Nov 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I had the loveliest time in my sh*thole city voting line this morning.

The older man in front of me was nice and social and put out his hand to shake mine and initiated a chat. We talked about our neighborhood and where we went to school, etc. and no politics.

I have no clue about his political affiliation. It was a nice experience and I will probably see this man again in my neighborhood and wave "Hello" and we might chat again.

All in all, it made me realize that getting out there to vote is a good thing (even when you know what's up).

Voting is social! (That's one of the reasons why They wanted you to mail it in.)

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Nov 8, 2022ยทedited Nov 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Same here. In my voting line I saw the usual nasty anxious karens. Best way to get under their skin is to smile brightly and greet the crowd. Just because they are unhappy and live in fear doesn't mean we have to. To borrow a phrase from George Costanza on Seinfeld "Greetings and salutations!" ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜

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I'll be sporting my "Biden is a lunatic" shirt and Smith & Wesson M&P hat.

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I'm wearing my "Duct Tape Can't Fix Stupid, but it CAN muffle the sound" shirt. Looking forward to the conversations initiated by it's message. I'll keep you all posted.

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I'm wearing my "If you don't like TRUMP, then you probably don't like me - and I'm ok with that" tee shirt!

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I must sadly report that there was absolutely no line so no one noted my awesome shirt. It was 10AM tho and there were people moving right in and out so.

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That's a bummer. Maybe they agree! My husband also wore a message shirt. He mostly got "Right On!" Of course we are in Utah so... But we live in a community loaded with people needing a duct tape fix. Californians and Michiganders. Sorry Californians and Michiganders reading this.

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I should say - he did not vote (he mailed), but was in the community center where voting was happening to attend a meeting.

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My husband wore his "Pro-God, Pro-Life, Pro-Gun " shirt. Very triggering.

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I wore a "We the People" shirt. I got a lot of thumbs up!

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I wore my work clothes, triggering enough.

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My son in law wore one that says โ€œRed, White, Blue, and better than you since 1776โ€ shirt. Itโ€™s one of my favorites.

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American Exceptionalism at its best!

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I'm wearing my T-shirt that says, "Do you follow Jesus this closely?"

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If he was polite, pleasant and engaging he was beyond doubt a Republican. If he was surly, snarling, and wouldn't make eye contact you can bet he would have been a Democrat.

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Lol the democrats don't get up this early. ๐Ÿคฃ

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Ha! He was the first in line ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Never really thought of it that way. Sure and maybe the biggest reason for 'mail in' is that it opens the way to lying, cheating, stealing ... voter fraud to the moon. But you are absolutely right. Voting is social ... and every thing the Demonic Cretins do is aimed at death, destruction ... and isolating. Yes, anti-social isolating. Freeze the target and destroy, isolate ... all Saul Alinsky good Cretin advice to the Mankind Destroyers.

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In my town (CA) we are mailed a ballot. You have the option of mailing it, but it seems like most people prefer to go hand deliver the ballots to one of numerous drop boxes or to our local administrative center, where you actually could, if you wanted to, vote in person. But it's not the same as it used to be, sadly. It was always a fun experience to go vote in person. The polling stations were always manned by volunteers, usually the more elderly of the town. It was a jovial place to be, people who chit chat outside, everyone felt like they were participating. I miss that. Thank you for eliminating most in-person voting, you stupid Democrats of California.

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I voted this morning in-person in my CA town. Watched them write "Surrendered" all over my mail in ballot, then got a fresh one to fill out.

I am an in-person voting advocate too, and yes, it is social. It is a great feeling, and nice occasion to chat with strangers (LOL I've never seen anyone I knew at a polling place...gotta lotta mail-in acquaintances here).

Every poll worker but two at my place were masked though. SMH California.

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every single one was masked at mine! i felt like the workers were libs!

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Yeah, my town and most of the county is pretty freaking blue/lockdown-happy/scared/mainstream-media-believeing. I'd never written to supervisors before, or people running for office. But over the last 2 years now, I've quizzed them on mandates, emergency powers, lockdowns, masking, and school closures.

Sadly, even if the election here is 100% legit, I don't think a lot of (any of? lol) my choices will get into office.

