
Substack got me again. When I am preparing a post for publishing, there's a step where if I back up, it resets the selection on who can comment from "everyone" and to the default of paid subscribers only. Thankfully Margaret Anna Alice let me know and I have fixed it. Sorry about the trouble!

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I figured that was it, when I wasn’t able to comment here earlier. Thank you so much for fixing the issue.

As an aside, I would really love to become a paying subscriber but right now the cost is too much for my current budget 😞 I hope that at some point you can negotiate to change your settings or limitations on your minimum charge. I know I am not alone in thinking this.

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Same here. I would support all of the conservative writers on here if I could. But I can’t even afford my favorite, Jeff Childers. Sigh. His was the first Substack that I followed.and still the best

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I'm with you CS. I get bummed on Sundays! My sister introduced me and I look forward to the post every morning when I wake up! I could swing $10/month maybe, but not $40. It's Bidenomics. Thanks Biden!

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Australian pensioner weighing in here as well for a concession sub. My Banana Republic Oz dollar is only worth 65 cents against the US greenback.

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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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Same here, CS. I wish I were able to support Jeff Childers substack as well. His was the first I discovered and I feel like I was led to his substack when the coVid bs started. I can only say this, God is so GOOD!!!! If it were for this very substack, I honestly do not know how I would have survived that nightmare working in the health-care field. All of us, every single person here on Coffee & Covid are so supremely blessed. Jeff Childers has brought together a community of like minded, educated and informed people and all of us have been supportive of one another throughout this entire ordeal. We have found that we are not and will never be alone in this. We are truly blessed, and Jeff Childers is most definitely one of God's soldiers. I pray he is able to keep his substack free or low cost so that we may all benefit from the community that has been born from his expertise, incite and goodwill. I would love to be financially able to support him but unfortunately, I can't. I'm so thankful he gives us 6 days, even during his off times. I do support his multipliers, however, as that is doable. I'm so very thankful. Blessed. Honored.

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There is a substack out there that says “buy me a coffee” and you can donate $5. Maybe something like that? I gave a one time $25 to C & C but I’m not opposed to buying Jeff a coffee every month. My budget no longer allows too many fun things like this.

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I "donate" from time to time as I am able - $26 here, $35 there...you can do that can't you, Running? I'm retired as are probably most of you in this "army"!

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That’s what I try to do too.

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And I do almost all of the multipliers, but I just can’t swing that much for one substack.

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Yes I could probably do that but I would honestly prefer the subscription, as I keep forgetting the one time donation and I would rather contribute regularly.

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Good for you - and Atty. Childers too. He puts so much time and effort into this blog!

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I agree , and appreciate him more than I can express!

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As do we all on C & C!!

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Jeff gives you 6/7 of his work every week FOR FREE. What part of that can you not afford? I don’t understand your complaint. Be thankful.

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I didn't read this as a complaint. It was a sincere expression of regret. I don't believe or didn't read this as ungratefulness.

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How do you not understand his "complaint"? She said quite clearly that "the cost is too much for my current budget". How much clearer could he have said it?

FWIW, it's too much for my budget as well. I already pay $44/mo for a handful of other Substacks. I can't afford to double that cost. That's not a complaint. That's just a factual statement. Hopefully clear enough for you to understand.

(Also, I have no idea if RunningLogic is a he or a she. That's why I mixed the pronouns.)

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Thank you, you and the previous commenters are correct. And for the record, she would be the appropriate designation 😉🙂

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Knew youse was , and IS , a 'she'.

Knew for damn sure youse wasn't no 'they/them" or "woke/left".


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Dang it, I'm oh-for-two. I kinda assumed you were a he, and I definitely assumed Guttermouth is a he.

Wrong and wrong!

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I understand what you’re saying. However, in my mind stating a fact is not a complaint. You pretty much said that in your comment. I believe Running Logic was making a statement as well. I understand your statement as well.

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Mega mea culpa! I meant my comment to attach to Patty's. I clicked the wrong "reply", and for that I am sincerely sorry. I'm in total agreement with your perspective on RunningLogic's point.

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Not a complaint at all. More like a lament that I can’t support him as I would like to. I am talking about the paid subscription here. I am extremely grateful that Jeff allows us to access this much content for free and not only that, allows us all to comment too. Some free subscriptions don’t allow for commenting at all. But I would actually rather be a paid subscriber and support him with a regular monthly payment.

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Point is we WANT to support...perhaps just not at $500. There are SO MANY I want to support and do. Most are about $60-$80 annual, not more. Maybe $100 or even $250 would bring in tons more of us for our beloved Jeff---happily checkbooks in hand!

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Lot of people are really suffering financially.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

I agree fully. I would love to. But we can’t make ends meet right now w me not working and I keep praying God helps us sttetch our means. Hugs running! 🫂

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Thank you! It’s just a lot for me right now with the economy the way it is 😕 I hope things start looking up soon so I can do more.

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From a purely math perspective, 7 paying subscribers at $6/mo = 1 paying subscriber at $500/yr. (7 x $6 x 12mos = $504/yr)

If the subscription were $6/mo I wonder if the loss of each $500/yr subscriber would gain back at least 7 $72/yr subscribers. Anything more than 7 replacements for every 1 lost would be profitable (and fewer, unprofitable, of course).

And actually, it would only be 6 replacements needed to be found for each $500/yr subscriber lost, because one of the 7 replacements would be a current $500/yr subscriber who would certainly pony up the $72/yr since they're already doing $500/yr. (And maybe some who can afford it would even STILL pay the $500/yr even if $6/mo were offered.)

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From what I understand, the issue is some prior agreement regarding rates that Jeff had that he had to carry over. Not clear about the details though (he posted about this a long time ago).

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I just tried to subscribe yesterday but I can’t afford it either. I’d like to pay something but $500 a year or $50 a month is not doable. I hope he gives another option.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you! I couldn't wait to come converse with you and my C&C community. I was so disappointed when I couldn't! Really appreciate all you do here. Truly.

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I hate the airline websites that do that (which is all of them). I set a bunch of parameters for the flight I need to take, then I look at a date, then I back up to look at a different date...and ALL the parameters reset to the defaults.

Who TH writes those airline apps, and don't they ever actually USE them???

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Airlines are cheap so they hire brand new programmers. After a year of low pay, the programmers leave ...and new inexperienced ones come in... at least that’s how they used to do it (I was friends with some of them) - I doubt anything has changed!

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I posted a comment on yesterday’s C&C to please open up access for C&C Army!

Thankfully you did. I love comments 2nd to your Substack musings!

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How can I "donate?"

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It's tricky to find, but here is Jeff's link if you want to make a one-time donation: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-give-a-donation-to-coffee-and-covid

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Thanks for this Gigi2525. I used to be able to afford the yearly subscription rate for C&C. Jeff is our hero. I can make a donation here and there now..

Thanks again

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What's on with Substack?--yesterday nothing came into inbox after Wm Makis early am--no Paul Alexander 10-posts-per-day and NO C&C--I must have checked ten times during the day for C&C! Today, only in Notes do I find my authors.....

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Jeff, your subscription prices are INSANE, buddy.

The Maui fires were no accident. Before the smoke even cleared in Lahania public officials (Josh Green) were already talking about stealing the land. They are going to transform the area into one of America's first 15 minute prison cities where your freedom and money will be heavily restricted and will be doled out in fragments based on your social credit, carbon footprint & vaccine status. This researcher explains - quite well - how all of this fits together:

Lahaina Hawaii Destroyed to Turn It Into A 15 Minute Prison City - The Vanguard Sacrificial WEF Lamb https://bitchute.com/video/w4kGxmgH6LIJ [22mins]

Here is a 15 minute prison city in China, this is what the WEF is planning for the entire world: https://bitchute.com/video/bwcnOTGI4nd7 [2.48mins]

Think You Won't Comply? I Think You Will: Australian Senator Antic On 15 Minute City Nightmare: https://bitchute.com/video/CxsyAqM4oTod [1.32mins]

EU MP Christine Anderson: Digial IDs Will Be Mandatory--Will Imprison You In Your 15 Minute City: https://bitchute.com/video/q3UcxGYDhyGc [1min]

Boris Johnson Explaining the Future Hell the Elites have Planned For You https://bitchute.com/video/QAxI56FTNqAg [1.23min]

This is what they've meant all along with their crocadile tear incantation 6uild 6ack 6etter: Enslaving the population, crushing mankind's spirit, and lording over us as if we were cattle and they—gods: https://bitchute.com/video/5XkkXCvnKM6Z [1.53mins] ●https://bitchute.com/video/lW5xHt4RySSb [2.20mins]

In order to build back, you must first destroy. And they are destroying.


In case anyone here did not see this yesterday: Here's a book about the Maui fires between August 8-11 that was published in paper back on August 10th: https://www.amazon.com/Fire-Fury-Implications-Climate-Change/dp/B0CFCYXMRX

Here is one of the reviews:

1.0 out of 5 stars Are you KIDDING? Published before the fire is out?

Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2023

Paperback book takes longer than 2 days to print, clearly this tragedy and the book detailing it was planned. Unbelievable! Even AI can’t write, print and publish a book 2 in 2 days! Do not buy this book, this is at the expense of many lives, mostly children!!!

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Jeff is limited by what Substack allows in terms of subscriptions, he's explained in the past. It's really a free subscription, except for the Sunday edition (which I would also include in the free subscription). The $500 is to pay for one hour per year of Jeff's legal work. I'm all in for my hour of support, and with enough of us he can spend more time on work that may or may not pay him in the end, rather than on business law, which was his specialty area in the before times. (Sorry, business-law world! We need him on the freedom frontline.)

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I have been eagerly reading Jeff’s emails daily for several years and I never recall that explanation, so perhaps it was lost in the comments section. Seems almost no one else saw that explanation.

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It’s been stated various times over time, but easy to miss in the comments.

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Was not aware of that, thank you for the explanation, Fla Mom

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Democrats have proven their ability to steal elections by a multitude of means: mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, electronic voting machines, a captured media, etc. Now they have just about all they need in place to repeatedly steal elections. The one thing left to conquer is dissent challenging a stolen election. This is what the Trump and company indictments are all about. Challenging an election will forever be a criminal offense. Even if the Democrats are ultimately not successful in court, nobody will be able to afford financially or politically to challenge them. Let us not forget the signers of our Declaration of Independence who pledged their fortunes, their sacred honor and their lives with full knowledge they were challenging the greatest political and military power of the world.

