C&C Army, I have a big favor to ask. I have written the following (satirical!) piece, which has the potential to shock hypnotized parents into consciousness *if* we can get this in front of them:

• “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the)

Because the title and my social media message sound pro-vaxx, Covidians are likely to click on it to affirm their confirmation biases—only to discover it’s a trap! Once they start reading and scrolling through, however, they will not be able to *unread* and *unsee* the images of devastation to children, and it will (must) make them hesitate to inject their children and want to learn more.

This strategy has the additional benefit of bypassing the censorious algorithms. The only drawback is it triggers those who only read the headline and then call me things like “child murderer” and “merchant of death” 😂

I truly believe we can save the lives of children if we get this message to as many parents as possible—my goal is all the parents in the world 😁

My tweet about it has already gone insanely viral (I appreciate RTs and additional tweets if you’re on Twitter):


So many of you have already shared it, and those tweets are going viral, too, like this one from Kelly DNP of Faith Family Freedom:


Thanks to everyone sharing enthusiastically and outlets like Lew Rockwell, The Exposé, The Burning Platform, Straight Line Logic, Act for Canada, Dr. Paul Alexander, The Vigilant Fox (who added 29 more of his own here: https://thevigilantfox.substack.com/p/29-more-reasons-to-inject-your-child), and dozens of others reposting it, this article has already been seen by hundreds of thousands if not millions.

Please help me keep the momentum going, and we might actually have a chance of reaching every parent in the world!

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The phone conversation with the dad and the pharmacist. Wow. Why aren’t more of us confronting pharmacists? They’re freely jabbing people. There never has been informed consent. They threw that out with the ADA law in March 2020. They trampled on every decent, honorable, lawful thing. Doctors and pharmacists are guilty and have blood on their hands. Claiming ignorance is no excuse. Informed Consent has been around for so long…they all KNEW about informed consent. They KNEW they needed to exercise this before moving forward. It was intentional. Otherwise people won’t get jabbed and we need everyone to get jabbed so we can control the globe with our enormous power and enormous bank accounts. 😡

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When the pharmacists wouldn't fill prescriptions for HCQ and IVM from licensed doctors, I was incensed. Yes, they need to be held to account.

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Pharmacists and most importantly, DOCTORS! We need to put the doctors "On The Spot". Ask any doctor the "Pro or Ho" question.

Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a "Pro or Ho":

"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?".

If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


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Saw my new doctor yesterday. This was the second time I've seen her (old doctor retired). The new one is with the same practice as the old, and I didn't look for a new doctor. I'm diabetic and the new doctor wanted me to take another med, along with my current one. I tried to explain (not very well) that I wanted to get OFF the meds and get healthier, more in shape, so I wouldn't NEED the meds. She responded that "I was my job to getting healthier and her job, as a Doctor, was about the meds". At that point, I decided it was time for a new doctor.

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I would, except I don't have one. Haven't for years. They suck.

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Ah...there you go again. Belittling something as important as sucking by comparing it to scummy doctors. I refuse to capitalize THAT profession anymore!

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Sorry about that. 😉 Of course, not all of the "white coats" suck. It's just that the majority do and they don't even know it.

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Haha...I was just a'funnin' with ya. ♥

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My husband is a pharmacist. Trust me when I tell you....being brainwashed is a thing....even when shown all the info. It's really frustrating especially when they don't want to even see the truth when you want to show them.

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Please tell me he sees the truth now ?

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Not sure. We don't talk about it.

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CVS pharmacist and blank Moderna insert


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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

Walgreens lost this household's business about two years ago, when they made a corporate decision to NOT fill scripts written by medical doctors for hydroxychloroquine. Walgreens said that was not an approved treatment for Covid. So your doc signed off on it? So what. WE know better, implied Walgreens. I have no reason to believe CVS is any different, as these are both megacorporations that franchise their stores.

We took our business to a small compounding pharmacy, locally owned by a licensed pharmacist who lives in our town. Big Corporate Drug Stores can drop dead, IMO.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

The crazy thing is that it's none of their business the reason your doctor prescribed a drug. Hydroxychloroquine is prescribed for RA, as well as other conditions. It's not their business! It's your private health situation. What happened to HIPAA?