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I'm in a blue county and dealt with public officials for the first time ever mandates etc. Very depressing at county supervisors office. At the street level it was always very chill. I live in a rural part of AZ and Hispanics here have very similar culture to where I grew up in Idaho. Trucks, guns, and rodeo. but vote blue. I think that's changing though,

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I vote in person. I usually see about 10-20 people. Im in CA

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Am in CA, too.

Always vote. Always vote in person.

Now I make a copy of my ballot. Itโ€™s better than a Dominion machine.

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So I am in ca but in my county lots of people vote in person. I always know they are the reps!! It is joyful. Iโ€™m not sure it eliminates cheating but Iโ€™ll give it a go. Feels like my vote counts.

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Nov 8, 2022ยทedited Nov 10, 2022

Well, their aim is to eliminate any kind of in-person social interaction. If you can't be happy online, you just shouldnt exist.

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Interesting. The wife and I voted in person. At the check in desk there was a sign saying an ID was not required. On the ballot was an amendment to require ID's in the following elections. No lines yet but after work hours I'm sure there will be. This was in Bennington Nebraska. Now a part of Omaha.

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Massive cheating has been the case on the west coast for a loooong time. Solid Dem/Bolshevik control. And this is how they do it. They got it down to an art long before 2020.

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Nov 8, 2022ยทedited Nov 8, 2022

And in Virginia my pet peeve is how lackluster the Republicans were in confronting this massive theft of our property, the vote. Near Zero push back? And I ask the C & C readers ... WHY?

I figure that it is likely that Trump carried Virginia in the Great Banana Republic Election of 2020. Why? Because I saw the same pattern in Northern Virginia of the Late Night Lamplight Burn in the Northern Virginia precincts. What do you suppose 'they' were all doing in the wee hours in the counting rooms?And something I saw before in some critical elections, including one US Senate run.

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Because the Rep leadership are Bolshevik controlled RINOS.

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Mankind Destroyers- perfect name for them.

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I've never voted in person before, but since we're in Kentucky now and our vote might matter, I was so excited to experience it for the first time here!! And sure enough, we chatted with others in line as well! I only saw one telltale sign of political affiliation our whole wait, a nearby woman wearing a t-shirt with a giant uterus and two fallopian tubes with big middle fingers on each tube. Awww, it made me so nostalgic for Oregon, the state I moved here from..... I thought about giving her directions there actually. LOL.

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She's a nasty karen. Lol. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฃ

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Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚. Truth right there! We moved from Oregon too so I am totally with you on that one. We have several friends that fled Oregon and landed in Kentucky as well. They are loving it.

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That was hysterical! Great laugh! Yes, you should have given her directions! I have family that live in KY!

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Wow! Disgusting. I wouldn't have been able to keep my mouth shut on that one.

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Yeah. And I am sure that nasty karen believed that her wearing that shirt would help her message. They are delusional nasty creatures. ๐Ÿ˜

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My only hope is more reps are pissed about freedom than feminists are upset!

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Voting Machines Stop Working Across America!

It's 10am EST and America's 2022 midterm elections are already being stolen....


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Citizens need to stay at the polls until they can vote.

Iโ€™ll drop off some snacks and sleeping bags.

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Unfortunately, some states, like mine in Washington, donโ€™t have any option to vote in person anymore ๐Ÿ˜ข

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Same for me in Oregon, but I can wait till election day and not mail my ballot but drop it off at the county court house.

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Someone told me that there are actually three locations in each county of oregon where a person can vote in person on Election Day. I didnโ€™t know that and Iโ€™m a 40 year Oregonian! Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s meant for the homeless to go vote but us regulars gotta mail em in so they can cheat. I posted a comment to my friend who had posted it on FB - wouldnโ€™t it be something if every Oregonian knew where they could vote in person, took a vacation day on Election Day, and then stood in line all day together to vote! I wonder if Oregon would be a red state then ๐Ÿค” Unfortunately, we have been conditioned to mail in the votes. We are lazy and donโ€™t want to be inconvenienced if we have to use a precious vacation day once every two years to go vote. Itโ€™s too much trouble. I have other things I have to do that day etc etc.We do not have our priorities straight in this country. And look where we are because of that.

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For real??!!

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WTF?! We do in CA

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That is crazy!!

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Of course they stopped working. The massive Republican vote broke them.

