Thanks to Harold for posting the video of the interview of Jeff Childers earlier. I wanted to add some notes. Everyone should check it out.

Jeff starts out stating how he was watching a county commission meeting for Alachua County, where they quickly passed the 1st mandatory mask mandate in Florida that was county-wide. He was so offended by this, and realized it was totally unconstitutional to dictate what people have to wear (something strapped to your head).

To that point Jeff had not practiced Constitutional or Civil Rights law in his whole career. He’d been a business contracts lawyer. But he fired off a Demand Letter to cease and desist. He had to figure out how to to serve papers to a government entity. This is summer 2020, the peak of mask hysteria.

In talking with his peers, Jeff was confronted with ‘why are you throwing your career away over this’. Going against the government can be bad for business.

Jeff pressed on and won the case (on appeal) with a finding that mandatory masking was unconstitutional (Nov 2020). This caused a flood of interest for Jeff to take similar cases, as most other attorneys would not. Next was a lawsuit, representing a group of city of Gainesville employees facing termination over refusal of the jabs. This case lead to a defeat of a local vaccine mandate (around Sep 2021), likely the first ever mandate defeat.

Jeff also took a Jan 6 defendant's case. Like the masks and the ‘vaccines’, no lawyers wanted to take these cases. Why is that? The large law firms are so intertwined with govt, so they have to be careful not to offend their govt clients. So they don’t want to challenge the published govt narrative.

Example: If a teacher somewhere can’t put up a ‘pride’ flag, then you’ll have ten attorneys there the next day. But if the teacher doesn't want to wear a mask, there’s no one showing up to represent them. The difference? One has the backing of the govt, and the other is the exact opposite ‘here there be serpents’. Challenging the govt narrative is a no go. This was the case for ‘tall building’ law firms, all the way down to 50-person law firms. They’re so dependent on govt, they are unwilling to challenge ‘official’ govt narratives. Jeff says “We have to break that interdependence between govt and our legal community, because it’s not good, whatever is behind this.”

In the video, Jeff goes on to explain how he had always believed in God, but in his early 40s he had a bonafide spiritual experience with a vision and everything else; he started going to church every week and tithing, it was a complete transformation. It happened on a bike ride. His wife says he came back from that bike ride a different, better person.

Jeff started to come more in tune with ‘suggestions’ that were coming from a divine source and not something he would have thought on his own, such as ‘sue the govt’. So he pays attention to those feelings. Jeff is going in to these challenges with this Spiritual Conviction. The Constitution is certainly good, but there is a higher power, and the Constitution itself refers to this, that our rights come to us from our creator. They don’t come from govt.

Why wouldn’t 10 attorneys from the ACLU come in to defend a teacher who doesn’t want to wear a mask? It’s very strange. It’s like there are forces of good and evil at play. Jeff didn’t feel he had a choice. If he wound up losing his career over it, he still needed to do it. He needed to say he tried. (much more in the vid!)


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Thanks for posting that. Mr. Childers is called for the fight ahead. Our true crisis is a lack of integrity through all segments of society; people refusing to stand up for or even speak up for the truth. It's great to see people like Jeff circle "God" and not "Mammon" on the test.

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Yes, rinse wash and repeat for Government trillions everywhere. Science as an example. The so-called science of CAGW (Climate Change) is corrupted by government grants and funding.

The "March Through the institutions", is almost complete. And my perspective is this tyrannical success is why you now see former comrades in arms nations, like the US and China, going hostile with each other. They are fighting over who is to really rule.

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Based- terrific synopsis of the interview - you hit all the highlights - I truly believe that those of us who found out about Jeff early on were guided by a higher power - scratch that- by JESUS CHRIST - I’m among friends finally and the old me would have danced around the “spiritual stuff”. Not any more. It was the oddest circumstance how I found C&C - through a DC friend who I lost track of years ago and who briefly mentioned it in passing in a text when she found out I fled Chicago for Florida- not even sure how she heard of him! Relieved and grateful to be among all my fellow C&C’ers. We still have a reason for our hope. Would love to know how others learned of Jeff!

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I came across Jeff from a grade school friend who had posted his blog on FB. That was around April/May of 2020, right after I had gotten COVID on a vacation in FL. I have not missed a post (accept when Jeff was in FB jail 🙄) I have influenced many more to read his posts as well. I’m truly grateful for every post. I feel he guided me to some sanity during a very trying time.

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A pastor-friend of mine who also happens to be a friend of Mike Lindell's turned me onto him about six months ago or so. God is the ULTIMATE community organizer, Amen?

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Who needs the internet when we have the Holy Spirit connecting us all.

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And why worry about their pitiful spying, when we serve the God of all the universe, who knows every single thought and action of all mankind at all times.

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I am a member of a Fuquebook chat called "MAGA Million" which I joined in November 2020. One of the members shared C&C daily in the chat. Eventually, I figured out how to get it through email and Mewe. It has become a daily habit (can't seem to start the day without it). I have told many people about C&C and Jeff and will continue to sing his praises. He's the BEST!

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C&C multiplied Feds for Med Freedom, a group I have been a part of since king Biden mandated jabs for federal employees. It was wonderful to expand my group of allies.

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Annie - that multiplier was brilliant and gave us all access to the grassroots orgs who are really moving the needle- was so happy to learn of Feds for Medical Freedom!

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Because of Jeff being led by the Holy Spirit we have all become a new community of friends!

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Amen Debra!

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And that is so awesome! Truly life saving, or in the least, enhancing 💥

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I follow Dennis Michael Lynch on podcast, FB, and his app. He interviewed Jeff Childers earlier this year, heard that podcast and started reading his blogs each day. Two great sources of news.

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My daughter was a fall of 2020 freshman at UF. I started following him on fb back then when someone on a parent page mentioned him. Things were so crazy in Alachua Co. I wanted to keep up with what was going on there. I’ve been a avid reader ever since.

