Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

As a physician, Jeff I agree w your comments about doctors. I have lost nearly all faith in my profession. For speaking up at a dinky hospital in MS, I now find myself working in North Dakota. Just yesterday, was texting a physician friend of mine who said he just “learned to be quiet” over the last two years. Most of Those who didn’t drink the COVId Koolaid, did the same - just got quiet. I believe Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it best, “Not to speak is to speak…”

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It’s ashamed they all learned to be quiet. It cost us…all of us….true health care. It cost the world in ways we will never get back. It cost doctors like you their jobs. It cost patients their choice to make sound informed decisions. It cost trillions of dollars. It cost our children their childhoods. It cost our seniors their lives. It cost people the ability to prevent diseases and stop declining health before it started. It cost families their loved ones. It cost integrity, truth, justice, and sound medical advice….everything. We all lost. Because doctors “learned to be quiet”. I get it. I do. But imagine the world if doctors had chosen strength and courage, bravery and compassion. Imagine where we could be if doctors all over this nation upheld their oath to first do no harm. What if? What if the majority stood up and weren’t silent? It’s unfortunate we’ll never know because the doctors and nurses “learned to be quiet” 😞 Imagine if our founding fathers had “learned to be quiet” 😞 We wouldn’t even be here at all.

Thank you Cameron for being a doctor who upheld your oath. Thank you for not being quiet. It cost you dearly. But the rest of us thank you for standing up for us. ♥️

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It is a difficult road indeed. Dr. Simone Gold is a prime example of upholding truth & honor no matter the consequences . She truly is a modern day Esther.

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Dr. Gold was not silent. She dove in and was fighting for early treatment. That made her a real target.

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We know that Dr. Simone Gold is alive. We don't have anything but faith that Esther was.

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Wouldn't question the Good Book. The track record is pretty amazing. Have a good one.

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The problem is choosing the most accurate transliteration and translation, which is statically improbable if not outright impossible.

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I think you're focused on the wrong thing. Even if the Book of Esther were 100% fiction, which I do not believe, or if your interpretation is correct, the analogy in the original comment holds. So just take the comment the way it was intended, and please don't try to start an argument in this group over a detail that doesn't change what Mary H. was saying.

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Incredible hubris. Catholic Church is custodian and interpreter of Sacred Scriptures.

She will provide you proper translation...

In your case, Douay Rheim . 1,2 other English ones

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So this is to all . Esther is a beautifull part of Bible. Don't know why it's being questioned... My guess...

The Queen going into ask King to save her people, Jews. Would have been unthinkable for anyone else. He welcomes her watmly, grants her request...

Catholics see clear type of Blessed Virgin Mary, power of her requests to she'd Son.

I see enemies of Heaven wanting to strip children away from Mary...

So, most protestants have abandoned this powerful intercessor. Work of satan who fears and hates Mother of God, Coredemptrix and Mediatrix of All Graces. Beyond tragic

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It's not just Healthcare professionals that have learned to be quiet. I tell those that just fall-in-line with the mandates, the jabs, etc. that they need to make sure their children/grandchildren learn to speak Mandarin now.

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I was at a football game Saturday and I asked my buddy, very loudly after the national anthem, "Where is this Land of the Free? Who are these Brave? Donthey still have a Home?" We laughed. And got lots of death stares from the sheep.

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Diversity..like having unvaccinated folks?

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Being unvaccinated is a natural state, not related to diversity.

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Maybe you should try using the Bellamy salute the next time you pledge allegiance.

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Flabbergasted is my new go to word. As that’s pretty much how I feel all the time. My ex is still in denial. Blew my mind when I told him to go to Mike Lindell’s Frankspeech.com to find the truth . His response was: Mike Lindell is a dick. I asked him where he gets his info from. His response: google

My response: 😂😂😂🙄🙄

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Katie: your ex is your ex for a very good reason, or perhaps too many reasons to list...

I'll just continue to quote the old Italian adage:

"Meglio sola che mal accompagnata."

Thank your lucky stars and keep on laughing girl. 😁

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That is a good adage and must be true because it exists in more than one language 😉😁

« Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné »

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Show him:

FB page of sudden deaths



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Gee when you click on that link Fakebook says this content is not available right now...so strange huh

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Try keying Facebook Died Suddenly News Public Group in your browser.

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Realnotrare, I could see and read the first four peoples story. That was all. All links go blank. FB is blank 🙄

When I read the one guy from Canadas story I was shocked at the end. He’s gone though so much and still said don’t vaccinate your kids “unless you have to” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Bad, horrible advice. Wow! Why would you HAVE to? Especially hearing his story why would you!

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For so many people, it is intrinsic to their thinking that their lives are not their own - that they are owned by the State. Another way of saying that is the State is God. This is a form of humanism and all humanism leads to annihilation. And despite their objections, it is a religion just as any other faith.

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Not sure what's going on with the FB link and the real not rare link. I'm able to view all of the stories with both links.

Try typing in realnotrare in your browser to see if you can view more.

Try typing in Facebook Died Suddenly News Public Group.

Hope that works.

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Flabbergasted is a great word!!!… my boyfriend has dementia and I was watching Jesse Watters the other night and my bf was having a lucid day …anyhow he asked what in the hell is going on in the world… they were talking about Vanderbilt and San Francisco childrens hospital ….. daily just when I think our world could not get anymore insane

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Exactly. I'm not a healthcare professional but I've learned to be quiet in my DEI software as a service work environment. I turned down a role that would have been a great career move as I didn't think I could bite my tongue long enough to get through the once a month Employee Resource Group oversight committee meetings.

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I retired earlier than planned from a company I worked & loved for many years. They didn't mandate the experimental injections but they made work life miserable & isolating for those of us who refused. They also went down the woke path (too many examples to list here). Between the two, I decided I wanted no part of it. I voiced my concerns before I left but I'm positive it fell on deaf ears. I feel fortunate that I was able to walk away but I often think of how many people who can’t.

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I'm thankful my company didn't mandate the jab though I was prepared to walk away if they did. They do have these ERGs around the woke special interests and track immutable characteristics in hiring practices. There was an announcement back during the summer of love that we'd be trying to diversify in hiring. I manage a team of software engineers and needed to hire 3 people to fill openings. I interviewed probably 100 engineers of all flavors wherein candidates had to pass on both soft and hard skills by a team of interviewers (also of all flavors). I needed to justify hiring the most qualified candidate if he was yet another white dude. Can we please return to a meritocracy?!?!

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I have remained self employed for 22 years over issues such as these. Yes, I have gotten a tempting offer here and there over the years. Yes, I make less money, as I have never overcome the 'feast or famine' cycle. BUT in the end I choose the projects, the clients and the conditions. We live modestly and save for a rainy day. I have several friends who took the jab to save what I call their 'golden handcuffs' jobs. Big house payment, big car payment, big income, that they could not afford to lose. So yeah, they have nicer houses, cars and vacations than me, but they are ultimately wage slaves. I see the day coming where my client pool is going to shrink - ESG, DEI, etc. is polluting the business world at a rapid pace. I have never even known the politics of my clients, until recently, no one ever crossed that line. Now it is starting to enter the decision process. Parallel economy is trending.

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I think we are learning (some of us) that freedom financially from the machine is better than lavish vacations and cars and big houses that no one wants to clean anyway 😂. Living on a piece of property away from anyone, off the grid has never sounded better to me than it does since 2020.

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Kindred spirits, I think, LuAnne. Very similar circumstances in my life. Knew that once people cooperated with the snot pouch "mandates" that next up would be needles. Got out early. Big impact for us, but I simply would not go along.

This is me: https://shethinksliberty.substack.com/p/about-me

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I retired exactly 1 year after you on Dec 31, 2021. My company (a large publicly held company headquartered in TX) made the uninjected wear masks in the office. They also wouldn't allow the uninjected to attend any corp events or corp meetings (held quarterly). This is a company I gave my all to for 23 years. Up until the scamdemic hit, I was very happy there. I don't regret a minute of it. I don't miss the job but I do miss some of my coworkers who I had years long relationship with. I travel into Dallas on occasion where we all meet for lunch and catch up with each other. Since I left, many people have since chosen to retire to include my boss (a wonderful guy...and younger than me) AND the CEO & President of the company not to mention many more. I think people, injected or not, just got sick of all the covid & woke crap. I'm not resentful at all though...I feel like it was my time to walk away. God gave me plenty of signs.

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I had to turn down a promotion because I wouldn't wear a mask 24-7. One door closes, another opens.

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Exactly. I think we often say “I have no choice” when we actually do. There are countless examples in my life & others who when we have taken the risk & stood up to the bully, a better situation than we ever imagined always unfolds.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

I say you always have a choice. It might not be a choice you like, or it might a choice that presents certain challenges, but there is never just one single option.

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"once a month Employee Resource Group oversight committee meetings." Sounds ominous....

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indeed. company has these ERGs around DEI special interest groups and a steering committee. I had been invited to join the steering committee and sat through an overview meeting about what what entailed in that group. It was all about wokeness. And while it was prestigious and they really wanted me being a woman in tech, there was no way I was getting involved.

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Yeah, that sounds like a political correctness enforcement meeting put on by the "Political Officer"

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It's so the "party" can make sure you are an accepting drone, parroting the latest line from George Orwell required to hold a job.....

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I have said it from the beginning…if 100 million of us had simply stood up and said “no” to the mandates, and walked off the job in every industry…all of this would have stopped two years ago.

Complying with Communism and Dictators unlawful mandates, simply just leads to more and more mandates.