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I saw a sample letter that a lawyer wrote threatening a pharmacy that was refusing to fill a valid Rx for ivermectin (or HCQ?). The issue needs to be pursued! And yes, threaten lawsuits...and follow-up if able. We have to stop "rolling over." Walking away is not enough in this fight.

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CVS also refused to fill the hydroxy and ivermectin Rx.

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Buy them from premiumrxdrugs.com in India. No rx needed.

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My brother-in-law worked in the Walmart pharmacy at the beginning of 2020. He was their best employee for talking people into taking the flu vaccine. When the covid jab was in production, God made it clear to him that he should leave this department. After the truth was revealed about the shots, he is so grateful that he had not given any of the covid shots.

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standing ovation to him. 🙌

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My husband is a pharmacist. Trust me when I tell you....being brainwashed is a thing....even when shown all the info. It's really frustrating especially when they don't want to even see the truth when you want to show them.

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Naomi Wolfe just posted a stack last night reviewing the Fizer data on male fertility. So add reason #51: you don’t want grandchildren to have to babysit; and you are okay with possibly sacrificing your young son’s normal pubertal and masculine development in order to be sure he fits in, avoids the 0.00001% chance of death from VID, he won’t kill Grandma by giving her VID, and you don’t have to go to the trouble figuring out how to write a religious exemption for his school or day care.

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This is one more horrific effect of the Killer Covid shots: if you give them to a young male before puberty, he may never be able to achieve puberty.

You know people think the Amish are an extreme "cult" and perhaps they are.

But the cult our society, or at least 2/3rds of it is in is just as extreme, in my view.

Our adoration of ever more bizarre technologies, up to and including mRNA spike protien encoded injections with Nano Lipid Particles which cross EVERY MEMBRANE IN THE HUMAN BODY, and reverse transcribe into human DNA, sounds pretty damn cultish and weird to me!

Not to mention atom bombs, Glysophate falling as rain while people have it in their urine as well, it's so prevalent, (and it's carcinogenic!) and "terminator seed technology," which genetically destroys the ability of seeds to germinate and thereby stops millions, or billions of years of successful LIFE, dead in it's tracks.

For "PROFIT" nonetheless.

I think we're in the "CULT" and they are the normal ones, by comparison.

(Oh, I forgot. We inject our new born with syringes full of neurotoxins and aborted human primitive DNA contaminants, also.)

So who's insane, and who's not?

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University of Miami Med School warned us in Dec, 2020 to beware Covid Jab effect on male fertility because NO STUDY HAD EVER BEEN PUBLUSHED! - https://tinyurl.com/2b2ktyfp

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The Honest are rising to the Top; please people, join them!

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The Rx Symbol is derived from the Egyptian "Eye of Horus". (Father of Pharmacy). This is a religious cult unlawfully established in the US as a religion in violation of the First Amendment "Establishment Clause". Take a Look - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/TYgjtpxs4Jo/m/D6OwA9LSBQAJ

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FYI #36 on the Margaret Anna Alice list.

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This was a great and sarcastic reply to getting your children vaxxed. Especially since I was told so many times that "if I cared" I would get the shots. This lists shows them exactly how much they cared to do due diligence, use common sense and not ignore the giant red flags regarding these shots.

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Margaret Anna Alice.....Another fantastic article!! Thank you for your tireless efforts.

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Yes share the S**T out if it! It was VERY good and quite comprehensive! 🥰

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I have read it and watched the clips. It is truly horrifying. Thank you for such a well thought out article. God bless us all. And may the Lord have mercy on our soul.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Not thrilled with the "you let us..." parts of that DeSantis campaign commercial. You LET us?? You LET us go to school??

I would've greatly preferred to hear language along the lines of "you protected our RIGHT to..." go to school, to make our own choices, etc. Our RIGHTs, not your LETs.

