Interesting correlation....I found that not taking the aforementioned shots causes absolutely no side effects (At least thus far). I can't seem to secure any MSM advertising space. Maybe I'm just a statistical anomaly.

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That is eeird. My non-vaxx side-effects included my brother wanting me in a camp for society's safety, being banned from the office, not being able to go to any music venues, and being told "not to come back" by my optometrist.

You would think that I was an unregulated, nonstop spike factory...

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Good fortune. Now you know who the morons are. Their decisions are their own, and are therefore not tied to what you did or did not do. Sad to say that many of us are finding out that solid relationships were actually built on sand.

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It certainly cleared things up. Lost an old friend who works in an ER. I was willing to give him a pass until he got in my face about the shots. The red line was when he and his partner accosted my wife in the parking lot of the market, essentially pressuring her to convince me to get shot up. Well that was the end of that.

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You lost me at partner. Wife, ok, girlfriend, ok, but after that you're in postmodernist territory.

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Yes! I hate that term! "Partner" should mean "business partner" Or a wild west "howdy partner"!

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Partner! More dumbed nomenclature stripped of human relational content. 'They' really do want to depersonalize us down to 'consumer automaton' status. This strips us of our value and reduces our individual and family life down to something akin to Brownian Motion. People stripped of identity are so much easier to manipulate and control.

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"People stripped of identity are so much easier to manipulate, control and kill." Soothes any conscience they may have.

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Yup. Won't work, though. Never has.

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Yeah; same here. Back in the day, a โ€œpartnerโ€ (human relationship not business) indicated a live together but not married heterosexual couple.

OR a homosexual couple. At least this is what I observed.

Married heterosexual couple have husbands & wives or spouses.

Beyond this I am left to conjecture

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Unmarried chick

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Me too--lost at the same word

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Good for you and your wife for standing your ground. This has been a rough couple of years for the independent thinkers...

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

Wow ๐Ÿ˜ณ That's beyond the pale ๐Ÿ˜ก

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Obviously not a 'friend'

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You mean authoritarians. Morons are so much nicer.

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The weirdest thing is one my neighbors would cross to the other side of the street, while wearing masks, walking their dog, if they saw me outside, but then talk to me unmasked while seated at the coffee shop.

Morons might be too nice of a word.

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Because you couldn't spread the virus when you were seated at a restaurant . Lol๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜…

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Viruses have a phobia over flat surfaces like countertops and tables. But they love doors, entry ways ... and apparently, now and then, like fresh air!

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Also, they lie? hover? in wait in a car, so masks are needed there, even if the driver is the sole occupant of said car.

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That's because viruses (or this virus) have locational potency.

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Locational potency. I can see the cdc spokesperson using that or wapo etc. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜„

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LOL! Has a great ring to it! Locational Potency!

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Everyone knows that virus canโ€™t strike when a person is sitting at a table where food or drink is served. Duh!

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And don't wash their hands before eating. But masked!!!

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You have to find amusement in these absurdities or you will go mad. Laugh at them. ๐Ÿ˜…

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Just proves that not all the neurons are firing in the thinker cells.

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Well, you know that the Novel Coronavirus was in 2020 a respiratory illness, then in 2021 it became a cardiac/neurological illness. Just proves that the vax damaged their brains.

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And if you were in an Italian restaurant, you were totally immune

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For me the most damaging side effect was divorcing life long friendships caused by irreconcilable differences. Through this all you definitely found out who had your back.

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It was but you are now free to live in reality and make new, truer friends who aren't sheeple. It was hard for me too. But who needs their special brand of BS. Life is too short. Rejoice ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿฅฐ

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I live in NY ,,,those people you reference as having our way of thinking are impossible to find. They may be hiding in plain sight but I simply cant find any friends.

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Keep looking; theyโ€™re out there. Donโ€™t give up.

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Itโ€™s part of the divide and conquer plan. We must all remember that we are Americans! Love it or leave it, I say.

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You know, I've decided it's okay. I've managed to make peace with a couple of friends that signed up with the City of Man, but being with them is mostly difficult and boring.

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Yep! At the point where I will not pretend about my stand against vaccines and Big Pharma / fake medicine. Anything else is not authentic and feels like a lie.

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No one has your back...in this regard...its just you and your loved ones or no one.

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Being denied a right to earn a living.....

slowly starved to death is the plan for the unvaccinated...

.lovely people these pro jabsters.

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That is so sad! I never tried to go anywhere, but Iโ€™m old and single! But, let me tell you they would have heard me if I was rejected coming in anywhere!! Iโ€™m so glad they took those Passports away!! So sickening what our Beautiful Country that is a FREE Country!! Just look at the Border? They all come in with no problem. Why not Vax them? Nope donโ€™t need one!!

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Re: free country

Recently heard Lee Greenwood's "Proud to be an American" song with the lyric "... where at least I know I'm free."

Yeah. Whatever happened to that?

It's all a massive propaganda lie.

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Freedom now comes only from within.

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We will have it all back! This has all been a Movie! Most of it happened already. And none of what Biden Fake Biden (Arthur Roberts) has done will stick!

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Wow! That's harsh! I was very vocal about this stab and presented information to back up my position. My place of business is run by two very level headed individuals. No one was required to take the shot (fortunately we would have been under OSHA's rules anyway, less than 100 employee's), some did, and some did not. Those who did, have had a much more difficult flu season than those who did not.

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thanks for the new evidence. you got your own control group there !

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That and my daughter got married in June of 2021. 150 guests, practically no one wore masks (maybe a handful), Inside outside plated event, and no one that we heard of got sick. There was dancing, hugging and a good time was had by all.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

My husband and I were still not allowed to visit our daughter and her family for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Might scare the in-laws she said, but she won't come to visit us here or invite us up to see them other times. I don't think it was the in-laws who were afraid of us. Alas!

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I'm sorry, that is heartbreaking.

My elderly mom is a FauciFanatic and avid mask aficionado, but my wife and I see her and my dad almost weekly, we just don't talk about covid.

It was tough with my brother, at first. But now, I just kind of look at him like two of my friends who "died suddenly " last year, gone, but not forgotten.

Ironically, one of my cousins who was also a proponent of camps for the unvaxxed now has a brain tumor and he has teenage son who was just diagnosed withAfib (as a 17 yearold?!?!?!). Horrible times.

At least we now know who we can trust!!

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Well that's just sad. People were so fearful, especially in the beginning. To be fair, I think we all were. The difference between the jabbed and the un-jabbed from my perspective at least, is that the shot free people kept looking for more information and listened to the many Doctors, Scientists, Nurses, and brilliant lawyers (Thanks Jeff) that kept speaking up. I often ask my "stuck" friends why they thought any professional who spoke out against these sticks would put their careers on the line if they didn't earnestly believe what they were sharing? And, I asked how many of them would ever have the courage to stand up to the unprecedented backlash that these professionals were subjected to if they knew that the information being shared was biased and incorrect. Never got what I considered to be a worthwhile response from anyone, but at least it made them think. Now, we have study after study after study backing up their claims about the virus as well as the treatment and lack thereof. All I can do is shake my head at this point. I am sad for those people, and I think their troubles have only just begun.

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Have to say I'm proud that I never spent one minute in fear of this farce. From the minute it was 99% survivable, it was only a cold to me. Never saw any reason to change that view and I'm especially glad my children sided with me and are still unjabbed. That worried me more that the stupid virus.

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Good for you, and how wonderful for your children that you took that lead. Thank You!

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Same with the gaslighted vaccine injured. What in the world would they gain by making up their injuries???

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Exactly Anne. I think the problem for the vaccine injured is that most doctors will not link it to the shot for whatever reason. I also think most people just want to bury their heads in the sand or look away because they don't want to think about what effect this shot could have on them down the line, they just want the whole thing to go away. :(

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Write her out of the will. Spend her inheritance. We see this all the time. Selfish adult children using the grandkids as black mail. I told my kids if they ever did that, sh-t would hit the fan. They see how selfish these people are. I am sorry this happened to you. Poor grandkids. ๐Ÿ˜”

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I agree Annie! Dis me and dis my money. Entitled kids/adults can learn a good lesson here.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

CaliforniaLLost, I am going to keep this comment. thanks for the laugh, even though it is not a joke.

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Those are "side-effects" indeed. ๐Ÿฅบ

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You are a critical thinker. Very dangerous to tptb. ๐Ÿ‘

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My side effects from not getting jabbed:

My mother won't hug me any more.

My former best friend said I'm a murderer and a conspiracy theorist.

I can't go to concerts in my town any more.

I can't attend piano camp any more.

But otherwise, not taking the jab was safe and effective.

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Yup. I'm in Virtuous Vermont, where classical musicians really love jab mandates.

