Sep 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

That tiny violin emoji. It’s definitely going to be used on my part.

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And just like that, Jeff’s most brilliant commentary to date is a violin emoji. Or, where I come from, Branson, Missouri, a teeny little fiddle. πŸ˜…

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🀣. Right up there with jeff’s cogent use of theπŸͺ³

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I love using Jeff’s phrase β€œhe’s doing a sprint to the hot place!” Always gets a belly laugh.

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Branson!!😍πŸ₯° Sooo many happy family memories there when our kids were small. Beautiful place!

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Born there, raised on 40 acres about 15 miles away. Pretty area. Depending on when you were there, I might have taken your tickets or you may have seen my parents managing a music show or two!

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Branson!! We’re in town there now! We live in NW Arkansas, but Branson is a frequent family getaway ❀️❀️

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Branson is a gorgeous town

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Made me laugh!

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A blessing in itself.

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"Dr. Eeyore" yet another belly laugh... through the tears of the govt inflicted scourge.

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I was wondering what it was! My eyes weren’t fully working yet! Love it 🀣

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πŸ˜‚ Ha Ha! Me too - I had to look closely at it for a minute!

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I love you, man! You just make my day, snark king. 🀣 The most solid, fun, brilliant news source I read in the morning. It’s so fun watching the house of cards fall. Happy Fall, Y’all! ♠️♦️♣️β™₯️🍁

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This! πŸ‘†πŸΌ I, too, get a daily dose of belly laughs from Jeff's snark and sarcasm. He has a way!

Thank you, JC, for all you have given to we dissenters. God bless you!

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agree! Jeff definitely makes me smile ear to ear!

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"You just make my day, snark king" - I don't know about that. It's a close race for the "Snark King" title with C&C vs bad catitude

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β€œπŸŽ»β€ 🀣

A few Scriptures:

β€œPay heed, you senseless among the people;

And when will you understand, stupid ones?

He who planted the ear, does He not hear?

He who formed the eye, does He not see?

He who chastens the nations, will He not rebuke,

Even He who teaches man knowledge?

The Lord knows the thoughts of man,

That they are a mere breath.”

β€” Psalm 94:8-11

Lord, help us to seek wisdom and cry for discernment in these days:

β€œMy son, if you will receive my words

And treasure my commandments within you,

Make your ear attentive to wisdom,

Incline your heart to understanding;

For if you cry for discernment,

Lift your voice for understanding;

If you seek her as silver

And search for her as for hidden treasures;

Then you will discern the fear of the Lord

And discover the knowledge of God.

For the Lord gives wisdom;

From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;

He is a shield to those who walk in integrity,

Guarding the paths of justice,

And He preserves the way of His godly ones.

Then you will discern righteousness and justice

And equity and every good course.

For wisdom will enter your heart

And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;

Discretion will guard you,

Understanding will watch over you,

To deliver you from the way of evil,

From the man who speaks perverse things;

From those who leave the paths of uprightness

To walk in the ways of darkness;

Who delight in doing evil

And rejoice in the perversity of evil;

Whose paths are crooked,

And who are devious in their ways;


So you will walk in the way of good men

And keep to the paths of the righteous.

For the upright will live in the land

And the blameless will remain in it;

But the wicked will be cut off from the land

And the treacherous will be uprooted from it.”

β€” Proverbs 2:1-15, 20-22 NASB1995

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I like the second one...

When I read passages from the bible, I wonder how much is lost in translation. For example, when I read the word "fear", I wonder if it really is supposed to be "awe" in many cases. And some English words no longer have the meaning they did when the translations were done.

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It makes for interesting study. I think we have to be diligent and research to find which translations are accurately word for word rather than paraphrases or β€œthought for thought.” I don’t know the original languages, but have used many word study books, sites, and apps to study the root words and how they’re translated into English, in what other verses a particular word is found, etc. Currently using (among other resources): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/literal-word/id1439010388 (also available for Android) which is the NASB linked to Hebrew and Greek dictionaries. Beyond all this, we can trust the Holy Spirit to shine through His word and help us accurately understand as we learn and grow. Blessings to you.

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The KJV is poetic, but much is lost.

I found The Passion translation very helpful. It includes in various places translations from aramaic, Greek, Hebrew & Septuagint for comparison, also historical references.