They will never stop, until they are forcibly stopped and stripped of their power.

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No one ever complied their way out of slavery.

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What??!! Moses defied the law???!!! Oh that was OT! 🙄🤔😡

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And the longer it's allowed, the more force required.

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Well, that made me cry and I’m not a big cryer. Cameron, thank you for standing for what is good and true and Sunnydaze, thank you for your eloquence in expressing what we’ve lost with our silence.

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And, though seemingly only affecting medical issues, their silence has helped move forward the globalist plan for complete control of every aspect of our lives.

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Yep. Our compliance and our cooperation with the lockdowns, stopping our daily routine and believing that it was ALL for the greater good effed us all. Our silence ushered tyranny right through our front door and we made it comfortable. Our silence was the sound of freedom dying. We are born free and granted "liberty". Big difference between the two. I will take FREEDOM. And I am done being silent.

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Amen Sunnydaze. Amen.

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it costs all of us dearly. the ones that spoke up were not enough, the rest feared for their careers and livelihood and I get it - no one wants to be in that predicament, but if the noise made was louder than the news outlets could pretend to ignore then maybe more people would have woken up to the covid narrative.

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Yes! I maintain, in Oregon where I was at the time, that business that were shut down were because they were trying to fight individually. None of them banded together and stood up in numbers that couldn’t be ignored. One by one businesses closed. I kept trying to shout that if they stood together they could possibly save their businesses. Every business owner seemed to think they had to make their own decisions and stand alone. I really think that’s where they faltered. Easy for me to say though, I wasn’t a business owner with anything to loose. I just figured common sense said if you’re going to lose your business anyway, why not go down fighting and trying with others in the same boat as you. I guess too much common sense for 2020. 🤷‍♀️

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Actually, if the msm wouldn't cover it, it wouldn't have mattered. They did it in European cities but no one ever knew about it.

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That's the key, isn't it? The Bolsheviks have complete control of the media, all of it. The public has no clue even now because they only see what they want them to see. Thus did the Bolsheviks remain in power in the Soviet Union for 70 years.

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I don't think you could have described what's been lost more accurately. It was a wicked plan that destroyed many, including the weak, the foolish, and the gullible.

Plus those with moral deficits for certain. I do mourn the medical professionals who fell to this plan, but I knew the majority were either brainwashed or bought out 20+ years ago from my personal experiences.

Still, the numbers who cooperated are truly stunning. Personally I think it threw two things into high relief-

The Toxicity of the Entire System.

The Lack of Courage in the Medical Profession.

They are craven and their masters are evil.

Sigh. We have a lot of work ahead of us!!

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Ditto 95% of what you say applies to the edumacation establishment.

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Tragically yes. Mind controlled and craven.

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HERE IS AN IDEA TO TAKE BACK CONTROL: When a doctor attempts to upsell you on an expensive new pharma drug, unnecessary test (NO, blood letting is so 19th century!), a flu vaccine etc etc..... Make sure you are alone in the room with them and just tell them to KNOCK IT OFF and then THREATEN to complain to the hospital or state board that they are anti-vaxxer, anti-COVID narrative, anti-trans or whatever would get them into trouble!!!! And IF you are a member of a protected class, threaten them with an ISM claim!!!

People need to learn to stand up to and not be afraid of glorified big pharma salesmen!!!!

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I'd recommend just finding a doctor you trust instead. Start with the referral list from the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons or look for the docs participating in 'direct primary care,' which excludes the "systems."


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Sometimes you don't have any choice though when it comes to who takes your insurance... It does seem like the smarter ones, as in the older or foreign professionals, tend to know not to push things too far IF they have a certain type of customer, I mean, patient... Its going to be the woker younger millennial ones we need to watch out for in the future e.g. that one who claimed on Tik Tok to miss the vein when a patient laughed at her pronoun name tag...

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The cost is often so much lower for Direct Primary Care or through a model surgical hospital like The Surgery Center of Oklahoma that it's a better deal than insurance, esp. if one of the ways you 'pay' in your "systems" model is by losing your health or life.

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One of my friends founded The Surgery Center of Oklahoma! He and his business partner are DIE HARD free market entrepreneurs.

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Great link! Thank you!

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I do believe that we are now at a confrontational stage and we must challenge all those medical officers who are in rote medical-herd lockstep. We need to ask them the more difficult questions regarding their silence as well.

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Why would you not want a witness?

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Your word against theirs... They will have nobody to quickly back them up to avoid trouble and they will know it - especially if you are clear that you mean business ;)

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You apparently have never heard of hear say.

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The whole point is to get them to KNOCK IT OFF with you - they can go upsell their next customer on the latest pills and potions..... The smarter ones will get it and stop pushing unnecessary sh*t on you...

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Well said, Sunnydaze. We need to stop being quiet.

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Indeed. Where are the Dietrich Bonhoeffers in today's medical profession?

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Peter McCullough

Robert Malone

Cheryl Nass (if I got her first name right)

Simone Gold

Lee Merritt

Pierre Kory

Ryan Cole

Robert Urso

Dan Stock

Paul Marik

Those of the Great Barrington Declaration

And I could name a few others but they are less prominent so not wishing to name them publicly here.

Sadly, just as Bonhoeffer alone couldn’t stop the regime, these brave doctors also cannot stop it. But they have helped so many of us and are bravely persevering at great cost financially, emotionally, and professionally.

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They all risk professional death by the lost of their licenses.

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There are hundreds, maybe thousands. We just don't hear of them because the demon beast owns the media.

Which is why "Reignite Freedom" has called for:

1-- Pay CASH (to starve the PERPS)

2--Buy Food from local FARMERS (so you will still be able to eat when these same forces destroy agricultural like they did medicine)


Those are what made this entire distributed "coup de 'etat" possible.

Of course they have become the mouthpiece of "Sauron" by again, getting all their information from fully controlled sources, including "Government."

This is the Rise of the Fourth Reich, and it is for ALL, ALLES.



Media Presentors &








Every single American with a few notable exceptions: those who who work for pHarma, (Pfizer and Moderna, anyway,)


The White House.

So, who's really to blame? WHO IS CREATING THE LIE?

I do believe that following the river of lies to it's "source" is out top priority.

Whatever, and wherever, it originates is where we need to apply pressure, not on all the various victims downstream.


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This is the infiltration of Bolshevism. It is the "Long March" through all the institutions. This has nothing whatsoever to do with any "reich".

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Exactly.... "..because the demon beast owns the media."

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Gods sovereign plan cannot be changed. We must obey. He must be shown to be the only Truth and the only Trustworthy One.

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Where are they in real life?? We can't afford to be silent. Any of us.

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer was not a medical doctor or anything else of a medical nature.

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I love you as a fellow human made in God's image, but you are either a troll or perhaps on the autism spectrum, appearing to try to derail a conversation with overly-literal interpretations that are opposite to the intent of the comments. Please reflect on your actions before doing that, even if they are well-intended.

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From one FL mom to another- I agree with you. In my opinion there’s been an increase of trolls and bots infiltrating groups. For example the died suddenly group on Facebook, which now has 280,000 members, lately has been having trolls working in groups of two, who demoralize and attack desperate people who not only lost family members suddenly but are terrified about their own jab status. These trolls get on and scold them telling them how stupid they are for getting the jab etc. they converse back-and-forth virtue signaling with each other and tearing down the person posting. It’s absolutely despicable. As for people who pick on others on substack there always do seem to be some weird tone deaf comments but what troubles me more is when commenters push back on any faith based comments. That’s just bizarre that they feel so compelled to waste their time arguing or shaming someone who has a faith based look on things. And I’m not talking about people who get on and start implying that you are a bad person because you don’t believe a certain way, those people are just as bad in my opinion. Hugs from SWFL

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Y'all nailed it. Don't feed it.

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There is no clue for Asperger's syndrome, nor would I get it if there was.

Temple Grandin wrote that there are more eccentrics than those with Asperger's because the latter is rarely diagnosed, but they are frequently the same thing.

Perhaps you should sue whoever miseducated you.

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Really? LMAO

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So perfectly said Sunnydaze!!

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Excellent post!!!

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I second ALL of that .

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Exactly. Thank you for saying it so well!

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Corruption in your very soul comes at what price?

The doctors who quietly complied with "Remdesivir and a Vent," for "Alles" and the 20% bonus if you used NOTHING else, were made accessories to murder.

Those who injected experimental, toxic, without safety inserts, gene therapies, and called them "safe and effective" when they are the OPPOSITE of both, are criminals.

I comprehend coercion. And threats. And fear.

But to lose your soul is too high a price to pay for your insecurities, in my book.

That some stood up, even if it required moving to North Dakota, is commendable. Our despair is that so few did anything, much less that.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

Now have a look at the parallels between officially-approved covid treatments, and officially-approved-and-mandated "gender affirming" surgeries and hormone therapies.

I cannot tell which cash register is ringing louder: That of corporate medicine, or that of the war profiteers lusting over arms sales in a precipitated escalation of the Ukraine conflict.

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Not accessories to murder. They get straight up MURDER charge.

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They did NOT know in the beginning, as doctors are accustomed to following standardized treatment protocols. And in this situation they were "preconditioned" to believe, a) this was an entirely new virus, with b) no known treatments.

Then the hospitals were functionally closed due to the artificially enhanced rein of "Covid Terror" premeditated by nefarious forces inside government and media, with heaps of manipulation. They had virtually zero income.

At that point the "best treatments" devised by Anthony Fouci, a serial mass murderer in disguise as as "America's Most Trusted Doctor" dictated the protocols for Covid, endemnified and incentivised them as well.