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I agree; I caught that and wondered why they didn’t say you fought to protect our freedom

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Agree! Language is powerful, let's be sure to remember to say "stands/stood up for our God-given, inalienable rights".

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That’s even better!!

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Good point!

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Yes maybe you should send them a message pointing that out!

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When I think about it, de Santis did “let”, the citizens of Florida go to school, etc, we always have the “right” it’s in our constitution. During Covid, Governors took the authority from us on the surface, without a fight. Newsome, CA Governor on the other hand did not ”let” people enjoy their freedoms. Would it have been different if every individual who saw this as a trampling of there “ rights” immediately stood up and refused to “let”Governors have their way I think things would be very different.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

That's a blood curdling study. Jeff. No pun intended. What an excellent interview with McCullough and Alex Jones this week too!! And lastly, I am happy to report some very good news from Massachusetts. We got a Trump backed gubernatorial candidate elected in the primaries yesterday. Our soon to be former "fake" Republican governor, Charlie Baker, force injected his state police and entire state workforce. Former Democratic representative Geoff Dielh ran on the Republican platform against another Baker like Republican stooge yesterday. Even the few Republican legislators we have in Massachusetts didn't think Dielh could win this ticket. His lieutenant governor running mate was working as a nurse during COVID while pregnant and then nursing, and then she was ordered to be forced injected. She would not take the juice and lost her job. Here's to hoping we have a major upset in November for the governor's race in Massachusetts 🤞. If Dielh and his running mate win, they are going to reinstitute every state worker that lost their jobs. And that's a lot, since Harvard alum and former health insurance executive (and puppet of the biomedical big pharma complex) Baker the faker wouldn't even accept religious exemptions. https://www-pbs-org.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/geoff-diehl-wins-republican-primary-for-massachusetts-governor?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16625547999647&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pbs.org%2Fnewshour%2Fpolitics%2Fgeoff-diehl-wins-republican-primary-for-massachusetts-governor

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I attended an all day conference on COVID a few months ago. Dr. McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Majed were among the speakers. Dr. Majed showed a powerpoint with pictures of these graphene particles from the mRNA injections. She showed pictures of the peculiar blood clots from people who had the mRNA vaccines. Embalmers all around the country are reporting as many as 50-75% of those they are embalming have these weird long sticky clots. They said in the past, pre-COVID, they might see 5% with these clots. The clots are so widely distributed through the body that they have to find several entry points in order to embalm the bodies. This is likely the cause of Adult Sudden Death Syndrome.

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Walter chestnut has been on top of this on Twitter and on his website and on his substack, Wmcresearch.

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May God truly protect and bring this candidate into office.

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Sorry, is there a link to the Dr. Peter McCullough’s interview with Alex Jones that is being described? Was this a recent interview?

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Thank you SO much for weaving this in. A Diehl win is a BIG DIEHL! I spoke to him personally twice - just to hear it with my own ears, he's for school choice and medical freedom - my two biggies. Plus he's backed by Trump. So here goes my shameless toss in: His campaign currently cannot do what it takes to have a chance to win against Maua Healy and the big democrat money machine in Massachusetts. He's down to 17k in his campaign fund. If you like what he stands for and can afford a small donation to our extremely blue state for the cause, this win would make a difference AND be quite the upset. https://diehlallen.com/

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Citizens may save our Nation if enough get up off their seats!

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

I'm in Boston. It used to be contained to Cambridge. Not anymore!!!

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I bought a condo in the Florida Keys last June so I can homestead in a safe place if I have to. Not to mention, it will be a nice place to stay again during Joe's 3rd upcoming long dark winter. ;). My husband left his career before anticipated because of all these mandates. And I run my own business. So the silver lining is, now we're free. 🌅

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

"Biden’s covid advisor Ashish Jha said he “truly believe[s] this is why God gave us two arms — one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot.”

Hey, Ashish.....Comments like yours are the reason God gave me two middle fingers!

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Or 2 fingers to stick in your ears so you don't have to listen to a jackass speak.