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The NKJV is faithful to scripture without the thee’s and thou’s. I also use a tome called β€œExplore the Book” by J. Sidlow Baxter which goes into great length discussing each book of both the Old and New Testament. Worth a look.

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I agree completely. It is not a problem with the translations but rather with our bad understanding of the English from the late 16th to the early 17th century. It is not so much that it is poetic (though some certainly is) as much as it is because it is the language of Shakespeare. How many weddings would quote from 1 Corinthians 13 if the word "Charity" were used? But in fact, charity was the perfect English equivalent of Agape. It should be still. A quick etymological search reveals that it to be a distinctly Christian word: "Christian love in its highest manifestation"

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And, 1 Corinthians 13 is not about romantic love, it's about God's love for us and how we should love our fellow man.... and, when studied, it is far more beautiful.

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That verse is proverbs 2:5 and translated from Hebrew word β€œyir’Òh” which seems to mean a modern understanding of the word fear … reverence, dreadful, exceedingly fearful. Related words include synonyms β€œafraid, affright, to revere, to frighten”

I am not a scholar so my research is absolutely fallible but I routinely get my Strong’s off the shelf and spend time carefully referencing. I also like the amplified Bible which includes a lot of fuller meanings of words and passages, expanding them to include other possible ways of translating. I love my paraphrasing bibles for when I just don’t get something … a good paraphrase Bible is good for dummies, breaking concepts down into simple and modern terms. Then I take that back to my new king James to really understand what it says. I own and reference the tanahk which is a more Hebrew oriented translation… it often cuts through the soft English interpretations to reveal a core thing … β€œbe still and know that I am god. I will be exalted among the nations I will be exalted in the earth!” is β€œDesist! Realize that I am God. I dominate the nations. I dominate the earth.” … for me, that really rang in stronger.

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If the Bible is the word of God, every word is supernaturally preserved through the millennia so that even β€œerrors” convey their purpose. The Bible is miraculous, THE LIVING WORD OF GOD!

But yes, some translations fumble certain things imo … still, the materials are there for those who look for them. Strong’s concordance is a meticulous word for word study of the original languages … I will look up your questions on the word β€œfear” … one moment …

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Amen and AMEN! GOD SAVE America πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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You help to make the craziness somehow…tolerable? Laughable? Whatever, I thank you!

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Those who partake after the mice ARE the human trials. https://leemuller.substack.com/p/did-phase-i-of-clinical-trials-which

It's called real world evidence (RWE), funded by taxpayers, and written into our federal laws.

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Sep 24, 2022Β·edited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers


LOVE this ^^ one. Wish it wasn't so telling and poignant, but............

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Isn't that something. Crazy world, but so true

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Ouch! Well said

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β€œTucker Carlson continues courageously reporting on problems with the jabs. Most recently, he discussed a Lancet study following up with kids 12-29 who suffered from myocarditis. Almost a third of the studied kids required chronic medication to manage the condition at three months, and a fifth (20%) said they still experienced pain.”.... assuming some remember the movie β€œBeaches”.... Hilary (Played by Barbara Hershey) is diagnosed with viral cardiomyopathy.... she has a rare blood type, so a death sentence for her... yes Hollywood, yes just a movie, but it was a commercial success, lots of people saw it. The point is using a reference point... Hilary dies.

Viral cardiomyopathy occurs when viral infections ---cause myocarditis---, MYOCARDITIS.... a thickening of the myocardium and dilation of the ventricles. So we know the spike protein, the most dangerous part of the mRNA β€œformula” is injected into the uninformed and coerced, and children... and children are experiencing myocarditis... yet the β€œsafe and effective” campaign continues!?!?! This coercive campaign, unlike any medication or drug in history that is generally discontinued after deaths are reported (example the Swine Flu shot 1976) continues unabated even with VAERS currently reporting 30K deaths with only 1% of physicians reporting. Myocarditis in children is unacceptable, period. Stop! Cutesy little ad... but myocarditis isn’t just decreased ability to function symptoms or irregular heartbeat... complications include CARDIAC ARREST AND HEART FAILURE! So we’re normalizing children taking ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, diuretics, corticosteroids, even implantable cardiac defibrillators!?!?!? In what world is this normal, worse normalized!?!?! Why aren’t there hundreds.. thousands of lawsuits!?!?! This is the epitome of insanity and the jabbed are still not connecting deaths to the jabs... at least Tucker is reporting, however too little too late...

