldly. Daniel even had the audacity to remind God of His promises! But young Christians they are still unsteady and unsure. God gives them lots of allowances (IMO) to talk to God about their salvation.

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Joyce Meyer is a false teacher.

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Thanks! ( is Joyce the one with golden toilet ? I canโ€™t remember) I agree & also pray for protection and prayers of gratitude. I did pray for medical help for many years , repeatedly. God heard me & answered beyond my wildest dreams but it was a decade of much physical torment. Not healed but healing the last few years.

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Golden toilet?? Wow. I do not know. To tell you the truth I have been thinking of that comment of her being a false teacher, or whatever. But, then I read that people will be blind to the Truth and also that there will be many false teachers among us. So, I try to listen to my heart and if it bears witness with what I am hearing. And, I have God's words to guide me. I am so glad that you are healing! God is too good for the likes of us, but he loves us anyway. Grace is the best. In my case if I focus upon the praying for help coping with something really terrible, it keeps the really terrible at the forefront of my mind (along with the Lord of course), but I am only human and if I let that terrible awful define my prayers, then I am totally limiting how I think God can work things out in my life. I am content to put the terrible awful in His hands and give me a break from dwelling on it all the time, which is what my tiny brain wants to do. But He has bigger plans for me. But, physical torment is something you can't escape with the power of your mind. Prayers for YOU. All the best.

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Thanks so much! Today Iโ€™m praying for my friend and her granddaughter. The mom wonโ€™t let her see grand baby unjabbed & the infant got the c jab yesterday. Itโ€™s in His hands.

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Pretty much.

Go get as many boosters as you want. Swell up and take paxlovid. Just leave me out of your false religion and idolatry.

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And stop judging me for living my life while you suffer from yet another infection or worry about the next one while continuing to hawk your stupid shot. The only thing I suffer from is a bad headache from banging my head against the wall...

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False religion is right, Benjamin.

โ€œThey worshiped their idols, which became a snare to them.โ€

Psalm 106:3

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I need more info on the shedding! Itโ€™s a real thing.

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I know! I wish that people had to quarantine after getting the clot shot just like if you get a nuclear stress test. I donโ€™t want to be around any of those people.

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Nor do I want to be around them until we better undertand about shedding. I'm wondering if it's a continuing thing with the vaccinated, or is it just a period of time after getting a booster. It's ironic that in the beginning, those who got vaccines with such religious fervor thought we the unvaccinated were the dangerous ones and they didn't want to be around us, but now it's the reverse.

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We can reinstate a mandate to keep vaccinated 6 feet away from the unvaccinated for shedding protection.

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How about requiring an "unvaccinated" pass to get into events????

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Theyโ€™re everywhere! So this concern must follow our discussion thread of FAITH over fear.

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Visit a homeopath there are remedies for the shedding spike proteins and other vax issues.

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Just donโ€™t get the shot.

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That's a very good way to put it, Janice!

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I never considered taking it. Not for one second.


Our three adult kids took it, though. I worry about them every day.

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My son, who is a hospital

administrator of a large US childrenโ€™s hospital couldnโ€™t wait to get the jab. Then get the second jab. Then get a booster jab. Then in June of this year got COVID, but โ€œit would have been worse without the jabsโ€. Then took Paxlovid and rebounded a week later. But again, โ€œitโ€™s all good because Iโ€™m still protectedโ€!! My husband and I are just gobsmacked that this man is somehow our offspring. Thinking about it makes my head hurt. Do I worry about his impending health issues? Nope. Heโ€™s a grown man. He made his decisions. The anger and belittling and chastising he showed toward us when we informed him weโ€™d never get jabbed killed any of my deep concerns. He made his bed...

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Wow! A tough-love mom! Glad to "meet" you. You are a unicorn!

I love how you dont blame yourself and you realize that he is a grown man. You dont helicopter him. Good for you!

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We can love our children without liking them. All COVID did was bring out the worst in him. And Iโ€™m a realist. We can birth them and raise them...but ultimately itโ€™s their life and their choices.

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I know I was out in the world in rebellion for a good decade before the grace of God turned me around. Once that happened, those values my parents instilled in me rose to the surface after long being suppressed. What you taught him is still there, pray for him for both his good and your own peace of mind.

I'm going through it now with an eighteen year old and it's becoming pretty clear to me he's going to have to learn some lessons the hard way (like I did). What's amazing is his fifteen year old brother is the greatest kid in the world (perhaps I'm biased). So it's not their environment (at least in our case), some kids are just really tough nuts to crack.

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I have almost the exact situation with my two youngest at ages 16 and 19. That 19yo is tough and a nut (in a funny way) and a tough nut. :) Praying for God to draw her heart to His and for her to surrender.

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One of the hard truths of parenting, a vocation that is not for wimps.

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So true. Our 38 yr old daughter derided me when I refused additional jabs after I had a bad reaction to the first (and detoxed). "You need to do the right thing, we're coming to visit (she and her 3x vaxxed hubby, June 2021) and I don't feel comfortable staying at the house with you because you aren't vaxed... Now get it done before we arrive! We're counting on you!" I told her that my decision was final, no way I would change my mind. I also reminded her that we were going to take the therapeutics if we got sick. She was clearly irritated and cut me off. I shrugged my shoulders and handed the phone to her father. They did come and visit without any caddy remarks, we had a reasonably good time. In August of they called to announce she's pregnant with twins and due in December. They waited until every possible test was done and the babies were deemed "perfect." We were thrilled, these will be our 2nd and 3rd grandchildren, both girls. They live 2k miles away and we see them at most, 1 time a year. After the short phone call I texted her, full of questions. She said they already had everything planned... "Before you buy them anything, send me photos so I can decide if I agree or not. No pinks or girlie stuff. The nursery theme is a Jungle. Colors are black, brown, tan, white, orange and green." I asked if she wanted us to send something specific, having no clue what it would be... Fast forward to her last comment..."you need to be saving your money to come meet the girls in late spring." Stunned, I asked why I wasn't invited to be there for their birth, and to help her. "There is no room (5 bedroom house) and we have to set boundaries! We want to be on a schedule and settled in before you come. ๐Ÿ˜’ No one whose not triple vaxxed can visit the babies." The new "normal" for our family. There is no changing her mind, she says it's a "necessary precaution." They let us know the babies will have their covid vax by June and we might have to wait until after that to visit if their doctor recommends it. We were offered the opportunity to donate to the doula fundraiser (10k). Never in my life did I see this coming. But then, I wasn't obeying the rules so I should have guessed she'd do this to us. Ugh. Heartbreaking, I will hand this over to the Lord. He fights my battles.