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O Alice! So so funny. My first belly laugh of the day

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These people prove their certifiable insanity every single moment.

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No sadness for the Californians as they voted these monsters into office. Just remember when you flee CA you are refugees, not missionaries.

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I'm pretty sure there's massive cheating in California elections. There are lots of conservatives there, but they are overruled by the cities. It's the same in Washington and Oregon.

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Same in al the east coast … even New Yorkers outside of NYC are very conservative. I am in ct … same problem

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Dominance of city over country will inevitably happen with a democracy that is strictly proportional voting. This was one stroke of genius (or an impediment, depending upon one's opinion) of the US model of a republic (NOT a democracy!!!) -- the US House of Representatives is strictly by population (census), while the Senate is a fixed two Senators per state. This is roughly the analogue of England's House of Commons and Lords respectively. Finally, the President and Vice President are selected via the Electoral College, which is somewhat a combination of the two methods. Like it or not, the above was part of the system of checks and balances, and to a large degree shapes our National politics.

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Massive cheating going on!

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

Not one internet-connected device for this Californian, who will fight to the bittersweet end for this beautiful state. We shall overcome, God-willing!

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It is a beautiful state with so many God given resources ❣️

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There has been massive election fraud in CA for decades. Gruesome Newsom's recall election last year was completely rigged. He is hated by R and D's alike. He was sweating bullets as the election approached. Then magically....the recall failed. By a lot! (sound familiar?) So many stories of people going to the polls, only to be told "you already voted". uh...no they didn't!

Sadly, Commiefornia is like the sinking Titanic. But at least the luxury liner still had it's lights on when it went down.

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I think we should all get on board to help California to not be a cheating vote state because as California goes so go other states because California is such an influencer I think as country of individual states, we should all come together to get to the root in the core of what’s going on with politics, voting and fraud in California and the same way with Florida, standing up for good governance, it’s been working, we need to see where the weak and diseased parts of our system are and shore them up. God Is With US.

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😂😂 Excellent motto for those fleeing CA! I'm definitely going to be using that phrase!

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Too much election fraud, everyone I ever speak to did not Vote for Newsome. We as a country do need to get to the bottom of mystery vote tallying and the mystery of no Republican ballots available on voting day, long lines all kinds of things we need to ferret out if the Vote is going to be the metric for who is leading our country.

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Let them sweat in the dark.

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People used to live just fine without air conditioning; it's the refrigerator that counts!

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- Avoid using large appliances

So are they all supposed to unplug their refrigerators and freezers? 🤣

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Upvote for a cute turn of phrase. Alas, it's probably asking too much. There's an old saying, that when people move to a new area to escape what they left behind, they often bring the very problems they were hoping to elude. To some extent it's probably an inescapable side effect of civilization. E.g. if enough people move to the country to avoid congestion, inevitably population will get too dense.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

One of my favorite BS lines was: "The unvaccinated are posing an imminent threat and danger to the unvaccinated." MAGA Republicans are in for a cold dark Winter of Death. I wonder if the heavy metal group Slayer is writing his material?

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I didn’t even have a cold, much less a death 😂

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Me either. Quite frankly, I didn't do anything that I hadn't been doing previously. Certainly didn't add anything new to the routine. And yet, here I stand.....relatively veritical.

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You can use the unvaxxed quote "I am thankful I never got the clot shot. It could have been so much worse. " 😁

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Believe me I do 😁

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My greatest satisfaction was not getting covid this past winter and early spring even though all my vaxxed and boostered coworkers all got sick with it. I would walk in every day with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. They were stunned. They believed old Joe and the covid BS.

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Same here, But I also attribute it to 'by the grace of God' with my daily morning sign of the cross and prayer for protection. I was around, in prolonged close proximity infact, many vaxxed coworkers who got covid, and I work with the public as a fashion retail manager.

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So, I got "Covid" and 4 friends of mine died as well. I'm fully recovered, almost, but the friends----

1- Covid death train in hospital; Benzodiazapine + Morphine

2- Cancer. Untreated

3- Suicide. Despair from husband's terminal illness and extreme EMF sensitivity.