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I want to say "Unbelievable!" But...

There was a blood moon this morning. Fitting.

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Blood moon COULD mean we are out for blood! We the freedom fighters!

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According to The Farmerโ€™s Almanac, itโ€™s the Beaver Moon.

You could make of that what you will!

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Voting in MO at least in rural areas is doing great. We had so many absentee ballots that the Democrat election worker and I alphabetized almost 1,000 sealed absentee envelopes last Fri. to expedite the opening and counting on election day. That is almost as many as we had in 2020. Almost no one is wearing masks here. None at my polling place. That is not a good sign on machines down especially in Democrat run places like Maricopa. We remember their shenanigans in 2020.

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OH MY ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

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(Emerald Robinson) Mike Lindell Was Right About Voting Machines Nobody should need to be convinced about election fraud after today! - https://tinyurl.com/3r8jutb8

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The poll workers at my voting place were mostly elderly, likely retired, ladies, who were dressed to the 9s in their Sunday best. Very nice and professional.

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Michigander here. If we can defeat Prop 3 I'll be satisfied. If we can oust Big Gretch, I'll be thrilled. We need to send the message to pro-lockdown politicians that there's a bigger cost for tyranny than for freedom.

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She outlawed buying seeds and plants for a period of time in 2021, saying they were non-essential.

I rest my case.

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She is absolutely cancerous.

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Mass murderer

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I'll bet you could still get pot plants and seeds.

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Oh yes, you could, was ALWAYS a line wrapped around the building.

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I tried to come up with something witty..but all I can say is yeah, youโ€™re spot on.

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How is that even possible?????

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Executive order 2020-42


"For stores of more than 50,000 square feet:

Limit the number of customers in the store at one time (excluding employees) to 4 people per 1,000 square feet of customer floor space. The amount of customer floor space must be calculated to exclude store areas that are closed under subprovision (2) of this subsection.

Close areas of the storeโ€”by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate meansโ€”that are dedicated to the following classes of goods:

Carpet or flooring.


Garden centers and plant nurseries.


Many small businesses were not able to sell because of lockdown.

You could not go to a second residence in MI for a long period of time as well.

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OK, the whole lock down BS. Just the usual unconstitutional executive action. If anyone thinks these "mandates" were constitutional just because they did them, they're an idiot. We've effectively been in a dictatorship for the last 2 years as everything they've done has been unconstitutional. A reckoning is coming.

It would have been funny if the Gov issued an executive order that the sale of seeds was prohibited in MI. I guess I'm just trying to find some humor.

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Throw the bum out!

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Great question. Just rmemeber in 2020 there was a lot of โ€œoh we donโ€™t know what this means, or if itโ€™s constitutional, we will just do itโ€.

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Three big NO's. The flyers mailed were misleading. People need to read the actual proposals. If people don't get this right, I'm seriously thinking to jump state.

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Tried to explain prop 3 to my brother. He sent me a fact check from NBC news. I give up. I'm with you, Lee. Let's get out

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There is the case for the faithful remnant, the voice of sanity in the midst of chaos.

Thatโ€™s what itโ€™s like in CA. Tempted to give up but my kids need a better world for the future, as they like it here.

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Florida welcomes you!

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Check out Charlie LeDuff podcast from yesterday. He rips Whitmers lies with proof.

She is a mass murderer

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I'll check it out. Remember this one? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/charges-black-michigan-man-beat-elderly-white-nursing-home-patients-dropped/

That was incorrectly painted as a racial issue. It was not.

That man was going to be admitted to a psych hospital, where he belonged. But when he tested positive for Covid (he looks really sick, doesn't he?) he was diverted to a nursing home to infect the only people who were at risk of dying from Covid.

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LeDuff is awesome! He appears on Tucker Carlson Tonight periodically.

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Nov 8, 2022ยทedited Nov 8, 2022

I live in TX but originally from MI. Our families live in MI so I keep up with MI politics. I've been watching Tudor Dixon and I have to say, she's impressive. I am rooting for her! Yesterday, she was 3-4 points behind Gretch. You never know! I definitely believe in miracles!

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You could always drive up and vote in Michigan today. ๐Ÿคฃ

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Vote today and make sure abbot stays in. Beto is the exact opposite of him.