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My husband and I share a subscription. Worth every penny and we occasionally support by buying merch. So.

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All true, & he's very prolific, but many of us already pay subscribe to many other Substackers who generally charge $50-70 per year. If I paid my 15 people $500 each, that would be $7,500/year, which I don't have a budget for. So I donate to him when I can.

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And that's why Jeff is so generous that 6/7ths, 86%, of his Substack is free to anyone to read. Otoh, I think I generate more value for good in the world by donating my $500 to Jeff than to support people whose work I might enjoy reading and perhaps learn something, but isn't the same as generating the work of an attorney, so I pay for very few Substacks. Just a different choice.

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As a Gainesville local I took the Founder's pledge on Jeff's work to stop forced vaccinations on City employees

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Interesting. Aaron Siri is an attorney in Manhattan representing ICAN. I'd guess his hourly rate is similar to Jeff Childers. He manages to offer his substack subscriptions for $7/month. Jeff could too.

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You are paying for the quality of the content here. You can do all the research yourself, alternatively, but the quality of his work is a fair value for the dollar.

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The same could be said for hundreds of Substackers, Tori. I subscribe to many of them. Robert Barnes and Viva Frei are a great example of lawyers who put as much time into their week's work, but choose to charge a fee that the average person can afford. I've not bumped into any other bloggers asking for $500/year. Jeff made it sound as though it's not feasible for him to ask for less. It certainly is. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate his work greatly and have made modest donations.

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I don’t think he’s said it’s not feasible as in he can’t accept a lower rate because his time is too valuable (in any case I think the increased numbers of subscribers would make up for that), but that he was somehow locked into that rate due to a prior agreement when he switched to Substack. I don’t remember the particulars because he said this quite some time ago, but that was the gist of it.

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But it's not a commune where everyone's fees have to *equitable*. Viva Frei also has multiple monetized channels that can defray the expenses of running a substack. I'm not sure about Barnes, whom I like, as well...not intending to disparage him...but I don't think his material is as comprehensive, wide-ranging on a daily basis, as Jeff's.

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Annette, you can get Jeff/C&C for free Mon-Sat. The $50 per month is for those who want to support his personal efforts as an attorney in regards to Covid, free speech, liberal control of local politics and to help other attorneys do the same. It was never intended to be a subscription fee. He decided to write the Sunday version as a thank you to donators. It's free for 6 days per week.

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Are Aaron Siri's substack offerings 7 days a week?

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I have seen other substackers offer "Founding Member" rates to allow the much higher rate than the typical going rate for subs on here, for those who want to contribute more. If there was an explanation for why ssu stack doesn't allow Jeff to do that here, I missed it. Maybe it was a Sunday post?

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Here's what I wonder (and I suspect Jeff's already done the analysis):

At 6/month (the seemingly standard Substack subscription price), that's $72/yr, and 7 subscribers at $6/month is the annual equivalent of 1 subscriber at $500/yr.

So, would a $6/mo subscription bring in at least 7 more paying subscribers than each one of the $500/yr paying subscribers who would be lost?

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Based on what he's said, I think Jeff's main concern is getting the information out, not on making income off it. People willing to pay $500 can clearly afford it, whereas one might tempt people with more marginal incomes to overspend with a smaller subscription fee.

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Fl Mom, , you can get Jeff/C&C for free Mon-Sat. The $50 per month is for those who want to support his personal efforts as an attorney in regards to Covid, free speech, liberal control of local politics and to help other attorneys do the same. It was never intended to be a subscription fee. He decided to write the Sunday version as a thank you to donators. It's free for 6 days per week

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Andrew, you can get Jeff/C&C for free Mon-Sat. The $50 per month is for those who want to support his personal efforts as an attorney in regards to Covid, free speech, liberal control of local politics and to help other attorneys do the same. It was never intended to be a subscription fee. He decided to write the Sunday version as a thank you to donators. It's free for 6 days per week

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Oh I understand all that, John, I've been a (free) subscriber since...[checking my inbox]...November 2021.

I was just posing the question about whether it would be more profitable (not that that's his objective) to have a $6/mo level of subscription, and whether that would bring in more than 6 subscribers (the break-even point) for each $500/yr subscriber he'd lose.

I thought his was a $500/yr rather than $50/mo so clearly the break-even point is higher than 6 new subscribers given the $50/mo level. It would be roughly 7.5 new subscribers at $6/mo to replace each $50/mo subscriber.

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Got it. It just seemed like there were alot of complainers on that thread and I felt like there was some confusion on Jeff's subscription. You got caught in my blast. Apologies.

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None necessary, and no worries!

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(And it would only have to bring in *six* more paying subscribers to break even, because one of the $500 subscribers would certainly sign up for the $6/mo level.)

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I agree. He deserves it.

“The labourer is worthy of his reward.”

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I spoke to a friend yesterday who was in Lahaina 2 days before they got hit with DEWs. She said her friend in Lahaina was taking her son to work early that morning around 9:30am but "officials" would not allow them to leave the area. They were barricaded in the morning of the fires and even though the young man needed to get to work, outside Lahaina, they couldn't use the main roads. Because locals know the island like the back of their hand, they took less traveled roads. The other interesting piece of news reported was that schools were cancelled that day, so children were home... hmmm... THEY WERE ROUNDED UP TO DIE, like sacrificial lambs.........

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Give this a watch, Cm: https://bitchute.com/video/1psJpSZWkInP [1.26min]

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Once again, The Simpsons accurately foretells the future.

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The Simpson video was uploaded today, the 16th. Is there any evidence the cartoon existed before August 8th?

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It is from Season 28, Episode 1 which aired in September 2016:


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"The town sign anagram reads "Singed". Implied use of 9/11 thermite release from the tower in the prison-break scene. Segment re-produced to include the warning narrative at the end.

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the police chief was the same one at the time Vegas had mass shooting. Same guy

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Coincidence. (super heavy sarcasm)

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You are saying there are no schools in the town? If so, they would still be in range of the fire. That area has had major wildfires before, one about 4 or 5 years ago. The terrain of the are is more like prairie than a lush green tropic, and those grasses are acutely flammable during drought, and wind further heightens the danger. The area was under a general wildfire alert or warning, because the drought-like conditions were likely to be unfavorably augmented by the winds of an offshore storm.

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Detailed maps show the school is outside the disaster area and was spared significant damage

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There was (notice the past tense) a school just 2 blocks from Front St, my husband and I commented on it when we were there in May of this year.

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I gladly pay $500. That's about $0.75/day. GREAT VALUE!

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Agreed! I could spend 73 cents a day on a lot worse things. This is something that is actually good for me and keeps me sane. Well worth the cost!

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I’m not especially good at math, but .73 x 365=500?

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I was wondering too. I had to double check to see if it was the Three Year Letterman posting.🤔

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There's a couple holidays off ;-)

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Yeah, 500 / 365 = 1.37 which is half of a Starbucks coffee, lol

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Agree 💯

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Me too!

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Here's a very interesting "coincidence." John Pelletier is the Maui police chief. He was the Incident Commander in Vegas for the bizarre mass shooting that vanished astonishingly quickly from the headlines 6 years ago.

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It has become quite obvious that we now have entered the complete Soviet, Maoist, Cambodian time of 'collectivization' ... and nice word meaning 'take everything' in totalitarian enslavement to the state. And also, level and/or murder anyone who gets in the way. It is always the same murderous dirty little method. Brute force is the replacement for Law. Just ask DJT and the other 18.

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The question Jeff asked in this article is a great question. Where was the Bar association for those lawyers being victimized by political lawfare? It occurred to me that the Bar is in the same place that the AMA was for the doctors being forced to comply with the experimental drug trial. That is AWOL and not on the side of its members or the public.

It clearly shows which side they are both on, does it not?

Regarding the DeSantis commentary on the government weaponization, I must agree it was lukewarm, but I admit that is a subjective adjective. It is also very ironic that the criminals would use the RICO act for their lawfare attack, when it was already suggested before that the RICO act should be used to remove those same organized criminals.

The rule of law is the most important issue for sure as you said.

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My thanks for the cogent reply. It is much appreciated.

Those who say the Bar is really adjunct to the Crown may well be right. Whatever the case and with certainty, the Bar associations are by praxis if not by fact extensions of the state. And I never yet a known a lawyer who looked to run afoul of the Bar. This I know well because I have posited questions to many lawyers, very difficult questions. And they would never give to me a direct answer because lawyers live fear the Bar. The Bar is a kind of cult of the legalistic status quo. The AMA is really the same. The AMA will always tow the state line. Why? Because the state licensing. And doctors too, live in fear of revocation of the license to practice.

This is why our American antecedents loathed licensing. Licensing is my book is a taking of property, the Liberty to the means of existence free of the Tyrant. It is quite likely that a lot of cowardly medical practitioners might have come forth against Covid Tyranny were they not captured creatures of the state (licensing/socialized medical establishment payment system).

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Indeed. Licensing is payment and participation in the system to be allowed to do what 'the system' allows you to do. What 'the system' is another story.


This gives a good clue on who 'the system' is for further historical investigation.


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I am aware of this regarding the legal definition provided. And to a a large extent, 'civil rights' law is also a kind of permitting system ... even permitting in reverse. I know this is an odd way of putting it, but perhaps you may see the sense of what I am getting at. As well, I accept fully that the alleged 'United States of America' is foreign controlled. Indeed, public policy is an import into 'the country' international in character by origination. We really have been usurped. Not one man in a thousand understands this, the means and extent. Thus, reclaiming the country is nearly an impossibility ... at least in a wholly autonomous sense. I will much enjoy reading further into your steemit.com reference. Thanks much.

I just watched the below. It is not new ground for you by all lights. However, these are well-know European personalities. And I find that they have reached similar conclusions as have I. And I think you as well.


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It sounds like we are very much in the same mind and on the same page with the history we are all dealing with now. Before 2020 I thought the bad people were the minority, but now we know they have taken over and corrupted most governments to the point where reclaiming it is nearly impossible, as you said. There are far more psychopathic criminals than I/we thought, and they have declared war on the non-psychopaths, which we are dealing with now until the end. They have been working on this for millennia while we slept which is our disadvantage.

The Great Reveal was in 2020? Maybe it is too late, but maybe not?

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I can see how doctors would go along with what this, but lawyers? Always thought they where creative and above the norm.

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What ever made you think that they were above the norm and immune to corruption?

Follow the money to answer all questions of who is in allegiance with who and which side they are on...