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Oh yes, I have friends (a couple) who are still not allowed to attend their church (UU, what a surprise!). It's been especially devastating for her, who had been very active in the church and for whom it always meant a lot emotionally and spiritually. I understand they've finally made masks optional (!) but still require the jab. Why my friends would ever want to go back to that congregation is an absolute mystery to me, but I do feel for them. Here in NYC (and I know other places in the country) many events and venues still require jabs and/or masks. Insanity rules!

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She is way better off without the fake church.

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Same ish

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๐ŸŽฏmark Alexander... I havenโ€™t seen my family 3 years but Iโ€™m invited to a wedding this October.... lucky me , probably sitting alone at the unjabbed table . ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

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Is that better than the sad singles table ๐Ÿ˜‰?

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We're getting no money or sponsorship to be in the Control Group.

Fine with me! LOL

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best part about being a conspiracy theorist or in control group, is not having myocarditis

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Could be a Folgers commercial: The best part of not vaxxing up is no myocarditis!

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The best part of waking up is C&C in my cup, oh, and no myocarditis

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That's the thing about "subclinical" myocarditis. They can't worry about it because they don't know they have it. It's the "polite" myocarditis.

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Or being a sheeple. ๐Ÿ‘ baaa!

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At least we get the leftover donuts.

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The matters that matter the most use to refuse translating into monetary value ๐Ÿ˜

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So unjected is your final testimony sir? Indeed your Honor! Glad to be here!

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That is correct. Incidentally, since not being injected I can honestly report that my discernment levels are off the charts. Another Festivus miracle!

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Simply a "thing" of natural beauty and wonder. Ahhhhh.....ain't life grand?

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Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I have concerns about the vaccinated "shedding".

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

I do, too, especially after I got shingles right after Thanksgiving after hugging all my freshly boosted family members (I didn't know until later into the trip that they had all just gotten re-upped). As much as I would love to revel in my unVed status, I simply don't feel safe anymore as long as those around me keep shooting up-- and they do.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

I got shingles January of last year (fortunately a very mild and short-lived case, but it was on my face, which was a drag) and I'm convinced it was from riding in my building's elevator with all the covidians (my building is jam packed with them) announcing proudly that they had just been boosted.

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Mine was on my face, too! Horrible. Sorry you went through the same thing.

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I donโ€™t. Never was affected being around both of my boys and a Grandson (that I cussed out the enemy for months for) but I never felt anyway different or sick or sore or tired. I have two autoimmune diseases so if it were, I would feel it. I do know several that take and buy all this junk. Go cut a branch off a Pine Tree (long needle type) and cut just the needles into a Collander and pour boiling water over top of needles. Refrigerate and drink. Itโ€™s full of Vitamin C and it tastes good!!

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My ex GF got vaxxinated in July 2021 while I was away visiting my grandsons for a month. She informed me upon my return. I moved out 6 weeks later but for the next 2 months suffered both migraines, which Iโ€™d never had in my life, and visual anomalies. Both cleared up by the end of the year.

No proof, of course, but I attribute those symptoms to her shedding either spike or mRNA. Or both.

I donโ€™t know what, if anything, this means longer term for my health.

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Consider getting live blood testing. Thatโ€™ll tell you how youโ€™re fairing and a Naturopath can give you information on what should be done next.

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What is live blood testing vs regular?

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โ€œDuring โ€˜Liveโ€™ blood analysis (also known as Live Blood Microscopy or Live Blood Cell Analysis) a drop of fresh capillary blood is viewed in its live state (not oxidised, preserved, treated or stained with chemicals) under a microscope. It is magnified 1000x in order to view the condition of the blood cells and the plasma and reveal any other contents of the blood that can be signs of imbalance.

โ€˜Dryโ€™ blood analysis (also known as the Oxidative Stress Test or Dried Blood Layer Analysis) is when a drop of blood is left to clot and dry on a slide, leaving patterns that are indicative of various imbalances such as metal toxicity or vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

What is Blood Analysis used for?

LDBA can identify specific nutrients that may be lacking, give indications of stress in certain organs, and assess levels of inflammation, oxidation or toxicity. It can also help determine digestive capacity and health of the microbiome, as well as indicate the general state of health in the tissues of the body (known as the โ€˜internal terrainโ€™).

A skilled practitioner can use the results of this analysis to gain a deeper understanding of what may be happening within the body of a client, get to the root cause of symptoms and offer advice that is aimed at supporting the bodyโ€™s natural drive for optimum health.โ€


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Good advice! Go Bridget!

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It's not clear what makes some people susceptible to the side effects of the shot while others suffer. I'm happy for you that you have not felt any shedding effects, but many of us have and have also taken preauctions to little avail.

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This is the thing about all of this ... the Uneveness of it all. Maybe it has to do with all batches no being created equal. But ... what do we really know?

(Mortality being up in people under 50 by 49% for one! For one and just saying!)

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Eastern White Pine is the type you need as it contains suramin. Suramin is strongly inhibitory to the replication of the coronavirus spike protein.



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I feel like an elitist not wanting to closely hug my vaxxxxxxxed relatives.

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In my book - THEY, my fam, are all Sheep. All of them vaxxed, all sipping the Kool Ade.

A few doing shots of the stuff, it would seem, POUNDING it. " Oh Joe, We Luuvv YOU! "

........... But somehow ?

I have become the "Black Sheep".

We are ALL elitists, here.

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Please hug them tighter. Ask God to protect you.

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I havenโ€™t discriminated against relatives who are vaxxedโ€ฆmy own husband took the first set of 2 Pfizer jabs against my advice. I was and still am upset he wouldnโ€™t listen to my concerns. He did it in order to give a lecture at a university. But I have other close relatives who I love whoโ€™ve taken the jabs and I couldnโ€™t stop seeing them. None have taken more than the original set and 1 booster. We wonโ€™t let it divide us. Overall the majority of my family is unvaxxed and for that Iโ€™m grateful.

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A heartfelt "thank you", Barbara. All of my children/grands have been jabbed by this horid bioweapon--and I am heartsick each and every day waiting for the "shoe to drop". I keep asking Jesus Christ the Lord of heaven and earth to have MERCY for my misguided "non critical thinking" friends and family.

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Thank you, Barbara---have just read through it.

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In your camp. I am waiting for real info. Told my brother + wife, , who asked to visit this summer, that we'd have to 'wait and see' because of potential vax shed danger. They are; we aren't.

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I wonder if weโ€™ll be charged for crimes of discrimination when we unvaxxed start making it known we donโ€™t want to be around the vaxxed ones because of shedding. -Iโ€™m sorry but no you canโ€™t come in my store because youโ€™ve been vaxxed. -Iโ€™m sorry but no you canโ€™t come into my restaurant because youโ€™ve been vaxxed. -Iโ€™m sorry but no you canโ€™t come into my home because youโ€™ve been vaxxed.

Something tells me that wouldnโ€™t be allowed and it would be inappropriate and a crime to discriminate in reverse. Plus it would just be awful and mean of us to single them out and treat them bad because of their choice to vax.

๐Ÿ™„ and yet the sheep would not make the connection of that being exactly what they did to us and it was perfectly okay.

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You know it. My morning coffee chat was the covidians talking about all their colds, fevers etc. They never end. One ends and a couple of days later there's a new illness.

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Do all their stories end with โ€œit would have been so much worse without the vaxโ€?

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It is part of the covidian chant. Their prayer. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Have another friend with covid.....again.....endless. He was forced to be vaxxed or he wasn't allowed to visit his dying grandfather in CA...... He's high risk too. Worry about them all every day

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I'm in the same anomaly group and I even had the vid last Jan. No long vid or side effects or anything. Amazing!

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But they are tracking us by not taking any vax...

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Call me crazy, or maybe itโ€™s because Iโ€™m Irish, but I beat them to the punch. In early 2020, I called my Primary Care Doctor just to inform her Iโ€™d NEVER TAKE THE SO-CALLED โ€œVAXX.โ€ Seeing I almost died of a DVT at 21, I knew Spike Proteins werenโ€™t a good thing to let into your body and what they were planning was actually a Kill Shot. Unfortunately time has proven me correct.

The Doctorโ€™s Receptionist said I was the only person who didnโ€™t want it. All her other calls were from desperate people wondering when it was coming out and how could they be first in line.

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Kudos! I wish more of us had done that. Not just non-compliance, loud, even belligerent, non-compliance was called for it turns out. I think we were too polite and "compassionate" (a word I'm coming to hate). What they needed was open and withering scorn and mockery.

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Do you wanna know what my Doctor said in response?

โ€œI donโ€™t think itโ€™s going to matter.โ€

I IMMEDIATELY knew what she meant.