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Same for us. Lots of our family live in MI and we keep up with whatโ€™s happening there. I doubt she was REALLY behind witless. ๐Ÿ™„

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Voted myself and I agree with everything you said. I am in a rural area and always enjoyed voting in person and today for the first time since covid, no plexiglass, no disposing of markers, everything seemed normal. I believe we have to defeat Prop 3, but if 2 isnโ€™t also defeated, you can kiss any kind of election fairness in this state goodbye. That is why the two props came out together. Praying people remember. While I am not optimistic, there is still hope.

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Oh yeah! And the "selling" of proposition 2 is a total lie. My wife had the impression it was about enforcing voter ID.

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Hope John James gets a seat in Congress!

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Yes! Iโ€™ve been routing him on since he started running! He won last time. They stole that from him. I watched the numbers on election night. So sick.

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Fellow Michigander here. Hoping and praying we kick all the Props and Gretchen to the curb.

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From the incomparable Matthew Crawford. Check out how Retchin' Gretchen's Fauci pillow just sort of disappeared.


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Quite the treasure trove of clues!

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Yes to both. I screwed up and voted Yes on prop 2 which I think is a mistake.

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Please always just read the proposals actual verbiage. Ignore those fake flyers spreading lies.

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Even the verbiage is confusing. Oregonians canโ€™t decipher anything about the proposals and end up voting wrongly because of that. In Florida they even word things crappy. On purpose. Although it is like night and day compared to how bad Oregon is. I did notice a proposal in our county that sounded great until you dug a little deeper and noticed they stuffed a bunch of unwanted groups on the list which will raise our taxes to accommodate. It was disheartening. I wanted to say yes to first responders, but no to the others they snuck in there. Then what do you do. ๐Ÿ˜ž I did a lot of digging to find out what groups were who, and what effect it has on citizens. Voting requires a lot of research to combat their pork and word salads to decipher what you are actually voting for or against. They are confusing on purpose! Itโ€™s infuriating.

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I agree. Even in TN you have to navigate 17 double negatives to figure out what they are really saying. It's on purpose to confuse people.

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The funding proposal you describe: Works for the US Congress. Write a one-liner bill, then cram the Christmas stocking full of "supplementals", then rush it thru a vote.

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Democrats: we think many people are just too stupid to figure out how to get an ID so let's do away with voter ID entirely! Because...you know, DEMOCRACY!

Also Democrats: we'll word salad our proposals so bad that you'll have to be a political scholar to understand them.

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We have several in KS today and I was reading somewhere that the grade level required to read and understand either one was 17+--I'm guessing that is graduate level plus to understand. Why the AF is this the language used for these things??? Your average voter probably has 8+ reading level and the language is 17+

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Plus they obfuscate things by writing the proposals in a very unclear and confusing way. They always give the proposal a nice sounding name to confuse those who don't read the whole proposal, and such people usually think they are voting for something entirely different.

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This is just another example of what We The People need to take back from these lobbyists and government groups. These hacks need to be removed from every single level of our voting procedures. Down to the last little detail!

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Iโ€™m in Florida. I voted NO on constitutional amendment # 3 that would give an additional homestead exemption of $50,000 because it included teachers. I know several teachers and theyโ€™re all women married to men who make good incomes.

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I'm voting later today and I too am going to vote no. I don't want more "special" classes of citizens. People should not be taxed or untaxed because of their job.

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Ditto in PC FL. In principle, it is always wrong to treat different segments of the population with different tax policies. Always think first, "Is this right or wrong based on principle?" There are other ways to show appreciation for first responders than a discriminatory tax policy. All taxpayers should be treated the same. If the state can afford a tax break, give everyone some more tax exemption. Now, if we need more first responders, offer more in salary and pay them what they are worth. Tax law should treat all the same.

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That is spot on too! Thank you. I kept thinking I want to support the first responders, but how is that fair to other careers that are just as difficult and do not pay much? Why is one preferred over the other. So should we give an exemption to all plumbers? Iโ€™m sure they would love it. But then what about the electricians and garbage collectors? Preferential treatment is not what we should be aiming for. They knew how much they got paid when they chose that career, as in every line of work. Thanks for helping to clarify that thought process!

