“That’s a nice skirt, but if you have — or ever had — the berries and the stem, you gotta sign up, Loretta.”


“ Joe Biden isn’t planning to just sit around while the Russians bomb his favorite Eastern European crack house, I mean ally.” 🤣🤣🤣

Comic gold right there 😁

Funny, if it had been a democrat supported surgeon general who happened to be black and was being criticized, we would’ve heard cries of “racist!” 🤔🙄 I love Ladapo, he is so full of common sense and integrity.

I do disagree with him that they would’ve pulled the shots if they’d known two years ago. They knew, and they didn’t care 😡

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"They knew, and they didn’t care 😡"

Ladapo knows that, but his common sense told him he couldn't go there yet...

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Yes I agree, either that or he is more generous and willing to give the benefit of the doubt than I am. I suspect he also might have deliberately wanted to frame it that way so he could paint them into a corner—well of course you would have done that like any rational and decent person should. Kind of forcing them to agree with him lest they admit bad things 😬

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yep, they knew and didn't care.

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Great point about Dr. Ladapo and the response if he were a leftist being criticized by the rational individualist populists. 🤦‍♀️ Such double standards.

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Yup as the expression goes, if they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all!

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Comic gold indeed! 🤣🤣🤣

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I think the point is if WE (american population at large) had known two years ago, they would have had to pull the shots.

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Many of us DID know.

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Yep. They called us crazy

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They're STILL calling us crazy, in my neck of the Canadian woods.

This crazy old Mama Bear STILL gives ZERO shits.

#TheMamaBearsAreComing 💔

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️


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They did everything possible to keep people from finding out! Only those of us who were suspicious, and not ready to just take the “experts’” word for it, and not afraid to ask questions were able to dig around to find out.

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Two words: "Experimental. New Technology. Untested."

= No thanks, no digging around required!

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Yes but they kept claiming it wasn’t new, had been worked on for years etc etc. Lots of people were convinced by that—I remained skeptical, fortunately, but I know a lot of people bought into it.

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Watch the miniseries on Hulu called DopeSick. It’s all about the opioid epidemic. Another thing where they knew what havoc they were wreaking and they didn’t care. Sure opened my eyes.

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This recently released documentary explains a lot: UTTER MADNESS

"Vancouver is DYING."



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I just watched this. Thanks for sharing. Done excellently. Many major US cities are headed this way rapidly.

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Yep. That banana and two walnuts inks the registration notice.

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I thought the very same about him being a democrat and the name calling. They will probably call HIM a racist instead.

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Yes, say he was internalizing racism or some such nonsense 🙄

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Spot on!!!

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Since Joe Biden EXTORTED Ukraine, this alleged comedy is like kicking a rape victim when she's down.

It's so funny. Think some people who didn't even take the jabs are equally broke in the brain.

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Horsey, quite frankly, based on my previous experience attempting to have a good faith discussion with you, I have determined that I might as well go down to the local playground and find a second grader to “debate” as exchange thoughts with you. I don’t find it interesting or engaging to listen to insults and bad faith arguments that twist the intent of my discourse. So.

I have nothing further to say to you.

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Your terms of defeat are acceptable. I embrace it and wish you well.

Onwards to "Putin said" followed by new episodes of "Xi said" and "Kim said."

Surrender now, and begin Mandarin classes asap.

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Between the jabs, the draft, the stock market, and food issues, if you’re not good with God now is a really good time! I think we are in a battle between good and evil.

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Get good with God and for goodness sake please read and study the Bible! It teaches us about Him, His plan for humanity, how we are to conduct ourselves, and what the future holds. In a world filled with lies, God's word is our only rock of truth.

God is in control, it may not seem like it but He has a perfect plan.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Those who believe and call on Him have a peace the world cannot understand.

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Yes, I agree 100%.

However, that plan may involve heavy consequences for the path this nation, and world, now follow. The fate of Sodom and Gomorrah is used as a warning to those who reject the Gospel.

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That last paragraph...so true!! No matter the chaos and evil that are on display everywhere/everyday, I am always able to find peace and courage in Him 🙏🏻♥️. (Sometimes it surprises even me ;). Thank you for your uplifting comment😊

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I’ve been saying that for 2 years. Also, keep your loved ones close!

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Psalm 38:25 David writes.

“I have been young and now am old, I have yet to see the righteous forsaken, nor His seed begging bread”

This requires faith If you don’t have faith then you better had ask for it. Believing is the hardest spiritual work.