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I am so sorry for the heartache your daughter is bringing upon you. Nothing you say or do will change her mind. Give it to God and focus on your life with your husband. Letting this fester within you will only cause illness and disease.

This scamdemic has deeply hurt so many families. Maybe your daughter will, in time, start seeing the truth and have a softening of heart.

Just know, you are not alone. There are a lot of parents who have had the same thing happen to them. {{Hugs}}

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So true. We do our best while raising them but realize they are individuals to make their own errors or success.

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Tough or no, I feel your heartbreak. I'm sorry!

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Yes, I try not to dwell on the fracture in our relationship this scamdemic has caused. We live 2400 miles apart, my husband and I have very busy, active lives. And in the end...God will be the ultimate judge. Not us.

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Listening to a radio show and they were talking about the provaxxers who now want "anti-vax admonishing amnesty". Pretty hard to do for most.

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At the beginning I told my 2 kids, in their 20s, that they are fools if they take these shots. That there will be fights over this. Both agreed they were never going to get the shots.

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Me too. Thank God they still listen to their mother. Their father was 100 pro vax.

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My ex husband vaccinated our 14 year old daughter last year against my explicit instructions not to!

I gave her the FLCCC protocol the same day of her second shot and she seemed to have escaped the side effects of the jab, but now I have to worry about her getting an autoimmune disorder or something else because of the damage. Oh, and sheโ€™s tested positive for Covid at least once since the shots! And Iโ€™ve never been positive but I have blood antibodies proven by lab testing and Iโ€™ve never been sick this whole time, thanks to prophylaxis and vitamins!

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Wow! Quick thinking on your part doing the only thing left to you. What an a--hole your ex is. I get ex spouses having issues with each other but to drag the children in it like he did is terrible. Prayers for the continued safety and good health of your daughter. Lucky she has a vigilant mother to stand for her. โค

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Opposite situation here. Ex ran kids, against my wishes, to every vax appointment available. Now theyโ€™re all jab-brainwashed and drinking the โ€œKaren Koolaidโ€. Itโ€™s all in Godโ€™s hands now. Love them all every day though just the same.

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I thank God every day for my husband. From the beginning we had the exact same opinion on this scamdemic. My home and family are my sanctuary. ๐Ÿ’•

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WOW!!! How loving, gentle, and Christ-like....

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As do I for mine. Even more worried that they will inject this poison into my soon to be 9 month old grandchild. Discussion is off limits with threat of ostracism. It is insane.

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I have four, soon to be five grands from the same son. They told me in 2014, that they were not going to be jabbing their kids. We thought they were crazy-so I did my first ever research into โ€œvaccinesโ€, and have been thankful every day since that those precious, healthy grands have such smart parents!

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This is a good welcomed bit of sunshine, a family in harmony. It makes my day!

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Same here.The current vaccine schedule is horrific also.But they do their"research".

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And our doctor does his 'research'!

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Was responding to Betsy. Wish mine did not love vaccines so much.

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'They', the Illustrious Who Cannot Be Spoken Against, have turned our homes into the battle ground of All Against All. This is only one more example of the ways in which the Illustrious beyond criticism wage continuous Woke War against all of Mankind (and ultimately against their own House of Cards).

The Biblical Shorthand is this: what is not of God is of Satan, and an odious plague.

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My daughter was 19 and on her own when vax came out. I worried she would be influenced by peers to take it. Fortunately, she worked with some Christian kids who didn't want it that first summer; they all got fired from being lifeguards for refusing. She ended up at a community college that had no mandates so didn't have to make a tough decision. I learned a lot about law and how to go to bat for her if the college did mandate, and prepared evidence for a claim against the county for firing her. That is when I found Covid & Coffee and have been following ever since.

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Same here. But our married daughters did along with their hubbyโ€™s and I believe our oldest grandson ( 12 yrs) got it. Yes I worry about them all but my concerns etc are topics they donโ€™t want to even hear.

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Same here. Two of my four children (and their spouses) took the first clot shot. I worry about them also.

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I am sorry to hear that. ๐Ÿ˜ž

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There is not one person whom regrets not taking the jab. Vice-versa, not so much.

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Good point!

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They just tell you they are dead and canโ€™t regret it ๐Ÿ™„

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And another day without Covid oh right my natural antibodies are off the chart. Check it out folks next time you get blood work up. You may just be surprised at the results.

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I was in line to pick up a prescription yesterday and overheard the guy ahead of me asking if he could get an Omicron booster shot right away. Pharmacist smiled, said "of course" and gave him a clipboard with paperwork to fill out. I felt like I was witnessing an actual murder/suicide right before my eyes. This guy was a strapping, healthy man, maybe 30-35. And I fear he's now doomed to a life of disability, or to an early death. Heartbreaking and infuriating.

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I had the same experience at my pharmacy, but he also wanted his flu shot at the same time. I wanted to yell โ€œRun Forest, run!โ€, but figured it would do no good. Shook my head and walked on.