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Yes, and it has been pointed by others many, many times that tax exemptions are a huge tell that taxes are way too high and beyond a constitutionally necessary rate of exaction. Also, offering exemption is really in some sense vote buying. And vote buying is a form of larceny and a breech of the trustee responsibility of legislative representatives.

And when one begins to confront elected officials of legislative bodies with this line of argument, they suddenly are at a loss as to what to say. And such officials are reluctant to admit the constitutions are suspended (even if they knew it) because then there would be even a lot more s'plaining to do.

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The American constitutions (all suspended) were designed to uphold the God-conferred Liberties, among them property held under equal protection of the Law. Distributing wealth through the ballot box by legislative fiat is looting. That is, looting by stealing from Paul in order to give a benefit to Peter. Or simply put ... Paul's pocket is looted, but Peter gets a nice golden goose egg.

Voting for special exemptions by stealing language wrapping up in nice pretty fraud words is lying. And such votes are votes against the constitutions by the stated purposes of the same ... and also are votes against the maintenance of a non-stealing moral order.

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Soundly reasoned. You said it much better than I did.

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I agree on FL constitutional amendment #3 for homestead exemption. It only covers county / state employees, teachers, etc. How about teachers or support staff in private or charter schools...

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Thatโ€™s an interesting point as well. Thank you for that input.

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That was exactly my problem with it. And social workers.

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So I have a question about #2. I originally thought why would we abolish the Constitution Revision Commission? It sounds good at face value which they bank on voters doing (no research). Then I looked up what it was! And then it made sense. If I read this right, this is the same group responsible for adding teachers and social workers to the Homestead for first responders proposal. A group of partisan hacks disguised as constitutional authority to help the people add amendments to the state constitution! They sneak in the pork! Republicans were not for this group. Most of them voted against its formation. So now I am voting YES to abolish them rather than the NO I was going to vote before doing the research.

Might I ask (since we are new to Florida) if you know am I missing anything here?

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No, youโ€™re not missing anything. Vote YES to abolish!

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In California, we have learned to vote every single ballot proposal down. But you DO have to read carefully as sometimes they sneakily word things so that to vote "no" you have to vote "yes". Occasionally. On my ballot this time, I voted no for everything.

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I agree. I have come to find that out in Michigan also. Vote No on every single proposal. I hope itโ€™s not too late.

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It's done on purpose. No candidate or proposal is perfect, but pros and cons must be weighed by individuals.

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In Washington we voted to end a tax instead of continuing it. They said it didnโ€™t pass because people didnโ€™t understand it, so they had a second vote and it passed. Shocker (not) We have no hope in the system here.

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Oregon is the same way. Just keep manipulating until they get the outcome they want. Nevermind what the voters want. We are just in their way.

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Have learned that everything is upside down.

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Unfortunately, not enough people knew that there was a peopleโ€™s ballot initiative called Secure My Vote, collecting signatures fall of 21 and last winter. The SOS office kept slow walking it and then when we wanted to have it approved before the election, they found something else wrong. Then Boom, out comes Promote the Vote. Nothing that is put in a proposal that we vote on is going to help the people, bank on it.

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Nov 8, 2022ยทedited Nov 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

In Florida just remember: A vote for Crist is a vote for boys in skirts and chicks with......well, you know the thing. BTW, I am not at all comfortable with these close races in important areas. I'm sure the DOJ, or a similar government bastion of truth, will save the day. I'm a Hobgoblin, and I approve this message.

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Nov 8, 2022ยทedited Nov 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Florida Department of State sent the DOJ a letter last night telling them they were not legally allowed inside Florida polling places to monitor voting. Wish others states did that.

See actual letter on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrendonLeslie/status/1589949998195937280

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I wonder what other states have laws preventing the DOJ from interfering, oops, I meant โ€œmonitoringโ€, their elections? If anyone from the MO. Department of State is reading this I hope you get a letter sent out NOW!

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If not state statutes, clearly the Constitution states that voting is run by the states, not feds. That has been weakened by unconstitutional federal statutes

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Ooh love that!! Go Florida!!

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In a real world DeSantis would win with 92% of the vote and Crist would get 8% of the vote from those who typically have no opinions and don't know anything when polled.

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Well, Disney does employ a lot of furries....uh, pedophiles,.... uh, people.