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Maui is very special to me and this is all soooo upsetting.

This BOOK 🤯

Reminds me of the 9/11 event where the BBC reporter reported that building 7 had collapsed… standing in front of building 7!!!

And also what Jeff reported just today. Where their clerk submitted the indictment hours before the grand jury was done deliberating !!

We must really all safe guard our minds today. This kind of psychological operation- and overt lying to us- makes some people lose their grip on reality.

We know there are inconsistencies

And where there are inconsistencies the facts are not clear or known.

Stay strong people!

What’s going on in Maui is very troubling

Listen here where the Governor of Hawaii in his own words wants to claim Lahaina and create ‘workforce housing’ … this can NOT be allowed

Or they’re coming to a city near you next.


Around the 11 minute mark

Follow Patty Hall if you want to know what’s going on fully.

And likely this… how the government would do it

Biden Administration Lays Out 30x30 Vision to Conserve Nature


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Please don’t miss the author’s name. I vote for an extra-large MILLSTONE for them all.

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Very clever observation =j

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Bezos, Zuckerberg, Winfrey, Ellison are among the billionaires who have bought up - and are likely buying more as I type this - fire sale Maui real estate. Odd, ain't it.

Rich Men West Of The Meridien ....

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Yes, they'll own everything. Make Hawaii their base of operations. And Everyone that is left will be imprisoned in tiny cities while the wealthy have the run of the islands.

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TPTB do have a "thing" for islands ....

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...and their mansions were left untouched by fire.

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My heart weeps when I see what these global elitists have planned for our lives (won't be much of a life - I would imagine mental illness will become prevalent!)

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Its already prevalent!

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Indeed it is, and it has been since Cain murdered Abel, if you believe in that.


This is the final war between the psychopaths and non-psychopaths.

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Might actually be preferable. At least you can go to a private place where everyone knows you ....

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Don't count on it. The mentally ill will be "suicided" i.e. Canada.

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Thank you for your frank advisory to Jeff, tritorch. The overwhelming majority of us do not have an extra $50/mo to support his good work. Aaron Siri, the NY attorney representing Del Bigtree's org, ICAN, charges $7/mo. Jeff could too.

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Jeff makes all of his posts free, except his Sunday ones. And he allows anyone to comment. So, nobody is missing much.

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If Jeff is happy with getting a few subscribers at $500, vs a larger number at ~$90 or whatever, I have no problem with him making that call. If he was in it for the money, he wouldn't be spending his time writing substack instead of lawyering, anyway. But it does leave some of us saying "well now, I can't afford to pay that much for access to the once-a-week bonus column, no matter how much I want to support Jeff".

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TB, you can get Jeff/C&C for free Mon-Sat. The $50 per month is for those who want to support his personal efforts as an attorney in regards to Covid, free speech, liberal control of local politics and to help other attorneys do the same. It was never intended to be a subscription fee. He decided to write the Sunday version as a thank you to donators. It's free for 6 days per week

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They are that stupid? They think we are that stupid? Or they believe they already have total control and take pleasure in shoving it in our faces?

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Predictive Programming ● Lesser Magic ● Revelation of the Method (Hypnotism) ● Karmic Evasion ● Silence is Consent ● The Psychopathic Need to Brag ● All of the Above

Greg Reese offers some reasons why they make it so obvious here: https://bitchute.com/video/QDmHCVcWwkwr [5mins]

There are a number of links in the description of that ^ video that house some of the best examples of predictive programming. The COVID operation was saturated with it.

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I know we’re in a spiritual battle, but man, that video shows just how evil they are. Lord, have mercy on us!

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Agreed. Their baleful malevolence is incalculable.

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The answer to all those questions is ‘yes’

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Yes, it is high, but for those who can't pony up the $500, you can still make an annual donation of any amount that you feel makes sense for you at any time. Just click the donate button

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Check this out - Eric West is a conservative and gifted- communicator : Maui - Lahaina Disaster Area Still Without Verizon Internet Service After More Than a Week. - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/maui-lahaina-disaster-area-still

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Why can't Elon Musk do that Starlink thingy like he did in Ukraine?

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Fox news Will Cain was broadcasting from Maui using star link this morning.

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It's a 68-page book. I haven't read it (and don't plan to), but I can see where it could be done in a day or so.

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Garden Lover agrees with you, this is from yesterday:

Aug 15

I’ve been in the publishing industry for years. It would take at least a day for Amazon to approve the book then another 24-72 hours (although for ebooks it’s often 4-8 hours) before the print goes live. That means this guy wrote an 86 page book in less than 24 hours. With AI, it’s possible, but . . .

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I used to read Substack to try to save my sanity. The last couple days, across many famed truth seekers, it’s all doom & gloom, followed by pray... K, I can now free up my time to just pray.

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A much better use of your time--that and LOVE ON your beloved ones!

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Take 4 minutes and watch this V L N, please. t should lift your spirits: https://bitchute.com/video/LOEfoyc0VR1a

It's always darkest before the dawn. The dawn is coming.

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Makes death look better than life in this cesspool of lies, torment & destruction.

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We're here to grow, gain wisdom, and get calloused from rough and tumble times. Without these challenges we would remain children and learn little.

“I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it.”

― Mae West

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IT IS!! I have always said (at least for the past 35 years), that THIS LIFE is a REHEARSAL for the REAL LIFE--THE ETERNAL ONE!!

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What’s most troubling to me is this

You have officials on the ground in Maui saying they don’t know what happened…

And If you goggle what caused the Maui wild fire

A fact check immediately comes up that says it was NOT directed energy weapons

How does anyone know that?

They JUST said no one knows what happens

And then in comes this book that says - or tries to- in some definitive way that it’s climate change that caused that fire and is presenting ‘solutions’

It’s actually enough to make people go crazy- people who are traumatized already by losing a loved one, a pet, loved friends, their community, everything they own.

All of this is pushing people to their psychological brink

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That book, and the asshat clown who claimed that the fires were "CGI" and never happened. Same idiocy that has been said about the second plane that hit the Twin Towers - the one that was captured on about one dozen independent amatuer videos.

The fools that spread this sort of crap are inhumane. Clearly they've never lost a wife or child in a disaster or a wartime battle, or they would not be so arrogant.

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Do you mean the videos that showed no planes, just an explosion?

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No, the opposite. There is a relatively new YT video that us a composite showing the plane in flight and impacting.

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Excellent insight Truthseeker - the guy who wrote this book knows more than the officials that are on the ground there? No.

Your point about pushing people to their psychological brink hits home. This is demoralization write large: once you lose faith in the system the system begins to crumble, and then in swoop the globalists to pick the place clean.

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Oh yea

And their jobs… most people who lived in Lahaina… also worked in Lahaina

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It is. It’s attacks on multiple fronts to demoralize everyone. Demoralized, fearful people are easier to control. We saw that with the plandemic.

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Which is the intent of these "intel people" who are engineering ALL of the social debacles we are seeing for the past 3 1/2 years.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Two more pieces of the puzzle for the Maui cabal hit job.

Remember the Las Vegas 2017 False Flag where 60 people were murdered and over 400 wounded, "by one guy"? Well two of the honchos in the Las Vegas Police Department at the time are the current/new chief of police and deputy police chief of Maui. Maui is the last of the major Hawaiian islands that have held out against big developers in many parts of the island , including of course Lahiana.


And today, Mike Adams posted this:

Today's Brighteon Broadcast features shocking news that the Governor of Hawaii is now calling for the state to confiscate the land in Lahaina, proving that the terrorism waged against the people of Hawaii was always a government land grab (run by Democrats).

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I believe they are the chief of police and deputy chief, not mayor and deputy mayor. I agree with you that this is a very bizarre circumstance.

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you are corrected. I fixed/ edited it

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If those two show up working around you, prepare accordingly.

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Mountains of evidence that Route-91 shooting was a 100% contrived event. Pelletier did a great job and was recruited for another contrived event however this one killed innocent people mostly working in the tourist service industry. Take a look this post - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/maui-lahaina-disaster-area-still

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Why was there no water in fire hydrants in Lahaina???

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They wanted all systems to fail. They also could have used crane helicopters to drown the fires with sea water. Read the Book - The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism is a 2007 book by the Canadian author and social activist Naomi Klein. In the book, Klein argues that neoliberal free market policies (as advocated by the economist Milton Friedman) have risen to prominence in some developed countries because of a deliberate strategy of "shock therapy". This centers on the exploitation of national crises (disasters or upheavals) to establish controversial and questionable policies, while citizens are too distracted (emotionally and physically) to engage and develop an adequate response, and resist effectively. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shock_Doctrine

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Alan Dershowitz said on Bannon's War Room that he and lefty Lawrence Tribe both worked as election lawyers for Al Gore, trying to get the win in Florida. He said Trump's lawyers weren't doing anything that he didn't do back in 2000. Now Tribe is going after Trump for doing what he did in 2000. It's fine when Dems do it but a felony when Republicans do it. Despicable!

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Why don't the Republicans fight back in like manner against past Democrat actions? Charlie Kirk is right, we must fight fire with fire.

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One word answer: UniParty.

Remember that day in early 2020 when President Trump visited the scarosanct halls of Congress? And met on camera with Mitch McConnell, and said he wanted to see the accelerator pushed to the floor on necessary legislation?

And McConnell, chuckling in his best Turtle Tones, replied that "Mister Trump does not yet know how we do things up here".

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It's interesting that you refer to Mitch as a turtle--that's what I've been calling him for many years! He's very good at retreating into his "shell"--and he's made many MILLIONS from his finagling on Capitol Hill--plus having a Chinese wife whose family owns an extensive import/export enterprise! What a creep!

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He has always reminded me of Howdy Doody for some reason.

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That I cannot see - Mitch will always look like "turtle boy" to me--LOL!! Howdy reminds me of someone cute and friendly - and Mitch is NOT either of those!!

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Why isn’t Dershowitz putting his money, (expertise), where his mouth is? He’s been saying for over a year how illegal this all is. Hannity screams every night how weaponized the DOJ has become but what are he and the rest at conservative Fox doing?

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

So I guess telling men in dresses...er "trans women" not to bother with cervical cancer screenings is verboten?

And yes, the Canadian Cancer Society was recommending "trans women" to get their non-existent cervix checked for cancer. I kid you not.