It all boils down to this: each and every one has to figure this out for themselves.

Those who refuse will not be ready it’s just that simple.

Those seek after God will find Him for He is not far from any man. I mean that’s what God said, He who comes must believe that He exist and is a rewarder of those diligently seek him.

People who say otherwise are just wrong, that all.

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Don't have faith? "better ask for it." Love this. When I question I will remember this.

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Abso-freakin-lootley Christy! Amen and praise the Lord! More than ever!

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We need a spot of comic relief and Charlie Crist is it. God bless him. He never fails to deliver.

We have the best people in our state government in Florida. Kudos to Dr. Ladapo. Glad we got him. California's loss is our gain.

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If it were the opposite party around, the hysterical screams of 'racism' would be loud and pervasive.

Such double standards.

So depressing.

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Or amusing; you just have to choose your reaction. Making fun of leaders of the opposition is a key part of the modus operandi for color revolutions, as described in the TED Talk linked below and in Saul Alinsky's Rule No. 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage." Our memes and our making fun are effective because our opposition walks into doors daily; we should use that fact every day.


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Yes and they also used that same strategy to sell the jabs and masks.

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And to make using ivermectin or HCQ, etc., seem uneducated and crazy.

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Yes that is for sure, calling it horse paste 🙄 So then I guess Prozac is dog antidepressants?

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...and to influence voters...

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Wow Monty Python clip way ahead of it's time!

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And they really nailed it ~ 43 years in advance!

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They always seemed to have been ahead. Genius like Carlin.

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" I do not want it in the arm. I do not want it in the nose. I do not want it, Sam I Am."


I do not want it from a shot, I do not want it shed or bought. I do not want mosquito bites, I have body autonomy rights. I do not want it in my fam, I do not want it, Sam I Am!

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Ooh love it, great rhyming! 😁

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Warning...high danger of spitting out your coffee today while reading C & C. 🤣🤣🤣

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Just like pretty much every day 😂😆😁

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I am almost crying today this is so funny!

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A stamp to commemorate a bridge bombing which didn't destroy the bridge. Totally classless! How cheesey. No wonder the Ukrainian government is aligned with the current US administration. Both are jokes and losers.

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The execs from a cosmetics company were last seen celebrating the attempted sabotage.. Apparently their warehouse got Kalibrated....

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Yep good time to be raising your own food!!!

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💯 Annie!

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LMFAO!! "Oh. You know what else did not “yield the desired protection?” The regular jabs." I LOVE THIS SUBSTACK!! Thanks Jeff!

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Love how the msm and blue checks try to tear apart the Florida study but don’t have a negative word to say about all the ridiculous Pfizer studies. I mean even eight blind mice could see what’s going on.

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Since when is it a judge’s responsibility to determine if Covid will spread or not? What is with our court systems? The only job they have is to determine if the law is legal - not to apply their own opinions.

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I thought the same thing!! Also deciding whether people need to wear masks in the courthouse. How on earth do they have that authority???? It is infuriating and ridiculous!!!

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It's called judicial activism...

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It's maddening!

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Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord, O my soul!

I will praise the Lord while I live;

I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

Do not trust in princes,

In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.

His spirit departs, he returns to the earth;

In that very day his thoughts perish.

How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,

Whose hope is in the Lord his God,

Who made heaven and earth,

The sea and all that is in them;

Who keeps faith forever;

Who executes justice for the oppressed;

Who gives food to the hungry.

The Lord sets the prisoners free.

The Lord opens the eyes of the blind;

The Lord raises up those who are bowed down;

The Lord loves the righteous;

The Lord protects the strangers;

He supports the fatherless and the widow,

But He thwarts the way of the wicked.

The Lord will reign forever,

Your God, O Zion, to all generations.

Praise the Lord!

— Psalm 146:1-10 NASB1995

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Bless you Janice and thank you for your consistently uplifting comments 🙏🏻♥️

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It is quite common to rig the trails for any new vaccine product. Read "Turtles All The Way Down" for a thorough explanation of this process. I expect they will find a way to jigger the trials and the FDA will fill their pockets once again with payola and approve this garbage.

Big pharma wants to inject mRNA gene altering poisons into every person on the planet who is not part of the ruling elite. Dreaming of trillion dollar profits, they will find a way to get every person alive into the dreary medical system by creating death along the way and more profitable diseases to be treated with more big pharma drugs.