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As things stand today because of the PREP Act, everyone involved in these crimes against humanity are immune from prosecution. People are maimed and dying and there's no legal recourse available to them.

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No, there’s demonstrable fraud at work here.

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Amuzed is correct … fraud is always prosecutable, it invalidates the liability protections outlived in the law.

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The fraud is unquestionable, but in order to file on that basis, the government - the entity being defrauded needs to take that position in the courts. This regime won't admit to any wrongdoing or any sense of having been defrauded and as long as the government holds that position, the courts aren't likely to buck it. Robert Barnes filed a lawsuit with Brook Jackson as a complainant that alleges that the government was a knowing participant in the the defrauding. It's a very long shot, but if by some miracle they prevail, then the people harmed can get some relief.


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I hope it’s not a long shot. Barnes, from what little I know, seems to be a powerhouse. And the suit seems to play it the way I see it - that the government colluded with the pharma companies to perpetuate fraud on the consumers by lying about alternative treatments, to the point of banning them, and misrepresenting their β€œpreferred” solution of the untested β€œvaccines”. In this case, I believe, Pfizer is arguing against their own culpability my saying the government was in full understanding of the lie. All this needs is a fair hearing before an impartial judge.

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Barnes is an absolute powerhouse, as you say. Getting the fair hearing before an impartial judge is the long shot, as the judicial system itself is hopelessly corrupt and judges show a distinct deference to the government and its actors. But what seemed like an impossible hurdle even a few months ago, is becoming more possible, as Jeff points out in today's C&C. Should Brook Jackson prevail in this lawsuit, the billions in damages that flow from this case will be set up as a relief foundation for the people injured by these products.

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Fraud is deliberate misleading or misrepresentation that leads to harm and damages. The victim imo is the American people and the fraudster is the CDC (or individuals therein) in lockstep w it’s big farmy friends. Some enterprising law firm will figure out how to get this done … there will be a time when the public will demand justice and I believe a massive class action against the gov itself will be the result. I will be happy to not be a party in that suit as I amd my family are uninjected

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Agree. It’s really disgusting how they’re acting like all of this is no big deal 🀬

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In a word, our society has now "normalized" the disabling of children. Beyond comprehension!

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Dude, it’s totally normal for kids to

Get myocarditis! It’s like a cold.


It’s disgusting how this is pushed on children.

Statistically children have zero problems with Covid. Zero. Shots and boosters are more dangerous to them

Than Covid

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Waiting for the Elmo episode where he normalizes myocarditis as a harmless side effect of β€œdoing the right thing”

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It’s even worse! Families and children are being groomed to expect heart disease in ten year olds! Honestly this word β€œgrooming” describes so much of what alarms me these days …. That and β€œgaslighting” … I know they were not intended to cover the situations they are used to describe now but dang they are perfect

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Yeah. I've noticed all the TV ads about heart attacks and heart conditions the drug companies are pushing. BigPharma needs to have ALL of their profits stripped away and disbursed to their victims and the companies need to be broken up and assets sold to ethical drug companies. Same for big media. Same for all the Federal "health" agencies which must be disbanded entirely.

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I saw that. That was absolutely disgusting.

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I would call a comparison between Mahsa Amini and George Floyd unfortunate. He was a convicted criminal, acting strangely. We're told he was "getting his life straight", but he was behaving like someone "under the influence" of something. On the other hand, Amini seems to have been law-abiding. A death under police detention is tragic. It's just that she truly seems innocent. So putting her with Floyd doesn't carry the weight it might.

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And from what I recall Floyd had drugs in his system and possibly would have died on his own that day...

But you can no longer trust most media outlets...

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Yes, he had a massive dose of fentanyl in his system at the time of his death in addition to being Covid +, ironically.

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Didn't hear about the C19+ status as well. Interesting....

If her death was jab related and not police brutality that wouldn't shock me. Death endured suddenly or relatively quickly, i.e. a couple days, seems oddly merciful when compared to the 300K children annually kidnapped and sold into trafficking. Did you know, "... it is estimated that in the last 30 years, trafficking in women and children in Asia for sexual exploitation alone has victimized over 30 million people. In comparison, 12 million Africans were sold as slaves to the New World between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries."

