Thrilled to death that the Gibson’s won! Oberlin college has always thought they are better than anyone else in the community. They have done many other things to undermine the town, so this is Just Desserts. Sadly, the two main Gibson’s didn’t live to see the outcome of the case, but I hope they are looking down from Heaven and smiling. Truth wins!

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People on our side really need to take this to heart, Gibson's Bakery has shown what it takes to fight back.

The left has decided that it will openly use *blatantly illegal* actions towards it's perceived political enemies. They do this because they rightly assume most conservatives are too timid to fight back and that they will pay no penalty for doing so. This manifests itself in many ways including libelous defamation, open discrimination toward whites and/or Christians, and blanket denials of vaccine exemptions. These are all clearly illegal acts that are indefensible.

The only way to stop this is to document everything, know the law backwards and forwards, and sue these scoundrels back to the Stone Age. Instead we get whining about how "unfair" something is and then people usually put up with it. How many people ended up taking the vax against their will while spending zero time studying the extensive case law and EEOC writings on the subject? Most of them I'm willing to bet.

It's hard work, but then preserving a culture and standing up to totalitarianism usually is. Whining about unfairness is a loser attitude, we wouldn't put up with this in our kids yet we do it all the time when the Left acts illegally. Gibson's Bakery has shown what can be done when people stand up rather than cower.

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Spot on! “How many people ended up taking the vax against their will while spending zero time studying the extensive case law and EEOC writings on the subject? Most of them I'm willing to bet.”

Most of my friends who raced for the vax can’t face the fact they were sucker-punched due to their own laziness or refusal at open-mindedness to at least look at a different “science” than the media-driven, political theatre. This is the most disheartening and leaves many of us as “the enemy” among our families and friends even though our “conspiracy theories” have been proven to be factual.

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I just refused to go to a family event because I didn't want to deal with the conspiracy theorist comments, slights and mean looks of disdain and disbelief that I could be so paranoid and stupid. It's exhausting to be around such toxic energy. I keep trying to share information, but to no avail. All I get is SILENCE when I send proof that our "conspiracy theories" are fact.

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We just don't talk about it. The deed has been done. They are shot to shit. But, we love them. All we can do is pray there are no after effects. How awful to have been injected then hear the horror stories? There were NO horror stories last April.

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Try this -- ‘Civilization Will Crumble’: Elon Musk Issues Dire Warning About Rapid Shift To Green Energy


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Everyone has a different horrendous tale to tell. I inherited a healthy genetic skepticism gene from my dad. He was like Dr. House before House was cool. Everybody lies. That is how I hit this head on. Hubs job mandated this jab April 2021. With less than 6 days notice. I begged and pleaded with him to do anything but let it happen. He works on a ship and they were in port. They rounded up the crew and sent them through a maze of yelling matrons with red flags and into a shot shack right on the pier. He said he now knows how the Jews felt. It was not a conscious "yes" to this, it was forced on him to keep supporting his family or get fired. And....he is now thinking when he goes back that they will mandate #4 booster on all the crew. It is a liberal bunch of owners and the engineering crew all listen to their wives and any leaning to the right has been squarely squashed by the leftie ladies. The guys he used to work with all thought the same in the past, but now everyone is brainwashed. He feels like he is on Exile Island on Survivor because everyone around him has drank the kool-aid. So, yes. This was coercion. Plain and simple. I called lawyers and due to the fact this was so early in the game, nobody had answers. I literally could find nothing about this. We even tried a medical exemption due to the brain disorder that killed his dad. I even asked the Mayo clinic neurologist who studied dad's brain if Hubs should get the vax. Yes. He should be first in line, he said. So, how much research on case law and EEOC can you do in 4 days? A shit ton. But, it is a private company and if you don't do what they tell you, they fire you. Plain and simple. This all makes me SO angry.

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I’m so sorry about all this. It’s so wrong 😞 I am enraged on your behalf and hope something can be done to get back at these people 😡

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Considering all the time a certain group of people spend on facebook and in the twitterverse, they could have and should have sacrificed just a smidgen of that time on researching the virus and vaccines. Maybe they would have learned something....or maybe not.