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Matt Walsh Nails Trans Activist EMT to Wall Over Ridiculous Sex Spectrum - this exchange is right in line with your comment: https://bitchute.com/video/cyDKQDe1bvcT [5.41mins]

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If you are going to treat the mentally ill and delusional as "normal," you might as well go all the way. Answer - yes tranny woman (eye roll) you need to schedule annually for your pap smear and annual cervical cancer screening. 🤯 if that doesn't discourage people from entering the medical profession nothing will.

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Cervical exams for men is code for a prostate check. I doubt many adult men get their privates cut off but leave that for impressionable teens.

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Yes, I think they secretly like their penises too much to do that.

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: )

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And that they should also have mammograms as well. They may as well get their pretend boobs, squished oh, and don’t forget the largest damn speculum on the tray.

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Maybe someone will capitalize by manufacturing medical instruments specifically tailored for "trans women." One could ship an empty box, with instructions on the proper hand gestures to pretend you're actually using some instrument.

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Brilliant. Just brilliant. LOL!!!!

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Nah, let them go in and get cervical cancer screenings. I think they should get pap smears, too. That should be fun.

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I’d like to run their mammograms…

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The overweight ones do have moobs.

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You mean manograms 🤣

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Men can get mammograms. I have a friend, she has breast cancer, her mom has breast cancer, her sister has breast cancer and her mom's sister died of breast cancer so her brother is now getting mammograms. She has 2 daughters and they will start mammograms at 25 and if they were sons, they would still start mammograms at 25.

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That is a lot of radiation for those young people. Their reproductive ability could be impacted. To quote Dr. Bradley Campbell, “Detection is not prevention.” Yes, he is a chiropractor, (for those who will say he is ‘not a real doctor), but he is not wrong in that statement. He is on instagram. Common sense healthcare advice.

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I suspect once they have kids, they'll just have them removed. I know I would, wouldn't take the chance. IDK what's going on in that family for it to be so prevalent but none of them have tested positive for the gene. And, an aunt and grandmother on the dad's side has breast cancer, too. So the daughters are getting it from both sides.

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Actually, the dose is really low, less than they would get standing 10 minutes outside in the beautiful sunshine. Also, MRI and/or thermography would be utilized so mammograms wouldn't be necessary annually. Ultrasound would likey go along with each modality

as needed. Technology has come a very, very long way in just the last 2 decades. Mammography isn't going to affect the reproductive system, the energy of the xrays are to low to expose the ovaries. There are lead shields for the wary. I know mammo saves lives, I've been a mammographer 25 years and I've seen A LOT. So many people just don't know the technology and only hear the words xray or radiation and think the worst and worse, tell others about what they think they know and then lives are not saved. You'd be surprised there is so much more radiation in your home and outside that you would get from many xrays at a medical facility. Oncology/PET CT is not in this category, of course. I pray for the family SB spoke of, that they will get tested. It's very safe and certainly outweighs any risks however small.

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O, best laugh of the day

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Agreed, I would like to see the protocol

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"Um.... ma'am.... Sorry, I'm, um, having trouble locating your cervix..."

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It’s everywhere. Look up any women’s only medical issue these days online and you’ll get stupid “health” websites erasing women from them.

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Stay away from the msm medical sites and you will be healthier. They should be treated like bud lite, disney and target. Go woke go broke.

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Yet YouTube will run all the trans fantasy. But will I be able to get vitamin D info to stay healthy soon?

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Educate yourself. Forget you tube. I use rumble or I have other sites to go to. Also look for actual books that make up your reference library. I am not relying on any electronic thing for my basics anymore. Going old school and "luckily" I am old enough to remember doing it. Lol.😉

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I use rumble too. I’m quite edumacated actually.🙂🤔 Bitchute, rumble, locals, etc. but it’s the sheeple who will be hurt by YouTube. I don’t use wiki either except for geography questions. Not sure they can mess with much yet. Cheers.

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LOL...just this very morning I bought this book...a little pricey, but the old idiom 'pennywise, pound foolish' comes to mind...https://a.co/d/eGGdz5c

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You Tube content moderators appear to work toward the goal of being the mouth organ of the insane and depraved. Yet reasonable information remains. For accurate information about Vitamin D, go to the sources that matter, e.g. the work of Reinhold Vieth, PhD, or the Vitamin D Council, the work of John Cannell, (https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1743-422X-5-29), including a great report on a flu outbreak at Atascadero State Hospital in which patients supplemented with D3 did not become ill. (The original article in Medical News seems to have been scrubbed, but here is a article with Cannell discussing it: https://flourishingincrisis.wordpress.com/tag/dr-john-cannell/)

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I tried reading an article that used “They/them” instead of “he” and had to stop reading. My brain hurt.

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I hate that, it’s ridiculous. One person cannot be a plural 🙄 Not even the “royal we.” Which is also stupid.

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"People with vaginas." FTFY

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The end of the world as we know it. The hits just keep coming.

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That's too funny! Endorsing a delusion like that!

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Unbelievable, what are they checking?

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Where the money is…

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

So DeSantis goes in he cleans house changes leadership. Whne DeSantis leaves the next guy puts back the bad actors. Not a solution.

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Desantis is backed by the gop elite and rino never trumpers. He will say what he is told to say. As far a Georgia and rino/wef gov Kemp, he wants this prosecution to go on. Time to dump the elite republican party.

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Agree 💯 DeSantis book deal is very telling. Book printed by Fox conglomerate of companies. He is on payroll. Very disheartening. DeSantis needs to concentrate of Florida not out running for president ignoring florida issues.

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DeSantis is the best choice we have. At least he will get rid of the bad actors that Trump left in place. Trump let the swamp grow.

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No, his one failure was he trusted too many WH advisors. That man did more for this country in 3 years than any president in my lifetime. CoVid was dropped at the particular time to steal an election. Our eyes have been opened to everything because of this.

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Brine Kemp and company (Carr, Duncan and Raffensperger) did not win their primary challenges fair and square. Nobody was looking to reelect them.

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True: Perhaps the one time in history when Stacy Abrams spoke the truth about losing an election.

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I absolutely agree!

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I agree, but the party must be built back from the ground up. Many conservative friends know only what “conservative” media tell them and many friends who have always voted D have no idea where the party is now. They only know the mantra, “hate Trump”.

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Um yeah...DeSantis is totally a RINO. He didn’t buck the system at all during Covid 🙄. I’ve never seen him go along with anyone and in fact usually sets the example for other states. If people defined as “RINO”’s like him - so what?

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Amen. I don’t get why people don’t see that DeSantis has done way more to protect individual freedoms than Trump. DeSantis never would have tolerated the burning, looting and destruction that Trump allowed under his watch. DeSantis isn’t still pushing the death jabs like Trump. Trump was the first to allow a transgender to participate in Miss Universe. Trump reversed the pageant officials decision to not allow a transgender male to participate. Even more disgusting was how Trump was slobbering all over himself about how smart and beautiful the transgender freak was.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

DeSantis doesn’t pull enough weight to get a Republican elected as mayor or the largest Florida city, Jacksonville. He is avoiding appearances in Florida because of the danger of optics that will reveal how unpopular he is now that we’re abandoned, but still paying his salary because of the special law passed just for him. All he does now is in the dark, because of another special law just for him.

Big talk for little britches. And mealy mouthed word salad to boot.

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DeSantis is not ready to be president. He seems diffident and aloof as a presidential candidate. DeSantis did a lot for florida during pandemic after pandemic he spent a lot of time talking about what he did and pushing pandemic and anti woke issue. But the insurance crisis cost of living ..... DeSantis hasn’t don’t much or nothing at all.

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DeSantis is not a people-person like President Trump, and he seems bought and paid for, and is losing support by the day.

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DeSantis proved to be an effective and popular governor for us in Florida. His popularity as governor worked against him when Florida conservatives signaled they would rather see him remain governor to continue his protection against mandates.

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You are looking at him from a Floridian’s perspective. Those of us in flyover states look at it much differently.

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Ok. But still.

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I prefer Vivek to DeSantis for president. Again I am voting antibiden and I really like RFK Jr but I am voting or betting on the horse I believe most likely to win assuming elections are clean....

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In some places DeSantis is now polling behind the Pillsbury Doughboy and I think they’re both losing to ‘undecided’. The RNC is totally delusional and angry that the peons have any say in selecting the candidate.

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What kind of hypnotic trance is it that causes People to support a candidate who continues claim the death-Vaxx is safe and effective? Cant's anyone see the trojan horse? -- By the way, Ivanka Trump is a WEF influencer.

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If Trump isn't on the ballot, I'm not voting. If Trump isn't on the ballot, it's all over anyway, so what does it matter?

It really hurts me to think like this, but I'm not voting for who the elite decides I can vote for. I want to vote for the candidate I want. If they're going to take away my freedom and there's nothing I can do, I'll stand back and allow them to burn it down. What else can I do? I voted for McCain and for Romney. No more.

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Write him in!

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Can't - my state and many others have no "write-in" provisions. Writing on our ballots immediately voids the ballot.

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If Trump is on the ballot, I’m not voting. I voted for Trump twice. Never again. Trump has proven that he’s pretty much a democrat in republican clothing. He never prosecuted Hillary. He appointed swamp rats. He didn’t fire swamp rats as DeSantis has done. Trump promotes the death jabs. He was one of the leaders in allowing transgender males to participate in women’s competitions and the list goes on.

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Sarahanne25, vote your beliefs.

It does bother me that he promoted the shots. However, I tend to think he was surrounded by enemies who were dressed as fellow combatants.

I made a comment about overthrowing my HOA. And I did. But the people I overthrew it with had their own agenda, lied to my face and did things behind my back, eventually shutting me out. Is that my failure?

Trump is not a politician. He never was. He's a businessman. I'm sure there's calumny in business, just as there is in politics, but business is constrained by law. The government is supposed to be constrained by law, but it IS the law, so how do you constrain it when it has been taken over by communists? I didn't know the depth of what he was up against. Did you? Should he have known that (according to RFK, Jr) no one in the upper echelons of DOJ believes in our Constitution? Apparently, Mike Pompeo knew, but whether he passed that tidbit on to Trump or not is anyone's guess. I tend to think he didn't because he was one of those people that praised Trump to his face and snuck around behind his back. With friends like that...

Trump is the only president in my time who has done a whole list of things he said he was going to do. He didn't do 100% of them, but he did more than any other politician I've ever voted for. And he didn't work to line his pockets with wars while he was in office, either. That's something else every other politician has done. I'm tired of the old. I want a fighter. Trump is a fighter.