4- Elderly man, needed treatment for blocked carotid artery, did not receive treatment, stuck home alone, couldn't travel, drank himself to death, basically.

Only one will be labeled "Covid" and that person was killed by the people in the hospital, IMHO.

But the rest lost their lives to this attack on all of us by our "Governments," no doubt about it.


When will the sheep wake up?

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I glad at least you recovered. Sorry for the rest and what they went through.

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Thank you. It was a really awful winter, thanks to our government, IMHO.

But many of us are still here and more than willing to expose the evil around us!

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🤬 # dontforget

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Never forgive and never forget.

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Good advice. As we sometimes say in jest here in the Deep South, "Calm down, Jethro. We lost the war!" 🤠

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The final DeSantis video made me teary. Praying for him and his family that God continues to protect them and to make him a strong leader.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm an RN, took care of covid patient all of 2020, and was diagnosed with breast cancer fall 2020. I had to do my treatment in the heart of woke Washington State, Seattle, and have miraculously remained un-jabbed. I've lived in constant fear that I'd at some point be required to be jabbed to be allowed into my appointments or surgeries, which would mean i'd have to go to a "free state" for treatment.

I had an appointment recently with my oncologist, and during that appt she said no less than THREE TIMES "you don't need to worry about covid", as a nurse I understood her to say "you don't need the covid shot", but she couldn't say that as it would have to be put in my medical record, and she would be reprimanded or fired. I felt such a relief to have witnessed an institutionalized physician go against the establishment, which tells me there are more doctors like her who have been awakened to the harms of the jab.

Some more good news, my hospital called and offered me my job back and said they'd figured out a way to accommodate my exemption. The tide is turning, its just taken some time!

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

Glad to hear you're getting your job back and I pray for a positive cancer outcome.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

That's wonderful news. If you were 'let go" due to vax status however, I vote you get back pay and a written letter of apology. And a cake and possibly a pony.

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Cake and pony. Sounds perfect. 😆

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A cake and a pony......yes hahahaha Thanks for the tip!

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Yes the MAGA Republicans will take us back. Back to higher employment, back to energy independence, back to fiscal responsibility & back to a free country🇺🇸

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Don’t forget “back to American manufacturing and American ownership of farmland”! We have been robbed!

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I don't believe being under oath is really going to move the needle one way or the other for Biden or Fauci. Serial liars have no conscience.

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We live in Colorado and were offered “the deal.” We declined. We are an Alexa, Ring,and Google-nest-free home. I proudly set my thermostat to 70 degrees each night, and they can’t stop me. Trying to make Colorado FREE again!

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This comparative blood study of jabbed versus unjabbed is horrifying. Can we corner every “expert” and tape their eyes open until they read it?

Too harsh?

I’m still reeling from an encounter with a MD who called me an anti-vaxxer when we first met (I’ll never go back to her again) and then hounded me for months to come back in so she could get blood samples.

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I’m hoping my husband will fire the specialist who yelled at him last year re the v🪓. Found some alternatives and gave the names to him. No reason to give those folks our cash.

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They had to. 🙄 I remember reading that they could lose license if bad mouthing the vaccine.

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No. He did not have to yell at my husband and tell my husband that he was shirking his social duties and moral responsibilities by foregoing the injection.

He could have ignored the subject altogether, as it has zero bearing on the reason for my husband’s visit.

My husband couldn’t even ask the questions he wanted to ask about the actual subject of the visit, because the dr was so enraged that my husband refuses the injection.

This is outright abusive behavior.

And fwiw, in our state, nobody is going to lose their license for critiquing the injection, praise God. Although one is having board cert challenged.

But there is zero excuse for how this man treated my husband. None.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

Yes, I don’t want to hear any more excuses for people’s lack of moral courage when those people are in a position of power or authority, and especially for abusive behavior. People always have a choice, even if that choice isn’t easy.

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Just like we have the choice to NOT listen and just walk away. They have lost all reason.