THE POINT: Evil that surpasses the decent person's comprehension has been around for not centuries but millennium. How you choose to respond, be aware of it, battle it, this all falls squarely in the camp called, Freewill. IMO.

Unfortunately, again, IMO, Freewill allows for apathy, non-action, indifference, as much its does participation, but within the apathy arena a host of behaviors that ultimately become mainstream, common place amass a culpability to society at large. (Akin to a global level Sodom and Gomorrah)

With eyes open we can see the Shepherd. With ears open we can hear His voice and follow Him to where the Prince of Lies cannot follow. Scripture Reading and heartfelt Prayer does wonders for the soul. Again, IMO πŸ˜‰

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I think the equivalent, a death unjustly caused while in custody, holds up perfectly. The fact that maybe neither death WAS β€œcaused” by police is beside the point

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If the outrage is fueled because the death occured in police custody, how could the cause be beside the point? It is the point.

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It is not the actual cause in question but the commonly held belief that brutality caused the death … it becomes irrelevant what actual killed this young lady when the streets are mobbed. The commonly held belief drives the anger and protests and is resulting in more deaths. George Floyd was same case … no matter the circumstances surrounding his demise, the anger caused by the presumption of police brutality resulted in riots. He may have overdosed but it does not really matter because the outcome was based on him being brutalized and murdered

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I lived and worked in Iran from early 1977 to 1979 and the fall of the Shah, followed by 8 years in Saudi Arabia. Although Iran was pretty free and westernized in the years I lived there (only got bad after Khomeini took over in early 1979), my years in Saudi Arabia showed me how ugly, vicious and fanatical certain men could be towards women who they felt didn't cover themselves properly. Frankly, I doubt if Amini died as a result of covid shots. More likely she was beaten to death for daring to be "indecently dressed" according to the sick minds of those who arrested her.

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I agree. It’s not like this kind of thing hasn’t happened before.

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Yes I had the same thought and posted a similar comment before I read yours.

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Also I would add that the protestors are unlikely to have anything in common with the Floyd protestors/rioters. I have been observing and hearing about Iran and its political situation for years now and this kind of thing is not new, there have been waves of this kind of defiance for a while now.

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β€œFinally, mandatory headscarves are a lot like mandatory masks. Both are religiously based and include strong associations with social conformity and government compliance.

So.” πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

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Both don’t work for their described purpose.

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Ooooooh yes! Love it

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So let’s help Dr Roberts get over his disappointment at the number of the new boosters administered. We’ll do a multiplier for whatever charity he wants to name. However, in order for the charity to receive the money Dr Roberts has to get a booster for every $100 donated.

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It's actually thrilling to learn that the vast majority of parents smartened up from the mass formation comas and refused to have their children jabbed. Data says it's very low, generally not more than 5% per US region.

I've heard some die-hard Dems even say they aren't getting the booster. They say it almost with a tone of "See, I'm smart." They want to forget they were ready to hold me down only months ago to have me jabbed. I'm not letting them forget.

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All my lefty SF Bay Area acquaintances stopped posting about masks, testing, and boosters about 4 months ago. The very provax nutzies have been very quiet.

Although I did see some FB pics of a letter writing campaign to vote democrat and half the sheople were wearing masks inside someone's home.

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Now that made me laugh out loudοΏΌ!

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Nice! Hope you didn’t spill your coffee!

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Right on! I almost did!

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

14 retired teacher couples went on a cruise to Alaska together. All, being Liberal were vaxxed to the max, which came in handy as the cruise ship departed from Vancouver, BC. All wore masks most of the time on the cruise. Ten of the 14 contracted covid while on ship. Half were very sick, others more mild. But they didn’t die!

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I bet they were all saying "it could have been so much worse if we hadn't received the vaccine". That's what my sister said. Ugh!!

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I bet that ship was 5G activated.

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More shot news....

9/20/22 - Society of Actuaries confirms:

Ed Dowd: Death rates flip. "...General population: 31.7% excess mortality in 2021.

Group life: 40% excess mortality in 2021.

The variable: vaccine mandates (vaccination rate).

Therefore, the only logical explanation as to why the numbers flipped is that THE COVID JAB IS KILLING PEOPLE.