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I'm with you in this. Not willing to be a participant in a rigged system where voting is an illusion. If millions were also to do this, it would shine a glaring spotlight on the sham of a GOP as a separate party, when it is a functional uniparty with the Dems. No more slow death by *voting* for pre-approved candidates like McCain, Romney, any Bush, etc. We're really at the juncture of 'do or die', and *voting* for more of them is just a prolonged painful death.

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Yes, I've voted for way too many RINOS.

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2000 Mules and some other antics in blue states. We'll never have a Republican President again. The same for the Senate. Let's not lie to ourselves..just saying.

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And there’s the deal breaker. The election will be stolen again. Too many swing states put into place voter laws which assure corruption. Look at AZ’s Governor’s race. Can corruption be any more blatant and still be allowed?

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If you would read “Return If The gods” by Jonathan Cahn, you would see that electing a practicing Hindu would be the last straw in the judgement we are under. One of the ‘gods’ he worships is Asteroth, the god/goddess of transgenderism.

I actually believe that he might be the next President, if people do not wake up and see that he’s just a pretty face with a smooth tongue (similar to the one who was selected in 2008), but behind him are forces of evil we cannot begin to comprehend.

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I’m confused with who you are talking about.

Are you saying Trump is a practicing Hindu? And worships a god of transgenderism? What am I missing?

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I’m talking about Ramaswamy. He is a Hindu, and the god/goddess Ateroth/Ishterah is half-man/half woman. Ramaswamy is the only candidate that I know of who is Hindu.

I thought I was replying to someone named Vivian who was gushing over Vivek

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Pretty obvious his legislated guarantee to remain governor signaled he knew this was only a trial-run to promote his name as household recollection choice in a future run

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Disagree. Pretty obvious DeSantis was assured Trump would be out of the way and the nomination would be his. This is why he took a powder when FBI invaded Mar a Lago and has been mealy mouthed on the rest of the government abuses. And he has no future chance without coming out strong against all this. He's about to become as reviled as Pence.

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It’s shocking to see how easily DeSantis could go from being a star with a great future to another RINO who has clearly been bought by the Deep State establishment losers, including Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush and Bush family, Karl Rove, Ronna McDaniel etc. He started strong but turned his back on the one who helped him win the governorship in FL. and sounds like another weak controlled puppet.

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In Florida he is already that reviled. The rest of the country is just getting to know him. Where he goes he drops like a rock in the polls. He walked unnoticed among the crowd at the Iowa State Fair after flipping burgers and jabbing sticks into boiled eggs in the kitchen.

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Rumor has it that Rupert Murdoch backed DeSantis heavily in the beginning and withdrew support as his campaign ramped-up. Murdoch reversal was said to have been influenced by family members.

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Yes, it's up to us, the citizens, to keep the pressure on. We need a very strong candidate for Governor in the next race, for this very reason.

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Here's a song and message that inspires our personal power to set things right in the world. Have a listen and enjoy the article.


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There is no HUMAN solution anymore. We gave away our freedom, bit by bit, by engaging and sharing ALL OF OUR MFG.'ING CAPABILITIES AND TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE WITH THE CHINESE. We are done, friends--we will see the Book of Revelations playing out IN OUR LIFETIMES. Be prepared and start going underground (not literally...yet) but protecting your home and family as much as possible.

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This is what I keep saying to my husband! People just don’t see it and are eternally hopeful in a man to save us- not the true savior.

I can see the true antichrist coming soon. Because we are ripe and ready to “believe” in a man whi can save the world. UGH.

I am thankful I know where I will go but I do fear for my child who is too young to know. Hope I reach her soon enough

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Remember what Scripture says about our children who were brought up under the Word of God..."and when they are OLD they will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

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Praise the Lord! Still praying for her salvation and a humble heart who desires to be obediant!❤️

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And a believer Mom's prayers will NOT return unto her void--the Holy Spirit's work is mysterious and miraculous!!

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Thank you for your encouragement Sharon! 💕

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I believe you are right. No man will fix this. It is now to wait and see the hand of God.

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And we who are of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ WILL be persecuted for our beliefs. I know from sponsoring missionaries all over the world, that the Christian faith is ridiculed and reviled in most every other country but ours--and now...that ridicule and reviling is ON OUR DOORSTEPS, friends. Be prepared and STAND FIRM in your faith.

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This is exactly right! We MUST know the word of God!!

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His plans for "if" he wins are great.

What do we do in the meantime? Is there no action we can take currently? I know DeSantis has done great things for Florida, but this "Well, when I get elected, I'll change everything" is great wish-casting. What if he doesn't win? Then what? What can we do in the meantime? What can we do right now?

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I still think the "plan" is easy to say. Forces are aligned against such changes, his appointees will have to be approved, like Barr and Wray. Trump et al were targeted because they tried to affect this type of change. Same will happen to anyone else who tries.

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That's why I think maybe we should all start at the very base local level going after these folks. We have to start somewhere. We can't just wait for national elections and hope everything works out, which is what we've been doing as long as I've been voting.

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He remains governor of Florida. That's good enough for me.

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I'm glad he's still governor and hope he stays as governor. At least one state out of 50 operating under sane conditions is a start!

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Slap that Newsom 2024 sticker on your car's bumper, and laugh all the way to the airport.

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Jeff I agree that tit for tat prosecution may not be the way to go. I am a strong believer in fighting fire with fire but we have seen an escalation at this point that is a recognizable pattern. Trump just threatens to go after Hillary. Democrats actually go after Trump. The question should be in that case what will be the escalation be by democrats in that scenario and is it an acceptable risk. And democrats have already played their hand here as to who their next target. The Supreme Court. Not just stacking the court but removing judges. That's their next big push.

This ethics code push will be next and they will try to remove Clarence Thomas. So rather than wait for that to happen we need a strategy to combat that or some leverage to pull so it doesn't come about.

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I completely agree with Charlie Kirk. The problem is that too many of the Republicans, like Ken Buck, are against Trump and really want him to go away. They get their kickbacks when the Democrats are in control, and Trump might throw a monkeywrench into that. There was a recent article (in Poliltico?) in which Mitch McConnell said one his main goals in his last years in the Senate is to keep Trump out of office. He wants his money from China. The majority of the Republicans don't care about us and about the Constitution any more than the Democrats do.

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I overthrew our HOA here where I live several years ago. I keep wondering if any of the lessons I learned in that experience can be applied to bigger forms of government? What if we could start a movement like that across the country in every city and county and get these bums out?

I collected the names, email addresses and phone numbers of like-minded individuals, we met and went over our governing documents and then we formed a plan and met with an attorney. We raised money to hire that attorney, too. Everything was done on a volunteer basis and we were successful. I really think if someone could organize such a movement, it would stand a fair chance of being successful.

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Overthrew your HOA! Great work. The Peter Principle always applies in those structures. Our HOA was rerouted quite a bit when my wife became its president. She would just table all the nonsense at the meetings--she'd always get a second from like-minded freedom lovers.

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I’d like more information on the overthrow of the HOA! We just moved into our first one and it is a mini federal govt dictatorship that we have zero rights against. They are horrible! They all need to be dismantled! We bought our house and it isn’t truly ours when they can put a lien on it because we don’t trim our landscaping they way THEY like! They made us paint our house which did not need painting! We had to plant all new sod!! All of it was subjective! We bought the place because it didn’t need a bunch of work!! Uh guess we were wrong. Insert expletives!

How did you find your like minded neighbors??? If we even mention the HOA people clam up and act like they are being watched and recorded!

Please write up a short book with exactly how you did it. 😂 Was it all under the radar? How did you do fundraising? We’ve talked about this with one neighbor and agreed we’d have to keep it secret so the HOA president and minions didn’t know we we’re gonna do it. We went to the meeting to vote in new board members so we got to watch the ones in power. Ugh. 🤮 EGO and drunk on power! So gleeful that they get to go around taking pictures to force people into the changes they want. It was shameful! Aaaaand we didn’t even get to vote them out because there wasn’t a quorum. Nobody shows up to these meetings!!!! They are just letting it happen because they think nothing can change the dictatorship. Sounds exactly like the federal government!!! Within 6 months we wanted to sell and get the hek out of there. But we’re stuck. Once you buy your house…….your doomed with the HOA.

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So our president decided to increase dues by 47% one year. That brought a lot of people out. I went around at meetings and asked people if they were in support of what the HOA was doing. They were not. I asked if they'd be willing to take action and if they answered in the affirmative, I asked them for their name, email address and phone number. Then I created a mailchimp account because my email limited the number of emails I could send. Anyway, we got together and went over our governing documents. We found out that each year, dues can only be raised by a certain amount tied to CPI, so they had violated our governing documents. There were other violations as well. We stood on street corners in the HOA with signs denouncing what they were doing, and waved people over to stop and sign our petitions. We held garage sales where members cooked chili dogs and lumpia and other things and offered those for sale during the garage sale. (We rented storage space for $1 and combed Craig's List looking for free items to put in our sale.) We knocked on doors and explained to people what was going on and asked them to vote for us at the annual meeting. We took the proceeds from the garage sale and hired an attorney to file suit against the HOA.

The big thing that sticks out to me is that we went over our governing documents. Each city, town and county has its own set of governing documents, too. They spell out what the city, town or county can and cannot do. I know that our cities, towns and counties are violating our rights. So I think it would be smart to start local and find out where they're doing things they shouldn't. Then you bring lawsuits. It takes a lot of work though. I didn't sleep very much for a couple of years. I'm sure it would take more work to bring such action against a true government entity. I just have this idea in my mind of creating all these little groups across the US that are each focused on their own area, with each little group being part of a nation-wide group that is working to bring sanity back to the country.

Something has to be done. We can't wait for "if" Trump or DeSantis or whoever gets back into the White House. I think we should have taken action years ago.

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Wow!!! Thank you for that information. That was a lot of work. I’ve been hesitating because I know how much work it is….along with the lack of people even showing up for meetings at all. So I don’t know if people are happy with them or not. They only give us 48 hours notice of a meeting and it’s a little sign posted at the entrance to the neighborhood. It’s almost like they don’t want anyone at the meetings 🤨 so they can do whatever they want. It’s infuriating. We’ve only been to one big one because that’s the one we had advanced notice on. The rest, by the time we find out about it we already have previous commitments. It’s not right. We don’t even get an email or flyer or anything. I need to look at our contract/bylaws and see what’s required. That’s my place to start I guess.