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Mine gave me a 5 to 10 minute fear mongering session at a visit having nothing to do with the shot. 🤷‍♂️

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I would have lasted 3.2 seconds before getting up and walking out. We do not have to even listen. There are other doctors out there. Also, just laugh at their stupidity and arrogance. Nothing will rile them up more.

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Im voting for staples instead of tape

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This has been known for a LONG time (at least a year), but as usual they were vilified and silenced. Rumble has had several of them showing before/after blood samples as well as showing what is being pulled out of cadavers (long, large things that have grown post-vax that aren't normal human tissue, but graphene based), and the large uptick of need of coffins, especially for children.

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sounds more like a vampire

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Don’t we know this:

“When the righteous increase, the people rejoice,

But when a wicked man rules, people groan.”

— Proverbs 29:2

And please Lord, in Your mercy, make it so:

“Then your light will break out like the dawn,

And your recovery will speedily spring forth;

And your righteousness will go before you;

The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.

Then you will call, and the Lord will answer;

You will cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’

If you remove the yoke from your midst,

The pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness,

And if you give yourself to the hungry

And satisfy the desire of the afflicted,

Then your light will rise in darkness

And your gloom will become like midday.

And the Lord will continually guide you,

And satisfy your desire in scorched places,

And give strength to your bones;

And you will be like a watered garden,

And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.

Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins;

You will raise up the age-old foundations;

And you will be called the repairer of the breach,

The restorer of the streets in which to dwell.”

— Isaiah 58:8-12


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Janice, psalm 37 is my go to these days … “do not fret. It only does harm” and assurances of divine providence (“dwell in the land on feed on His goodness”) and an exportation to be good (“Trust in the Lord and do good”) I am at ease when I read it. I am reading it these days when I am miserable about what I see happening around me.

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Love that one. So powerful and comforting. In Christ, we win!

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

We weren't foolish enough to fall for the NEST program, but honestly, 78 degrees is comfortable in dry Colorado. With humidity that might be a different story.

As for electric cars--can you imagine people trying to escape from the fires they've been having in California without a charged car??! Seriously, we need to stop the electric car only madness!

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022


People should control their own thermostats but 78 degrees hardly qualifies as uncomfortable.

I frequently leave my thermostat at 76 in a very humid part of the midwest. Quite comfortable as long as you aren't doing heavy physical activity.

The last few days actually shut the AC off since it was only getting to 80F.

I wouldn't worry about EVs in the situation you describe.

EVs, as they are typically used, are likely to have 70-90% state of charge 95% of the time. That's enough to drive 200+ miles in traffic(low speed = low energy use), even if you are spending many(24+) hours parked in traffic while still running the AC (and in some EVs with huge HEPA filters inside, keeping the air safe to breath at the same time).

Even if somebody just immediately got done with a very long drive they'd still likely be fine.

Even at 10% in my EV that's enough juice to evacuate a good 30-50 miles w/o a charge at the low speeds you are likely to travel when evacuating. Granted that would mean driving to 0% and using any buffer that exists below 0% to make over 40 miles.

I'd be more concerned about gas vehicles honestly as its not unusual for people to run them down to fumes before getting more gas, especially these days when it costs a buttload to fill a tank.

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Well I actually am not comfortable at all at 78 degrees. It’s too warm for me even during the day, downstairs, wearing shorts and a tank top, just sitting around. And at night, forget it. I would have restless sleep and nightmares, as I always do when it’s too warm. All of this is very dependent on each individual, some are very heat tolerant and others are not. So no, I don’t want someone else determining what a “comfortable” temperature is for me, based on their opinion or even an average. This is why husbands and wives and office mates fight over thermostat settings all the time—we’re not all the same 😉

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I don’t know Dave. A couple months ago here in the DC metro area a bunch of people got stranded after an hours long backup on 270. It got serious. All the EVs had to be towed out afterwards.

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You don't know. You imagine.

There is nothing wrong with that.

EVs are knew so its not unexpected that people without firsthand experience would know nothing and need to fill in the gaps with what they imagine.