Ed Dowd: β€œSo that’s an eight-point differential for a group that traditionally experiences MUCH LOWER mortality. This is a Mic drop. I don’t care what anybody says.”


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Why are the insurance actuaries not coming together and demanding answers and telling Fox News? This is insane that this is allowed to not only continue but they're amping up more shots and media encouragement to get boosted.

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I wonder how the life insurance companies are going to be able to pay out all of these policies. Especially since the younger people tend to be the ones to take out term policies which are cheap. So the insurance companies are now paying out huge amounts on young people, which they only collected small premiums from. The actuaries have the data. I hope it is brought to light in a big way. I don’t see how life insurance companies will stay afloat.

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Via taxpayers aka Government bail outs?

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That’s what I’m afraid of.

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One thing I have heard back when Dowd first began to talk about the insurance statistics, is that the insurance companies, or some of them, have re-insured their policy portfolios. This would normally be an unnecessary and expensive strategy unless you thought something big was going to change in your claim experience. Ya think?!

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Insurance companies are in bed with Big Pharma, that is why!

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Because FOR PROFIT insurance companies will just cover their losses by hiking premiums AND get a bail out from government after they cry a river of tears.....

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This might be a stop gap for short term but long term, actuarially, risk must be aligned to payouts or premiums cannot be set properly. In other words β€œcovid shot y/n” will need to be a question on the policy form to allow claims coverage and keep the industry stable. Right now, insurers are holding the bag, directly paying for pharma covid windfall … bailouts are politically sketchy territory and uncertain. If there is anything the insurance industry does not handle well, it is uncertainty

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Absolutely, they HATE uncertainty, "oh the humanity"......aka Hindenberg disaster.

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You can add others to the list such as doctors, nurses, hospitals, funeral directors, and coroner's just to name a few. Why is no one blowing a huge horn?

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For one, most of those are largely compensated by the insurance industry … money talks and when bottom line profits are scorched from β€œexcess deaths”, the s*** will hit the fan

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That is the question, isn't it? Clearly they are the ones that will be left holding the bag here, they should be shouting this from the rooftops. In fact they owe it to their shareholders to do so.

If we see Congress announce an insurance company bailout we'll know the answer.

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The first thing to understand is that business owners individually or severally, corporations --small, big and even huge, are chicken shit scared of the Federal Leviathan. I even had local business owners confess this to me, so I know it's true. Ditto for masking, distancing and jabbing up individuals, first scared, and then even more scared, and finally so scared that they sluggishly dance and prance about Zombie-like.

The insurance companies? The above applies to them too! In spades! Scared maybe, but at least they are raking in the loot. And the insurance company executives are probably happy with this Public/Private Partnership arrangement (aka Corporate Fascism). Ya Know! Fat Compensation Packages ... and glad to just pass the increased costs onto the donkeys who plug away to scrape out a living. The Pirate Government likes the managers to keep track of all the paperwork while it siphons off wealth in taxes, donations and corporate grants to its preferred schemes, and then there's that old all time favorite bit of graft, campaign contributions! It all works until it doesn't. Eventually the whole thing gets so top heavy that the ship of state capsizes and sinks. The aftermath for us is not happy.

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Would it be a BIG surprise if Big Pharma was helping subsidize the extraordinary benefit payouts that insurance companies are confronted with, as a result of these huge excess mortality numbers ?

Ed Dowd well worth following, by the way.

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Injections are the most obvious culprit but there have been other variables/changes in environment … covid itself (but organically only infects respiratory system so logically the same thing being injected into all parts of the body is more problematic), and 5g roll out … possibly other changes too? Those are the only three I can think of but yeah it has to be something DIFFERENT to produce significantly different results

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Sep 24, 2022Β·edited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

This is horrible, an provax expert is demoralized! Call the morale doctors, stat!

Fortunately, we don't know anything about being demoralized despite 2.5 years of pointless lockdowns, useless breathing restrictions, mass psychosis, a stolen election putting a demented fool in office to front for demonic globalist authoritarians, unprecedented supression of free speech and civil rights, endless propaganda from all major media, and unbelievable pressure and coersion to take a dangerous medication we don't want or need. Yes, I feel really bad that doctor's morale is in jeopardy.

I've been taking sarcasm lessons from Jeff.