Again. Thanks!

And GREAT JOB! 💪🏻 Way to stand up to those tyrants!!

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Your governing documents likely spell out monthly meeting requirements. You should check and make sure your board is following them. This is why the governing documents are so important: they spell out what the board can and cannot do. Same with our laws, which is why I think something like this could be done in cities, towns and counties across the US. You should have CCRs, Articles of Incorporation, and bylaws. If your bylaws class with the articles, the articles carry. Build can be amended but require a certain percentage of membership to vote to change them. Also look at your state laws regarding HOAs. The POAA for your state will likely say how much notice is required for a meeting. If they're building that, you can file a complaint with the your department of professional and occupational regulations or whatever you have that's similar have a complaints process.

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Go GG! Terrific!

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HOAs are worst. I left Oceanside condo is in the news lately and same problems returned after I left Bc in an HOA no one wants to accept it’s about the community not just your own self interest. I was able to do what you say in my HOA once I left same problems returned.

We could try just have to manage to keep our day jobs. 😬

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It wasn't easy. I spent many, many nights researching and emailing and planning into the small hours of the morning. It damaged my health. I don't care.

They're killing our country. We must do something to save it. I want my grandchildren to grow up in freest country the world has ever known. That ship may have already sailed, but for sure it has if we do nothing.

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I know. I set up a committee to stop hostile take over by developers and then went door to door and spoke all 120 owned. I got the needed by law amendment passed with 2/3 vote. It precluded one person owning more that two units directly and indirectly. When I lost the election by 1 vote which I believe the election was rigged. 😂 but I was glad I lost in the end. The next board voided the amendment by allowing competing developers to own more than allowable under by laws. Basically voided the amendment. HOA living is hard have to find right community and then owners turn on each other so fast makes your head spin.

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I own a single family home now no HOA no city incorporated county. It’s nice!

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I agree, that sounds like a great plan!

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The problem I see is that the msm has created a society of dissociative, self centered individuals. Nobody cares about trump’s indictments but the flapping mouths on tv. Why should a few indictments deter his supporters? Yawn.

Each indictment looks more ridiculous, desperate and obsessive than the last. The way Trump haters salivate at the notion of him being jailed is pitiful. But they deserve the serious, (hopefully irreversible)mental decline they have self inflicted.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Keep up the good fight. Jeff, you are looking under some really important rocks and bringing them to light. We appreciate you!!

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When you think about how much research Jeff and his assistants have to do to come up with up with this substack every single day, I feel the fee is worth it. However, I do accept that it is too high for some people to afford!

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RIP to the young man. It should have never happened. I am done with families of these young people suddenly and unexpectedly dying. I know if this was my son I would be on a rampage. Even if I had to admit fault in getting them vaccinated. Enough. Demand justice for your beloved ones! No more excuses.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023


This link sums up my feelings. Enough already. It's the vaxx! Oh and she was paddle boarding a few hours before she sads.

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Clearly, paddle boarding is dangerous and should be outlawed.

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Would have been fine if he'd had his mask on. /sarc off

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Remember that lots of kids were vaxxed without parental knowledge or consent. They went after kids at schools, offered gift cards and freebies there and in stores. Evil sh!t.

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That is a rampaging event. 😡

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Truthfully, there actually ARE hereditary conditions that can cause sudden cardiac death, particularly during physical activity. Those annual sports physicals that most schools require are intended to screen for indications of such conditions.

Also, bystander CPR is often, unfortunately, not effective. I don’t know stats for trained responder CPR, but I don’t believe it is really all that much better.

I don’t think that in this case we can assume it was the injection. Especially since the news reports state a hereditary condition was found. We must be as careful with our assuming as we want the other side to be with theirs. And NO, I am NOT saying it was NOT the injection. What I AM saying is that we have to keep our minds open to other options as well.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

I know many people who are past ready to see some serious jail time for a lot of democrats and even some republicans. I think many of the C&C audience feel that way. Not doing anything is only allowing the situation to get worse. Honestly, at this point, I don't even care if they are complete witch hunts if for no other reason than to burn some holes in their cash, too. They are not going to stop until every person bows at their feet and they are in complete control so the only thing left to do is fight back. Keeping them in court will at least hit them where it hurts, the purse.

Fantastic, now they don't even bother to lie cleverly, all we get is moronic lying. See, they know they don't even have to try hard, so just get them all on any type of indictment and let's start emptying their purses!

I'm not sure the heart attack campaign is going to help since so many of the latest heart attack victims seem to drop dead so quickly. I'm not sure the new strain of heart attack provides helpful symptoms or at least not in a timely manner.

The continued censorship of anything not "approved" for cancer is awful. I'm reading a book now called "Radical Remission" about people with cancer who abandoned the medical conglomerate and healed themselves through nontraditional methods. Most of them were told by the medical people to just go home and die.

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The censorship on all things health related is beyond shameful. Now that word is getting out that Harma cancer drugs don’t have to be the option Im not surprised they wanna shut it down. Can you imagine the celebration in the streets if we fully understood what their chemo and radiation is doing and we start saying NO and we watch people be healed through other avenues??? We’d blow the lid off their bul$hit! So of course they gotta shut it all down. Keep the sheep going for their “treatments” in a line like a herd of cattle. Oh well…some die. There’s no cure for cancer after all.

😡 😡 😡

I know a young girl of 7 who has spend most of her life on chemo, bone marrow transplants, and most recently a DNA transplant!!! Wow. So she now has all new DNA!!! So what’s the first thing mom said - time to get her updated again on all her childhood vaccines!!! 😭 😭

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Poor little girl and her parents. IDK, years ago, it seemed the gov't was doing a lot of things to protect people from stupid but now seems the gov't plan all along was control for power and money. If I'm too stupid to determine not to drink bleach because I thought the president recommended it, then let the Darwin effect play out. There were plenty of recommendations in "Radical Remissions" that I have no intention of trying but that should be MY choice and MY choice alone (and my family).

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I think your statement as to how people feel is entirely correct. We have had a belly full. We are at the point where we cannot go on with this.

It may get worse before it get better, because these 'people' have no reverse gear, no off ramp and they always 'act out' like the infantile creatures they are.

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I like the way you put quote marks around ‘people’. I believe these beings are the “.....principalities, powers of darkness and rulers in high places” the Word speaks about. The only way to wage war against them is in prayer. We repent, He forgives and heals our land. We worship, He wars. We offer the sacrifice of praise, the enemy withers.

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I agree with you. But I also agree with Tracy Beans and the others who say give 'them' a dose of their own medicine. That would be grand juries for real crimes committed. That would get the lying demonic miscreants sobered real fast.

Prayer and faithfulness to God and obedience to his Righteous Law Order are, of course, sine qua non.

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without consent of the governed, no government can long stand.

I suspect the corporate healthcare system will come to a similar conclusion before long.

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I sincerely believe that your obedience to the order to wear the mask and close down your business is now the standard litmus test from your local and federal government to test the level of rebellion in the population. It is extremely important to rebel against all orders to wear the mask and close shop, even at the risk of losing your job, or going to jail.

Look at what Trump is being charged with and tell me that the obedience of the masses during the farce of Covid has nothing to do with the boldness with which they are prosecuting free speech.

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To have a feedback loop to measure the acceptance of a lie is wickedness on another level.

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Trump fans, why do you love him so? I voted for him in 2020, for Ron Paul 3 times before that. I did not understand why dems were so upset when he won on 2016, as at the time I thought he was as liberal as Obama, so they should be thrilled. Then he started doing some truly conservative, good things. Quite a lot of them. I was happily surprised. But he appointed some awful, awful people who are causing rampant harm to this day. Then the lockdowns, jabs. My father died of turbo cancer (3 kinds developed in less than 8 months, all stage 4!) from the shots. That is murder, y’all! MURDER. And tons of people have died since and continue to do so. And Trump’s still pushing the shots. His ego has always been a problem. I can overlook that, to a degree. I can overlook a lot of his shortcomings to a degree. I do believe the 2020 election was stolen. I do believe he’s being MEGA unfairly prosecuted and treated like absolute garbage without merit. But MURDER. I can’t get past that one. Especially given that it’s ongoing. Help me understand why you still support him. This is a serious question that I am asking respectfully. I GENUINELY want to understand the Catturd, Mark Dice, & much of the general public’s mindframe regarding this man. What am I missing? Help me understand, please. I may as well also admit, I’m pulling for Vivek.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

Do some deep diving into Vivek is what I suggest. Go back prior to his presidential announcement, before anyone knew who he was. I've seen some pretty conflicting stuff compared to what he's saying now. Just sayin'. He also has a strong Hindu background, not sure if that matters to you but personally, I prefer someone who knows & stands by the biblical morals our constitution and bill of rights was built upon.

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Trump doesn’t impress me as particularly interested in biblical morals but that’s just me

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Did I say anything about Trump in my comment?

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No, you didn’t. I read your comment and was thinking about some prior comments by others to do with Trump. My brain is scrambled tonight I guess.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

The one and only reason many people have awakened to all this BS going on is because of Trump. I would never know everything I do now if Trump hadn't been president (and sometimes I wish I was still ignorant of it all). I was not a supporter when he came down the escalator and announced he was running for president. The thing I asked myself at that time is why do all of them hate him so much? Not just the Democrats, but Republicans, also. They hate him because he ran in their circles socially. He knows what they have been doing. And he was good friends with JFK, Jr. I believe JFK, Jr would have been the one to expose everything but they killed him. JFK Jr said that he was going to run for president and then expose his father's killers. Well, who would that be? The intelligence agencies (specifically the C I A) and Military Industrial Complex. They know Trump was going to expose what they have been doing since its inception in 1947 and it ain't good. How many lives have been ruined by our intelligence agencies? How many wars created? How about all the unrest all over the world so those f'ers could get rich making weapons for all those wars? How about the human trafficking? The cartels are now making billions of dollars trafficking humans. Well, you know what? I am sticking with Trump. There isn't anyone who has the backbone and balls he has to take all of them on. I will support him to the bitter end.

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RFK Jr addresses most all of your points in the interview on Tucker’s site. He has documentation to support his statements as fact. If he does not have supporting evidence, then he uses “I think…”

He is bright and courageous. Being denied SS protection by Pedojoe is an attempt to minimize RFK Jr’s legitimacy as a viable candidate but it is denying him the protection he is to be given.

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RFK now has SS protection. Stop buying into fake media.