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They identify with puppies. Such crap. Ridiculous.

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They identify AS puppies, not with them

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Not to mention.. uh, GROOMERS.

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I know a furry. Not exactly what you think they are.

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"Extreme" furries request scratching posts and litter box. A bit of a concern, don't you think?

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Our grandson's high school in North GA has a girl who goes around on all fours, answers her teachers with various "meows" and eats out of a bowl on the floor, wears a collar that her handler has a leash attached to and walks her to her classes. She said she identifies as a cat. She is now suing the school because they do not have a litter box in the restroom for her and they are discriminating against cats. No joke, really happening. Extreme furry at its best but, I guess that is better than having drag queens prowling the halls.

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Nov 8, 2022ยทedited Nov 8, 2022

Normalizing insanity like the cutting off of body parts is simply part of the same agenda to destroy American culture in addition to destroying Americans economically by "cutting off" all sources of energy (oil pipelines, drilling leases, coal and diesel) and food. It's all connected and purposeful.

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I live in a small town in Oklahoma, same thing here. They asked for litter boxes in the bathrooms!

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I've heard of this before and can't believe the school/adults would allow this???

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Investigate the parents. That is severe child abuse. Remove that kid from school and put her in a group home where she can be treated for her mental issues.

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Well what are they???

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Yep, color me "curious".....

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I worked with two. Gamer type, def weirdos but decent kids.

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Yes but they live in an altered state of reality and it one thing to make believe another to promote and encourage living in an unsound mind

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My grandkid is a furry. He made his own outfit at 13. A Fox. It was awesome. Only wore it at Halloween. He just likes the creative end and some of his compatriots. Loves animals but going into Botany eventually. Lots of different people in that space. He certainly doesnโ€™t live in an altered state. My friend didnโ€™t either. But likes animals more than people. His costume was a wolf and he worked at the library with me. During summer reading programs we would find a kids book featuring a wolf and do a skit for the kids with him in costume. Kids loved it. So did he! He had a horse costume as wellโ€”same deal.

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He is despicable. The media says that republicans are voting for a, b and c reasons without ever mentioning that we are ALSO voting to not sexualize children and transition children in their schools.

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Don't forget all the rumors about Crist being another Andrew Gillum... ... ... ...

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Maybe he IS Andrew Gillum?! GASP!!!!๐Ÿ˜„ PLOT TWIST! Dun Dun Duuuun!

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I've never seen them in the same room together...

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Who is Andrew Gollum? On second thought, maybe I donโ€™t want to know.

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Maybe heโ€™ll run off to a tanning room with some guy, oops sorry someone, thing whatever, and get drunk.

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Crist is Lebanese... In the Middle East: What happens in the Turkish baths, stays in the Turkish baths...

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He's a sad man. He is going to be crushed in this election and deservedly because he stands for nothing other than whatever DeSantis is for Crist is against. It's pathetic.

I wonder what political party and what office he'll run for in 2024?

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Should be interesting seeing the results tomorrow/next week/whenever. _Really_ hoping we don't see more post-midnight bumps in ballot counts like we did in 2020. I know a lot of people are fed up with the economy and supply chains and such right now. Sadly, in my little area in TX I see far too many "Beto" signs for my comfort. I have no idea what exactly people think they'd get with him in charge. That includes a couple of my neighbors who I'd normally think would not line up with his "values". I don't expect him to win, but with the way Abbott behaved the last couple of years I can see that people would be ticked at him. Voting for Beto isn't the answer, but I can definitely understand wanting someone else. :/

Regardless, I'm going to remember that God is still in charge. Local/National politics don't change that.

I also appreciate the time you spend on these daily summaries. It's good to see a lot of the news and opinions that aren't "fit to print" in our mainstream media outlets. :)

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I was surprised at the number of Beto signs I saw a couple of months ago when we were visiting our son in Bastrop. I join you in finding comfort in the fact that God is in charge. My prayer today is, "God, please have mercy on us." Whatever happens, He will never leave or forsake His children.

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I saw that post midnight bump in the results in 2021 for a couple of counties in NJ during the governor's race. For a goodly number of hours it looked like Murphy was going to lose and then in the wee hours in two democrat stronghold counties the numbers spiked.