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Sep 24, 2022Β·edited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I don't think the demoralized part is about the shot, it's the fact that Public Health's edicts from on high are now routinely ignored.

Perhaps there are still a few mRNA true believers in public health, but even the densest among them must now realize the vax has been a huge failure. Anyone with half a brain would have started distancing themselves from it. Even the CDC is doing that with its latest guidance that ignores vaccination status in recommendations.

Dr. Roberts is demoralized because people no longer recognize his "expert" status and ignore what he says. When people are used to having their pronouncements followed without question that has to be a pretty bitter pill to swallow.

Dr. Roberts and his ilk have no one to blame but themselves. They tried to BS their way through covid (the most charitable explanation) and it blew up in their face.

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Well, let's hope they get so demoralized they quit their jobs and leave us alone!

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Yup they can’t stand it that so many people have stopped blindly following government approved experts’ orders.

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Let’s hope the explosion left some scars to help them remember WHY it happened in the first place!

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Can you blame anyone for ignoring β€œpublic health”?

The same ones that push the β€œend the pandemic, get vaccinated” lie?

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I know, the tiny violins are so appropriate πŸ˜†

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That they make EVERY effort to "normalize" such a serious medical issue in children is absolutely heartbreaking.......and a LARGE part of the reason so many have lost faith in the government and the medical community as a whole. Thankfully, so many - Dr. Makary for one, and many others who are figting to bring us the Truth - give us reason to have hope.

" MILD " myocarditis my arse !

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Thanks for highlighting the protests in Iran.

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Another color revolution - notice how, coincidentally, two Stans are fighting, Armenia and another Stan are going at it, Kosovo and Serbia were at it etc etc?

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Iran desperately needs a revolution.

Obama squandered the chance. I imagine Biden will too.

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They desperately need a revolution BUT they don't need a fake "color revolution" with a few degree'd urban clowns participating who think what they see on Twitter is real when its all organized by your friends, employers, colleagues etc in Langley-Silicon Valley-Tel Aviv as IT WILL FAIL MISERABLY... ;)

The Russians have figured out how to quickly deal with these sorts of annoyances (Belarus and Kazakhstan) - I am sure the Iranians do to and they will use the same tactics IF that is the case once again - which I suspect it is.....

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I noticed that in all the pictures and video that the majority are wearing face masks (outside) I guess they really drank the Covid kool aid over there!

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It wouldn't surprise me if the masks are there to foil facial-recognition software.

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Good Point!

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Hmmm is what we are seeing on Twitter even recent or recycled footage from past Iranian protests put up there by the you know whos who control Twitter????? They just tried to do a psyop involving China and an alleged coup the other day using more recycled footage...

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The Russia-Ukraine conflict has taken on a strange, alternate reality sensation

On the "Blue" side, Russia's armed forces have been decimated, morale is sub-zero, the economy is in ruins, the Ukrainians are ascendant, the Russians will be driven to the border and Ukraine will achieve Nirvana.. I mean victory.

On the "other" side - this is a hard, messy, ugly war with no winners. The Russians entered Ukraine expecting the government to collapse and a police action to mop up. Upon encountering resistance, it quickly escalated into an actual shooting war among near-peer armies.

In April, a negotiated peace was stolen in the 11th hour by Boris/Biden/Ursula, convinced of "total" Ukrainian victory. 6 months later, casualties have mounted on both sides, much treasure has been expended - and for what? What is the endgame here?

Putin has no offramp. And I think that is intentional. Western leaders want him gone - and so, either by losing on the battlefield or by some palace coup, this is their negotiating position. But a battlefield loss; I mean the Russians lost 20 MILLION of their own in WW2 and still beat the Nazis; so whats the best case scenario? Withdrawal is not going to happen anymore, anything east of Dnipro is fair game and now Putin will say "Russia is under attack" after the referenda

Even if his people don't believe him - do they have a choice? Wouldn't you close ranks too? I mean, if he suddenly drops dead tomorrow, does anything think that the pressure will let up? The conflict in a way has become a self-fulfilling prophecy; Putin started it because he fears Nato and Russian dismemberment - now he has much reason to fear a revitalized NATO who absolutely intends to dismember Russia after this is over

The offensives in Kherson & Kharkiv were NATO offensives. The Russian response is to upgrade the conflict with 300,000 new soldiers being added into the meat grinder. How does NATO respond? What happens if Russia starts systematically destroying Ukrainian infrastructure? Or bombing Kiev? Its not like they don't know where Zelensky is; they can start dropping missiles at the residence. Then what?