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He stated in the Tucker interview that he was refused SS protection by Gram Garland. Garland told him it was determined SS protection was not necessary. Why is that ‘fake media’?

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I'm sorry for wording it that way. I was under the impression that he now has SS protection. Please accept my apology.

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My reason for liking Trump is he's a known commodity, I like his policies very much and when he was in office he made them happen. Our economy was soaring. He was not a politician, he trusted people he appointed to a fault not understanding the dynamics of corrupt Washington. Mike Pence was appointed the head of the COVID response. Birx, Fauci, Collins and Pence led Operation Warp Speed. Trump is not a doctor or scientist, he depended on his experts. His ego won't allow him to admit the vaccines are deadly. I would prefer someone else. But I don't know that those running on the GOP side are adequate. I look at Kennedy with interest because he does understand the vaccine issue, Ukraine-Russia and the need to close the border. And he understands the corruption in Washington. Listen to his interview on Joe Rogan and Tucker. His environmental stance is a concern.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

If Kennedy stood up against abortion, he would probably have my vote, and I haven’t voted Democrat in almost 50 years.

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I guess we must all set our priorities. My first and foremost is vaccine safety and accountability. I have two great grandbabies this year. I cannot bear to see them receive 73 vaccinations over the next 18 years. COVID opened many people's eyes. It's time the administration addressed the dangers of vaccines. And Kennedy is that person. But I live on a pension and inflation is really affecting my personal expenses. I want someone like Trump to jumpstart our economy. However, I am raising twin 11 year old granddaughters and homeschooling them due to the current trend of CRT and the insistence of the left to teach them inappropriate sexuality at very early ages. So DeSantis gets my vote there. It's a difficult decision.

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I have two great grandbabies now, and their moms are firmly against pretty much all vaccinations. Their moms are in their mid 20s, and I didn't have to convince them at all....on their own they decided no vaccines! A lot of other people in their 20s (at least in my area) seem to think this way now. Good sign!

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My 29 year old grandson and his wife are the exact opposite. They insisted everyone who wanted to see the baby have a dTap vaccine. When I said no I wasn't allowed to see her until she'd had hers at 2 months. They still resist anyone holding her. They refuse to hear any negative about childhood vaccines. They didn't take the COVID vaccine for which I am thankful. They have been brainwashed by the medical establishment. My other grandson, age 25 is my hope. He wants data so he can judge for himself. I have been sending him all I find. We have lunch scheduled to discuss.

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RFK did stand against abortion after first trimester and his campaign walked it back later. Dems want infanticide without limits.

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I know, right? I'm seriously reconsidering my support. It's not the pro-abortion reversion - it's the bowing to the radical Mol9ch worshippers that has him doubling back and lying that he "misunderstood the question."

NO you didn't - you're just being a coward, RFK. My RFK bumperstickers are arriving soon, and I will throw them in the trash. Can't support a coward.

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The GOP hates MAGA more than it hates the Dems. We need to start remembering that when talking about “Republicans “ winning an election. The GOP will tolerate a Dem occupying a seat if it blocks MAGA.

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Vivek is fantastic! https://redstate.com/videos/2023/08/14/vivek-ramaswamy-gets-confronted-by-a-pansexual-n2162608



I just don't think he has a chance of winning, and although I love what he says he'll do, I'm not sure he can battle the Deep State.

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Unfortunately, the Deep State is deeply ingrained in both Dem and Rep parties. Our freedom is mainly an illusion now, and soon all pretense of freedom will be removed, and our constitution will be shredded permanently. I think it is probably too late for America to get rid of the evil permeating our nation and leadership, sadly...no matter whom we elect. I am old now, but I was a Kennedy Democrat when I was young. I was driven away from the party during the Carter administration. I am as disillusioned by the Republicans now as I was with the Dems then. They pretend they will fight for us, but once elected, they just do their own thing and forget those who elected them. Either that, or they are too intimidated to fight for us. We need strong, courageous leaders who will do the right thing no matter what the cost. I watched Tucker's full interview with RFK Jr on YouTube last night and found it very insightful. You can still find it on YouTube, but I don't know for how long, and it is definitely worth watching. I could almost be persuaded to vote for a Dem if it was him. But he doesn't stand a chance. His party left him behind long ago, too. He will be persecuted and vilified the same way Trump has been. Even if he were to miraculously be elected, his own party AND the Republicans would fight him tooth and nail. If we think Trump and his lawyers will be the only ones persecuted, hang on. He was right when he said that sooner or later, they will come for everyone who voted for him or has publicly supported him on any social media, attended any of his rallies, or made even a small financial donation to his campaign. I do not think there will ever be a fair and free election from now on. I worked in two different county election departments when I was young. When we went to the digital election system, I warned everyone who would listen to me of the dangers. I was laughed at and made fun of. "That only happens in 3rd world countries. It will never happen here." Well...we are now a 3rd world country apparently. I keep thinking things can't get any worse...and then they do. Every day there is some new atrocity. It breaks my heart because I love my country. I am deeply patriotic and always have been. My heart bleeds for the nation I once knew. It is painful. But I know that my true citizenship is in Heaven. None of this has caught God by surprise. We just continue to fight the good fight and persevere until our Lord returns for us.

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"There always is this fallacious belief: 'It would not be the same here; here such things are impossible.' Alas, all the evil of the twentieth century is possible everywhere on earth." --Aleksandr Solzhenitzyn

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He’s a Hindu. He worships Ashtoreth, which is the god/goddess of abortion, transgender, and trans-humanism. If he is elected, it will be the mail in the coffin for this nation, which is already under judgement.

Yeah, he’s good looking and is smooth of speech........but so was Obama. People voted for Trudeau because the women swooned over his looks. Look at where they are now.

Ramaswamy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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Certainly anything is possible, but I listened to Vivek talk about being prolife, and I believe him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tsSxVs7d4o He said he became prolife going to Catholic schools. He believes that this is an issue that belongs to the States, so he's against a federal law regarding abortion. But he's very opposed to things like federal funding for Planned Parenthood. He's great on religious liberty. I believe him as much as I believe anybody.

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I always wonder, when people make statements like this, how they would have performed under the kind of pressure Donald Trump was under. All HELL has been after him since he announced his candidacy in 2015. Why are they so afraid of this man???

And why are people who have never held a position even remotely close to a high position, and have never had all HELL after them.

He trusted Pence. He turned the Covid response over to him. Pence had almost everyone fooled. Turned out to be not just a traitor to Trump, but a traitor to this nation.

I wonder why people can’t see that......?

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This may sound harsh, but we have free will and Trump NEVER insisted that the jabs be a universal thing, in fact suggesting them only for the small demographics that normally are most vulnerable to flu. Prior to that, he pitched heavily for HCQ and other safe and effective non-vax treatments. I'm you recall the savagery and mockery with which he was attacked for proposing what we know to be effective prophylactic and treatments. It was Fauci, Birx, Walensky, Pence, et al, who pushed hard for the jabs. Birx, in fact, in her book and in interviews admitted, smugly, that she and they willfully lied to Trump about not just the jabs that they knew were crap, but about lockdowns, masks, the absurdity of social distancing. I imagine your pain is justifiably profound, but your anger is misdirected and the actual miscreants are skating free while Trump takes their blame. You should also know that Vivek Ramaswamy was very pro-jab. The focus on the jabs---and I do not mean to minimize your personal pain---also ignores the extreme successes he has had economically and diplomatically. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is too extreme, especially in a time when we have a very narrow window to reverse course, and essentially one guy who has the drive and will to do just that.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Thank you for this. I was too tired yesterday to do an effective pushback. Like Jeff said about useful idiots in tomorrow’s post, ‘They are idiots!’ I watched intently as the whole Covid nightmare unfolded. I had been waiting to see what evil the left was going to unleash in 2020. It came earlier than I expected, but I recognized it immediately for what it was.

I saw President Trump pushing back against the hysteria the media was drumming up. I saw him trying to calm people with comparisons to regular flu seasons, with talk about fresh air and sunshine and treatments, including Ivermectin and hydrochloroquine. He was not for lockdowns. He warned about the cure being worse than the disease. I heard him say these things in daily briefings.

But the useful idiots were eating up what the media was putting out and demanding a vaccine. He gave them one in hopes of calming them down and saving the economy. He only knew what the ‘experts’ were telling him, filtered through the ‘traitor’ Mike Pence, who was claiming some public health management credentials.

All the World had lost its collective mind.

The people wanted ventilators and vaccines and they wanted them ‘Now’! He gave them what they asked for. There are still those today who claim ‘millions of lives were saved”. I don’t believe that, but they do and always will.

I Corinthians 10:13 says, “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

Is God a liar? President Trump never promoted a mandate for the vaccines. Once they were mandated, how many simply caved instead of looking for that way out, because the way out would ‘be hard’? What a worthless, wussified generation of people that now look for someone to blame.

And now they want an easy road out of the mess we’re in. If they can just find the right man; someone who looks good in a suit and doesn’t distress them with strong attacks on the enemy. A nice Mitt Romney type. These useful idiots are beyond pathetic and no way will they be able to bear up under what’s coming.

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I'm glad you got your energy back! You elaborated so well on this. The idea that one man is somehow supposed to do the job of millions of Federal employees and appointees, boggles my mind. The blame in this entire era falls squarely on those evildoers who maliciously, intentionally sabotaged, subverted, and betrayed Trump. And this nation, writ large. Sometimes I, too, lack the energy to push back, because I slip into the trap of demoralization. Luckily, like you, I'm stubborn and get back up. I don't if it's even possible to permeate the minds of the *useful idiots*, but I think there are many more who don't have that mind block and are moveable by facts, reality, common sense. I aim to shoot my arrows into those minds, like you.

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I an voting anti Biden even if means trump 2024. But I feel you and have the same questions I wish trump would answer. I’m not donating to trump at all and avoiding donating to any other politician unless Jeff gives me a really good reason and after praying and meditating on it I decide to donate. However budget is 20 bucks every other month. I feel bad for Kennedy since they denied him security so I give the 20 bucks to him if it’s unspent at the end of the 60 day period.

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I can’t even believe y’all! With all Trump is dealing with, you just want him to take time out and answer your questions. Do you not realize how gleefully the left would torture him with what you’re asking for?

If the Covid thing was such an issue, why isn’t that what they’re coming after him for?

Dear, God, help me understand these people!

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He's a genocidal fraud. I won't vote for him, no matter who is running against him.