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Sometimes people are AFRAID to look. If they don't think they'll like what they may see and/or they might have to DO SOMETHING, they DON'T WANT to look. Unfortunately, this attitude is going to shatter when the "Magic Carpet Ride" of "vaccine" euphoria fades and the carpet is pulled COMPLETELY out from underneath ALL OF US and we go crashing to the ground. It's already happening to me! I have suffered with negative side effects from the Pfizer "vaccine." I got 2 doses;

ER8730 on March 22, 2021 and

ER8731 on April 19, 2021

in New Castle County, Delaware.

I now have fibromyalgia. My thyroid medication has fluctuated so much that my medication has changed numerous times since the JABS. I have bad headaches and my endurance is shot. I have trouble keeping my breath and I have to rest several times a day. I'm only 56 and I feel 86. I have also had shingles. I am a Type 2 diabetic and I get sick more than ever before. I stand firmly on MY TESTIMONY AND BELIEF that my immune system has been negatively effected by a biological weapon that was researched and released upon the world by China to weaken its enemies. Needless to say, I'm angry, hurt and scared because I fell for the COVID mania and got 2 shots. Most of all, I'm afraid for my future. Will my life expectancy be less with the JAB? Did stopping after 2 jabs help to save me? Will I be so disabled at an early age that my husband will be burdened taking care of me? All I can say now is, I do the best that I can each day to move forward and stay positive.

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SDcanvassing.com today got a ruling that requires three major South Dakota counties to preserve their election data. Every county in SD refused FOIA requests for 2020 and 2022 primary data, and since they could legally have started destroying that data Sept 3, this ruling is a big deal.

The relentless work of this small organization exemplifies "document everything, know the law backwards and forwards, and sue these scoundrels back to the Stone Age." And yes, there are scoundrels in SD that need to get kicked back to the Stone Age rather than getting kick backs.

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100% We fought (and lost) a battle w a developer & corrupt local government over a massive zoning violation/overreach. The city of course is all for unbridled development, damned be their own laws and requirements. Though we lost the battle and spent $$, time in the very unpleasant, difficult effort, we don't regret it for a minute. We exposed the corrupt government and process. A few neighbors stood up, but only for a minute -not the long unpleasant slog. While city ruled against us, we have our self-respect, dignity. The project ultimately did not go forward and the developer moved on (conscious we would fight every step). Winning!

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Fought a similar successful fight over a massive cell tower roll-out in my community. What was a real eye opener was how the cell tower company was blatantly lying and acting illegally and City Staff completely ignored it and took every lie at face value. They were far more worried about being sued by the cell tower company and were happy to throw residents under the bus.

We changed that by passing the strongest ordinance in the US and also stripping city staff of the power to approve these sites and requiring public hearings. It took a bunch of dedicated amateurs learning everything we could about Federal telecommunications law, state public utility law, and RF propagation. By the time we were done we knew ten times more than that of the cell tower bozos and were easily able to call BS on them in real time.

That is winning and it's what we all should be doing. Judging by the comment quality, there are lots of smart people on here. We need to be harnessing that to fight the left at every step.

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That is awesome!! It is great to hear of successes like yours! My family helped fight a nuclear waste dump in their rural area in 1989-1990. They ended up winning against Mario Cuomo and his state government goons. They thought we were a bunch of hicks that would easily be swayed by their bs and didn’t expect the intelligence, savvy and resistance. It was great to have that example of the people fighting the government and winning.

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Awesome - very impressed! 🙌🏼🎉

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Preach it, Jeff!

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Oberlin's original general counsel, who failed so miserably on this case, know what happened to her? Why, one of the best universities in the world -- and some argue the best in the Ivy League -- hired her as their general counsel. That university? Cornell. https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/04/cornells-new-general-counsel-is-oberlin-college-in-house-lawyer-responsible-for-gibsons-bakery-case/

Can't make this stuff up. Cornell hires Thomas..? The same Cornell whose president, Martha Pollack, sat right next to...wait for it...the "vaccine king" Albert Bourla...during New York's Forward Reopening Advisory Board.