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Amy I’m in the Fort Myers area and I would love sometime to get a group of us Floridians together for dinner or something- I hope your daughter is doing well at UF. My daughter just graduated from Stetson University in May after two grueling years of pandemic learning which is hard to do when you’re a health sciences major and have to take anatomy and physiology lab online. What a joke. I think if us Floridians could network more heavily in the state we would have the local control that the leftists seem to have in places like CA and NY.

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Excellent! Thanks so much to both of you for that work. Could you please cite or link to that Nov 2020 mask mandate case? I would especially like to read Jeff's pleading re unconstitutionality. of the same.

My arguments as medical expert witness against forced mask-wearing have been based on my research with colleagues showing health hazards of mask wearing, cited over the first five papers at https://PDMJ.org.

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Thank you for that link, which I really appreciate for the legal fight against vaccine mandates, and was a great education in itself.

But does anyone have a link or citation for the Complaint in that mask mandate case?

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I don't find a link to the Nov 2020 mask case, only to the 2021 vax mandate case.

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Polk County Parents v Polk County Public Schools?

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Yes, I would love to see the "snot pouch" case, too!

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Great synopsis and great interview! I am so inspired by Jeff's willingness to 'walk the walk' that way too many people don't do - there are always the 'but's' Locally we too have a warrior in our court, Melinda Clark-Sann who has a similar story. She was a criminal defense attorney who was approached by a client who asked her to come to the defense of a local cafe that was shut down by the county. She is now a full time 'covid lawyer' who is a frequent speaker at local events sharing information on people's rights when dealing with their employers with shot and mask mandates and medical freedom. She talks about the 'golden handcuffs' and says too many people attached to material stuff, big title, big house, big car (payment) and NO flexibility in their lives to take a stand, leading them to say they have 'no choice' but to take the shot.

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We always have a choice. And when we take that risk of losing what we thought was so important, God always gives us something better than we could have imagined.

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This is sooo true.

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She sounds amazing!! So inspired by these courageous fighters!

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Huge thanks for your comments and for posting the Childers interview 👨

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Thank God for freedom-fighters like Jeff and our favorite attorney here in New York, Bobbie Anne Cox!

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“Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” - Ephesians 6:13

“Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able the quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” -Ephesians 6:16


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Excellent post, thank you for that well written summary!

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I see Jeff behaving as Donald Trump did. Running towards the fire, when they had every excuse not to. Taking on the learning of completely new and vastly complex skill sets. Facing great adversity for raising their heads in the fight.

Donald Trump and Jeff Childers are heroes for the ages!

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If prosperity is the blessing of the Old Testament, adversity is the blessing of the New. ~ Francis Bacon I have observed that a nastier form adversity tends to find those who seek to avoid it Willing. God favors the Caleb's and the Joshua's, Amen?

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You bet, Chip! And guess what? I have two sons named Caleb and Joshua!

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That's amazing!!! Then again, God is amazing!!!

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BFM, thank you for this background story! I’ve had the growing sense that God is using Jeff Childers in mighty and powerful ways, since I first started following his blog. These events are an awesome thing to watch!

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Truly! Makes getting out of bed worth it!

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What a based précis from Based Floridian! 🤩 Looks like our singular White Knight has got his very personal chronicler-biographer. Heavenly match made on substack 🔥

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"Why wouldn’t 10 attorneys from the ACLU come in to defend a teacher who doesn’t want to wear a mask?"

Judas Iscariot and his 30 pieces of silver offer an example of the the "why". Never forget, we have FOIA info showing that the DHS paid media companies for favorable COVID coverage, I doubt the ACLU didn't mind dipping their grubby little hands into the honey pot of propaganda.

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Excellent interview with Jeff. Epoch Times is doing great work.

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Excellent job on the synopsis of the interview!

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Thanks for posting this link.

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God Bless and keep Mr Childers! Truly being led by God!

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I don't know how the Trump announcement will eventually shake out, but I look forward to having someone in the public square say things out loud that need to be said. Current Republican leadership is spineless for the most part and may as well have a "D' beside their name. They can't even point out that Biden is so gone he can't find his way off of a stage. Maybe people will finally wake up to all the money being shoveled into Ukraine - and wonder what it is actually doing.

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The GOP will do NOTHING to help Trump. In fact, they will do everything with their evil little claws to destroy him and pit us against him and each other. This RINOs including the RinoNC do not want any person to win that wants to put Americans and America first. They will only back cowards and bought and paid for operatives with an R beside their name. Expect anything different and you will be discouraged and want to throw in the towel. That’s what they want. If you think this is exclusive to the D machine you should open your eyes a bit more. The R machine is alive and well and set on our destruction too.

The only ones who can take back our country are the people. Since so many are brainwashed, too busy on their smart phones, googling the latest fads and bandwagons to jump on, while being distracted with all the shiny new toys and conveniences Bozos, Zuckerschmuck, and Apple come out with, not sure how much hope we really have.

The rest of the Americans have jobs. And those jobs require most of our time and attention. What little is left is for family and trying to come up for air so we can pay our bills and increasing expenses and taxes.

I keep watching Brazilians show up by the millions to protest their fraudulent selection and wonder why we aren’t doing that here, and why we didn’t for the past over two years. Then I realized, even with that show of support for over three weeks in Brazil and other countries during covid tyranny - did it work? Nope. Hasn’t yet. Because the global elite DO NOT CARE what the people want. It will be their way or no way.

It’s discouraging and depressing, really. I want to give up. But then what. We resign ourselves to destruction?

Idk how this turns out with Trump. But at least he’s willing to fight. I don’t like what he did with the OWS and vax crap. The only thing I hold on to is that he wasn’t okay with being forced to inject it. That’s at least a step higher than the rest of them. I still want someone to have the balls to point blank confront him on it. I welcome it!

And it’s early. Who knows who else will throw their hat in the circus ring? I will vote Trump if he runs unopposed. Otherwise, let’s see if there’s anyone else that picks up the torch.