It was a DIABOLICAL plan and most "health care systems" fell into the trap.


Now, we need to ask each and every one of ourselves, "If my boss made me complicit in a murder for money scheme, and terrorized me as well, and threatened my livelihood, would I, after I knew I had killed a dozen people, come out and admit it?"

The answer for most human beings is "no, I would not."

We must really look long and hard at the PERPETRATORS of this wickedness. Many doctors are victims. And nurses.

But they need to start speaking out now. The TRUTH is inescapable. And there will be hell to pay for all that "looking the other way!"

Better to join the forces of truth now, then later. The longer they put it off, the worse it will be in the end, just like any infection of the body, ignoring disease in the spirit is very dangerous.

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"if my boss made me complicit in a murder for money scheme, and terrorized me as well, and threatened my livelihood, would I, after I knew I had killed a dozen people, come out and admit it?"

The answer for most human beings is "no, I would not.""


the choice you are giving us here really is - Would I come out an admit it OR would I keep killing people. That is the real choice. For most human beings , that answer should be "yes, yes I would admit it, the second I figured it out". That's my answer. You can be told about protocol but once the dead bodies started piling up, you have to stand by your oath to do no harm and protect the patient. When you saw your best friends being fired.... when you saw patients being starved to death -life saving medication withheld, in addition to the death treatment, when you saw fellow medical staff treat patients differently once they found out they were voluntarily unvaccinated. I say no mercy. People died. mothers, fathers, sisters, husbands, children.... dead. And they were present. I'd rather hang for being complicit for 12 than 125. Dr.'s and nurses were victims , absolutely in the beginning, but after about 3 months even I figured it out.

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I totally agree with you. But terrified people hide. Fear generates 4 responses: Fight, flight, freeze and fawn.

The medical professionals did as they were told. Then they realized that what they were told killed people.

They were made complicit before they knew what was going on. Then they were threatened by the Hospital Administrators. They had surrendered to pHarma 40 years ago. They are brainwashed. They don't even know that vaccines cause SIDS and Autism and Autoimmunity because they are BRAINWASHED. And I mean literally brainwashed.

We need to focus on those DOING the brainwashing!!

That's my argument. The idiots almost killed me and my only child. I know they are incompetent at best, and criminal at worst. I'm just digging into how they got that way.....

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And I'm very pro hanging for these crimed

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Nobody who quit early is gonna get hung

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There were degrees of evil and incompetence. Each hospital was different. I took an elderly gentleman to one that while they PCR tested they did NOT try to put him of the "Covid Train" at all.

Other hospitals were death camps for sure.

We must investigate each one.

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📌I give Drs no slack. Drs are "supposedly" more intelligent than your average Joe.

WE on here did our research and decided it was not in our best interest. And we were right.

How does one live with themselves knowing they did harm and killed and disabled lots of people when they took an oath not to❓❓

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Good Susan... I can hand off baton.

I was having to take nitro pills for my heart.

Lack of truth , logic cause this to me:



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Story happened everywhere... Except most didn't escape.

Sounds extremely sinister. They didn't have a clue, you say?

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You have some truths, but laced with incongruties.

Doctors are expected to think logically. Fauci had been viciously... And correctly attacked decades before..

You aren't describing doctors to me but clerical workers.

Bad doctors reacted to fear, greed.

Your logic won't hold up. The way they trapped, isolated vulnerable patients, called the police on their loved ones, let people die alone...

You sound like one of them

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Lol, DEFINITELY not one of them.

But what you are missing is the reality of human nature and the depth of the pre-conditionong that took place.

Listen deeply to Dr.Peter McCullough.

The doctors themselves were terrified of Covid 19!!

They thought THEY were going to die. They believed the story. Then they were told what to do, by "Authorities." Of course they did it, initially.

Study the Milgram Experiment. The Ashe Conformity Study.

Humans are easily conditioned. Doctors are subjected to sleep deprivation for a reason. And masses of "authority."

It was after time they had to recognize that the treatment they were utilizing was a train wreck.

By then the damage was done. I am NOT giving them a "free pass" but I do comprehend the DIABOLICAL nature of the plan and want to focus our attention on the PERPETRATORS.

Those who laid these plans. Who understand our medical systems and human psychology. Those who have control of the media. Those who ARE PULLING THE STRINGS.

Yes, doctors and hospitals are guilty, guilty, guilty.

But as a woman born 1960, I figured out that those people would kill me back in the 1980s. Then they, pHarma and their unwitting accomplices in medicine almost killed my daughter with toxic vaccines.

I KNEW doctors were victims of mind control 40 years ago.

So my view is different. Yes they are part of the problem, but it is the BEAST behind the lies that I'm hunting. Not those who are it's victims as well.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

Have you read The Nazi Doctors by Robert J. Lifton? He also wrote Thought Reform and The Psychology of Totalism: A Study of Brainwashing in China. Highly relevant to what's been going on. If you haven't read them, here you go: https://www.amazon.com/Nazi-Doctors-Robert-J-Lifton-dp-0465049044/dp/0465049044/ref=dp_ob_title_bk and https://www.amazon.com/Thought-Reform-Psychology-Totalism-brainwashing/dp/0807842532

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In the beginning They Did Not Know.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

They knew Remdesivir was a lethal drug. It was removed from use during ebola because of the organ damage it caused.

They should have known the ventilator would be deadly. The issue with the lungs with severe COVID is clotting. The ventilator is contraindicated in that situation. Yet, they did it anyway.

Yes, it is murder. They listened to Fauci and Co., and did not do one bit of their own research. Nor did they put on their "common sense hats".

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I think we should extend some grace to those who trusted that those who made those recommendations were being honest. Honest people expect that others are also honest. Much was not yet known, and what was made available for 'their own research' was biased or even lies. Even Dr. Robert Malone didn't know at the beginning that the ethics requirements for human subjects research had been tossed out the window, and even now we are learning to what extent that was true. Once we know these things, it's easy to condemn those who didn't know at an earlier time. As you can see from my other comments, there's plenty of blame and condemnation to go around, but I think you're being a bit unfair to those who were in 'the fog of war' at the beginning.

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The problem is the pharma controls the classroom, as well as the mandatory CE that doctors are required to get every year. And this problem goes all the way back to the Flexnor Report. But doctors gave up their critical thinking and began "just going along". It's cost many Canadian doctors their lives. The rest that have just gone along, have sold their souls for their 30 pieces of silver. After all, many wanted to use ivm. It had been proven to work against SARS-CoV1, and was even written up as the best treatment for SARS, by none other than the NIH. Yet, with that info easily available, the doctors bowed to men. I think they should be tried for murder, but what they should be worried about is the final judgement. If they do not repent, and stand up against the medical tyranny, and be advocates for their patients, they will have more to worry about than a jury of 12.

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Dr. Robert Malone took a "vaccine" before he knew why he shouldn't and he was involved in the creation of mRNA treatments.

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Why are you not practising medicine?

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If I were a hospitalist, I'd have been fired long before COVID for speaking out against the system. The better question is why did doctors abandon their Hippocratic Oath? And I cannot confirm this, but I've been informed that as of the graduating medical classes of 2021, they no longer take the Hippocratic Oath. Something to the effect of, "Can't take that oath, then turn around and recommend the jab."

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Remdesivir is a useful anti-viral, if used early and briefly. Or course Ivermectin is VASTLY safer, less expensive and effective.

But doctors follow protocol. I would change it, absolutely.

But even my top Homeopath told me Remdesivir had been used with positive results in Sars-1.

The lie was trickier than we may realize.

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Remdesivir wouldn't be used by any medical protocol whose follower had checked its PDR page.

What would a homeopath know about pharmaceuticals?

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I can confidently say that I would never be willing to have Remdesivir used on me, under ANY circumstances.

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I'll admit to not knowing much about homeopathy, or homotoxicology. From those that I have spoken with, both of them shun drugs. IIRC, homeopaths use nosodes, in place of drugs, or vaccines. They also use nosodes to clear the toxins caused by drugs and vaccines. If your homeopath doesn't shun pharmaceutical drugs, they'd be the first brought to my attention. But that doesn't mean there's not plenty out there, I've just never encountered any.

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Neither did those of us who refused the vax… it was a feeling… when has anything like this been mandated? Experimental???? They should’ve done their homework because the truth was out there - even then. The dog ate my homework excuse doesn’t fly for me…

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David Icke was talking about the British equivalent of remdesiver a long, long time ago. Hancock was culprit I believe....

They knew long ago

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

Microscope photos of clots, of metallic particles, of unidentified foreign objects have been available to those who looked for them since early 2020. Posted by "mal-dis" information sources, according to to The Regime. Doctor Malone began commenting on the design flaws of the jabs in early 2020.

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When I first started hearing about this deadly v, that it was "novel", the FIRST THING I did was start researching THAT particular claim, and found it was, un, unfounded. From there, all bets were off, and I independently investigated all components of this hoax. Masking, physical distancing, transmissibility, mechanism of acquisition, TREATMENT. . . Morbidity and mortality. . . each step leads to the next, and it ALL led me to knowing that this was all a sham. . .

It's so sad to be right about EVERYTHING. Ask Mr Trump.

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Same. After reading about the pandemic that happened in the late 60s, I realized that the “unprecedented” claim was a lie and wondered what else was.

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They knew after a few deaths. Murders, I mean

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That is correct, they did not know, in the beginning. But they also did not think, independently. Overwhelmed, yes, sadly. The policy markers are the ones, that drove the bus. So very sad.