As I said, can't make it up.

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Yes. I followed this case when it was at trial and the facts were fascinating (and as with other high profile cases - the complete opposite of the MSM narrative). The verdict and jury award, though shocking at the time, were two giant beacons of hope that justice can prevail. I believe the dad (not the grandfather) said all his family really wanted was an apology. They didn't pursue aggressive legal action until after Oberlin, in its hubris, refused. Well, have fun Oberlin doling out $36 million to this family. The blog Legal Insurrection provided in-depth coverage of the original trial and subsequent appeals.

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I was stunned to see this situation. It was truly reprehensible.

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Love “Just Desserts”!🤣🤣🤣

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So exciting that justice prevailed!

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I am thrilled too! And I say that as an alum of the college (same graduating year as Michelle Malkin!). What Oberlin administration did was nasty and reprehensible and I am so glad they are getting their comeuppance finally!!! Go Gibson’s!!!

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Do you have any sway as an alum, as far as sharing your "thoughts" with them?

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Nope. Unfortunately. They don’t care about conservatives like me and I am not wealthy enough to threaten to withhold donations that are of any consequence. I mean, I could always send them a message but I doubt anyone would care. The former president of Oberlin, who was there when I was a student (and whose wife I knew pretty well because I took several German classes with her) advised them not to appeal and to try to make things right instead but they didn’t listen to him even.

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I imagine the woke gymnastic mental routine going on at Oberlin is simply to say this is just further proof that the courts are racist.

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Oh I’m sure. Nothing is ever their fault. They’re like children, mentally stunted, and always making excuses why they are never to blame for anything.

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"The FBI is ‘not going to change the outcome of the election AGAIN." How many times have they changed the outcome of an election! We will probably never know but that statement is very disturbing.

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I think the most recent example is from 2016, when they provided cover for Hillary on the email server fiasco. Funnily enough, in 2016 their actions favored the Democrat candidate, and in 2020 their demands not to act favored the Democrat candidate.

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The FBI thinks their actions leading up to the 2016 election are what cause Hillary to lose!

They thought it was their moral obligation to help Biden in 2020.


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What a laughable idea. Moral obligation. Like a make up call in hockey. Absurd and stupid, but there are certainly some who believe it. The only moral obligation the FBI truly has is to uphold and enforce the law, first and foremost the constitution. It’s clear to any who are paying attention that they abandoned that principle long ago. Embarrassing and sad for my friends (good people) in the FBI. Their leadership is completely unmoored, adrift in a sea of grifting and malfeasance.

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If by law you also include The Constitution, it is rather impossible to find an eeFBeeEye under the 30 enumerated powers.

The post office is on the list, and thus constitutional -- not many other federal agencies.

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Interesting point. If their very existence is a violation of the constitution, it’s tough to profess to upholding the document that their charter ignores.

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A more accurate explanation was their actions allowed Hillary to even run. Had they done their job in a timely fashion they would have changed the _primary_ election results and Bernie would have won (or perhaps the DNC would still have screwed him some other way).

But by refusing to do their job they _still_ changed the outcome of the primary.

And I'm sure they have done it maaaany more times before. For that matter, they appear to have done so again in primaries just this year.

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Indeed I remember how so many were shocked about the announcement then from the FBI regarding Clinton. Remember: most Americans still trusted the FBI as an independent and objective agency. I believed at the time that it swayed many people.

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If that had been truly investigated, and appropriate actions taken based on the findings of that investigation, we would no longer be dealing with the Clintons as a force in American politics. I, too was shocked by the announcement, but for different reasons. Earlier in the campaign, they signaled that it would come to nothing (which ended up being true), which was par for the course for the political elite acting lawlessly with impunity. I was not among the “most Americans“ you mention who trusted the FBI. So for me, I was surprised that they were going to investigate a connected political elite who had acted in a way that was blatantly illegal, ultimately costing the lives of American patriots directly. The past six years has just served to cement that perception in a larger swath of the population.