But, in a probably futile effort I will support Trump and still vote. Even though I want to tell this govt to shove it up their arses, me not voting or not voting for Trump or whoever, doesn’t accomplish that. It hands them the win they already plan on taking. So at least I stand before God someday and say I tried.

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We are trying to play catch up in a game we didn’t know we were in.

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That sounds exactly right for the vast majority of new Patriots! Thank God so many more now know and are showing up for the fight! We will win, but I think we will see much adversity and have to make choices about what we truly value.

God absolutely works in mysterious ways. If I try to envision the course He will take, he always shocks and amazes me. He takes care of His own. This I know.

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What you said! Exactly. It is hard to NOT hold a grudge about OWS and I can't wait until someone asks him. And...you know what? He will probably give a truthful answer. I can't stand that he announced SO early, now we will have two effing years of this. Elections are a sham, but at least we will have truth bombs coming out and the demoncrats on the defense every second. Whatever hope I can have, I will take. But I know God is in control. A man is not our savior.

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Sad to see one more waste of taxpayer money going down the drain. Instead of all these democrap funded rabbit holes, I’d sure like it if someone could fix the potholes.

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I agree mostly with one exception; I will vote for him opposed or unopposed.

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I will write his name in if he’s not on the ballot.

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That’s great and I still might too. But whatever happens, if he gets the ticket, and he really should…..Rs better unite together and stand by him. A house divided itself cannot stand. And the evil D machine sticks together no matter how corrupt they are. The Rs spend too much time infighting and bickering and we get on our high moral horses and say I won’t vote. Well, as tempting as that is - it helps nothing.

I bet people who have fraud committed against them and their identity stolen still apply for a new credit card or bank card and use the same system that allowed the fraud against them. 🤔 But maybe, they do whatever they can to protect themselves moving forward. Is that a bad analogy? Personally we do what we can to vote better and wiser. No mail in ballot if we can vote in person instead. No early voting. Wait until Election Day and hand deliver it if possible, keep all double and triple ballots sent to you as proof of all this mismanagement/fraud , etc etc + anything else we can figure out in the next two years to add to trying to change this system. Point is. We can not stop. Or they win on every front. We HAVE to try. W have no better choice.

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Oregonian have not had the chance to vote in person for more than 20 years. Oregon is full mail in ballot only and has been ruled by criminal democrats since then. Sad and bad.

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I was impressed with DJT’s speech. Especially what he said about TERM LIMITS and changes in voting...no machine, paper ballots, voter ID, only one day to vote, and votes counted and reported SAME DAY. I’ll vote for him again based on those things alone. Tweet away, Mr. Trump. I can choose to tune in or not.

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Exactly. It seems some are still laboring under his “mean tweets” reputation. But I say never mind what he says, follow what he does. Obama was the quintessential orator; gave stirring speeches that won the hearts of a lot of people, including some Republicans. But take inventory and stack up the level of destruction he put upon America. Those Republicans rue the day. His MAGA movement is not about the man himself. No, it’s about changing the hearts and minds of Americans and bringing them back into what is great about America. It’s about destroying all those groups who are intent on enslaving the American people, yes, even the whole World, to enrich themselves. Trump won’t be around forever. The people have to wake up.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

We the people but only with God's help by partnering with Him.

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Oh, Amen to that!

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Yes. Thank you for saying that!

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The uniparty or the new CPUSA if you will

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Trump is a criminal who should be in jail. If morons with computers like us knew the clot shots were dangerous, you bet your ass he did too.

So many people on here want justice for all the covid stuff that has happened, yet cheerlead for the guy who bragged about rolling out the poison death shot.

God help us.

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The difference is, trump never would have forced anyone to take it.

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I’m not a Trump “fan” but have been learning of all the back stabbing and withholding of or mutinous behind the scenes activities while he was prez.

I wish o could find the link to 1) Fauci’s disinformation and mal information to the Covid task force and Trump himself. 2) One of the high up docs involved brags that when Trump told them to initiate a study on early ivm and hcq treatment he personally directed the study to be inpatient treatment which is he knew to be too late to be effective. The study was used to tell the world that NO ivm or hcq use was effective (so the EUA would be the only treatment possible).

I also appreciate that he drew out the dark forces, because if it were not for him I/we would not know any of the plans by the political PTB and the machines that work for and with them (social media, “news,” pharma, CIA, FBI, DNC, CDC, Hollywood, RINOs ...) that have come to light over the past 3 years. It’s like he was a human target so we could know who’s who on the dark side, who sold their souls so to speak, who are the vectors. Scary to learn and there’s cognitive dissonance about the people we trusted, but unless you know who is pushing the buttons you can’t take their hands off the buttons. He outed a lot of people.

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I love Donald Trump and have since 2015 when he went after the ‘golden boy’ traitor John McCain and when the media horde went into full throated demand that he apologize, he basically told them to go ‘f’ themselves, and then my love grew even deeper.

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Evidence that God is using him.

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That's such a bullshit excuse. He championed the fact he helped to unroll warp speed. We can never fix this if people can't see the very reality right in front of them . Would you give Biden a pass if the situation were reversed? Hell no, and you shouldn't. Ron Johnson is the only person deserving any respect on this issue.

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Enjoy the cognitive dissonance. Ignorance is bliss I hear.

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Trump was TRYING to save the economy. He took the jabs himself! He’s not a science man, and he listened to Fauci and birx. He knew the left was working on shutting down the country and this would indeed have a devastating affect on the economy. He tried to give hope that a “vaccine” would enable people to continue with their jobs and keep everything fluid.

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Trump was deceived by his own public health “experts” who wanted him gone since 2016. His Achilles heel was trusting in advisors who were/are toxic.... starting on Day 1. Remember he wasn’t an insider who knew all the players (undercover RINOS, etc.)

He certainly knows now; politically fool me once.....

