Jan 17, 2022·edited Jan 17, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm sorry, I wish I knew how to speak to these domesticated rats, but I only speak human.

It's also why I feel bad for lawyers, who have to make a case to idiot judges and idiot juries.

Common sense is obsolete in an "educated" society.

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I am a conservative I was published on the Miami herald opinion column to oppose the allocation of ocean front land to a non profit on an area so congested didn’t make sense. The project is not going vertical yet but Miami herald is very liberal and yet they published my letter. And they did cut out some of my favorite parts but I was able to reword it to fit requirements and hit my mark. It was exciting for an accountant. 😂

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MULTIPLIER SUGGESTION!! Doctor Michael Kirk Moore, Jr. who swapped 1,900 hundred doses of the deadly jab FOR CHILDREN with saline (saving countless people from the dangers of big pharma and also signed off on lots of fake vax record cards for patients and is not being prosecuted (persecuted) for doing the right thing! HE NEEDS OUR HELP!! Thank you, love you guys!

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