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The "again" caught my attention as well. Essentially, they admitted they acted to change (interfered with) the outcome of an election before. My question is, how many times has the FBI actually interfered before? I'm venturing to guess that the 2016 Hillary debaucle wasn't the 1st time.

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I suspect JE Hoover set the bar a long time ago.

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That caught my attention as well. I was disheartened by cryptic implication, maybe not an implication but rather an admission.

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To me, it sounded like an admission.

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I noticed that as well. 🤔😠

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You're right. AGAIN is quite troubling....

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I noticed that too 😡🤬

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I was speaking with a _______________ County Sheriff (30 years in law enforcement) the other day. He/She used to partake in meetings with Charlie Crist pertaining to drug stings and other types of narcotics operations. He/She proceeded to tell me that the Crist of that time period is not even remotely close to the guy that we see today. Now, what on earth $$$ could propel $$$ an individual to have the $$$ massive ideological shift $$$ that Charlie has recently (relatively speaking) embraced?.....$$$

How far will he go? As Soros and Company continually sweeten the pot, dangling GMO inflamed carrot after carrot, how long will it be before Chucky answers the "call of the deranged"- bedazzled by his inner fembot ramblings - and dons the high heels and blonde wig that festoon his private chambers? "Charlie?....It's Charlene. It's time to break out the mascara." Stay tuned...

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Eric, whatever it is you're smoking that launches your wordplay into high orbit: I want some of it!

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Interfering with local elections the way Soros and his money does ought to be outlawed! There needs to be an effort to continually keep Soros tied up in court...or something! I really think the only thing keeping him alive at 92 is his lust for god-like power over the American ppl. He needs to go.

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If you look on the bottom of his can his expiration date is almost up..... unless he's on the same regimen that Keith Richards is on.

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His son will take over where he leaves off.

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Nicely done!

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he will face the Throne and answer to HIM.....

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Humility, honesty, integrity. Don't have to worry about bribery when those are your principles and values.

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You don't think it has anything to do with $$$ do you. So silly. 😜

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“Could your bra be killing you?”

Thanks for helping us stay abreast of The Science. I have a feeling they’ll milk it for all it’s worth.

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What an uplifting story. 🤣

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😂😂 Indeed!

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Another great reason for men to continue being men. Leave the hardware for us gals.

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I know a strapping young man named Jock that started his own study.

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What a bunch of boobs.

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I posted this late a couple days ago. In case anyone didn’t see it ...


Here is some where you could still use C&C Army …

Counselor Childers and the League of Distinguished Caffeinators: The C&C Army

From C to shining C - Red, white and True

Coffee and The Constitution: Wake up and smell your independence

Coffee and Childers: In search of Irony and Truth

Other Name …

Java with Jeff: Serving Brew Process …

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FWIW, “Coffee & Covid” is a good daily reminder of how we got here, of Jeff’s call to action (& response) and bravery, & to be vigilant for the next pandemic-disaster nonsense that is coming down the pike. It’s a marker of history.

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That and it is far from over....the children of DC just about had forced injections, coast guard cadets got booted and the injuries are through the roof despite distraction, obfuscation and cover-ups. I've always had a knack for alienating people, covid just made it easier. While I may have ruffled some feathers, it will have been worth it if friends and family stop taking boosters.

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childrenn of DC are still going to be forced with injections - they've just pushed back the timeline to January 2023, I blelieve.

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Yes! This⬆️!

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I like Coffee with Childers

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Some very creative names!!

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All good monikers

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Isn't it ironic that California is pushing for all new vehicles to be electric in the near future when their electric grid can't even handle the small fleet of electric vehicles that are already plugging into it? Where are they going to get the energy to charge all these new electric vehicles? How dumb are they? No need to answer that question -- we already know how dumb they are.

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California has no plans to produce the needed energy. As Neil Oliver says, "going green" is really "going without". California, purportedly America's bellwether indicator, is taking the lead in reducing the overall number of private vehicles on the roads, and with them the mobility and freedom of all us maggots who drive them.