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DIABOLICAL. It was planned. Listen to Dr. Mike Yeadon. As far as individuals with "cred" he came out first. The whole thing was intentional.

The Fear.

The Lockdowns.

The Lethal Protocols.

The Forced Masking.

The Toxic Vaccine.

It is Democide.

The Government killing the people. But who exactly is in control of "our" government?

That's the question? Is it home grown evil, as in Eugenics? The Bilderburgs, Council of 300? Henry Kissenger and his protégé, Klaus Schwab?

Or is it really CHINA? And we are watching WW lll play out?

With all of the "WEST" on the losing side?

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Their murder is committed with another's weapon, frequently in ignorance.

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It's Sept 2022.

You get bullshit comment of month.

2nd, 3rd remdesiver death... They shoulda known.

Are you doctor😎😎😎

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I got kicked off Twitter for life May 2020...

One of comments snowflakes couldn't handle: Mario killed babies, but Andrew kills babies and elderly.

This IS depopulation plan. Of course elderly and handicapped are at risk... And have been murdered.

Murder 1 ...

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And you are a man who doesn't understand a lot.

I literally was almost killed by doctors, as was my daughter. And I have studied alternative medicine for decades. Never ever utilize Western Medicine. Because it's too often lethal and the people who practice it are indoctrinated into a mountain of disinformation.

But if you wish to "fix the problem" you must get to the source. And the doctors, as bad as they are, are not the source. Find out who destroyed Homeopathy and Royal Raymond Rife, and a host of safe, curative therapies, and you will begin to comprehend the real issue.

"For every hundred men chopping at the leaves and branches of the Tree of Tyranny, there is one woman chopping at it's root."

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This all was being discussed in first half of 2020.

I'm not the ignorant or cowardly ones...or murderous ones. I am pureblood who spoke out, refused at risk of being fired..

I begged, insulted people not to take deathvax from beginning

You're an apologetic for them😎

But blame me, fine

I'm done

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"Alternative" and "Integrative" medicine was destroyed because of the Flexnor Report, and the Rockefellers.

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And those Remdesivir deaths occurred during its trials for ebola. They knew before they killed people with it "using it as a treatment for COVID".

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Gayla, my Hero.

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Dr. Fauci introduced remdesivir as a treatment for HIV in the 80s.

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You get the ad hominem award for the day.

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Please send

"Ad Hominem Award For Day"



9x11 suitable for framing would be nice

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Actually, I linked it to objective facts and logic.

I didn't attack you, but you're illogical, reasoning defying comment.

If I had insulted you, you'd know it

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Ivermectin works and cheaper than remdesivir by 900$. Of course, for someone healthy who works out everyday Covid is a nothing burger.

Tne first time I had it I was miserable. Got it coming back from a leadership school.

Second time I didn’t know I had it. I still went to work, worked out everyday, just felt tired. A blood test 2 weeks later shows my blood was pissing hor for Covid antibodies.

Eating healthy, taking care of yourself, and not being overweight are far better than remdesivir and Covid shots.

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Re workout

It's mid September... I walk shirtless to soak up some vit d

At zoo, gorillas piss their legs seeing my pecs...

I tell them, I'd never beat you guys up.

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Go inside and workout. Men were not made to be tiny or be small, we were made in Gods image. Like the philosopher said, it is. A shame for many to grow old without seeing the beauty and wonder of what his body is capable of.

Eat meat, lift weights, go to church, piss off the new age crowd

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Benjamin, the number I piss off is Legion.

Great advice

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They even say working out is sexist and evil today. “Fatphobic”. Nobody pointed out to them obesity is a huge factor for Covid complications, unfortunately.

I just laugh. One of us will die of CHF because our bodies aren’t made to be walruses. It’s like the movie wall-e. It’s comical and disgusting.

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As a nurse, this has been the worst time in my lifetime. I almost lost my job because of the mandates. But thank God it was stopped. The nightmare our doctors are living is unbelievable!! How did it come to this, and when did it become ok to deny appropriate treatment to patients? My husband was denied medication that would have helped, I had to try to treat him with what I had. It took a month of illness before I actually got medication that ended his illness and finally made him better!! That is criminal!! Never have I had to beg a doctor to treat an illness, just because he had covid!! I know that these decisions were based on fear, fear for their job, career, life, but if everyone had stood up and said NO, we would have made it through without near as many dead.

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Worse still. My husband sees a cardiologist after having a heart attack in march. He had an upcoming appointment and they said nobody could come in with him. Geez I wonder why?Anyways I told them my husband could not hear well and that I was coming or we would find another doctor. I also said I wasn't buying the b******* and that we were not Wearing a mask. We've already fired two doctors, what's one more? Too old and too tired for another year of this nonsense!

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Good for you. I’m sure they were not easy decisions. May God bless you

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Actually it was easy and liberating. While walking in with three notebooks and endless stacks of studies since this whole nightmare started! I also gave him hell for putting my husband on statins not to mention that they had him on a pill he did not need plus to take it twice daily. Turns out the cardiologist realized his mistake and took him off it.

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As Dr. Mike Yeadon said in a recent interview, "You can't commit a crime just because you have a mortgage."

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God bless you for your integrity. God (Veritas) or Mammon, the test question reads. Almost all circled "Mammon," it seems.

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Somebody asked, who is behind all of this? A phrase comes to mind that "the love of money is the root of all evil." From top to bottom, especially anyone of authority, everybody is just out for themselves. No one has the grit to stand up and do what's right. It's only about what they can get out of it or protect. Our entire society is in this boat. For the last 50 years it has all been about money money money. Try and tell me anything different. The moral foundations of our culture have been, not just forgotten, but completely erased. Young people today don't even know what I am talking about. The only moral imperative is to get the most you can. The cure for a lack of cultural morality is hard times. Hard times are coming.

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100% agree. We have raised several morally autistic generations. The consequences are upon us.

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That's a real truth.

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Thank you for being one of the few doctors who have challenged the narrative. Vanderbilt should be boarded up. It is sick to the core.. and COVID has been the ruination of Dr ethics.

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No, C O V I D was not the ruination. It merely revealed the ruination that was already there. 😓

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For which we should be very grateful. Imagine if we still did not know? "God works in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform."

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Oh, goodness, so true.

Although, many of us had our strong suspicions. I mean, an honest look at the statin fraud and the diet-heart hypothesis that claims eating modern man-made food is healthier than eating the food God made is pretty clear evidence that something has stunk for a long while. We just didn’t want to see how deep the stench ran.

And yes, God’s mysterious ways. So hard to trust at times, yet what other choice have we? 🙏🏻

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Can you give me a quick summary of the statin issue? Or a place to go to read up on the problem?

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

The quick summary is that they don’t do anything to reduce adverse outcomes from heart disease and they increase risk of coronary calcification, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and muscle damage. Oh, and increase risk of cancer in those with lower cholesterol. To name a few.

There is and never was any evidence that cholesterol causes arterial blockage. A bully scientist pushed that phony theory through the Congressional panel that was trying to create dietary guidelines back in the 50s or 60s and eventually bullied the AMA into agreeing w it too.

See Ivor Cummins via his FatEmperor website and podcasts and online videos, Gary Taubes books, (I think Ibhave the right “Gary.” One wrote books and one is an orthopedic surgeon in Australia who saved diabetic patients’ limbs from amputation by telling them to ditch the carbs and eat healthy natural fats like butter and lard.) Big Fat Surprise by Nina Tiecholz, What the HDL is Wrong With My Cholesterol by Jimmy Moore, and the blog of Malcolm Kendrick in the UK to start.

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Ditto your comment!

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It's a grave sin not to defend the defenceless going to be maimed or killed. By fake vaccines or whatever.

Or, to watch children be maimed from trans surgeries straight out of hell.

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I am defending nothing. Certainly not the trans surgeries on children. There is no excuse under Heaven for that horror.

However, comprehending the evil involved and the comprehensive planning required for the Covid Coup is very neccessary. And blaming the doctors will not solve the underlying problem.

Or bring the real perpetrators out into the public eye where we can destroy them. You are not looking deep enough.

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As a nurse, this has been the worst time in my lifetime. I almost lost my job because of the mandates. But thank God it was stopped. The nightmare our doctors are living is unbelievable!! How did it come to this, and when did it become ok to deny appropriate treatment to patients? My husband was denied medication that would have helped, I had to try to treat him with what I had. It took a month of illness before I actually got medication that ended his illness and finally made him better!! That is criminal!! Never have I had to beg a doctor to treat an illness, just because he had covid!! I know that these decisions were based on fear, fear for their job, career, life, but if everyone had stood up and said NO, we would have made it through without near as many dead.

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As Dr. Mike Yeadon said in a recent interview, "You don't get to commit a crime just because you have a mortgage."

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I'm retired, for which I thank God, since I did not have to deal with the problems that you did, but I agree completely that I do not recognize my profession, in either its clinical medical or its public health aspects. Gone, seemingly, is the ethic I was taught, that I, the physician, stood between my patient and any harm, including from myself ("primum non nocere" - first, do no harm), that our relationship had an almost sacred aspect. I thank God for the physicians like Simone Gold, who spoke out very publicly, and for those like you, who spoke out in your sphere of influence and took the consequences. I do what I can on social media, and I think I may have made a dent in some of my former colleagues, whose words and actions shocked me over the course of this situation. As in so many other domains of life, the "educators," I think, have pretty much taken over the formation of those coming up in our medical system, and I for one will only rarely, if ever, trouble myself to seek "care" in that system ever again. The comment of a pathologist showing my group of medical students our first autopsy in the mid-'80s comes back to me. She was in her 90s and had physical evidence of breast cancer, coronary artery disease, and "something going on," based on her enlarged and inflamed thoracic lymph nodes. One student asked how she could have lived as long as she had with all of those maladies, and he replied, "Probably because she didn't go to any doctors." Who would know better than the pathologist the truth of that statement?