You are no doubt referring to a 'what if' article that appeared in the Washington Compost, and a badly misinformed one at at that.

It was not a 'what happened' article. The only thing in that article that did happen was yes there was a big traffic jam in the DC area that left people stranded for quite a few hours. Towing all the EVs out was simply the misinformed author's conclusion of what would have happened if 'everyone' drove an EV.

As a point of fact, most, if not all EV drivers fared as well or better than the gas drivers in that particular storm.

Please allow me to impart firsthand knowledge of modern EV capabilities.

In DC we are talking about commuters, so these are going to be people who keep their vehicle at 80%+ all the time and who drive about 30-50 miles round trip to work.

To put some real world numbers in using my EV.

I start the day at 80% (56 kWh).

Lets say I'm on the extreme end of commuting and I have to drive 50 miles round trip to/from work. This needs about 15kWh in winter (3kWh more than summer because HEAT)

This leaves 41kWh (56-15) that can be used to keep me warm while stuck in the snowjam, and still make it home.

When parked the only power its using are the electronics and the cabin heater which is about 1-2kW to maintain 70F if the outside temps are 10-30F.

Having 41kW of energy available, this means I can remain parked for about 20-40 hours in the snowjam and still make it home.

If I drop the temp to 60-65, which I might actually do because winter means I'm wearing heavy clothes, I can go considerably longer.

I do want to clarify something. When I talk about EVs, I do so in the context of gas replacement EVs. The kinds of EVs that do not require subsidies to induce purchase because they actually can replace a gas car.

Commuter EVs with 70-100 miles of range are the sort of EVs that give EVs a bad name. I wouldn't have one either. This sort of EV may not have fared as well in that snowstorm - probably would have gotten out ok but the passengers would be less comfortable as less energy is available for heating, and would have needed to hit up a local charger or give a guy $20 to use his garage for a couple hours to make it home.

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I appreciate all of your knowledge of EV's but you have also informed yourself as to the damage the discarded EV and lithium battery will cause the environment you are trying so hard to protect, correct? To me, an unrecycleable EV weighing from 2000 to 7000 pounds with a huge lithium battery is not environmentally friendly much like the enormous wind turbines.

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Yup, nobody ever thought of that once. Nope never ever ever

The plan was to dump them on coral reefs and wetlands

When they are unsuitable for transportation a lot of them end up being used for stationary loads. There is a very bustling industry in salvaging lithium cells used in modems, medical devices, cell phones, laptops, cordless tools, and of course, old EVs.

A 75kW battery pack with 70% of usable original capacity can power an average house for over a day. Two of them in parallel doing 20-40% discharge cycles could last for many years before it would be useless for stationary use as well.

For those that are completely useless in their present status, shred them, separate the elements, rebuild the elements into a new pack to reduce mining. Metals, unlike plastics, are valuable and worth recycling.

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I’m pretty much keeping my gas vehicle topped off nowadays. One never knows when a power grid disruption or pipeline hack will render the gas station pumps unusable. Good to stay prepared with a full or nearly full tank.

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The weird ways of people are funny

Costs the same to fill it from 3/4 to full as it does from fumes to a 1/4 but folks tend to do the later instead of the former

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It will be stopped. Reality can only be denied for so long. The bad news is there is no telling how much damage will occur before it grinds to a halt.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Oh, Jeff....I am so many of those things: christian, homeschooler, married to a vet, believe in the constitution, carry-er, un vacks, conservative. We should definitely have a club. Do we get jackets???

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As long as we don’t get Nests, I’m in 🤣🤣.

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👋🏻I’m your Oklahoma twin! Except I am the daughter of a WWII vet, just not married to one… Thank you to your husband and you for your sacrifice and service.

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I didnt put that part!! Both my father in laws and two stepfathers!! Lol

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❤️❤️Four brothers, two uncles, cousins, etc. 🇺🇸

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Main stream republicans that won't take us backwards joey b ??? Was energy independence backwards ? Was $1.58 a gal gas backwards. Was $2.65 milk backwards joeyb ? You can keep you're mainstream RINO reps.

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