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Yup, you will own nothing and you will be happy. Cali is headed in exactly the direction the puppet master intended. What worries me is the old saying, "as goes California, so goes the rest of the country."

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I have a good friend who worked for CA DOJ a few years ago. He sent me one of their e-mails. It broke down all the ethnic groups and sub groups that he would need to attend diversity training to deal with...IN OFFICE. Then...here comes the clown Biden show on the US stage. Really disturbing to see how your saying is so correct.

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Hence why we left.

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Love this parody from Babylon Bee, https://youtu.be/ApfBvkql0lI. Also sad the Golden State of President Reagan, browned by gruesome newsom....and we fled too.

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That was hillarious!

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This exactly. The perspective here is that driving (and many other things) should be a luxury reserved for the elite. Silly peasants...stay in your village and pay your taxes to the overlords.

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Yes - and, oh by the way, surrender your firearms.

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You are so right. Has nothing to do with electric cars. It has everything to do with getting people out of cars, electric or gas.

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And it's about power and control.

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There has got to be massive election fraud ongoing in that state, for these inane and evil politicians to continue in office. Surely there are not truly THAT many idiot voters in California? Can they not see that they are the agents of their own destruction?

And I say idiot not with disrespect but meaning, people who truly cannot think or understand.

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Ditto. I always thought Newsom's recall was rigged. What we saw in 2020 wasn't new. They have been practicing stealing elections, especially on the west coast, for a long time. Oregon is a prime example.

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So is Washington State. We received mail in ballots at our OKLAHOMA address years after we moved back.

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I’ve tried to tell my husband (a native Oregonian) that Oregon elections have been fraudulent ever since they embraced entire-state mail in balloting but he refuses to believe me. Where did you get your info? Maybe you have something that can get through where I can’t.

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Where did I get my info? From my Oklahoma mailbox with the ballots addressed to Tulsa, OK.

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I meant about Oregon’s elections being fraudulent

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Mailing an Oregon ballot to an OK address is pretty fraudulent. 🤔

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With someone as stupid as Newsom you'd think it would have to be rigged. California residents have proven to not be the brightest bulbs though so who knows.

No offense to Californites here. You are all excluded. 💖

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Newsom is not stupid nor smart just very well connected. With Auntie Nancy’s resources in his corner the state and country is his oyster.

I believe the recall was tampered with. No one would dare ask for election oversight here.

When The Newt declares his campaign for President I hope someone has downloaded this video and sends it everywhere. How goes CA goes the USA.

View this video before they delete on UPoop


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The election has been rigged for many years. The politicians in office are dirty. I am a 6th generation native Californian and all my family is still there. Successful business owners. The corruption starts at the local level and gets bigger. Shasta County is slowly being taken over, but they are not making it easy for them. It makes me sick.

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Perhaps I should be more specific. Phil, where did you get your info about Oregon being a prime example of election fraud?

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Sorry to say I don't remember where I learned that. I'm sure there is a substack somewhere that address's that.

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Sadly, there are that many idiot voters! A co-workers family had a break in at their million dollar tract home in the Bay Area. Totally ransacked by the group that broke in (while they were gone of course), and the crime victims’ first thought is, and I kid you not, was “they must really be in need, how sad...”

Are you kidding me? This is the mindset of the voters here. It’s truly ridiculous on levels that I cannot comprehend. These same people vote to “go green,” yet fail to have any understanding about how their electric gets (or doesn’t get) electricity. Can’t wait to escape this political hell.

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I don’t even have words…..

At least Naomi Wolf admitted that she finally realized that her leftist California ideologies don’t make sense… that people calling for 2A etc are not actual nut jobs but have a legit point and reason for their views.


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People who have the humility to admit they have been wrong about something have my utmost respect.

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Absolutely. I agree.

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Tryin to be the faithful remnant here...