Joe Biden is the most frightening person on earth in this case, because he seems to think he can continue to escalate and impose costs on Russia without bearing them at home. And Zelensky feels like a global hero, a veritable Braveheart who will be immortalized as legend - so why wouldn't he continue that act

I expect this war to get worse, uglier, and bigger.

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I don’t have an inside scoop on the Ukrainian situation but on general observation and from a variety of sources both in print and on the ground. Putin could have consumed Ukraine by this time. I’m not a lover of Putin. My cousins fought in the Ukrainian underground and were hunted by the Soviets. He invaded Ukraine and took out specific targets: bio weapons labs, e.g. His plan was strategic. He wants to rid Ukraine of the neo-nazis, destroy the foothold of the globalist elites who have been planning a New World Order for decades while using Ukraine for money laundering purposes. This is not a new conflict. But what has changed in the past - say 7-8 years? Trump. Expand your thinking to Trump, Xi, Kim, the Saudi Prince and Putin.

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What bio labs? Surely there must be something there! Some evidence. Yet nothing after 7 months of war surely Putin has something?

Yet nothing.

This isn’t about azov, or bio labs, or globalism. This is about his obsession with Ukraine and desire to build the Russian empire again. He understands some history, albeit a warped view of it.

β€œRussia without Ukraine is a country, Russia with Ukraine is an empire”

He pulled this same plan in Georgia and now Ukraine to stop the formeir Soviet states from joining the west.

Who was it that murdered millions of Ukrainians in a weaponized hunger famine? Russia

Ukraine wants to be free, not under Russian rule.

Go ask the tortured people in the mass graves how they feel about it

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Sep 24, 2022Β·edited Sep 24, 2022

There was no April peace deal, Ukraine knew Putin was one day going to get his imperialist Stalin on and they planned to oppose it. Against the predictions of every military analyst around the world, they held off Putin's invasion and won the "Battle of Kyiv."

Biden earlier in 2022 said the quiet part out loud as he often does. (See his predictions on election fraud in 2020.) Biden said an "incursion" into Ukraine was ok. Putin heard it and told his military, ok, let's take it all.

Putin has no off-ramp now because he's in a dictator's do or die grip. He is facing death for failing in his invasion of Ukraine at the hands of either side: those who want more aggression against Ukraine or those Russians who feel it's a tragic mistake costing Russia a huge toll.

Putin's people who were on the whole apolitical as the "special military operations" did not directly impact them drastically are now going stark raving sad. While the outskirts of the Federation's empire bore the brunt of over 50,000 KIA to date, now people in the large western cities are getting draft notices. They are freaking out and know this isn't for them.

The offensives in Kherson & Kharkiv were not "NATO offensives." They are Ukraine's military showing how mobile, agile and creative they can be. As one NATO official put it, when this is over, the armed forces of Ukraine will be teaching us.

NATO does not need to respond to Putin's meat grinder. Throwing men to the front with two-weeks training, one man I saw was 63 with diabetes is not turning the tide. Russian doctrine is to attack civilian infrastructure. They've been doing it. They continue to do it. They have only so much capacity to keep doing that Russian war doctrine. They can pile up the war crimes and unite more of the planet against them. It won't help.

Zelensky isn't faking anything. He's standing and fighting with his country. The world has taken notice and the world is taking notice that even standing to fight with a smaller military force, Ukraine has kicked Putin in the nuts. That's not changing. Putin is now saber rattling more about nukes. In his mind, if it's life or yours, he'll take yours.

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Sep 24, 2022Β·edited Sep 24, 2022

What is the name of the American Ukrainian mutual defense treaty?

When was it signed and ratified by Congress as per the US constitution?

How many billions must be extracted from

America's treasury to defend Ukraine's borders

while ours are wide open?

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What is the defense treaty that involves us helping Taiwan? Or Australia? Or others? It’s in our best interest to do so. Had america acted I. 1938 it is unlikely ww2 would have started.

We are aiding Ukraine because a free Ukraine is a boon for America. It’s a good thing.

Trump was the first president to send lethal aid to Ukraine. Biden and Obama only sent non lethal aid.