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I told my doctor I would not take the jab. She called me an anti-vaxxer. I have a new doctor.

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Good move.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

OMG, I love it Eric!

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Damar Hamlin is Asked What Reason Doctors Gave Him For His Heart Stopping.

โ€œUmm, thatโ€™s something I want to stay away fromโ€

Pfizer got your tongue?

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Wonder if thereโ€™s something related to his NFL contract or such whereby he stands to lose a bunch of money if he talks. Itโ€™s all very sad. He could have just said he wasnโ€™t sure or the drs didnโ€™t come to a conclusion. Itโ€™s tragic, truly.

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Interesting that they didnโ€™t edit those questions out of the interview.

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Yes! And that the interviewer even asked them. The truth wants to come out.

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Or that they didn't edit them so the silence following them didn't seem SO suspiciously long

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Wonder what they did edit out ??

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There are no "sides" in this whole pantomime. If anyone thinks there is a clear right verus left, you are being fooled. The media leads the public in whatever direction you lean toward. It's past time to see the bigger picture here. That interview was scripted for both sides, vaxxed and unvaxed, left and right. The chaos we are living in is part of the intiation process for spiritual evolution.

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Maybe he's ethical enough that he doesn't want to lie, but not quite so ethical as to prevent his agreeing not to tell the truth.

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Look at it from his perspective. The man probably can no longer play professional football and thus has no income in the foreseeable future. He was probably told that he would be responsible for all his own medical bills and that he would forfeit the rest of his contract if he spoke out against the vaccine or did anything other than what he is told. He does NOT appear happy about this situation. He seems like an ethical young man who has some thinking to do. Time will tell if he decides to come to the right way out of his predicament, which is always to tell the truth regardless of the consequences to himself (as it must seem).

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Where are all the good doctors telling him he could be the one to blow the lid off this thing, speak for thousands of injured and abandoned people and become a REAL hero? For someone who claims to LOVE and yearns to give back to those who supported him - well, speaking out and walking away from potential hush money would be a good start.

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I agree with your "philosophy", Jo--but this young man had a "bright" future ahead of him--NOW??? He'll be lucky if he can just enjoy a "semi-normal" life--PLUS the medical bills are going to be astronomical. No--he did what MOST people would do--THINK OF HIMSELF AND HIS FAMILY--take the BRIBE and RUN!

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Iโ€™m thinking he is trying to take care of his mom and family. They will get a pile of money if they stay quiet. It looks like he and they are still traumatized and grateful he is alive. None of them are happy, you can see it in their faces.

Hopefully their plan is to downsize their lives, take the money, retire and then talk. They have his non profit and CPR-promoting commercials for meaningful work.

Hope springs eternal.

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I completely agree with you. He was likely threatened by the NFL that he wonโ€™t have healthcare if he speaks. He needs a lot of treatment right now. I doubt they will pay his salary ongoing but maybe they quietly settle in something.

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Again, imagine how daunting it must feel to not have healthcare costs covered if youโ€™re vaccine injured....and then realize there are thousands of people young and old in this exact situation. And you have the entire country transfixed on you - what an opportunity to be the voice for the voiceless and effect change. That sounds more like Godโ€™s plan to me. Heโ€™s a coward, straight up.

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I do understand that calculation. I'm grateful I was retired from my job in Army medicine and public health well before I would have had to worry about losing my retirement pay for telling the truth. I'm grateful that SPC Michael New was the one in position to refuse to be placed under UN command instead of me, long ago, because I wasn't sure I'd have had the courage. (I was deployed in another theater at the time, which later came under UN command, but only well after I'd left. I breathed a sigh of relief.) But the people I *respect* are SPC New and those officers who have resigned before retirement rather than keep quiet in the face of destruction of the military - Marine Lt Col Stuart Scheller, over the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle; Air Force Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, over Woke, Inc.; and Army LTC Paul Douglas Hague, over the injection mandate and also "the Marxist takeover of the military," along with those who, long ago, signed what was to become either the foundational document for a new country or their own death warrant, pledging "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." It's a pledge that doesn't just sound like hollow words in an old document, when one is faced with losing one or all of them. Yes, people may suffer financially, terribly, when they do the right thing, as have the outspoken physicians whose hospital privileges and medical licenses have been threatened and even removed, taking away their means of livelihood, too. However, the injections were just added to the U.S. Childhood Immunization Schedule. Many lives are at stake. If he has any inkling that his injury is causally associated with the injections, then *now* is the time to have the courage to speak out, trusting in God, though at a time when it is so difficult to do so. (Matthew 6:26-34.)

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You speak from intimate experience with the military - this football player does not have the disciplined background that you have. Young people today have NO INKLING what it is to be DEPRIVED--they have been HANDED so many "things" without understanding the TRUE VALUE of ANYTHING. I see it everywhere in the millennials and Gen "Z"ers (BTW...doesn't the moniker "Z" denote the END of "generations"? I believe Jesus will be returning IMMINENTLY - I see so many predictors given to us in Scripture.

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Great post Fla Mom!!

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Succinctly written! Courage and boldness is what we need right now no matter the cost.

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How much money does he need? What do you figure his life expectancy is.

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Good question!

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What are the chances that the doctors said it was from the vaccine? Any dr. saying that would have his/her career ended. Maybe they said myocarditis?

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I believe 10 years from now (IF he lives that long) Damar will write a "tell all" book about it and make another $50 million off this horrid bioweapon.

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I doubt he lives that long

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For many reasons--he may go back to his "bribe partners" for more money so he doesn't "squeal"--and they'll call in Hilary's "fixers" to finish him off--sounds like a plot for a cheap crime drama--but it happens all too often in our corrupt governmental systems.

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Too bad he didnโ€™t wear a wire if these conversations took place

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I can definitely see this scenario happening ๐Ÿ˜ž

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Stop talking that nonsense! (/s, for those that need it)

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Right. Exactly.

And by the nature of his answers, and his very long pauses, he tells us what we need to know.

He is perhaps permanently disabled, certainly no longer able to play football, and needs to be able to provide for his ongoing medical care and family.

He is likely in a very difficult spot.

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Itโ€™d be a shame if one of his family members spilled the beans.

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He seems more traumatized to me, processing what his future will not be. I expect him to retire and do his charitable work full time, with some Red Cross CPR commercials for money.

He avoided the myocarditis issue unless the docs refuse to tell him. Pfizer, Fauci (still a gov employee or โ€œconsultantโ€) and other fraudsters are all over this.

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Or maybe he's about to burst into tears if he does tell the truth.

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There damn well is NOW! It's become the marriage made in Hell to an NFL player.

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I guarantee it. Damar's a young player so there's definitely strong language in there about publicity, club and NFLPA image rights, licensing, and so on.

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Doubtful, multiple players came out against the juice, including one of its biggest stars, Aaron Rodgers. This is a different kind of pressure.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

There's a difference between the type of contract signed by a young player like Damar Hamlin and an established player like Aaron Rodgers. Aaron Rodgers is represented by David Dunn who is a leading sports agent. I have no doubt that Rodgers has control over his image and what he can - and can't - say as a player. The same is probably true of Kyrie Irving. and even Tyler Bertuzzi of the Red Wings. That said, I have no doubt that their beliefs are sincere.

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Iโ€™d say no answer is an answer. Iโ€™m betting somebody threatened this poor man if he told the truth. I saw him at the stupor bowl sitting next to Roger Goodell. You donโ€™t get to do that unless youโ€™re in deep with that organization. Iโ€™m betting millions of dollars of rolled his way. Itโ€™s so sad, because he could be the break thatโ€™s so many are looking for to openly discredit this poison.

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Yes, he actually said a whole lot, without speaking many words.

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I understand he was compromised early on and shown with children from his charity using their inverted hand gestures of 666, etc. The very sick aspect of sports, Hollywood and the music industry is they draw in these naive kids to play along with their perverted agenda, selling their souls for money and fame. At some point it's too late for their awakening or too difficult a choice to make.

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The whole Damar thing is weird. The appearance at the playoff game completely covered, masked, and wearing sunglasses, waving arms around. Does anyone believe that was actually him? Then the creepy video which was just weird and made no sense. Now thisโ€ฆ what is really going on?

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He has ongoing health issues, including the need for a heart transplant probably. Theyโ€™ve probably made it clear to him that he can either get good care or be left to die if he finks them out.

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Sadly, very likely.

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I do not believe for a second that the person all bundled up at the playoff game was Damar.

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John fetterman basically

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โœ“ NO -Not him

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He just invited more questions with those responses. The truth shall set you free!

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He should have said Racism and Global Warming

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Also gardening and showering and the most insidious- to much joy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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No I think he has PTSD. The near death experience was not kind to him.