Listen to his speech - very “presidential” one might say.

I’m sure in time he will address the covid elephant in the room.

Like others have said he’s NEVER advocated mandates or coercion.

As for DeSantis personally I want him in 2028 after he’s more seasoned; plus we need such a strong governor who shows others how to govern (mine included).

Most are weak & follow the crowd. DeSantis shows them up!

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He didn't advocate mandates because he couldn't have - by the time the *vaccines were released to the public, he was out of office.

Also, he doesn't get a pass on the "it-was-the-experts" thing. Dr. Scott Atlas was on the advisory team and tried to warn him, but he ignored him.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022

That's a pretty narrow view. Scott was great. I have read his book. But Trump had many voices around him he was listening to and Dr Atlas was cancelled pretty quickly

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A narrow view is thinking that anyone in power doesn't know, or at least has not been passed TONS of information about the danger of the poison death shot. Dipshits like us with computers knew it before the roll out. People need to seriously wake up and realize none of these people are our saviors, let alone forces of good.

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What do you propose we do?

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Not true.

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He wasn't deceived, he considered putting RFK Jr on his team. He knew exactly what was going on. Yes, of course there are plenty of political pressures and probably threats to safety and life, but if you don't know this going in, you are an idiot. If you do little to oppose it, you are at best a coward, at worst complicit. Fuck these people.

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Please get help!

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Rather than pathetic insults, you should try to refute what I said. But there is a reason you do not - deep down you know I am right about these people.

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Still waiting for an update from Trump on that. What's his current position?

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Well he did say he would give the military members who were fired for not taking the shot an APOLOGY and their jobs back with back pay. Magic words for me, that and term limits!!!

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Mr. Trump promises many, many things.

He doesn't always deliver.

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He's delivered on his promises more than anyone in goverment or politics than I know.

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No because the uniparty blocks him

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Plus a thousand attorneys, all the democrats, the MSM, the three letter agencies, etc...

Oh, he also cut funding to WHO.

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He isn’t God.

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Well that's a start, I guess.

Someone should tell him that. (But don't expect to keep your job if you do.)

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PERSUADE, CHANGE, INFLUENCE. Are you compensated for your efforts? If not, you certainly could be.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

No. I'm just a retired guy who worked for conservative GOP campaigns since 1980, and finally reached my breaking point (while working on yet another couple of GOP campaigns this past summer.)

I recognized Trump as a conman in 2016. Voted for him nonetheless in 2020, and now that he's assisted the Deep State he claims to oppose in genocide, damn sure intend to speak my mind.

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Yes! TERM LIMITS...and no voting machines, paper ballots, one day to vote, counting and reporting same day. I have not heard that before.

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I don’t think his ego will allow him to admit that he was lied to by fauci etc and that the jabs are harmful... that his his sad and his biggest fault....no one is perfect we are all sinners and God uses the strangest people for His purpose ... now I have no idea if shod is using him or not....but it’s very interesting he didn’t mention operation warp... but he should apologize...

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Shod is definitely not using him.

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When you achieve one one thousandth of what the Donald has achieved then maybe he should consider your ‘valuable’ advice.

Otherwise, you’re just another gnat swarming out there somewhere.

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You should check out Lance Wallnau's book. "Gods Chaos Candidate". It's an easy and encouraging read.

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He would be instantly sued if he said Fauci had lied to him. What a waste of resources that would result in.

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He doesn’t have to name anyone.. just say the jab didn’t turn out to be beneficial .... but he won’t go against big pharma. Therefore he isn’t for we the people imo

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When you achieve one one thousandth of what the Donald has achieved then maybe he should consider your ‘valuable’ advice.

Otherwise, you’re just another gnat swarming out there somewhere.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

He's been sued 100 times since he ran for president in 2015.

Why should one more have been so intimidating?

Trump fans want to pretend he's a tough guy, but in the very breath claim he didn't fire Fauci / Birx because the media would've been mean to him.

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Too absurd for words.

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He is in no way obligated to meet your needs. And he won’t. That’s his current position.

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I’m sure you’re so important that he’ll be getting that information to you right away🥸

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God help you. May you be cured of your TDS.

You criticize Trump - in hindsight by the way. Okay. What about the so called "experts" like Anthony Fauci who advised Trump? What about all the other politicians who mandatded vaccines and masks and lockdowns? Can you say Biden? You should name them as well. Oh, and Trump never violated anyone's rights by mandating anything.

Or do you belong to the PERSUADE, CHANGE INFLUENCE gang.

If you’re not being paid, you can

get paid to join comment sections all across the internet and make posts designed to destroy Trump’s historical level of supporters. Those supporters that produce crowds in the tens of thousands that travel to hear him speak in numerous events across the nation.

If you’re putting out this vitriol for free, you might want to look into it for pay.

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I've been to a Trump rally - Tulsa 2020. As a supporter.

Try again.

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And I care, why?

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Good luck on your vendetta. Never gonna happen.

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The elephant in the room is the Electoral College. The following article/thread explains how it is impossible for a Republican to ever get to the 270 votes needed to win the Presidency.

Another Perspective on Early Voting Laws, 2022 Ballot Collection Electioneering and the 2024 Election Geography



Project Omega (discussed yesterday) might help with the ballot fraud by cleaning up voter rolls, but that leaves the voting machine fraud. And if Dems/RINOs are running the elections in key states, what is the solution?

[Project Omega: https://www.omega4america.com/press/]

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

The battleground states are enemy territory. Ds control their state houses and that is who determines method of voting for elections. You cant win them back unless there is a catastrophe. WA state is prime example, VBM for 15 years, no credible R candidate has come even close even though the state is half conservative.

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California too. Dems have had a supermajority for 30+ years.

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Same with Oregon.

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The machines gotta go.

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Mail in voting must go! 🇺🇸

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It must but will not in D controlled states.