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As a third generation middle aged Californian, I can tell you, there is massive election fraud, while also being many stupid Californians. Ballot harvesting is legal here in Commie Cali and it has swayed many an election since inception. It used to just be ballot propositions that were altered with the harvesting, but the liberal loonies were so successful they of course could not stop at simple propositions and began stuffing ballot boxes for elected officials. I know the county in which we live was one of only two (it may have been three but I can't remember) that voted to recall Newsom, and I only believe we in our county were on the right side of things because the lefties who are so adept at cheating did not account for the number of in person votes we would cast in our area to recall him and so did not "send in" enough mail in ballots to override the unpopularity of Gruesome that is still palpable with so many of us like they had to have done in so many other counties as while there are many idiotic people here, there are not that many. My husband is involved in ag, and no matter what anyone wants to believe, there is no state that can produce as much food as California - even with the government theft of water and their overreaching restrictions. So we will be stuck here sadly watching all the most fertile farmland being sold by generational families as it is becoming harder and harder to grow and make a profit thanks to our idiotic "green" government and their absolute overreaching policies. Voter fraud is real, it can destroy industries, cities and states. Americans need to do all they can to stop it in their areas, now before the country becomes California, it is not too late.

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It’s lonely in CA but there are more center or right than meet the eye. Certainly no one will slap a bumper sticker on.

How to make every vote count is huge.

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This is so terribly sad.

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Kate! Damn, hard to read...but so true on all accounts...

What county are you in? We are in El Dorado...

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Hard to admit for sure - so sad! We are in Stanislaus - used to be just a farm area but sadly our “proximity” to the Bay Area has changed things not necessarily for the better.

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Yes, a lot of stupid, low information Californians who never bother to vote. In the Gruesome recall, it was claimed that only 30% of eligible voters actually voted. No way to know if that is true or not, though. I'd say that a substantial number of people here don't even know who the governor is! A number of years ago, people in my county were told we were a "test" group to get mailed ballots, which you can return by either mail or put in a local drop box. It has been that way ever since, no local polls any more. One thing about the mail system.....the ballots arrived rather a long time prior to the election, and I suspect a great many people receive them, put them aside, then other things get stacked on top of them, and eventually people totally forget to vote. Probably by design. Everyone I knew in my area whether D or R or I wanted to vote that fool out. But the stupid thing now in CA and with the recall was the gigantic long list of challengers, so of course the possibility of a real replacement for Newsom was very diluted. My county is actively advertising for election workers. I've got half a mind to work it just to spy on what is happening behind the scenes.

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Being a rural resident our county did away with our polling place a few decades ago. Whenever I would try to go in to town to the polling places to vote I was told I go only do so provisionally and then my ballot may or may not be accepted it was at the discretion of the registrar. The only way my vote would “count for certain” was if I mailed in my ballot - they used to not even take it at the polling places?! Meanwhile I often get ballots for our adult children (who have moved to states where their votes counts). And in addition, as our last name is a bit tricky, on occasion I get extra ballots with it misspelled!! It is all so sad as I knew only a small number of Demonrats who were going to vote for Newsom until I filled them in how most of what is happening here is the fault of Newsom and his special interests. Anyone who truly listened was appalled and would not vote for him. There were the few hold outs who are so deluded no one can change there minds, especially not me with whom they really don’t get along. But I had to try. The numbers were so obviously inflated in his favor the hubris of the left was on full display and in the end they did get away with it, probably as you said in part due to the low turnout. Whatever the case, I think it would be great for you to take the position as I would love to see what it is they do and just how secure any of it is - of course here I firmly believe the real cheating comes with the mail in ballots. But working a polling place would still be an interesting exercise.

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Absolutely you should go work the polls!

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The conservative have no voice. You really think their votes are real? No. The elections have been rigged for a long time.

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In Texas this summer they also told people not to charge their cars because the grid couldn't handle it.

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I expected not enough energy to charge electric cars, but large appliances??? Are they supposed to unplug their fridge and freezer at dinner time? 🤣

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Like air conditioners? Many found out in Tx that they gave permission for the electric company to remotely adjust thermostats in their homes when their thermostats were mysteriously adjusted.

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No kidding. Hadn’t considered that.

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