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In January, 2021, I asked my Mayo internist if he would prescribe Ivermectin or HCQ should I become ill. He said it would be up to "the treatment team." A more honest answer would have been, "No. I would be fired if I prescribed. However, if you think those medications would help, I would advise you to investigate protocols and telemedicine at FLCCC or AAPS, or find a pharmacy in India that will ship internationally." This information could be conveyed verbally at an office visit with the admonition that "We never had this conversation."

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I asked my hmo primary the same question around that time. She just said "no, [our organization] doesn't do that". At least she was direct, and I knew they were worthless for covid care.

I preordered HCQ from india and used it when I finally caught it in sept 21.

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I have not been quiet and am a physical therapist. However, my scope of practice limits me from helping people as much as I would like. I do teach them about the importance of patient autonomy and try to encourage them to challenge their docs (don't care if it negatively impacts referrals) and use their damn brains. I think that if medical practitioners would just begin to speak...we might be able to save or profession.

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Agreed. It is very satisfying to me to fulfill our ethical requirement of informed consent, patient autonomy and knowledge of all alternatives if my patient says their primary care doc has not. I just point them to good websites with medical e and scientific good (not corrupted) evidence and suggest they investigate on their own and reach their own conclusions. Just basic ethics and beneficence. Giving them info and options is minimum ethics.

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I suspect that the enslavement of many doctors in massive debt contributed to this. Put non medical “administrators” over them in the hospitals and you have a recipe for acquiescence. Oh, and who provides all that medical training? Why, helpful big Pharma.

The only way out of all of this is to give everything up. .

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True!!!!! My wife and I did Dave Ramsey and got out of that debt rat race!

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Dave Ramsey has doctors on his radio talk show every day that either graduated without any debt or paid it off within a few years.

Most are more enslaved by their own ignorance of money management than they could ever be by a debt they hadn't needed to acquire in the first place.

If everyone refused to spend money they don't have, debt would be extinct in a generation.

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The best thing I learned from my carefuly, thrifty parents was to only buy what you had the cash to pay for. The only debt they ever had for for their house and their car. In her later years my mom bought a new car using her own savings, then paid herself back! My parents just never had credit cards.

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I have never had a problem paying cash for all of the cars I have bought, at the time I bought them.

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No... Good doctors and smart folks need to find each other

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And they probably have bought stock in pharma stocks who's products they push...

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More Doctors need to speak out, join those fighting medical censorship and for patients rights!

They can band together with The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.

This is a group of Doctors who told the truth from the beginning. Also FLCCC. And Malone's group. And start reading Children's Health Defense. ; ))

That might wake a few from their comas....

Also if we could make MDs get an education in Alternative Medicine as well it would help prevent much disease and suffering.

MDs need to meet Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Homeopaths, Dieticians, Midwives, etc.

This would help them comprehend how badly misinformed they really are, as well as the depths of the harm they have caused through iatrogenic disease.

These people desperately need an education.

And a little humility.

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AAPS ~ A great organization for beneficent patient-centered care, respecting the autonomy and independence of patient and physician and lauding ethical independent medical and scientific research. Proud to be a member.

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"Not to speak is to speak..."

If more doctors had spoken up -- LOUDLY -- the Covid shenanigans would not have gotten so out of hand. Regardless, I'm glad there are good doctors like you who had the integrity and courage to speak up.

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Covid is bad if you’re overweight, elderly, have numerous health issues. That’s a limited part of the population.

To the vast majority of people it is nothing more than a flu or cold. Like me. Late 30s, 5-11, 170 pounds (of kosher steel and sex appeal I say). Covid looks under its bed at night for me.

If you want to get a booster every month and a Covid shot every year and stay at home and wear a mask the rest of your life, go ahead. It’s your choice. Freedom works both ways. Just leave me out of that nonsense

I refuse to buy into that line of thinking-fear.

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Huh? I was against masks, lockdowns, and vaccines before it was cool.

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It would have helped if we'd had a president up to the task in Feb 2020. All this insanity was because of the political vacuum his lack of leadership caused. The Dems then swooped in and destroyed everything, because they are run by madmen.

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VP Pence had operational control of the entire WH Task Force and Operation Warp Speed (OWS). I saw no evidence that President Trump interfered with his decision-making. I think the "pandemic," with all that it entailed, and OWS itself were pre-planned. Who would have thought that all those medical professionals were lying to you? I didn't, at the beginning.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

That’s an odd response. We are discussing decades of deterioration and corruption in the medical community and your response is Orange Man Bad.

Your obsession is making you miss everything. The causes, effects, and cure are not interred in the Bad Orange Man.

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I did not say Orange Man Bad, and it's not "obsession" to mention the president at the time the virus hit.

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I beg to differ. Resident Biden may be a figurehead, but he is nonetheless leading the squadrons of Satan in their attack on our nation.

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Trump rolled out the vax and presided over the lockdowns. He's almost as bad as Biden.

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Trump didn’t make it mandatory.

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Cameron, thank you for being brave enough to speak up at your own peril. As a retired RN I am disappointed in healthcare professionals. Staying silent costs people their lives. The silence is deafening.

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That is the greatest lesson of all. We do not understand the human psychological world well enough. Sadly, those who planned this distributed "coup de etat" on our Nation and many, many others do.

My fear is that not enough people will wake up and comprehend what is happening before it's too late.

Listen to the Catholic Nuncio Vigano and Dr. Mike Yeadon, if we wish to remain Free we will need to work together NOW!

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I agree with you Katherine. "We are not alone: we are never alone. And it is this, in the end, that the authors of the Great Reset fear most: that we become aware of this supernatural – but no less true – reality that makes the house of cards of their infernal deceptions collapse." Archbishop Viganò

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Absolutely correct and beautifully stated.

He is a gift from God indeed. I pray more hear his call to the human race!

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'd take "Make America a Place That Leaves People Alone Instead Of Actively Attempting To Ruin Their Lives", at this point.

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Domestically, too.

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I thought Holly C *was* talking about our domestic situation, lol.

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That slogan doesn't really fit on a hat.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I do not think we can wait or expect that silver haired doctor to stand up at Vanderbilt and rally the troops. After spending 20 years married to the medical world I can say those doctors are few and far between (and largely not supported by their peers). Who gets into medical school? It's the brilliant minds that have been incredibly successful in school. You know...the good kids. The kids that do everything their parents and teachers tell them to do. And then once you get in the competition is fierce and the work is grueling and extremely low paid. My ex-husband lived in an apartment with literal crack heads in Newark NJ and wore a winter coat in his apartment because he couldn't afford heat for 4 years of medical school. His residency was 4 years of 80 hour weeks for approx $30k per year. Hundreds of thousands of loans. And then you finally make some money. Of course only certain specialties make the big bucks (which takes more training at low wages). At this point you realize you've sacrificed an entire decade of your life when everyone else was having fun ...for what? Now you have to save the world? They don't have it in them. Even in the state of Florida, doctors received letters during the pandemic from the medical board that stated giving patients "disinformation" about Covid could result in a Board investigation. Those investigations are BRUTAL. And they would have lost everything they sacrificed for their entire lives. I know there are some medical warriors out there and I'm glad we have the opportunity to multiply and support them here!! They are unicorns.

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Wow. That’s interesting to hear. I just commented on another doctors post who did speak up. And how things could be different if the rest had just not stayed quiet. This makes a whole lot more sense as to why the masses did choose to stay quiet. Except I still maintain that this war, this war is/was requiring all of us to sacrifice something. Many of us sacrificed friends and family, many sacrificed their careers, many lost everything financially to stand up against the evil that raped us. And I can’t help but think of so many that went before us, that sacrificed their lives to provide us these United States of America. We got too comfy here. We took for granted the sacrifices that were made by so many who came before us. We got lazy. We got complacent. We got fat and happy off the sacrifices of generations before us.

While I can understand why doctors and medical professionals stayed quiet…. I maintain it cost the country everything to do so. So what did they gain by staying quiet? They kept their jobs. They can pay their bills and even those they employ. But what good is it to gain the whole world if you lose your soul?

Now, they kept their jobs and work for an evil machine that will never actually let them practice medicine again. The landscape has been altered. They will continue to just do as the machine tells them. They lost their freedom to help and cure and save lives. They lost their ability to actually do the very thing they sacrificed decades of their lives to get to do. Freedom is fragile. We just learned that the very hard way. All of us.

Doctors aren’t the only ones who gave up everything to be a doctor. Millions of other professions did the same thing. People who freely joined the military and gave up everything to do so, some have lost everything because they stood up and are fighting this in their own backyard. Their own government turned on them. Some have to sacrifice more than others. It’s not fair. Nothing about any of this is fair.

What a world we would be living in today if the people weren’t so afraid to stand up. If everyone had done the right thing and stood up together, oh the landscape we would be watching today.

The only reason we have our heads at the water line is because of the brave doctors, nurses, firefighters, police, moms, dads, youth, grandparents, ditch diggers, electricians, garbage men, store clerks….and the list goes on…. Who DID stand up and sacrifice whatever they had to in order to say NO. I will not comply with tyranny. To each one of them, we owe a debt of gratitude. We mustn’t forget their sacrifices, even if we don’t know how much they sacrificed.