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I was wondering the same.

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Hush money

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Yes, Pfizer does. Dear Mr. Hamlin, if you want to keep the $$$$ flow going then SHUT THE F UP!

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Yes and they also got his heart.

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The NFL owns every carbon atomic particle fiber in his body. But not his mind!

He is very young and horribly perplexed. Give him some time to do the right thing.

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Damar could have refused the Shot. Like Aaron Rodgers and Kyrie Irving.

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Yes, but I do feel for him. The others are older with fully developed brains, more life experience, and a longer time in their careers. Damar is basically still just a naive, starry-eyed kid with a few years left still of cognitive development. He trusted everyone around him. Poor kid.

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Oh. If that's even Damar. But he gets it. All those feds arrived at the hospital locked and loaded. His entire family got the message loud and clear. Take the money and stfu! Or else.

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Itโ€™s so creepy ๐Ÿ˜•

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

There is that. That action would have required bravery beyond football life. Iโ€™m not sure if this young adult could make that choice. I canโ€™t imagine the hoards of people in his life who might be affected if his money dried up. No excuse though, he would have had to have support from family and friends

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So many people caved when pressured to get the shots. He is in good company.

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University of Pittsburgh was relentless going after unvaxxed students. That place should be closed. They hounded one of my son's friends when he attended.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

Pitt also did "research" attaching dead/live baby scalps to mice.


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From other sources Iโ€™ve read concerning the work they are doing at Pitt it is the use of fetal tissue in creating human/mouse hybrids. The deliberate melding of human and animal genetic material for the purpose of โ€œenhancingโ€ human health. Itโ€™s all very demonic and a reduplication of Babel.

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No words

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Yes they did, and he could have as well. Now heโ€™ll get some great parting gifts from Pfizer and the NFL for his silence.

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But it's safe and effective and keeps Mom and Grandma safe!! C'mon, man! Where's your sense of charity? (๐Ÿคฎ)

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Pfizer got his wallet.

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By not answering, he answered the question. Is there anyone left who cannot be bribed or bought?

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Me! ๐Ÿ˜

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Yes, I found it interesting that he could laugh and joke with his interview and answer all the other questions. Love to know what he was telling himself as that question was asked! "Stop, and think about it, do not give the real answer." He did not want the consequences of the truth. I am glad he is doing well, but very sad sad he can't share the real problem here. It is a sad way to live.

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If that was really Damar, I donโ€™t believe heโ€™s doing well. Myocarditis causes permanent damage to your heart. He will have to deal with this the rest of his life including the psychological effects of what happened.

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With the long pauses on some of the questions before he even open his mouth, to me it seemed like he was listening to someone giving him instructions. Much like Biden. They have wireless devices now that they can talk directly to your brain.

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Of course Pfizer and the NFL have got him cornered. He will never be able to play football again so what could have been a very lucrative career, is now just a memory and since he was forced to get the shot and this tragic event happened on a very public stage, Pfizer and the NFL have no choice but to pay hush money. What is sad is that this seemingly God Fearing young man is being made to lie in order to secure his future.

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Well, his silence at least is being delivered in a manner that anyone who is thoughtful can infer that this was not a simple comortio cordis. I mean, if it was something straightforward, he could have said that. If he was intent upon direct deceipt, he could have made up an answer or at least answered promptly that he would rather not discuss personal medical details. I think the long pause speaks for itself. And truthfully, he probably really doesnโ€™t want to think about what caused it, even though he surely thinks about it every single day.

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He is an actor. He needs to follow the script.

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ABSOLUTELY. I am CERTAIN Mr. Hamlin and his family are "enjoying" the bribe they got for staying OFF THE RADAR of sharing what ACTUALLY caused his heart to stop beating. Millions of $$'s to keep him quiet is "chump change" to Pfizer!! GOD HELP US and protect us from the POWER POTENTATES in our world!

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In the end truth will rise to the top. Just like eventually evil will be exposed. As time goes on and Damar (if thatโ€™s really him) and his family absorb all theyโ€™ve lost they may decide to speak out. Iโ€™m sure they were all still in shock when the NFL swooped in and smooth talked them into thinking they would be well taken care of. And probably made them sign an iron clad non disclosure agreement.

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I'd like to know that. A preemptive settlement? We'll never know ... non-disclosure.

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in that short clip i have no idea what he said at the end

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Whoever is wise, let him understand these things;

Whoever is discerning, let him know them.

For the ways of the Lord are right,

And the righteous will walk in them,

But transgressors will stumble in them.

โ€” Hosea 14:9 NASB1995

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Excellent informative and entertaining read per usual. Thank you for your work. And thank you for bringing attention to E. Palestine Ohio. And I never thought I would say this, but I ๐Ÿ’ฏ percent agree with the Scott Adamsโ€™ statement on the UFOs/balloons. Based on what I see on social media no one is falling for the potential UFO story. But that might be because I only follow critical thinkers.๐Ÿ˜‰

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Even libs are making balloon jokes, itโ€™s pretty funny to watch. Iโ€™ve mostly seen the hot air balloon cancelled jokes from libs, they wouldnโ€™t touch the Hunter balloon jokes ๐Ÿคฃ

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As usual, a good report.

Could you find out something more on the Project Veritas saga?

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+1 to this request^

What did your letter contain and when are they returning the money to the c&c'ers that gave to their cause?

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I second this โฌ†๏ธ

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James IS Project Veritas.

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THIS!! Last I heard there was a lawsuit mounted against the board if they continue to oust James. But crickets after that

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Believe in yourself and what you know to be true. All else is lies. Only if we lie to ourselves do we miss the truth. Of course it is Psychological Operations. Clowns on the ground, balloons in the air. UFOโ€™s everywhere. Stay real, stay engaged in real work, stay honest. These are after all the folks who have brought you all the psy ops of the past - of which there are many. If you think something could be or could have been a psychological operation you are more than likely right.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

And stay in the Word of God. Put on the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness, lest you are ensnared by the devils arrows.

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Amen. It is all theater. All the world is a stage and we are merely pawns...I mean players.

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Play it well. Be true to your character.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

I told my husband a few days ago that the mysterious "objects" scenario smells like a stinking psyop. The question at this point is what is the purpose of the psyop? Then the question is "what do they want to divert our attention away from?" While the grubbermint was busy shooting down various shaped objects, what else was going on? Hmmm......

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And why wonโ€™t they let Doddering Joe come out and talk about it? Afraid heโ€™ll blab something heโ€™s not supposed to?

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I believe there is a whole slew of things they want to divert our attention from. I wouldnโ€™t know where to stop my laundry list. Would go back a few hundred years, show a peak in the early sixties, and come to a crescendo at the โ€œelectionโ€ of Joe Biden. And that would be a short list.

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So Russel Brand, yeah that crazy actor guy from several years ago - I think he went woke during the pandemic and it's pretty much against all the crazy stuff going on. On yesterdays yt video he discusses the nonsense of these flying objects as distractions


He has some entertaining videos on the madness happening around the world.

Sorry if I against rules to post yt links - Jeff please delete if needed.

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I like his takes on things. He gets it.

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I often think itโ€™s all just smoke and mirrors.

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But you have to ask , to what end?

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Have you ever read The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis? This battle is all about the principalities of darkness. Satan is using "man" for his own purposes--which is to steal as many souls from God as possible. In many cases, he hasn't had to work too hard. ๐Ÿ˜”

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Exactly. A person has to ask the question to start on the road to truth.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

โ€œThe generals said some remarkable things.โ€

Is there anyone, among us, who actually believes anything our military leaders now spout?

I have a bridge to sell you.

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Nvver trust ANYONE above the rank of Captain.

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As an enlisted man, I can assure you that my parents were married.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

Damar was obviously instructed on what NOT to say. Yet, his long pause in regards to the question seems to be his way of bypassing their instructions by actually saying what they don't want him to say.

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Silence in the face of evil is evil itself; God will not hold us guiltless. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Hmmmm.....the silence of the new style Rap Lingo. I'm groovin already to the sounds.

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Yes. He's certainly not someone who easily takes on a PR role. In the longer interview he did appear to speak more openly and naturally about some topics, so he was probably prepped on what he cannot say but not given good training on what he should say to those questions, leaving us this honest hemming and hawing.

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The man has a LOT to process. First his near death experience and his ongoing recovery and prognosis. But more importantly, he could have believed he lived in a "good" world and the NFL was his friend and protector. Now he has to rethink his ENTIRE (mostly assumed) world view. We've had a couple of years, or more, to do this, he's had a couple of weeks.

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There is much un-certainty with this one. Dreamed this NFL gig was his forever destiny.

The loss of his NFL contract might actually become his finest motivator to live again.