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That was outright larceny.

How did that Goldman Sachs Nursing Home Murderer have a chance?

But the stumblebum he "ran" against- Jack Shitarelli- was happy to take adive anyway .

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Good luck on the outcome of your election today. We are watching with much interest from Canada, wishing we had our own midterms here.

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My heart breaks for all of you in Canada. I followed closely the truckers' convoy and even saw the beating of the Rebel News journalist and the people who were run over by horses when Trudeau's goons cracked down. I wished I could go into the cafe which was targeted and eventually shut down because its owners dared to stay open.

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Thanks ya, people think we are so passive here but that is not the case. And we've been stuck with pretty boy turdeau for so long, we're a little sick of the bullshit.

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I also became aware of a podcaster who calls himself Viva Frei. He fled to Florida a few months ago.

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Viva Frei's Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/user/vivafrei

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Thank you for the link, I'd not heard of this so I will enjoy it now!

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Heโ€™s also on YouTube but only for part of his podcast, then he cuts over to rumble.

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Really!? Interesting

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And. . . Isn't he elected into office by Parliament, not voters? Weird.

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Toadily weird. As a wise person once said, if voting made the slightest bit of difference, they wouldn't let us do it.

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Happy Red Wave Tuesday! I'm preparing to drink in the salty lefty tears that will pour out tonight.

I love the quote โ€œHereโ€™s where the Democrats are: theyโ€™re inflation deniers, they are crime deniers, theyโ€™re education deniers.โ€ As vaxxx denier and election denier, I identify with this post!

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Another vax and election denier here! I am so very glad that my husband and I questioned and did research and said no to the shots. I don't intend to ever take any kind of vaccine again.

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Same. I did my research. By summer 2020 I knew the mRNA would be a big no. And lockdowns were evil.

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In fact, it looks like any and all vaccines are useless at best, for humans and pets. Still researching tho.

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Please watched "Vaxxed" the documentary with the CDC whistleblower on childhood vaccines. It is well done and well supported with the whistleblowers documents. It broke my heart and made me realize that I would never take another vax of any kind for the rest of my life!

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Same!! There are a lot of us.

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Me too, never vaxx again.

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Absolutely and this years flu shot is combined w the Covid jab. How awesome is that๐Ÿคฎ

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Nov 8, 2022ยทedited Nov 8, 2022

BEWARE, those of you living and voting in the 14 so-called battleground states. Herr Garland has deployed the National Guard's cybersecurity teams to "monitor election security".

Might the ba$tards be attempting another steal? Pesky maggot voters ... how dare they reject the governance of the Brandon Regime's appointed stooges!

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My state, North Carolina, is one of those.

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My state PA ๐Ÿ™„

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Nov 8, 2022ยทedited Nov 8, 2022

After the Canadian Freedom Convoy debacle I would recommend everyone avoid using GoF*Me, even to try to buy back the FDA. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Consider using GiveSendGo instead.

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Yes I posted same!

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Heading out to vote for Americaโ€™s Best Ever Governor, Ron DeSantis. His Unite and Win Rally speech was energizing last night. He is surely a gift from God...considering the fact that we Floridians nearly got 4 years of George Soros backed Andrew Gillum...Yikes!


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Talk about dodging a bullet.

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Yeah seriously.

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Never been jealous of a vote before, but I wanna vote for him toooooo. Ahhh, if luck be a lady, maybe some day Iโ€™ll get the chance. ๐Ÿ˜„

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Kari Lake was fun to vote for too!!

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Closest I got was voting to recall gruesome Newsom earlier this year

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I fondly remember the time when learning to read and write and do math was what they taught in school. Ah, the good old days.

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& taught critical thinking!

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It was called LOGIC.

Critical Thinking has a different meaning and was never included in a school curriculum.

Recently an attempt to add a logic requirement was added to a school district in Alaska.

Sadly, the school board voted it down!


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Well, who wants logic?? Certainly not the Democrats and the RINOS.

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Iโ€™d love to see logic back in the school curriculum!

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Imho a good solid education (of old) creates critical thinkers.

Dumbed down education (Common Core, CRT, SEL,revisionist history, etc.) creates robotons who question nothing but follow dutifully.