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This too

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Without the Electoral College, Hillary would have won the popular vote in 2016 with just 3 New York Burroughs. I think the Founders knew what they were doing.

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They knew a lot that is for sure. But Ds arent dumb either. They mastered the collection and tabulation of ballots in 6 swing states. They now have perma 270+ every time.

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Not impossible only impoosible when un constitutionalist laws are enacted in response to a plandemic with the help of dominion voting machines.

If not for the above Trump would have won in a land slide.

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I think the elephant in the room is the fact that so many still have faith in the system in general. The whole thing needs dismantling and to be rebuilt, starting at local levels.

Fixing the electoral college doesn't fix electronic voting machines, unlimited donations from powerful special interests like weapons companies and big pharma, etc. The system was designed for centralized power with monied interests controlling it.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

We can't govern ourselves out of this mess. Neither can we the people get us out. But God is on the move to restore righteousness, truth, and justice to our nation and culture. He is exposing lying, corruption, deceit, and manipulation and He is using Donald Trump as His David and his faithful followers, the body of Christ as His army. It's all in His time but you can see the signs. We have to be patient and seek to know how He wants to use us.

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I'm sorry, but that's just ludicrous. Trump hung out with Epstein. He pushed the poison death shot. For the love of God, please wake up. These people are not our saviors or part of God's plan. They belong in prison.

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Biden isn’t the decision maker. Why don’t Republicans demand to know who is behind him?

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"As it turns out, it’s looking more like it was probably two missiles fired by UKRAINE,"

It gets better. These were actually SOVIET-made missiles circa '79-82. Their distance is ~75km so could not have been fired from Russia.

In fact, they could have been made in Ukr. Or, since UKR ran out of its own stock & lives on weapon donations, could have been missiles donated by Poland to Ukr. 😆

RIP to the 2 farmers.

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What I read early this morning was that they were defensive missiles used to take out offensive missiles - part of a missile defense system. They were fired in a vain attempt to try to knock down some of the Russian missiles which were targeting Ukraine's electrical infrastructure. This has been going on for weeks since the attack on the Kerch straight bridge. I've seen video of these missiles shooting up and then coming back down from where they were shot like a boomerang. I've also seen Ukrainian police and civilians firing rifles into the air to bring down a drone that looks like a big white dorito chip. The problem when you disable those is who knows where it will land. I've seen one crash into an apartment building after being shot down by rifles. Each time either of these things happen, the Ukrainians claim Russia is 'targeting civilians'.

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Yup to defensive-type missiles.

"They were fired in a vain attempt to try to knock down some of the Russian missiles which were targeting Ukraine's electrical infrastructure". Maybe. But apparently trajectory raises questions. Local Polish official claims attack by Ukr:

Intel Slava Z

🇵🇱🇺🇦 The head of the Lublin City Council criticizes Ukraine and calls to reconsider Poland's views on this war:

"I absolutely do not understand the actions of our President and government... It is obvious that this is a Ukrainian missile. It is obvious that this is a provocation on the part of the Ukrainian authorities. The missile could not have been launched 100 km in the opposite direction by mistake. Today, our president should not reassure us with fairy tales like "it was not so much a rocket explosion, but an explosion of fuel that was there" and "it was accident", but to make it clear to V. Zelensky that Poland will no longer tolerate such behavior of the Ukrainian authorities! I urge you to reconsider Poland's position on this war in the event of another crossing of the red line!"

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Wow! Thank you and sorry. I remembered I'd read about what happened last night, and not this morning. "New information has come to light!"

I'm on Slavyangrad telegram channel, but it's impossible to keep up. They repost Intel Slava Z frequently.

I suppose all of the predictions several months ago that Poland would eventually find an excuse to take back 'their land' from Ukraine may be coming into view.

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For Ukr news I read intel slava z (without telegram), but also follow Andrei Martyanov, Larry Johnson & Moon of Alabama.

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I just got an email from Rick Scott saying he's going to challenge Mitch McConnell for Republican leadership in the Senate. I was thinking a Florida senator should take the reigns but was leaning towards Rubio. Either way it will remove the spineless Turtle and place a man with at least his own agenda front and center. I'm hopeful he succeeds and is able to combat democrats and their lies more effectively than McConnell ever could.

I love the spin on the Ukraine war! Maybe it will give the WWIII pushers a pause at least.

So Dr. Panda came out with an interesting FTX story as well showing they funding fake studies on ivermectin and HCQ. Amazing what fake money can buy!


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Thanks for that substack link - wow, SBF definitely got around 🙄🤦‍♀️

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SBF was so cringe worthy I didn’t understand it at all. Obviously he wasn’t the brains behind the operation just the frontman. Obviously family was well connected.

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Yeah. And Rick needed money from you to get that done, I bet. I’ve seen this ‘get rid of McConnell’ ploy used, I guess one too many times. Because when I saw on the Gateway Pundit that the turtle was re-elected, I was completely unsurprised.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

holy crap - (in reference to Dr. Panda link) - the corruption never ends.

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I’d only support trump if he back tracks on the jab. I know there’s so much else going on, but that’s my hard line!

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Amen to that. I mean, if the 2024 vote comes down to Trump vs Harris (or Newsom, or Brandon if he's still around), then I'll still give him my vote, just to slow the clown train.

But Trump better get this turkey off his back.

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We also need Ivanka and Jared to not go near the campaign or White House. They’re just BAD news and have their own agenda.

Let’s hope the Conservatives can stick together through the 2024 election. 🤞🙏❤️🇺🇸

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Ivanka and Jared did not attend the announcement last night...

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I thought Jared attended the announcement. 🤔 I never saw a wannabe MORE than him. He’s a SIL with no talent and no skills to do anything he was doing. And....apples don’t fall far from trees. Look at his father and the family. All lowlifes.