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Winn Dixie grocery gives you a gift card if you get flu & co vid jab same day

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Saw yesterday our local grocery store gives 10% off your food bill for same๐Ÿ™„

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& probably sponsored by our tax dollars

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Sadly yes

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What could go wrong?

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My neighbor had her sister visiting from Socal, and revealed she had gotten โ€˜vid again on a recent cruise. Yes, jabbed up and still got sick! She also said her jabs made her sick and her hair fell out. ๐Ÿ˜ณ Must be working!

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I spoke to a coworker who needed to reschedule an in-person appointment to a team's meeting due to getting covid again. I asked how did he get it since he is vaxxed and boostered. He spoke a bunch of fumbling with incoherent words trying to justify a vaxx that doesn't work. I just said "ah ha!" ๐Ÿค” #ABV for the covidiots.

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Till 2 years ago, a vaccine gave you immunity. Now in clown world, they just change definitions.

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Same here. I guess it was inevitable, but covid finally got me....after almost 3 years of evading it. I'm currently home sick, and while it's definitely more than "just a cold", I think I'm doing OK. The likely thing is that everyone will catch it eventually. I'd rather let my natural immune system deal with it, and not have the added "vaccine" bonus of blood clots and sudden/unexpected death.

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Youโ€™ll survive and have natural antibodies. Take care and follow all the good advice youโ€™ve seen on here!

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Thanks, friend. I'm managing so far. I've had worse flus. On the bright side, I figure now might be a good time to get, since there will probably be another wave this winter, and I'll already be immune.

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Nov 1, 2022ยทedited Nov 1, 2022

Check out Tucker Carlson's interview with Dr. Robert Epstein on Tucker Carlson Today. Dr. Epstein heads the American Institute of Behavioral Research and Technology (https://mygoogleresearch.com/) and has been actively researching Google social engineering dating back a decade.

Dr. Epstein's research is revealing in how Google's algorithms manipulated voter behavior in elections dating back to 2016 and continues to do so today. He uses events in Wisconsin's senatorial election as an example of how Google is still doing this and he predicts that Ron Johnson will lose to Mandela Barnes by a big margin (RCP has Johnson up 3% and predicts a Johnson win). (It also brought to mind the Cambridge Analytica social engineering controversy).

One can easily extrapolate from Dr. Epstein's research the role that Google and social media played in engineering popular perception regarding COVID, vaccines, and so on. The degree of social engineering by Google alone would explain why so many remain deeply in the throes of the COVID narrative.

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This information about google is disheartening, but Iโ€™m not giving up on prayers for a huge red wave and that certainly includes a win for Ron Johnson!

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Here's a link to Dr. Robert Epstein's website:


Here's a link to the free booklet he gave to Tucker, Google's Triple Threat:


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SOMEHOW I dont feel that sarcasm is fitting when I see on a daily basis, how many deaths and destroyed lives this PLAN demic is leaving in its wake.... SADNESS, yes! to the point of anger and tears.... making fun... for who's amusement???

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Amen. Never forgive and never forget!

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But now they are requiring it for the kids! Iโ€™m so upset! I donโ€™t know how this is going to be played out. I supposed I can do a RE but how does that even work for schools? For my job I just needed a letter not required from the priest. She goes to a private Catholic school where the jab is optional right now.

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Every state is different. Our state, all that is required is a signed statement from the parent/guardian stating it is their God given right to forego the vaccination. The health department does have a form that can be used, but the parent/guardian statement can be used instead. Check with the school nurse. And/or the local health department. Btw, the school nurse will not voluntarily let anyone know about the possibility of getting a religious exemption.

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I donโ€™t think they are requiring. Yet. Every state is different

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You need to go to your Health Department and ask for RE. Although they make you sign some paperwork. Some states also have philosophical, medical exemptions.

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You have seen it, O Lord, do not keep silent;

O Lord, do not be far from me.

Stir up Yourself, and awake to my right

And to my cause, my God and my Lord.

โ€” Psalm 35:22-23 NASB1995

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The Bolsonaro results feel very familiar. 2020 anyone where 6 states with questionable vote tabulation practices, determined the election? I am glad the Brazilian people are not taking this lying down. Bolsonaro is a good man and a good president.

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Unsurprised that good ol' joe b. , our feckless - oops! , that's FEARLESS, of course - president, has jumped out in support of a socialist victory.

And Jeff - you SO MUCH more than " just a lawyer " , you a Super Sleuth.

Go get 'em, Sherlock.

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Iโ€™m pretty sure Biden was in his bedroom loading up his depends while his handler made the tweet๏ฟผ

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Oh no. Another reason to vote against Biden and his regime.

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very interesting piece.

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Saw a clip with Steve Bannon and another man that's studied the election fraud. Said the same patterns existed in Brazile. Did Brazille have Dominion machines?

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With the drug cartels running the elections in the Northern district they wouldn't have to worry about machines.

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Youโ€™re right Naomi, and letโ€™s pray that their protests are fruitful! I was so impressed with Bolsonaro when Tucker did the interview with him. He is a good man.

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I know they jabbed the control group, but there is still a โ€˜control groupโ€™ out there. My husband and I joined this independent, long term study. It was cited on Tucker Carlson a few months back. No cost to us and no testing. Just information.

Itโ€™s very simple to join if youโ€™ve not been jabbed. All the data that can be collected helps the rest of the world. ๐Ÿ™


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You guys are more trusting than I am. I am not telling them a thing about anything. I do NOT trust that they wont show up at my door one day and say, "we are taking you in. You answered such-and-such on that questionairre and we need your blood." ....never to be seen again.

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You don't think they already know you weren't vaccinated?

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Agreed, they know. Just got a message on my phone letting me know that I can get a 100$ Amazon card if I get my FIRST Covid jab by 12/31/22!!! Stranger still, it was from Molina, which is a Medicaid insurance company and I am not a member. They did say my name at the beginning of the recorded message so I know it is not for someone else. I cannot believe they are pushing the shots for a virus that no longer exists because it has mutated multiple times. Yuck.