Who knows? The New Frontier just got a lot more interesting.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

Russia is winning that war despite the MSM spin.

For YEARS Russia kept saying "Stop messing with Russians in the Donbas." Repeatedly. Like a kid in school telling the Bully to !STOP!, but the bully keeps swinging and landing punches. Then the kid goes into "I'm not gonna take it anymore" mode, and pummels the bully.

WE---that is the US deep state and corrupt actors---caused this war. And Russia will finish it, unless the US goes nuke first. The West is like a wimpy kid with a big gun. It's Russia who is hard.

And I am no "Putin Lover" for the PC/Woke snowflakes out there.

There is ZERO reason for the US to be prosecuting this "war." It needs to just stop right now. And the western war mongers need to be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail.

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Thank you, finally some truth about Russia. Now the Hersh report is out and Russia and Germany knows about it. I would expect the stage to look different right now, blowing up Nord Stream 2 is an act of war. By passing the DOD and Congress is cause for impeachment. Meanwhile the media is trying to decide which topic they should not discuss the most, Ohioโ€™s toxic cloud or our act of war on the Nord Stream 2?

Jeff, excellent news brief today, as usual. Your humor laced into the stories is a breath of fresh air!

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So whatโ€™s Russia going to do about it? Nothing.

Becuase theyโ€™re weak and unable to.

They blew it up, not the west.

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A Loyal Comrade of The Glorious Great Reset Revolution!

Comrades! Embrace the Reset! Re-Education Camp for dissenters.

(Now go eat your bugs.)

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I donโ€™t eat bugs

Are you saying Russians using their own men as mine sweepers is somehow better than the west?

Russia has lost this war. Thatโ€™s not me, thatโ€™s their own pro war nationalistic


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At least the Russians aren't trans-ing their schoolchildren or allowing Tranny Storytime Hour at the local library.

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Russia is kidnapping thousands of children and โ€œplacingโ€ them in Russian homes. Genocide.

You approve of that?

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They just throw them into mine fields by the thousands and then shrug and do it again the next day.


Much for caring about life

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Your UniParty thought blowing up that pipeline would bring the Russian economy to its knees...which is what this "war" was all about: humbling a global competitor.

As usual, the UniParty was mis-informed and clueless, because Russia emerged even stronger economically, while the West is suffering.

All I can figure is the UniParty and their sycophants (like Two N's) spends a lot of time inhaling their own methane.

"Yup, we reallyreallyreally giot Russia on the ropes now!"

Hilarious! If it was funny.

WW3, brought to you by UniParty (and Pfizer) is not a laughing matter.

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The Russian economy is grinding to a halt on its own. Thereโ€™s even a massive power struggle right now as each faction has its own military company, even Shoigu.

Gotten your Sputnik Covid vaccine yet?

Why is Russia on day 356 of its 3 day war they declared victory on back on day 2, February 26th?

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Let's see what you say 6 months from now.

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6 months to slow the spread, right?

Iโ€™ve heard that before.

Remember, Russia declared victory almost a year ago and that Zelensky was

Defeated, yet here we are.

Kherson and Kharkiv both happened, tne Russian 5th mobilization and still no victory.

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Troll, troll your boat ... gently up the stream!

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Merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream..until your flagship gets sunk by a harpoon

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This supposed war in Ukraine is actually 5th generation warfare. Russia will โ€œwinโ€ the war precisely when they want to. You think you know what they are up to in Ukraine but chances are, itโ€™s a manufactured story. When the mission in Ukraine is accomplished, the mission will end.

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Russia has been trying to win for almost a year. They got handed their ass at Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Kherson. Are you saying that was part of the plan? Losing their most elite troops in a slog fest against ukrainain irregulars?

Russia claims they win last February. So why are they still fighting?

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They arenโ€™t fighting. They have a mission, Russia is a super power in the world. You believe some drugged up nazis can beat a super power? Itโ€™s almost laughable.

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Youโ€™re saying 1727 destroyed Russian tanks and a shattered russian army isnโ€™t fighting?

What happened to the Russian offensive in vuhledar and why has the 155th guards naval infantry been decimated and no longer combat effective?

Why hasnโ€™t Russia won yet?

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Are you saying Putin is so unhinged we must abandon our allies to NOT offend him?

At one point the USA dropped live depth charges on nuclear armed Russian submarines. They still didnโ€™t fire.

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Russians are tough and used to hardship.

Think Stalingrad and the 900-day siege of Leningrad.

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I'm looking forward to the last Nazi Ukranian being bayonetted by Russian troops.

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Tougher than woodpecker lips.

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So tough they go on social media begging to be saved from the Russian graveyard known as vuhledar?

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So social media has NEVER been used as part of 5th generational warfare?

Little dude/dudette/xiette....you will believe anything,

You are the perfect target of war propaganda.

Russia is losing so badly your hero, the Cocaine Cowboy Comedian dwarf, is begging the world for help.

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Whatโ€™s the matter? No response?

Are you saying Zelensky, a Jewish leader, is making a mockery of Putin?

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Russia is losing. There is a reason animals in vuhledar and bakhmut are well fed.

Why have they not been able to beat Ukraine yet?

I talk with dudes over there daily. Are you saying the Russian marines run over by their own vehicles and the anger from Russians is fake and that Putin intended to lose his Black Sea flagship, 140k men, and all national pride?

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Ha! Ha! You just keep getting better!

Question: Tribe of Benjamin! Mossad? Who's paying you to entertain us?

(So weirdly twisted funny. Must be some kind of art form!)

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Since I never respond to Trolls other than a first dash, except in moments of weakness and never on Valentine's Day (because Trolls are prone to get the wrong idea, on almost everything, if you know what I mean), I'll reply to myself.

Every once and awhile, a Troll might be telling the truth, like getting paid to be a Troll. And some way or another, it could be that we are paying for Benjie's Trolldom. After all, 'they' the Evil Ones have financed everything off our backs every step of the way. So, I suppose maybe we do pay at the Troll-gate somewhere, somehow ???

Benjie Boy of the Tribe of Benjamin wants to know why Russia is winning? See folks, how dumb Trolls are? Benjie Boy Tribe of Benjamin ought to be asking why the US hasn't won a war since WWII? And by the way, Grenada and Panama hardly count. And with such a nearly infallible track record, the Vegas odds are probably 0 to 0 that Nutz NATO is not going to win this one.

Moreover, if Sanctioning counts, Russia is small peanuts. With Sanctioning, the United States has already lots 3/4 of the planet by population. Trolls aren't very smart, but then again ... neither is the United States.

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America got their asses kicked in A-stan by a bunch of goat herders.

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You are. I get paid on the first and the 15th. Tomorrow. Donโ€™t forget to pay up.

Being .mil who will get to keep his job and retire is refreshing.

Why is Russia winning?

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Theyโ€™re literally going on social media begging to be saved from their commanders.

Russians sacrificed an entire guards brigade along with a brigade of tanks trying to take a souther Ukrainian town. They failed.

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Didn't Putin have cancer last year?

Weren't the Russians running out ammo last year?

What happened with the collapse of the Ruble?

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Russians have severe artillery and missile shortages. Thereโ€™s a reason the missile barrages happen further and further apart followed by a heavy use of shahed136 drones. Russian production is absolutely horrid. As of last year they were firing missiles with 2022 production dates. Itโ€™s literally being made and fired immediately.

Are you saying Russians are lying when they complain they lack artillery and tank ammunition?

Howโ€™s vuhledar, comrade?

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One can do nothing with Trolls. They either are paid to disrupt, and/or have a psychopathic turn of mind, like the kind the comes with Woke Marxism.

Rule One! Never argue with a Troll. Instead, stick to the motto ... one good Troll deserves another! Have some fun! Ridicule them and watch them spin their wheels going nowhere fast.

The amazing thing is that Trolls continue to do the only thing they know to do which is to bait the hook and see how many fish they can catch. Let's just say that when it comes to fishing ... a Troll is a One Trick Pony! And leave it at that.

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When someone can't support their arguments with facts, they go right into name calling. Try supporting your arguments or factually disputing Benjaminn.

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Facts are hard for the pro-communist crowd to deal with.

Have you gotten the Sputnik Covid shot yet? Why not

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Loyal Comrade, your boys literally shot a missile at themselves to blame Russia.

I assume you have not read Seymour Hersch's excellent analysis of precisely how Biden blew up the pipeline...which has not been refuted by anyone.

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Russia shot down an airliner and people are less pissed about that.

Whatโ€™s going on in vuhledar and why are Russians begging to be saved from the eastern military district commander?

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Copy and pasted directly from BBC. Or is it CNN?

At least Jeff's blog attracts a few lefties.