Trump MUST get better people around him. He has a great message. He has good ideas and he wants to fix this country. He just needs to be more thoughtful of his inner circle. I’m sure no one is crying for Ivanka. 😬

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I used to like Ivanka a lot before she got involved in politics. I think she is suffering from the same malady that so many privileged people suffer from. Extreme GUILT about her good fortune and a desire to atone for that by “helping” other people through government programs. I know so many people like this. They vote left because they a) feel guilty about their success in life and b) also think that the unwashed masses are too ignorant to make decisions about their own lives so have to be “guided” and helped.”

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

If he wins the primary, why not support him against any Dem? No matter how you feel about him, at least we’d have a great economy, state rights, energy independence, 2A support, and no federal wokeness or mandates.

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The turkey would become an albatross

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Who’s the turkey here?

Keep denigrating & being negative.

What are you personally doing by actions to improve/change any scenarios, situations ... many discussed here???

Helping canvass voters to see if legitimate? Contribute to or volunteer with

Conservative organizations or candidates who ARE actively working to stop tyranny & restore constitutional freedoms.

Your nemesis DJT did a yoeman’s job holding back the tide of robbing our liberty.

I’m not a 1-issue supporter or voter on most issues; I want those who line up the closest to my core beliefs & values.

On one issue I am a one-issue person; pro-life. Not pro-life becomes more & more callous & barbaric.

In fact our Declaration states we guarantee the right to “LIFE, Liberty, & the pursuit of Happiness.”

(Note the 1st right declared)

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Your assumptions are as bad as your comprehension.

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As are yours with that comment.

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John Bugni

Your assumptions are as bad as your comprehension.

Wasn't meant for your comment

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While the Rs fight each other the Ds secure perma ballot wins in several states. The Electoral math isnt going to work for any R in 24 w Ds owning the ballot machine

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This really is a primary issue - until we reform how voting is done, it won't matter who runs. It can be done (see Florida) but do any of these establishment Rs have the fortitude to do the hard work?

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Hang around. Look into how many, many, many times President Trump has been DONE. Done, I tell you, unless he takes the advice of buzzing gnats!

Get your eyes checked, that’s an American Eagle on his back!

It’s almost as if he has a level of Divine protection….

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Art of the Comeback

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And this time surround himself with good people.....NOT the swamp!

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Yup! No more grifters starting with Lyndsay Graham.

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So true!

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I think he’s learned a lot since he left office about who to trust. I just hope he doesn’t have his son-in-law as an advisor.

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Not sure I agree with you. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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Can you point to something he's said or done that tends to show that he's "learned a lot"?

Genuine question.

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There’s ALOT I hope he does and there’s ALOt I hope he learned from.

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He's put together a strategy to fire the "unfireable" deep state actors. Referred to as Schedule F. He recognizes now that he has to almost instantly clean house. That leaves the clot shot albatross...


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Did the brain-dead-in-chief reverse this EO?

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Absolutely. Makes you wonder.

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So it depends on what "back track" means. I will not give him amnesty for creating Operation Warp Speed. His accountability is as great as Fauci's in my opinion. He had advisers warning him about all of it and he could not fire Fauci and friends because of his ego. "The buck stops here" - Harry Truman.

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Trump is not a science man, but he listened to Fauci and birx. He was trying to save the economy. He even took the jabs himself. He knew the left was going to shut down the country and that would tank the economy! We were in the midst of the greatest economy we had ever had. Along comes Fauci and other actors to pitch a vaccine that could save the economy if people stayed well. He listened and pushed for faster development. Every week counted.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

How do we know he got the real thing?…probably got saline?

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Covid was/is a catastrophe (probably unleashed to accomplish what it did).

Many more than Trump were misled & misguided w/ genuine misinformation.

So if Hillary had won.... can you imagine the administration responses??? What a crisis to not let go to waste! I shudder at the draconian dictates we’d endured even today in her nightmare scenario of a 2nd term.

He’s a smart man; learns from mistakes (even if it’s hard for him to issue mea culpas .....as it is for most of us).

Trump’s accomplishments in his 4 years (all the while swimming upstream against vicious attacks, lies, betrayals from Dems, media, DOJ, FBI, insiders, outsiders, GOP leadership, etc) are par excellence.

For one...judicial appointments at all levels.

Constitutionalists not activists.

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Whole-heartedly agree.

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How about release all the people in jail implicated in a fake insurrection narrative!!

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Trump already said if he gets back in he will be pardoning them. If they can hang on that long 😞

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Dang, 4 years in prison for... trespassing?

Putin was right when he called out the Jan 6 guys as Political Prisoners.

Thug Brandon is getting his way.

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Yup. And how many POWs have committed suicide already because they gave up hope? I know of at least three that were reported on. This isn’t America anymore. Trump said famously “America will never be a socialist country”. He was right. We skipped that and went right into communism.

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We have only one enemy to focus on, the Bolsheviks. Anything else is a deflection. There is ne common ground with communism.


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Great round up today, Jeff! So much good news! I thought Trump’s speech was on point last night too. I was wavering for a while with his comments about potential republican challengers but listening to Michael Knowles daily podcast quelled those, along with the speech last night. The establishment is still firmly anti-trump, which is all I really need to know in terms of if I should still support him. If they still want him out at all costs it means he has their number and the jig is up on them if we all continue to support him. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Agree with you and Jeff. Very good speech. Let’s assemble behind this good man, keep our governor here in Florida and hope for the best.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I didn't get to read yesterdays C&C until last night. I was able to read today's version just now. My day is better when I read The Word, then drink my coffee while reading C&C. then start the day. Jeff is an amazing and talented writer.

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Yes, in that order...

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Jeff – respectfully request we do a multiplier for banners4freedom.com

This effort just may start to wake people.

Jaime and Robert Agee created this organization in November of 2021 and have been putting up billboards all across the country.  The DOD just took over the billboard they’ve had up for months in Times Square for so-called “recruiting”. Interesting timing 😡

They already have a GiveSendGo page created:


3,090 donors have raised over $480,000 since last November.  That money has now been exhausted. Think what a difference your readers could make helping this organization get the word out!