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The thing with doctors is that C O V I D didn’t alter the landscape. It didn’t take away their freedom. It simply revealed on a grand scale in stark reality the ways the landscape has been altered incrementally yet intentionally over the last twenty years.

What if 90% of doctors were still their own owners and bosses, rather than the other way ‘round as they are nearly all owned by the hospitals nowadays? What if doctors still used paper charts and paper prescriptions, and there was no EMR that allowed The Evil Ones to track and know every single prescription written by every single doctor and for which patients, and linking specific diagnoses for you as a patient to you in some digital manner? What if patients still paid their bills instead of handing that over to insurance companies (yeah, I know, that horse galloped off lonnnngggg ago)? What if doctors and hospitals were not squeezed into complying with “quality improvement protocols” and “standard of care guidelines?” I’m telling you, these sorts of things have been increasing in number and in vigorous enforcement for years, long before C O V I D. They affect how your newborn is fed in the hospital, how often his blood sugar is checked if he is over or under weight for his age, whether the hospital uses donor breast milk for babies, how your high cholesterol is treated, whether your doctor assesses you for sleep apnea, and which thyroid labs your family dr is willing to order for you. I could go on.

Thank God at least that the naked emperors are being seen at last for what they are. But pray earnestly that they [the entire system, really] can be soon replaced by those with humility and grace to see and speak Truth rather than fantasy.

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We have great health insurance but found a doctor an hour away who refuses to deal with insurance rules and regs. He will treat you for anything and everything for a walk-in price of 80. He has a mini hospital and wants to practice true medicine, the way it use to be. He is in a very small town and he is loced by everyone. No b.s. whatsoever and the only doctor we will see. We feel blessed to have found him.

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That is fantastic! Sure wish we could find one like that. I thought I found one. Then I called and asked what how they would treat us if we got sick with covid…uh standard answers. So I asked would we able to get a prescription for Ivermectin and the answer was no. Got the feeling the doc was old school but not willing to think for himself either.

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Sorry to the lawyers here but this whole merry-go-round started with malpractice lawsuits which led to super high insurance premiums for doctors which led to them not being able to afford their own practices anymore to........

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And the high costs of government-mandated EMRs. That made a lot of private practices bite the bullet and sell out to the hospitals.

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This, this, this.

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Hear hear!! For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

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Everyone has been conditioned, it seems, to sell their soul for a buck (or very often a million bucks)!

From young women simulating sex and showing their naked bodies as actresses and models, to Instagram influencers and celebs posing more and more provocatively, to nieces writing books about their President Uncle, to Princes writing books about the royal family to his Duchess spewing lies to destroy her inlaws on Oprah interviews.

Integrity and honor have become a thing of the past because only this world matters to these Godless ones.

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The phrase, "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" takes on a very different, very real, meaning today, doesn't it?

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Well said! We have all played a part. It is hard without a doubt. I think one lesson we really need to focus on is to live within our means. Although I fully realize that the bar keeps moving on that. Hard times ahead.

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Wow you did it again sunnydaze! 🙌🏼♥️

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So well said. The comfort is the problem & the 70 years this country has lived in peace and prosperity has proven to be our ruin.

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Doctors have sacrificed. Their schooling and classes are more than an average person can bear. They sacrificed their 20's to building that career to pay off their debt. Then try to build a practice. For the better part of 20 years, our main group of friends were doctors. Their lives are a shambles. The divorce rate for medical professionals is 2nd only to the military. Their families fall apart. Those would be the ones that are lucky enough to have kids. Do you know how many people wait to have kids because the medical world is so bad only to find out they've waited too long and that's no longer a reality. The payday is gone. They are rapidly being replaced by nurses and PA's. They are bullied by hospital admin to such depths that I'm sure books could be written about it. Now, after all that, they have to sacrifice the career that stole everything else in order to be screamed at and vilified by a population of idiots that voted for this!? These people were given gifts by God to heal. The depths of my ex-husband's knowledge of medicine blew my mind. His job, his gift, his calling to to heal. It is not to fight. That is where every other American should have stepped in. These doctors in the depths of Covid were risking their lives every day to treat patients while 90% of this country sat in their homes wiping off their stupid groceries. Sorry. Too much to ask of another person.

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But they weren’t “risking their lives every day to treat patients”. That was one of the lies, and doctors and nurses should have known. Many of us regular people, and a few brave doctors, knew from the very beginning.

I’m sorry your ex isn’t comfortable with “fighting” but what it comes down to is choosing a side: truth or lies. And these lies had deadly consequences for millions, not to mention the unbelievable suffering for the living on so many levels.

We all have had to choose, and it has been a difficult choice for many of us. Give me a break.

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He's in the ER. In the beginning, he did feel like he was risking his life. He went to work everyday and watched people die alone. He was also a medical officer of a major city fire department and worked with State of Florida disaster preparedness.

When he wasn't working shifts, he was working on nursing home protection and mass casualty scenarios. He set up FEMA tents. Maybe while going 9 months without one day off, he didn't have time to read blogs on how Covid wasn't real. He didn't know what was lies and truths at that point. What "regular" people saw was some semblance of normal life. He was in the trenches. He went to work everyday and saw the opposite. He didn't see our children or elderly parents for months because he knew he was exposed every damn day. We've all had it now and I will grant you it's nothing more than a bullshit cold at this point. That is not what he was seeing in spring of 2020 in a busy urban ER. And I'm all for choice. I am more a "fighter" personality myself. What I was trying to convey is that it takes some gall to say what other people have to do. He was never one to overly convey fear. He knew I wasn't going to vaccinate the kids and he understood. However many many many doctors experienced a reality day in and day out that was very different than your regular people.

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One. Before covid hit the US, we knew who was at risk from this virus, because we had seen it working in other countries. Only very old and very unhealthy people were in danger, not young ER doctors.

Two. Even granting that he was swept up in the drama at the beginning, there came a time for all such doctors and nurses to take a breath and realize that the official narrative was a lie and the treatment protocols (or lack of) were dangerous.

Any doctor who passed that point and didn’t speak up deserves the outrage and the complete loss of respect from the rest of us. There is no excuse for continuing to play along, even “student loans”. There are so many alternatives, difficult choices of course, no guarantees of a cushy financial existence, but so much better than the cowardly silence most doctors chose. I am disgusted.

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I've seen some of the ones that speak up and become leaders are the ones who are in private practice or own several clinics like that Dr. Erickson from CA. We have our own version of Dr. Erickson here in AL, and he has a group of supporting doctors and in contact/collaboration with Dr. McCullough and others. They are working to create a parallel medical system

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You've heard of Dr. Scott Atlas, and his cash-contract clinic model? Treats every subscriber for any condition they present, for a flat and affordable annual fee.

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We have a doctor (at least 1) doing the same here in MO. I don’t feel comfortable putting the doctor at risk by saying their name. It is happening. As usual, word of mouth is the best advertising.

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I'd like to question, in addition the doctors standing up, what about all the lawyers?! It's only been the few "unicorn" ones like Jeff Childers and Thomas Renz willing to take the tough cases and stand up for our rights. If I see another sleezy personal injury attorney ad marketing for the low lying PIP or easy insurance claim "injury" fruit I may just barf. Like doctors, there are so few lawyers willing to take the hard cases that could make a REAL difference in the outcome of our future. The majority, like doctors, are taking the easy route of cash flow and path of least resistance.

Jeff opened his speech at the covid summit last year on Nov 7 joking, that "how ironic are these times when one would pay money to spend an entire Saturday listening to a bunch of doctors and lawyers". Ironic, and true. Now is the time these 2 professions could make a REAL difference in humanity. While there is more risk now more than ever, there is also more support from the masses willing to stand behind them.

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Yes! Thank you! Where are the lawyers? Cowering just like the doctors, unfortunately. I wish I had been smart enough to be a lawyer. These are the very people who know the law. They KNOW what’s happening. The KNOW it’s unconstitutional. Just like the doctors know medicine. And, but for a few brave and fearless like Jeff and Thomas….we hear crickets. So disturbing.

All the more reason to get behind these men and stand with them! They need to know the people are behind them and they have an army behind them! The multipliers have several levels to them. The obvious. But, I would also point out that when we get behind Jeff and multiply….it shows Jeff how big this army really is! 💪🏻 🇺🇸

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

My husband is a physician, and he is so horrified by what's happened to the medical profession. Only one other doctor in his health system did not get the shot and does not push the shots on patients. Now all of my husband's patients are asking his opinion about the new booster, and he's telling them he does not recommend it. Yesterday he said it's probably just a matter of time before he hears from the Administration. He's concerned about what will happen to his patients if he has to leave because they will be at the mercy of the vax pushers.

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Your husband is a hero. May God give you both the strength to stand strong.

If he does end up leaving, I hope he'll end up in a place where his patients can follow along.

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My doctor confided, when asked about COVID protocols, that he thought "what they're doing is criminal!" He was willing to prescribe Ivermectin - stating he was the only one in the entire large practice (affiliated with a hospital) who was willing to prescribe Ivermectin. He had changed his mind since I had spoken with him 6 months earlier asking whether he would prescribe Ivermectin when I got the response that it wasn't recommended by CDC . . .

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This. In Spades. I spoke with many MD/PhDs after my termination/ex-communication, and they often said "I couldn't stand up they way you did. Give it all up." Why not? A: Sunk costs and debt. Student loans, mortgage, kids college, years of work to achieve their rank in the ivory tower. It was too much to bear, so there really was no alternative in their mind. Highly credentialed and 'wealthy,' but still slaves to the system.