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Yikes, You might be happier in North Korea. Whether you are capable of admitting it or not, your life, your finances, your ability to subsist in a relatively stable world, was far better than in many decades prior to his Presidency. You're going to have to pull your britches up and understand just how close this country---the world, actually---is to a precipice from which there is no return unless a reverse course is started next year. We have Orban in Hungary, and others, pleading for a Trump presidency ---and only Trump---in order to prevent the Uke/Russia conflict from decimating an entire continent, if not the world.

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After you, sweetheart.

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Such a maroon.

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You are a maroon.

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Trump? Who is he? And indeed a puzzle.

Who or what was so big that Trump got onto that debate stage? This is a largely unanswered question. But it was not the MAGA crowd because they are not initiators, they are largely camp followers and supporters at the ready once the big ball gets rolling.

I agree with the implications surrounding you use of the word MURDER. But in the midst of the flood the zone mass formation media campaign which stampeded the entire planet of the mostly non-thinking, there were limits to what anyone could do to reverse the tide. Historically, once panics, hysteria and manias take hold, they inevitably run an unstoppable course to conclusion. However, the push back was less than lackluster. And subsequent the posturing DJT continues to severely tarnish the image. And by the way, and with DJT I do think that we are dealing with images presented to the hapless lumpenproletariate ... to use a word of Marxist coin.

It seems that the DoD and the CIA were the ones behind Covid Health Terrorism and its murderous objectives. This is a bit hard, especially at onset, to take on. It is like trying to move a mound with a child's beach sand shovel. I have to factor that in too. And also, in spite of the many, many deficits, I have to say that Trump largely was the single most important catalyst of Woke Reversal within the Collective West. The bottom line is that DJT is a mixed bag, seriously flawed in some respects but also in other respects ... highly effective. And the MAGA crowd also cannot be neatly pinned down because MAGA coverS a spectrum from highly astute eyes wide open to the informationally challenged but with better natural instincts than to be had in Wokedom.

Like most here, I am not at all happy where we are in Totalitarian Land. But nonetheless, I am grateful for any traction in the opposite direction. And yours was a good post as it raises issues which should never be swept under the rug in a posture of non-thinking adulation.

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Ahem...just possibly, pompously posturing in the entirely self-perceived *enlightenment* of maligning and diminishing Trump's supporters---ahem, me---as largely witless, slack-jawed, moral cretins cowed into an idolatrous kneeling posture before Trump, is not a way to sway us away from what we have seen is a powerful track record of economic and diplomatic prosperity.

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True, that!

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A classical mistake would be to lump people together as a monolith of uniformity. Again, MAGA people are people like you and me caught in a Totalitarian Tyranny and looking for a way out. For Americans, the situation present of extreme enslavement is unprecedented. We never had anything so overwhelming oppressive going as far back as four hundred some years.

If there is one great gift from Trump, it is the exposure of the Banana Republic for what it is. That is, with the advent of Trump and all the subsequent fallout the push of the jackboot against our necks can no longer be denied. Things are now at a head. We will either fight. Or they will kill us all, either figuratively and/or literally.

We must never make idols out of people. To do so is an affront to the glorification of God. But we always must make assessments, and thereby act Godly in behalf our our own self-interest and that of our posterity.

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There is more video documenting Donald Trump’s life and his take on politics, I would dare say, than most any other human being on this planet. His origins are no mystery. His stance is no mystery. As if God has specifically been preparing him for this role for his entire life.

With no credit to Obama, Trump is the one the MAGA ‘crowd’ has been waiting and praying for. He came and filled an aching need for someone to care about us, the average person on the planet. There is no non-thinking adulation here. We’ve been thinking hard for many decades. I say for those who cannot recognize this, that says a lot for their non-thinking adulation for the status quo.

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You criticize Trump - in hindsight by the way. Okay. What about the so called "experts" like Anthony Fauci who advised Trump? What about all the other politicians who mandatded vaccines and masks and lockdowns? Can you say Biden? You should name them as well. Oh, and Trump never violated anyone's rights by mandating anything.

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The same Fauci that Trump bestowed the Medal of Freedom on when he was leaving office, and still defends to this very day?

That's all anyone needs to know about the MAGA-Grifter.

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You are truly a maroon.

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President Trump is the only one offering America First economic policies, foreign policies and domestic policies. He’s the only one the globalist Uniparty enemy is massively attacking —-translation the other candidates are not a threat or are actively puppets.

Kennedy? He has said he wants to jail climate change deniers. He’s for gun control. He’s far far far extreme on Green Energy -no nuclear – no gas –no oil–no coal–no hydro. And in 2020 he said lockdowns were good for the climate. That’s MAGA?

Vivek? Soros family foundation ties — Has a company in Covid vaccine industry and ties with Pfizer — WEF proudly listed him as one of its 2021 graduating class of Young Global Leaders you know the WEF trained agents of the Great Reset (own nothing be happy).

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I like RFK and would vote for him if he didn't support abortion, and wasn't so interested in environmental issues. Trump's Achilles heel is the vaccine program, and it's more like an Achilles leg, or two. But he does maintain that peope should choose whether to get the shot or not. If he's the winner in the primaries, I would vote for him over a Democrat. Vivek? He says the right things, but seems glib.

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Vivek's Open Society past makes him seem a LOT like Obama...

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Same here exactly. It’s not right that he’s being prosecuted for stupid crap but that doesn’t mean I ALSO don’t want him to “go away”. There’s got to be a way to defend him without looking like you’re a supporter which is how everyone views it bc that’s how TRUMP views it - narcissists like to make you “for” or “against” them - no nuance. Trump is definitely a narcissist! However I am 100% for DeSantis. He’s like Trump without the poison tongue and a MUCH higher IQ. If you’ve ever listened to how he made his Covid decisions - people around him were blown away by the fact that he read all of the studies as they came out - something even FAUCI was incapable of doing!

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RDS is NOT the *Nice Trump*. That is a calculated, deceptive image contrived by his RINO and Democrat backers. Unlike Trump's small Main Street donor base, his donors are mostly Wall Street corporatists. He is owned. And a careful vetting of his background makes it clear that he is nothing like Trump. Since you mention narcissism, here is RDS' (I am God* campaign video...https://youtu.be/U9oTBA-MvZk

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Thank you!

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Another reply you might appreciate: To all you attackers of President Trump; you are fleas after an elephant. Since the globalist s are still utterly terrified of him, as evidenced by the energy they’re exerting in attempts to bring him down once and for all, you can probably get hired for some internet work. If you aren’t already. And Can we take a moment to remember that at that time, the whole d*mned world, not just this country, was a blazing inferno, roaring with fear and panic? And TPTB, especially Big Pharma and their media slaves, were pouring fuel on that fire every hour of every day ? Try to picture that as you claim President Trump should have done so much better, because how hard could it be, when you can see exactly what he should have done? Beware the memory hole we’re being programmed to fall through.

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Trump was Big Pharma's BFF.

He's a POS traitor.

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And you are an absolute maroon.

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Trump did the following:

1) stopped ISIS cold
2) EO stopping the drug companies from charging medicare more than what they charged foreign countries
3) EO forcing hospitals to disclose their prices
4) Move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
5) ENERGY INDEPENDENCE for the first time in my lifetime of 70 years, and record low energy prices
6) Started no new wars
6A) Abraham Accords, bringing peace to the middle east instead of war
7) Elimination of regulations, required to eliminate 8 to add a new one
8) Cut Taxes across the board
9) Increased the individual tax credit eliminating the need to file more complicated returns
10) Started the space force, sorely needed today
11) Replaced NAFTA with an agreement better for American workers
12) Put tariffs on china, starting the process of moving American production out of the enemy’s land
13) Brought back massive amounts of money saved in foreign countries
14) Withdrew from the farce know as the Paris Climate Accords
15) Withdrew from the Iran deal
16) Increased the $$$ of the average family by over 5K
17) Started the process of fixing the VA
18) Increased the spending by other NATO countries
19) Killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
20) Created several million jobs, actual creation not bafflegab bullshit
21) Economic growth rates were going up, somewhere around 4% before the marxist killed the economy with the scam chinaVirus
22) Lowest rate of unemployment ever, across the board for blacks, hispanics, asians, veterans, etc.
23) Opened ANWAR and had the Keystone pipeline being constructed

There is much more of course. Makes your pathetic attempt to paint Trump poorly look just like it is.

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The Trump conman who failed to build the wall? Failed to jail Hillary? Failed to make Mexico pay for the wall he didn't build? Failed to cut the deficit? and Failed to drain the swamp?

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And who is your choice that will do all those things?

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I totally agree with you, Caracat. RFK Jr met with him before the vax rollout and warned him about the problems we would face with this type of vaccine. He had ample warning a pushed it forward - and defends it to this day.

Personally, I think he’s deep state, and there is no escaping the depravity of both parties. It will take a miracle of God to turn this around. I do believe in miracles.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Since I don't watch or read MSM, I was unaware of this alleged new variant. It explains why I was seeing so many masked idiots in the garden section of Lowe's over the weekend.

Tell me you are glued to CNN/MSNBC without telling me you are glued to MSM. *heavy sigh*

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I didn’t know about the Worrysome Variant, either, until yesterday when a friend brought it up. I had commented that I didn’t want to fly anytime soon and she thought it was because of The New Covid Variant. No, it’s just because I don’t like being herded like livestock.

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“her office was just ‘testing the system’”

Hmm, I’m having déjà-vu here:

“A Fox affiliate TV station in Arizona said it mistakenly published test election results during a live broadcast, and the move triggered conspiracy theories about rigged voting.…

“‘This graphic was never meant to go on air — the numbers were only part of a test. The station has taken steps to make sure this cannot happen again,’ Fox 10 said.”

“One screengrab of the newscast posted to Twitter by Arizona GOP Rep. Paul Gosar showed the test election results giving Hobbs 53% of the vote with Lake obtaining 47%.” (https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-affiliate-phoenix-mistakenly-shares-test-election-results-sparks-conspiracies-2022-10)

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Perhaps it was done to demoralize. To let people know what they're doing, and to imply that nothing can be done about it. Just like a vote tally that takes a vertical bend in the middle of the night.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I was talking to a friend yesterday and regarding the heartless "no comment" comment from jrb she said playing devils advocate, maybe he just did not hear the question and no comment was a safe reply instead of "huh"? Ummm, maybe I guess, ummmm me thinks no.

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As to why Biden answered as he did, it’s perhaps because no one has been home for quite a long time.

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