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In middle school, they taught us the marketing tricks. Iโ€™d watch commercials with my Dad& weโ€™d figure out what ploy they were using. It was fun .

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Maybe Iโ€™m older than you. I do remember it in my middle school.

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and American history!!

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I vaguely recall some trolls facing legal charges for intentionally posting the wrong (too-late) voting date in a previous election (2016, I think?). It seems like Alachua Countyโ€™s Future bogus text could fall into the same category of intentionally misleading the public about voting and could thus be subject to legal action. What do you think, Jeff?

Regarding your economic advice during an inflationary cycle, this is the first time Iโ€™ve ever been glad we donโ€™t have any savings and have invested in stockpiling cat food instead! ๐Ÿ˜น

Hereโ€™s a list of the FDA user fees for 2023 vs. 2022:

โ€ข https://www.raps.org/news-and-articles/news-articles/2022/10/fda-posts-fy2023-user-fee-tables

Youโ€™ll see the application fee has increased from $3,117,218 to $3,242,026 (a 4% increase) for 2023, so youโ€™ll need to multiply that by every application (Pfizer, Moderna, etc.) and figure out how many billions of dollars weโ€™ll need to buy the FDA ;-)

Actually, I have a better idea: letโ€™s just abolish it and reclaim our tax-extorted dollars.

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Abolish ALL Federal unconstitutional departments & agencies

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Interesting how we've managed to codify bribery of the FDA:

Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments


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Ha! I too, have a stockpile of cat food.

I know you are probably inundated with emails but I sent you one last night. Wanted to get your take on this effort:


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I fear that many of these elections will take weeks to call. I remember the good old days when you voted on Election Day and the results were given that night. These mail-in ballots should be abandoned except for the ๏ฟผ bedridden, infirmed ๏ฟผand the military. AND maybe if you can prove you will be out of town. Also IMHO it should be either a morning/afternoon off from work so you can do your civic duty. Now thatโ€™s AMERICAN!

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ABSENTEE ballots YES;early voting & mail-in NO.

Absentee has more accountability & accommodates genuine needs of certain voters.

Mail-ins are the Wild West voting

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what's the difference between absentee and mail-in voting?

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With mail in, everyone gets a ballot to mail back. With absentee, if a person is not going be able to get to the polling station on Election Day, they can request a ballot in advance.

In MO, our absentee ballots have to be notarized.

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I'll never figure this out...in past elections (up until the 1990's), all elections were manually tabulated or on paper. We got final results almost always before midnight...

Today, with all the "modern" technology, we can't seem to get results for days...

I know what you're thinking...it takes days to manipulate the votes...but seriously, bring back paper ballots and voter ID!

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Don't know why I believe it but I think electronic voting came in with daddy Bush and has favored establishment candidates since.

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Barron's used to be a great read...30-40 years ago. Like so many other things, it has become infested with liberalism or socialism or stupidity.

...Struggling presidency"...maybe, but fantastic dictatorship if you are into that sort of thing.

Election cheating? I finally figured out why major elections are so close to Halloween. As the dead come out of their graves to spook the living, there are the democrats to make sure they fill out an absentee ballot...with only one party choice of course.

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A bunch of news sources that were good 30-40 yrs ago suck now. Nat Geo, 60 minutes etc

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Wrt the most amazing โ˜•C&C๐Ÿฆ  juggernautโ€™s multiplier crusades โ†“โ†“

๐Ÿ—จ The number 22 is seen as a sign of good luck or of positive things to come. It is perceived as *the most powerful and creative number of all*. This means you're able to overcome all kinds of obstacles, and aren't easily knocked back by failure.

Iโ€™m told you donโ€™t need to believe numerology to facilitate its effects ๐Ÿ˜‡

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Aside from that numbers definitely have meaning. Look at 777 and 666 in the bible.

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Funny. That's what I donated.

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Nah, not funny, think insightful. Multiplier itself multiplied through tapping into number magic ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Interesting story of note: Sir Evelyne Rothschild died today. One of the great Titans of the NWO died today on what will likely be a tsunami of a referendum on the authoritarian fascist Left, and their beloved NWO.

I feel great peace about todayโ€™s election. I have prayed and fasted, and worked hard to get the truth out to the people these last two years. It is up to God to work His miracles now, and He will.

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