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Big Tech knows everything and is in cahoots with Big Government...

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I've seen how the government operates with data from different sources. Not well is the simple answer. Most agencies are data and policy silo's that define their IT systems independently. Merging data sets is expensive and error prone.

They could easily have a confirmed/unconfirmed vaccination status data point and treat all unconfirmed the same. That's basically what the vaccination hall passes were doing.

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I guess that's why the House passed H.R. 550. It was received in the Senate, read twice, and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

H.R.550 - Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021


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I know, right? For the next scamdemic. FJB.

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Just checked it out - thank you for posting. I have been wondering about the blood supply - that is so scary in itself since I do not believe the blood banks are screening for vaxed status - I could be wrong.

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I agree and they are considering having their own blood supply. I bet if more people signed up, it would happen. ๐Ÿ‘

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I worry about those needing organ transplants. I would imagine kidneys are in big demand right now. Contaminated blood and organs.

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We need the Pureblood Organ Registry.

And Pureblood Blood Bank.

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Not sure how legit it is, but this site mentions a fertility and blood bank.


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Thank you. Good to keep that site just in case.

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Just crazy!

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No they are not

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Yes, thanks ! Will look into it for sure.

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Thank you for this! Somehow I missed Tucker mentioning it. I just joined in.

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Nice I just joined

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Of course Pfizer tested for the ability to stop transmission. They tested for it and they found that it could not stop transmission. And then they reported on the last page of the EUA document, that the vaccine had no data that would support the claim that it could stop infection and transmission. that is strictly speaking true. There Is no data that the shot would stop infection, but there IS data that it would NOT

BUT pfizer ONLY reported the negative. They only reported the ABSENCE of data to support prevention of infection. They did NOT report the ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผdata that showed it could NOT stop infection. This is an intentional sin of OMISSION

The greatest fraud in human history

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My momโ€™s physician got testy with her yesterday and told her to โ€œput on a maskโ€, when he found out that she wasnโ€™t jabbed. She isnโ€™t ill, had no symptoms, and was in there for a simple tb test, but this fool just had to act like he was superior. ๐Ÿ˜ค

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that doc needs to be taken out to the woodshed and have his head screwed back on. show him this




Im an MD in private prac for 23 years as a surg specialist. Masks do nothing and the covid vax cannot and could not ever prevent infection or provide herd immunity

Ive been appalled at the ignorance and cowardice of many of my medical colleagues.

Those of us who care about the truth and morality need to get in people's faces with this stufff as hard or scary as it seems. Most doctors in the US are not brave independant thinkers anymore. They are cogs in a giant industrial medical machine. And most of them tow the line. Many of them are tragically liberal ideologically minded.

ANyonw who thinks masks stop covid is either ignorant or delusional and they need to know this.

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Maybe the ones who don't understand were affirmative action students to their medical schools?

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I went to med school from 1991-1995 at the state univ of Nj rutger and there were def some of those people there

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And that would be my exit cue... good riddance.

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She needed a simple referral for a test, so we won't be going back.

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Who is that doctor? He is deusional and or ignorant

Masks dont stop covid and unvaxxed or naturally recovered people are not a threat to anyone

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He's one of many, sadly. Physicians top the list of inflated egos and intellectual apnea. I will not be returning with my mom. Thankfully, she stood up for herself.

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I went to see my doctor yesterday for a mammogram referral. She was gloved, masked and had this immense plastic face shield on. I can only feel pity for her. She must be terrified. What a way to live! I know this is her new way of life and that she will never let go of her need for these things. Iโ€™m looking for another doctor as well.

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Nov 1, 2022ยทedited Nov 1, 2022

The infection fatality rate for covid for those health people 50-60 or under is less than that of a regular flu.

Ian Miller Substack


Delusional ignorant coward



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Good Lord! Can you imagine living in that fear box every day? Hoping that more and more naturopathic doctors open up shop! The only allopathic doc I want to see is one who will fix a fracture!

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"The greatest fraud in human history"

Only in scale. This has been the approval process for drugs for decades. If they see a trial going badly, they stop the trial. Not req'd to submit THAT data with the approval requests. They then redesign the trial to exclude the cohorts with bad outcomes... keep doing that until it is better than a placebo, then request approval.

How do you think we end up with so many drug recalls and non-vaccine lawsuits about killing millions of people? It' a cost of doing business, and is rubber stamped by the agencies.

Research the German company I.G. Farben. It started the big pharma cabal.

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On pg 41 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an Unapproved Product Review Memorandum. for the Pfizer jab under subtitle Suspected COVID-19 cases "Among 3,410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1,594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group" Nowhere does it explain why they did not test these 3,410 suspected cases. Realize the outcome of the trial was based on 175 cases. Link: https://www.fda.gov/media/144416/download

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yes there were all kinds of methodological problems

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And this is just the ones out in the open. The Brooke Jackson case proves so so so many more were covered up.

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But, but, but the "speed of science." LOL ๐Ÿ˜…

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Matched only by the speed of compliance.

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Good one!

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The speed of Venmo

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Letโ€™s join together in daily prayer for the safety and integrity of our elections, for the protection of candidates, voters, poll workers from any evil formed against them, and for a divine peace in the days after the elections.

Remember all the whining after Trumpโ€™s โ€œimpossibleโ€ win? Well, that may look minor if the global leftists get the shellacking they deserve.

And pray that God intervenes against the election fraud that we all now know has been happening. That he will foil the computer algorithms designed for flipping votes, that there will be agreement between Dems and Rs who are counting absentee ballots and have to agree on signature mismatch etc [pray that when ballots are not right, that BOTH parties looking at the ballot will acknowledge and set the ballot aside], that those who are plotting evil will fall into their own traps.