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Florida Man! Trolls are pretty intellectual jagged creatures. Broken shattered mirrors have smother edges. Just saying!

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Facts are uncomfortable for anti-Americans and pro Covid vaccinators to deal with :)

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I chat with folks over there daily.

Where am I quoting cnn?

Itโ€™s a shame I canโ€™t share the videos directly.

Russians are literally plowing over their own dudes trying to run away from ukrainain kill boxes

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Yep. Iโ€™m WAY more concerned about China than Russia!!!!

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The UniParty is all-in for China. The UniParty is NOT your patriotic friend. They are the enemy of freedom.

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Russia is allied with China.

Once conflict grows close youโ€™ll see pro China pundits start talking about how China is pro family values just like how Russia is now

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How is Russia winning its war? You havenโ€™t explained it yet.

Is losing 140k men part of the plan ?

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Keep saying it. Eventually you might actually believe it.

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357 days into Putinโ€™s 3 day war and he still canโ€™t win.

The USA beat saddam in under a month in 2003.

12000 miles from home.

Your boy Vlad canโ€™t get a w on his door step

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Absolutely Right! And who pays the price for these $%^$ elitist robbers? We all do ... all around the world, here at home, in Europe ... and all the ordinary sacrificial lambs just ordinary people in the Ukraine.

If was young, able to start all over, and could afford to get out from under the Jackboot, I believe I would.

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Russia is losing.

Russia claimed victory almost a year ago yet its still fighting.

Remember Kharkiv? Kherson?

140k dead Russians later and 5 mobilizations, a lost flagship, and almost 300 aircraft and UAVs gone there is still no victory.

The only person who started this war is Putin

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Reports indicate that fairly early on in the conflict, Russia and Ukraine were about to enter negotiations, but Biden scuttled that.

This war is on Biden and company.

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This article documents that fairly well.

The Blue and Yellow Troll is hard at work


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Quoting zero hedge, a Russian publication, is like asking alexei michalkov about Ukraine.

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Itโ€™s a reprint from Mike Whitney you ninny.

I dare you to read it and debunk it point by point genius.

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WhaaWhaah Cope Harder.

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3 days to Kyiv, right?




Snake island


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โ€œReports indicateโ€โ€ฆyeah. Sure.

If Biden demanded you get two boosters a year would you compromise and get just one? Why not?

There was never a peace deal. Russia rejected it. The latest Ukrianain peace deal Russia rejected outright.

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You like to play with words and "extrapolate" them into something they are not.

I never said there was a peace deal. I said Russia and Ukraine were about to begin negotiations and the Biden Admin torpedoed it.

Silly boy...

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Which leads to a peace deal, right?

Or not?

Russia doesnโ€™t want peace. They want control.

Russia rejected a peace deal recently becuase it means they have to leave the lands they annexed (in a war totally not about annexing land).

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Both Zelensky and Putin want control. The Biden admin wants control.

Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven, I guess.

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Let me guess.. you think Zelensky is a good guy right? No corruption here.. no money laundering for the US... look at the shiny penny over there! Putin bad..

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Zelensky is the victim, not the aggressor.

How do we launder dead Russians?

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Zelensky is an ex-pole dancer. He is being used by the US Deep State and more than likely will be taken out soon (by the Deep State) as they can no longer afford his blackmailing. Russia knows what the end game requires, peace negotiations will most likely mean Zelensky must step down and remove the Nazi's from the country. Zelensky isn't there yet, he may agree to this peace negotiation just moments before being suicided by the Deep State. Russia isn't fighting Ukraine; Russia is fighting the Deep State which not only exists in the US but rather all over the world. Spoiler alert, Russia isn't fighting the Deep State alone.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

Why hasnโ€™t Russia won yet? 140k men lost and 4 major defeats. Are

You saying a pole dancer is making a mockery of a communist kgb agent? That must be embarrassing for the Russians.

Russia is fighting Ukraine, nobody else.

Why did Russia claim victory then take it back?

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So transparent. I believe you must actually be reading word for word from the talking points your Bolshevik superiors send you.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023


You are buying into the deep state/CIA crap spun by the MSM. Or maybe you're a fan of "Col" Vindman.

If Russia were losing, Ukraine would not be snatching middle-aged men off the streets for cannon fodder, and begging NATO for more weapons and money.

This war is on the US Uniparty who have been sniping at Russians in East Ukraine since the CIA/Obama-inspired color revolution in 2014. These cretins have been begging for a proxy war with Russia for years, and bought off the Cocaine Cowboy Comedian dwarf as their front man.

Get your history straight, my friend. Believe nothing of what the MSM tries to spin.

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Why is Russia 356 days into a 3 day war they declared victory on in day 2?

Russia is killing an entire generation of its young men for a dictators pride.

Russia has been invading and annexing parts of Europe for decades.

3 days to Kyiv, right?

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A comedian is running a war that has destroyed his country and any hope for its future because the comedian knows nothing but ... well... um.... lemme think... oh...I got it... he knows nothing but how to leech funds from US legislators.

Are you trying to protect the US bio-weapons labs in Ukraine? Or are you getting a cut from the Big Guy?

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How is he destroying Ukraine?

Russia is

If you refuse to get a Covid shot and youโ€™re locked in your house by Biden, did you do that?

Or did Biden?

Winston Churchill came over in a green military uniform to beg for weapons.

Ben Franklin went to france to beg for aid.

If someone is going to break into your house would you surrender to them? Why not?

Zelensky stood up to Putin and called him a pussy. Thatโ€™s how we are supposed to address tyrants.

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Like Zelensky, you don't believe in negotiated truces and the result is a never-ending war. How many deaths will be enough for you?

Zelensky could have told Biden to sit down and shut up while he negotiated a truce with Russia. Many, many deaths and much destruction could have been avoided. Instead, we are on the brink of a world war.

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Macgregor is an idiot.

The funny thing is Russia was forced out of Kherson and they claim it as their own.

And they bomb it a lot. Why?

Macgregor claimed this:

"The battle in eastern Ukraine is really almost over, all of the Ukrainian troops there have been largely surrounded and cut off. You have a concentration down in the Southeast of 30 or 40,000 of them, and if they don't surrender in the next 24 hours, I suspect Russia will ultimately annihilate them."

That was in March of last year. Ukraine took back numerous major cities in eastern Ukraine. They didnโ€™t lose 30-40k men at once.

Ask yourself why macgregor appears on RT as an outside reporter.

And also ask yourself why Russia is losing hundreds of men in frontal charges into Ukrainian lines that are mined and pre sighted with artillery.

Iโ€™ve seen countless videos of them hitting a mine and the next vehicle driving around it to only hit another one.

Are these really the guys youโ€™re shilling for?

The Russian offensive is a failure.

I would heavily suggest listening to girkin. Heโ€™s a pro Russian war criminal but brutally honest. The window for victory is gone.

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That's a great question: where IS FEMA??

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FEMA is busy planning the next School shooting massacre. Don't bother them, please.

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It happened last night. Michigan State University. 3 dead, 5 in critical condition. 43 year old male entered an academic hall near the downtown area of campus. Shot at least two victims there. Proceeded to the student union near the hall. Several more victims there. Escaped on foot. 3 hours later killed himself by self inflicted gun shot. This morning we are all treated to our governor who almost immediately went to the threat of guns to our children, then to the U.S. Congress woman from that district who is already rumored to be groomed for the governor run when Whitmer is termed out. She predictably went to two mass school shootings in her district 15 months apart. No one questions why under Dem rule we continue to have shootings or the every day shootings in the murder Capitol of Detroit. Meanwhile two gun control bills are laying in our Legislature, waiting to be pushed through. Michigan, welcome to the ranks of California, New York, Washington, Illinois.

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None of these shooters are ever NRA members. Interesting, huh?

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Quite a few of these events are theater. Most recent notables being the Brooklyn subway and Buffalo NY. The subway was clearly a drill. The participants exit the train in a calm orderly manner, then the handler tells them on a bullhorn to get back into the cars. Some are sitting around taking selfies. In Buffalo the shooter is wearing a camera and livestreams it. The actors falling over dead after not being shot is laughable. The icing on the cake, is the man on the ground shot in the head: it ruffles his shirt and his head remains intact. I am not making any outrageous blanket claims, but simply looking at available evidence.

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But there is nothing "wrong" in offing some sheeples as well, comrade. Breaking a few eggs to make that yummy bolshevik omelette.

Psyvh Drugs made their debut in skools about the same time as skool shootings.

Covid VaXXXes made their debut about the same time as SADS started.

I'm sure it's All a Coincidink.

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NRA?... What dat? ๐Ÿค 

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Exactly!!!! Never!