I will be purchasing car magnets so that my car will be a driving billboard.

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This is great. I'll definitely throw down $32.

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I will be getting car magnets also!

Thank you for sharing this Laura.❗

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He continued, “The allegations of election improprieties in our state’s largest county may result from anything ranging from malfeasance to blatant criminal conduct. Voters in Harris County deserve to know what happened. Integrity in the election process is essential. To achieve that standard, a thorough investigation is warranted.”


More than an investigation is needed.

Our elections need to be audited like BANKS are audited.

Ballots must be RETAINED and not destroyed.

Certified Public Accountants need to conduct audits.

Voters must be able to review how their votes were recorded, stored and counted by the elections department.

In person voting with voter id!

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My SIL is in Arizona. When she went online to check the status of her ballot, she was told she wasn't a registered voter! I'm wondering if that's how they stole the votes this time--simply discounting registered voters.

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If you are on a digital list somewhere how easy to remove you? Very easy I would think. Those lists in the election stealers offices surely have “edit” buttons.

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Yes they do! I'm so conflicted because I'm nearly certain i saw at least one person vote twice! But how could they?

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A parent with the same name as their child is one way!

If they know junior doesn't mind!

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I hope she complains to the elections office locally. She should not let this go

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

If the situation in Texas continues to deteriorate how long before Abbott deploys Chuck Norris?

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Epstein, Bankman-Fried, Yellen, Ellison, Zelensky . . . seems they all have something in common, but I can't quite place it yet.

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Also a crazy coincidence between all 3 'vaccine' CEOs and the CDC director. Industry and govt in collusion. But look at what happens to Kyrie Irving and Kanye West when they point out 'who runs things'. Those dudes are totally getting cancelled. Dave Chapelle did a brilliant expose on this on SNL last weekend.

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Chapelle is brilliant! The fact the YE and others are being cancelled says a lot about who they are speaking to. Heaven forbid the 20 something year olds hear the truth...we all need to pushback harder and smarter!

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Who cares if they get cancelled! There’s more of us than there are of them, proven by the fact that they have to cheat to win! We just need to mobilize and fight back!

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Yep, but it's like the Canadian Truckers, they were brutalized. When you're canceled, you lose your job, your licenses, bank account closed, etc.

When they cancelled Trump, that included turning off his credit card processing for his companies, everything. It's pretty daunting to go against that.

Even Russia is being cancelled by this same regime. They have been banned from the SWIFT (financial settlements system). $300 Billion of their funds in western banks were seized.

Crazy times when you fight the Powers That Be.

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That’s why for all his faults, I think Andrew Torba is spot on about the parallel economy and taking away that power to cancel from the establishment businesses that follow the government’s lead.

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I apologize. I thought of “cancelled” as just being dismissed by the elites, not all the other ramifications.

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Non-Jews also do bad things. I can think of a few. F off with that sh*t.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

Yeah I usually hate generalizations about any group, there are too many exceptions and it’s such a superficial and simplistic way of looking at things. It’s human nature to do that and I myself am sometimes guilty of generalizing with regard to democrats for example but I try to narrow it down to a specific subgroup as much as possible.

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The antisemitism which is so blatant now, is just stupid. An overwhelming majority of Jews are just ordinary people. Many Jews are intelligent and successful, causing resentment. But the antisemites screeching about evil Jewish cabals either never met a Jew or probably know a few Jews who they don't know are Jewish. Because we are just regular! Not evil, not conspiring against anyone. Normal people living normal lives.

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Yeah I know. I think it’s ridiculous to ascribe qualities to people based on some category they fall into, particularly when it’s not associated with a choice that is made.

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I never said they didn't. Keep fellating America's worst enemy.

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The problem with Greg Abbott's actions is that HE JUST NOW DID IT.

What took him so long?

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He saw encouraged to be bold when he saw the 60/40 DeSantis win

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Against some one a dead man could have beaten. Hmmm….

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He is surfing on Kari Lake's strength, which I am okay with. Whatever "inspires" him, let it happen. Go Texas go!!

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He wanted to get re-elected first.

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It’s kind of a wimpy move on the one hand, but in the other I kind of understand wanting a clear mandate and less chance of being undermined before the election.

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Unfortunately, he was probably waiting for re-election. No spine...he is a half RINO at best

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And in other RINO news, Tom Emmer picked to be Republican Whip... I'm considering formally abandoning the Republican Party by switching to Independent as a message to the GOP. The GOP needs to stand up to all this Dem BS (money laundering and indirect or direct murder for gain) happening in their back yard which is being ignored and get some balls and muscle to do a similar research to what the Dems are doing.

Donald Trump's speech was great last night. I was surprised when my husband said he had no idea the success of the Trump backed candidates as he spewed off the number of them and how very few lost. He asked me if I knew that...🤦🏼‍♀️😒😑

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Over 200 Trump endorsed candidates win and only 20 losses … that’s AMAZING!! The people ARE finally waking up .

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It is but the only ones that the media focused on is the high profile Governor’s races, US Senate races and high profile House races. Here in Michigan, he was 0 for except for John James winning a US House seat after two defeats at US Senate races.

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I didn’t hear that about John James, that makes me happy!!

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Trump endorsed Kevin Kiley in CALIFORNIA and he WON!! Kiley’s win put Republicans at the number needed to take over the House!

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I would love to join a MAGA party, or a Tea Party or the like. Of course the Dems would love this and they would win forever more. We have to clean the GOP. Flip the RINOs out with patriots.

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True. Third party candidates often give you the one you don’t want. Clean the GOP first. Humor this new red pilled please. Pretty please.