Pray that the will of We The People will be made known and will be effective.

Go vote, in person, on Election Day, late in the day.

Contact your county GOP chair to sign up to work the polls or to count absentee ballots. Contact your local candidate to be a poll watcher. Make notes. Take pictures where allowed. Connect with your state election integrity group and discuss your observations with them. Send your observations to your county election board or whoever oversees your local elections. Hold them accountable!

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Our church spent 30 minutes after the message last Sunday praying over the upcoming election as well as our leaders and our country at large. Scary times.

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The news has really amped up their "possible voter violence at the polls" warnings this last week. And, it's underlying message is that it will be conservatives and right wing nutjobs initiating and promoting the violence to prevent democracy! They literally have zero instances of this happening but they want to "warn" people, you know...just in case. I'm curious the spin the media will take if there ends up being a huge red wave and the lefties express their dislike via riots?

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Nov 1, 2022ยทedited Nov 1, 2022

For the first time in my 60 years, Iโ€™m not voting. Can someone convince me why I should? Until our vote is secure, I have no faith in our corrupt system. Look at Brazil. I think weโ€™re going to be surprised come Election Day. Thereโ€™s too much evidence that our votes are stolen, paid for, tampered with. Not sure who is controlling it and who made the call on election night to quit counting votes. My eyes are open and this voting, two party nonsense is part of the psyop to make us think our votes count. Just like how they tried to tell us that taking the clot shot counts/matters. The two parties are rotten to the core. Iโ€™m done with it all. BUT, I will be praying!!

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Since the last election, a lot of work has gone into election integrity by many groups nationwide. Their blood, sweat and tears is for naught if you don't vote on Election Day. The latter is our only hope of overwhelming the "cheating infrastructure", so please don't aid the other side by sitting it out.



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Thank you Martha. I needed a push really. I am not familiar with what exactly has been done to improve our election integrity but I appreciate everyoneโ€™s efforts and so I will go vote. Thank you Martha.

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Thank you! And all of us should be praying!

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Somewhere I saw advice that said, yeah, they might cheat, but vote anyway to make them work for it and to increase the chance of them getting caught.

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I agree. In 2020 they were able to cheat because they knew where to focus on for the win (6 states, major counties within) and there were enough ppl who hated Trump and could be duped that Biden was a moderate choice. If you arenโ€™t awake by now I donโ€™t know if youโ€™ll ever be.

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If the vote is overwhelmingly against them, we've got a chance. Cheating is easier when the vote is very close.

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Get it down to paper ballots with poll watchers including the count, no electron counting of paper ballots because this too an be corrupted. Only absentee voting for those overseas and the military.

There ought to be capital punishment for those involved in election fraud as there was once for debasing the currency (gold). (Oh! I can hear the shrieking of 'excessive' and 'extreme.' But then again, to steal the Peoples voice is to murder the polity. Steal our vote, and we no longer functionally exist.)

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Please don't sit out this election! I also felt this way after the 2020 election but I quickly found comfort knowing God is in control, even if I don't necessarily like His method & timing sometimes...๐Ÿ˜. Please, go to the polls and vote!

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My thought is the red wave will be so overwhelming that they can't possibly win without an even more obvious steal. So I decided to vote this last time just in case it matters... but with a trust but verify perspective. It can't hurt, can it?

But I will say this... if we get a similar level of visible cheating and it's not condemned, it will be the last peaceful election response I'll ever have.

What I don't want to "do" is nothing. If you're not going to vote, what ARE you doing about it? At least vote locally where it might affect schools and small town mayors and such. Please don't do NOTHING...

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I think this is quite possible. I am a life long leftie (old-school) and I know loads of people like me voting Red for first time in their life. I believe the Democrat party will never recover. My biggest concern is the people on the right will fall for propaganda from the same deep state when it is marketed towards them. Stay vigilant my friends.

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P.S. Elon Musk is not our friend. Yes he is doing positive things at Twitter but lots of other things he's doing are deeply problematic. Don't make false idols of people.

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There is a chance that this election is cleaner. If so, your vote is much needed.

So if you do vote and itโ€™s for naught, so be it. But if you donโ€™t vote and it was needed, you let the rest of us down.

Please reconsider.

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I given this a lot of thought. My first knee jerk response is to just not vote because it is useless to do so. After all, we have had controlled election elections for decades now, controlled by candidates allowed to run, controlled by thought control exercised by the media and education system mind control mechanism ... and/or outright election 'cheating'. BUT ...

Because people turned out in overwhelming numbers for the Great Banana Republic Election of 2020, we at least could determine that 'they' were really stealing the election by fraud. Not only was the cheating conspicuous in 'key' election result states, but also so overwhelmingly was the vote for Trump that the Fraudsters had to work far into the night to fraudulently tip the scales. And something they were not prepared for ... even given the surprise Trump 2016. That is, even in preparing to steal the election like never before, they still were not prepared enough.

And so, overwhelming numbers of people voting in the 2020 presidential election confirmed for all time that the Trump election was stolen. It also showed the many sins of omission being committed in the Republican party in not vigorously contesting the electoral atrocity committed. It also showed in spades how corrupt and broken the judicial system is. And that truth by affidavits filed is meaningless in the United States. In effect, large numbers of people voting exposed to the entire world that the United States is nothing more than a cesspool of corruption and lies, and in a real sense, a failed state.

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I'm hear north of Daytona Beach, on my back deck reading today's Coffee & Covid, awaiting to witness the launch of Elon's Falcon Heavy in under an hour just to our south. The two side rockets will return to land with a pair of sonic booms. Wife and I are stoked (we've watched over 40 launches from here sing moving here a few years ago).

Grabbing a 3rd coffee now, hoping this morning fog clears for a good view. I'm loving this timeline!!!

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Last April I watched a 4AM Space X launch from the beach at Port Canaveral south of you. One of the most awe inspiring things I have ever seen and heard.