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

Whitmer just got one more feather in her cap yesterday when Ford/CATL (a Chinese company) decided to bring its new EV battery plant to the doorstep of the small beautiful historic community where I live. This is the plant that Governor Youngkin rejected for Virginia because of its ties to the CCP. There was no vote or referendum from the community--just a handful of local politicians and Lansing bureaucrats gave away 2000 acres (the size of 1361 football fields) of our agricultural land and beautiful Kalamazoo River frontage to a multinational company. (Don't worry--there will be a buffer zone!) Our mayor says this will help us retain our culture and small-town charm. An industry analyst said it will be transformational. Which is it? My money is on transformation. I have no problem with growth, but it must be controlled, incremental, and according to the values and will of the people who live there. Yesterday I stood protesting with others and was amazed that most of the people who drove by waved, honked, or gave the thumbs up sign, showing they were against the Ford Megasite. Business was conducted behind closed doors until it was a done deal. Recent community meetings were standing room only, and most spoke against the Megasite. But it was all a sham. The decision was made in Lansing or perhaps higher. The people who live here actually had nothing to say about it. Our way of life will be gone in a few years.

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Remember Solyndra Solar Company Scandal under Obamy the Great One???

EV batteries are extremely Toxic, and even if/when made more efficient, they have to be Re-Charged with electricity from ???

Natural Gas vehicles make more sense, but current clean diesel and gasoline is just fine too.

BTW,What authorizes Any Government to Dictate the type of vehicles we drive???

We voluntarily gave up horses for the Model T Ford, there was no mandate to shoot horses or tax hay, just saying, Comrades.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

I have loved Tesla since they started. Their speed, their self-driving tech, the whole little guy startup kicking Detroit's ass - I love them.

But I've decided that I just can't bring myself to buy one, because (1) they're coal-powered; (2) they are based on inhuman child slave labor; and (3) the whole "man-made climate change" thing is an obvious one world government scam.

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And, it takes 500k POUNDS of minerals to build ONE EV.

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el gato did a fantastic take-down of ev versus gasoline. The 'carbon footprint' of a Tesla is way more than a combustion engine car.


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This makes me so sad. I would have done the same thing as you -- so much of whatโ€™s going on feels like a huge tidal wave - itโ€™s all so massive & nothing can stop it from reaching its destination.

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I am sorry. The impression is that Whitmer is totally bought. I live in MN, where we have a very well bought Walz. Do you think your community can do anything to stop it?

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

I don't know. Some folks have been promoting the idea of turning the land into a state park because Calhoun County is the only county without a state park. But we feel pretty helpless, and I am heartbroken. I've lived here 36 years and loved every minute of it. We don't have money for a retainer for a law firm, and anyway, how do you fight the State of Michigan and Ford Motor Company?

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Well my very poor county fought NY State and we won. Itโ€™s a long shot but not impossible.

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You wonโ€™t know unless you give it your best shot! Rally other sane-minded citizens to at least attempt to stop it!

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Iโ€™m so sorry. Itโ€™s just sickening!

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@Runemasque. Sucks to be you in Minnefornia. Spent my entire life, 60+ years, there and it was a joy but the last 10- 20 years things have gone SO woke. The Pro Act was just the latest disgusting move. Moved to Sconie 3 years ago and hope the voters here can hold off the woke. Come on over to WI!

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Iโ€™m in Wisconsin too. I dearly miss the good parts of Minnesota but the Woke government is destroying what was once a beautiful state.

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Sounds like a possible pandemic move for you with that timing. We came to MN after our livelihood was disappeared by the lockdowns. It is the necessary location now. At least we went from urban to rural, which is quite an improvement, especially since we ran with a liberal crowd, who mostly shunned us when we didn't cover, hide, and shoot ourselves like the good people.

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That is disgusting, I am so angry on behalf of you and your community!! Iโ€™m guessing some palms were greased along the way ๐Ÿ˜ก

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I'm sure of it!

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I hear you. A huge battery plant is being built alongside of I-65 right around Elizabethtown, KY. Going to employ 5000-6000 people. Supposed to be finished by 2025.

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No one mentions the rare earth minerals needed for the batteries. The minerals are mined in 3rd world countries using child and slave labor, and THEN those minerals would likely be shipped to the U.S. battery show-plant. We apparently have such minerals in the U.S. but we're not allowed to mine them. People pushing EVs are such frauds.

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Another beautiful Midwestern state destroyed by corrupt government.

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Feb 14, 2023ยทedited Feb 14, 2023

๐Ÿ˜ญ Illinois is so bad we are soon to be sold to Russia or China, highest bidder for the bread basket, cow fodder (and I say THAT in the FONDEST WAY!) farm land. Only the slaves of the blow hard city and the farmers can't leave. So farmers sell out to wind turbine land rental and electric failure via our taxes.. and we are SUNK.

Vote for The Fat Man and Whitless for your next leaders and replace Corn pop and Romper Room Nancy. (She never saw me.)

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I fear they are doing the same here in commifornia- due to horrendous โ€œgreenโ€ legislation so many family farms in our Central Valley have been sold and most fertile ground in the country going fallow or turning into solar or wind farms. Meanwhile you canโ€™t build damns which would provide more than enough water for farmers and give you hydroelectric power as it is not โ€œgreenโ€ enough. The stupidity would be comical if it wasnโ€™t shrouded in evil intentions and results.

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Yes, our surrounding farmland that isn't going to Ford/China is being turned into solar farms.

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One wonders when they will figure out the huge โ€œgun free zoneโ€ signs in front of schools, churches, etc... could also just say no one here to disarm you have at it. Guns donโ€™t kill people but taking them away from law abiding citizens does.

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I have heard of schools that do the opposite, announce some their staff carry and โ€œoddly enoughโ€ none of those places have had any shootings ๐Ÿค”

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Weird how that works...

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It was a Diversityยฎ shooter. MSM memory hole in 3, 2, 1, gone.

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I have some first-hand experience from a trip to California in the 1960's in what's called "MkUltra" mind control tactics used by FBI/CIA/MI6 agents to foment mass shootings and assassinations. - Here's menu of techniques used by mind-control agents to get people to confess to crimes they didn't commit, for example - https://justpaste.it/8yyte

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No one is asking, no one is looking, politicians and propaganda media do not want to know...

Whose hand is holding the gun?

Whose hand is wielding the knife?

Whose hand is on the wheel and foot on the gas pedal mowing people down?

Whose hands are raping and strangling?

Whose hands are poisoning?

How did that level of violence get into that personโ€™s heart?

Are there commonalities?

The answers are:

1. itโ€™s about the family, not racism. Racism is not caring to rebuild the societies of black families.


2. Itโ€™s also about dehumanizing humans through media and โ€œentertainmentโ€ including violent games, movies and porn.



The military has been using violent games in collaboration with Super Nintendo for decades to overcome a soldierโ€™s natural reluctance to not kill humans. Some of these games are the same that kids USE. Not that kids โ€œplay.โ€ Human โ€œcollateralโ€ death is not important in first person shooter games.

See e.g., https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-gaming/military-video-games-training/

Even though some homicides are committed by someone with an intact family, we do not always know the dysfunction within. We do not always know the extent of violence being absorbed through โ€œedutainment.โ€

Until the US takes on real racism not racism transference, and what engenders violence to take hold of heart and mind, there will be escalation. No amount of gun, knife or vehicle control will stop it, it will only leave people more helpless to defend themselves.

When the FBI, politicians and schools pay attention to fixing those two things instead fixating on soccer moms, PTAs and religious people, society will start to turn around.

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It will never turn around. Unfortunately. It is going to rapidly degrade until Christ returns ! I truly believe his own will be spared the great tribulation (not looking to debate) but many will suffer in end times. The the KING returns to reign! The only hope we have is in Christ. I am praying daily he returns quickly.

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I agree, Lisa. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Truth and Love, and Love only exists in an atmosphere of pure freedom. As humans progressively reject the Holy Spirit, it is slowly withdrawn and people are left free to reap the consequences of their choices.

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Donโ€™t forget the anti-depressants & other meds dispensed so freely (bandaids rather than going to the root of a patientโ€™s physical or mental problems). Even certain forms of โ€œharmlessโ€ marijuana has appeared as major (if not only) substance revealed in toxicology reports of those committing violent crimes & suicide.

Drugs fuel psychosis in too many. The beautiful mother who strangled her 3 children then jumped out of their homeโ€™s 2nd story window was on numerous meds.

She is a paraplegic now facing trial for murder.

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So the fix is to call an evil Psycho-therapist

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That's right in the gov's backyard...East Lansing.

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Yes. Funny it didnโ€™t happen in the more woke but more elite campus of University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. I think I answered my own question.