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I understand that, esp. for those with long surgical residencies and perhaps fellowships after that. I'm glad I was not faced with the same decision, as I can't say for sure I would have been among the brave. And yet Simone Gold let herself be fired because she prescribed hydroxychloroquine to COVID patients, instead of staying quiet and not doing what she thought was best for her patients, and look what good has come from her sacrifice for them.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Instead of build back better, how about just put it back the way you found it?

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I wrote about the beaten-down doctors problem a few minutes ago


As soon as the doctors and nurses say no more, the fascist tyranny comes to a close.

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Interesting perspective. One segment "Cash pay in medicine is a quaint relic" speaks volumes of the "China syndrome" i.e. "cheap or inexpensive" products, or in this case service. Patients were lulled or perhaps herded into the "insurance" model, and didn't want to or couldn't afford medical care/office visits.

Bottoms line, many co-conspirators. I've left my corporate practice of medicine and now starting my "virtual" practice, possibly a "B&M" (Brick&Mortar) clinic. I want to get back to serving people...."Love GOD, love people; Serve GOD, serve people" (Four Square Church) and HE WILL provide. Amen and AMEN! Be Well & Blessed, Phillip

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Thank you, Philip. A Renaissance is going to arise from the ashes of this horror because of people like you and so many others working to build the new systems that treat human beings like people, not cattle. At least this is my prayer!

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Hi Phillip ! So glad to hear of a doc standing on his principles. Have you heard of "The Wedge"? Our one local Direct Care Primary doc is a part of this collective - folks can come to the site and search for a local doc. I don't know anything about them except what I've read on this website.

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I'm not familiar with "The Wedge". Can you send me a weblink?

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Here you go! Might've heard about this on C & C (or another substack, not sure): https://jointhewedge.com/faq/

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Bless you, Dr. Phillip. Are you acquainted with Direct Primary Care doctors? They have same or similar goals.

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Always we are destroyed by our own cowardice. Every choice I ever made out of fear was a mistake.

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If only everyone realized this, that the coward ultimately suffers way, way more than the courageous person, then our society would be way different, way better.

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It is so very true, "a coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man but one." And that one is unavoidable. ; ))

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I have found that the best way to derail medical "experts" is to simply ask questions. Making assertions will, for all intents and purposes, end a conversation pretty quickly. Generally, yes or no questions are a dead end.....too easy. Allowing them to sputter in reverse is the ticket. Works like a charm. I've been having a dandy good time with know-it-all nurses.

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Completely agree, this works with just about any type of expert, not just medical. There's no shame in answering, "I don't know, let me look into it and I'll get back to you". Some people just can't do it though, and launch into hand-waving and nonsense. It immediately shreds all credibility when I see someone do it. I usually don't call them out, but I never take them seriously again.

Lots of people in positions of alleged authority (e.g. medical, education, legal) are so used to having their words taken as gospel truth that they are completely unprepared to defend their strong opinions that they are pretending are facts. Once you start questioning and challenging people on it you'll see it's everywhere.

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Miz Jean-Pierre is well-paid for bloviating such word salads daily.

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Upper level managers too. Only one time in my life have I heard the head of a corporation say outright he didn't know something. You could've knocked everyone in the room over with a feather when he said that.

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Same here. I have had a doc say “I am not going to waste my time. I don’t agree” ….with what you are saying. I asked him to to show me the data.

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Considering the definition of doctor is "teacher" they need to redefine the word to preacher and preacher to teacher.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

In my experience by the time a child “comes out” as trans to parents it is pretty much too late, the ideology is firmly entrenched. The system is stacked against parents who will find little social or professional support for asking questions or challenging this new gender ideology. Short of completely extracting the child/teen from their current environment, cutting off all ties to social media, and reorganizing on a remote island, parents are helpless against a corporate medical and psychiatric establishment incentivized to promote synthetic sexual identities and left with two choices--go along with it to keep a relationship with their child or lose their child. Hopefully Matt Walsh’s reporting will bring sunshine to some dark corners.

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I think you are right which is exactly why you cannot trust your kids to institutions or people where this deranged ideology is tolerated in any way, shape, or form. The organization must explicitly and publicly stand against it.

For us this means that we only entrust our kids to serious, bible-centered organizations (Christian school, church youth ministry, Summer camp) and *never* leave them along with a medical personnel of any kind. No pediatrician or anyone else can force you to leave the room to talk to your kids. Just tell them no and it's not negotiable.

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I’m not a Christian or any religion, but if my grown son was a kid now, I’d do the same thing. I’d seriously consider homeschooling. I’d be willing to downgrade my lifestyle and live with less money to keep my kid from this evil.

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We are Christians but I can tell you that we really stretched to move into a school district with an excellent academic reputation (and pay $12k/year in property taxes for the privilege of living here). We thought we were set through 12th grade. Now both our kids are in a Christian school with tuition and we still pay the 12 grand as we had no choice but to get them out. We don't eat out often and our vacations are cheap (like camping) if we take them at all.

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Growing up, my family could only afford to eat out occasionally and could only afford camping vacations. I have great memories!

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Eat out? Occasional stops at Dairy Queen and a sackful of burgers now and then passed out. No vacations. I had a teen friend whose parents took me with them when they ate out in nice places. It was a revelation!

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Trust me, your kids won’t remember the lack of dining out or luxurious vacations. Mine are grown now & everytine they’re in the same room reminiscing you know what they talk about? Our camping trips.

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Kudos to your family for having your priorities in good order.

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Thanks. Fortunately I like working on cars and am good at DIY so we have no car payments and I keep our bills to a minimum. My neighbors give me an amused wave when I'm out mowing the lawn rather than having a gardener which is common here.

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Sane gere.

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I can count on one hand the number of times I "ate out" during my childhood - that includes McDonald's!!

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My most fond memories of childhood were when we camped. I had no concept of poor then and camping was better than disneyland.

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Bless you for understanding that your child is the most precious gift you will ever receive.

How many families do we all know, who spend more time and attention on their three cars, their RVs, their second homes, their golf games .... than they do on their kids' development? HA. You know the answer as well as I do.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

I have really 'enjoyed' reading this substack about trans issues from a parent's perspective. I'm still trying to understand how so many people "affirm" magical thinking about biology.


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Parents aren’t helpless. They just don’t want to sacrifice. They could move to a more rural area, homeschool, use parental controls and monitor internet access, give them a calling-only flip phone or LTE smartwatch for emergencies, or none at all. For generations, we managed without these things. I perused the substack JJ linked to, and all I saw were parents making excuses.

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Haven't checked out the blog yet but the excuses don't surprise me. When I tell people that have no choice but to get their kids out of public schools, the reflex response is always' "but we can't afford it". It pops out of their mouth when I'm pretty certain they have not spent five minutes seriously considering it. I wish people would just say, "then I'll have to make hard choices and give up some luxuries" as it would be far more honest.

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The unsaid finish to that sentence: “We can’t afford it ….so I will turn my children over to people who will harm them.”

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This is why true, complete school choice for *all* is imperative. They only have control because they're raising your kids.

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When a kid spends most of their time hooked to their phone in their room and then comes out with that, yes. The kid has been thoroughly groomed and can overcome the parents and the supposed counseling. I’ve seen it.

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I'll tack on this article from The Bee...they "get away with it" because its considered satire.


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Wow, that guy was brazen!

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Go get them CO ped patrol!

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m a registered nurse but, thankfully, retired now. I’m ashamed of how deeply corrupted the healthcare industry is and how few healthcare professionals are willing to stand up against the evil and deadly harm they’re participating in with patients. There is no job that is worth selling your soul to the devil and these healthcare systems aren’t hiding what they’re doing so all of you participating are without excuse! I no longer trust the healthcare industry myself! To all those still part of this sickening and evil system, speak out and accept the consequences of exposing those experimenting on vulnerable and sick individuals! We will all ultimately stand before Almighty God to give an account for how we lived our lives!

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I would like to see more retired physicians and medical providers speaking out strongly - they are in a powerful position of having the credentials yet not needing to stay quiet to keep their income flowing.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Quote of the day: "You should feel free to reject expert advice if it doesn’t make sense to you."

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As Judge Judy says “If it doesn’t make sense, it’s usually not true.”

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Fantastic analysis of the situation in Ukraine. I've always thought it would go nuclear. Russia's existence is at stake.

That's really rich of Erdogan calling for the return of the Crimean Peninsula. Let's have him return Constantinople to the people who built it, first.

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And The Duran indicated today that Russia will hold Referendums in the Dombas. Way to get the people behind you. Then the Russian Parliament will vote to accept the region.

Several weeks ago, The Duran reported that Donbas residents were getting Russian passports. I think the referendum will go well.

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The Duran is the best source of intellectual and honest reporting regarding Russia.

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The Donetsk and Luhansk folks are in complete panic as Ukrainian forces are closing in on them. Villages are being liberated everyday and they stand to lose everything they worked for.

Funny, people are cheering for Russian imperialism, never thought I’d see the day.

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Where are commenters Benjamin and Horsey? It must not be their shift yet ;)

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I saw Benjamin cheerleading for the GAE early on. Maybe Mr. Childers pulled the plug on propagandists?

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Keep scrolling down.... He already got a comment in, so its his shift in Langley... But he has not replied to the follow-up comments yet - coffee and bagel break?