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Lucky. Iโ€™d love to see a real launch. Enjoy.

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I recently saw SpaceX launch from Vandenberg in CA. It was so awesome! And the sonic boom shortly afterward. Reminds of back in the day when Space Shuttle would land in CA desert at Edwards AFB. Boom Boom!!

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..."Iโ€™m not a doctor or a vaccine scientist"... and neither are many claiming to be. If these putrid mRNA injections are 95% effective, there would be NO covid anymore...none, nada. But the real truth, hidden as usual in the data, is that the ARR or absolute risk reduction is less than 1% and that explains why these poisons have failed miserably. And how do we know what the placebo group was injected with? And why were these groups destroyed well before the trials were scheduled to end sometime in 2023?

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Exactly. There's no way the placebo group was getting plain saline. The AE events in the original documents for the control arm were way too high for a true placebo. Reading RFK Jrs book on Fauci, they pulled the same tricks with the AZT testing and injected the "control group" with a deadly toxic mess to make the drug arm look better. I've no doubt they did the same here.

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Nov 1, 2022ยทedited Nov 1, 2022

They pulled it with the kidโ€™s shots as well. NO shot has actually

been tested against a placebo. **They test them against other โ€œsafe & effectiveโ€ shots. So, yeah, gin is fine! Now test vodka. Oh, look, no kid has any more drunken signs against the vodka than the gin! Vodka is GOOD for them & SAFE. Now go ahead and jab them with the vodka and the gin together! Something weird is happening? Kids are drunk? It canโ€™t be the shots. We are baffled.

Thatโ€™s the logic I see, but Iโ€™m not a doctor. SO.

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Jessica Rise suspects the placebo arm (which was unblinded a few weeks into the trial), was injected with liquid nanoparticle blanks ... LNPs with no mRNA ... this would allow researchers to isolate the impact of their mRNA garbage as well as give window to the health impact of LNPs which, from what I understand, had not been used in a human population before. Unconscionable on all counts! The number of fatalities in the placebo arm is puzzling without this conclusion. These people are evil

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I began to suspect something like this as well. In trials, almost 11% of people getting the placebo needed medical attention. Saline would not do that.

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How evil! We think of a placebo as something inert, like water or perhaps saline. Who would ever sign up to be a big farma test monkey when they pull this type of crap.

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I am sure none if it was articulated to the test subjects. Prison would be too good for these monsters! Interestingly, apparently LNP is not easy to get even as a coating โ€ฆ uneven coating on some mRNA payload may have compromised many vials leaving them more or less inert. It may very well be that crappy manufacturing saved a lot of lives, and that the best manufactured vials delivered lethal mRNA payloads due to proper technique and handling etc. the arrogance that went into this recipe is outrageousโ€ฆ imagine inventing something new then injecting it into children? And lying to get it accepted and approved and not flinching even as you see the havoc it wreaks? There is a special place in hell

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I would think they would HAVE to document what was actually injected in the control arm somewhere in the study. No way you could leave that out.

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Pretty much, all vaccines are scams.


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Wow! What a book about the corrupt vax industry. A review:

"An absolutely devastating takedown of the vaccine industry, especially coming on the heels of the 'safe and effective' covid shots, which are actually neither. This book was published in 2019 but just recently translated into English. None of the facts started have been refuted by anyone in the vaccine industry.

Did you know there has never been one completely randomized control trial done with ANY of the vaccines on the market to test for safety? Not one. So efficacy aside, there is literally NO science to back up the claim that any vaccine is safe for infants, small children, or adults.

Did you know that only a small handful of the current 'required' vaccines confer any kind of herd immunity? About 70% of them possibly provide some personal protection for the recipient, but most of the target diseases are mild anyway and easily survivable, thus completely negating any kind of societal need for mass vaccination.

Did you know that the Salk and Sabin polio shots had a negligible effect on the reduction of polio cases, and in fact, there's a vast amount of evidence that points to pesticide poisoning as the cause of the paralysis heretofore attributed to polio?

Did you know that chronic conditions in children have EXPLODED in the last 60 years or so, since vaccines have been pushed on an unsuspecting public, with no honest attempt to explain or stop the explosion? Every doctor/researcher who has even tried to examine this has been discredited, blackballed, and had their studies suppressed. Government and Big Pharma fund virtually ALL scientific research and they have zero incentive to find anything negative in the vaccine program.

Run, don't walk, from anyone trying to inject your defenseless baby with any of the vaccines. The risk/benefit analysis comes down squarely on the side of not vaxxing. Do your research; do NOT listen to the pediatrician who has no training in this field. Ask the questions that are suggested in this book and see what kind of response you get.

I am convinced that my youngest child, 16 years his eldest sibling's junior, and recipient of almost 2X as many shots in infancy and early childhood, has a chronic skin condition and some minor developmental delays as a result of the aluminum, mercury, thimerisol, and other toxic poisons in the myriad shots I was ignorant enough to allow him to receive. I thank God for the fact that this is ALL he's suffering from and that he's not irredeemably harmed.

It's too late for a lot of kids, but maybe this book can educate the next generation of parents, and they can save their kids from a lifetime of illness and vaccine induced misery."

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Another review (these are all good; click the link to see them on amazon and buy the book).

"I am a doctor of medicine and I have found the content of the book enlightening. It should be mandatory reading for medical students, GPs and specialists in the field of medicine and beyond. The authors debunk a series of myths that are routinely peddled in the field of vaccinology, and that have become uncritical dogma. The authors' research is backed by an impressive array of references to be found in the scientific literature. This book reveals the corruption and dishonesty embedded in institutional medicine and government, with the populace, especially children, paying a heavy price."

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The polio vaccine. I got it in elementary school some sixty-six years ago on a lump of sugar. Why was this done? After all, we knew of no one in our town of some 23,000 souls who ever got polio. And this was repeated all around the country.