How are we stripping our treasuries?

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Ukraine is NOT OUR PROBLEM!!!


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Says who?

It's a threat to Nato and we will get involved. Better to handle it now than later.

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Hahaha man. Why were the "Ukrainian forces" caught on video recently speaking English with American accents?

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Umm, the AFU has something called the β€œinternational legion” of which English speaking countries, america, England, Canada, and a few others are the largest part. It makes sense.

Shocking, I know.

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You're drowning in kool-aid...

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Ha! Ha! Wholesale agit-prop and no sense to it. But then I spotted the name Horsey and I knew it was the same Horsey still making a donkey's ass out of himself. It's so ridiculous that the only explanation for it is that maybe he's getting paid to do this sort of thing?

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Facts are hard.

Why is Russia annexing territory if it’s goals were to β€œdenazify” and expose the new world order and bio Labs?

Because Putin lied, like kgb directors usually do

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As a cause for celebration, the NWO/Globalist/NATO crowd is doing a real bang up job at exposing themselves ... and the rest of the world is in the process of disengaging, decoupling, just walking away from all of that.

I can agree with you on 'facts are hard.' Indeed, a true statement. But the rest sounds more like a condensed version of the usual muddled tripe spewed out by the WP or NYT.

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There is some confusion whether AstraZeneca and J&J shots are indeed genetic technology. The biggest difference between them and Pfizer/Moderna is the mechanism by which the genetic instructions to make spike enters the body's cells. The Pfizer/Moderna mRNA is packaged within a lipid nano-particle envelope which penetrates the cell walls. In the AstraZeneca and J&J products, the instructions to make spike are packaged within an altered adenovirus which enters the cells through the same mechanism as unaltered adenovirus. I found one article (https://www.healthline.com/health/adult-vaccines/astrazeneca-vaccine#important-information) that seems to claim the AZ adenovirus package contains the spike protein itself, "The AstraZeneca vaccine uses a common cold-causing chimpanzee adenovirus, or a vector, to transport some of the spike protein in DNA to your cells." This sentence is nonsense. Does AZ contain the spike protein itself or the instructions (DNA) to make it?

Most other articles claim the AZ modified adenovirus contains the genetic instructions (eg, https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/how-j-j-and-astrazeneca-differ-from-the-mrna-vaccines-from-pfizer-and-moderna-1.1589765) to make the spike protein within the body's cells. The Bloomberg article says, "Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca use a harmless version of a cold virus as a vector to give our cells the instructions they need to make the coronavirus's spike protein." Bloomberg doesn't say whether these "instructions" are integrated into the DNA of the adenovirus or are in fact mRNA. If the former, what's to prevent such a virus from replicating, spreading and infecting other humans? Another article, (https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1424769/astrazeneca-vaccine-does-astrazeneca-vaccine-use-mrna-evg) says of AZ, "The genetic code of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is produced once inside the body." Once again, this article conflates the spike protein with the genetic code (instructions) to produce it.

I would suggest you contact someone who understands all this to get it straight, perhaps Robert Malone or Jessica Rose. Meanwhile, I'll continue to believe all these shots contain RNA that instructs the cell to make spike (itself a toxin). The only difference is how the RNA is packaged.

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I am thinking that Sputnik and Novovax work like AstraZeneca/J&J products. Is that correct? And what are the up and downside to Sputnik and Novovax? I am particularly interested in Sputnik. Did the Russians fare any better than those outside the Federation? Any info is appreciated.

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I believe Sputnik contains the RNA instructions like AZ and J&J. I've heard some troubling things about adverse events in Russia. Novovax may be different, but I've also heard negative things about it as well. There are reasons for the long track record of failures in vaccines for Corona viruses.

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Thanks! This about what I heard. Novovax has a lot of suspicious involvements and although it may not be a mRNA product, it has (if I remember right) a spike protein. Whatever? I will go with natural immunity as nature intended.

I was hoping that maybe the Russians would do better. But Sputnik is more like Novovax and therefore problematic. The good news for Russians is that around half the Russian population refused the jab. Russia is one of the most un-vaxed countries of Europe, and certainly the rest of the Western World.

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Almost like routinely injecting cytotoxic piece of respiratory virus into the blood stream is a bad thing? I would like to wring the neck of the a hole who first thought this up

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