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I always thought it curious that substack was troll-free during covid. The Regime is slow to respond to new trends, it seems. I wonder how long until they pull the plug on substack? Right after Ukraine goes nuclear, I reckon.

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Real Progressives don't like being around people who disagree with... There are plenty of Substacks promoting official narratives (e.g. Dan Rather has one, there's Bill Kristol's anti-trump pub etc) and its obvious Substack readers fall into silos that don't overlap... I thought I had posted a comment at https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/community-covid-resources/comments listing some that back official propaganda...

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I am generally in 100% agreement with most things here.

Ukriane gave up its nukes on promise for protection. Bad idea.

Russia, just like Biden, will never honor any agreement

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Cheerleading for what?


Still here.

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Let's see, Russia wants the Donbas, Turkey wants Crimea, and Poland wants western Ukraine. Not sure what's left.

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Russia wants all of Ukraine.

Turkey doesn’t want Crimea.

Poland doenst want western Ukraine. If they did why would tbey arm Ukraine and send 500 of their own tanks, stripping some of their active duty tank units to make it happen?

Not sure you noticed, but everyday the polish people send aid to the Ukrainians to fight Russia. Plus dozens of tanks get taken into poland and returned a few weeks later fixed and ready to fight with depot level rebuilds.

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How is Russia’s existence at stake?

Ukraine isn’t a threat to Russia. Ukriane is only a threat to Russia because it has the capability of becoming an economic and military powerhouse like Poland.

Ukraine wants to go away from

The Russian sphere of influence and determine their own path. Putin finds that offensive. He calls Ukrainians “little Russians” despite them having their own culture, language, and he even tried to destroy them during the holodmor. Between 3-8 million Ukrainians were murdered to death because Putin’s government came and seized all the food. Ukriane is a giant breadbasket.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

📌If you want to take over a country who do you get rid of first?

All the manly men, the alpha males including the military and now the it looks like they've feminized the doctors.

We need all our real men back‼️‼️‼️

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Retired military. Retired cops. Those persecuted for not taking deathvax in police, military now.

Other men around

There are men around... With guns.

We are in war now..m America is last barrier to new World order.

They are throwing everything at us

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CHD said 120k unvaxxed soldiers.


remember, many cases of leadership betraying American soldiers... Vietnam to Afghanistan.

These soldiers won't have evil leadership!

And they'll be fighting for their country, directly.

Keep training your soldiers in crt Milley! You filthy traitor

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There are actually about 200k of us.

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Those West Point cadets that were locked in room... I felt so ashamed.

I really love you heroes... An American soldier.

I thought we would be fighting commies and milleys bitches.

I am utterly so happy there's200k...

Watched cops betray Australian, Canadian, French etc last summer.

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200k unvaxxed! God bless you.

America looks to you all, and of course Bubba!

Coincidence. 200k sedevacantist . Those who reject Francis as Catholic, as pope

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Thank you. It’s been a rough year. Called heroes for helping scrub nursing homes and then called devils and selfish for not taking the “gift from god” shot

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These know you're heroes on both countd:


Future Americans, who will be grateful.

Other unvaxxed. And growing number of the deceived.

Piss on the blind. Their reward is coursing through their bodies. Sad to say., but only for some.

Those that coerced v, deserve it

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff - Dr. Malone shared this link of a speech recently given at Hillsdale College. https://jbilek.substack.com/p/big-pharma-big-tech-and-synthetic

Transgenderism is all about the money.

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I disagree with Dr. Malone. I think transgenderism is all about destroying truth and humanity.

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The speech was given be Jennifer Bilek.

I agree that is about destroying truth and humanity, but it’s also about the money. It’s the root of all evil.

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Nhilism is the root of all evil. Money is just a convient bait & trap, which has the added benefit of corrupting the average "Joe."


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"The love of money is the root of all evil" is the quote. And indeed, this leads to nihilism.

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Yes. If you can confuse the very definitions and quantifiable innate life forces of humans then humanity is destroyed. The basic truths of life.

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It's another battle of communists trying to tear down society, countries, religion, family... Everything holy and good...

Commies and traitors deserve death.

The outrages they have planned and carried out. Children of satan

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Sir, you may have hit the nail on the head.

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I agree.

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While making a tremendous chunk of change? Putting even more people into unimaginable debt and dependence on the “medical system”

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Do not forget the disutopian misery created.

I believe that to be a genuine goal of the forces behind the majority of humanity's suffering.

Yes, there is always money, and money can get "normal" people to act very harmfully. But there is more to this entire event and whole agenda.

Those who undergo the violence and misery of "transgender" surgery do NOT do better, they do worse, than those with gender challenges who learn to live with the body they have.

And the push to medicate and cut up children is motivated at it's root, by a force that doesn't want men or women to exist any longer, imho. It is looking for a post human, AI "agumented" but more accurately infected, trans-human slave race.

Of which they have complete control.

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📌Everyone needs to read this article‼️‼️ Sickening‼️

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

“I suppose that from the phase of a special military operation we are approaching a major military conflict, in a month or two, into a big world conflict, which has not been since the Second World War.”

Is this the plan to disrupt our elections?

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“They” ran quite a few pandemic scenarios over the years. Perhaps World War III exercises were also executed.

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They do war games all the time. I'm sure a simple search will show that

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I think we've always voted, even in wartime. I've decided to get an Absentee ballot just in case I may need it. If I'm able to Early vote, I will cancel my ballot by writing Cancel on the ballot and envelope, then make a cut part way through both. Turn it in at Early voting.

If I'm not able to vote Early vote, or election day, I'll hand carry to the SOE office.

Get a ballot to have a choice. This is not the time to be a purist about voting in person.

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Good idea to spoil your ballot yourself, to be sure the elections personnel don't 'accidentally' forget to.

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Putin’s finding out that people he used to throw in secret prisons and genocide won’t be having it anymore.

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No more mail in votes, now "bunker ballots" 💥😤

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This isn't mail in voting. Its Absentee voting. You have to request a ballot.

In our primary in Alachua County Fl, 4 precincts ran out of Republican ballots in the last approximately 1 hr before the polls closed. Some waited for more ballots to be delivered from SOE.

At least you could have a ballot to turn in at SOE.

On Election day, you can't turn in your ballot at your poll.

You can cancel the ballot and vote in person.

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Dearest Jeff. I LOVE your honesty. I agree with you 100% on not going along with this new absurd “language”.

The only explanation for all this madness is that it’s pure evil. The devil exists. I always doubted his existence. I don’t and can’t, any longer.

Carry on, brave warrior!

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The existence of Satan explains everything from the very beginning. He is not God and uses humans plus watches us very closely. Satan held a Job Fair before this and recruited many soulless humans. He will lose in the end.

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I too am very fond of the phrase "unattractive cross-dresser!" I must say. It is so appropriate for some of what is passing as "gender affirmation," lol, it's anything but! And the tyranny of some people promoting this gender insanity is shocking.

However at the same time I do have a "two spirit" friend that Jeff might label a cross dresser, even if no one could call him/her unattractive.

Born a male, feels female.

Lovely individual. Dresses very well indeed! ; )) And is thoughtful over the situation.

Who is to say what is accurate in such a case? Or the reason why this exists?

Native Americans called them the bridge between the male and female worlds.

Some think it's because of reincarnation.

Others focus on the endocrine disrupters in our environment, or human DNA contaminants in vaccines.

I think we need to ask more questions, think things through for real, and make the wisest choices possible.

But getting to the root of the situation is really important.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I am one who is completely dependent on the medical system. I have blood cancer and I’ve been treating for almost 6 yrs. I refused the vax when my PCP recommended it in 2021 and he walked out of the room in a huff. When I explained this to my oncologist a few weeks later, he asked me if I’m an anti-vaxxer? My other specialist totally pooh-poohed ivermectin and hydroxychoriquin if I was to get Covid. I know Remdesivir would have been waiting for me. By God’s grace I did not get Covid and I managed to dodge the doctors insistence in getting the vaccine. And so far I’ve managed to dodge other treatments because I would not have trusted any of my doctors, nor the medications for that matter. (I’m currently in the “wait and see” mode). I read up on the latest treatments and I stay on top of the information so I can apply it to my case or not. But to be so distrustful of all my doctors is not how it should be. They all folded.

I’ve read of several lawsuits going on now with different hospitals in regards to their Covid protocols during Covid and the use of ventilators and the go-to drug remdesivir. Many died. Too many. Perhaps things are finally coming out and legal action will bring things to the forefront more. Everything takes time, but when sh-t finally surfaces, it’s going to be an explosion!

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Good for you. You’re a perfect example of ‘the vulnerable’ because of your blood cancer.

Back ass-ward thinking. You and others with preexisting conditions should never take the jab. Oh the irony...

Easy for me to say, but stay strong and get well. ❤️

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Not sure what type of "blood cancer" you've been diagnosed, do your research on CBDa and cancer. Be Well & Blessed, Phillip

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

After the windfall the medical facility industry acquired under the guise of Covid, I feel as if they need to go back to being non-profit organizations. I have a family member who supposedly died of Covid yet the family did not see a test administered while at his side as he passed away. To make matters worse his wife is not entitled to his medical records. She has to go to court to request them and a judge decides if she is entitled to them. She received no invoices from either the hospital or insurance company from this incident. So I have no doubt these greedy hospital administrators will exploit children for profit. Shame on them and I hope Tennessee is able to yank their license to practice.

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Many ,many hospitals and insurance companies are run as 'non profits'!

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Most hospitals are run as non profits, actually.

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with quite a few head hospital honchos making seven figures!

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"Non profit" is just a tax code.

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