But wait. There were all these black and white images dancing across the TV screen. Kids on crutches and such. You would have thought a plague of polio was right around the corner. Does this remind anyone of another more recent stage production?

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Best vaccine book Iโ€™ve read and Iโ€™ve read several. So well written and impeccably sourced. They even offered a thousand dollar award if someone could find a mistake. The editors were recently interviewed by Steve Kirsch. Great watch, if you can find it.

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I formerly turned down two of these useless dangerous things at my toddlers โ€œwell visitโ€ to the doctor today โ€ฆ I was anxious but just said firmly โ€œno.โ€ We did get the flu mist though so he wonโ€™t get kicked out of preschoolโ€ฆ of course I didnโ€™t Wang that product either but at least it isnโ€™t injected and somewhat mimics natural infection

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Can you get an exemption for your preschooler?

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Sigh I cannot โ€ฆ our governor eliminated the right to religious exemption in 2021. My older children are grandfathered in but my little guy is not afforded that same right โ€ฆ that asymmetry might result in relief though as within many families parental sincerely held beliefs are honored for some of their children but not all โ€ฆ it is a very clear case of unequal protection albeit an unusual angle

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What a travesty! I am so sorry to hear about this!

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There are websites on it with people who have done various things. Some

will even help

you draft the requests. They have guidelines, the


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Who volunteers for these trials? Who in their right mind would volunteer? SMH.

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Could be a finance thing as they do pay. Recently watched an old episode of 'House' where a starving artist financed his lifestyle by being in multiple drug trials at the same time. I recently got an email from CVS to participate in flu shot trials. Uh no. Hard pass. I can somewhat understand a consenting adult taking part in being a paid guinea pig, but even harder for me to grasp is WHO WOULD DO IT TO THEIR CHILD?!

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Totally agree. Feel bad, of course, for Maddy's parents but they were obviously both idiots. All you need to know about a drug trial is that your child might get hurt. What parent in their right mind takes that chance for the greater good. I'm sure there are some, I'm just not one of them.....

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In the Moderna trials nearly 11% of those receiving the placebo needed medical attention. They state that the placebo was saline but it seems unlikely that so many people would need medical attention after a saline shot. My theory was that they used the Lipid Nanoparticle without the mRNA for a placebo. No evidence of this just a gut feeling but recently found out some others with more credentials than I, Jessica Rose et al, suspect the same.

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If this turns out to be a fact, they are

going to burn.

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And thatโ€™s a false ARR. As we now know, itโ€™s negative.

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That 95% effective bunk was how drug companies got millions on statins. NNT number needed to treatโ€” 99 had to take the statin to prevent 1 CV event. ARR is where you and I live (not trial participants subject to fiddling by the pharmaceuticals). ARR absolute risk reduction was in the trial documents early and all the jabs had a ARR of 0.08% to 1.0%. I heard that in 2021 early sรณ I wasnโ€™t going to get them.

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Relative risk vs absolute risk


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Thanks for this video, Alice. Great explanation!

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The low ARR is the jabs. It was all over my info sources last year. On YouTube. I think Dr mobeen was the first place I heard that but 95% was attached to statins alsoโ€”thatโ€™s been known for years.

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Are these statin numbers? Link to the source?

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Apparently twitter is relaxing censorship regarding covid shots.

Note twitter recently nuked Dr. Peter McCullough around October 10; here was his last tweet:

"Stunning new video from VSRF on myocarditis. I present the Gill paper in the Pennsylvania Senate in the middle of the film. This is the tip of the iceberg, given the large fraction that are initially asymptomatic. Must watch if you have kids or grand kids. Great job VSRF!!!"

Here is the video referenced above that twitter doesn't want you to see. (While on rumble, sub to this channel hosting this link; full of docs talking about the data). https://rumble.com/v1mszqu-are-the-kids-ok.html

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Thanks for the link, Based F M - that's Steve Kirsch's great organization.

As to twitter, curious to see where they go. Cautiously optimistic !

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Nov 1, 2022ยทedited Nov 1, 2022

Iโ€™ve posted anything and everything on twitter lately. NOTHING has been removed except one โ€œtwitโ€ tattled, yes, tattled (seriously, what grade are we in?) that Iโ€™d tweeted, OPENVAERS.COM too many times. ๐Ÿ˜‚ No clue what the acceptable number of times to answer a tweet with that reply may be. SO.

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NOTHING worse than a "tattled twit", I'll say.

I've never gotten heavily involved there - in the past, not much more than a feeding frenzy for blue sharks.

But beginning to see that the messages "feel" different, maybe it's more truth, less "narrative".

We shall see...........

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It is GREAT for me, as

much fun as Iโ€™ve made

of it over the years. I

love following the people who get it, (like these

substacks) but also sending tweets to dissenters without worrying abt Aunt Mabelโ€™s

opinion of what I say, like

on FB.

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Sheโ€™s got a terrible, untreated anxiety disorder, and sheโ€™s running the most influential health agency in the world." Maybe her anxiety was in realizing what the gain of function researchers had really unleashed upon the world. She may not have been 'just' afraid of what a virus could do, but more of what an Engineered virus could do.

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The vaxx effects the mind too. Though I don't think hers was that stable to begin with. But she's an example to all the useful idiots out there. Once you sold your soul and your usefulness is over - you can fade away and die. Your masters have no use for you. Sad but true.

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*affects ๐Ÿ˜œ

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I think it's simpler than that. She's anxious because she is a political appointee chosen to make speeches given to her, and that she's aware that she's expendable at any time.

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yes, as soon as I saw the results from Brazil, I looked up if they use the Dominion software, and they do. It also talked about it flipping Venezuela years ago, and I wonder if that is what happened in Colombia. People there are not happy. Also, in Colombia they hear nothing about the reactions of the jab. No bad news about it. Nothing on cardiac problems etc.