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I truly enjoyed Perot's candidacy, back in the day. But I'll stick with DJT.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

Just spit balling here and stating up front that I am not currently for another "third party." Perot split the Republican vote and many independents still gave Clinton the path to the electorate win because of his charm and perceived moderation. If it looks like Trump people would never vote in the general for whoever because they think they are part of the evil cabal and establishment would not vote Trump, would independents go for Biden or another D? Just for example sake, if the general was Desantis, Trump, and Biden, would people vote for Biden as they did Clinton? If not, could we have no one get the requisite number of electors? What then? Two parties come together, such as what has happened in the UK in the past? Drop the one with the least votes and vote again? I think the Republicans and Democrats are weighing all scenarios, including this one.

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I do not doubt you.

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What’s the plan?

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Switching parties simply splits vote! Many states won’t allow you to vote in the GOP primary if you’re a registered Independent. No matter how bad the GOP is, only united as one voice and party, can we defend our republic against the Dem corruption. Please stay and fight with us!

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Holy cats! Really? I didn't realize some states wouldn't allow you to vote in the primary. OK, that's something for me to consider and look into. Thank you.

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We have "closed" primaries in my state too. It makes sense to me. It's a small thing to have a D or an R next to your name on the rolls, and if you can't even do that, you don't get to pick your party's candidates.

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Yes, I heard two people behind me in line to vote talk about how they were independent, and while on one level I get that, on the other level, I am thinking… it’s not like you HAVE to vote Republican if you register as one, you can still vote however you want! But can also vote in the primary if it’s a closed primary and thereby influence who gets to be the candidate.

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Living in blue NY, I kept my D registration for years so I could vote in their primaries because the only races that counted were D. Sometimes I'd pick their least likely winner to vote for, not that it mattered. But I finally proudly (well, sort of) changed it to R.

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That makes sense though.

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That’s what we’ve been doing for the past 50 years. Please check the definition of ‘insanity’.

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I switched to Unaffiliated the morning after the election. I'd actually switched it over a year ago from Republican to Unaffiliated, but wanted my "switch to GOP" to count in my state, which had GOP registration surging. But I was totally disgusted with the election and the first thing I did after coffee was log on and switch back.

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Switching parties simply splits vote! Many states won’t allow you to vote in the GOP primary if you’re a registered Independent. No matter how bad the GOP is, only united as one voice and party, can we defend our republic against the Dem corruption. Please stay and fight with us!

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I didn't switch parties, I switched designations. And I can vote in the primary in my state. I'm sorry but "no matter how bad it is" isn't a good argument for change... There have to be consequences.

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Wish I could do that. My state doesn’t have that option before elections . We only declare party in primaries to get our ballot. Not sure why as all candidates are still on it. I missed this years primary as a new “provisional R voter” but will ask before the next one. Perhaps they are marking it down in the polling place. Anyone know? Illinois. Never thought about this angle before.

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You have to do it 30 days or more ahead I think. Even though we're a red state barring a few cities, we have a huge unaffiliated percentage.

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There were tears in your county's BoE office on that day, I'll sure!

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When I feel like re-registering as Independent I quickly get more rational and realize I want to be able to participate in the Republican primary to help choose good candidates. The Republican party won’t really know you or I left the party. At least know you have a bit of voting power in the primaries.

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I am personally exhausted from this last election. I didn’t really believe the red wave kool aid, but I did not think it would come down to the elite GOP in DC openly sending monies elsewhere. I have no desire to even begin talking 2024 when the distraction covers all the harm both parties have done to this Nation.

Every move is politically motivated and calculated within the Uniparty. Right now, I am going to take a break. I turned off the tv media in 2020 and I could still keep up. I trust no political establishment any longer. My trust is and always should have been in God.

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I'm with you Laurie. I have to find a different way to get through whatever time I have left on earth. Certainly I never thought I would be living through such a decline in the US (I'm only 55) but it appears that's where we are at this point. My goal is to cultivate beauty, cultivate some silence and try to orient my life more towards G-d incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ.

I haven't completely figured out my plan going forward, but I can't do what I've done for the past 6 years. I'm exhausted and demoralized. The revelations wrought by these midterms deserve serious contemplation and at the end of the day I need to find a way to stay connected to my children (a few of whom have been swept up in the false promises of the world) and sustain our family. Maybe we'll be moving, maybe we'll be staying where we are, but my husband and I are focusing on creating a refuge for our children to which they can return after these tumultuous waves have washed over them.

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I am the same way. I am almost 69, and the one thing that is eternal about the last decade is for many of us, our only hope is God. I now believe God is stripping away everything so we turn solely to Him. 2 of my 3 children have also drank the Leftist kool aid. They are successful and living the Liberal good life. I believe my purpose is now to stand strong in Him and bring my family back to the fold.

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My husband and I were just saying that maybe this is all part of a process to get us all to realize our utter dependence on the One who made us and loves us best. It is not a pleasant process, that's for sure, but I know in my personal journey with G-d, he has reached me at some of my lowest points.

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I don't do ANY MSM, not even our "right-leaning" local lite morning news. I refuse to engage in "bitch" sessions. I try to focus daily on doing good for others.

That's how I have (mostly) managed to remain eupeptic over the past four years.

Good luck!

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All of your comments resonate with me. I am beyond frustrated and pretty much filled with rage, sadness and disbelief how much this country has deteriorated. I wasn't expecting anything out of the last election and I was not wrong. I will stay strong with God and try to live out the rest of my years with peace. Try to be a better person. I'm 61 and shouldn't be this tired but I will fight though until the very last chapter of my life.

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I miss the days when “election season” was just a season, not years. Others may enjoy living in a constant state of political races, but I DO NOT. Tuning out, see you in October 2024, if we’re still here.

Also, the only thing I want the RNC to do is investigate election fraud.

Meanwhile, I’ll be living in reality, where our Lord is ultimately in charge, doing what I was created to do.

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It's all an illusion to control the cattle. GOP, democratic party? One in the same.

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That poor little boy. Never had a choice in the matter. May he rest in the loving arms of Jesus.

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I know, it’s so sad, just used as a pawn to sell jabs 😞

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