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I believe that you are right Gorgo. "They" want everyone injected and my fear is that they will eventually find a way to do so without our knowledge!

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I think the chances are very high, if you go into the hospital, you could get an injection without knowing it. As insane as that sounds, that is the logic on getting the unvaccinated injected. Watch out for all vaccines, having it implanted and all flu shots.

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I have told my loved ones, at least those who care to hear, to refuse ALL future vaccines, even for routine stuff, for this exact reason.

I can only hope and pray that they will. Especially my older mom and elderly MIL, who lean very much toward “respect” for “authority” and “well, my doctor said it’s a good idea.” 😭😭😭. Doctors aren’t going to discuss with their elderly Medicare patients: hey, you’re due for a shingles shot, but this one has mR N A, do you still want it?” 😠. (And yes, I know, they shouldn’t be getting the shingles shot or flu shot or pneumonia shot ANYWAY, but, I can have only so many points of discussion about so many things.)

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Or you'll receive plasma that's contaminated with spike proteins. There seems to be no effort by the medical community to segregate vaxxed plasma from pureblood. And why would there be? In their twisted brains, spike proteins are SAFE and EFFECTIVE.

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If scheduled for surgery: have your OWN unvaxxed blood drawn, prior.


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I believe Jeff provided us the form we should all have with us at all times to put a hospital or emergency treatment center on notice that we are not authorizing any biologicals, injected or otherwise, without our conscious, written informed consent. I worry that I could be in an accident and unconscious upon arrival to said facility and be injected without my knowledge due to “hospital policy”! In Florida I believe it is now illegal to do so, but if it’s done, I’m hopeful the signed document of non-authorization would mean I would have legal recourse, which I would utilize to the inth degree. Of course I know myself; I’ll be immediately put in prison or in the psych ward upon learning the news as I’d be spitting-nails mad and most likely go off the rails and do my best to take out the closest hospital personnel in sight!😜

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Agreed. I had hernia surgery about a year ago and hopefully this crap didn't come near me. Who knows what happens when you're put out. I felt nothing though so fingers crossed. I won't go near a needle now. I didn't before. Always refused vaccines. It's become so evil I trust nothing.

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They’re trying to inject our pigs now. https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/news/pork-supply-chain-invests-65-million-novel-vaccine-platform

I really need someone to tell us how to combat this hydra-headed leviathan. Like, who do we call to say, “don’t inject the cows and pigs!”?

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Don't buy from corporate factory farms. Find small independent farmers you can trust.

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I know.

And that works great for when I eat at home.

Doesn’t help a wit when I eat at relatives or friends or go out for a nice steak dinner with my husband, or to Cracker Barrel with my friends.

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Obviously, if dine out = go vege, IF its Organic. Otherwise accept the Glyphosate. Living has become tricky!

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https://voxday.net/2022/10/11/french-government-isnt-vaccinated/ read this. They want the masses injected not the elites.

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Good thing that the US CONgress is exempt from any illegal draconian "mandates". We wouldn't want to loose such noble beasts!!

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CONgress is correct. Classic case of "do as I say not as I do."

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With a side order of 'Rules for Thee, but not for Me'

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Bill Gates and his Mosquitoes of Death are coming. That, plus vaxxes sprayed on produce as it innocently grows in farm fields.

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Better get some mosquito netting...

(Since there's plenty of news on it out there, Faux News suffices to link)


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"Sorry, Klinger" 🤣

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Since the military is kicking out the unvaccinated, my unvaxxed teenage son must be exempt from the draft, right?

Just like with the cross-dressing thing the answer will be no. When their victims are innocent women in restrooms robbed of their privacy, or the decimation of girl's sports, then they are women. When the victim is the government, then they revert back to being men. Pretty transparent and utterly predictable.

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I thought of Jamie Farr right away. Miss the Mash crew.

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Present company excluded, I am shocked that more lawyers have not become rich going after the fraud. Is Pfizer paying the lawyers off? Tiffany's story would make one heck of a movie..........oh wait Hollywood is owned by China and big pharma. AMC is 100% owned by China.

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Oct 11, 2022
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Intimidated by the deep pockets of Big Pharma and their incredible army of lawyers....

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I was able to watch your Epoch Times interview last night, and it was great. The story of your transformation from a small-town boutique attorney to a nationally recognized fighter for constitutional rights is wonderful and inspiring! I thank God for you!

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I do not want it here, I do not want there. I do not want the covid scam anywhere. I’ll rather green eggs and ham.

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