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I believe the Dominion system was created explicitly for the Venezuelan president to ensure he could never lose and it would have no paper trail. On that, mission accomplished.

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Canโ€™t wait for Brazil to turn really nasty - then all our talking heads will start blaming Trump.

Also, all this sudden death is really depressing. Hit my neighborhood a couple of weeks ago, and I canโ€™t keep up anymore on whoโ€™s lost a parent or has a family member in the hospital for health complications anymore. My 7yoโ€™s best friend has significant face paralysis on one side - something his parents never said but I finally noticed. Itโ€™s the worst when people honestly think theyโ€™re doing the right thing.

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That poor child. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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I just learned that my 36 y/o second cousin, who passed away last month, died from a blood clot. He had Covid last year that put him in the hospital then got vaccinated. The deadliest combination in my opinion. I canโ€™t talk to anyone outside of my immediate family about the vax. Nobody listens.

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I dont understand the "need" to be vaxxed after being ill. After a terrible, 3 week bout of c-19, my boss asked, "so, are you gonna get vaxxed now?" I said, "hell no! I have about automatic immunity. Why would I do that?" She didnt answer.

I dont understand their theory.

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Itโ€™s the DOCTORS that are telling them to get vaccinated. The feeling with most people is that they trust their doctor. I lost trust in them when I had one tell me, at age 33, that I had a heart murmur. I donโ€™t. Then a doctor wanted me to go to physical therapist for sciatica. I demanded an MRI only to find I had a blown out disc. I could have been hurt even worse. I went through surgery on both hips with the promise that it would solve my problem. It didnโ€™t. At this point, the only person I trust is the PA at my orthopedic clinic because she has been the ONLY one to give me the truth about everything, including this โ€œvaccine.โ€

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This is the problem. How many medical issues do you know as much about as you now do for COVID and COVID vaccines? I'd bet it's only ones that put your inner circle (or you) at extreme risk. And why do you know so much about COVID? Because nobody knew at first, and then as you saw data that contradicted what doctors and other "experts" said, you found the time to dig deeper.

Most people trust an expert to advise them on medical issues, especially complex and life-threatening ones. And be honest, how many of us knew 1-2 decades ago CONSCIOUSLY that the entire medical system is a disease creating, symptom treating wealth transfer program? You would have had to dig a lot for a long time to KNOW that pre-COVID. But what pct of people do that? I'd say < 1%...

So how do we get folks to doctors that will tell the truth when they finally want to know it?

We have to reinvent the medical profession to the mythical one we thought existed - do no harm, help people get healthy.

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Good points here. Waking up to the harms of, say, pharmaceuticals takes awhile, and usually doesnโ€™t come without experiencing some pretty hard things first. As much as I wanted people to see whatโ€™s happening to us, I never expected to see such a mass-scale event. I try to have patience with people who still follow the system, because itโ€™s a process.

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A friend from work had covid along with his wife and two teenage daughters and then proceeded to not only get the first two but also all available boosters. He said it was for extra protection since people seem to be getting it multiple times. I offered data and he raspberried that. Stupid is as stupid does.

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I congratulate those who tell me they had Covid. I say "you made it out alive AND now you have natural immunity!"

Makes them look at it differently.

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But who really can claim ignorance any longer?

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Nov 1, 2022ยทedited Nov 1, 2022

I think we're in our own bubble. Most have heard our opinions, but until they connect the dots between someone in their inner circle being injured and it not being possible to be anything else, they won't believe us. The psy op is that good... having a vaccine that uses the same pathogens as the virus but is 1000+ times more concentrated is brilliantly stealth. It allows everyone complicite to just blame COVID.

So what's the answer? Mandated COVID-19 mRNA spike protein testing for every serious medical condition or death. It's there, if they would just look for it. And most of the time, the spike from COVID-19 is NOT there.

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Itโ€™s crazy that people are still in denial about it.

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The CDC.

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Your work remains incredible !

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I suppose I'm being repetitive but today's C&C review illustrates how incredibly "dumb" smart and successful people can be when "forced" to take the shot. Seriously, no job or status is worth your life. Or is it that everyone today lacks the cojones to stand up for themselves?

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The more someone watches the mainstream media, the more brainwashed they are. And the most insidious part is that they think they are more intelligent and more informed than those that do not.

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Also, on the MSM there are a great many outlets and since they all speak in unison right down to the descriptive phrases they are sent to use, the weakly informed casual watcher/reader would understandably believe what they hear from them is true. A person MUST possess an innate sense of scepticism about the media to begin with, and sadly, far too many people don't have that scepticism. "If they're all saying it, it must be true."

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And my socialist Harvard graduate school educated sister shakes her head at me and sadly laments how โ€œbrainwashedโ€ I am for refusing the jabs and listening to all the right wing media lies! ๐Ÿคฃ She wonโ€™t wake up until she herself has a serious adverse reaction. Which should be any day now, since sheโ€™s had them all!

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Making a medical decision based your political view will never end up with good outcomes.

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And Biden is offering a $5, $10, $15, or $20 grocery voucher if you get the jab now.

Sorry Joe, my life is worth more than you could ever give me.

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His latest answer to inflation; get the jab and you wonโ€™t need groceries for too long!

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Link please?

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Great idea, Brazil! Weโ€™ve got all those Canadian truckers we can round up, to add to our own who are losing money daily with the Bidenflation, who probably be more than happy to join ours in loading dirt and blocking roads. Should be an interesting post-election season here if things appear the least bit suspect! The Dems should be shaking in their boots! Talk about putting the hammer down! 10-4, good buddy!

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No wonder diesel fuel is in short supply. They actually thought ahead.

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So... this is just a repurposing of the CA "dump sand or cement in the skate park for COVID closures" idea. So easy...

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