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I find your comment very inappropriate. Some of us have children thereโ€ฆ

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Possibly a poor word choice. Perhaps 'curious' or 'interesting' would have been less inappropriate. Nobody here IMHO, that is not a bot or government plant intentionally seeks to offend or cause harm.

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I was going to say this. I thought Jeff was going to cover this shooting.

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I exiled myself to Wisconsin for now. Minnesota is Woketopia and unrecognizable any more

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Donโ€™t forget Minnesota! It is now completely Leftie Run. California without the Pacific.

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MN is now West Somalia. You have a muslim congresswoman that married her brother -- let that breathe. Sorry heritage Americans who immigrated from Scandinavia a century ago . . .

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FIB busy too!!! Blaming White "Deplorables" while "Monitoring" the Next Batch of Akbar "Tourists".

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FEMA: Fracas Entertained, Minus Assistance

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True that, BFM! Several years back after Hurricane Michael hit Florida, FEMA set up shop in a local shopping center. I happened to be looking into renting the space that the FEMA โ€œteamโ€ was preparing to vacate. It was a very diverse team, by the way. I saw many computers and boxes of files placed around the room but no one actually working on anything. Every one of the so-called workers was either hanging out in the kitchen area or smoking outside in the parking lot.

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After Katrina, New Orleans called FEMA "fix everything my ass"

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Looking for white privilege.

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Yaโ€™ know, I still have reserved judgment re the allegations about tech being inserted as part of the jabs. I havenโ€™t taken enough time to read as much as I would need to read to feel confident in one conclusion or the other.

That said, the balloon surveillance hypothesis definitely plays right into that theory about the jabs, doesnโ€™t it?

Iโ€™m not saying thatโ€™s whatโ€™s going on. We do not know. But boy do I feel like privacy is a vanishing notion nowadays. Lemme post this comment and then turn my device back to off. Maybe I need a few Faraday bags, although of course we canโ€™t use our devices whilst in the bags and taking them out of the bags to use them means they are, well, no longer โ€œoffโ€ or protected.

Ready to go abscond to a highly wooded mountainous region. If onlyโ€ฆ.

Jesus, come soon and keep us faithful until that day.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

One of the best things I ever did was ditch my smart phone. If these people wanna track me, Iโ€™m gonna make them work for it. Also, my life has gotten significantly calmer after getting rid of that stupid smart phone. I canโ€™t recommend ditching them highly enough.

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I never had a smartphone. Just a flip phone for emergencies when I am out. It's always off.

Smartphone will end up being the boot on people's neck.

Just look at communist China.

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Me, too. I never had a smartphone and never will. Now I'm considering getting a satellite phone, since who knows when the grid will go out?

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Satellite phone is an excellent idea. But, you better hurry. I don't think there are a lot available.

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Where did you get yours?

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Here is another place for a sat phone:


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Haven't got one yet.

But here is a place: sat123.com

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And you think the satellites will still be in orbit and functional? ๐Ÿคฃ Need to watch Sandra Bullock in Gravity.

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Amen, Amen I say unto you. Ditch your smartphone. Kill it with a hammer and toss it in the garbage. Let the Intel community go digging for you there.

I did the same thing - switched to a non-internet cellphone that I often lose for hours or days at a time.

I'm unplugging from the matrix. Ditched FascistBook in 2015. Ditched my cable subscription in 2016. Ditched my television in 2020. iPhone gone in 2021.


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I need a smart phone to read C&C in the mornings. Addicted to both content and comments.

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I get it, I am addicted to C&C and comments too! I use my PC to read.

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What are you using for a phone now?

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I have the equivalent of an old style flip phone, although it is flat - an unlocked Nokia 225. All it does is talk and text. No internet capabilities. No wifi. Bluetooth is supposed to work but I've never tried. It's only 4G, which is fine by me. It does have an actual FM radio built in, which was great during football season, and has a few other goodies like an alarm clock. It does almost nothing but that's what I wanted. Being unlocked, I was able to go to a Tello plan for nine bucks a month. Cheap and effective and NO apps.

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I still have a landline...and a flip phone for emergencies when I am out.

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โ€œReady to go abscond to a highly wooded mountainous region.โ€

Hopefully not near a busy rail spur

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That's where we are all going. ๐Ÿ˜‘

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I 100% believe tech was inserted. Look up nanobots. I watched a Dr who researched the insides herself show how the nanobots work. Carrie Madej???

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I'm still wondering how Dr Madej is doing. Anyone know?

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I havenโ€™t heard a thing. Maybe she is gone.

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I saw video two reputable (aka medical freedom) docs at a reputable symposium say that on close inspection with better microscopes there was a lot of debris in many batches, and the nano bot looking pieces were aluminum or other particulate.

No one could examine every batch so it could be a still be a possibility, but we need to be open to either way based on as much evidence as possible. Debris can also be bad, and could be toxic contamination in itself.

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Have you read or listened to todayโ€™s Spartacus Substack? He puts it altogether including the technology.

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ARE ALIENS Using Balloons to Derail Trains in America? (Let's go full tin-foil)

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Never go full tin-foil.

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I keep running out of tin foil these days.

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Now thereโ€™s an aluminum shortage! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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It's all connected!

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Balloons.....distraction. Excessive mortality all over the place in countries that vaxxed with warp speed. Nothing to see here, move on.

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Josh Stirling was seated next to Edward Dowd. Who also knows the exact numbers so far!

Lemmee tell ya....These guys ain't dumb!

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Following, is the url for Dowd's Humanity Projects, where current data is posted by his team (including Josh Stirling) regarding mortality, disability, etc. I get email updates when new information is added:


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In regard to the environmental movement. I recall it being hijacked in the mid 90's. The grassroots swelling of wanting to have a cleaner planet and to be better stewards was coopted by corporations.

Al Gore was right on cue, and the mass behavioral programming kicked off in earnest. Fast forward to today and it's a veritable frenzy of brainwashing of the younger generation. CO2 is evil, despite evidence to the contrary, and all the millions of toxic compounds and processes continue unabated....

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I used to teach astronomy to kids. It was a lot of fun. Around the 2012 nonsense, a lot of the kids were nervous about the world ending. I showed them a map by George Michael scallion that depicted the United States cut into by the Mississippi River and half of Ohio underwater. Since we were in Ohio, I asked the kids if it looks like that now. They would say no. Then I would ask them when they thought that was supposed to happen and they say 2012. I would tell them that that map was supposed to be what happened in 1993. Iโ€™d also say that the only thing that is consistent is that people have been predicting the end of time since the beginning of time and itโ€™s never happened. And, of course I would tell them to relax, that everything was fine. I hope that helped them.

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Yeah but governments canโ€™t control peopleโ€™s minds without fear.

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Reminds me of the Chicken Little children's tale, which must be a very old story. I heard it as a kid in the 1950's.

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I remember 1/3 of the planet should def be u def water by now.

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Not sure how much truth there has ever been behind the greenies at least in my lifetime. Growing up in SoCal in the early 70's we were taught (in a Catholic school mind) there would be no California by 1980- 1990 at the latest due to global freezing and icing of the oceans causing water levels to envelop California giving Nevada ocean front property. I remember asking my parents why we didn't move, my dad said not to believe anything that sounded so crazy and certainly not when it was information that came from the government. Trust God he said, it would work out and no we were not moving. It was a great lesson for a young one and it was the beginning of a life spent looking critically at almost everything.

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Sierra Club went Woke before Woke in mid 70's The "Long March" of the USSA, Comrade.

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When I see Damar in that interview pause for such a long time....I see an internal struggle between his spirit man and the natural. He KNOWS or suspects what caused his issues. But he's not at liberty to say without a WHOLE lot of backlash from his bosses. But being a Christian, he doesn't want to lie by offering some propagandist drivel. So he's pleading the 5th so to speak. My heart goes out to him. I believe he's genuine, but being used by the "powers that be."

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"But he's not at liberty to say..." ? You betcha he's not at liberty to say.....without sacrificing the $millions raised for his family thru a "go fund me"? effort...About a month ago it was upto $10 million. What is it up to now?

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With people struggling so much to put food on their tables and gas in their cars WHO is donating to this sham? Heโ€™s an NFL player that makes millions, being paid millions for his silence, for a โ€œcharityโ€ nobody really knows anything aboutโ€ฆ..WHO is donating to this? I question all of it. Oops. I forgot the nfl could be donating to it so it looks like the people in this nation are donating to this. ๐Ÿค”

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The people who line up for the jabs?

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Also, they are in control of his access to health care and he knows heโ€™s very high risk.

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Trust God, not man. Ppl would help him if he'd tell the truth, if he KNOWS the truth.

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If not employed, not insured. Except Obamacare

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